Society meeting!). IF1MT0 CA8ILE, No. 73, A. O. K, OF 1I1E M. C. 2nd and 4th Monday of esch monln, In nc ber'sllnll. Lehighuin, at 7:30 o'clock r. it, j mes ll.Btycrs, 8. K. O.i S. B. ailham. s. K. it. a. Quads UutTBJ Lonoi. No. Ms, 1. 0. O. II. meet every Tuosday oveuing, at 8 o'clock, In Bener'. nail. Alfred 31Mk,jN.O. I 14. 1). Holier, Secretary. JIituoiies TninB. No. 532, Imp. O. of II. W., moeta In lienor's Hall ovey Saturday. II. It. Kreldter. Sachem i O. W, Delhi, C. of It. rono roci, Tbibe, No. 171, Imp. O. R. M meet on Wednesday evening of eon week, at 7iS0 o'clock In Public- Bcbool Hall, Welssport. Pa. C. W, Schwab, 8. JatvBrong, c of It. Ieuiohtos. LODdE, No. 531 K. of P.. meets on Friday ovcnlngi. In Hober's nalli 61 7:30 o'clock. .T. W. ltaiidonbusb, 0.0. T. It. Itatcliir, K. of It. and H. Advertising Hates. We drrtre it to be distinctly understood tliat no advertisements will bo Inserted In the col nmniol THE Oardon Advocate that may bo "delved from unknown parties or flrros nnlcas ajeompanied with the Cash. The following are r oklt terms. Advertisements for 1 year, per Inch each Insertion .10 Cts. " six Months, per Inch each Insertion is eta. " Three Months. 20 Cts. 14 Loss than three months, first Inser tion tU each subsequent Insertion 23 Cts. Local notices 10 oents ner line. It. V. MOItTIlIMEn, Publisher. E R. S1ICWKIV8, DISTHICr AfTOnNEY A COUNSELLOR AT UW, OlTICE. No. 2, Mansion House, MATJCII CHUNK, PA. Settllne Estates. Filing Acconntaand Orphans Conrt Pvonco a specialty. Trial of "ins oarelnllv attended to. Legal tramaetlons In English and German. Jan 9. BATUKDAY MORNING MA.1X0H 31, 1877. Local and Personal. You tan catch trout, If you know how, after the 1st of April. Subscribers chancing their resi dence wilt please notify us of the fact. Corporeal punishment has been pro hibited in the Bethlehem public schools. Right 1 The Lenten season closes with the coming Sabbath (to-morrow) Easter Sunday. The Lufctne miners hnve coma to the conclusion that they are too poor to strike. Mrs. John Graver, of Welssport, died very sudden of heart disease, on Sunday night last. Wanted to Borrow, $2,000, on good security. For particulars, call at the office of the Carbon Advocate. Mr. Joseph Feist, of the Fort Allen Ilouse. Welsbport, has bulled two of his chll ren within the past two weeks. Sunday being the 1st of April. Monday wilt be a busy day for those who have to change their dwelling places. A blessing to humanity Is what Dr. Bull's Couch Syrup can well be term ed, for It has done more good already than any otner medicine. The Bellofonte Watchman advo cates the nomination of Cot. A. C. Koyes, of Clinton county, as the demo cratic candidate for state Tieaaurer. On Friday last the Oak Hall coal breaker, aoout nye miles from be ran ton, was burned to the ground by Incendlar tes. It had not been In use for four years past. The Morning Star, of South Beth lehem, closed its existence on Saturday morning last, and Mr. Yost proposes Hereafter to devote his entire attention to job printing. J. C. Powell, Esq., the genial local editor of the Shenandoah Evening Her nia, was in town on inursaay, looKing up things In the Interest of that spicy anu nveiy ntuo paper. The Wllkesbarre Dally says it Is accounted a joko upon me scrantonians that they went to Harrlsburg to divide the county, and only succeeded In dlvld Ing the city of Scranton. The coal miners In the Wyoming region are organizing associations for mutual relief and to protect themselves against euauen stoppages and reduc tions In the wages of labor. Rev. Henry Ward Beecher, will lecture In the Opera House, Alleutown, on Aiona&y evening, April Utu; sub ject; "The Ministry of Wealth," Price of admission 75 and 50 cents. Wbllo widow Campbell, of Carbon dale, was absent upon a visit to her son, under sentence of death in the Wllkesbarre Jail, her house was set on tire and nurned by some of the enemies of her son. This Is a most detestable and mean revenge. Joseph F. Hex, near Canal Bridge, East WeUsport, will supply you with finest family Hour, feed, candies, ap pies, potatoes, tobacco and clgara, at lowest possible prices for cash. Try It and be convinced. 4 J . K. RIckert has stilt a few of those eligible lots in Rlckertstown to dispose of. If you feel like securing a good homo call and see him He Is also sap plying tiour,feed,lumber and coal at the lowest rates. Summit Hill was the scene of a very sudden death Wednesday morn ing. The wife ol Nathan ltotli, aged sixty years, was stricken by paralysis, from the effects of which she died al most Immediately. Her funeral wilt take place on Saturday morning. The Scranton Republican says ; The Dickson manufacturing company Is busy filling orders for locomotives, and wilt be able to give work to a con siderable number of mechanics until the opening of summer, with fair prospects for the future. Stop a Moment, navo you jiscd Dr. Coxe'a Sautonlne Worm Hyrup. Try it. It Is delightful to the taste, to children; but death to worms, Price 25 cts. For sale at A. J- Ourllng's drug 6tore. 28 The Governor has signed ' the bills prohibiting the Sheriff of 'Philadelphia from appointing any deputies io be pre bent at the election polls; permitting defendants In criminal cases, except thoso accused of homicide, to'testlfy in uwu ueuaiijuuu ior mo protection of iuo pcujnc ui luia commonwealth against lucompetent practitioners medicine, uigvry and obalUUcs, of After the severe storm of Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday last, we doubt If there will be any person found to contradict the assertion, that the Equl noxtlal storm for this season has passed, D. M Zimmerman, Esq.. Secretary and Treasurer of the Camden & Atlan tic R. R. Co,, will please accept our thanks for a "complementary pass" over that excellently conducted and popular road, for the present year. A miner named James Clark, was killed while at work in his breast, in the Knickerbocker colliery of the P. & R. Coal and Iron Co,, on Tuesda last, by a fall of coal. The unfortunato man was unmarried and aged auout thirty years. Andrew Champion shot his wife and then killed himself, at Skinner's Eddy, In Wyoming county, Pa., a few days ago. lie was a youug man, and she had refused to live with him because he was out of work. The Columbia county Bank of Bloomsburg and tho National Bauk of Berwick are closing their business, and will cease to exist In a short time. Lack of business Is the cause In both cases, and nobody loses anything. John Miller, alias August Mlncn- ger, a moulder, was arrested at Weath crly, Wednesday by Detective Jacob Johnson, from Easton, to answer a charge of seduction pieferrcd against htm two ears ago. Mrs. We'denhelmer, of this place, sold her surplus household furniture, &c, on Monday last, and will on Mon day next, st ait with her family, for her new home in Kansas. Mrs. W,, takes with her the best wishes of a large circle of friends for her future happU ness. "Will you take su'thinc?" said a festive chap as ho entered one of our up-town saloons. "Don't care tf I do," drawled out two or three "setters" as they advanced towards tho bar. "Well, go take a ride in one of David Ebbert's handsome rigs, which he Is letting out on very reasonable terms," said he as he gulped down his nnd stepped out. -Tbocoal operators of tho Lehigh region met In Bethlehem Monday to consult with the railroad officials regard ing a reduction of coal tonnage. Asa Packer, tho President of tho Lehigh Valley Railroad Company, being ab sent, a committee was appointed to wait upon him and urge tne necessity of a reducttou. The Legislature last winter by an act approved March 31, 1870, fixed tho time for the annual meeting of the aud itors of tho several townships and boroughs to settle accounts, on the sec ond Monday In April, It was former ly fixed outhe first Monday in June. These accounts aro required by law to bo published under a severo penalty for neglect. The Poor Old Tramp Is the title of a new and beautiful song and chorus, by Will L. Thompson. Author of the famous "Gathering Shells from the Sea Shore." Dealers are ordering It by tho thousand. The whole coun try will soon be singing "Tho Poor Old Tramp." Pittsburgh 'Dispatch. Pub llshed by W. L, Thompson & Co., East Liverpool. Ohio. Tho Allentown Chronicle says : Joslah Hlnterleltuer and his aged spouse, of Toptou, were born on tho same day, within a few hours of each othnr, seventy -one years ago, resided In the same locality, attained maturity, were wedded, and passedA long life of usefulness together. Slngjllarly enough, neath claimed them aim Jst at the same time. Mr. lUnterleltnor died on Sat urday, and his wife followed on Mon day. They were burled together, and In tho same grave, at Toptou. The elate belnr taken from tho quarry of Messrs. Sfcmmel, Monti & Leuckel, In Franklin? township, is of a most excellent quality, and orders are rapidly accumulating. One order, a day or so ago, wasr received for 2,000 squares, and a New York firm has agreed to take all the scrap they make for tho manufacture of slate paint, on account of Its beautiful color, paying about double the price for It that scrap cau be obtained at other quarries. Rev, W. L. Reber, of Reading, (father of Dr. Reber, cf this place), will preach to-morrow (Sunday) at 10 o'clock a. m., at the Evangelical church, South street. In tho Qerman Jaueuaire. Mrs. E. Weldenheimer and family, of mis uorougu, intending to leave on Monday next for tho State of Kansas. wuere tney navo selected a place for inetr iuturo noiue, their departure, tho Evangelical church with wWlch they were connected In this place for inauy jeuiB, inienu ui memorialize with ap propriate religious farewell services to morrow (Sunday) night at 7 o'clock. J. C. Blikm, Pastor. New Spring Styles. T D. Clausa, the merchant tailor, is now receiving the first install ment of an Immense stock of spring goods, comprising cloths, casslmeres, and vesllngs of the latest designs and tho best manufacture, which he is pre pared to make up In the most fashion able and durable manner, at prices ful ly as low as the same material and workmanship can bo obtained for In any other town In the State. Also, a full line of gent's furnishiug goods.hals, caps, boot, shoes and gaiters suitable for the wear of this sectlou, and manu factured expressley to his order, Tho entire stock lias been purchased on an entirely cash basis, aud as he is selling for cath only he is able to sell at such prices as will astonish purchasers. Call and examine goods and prices beforo purchasing elsewhere. Examination of Scholars A series of examinations, to deter mine the standing of the pupils for tho ensuing term, will bo held In the public schools of this place next week In the following order : Monday, High school; Tuesday, Grammar; Wednesday, Inter mediate; Thursday morning, Secoudary; Thursday afternoon, Advanced Prim ary ; Friday morning, Primary. All are curdlnlly invited to be present. Par ents are requested to &eu that their chll dien do not absent themselves. From Mnucli Chunk. -Tlccnrricr Phillips claims to be overrun with work. Glml to bear It. Mini Hannah Yncfrcr, of this place, la absent at l!r Uilohtm visiting at her sister. Mr. Henrv Woodrlnff, I am Informed, de felrea to retire Iiom tbe hotel business, rpptaln Fox of Easton. wa ihe first to pass tho weigh Igck smco opening of navigation Tho cloclcln tho bar-room lcfusos to tlcK i and fo does the attendant beblnd tbe bar. Mr. 1 It. Cooke, tho coal dealer, has been n))ont on basinets at Philadelphia for nearly a WCCK. At several late public sales of houschoM fronds, tlio articles sold brought but a trifle Qtove nothing. - Mr. Oliver Cnllev. who Is about to relln. quiRh the tobacco business, will lemove to Up per Muuch Chunk Tho public schools of Kaxt Manch Chunk closed yesterday. Causot wantol funds to con tinue tho term. Soveral East Manch Chunk families will next week leave for Arkansas, or Arkansaw. ns It Is moro generally called. If rumor should prove correct, William Dit. orllno will soon figure in the capacity ot in structor of tho Hibernian Cornet Hand. Tho subterranean tin-shop 1b no moro, Mr. Dietsche having removed hint-rops totlioaltl- , tudo of Upper Alauch Chunk, ou Thursday Twentyonoof the members of the riinco ton College oleo club partook of the hoepitall tics of the Mansion House ou last baturday. Mr. John tt. McQinley, who has been atllnsr for a rear or bo. Is growing worse, and for Mine woe it s past has been unable to leave his bed. On diligent Inquiry I learn that there will bo but few removals this spring, a fact which, no doubt, will bo highly appieciatedby tho bug gel s. Herman Btoll, Jake Mill ers polite n 'Blatant, conicmpluttng a trip to Unrono. will teavo the tonsoriul establishment of the latter on or about tne 1st of May. -Mr, 0 A. Ilex, now supposed safely arrived in tho Holy Land, remembered his fi lends with anot.ier ol his lengthy epistles before leaving Cairo, lypt. Unjor Klotz Is pnshlng his improvements as rapidly as iheir natnto tloos oeimlt, and soon somo of his tenants m&y expect to step down into tho basement. 'Squire llecihart, of East Manch Chunk, on Tuesday last took his imnoh promising scion 1 "JaSey" to is ew York City to get an education. Sen 8it)l in tho 8qulre. On last Saturday, Mr. C. A. Weiss succeeded 1 Mr. J. Wilbur Dodgo as ticket agent In the U V, It. It. oQlco at Manch Chunk station. We congratulate Mr. Weiss on hts promotion, Mr. C T. fachneur and wlfo, who usually run tho Mansion House bazaar, have returned to town, aud contemplate opening tuelr variety establishment at tho beginning of tbe season. The household goods of Mr. W. H. Roberts, late of tho firm ol J. U. tialkeld & Co.. were on Thursday shipped to Lancaster, where Mr. H. has acquired an interest in a locomotive works. Mr. J, H. fcraitb, of Ufper Mauch Chunk, will occupy tho dwelling vacated by Mr. W. if. ltoberts, und Alex, llobinnon and family the premises in the occupancy ot J, W Uynuman. ltov. G. A. Struutz. formerly pastor of the St. John's tuerman) Lutheran Congregation, but now in charge of a nock In Heldeltmrg, Le higa county, visited Munch Chunk ou 1 uesday. Tho cross suits between Mertz and Wen brecht having been amicably settled, scandal inoutrerrt attending the ensuing teim ot Court will have to do without the interesting tid-blts expected. Tlio Lehigh VaUey operators contend that If tho Lelilgli valley llailroad company would ouly l wluco its tolls, thev would bo abio to com pete with nil other parties at a fair margin of prone. What is Bald to navo been a rabid dog, caused quite a ueusatlon in tho fcecond Ward ou lust luuMluy forenoon, and general anxiety was outy teheved when It became known that tho 'uaslo" had been killed. Counselor P. J. Moehan, in a recent conver Bat ton with "Yellow Jack," ascertained that tho hitter hai nothing to do with the engagement ot Mr, L'Velie as counsel to bring hu case bo lore mo uupicmo court. Judo-m or from annenrances. there will short ly bo dissolution of partnership between tue preseiiL proprietors oi mo inuucuii no use, ua uuo-hali ruiero! in the farnituro and fixtures ot that house Is advertised lor sale. Assistant Paymaster and head of theCunal Dcpai tment of tbe Jersey Central Ituih oad Co., Haui liutter aud aid, have removed their quar teis from tae Klibt National Bank building to tho ollico at tho loot ot tSuquehanua sttcet. -Monday night's stoim played sad havoc with i hoi oof covering Patrick Lhwicbh' real iieneo near the welgh-tock. A lew mote gusts would huve annihilated it completely und hit Lawless und family shelterless lu the "cowld." A splice between Mr, Milter, of Upper Mauch Ltiiuiik, and Mrs. Annie we-iver, ot &&t Mnucli Chunic, Is tho latest event in ibe matri monial line I not of. Jointl) thoy havoatami ly cf ten young 'uu to start on. .ttncoiuuglug, tbisl iho proptletors ot the Mauch Chunk Hotel tinu Columbia House are actively engaged ut In opal utloiis for l em oval, tho foimer totihamo cm, ami too latter to occupy the former's place. a certain Mr Carr is mentioned as the futuro proprietor of the Columbia House. Advices of the Bevere U'ness of his father, resldmv in Wisconsin, induced Mr J. W. Dodgo tJtouvo Mauch Chunk, ou Haturdny, toueto inn utu tmiu. j io wus, uuwevcit iuo mio 10 eeu hi in oiue moro alive, as shortly after the son's departure news of the fathers death reached hun. At a meeting of the creditors ot Mr. Fisher Haiard, hold tt the Mansion Honsoou W cones day afternoon, all but two, It is said, confuted to the extension ot time nuked bv him, whereat all who appreciate the worth and business ca pacity ot that gentleman aro glud. Mr. H. will, tutretore, coutluue operations as though noth ing hau happened. Needlessly scared by bank failures In other placos a frightened Kabt Mauch Chunker this weok withdrew his deposits (some 17,000 from tho Hecond .National ot this place. Whether lu doing so ho was wise or otherwise, the luture wnl tell. I dou't believe ho was. as our banks lank among the safest and best managed insti tutions in too IS tat o. The rnmoied suspension ot Mr. Fisher Hazard, although quite unexpected, caused but little surprise, as all were well aware that mlulug bad been a poorly paving, If not u losing business for a year or so. Mr. Hazard, how ever, being by ad considered a gentleman of tho t tern est integrity, his misfortune elicits general sympathy, and the hope that ho may yet be able to compiomlbe with hts creditors is univei sally indulged lu, A new cuurch edifice, for tbe accommoda tion ut the membership uf bt. John's Lutheran Congregation, is about being erected in Upptr Muueu Cbuuk. Asthoy whl.lnull ilxehbood, now dl"po-eof tho old stouoforc on We-t Brojd way at it handsome price, lluunclMi difficulties aie not anticipated. Ttienew edlllco will be uf nlauK, but its dimensions have not yet officially irdtisuiied. Ground Would have iWn broken ou Mouduy It the weather-clerk had not issued un injunction against all proceedings ou that day. Only Three lu 100,0004 Rkad, pause and reflect over tho following: Dr. Coxe's Wild Cherry and Seneka has proved beyond all doubt to be the beet nnd most wonderful remedy ever prepared for tho speedy relief and cure of all coughs, colds, whooping cough, asthma, hoarseness, weak lungs, Incipient consumption, and that terrible malady croup. Have you delayed try ing it so long ? If so, get a bottle cost ing 50 cts. aud use two thirds ot it ; If not satisfied return the balance and get your money back. Can anything be fairer ? This offer has been accepted by over 100,000 persons utlug this delight ful remedy, and only three bottles have ever been returned. Sold In Lehlghton by A.. J. Uurllngand C. W. Lontz. Large bottles 50 cents; small size 25 cts. Public Sales. mils for the following sales have been printed at this otnee, or they are advertised in the col UIUUS Ot tho ADVOCATE I Match 31, at 1 p. ui. Valuable Farm, late of j onus urinaiYt ui-ca, coniatninic I'zj acies in Franklin township. A, and V, Iteinuly and I. tl. iiagenstoso, administrators. Monday, Aptll 2. at lu a. m, Farming stock aud Implements anu Jot of Household Furniture, ou the premises ot Adam Audreas, tn upper twp, April 7. at 10 a m Form, farming ttocic and household furniture, late tho piopeity of Henry ltamaiy.ut U)wer Tow am e U, H. A D, Itamaiy, Administrators. AvrllU. at 2 o'clock, p. ra. tore and other buildings and iwo lotsot giouud lu tho village ot Howuiaiiavllle, Lower Tuwauieuiug, late . mu invito iy w vutm cuyuur, ueti'u. iieury Iloyoi, Administrator. i April 17. at 2 o'clock p. in. npuseaud lot, proa t-rtv ot .Nattiuu Hi U. Fruukllu Twp.- out half milwtul ot HcUjport, outhe loud lead lug to Klesko vi He, ShrrifT' Snles. The Sheriff of Carbon county will sell nt tho Court House, In Mauch Chunk, ou Monday, April Oth, 1877, commenc ing at one o'clock p. m., the following properties, to wit i Two lotBof around, with nonhletwo story frame dwelling hmiBO. sltuitn in tho Borou ah of Le high ton , prooerty of U. J, Hunsicker. Tract of land in Pcnn Forest township, with two lV-tory dwelling houses, pioperty of Philip Hernhord. Lot ot ground and 2 story frame dwelling houe. on North stteet. Upper Maucn Chunic. prop erty of Hivm Beltz. Tract of land in Mahoning township, with 2 storr frame dwelling, &o., properly of Owen and Sirnh Z our for, Five pieces or lots ot giound with improve xncuts, m Etst Pena township, the propotty of David 1. Loner. Piece of land, 2 story dwelling houo, Ac, In Mahoning township, tho property of William McKeove. The undivided one-half Interest of Jo eph Hoi shoo, ma certain tract of land and Improve ments, m Maiioulng township, taken in exe cution as the property of Joseph and David Holshoo. Tract ot land, farm house, brick hotel. Ac . in Tnwnniensmg township, property ot James a. Scagi eaves Ph co of land, dwelllnghouo, Ac In East Penu township, property of David Embody, Pleco of land and improvements thereon. In Frankdn township, property ot Frederick llochmer. Pieco of land and improvements, in Towomon sing township pioperty of John Dlstler. Pieco of land and tho improvements theteon. In Kidder township, property of Oliver Stout. Lot of ground, iiwoding house. Ac, on Lehigh street, in the Dorough of Lehlghton, the prop erty of Albert A. and Hvbllla wnlbert. Pieco ot ground with tho improvements there on, on Ballroad street, Summit Hill, tho prop eity of .Nathan Clause. Echoes from Ulaliuiiliig. Rain on Monday. Cold nor.vester8 on Tuesday. Snow storm on Wednesday, Tho roads nro In a vcrv bad condition thro. out this section. Get ready for the grand raffling match on Easter Monday. Miss MatHila Hongh, of Bethlehem, Is at present passing her time with her mother and brothers in this place. " Stlf-made men are ant to worshin their maker," is nn old saying, but uow-a-davs they nureuip poiua uu nuuureu ivei uiu. Next Wednesday tho catechetical class of this place under tne tutorship ot Hey. Barthol omew, will meet In tbe St. John's Lhurch lor examination. All tho parents of these children and the community in cencraluro iQenoctfnllv Invited to attend. Next Sunday will bo Easter, and tbe chicks aro debating with ea ch other every day relative to fixing a standard price for their embryos. Tho loosters, of course, have no hand lu tho matter, tbe chicks having lost all confidence lu them stneo the Presidential campaign. Mr, John C. Horn will on next Tuesday (as rumor has It) leave for Jackson City. Mich, where ho expects to engage In farming, lly his depaituro MahoniuA's young men and maidens will lose a Kind asMOciato aud a lending member of their Sunday school. Our best wishes attend him wherever his future home may bo. The subject: " Hesolved. That women are more loved than mauev.' was discussed last Thuisdav evening ii.wecfc, at Pleasant Corner, byMessrt. J, II. Nothsteiu and J. M. Klstlcr ou the affirmative, and l'rof. McUinley and otbeisou the negative. Tho decision, which Is hi the hands of competent and responsible men, will not be gu en until Mr. Jai. ICochran cele brates his next blithday More beer. Yours, thirsty. Passim. Dig Creek Item. The planting of potatoes will bo noxt In order. I presume it Is scaicely necessary to state that we have very had loads again at tho pres ent willing. Eggs have advanced considerably In price the pat few days Easter, however, has some thiug to do with this. Tho clearing ot cellars and yards of ashes, etc., has already begun, aud In a short time that work will huve been pioperly attended to. It is rumored that Mr J. K FcUhcrolf in. tends to locuto again somewheio lu this section, Inovldiug he can Una a tuitablo place for his msiness. The Kemercr nnd Snyder chws (branch of Evangelical Association) havo procured tho ue of the Pobo Poco slaio company's iiou&o to hold their meetings in. Mesrs. siyder & Droisbach havo Just brought out a new medicine which they culm ss a sure cure lor chronlo rheumatism, frosted feet, sprains, bruises, Ac., Ac. A man who, after i ending his county news paper a whole year nnd then reluaotopiv for It honestly should, at tho first opportunity, ho drummed out of the neigdborhuod, or sent off to flcnt Crizy Horso ou Tongue itlver. Tbe members and friends of tho sot's Sab bath school are requested to 0" presout on Sun day afternoon at 2 o'clock asn number ot neces. sary changes and improvemnti are to bo made in tho mode or maimer of conducting tho school In tho future. Our friend It. T. Smawley, teacher at Bolt's, admitted seventy five pupils this term. Seventy- uvo puoim uiDBuuii'ij luuiuuuy jor unu leucuer, and I hone that tho directors, at their next meet In e, will considor tho mattei audluve' it prouerly graded by the opening of tho tall term. mine n uu. I have been informed that tho Poho Poco slato quarry la to bo opened airam shortly by a new party, whoso names 1 have as yet been un able to learn. Hope the rumoi may prove true. It would give employment to qulto u number of our men who are at present lying inactive, and have been tor the past four or live months. ltov. Mr. Werner, the newly uppoluted mlu ister for this circuit, had services for the first tlmolnthe Solt's church on Sunday morning at 10 o'clock. He had a well lilted houso of anxious heaiers, mauyot whom came from a distance to bear him. Ho preached from 2nd ijiessaioueaus. am cnipier anu isc verse : "Finally, brethren, pray for ns that the word of the Lord may have froeceurne and bo glorl- neu." ac a p.m. ue aiso preacnea to u crowded house at Pine Hun. He will have services again la two weefcs at Solt's, at 7 o'clock In the evening. All are cordially invited. Why Aro not the teachers of our township paid accord lug to agreement I We must take In consideration that the teacher is poorly paid for hU services, the short time that they have emjdot inout (hve months), and what are they to do tho remaining seven months ol the yearf lly this it Is seen that they aro out or employ ment moie than one-halt of the time, and the gieatei part of them have tauiihes to support, out ut theso five months earnings a whols year. Let us sue how much they will have ou an average per mouth from winch the teacher and his family, of from two to three nr more nre to live. Their earnings ate Ave months und their average Ib thirty dollars a month live months at thirty dollars amounts to 150 doliarB. Tula is now to be divided into 12 equal parts, which wlUgivousti2S0u mouth lor board, clothing. Ae. llmcu wo need not wonder why so many teachers every year abandon tho piole-jiuon en tirely and seek octter aud more stoioynrcon stanl emjl yuient at something el so. simply because i hey are too poorly paid for their ser vices, aud then when earned, are refused pay meut because, as they gay, there Is no money in tho treasury; that is what they have been fayiLg tbe past few month?, our schools will ctoi-e next weet , and only two months wages ho far have been pjld. Our teachers need their money, and should havo it now. Gentlemen, try to make good your promise according to agreement, aud as the school law requires, and then von raw nn sltln tn rftam IIhika riuirhnrn lu ihe profession who gave satisfaction the pist term. xuura, etc., March, 27, 1877. ItEVEttE. A New Book of Tiihillino In teiiest 1 The Ashtabula Disaster; by Key. Stephen D. lVet, of Ashtabula. Ohio, Illustrated with numerous lino engravings from photographs tunl draw ings made expressly for this book, In cluding several views of the bridge, por traits of the Engineer (who committed suicide), P. P. UlUs nnd wife! etc., etc. Elegantly printed aud bnund, price $1.25. Giving a full and detailed ac couut ot the most terrible railroad dis aster on record. The author was an eyo.witness to tho scenes which he re cords. He entered heartily Into the worK or caring for the wounded, assist ing lu the search for bodies, and aiding the friends of tho unfortunates In every way that was in his power and from that day tn tbe present he has been ousuy engaged lu prepariug the mater- ml for this volume. He has been In correspondence with nearly all the families who were represented on the fated trlan, and has gathered facta of luteiibo Interest which have never 'jefcire uern made public. IU.UUU agevju want ed to act at once. Address Ity. H. D. iVtt, Ashtabula, Ohio, The JMollte Cases In (ho Supremo Court. On Monday lost, lu tbe Suoremo Court, at Philadelphia, tho cases of Ko'h y nnd Doyle, the "Molllo Magutres" convicted nf the murder of the mino boss, John P. Jones, tho wi Its of error were non-prossed. This leave) tho conviction lu the lower court unimpaired andiho EOitencc Imposed thereunder Ktlll In iotce. In tho cose of John, alias "Yellow Jack" Don ohue, under semenco ot death for the murder of Morgan Powell, a motion for n continuance was made. No alignment of error having been us yt filed, the Court gave counol until Wedne-dAV to file them. When tho cuowa called Wednesday non pro, was entered. Tho geutence of the lower court will now bo enforc ed against him. TUB MURDER OF JOHN IN JONES. The case of Alexander Campbell, under sen tenco of death fot tbe murder of John 1. Jone-4. was next takeu up. In broad dm hunt on tho 3d of September. )67fi. John P. Jones, a mine host nt Lanslord, was shot by two unknown men. Investigation into tho crime led to the discovery that it vtas tho work of Molllo Ma guiref two nf whom. McGeehan nnd Mulhall, were men whom the deceased had given oiTVnco to und wno had sworn vengeance against him. Theso men made complaint to Alexander Camp bell, the Body Master of tho Division, at htoint Hill or Laustoid,audheaurepdlo see that their enemy should bo made away with. In pursu ance ot tbls promise Campbell agreed to send men to the Tamaqua Division to kill Yot, a ouceman, 'who was obnoxious to the MoUle daguires of that p. ace, if theso latter would in turu furnish men to kill Jones McGeehan, from Storm Hill Division, and Boyle, liom Hummtt Hill. In pnrsuanco of oideis from Campbell, went to Tamaqua and killed Yost, and then CampbeU, to Hi. till ms pat tot the agreement, drew upou the Mount Latfee Divis ion for two mon. The men furnished were Kel ler and Dovle, and these, with James Kemgan who was furnished by tho Tamaqua Division, wero the men appointed to do the killing. These men met at McUeehan's saloon, and in too pres. enco of, and under orders ol Campbell, ni ranted tho details of tho murder. On tho day after tho murder, Kellpy and Doylo and Kerrigan were arrested. The latter turned state's evidence, and m consequence of his disclosures Campbell , was. in Fcoiuary, lt.70, arrested and put on trill. Ho was ch urged with murder in the first i degree. aj tbo principal evidence against him was : thj-i oi Jjmes Kerrigan, his oo-couuplrstor, and J.mius Mi-Pailau, a detective in tho employ of the coal and iron mine owner, who hid, in the' disguise ot a miner, became possessed of all tne secretstiofithe order, in the testimony of the latter it came out that he had been inioimed by Campbell aud the others concerned of thelu. tended killing of Jonei i that it wn the original intention of iho consplratois'io have killed iheir victim at night, und In expectation ot this ho (Mciarlan) had taken precautions to defeat the plau.tbut unfortunately it was too late, when tho design was changed, to give Jones further warniLg of the Intent cf his murderers to Kill him uy day. The verdict In the Court below was one ot murder lu the first den-ee, anu sen tence of death was pronounced. Tho prisoner, therefore, took out his writ of eiror, upon which the argument ot Monday, For the prisoner Hon. E. J, Fox and Daniel Kalbfus appeared, and for the common wealth Messrs. E. lUbiowers, District Attorney, Allen Craig. Charles Albright and F. W. Huuhes. Tho assignments of error are five in number. The first is to tho refusal ot tho Court bclqw to quash tho array of grand and petit Jurois. 'iho ground upon which this was urged was that the Jury commissioners ot Curoon county, lu selecting and putting the names in tue wheel from whtch the panel in the case was drawn, had not compiled with tho lequiiementsof the ' Acts of 1834 and 1867, obligtug them to take an ; oath before prooeedlng to ihe exercise of their duties, and to draw uitt-ruately with tho Piet-i- , dent Judgo the names from the list of voteisto Berve as jurors. Tho third assignment of enor 1 wa to the admission into evidence of the testi inony or McX'arlan. tbo detective, as to tbo MoUle Mugulrea" or Ancleut Hibernian," j when there was no charge lu the ladictmont that Campbell with tho members of that Order, I was engaged in a conspiracy to take tho life of j Jonee. Tue 2d and 5th assignment., winch wero ; argued together, were to tbe suttlciencyof the bill ot Indictment, andtherelu&ai of tue Court, below to quash that instrument, inasmuch as it did nut set forth "tho nature aud cause of tne charge against the accused" as tequiiedby tho Constitution, but simply chaigcdiilm with kilt ing Jones ou the 3d ot September. 1873. Thu 4th wusio ineruiirgooi uiuuourciii string xnat Mcl'arlan. the detective, who had a kuowledve oi thoenme. aud intended to liustratj h but did not, was not an accessory beforo tho JacL That he was tuch accessory was strenuously ! contended for, aod the admission ot blseviihuce as cotioborative ot that ot Kerugan, a co ucces sorv aim co-conspuaior, wad argued to have beenerior. j Ou Tuesday Mr. Fox. on behalf of tho uris 1 oner, began his closlug argumeut He peke tor about twenty minutes, una concluded wit-i : iuo louowiug luuguaice i i "In couaeoueneo of thn mnnnnr In which dm ! Jury was selected) of tho prejudice existing tiUJiuoiuui mcui, uuii diMI UU IIIUUUUI OI 130 loose admissions of testimony, 1 hod that Campbell did not rccelvo a lair trl il." Mr. Kalbfus hud rather an easy ttmo of It He was piesentat court nnd was admitted to the bar, but took no pare in the org u aienl ot his case. 'ihero will bo no further argument In the 'Mollie" cases lu this court until siav. ami hv tliat timo Boioeinlug final will probably bo known as to what disposition will bumado ot uianv "Mairuires' who nin nnw tiitriiif con. siderable suspense ou their o vn aceuuut. iMiiuii'y uiifgut,uB weu muKO upnis niinu to tell tbe truth und die like a man us as it is possible for him, as his conusei has dono all that was possible and railed to ooulu a cout I nuance. Yellow Jack" would save hlmellcou-idera. b e mental tiouble by doing likewise, and lu ail probability he will, as General iiertolette, of Mauch Chunk, said lu tho Supremo Court, and in fact to it. that on biinduy ' Yol.ow Jack" sent tor him and Bald i 'It's no use otng to a 1 this trouble (taking ihe ease to tho bupreoie 1 Court. i I killed Morgan I'owelL" ; Almost everybody was satisfied on this tolnt betoi e. but it is crreat relief to know that, yi. low Jack" himseif does not differ lu his opinion ou the merits of the case fi oui the generality of people. I The Coal Trade. The present aspect of tho effort to form a combination to control production has very much the appearance ot a disposition on the nat t of some of the heaviest m-odueem tn lnvn tbe trade tor this season to take cure of itself. Ad iuu uieuuugat new lortt .use wees parties connected with some six of the irieat uiinntm les were present, but when It wus discovered iiiatuiopitfHiueutoiiuoxjeuign vnuey llailroad was absent by re-son of indisposition, and tnat no one of the thiee orfour persons interested in that ret ion wa willing to uckuowlodgu that ho had authority to speaK for the riestdeniof iho road, there was a sudden toid positive lofusal to further consider tho propoauiou of combina tion." A committee was suggested, not as wo are Informed, 'to consider tho wtioiu subject and prepare a plan for combination, and to re pel t it at a inoeiluvun thesuthnittfunt," us .mis reported, but to ascertain whether authorized repiebcutatlvea of all tbe companion luieiebteu would inett in conference on tho euhjoet If they would, then the committee named Is au thorized to give notice to all the pant&j tn meet at New York oa tae djy suttxl, hut Ira mil meeting is not previously assailed then tho committee is not to give notice of such a meet ing. This action eems to lack the element of accord, or rather, taut u lull iitteudauco is doubted, aud that ufull and heart v co operation of all tbe parties will bo nude a title qua non of any futuro oombiustlou in the coal trade. Iu other word, without the Lehigh Valley itaiu road comes square h and fully in to ihe arrange ment content plated, ether parties express a pioference tor abandoning combination and ui ro It aioue." the Heading Hullroud Com. pauy have set their miners tu wuik on pretty lull time. aod we learu that theio isauecitdou agretd upon in respect to low or wiges aud lower trausooruttlou. Tho orders or coal aro coming in moot encouragingly, and alriady the aeaootfs business gives prom Us utveiysutls factory results. Ledger, Monday. '1 he lohowing labia shows the quantity or coal shipped over the Lehtgu Valley tadroad for the week ending Mar, S4iu, n',h und ft r thoyuuras HeidouB From. U ueic. Year Wyoming Uaxietou Upper iehlgh Heuver Meauow Mohan dV Mauoachuuk Total Last Year Increase..,. Deciesse.., 17.i5 li H,Si7 IS 41 It 64,070 J7 17 3IHb53 11 4 i7 74S 03 63 14 142,751 10 1W 13 I.WW.U' is 8f3 J4 'J.IW Ut n.on to REPORT OF COAL transported over LehlKb & busqurhauiia Division, t Antral it it. of rf ..vwuu..,K jjiari 1M77 'J.otal m-k. Tadaie 8hlDDed frnm tans, cwt, ous. owt. upper 1snlgh uo aj.ii in "azleton 4 Mi 12 m,HT u Mauch tbauK t,m U J7,i?2 ai UazardrlUK..,,, i,a u HnuUi unij JaJd Toi-"f m mi m ii frevIoaslyiciHiriou 4i,lM n Total to date 491 gait psiut) itiuo lumyer 4,3Bti Increase. . . Deere e . . At Iho mnntlilr sile ot cal In Nur Ynri, WpUnesdny hy tlis 13 '1 iwno, lyiciraw mni a id Wratcni llullroml (."ompi'iy, r. Johil il. d per, auctioneer, dlniosea of ia), -u ton. of cianton coat. A laro nmnDcr ot In 'om w?ro tne-ent, but tho blildlng was ot nsnsnalnUro chnrnctiT. Uttho7.00 tons of toani 10 it coal offered 6,no ton. start d nt t2 01. nun closort at t-.7il-2(kO ton at t .(.2!. (imto startwl nt li 25. advanced 'o 82 and rloiei! at 17'i: ! IXO toiH vrnru ronl. Kku atntol t28alrop iiedtotJtS, and closed mil mi, ispjilonabB liiK bo d. Ktove coal atartert at il, art ancoil to t.1.27H, and cloned nt f.1,20 TIjo bnlli knew that tnelr effort to advance the prices wrffl f at tie, ana wann iho coal wa otleretf n mriro amouut waclosed out at WHO. tuo rumuant bilnulujt i'ae followlnu table sliowa tho prions roailf ell rcslotday, at complied with tliono ol laV iuontln February 23. MarehW. steamboat V2 8-I atJ 85 t27uit2t fJrato 2i7Hu 27fi 2 77H bee 2 it a 2 tn 2 Ma 2 Htma a 4J wiku 20a 3 271, Uhostnut 3 I7H W 3 2 1 2 80a 2 83 Closing Trices of DeHavkn & Town bend, Stock, Government and Gold 40 South Third Street, J'hlladr.lphla, liar 20th, 1877. U. H.G'n. I8tl 112. bid I12l anted jr. S. 6.2j'e, 18(li mn bid 108k, asked O. H. B.20M, 1T.5-J. A J....I08I, bid I0SS asked U. S.s-io's 1S07 mil hid III), asked II. H. 3.20's, 1809 113 bid I IK k asked U. ft. 10-4(j's 110, bid 110 askrd IT. 8. CnrroncT. 6's ms bid I23H asked U. H.S's 1881, now llnii bill 1I0H atled U. K4t'8. now lOflS bid 100 asked Pennsylvania It. It -Itilj bid 41 asked Phila. & HoniUiiR II. It 13H bid 13'i H-kod Lehigh VaUey It. it 4J bid 42 asked I clilKh C0.1i A Knv. Co.... 2I bid 21 li asked United Companies of N, J.131 bid ISA asked nil Creek & All. Val. It. It. OS hid Ot, asked l'hila. A Erie It U 10H bid II asked Noithern Central It. It.... 20I4 bid 21 oelfed Ilotonvlllo Pass. It. It. Co. 14t bid 19 esuod Oold lOih bid 1011 askea Special Notices. Dyspepsia. Dyspepsia. Dyspapslo. Drspepsia is tho most perplexing of all human ailments. Its symptoms aio almost infinite in their variety, and the torlarn and desp.ndent victims of the disease ofton fancy themselves tho prey, tn tarn of every known malady. This Is due, in part to tho cioso sympathy which ex ists between the stomach aud the brain, and In Sart also to tho fact that our disturbance oi tlio tcestlve function necessarily disorders the liv er, the bowels and tho nervous system, and ef fects 10 some extent, tho quality of tho blood.. K. F. Kunkcl'a littler Wine of Iron a euro cure. Tins Is not n new preparation, to be tried and found wanting it hat boon ni escribed dally for manv vonrs in tho practice of eminent physw clans with nnparalleid success it is not expect, ed or Intended to euro all tho diseases to which the bnman tamllr is subject, but Is warranud to cure Dyspepsia in its most obstinate form. Kunkel's Utter Wine of Iron never falls to cure, symptoms of l)ysiiepia nre loss of appe tite, wind and rl"ing of tho food, dryness of iho mouth, heartburn, distension ot tue stomach and bowels, constitution, headaohe, ditziiicss. sleeplossuesa and low spirits Try tho great re meuyaudbe convmnvi of its merits. Get tho' genuine. Take only Kunkel's. whtch Is tint on,j lv in 1 bottles. Depot. 250 Noith JSlnth St.. Philadelphia. Advice by mall iree. b sending 3 cout sump Try one bottlo ot Kunkel's Iron andbeconvlnce.l of Its merits. Bold by drug Kists and stoickeepers uverywhoi-e. Worms. Woims. Worms. Itemoved alive. Tape Worm removed allvs in from two to three hours, with vegotatilo medicine. Head and all nassinit from tlie sys tem alive. No fee till head passes. The Doctor never tails to remove fane, seat, Pin and Htom nch Worms. Ask your druirKist for a bottlo of Kunkel's Worm Byrup. Price, tl. per bottle. It uover fails, or send to Dr. Knnkel, 259 North Ninth strees, Philadolpli-a. la.. Ior circular with full Instructions, by enclosing 3 cent stamp for return of same. Kunkel's Worm syrup Is used tor children or adults, with ncrlect safety, as it is vegetable. Buy it, and try tt. Mar. 3 PIMPLES. I will mall (Free) tho recipo for preparing s simple Vegetable 1) lm that will remove TAN. FltECKLEti, 1'lMPL.iiS and BLOTCHES, leav ingthe skin sott, oloar and beautiful! also in structions for producing a luxuriant growth of hair on a bald bead or smooth face. Addresi lien. Vondelf 4 Co.. Dox Mil, No. 5 Wooster-st, New YorK, JanlJ.m8 " TO CONSUMPTIVES. Tho advertiser, having been perraanentlycur ed ol tbat dread disease. Consumption, by a slm. nle remedy. Is anxious to mako known to hla fellow sufferers the means of cure. To all who rtesiro it. be will send a copy of tho prescription ui d, (treo ot charge), with tho directions fori preparing and mlng the tamo, whtch ttiey will und a subb cuke toi Consumption, Asthma, lironchnls. &o. Patties wishing tho piescnp. lion will ploaso uddros ItEV. E. A. wILSOw. lot Ponn-st., Willtamshurgh. N.Y. JaniS,mO Errors of Youth. A Oeutlemin who suffered for years from, Ni rvous Debility, l'rematuro Deoay. und all the effects ot vouthtul indiscretion will, for the sake ot suffering humanity, send f 1 co to nil who uood It, tho leclpe anil directions for making tbe slmule rctuoily by whlcb. ho was cured, suffer ers vishluK to prottt by tho advertiser's experi ence con do so by addressing, in perfect conll denoo. JOHN B. OUDKN, Jani3m8 42 Cedatst.. New York. New Advertisements. cz Cfq CO I t- o CT3 Z3 O ,- J CD Ucbcr's niock, Unnlt-st., Lolilgbton. Notice. To the Public A. J. DUU LI NO'S Family Drug and Medicine Store, (In Dr. Ileber's Block! Is OPEN on SUNDAYS from 8 to 10 o'clock A. M.. 1 to 2S A IS to 7 P. M. liosldeucc 1st door above M, U.'Churph. A, J. DuTlIng, our popular Drug gist, "having dispensed with tho services of a clerk." Is bohlnd ths Counter Dealing out and Compounding Nice, l'ure, Tipsh, UnxduHerated MM clues for tho Bick ondAflllcted, at Hoduc ed Pncoa. At A. J. Durllng's Drug Storo, you can get yonr Prescriptions and Family HeclpesCompouuded accurately A scientifically. At A. J, Dprllng's old established DUUOaud rUESCWITION bTOKE.youcan leiy on getting a Striolly luro Article. No mistakes from inoorapetont assistants, as he dis penses and prepares with his own bands. H Is Just splendid I What? Why that Now I'erfume I got at DUltLlNO'S Drug Stote, Ills own make up ho calls It " M.Y OWN " 25o. and EOc per bottle. 1000 lbs. l'ure Catntlo Soda, 6r salted Potash, for yOAPflA KINn, Just receiv ed at A. J. SUULINU'S Drug More, and soiling at a very low prlco, Wall Tapor I Wall Paper I Wall Paper' a. J. DUrtUNO'8 Drug Store. NT.W STYLES Just reoelved at Croatly HE DU'JED rillCEd, Call una Uxamlne. A, J. Durllng, our popular Drag gist, having an experlenco of 17 Years, knows whereof be sneaks, when he says he guarantees that EVEBYAKTICU5 bought at his DBIJO 8XO UK Hot tho PUHKSTond BEST that can be found lu the Markets. A. J, Durling, tho Druggist, has Just received a Frosh Invoioeof Fine I'RUNOII aud O.VUFOItNIA 1HIANDIK3, OLD Uqi--LAND Q IN. OLD ItYK WIIUKtES. Impart ed l'Olir and slllUtltV WINKS Domestla CLINTON sud otler (IHAI'K WINES for Aledieinai and tsicrameutal Purpoaua. rpo M HOSt IT MAY CONCEUN. All porMos arntrTflbviiotiflM not tomeddln Willi oooiJ HO 'A' MAltE, now la tbepoMii moii of J, H, MtT.Ll'it, of V bnkllu Towuhiu, Cttlbun (!uilLiii'. I'D., ft tlm -viriMi 1 mv mmi f-j I uiiiU rnnlipr not c - Ji)si-:-u r, HK I,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers