lw (Cnrfcow & iterate. II. V. MORTIIIMKR, l.tltTOR LKIIIUI1TON, PA.: SATURDAY, OCTOBER 8, 1878. ur.nocitATie ticket. Stale. oovpnsoR-ANunnw n. dilu I.T. GOVinXTtt-JOIIN FEETia. stimulus icdok-henky p. boss. tiIC.OFlKT.AFrAlBS-J. FI.MP. afiiica. Count)-. COXOnKSS-ltOUHIlT KLOTZ. Bnbject to dectslui fif Conferees. fcTATE SEXATOn-ALI.IiN CRAIG, A8SEMM.Y-J. O. 7.EUN, MICH. OASSIDV. Asso. JUDGE CIIAS. MKENTJSUN. CO. TWtABUBER M AX. SCIIWEIBINZ. iieo. ft nECDRDun-nEnNAiiD Phillips. Co. Commissioners T. J. Gallagher JOSlAlt ANDREAS. conoxEtt-Dit. r D keiseii. AVUITuRS-II. A. UEI15! SAMUEL MOTZKIt. IIDPUULIC.IN TICKET. Ntntr. OOVERKOR-IIENItY M. IIOYT I.T. aovEnxoK-CHARLES W. BTONE. BLTBEME JUUOP.-JAMEB P. BTKIIKE1T. HEc. IXT. At'FAIIts-A. K. DUNKEL. COUIK)'. COKORESS-CnAllLES ALBIliaUT. ASSSUBLY-'W. M. IlAPSIIElt. E, ME LL DOYLE. ASSOCIATE JL'DOE-TnO.M AS JOUN. ltEO AND ltKC.-ED. GWILLAM. CO. TEEASUllKR-ItALPII CORBY. CO. COMMISSIONERS -S. W. IIUDsOK, JAMES AH II. CORONER DH M. J. DONNELLY. ArDITQIlS-PATJLKKIFER, D. II. ALIUIK1IIT. CO St! RVEVOn-W. F. YAItniNQTON. CO w ft h-1 I I il O -5 o H " a s & H PS w o 6 cs o ! CONGRESSIONAL CONFERENCE. ' The following special tele gram to the Carbon Advocate in reference to the Congres sional conlbrcnce, at Strouds burg, explains itself: Delaware, N.J., Oct. 4, 1:40 P. M. Ed. Carbon Advocate: The Congressional Conven tion has adjourned to meet in in the Borough of Ilazleton, on Tuesday, October 15th. T. D. Clauss. Tho public debt utatemen t for September liowi a decrease, of $3,196,531. Returns from tho election in Colorado, held Tuesday, through meagre, rio believed to indicate tho election of tho Republican State ticket by a majority over the Demo cratic uhd Greenback tickets combined. It Is announced from Washington that law officers of tho Government have taken ftepi to eject certain jicrsons from about one thousand acres of land in tho i'eniisylvauia oil region. Tho land was taken in part payment of a debt of $00,000 due tho United tilates by tho Venango County Bank. In the days of tho "oil fever" its then owner refused an offer of $700,000 for it At the meeting of tho Democratic Sena rial Conferees of this district, held at S'.roudsburg, Monroo couiity.on Wednesday laitt, Hon. Allen Craig, ofMauch Chunk, was d.vlarcd tho clinics of tho convention f r Stale Senator by acclamation. Mr. Craig I . ou .if Carbon's most popuUr citizene, and Lisvltrtion to tho Stato Senate by an over whelming majority is a foregone conclusion. If wo may judgo from the following Ik-iii going tho rounds of tho presi, others b-Wdo ourself have been made to suffer for tneir temerity in publishing organs for the (ireoubackers. Iftheparty leaders thus dupo the printers before election what must not Ineir jr followers sutler if they succeed in being elected: TJie Daily Xational, the new Greenback organ cUirtcd in l'lttshurcli about one wccli ago, is dead. Candidate Kirk was called upon on Aitirday to meet a deficien cy of fc'JI in tho printers' pay-roll, but commi t get ins iMJCuet-uuoK juiie oui. That jioor devil of a printer has our eyin yutliy, but for cousolntion lie must look to mi " Vvb-tr " The Louisville, Cbtin'cr Journal of Mon day gives tho following prozlmato list of deaths from yellow fever sinco its first ap-pcai-iiico tills year: New Orleans, 2310. M'jinphis, 2048; Vicksburg, 701 ; Grenada, 179 i Port Gibson, 112 j Holly Springs, 150) Greenville, 00 j Canton, 99 j l'laquemiue, Louisiana, 05; Brownsville, Teuu., 72; Oceau Springs, Miss., 31 ; Hickman, Ky., Ill; Baton llougc, 49 ; St.Louls,2Si Louis ville, 38; Port Ead, lOjLake, Miss.,45j Tangipahoa, La., 13; Osyka, Miss., 10; Springville, Ky., 3; Terry, Miss., 20; Erie, Tenn.,2; Chattanooga, 2j ; Near Patterson vllle, La., 12; Decatur, Ala., 6; Summit, Mis., 2 j Tuscaloosa, Ala., 2 ; Helena, Ark., 1 ; Pittsburg, I ; Murfreesboro, 1 ; Jackson, Miss., 8; Mobilo Ala., 11; Bluo Itidgo Spring.', 1; Gnllijxilisaiid vicinity, 19 ; Een nlobia, Miss., 7 ; Cincinnati, 14 ; Delhi, La., 23; Morgan City, La., SO; Pilot Town, La., 4 s Grand Junctiou,Tenn.,8I ; Labadievillc, 80 ; IJiloxi, Mta., 4 ; Germantown, Tenn., 12; Washington, D. C, 6; Nashville, 5; Milan, Tcnu., 2 ; Paris, Tenn., 13; South west Pass, 7; Mississippi City, 2; Thibo deaux,La.,13; Collicrvil!e,Tcnn.,l ; Good ricii Lauding, 1 ; Bccchland, Miss., 2; Bol ton, Miss., 1 ; Chicago, 1 ; Bowling Green, 2; Mason, Tenn., 1; Cairo, 4; Danville, Ky., 1; Water Valley, Miss., 15; Pass Christian, Miss., 4; Bay St. Louis,Miss., 18; Pascagoula, Miss., 1 ; Jlopcfield, Ark., 3 ; Louisiana, fcattcriug, 94; Martin, Tenn., 19. Total, 7979. The campaign on me part ol the Repub licans of Lehigh county was opened at Allcntown Friday night by an immense out door meeting held in tho public square. Col. E. B. Young presided, and Gen. Charles Al bright, of Maucli Chunk, tho Republican nominee for Congress in this district, made a stirring speech, meriting tho great applause which ho frequently received fiom the ctliu eiasticcrowd. The spcech(which will be found on our first page) is entirely devoted to a consideration of the cry of hard times and tho charge that the National banking system is a monopoly, unjust and opprcssivo alilcoto the people and Government. In discussing the latter subject, he held that the banks have no power to compel people to transact busi ness with them,and that there was no restric tion upon thoso who desire toengago in bank ing to do so upon a greenback basis, for they needed no charter. Tho Government, he said, had the power to destroy the National banking system after tho expiration of the charter, but cannot compel tho stockholders to take greenbacks for their bonds, unless thcrcihall first be general repudiation by the Government and the faith and promise of tho Government be broken with its credit ors. Are the people who want a stable gov ernment, ho asked, prepared to sanction a wholesale repudiation and destruction of all values which this idea involves? The Maine Republicans, in blaming each other for their defeat, aro talking very emphatically. Mayor Nash of Augusta writes to Editor Bouthclle of the Bangor It'AiV; that it is fortunato there was only one uch paper in tho State, to which the editor implies: " It was entirely unnecessary for you to .vldress a letter to mo to assure ine that you aro a very contemptible little puppy, as that is t manifest nlthmiili uuimnorlant fact of which I and many others liavo been for some time . oily apprised. 1 ho Mayor s re tnrt t Ynti filmnlv refer to me n9 nnv other blackguard wo. 'Id Jo. I am not disposed to call you names, ,V you have so often acted out one lor voursci mat me voters oi reinin ecot have buried vnu o far from sight that only vour magnificent cars aro visible Ilillcn for Visltnria to Ilm Fnlr. Don't como in over thofencc, but through the gate. The fence is simply forornamcnt. Keen to tho right as you pass ariund. If you don't you may get left. Ifyouobservo anynnimal which ttrikes your particular fancy go by it at one.:. in passing arounu among tno live remember that the horses and cattle arc vell heeled. Beware of pickpockets! In order not to put them to unnecessary trouble, carry your wallets in vour hands. In case you get lost, hire some ono to find you. Twelve cheap boys will bo stationed on the ground for this p"urio?o. In walking 'round you will find plenty of chances to pet a square meal. An efficient corps of police are on tho ground ready to club in and help make the Fair a success. Any man caught squinting at the weather and predicting rain will be ordered to dry up. The half-mile track is not n mile around, Bear this in mind and it may save you much sorrow in after years. In case your pig don't get a prize don't brittle up about it. When you get tired ofsittingtako a grand stand. Quarters have been jiro'idcd for oil the officers of tho association, but if you want a quarter you must go down in your pocket. New Advertisements. 15 All Iinmnnso Stock at HENRY CAMPBELL'S East "Weissport, Pa., at a GREAT ItEllUCTION on former Prices Mr Stock is Manufactmcd to inr Esueclat Order for theTrnde of tbl. Localitr, and Is OUAllANTEEIi to clvo Perlect AtufJc!lm In cverv particular. The Trice of Boots aua fcbocs basueeu s crjcoiia.lorutily It i: D V i' n I) oy the Mauufucturris. outf I uui tlcietimn. ed to Bite my Pauons the full benefit ttieieof, and iheierorelnvlteantnppec. tlon ot uiy Goods and Prices be fore purchasing elsewhere. I have the 'Rioddi' article which I can .apply et very low Prices to (hose who wish them. I ulso keep m coniiKiloti, a full line of Ctoiceit Groceries and Provisions, Wlllcli I m Hi: 1,1,1 NO AT THE LOWEST PRICES KOll UAUli. HENRY CAHrJIKLL. Ksst WcUTorf. Oct. a2 New Advertisements. 1 Manufacturer of and Dealer In STOVES, RANGES AND HEATERS, Till and SliceMron Ware and General House Mnpg Goods. Itoorwu nnil SIMUTIXR done at short notice and at Lov.estJC.ish Prices. I am the a-ithimM aaei t for Mm Pale of the followln? KIltST-CLASS .SI'OVEa TI1E SILVEIt & GOLD KEDAL COOK, THE LI0JITH0U8E POo'lC. T1IE W AYFLOWEIt HAN'GE, THE SUNSUINE IlASOEand 1 ho NEW ANCIIOU UEATEH, and am Selling them VE !l V C1IEA P tor Cash. l'vorv kind of fcTOVEGflATES and FI15E BRICKS keptconstintly on hiud. Store on SOUTH Street, A few doors abovo Bank St., LEIIIGIITON. Patronniro solicited Sutlslaelion imarnnteod. Oct. 5-yl A. L. MOSSEIl. The Grandest Exposition Of Ladles', Gents', and Children's Boots, Shoes Gaiters Evci offeicd In this vicinity, ts at J. M.FIUTZINGER'S, Bank Street, Lehighton, Pa. I have Jnit received a full lino of VAT,r. and VIN TElt BOOTH, SHOES an1 ItllUHFlte, whicli I am Sellluff to tho people of T.e uirhtrm ad the surroiiiidlinr neizhiiorhood CH E A I'E It THAN EVi,It Bbl'OltlJ balUlu this Couuty. Wso, all cassis of Boots & SlioesMado to Order at Astonishingly I,nw Trices, and MENDING Neatly dononi l'ricetoult tno Itmm. I invito ilio p ioio to c ill unl oxomlneiny Stock ami Prices betoro purcaasiinr oUowhoto. an'i bo convliiceo of ihe hIjuvb facts. BOUND T.l MM'I.3FV.-lteilv.inadeBoot8 and Mines bought of mo that rip will be repair oil without clnrge. Thankful fur past natronaire. I respecfully ask a contluuauco thereof. J. LI. FHnZINGl'jB, Two doo-s below Itooatg & Horfurd's Uarriigo works, Bank street. oci. c yl XECUTOK'S SALE Of YalunlM o Real Estate. Tho umleiHtsnert. Executor of the Estate of Mils. BVB SOI.T, latoof Ilio TOWNSHIP OP 1 11AKKI.IM, in tl'cfointvot drbon. widow, dec'cl wl.l otfjr at Public Sale, on iho premises, On Saturday, Oct. 20, 1S78, commeiietne at TWO o'clock P. M., all that ccitnlu Lot or PIECE OF GROUND, sltuato about th-co f nitln or a niiln Enst of WilSsporl. on tlie ro in leading from Welsfooit to i;troiidsliU'g in call F.uiklln Tuwuship. Oatbnu Connli. Penna.. lie. Iiiniinrlnsild ronl. thence hy land of .1. K. ItUkeit, emtamluR Thliteen ThnusiindTwo llundrfd equimt feet, upon which U creeled n Two.-torv l.oi: Woaih Cl-.tmaided DWULLINO HOU-iK. aliout 18 bv i-i feet, with a Pouolo Porch. Ac , a we.l oi good water with pump in the vard. Terms and Cor.d tloua will bo raids "known on tho Gay of Mile, bv DANIEL WENTZ. Esecnt.ir Oct. r,. ln.iva of ins lie fcqn. dee'd. J. ltLiuo. Auctljne 'r. Fall Styles I Low Prices! MRS. M. GUTH, Fashionable Milliner! Tr lilto SI., Weissport, Vn., Ilespcctfii'lv announces to the ladies of Weiss, poitind the suirmind n cuintiy, thnthe has J ist returned from tho city, aud Is now receiving an tinmeu&e stock of 1'Al.B, AVili WISTI1R MiuinerY OoodS cojiraisi.No Hats, Bonnets, Trimmings, Notions, &c., Of the Latest Styles, and which nho Is nrepired to sel! to her n itrons and Irn-lUa t PltlOES CIILAl'tlt THAN KViSK I Also, a full assortmeut of "T S wfTO'lIES !" And all other good, nmally kepi In a first class Mililcciy I31010. LADIE.'OWN HAIll MADE UP TOOK HKH at the ery lowest po-idble pnos. Ci." and examine Ooods and I'llcns ticloro purchasing clmwheae. nits m. nuTir. Oct 5. 18"S ml. Welfspoit, Pa. EUnfcKA JtEl.1 OIL. tl. forty demcshlsher fire test than the law rcquirex), can be bumed In any LAMP where the chimney bamer Is UfOdi Is WAIlItAKTK.O NOT TO EXPLODE, under forfeiture of IliO, (VUXOLUSIVB COUNTY RIGHTS forsa'e brr.J PirZQBItALD. Sole i'roD. & JIanot'r, 103 & 105 N. Pourlh et, Phllad'a. Also. WIIOI.ESALK DEALWl JN JIEAD LIGHT. COAL OIL and BUItNINO PLUIU. N. B A large assoitment of latett i'i' of C;iANDELIEl!S, nnCKBTo. BIlOiNZE LAJu'l'i, BUllNEIts, Ac. Ac. Constantly on iU-nd Sept. 0,-8 100. fJIJU CUANUUST Exposition of Clothing Ever made In LEnionTON' Is at the Tost Office Building of II. II. PETERS, Agent, oa BANK STREET, and tre people know it. Hekerp. everything wauled In jren's and Boy's Clothing, at the most Moderate Prices POll CASH. He never yet watted time la Selling nin Tnctd Ujods. Ills Prices are so LOW, that t.eople ore wondering how tt can be done But it IS done. Those In need of Fall or Winter Suits ! will find It to their advantage to consult D. II. PETERB, agent, elwnt the njitter. suj Mtf Railroad Guide. N UUTII I'UNNA.IIAILKOAW. Passenzersfor Philadelphia leave Lehlghton as follows! 3:17a. oi., via. L. V. arrive at Phtla. at CilO a m. i:33 a. in. vl 1 L. V. " " III a.m. Iliuon. m. vial.. V. " " S OOp.m. 4:4 1 p. In., vl 1 L. V.. " " eil5p. in. 7M a. ra.. Ma L. s 8., " " ll:'X)a.m. ll!J7a.u.. vlaL. AS.," " 2:05 p.m. 2:21 p.m. via L. A S. " " 61 to p. m. 4:5T p.m. " " t: 5 p. m. 7:3 p.m. via L. V. " " ltnoop. m. Hoturnlng, leavAdepotat Perks and Auicrl. can St., Pnila,, at 8:15 and 0 43 a m.j 2:30, t 33, and 3:00 p. in. ELLIS CLA UK, Agent. June 3. 1813. piIILA. &, IlISADINO UA1L.UOAD. Arrangement of Paiscnger Trains. HAY mil, I1T8. Trains leavo ALLENTOWN asfollowsi (VIA lMllKIOMKX imANCll.) For Philadelphia, at 4:23, C.3.1, 11.03. a.m., and i.5S p. m. SUNDAYS. Tor Philadelphia at 4.2s a. m3.M o. m. I VIA r.ASl' I'PNNA. BI1ANC1I.) Tor Re lOlua, 1 2.33, 5.30, v.v, a m 12.1s. 210. 4.30 and s 0? p.m. Tor HarrisDiirg. 2.33 5 C3, 9.03 a.m., 12.15, 4.30 0.0 p. m. For Lancaster and Columbia, 5 SO, 9.55 .i.m. and 4 30 p m tDoes uot run on Monday. t-UNDAYS. For Reading. 2 30 a.m. and 4:31 and a 05 p m. For Hirrltmrg. 2.3 1 a. m. and 9 05 o. in. Trains FOlt ALLENTOWN leave as follows: VIA l'KllKIOMCX UIUKCtl.) Leave Philadelphia, 7.3 1 a.m., 1.0J, 1.30 jnd B.!0 p. in. SUNDAYS. Leave Philadelphia, s.uni.m andSlSp.m. (VIA BAST 1'ESHA nnASCH I Leave Reaulng. 7.41. 7.43, 10.35 am., and 1.1.33 o in. Leave Harilsburg, B 23, s 10 a. rn., and 2.00. S.57 and 7.53 p. m. Leave Lancater, S.10 a. m., 12 55 and 3.45 p.m. Leave Columbia 8,im n. m . 1.10 and 3 33 p. m. sUNDAYw. Leave Reading. 7.20 and 0.40 a. m. f.eavo H irrlxnurir, 5.2 1 a.m. Tralns,niiikod thus i') run to and from depot Otli and Oreon streets, Phllndolplm. other trains to a id lrom Broad street depit. Tno 0.50 a. m and 1.55 p. m. tinins from Allen town, ami tho 7.30 a.m and &.31 p. iu. train; from Philnrti'iphia, have through cars to and troui Philadelphia. J. K. WOOTTEN. acnr rat iTanaittr. C O. HANCOCK, Ofll'I Tldtcl ,lcllt. pKSNSYLVASIA KAILROAD. GREAT TRUNK LINE AND United States Mail Route. The attention of the traveling public Lies peclfallv Invited to some of tho inrrltmt tin. great highway. In the conlident rsportlon and belief tb it no other line 1 an offer equal induco laciiti as a toute oi tbrouith travel. In Construction & Equipment THE Pennsylvania Railroad stands confessedly at thoheidof Ami-rican rail ways The track 1. dnut.lo the eitlro lijngih or the lino, ot steel rahs laid 011 litavy oak t ea, which are embcdilrd in n founcailon of rock b n latt eixateen 1 cbca ludepili. All brl lees aie of iron or sti me. and bul t upo 1 iho moHan. ptove I plans. Its pas.pngcr cars, while emin ently suto and snbstnufdl, ae hi the same time mode s ot coiufot t and elegance. The Safety Appliauces n rise on this 'luo well fl.utratoth far-seeing and liberal policy ot its maiiai!meiit, lu accoid anco with which th i tllliv only otan imp'ov -laeutnnduoLItt cst has been the qaeciiou or couu delation. Amoiumany may bo noticed the HIocI; ayscm of Surety SUnals, Jnnney Coupler, InifTer & Platform, THE WnAttl'ON P TENI' SWITCH, ASD1I1C Westinghouso Air-Brake, rotmlng in conlnactlin with a perlect double track road bed u combination of safeauards 4 galnat accident- which have readere.i ihem practically '1. possible Piilliniin Palace Cars Are run on all Express Tialus FROM NCW YORK, PIIILADA. BALTI MORE and WAUHINOIOX, To CIllOAUO, CINOIXNATI. LOUISVILLE INDIANAPOLIS and ST. LOUIS, "WITHOUT CHANGE, ond towll urine pal liolnlnia the fir West rcl tsouth Willi jJtoae c lanoofrars. CoimpciiO'ib arenmtlp In Union Depota.aua ure Qusurud to ftUlupurtont potuts. THE SCENERY Of tlio Pennsylvania Route in pdmitted tci bo umurpnaaed in thOTTi rlJ for KrdiutfU', UeiuUy una variety isunerlor Ho freahiuoat tucilfna nre j)iolJpd. limidnyeoi ar- coui tenus awl uttentive, nml it in au lanvit nolo ro8Ult tlmt a trip by iho I'eiinsylvaaui ItuitiuHd must I'jrtu a Pleasing ami Memorable Experience. llckets for Bile at the lowest rate at the Ticket OMcej 01 the Guuipany iu uU luipoitaut cition an-1 lowm. FRAiS K THOMPSON, I P. rAUMEU, Gen. Manager, Oen. Vas. Airent. J. K. SIIOKMAKKR. Pa.An-t MiihlieDlst. UNottti Tbiru fct., liar ilsb arc, ra. A UDITOU'S NOTICE. In lite Orphan' Ouvrt of Carbon County. Folate of John Ilichards, deceased. The iinrer'lirued Auditor appointed It the Courc, 10 nudit, icsftlle. und fully examlue and iii'Ju-t UicEcciui.t.ot AlexanOi-rCauipsle pnnr dlan of Jannand lohn ttieimnls. minor ch'ldren or Joan ltichartLineo.a'd.lateor U.uch lihunk TownFlup Carbon Co.. Pa ,vUl meet all pirll.'a liitfic-teii for Hie liurpo.H of liL-iapiiomtment. on Saturdav. Ocloher 6 1878, ai 9 u'i lock a. in., si lilnolllcpa.lj jliilnu the l'.mt JSoii.nial iianL, Broadway. Blaucn Cnunk, Pa., where they may attend it they deem it proper. K. 11. blKWEUS. Auditor Aug II, 1578, W4- .SSKJNEE'S iOTICE. Notice Is hcrohv aiven IhotloSEPI? FI!IT. ot tho llorouiiU of WEISPOIIT. Uinbon Coun ty Pa., by a vo u-itur.' DeeJ of Asnlsntucnr, 1 eiriui. dale the :3d day ot M;rTi;M Ur;lt.l7N as.lgued ad rls Heal lsiate, in the mn.eivlirii. edtortbo benetitf'f hiscieoltors Allpers'ius Iherif-ire.iiMlcbud to paid pnitv wl'l ma o pay nient wilhin SIX tVHKKS f 0111 thsdtiteh ie. of to the Ak.-iaure,Qmlthohnv ua leal claims will please pie.ent tneui f settleuieut to D.l. J. G.ZKltN. Aia gnee, Sept. :S. 1878-Ow. SVcIksuoi t. Pa. T 1'OAIi NOTICE. X-i In ti.ematterj'f the Cita'lm) maliiH John Briuhion Kuar f In the Orehms' dlan of Uu-'ms Klnsey.ciara I Court of Carbon A K-uei o.id LMitu A. Ulu r County. ey. minor ch.ldien of Ocorgol W. Kiuscv.Ueci-'iieod. I Wln-rcas.tho un.'ersiimed has been appointed bv the Oiphaiis" fmrt o. I'nibnu County. Com mia-ioucr to ike tectlmonr and t..to an re count lu the above natt'd ca.o. Notice Is I ere b c-iven, th't I will ailK'ie to the dntleaol mv aoro.ulmpnt ut thncthco 0." Albnght .mil I rev man. K.qs.. In Jl.ucli Ch iiu, on MTUUDAV trie ISlhuayof ooioUUIt, if,"'. atBo'circ. A. M , wi cn pud where ltd persons luterested mar attend II they see proiier. P. 1. I.ONf.SVHEET, Sept. IS. 1378, w Comm.ssioner. T 0 Sportsmen nntl Others. AllTerarn are hereby torbld tresina.Flniron theiauds of I he uur.er.ta:ued m taeT'ownshin of Fi anitliii.Cjrhon Co'Pa. toi lldutiur, 01- any othfr I'urpuse, uuder penally of the law after tills (late. flfO. 1 EDCKUL (1EO L'.NZIIJA. MATalAoltUFF, Franklin twp., Sept. 21, ISIS 3w. TfTHStkdmfjr M newest ami roo.t popular iltolPlj'Jil. kongs. wllh wr.tina ot in. tiuctlon and amuseinPUt' elan, n Hut of all tl.e b&tilos. when and where fnulit( uurinir the wtr, lor 3 ceit stamp. Adoie.i, DI.BMOND it CO.,8. IKviai.,l'i.i:ai-.flpbia. ft.: ly IN all & Winter Dry oods, Dress Goods, Carpets, Oil Cloths, G-roceries and Provisions, At THE ORIGINAL CHEAP CASH STORE " of 5o To ISTUSBAITM fe OM A cordial invitation is extended to all. Oct. 5. Or VALUABLE Tho fuMowliiff vntmblo Prnp-rtlos will ho Eoid bv J. V l:ATJDU BUHU. hcllIoI Cur bin L'ouu.y. 011 Saturday, Oct. 12tli, 1878, lit tho COURT ItOUK.lnthoBonOUail of MAUUil CHUNK. Cnrboa County, Peun-jyl-vnuta. at ONi o'clock I', : Hyvlrtuoof n wrltol Lav. X'aclai, all those ccrtala TIVI3 I-OT8 OR TIECES OF OltOUXD. B'tnsite lu tho Doroiish of Leh'chton County ot t'aibob, and Stato of A'Cunt iTma, nuitnni b It'd 12.S, 130 Olid 132 ill the l'Jtvi t.v riot otS'itl Uoto'iU omhiiudevoiyoneof Raid Lots havme n iront or bicmMi of nixtv-Blx fret on tho tftotwftid (lil6of I'mo S'reet In wHid Uor ouxh of Le I'itrhtcm. ntui extuiuimg t.pnceoiint wudlv.cjclior ih.it wictu. In leiiRtb onleoth ouebundiea nd cightvuiuo feot uluo incb.cn, td n certain Alley. aoreiloml tokn Into oiocntlon as tho prop erty ot F. V. tSeiniuel. ALSO. Jly vlrtaoof a wilt of Lav, Facial M thatcer tarn LOT OR TIKCn OF LAXV, situate In tho Roroush of Leblghton. Conntv or Ciiilion. and fcintoof riiiu6ylv.iula, bounded nntl cl(-rribtd asfmbwa tnwit i iiOfTi tinlu p at aetilia thoncoHlonff apablic road Lortn twenty-tit uctouo naif (eicta,e:ist ipiip percUeaj thence atone lot of irround vt George rtcli.ieiAJ.. eouih eightv-efiinr detnees, vTfstiilnoaiul linee-tentJia terchos ioapist, theuco niony an alio r-outntlility-tourUfer't. eact m no nitd tw.i.tentli3 peichesio tno place of DSiriiimitrr.cou amlnj? THIRTY FIVE ana ONE-HALF rERCUES, strict measure. Tho Impiovemcnts thoroon are a TWO-STORV FRAME DWELLING. IGiCO foot, Kitchen attached 6X9 foct. and other oul-'Uituuigti Bo zM nntl laxen into execution as tho pio pn ty of EdwiuU l'actzel, ALfit. Rr virtue of a writ or Lav. Factat.nM that cer talu LOT OR PIECE OP GROUND, fltuato in It c eitUown. Vrankhn t.vwnshlr. Carbon Count, rouiisvlvunla, bouud d and tie Bcribert as fiio.e, to wit i Ileyiuu ns at a poHr. trienco by n certain pub lie toad touth tilty ooprrefi, uiet mutt vl cot toapo-t: tno co vhindotJ K ltickt'tt or lot .o, 10, north thliry-beveu and oneiourtli (leRrees.Wfii, mio bund od feet.to a rost- thence hy apublic road north fit v dcstcH.ea&t n.uety fest t a post theoco uv land ot Ha veu Cbrlat. man. or lot No. 13, eomh thtrtv seven and one fourth deKruen, taf one bundled leet totbw y.&CdOl oowiiiinmr, con nining NINE THOUSAND SQUARE FEET The ImproveineuU thcrecn nro a IWO STORY FRAME DWELLING with basement, :0 x C4 feet, and other outbutld lugs. Htlt-A and tnken into execution as the prep, erty ot il.taua II. liiowu. J. V. itAUJDENBUPn, hhfiin'doiCco. 1 Mierlff. Mauch ChunU. "tt, 19. 1S78 1 rpVO WIDEAWAKE 3IAUAZ1XES. Brilliant Noveltleii fir l8Tt. KLL1 I'iUUiN. i:d. I). I.ITIIIIIIII & CO., Fab- "WIDD AWAKE, The Illustrated Magazine for Young lulls, &S.OOA VKAlt. It Is conceded on alt muck tlmt Messrs. P. Lnthron A. Co., t ave ppir-ndld y accomplHlietl wont they rrl tLeir hearts uoun a few yeara niro.vis! to mil. p n uiagaz-no alunlutely puie in ii moral iiflufncc, mi rivalled lu literal v lueri', beauiltui a- :s lc.itly and tuen to lurnifb it lit bo low a yitce that tuu ptople could affjid to tftke it. BABYLAND. Only Fifty Cents a Year. The Only HagBine in the World for Salictl Diilntv storit-a. Bud picture, and rnvme.of mliv life I Elabt n.ivea tblckauiber papei.iarsd print. vor.iii divided luto t-ylr-ble.. ouit what vour buoy wauta I Sept to, w-2. fpiIE SCHOOL ACCOUNTS. to run MEMnuita op the school noAitiiop LRiuoniON iionouan. aB.Tixii:MTiie nuderHgneil Coiniuiitee, anpo lued by year bolt lo carry out the inteut and pariiOMe of a tieaolntloti, nna.t-d Jnlv n4tti, 1S71. reimcifall. lies to uni mlt Hie Hcport,a embodviinrtliereBUit of tbelr l.bora waichU based on the facta nud llsutna embraoed l.i the accounts from the flr.l Mondav of June, 1873, to tho flrat Jlonilay of June l&M LlABlUTira. Bonded Tndebelean f to cro 10 lU-rt'co teacI Iuoubtcduee. 2,?2J 29 Order. Uup.ild 4iu II olo due lit Nat llauk ot l.chicbton 1.3iO 0J I3U3J 3 AMnTS. Two Let en Pine 8t I.clileh'nn t 600 00 Three fetnrv llrlclt HLooi IIon.e and Jaoltnrrt llnu.e.teiieih r w th tha Uwuml bo onirlnir lo raid Ilti.ldlncs and ad the olier JraDiovemcuta in eluding bchorl hoime l-urtilture and Klxturea beinie tho actual coat of tLe mine 33S17M Due School Dislilcl from J. P. hmilli. roliector lit 2 Dne -chiK)l Silt tct lrom J. B. Webb. Co lector 220 10 Due rchool Dlttr.ct troui A. J. Dullen. mayer 7no iu Pue (.cliwd Olstuct from H tiraver..., 7$ 41 Hue Hrhool liiMnct from It Ken.toi. laicber. a Judgment. i,too 00 liainnce due lrom 'Irei.uier ma tlTtsTj: Aueti In excess of Ltibllllle 7.W.I 9! DENNIS IKUMAN, II. A, III3I.T2. O. U. SU1DLIS, Oomralttee Jhlabtrm, AmniK v.Wt-u$w gJXECUTRlXS SALE OfYaluaTbleRcal Estate. a1c,anaenmlseV,,eenC', SATURDAY, Oct. 5, 1S78-, PIECE OF GROUND, Fitnnte nn ibe Kort) mat Corner afLnniOU 2-storjFranieDvellingHouso aliout Jfs.s feet Willi Ont Kltelieni Frame Dsro "h'ovanl 'ld'',itB- A Wc" Wi". ,J'J?ore YwtriTvni bo sold In whole or 13 p.irt to sait viulIi mpia Aiso ot tlio same time and plore, the follow. In nrt r n ef ncriil projierlv, vis: I Omul, tun,, t arrlsco bodies. BnrliiK WiVen BodiM l "tS?;?iw.?cl?- Vr"'k ""''"a Stores, Burt otin r ni tlcl-s t. o nnmeinus to mention. t.merZrl"ee0oIfrtt'a'eUDl!',ll be n," """ Ajent ,or MAUI' fSSK?cEu,Rtir. . Lelilglito!i, eejt U, l37o-3W AJSSIOXEE'S SALE Of Valuable Eeal Estate! s;a'cof.xpab.,l ristfx'ss. Aj.-lg..co 01 JO, tpH 'a. WJE11D AND SvllK. iI'vk'i'L"1 l:,lla B',, ,n Preml-e. .,n tov Knvu ia l,.'e nonouan of Liiiuon. TON. Carbon county, p., on THURSDAY, OCTOBER 10, 1878, eommenclncntTEN o'eloclc A. M , tlie foUow. in-M inible Heal Kttotc.toi.lt, All tbat certoln Mes.uaire tenement and DWELLING HOUSE AND LOT OF QllOUIf D, w;'1' t,ie WB''ftancri, titn-jte on the et .Ida ui An t h'! t,ll"ro,'-B;' 01 Lelnirbton, ronwin ii.ir iJJ)tli itv-threo Icet on iianb hiieet, aud cout nuinenl that , widin t itaht anile. "2 I aukxav: bounded on U.e esi-t bv Unnkway.on tno south bv ioi ol Chtrle. iin'Jiine Kle bv lot; ot thn lateHlmou Wcidcimriuicr. i.o 5. J.ciul-nil Loe tnuceitaln LOTS Oil PIECES OF GROUND, In tlie oro:esid Uoroui'li ot Ihlehton. an niiiiibeied one and iwom eertuiu plot msde nmlla.dmtt bv Kacbes nod Itex. each having n liont of thirty feet on find aomtional "treei, fSiiVJ?1.';.,01 lll"tw"li'nil'oael,undrcr pud fill tr feet loa common mtrr bonnden on tlie liurili t,y a tonnra aller, on the went bv etlii r loiiu liiteuded to be couTtyed to Jiache. I!,'!1? ?."f i 011 "tli bv flret edilltlonul atleet. end oi. the eimt by n eomiuoa ailev. Place'ofjale. b? Lm M n . TUOMAS S. J1KOK. f-cpt. SIHsfS Wrtb W"1 W"- pUBLIC SALE Of Yn! unblo Real Estate I Inc townehin. i-arbnn Coiilij-. Pi., abont two SATURDAY', OCTOIJEU 12, 1878, f.t TWO o-cloo T. M., a VA XX ABLK FARMING i'ROP R ZITX, tiou, and the roma ni'e r u In TIMI1ER. The Improt-mentconiBt of TWO STOnT FRAME DWELLING nOUSE, IS x 24 loi t.with Kitchen ailaehed.tianlc Stable, iVt'vO 3 ui1 ""'"ei-bnlidiujci. There ORCHARDS on thepl-cs. witn abundance, otFinlt.iaeh AnplcH, pnr, l'eachee. clierrlea. uripei and. other auia.l r nlt, all In full l.vailug. Also, at ibe name time aud place, a Torlety ot HOUSEHOLD GOODS, comprising; Conlt Klove. I'll lor Siovo. Lnnnrea. Bed Ghana, Trblsa and other articles too nu merous to rnumerute Terms aad condltioua wM be made knows it tlnie and pi ce of sale by Bept. 2i. 1878-wl. Jf. TUCKER. "primo Homo Jlatlo Bread ! Wny OO IIUNOMYt Wben yoncjallnrau poundi of Flr.t Cbiaa lireud- FIVE LOAVES FOR 25 CEXTS t 3. W. O'NUAI the popalar Bread and Cake Her, of LehiaUiou. lu order lo meet ihe null of tnn t nieB haslteilucod no Pr.ea of hlacele. brated Homo Alado 15 It 134 D to Five Loaves forTtrenty.aveCta. Cash, Sagiir. llaisln. Cocoinut Scotoh, Drop. Creaa md other CAKES, only ' Teu CenH per Doxen. I.00U Out lor tlio ffagant At MAUCII OIIUNK, on Tueaday. Thondi and Saturday at oioinia. LEIIKI II TON and WamponT.eTory After, noon except Friday. ' T ' ' TERMS STRICTLV CASH Patronai!aollcIted. J, w, O'NKAt. H I'OUE i Oppoilte Flrat Witkmai Hani, aprlleyl JUniMreel, lhirhton.ri. 1ft ftftfi AOB.NT8 WANTED. O-Iv thole lUiUUU who mean hualneaa. and dealn to uju.uirotutJt'ilis rrrriavneed apply. Bend 1 cent Miii forpiitlcnlari. Iter. 8. T. Iluek, Milton, Northnmberland Co.. Pa. 8f t. :i-w,
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