51S -il -u mtm Camel's1 Ilnlr Shawl Sulii'llcrs. AjirtUy lltlto Frenchman called at a iIluk sV're lu the western (uldltloii yes 'rdfty.nnd Inquired In panblo Engl all Jf ,tliro was n Inily residing In tlio vi cinity who spoko French. He was di rected to the house ot nn attorney not ,nr dlitnnt. Tlicro ho proceeded, and Mrs. Blank wns smiimoiipcl to the doprv tnd the stranger, all smiles nnd ihpws, stated that he was an ofllcerof ,a Frenoji Veiset lying In the harbor nd was .obliged to sail at three .o'clock. Ho lms nn elegant cnmcl'.s.Unlr slmv.l which lie had purchased. In a. (orulRti port for (80, which would have cost another $100. Ho exhibited ,a neatly done up packago aud proceeded to did 'lay what appeared to bo an elegant shanl. Hu said Iiq had been unable to find the lady for whom it was purchased, and not wishing to carry't away would dis pose of tin; article for the trilling sum of fOO. Now, Mrs. Ulnnk was winning a camel's hair shawl, but, llko a pru dent lady, said she would prefer con sulting her husband before buying. Willi tlio consumatu art of nn accom pllshi'd salesman he dwelt upon tbo beauty and value or the goods and final ly offered to take $20 on account and allow the balance to remain unpaid un til Ms return. The lady could nut re sist such a tempting offer, so handing tilm a double oaglo slio secured tlio prize. Tlio obliging geatleman c,onipll mented her on her good fortune',' and with a low bow took his .departure. When left alone tbo better Jodgiu'njt ,of the purchaser led her'to reflect ilait there might posslldy b.o something wrons In the transaction. Perhaps the shawl had bte.n solei, or perhaps It was an inferior wtl.clO. nastily ivit tiim on her hat and nalklnc dress, she took the article to a Jarge dry goods house down town, vyliero sha usually Uoued, &uu mquirea us vaiuo. -iuy dear Mrs. Blank, ' said Hie proprietor, 1 are you sold, too V He then srjld t)iat the shawl was a first into lmltatlon,and that the same fellow had sold a largo number in the city under similar repre sentations. The article was left at the store to be sold for "her account. She Informs, her husband' that she don't 'think a cartel's half shawl would be come Jjer and they are pot fashionable anyway. It may bo safe to ' predict that when Mrs. Wank next airs her trench it will not be to a fascinating Oaul who is anxious Jo sell a shawl worth $100 for $60 and lie content with 33 per ceiit. deposit, San Franclseo pulletin. SOLID -WBLTH I 8000,000 Iff GIFTS I Onaltit Delsmi irir rmiited ts til Putlto I A KOIl'l'UNll Foil ONLY SIM. mill) KENTUCKY CASH DISTRIBUTION wiiu'anv, nalliqrlzcd bv n special net of tlio Kentucky I .ppl lniirro, for thn Delimit ol tho PUBLIC "CIIOOI.S OF FRANKFORT, will have tho tlrst of , their series of (Irand Drawings nt UAJon ItALI, In tho City of Frnukfort, Ky.. ntlVHOKHUA Yi AIH1U-T 31. 1870 n which nceaa'pn thev will il nbato to the ticket Hold- era mu iniuieiiBC sum 01 Tfcoi. F. Fetter! Ei-Oot. Eentneiy, Ocn'l Hiuger. POSITIVKIiVtioPOSTPONKMKNTJ MST Of OUTS ! Ooe flmnil Cash (lift tlOfl.tXW One Ursnd Cs.h dirt So OHO One llrflidCnili (lift 24.1)00 Uno llrmd t'li Dirt liO.IHXt One (IrKa.l Oxh (lift W.dOO One (lrml Cull (lift o.lltiu BI Cash lllrts of $1,000 each 10,000 1IKJ Cash (lifts of (00 each ; 60,000 WO Cash (lifts of 4uilearh 40,000 HOCnfh (lifts of 11' Orach.:.......'... 1X1,000 20ICah (JHlsot 2llei:h 40.1100 rn0Cali (lifts of loo escj, (VJ.O00 10,0(10 Cash (lilt's of limb 120,'KJO Total, ll.lfionifts, All Cast 6H0,UU0 l'MUK OP TICKETS I Whole ticket. il2t Halves, tV Quartets ucs, WAR 01T M&E PBIOES ! Successor to D. Book & Co., At tin 66 lEauiiiiotli sftii,e9,? Opposito tlio L. fa S Depot, BANK Street, Respectfully announces to his customers and fripn,ds tljat lie is diujy recomug auditions to lus stock or ADIIJS' PRESS and DRY GOOPS, GllOOliUilES and PR07JSI0NS, QUEENSWARE, &e &e.. &o. Also, just received a car load o LIVERPOOL MP, which I am Rolling at Bottom Prices, SALT FISH a Specialty. 0 Tickets. IICO i 17H llcaola. tun 40k Tlelcets.f.TCOj JTjJ.Tickuls. $1,000. lOJ.UOO Tickots at si; facli. rpst-ocico nionor orilcror Itecisti lleinitt:itices enn bemideby Dccresi.JDraft, eisiereu j.eiior. Cash distuiiiu- ettor. IUV'10 I OXOOIO U KBNTUCKJT TINC CVMPiXV. ' All cdininutilcatlons conoectort nlth the dls. trjiiutlnn, and ordera for Tlcicts, ami onpnes' tloua of Aireuta lo aeli 'i Icketa. should be ad. Orcsed to li ttnw rr.tt.ia n nnnrrrrn. fJcuei al Mn linger, FrmiUfoi'ti Ky, uuo 24, w4 TF vnii rnnllv dpBirnVn Irnnw linw larrro nn nmoiinfc fOif J J -r- d - of .Qoods you can got for a small sum of Roiuly Money, you should not fail to give mo a call before making youp purchases olsewliore. Don't forget the Mammoth Store, opp. L.& S. Derot, May 0, 1870-yl LEH1GHTON, 1'ENN'A. re?" fm P2 S Manhattan OIL Company OP NEW TOHK. liiibrlcntinir nnd Illumlnntin:; Oils WM, N MAU0U8, Itoom 3-2. Merchants' Ex chance, niiuu auu walkut streets, fmn delnbla. l'u. Nov. 2 . 1875. How to Suppress Sinn?. Tho Reform club Is the title of a new society In Minneapolis, organized by young ladles for the purpose of discour--aslug the use ot "slang phrases" in conversation. At a recent meetinu while a member was addressing tbo so ciety, she inadvertently made use of the expiession 1 awful nlcty" and was called to order by a slater member fur tiansgresBlpg'f b'e rules. "In what way have I transgressed?" asked tho speaker, blushing deeply. "Ypu said It would bo 'awful nice' to admit young gentlemen to our delib erations, replied tho other. "Well, would'ntlt be ?" returned tlio speaker ; you know you said yourself, no longer ago than yesterday, that ''' "Yes, I kpfly f fjut you1 salt 'awful nice.' Th$tfs olang '' "Well..'.' said Ufo speaker, tartjy, "If you are gflln'u to be so awful nlco about It, perhaps it is ; but I would'nt nay anything1 If J. were you. Did'nt you fell tally Sprggris this rnornlpg to pul) down her ba!.oo ?" " No, I didn't," retorted tho other, her face growing crimson : " and Sally Sprlggins wif! say I didn't, tjho won't go back on njp." " This is a nico racket yon are giving p," cried tho prelt)cnt, after rapping both the speakers to order, " Ijet ns ask what Is tho object of this society?" " To discourage slang I" cried a tlozen voices. " K-rept," said tho president, "go pn with the funeral." A member rose to explain that sho had been fined at the last meeting for saying ." awftrl nlco" herself, but she hadn't the stamps to pay it now would settle, however, 'in the sweet by aud by.' " That'll bo all rlght,"said tho presi dent, "'pay when you have tho du cats." Another member asked If a young lady could 3ay " old splendid" without subjecting herself to a fine. " You bet sie can't," ald the presi dent, who was the original founder of the society, and therefore appealed to whan any nice question was to bo decided. " Then," said tho speaker, " I movo that Miranda Pew come down with the dust, for I heard her say that her beau was ' Just old splendid.' " Miranda's face was in a blaze as she, cried : " Well, If rny beau was such an pld hairpin as your fellow Is I wouldn't Bay it." "Shoot this chinning," cried the president. " Will you' never tum ble 1" But the confusion was too great to be allayed, Miranda's blood was up; some, "sided with her, and, others against her : and amid the liable that followed could he beard such expressions as " Dry up,'' "Nice blackberry you are, ft " Wip off your chip," " Hire a hall," &c , when a motion to adjourn ws carrleo !' by A large majority." u CD D Ul U o P cj in CO I H O 3 JT O o U in 3 Flavor of Eggs. This Is wat U)e Southern Plantation says on .bp avpr of eggs : "There Is a very vasf difwepce in the flavor of eggs. Ileus fed on clear, sound grain, and kept pn a cleop grass run, give 'much finer' flavored eggs than bens that have access to stables ana manure heaps, aud eat all kinds of filthy food, Hens feeding on fish aud onions flavor iiieir eggs acooraipgiy, ma same as cowseatinc onions or cabbage.or drink' lug offensive water imparts u bad taste fo the milk or butter. The "richer tho food the higher the color of the eggs Wheat and corn gives eggs the best polor, vhle feeding on buckwheat makes tbeui, colorless, reuderiug them useless for some confectionary purpos es." O W m O O C B m OQj q f-i 8 S u o g pq 0 -g o g g j - M 5fc ton & P3 S Id S S 8 1 i? e . S3 h j s pg 1 jyj- UEIIilllArV & CO., J3ANK STEEET, Lehighton, Pn IIILLERS and Iaalera In A,UKIiittof OKAIN I10U.OHTnnil BOLPM ' ' HKIUIiAll MAItlfJjT ItAKS. Wo would, alo, espocttsllvliH(rm onfcltl tm that woaro nowfalijf prepared to UP PLV them wltlf ' Bet of Coil From toy J,llne dedtied nt VEtty mivi:st I-It ICES. M. HEILMAN & UO. .Gontdtfniftl" Boursiona. 8 AM UK I. GUAJ'EK, flptioslto the rnblloSquate, SOU rp STREET LKIUOIITON, rav Manufacturer of Tin & Sheet Ir cm Ware And Sonler in all kiyla.ol JTorfcli tennBylvnni'a R. Visitors io the Centennial pyihiu longeatAollahed and Popular Ronta will bo dcliTcrednttne MAIN ENTRANCE TO TIIE CENTENNIAL EXHIBITION tysKVEK TlniouQii -trains leavpc BETULBHAM, Dally, (fjctpt Snndar'a) FOR PIULADELPntA, acloa eonnettlou with nllTtnlnaon Lehlth fn. lor nud l.ehltth and smouohannaj llallroria nnd tnplr ,coniiO(!tTvna from tho I.thlgb, Wvn. lnitnnu HDiuueuauin vnueya,xiow lotiQUH. the West and NOrti.Wott. fcicUnsiON TICKETS from all Points nt Rodaa. d Hates. f" Aih for TidtfU mo North FtjHuyUomUk Railroad. Parlor nnd Slfenlnr Cars, and Krit.Olaaa Throngh Day Cart. IHItLtia UI.AJ1K. Ofn'l A rent, N. P. 11. H., PhUndaiphla. April 8. tj31. Velssport Planing Mil & Lumber Co., llp.tippl fnlli, nnnminrA in Pflrtwnfnra TtnlMnra nnfitrnrtnra nnil nltirfl. tint, hnvtnir rnmnlolwl their NBW AlII.LS.tticy aronow prtpaio.1 to supply tliera, at VERY LOWEST PIlipE8, with every aeiprlpttnu of Such as Siding, Floor Boards, Doors, Sash, Blinds, Shut ters, Moldings, Brackets, Cabinet ware, &c, &c. On the euortest Notlco. Onr Mochlacry li all Now and of tho Moit Anprored Kind, so that wo hivo mi ln'Sllnlton In UuaiaiilrlnK Perfpct Bntlalactlon to nil wliomy Invor Willi tliflr ordeiB. It von Imvo not tlmo to rail nnd pcloot what yon wnnt hpikI yoarttideri ami they will bo filled promptly nnd nt, ns low prieos ns tlioiiKh vou woro pvosont. uivo us a trial, anil you will bo couvluceu of what wo say. SOLOMON YEAKEIj, I). H. AL1UHGIIT, WM. IUKItY. JOHN 1IIEUY. Ofllce and Mill, nearly opposite tho Fort Allen Homo. WEISSPOUT, Carbon County, lVniia. ' June 10, 187G-gl IV nooPINtf, RPOUTINfl nnd 1 1 iroinptlr ntttndcd to at reaojiabto eta Nov. jq. SAtflUIJl, OH onniNO tinrQoa. itAVEn. JEVSTOKP PUINTINU INIf CO., MANUFiOTpnWIS Or PRINTING INKS, (Book and News Hlack a Spcfilajty,) No. 17 North 6th Stroet, riiiLAfti.rnu, r, Ourlnka are of a auperUrqutljtjr, Mng fails from the bent Ingredients aod unar the person' al supervision of a practical printer aniffireiiinsQ therefore wo ,.'111 nuARANrn mtj ifivso or IKK fo bo of a Siljierlor Jet Hlaick, ( flick Drying, nnit entirely Pree from Selr tiiK-orr. Our prices are from 30 to SO percent lower than huy other Inlcs manufactured In the United States. A trl.nl of a simple tog will convince any printer Ihnthe hits Iwen paying nearly double what ho should for bis Inks In times pa6t. Address, Keystono Printing' Ink Co., No. 17 North 5tli Strpef, PIIIfjADKLPIIIA, I'A AH wnntlne FRUIT PAItMfl, orocliillvndnptod to tho irrnwth of thn VISJK, whirff It Is nn established euccoss nnd pnvs I, MtOIi l'ltOKITs Tho Innd is niso nilnpliid lo tho siowth ot ronclio-, l'onrs, Apn'OS ami hiiihn irmi i Hifp, ut os riuti vt'EOtnoies. Many iiiindrrdsoicicol'i'ni, VINE Alllw, OHUlt nus nnd FARMS, ran now be wen. Till! l.(ii!AlION tHonlv-31 miles a mtli of rmiuleliihln. bv llallroad. in iiiild. nellirlitlul rll mate, and at tlio very doom of New York nud Plnlndoiphla larhetfl. Another llallroad runsdi. lect to New Yn' k. Till! PI.ACK 'a already I.AJlftV. HT7t.'OH8SFUr, AND PHOSrKUOU-". Churches, Schools, nmi otnei' mivdoyoH nie n'neatlv estab lsho.l. Also, tnnnumi'torles ol shops. LioUnoir. (41ns. htmw GoimJm, and other tlilnn's, nt wlilcli iliff.Jri'iit nintnbeis of n Ism'ly t-m inocnro ptnMoyiuouN Jt lmi upon a iij-iAiii u mwnr inr enmo yooiH psui. id- pmiio suuorinc jifim puiinonary nr frctions, Aplbin.1, 1'ntmrh, Akuo. iuh! c'eoi'lty i miiiiv IhousrtUdshiVH eotlioty rfcoveied. A now Uilck Hotel has lust liein roiiiplotol. luilsct fioni, with back liiiililiue;s, four stoiles lniih Idrliullnir Fiench loot, slid all inndnrn Iinorovoiiionti for tho nccnmmolition ol Ttsl'ms. mil itOV FAHMIiANli .'.'.li 11311 ACitfi. tinyabie ly lnslnl'.infnts. within tlm perl..,l of r.iurMnrs. In this chmato. planted out tu vines, id ucrrs count loom loan liOncres further I'orsons unncqnnlntca with Frnit Orowlne-, rsn become familiar with it In a short limoon nc. eioint oi HurroutiLiiiirs. VI VH AOUKH, O.nE AClll', ANII'TOWN LOT3, in tho town of I.andisvll o nnd Vinellilid, also inr snnv .Vlnlst visiting iho Ceniennlnl llthihlllon. Vine land can hi visited nt small OTpeiin. i paoer rnntiilnin? fulllnroinrillou, will bo n.Bt; t upon application to CIIA III.ICH II. I.ANDIS, VINKIjANI), N. J . ftro ot cost. The Mlluwlnu; l on extinct f'oni a description nt Vmnlind, pub'Hhol In tin) New Youk Till nllNR. tv ilia well kniiwii AnfcultiiTist. hnlnu ltohilimiiii All the farmers wi-io iflho'noil toth."sott, nndto'iinnf llicni. wliohavr, t.irncil Miolr nlU-n- lion in lr"ll slid n.Hrket Biiiili'uniK. have mown rlcu. Tho mil is lonm. ynrvuiir from anndy looiejev, pud snrMce Kfiitly ut nnintlitfr Intoiwclod with Miinll Hlreanls nnd oi cnlona, wnr, meadows In which ileimsits orpe-tir nniej; nro stt.rcd. snmcluut to 'fertil zo tho ivho.o upland Hiiifiici, nflpr it hiis bcniuo cx'u.ihtnl ot its nstutnl let tllllr. ( is crrtiiinlt nut of (A vuuttrltmh-t fertile tmflt, in tin (iljf Irrrt jif)sithnt and initaMc cnniiittin fur phasant fiirmwtu that me Inrnv ofOttl tvleof the lltft'cru prairifl. U f'UiiU tome nf the ohtttl farmi apitircntltjiiU oi profitably productive at telicn fmt chared of forest fifty orahtindrcd yeart ago. Tiiopco'ojtirft would soon dlscuvor thocmsoof IhUcmitinucd fertility. 'Xbowholecountry is amirine denodt. nml nil tin ouch IIiohoII wo tounil evideiipps ol cntcnieoiis eublnncuH. csnentllv lu the forth ol ludunited 'enleoioous marl, sliowinir many oistfnct loimsof nncient sliplls, ef tho terllorv tormatlnu i nnd tills marly substation Is scattered a I (litnjvh Hie soil, lu n verv commi nuted loi-iu, and In tho exact condition uud most nsslmll.itd by such plants ns the farmer ib'Slro- t..iilu,.n To.... it aia VI l.iiii, , n m. uuiid ii, iuiu. IPPI e-i &-o - u a 0 Si M m v v . si it f m v. vLiii arid r-i O o F OK SAL.E OR TO LET. A ONE STORY FRAME BUII.DINf. built exprrsslytor a PlIOToOHAl'IlEIt, or would Bult a OKlAU-llAKUll, BII0EMAKEH or TAII.OB.1 V1U bo sold very Cheap for Cash or on short time with approved security. Apply alTUIB'OFFIOK. Junoli-lf rpjos..s. BECK & CO., Ileal Estate Agents, BANK STREET, LEI1IG1XTON. We have lnstrnctlons to Bell the following Pro. ficrtles, and persona desirous ol rnrcbasliiK.isell. uk or Kxclianifint; Real Estate, will do well to Elve us a oaU i House and Lot, near Olewjno's Tannery, In the llorouKh ot I-clilirbton. llouno 16x32; stable ioxiz and lot 57 trout ai.u I 5 lect deep, well planted with trult trees. A never falllUR well in tbo yard. Price, IMOv. half cash, bal ance on lustallmonts. DwelUuc House aud Lot, on Fontth etroot, Lo liinluou. Now lenta for HS.OOper month. l'rice low lor caBb. noose and Ixit. on Mahonlne street. Lehlshton. lTlce 1850, rente for n per mouth, oso-half casu, uaiauce uy uistaimenia. House und Lot on Uno street. Lehlrhton, r Pi tee 11403. lleuU for 19 per month. 100 Acres of Timber Land In Mahoning town. ship, lti miles from LehlghUm. Cheap". 165 Acres of Land In Penn Fores' Township, Seven Lots In the Jlorounh of Lehighton. Good locauoua ana prices low. Frame Building, anltable (or a photograph gal lery or other light business, cheap. Jan. 1, IWI. T. 8. IIKHK 4 CO. Truss and Surgical Bandage Stand. w J. KVBKBTr, no. 51 North deventli St. " below Arch St.. Pliitndelnhta. l..iA.tim: IWl.ul'P.llag., Uhi.nlrfa. llR.i.tn l..n,ln. . i-.v.. IW,DV-, uuuwi .1.I1..V, r,iaauUO,U(!K Ings. liens, Huspens'ines, Crntohes, Deforioitr Instruments, to. Also Mrs. Everett's, Fllch's aeli adjustlnir uud other celebra ted Female Bup poiteie. Lady Attenaant, Lame stocK and ,uw urii.-e. iitrruj auccessiiuiy tieatOO, JulySI,1875.-ly. THE NEW DOMESTIC," TT retain the virtues or the Ucht-Running "DOMESTIC1 Including the Automatic 1 TenilotJ, which wa and it the test In me. -ttirrise notice our PAT K NT HARDENED CONICA GEARINGS on bo(h the Machine and Stand. Our new and old Meai, worked out with brand new Machinery ana Tools at oitr own' new works. In the bjv city of Newark, New Jersey, have elven us a standard of MECHANICAL EXCEL LENCE. Minimum of Friction, Maximum of Durability, aijd range of work, never heretofore reached In tna Sewing Maphoe world TO THIS STATEMENT AND THE MACHINE ITSELF We Invite the attention of all, especially those having; high mechanical (kill or observation. N. 11. All Machines fully warranted. DOMESTIC SEWING MACHINE CO., Nov yoi'Jt ami Oliitjago. " LADIES, USE "DOMESTIC" PAPER FASHIONS. QHARLKS FKOEHLICH Aiinonnces to thn clttzene of LchipLUn and ! clnjty that ho lms purchased the Stock of John liOpKharn on tseeonu M.,and removea tjjps-imo to his resldenco on the corner of Eecpnd Aid Irr.n sta.. and that ho will lie plea&f-d to sopply lila friends with Iho ctiolcest Bianda ot Family lour, Feed, Atpilces as low as elsewhere. CUA8. FROItnLIUU. Feb. 3, lS7C,0m HS. C. ilo TSClHRSCIIKY, Next to Ucbonlo'B Jpwelry Stpre, BANK 5THEET, LBIIIGHTON, Po, Onlls Iho altetitlon ol Thn Tjullosnf r.lilivhtno and vicliiiy lo the fact that sho keeps a full B3Hortrnontt! Rorln & Gerraantown Wool Hirpnfjsi) ANll DOMESTIC ifjmpfD Er,li;.5, OPTIONS, ItlllBpiflJ, T-jfidips' jiid Children's Ilosa, LIMllBnOHlt & HWI'fZEK OIlMIii, DANDIES, CONFEOTIQNS nnd a varietvof other tirticles not usimllf kept In qny other stoer lu Lehlshton. Ashmeol public pntrquagoistRllclted, and tul'lflitlon guaranteed. Jan, 8. ipa rpHE SLATINOTOR PLANINO MILL 4RD Cabinet Ware Factory, AT SLATINGT05. JOHN BALLIET, Proprietor, Deals )h all kinds and alios ef PlneJnimlftek, ,Qa((Mid Hard Wood Lumber, and isnowpia. ptreu 10 Dxucaw soy araoont or oraen lor BressoB LnmbeB OK ALL KINDS Dfiprs, Snslios, Ullndi, Shuttfrv, Hojltllngs, Cabinet TTare, Ac, With froiTjptnecs., Brackets Made to Order. T;p Machinery Is all pew and ot the beat ano; moi Imprnred Itlnds. I emoloy nonebnt the best workmen, nie well seasoned and gaol ma terial, and amtherefore abletortiaraTiteentlre sstisfacthwi to all who mavlaror mewlthAeall. Ordera or mail piorapily attended to. Mr chsraoti are moderato; terms cash, or lnUreF charged alter thirty days. PIVE miTa CALL. nr Those enraged In Iloildinpr will Unit It to their advantage to hare rMdlnaT. Floor Boards, Doors, Kaalie. Mmtiers, AO., dir., id ids at this Factor. MnylOyl JOHN BALLIttT. Anaonaee Dp eltlsensef Car. bonand adjnln lng Counties tlat ther a now preparad to apply LI VKAND PRKSSJCI) JXoap. at tha LOWKST MAIlfEET PIIICKI. Orders solirlipd, aod Ootra delirtred on shri notice. VAltl) apd OKFICI5. eppostt li ' Northwestern JJonss," BANK bTRET. Lh,inonTON. Penn'a. Jan. 15 tt HEX & nOH, y EHIQUTON IJAKERY, The nndprslened announces to (ho cltlsens ol Lehlelitou. Welssport' and thn suiroundtnir nrmhhorhood. that ho Is now fnllr preparuu to supply them with PltlMK FUEiJIJ Bread, Cakes & Protzols Evert' Morning at Wholesale and Retail, a( (bp lowest prices. lie ma te a special tytif Wciltllng ami Fnncy Cakes, I)c-Nlca and all other Fartleo anpQljsd wj(h io Choicest Made Tee Cream, In larae or small qnintlilo.. on short notice and ai reasonable nam ea. Also, always on hanf a large stock o( all kinds of CANDIU8. NUTS, FflOITS, Ac, at Wholesale and Retail. Patronage solicited, J. W. O'NEIL. aprll tyl Bank Rfeet, Le.ilthton Pa. W. EACHES, Contractor & Builder, LEIIIOIITON, PENN'A. Plans and Specifications FOR ALL KINDS OF BDILDINOS MAQB AT 1IIE SHORTEST NOTICE. NO CHARGES Madn tax PLAINS and SPECIFICATIONS woen the contract la awarded to the uiifler. signed. , Jnne 11. lS7J-yl. A. W. EACHES, v. F. r. Lunu, agent for Leliightou and Y-clnlty. Feb. 10. BILI0EB THE HATTJiR, Broadway, Ma;ch Chimk, Has Jnst opened a aolendld stock ot HATS and and CAl'S, ot the Lutes', styles, lie has alad on hand a lull line ol Gloves 11?wrs9 AT PRICES LOWER 'HAN EVER. M ai OJll-yl JAS, -JELFORD, $1200 PH0FITON $100 Mode this month by Jul and Win. Invest ao eordtnc to your means., HO. ISJ or liou. In faTOOK IMUVILEOA8, hasbrourht tt am all lortuuo to tho curelul, lnviwior. Wo advloo when and bow lu m'BUATil sai-slv. VookB with tall lutoimatlon sent Uco. Address oidera 4u( mall una teleuraph to 1IAXTEK A. CO., Ilankerj uud Jlrosors 17 Wail BU rpUOMif,S KOOSJS Ticpeptf nllr announces to the cltlaesa of Car bnn and adlolpinir Comities, that he haa par-rhn-m the entire iattest and stock ef 11. O. L.EV.i WAV In the LEHIOHTON Corn Broom Manufactory, located In the noronjh ot Lehithton, Carbon Connty. Pa., and that he is prepared to All all ord. ra entrusted to him with the Very IJcst Qnality of Broomi at tho LOWEST TOKSIBLE LIVINO PRICE, A trial is respectfully solicited and entire sat-. Isfaction guaranteed. Manufactory In the Rancment of the 'Valley. nonse," opposite the Lehleh Valley im. det Feb.M,187. THOMAS XOONS. Kr T Kr RICKEHT, t) Opposite L. & S. Depot, On the East Weisepoft Canal Bank Respectrnlly Informa the cltiiens ot this ncrnL, (y that he keens eonstantlr on hand and SELLA tt the LOWE AT MARKET PRICES, the vary. BoT BRANDS of Flour ti&Veed ALSO, DEALER IK yonnoiLnrNo and otiteupdrpose which he gnaranteea lobe fhoronghly Seasoned, AND WHICH HE 18 NOW.EELLtN AT THE VEHY LOWEST HATES. Coal I Coal. Wn0L64LE and RETAIL, at the ioEST CASH PRtCEJ., He haa a. a nnmbex ol very e'.laibly kcatod PllUUiBLot In RfCfEnTSTOWN. Tranklln TtntUs. Tftlpft ftp Vlif Sel on pry Eaay Tonaai n Ang. 9. J. K- RICICBBT. ittlSlNKSM MEN AND OTHKRH IN WANT OS" JOB PRINTING! OF ANY DESOIIIPTION, W1LU j'l.'vii l nil. CARBON ADVOCATK' (JK Tllh utr and CI1KAT, JINIITI1 OSWCMUh UKBT and CUB ET PLACE IN TIIE COUNTY. c, alYP J?B TUIAJ. AND BK- A. SEYItiqVn, 31, D.i i Dltua btorb. N. w. comer thih- TKKN'l'It-iDd UUOWN UtrceU, Pblladolphla. ia more than usually successful in tne treatment, ot Wood. fklD and unuary Affections, disease arising through imprudence or earl Indtacrve hons. or whero the parties arU cted do notaeare to apply to tbclr regular physician. Chargi) moileiate, nvwo-thlroa ot. tho Mooter's nttlenf. have employed oim solely through tho reootji meodatluu of ot,hera. (uly 24-yl WANTED the bualneaameu to know that, thay esugot JOB P1IINTINO d"ne cheaper M CAimorf aovCoaib offlcotl.su utsuy othor phioolu thvcqupty, 'iry us. WANTED, everybody to know that J I CO cash, will pay a year's Hibscnpilou fur the CAru HON ADVOCATE. ' yOB PRtNTINOatthe very lo wct prices ifc J THIS CARBON LDVOOAT OfcHIOB.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers