A l'lttsburg paper calls Alexis a Czardlne. Tho less a man knows, tlio lilfiher lio tries to climb on other pcoplu's ladders. "nave you lipnril my Inst BonR?" asked a mu.iic .writer of a gruff critic. 'I hope so," was ths reply. An Irish waiter, epenking of a lady's black eyes, says: "They am mourning for the murders they have committed." "Keel estate Is active," hopefully1 ob served a Danbury merchant an seeing a very dirty drunkard go by. A dealer advertises: "Clue glass, good for window and other pains." This must include champngiies. The days and ladles' bustlo havo grown much longer within the last six weeks especially the ladies bustles. Old Boreas of lato nets Just like a member of Congress, lie blows so hard when there Is no apparent necessity for It General Washington couldn't tell a He, and In this respect he differed ma terlally from General Washington Dis patches. A Kansas politician was struck by lightning, but his skull was so thick the fluid glanced off and killed a One Eentuckystalllon. Three castor benns strung on a silk thread and hung around your neck will prevent cholera It you draw tho thread tight enough. A greased dog cannot run so fast as a boy In a cellar who hears his mother say slut must go down and seo If tho cat Is after the preserves. Batdheaded men are so numerous in Chicago that an audience In that city is said to look, when viewed from above, like a cobblestone pavement. Swell (reproachfully) "Haw, I don't call this dwyshewyl" Waitress "And no wonder, sir 1 Master says he can't keep nothlnk dry this weather I There's two feet of water In our cellar." A Kentucy girl deserted her recently espoused lord when she discovered that one of hla legs was a wooden ot.e. lie might havo urged tuat she was also wooed an' won. The return of Peter B. Sweeny to the place that knew him too lone and well for Its own good, says tho Daily Graphic, probably means the wlndiug up of tlio old ring suits. Of course the lawyers want to prolong the cases which they find so profitable. But $50,000 a year Is a good deal of money to pay in these hard times for their delectlon. And as the cases against Tweed have coreo to a standstill for tho want of eomo missing links of testimony, Sweeny will probably bo able to supply the matter, which will probably be ad Justed In some way and closed up. The whole matter Is In tho hands of the Tammany politicians who have not en tirely forgotten their chiefs of other days and who probably havn tho best reasons for wishing to bury tlio .old scandal pretty deep under ground. The fall and fato -of a man like Sweeney, who was in most respects far the ablest member of the .ring are Instructive enough to"point a moral and adorn a tale. It Is understood that ouly the skeleton of his once great estate re matns,(and that'he'has picked the bones bare till they are. dry enough for an anatomical museum. Saysjthe Rochester (N.T.) Uunlon: Mr. A. It. LamWton, of this city, has kept a roeord ot the arrival of birds for some years past. Id 1872 the first rob ins were observed there March 28. Wild geese wcro going north lu March, and snipe were found April 17. That was a backward year. In 1873 robins came March 13th, sparrows 17th, bluo birds 18th, pigeons 10th. Snipe and woodcock were found at Victor March 28lb. In 1874 blue birds arrived Mar. 18th, and snipe were shot Mar. 21. In 187B tho first robins were seen Mar. 11, and snlpo wero found April 7th. It Is found by orthnlologlsts that the male song birds migrate north about a week before the hens, and when not disturb ed In a nesting ground, will return to the same place for years. Evergreen swamps are the localities In which the birds are generally to be found first, as they aro warmer than other regions, and there are some Instances of robins remaining all winter in this latitude in denfo swamps. Orioles and bobolinks are tho last birds to arrive, and do not greet us with their songs until about May 8. Tho appointment of General Mc Clellan for Commissioner of Public Works by Governor Robinson, of New Is excellent In every way. U is fitted for the place by special knowledge aud experience. lie may be a poor polltl. clan but ho is a good engineer, aud he was not appointed for political reasons. The Republicans of the Senate certain ly ougnt to conGrui so good an appoint- uent to encourago the Governor in making others ot the same stamp. (Jen. McO'lellan is a Democrat of a mild type, but the three Commissioners be displaces are also Democrats, and It is only fair that the appointment should be given to a member ot that party And it Is a matter for congratulation that It has been glveu to so unexcep tionable a man, aud oue who has been sought for the ollicer rather than to ono ot tne crowd ot politicians who have sought tho office, N. V. Dally Graphic, New Advertisements. WOlTEESTUIi CTCCI53 1 25.009 it til oi:.Ti:'i.i EXPOSITION Described ami Illuttrnleil fio'd In CO mats. It being tho onlt complete low niiccn wi k (770 imcci. only f2 lyi), treating of the entiin History, urand Jluimiupcs. Won. ilcrfnl Exhibits, Curiosities, art'ot Days. Ac i .im-uuHsi, uuiii.uu uue.ipur 11111 nnynincrt Pvervbo v wants It- flnn new a..nt flanrmf V10 In 4 ween. 3,000 A gouts Wonted. Hcnd quickly for proof ol above, opinions of officials, clergy nnd profit, sample wives, full docrlntlon, and extia terms 1IUU11AHD MHOS, pubs. iUMimnm Htieet Philadelphia. CAUTION HKwAtiKof ral-ely claimed offlclnl " ' '"" wortlile-s boons, bend for 1'nooF. 8 !) IRo1r In vnti. nnm tnm Terms and vvu S5 ontnt free. II. II. 1IALLETT & CO Portland. Maine. HOME and a FARM OF YOUR OWN. On tho line ot n GREAT RAILROAD, with gocd markets boiu Hast and West. Now is the timetosccureit Mild Cllmnte, Fertile Roll. Dest Country for stock RaiBlng In tlio unltod Htatos. Hooks, Maps, Full Information, also " THE PION EEll" sent free to all part ot the world. Address, t. F. DAVIS. Land Com. TJ. P. K. It , Mnr.I7wl OMAHA. NEB. &K.K O Cr)r7 a week teaeenK (lOOnttlt FREE. T. O. V1CKERY. Augusta, Maine. . a day at home. Agents wanted. Outfit ol and terms free. TlttiEct Co.. Augusta, Maine, A Lucrative Business. 43-Wc Wnnt 500 more Flrst-Clms SKIVING MACHINE AGENTS, mill 500 Men of diergy mid Ability to Learn the Business of Selling Sow ing IHnclilnes. Compellgatlon I.llie rnl, but vnrj lug according to abili ty, clinractcr nutl qualifications of tlie Agent. For particulars, address WILSON SEWING MACHINE GO, CHICAGO, 27 tsi 823 Er:aiTS7, It. 7., or It. Orlstu, ti. OK Kxtba"fisb MlxedCards, wltiTnanTe, lie, J postpaid. L. Jones A Co., Nassau, N.v. Urimkard iftop ! ! C. C. BEKItH, M.D., (formprly of Boston hua n harmless euro for lxmsMFltlA.M3K. which enn bo piven without the knowledge ol tho pa tiout Also ono for the OPIUM HABIT. Pcrnnnant Cures guaranteed In both, hend stamp lor evidence. As tlruggtscs for It. Address, llEEItb A CO , Birmingham Conn. PENSIONS No matter how stiRhtly disabled, i liiuiuiiu incre1seH now paid. Aarlco nnd circular lee. T. McMicimel, 707 Sausum St.. piniuueipnin, l'o. men to travel and sell our Lamp VtUll LOU GO'iUto llealo s. (85.00 n month. hotfl and ti avetlng expeiiHes paid. No peddling Address Mo.mtou lamp Co., cinclnuau, O. ljC - OOn Per day ut home Samples woith $W HiJ)iw w sent free. Stinbox .6 Co., Port- rtff llnomlxeiK'ards, with name, or S3 Scroll, Aw 10c. postpaid. Spencer & Co.. Nasian.N V. NewStyles ! New Prices ! MRS. M. GUTH, Fashionable Milliner, WHITE ST., WEISSPOUT, I'm, itcanectfnlly announces to tho lndfs of Weiss, port and tho tuiiroitiKtins' country, that she is uow i ecelvlnir an Immense stoc of Spring Millinery Goods, ComDiifilnc BONNETS, HATS, NOTIONS, TMMMINUS, &c, Made un In the latent fattiinn, and which the la prepared to (ellto her patrons and friends at prices o low aa to bo perfectly aatouishlDg. Also, a fall assortment ot SWITCHES, And all other poods usually kept In a first-lass Millinery Htore. l.ADIEV OWN HAIIt MADE DP TO Oil. Dh.lt, at the very lowem io8ible prices. mil huu uiauuue uuous aim rjices. MRS. M. GUTir, Weuapoit, Fa. March 2l-3m O. SI SKll'l,K, WIY81CIAN AND SUrtOEON. Itoost No. 4, . . . exchange Hotel LEIIlailTON, I'ENN'A N.ll. Snecinl attetitlnii iriven In thA Pnrn nP salt Itheinn. &c. tpn is.y jUS. C. do TSCIUIISCIIKV, Nearly opiwilto Dm Hub's Drue store, BANK STREET, LEIIIGHTON, Tn. CallR the attBlltlnn nf thn Tjnltnanf ToTil(hlnn audMclaity lothe fact that Ue keena u full asfoitmeutol Berlin & Gormantown Wool, IMFOUTEU AND DOMESTIC EUimOID- EltlES, AOTIONB, 1UUI10N8, Ladies' and htldrou' s Hose, LIMUEHQEU & SWITZEK CHEESE. CANDIES. CONPEOTIONH and a varletrof other articlea not usually kept lu any other atoer lu lAhlffhtoii. Aanareoi puimo patrouage Is toucitrd, and aausl action KuaruutcetL Jau. 'JO-ua DUITOK'S NOTICE. Iu the motter of the First and Final Account of DninM Weutz, Admlulstrstor of the Estate of Jacob Moulz, deceased. The undersigned Audi, or. appointed by the t'onrt to make distribution oi the moneys In the bands of the said Accouutaut ann ua tae parties entitled thereto, wlllsttcud to the the duties ot lil oppoMitmeut at the Olllce of Messrs Al. bright. Kreynian. at .Maurh chunk, ou Tues day. April 3nl, 18(7, at 1H o'clock 1VM.. when all paities Interested can attend. k, '. M- "Al'SUEll, Auditor. March 3. 1S77.W4 TO-LET a neat two story I'rlck DWELLING IIOUS, with tuiMtnry Lot ot Urouud. a pump and irood water ou tho jitcaen porcli. situated ou tho West side of W.f h... t!.ceu l-engbton, aud now occupied bv W. W. llowmau. Esq. ltent 15 per month 1 I'ossewiou April 1st. Apply to 1 T. J IlunhftLINn, Mauch Chunk. Feb. 17. unt.lf- N"131 ltn. MTO LET, Possesion April 1st, a Lame and Commodious FUttMsiiEU HTOUE-UOOSI, 20 1 K! tcet with LViiai 01 .a .e alio, snd llooiiis ou second floor, situate ou llsnk stieet, Lehiirhtou, ami uow occup ni us a 1 lotluiiK btore ana 1'ost-otllce. it Is suluble jr my mnd ot uiciciuti e busiuess. For fur. thtronrticulsr,nply toTIIOMAS 11KCK. I eh KOlo 1, or J . K. WANN AMAl'II Ell Kreid crsui.e. i'n. ilttnUlwl Now Advertisements. "BJ. IffAJX. All Persons nt a distance treated by Mall with Perfect Succctsby de scribing their Symptoms. (Scud for nnr lariro nnd beantlfnlly Illustrated paper, sont free to any address.) DR. TOWNSEND'S CUB Catsirrhte', Ilecntno Tnhftl u isthoonlr wv that ihe Air l'liPsflcfd enn ho readied, nnl Catarrh 1 u (11 so h no of tlio Air runxa. WBMAKRAKPK olAXiTV of treating fnt tents by Mali. 'leaao wnt nurt des- pes or the Head Uro t!its Treatment aa we AU rectf which M easy and pleasaut, nnd we "iinraL- cnuo your symptoms, ivo n perfect cuhb or t'htarrh. Bronchitis ! Why I For the samo rea win as (riven above. Tho B'onchlal Tubes are Rlmp'y condnctors to car lynlrtottieLunus.heuco Inhalation must po d. rect to the seat of rils. ease, anil If you will fol. ,low onr dlr ctlous, we ALT, Persona that read this are invited to fend for our lnriro nnd beautilnlly lllm-l trated Piitter.sonttree to any auaress. cmaranteo to c u n c Uroncliitls. T Whyt Became Asthma 1 is ii contraction of the Bronchial 'I ulios, raused WK OU AUANTElv TO CUIUS CoURh",1 , by lnllanirantion ond lirl. tattonof themucusin m. il'irano lining trio nronch. monla, ri-iirniKianr.ili,a.1 obe. Use iixyKcn. nearly ell ot her severe at0!' jUr as.Se wl11 ect aitacKswIiopuUolhcr,?"11 wo will warrant a . ii a. is If !Tim U'n nrtirn nnral caOi ot Twenty Years standing nnnsiirnnt!nn'Canbocurrtl- wtyi be. UUIIOUllipLlUll caose wo have cured Mmni n hnnorcdi of caso pomo of them belii(f nvenovtT DYftPETSIA WE trnlie dv all liymcian of other achooN of prao CUItE.CLlverfe Kid "co ('iriuiiij)tion la n dNcaao of the Air j)ins:i. ney complalntai nre rfo and overtwo thlnls of tli"f caca are caused cffoctuallyreachwlby byCatnh. WoAumai.- leo a cure If you will Oij Kenatod Air. comota season. Blooa Diseases ! Dr. Townacnd'a Oxvcren. ated Air will purify the uiuim in uue-iuiru uio tin o that oiiv oth or knowniemo yean. Whyt becuut.0 to itihalo Oxv ueualod Air u frooa di rect to the Lutiiri and piRtH thiotiRh the tin-sue- and couuh in direct contact with tho hlnnd aa it 1 forced into tho Cancers Tumors ! Luncs ivv the artinn ti tho Heart All the b oon In our vein returns to CURKD Without cat. tne ncai t every lour in in. t niff orurHwintr bloofi. uten if the biooo In iroml, nndforced from tho heart with ery little or no palu. Any Person truutiled with Cancer and lumoi swill pieae, wnto fir testimonials tho lunct. and iho more Oxrceu yoa Jnhaio into the InuPH tho more rou purify the blood. IVheu Oxvcen eonn'B lu &o..irom nation tn cur. cel. We wan ait a contact with the Impurl periect cuio. lies in the Mood It cur bouizea and burns, ciius. ing the bloo'l to be heat odftotlmt it warms evo W.M.Park.MD. Late of tho McCLEIiTjAT? P.RA rv part ot tno hod v. ai It uoes on Its revluliuiis thioutfU the svem. II our b ooil U ure yon ounot hoaicic We drive Mercury and nil other impuutioa out ot the b'ood. We guarantee to punlytlm blood in one third the time of any other known remedy. IlodUlUl.rhiladelohia I'a.. who hai . bon m Hiioi eatui throupnuut New Encrland in the cure oi L'anocrH and Tumor, takea rhargel oi inisueparinienu Adilrcss all Letters as herctofoie, E. F. T0WNMEND, 51. D., 122 High St., Protldcuccjlt. I. rhyalcians wlhlna to loo te In some town or city IntM bu'inesa. can bofumUhe.i with ter ritory and other tllUBtiaUHl papers for aiiver tmuiK the same, by addrcHmnK as above. There are unprlnclnled persons In Hoton and olHcwticro that are puttlnir un a JiQUUh L1QU ID ami trying to palm it on us MT 1'ueat ment. oroyyetuautl Atr. audc.aliuluiritto be like mine. None genuine nuless the voids Dlt 'lOWNHUND'B OXVtldNATEl) AlH" AVE BLOWN IX DOTTLE ASU FOKTIU1T ON LA 11 EL. Feu. Ivlh, ly. fanlfrnri lT1rlfsrtlsJrap ' el S;i )( rtll til IB flL fr L1CT0. fUOSrillIKcil UBS. eriiri frrtaiinm.l n"i vjqui, bruuciimi an Arroiuiuas 1 eutuci, l's !nrcrnrrhllor0nnii msl . 'i ce nut net rut it, 1 mil, on rtteift . ijiKnoiiMiiiei.t.i.usatj 15, (Uilhl.I. For Bale only by A. J. IitlllLINa, Iiruiteist, Uanic street, Lehighton. 1'a. Oct. :i, 18;5,w30. QUAULES FltOEllLICH, Cor. ot IHON and I.KItiail Streets. l.EHiail. TON, l'a., dealer In Cbolco llrauds of Family FLOUR, FEED, APPLES, POTATOES, &cM Itepectfullr announeeato his Customer and tbopabuc Keuerally that ou and alter JAfcU AU li.t lr)77t ewill sell for Cosh only or uu TllIItTY U.i YS toteinoiislljle DMrtifaB. unrt in. teiovt will l charced ou ail bits not uett'.edat IUO C1I11UUUU Ul SOU 04 uajo. All artlciea warranted to be aa represent, ed. I'atrouage uollciteu TIIARLLS FUOKUUCIl. J ft. KICK WIT, Opposite L. & S. Depot, On tho East Weissport Canal Bank lie; pectr ullr lnfot ma the citizens ot this vlrlnl. ty that he keeps constantly on hand aud SliLLS ALSO DEALER IN ron iioiLDiNa and otiteu runroES which ho guarantees lobe Thoroughly Seasoned, AND WIIIOII TIE 18 NOWISELLINO AT THE VEItY LOWEST HATES. Coal I Coal WHOLESALE and IlETAIL. at tho LOWEST cash riuom. llolias a a number of very ellaibly located ISMMIaag'JLd&tts In MCKEnT6T0WN, Franklin Township which ho wlli Sell on vorr Easy Terms. Aug. 0. J. K. It ICKEIIT. 2 an O cT a to 9-S a c c3 C3 itt o CD d6 "a3 HcS 5 1 T; 1 1 S3 C3 to .0 o CD E 7T, -s &"5 .S H rt 2 ' UJ 2 LU GO t CO J3 .S CS C3 r3 d o lnnotoifllyrarnedlntheso tlmra. Man ''UtHoui ue mtiio in inree inoniii" f o if hv any one of rlthpraex.in any part of tlin nfiiintrt.'. ulm la will iif tn wort atead lr ut tlio eniplnvmpnt that wo turn, tbh. Cfd a week in vour own town. You need not bo awny irom home over night. You cm plvo your wlio'e (ime to the work or only vour apare moiurjiw. it tests nothliiKtto tiv tho butlnerta. Terms and 15 otitllt fieo. Addreaa, at onco. II. I I'ALIj KIT A CO.. feblfyl l'ortland, Molao. $10 1 (3f)K ndayKTJ ItEmodo byArents isoluuff our t'hro mm Cra von s, m-. I'iriure aim vurunin uutus. ino samples worth $1 sent postpaid for 75 tts. Illustrated Catnlnirufs JJl'llU. J. II. BUKFOUD'fcJ bOtf8, BOSTON". No fcWo will start you In a bulne4 you can maketoaweekwlthout capital, IXlnnpv ea-yand roFpectablo for either sox. HXUUL, Mi A youllg o,,! JJ0w(iry. JJ. y. eD. ium3. T uoniAs itooxs ltenecLfullv annoutiCTR tn thn rtpn rt nnr. bou and adjolmui Gouutlo-t, that ho has pur iji-i-iTw mo triune- laificoL uml HiXK'it q ix, J, liEVAIS VA Y in tho L.K11 IU IITON Corn Broom Manufactory, located in the Itorouirh ot Lehighton, Carbon County, and thit he is prepared to till all utut cuiruiaeu iu unn Wliu ino Very Best Quality of Hrooms at tho LOWEST TOSSIBLE LIVINO I'HICE. A trial is reppectlnlly eollclte'l and eullie sat' Isfactlou cuararteed Mauuf ctory iu tho l)aement of the 4,Vallcy Jlonse," opiwsito tho Lehlrh Valley lilt, depot. Feb. 29, me. THOMAS KOONB. -J- IIBIL.DIAIV & CO., BANK STRTIET. Lehighton, Pa., MILLERS and Dealers tn AllKlud.ol OltAIN IlOUOIITnnil hOLU at UUIULAli MAllKKT UATSS. Wo would, also, lesoectiully Inlorm our cut tens that wo nre now fully prepared to U1 1-LV taeiu with From ny Mine dosiiel at VEMT LOWEST PRICKS. If. IIEILMAK & CO. July S3. E. F. LUCKENBACI1, FRESCO, HOUSE AXU SIGX PAINTER, And Dealer in all Patterusof Vlaiu & Faney Wall Papers And Window Blinds, Two Doors Below the "Broadway House," MAUCH CHUNK, TA. )n.27-y EPILEPSY OR FITS. fUHMUTAK Neutine. the grest Ncrre Couiiueior, cures Upilptlo fits. Convul sions, (-pasius, St. Vitus Dance, and all imtvous diseases , the only known post, tlve and suieciu'efnrEplleJsy. It has been tented bvlhnn..ni..ii t.sa lneu known total! tn a uluale case. Incloss stamp for circulars, glrlne eynlence of ernes. Trial pariugo I ice. neuse give name ol ex. press othce when ordiriug niediclnes. Also send uauiissud addles es otall perwins subject to Kulieptto Fit. Addreas Dr. a a. uiciiuoxu. Boi ;l, bU Jo.pb, Mo. Dec JJ, 8.s-ji. 3 m CD rt o too - WW -a 2 W I1' b SB 1 ZC CD t2 rjMIE SLATLNGTON PLANING MILL AND Cabinet Ware Factory, AT SLATINGTOJf. JOHN BALLIET, Proprietor, Deals In nil IHmla nnA ol.aa f TMnM Tt Oak and Hard Wood Lumber, and Isnowpiel pared to execute any axaount of orders for DresseD LumbeR OF ALL KINDS. Doors, Snslics, Illlnds, SlinttciM, Mouldings, Cabinet "Ware, Ac, With Promptness. Brackets Made to Order. Tfin M..hln. t. .11 ....... . most ImproTod kinds. I employ none but tho j.... nuin.Hui.UTO HUH SfUMIOOIl BI1U POOU HI terlai, nnd am therefore able to guarantee entlro A- . "u ,,,u lor mewiin a call. Orders oy mail piomptly attended to. My cSnrixcs are nioilerutoi terms cash, or Interest charged alter thirty days. GIVE ME A CALL. n , ".'K. "i jiuiniuip win nna u to ' Iheir ndyantsge to Iihto Wiling, Floor Hoards I Foctorv. iiisuoaiinia May lOyl JOHN HA LLIET. ESTABLISHED I8C5. GILM0RE&C0.,AttysatLaw, BnC030tStO CtlirMAK, IIOSMF.B & CO., G29 F St., Washington, D.O. AMERICAN AND FOItEIQX PATENTS, rntents nrocnreil in nil IS ADVANCK. No charge unless thn patent is granted. No fees for making preliminary ex. an lnatmns. No ndditlonnl fees for obtaining and conducting a rehearing, i-peiial attention given to Intenerouco Cises belore the Patent Office. Extensions bet.ro Cougro9, Intrlnto. ineut Suits In ditlorent Mtitea. and all litigation appertaining tn Inventions or l'ntenta. we.nd bTilir FOB 1'AlirHLKT OP .SIXTY l'Acr.S. TJ. S. COUItTS AXD DEl'ARTMCNTB. fljims prosecnted In I ho Supreme Com t of the United htates, Couit of Claims, Court of Com. mlssionei s of Alabnm i Cliuras. Sontlern Claims Commission, run all classes of war claims before the Exocutlvo Departments. A KRKAR3 OP TAY .tSD BOUNTY. Officers. SOLblEiis and SAtLoiwi.f thn late war ot their heirs, aio in many cne entitled to money Horn the Government, ot whicb they lwvo no knowledao. Write full history or ser vice, and stste antonutnf par and bountv re ceiveil. Knclose stnmn and a full reply, aftor examination, will be given you free. Pensions. 11 Officers. Soldiers and Snltora wounded rupuredor injured in the Into war. however slightly, can outHiti a tension,mnny now rcccly. lna pensions nrecntltleditoian Increase, f-eai sunup uid Infonnstion wlil bo furnished free. United mates Qenkiisl Land Ofeice. Contested Lmd.Cases, Trlvoto Loud Claims, Minti g Preemption and llomeato id cases pros, ccuteil before Hie GeiierabLaud otUce und De partment of the Interior. old Bounty Land warrants. Tlio lan Ilepot t of tho C( mmislioner of tho Oencrnl Land OtUce shows 2Mi;.50 acres ot Bounty Lnnd Wnrrimis oatstand uu. Tlieso issued timtei act ot l&5 and plt'ir acLs. Wo pay cah for tlicm. need bv loglstered letter Where assignments nro imperfect v.o Live in. sttuctloiis to pel feet thool. Kach flonnrtmcitt of our business Is conducted In n sepai ate I uieau.nudcr charge of exponenc. ed luwyotH wuil clerk-. By reason of eimr orfiand many attornoB uto suapendeil Irom prueiire beiore tho Pension and other otllces eich yenr. Claimants whoso ultoineVH hue been tuns suspended will bo giotultimly turn'slUHl with lull Information and pioper pnpei s on upp icatlon to us. Ah wo churge no teo unless hnccessfal stamps for rotltrn postage should e sont us. Liberal cirun ioueuti made with attorneys in all t lasses ot Lu4,ness. Address, i GILMORG & CO., P. 0. Box 44. lIuiAfiwfon, D. C. Wasiiinoton, D.O.. November 21, 1878. I take p.easure In expressing my entire confl. denco lo tha retpon.tbtUty nud fidelity of the Law, Patent auo Collect.ou House of Gilmous & Co., of this city. OF.OtlGE II. B. WniTE, Cashier ot the Natlpual Metropolitan Bank, Dec. ff. 1676 tf T A. W. EACHES, Contractor & Builder, LKIIIQIITOX, PENN'A. Plans and Specification!. FOIl ALL KINDa OF BUILDINGS 1IADE AT 1111! SIIOIlTESr NOTI?13. NO CHARGES Made for PLANS and SPLCICICATIONS vnen the contract Is awarded Ui the uuuer. signed. June M. IS7J.yl. A, W. EACHES. -jQEMIGUTON IJAKEI.V. The undersigned announces to the citizens of Letilvlicnn, Weis.port and tlio surrounding uoighboihooa. that no is now fully prepared lo supply tlicm with l'lUMr. Pliicsu Bread, Cakes & Pretzels Kvcrv Jionilng at Wholesale and retail, at tho lowest prices. lie maxe a specialty of Wedding nnd Fancy Cakes. PlcNIca and all other Partlea supplied with the Choicest Made Ice Cream, in lane or small quamlile.. on short notire nnd ai.rensouuble Uauies. Also, always ou hand a large stock ot all kinds ot CANDIES, NTJTS, FXIUITS, AO., at Wholesale and Retail, Patronsge solicited, J. W. O'NEIL. aprll 8yl Bm't hfeeu Lehighton Ta. gAMlinis GRAYER, Opposite the Publlo Square. SOUTH STREET LEIUOIITON, Pa., Manufacturer of Tin & Sheet Iron Ware And Dealer m all kind S T W HS J I ! nr noopiNo.fipouTiNfi and joniima promptly attended to t reasonable charges. ffov.30. SAMUEL GRAVER. HUSINESS MEN AND OTIIHRS IN WANT OP JOB PRINTING OP ANY DESCRIPTION, WILL FIND THE CARBON ADVOOAI'M OFFICE THE llhBT and CHEAP. KT PLACE IN THE COUNTY. OIVE OS A TRIAL AND BK CONVINCED. We (TED, a purchaser for a Wheeler & Wilson 1BWISU tIACHINE. M con will buy Call at this Office. TOB" PUINTINO aTie very lowest prlceTt u THE cAl'.BON ADVOCAT OFFICE. Now Advertiseraonts. PROPRIETAEY MEDICINES DR. CHANDLER, F.R.S.A., Lai Physician lo SL Oeorgs's and St. Bartholo mew's Hospilsls, London. Curator to SL Elizabeth's, etc After year of the moat nbortout r eeareh and investigation, and after tho practical application in treatment to thou mande of patient Geo. Chandler, A.M., Jir.7,f riou nretente to the American pub lie the following remedtet, hie eole die cover) and property, the efjlcacy of tehlch it attctted in the voluminous quantity of testimonials, the untoltclted offering of suffering and discouraged patients, who have not only received relief and benefit from their continued use, but have been, radically cured of ailments and chronlo complaints, which hnve been adjudged by the most eminent physicians as hopeless. THE WONDERFUL EGYPTIAN BLOOD-PURIFIER. Thit incomparable 1)EP TTRA TI VJ3 is o powerful ALTERATIVE, TONIC. HI mtETIG, DIAVUOIIETIC, and Al'EUT JSNT, combining virtues which render it invaluable and never-fallttta. and btf its continued use will thoroughly cradC rate all diseases of the blood. Its ingrO" dtents aro of a purely harmless extrac tion, the products gathered from remote Egyptian Provinces, and where there is the slightest faint of disease in the sys tem, it never falls in ejecting that disease through the medium of the skin, or ex pelling it through the many and various channels of tho body, thereby allowing p and, indeed, forcing all the organs into xnetr proper normal ana, ittncitonat I cdn- dltlon. A. very brief space of time will convince any patient using it, of its un doubted reliability and wonderful cura- fire properties, it betng, most unquestion ably, the very acme of medical triumphs, and the greatest discovery of tte present age, in the treatment of every dtseaso tehere the blood itself is primarily the ernt of the lesion or disorder, such am SCJlOFUZiA and the thousand and ono causes that lead to this terrible affliction, of which all efvlllaecl communities are cognizant, for Jllbllcal Truth has assert ed that the "Bins of the fathers shall visit even unto the third and fourth gen erations," and to HJlOKEK-DOnif AM) ENFEEBLED CONSTITUTIONS it is a powerful rejuvenator, causing the wrecfo of man once tnore to assume the OodHko I form of manhood. For CUTANEOUS VIBP!A8E8. X711IN AltT ItlSOllliEItS. CONSTIPATION OK COSTIVENESS, IXYEIt AND KIDNEY COMl'LAINTS, OENEJIAI, AND NEItV- i OVS D E II X Ii I TY, It Ji E V Jtl A TISJir, GLANDULAR ENLARGEMENTS. El'I TllELIOMATOVS CANCER, SCURVY, AFFECTIONS OF TEE BONES. INDO- I LENT ULCERS, FEU ALE COil FLAINTS (and to the gentler sex it is a boon long sought for by sensitive, suscep tible, and delicate females, as it takes direct action upon their ailments) AND I ALL FORMS OF CltRONIO DISEASE IN WHICH THE BLOOD IS THE SEAT I OF THE TROUBLE, it is invaluable. A perseverance with this remedy will prova a positive and permanent cure for CHILLS and FEVERS and all MALA-, 1 RIAL l'OIBONS. Thousands of Testimonials attest tho truth of these claims. ' Frlce, One Dollar, in large bottle, or DYSPEPSIA. CASTItON. GABTRON is a safe, speedy, and posi tive cure for that most depressing of ail ments, and nbrief course of treatment will restore the digestive organs to their pris tine strength, and promote the healthy action of the stomach and intestines. Tho nervous irritability of literary and all persons pursuing a sedentary life, is speedily removed by this agent. Hie stomach is restored to health and the Key note of the system will once more respond in the performance of labor. I'rlce, One Dollar, in large bottle, or six bottles, $8. BRONCHITIS AND LUNG AFFECTIONS. TRACHEON. A slight so-called eold wilt eftttmes lead to a serious couah. which, uncared for or badly treated, must have but ono result it must eventuate in a settled case of BRONCHITIS, or what is worse, the deadly CONSUMPTION. To all suffering fromharasslng cough and expectoration, XRAOUEON offers a sound, reliable, and permanent relief. It augments expecto ration, and enables the patient to expel that terribly septlo deposit, which, if left I leuiour juu-ioutus treatment, must com municate its nolson to tho vesicular sub stance of the lung, degenerating and de stroying that most essential of organs, and ulttmatcs only in an early and un timely death. TRACUEON has no equal, much less a superior, and its use will not only remove the deposit, thereby affording ? treat relief, but heals the membrane and eaves the patient in possession of healthy lung tissue. J'rice, jftity vents per oottie, or fiv bottles, $3.B0. PILES. Hemorrhoids; PIIsOX. many causes iena laproauce in i pain rul nml tiiatrmalna MltttA. Thm AfiMfi 4m Teiaraea n tis mum sio woo rrywm tmm nf tifnattn rttimrttttieM tntlm tn virod tira eannemiion or tuts Doueii. lomia action or i ftn lourco vi a is swv ivuniiu uiiu ss vi rss. fiuvo rrceivcu nut, iihh wciKyui vut iiuvt urrii tnt uttttuu currus nuvo veen uiiHir ever could expect in life, would be btf at operation, attd removing it or them Iron mure euro or for $2,BQt fmmmmmmmtm ent and various maladies denominated aiid are tlte result of patient, searching laborious, and scientific investigation embracing a period of many years, it juroptt ,unu mn-ica. ..... A tt.mlms, tMrlua ! Msuf ijvti Miunfs'sVii'fAMsi f ft I trffl SIM . n n tt snem Hem's so desire, DR. CHANDLER wll oe pteasea to give ait tnjormanon, an ircot uy teller s nevemsarjf. Descriptive and Explanatory Clreu lat of the above remedies sent on recetp or stamp, jr tne ruui-RlETAR yurttvy.'finruyy ist's, sent oraers to OR. CHANDLER, SiihsrtriVin far Tim Gaboon Advocate, . SJlliy pi JJ a X u;i
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