J-.-Ul l Society Meetings. INMRIIO CASTLE, No. 78, A. O. K. or lllf M. O. 2nd and 4th Monday ot eachmpnth. In lle- bcr.'e Unll, Lehlgliton. ftt 7t50 o olook p. M. II. J. lltinelcker, S. K. 0.1 8. 11. utlhara. s. K. It, s. CHUMS IlCITMvIXinOl, No. 086, 1. 0. 0. F.. meets err .Tuesday evening, M Sp'riork., In Itener's lull. Joseph Ilelgel. . U. 1 N. II. Heber, Secretary. oiio rocA Tbibr. No. 171, Imp. O. n. M., meet on Wednesday .evening or toli week, Bt 7i30 tfcloek. in Public Hchcol Ilnli; Welsspnrt. V. v, F, lilckort, 8. 8. II. (Ilinam; C. ol It LmiioiiTOH Loimik. No. 23t. K. of r meets loniFrldsv .evenings, n,llcbcr'a llall. nt 7:?0 fe'eWhi Arch.ljok,0.(i T, lLjlatcliff, K. ot It, and S. AdVCrtlAlnir ItntoR. We desire It to be distinctly understood tliftt no advertisements lll hu Inserted in the col li ram ot 'nilcUAItaox AlivoCATK thst may le ejelvcd from Unknown parties or Anna unless a jcompanted with tho cash. Tho following are nr out terms. AdTettisements foe 1 year, per Inch each Insertion tocts. " Rlx Months, per Inch each Insertion lU'ts. " Three Montks, 1 20 Cts. " I,ess than three months, first Inser tion l. each subsequent Insertion 23 Cts. Ivoc.it notices 10 cents nor lino. II, V. MOllTIlIMEtl, Publisher. J7J U. S1EWEIIS, DISTIlIOr ATrOIlNKYA COUNSELLOrt AT LAW, Orncr, N. 2, Mansion House, MATJCII CHUNK. PA. fettling Estates. Filing Accottnta and Orphans Court Praotlcea specialty. ' Trial nt Onuses carelullrnttcnded to. Lestil transactions In English und (lerinan. Jan 0. SATURDAY ."jtOItJUNl), JULY 2i, 1870. Local and Personal. tST Tattles receiving tho Advocate with a cross marked after the Ir names wlfl please remit tho amount due for Subscription, or the extra 50 cents will boaddfld to pay tlx) expenses of collec tlon.i f , the Uethlehem Iron Co' steel rail mill has.rcsumijpeiations. Nicely, dressed-peoplo , get. their suits at Lauty Ofc Peters". There were 37 births and 27 deaths In Allentawn during the month of June. Tho Luzerne Leader ia 10 bo the name of the new Democratic, paper In Piltston. -The State 'Icachers' association meets at West Chester on the 8th of August. If yru want a nice giovo go to T. D. Clauss' and select from Ills new and elegant stock of kid and Lislo thread gloves, Just opened. The North Pennsylvania Railroad Company announces a eeml-'nnnual dividend ot three per cent, payable August-1. Tho Mill Creek and Mlnchlll Navi ftttlon and Kallroad Company announ ces a dividend of five per cent, payable win demand . Tho SchuyJfclll Navigation and Railroad Company announces a dlvl idend of two and tiialf per cent, payable qn..(leinand. The Mf.unt Carbon ar.d Port Car tnu Hallroad Company announces a dividend of hIk per cent, payable on demand. Gents' Shirts. Wo have now In stock and constantly receiving tin ex erUelit quality Of Gents' white .shirts, which we am selling at f 1 00, (1.25, 11.73 and $2 00 each. Lauhy & il'BTEits, post office building, Hank Street Lehlghtou. A largo lot of Centennial baby car riages Just received and for sale very cheap tor cash at i'. 1'. Sentinel's Hard ware store, Leliighton, Ta. If you are going to visit the Cen tennial, you should drop In at Laury & Peters', aad leave your measure for a handsome Centennial suit, warranted to fit and wear well. F. P. Semmel offers at private sale, on vtry reasonable , terms, seventeen very pleasantly located building lots on the old fair grounds, In this borough. This offers a rare opportunity for per sons' detviring to build themselves a home. For further particulars apply to F P. Serarnel, at his hardware store, on Hank Street. ' T. t. Clauss has just' returned from the city with a beautiful stock of Centennial 'aod other styles of neck ties. Also, a full stock of gent's fur nishing' goods of (ho choicest quality. Call and see them'. Paper hanging, painting and glaz ing neatly done by Ed. Elsenhower. Orders left at the post-office, Lehlgh lon. Pa., will' receive prompt attention. Charges very moderate and'satisfactlon guaranteed. (24) J. V. O'Nell, at the Lehlghton Bakery, has newly and tastily fitted up his Ice cream saloon and opened up bis soda fountain, and is now prepared to supply our.fltlzens with the finest fla vors" of 'Ice cream and soda 'water day and nvenlng. " Headquarters for Hats, Caps, Boots, Shoes, Trunks, Satchels, Um brellas, &c. Prices low as the lowest, and all goods wairanted to give satis faction, nt Laury & Peter's, post office .building,. Lehlghton. Dr. Fittleb's Rheumatic Remedy cures rheumatism, neuralgia, nervous and klduey diseases. Dr. Fittler's ' Pectoral Syrup, Infallible for coughs, colds and (bronchitis. Dr. Fittler s Cordial, Oalisaya, Liniment and Vegetable Liveu Pills sold by C. W. Lentz, sole agent for Lehlghton and Wejssport. . 2-ly J. K. Rlckertlias still a tew of those eligible lots in Rlckertstown to dispose of. If you feel like securing a good homo call and see him He is also sap- plying floar,foed,lumber and coal at the lowest rates. T. D. Clauss has Just returned from the eltv with a beautiful .assortment of cloths, casslmeres and vestlngs, which h is now making up at prices far below any other house In the Valley, while the style of fit and workmanship is unsurpassed. Call and see his goods before vou purchase elsewhere. There U no charge for showing goods. Also a full line ot ladles' and gentlemen's satchels. Korean Emanuel, of Catasnun.ua, lias built a haystack CO feet long, 80 feet high, and 40 feet wldo, containing 110 two-horso nagou loads. E. II. Ranch expects to start n cam paign paper In tho Interest of Tllden and Hendricks at Lancaster. It Is to 'bo called "Uncle Samuel." The business failures In tho stalo of Pennsylvania for tho first six months of 1870 show a reduction of nearly 81, 000,000 as compared with tho first six months of 1875, Tak'o it cool. To do so get one of David Ebbert's handsome rigs and Tide through the Mahoning Valley. It is ono ot the coolest and pleasantest drives In tho st&to tu tho early evenings ot theso hot days. Try It. Francis Markcrt, aged 04, a labor er In the employ of tho Pennsylvania coal company, was found In tho woods near Nay-Aui: Falls In the vicinity or bciatiton, on Sunday torenoon, witn ills throat cut. Ho leaves a family and some property and the cause of his sul cido is unknown. Rev. E. A. Daucr, of Hazlctnn, was visiting among his old friends du ring the past week In this place. The rev. gehtleiuan Is looking well, and did what we would like others to do, called In and renewed his subscription tu tho Advocate. Lehlghton Council, No. 01, of the Prudential League, was organized by J. P, Rowland, on Monday evening last. The following olllcers were elec ted : V. M. Ilapshcr, President j Hon. A. J. Hurling, Vice-President ; V. W. Howman, Trnasuter ; A. G. Dollen- mayer, Secretary, Tho night of meet, lug is the 1st Monday In each month. John S. Slattery, was arrested at Ttiscarora, Pa., 011 Saturday, on a chargo of arson committed several years ago, and wa taken to Pottsvlllo for trial. Tho information leading to his arrest was given by James Kenlgan.the informer ami ox-Molly Maguire. Slat tery has been released on 15,000 ball. Mr. George Hill, a veteian of the war of 1812, lesldes in Albany town fillip, Herks comity. He Is In his eighty first year, and enjoying good health. He U a weaver by occupation and since last April has woven nine puces of car pet. Every three mouths he walks to Tn 111 aqua and back for tho purpose of drawing his pension, Hie round distance being fourteen miles. Henry Scrfass, a brakesman oil the Lehigh Valley, on Monday noon, when his train was about ono mile be low llockport, the pulling bar between tho tank and engine broke, and Serfass fell in between tho cars and was crush ed to death. I Us body from the breast down to tho thighs was terribly mash ed. Ho lived about 20 minutes. Ho was a young man and his parents reside at Trtchsville. Judge Harding, of Luzerne county, decides that " parsonages belonging to churches or rellgiuus societies, as well as Institutions denominational In char acter,and not of purely public charity," are no longer exempt fiom taxatlou for county, road, city, borough, poor and school purposes, nor can legislative Hat mako them so. They should theieforo lie returned, valued and assessed like otho pioparty throughout the common wealth." " Patruns of husbandry?" said Mrs. Partington lelleetlvely in reply to a icinark of tho Doctor's concerning mat order, " as,l do seem to remem ber healing of them ; but I never have used any. Tho best patruiis that I know of are the 1 Domestic' I have used lots of those to cut out my old clothes by" and here Isaac broke Into her remarks with the information that the old ones made bully kites; and then went gravely on with his work of deco rating tho cat's tail with patent clothes pins. . A youug married man, named Fluuuders, who has resided in thW town lor some months past and been employed at Packerton, tinned up among the missing a few days ago, much to the grief of some ot our mer chants and even his poor old washer woman. T. D. Clauss, tho tailor is now en gaged laying down a now sidewalk in front or his store. The friends, teachers and scholars of the Trinity Lutheran Sunday -school, of this borough, held a plc-nlc In Lin derman's grove, on Thursday last. It proved a most delightful affair for all concerned. The weather during the past week has continued very hot the thermome ter ranging up to between 90 and 100 degrees. Tuesday night we were visit ed by a very heavy storm of thunder, lightning.aud rain, and again on Thurs day evening, a very severe storm visit ed us, (The following is a list ot the tax col' lectors appointed by the county Com missioners for the year 1876 ; Mauch Chunk RoiouBh T. T. Knder. East Mauch Uuunk Xtorougb-O. K, Miller. Lehiehton Borough liar. A. Beltz, Wealberlv liorouvh Uaniol Bachman. Parrvville Borousb llurrison Weutz. W'wssport Horough Daniel s-obocb. Banks Towiiuhiu-J. J. Gallagher. Lehigh Township Jacob M, Hitcr. Packer 'I'owmalp David It. Keller. Franklin Township Illi am 1'. I.ovan. Mahoning Township Thomas Horn. Towameu-ing Township UenJ. Beer. Lower Towomenslnglownshlp J, Btrohl. least Fenn Township Jaoao bieigerwalt, Lausanne Township Jairres A. IHrvev. Penn Forrest Township Henry ilennlng. KMder Township Wru btreetcr. stanch Chunlt Township -Patrick Dermott. Glass Factory. There being a. number orour readers who feel an Interest in the Chase Glass Works, we reproduce the following from the Monroe Democrat : On account of tho extremo heat, and as atass factories usually stop work anting tho hot sum. mer months, the Board ot Alsnarar and tlie BuDertntendentof the 11. F. Ghasn oinu nnm. pan, huvo decided to suspend work until the Bret ot eeptemoer, at which time they will com. mene operation again, in the meantime they -will dispose ot about l2,Ouo worm ot stock yet lug capital. All wb6 feel disposed to purchase said stock and help the enteryrlxe along, will please call at tho Board ot Managers, at East btroudshurg, or at the Company's office. Teachers Appointed. The following Is the list of teachers appointed for our public sehools, with the amount of monthly salary : W. E. Builtll, High School foo CO Mis. Xessler. Uiuuimar , uy Mlas K. Hetlmdu, InUiimodiate , 40 Oj U. IL Ullbaui, becoudury S3 00 Uiss Need. 2ud Primary 311 cm AllBi U. A Bauer, 1st I'liimuy... 30 oj Letter from Maucli Chunk. July 20, 1870. If tho present pay week as It was has been romarkablo for anything, It Is tho noticeable general dulncss pervad ing every branch of business, and the worst feature of all Is that the Immedi ate future does not oncoutogo tlfo hope of a cliango for tho better, for dlsgulso it as you may, there really Is no hope of a spcedj revival of the coal traffic to anything like Its former proportions. Eventually this desirable state of affairs may be reached, but should not bo ex pected from a revival ot the Iron trade In tho valley for the reason that our furnace-men will nover bo able to suc cessfully coinpeto with Southern or Western manufacturers for reasons al most too obvious to need recital. Men who have studied tho subject know this, and whenever they hear some overly hopeful person give his opinion, they shake their heads, grin, and dive Into another subject. Although con Btd'crablo speculation Is indulged In con cernlng'tlie likelihood of Cahipbell's ob taining another trial, I think you wilt bo safe In disabusing the minds of your readers in that respect, as that individ ual will most certainly bo sentenced on the day appointed for tho hearing (Monday, 24th), as no Court, with any respect to Its own rulings, could, even for a moment, entertain tho shallow reasons assigned by counsel for the de fense. Candidates are multiplying, and if tho public Interests should not bo well cared for during the next few years, It will be the people's fault, and not tho candidate's, for tho number of those anxious to setvo the public, for u con sideration, promises to bo exceedingly largo ; but as Monday's Court promises to be well attended by the geiitis poli tician, and their turn out in full force will be likely to give ono a better idea of their uumber, I'd better delay my epistlo on tho subject until next week. In dullness Yours, Mnuch Chunk Hems. An Infant of Mr. Dan. Collins which died on Saturday last, was deposited In Its final resting place, at tho East Mnuch Chunk Cemotery, on Monday after 110011. Owing to tho rain Tuesday evening, Rescue Hook nod Ladder Company's ple-nio proved a flztle, like nearly all of its predecessors this season. Miss Christian Haiubreelit, of Wom nielsdorf, lladen, and Aug. Gross of Glrard Avenue, Philadelphia, aru visit ing at Mr. Louis Armbruster's, The first is it Centennial visitor from abioad and speaks nppreciatingly of the natur al beauties of tills suction of country. Summer visitors aro slow In making their nppeatance. Our hotels are theie foro but poorly patronized, and travel over thu Switch Hack continues light. Mr. Emll Hoffman, for somo years In the employ of tho L. & W. Coal Co. ns draughtsman nt thu Lausford shops, having become demented, was on Sun day last taken to the district hoipitnl nt Laurytown. Unrequited love is snlu to have brought upon him the malady. now any 0110 may go crazy on account of a woman In a section of country whece they are thick as huckle berries, goes beyond our comprehension. Let this be a warning to soft-headed youngsters, and may they, especially In ca-es of disappointment, always re member, that theie remains lu the sea as good fish as any that have ever been cuught. Who stolo tho ham ? Is just now the predominant question among those who know that on Monday night, while the dancers were making things lively in one part of Mr. F. Inkman's establish ment, In another, a party bent on mis chief were devouring a boiled ham fel oniously abstracted from mine hosts kitchen. Who stole the ham ? Sheriff Ilrenelser's extensive estab lishment at present contains but 10 guests although the accommodations are ample for 28. '1 ho following com prise a complete list of present board ers : 1., Alex. Campbell, 2. Michael J. Ooyle, 3. Edward Kelloy,4. James Ker rigan, G. John McShea, 0. John Galla gher, 7. Reuben Moyer 8. Steph. Cur. ran, 9. Geo. Savitz, 10. Tm. Evans, 11. Harvey Kline,13. Perley A. A. Uarton, 13. John Boyle, 14. Jas. MeCook, 15. Pat McGee, 10. Hen Boyer. The major ity of the these are, of course, only transient customers, still there are some three or four on the register so fond of, and well satisfied with the place, that they have declared their de termination to remain during life, and that naught but death should ever drive them from this, the ilace of their choice Both railroad companies having paid their employees within tho last 8 or 10 days, the usual amount of rioting and drinking was Indulged in while the "stamps" lasted, and pick-pockets and other sharpers were doing a profitable business, relieving many a poor devil of his bottom dollar. Tho money being gone however your correspondent re ports "all quiet along the Hues." Monday night's monthly ball, or hop at Inkman's Centennial saloon Is said to have been well patronized, and but for the undesirable presence ot a large number of gamins of the very worst class ot Boclety. a une time might nave been had. But somehow these Mollies, as wo aro assured, spoiled all the fun Mrs. Alex, Campbell and sister, and Mr. Doyle, sr., were at the jail on Wed nesday visiting tneir menus in conuno meut. After an absence of several weeks spent In Maryland, Mr. J. T. Stockett may bo again encountered upon Aur streets. To do her share towards the celebra tion ot the Centennial, Mrs. Wm. II. Flowers, ot Lehigh Tannery, on the 1 4th Inst, presented her husband with triplets two. girls and onu boy. Tho latter lias since died tho girls live No weight given. And now cx-8lierfff Painter comes to the front ns an independent candidate for official honors j tho Sheriffalty bo Ing what he Is nfter. Mr, John Behlcr, the clever proprie tor of tho Columbia House, wo under stand to be n candidate for tho Assort" ate Judgeship, and Mr. 11. 's prospects nro held to bo good by all who enjoy his moro inllmato acquaintance, and aro supposed to be well posted concern ing his ability and popularity. East Mnuch Chunk. Tho mason work at tho derm. Re formed and Lutheran Union Church Is progressing rapidly and likely to ho finished before the weeks Is ended. The brick work will bo let by contract, tho party contracting either to do the work and furnish the material, or merely to hy tho.brtck. So If you have any re sponsible parties anxious to secure the Job, let them apply to the Building Committee for specifications, etc. The 'contract will be awarded to tho lowest responslblo bidder. "Butcher O'Donnell" Is doing well and rapidly recovering from the effects of his late peppering. Water Is growing scarco, and dis putes among thoso that should be neighborly ate of only too frequent oc currence. Tho few prlvato fountains about town have ceased playing, ntid, unless n good, soaking rain shall visit us soon, water tor nil but culinary pur poses will be scarce Indeed, A tramp, for some time In tho em ploy of Mr. Morltz Staley, whom he assisted at butchering for his victuals and clothoj, dissatisfied with his bar gain, was found "among the missing" one fine morning of last week, and so wero a complete stilt of his employer's cloths, a pair of boots, a butcher knife, a half a yard of bologne, n loaf of bread, and Mr. Stoley's big doe. Judg. Ing by the dog and butcher knife it Is surmised that the young man Intends to set up a sausage-faclory somewhere. Our supervisor Is at, last busily en gaged nt working the lnteral streets of the borough. Wo have ordinances for and against almost anything, but if there is an or dinance against tho miming at largo of hogs, It Is not enforced. Tlie ConI Trnile. Tho anthracite conl trado continues dull, its Is shown by our tabulated re port, Is without special feature In nny of Its departments. Tho suspension of production every other week for the months of June and July has not much quickened business, and it Is a matter now of consideration witli tho associa ted companies whether tho policy ot half time production at thu mines shall not be continued hence through the month of August. Tho demonstration of thu fact that tho leading companies tiro determined to carry out the policy of the trado for the last two or three years, namely, to steadily Increase the priie ot coal each succeeding mouth as the end of tho season approaches, lias dune quite us much, or more, to main tain tho trade and prices ns has the les sening of production. Tho supply of coal nt the centres Is still quite largo, and will, no doubt, be kept su, but pro ducers uro determined not to sell coal ut less than the actual cost of putting it lu the market. They hold that it Is quite enough to give thu coal away without adding to mat gratuity any part of tho cost of delivery to customers. Resides. 111 thu absence ot a demand for fuel hv those meat customers, thu Iron furnaces, tho pi Ice of coal lias little to du with the iimo'int ot its resumption. Whether a.fov cents per ton higher or lower would not stait a mill nor in crease tho amount of an order for rails. Tho country Is not Just ready for an ac tive revival of business, and 111 tins situ ation of affairs It Is but prudent 011 tho pint of coal producers and carriers not to attempt to foreo trado to their own detriment and the good of no ono. Rather let them quit until the demand, In tho natural course of things, grows up to the excess of production In the last two or three years, ao lar as wages and the cost of living have been re duced the prices of coal and freightage should properly come down, bat It will be found ineffectual of any good end to attempt to force any particular braneh of trade in advanco of a general revi val and of a universal contldenco in the futute. Ledger, July 17. 1 hn fnt!rtictntr tnhln slinws tho auantltr of coal shipped over tho Lcnigu vanuv iiuurouuinrin-wet-s ending July ISth, 187:!. and for the year compaicd w,tli too same time last year: Wyoming 24. 4 11 U3S.573 to lu'irinnn i.riiui. dch. ii-ui Uazlelou. S0.3JD OS Wj!0l IS Umwr l.plili-h 1.477 18 Beaver Meduw 13.70-1 02 315,18( 0:1 Mahanov lfciau 0" zivju u; JlauobUhunk M3 10 7,635 05 Tntnl 2,017,183 II r.n,. Vnr fl:l.L()S Oil 1.115. Increase 14,189 0) C0I,3.'7 17 Deorunso REPORT Of COAL transported over Lehigh a. Kiiflmirhmnn Division. Central It It. of New Jersey week onding July nth, 170. Total week. Touate. Shipped from tons. cwt. tons, cwu Wvoraing 31.904 18 588 272 13 ttnnor I.nhlirh .1 Ml) 03 115.311 OH Heaver Meiulow 10.S2C 19 203,321 04 llazleton 4(12 12 4 1. 101 I J Maucb chuuk . IV 01 Wti U2 Uaiardvlllo 20.4X1 00 Smith and Judd 5-W ' Total 05,140 14 1.231,713 07 Previously lepurtod MOti 5o7 04 Total to date 1,-231.713 07 Same time last yeir 511.4J7 pa Increaso 690,244 02 Decrease Jury List. List ot Petit Jurors for-adjourned June ses sions, commencing Ausuit28tli. A. D , 1810 1 Thomas Arner, osrpenter. Bunimlt illll. Daniel Dover, iir genllemsu, I. Towamenslng. John Bynon, miner, Huintnlt Hill. t , Nathan llolford, gentleraan.Mauch Cbunk.Bor. Jonas Benninglioa.carpsnter, K. -Maucb Ubuuk. Qldeou Cunler, farmer, Maucb Chuuk Twp. Joseph Evans, ulaoksmlth, Beaver Meadow. Ulcbard Knstice, foreman, Nesquebomns. Daniel Flloilnger, tinner, Mahoning. John Farreu, butcher, Paokenon. uhas. Ulnder. moulder, Mauch Cbuok, nor., Daniel uraves, merchant, Dehtguion, Oliver Jones, farmer, Towaniennlug. Diehard Kuutz, laborer Lehlghton. David ICleiutop. carpenter, I Towamenslng. David Kinder, carpuuter, MuLouUig. Abel Keisey, tanner. Knldsr. Hdwaul Kuii,oiupoutar. HumroltniH. Conrud Kocher, bcii-oulider, M.'Chuuic, Dor. Wilson Kisllor, boss. Maucb chuut, ilor. Kuiunuel Kuesler, lun keeper. Peun i'oiest. PuulKresite luoichaut, Towauienniutr. Jeremiau lte.Ber, Inu-neeper, .11. Chunk Dor. Doimmck ilob'aiiilea. cler. Maucb chunk, Dor. Wui, IC btoafer, larnier, TowaineoBing. Ooo. Ulioenbprgpr.lnn-keppcr. L. Towamenslng. A. K. Harder, bntoher, Parrvville. . Nathan smith, tn-mer. Towamoiialng. , Nnlhnn Btomler, Inn-keeper, Towamenslng, Simon P. 'nvfler, farmer, Towamnnslnp. John U Bteadinan, Jeweler, M. chunk, llor, Daniel Hhipemnker, farmer. Knst Penn. Franklin Smith, sawyer. Penn Purest, David 8. Hwsnk, eiiMiioor, Lehighlon. , (Ico. f wining, supervisor, M. Mnuch chunk. Joslah Zander, carpenter, Mahoning, Hunting ItntUcsnnkcs. Jacksonville. Lehigh Co., Pn., July 14. Tho part y was to stai t from tho rntiln of Jnko Smith whoso hmnots four miles ftntn Hnlpe creek, on a spur of the Blue nidgo that Juts out Irom the northwestern bnundnrj' of Lehigh cotuitr. Thrco tulles fiom his plnoo Is at Imrtcn tract known as ltattlosnako Ledge. Smith had three frlenils, Henry Larklns, lludd Homple, and Ill ram Kudv, of whom ho Is Iho acknowledged leader, llo Is n tall, raw-boned six-footer, with a tnoe covered with short black whlskuf. 'I he tlitoe others nro rouith woodsmen, yet fnlt of tun nml fond of adventure. They sremed to bo elated st having n stranger In Iho paity. 'Jmtcomo along," said Smith t "you won't be getting lino any harm. Put on n heavy pair of boots, and keep your eyes open and your wits about you." Tl.e pai ty started early yesterday. Tho Lodge renched. pipes wero smoked until sun-up. " I'll never lorgct my Hist hack at n snnko In theso parts," said Smith 1 " It was Just across yont'er, about n bundled yards. It was a red hot day In August. 1 went across, and Just abend of me I saw ft six footer stretched out ssleep.l went for lilm. but missed my mnrk.and In u seoond the rattle Jangled, lie made n prlug. and gribbedinoby tho arm and hold fast. Belore I could tlinm ntwhatl wns dome thts dog hcto grabbed tho bnake. and shook the life out of II, Thov laid me out. anil Illll Hour, dead two years now, put bis month to my baro im.atiu drow every bit of tho poison nut of It. They tied me up, pnt on a loaf or two. mid 1 never felt it afterward." Smith went nwsy, and aflor ho had been gone n half hour hn ealloil up from the rockx, nnd wo went to him Ue stood smiling, nml ox claimed. " Here's an early bird out tor nn air ing." On the reck, and pinned to it by nforked stick, w Ithol a reptile about four feet in longth. John told Knily to hold the prnng down. Tak. log out 0 smalt vial trom a Vest poeliet, ho sa turated n bit of blaok waildiug with tho liquor It contained, lloiilaced tho waiMlug.011 a stick, nnd thon put It Into the serpent's hinuth. It operated like mugio. Tals snake's bodydioppcd flat on tho lock. ' 'that'll 00." siH Jake. " Take the prong off. He's dosed like n chnrm." Jnko then hold Iho sn.ikn by tho tall nnd said that tlio sttiir would ke?p It unconscious for ten minutes. The reptllo had six fully developed rnltlcs. Theso wero cut off. Tho ten minutes had eoarceiy elapsed before tho snnko levived. Htslhroatcoiiimenor-dswuillng. his eves pro. tuded, nnd ho shook his tall, but the rattles weiecone. Ho tried to shako ngtun. iiuil then Panic l:ls fangs deep Into bis body ogaln nnd ngalu. lrothed at tho mouth, nnd (Med nparently tu agony. ' 1 Just did thnt to Itt you know how mad a rattler gets when he Is olpped" sntil ,Jnck. ' Vou see how blui tho Inside ol bis mou'li Is I Well, Hint's tho wnv rhovnllget. Thnt pronged tongue of his is not dangeroui. Behind thnt long tooth is 11 small ling tnnt I mil show vou after n while. It Is n kluu r a sack about linlf as big ns 11 pen. In thnt Is the poison. When n rnttler gels mad, and Just befofoho strikes he'll irivo his teeth u bntn ol pot son and then dried lu the lings. The teeth nro hollow ou tho ends, and no matter If thev go through a rum's clothes, tne poison won't wine oft, but It will drop when the teeth touch blood." 1 1 e sun was very hotnnd tho barren loilce.ex posed to the full nys. was getting scorching. Uuch mun was provided with n siout hlckort stick, with a prong at the lower cud. I'.acti put on his lew uibtier bottoms fnido oat ot east oft" shoos, In older to net over tho locks without iiiitkloi u nolso. Kncb toox h different illroctlou. Willi tho understanding that they should meet at the Killing; two nines overtho hill, nt noon. " Vou couio with me." snld Jack, whistling for his dog, nnd tho hunters separated. They weio pioviflcd with shrill whistles, nnd it was specially unilei stoisl that they should ne no tlmo bo sepuiated among tho rocks at n distance oe yond heuring.tn that whenover ono might want nolo tho otrcr couid como to his n&slstance without looslrg much tuno. " Wo generally find 'em Uing stretched on tborocKs. They're nut ill nil v lazy, and they tnko tu the sou HUo ducks to water. They don't do iiiucti but sleep, (in these hot rocks they be couio full of poison. Look the.o nt that dog I will vou I" " MnJ" etood ou a ledge cf veliow rooit atout fifty yards tioin wheie wo weio. Ills body was a lent us n Mutuo. mill his tail wagged with the ifYiilailiy of u pendulum. We approached el itutlv.uiii! whon wo wero wii hm Uvefcctot tho lork the dog lefthls post nnd got bellied his ilia tor. Jaoi pointed nnend. ami there lav a rntt lesnako seveu foet m length sle-epiug lu the sun. It lay stretched out. rJ ho hunter walked up caicfiilly.placed tho pel? 111 position and 111 a twinkling it ucended on tnoiieciC of tho ien tilo. lujuiiig It 11 pilsoner. It took nil tne fctrenatb of that bruwuv ninn at first to keep the iinitke fast on tho rouit. llnttlesnakcs do not cuil us oihci xtiukrs do. When pinuoil down, thev tlinp y Lnh the grojmilor tho rock with ibelr hoilicj. Htmiil back," ealilJncki "let him lam that stone until ho nets tired." Tho horny cluuuou the snake's tall rattied, but the nrong wuh too small foi htm tn slin his bond or body through. ItplnchcdJust enough to iiinUden him, lu threo minutes he seemed inggcei oat, when .incK was ennoiuu to uoso inn 1111. 1 Inv turnout. Tho body wns lioantifiillngoiil, ilont brown nml Muck. Tho belly had grayish wjlto with b aok hiiidos. On the HhCiC there wou black miots. Jack took out tho poison uncle, winch looked very much Itko a water blisn-i- ou human nosh, ' That stun" in the veins of twenty men would kill ovei y one ot 'cm," said Jake. " Homo peo pie would suy this fellow was eleven years old, urcoii nil-it, ins tiniies. 1 finn-t nenevo 11. do- liovo these snnkes get 'em more thau once a year when they aro youug When they aro old It may budlireieiit This skin ain't worth much, but we'll tako it alone anyway." suddenly was heard the slinli whlstlo of ono of the inim about two hundred ymds over tho locks. Tho dug lutein cl head foremost in his cUott to get away In n hurry. Jake caught a bieath and tald, " Como ou, bnt bo cirt fiil"' A thi tiling Mzht wis Kndy In n bath of perspira. lion, holding down n sna'20 that eecmea as large agum us tho ono wo had Just captui ed. '1 be dog was oalleu uway. ' I wnut this follow alive." said Kndy, " and Jack, tako hold or thisuniU I runup to iho big hickory and get that box." In a short time Kuay 1 eturned with a soap bix lined with loather. The lid wns a rude affair, mado of heavy wire. He sot tho box down, uud thon toon holu ot the prong. The eunko was then mado to swallow u wnildinq ball, nnd when It was uuarr Itslntluencnit was easily thrown Into the box. uud too ltd fastened with staples. Thu snake measured ulno feet 111 length. Another start was raode.aiid in about an hour nuil 11 naif tlvo fair-sued suakes wero killed. All of tlio party wors ou tune at the unpointed pluco of meeting. Nineteen snakes bad been captur ed. Jake was asked what ha hut In that vial. That's the oest thing In the world to put any man or bea-t to sleep you ever heard of. Wo Set H by stewing up Indian turnip, hate! nut, ock.aua one or two other things that tho wo men talks uitlie.r on the hills. Old Uraunv Llp pard first gave it to tho people In taese p irts. There was a Hue horse got Ins leg moke for (leu. Bridge, and they bad an idea they could set It If tho horso could bo put, to sleep uud o.it ot pain. Old Uiniiuy etewed 'em up some, and tbey gave It to the horse, and It put him to ui(wn. va tiled the stutl ou dogs, goats, sheep. -ml ..11 flqh. nml tnwarit the last wo irot it on the snakes, audit works liko a charm. . I wouldn't, like to give It to a hum in being for rear It might put him ho.aound asleep that he'dnevur get over Tho men ont off tho heads of tho Teptiles. ax, r,i,.ti i thR unison sjics. and nut theui In one box. In reply tp a (tuesiton us to what that poison Was good for ono sulJt "In tho first place It is not dangerous it you keep It aay from year blond. The women folks use It very sparingly though, bomoiimea they mix It with camphor to smell ul for lioadacbe. A little, boiled with dock loaves and wUd laurel Isagood wash for rueuraatism. BtlrQoluts are Ilinheresl up pretty well when a -ao Is thrown into warm water with salt and ajlittie mustard," t ho skins .i-iui on aniu tn rnrn hnnitsche. oaracho. rheu matism, wildfire, or ringworm 11 worn aiound Last year these four men killed 327 snakes In three months, and they intend to exi eedo tb. it Tue-sa snake we got here." said lt,ndv, "are the worst klud of rulllers. They livv ou rulco uudblids Thoro Is uu such thing la my mind as chtrmlne btal. My opinion . U that the snake comes ou 10 the birds so suddenly that It gets scared 10 death. I don't believe half the LnaV ni,ti inn T hear nowadavs But thle I oau give hs fact 1 Last summer Squire Biter's boy commenced to behave btrsnge. He'a, go off Into the wpouxauu stay au uay, unu iiu u ?ot back he'd have very little to sav. jue aay bat boy was followed. Ho sat down on a log, and teu minutes alter ho got there big rattle, snake crawled up ou a stoue about twolve teot nhixu thM tt,v ant. 'i'lio vouni? fellow watched the snake, and never toot his eyes off him. w o got urtu wbiuuiuk mill, wiuw imus, aim wo wUed up utowly and killed tho rep.ilu. The boy cried We ltd hlui back home. lie go! a whipping, and slime taen he keeps away fiom snakes. Ho was not charmed: ho was only foobsli euuuga tu go that's nU. Itatilususcus uover hint uuybody uuless thoy aro mat moieS' tui 'i'hi iiv. ia ho liftuen vears old anyhow. although I have seea tweuty-cight railloj ou one tail, Cnnl of Tliniiks. Kdward Jenkins, ICsq., Loader of tho "Oontl uontat Cornet Hand, ot Aslitoii." MrDsAa 8m 1-feeling myself highly com plimented by your band by the fine mnslo ren dered at myiosldcnce on the Fourth of July. Allow mo t6 tender my sincere thanks to you and through yon to tho members ot your bind, t congratnlate yon on your success as su Insti tution of ao short an existence net three yean old being already nolo to compete with older Institutions of thosamo kind, t would hare paid you ray roap-cts sooner had the county papers been publlshei). Allow mo again to Manx yon, Z. II. LONO. Lehlghton, July 13, 173. tiifnrmntloti for Voters. Many voters nro annually1 doprtved of the right of suffrage by a neglect to comply with the requirements of tho law rclatlvoto assessments and the pay ment of taxes. All persons, to securo the right to vote In Pennsylvania, must he assessed two months boloro election nnd have paid a Stato or county tax (either will do) within two years. In case tho tax Is paid this year, it must bo a month preceding the election. Foreign born citizens wishing to vote next November must tako out their naturalization papers a month before election. They must also bo assessed two mouths previous to the day of vot ing. The election will bo held "on Tuesday next following tho first Mon day of November, being this year the 7th day of tho month." Monday, Septemoer 4th, Is the last day for being assessed. Tuesday, October Dili, Is tho last day on which taxes can bo paid in legal time to vote. The nbovo dates should bo carefully remembered and acted on by nil voters. A Homo nnd A Fortnnc. Tho Kansns Land and Immigrant Assocla Hon, with a Capital Stock of (l.ooo.KlO. Charter, ed bv the State of Knnsns, n most laudable en terprise, startod 111 our city for 1 he promotion of Immigration by tho free distribution to ibo slinio holders of the Association of $770,000 lu cash and somo of our most choice and valuable teal estate, farms, brick blocks, residences. Ao., Is meeting with unprececented success. From everv section of tho country orders for shares or tickets arc coming thick and fast The In. durcmonts offered are nnnaralleiled There will be no postponement. Tho drawing and dls triontlon of tho prizes will take placo positively August 2, 1S70, or'the money will be returned lu full. The managers ol this entef prize are gentlemen of undoubtod Integrity, honesty, up lightness nnd ability to do exactly what they say. They nro gontlemen who are prominent in our state, nnd whoso puullo nnd private character are beyond ovon suspicion, nud tho mnunrcment of this stupendous distribution will be conducted with an impartiality that can not nnd will not bo disputed. The Atchison Board of Trade composed ot all tho leading business mon of our clty.at a rodent meeting, unanimously adopted the following endorsement 1 " Knowing tho several persons composing the Knnsas Lnnd and Immigrant Association' we cordially rndorss them ns gentlemen of honesty and Integrity, nnd rocommond their enternnso us worthy tho support of tho public" Every ticket lionloc will be fairly represented at the drawing. Prlcoof tho shares or tickets nto put nt tho low price of $r each. Parties de siring a more particular description of Ibis meritorious enterprise, indncojneuts offered, teims to Agents, special offer to clubs and pur. chases of two or morii shares, manner of draw ing, references. Ao., send tVIr address to S. M. Hlnckler. Secretary, Atchison Kansas, and they will have mailed thera free an elegant four page Illustrated paper " The Kansas Immi grant" describing tie enterprise and the ad. vantages nnd resources of Kansas, Ac. Send for it. From tho A tcblscn, Kan., Daily ratriot. Closing Trices ot DeOaven & Town send, Stock, Government and Oold 40 South Third Street, Philadelphia, July 20th J 875. U, M.C'a. IPsl ii bid 20H asked U. S. 6.20's, 1605 IJi, bid SI asked U. H. 5-20's, 1165-J. A J.... I74 bU IS asked U. 8. two's. 1867 19H bid 20 asked U.N. MO's, 180S 2I4 bid 21 )i asked U.H. 10-vs 1SS bid IKTj asked It, s. currency, 6's U', bid 2ST asked U. s. o'siS8l. now 17 'i Md ZH asked callod 5-20's 11 bid asked Pennsylvania It. R 52 H bid 52i asked Philn. A Heading n. R ft'i bid 44 i askod Lehigh Valley 11. It 5Mi bid 67 asked 7 ctilgh Coal A Nav. Co.... 44 J, bid UH asked United Companies of N. J.139 bid I S9 is asked Oil creek A a:i. Vau lt.lt. 10'; bid lot) asked PMla.fA Erie It. H 17t bid 18 asked Noithern Central it. B.... 34 bid 34H asked Oold HH bid HH asked bilver bid 1 asked Special Notices. K. P. KiinVcl's Bitter Wino of Iron E. F. Kunkel'e celebrated Bitter Wine of Iron will eftactrally cure liver complaint. Jaundice, dyspepsia, chroma or nervous debility, (JCaronia diarrhooa, disease of the kidneys, and an dis eases arising from a disordered liver. stomach or intestines, such as constlnar.tn-.i. flat. ulenco. Inward piles, fulness of blood to the head, acidity 01 the stomach, nausea, heart, burn. Disgust for food, fulness ot weight In the stomach, soro eructations, sinking or nattering at tho pit ot the stcinurh, swlmmlnr; of tne head, hurried or dial cult, Breathing, fluttering at the heart, choking or suffocsUng sensations when In n lying posture, dimnesa of vision. doU or webs before the sight, dull pain In the head. nenciency 01 prespirauon, yellowness or tne skin and eyes, pain in the side, back. head, chest, limbs etc sudden flushes ot heat, burn ing In the flesn, constant Imaginings of evil and great depression of spirits. Price,. Si per hot tlo. Beware of counterfeits. Do not let your druggist palm off some other preparation of Iron he may bay Is as good, but ask for KunKel's isitwr wine 01 j ron. -i ate no otner. Kuukei's Bitter Wino of Iron la not sold In bulk only in i bottles. E. F. Kunkel, Proprietor, No. 259 North Ninth street, Philadelphia, P. doio uy an uruggisis ami aeaiers everywhere. Tnpo Worms Removed Alive Head and all complete tn two hours. No fee till bead passes. Seat. Pin and Stomach Worms removed by Dr. KusKttL, -259 North Ninth St., Philadelphia, Pa. Send for olrcular. For re. moving Seat, Pin or stomach Worms, call on yonr tlruggist and ask for a bottle ot Kunkel's U'oim Syiup, puce tl. It never falls, com mon sense loaches It Tape Worm be removed, ail other worms can be readily destroyed Jy 15 . OASDAMVOOU possesses much greater power In restoring to a healthy stats the mu cus mem brane of the urethra than either Cubeba or Copaiba. It never produces sickness, U cer tain and hpeedy tn Its actton. It is fast super seding every other remedy, sixty capsules euro in six or eight days. Ko other medicine can do this, Dunrtoa Dick A Co.'s Soft Capsules coatalulng Oil of Sandalwood, sold at all Drug Stores.. Ask foe circular, or seud to 3a and 37 W poster street, iSew York, for one. ap29 mS WHAT TEN CENTS WILL DO. Pic tures, Stationery, Jewelry, Ao.. almost given away. Circulars sent treej H,J. KUItT,. 407 Canal Street, (1st Ward), Phlla. mayO-yl r0 Whom it May Concern. Notice Is hereby given, that from and after this date I will payuu debts contracted for la bor or other articles or things by.my husband. J. ,Jt. DIMMIOK.oI Franklin township. Carhoa county. Pa. HEDECOA DIM MICK. July JS, 1878-W3 T 0 Whom it May Concern. My wife. CAROLINE 8TINE. having left my bed and board without lust cuue or provo cation, all pcrous aro forbid harboring or trust ing her on my account, as I will pay so d jts ot her contracting at tc r thu date. UEOHOE STIN E, Lehigh Gap. July 15. 1878-W3- roii good Jon phintinq, call at x THE OA11BON ADVOCATE OFFICE. Work ready when promlsod. and at city prices, lie soro to call It will pay to do so. Ty A. DKUIIAJIKU, BI.D., rilYSICIAN ANDSUIIGEON Spml.il attontlen paid to Chroulo Dlieaws. Office: South East coraerlron and 2nd sta.. La lghton,l'a, April 3., 1875.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers