$1. 00 n Year if Faid in Advance. H. V. MoETniMEU, Proprietor. LEHIGIITCy. OAKBON COUNTY, PENN'A, SATURDAY MORNING. JANUARY 20, 1877. Subscribers out of County, $i.J VOIn v., No. fc, INDEPENDENT" Live and Let Live." CARDS. Vuraltnre Warelionsje. T. laasrarts. Bank ftreot, ilealer in all Unit oj Arw'lm. Cojfni nude to crdtr. Boot anil Slide Dfnlter. Hilton Bratney, in t'rim'4 bulUlin), Hank strent. jlll trttri promptly lllkd work warranted. Jft t. L0NG8TKEET, ATTOimfiT AT Uff, next,aortothO "Carbon IIobm." DANK STP.UET, LEI1IUUT0N. PA. December r&Cm. w K. RAL'fSIIEU, ATTORN UT AND COUNSISLLOr. AT LAW, BAKK cTBZETi IlKHKi TITOS, 1'A. kail Hstat.an ColloctWll Aeency. Will Buy and II Ural IMate-. Cantevanclnir neatly iont Col l.atlciia promptly made'. Settling nutates of Do M4.ts a specialty. Hay be consulted In Lavish tad Oormaa. Wo. 2. JA8.K, STKUTI1ICRS, ATTORN iY AT LAW, j3- Offlca: !1 floor of l'.lwai's IIA1I, M .aeh Chunk. Pa. All tmilneas .ntruated to hlra trill bo promptly attended to. jjANIKIi KAIiOFUS; ATTOBrlliY AND COUNSELLOIl AT LAW, Munch Churiki Pa. rO!llee, abov. Dolon's Jawelry Btore, Broadway ia"o. . BiIIOMtTt J8- Looei JJEPITOLETTB c XJOOSH, ATTORNEYS AND C0UNSl!LL0K8 AT LAW, Orrica Corner of Susquehanna And Broadway. uatjch chunk, pm.u. Oaa be consulted In Ccrmia. IJulr tl 187 ATTdSNBT AT LAW, (sit Door to First National Bank, UAUOU CIltiNK, PA I ' ,09-Oan be aoniulted In Herman. jj a. niti.Ti, JUSTICE OIT THE PEACE, OVetf a Building:, JjANK-St.. LEHI8HT0X. Converanetnr. CollosUne ana all other boal- Ineaa onneoted with the office promptly attrntl- sj , Alee, Agcntfor tua Pntcbaee and bale ol al Hiuto. April 15-ri IHOMAt'B.'BBCU, jesnex op Tim peach, BANC Street, LKIlldtlTON, Pa. OonT.ranrtnir. Collecting nnd all business eon Lstd with the oflico promptly attended to. AT-Agenl lor nrst-rinss insurance tympanies, Ht Blake or au kinds laicen on tne nion nueral lerui jan.B, jstj. a. omiiiAHsa, u.d., fUTSICIAK AND EUKGE0K r?Mtal attention paid to Chronic Plaeasas. OfBee: Bomtk tiait eorner Iron and 2nd eta., Le jlthtei.ra. April S, I87S, ja, h. S3. Uehek, PRACTICING PUTSICIAN AND SUKOKllil. pace, Bank street, next doer above the Pobtolllre, h.blzljt.n. Pa. Office Hours Pjrrvville each day leu 10 to 12o'elock; remainder of day atoftlrelu ..aigaion. nov".w,'7Z. TOBIAS UEMEBUR. CONVEYANCE!!, , AND 1KHEEAE JHBEANCE AOEUT The Bowing Companlea are llspressutedt BBAAJN MUTUAL Finn, KUAMinu MUTUAL Finn, WYOMING FIH12, rO'JTMVlLLIC l'IRR, LEHIGH PIKE. and the TTIAV BLEIta' ACCIDENT 1NBU11ANC1S. AIM Pennsylvania and Mntaal Horse Thief v44tlre and Insurance. Company. lUrcaXM87S: TIIOS. KEMEUER. I BRADY'S CENTENNIAL CIGAR AND IOBACL'O EMPORIUM AND DILLIAItD OOU, one) door above Hank's Bakery, Bank (St., Leblgliton. I Xiao, GENERAL NEWS AGENCY, Dally nd Weekly Papon and Lakeeldo Ubrarr regit irlj-Bupplloi. April I, 18J8. . AVIO KBUlJUT'S jivery & Sale Stables lAITK BTI11SET.L.1IHIGIITON, Pa kST 1ROTTING nORSES, ELEGANT CARRIAGES, d poaHUrely LOWIUI PllICKB tiiaii any oiuer a.,Kury iu iuo vuauiy. LarKOandt liaadaomO'Carrlairea for Fnneril trpoMoona woaainBS. oayiu uuukht. ot. 11 int. W CAPITALISTS 1 LUIITBD NUMBER OP BHAItES OP IU CAPITAL STOCK OF THE Loliightou Gas Light Co. in remain undisposed of. fcbares'FI FT Y oLi.aus. Bitoacnpuuns tu 1110 oiock 111 n reoalviMi and Intoruallon furuiabed on an. BINWB Bk Llue UUltv, 1. V, JauUl'XlliCU. 4tdgbton, Aynl 72. 18T. "76." Railroad Guide. JOllTII l'ESNA.UAILIWAU. Pasfcneeri lor P Wtdolphla tvlll leave Lchico. ton as follows : , M(, j... 3:l7n. tn., via. L. V. atrlvo at rnlla, lit C:)3 n m. 7:12 a. in. via L. V. ' ' 11:. 5 a.m. Ili'7 p. Jn. via L. V. " ". 2 i0p.ni. I:."ip. m.vlaL. A 8. ' " 8:40 n.m. S:i9 p. n. Via L. V. ." , :S? "' "i" IliturutiiR, lcavn depot at Perks anil Amcrl. cnu St., l'niln., at 8'.ir anil 0.45 a m.i 2:15, p. tn. Jan. 1, 1877, KLLIa OLAHK. AKCIlt. o1 KTIlAt, It. U. OP N. J. LUIIIGII SUelluliliAflMA uiviaiv-n. All Kali Route to I.onR Uranch. PASfr.Nnillt STATION'S IN NK.W YOK1C FOOT 01' LIllKllTY ST., AND Jb'OOT OFCLAHKSOS ST., UP TOWN. Tlmo Tabic of January 10, 1877. Trains Leave LPI1KIIITON as follows : l or Uastpu, Hew Y"wk, I'hlladelpbla and til Intermediate BUtl'ous at 2.2(1 p. m. For Mauch Clnink. Wllkes-lUrre, Scranton and nil Intermediate Stations ut 1:11 p. ui. JMurniwj Le.iVo New York, foot of Liberty Street, at 8:35 a. n.' Leave Philadelphia, from Depot North Penn'a It. l!.,Thiid and Berks bt., at U.45 a, Hi. Loivo t'liftmi At lliio i. m. Leaio MaUk.li Chunk at 2:20 p. ul. Pot further particulars, see Tiuis Tables at the Stations. PAiSLNdPRt FOR LONU BltANOH CUANOK I'AP.d AT hLlKAUKI'll. II. P. BALDWIN, Ce. ratnngtr Agent. JUIy4, 18(4. plIILA. lib IiBAUING lt.All.KOAU. Arranguuieilt of Passenger Trains. DKCi 18111. 1870. Trains leave ai.leis i o vVN as followsi (VIA rtuKioiir, jikancii:) Forrhllndelplila, nt 8.80, 11.00. a.m., J.l5 and 6 65 p.m. HUNDAY'H. Tor Philailelphii ntiio u. in. I VIA KAST VRhHt. lHltKCM.) For Ilo iiIIuk, t 2.UI. tl.Vi n nl 12.1o, 2.10, 4.30 nnl9 00p.ni lor liutrlsuuri'. f 2 20, 5 CO, f.M a, m., 11.13, 4 30 and 900 p.m. For Lancaiiei and Columbia, 6 50, 8.55 a.m. anil 4.30 p.tu. tDoes not ran on Mondays wUj4DAya, For Headm?, 2.30 n.m. and 9.00 p.m. For IlarriMiuirfr, 2.30 n.m, anil 9 00 n.m. Trains Foil ALLK.N'l UWK leave as follows: (VIA rEKKIOME.S BBAXCI1.) Lcavo Philadelphia, 7.31 a. in', 1.00, 1.30 and S.15 p. m. SUNDAYS, Lcavo rniliiiciplila, .i5a. in. tviAEAsrrr.xsA miAKcit.) Leave lte.omt', 7.1 1, 7.4), 10.30 a ui.,4.00. 0.10 and 10.30 m Leavo tl.irilBburir, 5 2), C 10 a. ra., 2.00. 3.17 and 7.3, p. m. Leave Lancaiter, 8.10 a.m.. 12.55 and 3.45 p.m. x,i'u,u iuiuiuuia, 0.00 u. ui , i.uo aua u.uj, HUKDAYa. Leavrj Uoaillnp;, 7.20 a.m. Leave llarrbuiK, 5.2u a.m. Trains milked thus f) mn to and from depot 9lli and Oieeu Btreets, Pnllailelphti, other irtmitt lu tviu iruui linua eircci nt p It. Toe IL50 a. m nnd .VS5 n. m. Tl'jhi fr,,m Allrn. town, and the 7.30 a. fit. nnd 8.1 y. m. trains fron? Pliilaili ipma, Iuo throug'j cars to uud tiuui PhUadolphla. J. E. WOOTl'IJN. Dee. 21, 1876. Uciwral Superintendent. QAUUON ADVOL'ATE CHEAP job printing Office, ( LEiriaiiTON, pa. Kvery description of l'nntlnff, from a Viitiu Coi'do a Poster. OAHD3, ' BILL H11ADI3, LETTER 1ISADS, NOTH HEADS. S PATHMENT9, 4 ' I'ltOdKAXf ntl'S P03TER9: II AND DILLS, DODGEHH, CIltCULAP.9, SHIPPING TAGH, ENVELOPES, . , PAMPHLETS, UY'.LAWS, SC, 4C, Dono In tbe beat manner, at very Lowest Trices. Wo are lireuared to wurk at ns rhean rnfen at nv ofllre 111 tho htato that deali lioneatly OU U MOTTO 18 Cheap, Prompt & Reliable. reorders by mall receive prompt attention. Manbattaii OIL Company, r,iibrlcallu',-.niul Illuminating Oils. WM. N St AltntTH. ltnnw V M.nli.iitB chauite, TIII11D and WAUJ UT Htrcots, PI I. a mtiuuu. i-a. kov. :o, 1675. WANTED the Imstnem men to know that tbey .rniijreL iuu i'iiiA ri.u nc.no cheaper at caciios AuviCAir. Oitlco than at any other place In tho county. 'Iryua. A Good Family Medicine SWAYHK'S Tar and Sarsaparilla Pills. 31 Ill'lADACIIE. I.anzonr and Meltn. cbolv ftuerally sprltitt Irem a disordered Btimi. ach, costly euoie or a torpid liver, lluchmay bo epeodily icmoved hv Dr Hwavne'a 'Par 1 ills, v lilt li slliuQleui tho liver and btomach to u liciliUy nctlou in roinoviiKraliblilioiiBueas. and piuuucius lOKUiurvvucuaiiouB OI UO UOVTCIS, LIVKU COMPLAINT, tlutt draadwl disease from which so many per eoiis cufti-r, 1b fruiacutly tho oauso o( Jleatlaclie, Inillgestlnn anil Dyspepsia, is epeodily relieved, anditro often permanentlr cuiqd by their 110. Fevers at o 01 ten in evented liythe moot theee rjaieparilla Piiln, mthey t-arrv otr, tlmiuKU tbo buiod. tho Impuiliieri litim which they nibo. For COsriVXyNEbsl thi'to U nottiUi so eiloctual as Swayno'i Tar and Sarsnparllla I'llls. They aro phrelv vepretable, and act specially on toe l.l it as lltuo Mad or calomel, without aav bud ii4u la from takluir. 1 Deecnbo svtiiptoms tu all communications, ond addrws iotlera to D1U HWAYNU .t bON. U'Mladultibui. No charKO tor adltc Hent by mill on receipt of prion. Prlco 25 cents a box 1 dvo boxes lor II. ASK YOUll DUUOU 1ST FOR TUJBM. Now Ad-v-crtiscments. THE LUNGS! CJONSUMffTlOJST I Tlil dlstresslngnnd dangcrorH rempblnt and Us premonitory evmpioms. neclected touch. ulKlit sweats, hoarseness, wa'tlnc 11 sli. lever Permanently cured by "Dr. Uwayno'sCompounJ Sym pot Wild Cborrv" IlltONOHITIa-A premonltor ot Pnlmonaiy Consumption, is cliaracttrlzetl by catanli or tn. flammatioii of tho mntoua membrano ot the air pasfoucs, with courIi and expectoration, short breath, noat seneits poms In tho chest. For a 1 bronchial atloctious, eons throat, loss of tolce, coughs, Hit. S WAYNE'S COMPOUND Syrup Wild Cherry 18 A BOVERHIGN REM13DY. Hemorrhage, or spilttna blood, may proceed from tho lnrrnx, tiaclna bronchia or innpa, nml .11 (so from varloua cnusei, as unrtiifl inycai pxonloii, plethorj, or lallnops of tho vessels. wcrIc luufiR, overstraiiilntsoltho voico suppress eilOTacuallon, obatiuctiouol the spltea or liv er, etc. Dr. Swayno's Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry strike nt tho root of dlseas.by purlfylnpr tho blood, riBloniiK tho livoraud kldncvBto healthy aniou, iuvifioiatluir tbe m rvon system. Tbo ouly Btamlird remedy for heiiiorrhop'f), bronchial au-1 all pulmoqaiy eompiatntn. Con. Buu.pttvrs. or those pieditpnied to weulc lunjrs. should not fall to usa thta f;reat Testable rem crtv Itsmanftlous power. not only over conump. Hon but over overy chtonlo dheaso where a gradual nltcratlvo action Is uecled. Under JIh uso U10 consh la loosencO, tlio night fiweatH di niiuifih, ttibpalnaubslilts, tho puUo returns to its natnial bianrtaid, tho etomaeh In improved in Itn power to digest nnd UHsimllate thofooit. nnd overy orpan has n puier mul better qtnhiy blood Rupplhdto It, out of which new locica tiro ana plastic material la made. SAVED HIS LIFE. Wat th,t of Kdward H. Ilamson, Engineer nt neorpo wweeuv's 1'ottory, J314 HpIko Avenue, 1'hUadoiphia. Ilo had a violent cuuh, nlpiit sweats. Boro tlnoit, preat weakness, unit at dif fereut tlme a pint of Mood. Kftvo ap all hope of recovery. Ibrontfb tho uso ot "Dr. dwaune's M'iUtCierrjStlrUii" became a ftonnd and heiiithy man, and remains po to xhU day, although over twenty years havo clarsHi elue bo was cured. IMUCk ONE DOLtiAli. ll bottles 15. If your di uctrist or Btoi eliei-per docs not sell It, wa will forwaid halt ilozcn. ficiaht paid, to any ad dxeus, ou j-eceipt ol puce. riUTAREIl ONLY UT E9K. .WAYNE & SOX, 330 ti. Ktxtti Street, PhlJrtelphla. Bold by al Imminent Druggists. Itching Piles ! PILES; FILES, ITCHING PILES, Positively Cared by the uso of SWAYNE'S OINTMENT. Home Testimony: I was ebrelv afflicted with nnoof tho most dls. tteweingor nil diseases J'ruritin or Jtmiiiro, or nmiei'ommonlv nowu Bn It chine J'lhs ihe Itciilnifot tbiies was almoat Intolerable, lncreas. el py ciaichlng, and not uufrequeutly becoino mil to 60i e. I bought a boi of "Rwajno's Ointirtontt" fls Uho cave quick Relief, nnd in. a eboit tlmo made a perfect. uut lean now sleep nndlstnrbcd, sua I would cdvlso all who oio suflenm; with this distieihiny;(oniplaliit toprocure Hwavno'o OiutmentM nt onro. J had tned prescrlp lous almott lmmmcidble, without llndintr any perm, ftiicutiellof. JO W. ClIUlbT, . . fit m of Itrodol A Christ. Uootand hhoo ITouse. ai 1 Noith Htcond-Ptreet. Philadelphia. SKIN DISEJASES. BWAYNU'S ALLHKAI.INO OINTMP.NT 1s al-o u spcclne lor TnTTKH, ITCH. HALT ltlll.UM. MIAMI IliJAI). llHYHIPKLAS UAltlllUl'S ITCH, I'lCIl IILOTCIIUH, ALL KCAI.Y, CItUHTY. CUTANKOUH lillUP TIO.N'w. l'eilotllv eflfo nnd hiirmlrss, eveu on tho most tenler Infant. Prico 50 cents. 3 boxes tor fi.25, tent by in ill to any atldreisou xecclpt ol price Bold by cil the leaillnrr Dnnrirista. l'repared only by or. swai'xk & soy, 830 Noitli Sixtli-st., l'hiladelphla. USD ADORN; LONDON l.y?y" !HairColor Restorer i riAltii i roil uzsTonixa : GRAY HAIR To Ua Natural Vitality and Color. HERE IS THE PROOF Of its Superior Kxcellence. Head this II6uig Ccrtltlcato. testifk-d. to br Ethuid ii.Gairlpoes.ono of tho mou compe tent Jjiuffffistu and Chemlutt iu l'hllmlelphiu, a man wboso veracltv uonoenn doabt : I am happy to add my testimony to the treat VJlcoof tue "London llnlr Color Hestnrer." Hvhtch icatoi-edmy hair to Its original dark col or, and tho hiie appears to bo permanent. I am fcatlsfletl thatthid lucnaiatioii la nothing llkoa die, but operutes U)Hn tho secretions. It is also a boaullful hulr dressiuK. and promotes the Srowin. i purcuiincu nrnt coiii iiom iju. J Uartiffues. druircist. Tentti and Coat ems te who ctn aUo teetllv my hair was veiy srray niicu a vuuiui':ui (iu n (lata T MiiA. ii iT.r.Kit. No. 730 Is. Htnth-Bt.. Philadelphia. J)1L RWATSE &, bON. ltcnf-etcit Fiipmi T hae tho uleasuro to Infoim jou that a lady of thu fiucct Hi of our IjOii(lou Color If ulr ItPHtnt. er' Jler hair was tailing rapidly ami quuo Kiuy, iuu wior uua uu-n ivaiuit'tl, ttHU iuo Ian- liig uat entirely k opped by its iit,e. u . aAititiaucs. DrucRU:. Cor. Teadh and Coatc-sta., Phlla, All tlut art can nccomnht.Ii in hnanlirilnir. ttreitRiheutujr, thlckeulnisand anoiUing tho Hair li t-fTeeled uy ukIuv ''ioudou Hair Color Hen tor. er," It stfmulatos and forces anew Krowth : if Kiav. rettorfs Its uutural color, atid lenders It pcnlu chun, cool and heuitky. All OruirRUts sell It. Irlce75 euti bix bolt! c a, If. sent by v Urn: at iu uiujr uuuiw. 8WAYNC it SON, 330 N. Sixth t., Tildad'a, &OI.E rHoriiirrroiis. For Sulo by all Druggists Julyli. UJO-yl The Price ofDora's Gold I MY 8. ANNIE FP.0ST. If you had lialf tho spirit of a man you would go tool" Poor John Itaynor hail heard this so often In the last two weeks that at last ho was roused to answer. "Seo here, Dorr," ho said, pulling lils wife down upon his knee, and hold lug her fast, "do you mean that ? You havo said It about fifty times, silico this expedition was talked about, now tell mn If you want nio to go." Dead silence on tho part of Dora. "1 have been working hard for flvo years, to clear of the inortgaj upon tho farm,; that I might have a homo for you," continued John, earnestly, "and It Is mlno now, clear of debt. Wo aro not rich, hut I am strong and not afraid of work, and you havo been brought up a farmer's daughter, and know UmS du ties of a farmer's wife. Six months ago you wero happy as a bird, my brldo and d.trllug, but now" "Now interrupted Dora, "I bco an opportunity for you to become' rich In a few months, Instead of toiling and slav ing for life, as your father tolled and Flayed to mako a bare living by farm ing. They tell us that gold can bo picked up at tbo Illack Illlis In pocket luls at a tlmo." "Well." "And we could bo rich. Wo could leave this tnlserablo farm and go to tho city to llvo in a vgreat houso, with ser vants, carriages, fiuo furnlturo. Oh, John!" Dora had slipped from her perch up on her husbaud's knee, and stood be foru him, her little figure drawn erect, her big blu ejes flushing, her cheeks crimson with excitement. "And it would innko you happy ?" asked John, wistfully. "xes 1 jf cotirso it would. Who would not be happy with plenty of money?" "TUero aro two slues to tho Men tion," said John, quietly. "Tho In dians have the right to keep us off this promising gold country, ami lliey ilo- fcud its passes. It may bo your bag of gold will bo only John Itaynor's scalp ed headl" "Oh, if you are afraid to go, that ends Itl" Dora tald, quickly. it was a cruel hpecch, ami it subbed tho honest, loving heart of John Kay nor to tho core. Ho was uo coward, but a ttrong, bravo man, with a;uoblu uatuie, but he was fond of his home. of tho farm ho had worked eo faithful ly to clear of debt, and of tho wifo hu had loved for five long years. Only six months had pssted since Ml wedding day, when Dora seemed en tirely happy in his love, and In the cosy uesl lie had taken on honest prldo lit winning for her. Then the young men of tho villago of TOpliam becamo smitten wilh tho gold fever, and about a dozen of them re solved to form an expedition to go to tho Illack Hills. Dora's brother, Tom Havfn, was tho prime mover in the scheme, and coming overy day to lay all his dreams and plans before his bister, ho had Inspired her with tho saiuo fuverlsh thirst for gold that was dlivitig him from homo to bravo tho toils and perils of tho ex pedition. Liko many women brought up to work hard, to own but llttlo linery, to live upon plain fare, Dora set a lictitl otis valuo upon the delights of wealth. She built gorgeous air castles founded upon tho few works of lictlon sho had read, and dreamed of an existence to which (hat of a princess In a fairy taio would have been dull aud prosaic. And with head full of these air vi sions, it provoked her past all patience that John was content to follow his plow, to tat greens and bacon, nnd wear coarso clothing, as he had done all his lifo. Ho would listen to all Tom's glowing descriptions ot tho ex pedition with a grave, uulto face, some times speaking a word of caution or warniug that fell upon deaf ears. Ho would answer her hints aud taunts by a gentle : "I'm well content here, Dora, with my llfe-loug home, aud ray darling wife!" But at last ho was roused, not to any hopo such as spurred tho others ou, but to the fact that Dora wishtd him to go, "Sho thinks moro of tlie gold than ot mel" ho thought, rliing heavily from his chair, and speaking slowly. "Since you wish it, Dora, I will gol" ho said, afTil even her enthusiasm was held In chock a moment by his palo face, "Oh, I don't want to drlvo you," she said, pettishly, "if you aro content to vegltatu for lifo in this miserable hole, I suppose I can put up with it." "I will go I" He spoke the threo words with stern emphasis, and left tho room. His heart seemed breaking. For Qvo years ho hail had but oue dream for tho futuro Father and mother lay iu tho churchyard, brothers and sisters ho had none, and tho entire lore of ids heart was given to pretty Dora Haven. He was burdened with debts his father left for his sole legacy, his homo was heavily mortgaged, and ho would not ask Dora to tharo iu the privation and toil by which ho freed himself. Aud when at last ho ctiuld ask her to come and brighten the homo ho had made for her, it had seemed to him his cup of happiness brimmed over. Ilo passed from the room where ho had auuouuced his decislou, and waud ered slowly all over the house, It was small, but every portion was flill of tender association to hiiu. In ono room his parents died, In an other was tho cottago furnlturo ho had sent all the way to "York" to get to pleaso his bride. Tho patlor carpet and substantial horso-h.iir set had come at tho snma time, filling him with pard onable prldo at tho preparations for his marriage. Theso whlto ciirtaln Dora bad made In her first week of homo lifo as bis wife. Theso autumn leaves they bad gather ed in their lover strolls, nnd Doin had in ml o them Into wreaths and bunches to bring with her to adorn the walH of her new homo. Ho was but a simplo farmer, not yet twenty five, with but n meager education, nnd not given to dreams or castle-bulldlug. Thoroughly conteut to live as his father and grand-father hadllved before him, ho could not comprehend tho vis ions filling Dora's imagination. Ilo half hoped yet that sho would urgo hlin to glvo up his intention and enialn nt home, atid yet ho knew that her content with the humble happiness ho could glvo her, was goue. But Dora, though frightened twenty times n day at the success other taunts, would not speak tho words ho hoped tu hear. Very rapidly tho preparations wcto made to depart, for tho others weio nearly ready, and tho llttlo nest egg at tho bank wasull gone before John Itay nor was fully equipped as a miner. . The first realization of what sho was giving up for a t ream, camo to Dora when sho stood upon tho platform of tho rustic rallwaystatlon, with Tom up on one side and John ou tho other, tho former full of cxultlon, with merry smile and bright eyes, tho latter gravo and stern, with lowering brow and set lips. "John I" the llttlo wifo whispered, "If you do not wish to go" 'It Is too lato for tbatl' ho said, harsh ly, and then hrailng tho appmichlria train, his face softened, and ho caught her In his arms. "God keep you, llttlo wife," ho said hoarsely, "I go for love of youl I may come back rich nnd mako you happy. No man will work harder for gold than I will, to bring It to youl" Through a mist of tears she paw him follow the others into tho car, and then Joined the gioups of weeping women who had como upon tho same sorrowful errand as her own. Letters came but rarely. John's hard hands could guido a plow far moro easily than they could weild a pen, and when lie wrote his epistles wero brief, though loving. As the expedition went further and further from tho boarders of civilization, tho communications be came less frequent. 13 ut lroin tho hour when tho train carried John out of sight, Dora's punish ment began. Tho cozy homo his lovo had fitted up for her was a haunting re proach, and tho excitement of Tom's visits over, memory began to recall all John's lovo aud tho chango that bad come upon him after ho docided to Join tho gold-seekers. It was no comfort to cross tho lota and go home to her old homo, for thero Mr. and Mrs. Haven bowalloJ Tom's absence, andgavo Dora rouud scoldings for encouraging him iu his crazy ex pedition. "Liko as not we'll never seo either of them again, or know how they dlod," Mrs. Haven would moan, rocking her self lo and fro, "a good son Tom was, till ho got tho gold fever. "And a better husband than John nover lived," Mr, Haven would say, ''and you gave hltu no peace or rest till you drove him olll" And goiug back to her desolato house, Dora could gather no comfort iu tho old dreams. Nannie, her only ser vant, would bring her knitting to tho slttiug room, uud drlvo hor mistress halt frantic by her sincere lamentations for tho master. Night after night, kneeling lo pray for Julm's safo return, Dura felt the agony of self-reproach grow keener and keener. For It had coma to this very booh, that tho longing for wealth, tho hopo of being a great lady, all faded away, and the desolate wifu'sonly piayer was for her husband's return. A whole year passed away, and tho miners had not returucd. A weesnow drop of a baby camo to Ho for ono brief week upon Dora's breast, and then Iclvo her. Occasionally tho newspaj pers that camo Irregularly to tho village", told of disaster and death In tho gold regions, but nover were the names ot tho party from Tophatn In tho list, ami Dora hoped against hopo. Winter snows wero lying over the farms, and fifteen months had dragged out their weary length since John Itay nor had left his homo. A pale, wasted shadow of Dora moved llstlexsly about tho farm-houso, and Nannie muttered orten : "She'll not bo long after her bus band aud child." Grief and remorse were doing a fatal work '. 1th pretty Dora, when una even ing as dusk was settling into nlgbt shadows, thero camo a startling knock at tho door of tho faim house, Dora started to.her feet, but sauk back, halt faiutiug, into her chair, 6aylug, with whlto, trembling lips : "Quick, Nannlo, go quick I It may bo John." A tall, brovn-bearded man stood upon the porch, who paised tho old servant, and entored tho room where Dora, with white cheeks, and startled eves, looked at him, then beyond him. lieyond hlui Into vaoauoy. "Tom! Toml Whero where Is" Sho could not frame tho question, bnt her brother caught her wasted fig ure In his arro, as she reeled across tho room to meet him. "I havo como alone, Doral" ho said. "There aro but three men left of all who wont ffora hero." The whlto lips moved, noiselessly, only the great bluo eyes were stralnod in iiiuto question. "Wo wero returning," Tom said, "and wo had succeeded beyond our wildest hopes. We had sent tho gold on by a circuitous route, with James Hill and Jerry Fane, and a guard ot friendly Indians." Ilo paused, but the burning eyba no ver wavered. "They got safe to the nearest fort, and forwarded the gold by careful stages to Chicago. But we wero not so) fortunato. Wo were encamped ond night, and John was writing to you by tho firelight. Ho looked up at mo, to ask It It was worth while to write, when after so long a sllenco wo were going homo, and while ho spoko the crack of a 1 1 ilo told us that tho Indians wero up on us. The first shot kl'lod John. Ilo fell upon tho grass besldo mo, gasping, 'Dora tell Dora farewell. I forglvo' and died, I have his letter, stained with Ids life blood. And I only, ot all tho party, escaped. I will tell you later now 1 managed, but" t "The letter I" Dora whispered, "Tho letter!" "I havo It hero. And, Dora, JohnM share of the gold will make you a rich woman. Now, I must go back to moth's er, but I will bring her back, at onco." Dora did not hear him. With dizzy brain she was trying to read tho letter that was John's dying legaoy. badly Tom kissed her. anil motioning to Nannie, left her, to hasten homo ward. Scant greeting ho gave tho lovad one's1 there, to hasten his paionts back to tho farm, whero his widowed sister was reading her letter. in tho ueen arm-chair, whore Torn had gently placed her. sho rested, still clasping the blood-stained letter in her hands. Dut her eyes never read tbo lines thero, her heart broko over trio fa tal news that her brother brou'gUt. Sho nover touched the gold tor which sho bad widowed herself, sho nover heard tho story Tom had to tell of his wond rous oscapc. With hor lottor preasod to her heart, sho lay in tho arm-chair-dead. PAKAftRArillC. Thero aro many who can't road who know A Bee sees. The grave of Gen. Loo Is kept con stantly adorned with flowers. A common suer A lawer. ,P. S. He Is likely to be a drain to bis client,' Ten pictures from' tho Johnston collection havo been presented tho Bos.' ton Art iluseum. A fashlonablo London preacbier re cently said: "St. Paul remarks, and t partially agrno with him," The Kov. William Grey, pastor ot a Baptist church Iu Lexington, Ky., Ij accused of rilling tbo collection basket. The violinist Wiluelml Is about to mako a concert tour iu tho United States, under the manasenient of Bern ard Ullminu. An agedPhlladelphlan Is so devout' that be olteu drops on his knoes in tbo streets aud loudly prays tor those whoso' sinfulness ho witnesses. Tho State of Maine pays a tS boun ty for eyery bear killed within its lim its. Last year was apparently a trooil. or rather a bad year for bears, for 51!) wero killed, costing the State 3,743. -Mr. W. B. Scott, the editor of tho Marysvillo, Tenn., Itepublican. tho only Democratie newspaper edited by a colored man in mo united states, haj been appointed reportor ot tbe Tonnes-r seo Senate. Major-Genera! Schdfield. of tho D7 S. Military Academy, West Point, has a keen appreciation for the perils of polo ; for, in a recent conversation, ho says i "Playing polo with our present cavalry horses would bo a little mora liko real war than any of us would like to engago lu for fun." - Tho rrovldenco Jouruat eWwi fiom tho census that thero has boeu an! enormous lucreaso in tbo amount ot ig--noianco in Ithode Island within tho last ten years. Tho number of persons' over ton years of ago who cannot write their names has Increased from 14,703' to 31,103, or 0X70 per cout. in that po. rlod. According to tbe Shoo and Leather Reporter, the stock ot hemlock leather In England will bo entirely exhausted very soon, and her merchants must come to tho Uhitcd States for a now oupply or loio their largo foreign trado in the article with Qweeden, Norway and other countries ou the Continent, as well as with their homo nianufau-, turers. In digging down a hillside near tbo, town of Sleburg, Germany, a short time ago, ancleut pottery works wero discov ered iu which many rare and valuable pieces of pottery were found notably a set illustrating biblical history from! Adam and Evo to tho asceusion ot Christ. Several ovens wero filled with fine ware, among tho discoveries were, a number of quaint old patterns. Somo'. ot the pottery buro Inscriptions, and same was doiatod with figures, such as the emperor Conslautlno, ltotuau'. Goddesscj, and the rioats-of arms of Jullch, Clove and Berg, all beautifully oclored and glazed.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers