II. V. MOKTIUMER EDITOR LEI1IOIITON, I'A.: SWUnDAV MORNING, .IAN. 20, 1877. CounUntf the, Electoral Vole. Tlio Committee appointed Iruin tin; Senate and llouso of Representatives cm eountlng tlio Electoral voto.on Wed nesday last agreed upon a bill, wliicli was reported to both Houses and Otm pran on lliursdy,but two of tlio mem bers of t bo Committee dlwntlnjr, nmi from the Senate and one from the House, but nbo did nut make a min ority report. The bill l substantially tlm same as that presented by Senator Morion, In the last Concrcss. onlv that provlsslon U hero made for a tribu nal to determine which return shall be counted In cases where moro than one return Is presented from the same State. Tlio following Is a synopsis of tin- bill agreed upon : Thn first section piovidos that thotwn llonnci pi H.lHSseuiuiein tue nan of tho Houser Kepio .OIllQtiVei lit 1 O'clock im the SOCODd WoilnCS o ,r In Fetiraarv ued thn rrmidout ol tlio 8eu. yte Khali preside. Ouo Ibllor Uiall bo appointed for tbo Ken ito i.nd two lor loo Homo, to whom clmll to handed, as ther- aro opemd b tho 1'vflUilcut ot tho Houate. all eertlue.iiis of olec toral voles. Tho cortillcates navlug be thus opened nud read In the ho.iniiK ot bolh Houses. lllO tollers .11.11 Tn.kft a list, nt thn vnlM flu t ln.v shall appear from I ho eertlncatcB ottho votes limine Leon counted. Tlio result of tho samo ehail bo delivered to Ibo l'ronilent ot the ben ;te, who shal tlurenpon announce tho atato ot tbo vote and tho names ottho persons, 11 any nuiuu Huuouiice.iieut snaii ue ueeinou HUulC.Otlk deetumtlnn nt flirt nraiTin M.rliul President and Vien lr.MAnC Ifanvnnnattnin hall arise lu repaid to tho conntlng any or tho rotos certified, IhoBounto shall mire and tho iiursuon snan tie enumlttrd to both turtles wpnrateiv tor decision, and no Kleetorlal vote to which obj .ctlou shall be mado shall bo count 1 oicopt by the affirmative vote ot both House. Tue scrond section provldM that in all cases whoro moro thau one rei tiflotto ot tho Electoral vote has been received from tho came state, they ahali boroferred to a oouimlsalou. consis ting ot five Senators, Ave Representatives an t lour Asrociate J nstlces ol the anirexe Court of im- uuiumi nuuos. who piesiue over the f irst. Third. KtvhCh null Ninth niri.n1f. nnn tl.n.n four Associate Judges shall chose a fit tn Justice to complete tho Commission, who shall not bo the Chief Justice of tho United btates. To this Commission shall bo toforred nil papers and testimony relating to the disputed returns, and thsy are clothod with a 11 powers possessed by either or both bouses ot Congress to mate In vestigations. A mijority ol the Commission snail no nocensary to determine all questions ro. lerrod to them, or arising out of the nutter in controversy. Tho decision of the Commission ai tp which return shall be counted sbHllbo uiaun ia wnHDK lo IUO two 110US0S assembled, n provided in the first section, and their decis ion shall und nnless reioctea bv the concur. rent vote ot the two If onses. tre Aisocnte Justices who will constitute a portion of tho vuwuiidiiuu tuo iwumi tjiuioiu oi aiaiuo. fJamuel F. Miller of Inwa. Rfpnhrr. 1. Viphl nt Jalllornla.and WillLm strong of Vennsylvanla. wuiuussiou win ue Bwom to reuner an Diparuxijaasment, according to tho Constitu tion ana laws ot the United Htatea No time is specified when tbo decisions ot tho wuuiwiMiou Bnoaia no rcnoeicd, but it is piovi dedthat the Commission ehall convene npon the questions bolug reierred to them, and ini. mediately procoed to their consideration and determination. Tho senior Associate Jaitice Clifford will presldo i Tho other four ABsociato umbo, one oi wnom is to no cuoson to com plete tha numniliilnn urn Qnpn nt nnli Varls of Illinois, Uradley of New Jersey, and To the Editor of Tns c a ebon adtocatb. Thn eltliflna nf fhn llnrntiali nf 1 ,t. , ... . I Wghton, and poiSlblV Of some OtllOr borouohn. hm hprfnro aIamI nnlv , . rf fire councllmen to constitute a Town Council. An Act of Assemply approv ed June 20(1,1871, flies the proper num- . 1, . 1 uct ui on uiemDera me Durgesj noi belne councilman under the law. As the spring elections are approaching I would auggest to my fellow cltlrens, through your valuable medium The Advocate, the propriety of filling tho vacancy which has heretofore oxlsted, 3 Will 1)0 seen UV the aforesaid Act. Viz : I "The number of mc-muora of anv I Town fionnrll nf a llnrnimh uliprn tlm 1 lown council or a uorougu wuere tue Iiuuiucr 19 uuw UX.UU nb UTU, euuil uu l hereafter slx.and In norouchs hereafter incorporated under general laws, tbo I Mtimhir nfoiirOi rniu.pllmnn olmll lintlr ... - 1 COUrU Of the Commonwealth, liavlnc lurlsdlctlon to incorDOrate boroucha juriHiu.uuu to lUburpuruto uoi"bu may, in crantinc an incorporation, or I npon application mado to them for the r U , . , I jiuiiu3u, ua ut uuaugu vuo vuaiLvi ui any Borouch BO as to authorize the burgess, or chief oxecuttve officer there of to servo as a member of the Town Council with full powers as such, and to preside at the meetings thoreof." Very respectfully yours, Jan. lOtb, 1877 V. M, K.u-siieu. A letter from Fort Laramie, dated January 1st, eays that General Crook returned to Fort Fetterman on Decem ber 29th, and his command ou tho fol lowing day. Tho X'owdcr ltlver expe dltlon has been given up, the Indians becomlmg so alert as to make further winter campaigning Impracticable A court-martial was to be hold at Chey enne, on tho 5th lust., for tho trial of General J. J. Reynolds, of tha Colored Third Cavalry, and Captain Moore, on charges of cowardice and disobedience of orders during tho lato expedition Sergeant Bessy und an uscort of tho Sixth Cavalry had a flght with fifteen Indians ou tbe Klkliorn, thirty uiilos north of Fort Laramie, on tbo night of tho 8d Inst. Bessy and one of his com panlons werotllghtly woundodr aDotlv vr named Fcatheralt being severely hurt. They also had three horses kill nd, but compelled them to retire. A company of calvary left Fort Laramie next day to Intercept tho Indians i, 1 At a meeting of Tnternatioualista lu Now York, on Saturday sight, resolutloo. worn adopted approving the course ot the Molly Ma. euiree, an I protesting against their execution ou the ground that they wore convicted by hired wilneflsea What a iset of God-fearing-, neighbor-loving, low-abiding citizens these Internationalists must be, who cau In public meeting adopt resolutions ap proving Hid coarse and conduct of a 6et of out-throats like tha Molly Ms-gulres. Jamps O. Wains of Mnlnp j Mr. Ferry, of Michigan ; A. II. Garland, of Arknnsas ; find Wm. Wlndom, of Min nesota, wore elected by tlio Legislatures of tliclr respective states on Tuesday Inst, U. S Senators. Our riilladclplilA lid tor. Plitio.. Pa.. Jan. 17(h, 1677 Piun At'TOCUE. Tim flJewalk still Illustrate the upxBod downs of lift', and nnny nro tliey who In nirnny oxctilm t " What a fall was there my rouutrymau V ThoHennett M it aflttf hart flUrrllfd the mlo- lhtrel niid Tatlfty pUoh and funny Myitis m.nt trial for hUrItaiuos llw rpullty of oYerFhoo and ruhbers tlaei nol ffpm to Im kept n to tlio.r fbnner standard of ixffll"rtns: thuvl'vik nice anil hrUht and riilny anl all tint but n few days' wear won ihows that they t-tin take In morp water than a finh or a M low who liny Info leu up alt tho night tcforo wtlh Kirk friend." It win stm lio difficult to throvralirlck In rltli pr of the liuuthuru Statei, wltlumt hlttlug a Uot eruur. JluslriPM In Just at -out as llfely at a dead floa. Tim schooling la uot as cood as It used to be In the Klctornl Colleiro. lint Iwts will noon haTO to be tiald In "The Utt Spring styles," Thn ft en m or far Salt lllver wilt not learei H U idoudi, teR'rt3 next .Mirtu, The bt)Ad of an M. C. U often but little leas than M.T Thlx l tho time of the year when you pay auTOn cunta for your car f.troaud help to push the car an iuu wuy. If eiia iret much hlrha ther will bare to bo Knock oa aown wnn auun. It Is astonlthlni: bow clmn a dirty Docket hand- Koriiiieteet3ms.il moyea oiaomo men. And now they talk of maklnir ral'road cars of nip" iron accural ng 10 me paieut v a luiouo Islaoder. Illdlas on the rail, In a car of Iron ripe, Isn't this a funny tale Of a rattier fuuny rtrlpol Ice eorcoD are far from corzoous to those who suuer Dy tuem. Kavlcatlon Is quite played out at present, both in i ne Bireei anu un iae rireii. It seems strantte that at this time of the Tear no one rings lour boil and tells you to take In your Ice." Thieves ransacked the mansion of a prominent citizen oarly tho other mo-ning and prepared and took breakfast befoTe departing with their plun der. The dar after a thaw la orer and (he thermome- terli nuarl? down to nothinc. You'll o folks coma out and himmer and cut and dig away at the granite like Ico In the most Tlgorous man ner lmma finable. ThaToiceofthemook-auHlonoer waxetn loud when the stranger passeth by. What are you going to do with yourself next Christmas f Thn nonltlon of Qeoeral Auzur. at Now Orleans, must b e a great bore to him. " When this cruel war Is over," Then we'll all live In clorer And woe be to the told rorer, Ytha speake of politics more orer. " When this cruel war U OTer." Few hem nests haTO been found la sleighs late ly. I'Obslbly this has something to do with the rise lu eggs as It is fiKey tne nens do noi line to uy low in sucncoia wtainer. Daveunort la nlavlnt? "Daniel Druce" at the Walnut Street Theatre, and they say the pUco Is washed out erery night with tears. Watered ellks And watered milks Are bad In cities great Hut in country towns. They wear nice gowns And the milk Is always straight. " I know my daughter Annie Is a good singer.1 be raid, "but if that music teacher tells me he Is a " Soapy Anua," any more I'll break his head t " Now would you Ulieve it, whoa 1 tell you that It took nearly an hour for Mrs. lilgglu s to ex plain to liigglns, thatM'ss Anna lliggfns had a soprano voice r ' I wish I was a clothes Imse' nelfthed an old car horse the othor day, " because if I was. 1 would be ofUnput near tho kitcbeufire and havo lots of ctothes on mo." Ksep vour eres oosd. fbr thousand dollar conn t.rfelt bills are In circulation, and at the sain, time 1 may as well mention, that man pounds of bullets hare been made up Into flro cent pieces. 1 juasre so because i bad one tne otner day, not. tlooo bad blU, but bad At. cent tlec& Yours, Watchfully, .Masctllio. TUE NEWS. -We ha,TA received the Januarr number of Lkuuhr Uouitfl, a hannsome mmuiuotu 14 pave f si rolnmnsl famlU' nauer. tilled witn literature senm uuu nuuu Bkuiiua, e.ciuuca, iicu y , nil. hnmnr Ai... A-n. Itta eutert.inlnir. fLmusinir anil instrucilTe, and is one of tho cheapest paiiers thit we havo swn. Tuo mice is Si.Drier year. lucludlnc a premlnm a ireuulne (Juo Hue steel ensrav1n, called"The Mltherleas usirn.-prtnt. ou ou lil JJ iiuuo paper, wuicu uo puuii.nt-ra S'"'m.?5',S, paper tn the country, and U alone worth the money askod for both. I be publishers, J Im latteu & Co., 182 William St., New YorK, author. lzens to sav. thai in order to introduce tho na per in this vicinity they make a epeclnl offer to rvr o0 ot oar readers to sand them the tiaoor a-rtriaitrin"of tonr months, oosnraid. com. meuclns wllh tho laiiujry numtwr-Jor Mcts. Our readers who avaU themselree ot this offer will, we eel certain, tnank us for haying canon I 'heir attention to 1U The publishers of leibuuk llouos woult Use to omploy some one lu overy place to canvass ior mis ptiper. A. woman dronned doid on the street, of l'nttsviiie aL weeK una ine coroner's larv naa decided that her death was caused by lu toxical. mir lliiaor. 11ID AUIIUUUIUCIIttUU tWUVlT K4IUU UIUWU. tion aocietv offers twenty cents nr pair for alt noaillly Quait ueuvuruu iu aiiui In Hnuhury, Thn lleadlnir Times thinks that & narrow crnnirn inml thmmrh the Oley vallep. 13 m.lea In lenxtn, win uo uuui anu win win prove a proui auie investment. The WrstlnirhouBO air-brake comnauv have received notice fiom Ixiudou that the North nrltuu railway nave aaoptea tu ir uavice and have accordingly oroerod zoo bets ol car lutings, rne ltailewn Nenunoi bay. tnal rartiec cs Co., havo discovered a vein of coal 10 toet thlcx amouuibugurioai mountain in mat vicimiy Tho discovery Is a very Important one. The lule suurt tn oft has not lifted tho noonli olTltusvllleout of all their ilUlcultlea Unl ol tony properties advertised by the sheriff of uiawioru cojuty tuirtyare in tnai metiopoin ' a i.iutu Patrick Collins, one of tho commissioners ot bchuvlklll county, was arrcetod on ISaturilay. at tho suit ot his bond-men, on a charge of de fault lu the payment of taxes colloctej by him amounting ioci.aj. jio khvo uaii tor uia ap nuarauco ut o mrt. -im .UKiiitYruiK buu iu iiiun jDuruii nil- urea up the cot ol mining coat, taxing three riea lu Hcnuvlltlll conntv roi exaiimles. to be S3, n to tJ.M per ton. without orottt to the oiieialor or luteiett on tho luretmeut. The mluotiou in cot, as com oared with l$7o. Is from bea wnii a lune luuieiona nantruiir a?nni. itltkho. Tho ticraiitou ltenubhouu ot a late uuvo tutvn: at iiu yoi iuu iu iuu piuib uiamry oi tho coal tie.ds if l'euuvlvanla havo they beu nioro oidurly thau ut present time. Crime of vlulouce art rare i toliceuiuu in iur larro cities have a siuecaio of ft; older men have nothing to do iu the crliuln tl line, and too community was never more saiitJled ot Us security than it la now." Tho Lewlftbnrir Chronicle aavi: llev. Uriel Q raves, a Lutheran preicherof somo note, once apaitoi1 la Mtliou. hs been guilty of so many omUu Uh ecoeutncitiee that a commlulou has heea upp'tiuted ti Inquire luto the subject. His iiscotslauK In tbe imlMi, eaUocu lou about Itayiutf debts, etc. wuu.d teem to indicate that ie Is bordennirion lunacy, lie denies most of tUGCiWKesof uupa'doosblfl expreasious lu the jmtplt, but euouxn uro left undenlo J tu saspend him from tho ministry Mr. iliush.ot Taijwrt, U'Kean county, be ing; somewhat new tutho huiitiie of handliiuf petroleum tout his lighted candle and uncover ed aWu-bairei tauk tu make au Interior obser vat ion. The f oicoof the expoduu that tollowod lauded Mr. Brush far eaougu from tho tank to havo his life though burned severely, 'lho oil Uuk wro entirely uusumed. The lecords of th j auditor Keoeral's office of this stale show that actual uefalcntiou ou the part of county treasurers have been dlscovurod ainee January 1, 1870, amoautln to tM,63J.ll. Chatles Miller, out of work, away from his family in the old cuuutry, and tlied vt life, took pollou and laid himself down to die in a barn ueai Oxford IMi uat la it woelc. lie was found oabaturday dwKiu4 Uvlvii slid. Closing Prices of DkUayhn A Town- send, block, Government and Gold 40 South Third Slreot, IMdladelphia. Jan. 18th. 1677. fJ. H.8'B. 1881 1141. hid 11tU na1r(1 IT. B. 18(W loulf bid IKU aeked U.K.5-20,a,l165-J.AJ....I10i Md 110S oaltcd v.ra. ft.-tra. 18C7 113S bid 1I3H asked f.H.0,l8S9 U54 bid 11C asked U. 8. IvMQ'a bid 1134 asked tr. h. i;urrencv,6'8.........K2H bid fflh nsked U.,H.D18S1. now U2i 1,1,1 112 n8kpd U. 8.4Vs. new l'.7i hid netted l'itUlrHnla It. H 48 hid 4H ftskt d I'Jiiln AltendtnKH.lt IS bid 18 nked r.elilKH VAtley It. it A'j hid 40 S asked ( ehlirh Coal & .Nnv, Co.... 29 H bid SOS asked UnltiHl CoiatKinlcsof . J. 140 Iml 14 U tttrd Oil Creek A All. Val. It. It. 81 h d 8i naked l'htm. &tKro U. It 13H bid 14 ftsketl Mmtlicni Central H.lt.... 2Ji ntd 27 nrked Hotimvll1o I'ftsa. It.li, Co. 20Jt bid 2iH naied dold K6k bid H'f3S. a&koiI Special Notices. PIMPLES I Will mail (Frenl thn rorlno for TirrTinrtn( n Pimnln Vroetahlr Halm thai w'.il rnmovo Tan, FUKCKLE.S l'IMl'l.KS nml HmTnipa 1rnr. liiKtho Mkm boI t, cloar and lo"ntlfuli nlso in structions for pmluclnc n luxuriant growth of tut uaiu nenu nr Rinooin iik'p. AoureRS lion. Vandelf & Co. Uox 611 , No. 5 Wooator-st.. X4ovrYoiKt jflnl3.me TO CONSUMPTIVES . Tho a Ivortlser, linTlni; tiocn pprtnnneutlv cur ed ot th it nrcnanisiwo L'utisnniption by a elm tiln reraoilt-. Is anxious to mnko known to Ms fellow BufTtTors tlm means or cuie. To All wno do ,1:0 It. ho will send noopv of tho prescription nit (l.trreo of charfro). nltli tho directions for ren.irlne nndudUK l ho tatac, which ther will Ind n BUitK cuke tor Consumption, Asthma, llronchiils, Ac Fnitles wishing tbo prescnii tliiu will pleuve udilro's Ilr.v. 1C. A wII-SOU, ID4 l'enn-st,, WilllamsUnrgh, N.Y. jwH-mll Errors of Youth. A Gentlemin who RutTorod for yeirs from Nttous Debility. I'lematuro Decay, and nil tho i ffuctn nt vonthttil Indiscretion will, for the Bako of nuffertujr hnmnnltr, aond free to oil who need it. the reciffo and direction! fur making tho simple reruCTy Ijt which ho was cored, feoffor era viHhlnu to ptoHt by the advertiapr's expert enco can do bo by uddresRlng. in perfect contt dence. Jani3mfl JOHN II, OtJDEN. 42 codar-at. Now York. E. F. Kuukol'j Rittcr Wine of Iron. The creat success and dollcht of tho tieonle. In fact nothing of tho kind hna nvor been oiler, ed to tho American poiplo which has so quick, ly found its war Into their goo I favor and hear ty approval as K. F. kumckl'b iutteh Wink op I tto.N. It does all It piopnsea, and thus give. universal fuitlstnction. It is giftrontcoa to euro tho worst c.ise of dvsncpia or lndlgostlon, kid ney or dver dicoiso wcakuoss, nervousness, constipation, acidity of tho stomach fcc. Oet in gtniuino. umy bohi in 91 uoicies, uwoi nndOfllco, 25!) North NlntU St. Philadelphia. Aak lor ICnnkel's, and take no other Sold by all druggists. IbMiepsln. Dyspepsia Dyspapsia. K. k KUKKEL 8 J IT IT. It WINE OF 1UON. Is n sure cure for this dlsonst It has been prescrib ou uaiir lor wnur yonra ia mo pociico 01 01m nent physicians with unparefieled Biiccesi. Sympioms aro loss of appetito wind and rising of food, dimcss In month, head iche. dir-zluess. Bloepleauesi and low irits. Oct tho gouoine. Not sold in bulk, only in f l bottles. Hold by all druggist. Ask for K F. KvhKKVa Bitibb wise of ikon ah i a sic is n tnfli oi ino valu able modtclno. A trial will convluco yon at once. Worms. 1 orms. S onus. E. F. KUNKEL'S WoitM SIRUP never falls to removo aI kinds of Worms. Sent Pin and Stomach Worms aro readily removed b'- Kan. kel'B Worm wvtop. Dr. Kankei la the only successful phyxlcliu in this country that can remove Tnpe worm in from two to foar horns. 110 has no fee until the head and nil nassea auve and in this Bpai o ol time. Common beuse teaches if Tune Worm can be removed, nit oihcr Worms cnu be readily doUroved. Ask your drnggist ior a uoines 01 atuMiisL B wok 11 xuui'. I'tico 1 DuueriMitie. ituovor fuis: nr Bend to the doctor for circular. No. 251 North Ninth Ht, njiaueipma, Auviceireo, Jan. 0. Now Advortiaomonts. J-ItS. C. do TSClUltSCHKY, Nearly opposite Darling's Drag storo, BANK STHEET, LEIIIGIITON, Pa. Calls tho attention ot tho Ladles ot Lchlgbton and vicinity to the fact that she keeps a full ashortment of Berlin & German town Wool, IMPORTED ANU DOMESTIC EM11BOID. ERIE!), NOTIONS, RIBBONS, ladies' and Children's Hose, GEUItIAIV FIllIlTS, LIMBEHOKIl & SWITZGU CIIEESU. CANDIF.S. CONPECTIONS and a variety of other articles not usually kept In any other stoer in iicmguion. A eharo of pnblio pntronoge Is tollclted, and eatisiaction guaramccu. jhd.iqj Newspaper Advertising Agents GEO.P.ROWELL&Co. 41 Park Row, N. Y. Thev have the satisfaction of controlling tha moat extCDNtvo and compk'te advert I hi nK con pectlon which has cvrr been seemed, undone which would ho brdlv iwsailtle m tiiiy other country hut this. They have succeeded in woik. log down a cow pie x bustuest Into so thorough. ly a flysiomauu mumua mat uo ciiuuve iu ino nowspaper system ot America caa escape notice, whllo tuo wi'lfcBt Infoimailou ujMm all tODlcs lu. tercbtiuc to advertisers is placnl readily at the disposal of the public Extract from Now Yoik Scud for a Circular. Jan. 20, J877wJ "OEP0RT OF THE C0NIUTI0X of JLU U10 JflllbT MATIUNA-L HANK, at Lehlghtou. In tho Ktaio of 1'enusyivant.i. at thC"Cloeof buidness. l'ndsy, December 22nd, 130 I BEfiOUKCES. Ijoann and Discount .. (30.0C9 10 U. b. Bonds to secure circulation ... so.uoo (X) Due Irom approved Iteseno Apents.. 1,362 68 HoalKstate. iurnUure, and Mxttires 1.0K3 00 Current Kxpeuses ana Tuxes I'uid... 1.'"'3 rt I'remlums raid 8.S10 vi CheokB nnu otner cja items 476 71 Bills id other National Banks uo Fractional (juncncy.lnciud'K nickels 241 M Hpocie (lucluding koH '1 reasury notes ZH li Lociil Tumtr .Nultid t.uuts uo Budeinpllou Fund with U. H. Treasur er (5 per cent, of Circulation) 2.250 00 Total 1111,011 M mmuTiEs. Capital Stock raid lu (30,000 00 Hurolus fund. lib on Other Undivided 1'rohU r-utioual Uank Notes Out.Unillug ... Divldoiid. unjiald-.A ludividual Deooslu subject to cbeoc. Due to other National Hants Duo to btate Hank, and Bankers Notes and Bill riHliscuauted 3 410 13 4!,C3 00 113 83 0.S51 W SM IT 7,474 Total 1141,011 U State o Itnuiyttanla, County uj Carbon, it t I, W. W. Bowman. Cashier of the atovinan. ed Bauk, du aolemuly swear that the above atatsmeut Is truoto Uiehesiof my kuowledffo aud hetiet W. W. BOWMAN, faahler. Subscribed and aworu to before me, this 13th day of January, 1977. TIIOS. H. BECK. Nol'y I'nbllo. Correct Attest i A. J. Darling, It. Y. IlofTord. Deuols Bsumau, Directors. Jan. 20, ls77, WAN! KD, everybody to kuiw that tl.OOcuh will jiay a year. subMnpUon for the UAH Now Advortisemicuts. )DBUC SALE Of a Valimblo Grist Mill Property !'! Too nnderslmod will sell at PnMlo Salf, on tho rremlnes, In FRANKLIN Township. Car. lion Count-, i'o., about I hroo miles Knst of tho Wels.p-irt Hnliroad Depot, m what Is known as tho BIk Creek Vsllcy, ou Tuesday, February 13, 1877, cnmtntnclnp at ONE o'rlnck 1. M , all tliat ccr talH pleco or parrel of Valuable LAN D, aminto ni above, cnntnlrln? Tl l-"! v.HTn iit aiiukh. mora or less about S5 Acies ot wh eh are Clear- Ci tttltl tinder n itimhI sttitn of f ?nltivitnntv nml iSTptftTrMiS" . I Frame Grist Mill 32x40 ft. ha vine a permanent Water Supply, and "bclnff situated In ft thrlvln? farminv AAniinn la i.nw doing a largo Custom Tradci to nnyonedesir- Mtnr logo Into the Milling hualuess this offers an cppoitnnUy seldom to be mot with! n2.Mury FltAMJ-I DWKM.WO ilUUBK.21x.i8 foot, with Kitchen at. taclied. 12x16 feett a SAW MILL lngoodlMia nmir order t Stable, 20 x 30 foot, tind uther Out bntldlngs. This property la sltnated abont n anarter of a mile from tho'CenlciinlnltSlnte Quarry now prortoclne so mo of the boBt Hlato lu ttic Country, and tho probabilities are that there Is Ulate on this Land also. TJ.HMo KAsY, and will bo made known ut ttmo and place of Hal?, by SOLOMON SOLT, ISAAC LUVAN. FranMIn twp., Jan. 2). 137 Ma ; p. ru - - iu m ' i for tho money louder. In- aw torcst paid semiannually lu K. Y. Exchange beennty 3 to 0 timcn tho loan in laud alone, exclusive ot the build ings. iFre-icut cash valuo by sworn apprais ers.) No Investments Kafcr. No rayments more n-omotlv met. lleat of references iriven. Hend stamp for particular. D. H 11. JuiINt)- j um. negotiator ol uortcage Loans, Bt. I'aul, mmuesota. jin. zy-ws SAfi awect In your own town. Terms and I vUU as ontflt free. II. II. IIAIXETr & 1'oriiauu. aiaiue. $2500; AVKAll AOENTHWANT15U ou our urand Comblnntlou Pros. poems, representing 150 DISTINCT BOOKS wanted ovorywliero. The iUGOEST Tmsa evrh tricd. Haies made from this when all single Hooka fall. Also. Agents wanted on our MAG. NIFICENT FAMILY 11IBLES. buperior to all olheis. With Invaluable Illustrated Aids and Kuperb llindinga. Theao Hooks boat the wuiki. f un particuiara iroe. Aiinresa juun j:. ruTTutt an uo . vuousners, ritii.A. 855 2 iCC Week to Agents, samples V ' FREE. P. O. VICKEKY, Augusta, Maiuo. . a uuy ot uuuiu. Auuuvg nimicii. vjuiui, I J IJj and terms free. TRUE dt Co.. Augusta, SMOICY ) cured, fuel Raved, and boat In. C i mnnvsJC1"1.864 fPPlrlng, tho Spiral Vjlllllliu.ys j urnf,,. g.,,,,1 tumD for Circular (With testimonials) to HENKY COLFORD, 72fl bansom atrect, I'liiiauoipiua. pa. i) K, EXTKA FINE Mixed Cards, with name, 10c. nostnald. L. Jon'Rs & Co.. Nsnfinn. (tKAfl A MONTH lo Actlvo Men eelling V v w nnr Letter Convlng Book. No nresa u. noiti uxu, ouuiijiu Ulliy WMIUIV.I.UU jre. hend stamp for ctrrnfor EXCELSIOR N'F0 lo., vj juaaison ana xioaroorn Hi, Ubioago. D C M C I n M O No matter how slightly dl I L-llOlLJ llaj flhleil. InnMnpi nnw nnM Adnco and t lrcutais free. T. MoMicuiel- At torney, 7C7Sansom St.. Philadelphia, Pa. dJC oOOn Per day at homo. Samples worth luwHiyuwci sent 1 t lrco. Stinsom & Co., Port- land Maine. OCT EXini..IlXEDOiUU8,20 8TrLM,or20NKW uJ yr.iii'8 caeds. io cents, postpaid. Nas sau UAHD CO., Nassau, N. v. Gr. FtneMlied Cards, with name, Hfcj., postpaid M for 10ft. A. TrJTPM . r.n Mnrlh 11,.. unui. xl. X. Newspaper Advertising Agents, Geo. P. Kowell & Co., 41 PARK BOW, IV. Y. Thv have the satlsfaellon ol controlllnirthft must exteti&ive uudcotunloto alvertislnn con. which would be hardly possible In any other cmiiitrr hut this TUpv hnvfliiiit'tiMArt In vrnrtr. I luir iluwn & cuinnlex tmsincfis lnlo ta ttinrnnirh. ly aavstcmallc method that uo chaugolntho iiuwHp:ipurn HLum vi America cau escnpo notice, whllo tho widest lnfoimallon unon all toiioti tn. tercstiug to advertisers Is placed readily at tho uispoaai ui iuu puuiic iixiract iroin xrew yorx rjMlE SLA11NGT0N PLANING MILL Cabinet Ware Factory, AT SLATINGT0N. JOHN BALLIEL Proprietor, Peals In all kinds and sizes ot lino, Hemlock, uuk nnu Jiara tvooa uunioer, ana is now pie puruu tu uiwuvu uuy niMuuut ui oruers ior DresscB LimibeR- OP AI.U KINDS. Doors, Snslics, Winds, Sliutlcrv, Mouldluirg, Cabinet "Ware, &c, With romptooas. Brackets Made to Order. Tho Machlnerr Is all new and ot tho best and most Improved kinds. I employ none hut tho host w orklnen. Uiio well seaoutwl anil iroo ma tcrlsl, aurt am thoi eforo able to p nai anloo entiro orders br mall moinplly attended to. Hv charged alter tlilrly rnivn. OIVE ME A CAM. CV Tlioso cnmited In Bnildius will find It to their advantage to have Mdlnc, Floor Boards. Doors, bashes, bhutters, Ac. .be., mado at this j ueiurv. MaylOyl JOHN 1IALI.IF.T. T IIICKF.RT. O Opposite L. & S. Depot, On the East Weissport Canal Bank Itesnectrullr Informs tho eltlzens ot this vlalal. tv that ho keens constantly on hand and HULLS at tho l.o WE-iT MAltKlfr I'ltlOES, the very ALSO DEALEIt IN FOB BUILDING AND OTIIEU PUltPOhBS which he Kuarauteea lobe Thoroughly Seasoned, AND WHICH UE Irt NOWISELI.INO AT TUB VEHY LOWEST IIATES. WUOLESALE and RCTAIUat the LOWEST CASK riUGKi. lie has a a number of very ellmbly locaud In HirKEUTSTOWr.. Franklin Township - ' which he will Bell on very Easy Term.. ug. 0. j, li. 111010:117. NUSBAUM rand CIK ARAIVCX: SALE OP In order to reduce our largo linnrlit, fnr nARn. vn will nffnr nnr nni.irn nsanrfinmif. nt D- 7 woolens, f ancy JLiress Goods Slta-vvls, &c, &o.,,atn 1 n A. fl Sfl ft A n l1 "i i n re' oucrmco i iow oi Job It of Cnlleors At S. 5H and 8 H cent a per yard. Kiegant Lino of llest Calicoes at 8 cents por.anl. Lot nt Ginghams. Fast Colors, at seen la poryard. Muslins at from 4 cents per yard upwards. lot Valao Cotton ITI&nnel at 8 cents per yard. 10-4 Hhpctlng at 2? cnta per yard, nsnal prloo S3 cent. ' FA NOT D It ESS PLAIDS nt 10 cents, wurtu 18 tents. 11LACK and COLOHUD ALPAC 8 at SO cents prr yard. v TOPLTN ALPACAS at 32 centarer yard, usaal price 45 cent HI nek Cap ft mere at 76 cents, worth fl.On, Illftc Crtimere nt 91 00 prr vard, worth 11.30, L ADI KH 11KAV13H RACQUKIK O at $2.50 per yard, worth UK ST COKisF.TR at 33 crnia Hplendld WIIITK IlLANKETS atJS.00 per pair, uanal price $3.8H U I'll in uiiiKTnnii ni iiuiu Mr vruvs MKN'8 WOOLEN JACKETS at voiy uent'a umorea t;intnz niris nt 75 ccnis earn. 31 ANDHOM E DOUBLE H II AWLS at 10.75, Worth f 8.78. Klnirlf KhAirlH am Inw fin 71 r.pnt. 1)7 Tl DnAA. Tn iiiMnmnti in 11 ftTTMTC PTI Tl V 1.1 i n, uiu viui ix-u., u,u. 1 If you would save time secure best Bargains. Rcapoctfuny, J. T. NusBAUit & Son, "Original Cheap Cash Storj,!r Sommel's Block. . LEHIGHTON, PA. GERMAN'S GERMAN'S GRAND DEPOT FOR GRAND DEPOT FOR IS BP.LTCDinLY IS SPLENDIDLY BOOTS, BOOTS, BOOTS, snoEs, SDOES, SUOES, GAITER8, GAITERS, GAITERS, FOR HIE" LATHES. FOR THE LADIES, FOR TUB LADIES. FOR Tilt: OKNTLEMEN. FOR THE OENTLHMEN, FOR TlIK UENTLEMEN, For the Children, For the Children. I havo bought largely for cash snch lota as mnst sonable, ami Jost what tho neoplo aro looking for, i-osiuveiy, uomparaiiveiy, Positively, Comparatively, Store In Semmel's New Block, opposite LeiiigntoD, ra. UDITOR'S K0TICE. Notice is hereby given, that tho underoiffuod. appointed AUilJter by tbe orphans' Court of Carbon County to rxamlno and resettle the no connt of QeoTKOll. Newton and William Rred. Ad ml u I M ra tor a, Ac. of John O. Clearer. dec4l. ana maze aisinouxion oi ioo itina remaining in thctr hands. Kill nttend to thn duties of his ftp polnttuent on Mon t n v. JANUARY Zth. I877, At Ten o'clock A.M., at Ms Office In UieUoroufru of Ataneh Chauk. Fa., when and where all Dor- hiub luixreuieu wmv inprar, alVaN ciiaio. Andttor. Mauch Chnnlc, Deo Zi. I87e-w4 A TTENTI0N, CITIZENS 1 A- ' Low Prices for Everyone. JUST RECEIVED, AT AARON FRIEDMAN'S ady-made Clothing Storo, LKITIGH Stroet, 2nd door from the Comer ot iron street, miuuiiTUKi. ra.,an eiogaus QlOCKOl Wlfl lUU Di iJjiLO Ut Men's Suits, Youths' Suits, Boys' Suits, Overcoats, &c. Together Willi a lares assortment ot QENTLE- HKN'H FUIlNIrtlllDO GOODS, IIATB. CAI'S. QLOVE8, BOOTH, SHOK una HOUSE BLANKETS, all ol which he is solllne very Ixiwest Prices. Fatxonaito rospecUall' Bollctted. Don't forget the placo : Second door from Iron street, on tuo West side of Lehigh stroet, Lehlgkton, Fa. AARON FRIEDMAN. Deo. 2. 1S7S m3 M. IIEILMAN & CO. BANE STRKET, LehlghtOn, Fa., MILLEIts and Dealers In Four & Feed. All Kind, of O RAIN BOUanTand BOLD at llUULAll MA11KET UATEB. We would, also. lcsDCctfullv Inform our citi zens that we are now fully prepaxudto ttUF- I'IjJ UlbUl WilU ISesit f Coal From any Mlno desired at VEtlY LOWEST PRICES. M. IIEILMAN & CO. JulySS T II03IA9 KOOtWS Hetoectfnllr onnonneea to tha cltlasna of Cam. bou and adloluinu: Counties, that ha ins i.nr. chaed the entire Interest and stock of a, V. iiiiVAAWAi in in. i.u;uiuiiTUX Corn Broom Manufactory, located In the Boronah of Lehirhion. Carbea County. Pa., and that ho ia urtnuud tA All ail ordrra entrusted to him -with tho Yerj Best Quality of Brooms at the LOWEST POKSIBL2 LIVING PRICE. A trial is resneetfnllv ulleltd ana ontlrn saa. lafactloli guarauteeil. aiauuisctory in tno iia.ernent or tne "vauey House," opposite the Lehlab Valley Jill, depot. Feb. M. 187. THOMAS KOONB. D IYIDEND NOTICE. At a meeting of the Clr.etora of Iha First Na. Uonal Bank of liehlcbton. held on the Sth Inst,, I auemlvAnnnal Uivldend of Three per cent, was declared, payable on rhelith Inst I W. W, UOWMAN, Cashier. January IS, 1877-wi & SOFS stock, which was recent! v tuo uigannc juargams : jir iipwsrus. low figure. T 1 1 T Vfl linntlU . bw.i, k. rtTTPMntt a n s and money, call oarly and - GERMAN' GERMAN'S- BOOTS AND snOES, BOOTS AND SHOES, STOCKED WITH STOCKED WITH sell anlcklv. becanso they are fresh and sea and beotuso they are so Hnperiaiivciy ijiiw ruiujLu. Superlatively LOW PH1CISD. P.. A. GERMAN, the Public Square, BANK STREET;, rnar.ii-ji PE0TE0T Y0UE BUILDINGS Which nay be done -with one-f onrtb th. tuuol expense, br nslng our PATENT SLATE PAINT) MIXED BEADY FOB USE. Flro-rroof, ntcr-Propf, DnrabU'y. Econoinlcaly and Ornnnwntol. A roof mar bo oavered with a Terr etiHn shtna-le, and by appilcntlon of this slate be msao' to last from 20 toSSyesra. Old roofs cn be rntchcd and coateil, looking ninch better, asd. nsting lonxerthan Aew ahlnglea wllhonl- th.i stale, for One-Third tlio Cost of Hcshiiigllnr.- The expense of Hating new shlng la I. only aboot the coat of simply laying them. The palnti. FiiiE.rB.or inte'l anarka or flying embers, u may be easily tcolod by any one. IT STOPS EVERT LEAK.. and for tin or Iron has no count, a it expand by bent, contracts by cold, and nbtir cbacks nomcaio. Itoofa ooveiod -with TarKheatblnfc Felt can be inade w ater-tUht at a small expense andnroacrred for many yearn. This Bute Taint la EXTREMELY CHEAP. Two pallons will cover a hmidred Bqcarofeel of Hlimglo roof, whUe on tin. Iron. felt, matched boards, or any smooth furlsco. from two quarts to one gallon are reqnlrod to 100 square feet of ' snrfaco. and atthonnh the Palat hasaheary bodf it la easily applied with a bruih. No Tar is used In this Composition,. thorefore It neither craoks tu Winter nor rang, in Hummer. Ondeoared ahlntrle It fills up the boles andl pores, and gUes a new snbstsntlal roof that will lata for years. Curled or wahpkd shin tries it brings to their places, and keeps theru there It fills up all boloi tn Felt roots, itons tbe lcsks- and althoneh a alow dryer, rain does not af fect It a few hours sfter applying. As nearly all paints that are black: conuluTAa.be snr yoo obtain our okkuink article, which (tor shingle roofs) Is CHOCOLATE COLOR. when first applies, chancing in abont a month to a uniform elate color, and Is to all Intents am purposes SLATS. On TIN ROOFS our red color la nsunllr prefer, ed, as one coat) la equal to live of any ordluary paint. For BRICK WAILS onr BBioirr urd Is the only reliable Rlate Paint ever introduced that wilt effectually prsyenl dampuets from penetration and dlaoolonn ther plaster. Tneae palnta are a. so largely used on oot booses and fences, or ss a pnnang coat on flue buiidlnea. uur only colors are Cbooolitb, kkd, Baioirr It El) and OUAKflE. NEW YORK CASH PRICE LIST- tOallons.canand.box (5 to to " Leg s ia S3 halt barrel 1 00. 40 " ono barrel so CO- We hay. In atock. of onr own manufacture, roofing materia U. etcM at th. following low prices i 1000 rolls extra Rubber Roofing at 1 cent per square foot. Ot we will tarnish Ilubher Hoofing, Nails, Cans, and i-lste I'aint for an entire new roof, as 4 H cents per square foot. lOOO HAltlllXS 8LATEyf,0DR,rerllU.t3. woo rolls 3-ply Tarred. Itoollng Felt, at Ik eta . jkt sqojiro foot. aooo roll i ply Tarred Iloeflng Felt, at 21. eta, per anuare foot. aio rolls Tarred b beat lung, at k cent per iKaiaro toot. IiOOO gallons fine Enamel Paint, rolled readr for use. on inside or ouutdo work, at f.& per gal. Ion. Hend for aamnle card of colors. All order, must be accompanied with the money or sathractory city rcremice Mo gauds shipped C O. D., unless expreaa ciiarge. aregn.ranieod. bauiole orders solicited. N. Y. SL.VTB PAINT C0MPAKY, 10 fs IM MAIDEN UNE, Mow York. Not. 11,1m. BELFOEB THE HATTEBa Broadway, Mauch Chunk, lias Joat opened a aplendKl atoek et IIATB and and CAVrj, of the Idlest HI rice. II. has also on hand a lull line ot AT PnjCES IflWKB IIIAS EVER. Maicall yl JA8. UELFORD.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers