H. V. MOIWHIMKIl, EDtTOK I.KIllQIITON, I'A.i SATURDAY MORNING, MARCH 31, 1S77. The 44th call for tlio redemption of Dvo twenty bond was Issued Tuesday It is for ten millions, of which five- thousand nro lefilfctercd, Tim dam of the Staffordvlllo reser voir, at Stafford, Conn., gave way Tuesday, doing great damage. About thirty buildings, Including a bank and n church, were swept away. The loss is estimated -at nbout $750,000. Two lives are reported lost. General Grant left Washington on Saturday night for the West. On re turning cast he will spend a few days at Harrtsbuig, to enjoy trout fishing, and then go to Philadelphia. IIo will sail from that city for Europe with his family on the 10th of May. moans of tlio eyelets or pert? in tne clas face, through which the wlticllmi koy Is Inserted. All danger of injury to thn t mo movements, from dust mm dirt, is thus romoved. It cannot be tampered with by unauthorized par ties; for, its door Is fastened by a lino key-lock, nnd need never bo opened unless It Is desired to change the hcurs of locking or unlocking. Tbo winding, therefore, mav ho entrusted to a subor dlnntn. and tho charce ot the lock bo The latest exhibition, says tne m. placed In the hands of one person, ren Y. Sun, of devotion to tho cause of civil dering Impossible an accidental, intcn' service reform that tho Fraudulent Pre- Rackard.cdltor nf tho American Natur alist, Salem, Mass. These appointments are' said to give universal satisfaction to scientific men and to Western men. Professor Ullcy Is designated as chief nf tho Commission, which will havo Its headquarters at Prof. Hayden's offlco, In Washington, and their Western office will be at St. Louis Now Advcrtiaenieuts. & FOR KENT. A lUsEMENT.'frniit- IllK on DANK PTHUKT, LoMalltoa, si" 1-n.- onen front. 11x23 fc ot. with futures. Hultnhln tor urnecrv. Haloon or other uu.lnosft. Terms moderate. I'orlnrtberimrticulnisnpply on thotremlsea to wm. waiuu March 31, 1877-3W- "QISSOLUTIOS of Co-partnership. Notice In herebv riven thnt tne eo-nnrrnr-r. ml, 1 1 hetetntoie oxlahnir between AM AN l As ANTHONY and JOHN 11RBER, ilolnft linM. hcbs tu Millers, In Iranltlln township, Crbon A Washington dispatch, to tho X. Y. Sun, dated the 27th Inst., says ; "Comptroller Knox expressed the opln- lou to-day that tho banking Interests of tbo couutry were In a mora straitened aud perilous condition than at any tlmo for years past. They were in many In stances, he explained, loaded down with paper discounted under the utter stag nation prevailing last winter, which paper has sluco become worthless." - It is stated that the new army bill, to be submitted to tho House at tho ex tra session of Congress in June, will provide for a force of only 17,000 men, and an appropriation of a little less $37,000,000. It will provide that no money shall be paid to any railroad for the transportation of property or troops of the United States whero such rail road received aland grant on condition that It should bo a public Highway for the use of the Government. sklent has favored the country with, Is his appointment of S. U. MoLln to bo Assoclato Justice of (supreme Court of Xew Mexico. McLtn la a Florida citi zen of African descent. He was Chair. man of the Returning Hoard which stolo tho electors of that Stato for Hayes, Indeed, It was his casting vote in that political machlno which made the lar ceny effective, aud gave Hayes posses' slon of an office to which he was never dected. Ot course McLIn must be re warded for sttcb Important sorvices.und llayes shows that ho has some apprecia Hon of tho fitness of things by appoint ing this fellow to a place on tho bench of the Supreme Court In Xew Mexico. tlonal or fraudulent tampering with the Lock, or with Its devices for adjusting the hours of locking or unlocking. Our Philadelphia Letter. rmiADELrmA, Pa., Mnrch M, 1877. Dear advocate s W bere, oh, where ore they! I mean tho good times wo were to have after tho election had been docldod. Echo answers I Where, oh. whero nro thev V 03.400 copies for April." This Is what my friend. Mr. I". W. Sponster. mnnager of Cirtj- f Ian Voices, told me the other (lay, would bo the actual lssuoof thelrpaper to subscribers and others for tho month mentioned. When you or any of your staff are In our olty, I hope a visit to tho well-orderod sanctum ot Christian Voices, 717 Sansom street, will not bo forgotten, for I happen to know something of the generous wel comes which nro nlwavs in order for the pit grim and the Btrnngor." 1 Exocntod in Crayon." This Is the caption of a card which Is attached to the picture of n beautiful young woman in one ot the windows of a Cbcstunt street store. " roor thing I how sad to think that eho should havo boon executed nf. sn ntrlv fin nirp." T nftlrt to myself, as T ca2ed at that picture, nnd then I thought how far away "CraTon" mu-t be. Oh. whpro is " Cray. The Louisiana Commission to in vestigate and report on tho Gubenatorl- al dispute, was appointed on Wednes day last as follows: Judge C. 15. Law rence, of III.; ex-Gov. J. C. Brown, of Tenn.jGen. J. R. Hawley, of Con necticut; General John M. Uarlun, of Kentucky, aud Wayne McVeagh, of Pennsylvania. Of the five gentlemen named, only one, ox-Governor Brown, is a Democrat. Tho Commission will probably leave for Now Orleans on Monday. They will not receive any formal Instructions, but bo left to their discretion. An old Republican Speaks. The following Is an extract from tho nt tVanddll Tl,ltlrta .lnllvprflri In nnl" T lmvn onrchoil mv atlas, but alas in vntnl "I 1 1 Kluo irlass Dines " aro tho latest things out in mo mi'O khss uno Pome persons think that O. K Ilall is playing hookev "Leuinnvarosiui ueingBui'ceBsmiiy Htiut:? aeti st tlio Chestnut Btreet Theatre. 'The lioinct's Nest.in Threo Huzzoh anil a stinger," bonis toi th ntthoArrh. wlt.i Mr. Hothern us the nrov m sect. Mrs. Oates nnd her company Imve been rioina "Owra Hondo" nil this week at tho Wal nut street incane. wenueu runups uuwieu at l lie Academy ot Diusio. on juonuny evening null, ncslnst. 1'rpslilpnt Hares and Ciblnet. llomeo and Juliet" haa their troubles over again at Kindly'. Ana tho -sacred Trust' urn. Irpnt. (Mirrpil nr. f lip. MllflPllm. Wo havo hart showers by tho bacltetfull and more, too, (luring tho preient weok, and It looks as If there was "moi o to follow " Tho editor or a weekly paper recolvedo Mter from n pirrpsnondpnt fisktnir htm us to "what amount oi money whs nuiuen at tne uouoni oi theAtlantlo Ocean t" Hero's the replyi "Aj our diver is nnito 111 at nrcscnt. we cannot re. ply to tho question of our correspondent with ;iy (lecree or ceruiimv. Another dam disaster shocks the staid people nf tun TCntxipir Krnrti xuecryis sun tner coino. me .vuium Protection Lite Insurauco Company" of tills city ba exploded, or, In other wouls. "made an nsiumtnent for tho benefit of Its creditors.' Bad boys will soon bo ready to chalk "LOOF" uu uiu uncKn ox meic viciiuis. Tours, watrniuuy, MAnctrno, The great subject of Inquiry during the last week, has been the sudden dis appearance ot Oakey Hall, Mayor of N. Y. city during the Tweed dynasty. He left his office about 7 o'clock on Friday evening, the 10th Inst., and no ono could be fouud who had secu nim after that evening. Ills disappearance was not aunounced uutll the middle of tho following week, when Investigation was made. Various theories, Including murder and suicide, wero suggested, or that he had left tho city to escape trial for his complicity with the Tweed ring It Is now tho general opinion that Mr, Hall bad sailed for Europe on some steamer. Tho following is a list of contested seats in the House of Representatives In the Forty-fifth Congress, which will bo convened In special session on tho -1th of June: Alabatua-Jcro. H aralson, Republican, against C m, ttiieuy. Democrat. I'allfitriii., Vemr l . Wiiriientowu. Democrat RonniKt Kniuiido l'acbeco. iteuuhticant WtUlam U. 1'ipcr. Democrat, ugatnst llhruce Daves, Ho puuhuaa. J. U, llelfort, llepublicau. Vlurldall. U. DuvuUou. Democrat, aguinst WiliamJ. l'urnian, Iteimolican i Jere J.i'ln ley. Democrat, agaluat lluratio iiiibbejer. lie. publicau. ... Illinois John II Ilungatn Democrat. aimlnst Ji. V. Marsh, ltepubncaji Ciujatuiu T. Wiley, Uepublieau, against WilUuiu iluttso.l, Dciuo- CI a it Louisiana J. ir. Acklin, Denioerat. against CLbierii. Datrall. lu-pub.lcau; J. 11. l-.lnur. Democrat, against 11 eo. J. (smith, Jlepubilcau; Kuward W. itoueit-, Dciuocrut.agaiMBtUhiiles L. Nash, uepublicau. Mabsacnust'tts llenjimtn. Dean, Democrat, agaiust Walhililge A. 1'ielu, Uepublicau. A! isfcouri Huiiurt (1. Fioii. Douiocrut, agai.ist Lvou T .Mctcair. llepublican. Uregju-J,emuel McDowell, Democrat, figalnst Bichrd Wlilunis. Itepuullcau l'enntylvaiila-Juni(u, 11. Duitlng, Itepabli enn ugaini James 11. Ititcy, iieuiocrat. -outu Caro.lu., ,. Cans c'&rneuU'r, Ucpuhll can. atraiust f. U'yatt Aiken. Democrat ; J. h. iticnurdson, Democrat, vgaiuit J. W. Italney, Uepublicau lalliiiau, Detaucrat, against Mout, bmall. Utiiubllctui. TLuuesHod-W M. Itaudolph against Cary Young, Democrat. Vltginia JoaephBecar, Republican, against John lloode, Jr., Democrat! W. J. JlmiLfju, Democrat, ugaiust Jomet J. Jurgenscu, Itepub. licau. In two States, Louisiana and Florida, there aro double bets of certifieate8 which agree on some of the names and disagree on others. In South Carolina otily ono bet has been filed. Philadelphia, on Monday evening: What tho South needs to-day is the element which Charlemagne, William tbo Conoueror. and Cromwell contribute ed to their times the heavy hand and fearless grasp which holds disorderly and slrucciing forces quiet, until peaco tempts and wins to action the elements which mould our modern civilization, canltal. labor, commerce, education, bone, and equality Detore tne law. uau of what Grant cained for us at AppO' mattox Hayes surrendered in Washing ton on tbo Cth of March, We need only the inaugural and Cabinet of Hayes from which to fore cast ills future. The Cabinet of Lincoln was one made of Trimmer's. Except Stanton and Cameron, every member believed in whittling down justice to suit customers. Grant's Cabinet was one of Mediocrities. Ho seems to havo shrunk from counselling with first-rato meu. Haves' Cabinet reminds one of a storv of Turner, the English painter, He had hung up at tlie exmoiuon a painting subdued In color. As he btud ied it on tho wall the canvas seemed to fade out of sight In the presence of Its bright rivals. After gazing awhile Turner flung a drop of bright red on the centro ot ids piece, ana tne picture c owed into startllus euect. bo i can see Hayes gathering his Coblnet. Tliero is Sherman, who will leave a name linked to no measure or idea his only record that ho entered Congiess poor aud leaves It rich. Evarts reminds one of the Protestant riots in London, when men chalked on their closed shutters No Popery" to conciliate tho mob. Ono timid citizen, anxious to stand well with both sides, cnalked up "sso u& llglou." Amid this death grapple be tween Caste and the Declaration of in dependence, Evarts writes on his Mag, "Ho Principles." Key brings in ill den aud secession. Then comes Schurz, the Swiss soldier, always to let. Sud denly Hayes lemembers Slave-hound Uevens the low monotony or wiiose life rose only onco Into noticeable in famy, when, with his own hands, ho put chains ou Thomas Sims and dragged him down State street. And ho makes tho Slave-hound Cabinet. Tl,o Slave-hound Cabinet represents every element of our politics except the element which Blaine, Morton and But ler stand for. This only the Hamlet of the piece is omitted. If the Presi dential canvass had contained only tho forces represented In the Cabinet, Hayes would dwell quietly to-day lu Ohio. Blaine and the bloody shirt elected our President. Wade Hampton and Nicholls promise that, if recognized, they will keep the peaco and protect tho negro, While the whole soil of the South Is hid den by successivo layers of broken promises made the last forty years. She never yet has kept a promUe. The epoch is not ended. Whoever says so is either a Knave or dupe, rue uatue Is only adluurued from Waterloo to the coup cl Cut of 1H51 and the stutled bal lot boxes of November, loow. men France tried to creato u republic, wo are trying to savo one. Alter a day's weary march Moham med was cuiupiug with hts followers Onctaid, "I will looso my camel and commit it to Uod. ' Mohammed said, "Friend, tie thy camel, and commit It to uod." 'flu the Stato to good common seuse, to the lessons of history, to the great forces ot civilization, law, order, Justice, ni?d peaco. Use all possible means to secure the aid and protection ot these. and t!ien only then trust the great future to uod. OF i"sint1'?- JM tin? L"an! t4-mM- In order to reduce our Jaroro stock, winch was recently cJe'nSinSe;,' for CASH, vo will offer our entire assortment of mtke payment witmn ;i uiuxi jjah, nnrr Waa niiu tfmi.nir lllncc tlnti9a Ulinnrlc Xm Xrr of o Great SacriticG ! A few of the Gigantic Bargains : that datoblllsunpald will be placed... tliolmmH oi n .itmico oi me jence ror co unci ion, mm en persons baring daunt acainst the smd flrm will preseu i mem 10 lor Ben lem eni. JOHN UKItlOlL Tho MILIiINQ business will bo con tinned at the oia standby Franklin twp., Marcli3I-Cw T 0 WHOM IT MAT CONCERN'. AH nemons flro herpbr forbid Tneildtlnff with 1 TWO MULEa. loaned'br tho nnd or slimed to AllUAUAM. HILL, oi uowmansviue, Lower Towamensluc Township, Oaibon County, Pa., ns tney are my property March 51. 1877-W3 L. TownrncnsinB, Pa. HENRY A. PETER, (Successor to O. W. Uintz), Bank Street, LLehighton, Penn'a, Offers to tbo pnbllc a fall Una oi Pure Drugs and Chemicals, PATENT MEDICINES, Horse and Cattle Medicines A Complcto Assortment ot BOOTS, BOOTS, "Wall 2P$ajiaos, From tne Cnoapest Brown to tbo finest Gilt. J Fancy Toilet Articles, B00TS- SPONGES, CHA.MOISE SKINS, Plain & Fancy Stationery, Job Trfit of Calicoes at 5. 5lj and Qi( cents per yard. Kleprant Line ot Hen Calicoes at 8 cents pet' yard. Lot ot Uinghanis. Fast Colors, at 8 ceuts per yard. Musltns at from 4 cents pel yard upwards, lien Value Cotton Klannel at 8 cents per yiird. in-4 sheeting at 25 oonts per yard, usual prlca82 cents. FANCY 1IHESS pr.AIUa at 10 cents, worth 18 ocnts. IlLACK and COLOltED ALl'AC AS at 20 cents per yard , roi'MNALl'ACAyatsacentsper yard, usnal price 43 cents. ltlack CAShmere nt 75 cents, worth ti.oo. lllaclc cailimeto atfl 00 per vard, worth f 1.30. LAUIKh' llEAVEn SACQUEIKO at $2.50 per yard, worth 13.25. HEST COHORTS at 35 cents pplendld WHITE BLANKETS at f 3.00 per pair, usual price 13.81)4. Gent's Underwear at from 3T ceuts per pair upwurds. MEN'S WOOLEN JACKETS at very low figures. Gent' Coloicd Chintz shirts at 75 cents each. J 1AND80J1 E DOUBLE SHAWLS at 16.75, Worth f8.75. Sinalc Shawls as low as 75 cents. N.H. Special In lueomcnU in HOUSE FUBNISIltNO GOODS, sncih as OTtEBJIRWillE CAIU'ETS, OIL CLOrHS, Ac, &C. (0 If you would save time and money, call early and secure best Bargains. Itcspcctfully. J. T. Ntjsbaum & Son, "Original Cheap Cash Store," Semmel's Block. LEHIGHTON, PA. GERMAN'S GERMAN'S GERMAN'S GERMAN'S GRAND DEPOT FOR BOOTS AND SIIOE GRAND DEPOT FOR BOOTS AND SHOE IS SPLENDIDLY STOCKE1D WITH IS SPLENDIDLY STOCKiSD WITH SHOES, SHOES, SHOES, GAITERS, GAITERS, GAITERS, Tlie late) Congress uuilo an appro (iiiatlou oi (18,000 aud uiitliorizud the appointment of a Cuuinilsjlou to I lives- tigatu tliH character and habits of the urafcBhopperd and other destructive in tx'Cts which have made for beveral years to much ravagu In the agricultural dls tri:tarif the West. The Secretary of the Interior lias appointed the following gentlemen to cuustllutu tlio Commission, which will be known as the "United States Entomological Commission": 11 of. 0. V. Riley. Statu Entomologist of Missouri) Piot. Uyi us Thomas, Stale Eutomolo-ht Of Illln' and A S. Tin IsC National Uauk. On Monday morning last, the gentle. manly cashier of this bant, W. V. Bowman, Esq,, showed to us the new Yule Time Lock, which was being placed upon tho safe of that Institution. This lock Is designed to be used lu connection with other locks, as an ad ditional security, aud has the following advantages: It lias four separate and Independent devices for unlocking, either of which will unlock it. It nover can run down In tho locked position; for, if through any caielessuess in setting the Lock, or through omission to wind It properly, the dials should be permitted to Btop when In tho locked position, the run uing down of either moveuieut will open the Louie, It is thus protected against any possible carles-uess- or Inattention on the part of the user. It can ue set to remain locked irom Saturday night to Monday morning, or to open during the daytime of Sunday, as may he ile slrtd. It cau be wouud without expos in.' the mechanism of tbo lock Iw Washington Letter. Office Seders at the White House BiUy Crumv's Jtectp lion Alarmed ly a Crasy Oration Dr. Mary Walker Dig Folks and Little tllki -This, That and the Other, From our bpeclal Correspondent. Washlnitton, D. C, Ilarch 27, 1877. ' Hope springs eternal lu tho liuranu breast." Tho truth ot thl was nevei moro fully shown than yctorclar by ino crowd cf offlco-seekers who thronged the Whlto nouso in spllo ot tho rain nnd wind and altocetlier uncomfortable weather. Their persoveranco was not entirely without reward, for, cither because his other business was not picsslng or by their much knocking they bad weaned his Excellency, thoso persistent persons were admitted, ono by ono, and Riven an opportunity to tell their grievances, culms, and ngpnatlons. It Is the first time they have Rained snch audience since ttie Inauguration of Treiident Hayes, and al. though lie listened attentively to all they had to say, ho cave them no asniranees savo that their claims should receive dne consideration. An nmushiR episode occurred, during the after noon, which Is worth relo ting as going to show that oven persons In high plucea can lcmeinbor and will reward sorvico rendered. Among those seeding mo presence oi me Pri,ient was lull v crutaD. the tiody servant of General Haves m the arinv. llllly hRd been most laituitu IB uis service,' mo so mors auu hi,, uusicr were really attached to him and wetoxuvanamv kuiu. ngiv uniy uau smwu poor lutliexe bard limes, like tlio most of us commou folks, and of late has been out of em ployment and npparently on tho direct road to lUO pour UUU.su um Ul lullUU.lu IUUIUDUl,.D. memberlug his former employe and his kmJ tiarf. l,v dint ot much nlnchlna economi' he saved enough to take him to Wathi.igtou, and yeaierday, lull of hope and expectancy, hepie sented luuiself at the executive mansion Ho r..j.ivpii n lemiisQ at, ine ouiser. irum- riiiur in. Kleelc. colored attendant who has been lor inanvvoars in service at tlio White House), who rudely refused to admit him. Ilnly was deject ed aud retired to a corner, hoping that the Ires. Idem or somo ot hi tainlly might poa. His liopowas speedily realizodbvthoadvt ut of Mi. liim. aeizoil his hand lovfullv and hlm,eit lea PrmnUii I llllly to his lather, much to tho astonishment 1 ruiuisu l on.,-,.,,ln,rr, of .Arthur." Tho l'rettdent ro. celvtHi him benruiy, ana in an prooauiiity tne ulA seivaut will hae no further tears ot a homo lu too work-uouse. Not many nlehta since, at tbo solemn mid. niL-iit linnr Lho nitrht imai d at tho Whlto House wrfl Htnrtloti hv loud Haunda and LoimnoLlou rrocectlug Irom tne noui portico. vi.iuns oi he ''Hundred Thousand" aiose m their lnlnds, but after steaiiu. recuunoueiiug nutsiue tue hou- tney weie surpneu aim reassuieu uy eeintflmta sluclo futm stamnlnc to aud fro across tho porttcu and dccUlmlvg, m steutnau tones, the virtues aud bravery otlho new l'rca- IdeLt. lie was xouuu 10 ue a crazy iorwegiuu from Ohio. Dr. Uarv Walker's forcible exnulslon from thn TmitHurv buildlni the other day. on ac count of not being diessoullko other women, shows t'e utcosiiy oi inoieoitue sameiuue- Jteudcuco that sue mannesta in dressing us sno loc. It cannot be said taat her dress is lm uioOB-t.it is oniv peculiar i out one cau say, seriously, that it Is not more comfortable and sensible, uur less gracetu, even, thau Uie lash louablo costuuie of a ociety biUe of to-duy AVeiv Atlieiican rmzeu uus uu uuuuuuieu iiitm to diw as lie or she please, so long as inodetty and decency are respected ; aud Mary, at least. IS ueiei UJ1UOU w oxuicibu iter uuu-kivcu IIUUXIJ if she uoe have to tight tor it. A tentuble giant aud halt a dozen pigmies aro amusing our public especially the children this weulc. livsuitrluirthelamous storvot "Jacir. o Oljut Killer." Darkln's Lllipullou Upeia t'omsuy U said to comprlso tho largest and Boiallest persons in tho wurld. Col Uoshen, tho aiaut, weighs 600 pounas and la seven aud h half leet tail, aud Ottinmodore Nutt. who iter. sonatas ' Jack." Is thirty Inches tatl aud weighs tltiltr.eli7liL iMiiinila. rue smailiwt inltiAcom. jMnv, and in tbo woild, as Is alleged, Is Jennie wuiuier iw euiy.eigu1. uicues utu uuu wet gaiua thirty pounds, bhe is twenty lour years old. '1 uetr scttuir Is nood and their daucimr Is de lluhful, but their voices are un, thing but melo dious they art entirely too lulu, uot in a slang sense, eilher.l It Is as ood as u baov show to go to this opera, for hundreds ot babies crowd to see tho lilUo people, and there is is much en. teitalumeut in watchmg tUelr acting as there is upon the stage. e havo oeeu having real April showers lor tho last day or two. bprluglssuiely auon us. The beauliiul trailing arbutus has appealed In the markets, and we may couslder our winter as passui. si. ti. w, And n variety ot HOUSEHOLD AllTICLES too numerous too mention, uu oi wuicu he Is offering at VEItY REASONABLE MUCES ! rHYSICIANS' PIlESCniPTIONS carefully and accurately compounded by. MYSELF, at all hours oi the day and night. Patronage Invited. n, March 54, 1877. A. PETER, Lcuckel's Block. jljourncd Administrators' Salo Of Y.alimMe Real Estate. Tho nnderaicned. Administrators of thoKs tatoof JONAS ItEKtALV.UtO 01 KUANKLI.N TownsDlp. uaruon uoumy. x-a., ucivu, hiu st 1'uDlio Bale, ou tho preiulsea, on Saturday, March 31st, 1877, Commencing at ONE o'clock P. M., tho ionow. lug uescrioea FOU HIE LAHIES. FOIl THE LADIES, 1011 THE LADIES, FOIl THE GENTLEMEN, FOIl THE (1EMTI-EMKN, FOIl TUB GENTLEMEN, For tho Children, For tho Children. IhavehouPht larirelv for cash such lnu na mnst sell ni-dakly. hfln&nsa thev are fresh and sea BUllUUlf, Hltitjun, HUM .uu UUUU1U U1U lUUJUUg lOr, 0110 UBCH WU lUOy IUU BU xu-mivciy, uutuyurauveiy, nuperuuiveiv iaivi t?iij2u. Positively, Comparatively, Superlatively LOW l'UICED. P. A. GERMAN, Store In Semmel's New Block, onnoslto the Prrblie Sonnre. BANK STREET. L,eiiiKiiton, i'a. mar.ll-yl Successor to D. Book & Co., TrAT.TTATiT.in TPATJIUT Ail- y4-71 C TtK mm mt-A-II S!4An 9 - - TLAiai niUM v j iTm a mi at mm MMnmigBUBf wvfa mm Situated about IH mllon east of the noroudi ol Opposite tho L. & S Depot, BANK Street, lUJsriRf'iiiMiiv ;iiiiu in iii:hs Li) mis f iiiKijt jrnnrH iliiii irkt'iniH luii r WelasDort, beme the propertr of tho paid Jnuaa Remair, neoa. coiiminmif m au.cioui uum. ivmninrr T.atwi nr whir.ii ion acres are cioar aud tho balince In Timber, BouutleU by lauds of l'eter Krum.upo. a wbhuci, jwui. c An uritli all thn Tmnrnvpinfuta t hereon. fte ini-House, summer House, with Cellar he IS daily rCCOlVing additions tO lllS StOCK OI aixul nnd'ilhikP OnttmilrHniTfl. A PUTUDOf DOVtT- failinic Water near the House, all kiuds of IV nit Trees are planted ou the premise, etc. I ho f prut la in kuuu cuuiuiiuu. rracma nt naitnicnr will tin VfTV fQSir. IHIQ Will be inadn known at lho time and place of nah, hy Adm'i a ot Kstato of Jonaa itemaiy, aeca. March 17-W3 P UBLIC SALE LADIES' DRESS and DRY GOODS, GROCERIES and PROVISIONS, nTTTiTRTNrH.'W A HV. krn Xrn Ar r inn nntjf tiftnmron n on r no n rr m . m m: mr . m nt which I am selling at .Bottom Jf rices. SALT FISH a Specialty. Of Valuable Real Estate ! . . l r t i r i t r n t TnK iiomk-jtuau or HKit liAMAY, nr itonna vou can pgl ior a smaii sum or neaav monev late of the Town.hlp ot LOWEll towamijjn- , 1 , . .-, . -,, 7 7. ? JtpuDiio Baie. o.; r?hoypremeT.foVeidon lyou siiouiQ noc ran ro give me a cau Deioro maKing you purchases elsewhore. jjon l iorBL Luc iviammobii otortj. oou. u.wo. jjouu , A4 For handsome sale ullls and other descriptions ot job printing, at knock down prices, call at this office. A lot of new and fashionable type just added "TTTANTED, $10,000 In Suma of v from iuu to s.uuu, for whicii Flrt-Clam UEAL ESTATU HIJCUWTY Will ue fiveu, j;or luriuer parueuiitrii. uaatevn, TUUJa 13. ilKCU, J. f. March Sl.m3 J,e..lituum, i'a fpo wiioifir mav coxcnTr All peraona aro hereov forld mMJIinfr with a .,iu.ti iimueu it iud uuBemiHueu to ui'.u. KM12U, ot Vuiaiort. a, tlie bum,, m oururop. tarclisi is., 3w Saturday, April 7th, 1877, Commencing at 10 o'clock A. Al., all that ccitaln Heal Estate, contalnlufr 140 ACRES, be the &ame more less, 00 ACHES of which are CLlCAHaiul tlio residue O O OU T I M l( i; u LANU; udJolnlnR lands of Ctaa. ilelfoid, Iteu ben 11 loss, Kdwttrd Keiclmer, Adam -'Clierer, Moses ltamalyand Dennis llauman. The ua IuiprovemenU thereon aro a lfcStorj tJjjI mer Kitchen, Carpenter siiop. Wood rheu uu& liarn, Waeo fehed. Ho" 6ty, bpilnc JIou e and oTuer uuiuuiioiups. iuere m riuo uiu.iuiw on theKurm, plmited wltn App'e. Cherry uud other Choice Fruls Trees, Oiapu Vlni. te tind a HprlDK of neveMailfu Water, with Vump, near t be Barnyard, ALSO, At same lime ana place, win oe outrun iuo following artlciea vt reronal Vroiwrty, lo witi aiiousUa. 2 cow s. 1 uaiFKit, i hiu;kp, a i AUrtri'. If flfis. HornfHH.2 Wairouswltil bod ies, Hprinp Wbrou. canlaffe, BleUfh, liullalo Itobe, Five Ueda aud liedateada, Curptta by tue yard, ciotks, unaira. lauitw, noia. ouwiug oiu chiue. MEAT, Vinegar, Kmnty Barrels, It e, wheat. Machine bLraw, Thresbln Ifaclilne Wiin oirap uuuuik aiiii, urimioiwnt oauino M jchlne. 3 Wood stoveH. Copper uud Imu Ket tles, Iron ana K art lieu Pots. Corner Cupboard, Cooit btove with Pipe, and a number ol other b arminffana iuiciieii uicusiia iw uumtiuua iu mention. Couuiuons will bo made known at time and p.aeeo.aie.By h. a D. IlAMALY. Aiarch Il-wa Administrator., &c. May 0, 1879-yl LEIIIGIITON, PENN'A. fiflTHlrr ABMIXISTnATOB'S SALE OfYaluable Real Estate. The nuderslim1. AdmlnUtrotor of the Kamto of DAV1K BNYDKK. late of LOWEll TOWA. ii KNSIKO TownshlD. Carbon twiintr, Teua'a, deo'd, will tell, at 1'ubilo Sale, on the jirt iaiaoa, on Saturday, April 14, 1877, Commencing at 2 o'clock I. M., all those Tv o certain I'leoe. or LOTS OF GIIOUND Situate! In the VILLAGE of nOWSIANS. VILLK. Lower Towameusinj township afore aaln i Bonuded and deecnued aa lollowa. to wit i LOT Ko. 1. containing In tront, on hue Urcet, M teet. aud extending In depth.heiwet'n vrailel uuea at tight anitlea. isot.it to Lchiph meoi i bounded on the north by While aueet. outuo eaat bv lot o., on the aouthbv Lehigh atrcet, and on tho west tiy land ot Jotlab Ilowuiau. The Initirovementa thereon are a BLACKSMITH SnOP IfiMfefti btnblei Wagoui-hed.ax33tretiand a 2- tory Carpeuler'a Hlion, stxil leet. ALo, Lot No. 2i. fiontlni on White .treetCO feet, andeztendlOK In depth of that wiotb. ue. twecn paiallel lines. Ibo leet to Apple alien bounded on the aouth bv White street, ou tho eat by Mill atrect on the north by Apploallev, and on tiieweatby land of Jornah flowuian. The Improveueuuareat Hlore Frame STORE HOUSE SS feet front and 41 feet m deptli, and other out. buua.nra. , i Oouaulon will be made kuown at the time and I place of bale, by i IIENUY BOYEJl, "I'ruiniatratnr 0 ""file (if Ilavld Surdir Mt'0. THE CHEAPEST & BEST! T. D. CLATJSS, Tl A NIC STRHRT. TiEHTfiHTON. V . - n . . - - . y ' , I' t ' I , , rTr.r i . Yon can select from tlio very best of Goods and get your Garments made fit like a glovo In tbo Latest tfasnion. IteadV made tilotliluR Ijaoies , jiisues , utuu , uuu uuuumu a unuers, 'uu Uaps. ana uemietneu d iutuimiiuk uuws iu tcai, tbiioj iuu hi Knock-Down Prices FOR OA8II. B" Call and examine Goods and Prices before purchasing elsewhere. 'P T P.T.ATTKS "rnT.r.linnf fTniMm- J, a I I t J U W W .li-Vl WAAL WA V .m. V A A J A 2nd doorabove the Tubllo Square, BANK STREET, Lehlghto Mini a v.- ii a ak ik mm b mr bbbbbb.am m l VJlJlJFVI v AL tuaaaaaaa Afja. w uuutMva iio.nAr, fniiv .nnnnnM to Camentera. Bulldera. Cohtraetora and others, that haTlne en their NUW MILLH. they are now prcparod.to aupply tbem.iat VK11V LOWEST l'llIOEa, every de.enpuou ot i ft t m T) j T ct T1? t m rMimi lis riimnr. i- iiiiji uuuiuaa ivuui o. kjuaii. jji mil mi tors, MoldiDgs, iJiackots, Uaumot Ware, &o., &c, Our Machinery la all IS'w and ot the Most Approved Kind, to that l ... rt i.Hiit.rimi in flimrRiitiUmr Prttt Hall uaotluD to all Wbo mar favor nivil hvu imt tinintnptll anil MtXlftAt What VtSU Want. 3nd TOIlf l)riifN atUl tDBV will bB fl uromn(ijr and at a low prices as iuuuku you wwo viacui. Hive us a Trial, and vou will be convinced of what we say. M 11 A jsii J ni I riAfir. D. U. ALURIGHT, WM. B1ERY. JOHN B'ERT. OMpa nnrl Mill, npnr v nnros Itn'tlio Fort Allen House. Vi.lSSl'Ult T. uar - " ' June 10, 187H-
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