The (H-ffaiMl Stasia, ffor UIase for Men, Youths ami actuuilv astonishing An immense siock for Men, Youths ana Tho lluot and best assortment or WHITE, PERCALE AND CALICO SHIRTS, vertronlit Into tliUtown. at an Immense reduction on former prices t An endless variety of dents' NKCK WUAK which li celling t pilcoa to mlt thceo JlardTluiea. T"0Dep"tmc BOOTS, SHOES AND RUBBERS, for Ladles'. Gentlemen's ami Chl'ilrin'a now fully lunilcliod with tlio bo Manufactures to he Innnd In Iho cnrliitrv. winch have beon purchased din ctly from tho junker." and nio.lhcro tore, oBoien at an IMJUJNHi: KMDUiTION on formir I'tices. Yo-i nro earnektlv Invileil to call and Diamine goods before making your purchases, and bo convinced that I am selling i;oods nt lower prices than tho same quality 01111 bo obtained else-wh-ro. It is niwaya a pleasure- to exhibit Oooda, whether you purchase or not. 1'crlcctnts guaranteed or no su c. I)on't loryet the place I T. D. CLAUSS, Merchant Tailor, 2nd door above tlio Tublio Square, BANK STREET, Lehlrjhton The undersigned announces to the ladies of Lehighton and vicinity that ho is now receiving and opening a large assortment of SPRING GOODS, comprising such as Matalasses. Delaines, a large stock of PRINTS and GENERAL DRY GOODS, which ho is offering AT EXTRAORDINARY LOW PRICES FOR CASH. Groceries and Provisions a Specialty, at prices to suit tho times. Clover, Timothy, Hungarian, and all kinds of Field and Garden Seeds, "VERY CHEAP. TISiCJ-fflMAM AMH9 Opposite the L May 0, 1870-yt & S New Advertisements. Awarte.1 htjkut v,iz at C.-'ttaoUl KkpwUIen for fat dinting quilitiei nnd exctVwee m'W7 'A ara vnml.i A a A frnr Wn? strip trtvte-mnrk Is r'!' imitated o-i Infertnr pood" Me ttnvt Jtlnon,a Ilt is on every rinij. Boll l.y Ril dealer". .. i mr nini'ie, free, to 0. A. Jackson 4 Co., Mfrs., rcuribuTfi O. P. WAItDLK. Phlla.,ra., Goncial Apent. The Father Mathew Remedy, Areitatn nml snectlr cure for liitfiuttcrauce. Dettioyfl nupfiito lor nlcoholio liqorn, ami lm Us upLe vuua iyHtciu. After a i ebiuch, or am t'ttp-niciinomuutm-i cc. h nit.- I teapooa luSvt romovoallmeulrl and phytlcM ileiria Rinii, X it i I'uien every kual vt Fkvek, iJTs-PFr.-ilA. mid Tnrp't'itv f Tlir. Livku. tolil bv cm ft 1 8. IMtcf 31 ior Buttle 1'piiiptilet on "Alio .ot IH Ktfo tn. InttMiitientDve m u Via ran," sent free raiher rntliew TcmpTunci aLdMunufacturtDjt Co., 36 lloml BL.Ntw York. OA Ohromo CarCBdierfet't lirautleslwttli name, U ioc. outnt, ice. ruiiM'.u caud to, Afblaml, MaB. Collegiate & Commercial. MOTFfUH Oenernl Russell's School New IlAren. Ct, 44in vrar. iTpptrutorr to College, Sclent-iio bctiooli or IluiliiPHH, rhorouuli pavfili't! truin Jn Ity mtlltiirv UrtlllriK iryiiinabtlcs &c. Full luioriuuiiou sent on unoVtitiou, Hiud lorcli eular with ajte of spplicaut. $7 n ilij to A cent a ranvarB'n? for tlin Fike tlin: Viitoii. lirun mid Oultlt fire. Addrras 1'. U. VlrlciniV. AUKiisti, Me. TJT 4 f Boautltul Bq. (Jraml l'lonoa pnee X ltlll ti,on). only 2fS. MuKUltleeut Up- rliit I 'n a. vr"e "lv l5. E f gant Uiiruh l'l inn-., iincoWHfl, onlv 1175. lMauon 7 octave. Ill, 7lj Nm t-t)le. orpanaf3' urirana v aiuv o.ov. uuurcu t Oil (JAN lti tnjis urice $JK) ouly f 115 Ki knutt3;5 Mirror Top Orfuna oulv i S. iii-uuti. ful Tartor Organ, pi ten f.HV o .lv fav l-'r-nul Kxpoafi'1, 5iJ reward, lii-ml " 'I rans fr tl'p Unwiry" anil Newspaoer nbont cost of iino una Oriflnn cnt free, l'teaso d(lrcfitt UANIKX F, BliATIY. Wasiiiugtoj. N.J. TO ADVKHTIHintH bonil lor our Kelect Li1 1 ot Liwal NowrtiapcrH. tseutlreo .u apnlU eatlo.i. AJdu-.Ht OUO. 1'. uoui:l & CO , 10 tipruct. fat, jS- V Adveiirtfise 2 NEW PIANOS 125 Kach, cml all Btylea. including OIIAND. t-Ql'AUU ANUUillUlirr.illktncllv V.UST Oi-iss. aolJ at tho lowet net ciU v Iiu'm o lno o;y p lcoe, ill net to ihe ruit( HAMJlt. TIiom J'luiio'i niaoo one of the flnoat displiv at too Ceulemutil ixhlli:tlon aiul weie unnni inoukly rtconiracudi'd lor the HiuiiWT llo.Noas ovet I'.'.uO m ue. nt-ixuiaiiy iuiorporaUd Mumifactumitf Co. Faftoiy e-tab ihvm ovr t0 yeirH Tlio trquaie Grand- contain MaiU tto treat tat rnipio vein out 1ti the hit lory oi l'laiio making, 'iho Upllvht'tare ihe UNlii-f IN AMUnii A. l'lajuH be t nu tttal Don't tail lo wnte lor IUutnicd and DccrlpUvo UttliuoKne tu 19 punt- luvuni li to. 2I12NDKI-KSOI1N PIANO CO. HI Kmt 13lll Htrrcli . Y 1 if nr. KrsBss sin io Chswinor Toliacco Cheap and Handsnmo FALL AND WINTER SUITS hasjost com. ucuchi at thopopu ar Merchant Tailoring Establishment of OP. Bo CJ-fcAIJ, BANK STREET, I, li II IG II TON, PA. t amlmt receiving and oponini npmf now stock of FALli AND WINTJSK (!LoniS,UA8IMi;iU:S Ac, (FoiPlKU anil Domcticl, nml icrpMitfulIv nuuomico that t mu so I all dccrltitlou of flo'itla at lo pr'cc than over before otTjrcd to. this couatj', I uni now making up tho finest FALL 6c WINTER SUITS. Boy, In tho latest fashion at prices that am I Call nml Uo convinced. or nu iub uuest lyiun ui. HATS AND GAPS. Children, cry cheap. Coburgs, Alpacas, &c. Also, Depot, BANK Street, LEHIGHTON, PENN'A. THE EASIEST SELLING, THE DEST SATISFYING Us Introduction and World-renowned reputation wns tho death-blow to high priced machines. THERE ARE NO SECOND-HANo WHITE MACHINES IN THE MARKET. Thli It 9 v.r. Imsnrlinl matter, al It It a well known and undisputed fact tnat many ot the so called litil clats machines which are otlered so cheap nowaajs are tnose mat nae oeen re possessed (that Is, taken back from customers alter use) and rebuilt and put upon the market a ; .r.u. lite WHIIt 15 lift I fcfcli uf uni atninu MACHINE NOW UPON THE MftUKEt. II IS MUCH LAKUtll man int rraii- mn. CHINES OF THE SINCE!!, HOWE AND WEED II COSTS MORE TO MANUFACTURE THAN EITHER OF THE AFORESAID MACHINES. , ITS CONSTRUCTION IS SIMPLE, POSITIVE ANO DURABLE. ITS WORKMANSHIP IS UNSURPASSED. Do not Buy any other before try in? tho WHITS. Prices ant Terms Male Satisfactory. AGENTS "WANTED ! White Serving Machine Co., CLEVELAND, 0. JOHN H. FAGA, AGENT FOll CATtDON COUNTY. May.'7fl-tm MAUCIl CHUNK. PA. Q.U AM) 01'EX1N(3 1 I beg leave to in f cum rav o'd pntrona nd cn. tomerH sud ihe vubilo lnpeueral. lliat I have owned aud hivu now ready fur Inspection in tho l'OST OFFICE BUILDING Bank Street, LKIHOnTOK. Pa., at the LOW. EsreAaU l'UlCi;s, a full auduew as.ort. meutof HATS, CAPS, &c. SDeclal attention bavins been plven to a won ae.eclcl Hue of MLN'a WOttKS'8 aim C11IL. DItEN'd WEAU. My Motto shall tie QUICK BALES SMALL I'UOPITS." 1 tuvltethe puutio to call ami exsmloe my toci and prUca beioro tmrclm.lus elaewhero, as 1 c.u oBji special Incuceuieuts to ca-,U pavers. L15WIS WKISi. S pt :t em. r. o. Balldlng Lelilghtou, Po, i in Msmm The Best aud Koit Poiinlar Palmoiiic is It Invariably euros Conghd, Colds, Iloarse- ncfi, Boro Throat, Asthma, Croup, aud other Affect ion a of tho llrentlilng Organs, Its fionlliinf Inflnnnre upon tho lrrltatod lin ing of tho air pnsMipps, Is dun to thelact thac iq inpreuicms mo mo iiiohi vuiimuiuiis iiumiuii- lc Blmples known to merticil hot any. tlio lasis of the article Deln too HONKY of the JlOltK 1IOUNJ) 1'iiANP, chomicaiir united with the medicinal nrlncinlenf the ABIES I1ALHAM1SA or Halm ui OPea'L There ore bestdea. five other hotaula lcmcnti wlttch give additional ciucacy to the tli at named two. l iine who havo tuecl it. par that haljs ITONKY OF llOUEUllUN 1) AN1J TAlt 19 not only wonderfully remedial tn nit catea wheio inooruan-- oi rcspirntion aro uuocieu. ounuso uat its nction is nnuRuaiiT rupiu. a tcw noses Iicquentlv 8LTvoto relievo a very obeilDflto cough. It contains nottiln" tent enn disorder tho Btomnch, n fact that can bo niiegeu wun truth of but tow rouirh remedies i It has an or. iremeir oreeanie u or, ana is emu ni n uguro which enables tbo-40 of too raot limited means to nvall themselves of its virtues. It i fdroplo umdncaitn triflo wlth ft Cough, itmlii nn in riif 'rnrnnr. ennn una inntra irav els rapidly and whnt is a trifling ami cftsilv r.nnnuornriin imnriiiivin innmi iiriruiii lii-uiiv. mav in u few weeltH itcvelon Into Bronchitis or Consumption, two disease wbich carry more victims to ojtrlv graves, than any other lu tho long list nf bodily disorder?. A Couch may bo fitly termed thoPrcilmlnftry Stuco nf Consnmption, a milidr of which HALE'S HONEY OP noniOilOUND AND TAlt la the surest Known preventive. Those, thoretore, who wonld arrest tho progross of tho destroyer shoull delay not a moment to take a CI RTA1V HnociflC CJlLhlJUEN, dotlvo grcnt benefit from Its soothing properties, when suftorintr with tho paroxysms of Croup and Whooping Counh, Tho tiret named dlstMno is o-Teclady destructive among voung children and th's rellmlo remedy should bo icept on hand In all linueholils Buy tliolartro Vacungea und Economize. PltlCKH. 5') cts.. and 51, PEH BOTTLE. Sold uy all Druggists. C. N. Crittonton Prop'r, NO SEVEN SIXTH AVENUE, N. V, Ilavo ypu a "Haoinq Tooth" Reader? IP YOU HAVE, BUY Pike's Toothache Drops nnd Cnro ttw n?nrv In one Minute. This yon cnnrtoforTSVKNTY.FlVK CENTS. Tlio ar. tlclo W'll do t lio bitHino? up brown, depend upon ttj mor-ovor It rontama no Jni;i euient wlilcU can Injure your Teeth. I'KICE 25 CENTS, fcold By all DrnsKisls. C. N. Grittcnton, Prop'r, SDLPHDB SAP, Tho Leading External SpecICc for DISEASES OP THE SKIN nnd Beaulifier of the Complexion. It rentiers tha Cuticlo ITenltb fully Clear nrri Smooth, and is the 7Vst Pos sible Substitute for Expensive Sulphur J7aths. It h inedrtiftArnti'd tteniclv for llimsiS4. Ul- C'lllW, CtT ftiid -Tur hntablo or utiliCttttlir cunilitlou of tliU Hkln, iitid l must RCtvin'alJle t ... 'T illlll ltltEUMATiaf c i.oTiujsa oit nun linkn, wu.;; fum -ed bv xifrmuf mi fi t u; lroiu onvoxmus or cu. TAOIOL'8 DiftKArtn ui.fl i u ("Lpitai Itt ott dv and l'ruvei tativo tt tneni. wlun imi'd nnan injec tion l'ei turns oiuiitujlng u liavo no need lu tuiit Hntiliur int 1 1 h, or to rmurt tu isulphur Jlna8 fur UatMnit pureohf Asnn nt'luiict oflne TOILKT it lifarmore (leiiHblu than any Couii lc hIlco It DOES NOT, like oiticlt at Unit niiluri', coucpuI compiux luiuit lilHmtuhe.i bur removes Utum. TAN.I'llhUKtlid I'IMA'LliJs. ULOTritHB. at (1 inn .We, KitHiltH' yiolu to im clarify lu a In fluence uni) His tlie vtry ttett Woap tu hIiitb with, been me it leaves the ukiu Hinooth und free iroia itio lultallon proda.'eii on Heniilve cu ticle liy ilia uiiulU-au-m or ttu- iazor. It alto completely trad.cttea IjAXUHUI'F. lluusouivo- declare it to bo kxcellknt for WjfuuiK OOLlC LINK.. ML'iJ.uudotlier fabrics ami ladie morniK In tne beat tirclea of mctiopolitau irtid ruiftJ society Bpeut ol it la tlt liivnent tertntt. 1 Criiiuiouu.H voar in from ait quart en of the Union mum It IVoiirletjr, many oi wlai h liave been uublinUwl in tlie form oi a neat panijihlet. procurai-K' oi Diutfui-t' hnd Vuucy Uoodit Deal vr, tho onirtnuia beinj? vnen to jmblio luptc- t nil Ut lllS MFPICIN'AL VVAKCH UsK No. 7 fclXTH AVUNU Skvr Youk. Tho artic o U moreover Inuouod bv tho iieOlcsl fiaeimty. IJKK MOST OTIItlt KAUUl'a HDMKDIES, (lljiJNi'H hULl'llUIt htiAl" lifts b Cliimiiat cd KoipH withiiat the molle8t fraction of rc. menial eniracy nave ieii uaii uru loimea uiwn the unsuMptctlug and uiiobnervunt, utgenutm bulphor soniiii. ptHOiu? propeiiiei lJertlcul witii or equal to tho Utoat hproluc, which their eudura m-04 to rival bv undeihunil eimnetl. tto . The public should thirefore be careful lo Inquire fur tl I.KNN'rf euiplmr froap by Its full nauii., and fee ttut they irot the real article. Ail rcpi ctabio Dtu 'CiAts. Farcy Quod. Deal, ersaud Oiocira ioep ULENN'S hULPUUH hOAl', and Mb uu tltmuud fur It, supply the ouni'Im: iiiino lu tnclr cu tomors. Prices, 35 cts. per Calte 1 Box, (3 cukes) sent by mall, prepaid for 70c. 0. N. C1UTTBNTON, PROPRIETOR. No. 7 Sixth Avc.N. V. BLACKS and BROWS AS JATUUAL AS Smith SELF. are comtnnlcaied to Oiav nd Vlatuo colored locd, almost lustautsueoualy by Hill's Hair aud Whisker Dyo a nrepaiatlon absolute! v frco lrom hurtful In KrL'difUtsandlnllu telv superior by reiwon ot the (17 cU iToOuced to any art cloof iuo'ass. I'lCUlvtUlO A Mi llAUAEfcH UIO 016 tented, and tho ki veiy liairsof acta uiqmr the true youthful Hut from this matchless Uye. BOLD BV ALL DltUOaiSTS, C. N. Crittonton l'rop'r. Aug. :t,ly. mXTHAVE.,K. V- Drugs and Medicines. Wonderful, but True ! A. J. DURLING, rnorniKTon op the teople's Drug aud Family Medicine 8T0IIE, makes tho following ANNOUNCEMENT. Owinetothfl nenernl ilepro'alcn In buslneaa, Ihoirieat reductMn of waefor labor, Ac I iIkpii. It mi dntv at thla time to bIto the oeoplo of l.elitchton nnd vtclnlly TUB Lion's shark ok Mr I norm! Head and ri-nemlier the follow. IiiK I'ncca nf n tow of tho many articles Bold at my Dtug Store i rATI-M' MEDICINES all It Trcraratlona 85 cents, sncii ns Vtneiar Hitters. Hostettcr'a, DraKo's l'lan'.tlou, Mlhlct's Herb, German Hitters nnd nil others formerly Si, now 83 ets. 500. preparations 400. and 250 preprnt1ons20c. COI.U. COUGH nnd LUNG REMEDIES, a Javne's Expectorant, Hail'a and Alien's Bal. sum, A era' cherry l'ectoral, Milk Cure. Cod Liver Oil, Cod Mver oil and Umo and othera fonueilv I now 8.1 cents. HAIlt rilnrAltATIONS-Hall's Hair Be. newer, Montaomury's, Ayers' Jln'r Viirnr, nnd Mrs Allen's, lormcrlyll now 85 cts. All 50c. picpnratious ot above character now 40c, LIMMKSI8-Uinbacli's, Ijw'b Magnetic Domiellv'a Klectno. Snrason oil, Unuw.iy'a llebef, Mnirlo Oil, Oargllni Oil. Wildfire Uni nient, and all others formerly Mo. now 40o, Horse, Cattlo and Chi. ken I'owdrrs formerly 250. now loc.i l)uriinn'9 celenrnted Condit.on Powders Improved, 350. per pound. Kronln'sIIamborg Drops. 40c per bottle Breast Tea. Ice. a pacHaeei rills ot all kinas formerly 25c. now i;oc. per box, B1.AHTEHS l'orons. Arnica, Toor Man's and al I others formerly 25c now 20c. WOIIJI ItBMEDIES Worm Syrups, Verml. fuses, Woim lxnonecs and Confections form erly 25c. now 20c. Boots, Barks. Herbs, Medical Tens, Ac Ac formerly from oc. to 15c. per 01. uuvf 2o, to 6e. per oz. Ca-lor Oil, nolsam de Malta, Essencoof Pep. pcinum, jiBsenco 01 jiuuu, uumcu xiuu,..iu, l'aregoilc, and Glrcerlno formerly 100. to 15c. now to to 100. per bottle. Everything Down Down ! Down 1 1 Caustic Soda, for Making Soap, from cents n ,11 i.nnfa nut nniltl.l. Castor OH, sttlctly pure, toe. per quart, by the gallon less. f.OOK AGAIN. w AT.J, PArEu, Gold Ollt I'niier lOo.i Olalzcd Papers formeilv 2So. to 33c now 20c. Wnite Blanka anil Tinta formerly He. to 25c. now I2u. to 15c, and Brown Backs form, erly 10c. to 12c. now 70. to Sc. Physicians Prescriptions and Family Bcclpes compounded at GrtMitly ltctlucod ltatos. Go or aeno to uuiiLjinu-Q . . im Having had an experlcneo of almost Twenty Years lu the Drug liu'luess more than Ten of which biive been In Lehlahtnn, I will In tho to tuto, ns I havoin tho past. Guarantee to all tlio very Best and Purest Drues, Medicines Ac, tn be found tn tho Amerlcau Markets. I BUY FOB CASH I Deolr-nov3 Stop & Head All forma of Kidney andCUrlnarr dfaeaca, rams In the Back, Miles, ami Loius aro posi tively cured 6y GRANT'S REMEDY. It effects aro truly marvellous In Dropsy, Gravel, nrlaht's ells cane, Seminal loccs. Leu corrheca, and lost visor, no matter of how lonir atandlna: tho caeo mar be, poaitive relief la had In from one to thieo ilava. Do not dopalr, hes itate or ilouut for It la really a tpeciflo nnd never fills. It 1 purely a venetable picpara tion. Dy tta time y use thousands of coaea that have beon considered Incurable bv tho moat eminent riijelctana havo been permanently cured. It la alsolniior.ed bv tlio regular I'tnj s'clans and Mn'.ICDl SocUties th:oiiBhoiit tho country. Sold In bottles at two dollars eacl or three bottles, whlrh is enough to enre tho most aggravated case, sent to any aililicsa on receipt ol five iioi.laiis. Miiall trial bottles oke dol lar each. All orders to be addressed to Grant's Remedy Manf'g Co., 534 MAIN ST., WORCESTER, MASS. JulySJ-lm FAV OltlTE l'UHMCATIOJiS. 1'ItANK LESLIE'S CHISINEY COHNFIl. I'hla lionutlful periodical, me bear -Auirnciu taimlr juurnnl, smry iiapcr, and home friend. nnS UCeil Ilitt KUI Vl"44llll IITUIUI Ull IUV Innrnnl. ttir tlio nustthliteen ears. It irnlnci i. place In tho iiiinds nnd henna of our people, aiit now the liatne of us patrons is Legion. this yrar the cniMiiEt I ohm:ii aeema to be better than ever. Its serial ttoit-s aie of the tiui.t iiiKorbin and llvelv character, of meat power, titio tn llfo and lull of merit, taking a w-i range ot snhjecta to please every nieuioei ot a iiou.,,inId tne domestic siory for the mom..- the cnuniiiiKi tove tale for Ihedanirh. Uio mof e .I'raniatlc for ISe vouna ; men. the solid novel lor the oiflei readers, ani 'hen we rfmilar contrihniora. The anblecta HTHvcrv varied The Uluttratioiis iirp nrolnte. and they are all beautiful. Hoit ttonea ex tieiueiy inierestlDir aiecnmnleteU In uch num ber, whl e biogrunatrri, ailreutmes osavH. luu, trave a. uatuiai history leffunds. onecdoies, science, el c, make thli publication one of the uiott eiiterlaiuliie iu exlMeuce. Kxqul-ilte Bteel enpiavniir nro frequently given uwnv to Hh etibHCiibera. 'lhe Counkk. sixteen prices, with eight patreaif illu-tratlons, printed on one pa uer. Is puDllHhfd every Moudny price only 10 cents, uu until nubsc notions, H, pr-i. mild. Ad tli etis your uruer- to I rank Leslie's ruolishlug House, 6(7 i'earl street Nework. VUAMC LK-iLIli'S LAD'N JOUltNAU 16 paKei, Issued weekly, O'tntatun excrllcnt pictures ami fall tlem-rlrtions of iho very latent stvles of lauie and chlidrcn'a wearj uso ful lntnrmation on family top chj select stoneij beaJtitu) ldutratious of home and loreitcn sub jects pottty: taahiouable lutelllgouce, per bonalthitcUai; amuiug cartoons ou the fol les and IVibie ol the day Hon its or Mirth, KBANK. M-SL1E B IjAUIB JOUU-N41.1S IU6 III (Ml beautiful ol ull the lainc papers. It shoulJ be fouud on ihotibleol every ladrtu tlie land, l'nce 1U cents nor copy; aunuat suhscrlntiou, f L postpaid FHANK LKSLIIV8 rOPl'LAH MONTH IA has made rapid strides as the rival ot niauv aspirant lo paaiic favor, Iiscontrlbutoraaie f-ouio f the best It via writer, .bvery depart went of literature 1 represeuttd in itsco.iimns The nmouutof instruction, uiertalumeut aud nmueineut a tended by the articles, easavs, stones ami ueueral lulfwelljny coutanud in the 123 quarto impaor each uumber vt Unspubll. c Hutu ba been well apoieclated. Ktery copy ot the Popular Montmy is embellished wiih over Ui bautitul illustrailou. Beinir lhe cheapest periodical of toe kind In existence, and at the tamo time one of the mot sn.eci and uuiveisuliy welcome. It must continue to In erease in public fvor, and rankwilh the pb lihtiT's rum) ay Magazine lia hiKhest among ah our American iiionihltejt. It Is published on the 1Mb of each mouth. 1'rlre, V5 cents a num. her; subscription. i3, pol pjild, per year. Ad dress jour orders 10 Frank, 537 Fearl dvreet, New York. FUANK LUSLIK'fl SUNDAY M AOAZINK Is a tieflutlnil work It Mill Interest educated apd cultivated mluda as well as Ihemoat ordi nary leader. It is the only t-unuuv magaziuo iiublsticd tn this country Hveijr number has r.'S paves tilled with Mo most select and lasci imtinjr literature, ranffirv from lhe seimon by the editor (Dr. O. K. Deems pastor of tho Charch ot the (Strangers) to btlrnu tales, piu eiul topics and essays. oietry. uiiialo. tun sci ence, hlstoiy. eto. In great varletv. hue i copy ol this tun valine has 1U0 exquisite engravings of ihe mo ct iiiteiesUnR character. It has reaenrd u circulation and prosperity such aa wake It one of the marvel ot pirlodioal litera tuie. It is Inueed a besutifu work. Buy it and see lor your elves. Muclecoplc areoulv 5 cents, uuil auuual ub&cnptlou jr-ce oulj 13, oostpsld. Address orders to FBANKLKfeUK ti rUBLIBIIINO UOUSK, tebitly 63T ixarl strei. ftew York, nave Miimv auveniure loriuo ! . , united to eena lor a copv oi our "uunie lor l',Haiber!o"Townfrt. Bohlnson i Forest outaining IW," which is ,M.t .fr to any Benedict, s AuuleJ'iost. Annie Thomas, Etta nddresa, atiu contains cnplcto instructions W. lMerte, and other eminent writer, are 11a I i J ,.( . n,i ft, r valuable rjlIIE SLATINGT0N PIANINO MILL Cabinet Ware Factory, AT SLATINGT0N. JOHN BALLIET, Propr., Peals In nil klndi nml sttos of rino. Hemlock Oak ami Hard Wood Lumber, nnd U now pie pareu 10 oxucuio uuy utmouui. oi oruers lor BressoB LumbeR OF ALL, KINDS. Doors, Sashes, minds, Sliultciv, Jlouldliit's, Cabinet lVarc, &c, With iToJiptncss. Brackets Made to Order. Thn Mac hi n err li all new nnd of the best nnd moBt Improved kinds. I employ none but tho neat workmen, woe weii aeaaoneu niuiiroomn torlal.nnd ftmtboreroroab1otoitiatnntpo cntlro aniisinction to nu wno mar lavor me wun a can. Orders ot mail piomptly attended to. Mr charpes nro modemtnt terms cash, or interest charged alter thirty days. GIVE MA CALL. t? Those enjraged In Ilnilding will find it t -their ndvnntneo to have Pldlns, Floor Hoards Doors, basliCB, shutters, Ac, ic, made at thli 1'actorv. May 10yl JOnN BA LLIET. QARB0N ADVOCATE JOB PRINTING OFFICE, LKUlaHTON, TA. TvTery dctcrlptlon of Printing, from a Visiting Card to a Poster. BILL HEADS, LETTER HEADS, NOTE HEADS, 8TATE1XENT3, I'lmdHAMMr.R. HANDBILLS, DODOEK3, CIROnLARS, SHIPPING TAOS, ENVELOPES, PAMPHLETS, BY-LAWS. iSC. JtC,. Done in tie beat manner, at very Lowest Prices. We are prepared to do work at aa cheap rates as n n r office in the State that deals buueatly w nu ics customers. OUIl MOTTO IS Cheap, Prompt & Reliable, Growers by mall receive prompt attention oftninnl for Inventors in the United States, Canada and Kumts, nl reduced rates. With our jirilieiiul ollico located in Washington, directly ojnwsitB tho United Btntes l'atent Olliic, wo arc able to nttend to all patent uusmess wun greater iiroinpinees nnu ties patch nnd at leas cost tlinn other patent nt torneya who are at a distnnco from Waeh- incton.nnd who liavo, therefore, to employ "nssocinteattorneyi," We make preliminary examinations and furnish opinions as to patentablity, free of charge, and nil who are interested in new inventions aud patents are matter. We refer to tlie Gemian-A'1'"" Nntlnnnl 11 inlf . Wnil. f n rrf nn Tl P 1ia Pnt-n! Swedish. Norwegian nml Danish Legations. ) nt Wushiiipton; Hon. Joa. CaHv, lato Chief Justice U.S.Couit of Claims; to" tho Oflleials of tlio U. S. Patent Oftice, ami to Senators ami Members of Coiirivm from very State, Address; LOUIS IiAGGElt at CO., Solici tor of Patents and Attorneys at Law. LoProit Building, Washington, D.C. dcc22 E. F. LUCKENBACH, Two Doorallelow the "Broadway House MAUCH CHUNK, PA. Dealer in all Patterns ot Plain and Fancy Window Shades, Paints & Painters' Supplies, LOWEST CASH TllICES. J-.iriO EHBEKT'S ' Livery & Sale Stables I1AMC STIlEET.LiKIIiailTO.V, Pa PAST TROTTING HORSES, ELEGANT CARRIAGES, And positively I.OWKU PRICES tlmn any oilier Livery In tlio Cojuly. Large and bandaorae Carrlairea (or Fnneral Surposea and Weadlngt. DAVID EUUKUT lov.ii rw. CENTRAL CARRIAGE S SLEIGH WORKS, Opposite T. D. Clams', BankSt., Lcliighlon, Pa., Is prepared to mannfacttire any dcicrlp uon ot Carriages, Buggies, Sleighs, Spring Wagons, &c. Repairing Promptly Attended to. (7 All work dono at this establishment la guaranteed to be ot the very beat material and workmanship, and tho prices f ally as low as the same articles can be pnrchased Isowhere. Special Inducements offered to strictly cash customers. 31. C. TREXLEB & CO. July 21, 1877. -Jj- IIEILIMAH & CO., BANK STEEET, Lehighton, Pa., MILLED.!! and Dealers In feed All Kinds of GRAIN BOUGHT and SOLD al HKUULAK MAIIKET RATES. We would, also. lesDectfnllv Inform nnrcltl zens lhat wo nro now fully prepared to MUF PLV them with Ilest of Coal From any Mine desired at VERT LOWEST PRICES. M. HEILMAN & CO. July a. POET GRAPE WINE ueedilnihundreds of conRreffatlOBfl for church or com ru no Ion pmpoaes. EICELLIIIT rC2 LADIES AKD WEAIL7 FES0S 7&S AQED. MT. PROSPECT VINEYARDS, N. J. Speer's Port Grape Wine FOUK YBAIiS OLD. This judtly Celebrated Native Wine is matte from the juicoot tho Oporto Urupe, iswed la this country. Its invaluable Tonic nml Strcngthcniu gPropcttlen are nnsnrpassed by anr other native Wine, Being tho puio juice of tho grape, produced under wr hreer's own personal ptfDerrlaion, Its parity and genainencss are guaiameed, Tho youngest child may partake ot Its gener ouh nnalllles. and the weakest Invalid we It to advantage. It is particularly beneflclul to tho aged and dehilitnted, and enited to tho various aliment' that ufttlct the weaker sex. It Is. In every recpect, A WINK'IO Uli ltEUKDON, Itrilldi Cu Cftit'i Tert Craps TTiti. Fetilu Sttst'i Pert Cnp Wist. VTeail7 Tericif Till i Btaifit fey Zti Vu. Rprer's Wines In Hospitals aro preferred to otter Wines. Hold by Dragirlits generally, who also sell HPKKR'H I'KDllO J. BRANDY, 1'EDIEO J. HUEKHY. and hTANDABD WINK BIT. TKltS. Trade supplied by all Wholesale Deal ers. hee that the sign at me ol Alfred npeer, I'assoie.N. J., Is over thecork ot each bottle. A. BPBKR'8 Mtmnt I'rospect Vineyards, ITcw Jerey. Office, No. 34 Warren attest. Now York. For sale bv A. J. DUBLIN Ot LKIIIOHTON, PA. $2500 OTIYE 150(5 A year. gents A year. W i kwvt ,n county, to Canyau our UAMiiU Hnoottlne Premium Family Bibles, ENOUbll and QEIIMAN, PP.0TK3TANT and C.vrUOMO. Compitalne nearly ira different BTVLK9. wltti numerous elenantly Illustrated explana. torv featurea. . Tlie moat COMPLF.TK. PERFECT, and I1KAUTIFU I. line ot Iliblea ever oaered to too American public M.80 on oun C3- H 3ST r Combination Prospectus OF ISO DISTINCT PUBLICATIONS, Kepreaentinjr Agricultural, ntorrapnlcal. Historical. KcllRlou'. and Mfoellanooua orks. and Family, Pulpit, and Pocket Bibles and Testauients. wanted In every lamlly, A Novel Feature lu Canvssslnir. Unies made from tola Prospectus, when all siugle books tall. Also. General and Local Acenta Wanted on our GREAT WAR 3300K, the most Comprehensive, Eellableand Accurals History of the late Cunflict between the KUS. H1AN and Tilt: TUltK. with Its ao-i elegant Kusravlngs. Mans and Plana, the most sliowy. desir.bte and usetul Book now published.-. For Circulars and Libel al Terms, address JOHN. E. I'OTTKll CO., Publlali.ra, Sept. 1,1877- PHILADELPHIA. Is nut easily earned In these tlmea but it oan be mala tn three mootha I by any one ot either aex.lo any part nt the oonntrr. who Is wlllina to work steadily at the employment that we turn. Ish. tta a week In vour own town. You need not be awsr trom homo over ntfhu You can jrlve your whole lime to the work, or onlr yonr spare moments. It coats nothing to try th. business. Terms and 16 ootut free, Address atonce, H. HALLKTT CO.. let W rortlaDd, Matna,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers