Knclct Meetings. a tr t. ft. ' .... ts t. n. o. F.. It. lienor, necr-nuuy. o?w. l'i a W.iinr.b. M J. Bring, r. of U. MnwiiTOK IkWSK. No. Ml. K. of p.. n;cct iutdflr.R.ot K. Jd b. ' Atlvcrtislnt? Baton. ;m."."t WboTm "aStocat. that -TjM -eieiTcA trom nnKtiown rt'" "r iriiSSTS! .Vni 'mpSS wttntMUUSll. Tho followlne ro U. Kretdler, sechem t 0. w. Pelol, o. 01 it. AamleJent.orlrenchkocr0ur g,9ter -j0rollp-. nf WclfSport, - 8i4nMorihn..pVr!n'(ie'ih'lnitonisi:iitli a population In 1870 of 859, has " ! ?'J!2n.lh"-. "o less than 21 wlddows residing with- l rh aubaMuent Insertion 25 Cts, H. V., A-uonoii. St. B1EWK1W, IDUTRICr ATTOIWEY A COUKSKLLOR Ornci, No. t, Mansion Uonto, ri TTl'M rMHTNK. PA UttUlaxEMatni. Filing AccoMUaJad Orphans 0 ffi'fS'ilSfr .ttarited to.. Lenl trncUonjla KnelisU arid Oerinim. ) mm 1 V IRIPI.K. LEU1O11T0N, TENN'A. K..BBi1al attention mren to tho Curo of Bait llbeara. 40. Jm 7 ClTURDlT HORNING JAN. SO, 1817. Local and Personal. See tMTTlank Statement In to-day't X. dangerous counterfeit silver half dollar Is In circulation. F.n Ih. lard cans best tin only 75 c eotJ at D. F. Rlckert's, luist weiss- nnrr D-a. rtrlnr vnar sale b is to mis oiuce If you want them done cueap ana Quick. (The Lehigh Stovo worus started Extra fine nlckol-plated Harness tot $35.00 For sale by M. Florey.near canal bridge, Welssport. On Friday of last week Martin Meyer, ased 00 years, a two picker, was rrotcTi to aeatn in uasiuu. Dr. Edward Hottensteln. of Kutz town, ha a German Medical Dictionary printed over J years ago. Catherine Ice and slelgh-rlding ap tion In this locality lust now. St. Valentine's day and Ash Wod- neiaar. tuo uckiuuiuk vpi u.ui .. war come toeether tho Uth of Febru ! arr. TTT t. mAArkA .hunt inn tin a' mKm in nur Hiiunciiuuua lis,. I .iiuk the last four weeks. We have still room fflsc more. The Mill Creek and Mlnchtll Navl- calton and Railroad company announc ci a dividend of fire per cent, paytble u demand. Thn Srliiivlklll Valley Navlcalion I mnrl Rallrrtad Comnanv announces aS Clviaend or iwo ana one-uau per ccnii payable on demand After Ivlnc Idle for some time, No 5 furnace of the Crane Iron Works, at Catatauqua, Is being repaired prepara Cory to tilling up, The Mount Carbon and Port Car bon Railroad Company announces dlvldond of flvo and three-quarters per cent, payaoio on aemanu. A man named Eckley Farrow, a brakesman on the Lehigh valley It. It, fall from a coal train at Dearer Brook Wednesday, and was killed The dedicatory services of the ZI on' Reformed Church, on Sunday last ware very largely attended by the peo pie of this place aua vicinity The lury In the case of the Com monwealth vs. Jack Kehoo, charged with the murder of Langdon, at Auden rled. came Into court at Pottsvllle on Tuesday lait, with a verdict of "Guilty oi muruer in ins ursv ueree. It Is the duty ot the Assessors to notify ovocv citizen at least five days before the day of appeal of the kind of property with which he Is assessed and the value tnereoi, The time for borough and township elections approaches. Trot out your best men an around. Tickets printed prompt and cheap at tno advocate oi nee. uotvt lorgn u i Jostnh F. Rex. near Canal Bridge, East Welssport, will supply you with Qncat family Hour, teed, candles, an pies, potatoes, tobacco and clgarn, at lowest possible prices for cash., Try It and be convinced. v J, E. Rlckerthas still a few of those. eligible lots In Kickertstown to dispose of. If you feel like securing a good home call and see him He Is also sap plying flour,feed,luuiber and coal at tho lowest rates. Stop a Moment. Have you used, TW nn.a Rintnnlna Wnrm tirrnnX 1 Try it. It is delightful to the taste. neaiui-giving to ennareu; uui acaiu to worms. Price 25 cts. For sale at A. J. Curling's drug store. 28 ltecorum.nileil hy tlia Faculty. Alls-'. strn(rUienlie cordial and Liver I'llla Ibex nave cured thousand ot liopeles. caao. where all other reioediet hAve failed i thia. too, v? llhoat anr ot the borrora I bat atund Kurj;ory, or tha herolo medical treatmeut. 'J net ate worta a wnole armr ot diKtora. Trr tnem and t ooaTlncod. 1'oraalehy oil UrncelaU. Ladles and centlemen wtshinc to Indulge In the luxury of a dish of prime oysters, should patronize the handsome saloon of J. W. O'Nell at the Lehlghton Bakery, opposite the ltt National Hank stewed, fried, or on the half shell. Families supplied at lowest prices The larco sum of J100.000 was tlio other ilay drawn out of the Easton National uariK on a biiik'" -"- " too Lehigh Valley Railroad company a paymaster. Arithmetical question, wo. i. 1( 4 oz. gold 23 carats One bo mixed with 8 or. gold 18 carats fine, how much 3ne gold will there bo In 0 oz. of the mixture? Ans. next week. Dnnld It. Kramer, the well-known nrnnrtptnr of tho Allen HoUSO. Allen- town, died In that city, on Wednesday morning last, ueeeasen was a rauvn m Allentown, having been bom In that place on tho 12th ot August, 1825. - lie sure nnd call for Dr. Bull's Couph Syrnp, If you are troubled with a bad cough or cold. .It will give you relief. For salo by every respectable Druuelst. One bottle cents; uvo bottles for 81.00. in her limits. No wonder that our old friend Tcakel has so successfully run lumber yard In that village. Thn TtTclianca block In Scranton, comprising three valuable stores and a number of law offices, wai burned on Saturday morning of last weak. Loss, $100,000. Tim larcrn sale of woolens, fancy dress goods, &c, Is still going on at the Orlclnal Cheap Cash Store of J. T. Nu9baum & Son,and It Is no great won der when goods are sold so astonish ingly cheap. On Tuesday afternoon of last wceK the wife of Rev. George O. Haines, of Etnaus, in going down the cellar stairs of her residence fell and broke one of her finger!., and also dislocated one of her joints. The slelchliiB In this section was never better, and every one who can raise a team Is enjoying It to his heart's ct ntent. The landlords are Jubilant ; nnd David -Ebbert le the happiest man in town on account of the great de mand for his handsome " turnouts." E. II. Rhodes, on Uankway, keeps a largo supply of York State butter on hand. Fresh and nure. Try ltl JyOa Tuesday, Jan. 23rd, o great poie raising, ox roast aim juuuoo iu honor of the election of Tlldeu to tho 'residency is to come off at Stemton, and In which all the supporters of the reform candidates In the laVo canvass aro Invited to participate. Daniel Graver, at tho Bee Hive store, lias marked down the price of Dress goods,Wooions, and Notions to the very lowest ligures,in order to clear out his pre sent stock to mako room for spring styles. We are Indebted to Capt. D. G. Rhoads, of Co. II, 4th Regt. N. G for accompli mentary to the lecture to be de livered In the Town Hall, Slatlngton on Frlyay evening .next, Jan. 2(tth, by Col. John W. Forney, of Philadelphia, subject : American J ones, bngUMi Hu mor, and Irish Wit. Any of our citi zens who may deslrn to bear this lec ture, can leave hero on No. 0 L. V. train, passing here at 0:30 p. in., and return on No. 8, passing Slatlngton at Hons. W. M. Knpslier and J. C. Ereamer have been In attendance at court during the past week. The for mer as counsel for tho defense and the latter as a witness In the Wanner Case. i uset on White street, Welssport, a day or two ago, when a fellow standing near remarked that women must be get ting plenty, when you could pick them up in the street. B. F. II. Lynn, formerly of the Hazleton Sentinel, now travelling for the U. S Typo Foundry and the Camp bell LT033 works, was in town on Tues day last. Tho tliVd Tuesday In February Is rapidly approaching, and as upon that a ay me people or uaruon county will uo called upon to select local officers for tho ensuing year it behooves all good citizens to bestir tuemselves toward so curing the nomination and election of earnest and capable men. Local officers should be filled with tho best material obtainable, The Chapman Slate Co., lias de clared a seral-anuual dividend of S per cent , alter spanning about SM.IKJU on permanent improvements that will prove both valuable and profitable To-morrow (Sunday) Rev. bol. Neltz, P. K., will preach In the Evan gellcal church, at ten a. in., In tho Ger man language, and at 7 p. m.. in Enu, lUh. At 2:30 p.m.,the Sacrament of the Loid's Supper will be administered, and a short discourse delivered In the Ger man lauguage. The protracted meet ings will be continued. J. (J. Illloin, pastor. -Tho Bethlehem Iron Co. have re. sinned mining operations in their ex cellent mino on lauds of County Com missioner iauer, uear Aiuurtls, The following shows tho earnlncs of Central Railroad Company ot New Jersey for the year 1876: urofc carninra. ranroaus and canata... 17,322.000 Operating exnenaea 8,684,000 Net earning. 3,63S,0C0 luteresi. taxes ana lease 01 It. A K itaiiioaa aua cauaia. 3.IC7.0C0 Net pronta for tbo year 471,000 t f r i . i en m j .. v iuo umi in in uiu on t uursuay nignt Was caused by the burnine of the old log school house, situated In what is known as Spooky Hollow, on the road leadlue to aiaucli Chunk. Tho build lug has not been used for school rut do. sea for a number of years, bnt has been occupied by diHerent persons as a dwell lug. Its destruction by fire entails very iittio loss on any one. On Coiunttttcea. Our Representatlres In tha State Legislature have beeu appointed mem, uera ot tno loiiowini; uommlttoes : lion. W. M. Knpslier on Constttu tlonal Reform and Elections lion, J. C. Kreamer ou Labor and Industry, uud Ceutcuulol. Atiiiunl llrportof the t,. V. II. It. The .Lebieh Val ey ltallrond Company held Its annual meeting ot marrbolders for tho eleo. tlon ot oiacer.Ar-. at tho otuco ot tho Company, In Philadelphia, luc-doy. Tuo animnl icport ot tho company w8 read, tmm wlneli wo (rath er tho folUwlne faow nnd flruiea ua to tuo bual. uesa ot tho paat year and thn couipanf'a presont fluanoial a'lnatmu. T.iisroud, It Is kuof , li milniya coal carrier, and oxtenrta tromTerth Ainboy. N. J., to Wdlci nrre,irit nillca Ot this dlmnncoMmllcaaro in New Jersey, the re. inamlnn diaumee in tula Btato. '1 ho company alto owns uwncli road, rt tho nggreptto 'eueth otIJOS mJlcs, andwoika ih mllcaot leatcd roaila. Ita coil tonnnBO tor tho fiscal year erxl iur Novoaiucr SO. 1&70, waa 3,W!7,018 toua, which iaOJ3Jlli)tona (rreater than In 1478. Tho only twoToarolnthehl.torj cho company ehow. Iu a'greoter touuago were 1H3 and 1M1 The income the past year trom alt aoutcoa, luclaillug Intcrcat trom Inveatmeuta, amonut lie to 8,0J7, S47, from wnlch aum operating oxpenaca, 3,StV 750. being deducted leaves aa net Income Hist. 497, BBainat K.t'55 !03 ot nul income oi lt75 all increase ot ttt9,ttl2. '1 bis. censldenuK the great ly reduced price of coal, Is moio favoraulo for tho bualneaa of IS70 than could roasouabl' haTO boon expectod. The capml account ot Ibo com pany at the close ol the last llscal t ear ;od prcfoiied and common atocic, Kt..vnH andod debt, tu 18U.000 1 and floating debt, ti.208i total liabilities, capital and dout, Ml This showa an Increaoe on Hie capital accoour otinstreirotJ2,ai30,-wnicb inc.tts repre sented or expendltuioa for equlpm-nt. I8S5 4J Katuu and Amooy ilalireail, ti,(il4 t70i on ao. count ot change of gaugoot jwilway. Swa,. two, i odouiption ot llntrls Canal bou J. S ,73.0 u i purchase of additional lutciestlu Oeuovn Itlio. ca aud Sui ro nallrnad, S12I afl. and wlvancea for toustructlou puiiose to I'enusylraui i anil -Nnu-'.i ,.n,t itnllmnd. HJU.OlXIl agic e gating S3,l'.',l5 1 oxoeuding tho lucieaned e p. talacooi.ut by taJI,t5. Biuco tliola-t ani.uat meotlng iho com pauy have doclarvu twoauar terly ulridouds ot IH per ceut each nnd two of 2 per cent, making ior cent for tuo year, the mortgage debt ot tio Aloin Cuual, e.Si 000. has been paid oir within tho year and cancelled, out of fuuds reallied from a now mortgage on tho canal for a mdlion. Tho compuuy'a sterling loan has been rednced M.tSiOOO. this a tho company's onlr cold loan. Iho taston and Am boy uoud has, irom Its construction, boon op. crated by the main lino, aud last year thcio werocairledoTerlt ssl.45'j lonsot coal rn double track baa Doeu completed throughout ami large additional fucllltlos furulihed, IhU oxienstun across new jei seyio yyu.ij uut.. bv the iehlah Vailer ItaUroad company, and cost, wuli us appurtenances. 15,314,0.13. The mon stock, besldoa i3,77,430 of tho pretrirod stoolc, of tho I'onnsylTnnli ami Now Voile CnunI and llailrond a most valuable outlet and feeder to its main uue. The loreclosure ot lnortgago of tho Itbaon and Athens and tno Ucutvuund ltliacaltiUlroad,as uoitbern conliectlona lor tho outlet ot the ionnao of tho JjOhiL'h Valuy llatlroao. are conMderea vnluabio acquisition!, woithgicatlymoro than tho aalopuce. The two ouuipanloj. ai rocogn io.l into one, lepie. sent a capitul stock ot Soio.uuii (fluJ.4 M of which bciougetothe Lobigh Vailey.i subject to a 7 perocut gold debt oitsou,""" the whole length of this load 18 75 ronos. The amouul of eoul snlpued fiom lands of the Lolilga Valloyltail lead Company tor 167S was 1.U13.7U3 tons, a ikii Hon of winch was sent to market through mutes other than their own. The lopoitacauow lodges what Is loo generally known, that tho mining aud soiling of oual has been couifara- Htrnlv mir.mnriAr.tivn" illllluif the area ter IlOrt of 1376. and concludes wltntno satiffactoiy ijo clarailon that neither the lauds owiicu uy inu i.ehtgh Valley Hailroad company nor tho) owned hv tho Lehigh Coal Coiupunv " ule sub ject to any bonded or other UcUU" echoes from Mahoning. Slushy, more slushy, mostrlnslir. Oettli.g Harried" Is tho toplo ot the day thiouchout the Valley. scarlet fever Is still among tho J ureullos. Last Baturdar evening a child ofu. Fen. Btcrniacher. died, if acnrict fever aged seven vears. wai Dnriea on Jticsdar iiit. iu du John's cemeteiy, of tbia place. ,Not manv weeks nxro. a certain young man came down over tho lev and Hliow.caiioed mouu tains from Wllkesbarre, and aojourniug for a short lime among tuo opposite sex of this puce, came 1 1 a conclusion last Saturday evening to take tonlnibtir a '-Fran." Bo " getting up," with bis belovod, mado at once for tuo restdonco ot llev. Strauss where, after a short convcrsa. tlon with tho " rirra,' tnoy were nulteil lit tbo holy bonds of matrimony after which they lm. roedi itoly sot out on their wedillug.tour. Thev tookthuNu.8 and 9 ahoeuiHO'r's trim. imiiI mov, d wo-t ward aa far aa enitermacbcr's stiu tion changed cars, then moved In a northern direction us far as Fox Mountain, whero they aro now sojourning in tno lauu oi sn oet repose, Another sleighing nartv ut Trcasant Col ner last weuuesaay uveniug. Mr Kothateln. tirooriotor of the Pleasant Corner Hotel. Is the old aontleman who can nc. commodato the peonlo In general, especially sloigbii'g partlea Mr. N. Is a kind, pleasant anil aarecable man to deal with, and no doubt by next aprlng, we can have tho plensaie to re port thnt Mr, X. hai drawn to hla house all tho immense crowds, wmou crossed over into tuo limits oi Manoning. Ilesolredt "That tho class kuown as ramus should be allowed to roam over thn country," Is tbo subject to bo discussed, in the The tlelcnmc parties of the dlfterent schools, under the aupervlsiomot Messrs. K1s. tier. Miller and Hendell. that passed up the Valley last Saturday, nrovod to have been a eriect Huccess. wo countea jourteeu toums in lue. whtch adds Btronglv In favor of what lullu. once teachera have upon tho parents. The many banners and flags, which they displayed, allowed us that thev were In earnest, ot what thee weto do ng. They deserve praia?, esptclal. ly jur. b., tor uie nouie motto, wuicu no carxiea on uis uanner. 1 ours, louv. UOUO. Fnshlonable IVInter Olotlilug. T D. Clauss, the merchant tailor, Is almost dally receiving additions to ins large and elegant stock of winter goods, comprising ciotns, cassimeres. and vestiugs of the latest designs nnd the best manufacture, which he is pre pared to make up in the most fashion able and durante manner, at prices rui ly as low as the same material and workmansnip can uo untamed for In any other town in tho State. Also, a full lino of gent's furnishing coods, lints, caps, boots, shoes and gaiters suitable for the wear of this section, and manu factured expressley to his order, Tho entire stock iias becu purchased on an entirely cash basis, and as he Is selling for cash only lie is anio to sell at such prices as will astonish purchasers. Call and examine goods and prices before purchasing elsewhere. The Coal Trade. 'I'hn fnl.owlnff table ahowa the nnantlt v nl nnnl shipped over the Jeh1gb VaUey Uallroad for the week ending Jan. 13th. 1877 and for tbo yoaras oompaied with the same time laatycari lU'gloua From. U eek. enr 139 431 03 IdVJO 19 Kl 12 01,224 19 OH.2S0 10 Wyoming Uaitotou Upper i,ehlgh Heaver Meadow... Mahanoy..., , Mauch Chunk $5 i:s oi S3 li su 08 7,4ta 03 Total.., Last Year., 435,232 03 4C8,tiOO 18 C3.109 Oj Increase..., Decrease... S.IS2 IS 33,363 13 ItKPOItT OK COAL tratupurtMl OTer Lehigh A HUHqarbanua Diniou, Central R It. ot New Jersey week ending Jan. izih, 1877. Total week. To date. Shipped from toDM. cwt. oud. cwt. Wvonunir . 33.U1 12 47.S88 C4 Upper Lehigh Heaver Meadow..... JlattetoD Mauch flmnk,,.,,. llasarUvllle , b until and Judd 473 03 fi,4S2 OC 1,461 07 1.8 li 472 '5 h,4tn OH 1,4(3 13 1,216 15 Total 44.224 03 I'luvtouftlyreiKirtwl is fiC,6G3 03 Total to date bamo time Uf t year 0,502 03 7'i.041 09 Increase.,.. Decrease.... . 22,479 00 The rhilkdelnhla Time aa: Prealdent Oow. Mi. of the Heading Ilailroad Compaur exiucu to increase the touuajre ot tha road for 1877 Ter loatoriattynarDy a Dout 7ii,onu mua. JUaoU jeciiaio main i am sicatiy worrc noui looopeu. luir until the cloae of tha tuuuiii. fTfti.tliiiF short intermalon about the latrof July. The kr UUtn t-la uin y( WKIWUIIUV IS VWUVUiJ n 1 1 1 1 IU' created touutife. -Henry Lenkner haa teeu aentenred to bo huuK lur the umnter t lleury bhailer. UU Uiul- uvba puriuer in u.eKuuuy county. Court I'roeectliiigs. The leTcral Conrta met on Monday morning. nth Inst.. Hon.S. a Diehor, rrosltlent. nnd AsBoelatoB VfenXt and I eonard occntiTlng thn j Bench, j LiatofConatftblcscnllwl.rPturnOii andworn. Tnndrotnl tnvtr TifilU rfllllMl. 23 Ont OI the I 2tmin-Aerert to their names out of whntnti. W, i- huTWoa ruoRcnaa ioretunii, wneu vuuy ,um clmril and (.worn. . , . . The Cflmmlanoh. ot Dr. n. Leonard At Asf-o-clato Jnd(re, wiw then rend br tho Clerk In open C'tnirt. ami tho ComnilsHionnot 'thos. Keinerer, t l'mthrnotur nt do erkef tlinsevenilOonrta. and if J. W. Itaudeubnith, an Hhcrlft, hy Daniel QlhTllS EFH, , , oiitprnf (f.iuif. tn Inrnnt n cettmn rood in TuVamoits.iiK twp. and to vauuto othera. He port fltCHl. 1HUK II ILLS tUU, Cot? . vn. Teter llnrlo and Kdwftrd McOntvey, nssaultiind battery. Coin. vs. Daniel Connor, naanH nnu battery, l orn vs. Wm. Hchoch.naafiuit nnd bnitery. Com. va. Find. Kdelftfincr mnoreo. Com. va. J. K. Hill, fal-o nroienae. Defendant at a John lloack eaon held in (300 to appear at uext Court. . in the matter oi Law Library oi uarooD to i ,111 fn C!rti? DiiniM Knllitu.l atld V O. Frer- mau appointed Committee to iervo tho euaolnfr Account of Allen Cralir. Treasurer of Carbon Comity Law Libtarv, approved. Win. L. Kvaua dischargod undor the Insolv ent net. in matter of dUtrluut on or oaianooin nanus of riiotmtf Ktumerei' Lieoutor, etc., of Abrm. Ahuer, dec'u. Iteport read aud confirmed ntst TUE8DAT. Conrt mot ot P n.m.. and sht rily after Itsopen Inff tho (.rand Jmry enter tho Onttrt-rotira lor tu ther Insunctloua nnrt to submit Mi's found or Ignored Tina over. Mrs. filcOendy, an old ii inn iiur, round guilty oi nasnun ami uiuiurv up-ill tho person ot n Ihdr mluhbor. la up lor ieiiui)C0, llor odd apienniiic cansca some mcrrltuout, nnd when sio beirins a pica in ex ti-nu.itlon of tho tcrriblo crimo." uouri nuu xndicncc can no loncer restrain thermetve at the eomleni ficcuo. The end of it is ihnt tho court, in uuo conaldft-ntlon or ueiemianis ntio. and the tuither tact thnt the belllccrnnts havo since been lirlug on extraordinarily amicable term, imposes, what he calls tho Hah teat fen. tenco the Inw Allows, nflno ot Viand payment oi costs of prosecution. uoiu, vn. naiuau uimau, laiso oruvcnow. uv fondant nnd F. II. Voohl each held in tl'U to appear. com. tb. Kitty McGUl ; assault and battery; Oct. 18. 1370. Verdict irnlltyt lined f I uud coals of prowcution, nnd Btnnd coramlttou, tc. Hocond and flnnl account of Thos. Kemerer, ftdministratorof oat a to ot Conrad Loew.deo'd. Coutlrmed nisi. in tne matter or natt t on ot Dan. Arner. ajc- rrco of Court tiled. Ac Auditori report of ndmlstrntnx oi josepna. Collins, dee'd. Continued nl-d. Mnatoot 1,1)21 both Muulthrop, dee'd. Audi tat a report conllrnied nisi. Shcrifl's snio of real estato of Henry LIU, Khcritf directod tn make a leirnl coTorttnco to Joseph Ilictz. MUcriiTa tnloof rtsalosute of Amos Hlnkle, tiherlffdiiccted to mukou lepra! conveyance to oitmuoi v. iiauson. Joseph MatUrn va. Charles L. White. Affida vit ot defense tiled . WfillNTSDAV, Wm. Kemeror appointed (ruirdlanof Klraer E. Jtcltz, minor ch Id of Magdalene lioltr, dee'd. Tho Uruud Jiuy leturn tho follow luff truo bi)ln: Com rs. Dan. llcx( assault & battery Proso cuior Wm. bottler. Com vs. Fred. Kdotbelsor ( lmceny. rroao cutor I leun Deuzer. Com. va. Wm. rrombore i laiceny. Irosecn tor il. D. House Com. vs. (Stephen Dmckenmiller nnd J, K. Hill, la if en v. i'roa. Itoubondood Corn. vs. I'nt. II urn a, Dan. McGondy. llern'd Oullngher, Law. .Meolnley. Juuies AIcIIukIi, John Afcdlutcy, and John McUeadv, nssanltit b.ittery. I'ros. Johu Faga und Henry Honck. Com vs. Uco. Iloyer and Milton Delbctt, lur ceuv. lro.-i. A. Fieldioau. Com. Atilton Dvibortand Ooo. Boycr. larceny. I'roa. H. 11 Itutter. Com. v KrwinBover.reeeivlnirRtolon goods, riou. II. Itutiernud A. Frelduian Com. Vf, Wm. Iloyer. tcceiving btolon goods. Proa. Huttcr and Friedman Com. vs. Milton Helbcit and Ooo B'jyer.bur. glary. I'roa. II train Itiekert. Com. va.Huf,'h Uiughhn.nsaault and battery. rrus.Wm.Jl. Taylor. Com. vs. Hilton Delliert nnd Oconto Iloyer, larceur. Fios. J. T. Weston. Hamu va Maine, larceny. Vrtn. S li. Iluttor. bamo va bame, do. Fros. Hiram ltlckort. Butuo vs. unue, burglary. i,ro, Com. vj. Adam Henry, assault nnd battery. Fios. 1'etcr Kbbnrt. THE HOY 12 It BIUllDICIl. TUESDAY. At about half past ten o'clock-, Cherh a Watr tier, the prisoner to bo arratin cl lor tbo murder o( louis.! Bo er, la brought into tho Com t-room by olllcer 1'eolerj niter the removal of tho cutis ornamenting his wrists, Boat himself, and is noon ahnoruodln unlmnted conversation with his connael. In appotinnco he is sot what mar been Hod n prt'poi-eiatn? youth, nor la he what miuhtbo culled a dandy, bestowing raoro than ordinary caro ujwn tut perou. In short, we bnve beforo ua. instead of the"nlcoyouuirmanM or gay Lothario, we had pictured to our mtnd'a eye. a very common ciodnopper, Jle looks rather II us lien, hut not a bit scarel, His atop brother, 'nquiio Wagner. f Jhlghton, who has taken uveiy acilvo pirtln prep-irlug the de fence, u Ialy who. Iron her ago and sorrowing loots, la .supposed to bo pi tanner's tnoiber, nio at his aide. Hum. chiis AtoriKht, Alton Ctalg. nnd W. Si. Itapshcr nro the geutlomen cnsntd for tho defenuo. wailo Mr. Ji. J, For nnd Dlst. Atty. HiOwers will cunduct tho caso for the Common wea-th. Win-11 called ou to plead, tho prisoner pleads Not Ouilty " to tho lndtctmeut, and tho trial proceeds aud the following Jury lmpanue.led bauiucl Heist, of Mauch Chunk: Anton Ueunvhoff, of Kast Mauch Chant; Johu Faga.Jr.. of Upjwr Jnmch Chunk; Wm. Kliifj, of Upper Mauch Chunfcj Itichanl Koona, oi Lohio-iitou; ;haiies K, Miller of Mauch Chunk; Jo -dab 11 jwmsn, of Uowmansvtllo; l'aul Da 1 1 ner. of l'eun Furosti lleury McGiniey, of Mahoning: Joslan Musselmdii.of Mahoning; EA ticnsinger, of Mauch, chunk, WEDNESDAY, (Shortly after the opening of Court, Dtst. Atly. Siowers opened the cae to tho Jury in ati able and lengthy exposoo of what he claimed to bo the facts in Ihe cmco, all of whtch ha It pod tho proecutiuu w ould bo ablo to prove to tho aatlm faction ot tho Jury. His speech was attentive ly listened to, but contained, on tho whole, lit tle which has not already appeared in print. w ib. .uury uuyor. mutuer or aeceaseu t imwt know the uumo of tho township I live in. My Husband died about two yeais ago. Had five cliildreu-4 still living. The girl Louisa who d.ed w us about 2'J yearn ot ago. bhe died on a Monday morning at ubout 4 o'clock, bhe had been well beiro that Hho was home ou Sun day t uUo on Saturday night whtn Chaa. Wag. uervUlted her, Hesiajul until morning. Tha two were down stairs lu the largo room. Ho may have been at our bouse 10 or 15 times be lore, ho would comu atlutervals of 2 or 3 week. My daughter kept no other company. On i-un-day t-veniUK tho two nad been to church. Short ly aner ur return sue was suddeuiv taken with a very severo spoil of vomitlui?. Applied reme dies, and win tor Dr. Kioamer, whu caino, but ail t fforts wero in vain, as sue died between 4 aud&o'clrGrf. Cross exauitned 1 DecoHsetl waa mr ehlost child, hho had never boon sick lu any extent. A box of plus was found by us in her bonnet uo. which latter was in her chest. Didn't ktow ot the box of nil Is until afterber death It may have been half past eight o'clock when Wugui-rcamotoour houiM) on Saturday even ing. Can't red at what nine he leit. He return ed to our bouao on Hunday afternoon, and lu the jti-iiiuK ii-ji nun ajuuimi, Aiieituup buu xxjvi tur the M. H. Church, Waa absent when they re. turned. It waa between 10 and 11 o'clock wueu they ret u rood. Let! was tho first to come up. stairs. Mtlly Ann came uext, then Adelaide. M'wa wai ulteadv abed. Louisa cauie up nttcr Adeiaiao. oermioa 1Q iniuulua ntier. wia ilnwii ataUs in the Bitting room waiting for Louisa to como m.attcr which 1 returned up sUlrs. Cau't exactly lell what time It was when I sent for the doctor, sent Levi aud Adelaide t the doctor uicu at AiiiiDort. wauner nad Lcen ireouenr lngour houaofor about! yean, lnua and but ah Et-'rllng had been to M such Chauk ou the loth of last March. I wasn't along. Hho has never Dee 11 to hlatington 1 waa at Bowman's iu Jmyt she than went In tho truck wagon, Mm. otoiliug nvod at our house. Question 1 ln't Mrs. (Sterling a sort of a female doctor a sort of a midwife 1 OMected to aa lucoinuetant. and not cross-examination. Wever heard that Aiis. bieriiuir wasaiemaieaoctress. airs. Hter. Imir woiaed considerably fur na. Never hnanl that lAnlsa aul Wigner wero engaged to bo married, Wugucr came to see her legularly. He never ate ut nur bouse but once; never slept taere uutil the timo when Louis lay in the house a cortirf. Had nonblivMnn- to th attiMi. tlon paid by him to my daughter. Asked Loulita It there was atty thing wrong with her 1 audit there were 10 tell uiu. bhe frequently t-omplaln. cdof weak 1 teas about the region ot the breast, told her it there was anything wrong with her she should go to causuK a doctor. ToU Loui-a that it she were net tn tha family-way. she should goto a doctor. This might hate been aouut two months before her death, bhe would only tsomplniuat intervals. It was lu Juno when 1 toid her to get someUitna' from the doc tor lor her weakness. Cau't tell weie the pills wiro obtained. Know nothing ot them until they were touud. Know Johu btrohl. Question! Dld'nt yiu tell Htrohl that you tad'ut believe that Wotcuer gave jour daughter polum I ub jected to us iiumatmal and whtch Is tujtaiuou una uili mmimL WUimm i- plnlns t Wagner's mmner nnd ino that her eon had had no money to buy poison snid nothing to Mrohl, he wasn't piesent when I had tho conversation with ira. Wagner. Ilcinember his presence In our orchard when w gathered, but Mid nothing of the kind to blm then, btrohl told me that Kresgo w.s willing to net ion that Wagner had'nt bought tho poUon. Dld'ni fc..rj .v my daualitir wa pregnant. When Iwiutup stain on thnt Sniuiny night Louisa went nut Into the kitchen to get aouiethingto eat. Louisa was well At the tlmo sho departed for church, nor did tho complain immediately on her return, bhs helped henolf to tho candle that was then standing on the table. Harrison Straub is n brother of mine. Did not tell blm that I on. to hud dduettist toproouee nu abor tion. Am ncamtlntcd wiiu :ars. i-rancis jveru. On ( inn 1 Old von tflil her that Waaner was a good boy, aud that vou oelievod ho had nothing to do with ltl Ohjected to and siutained. ivnew Oeo. Dsppot ne uiant cemo 10 soe L'lulso. 1 . , , M liiv Ann Jtoyer a child ten years eld, la now brought forward lo tentdy, but tho Court very properly refuse to permit her lo be aworo. Her ntte, very naturally pioteuts her somewhat a gsinst the Importunities of the limbs of the mighty law. llavlng elicited from her. how ever, that she had some faint and very Indefi nite tdcn of hcllUre and brimstone, she In aworn and permitted to testify 1 Wa In Louts. and Charles Wagnci's company when they wcroon their n torn home on the buntt-v befoi e Io Jiia died. They were talking. aud 1 heard Wamer ay to J-oul-n, " this won't mild water.' They then walked ou nuttl they canioto whei we usually turned over tue lence, when they stop- Eod a few minutes to talk. I went into the ouse, and Charles Wugnor wont across tho lleMa home. Crossxa mined 1 Didn't hear them saving anjtntng else while on tho way borne, except what I have stated. They weto talking all tho white, but not loud enough sol could under eland it. Adelaide Boyor 1 Am 17 years old 1 Was olong at the piayer meeting on the evening provl-aa in thn tiiirnt nf mv Miutfir'n iinnth. I came liomo wuh Levi, and Louisa with Wag.icr, i.cviuud 1 returned first. Wuner didn't come, into ihu houHe. Lnu'sa wont lor the colToo pot to vet n drlu k oi LOileti. X went up Btalrs. Louisa came up n low mlnules afterwards I soon led axleep. when I got awake Louisa was vomiting violent ly. Levi and I went for tho doctor Wagner was at our house to Bee Louisa ou the Saturday before. Ho used to. come frequently. Don't know at what time lib used to leave, as I would Invariably retire to bed. Cioss examlnod 1 Louisa didn't vomit at the tlmo wo (Levi and II went for the doctor. Dr. J. c Kuameri Am a practising physl. ciau at Millport. Lower Towamenslug twp. Was called on on Bundav night, or rather Mon day morning, August '.1st. fcetwet-u 3 and 4 o. clock. Hepaired to tho Boycr rf ideflce, whero I found the girl Louisa In spasms 1 sho was not vomiting, nor had she any pain. 8aw some of tho vomit, I think, after sho waa dead. Mrs. Doyer fallowed It to me, But very Utile pulse alter I got there. Couldn't Judge of the nature of her euro plaint by the symptoms, tforao of the symptoms of arsenical poisoutng were wanting , lu tier en ho. Assisted at the post-mortem ex. 1 animation. From tho symptoms and appear ance ot.tho stomach, Ac, after death, I conclu ded thnt sho had died from Bomo virulent poi son. Met V 11 truer on tno mot nlng'ot her death. He asked mo whether Louisa was dead. I told him sho was. Ho satd there was entirely too much tilkaooot the matter. Asked hi m wheth er he bad given her anything to produce an a bo t tlon. XloKftidno, thathehad uotnouoyto bay medicino fur her. He denied having been nnywhero to purchase medicine, saying that If I could pioro that ho had beeu anywhere to buy meciclne, I might got a ropo and hang hlin. Ho denied bavin? been at Lehlghton on the Satur day before. Ho appeared greatly excited, trom bled nnd claimed to f oel chilly; this was at about 0 a. m; I was coming from Beyer's, and. ho was going to work. To ink I asked him whether ho knew sho was denal baved the stomach wrap pod it up lu paper aod subsi-quontly gavo it to Dr. Btapp who put it in a bottle. Had no per. soual knowledgo 01 her pregnancy at tho tlmo I spoko to Dover. Tho principal symptoms of pregnancy Is excessive woakuess. Ciots-oxamlued: Never had any expeiteneo In c mo of arsonical ptusiomug before this. Tho symptoms are similar to those of cholera mor bus. When 1 met CLa. Wagner, think 1 asked him; what havo you uud Louisa Buyer done 1 He replied nothing" I said "-yon you did" and then t'dd him that Louisa was in tho family-way ho paid "ho didn't know that ti.ey hna never "talked" that way. Asked him whether ho had procured any medicino for Lou I sal no said "no" that bo thoueht such medicine would be very high und ne had no monay to bay any. Maid ho hadn't been Insido of a drug store Didn't tell him at tho tlu.e f had found a box of pills which 1 1 lion bait about my person. Don't know what pills (whoso make) they were. Mr. Boycr nana, ed tho box to me: sho had found them up stairs. 1 left them subsequently at Kber t's Drug store. Dr. Htapp used tho kmfo at the post mortem. 1 ho content of the stomach consisted pnuci pally of fluids. Oot some 4 or 0 oz bottles from Mrs. Hover. Llnset them before tilling thorn, Corked them after filling. The stomach I wrap ped tn a uowaptfper 'look It to MuucU Chun it on the nrternoon after the funeral. Dr. btapp divided the stomach wttn hla Ktufo. There weiu somo dark spots on it. It also appeared to bo In noiuod. and there were some white spots visible aooattt. Took it homo with mo. carrying it under the seat of my carriage- Can't say wheth er J stopped anywhere on tho wav. Arrlvod at homo p.acod the stomach aud bottles ou a she-i iniuyolilce. My office wasn't lockod. Next took it (done np in the identical paper) to Dr. De Yo a mi's olllce In this place lor analyses. which he declined to do for certain icasons. Had it in my care from the time 1 ten nome un til mv arrival at the hotel. Had it In mv hand most of the time. Had not assisted at post mortem examinations before, boine forers nro accompanied by lnnamation of tho stomach xypnoiu lever ior example, in casot oz cuoiura morbus them would certainly be, iutlaiii itlou ot tho stoioach. Didn't examine the white SDecka upon the coat tug of the stomach. Knew Louisa iHiyer tome 17 or is yours ago. uer some 10 vears am. Hho was a remarkably hcaithv pet eon, Dr. bt-upp: Am uoroner oiusruon county, a practitioner of six years standing. Conducted ihe post mortem ou body of Louisa Boyer on 27th of August last, There were some white spots upon tho Inner lining, loo iced Uko powder. On examination of the wouiDfouud that deceas ed ban been pregnant ebout throe inontli-f. The fluid I put In a bottle which I gave to Dr. De jouug. uno aiomacu wo urougmaioug, uiaoou it in a bottle, seilod it and too It along home, Placed it under lock and key at my ofnot), and on the following day placed It tn tho hunda of Dr. Krwin. At the reuuet of District Attorney tiiewera, the body was subsequently dlslntorrod. the heart, liver and Intestines removed, and placed iu tho bauds ot Dr. Krwln, who took them away for analyses. The body exhumed was that of Louisa Boyer. and had assumed a roso- colored hue. The symptoms ex poisionmg are similar to those ot lead poislonlng. Havo heard of per sons nttcked by cholera morbus, dying within 0 houi a after beinir taken 111. Cro A-uxaininatloni Dr. Kramer Unformed me that (here had been violent purging on the evening ot her decease. Was provided with bottles when I went to make the post mortam. Tho second pose mortem was mado at the tn stance ot the District Attorney. At tho second examination the intestines were of bright yel low co or more so inau most Aiuencu coins. The whole intestines wera more or less ox that color. The face ot the eorpso wo lust entering Into a stab of decomposition Tueie was uo moru peculiar smeu man is generally me case under such circmu stances. Never oouducted a tMMt mortem before. Dr. Kramer und mvsulf went home in company when we left Beyer's ut tne C1080 OI 1110 joi luururiu. Huusequont to ue ueparture 01 vourj corres pondent. Mr. Wm. Btspp. Hon. Levi Wents, fir. HoYounr aud Chaa. M. Kbbert were called ou to testify, but as their testlmouy only tend, ed to corroborate some ot the testimony already in. tuoir pxrucuiar testimony may ue uipeusHi with, wlthrcirard to Hon. Levi Wen It. bow. ever It may not bo au-iMs to state that he alo related, aa nsu ur, ivrvaiucr ueiuro uiiu, now the prisoner had deuled to bun having purchas ed poison, saying to him, aa he had to Dr. K.t "If you find that I've done so, you may get a ropo to uauit witu. TUUBaDiT. At this writing, 9 a. m. the Court-room Is deutely crowded. LouUa Boyer. Am grandmother of the deceas ed mil. Wa m the house on tho night sho was taken sick, but was In bed at the tune. About mldulght 1 was aroused, got up and made seino tHufnr hftf. bhe was vomitiue conilderanlv. '1 his lasted until between 3 and 4 o'clock Cant tell what color the vomit was. Was present when she died. Know Walter BtrouD. he was not near at tno time ioaisai was taaen sick. Uo was there once about & year beforo. he ate dinner with u- then. Ho came alone. Ue and his father came to us once last winter they then wauted to borrow some money, Walters father ana Laura's mother were brothor and Cross-examined 1 The Btraube farm a small Disco, aud a dud a 01 a store, waitur stud ipiI utivHnliiB at FhlUdelnhla. Can't tell how long he was there. The defence now attempt to make appear aa If Walt, blraub might have administettnl the poison or procured tha pills. They are evideutly straining at gust. The color of what she tlirew up wasn't noticed pat tlcular. ivti imikeA whiter tbdn wutur. Dr. Ki eamrr recalled! Defendant told mo that th univ U1116 he bad lately beeu fioin Pome lid beeu when he was at the ap to buy a load of watermelons, but they were too high, so be did uuy any. John iv line torn Assisted at the burial of Ixn. Boyer. and describes the manner In w hlca her remains wero placed lu the gruie. He also a. ahttttd at tha exhumauou. aud points out Dr. Krwln aa one of Ihe Dart lea nresenL Knaw Louisa well while living. It was hex body we took up. Charles W, Lento Am druggist at Jjehighton, neatly opposite the Carbon Uoue Know the prisoner. On Ute ltlh of Augut last he c-auid to my store inquiring whether we sold rat pol aon. lild me mat ho had beeu but rue ted by xaciUci to b7 borne; lUetiuOol hiai bow to use it, and hoWtohiindio it; lu ij, ages, each c tntaluin x one nilf 01111:0 H itt m gift" or arscnlo add arsonlci thoao aro tho packages bo obtained from 1901 they wero per' feet when I gave them to bitni necameagaui on horse-back on Monday foUowlng; told mo that a girl had aaddcnly died ra hianelghbor bootl, and If any one naked, sav h hadn't been here: hinted at paying me well fox net sarin 0; anything; he alfo told me tbat tler was somo talkabout arresting him. lie Mid he had money coming from Ins guardian; ho aprm called on Wednesday following bSldt "here I brought Iho poison back, to convince you tnat the packages bare not been opoiied."rernsing to accept twin lie left Tho poison was subsequently Hlrt WIMm Ha label's Wlio pl.ued It III Hit s fJ shortly artcrward Mr, Ilapsber came to n anrt deal rod me tn tat e the packages pack, he ( Hap she r) wrapped the packaces lu a uewspuper (om WedtiPhday evening) before ho placed them M hUsafe;reItiedtopccipt them buck tuvauae 1 dldu't wish to become an accessory the fact Wm. M. Hapnhof, bolng now called Ooti. Al bright promptly comes to bin rescuo ny intoi po sing tho question of pnwUge. He 01 Jecta: hies olOections. argues iho point at length. Bnt bis eloquence ami the res-tmH assigned me not tut fered to prevail. Mr, Hap-her therefoih testl llesi Don'i iccolltct when Id.ivoied thovaok ascs to V qui re Bcckj it mar ot it moy not htre been on the xiti of August (witness grows ner voui): don't know whetuer it was uenveidod ui same condition to 'bqnlrn Deck as it was when I iccetvea It. 'bquirolleckl Live at Lohlghtoni remomber recoivlng a package from Mr. lisp hc 1 11 Iho evening of the SOtb of AngusLal about s o't lock; put it in my safe, where I kept it Until I deliv eiedittothe DistiKt Attorney vu the 7th ot Ocuiben ao far aa I know It wan then lu tho namo cuniition It had beau whou recuvei: (holds up a pater) It was oono up In paper like ttiK crnss-examiunitun derelopos notningat variance In what ho stated beftre. K. It. Btewerei Called at Mr. Beck's 0 flic eon 7th nt October, when I lecelved ihlspackare and kept It in my poase-slou until 1 del it trod It to Dr. Krwln for analysis, ou the 8th. ltonert Mun'its 1 wvo at n iu port t anow Wagneu wnsnt lehlghton ou V3J August; Ixjuii sa Boyer was b'triwl that forenoou; saw Wag ner comma out of Lenta's drugstore as I was going lu. uioss-ivxaiuinaiioiit waa nt uiuiuuuihu Wagner there, thia waa at about li a in. i came to Lehlrhton by train; saw Wagner tn Lehigh tou at about S p. m. sabscquonuy saw him com lnir u the stroet. accompanied br William Waguer. . nson MUsnuts: Live at iemgn uap; unanes Wagner waa nt my house shortly beforo tho death ot Louisa Boyer; ho claimou to be oil his way to Le Id en ton to buy a suit of oiothos. Herman Volght t Was lock tender for Mush, llta in August, 1876. Ho waa prei-pirtng pro f useiy. He bought a watermelon, which he ate. Ho said he wnnted to go to WolBsport. Dr. 11 B. Krwlnt Practised medicine since 7L Btudied chemistry, of course: always took spo- vial rioligotmiu On the aflernoouot August 26th. received at Mr. Blowers' o 111 00, what was said to bo the stomach ot tho late Louisa Dover. wnicn 1 sun)cqucnuv piaceu in uiocaioui Air. Twining, paying teller ot the First Nat, Hank, for safe coping. Wo af towards had tho oody exhumed, lu order to subject It to auotuerex. amlnatlou. Wo socured some of tho Intestines, tho heart nnd I Ivor. In tho coiirso of our ex amination wo a is-1 fouud a foetus showing that tne gin nuu neen snout m nenm.u moutuoi pngnancy. Ihodoctot then enlarged upon the varionn rhemlcal tests to whieh the nart-a so- cored had boon subsequently subjected, all of which tended to Bhow conclusively that the girl had died of arsenlous poisoning. Not being a chemist, nor versed lu chemical pnrasonlogy. 1 cannot of course, enter Into tho details ot tbo docor's lengthy lectuie ou and practical illus tration ui mouern cuouiiatrj. aiu buiibuuu tu;it tho irlrl took tho arsenio In nowder at loistSU or 6d grains, and died Irom arscnloos poisoning. The touts applied, are. in my opinion, ail sum. cionc to establish the fact aa tne causo of tho girl's death. uv. unanmon Am iTOicssur ot uiiumiHiiy no tho Lohigh University. The tests applied by Dr. Krwin I consider ourroct Thov move con clusively tho p rose uco of arsenic, to other suusianoo womu prouueo me eamv resoiia. 1 uu vellow sdou 1 of tired to I should consider aa in dicating the presence of aisento. From 2 to 3 gratn of arscnlo aro held to bo sufficient to pro duce death, etc. uorueuui uuyon Ar-estoa unas, wugner, IsalaU Miller, of Welssport assisted mo. Did not ask him to make a statement of tho coao to Die, Wen't to Wagner's heoso. Not knowing Charles, I protended to bo after pigs. Took him at some distance from the house. Ho shook as If he had the fever and ague. He de clared his lnnoceuoo to me, said bo had neither bought nor given her poison, uen. AlbrUht oojoctslo the evidence when It is proposed to prove what prisoner told the olncer at tho Jaib Objected to.undobjycilon overruled. He owned buying pnrchaiod 20 cts. worth of arsenic at Lehlghton, part of which he had mixed with feed to poison rata. He also told me whore he had bought It right opposite llanden bush's hotel. Told me this In his celt Wot in his cell 4 or & times It was during the first conversa tion I had with him tbat he told me about buy ing the poison. Cau't exaetly tell what trans pired at each particular visit (witness Is getting bomcwhat "muted up") Had a horse aud wu gon when I went to arrest blm. Suppose hla clothes wore wet from sweating, It they wera wet at an. 1 swore out tne warrant rormsar rost. He said be suspected a young man nam ed btraub as the party who had poisoned the girt. Isaiah Miller; Was In Doyor's company when lm bj routed Warner. We stonned at Warner! and went tn, but at first arrested the wrong man. wntu wo uui turosiou uoxtes. uouc clared ho hod not bought any poison. When no arrlvod be claimed to have been at Paul Kres- e'a, on tne way we utoppeu at uoyer. Air a. invar came ont aaviniT! "oh" Charlie, vhot ran do ron do this! we havo plenty of laud and your mother has pleuty of laud we could havo gotten along even If Louisa should have got a cht d; What mado you do thlal Why didn't you come Into the house last bundayt wore you afraid she might have died on your Iap1 to all which ho mode no replv. Franoia bchlllngen Owed Wagner bo me mon ey iu tho mouth of August, Uo never camo to get it. Cross-examined: Didn't seo blm anywhere in August, -saw him once in company of 2 others. Haw him at Wlstlers. Albert O. Snyder 1 Was at' tho postmortem examination. Took charge of a bottle contain ingpirtof the stomach, which I subsequently Kavu ui m, nMpu. uui tuo uviuo at tuo nouie 11 toyer). JCept It abont me until I gavo it tn )r, tstapp, ltwasoorked; didn't open it. Waller Htraubi Live in rhiladelphla 'at pres ent, where I am atudvtnir mediolne. Mv nnmn jsnear the Leiilgh Oap. Louisa Boyer and I vrcru uuuaius. uiu iiuv hitd nor uj- poiaou. Crots-exa mined t Wasn't bafora the firand Jury in October, but had beeu aubpeenod to uo bu, iJiuu't try vo othuo urviro 01 auopcona uy toiling my boarding ralstresa to deny my pres. enoe. Don't remember when Louisa waa last at oar house. Mrs. Htetllngi Ono day in July went to Bow. man's with Louisa Boyer. I was also lu Lor company, at another time, wheu In Mauch Chunk. Hho came here to buy some goods, bought o-illco. alpaca, trimmings, to. Aft' r transacting onr business, and eating dinuer, Louisa bouaht some candles aud oranges, aud I Bums magnetic ointment at a dru-g store, after whlob we went down street for the train. The Commonwealth then offer In evidence a photograph of the two packages ot poison, to which the deleuoe object, but their objection is overt uledbytbeCoart, and Com. rest. Only Three tn 100,000 Bead, pause aod kkfleot over tho following: Dr. CnvA'aWIM r!hat-, Seneka has proved beyond all doubt to uu me- ueat mm imm wonderful remedy ovar n re nan id for thn r.aAv rnHo ... - iwnut auu euro ot all coughs, colds, whooplug wugu, nobuutu, uuvitaeiius4(vyeaK mags, Incipient consumption, aud that terrlblo malady croup. Have you delayed try ing it so long? If so, get a bottle cost ing 50 cts. and uso two thirds of it 1 If LOt satisfied return thn halation ami of your money back. Cau auything bo uirer 7 11113 oner nas been accepted by over 100,000 persona using this delight ful remedy, aud only three bottles have ever been returned. Sold la Lehlghton by A. J. Durling and O. W. Lcutz. Large bottles GO cents; small size 25 cu. married, EATCLIPF-UTOUTln this borough, 6u the Hth inst. by llev. John CarriLgton. 51r. Dan. 11. lutcliff and Mis iUen tftout, both of Lts Lighten, Pa, WEBll.-ln thts borough, on the isth lnaaatfc Lixjie M daughter ot Jos. H. aud Catharine Webb, of scarlet fever, aged i years, a nuaitha, and lit days. Hnun thy little feet eons TBo way to l.vo. tlia bllutul Lome: 1 he w.y to Cbntr. the etuidren". friend. Wno too joa to ttut beuer IumL. Ti. hiirU t. put. oat. tiuia due 1 u I .area Uiexe 1. no paiu uo fear i lint lovo on tb.t dear Joans breait. where cliildrcii't lieuLi reeilao amj rent. Boon we too .tuUI follow tbee, lu tbat brtabt laud irom ton-ow fne wber. paxuiur tear. imM uo tuore. Tueiv.oTecoaui.-roldeu.nQie. Thon tarewetl. iJule. tiU we meet 1 11 Heaven, stain thy fare I. greet. Tn .bare .ith thee the llianborr, Wbrte !. u vM4 n :-u'! lore.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers