New Advertisements. Judgment or (ho People! Pnrlnirtho nast olcht rears tho imblta havo cnrotully observed tho wonderful euro accom pushed by ALLEN'S btiirnqthemna cordial From Its ue nrnny an mulcted sufferer Una been restored to perfect health after having evponded a bdirII fortune In procuring medical ndvico and obtalnim Doinnnnns mineral medicines. Its lucdVal properties aro alterative, tonic eolventand diuretic. 'Ihcinl no disease of tbo Pennsylvania hutch. Mil. PniNTttit, Wlnlo Icli slum long ntmma fun tuear Intra liop lussa so will Icli awo mul weater slirlvn, un zwar fun soldawt. An Soldawt. In dar kar- ch zog selnn splollcorlen nus drrtawsha legta sea for slch liln ; scln Feldwable wurda solclis gawalir uml nagta zu Itim r flolln eeina splelkattcn bel sella stcckca utrd soclias hlnfort nlcht wledr Hum on solcliom Ort. Dar Soldawt far nntworta slcli garnlclit, Bondern benb achtata selna splelknrtaii sclt dem Got tesdlenst ; awls dlo Klrclia aua war ar wartata dor Feldwablo don Soldaiteti for der Klrcliatlmr, fearta llm zn dem Mayor und farklugta Ihn liart bcl den sclben. Dar Mayor engta zu dem Sob dawieri, konnft du dlch nlclit faremt wortan so must du Gassen laufan Dar Soldawt sagta : melu Icalicr llcrr May or, Ich liawba alia lelta die In dcr Klr clia waren, In rulia' galussen uud nea inond gastocrt, odea fscliadeu gntliawn. Tin rn1.. nnnn npnt,rvr(i ,tI, ha.. Bcr, oder icli sciiicka dlch sogiiccb in Allen BbtrengthoningLoruial arrest, uar oomawi seizta bich nun on aelnan llsoli zoch seliia kortcii ous tat-jo, lagta deaBellen for eieli hln,we er cs lu dcr Kirch gathnn batten, und sagta, cretens. soboldt Ich eincii Auga oderau Ass sdia, zaeat es mlr, daws T,.mftr.(; I MpprQ nr DIH 9nrPQ ehiGott Innimmell 1st. der Hhnuicl I ulTlOrSj UlLttlb 01 UIU O0IC5 l.urasn ftvitmn fur which ALL UN's btrengthkn. ino comjial cannot bo used with perfect safety. Allen'sStrengtheningCordial WILL CUltE Scrofulous Humor. It will eradicate from the 8 rut era every taint of Hciofula ana Sciofulous Humor. It has per inauent.y cured thousands ot helpless cases where all other Known i cinodJcs tailed. la the ercat blood pari lie r, cares Syphilis and remove Fltnplca und iluuiom on the luce. He a son should teach us that a blotchy, rough or ptiupldlskln depends entirely upon nu tutor nl cause, nna uo outward application can ever vu.etho defect. was i ira Pile: ucces sor to D. Book & Co., At tin 66 fSaBBaimtBa I und Erda gasclinffen hat ; dea zwcla, zaccau mlr die zwey Natureu die in Ghristo bind awls wahra Gott und mciischa, cle dilozeigcn mlr del drey Fersonen. dlo In dcr Gotthcit slnd, awls Fator, .Solin und JJolllcher Geist, dlo Fear zalgcn mlr dio fear Kvangallsten, die flnfa, selgen mlr die finf Wunder Arocjnsod by on Impure ststo of thebloodt cienuso tlio b ond lliuiuUKlilr with Allun'n eticufrtiicDiuir Cuntal aua itto cuuiplaluta will dlsiiW'O'"'- , . AJu-a'd Btrenffbenins Cordial euros consii 1'ilION, DVM'I'.l Bl. l-'AIMNKSl Uf tSlOMll'll It Is uot a HtluiuluUUK Jliltors wiilca rroaios a lie fltioun nnnetlte. but a kOutlo Tome. -viicll ns- etBia uatuio to restore the biomfc-li to n IiliiIII actlou. wo poi Miu sunenuf; wuu sour Muiuacu, llnniHnhn. (UMtiveneoa.l'illuitation ot tholloulU Tint I im. I ti ii T.nur Aiintta. . imn tukfi tliri-n Christen, die sexa soleen mlr dos wlr oosoa witnoat ieiiof. ... hat tnwrron In .lor nrhpltpn olpn Alloa's UentliulnK Cordlol cuiea Femalo BBS lawgen 111 der WOCU arDClten soien, -.veakneasi it nets duocllr uuou tlio cauao- ot die siebon 6eiC0n mlr daws Wir den tbi8 coiuiilalnU, luviKorales ami stnuctueua . . . ... i ti rh.vK.lii .p.timi njitu muni thn .ru Fi nr. BieDeuten lawg ruuen una neiiicn nan- iii;; r ti mat .m. en KOlleti, dlo acllten selgen mir dio Alku'blrtnKiueuiiJ(!C'ordialbasnOTerf,u!ca nplit salfln illn to ilnr Arrhnn Noah to core mercurial Uiscusos, Bain in tho ooiios, ta aciu saien uio le uar Arcnoii nu.ii. lt ,CI)J0V0(, tntal ihe Byt,tt.m tho iiioauciui! waren, dlo doinor selgen mlr dlesehn causo.baitithoumui:afciiia Hcaoreojiivyicia Aussatsigon Manner, wopon nur ciner :KZ?lZ"tX?a knowutoiall in givniR lmmcuiaie leiniinuii 5? 9 Opposite tho L. & S Depot, BANK Street, Respectfully announces to his customoi'S and friends that ho is daily receiving additions to his stock of LADIBS'DEBSS and DRY GOODS, GROCERIES and PROVISIONS, QUEENSWARE. &c, &c, &o. Also, just received a car load of LIVERPOOL SALT, which I am sollinp; at Bottom rnces. SALT FISH a Specialty. flgf If you really desire to know how largo an arfiounfc or Goods you can get tor a small sum of Ready JVlonoy, you should not fail to give mo a call before making your mrchasos elsewhoro Don't forget the Mammoth Store, opp. L.&S.Deuot, May C, 1879-yl LE1I1GHTON, FENN'A. ftwt.nt.iia of tho Kuiners and Uriuarr omana Tbla lucdlcino chabCDKoa Uie mut piofouud at teutionot tUo mt-dicfll raojlty, maiiv ot wliuui ore iiicacriuiUK it to tuoir iiaueuia. Aunii'M HtmiiirtJioiiim: Cordial acta as delight fully on too teudcr bubo, Uio moat delicate Indf and luUrui old age, as on the titonK uiuutliu. iinrtltiir lin.iitb m.d vliror to lliolicrwaaud bialll. i)ou.l vejsel9 heart uud liver. Wliuitskon vou umkohrta und Gott dlo ahra cawb und Aasus sorawch wo slnd din nlneu, dlo zahn. soieea mlr dlo zalin Gaboton dlo Gott unter Donner und blits auf dem berca siiia caeabDii hat. Dlo Kreutsen selgen mlr claws Erautz Ghrista ; dlo plckon selcen mlr daws flnpnr nml tmfYnl t.n.l .lln rlmt.nn lAfrnnn I can foul ltd lile-ttlviuif ttowei courbo tbioufili rlio iT v., . rtoii every attory, distroiiuis all disea a in tbo blood dlo unser Uerr Christus aut BUln liell- n,,d Jiving liealtli,claiicityonditreuBth to tlio iges gatragen bat, dlo rumen se gen wiioioorpiuizaiiou. J". .?.. . '. . .. Allen'. Btionirtaeulnn Cordial Is aekuowlcilE. mir uaws aim Aireuan tear ecuen uaw t,(, byall 0,U8BtS0 pt.upioto bo tuo boat ana ben, die IlertlCU selcen mlr das wlr most reliable blood jiurWer in the woi M. Ilia darin mit Harionsnudacht erschelnen SS'.Ti-.K!; mlsten, die fear Koeulea sond die fear auateheit ua a were irom the bimu 01 tim k'uvo Wplsnn rilt. Am Mnnnonlnnilmi en. r its umaculous iiuwir. Wl.o will auffor Iioui Liver coniiiaint!i. iiyapepaia, iJiaeasoa 01 too Btomacn, Kiuucys. uoweia or jiiauuur wucu eucb a creat remedy la w lthln reach I Volumes ought bo tilled with proof from nil narta of tho civilized woild lo Drove that no 10 medy boa over beon dlacoveied lu I ho whole hibtoty of medicine tbatactsao promptly. Kven 1U IUO WOlHb Ca03 Ol CCIHIUIU II KUUll UFIUII14' tho riittf uho. the umo of Allon'a Liver rllla wlilre movoit. ( oxpencuce and the lucieiistiirrpuuuiarity of Alleu'a medlcmebulo conclusive pi ool l'rico SI no nor hotllo. or als botllos for tv 00. If our UtuguUt 01 htoro-keeper docs not huvo u, wo will lorwatu nan a uozeutoauy auurei on roceipt of Uio ptlce. Prepared only by. AMERICAN MEDICINE CO. st. Josurn, llo, i or sale by an uruggiss. Weison die aus dem MouRcnlaudeti go kommen sind, den hocchsten attsubetn dlo flor Welber sind. dio elua Maren die audera dry, die sura Grawba Christ gagongen sind, den Kreltsbower legta ar bcl sella uml sncta diescr 1st nea ehrlich tlln nmlnri lrnv stnrl die lien- -oniplote digestion. uticnglU and u dltpoiitlou uiirncn, uio atiuora uroy sina uie ueu torfXciciHe7aiouroti) toiiow its uso. nine Kerskncchta dio unser llcrrtl (JlirlStUUl howeu are costive, or houahcho acecmpames for Pilato cagclslt hawhen. Eaberhaupt. in deu Karten sind dry- huuert flnfunsechszlg Augen, daws Bind dio tawgft In Yore, In deu Karten slud swex und fuufslg Bteafa, daws Bind die woclicn ira Yore, In den kort cn sind swelf bilden das slnd do Mon aten Im joro, also hat mlr mein Kart enspeii besser gafallen als ein gasong buch. Dar Mayor sagte, du hasht mir awber noch net fon dem Kreltsbower gasaut, deu du auf der seitalcgtest und sgaest dieser 1st nlclit arlicb, der Sob dowt sagta, meln leaber Her Mayor, wenn Bio miei fersprcchan wollen kelu strawf su gabqn so will Ich es sawga. Dar Mayor srwgta, sawg liar meln Sohn, den delr soli nichts leides wead crfawren. Dar Soldawt sawgta, dar Kreltsbower den ich aut dar seita legta und sawgta diescr 1st nlcht cbrllch, daws 1st der Feldwablo welclion heir Etelit und ulch so hart ferklawchta, nemlich der Eudas Gchoriot. Dar Mayor fryten sich ober dan ferstoud des soldaytcn sog eeln pocketbuch her for uuc gawb den soldawten sex dollar und sawchta gaha bin ucln sonn und trluka molna gasuudbelt den ich bawb schon fcala leita In Kawrten studicran gasahn, awber noch ncimols crfawren, was du mien aus deina Kartell gasacht hawst. Now, Mr. Printer, sel so guto un druck's lu do Advocate un noo's nacht mol will ich eppes gova fun dar Bevy un so welter. Ehren'sfoll, P. Shin. Knorellochsvllln, Jan. 41, 0103. VARIETIES. Franco exports to this country an nually $100,000 worth of hair. JEBthetle Boston belles, have, cn masse, taken to wearing eyo glasses. In many parts of California the sheep P"'st be sheared twlco a year. Iol, Kansas, has a mineral well which throws aloft a stream of water and cas. Tho Now York Society for the Ho lief ot tho Poor relieved 10,055 persons last mouth. A London newsboy found a $12000 diamond, which lie carried about In bis pocket for a month without knowing Its worth, Wm. Gibson, of Franklin,Texas, a precocious child ot eighty-six summers, recently distinguished himself by cut. ting four front teeth. -A bait pound ot powder In a chest Allen's Pile Ointment, TUB OltldlNAL AND QBNU1NB I'UErAttATION, Tno reputation of Una Mwiltnio la now so wo.l esLihllHlied tlint liberal imtifU d meu in the medl cal profession throughout tLo Union iccommund ii xo inoir paueniB un me veiy uwi ui nu rt-mo. uiea ioi I'lies. liunureus oi mo most paiuiu cases oi rueaiiavo been xuiea ny ua use m verv short limn. ISo medicine has ever obtained a higher or tnoi e deserring reputation than Allen's l'llo OlutniPiit. A lien's rile Ointment is a remedy of untverunl use fulness whenever au oil ccrato f alvn elut- mentor embrocation is lequlred. lu cab til Burns, heal on, Blisters, pralU9, Bruises, Aura aions. Cuts. Uletrs. Halt ttheum. rotter. Kcze ran. KIiik Woini, liarber'a Itch, linsted Limbs, Chilblain, rhapped Mtln, i'ever Blwoia, Bed Hores, boro l-eet. Hun ion , vegetal) 10 1'oisoning, Bites ol IuitoctH. Ac. There is uo known remedy thnt ffires such la8tiug icllel us Allen's rile Ointment. It is ft new, delightful and wonderful remedy, mwgoeii and warranted to oupersodo all other Ointiueuti vet illttcuvfieil. Allen's Tilo Ointment la entirely different fiom any other Otutment in tho whole world, perfectly harioless fur tho infant or aired: it le CMollnir and erateful to the burnluir brow.lhrob bmtf lempioi and lover purolit-d nystom; lt will bunisii pain and allay lullamatlou more rapid y than any cuiatlve coruiouud in this or in any country. Pi Ice 50 cents a box. or six boxes for $2 00. It your druggist or store-keeper does not have li, o will foiwaid half u dozen to any uddu-sson receipt oi price. Prepared only by AMERICAN MEDICINE CO, bT Joseph, 21 o. or aaio uy au jurogpista. Hill k UmMf Co." ADIUEL. GKAVEK, s Opposltotho roM!0Squarc,8OUTIT. 8TIIEET LKU1QI1TON, To., . Manufacturer Ot Tin & Sheet Iron Ware And Dealer in all kind nr nooFiNO. RpottTixn ami jnniiiNo promptly attended to at tenoimble charaeo. THE SUN. NHV VOIC, 1877 jEniOIITOS BAKEUY. The Undersigned announce to tbe citizens of Lchlftliton. VrUport and tho fcUironndliiR nelchhoihnod. that ho Is now lolly prepared to snprlvthem-VTith I'ltlJIKlUlliSlI Bread, Cakes & Pretzels Kverr rornlng.nt Wholesale and lletall, at the lowost prices. He make a specialty of Wctldlng and Fancy Cakes. ric-Klcs and all other Parties supplied with the Choicest Made Ico Cream, In larso or email quantities, on short notice Bnd at reasonable ngutes. Also, always on handa large slock of all kinds ot CANDIES. NUTS, FBOITS, Aft, at Wliolcsmo and Itetall. ratrouage solicited. J. W. O'NEIL. aprll Syl Bank: Fttrcet, Lchlguton.Fn. Itennectfnllv innnunco to rarnentprs. nntlriera. Contractors and others, tlint havlntr comnleted their NUW iiILLQ. tjivaronow Drcuaredito sunolv tbem. at VEItV LOWEST riUGES.wlib. every do&criptiou of Such as Siding, Floor Boards, Doors, Sash, Blinds, Shut ters, Moldings, .Brackets, Cabinot Ware, &c, &c, On tho shortest Notice. Our Machinery li all New and ot tho Most Approved Kind, so that we litvo nohesiiailoii In Uiiarantelng Verlect Satlsiactlnn to all who may lavor us with thflroiueis. It vou have not tlino tn call and soloctwhot you want, fend your older and tbey will bo tilled prouiDtly, and at a low prices as though on n ore pi ('sent. uive us a Trial, anu you will ue convinced or wnat we say. SOLOMON YEAKEL, D. B. ALBRIGHT, WM. BIEBY. JOHN BIEUY. Ofllco and Mill, nearly opposite tho Fort Allen House, WEISSPOKT, Carbon County, Penna. June 10, 1870-gl Cliasage YoiBr Snrronndlngs. Atl wiintlnir FItUIT FARMS, esneclnllv ndnnted to tho crowth of tho VINK. whero it li an establlsljcnl success and pays LAltf.K PItOFITS. Tbo laud also tidaptedto iho growth ot Peaches Pears, Apn'es and small frut 1 1 also, Grain, Ornaj and Vegetables. Jiany nunureut oi uxeneub vinii a itu. uituiLxifcu-s uuti r .ww aia, can now uo tet?n. nrnv. r,o(iAT10N' lsonlvSI mites south of Phil ulelohla. bv Hall road, in i mild, dellffhtlul ell mate, and at tlio very dooi s of New York and Philadelphia Markets. Another Kailroad runs dl root to New Yoik. T11K PLAt'lC is already LAUUK, BlTCCICSSFUIi AND PHOSPKllOU. Chnrches, Schools, and pilvdurs aio alicailv estabiiHhcd, Also, manufactories ot shoos, Clothlnx, Glass, blraw lloous, anil ninrr iiuiik, hi which tuiu rt;iiL jncuini-i.i im u iuinuy viui piuuuiii t-injjujjf niuui . it ha been a ilia al iu nuur ior some yens pa1.! icr peopio HuneniiR irom pulmonary ai- maiiv vnousuiius ivnw cimioiy rccovi'ieu. c3 j to rH ,fr .. Co r grG gpq & .s 9 S i . n 3 .2 S-g'S 1 3 0 .S o -g pi H 2 53 E s o 5 h H 2g ra o g Tlie different editions of THE Sun during tho next roar will bo tbo samo as during tho year that has Just pissed. Tho dally edition win on week days Do a sheet ol four pagos. and on Sun. days a sheet of eight pagos, or 68 broad co nmns: while the weekly edition will bo a sheet of eight paies ot tho samo dimensions and character that aro nlrcady familiar to our friends. TUB hum will contlnno to he tho strenuonn advocatoof reform and retrenchment, and of the substitution of statesmanship, wisdom, and integrity for hohow pretence, lmbeclUttr and fraud In tho administration of publlo affairs. It will contend for the government ot the people! ny the people and for the people, ns opposed to guvernmcut byfiands in tho ballot box and lu the counting of yotos. enforcid by military vio lence It will endeavor to supply us loaders with tho most careful, compieto. truiturUr arcounts of current events, and will employ foe uumciuiis uiiu rari-iuny Beiocica staff of reporters and cotrespondents. Its re ports from Washington, especially, will bo full, accurate, anil fearli as i and it will iinnhti.. contlnno to deserve and entov tho hatted of tiioje whothnvo by plundering Ihe Troasury or by nurplnc what tho law does not glvo them, while it will eudcavor to merit thecouO dencoof thepublio bv defending tho right, of tho people against the encroachments ol anlus tlfled power 'Ihq prlcoof tho dally Bun will be J5 cents 5 month or fa 60a year, post paliLr with tho bunday edition 7.7o a year. The HUHtMT edition alone, eltfit pagos. 41.2S a year, poHt paid. Iho weekly bus, eight pages of 58 broa6 columns will bo farnisn-d durtue it.77 at the' rate of si n year, post paid. The benefit otthls largo rednotlon from tho previous raiofor tiik w El kit can b ouloyeir by lndividoal subscribers wii bout the necessity of maittii? up clubs. At the same time, if any of our friends rlionso to nld In oxtondlng our oir--eolation, weshali begrntelnlto them.and evory such person who Sends ns ten or more subscrlb. ers will bo entitled lo one copy of iho paper for himself wlihont chargo. At one dollar a year, postago paid, thocxpcnnoiut uuu yiiiiiiuuru uareiy reuaiu ailUrCen. siaortng tho sue oi tuoshfet and tho qnahtr of Its contents, we aro condtlont tbo people will consider Tint SUN tho cncap"st news, paper publislKxl lu tho world, and wo trust also one ot the very beat. Andreas. TUB SUN, New York City, N. Y. Dec. 0, wil. fruliims. Asthma. Cataitb. Atme. and dehl Itv Anew unckiioioi lias jut neon rninpu'ioii. ii-o feet front, with bocK liuildlngs, four stoiles l.lrliullii'F T"! ejii'li lnnl uml nil tmiiloin jnioinvoiimilLs for tho acoollimoil'ltlon of visitors. WUCliOl' I'AUM LAND g;i.ii l'KII ACHE, paynbio by mstnllinenU. within tho period of four years. In this climate planted out to vlues, io acres count luoro than 100 acres further north. ret sons unacquainieu twui x nut urowiug.can occomo laminar witn it in n suort tune ou ac- FIVE AUHEs, U.U ACHE. AND TOWN LOTS, In the town ot Landlsvll'.o and Vlnoland, also ior saio. Whilst Vl-slllllg inn uenienniai J.moilion, viniianu can ue vibiicu ni small oxpeasi A naocr eontoinlug full lnroraallou. will be sent upou application to CUA 11LES 1C. LANDISi VINELAND, N. J . freo of cost. Tho following n un extract tiom a oeteriptiou or vineianu, puuiinou in tuo cy iuuh.ibi' iiiTxr i.t. tim ivi'll kmiui AfrrieiilliiliHt. solim ltrtlilllNon! All tno tanners w ere 01 uio wen lu uo tori, uuu liiiiio ul uieui. nan nave luiinni iunr niwu. lion to lr"ll.s i.nd market gardening, have giowu rich. Tho soil is loam, varying from sandy to clayey, and t-urface giutlv uii'iutatlug lutersrcted with small streams and occasional wet meadows, In which deposits ot poiter muck aro (.toted, siilllcleut to fertilize the whole upland a i,, f d. iilli.. tt. lint tii.poinA nvltniTHtril nf it m nntnrnl tort lilt V. 11 in certainty out of the moil trtcntWe fertile tract, in tm almost level volition, and iuitable condition ftrr pleasant farmift'j, that we litowoftKii title of the Western prairie. We Jound some, of the oldest farmt apparently just at proJUalti productive us when first cleared of forest fifty orahundrcd years fl, irnntniriBt. wniilit nvm rtlaftnvnr t h entsn nf I his pontlniied fertllllv. 'I'lio wholo Coontrv 18 amarinodepohlt, and nil through the soil wo found evidences of calcareous suhtances, generally 111 Uniform ot luduiatod ealcareouj luarL showing many distinct toimaol undent shells, of tho tertiary toimatlon t and this marly substance Is scattered n'l tbtojL.i the soil. In a verveouimt nuted lorm, uud lu tho exuet couditlou and most a.slnillated by such plants as the fanner di'slrcs to cultivate. June 17. 18V8. OUSTACLLS Men trora tho ettects of lirrors nn Aiiuno.H in e ti i y me. iuuu hood restored. Impedimenta IU to Marrlago removea. ivow method of treatment.- New MAliKIAIrt!. iimkft and clrrulara sent lice in seaifHt envelopes. Auuress nOWAHD ABSOUIATION. 419 N. Ninill Hr.. Phlladelphln, Pa. An Instiintinn havlmr n high reputation for honoraoio conuues anu proics- SlOUai BK.ll. W. EACHES. Contractor & Builder, LEUialtTON, rUNN'A. Plans and SpcciHcntlons FOIl ALL KINDS OP BUILDINGS MADE AT THE SHOlVTESr NOTICE. NO CHARGES jvtado for PLANA and SPECIFICATIONS When tho contract Is awarded to Iho unuer, signed. June 14, 1873-71. A. W. EACnE3: Allen's Liver Pills. Perfectly tasteless, elegantly coated. For tho euro or an tusoruers oi mo siomacu, i.ivt r llow ets. Kidneys, madder, Nervods Diseases Iteud. nclie. constipauon, Costlveio?s, luillgcutlou, Dvsoersla. and ail Illlious Diseases, pccli a Coustipatiou, Inward Piles. Fullness ot lliond to tho head, Acidity of tho Htomacu. Nausea, lleutlbum. Disgust for Food, Fullnosi or Weight lu tho !-tomach, sour Eructatlons,sln1. lng or Fluttering at the Pit of tho fctnnu.cli. Swimming of tho Head, Hunled or DlUk-ult llicaihltiK, Fluttering at tbo heart, (.'hotilugor suUucating bens.uions when tn a lying posture, Dimness uf Vision, Dots or Webs beloro Iho bight, Fever or dullpaln lutho Head, Dtftlcu.ty ol Ptesplratlou, VeliownuM of tuo bkin and Eyes, Palu In the tilde, chest. Limbs, and Hud. deu Flushes of Heat. Uurnlng ot the Flesh, eto. Allen's Ijveii P1LU8 may always bo relied ou as a safe and effectual i etnedy, sua tniv bo taken by both sexes ai all rlmt s with bent flcjat results, llv their uso tho weak aro mado strong. Distress after Eating. Inward Weakuesa. Lau. guor, Wsut of Appetite, aro at ouco removed by a dose or two of these Pills. Thousands of poi sons who hare used ihe.-o Fills we have yet tn ,.f lo.. .lfltnnwill.oil on A,1a, t ll WUr IUO lltl IMJlUUUllUt Ulim UUU HUU JU, U1W uuv ui.u.u.winv. ui, ttoum iuiuiiv i tucm. 't uey always give tenet, rowed without the owner's consent. The number of hogs packed in tills country up to Jan. 4th, 1877, was 8, 675,000 ; up to the samo date lu 1870 it was 3,125,000, and for tbo season ot 1875-8 It was 4,880,000. Dr retermann, the distinguished geographer, is now In Londoti, consult ing with the promoters of a now Arctic expedition. It Is to bo a prlvato under, taking, set on foot by the united clubs of the Kindgoui. A new society has beon formed In Farls, whoso members aro to dine to gether on tho Qrst day of each month till Jan 1, 1000, whou the farewell ban. quet will tako place'. The members must have beeu born later than Decem ber 31, 1841), and the club Is called "tho Mon of tho Twentieth Century." Eighteen tramps climbed Into tho boiler lofts of" tbo Lehigh Valley Iron Company, at Allentowu. tho other night, to sleep. Ona slept the sleep of death, and Qvo others wero nearly suf focated by tho fumes of gas before they uero rescued by the furnace hands. ALLEN'S LIVER PILLS Ilegulato the organs of the system, restoring fuuitioudl haimony uud securing the secretion of thoproper constituents of ouch orgau. Iiy their actlou the liver soctctes Its allotted pro portion of bile the lungs carbon, the skin nueat, tho kidneys urine, etc., and aroalwaya tellable as u purgative, Tho aged, and persons subjected toConstlna. turn, t'araiysls, and Weakness of the Uowels, Kldnera aud llladdcr, eto , that have to retort to Injections, by Ufiug two or three ot Allen's Liter Pills, Hill enjoy natural discharges, and bv Iho occasional use of turmhavu regular oper atlous In those caui their strcugtheutug uud nutritious pi luclples are exlubltiu.ovt.rv doso wilt add new strength to tho Dowels, Livir, Kidneys, ttc, that may bo worn or depleted by ago. In these Pills, a want that science has ever failed to supply is si cured.and this Is a thurouith potgattve that can bo given tuaaletv Incases ot etuptlvo fevers, as bmall Fox. Erysipulas, Yellow Fever, Sctrlet aud Ijpuold lovers. W'hou the Mucus Membrano become, ulcerated, thoso Pills aut thoroughly, yet licol ulceruUd ami excorlatod parts. They are made Irom ex. Iractn fiom now iugtcdli-uth entirely ege. table, supcilor lu evety uspect to the ordinary powders and substances of tho common u kver tlsed pills, and hat o u safo,certuln, and unlf oi m uition. Puce 33 rents a box, or six boxes for R.3S. It your druggist or store keeper does not have them, wo will forward halt adoztn boxes to any uddiossuu roceipt ot the price. Prepared only by AMEIUCAK MEDICINE CO. Per uio by all DiUjyUUi. bT. JOSEl'U. UO. Dec. 58, info. THE CHEAPEST & BEST! T. D. CLATJSS, BANK STREET, LEniGHTON, PA. CUSTOM nvTA-'IDEl GLOTKCING-. Yon can select from the very best of Goods and get your Garments mado to fit llko a glovo in tho Latest Fasulon. Beady mado Clothing Ladles', Misses', Oents', nnd ChHdron'8 Gaiters, Hats, Caps, and Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods In great variety aud at Knock-Down Prices FOB CASH. EET Call and oxarolno Goods and Prices before purchasing clsewbeto. T. D. LAUSS, Merchant Tailor, 2nd doorabovo tho Publlo Squaro, BANK STREET, Lelilght on. rtftvMi x'xron liirnfii!.x.i.irrri. I rmnMl t, tt UlL. n can forfomnniO I tlon, Cc;h!, Broi-liilii h all Scroloos 1 uistuci.lilv crirKrMMOinca-j . ii le Las act ret It, I mil, cn rtr l; . IJ5itna0uiltli.C.J.tisamv II, iin.K.o. For salo only by A. J DUELING, Dtugglst, Uauk Stroet, Lehlghtou, Pa. Oct. 31, 1S75.W30. ADVERTISING ! 3,250.40 worth of spare lu various uewsi apers distributed thtougb thirty states,-will be soul for 7Di rush. Accurate lusertlous gusiauteed A list ot thopapets, glvlug daily aud weekly oircuiatlou and prlutrsl schedule ot rates, seut freo on applloatlou lo GEO. P. HOWELL A OU.. Newspaper Advertising Ageuts, No. 41 Park How, now York. M ov. 11, 3m. QIIAKLES FKOEHUCH, Cor. of HON and LEHIOTI Streets, LEItlQII TON, Pa., dealer in Choice Brands ot Family FLOUR, FEED, APPLES, POTATOES, &c, Ilespeetfully announces to bis Customeis and tho publlo geneiully. that on aud ultcrJANU. AUY im. 177, be will seU for cash only or on Til IllTY DA YH to lesponslblo parties, and In terest will Ik) charged on all bills nut settled at toe expiration oi saiu sit days, tsr All articles warranted to be as represent- eu. uiruuuiju bouliivu. CHAIILES FEOEULICn. December S3, 1878. EPILEPSY OR PITS. Him miTAS NEiiviNE, tho preat Nerve Comiuei or. cured Epileptic Pit a, Convul nervous dleasta ; tho only known post tiro aud curocurefor KpUepfV, It hat beeu tetited bv thousaurtu mid has never been known to fall In a fciuglo case, Incloaa i-tamp ior circutara, ptvine evldenco or cure a. Trial package nee. i'lae fnve name ot ex uresa odlce when ord trine nudlelnea. Also ei.d nautfa mid addretceaof all pervomt vubject 10 tipuepuo nw. Auuieur. m a. iucuuomj, 1jx 741, tit. Juwh, 2X0. 1XX3. , lvttt-yl, REDUCTION IN PRICE I THE CHEAPEST AND BEST f TOE IIAnitlSBTJUO Daily and Weekly Patriot FOR 187-7. To all now and to nil m earnt snbrvrrf hora rfw sewing tho stfttscrlptloua THE DAILY PATRIOT ' Will bo aent at tho fotlowlng rates f 1 copy i your, rotsiago propaju 97 ro 2 copies (In club) " wm 5 " 2T f) 10 " ..( to 00 l ropy during tr.o session ot Leghntui. i 00 1 eopv. 1 year, and i copy, l year, of either uauixu a niUA nLx or uaktkb'b UaZ' AR, postago paid on both S 6tf THE WEEKLY PATRIOT WIU be Bent at tho following rotes i 1 copy l year, postago prepaid (3 03 4 a art 10 , 10 C(X 15 " ami l copy ftettcrupof club 16 00 1 cony 1 year, nud 1 copy I vear. of either IlAlU'EK'fl MONTHLY or If ARPUH'S 11 A- xau, postaso prepaid on both 4 53 The snhsCrlntlon in lco rti HnronrA Monthly ahd Ilaroer's n Ct.oo each, thua Becurlnir tno subscriber a copy ol the " vyeukly Patriot ' for 0 cents in nidinon to what ho would fcavo to pay for either of Harper's publicationi. Alt orders must bo accompanied by tlio cash, either by check or tost ofllco order. .Now la the time tosuhKcribe. Get all the news; and the best of reading matter at less cost thai any w nor o ei&e ny nenduig your subscriptions tar the Daily and Weekly I'utriot. Address1, PATRIOT PUBLISIlINa CO., defilfl . ; 2IarrlBburg..Pa. WHAT PAYS ? TT PA'XS evety MANUrACTUUEIt, MEB1 -L CnANT. MECHANIC. INVENTOR, FA U. i l.itnb'P.sHff ixai. MAN to keen In formed on all tho Improvements und discoveries it PAVSTtn: T1KAD OP EVERY FAMI I,Y to Introduce into his hou'ehold a newspaper thatlslnstructivo. onothat fosters a tastofor lnestigatlon, nud promotes thoughtiaua en courages Uiscusstou umuug tuo weiuuuts. The Scientific American which has been published weekly for the last thirty-one years, does this, to au ottent beyond that of any other publication t tn fact lt la trie rDir wccttiv imper imuiiMiuu m iuo uuncu Htftte. devoted to MANUFACTUUKB, MK OHANICH, INVENTIONS, and NKW UIS- f vk t km in iiih ArtH anu ncieucra. livcrv nuuiber H piol usely illustrated and Its contents embrace, moiaiest auttmosi, mieresi- inst luiomiauon penaiumc io um juuuRirii rUiWmiiicnl und Kuieutlite Proure.HS of tho Woild: Descrlptloiiri, with llcautiful Enarav lugs of New Invention-', New Implements. New processes, auti imiTuveu ihuubuioi ui mi kinds t Useful Notes, Recipes, bucirostlons and Advice by Practical wriieis, tor Workmen and Kiuploers, in all the vattuus arts, forming a complete repertory of New Inventions and Ulcoverioa i coutaiulng a weekly record, not only of tboproitress of the Industrial Arts in OUr OWIl COUUII I. UUt bwu ui nil irxowtvi les and Invention In every branch ot Eugmeer. log. Mecbaiilos, aud (science abroad. TIIK SCIlSNTIlJ'fO AMKUIOAN" has been tboforemcst of all industnai publications for th past thirty-one rears. If is the oldest, largest, cheapest, aud the best weekly tllustrat' ed paper dovoted to lCuaineerlug, .Mechauloa, Chemistry, New inventions, bcieuce nud In-du-trial Proaress, imbllshed In tho world. Tho practical iteciica are wen worm ien times tno subscription price, and for tho shop and houtfft will save many times tho cost ot eab acrii'tion MKUUltANTS, FARMRK, MKClf ANIC3 ENUlNKKltS, INVENTORS. WANDPAO TUUEHS, UIIKMISTS. LOVKRM OF fed. ENCK, and PKOPLK of all PHOFESSIONW, will tind the bciUNTiyio Asikuican tuefui to them, lt ahould have a place In everv i-'amlly. Library, htody, OtQco and Counting Room ; m every llcading Room, College and School. A new volume commences January int. 17&7. a vpsr'a unmbertt contain 812 uaifea and HaV. EHAL 11UMUK1 EhOKAYLNOS. Thousands Of volumns aro prerved lor b biding and refer, once. Terms. IJ.-M a year by mail, including pontage Discount to Clubs. Special circulars glviug Club rates, seut free. Single conies mailed on receipt ot 1'J cents. May be had or all Newa Dealers. 1 A fpVNTHl ln connection with tho . A -1 Xill X O bCIEMlFIC AxnuiCAN, MnturH. mums A CO. are bollcliors of American and .Foreign Patents, und have the Largest es- tabiieuimeut in uio vonu. .-uore inau imy mou sand applications have been mado for patents inrougu meir egeucv. ratcirta aro obtained on tho best terms. Mod el of New Inventions and Sketches examined. and advice tree. A special notice Is niadn in the sciEMinc AMEiUCAN of nit Inventions Patent ed through this Agency, with the name and residence of tho Patentee, Patents aio often established im. GILM0RE&(0.,AttysatLaw,. SUCGSSOrS to CUITMAN, LTOSIUR & CO , G29 F St., Washington, D.O. T AMBUICAS AUD FOliEION PATESTB. ra tents rroenrotl In all conn tries. No Fess XX advance. No charge unless the patent is. granted. No fee rot making preliminary ex. Ruinations. No additlonul fees tor obtaining ami conducting a rehearing, special attention civen to In (Jautrn tiofnre the Patent Ofllce, Extensions before Congress. Infrlnce iueni Bolts lu different ft U tea, and all ntlgatiun BpeixainiuK io jutchuous or mien is. kkklt bTAMp vou Pamphlet op sixty pages. U. H. COUliTS ASD DEPAtiTMOTft. Claims prosecuted In the Supreme Court of tho' United fetates. Couit ot Claims. Court of Com mlMiioneiaot Alabamn Claims, Southern Claims Commission, and all clashes ot war claims boforef tbo Executive Departments. ABttEAlt OP IAT AND UOUSTT. Officers, soldiers and sailors of the Uto war. ot their heirs, are In many caws entitled to' money irom tho Government, ot which tbey havo no knowledge. Wrlto full history of ser vice, and state amount of pay and btmntyra oelved. Encloso stamp and a full reply, after examination, will bo given you free. FE.NSIONft. All Officers, Soldiers and Sailors wound erf ruptured or injured in tho late war, however (dlghtly.oan obtain a (tension, many now receiY- -lng pensions aro entitled to an increase,, hei-d-stamp and information will bo furnlshld free. UNITED STATES QEXtlUL LAMD 6fE.CE. Con tea tod Land Cases, Prlvato Land Claims, MlniLg Pre-omptlon and Homestead Cases pros ecuted before the General Land Office and Lo-' partment ot the Interior. old Bounrr land warrants. Tho last Report ot the Commisfloner of tho' General Laud Office shows 2.tf7.ft'0 acres ot Jlonnty IAnd Warrants outatandlnjc. Theao iHsned under act of 1855 and prior sola. . We pay caih for them. Send bv registered letter Where assignments aro lmperteocwo aivoln-' structlons to nertect them. Kjich department of our bnslneaa Is conducted In a separate bureau, under charge ot experienc ed lawyers and clerks. Ry reaoon of error or fraud many attorneys are suspended from practice beforo the Pension and other orates each year, Claimants whoso attorneys liae been thus suspended will bo gratuitously iutuiouwi wmi iuii uiiuruuLiuu aud proper papei s ou application to us. As we charge no feo unless successful stomps tor return postago should be sent us. ajucrai arrantfemeuu mauo wiiu aiwuoys ro all classes ot bu'luesa. Address. GILMOKE & CO., P. O. Rox 44. D'athityton, V. C WAsuiyoTOiT, D.C., November 24, T taVo ninnanrn tn exnreaslnir mv entlie confl dtncela the Ttipoiuibnuy and ftdtlUjj of tho i-aw, I'uieuii muu iucvuvu xiuuo vi uibuvKv fc ca. ot this city. OROROE IL D, WHITE. Cashier ot the Natloual Metropolitan Rank. pec. 0. 1S70 tt SCIENTIFIC PARMEE7 BOSTON, MASS. Hdenco Is knowledge) sclentlna Is knowlnf. Ota a better motto be adopted In the Interest of a profitable culture Knterlngfsmilles In every section, Never has it filled to glte satisfaction To the Intelligent farmer, la all things practical; Ior It treats of lbs doctrine of uses lu matters that pertatu to the farm. Cannot you afford to gta H a trial f For only Ona Dollar a )sar. And jour name and address plainly written; lleuiHteJ to Scientific Farmer Co., Boston, Mm.,. Much of monthly value will U recehed, KnaUllug you to profit from others,' Heflect that Ideas turned to use tre uiouey, Five Cojilct, 7S cents each. sold In part or whole, to persons atttacttd to the lnveutlon by such tiotlcu. A t'amphtf t.oou. tainmg lull directions tor obtaining Patents sent froe. THE SL'IENTIPIU AMEltlUAN UEFUHENCE BOOK, a volume bound tin cloth and gilt, containing Uio PATENT LAWS, CENSUS of the U. n aud 1(2 ENU1U.VLNOS of mechanical movements Price Sfi Cents Address for the Paper, or concerning Patents, MUNN dc CO., 37 Parle How, New Vors;. llranch Ofloo, Cor. i aud 7 th Sis., Wa.hluirlou, 1, u. Aec. iw. BUSINESS MEN AND OTHEFta IN WANT OV JOE PIUNTINO OK ANY DESCltflTION. WILL UNDTUEOAKUON ADVOCATJ5 OPiUCK THE UEST aud CHEAP l.HV PLACE IN THE COUN1Y. CIIVU US A TUIAI. AND 11 U CONVINCED. , Wi ITKD. a purchaser for a Wheeler iWtlioti' MACHINE- f35 cash wilt buy' OalutlhlsjBlce. lOIl l'KINTINUat the very lowest price aw TUECAKUON ADVOOAT OPPICK.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers