fl. V. MORTIIlMKIt, K1I1TOU LKUKIIITON, 1'A.I gATL'HDAV MOUN1XH, JUt.r 22, 187C. Goyprnor Tlldcii returned to Al l)ny frpiii Saratoga on Satin-tiny Inst. The pressure- of official business, it Is stated, will prevent lilm fr.oni devoting nny attention to his letter of ncccptnnco Xor several weeks. Tho domestic cxpoits of I'lilladcl rjlila to foreign ports during tho fiscal year ending Juno UO, 1870, exhibit llu liitntlsomo Increase; of $11, 000,050, tho nggregnto for tho year being $40,254, 075 as compared with $'8,088,010 for tho preceding year. Tho business situation throughout tho West and Northwest Is thus cliar,. actorlicd by tho Chicago Trlbuno of Friday : "Tiado Is not stagnant, hut Is reduced In volume, and tho rato of profits is also low. No chnngo is look ed for among bankers or business men .until tnidsummei Is over. Tho fall ac tivity should begin by tho mlddlo of August, and there, aro many reasons for thinking It will show an Improve ment over preceding seasons. No one looks for a sudden leap into good times, but with good ciops thero ought to ho a fair trado and an Improved toii6 in fcommeiclnl and flmncial circles." Tho New York Journal of Com merce remarks that It is tho Interior Department and not tho War Ollleo whoso officials havp cheated and rob bed tho Indians, havo douo their utmost to bring on tho war, and who aro now interested In having it last (definitely. Tho truo friends of tho Jndlans aro thoso w(jo havo earnestly laboral to transfer tho Indian bureau from tho Interior tp tho War Department. A clause iipcouipllshing this was Inserted lu tho arvty appioprlatlon bill which passed tho House, but tho Senato did not agree to It. That body seems to prefer that tho patronage and profits of this lucrative business shall remain In tho fiands of tho politicians. l'liiladejplifa Letter. PWLA., l'a., July 18,'J87fl. Peak Advqcate : "Shades of ilio mighty, can It bo That this all that is left ol thee 1" With the thermometer doing its level best to celebrate tho centennial, by remaining at 100 in tho shado. Is it any wonder that, as I found myself rapidly melting away, I should use the above quotation ? Whew bet I Tf any wan dares to say lias not been hot," Bhoot hint on tho spot. Talk about " tho trying times of 76," why I doubt if they could havo held ft penny dip to tho trying times of 1876. Wo are completely tried out, we are nothing but cracklings and bad ly scorched at that. The heat I Oh. thn ferypnf, heat I On tho street, everyone wo moot Talks of the heat, tho f onrful heat I Wa havo had a few thunder show ers, but tho thirsty earth drank up the rain almost as fast as it fell, and like poor lttlo Oliver Twist, it seemed to pry "for more." Tho hot stones and the nearly red hot bricks and mortar soon maito stcain of all tho pearly drops vhlch fell to their share, and as to tho breeze which dared to try and bovv a pool breath upon them yliy It was sent rudely back, as If it were a blast from soma fiery furnace. So chapged would It become from contact with fheir heated surfaces. Sleep ? why there was no slepp, no rest for tho wicked. I say wipked, for wo must bo wicked or wo would pot burn as wo do. (Caution yopr renders not to laugh at my wicked jokp pptll cooler weather.) Men, women and children at night would suffer from tho heat Just as much as during trip day. Terrible was and Is no expression tor it. Thermometers seem to he having all they can do to keep the mprcury, within them, from climbing out at the top. If you see a couple of persons whispering together, yuu can bet your bottom dollar that hey are talking about tho weather, find nine times out of ten you will win your wager. Slckues's" and death lias lollowed In tho train of the'fearfu! heat and many have paid tho debt which must oe paid by us all at last. The little oues, tlio dear little children, Qod bless them, hpw they have suffered, We children of an older; growth can tell our wants and describe our aches and pains, buf they havo to suffer and 'Worry and fret, and wo can but guess their wants and imagine their lls. He patient with children and dp all you tan for them if you would bo rewarded by Him who saith "Suffer little child ren to coinn unto me, 'for of such Is tho Kingdom of Heaven." if humanity sweltered and suffered, hoty fared the ,popr beasts pf burthen 7 "Tho nicrcU ful man is mercitul unto his beast." Let us hopq that this torrid weather has made many men merciful, who were never sq before. The rivers seem ed like btrearus of melted silver and the glare from them was almost blinding.' J well imagine i(ov the flsh cuddled to gether at tiip, bqttom of the river, and jaugliedln their sleeves. us they thought pf the suffering on land. TJio, leaves aud.the eras t)ow 'tlio effepfs of tho jarful (jeat, by looking witherer), faded aud almost dead. ,1 (iave seen nothing cool In some wt(is except it bo ICE. Venders pf Ice, water and lemonade are crowding out; sidewalks apd realizing lulniatutp fojtupes frp'm Uju djsposul of their cooilog beverages.. If, ft ttiirsty mortal Ib cramped, tyr meaiid,' there ard inaiiy ' nlupe's vf(iifo lie can obtain ipe water ''wIUVw' hippey and wlthoqt price;'' but co water often means cramp, whether the Imbiber Is cramp ed for means or not. Fans are being sold like hot cakes nnd some of the merchants will guarantee you a perfect tornado If you will only buy their warq. Hoy eoclablo tho flies aro In warm Weather whether you bo rich or poor they aro bound to stick to you. Then Jiow welcomo thoy are at tho early morning hour Just as you are trying to catch n, imp of forty winks, especially If you havo kicked tho blankets and quilts (Question) oft of your limbs ? This weather Is weakening to all of us but how strong tho butter gets. This reminds mo of nn old story, which li well worth, repeating. I'll cut it short. Tho proprietor of a hotel came In the dining loom ono day olid noticed a military man (Major General) saluting thn butter. "What am you doing Gen eral ?" said tho hotel man "I'm do ing my duty," responded tho General, for t nlways salute when I am out ranked, and that butter outranks rue." I did think of mciTtiuning somo tiling about the bent, in this letter.poi hnps I may do so In my next. Yours Meltcdly, ilAHCUTIO. Cusjcr's Fight. Lieutenant John Carland, of company U, Sixth infantry, with General Gib bon's command, writes as fellows con cerning tho slaughter of tho Seventh cavalry an.ll General Custer. Tho let ter Is dated Month of tho Little Horn river, June 20, and proceeds as follows: At the mouth of tho Uoscbud on the 22il of Juno we struck a largo Indian tr.ill leading up tho Itosehud Valley. General Custer from there took com mand of the twelve companies of cav alry, and pushed on after tho Sioux. IIo followed them to the foot of tho moun tains, aud found by scouting tho valluy that they wero encamped .on a branch of the Little Horn. This was on tho night of the 24th. On tho 25th ho took five companies aud followed the stream down ouo side, whilo Major Itcno with seven .companies went down qu the other. Major Heno was to attack tho enemy In tho rear while CusUr .fought them In front. This would havo wink ed all right, as Iteifo had got in their rear ; but Gpneral Custer, marching down on tho othor side, saw what he supposed was the front of tio camp and mado a charge on them, tho Indians giving way and letting him right lutp the gap. Tho bravo man rodn with his 300 men and would have killed fho whole of the 2,000 Sioux, I believe, it thero had been no enemy behind him. Hut instead of charging tho front ho was right in the centre of between 13,000 and 4,000 Sioux. Thoso that wero be hind him kept concealed until ho was right in their midst, and thou, when It was too lato, ho made a bold dash, try ing to cut through then), lint tjie ene my weie too many. He fell about tho first one, and tho horses becoming un manageable tho poor soldiers weto cut down in less tlmo than It takes to tell. The Sioux then turned with all their forco upon Major lleno. lie charged them with ono company and returned with only eleven men. Ho then retreat cd a short illttanoe, placing his infill on a bluff. He kept them off until tho night of the'27th. Ills men going with out water for forti'-eight hours. Ho was relieved by Generals Terry nid Gibbon who saw tho smoko from where they weru on the Little Horn, and, thinking itasignal of the Sioux, inarch ed that way just In tlmo to save the last handfijl of tho Seventh cavalry. Out of the whole regiment oply 428 men aro left, and forty of them aro badly wounded. It ma'3 opes peart sick to look over the battle ground and seu tho poor fellows, some of them with their entrals cut out, others with their eyes dug out aud theli hearts laid across their faces. Thpy oven stopped to cut their pockets to get their money nnd watches. To most fearful sight was Colonel Cook. He was a splndid look ing man, with long dark whiskers.They dug Iti&faco p.11 out so ns to get his fjno beard, It is supposed. They did not dlsfigu.ro General Custer lu nny way but his brqther, Tom Custer, was open ed and ills heart taken out. Wo ostimate the loss pf tho enemy at COO, though it is hard to tell how manv wero killed, as they carried most of them away. Some of ours claim that Sitting liull was killed, ns ho is known by some, aud an Indian answering his description was found dead, but no doubt Mils is falso, as they would have tried to carry him along. General Terry and the remaining of ficers aro feeling very badly. I was staudlnc by General Custer when Gen eral Terry camo up and as ho lopkpd down upen the noble general the tears coursed down his face as ho sad : "The flower of the army is gone at last." Custer was supposed .to bo tho first one who died, but though he fell first we found seventeen cartridge shells by his side, where he had kept thpm oil until the last moment. There can no blame be attached to any ono for this fearful slaughter. If Custer had had the wbplo regiment it would only have been worse, as the Sioux were too many. Of course there will be somo blampd by eastern papers, but as an eye-witness of the whole battle, I can not censure anyone. There is one poor Crow Indian on the boat who has flvo 6hots through him ; yet he is happy be cause he has nine scalps at bis side. This Is d true statement of Gen Cus ter's bravo charge. These SIouxs were all from some agency as we found camp equipments that had never been used ; also blankets that were new ard brand ed MU S. Indian department." There is very little more to say, and as the scout starts for Lincoln with Urn mall in a few moments, 1 will close. The Fall Elections. In vlo'w of the Presidential election in November, the State elections whlph will precede It will be looked to with Interest. The following Is tlio orderof these elections ; , 1. Kentucky, on the first Monday I p August. The election will he for mumi- bers of tho Legislature and Circuit Judgos. Tho Democrats aro making active preparations for the election, but so fur the Kopubllcans indicate a pur pose to allow the canvass to go by dui fault, 2. California, on the first Wednesday in jsepteuiDer. luis election is lonneu) bers of tho General Assembly and mem bers uf Congress. Tho parllos aro pret ty equally divided, each claiming tho victory, and nn oxcttlng contest is pre dicted. 0. Vermont, on tho first Tuesday In September. This ejection Is for Slate officers and members of tho General Assembly, nnd as tho Stato Is over whelming ltepubllenn.tho only Interest ntliacted to tho election will bo In noting tho relative loss nnd gain of the two parties. 4, Maine, on the second Monday In September. Hero a Stato ticket will bo elected, nnd thero seems to bo no doubt of tho reelection of Gen. Seidell Con ner, Itepublican, thu present Governor. C. Georgia, on tho second Tuesday li) October. Geo. A. Hf Colquitt Is likely to lit-atl the Democratic- ticket for the Governorship, whoso election Is predicted by 75,X)0d majority. As yet tho Republicans havo not indicated a purpose to contest the Held. 0. West Virginia, on ,tho second Tuesday lu October. This election cm braces it State ticket, members of tho Legislature, and members of Congressi The Democrats nro nlready In the field with n Stato ticket, headed by tho Hon. A. M. Matthews, present Attorney General, for the Governorship. The Republicans will uonilnate a Stato tick et during the latter part of the present month. Tho Democrats clalui that Till their iljssesslons aro healed, and they will carry the Stato by a largo majority. 7. Ohio, second Tuesday In October. In tills Stato a full ticket, with tho ex ception of Governor and Lieutenant Governor, will bo elected. Thu Re publicans claim they will carry tho Stato by an increased majority over Hayes vole in 1875. 8. Indiana, on tho second Tuctday in October. Here a full Statu ticket will be elected; the Democratic ticket being headed by tlio Hon, J. D. Wil liams, present member of Congress, lor t)io Governorship, and tho Itepublican ticket by the Hon. Godiovo S. Ortli, lato Minister to Austria. Indiana promises to bo tho battle ground pre paratory to tho Presidential onset in November, and both parties will put fortli their best efforts to secure tho as cendancy. i). Iowa, on tlio second Tuesda In October. This is a Itepublican State, and niny bo expected to cast its voto In that direction both lu Octobor and November.' 10. Nebraska, sepond Tuesday In October. This is also a Republican State. 11. Texas, on the .first Monday in November. This Stato will probably go Democratic by fiom 73.00Q to 100, 000 majoilty, but the election is too near tlio tlmu of holding tho Presiden tial election to effect it in any percepf ible wuy. Terrible Fate ir Two Children mill n Woman. John E. Cameron lives on a farm ouo mile from Pittsvlllo. He has a linio kiln n quarter of a mllo from his liouse, near the main road, On Mon thly ho started a Urn in it and went away to his wot lc lu a hay Held. Two of lis children, a boy nioo yets old apd girl aued five wero playing about tho kiln. Over the n.outli ot the kiln is a windlass by which a laj'go buckut is lowered to tlio bottom. The oldest of tho two children thought it would be niiiB to ride his little sister up and down In tlio bucket. Sho clambered in, and ho 1ft her down into tlio pit, Tho lire had by that tlmo got under K"1 head way, and tho stono was becoming heat ed and emitting poisonous gas. The little girl screamed to como un. and her brother tried tp pull up tho bucket, hut could not stait it. After several nttempts, lie started on a run for home, where he told his mother and grandmother, who were alono lu the hppse, the situation ns above. The two women run to the kiln. Mrs. Cameron saw her child lying on the bottom. Sho had fallen nut of tile bucket.being over powered by tlio gas Thinking' that the child might be restored if taken out at onco, Mrs. Cameron drew tho buoket qp. Sho placed her Jlttlo boy in it, and telling him to place tho body of his lit tle sister in It as quickly as posslble,and get back into it himself, she lowered hlpi into the noxious pit, Tho little fellow succeeded In placiug'tho body in the bucket, aud, clinging to the side of It himself, was drawn a few feet up ward, when he succumbed to the .influ ence of 11)0 gas and .fell back uucqu scious to the bottom. Mrs. Camerou drew tho body of her' little girl to the top qnd .hastily remov ed It from the buoket'and placed it on the ground. She, then gave the crank of tho windlass to her mother-in-law, a Jady nearly 70 years old, rid told her to lower her quickly Into the pit, to the rescue of her other child. She then got Into tho bucket. Her weight was more than old Mrs. Carqeion could centre,!, and tho crank slipped from her hands, and whirling round struck her on the head and knocked her senseless to the ground. Her dau,nhter-livlaw, was hurried violently to the bottom of the ki'n, and no doubt rendered unconsci ous before the gas aftVted her., Tho Pittsvlllo stage camo along about the time Mrs. Camoion was precipitated uto tho kiln. John Kane, the driver, seeing the bleeding, body Of' tho bid lady, and the Apparently lifeless body of the little girl, stopped the stage aud jumped out. Ho discovered the bodies of tho other two in, the kiln. Calling a gentleman in tlie stagy to Ids aid, ho went down Into the kiln by means of the .windlass rope, and placed the body ot Mrs. Cauieron In the bucket. t was drawn up, aud the bucket lowered, Kano succeeded In getting Into the bucket with tho boy's body.but became unconscious soon rafter, and was taken from the bucket in that' stato. H was some time before he, was restored. K Old Mrs. Cameron1 vmi , brought "to consciousness in a short time, her wounds not being serious. Her daughter-in-law aud the twQ children, wero dead. As soon ai,Kanu recovered sulli clently, the three bodies were placed In the stagH and taken heme, and Mr. Cameron summoned from his vork. Mrs; Cameron' was B5 y'e&rsi old. This Is tho third timo. that deaths bavo oc curred under similar clroumstauces at this kilii during the pa,st seven years. Now AdVortiscments. THE LUNGS 1 CONSUMPTIOBT I ThiMlBlrfa!ng ami daiiRwoin complaint mid I( prmionltory vinpintn. nprlrotrd couuli, ntfflttvrnls, liofir-oiipew, waning fl"sli, fovir tiermaiirtillvinrnl lir "lir. ftn-nvmi'ftrnitittnimj flyrniMit Wild Clio TV" nifunujiiiia a iirrinnniinr or luiraonniy Consiimntlun mchnrncterlieittiycnlnrrli or In. Unminnlion of tliomucima inciiibriino of tlio nlr iinflpntfet, with couuli nnd nxnnf.tnrnt.tml. nlinrt. brcntli. lioiirfimios pnin in tlio cliopt. For nil tiloncninl nflectinne, soro litroal. loss of voice, coughs, lilt. HWAYNB'S COMPOUND Syrup oWild Cherry IS A SOVjmniaN ltKJflJDY. Itrmnrrhniit, or tvKltml blmitl, limy lirocrcil Inini tlio Intynt, truclim lirmidiln or linlpn, nnil iirlnn from vnrlons rnugos nt itntltin rilivpioni oxorilon, pliHtlMrn, or fullnopn of tlio vo.cH wi'HK iuiiKi.,nverftiniiiiuiK ui 1110 voicn unnnre1 cd nrncunllon, obsltuctlon ot tlio suit oj or liv er, etc, Dr. Swiyno's Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry otrlkoi t tlio root of rilxoitsn liv lnulfvltiR Hie blood, ristn.-mir tlio livornnd klilnerato healthy lit" ton. InvlBorntliiK tlio in rvoni system. i no oiny Hinmiani mnouy lor urioorrnntro, liionctilnl mi'l nil nnlmoimiv conin ntnt. linn. sunintlvm or those mciltsiioscil to wom Iiiiik", sl-oiild not fall to use tills great vciotnblo icm till'. Itsinnrvoltms powr, not iinlbover consunni. tlon. hut oyer every chrimlofTmcasn v,iere n frnduul tiltomtlve nctlini la neo'lod. Under lis tiso the conuh Is loosened, the night swenti ill, niinisli tno imln siiIhIiHs, tho nuf-e leturtm lo its nnturul stniiilnril, the stomach Is imnrove'l lu Its powor tu digest nnd nfslii'llato tholnod, nnd eyery uigaii Inn n nutor unit botloi quality blood sttpiillidto it. out of wlilc); now iccicu, tlvo nnd I'listio ni.Heiinl is mni'o. SAVED 11 IS LIFE. a e 1 1; ii a it j "a"c ! 1,12 ciiti:: Wn that of dwnrd II. lluiusoii, Knglneernt Oeorgo .sweeny's Tottoiy, 1331 Itlilgo Avonuo, riiluiilciiililn. Ho li ,k1 n violent oi ji-'li, night sweats, sore thioit, great weakness, pit at air feiciittlme n pint of iluoi., gnvo up nli hope of teeoveiy. '1 litough the tuo ot " Jir. tsu-aune's II ilacierrvSurui'' licumionsouml and healthy man. and fetnalna so to thn i'ay, although oyer twenty ycais havo din ieit stneo htt was cuicd, 1'llIOU OiNJ'; DOI.IjAI. "Ix tiottlei 15. If your druggist or stoiekuenor does not sell It, wo will ferwaid nail iluen. fieivtit )iQid, tu nny ad dress, on jeceipt of nnoe. rittci'.inHii only nr BHt. SWAY.B2 At SOX, 330 IV. Sixth Street, I'lillmliliihla. Bold by ull Prominent UiuggUts. A Good Family Medicine Tiir and Sarsnpitrilla Pills. W 111'! A DAC1IH, I.angour and JUlili clioly gdieiall spilng lrotu a disordered stum itch, eo'iijveiio-snr n lorold liver. K ich limy ho speedily remoyrd yyl)r. Bwnyno's '1 nr wijs. which stluiulatu the liver and stoumcli to a ho lihy net hut lu lemovlfig ml blilniuanwa. and pipduclug li'guluv evacoallou4 "f tlio tiowcis. J.IVKIt COM PLAINT, that dreaded dlsoiso fiom which so many per, Mins nilkr, Is frcqjcullr the eaiuo of Headache, Indigestion nnd Dyspepsia, Is siieodily lelieved ami nro often permanently cuieil ny their uo. Severs atnoiton prevcuted by the use tit tbeo tnis'ipai-iihi I'llfs, as tliey ca'Ti olf, thlotlgtl tlio bloQil. thn Imptnltl.'S Jttnii which ifoy ante, ynr uusi ivmiMft tlieio lsuotiiliuso cllcci!it ns Syayne's Tar and Sarsnparllla Pills. They are uuielv vegetahio. a,id act sticcialiy on lueJ.Uti-tis illue Atiissoi- cnloinel, tlt.iouti nuv uuii.esu is noin luitlllg. Uecnbe sviui'toius In u'l com-nunte'it!on'-, nnd iiddro-s letters lo hit MIAINIJ ,tOA. i'liiltidetphln. No flnuge for ndvi e. Hent hv mill on receipt of x'!'lc. l'flt'p-O 4:eii;sn lio; live, boxes far i. ASK Yuyil DUTjUUIT l'-QU TllEM. Itcliing Piles! PILES, PILKS, ITOilINU PILES, Positively Cured liy tho use of SWAYNE'S OINTMJBJiT. IIomp, Tkstimonv i I virs fiorclv o fill c led with ono of tliuiost CIs trosstnAp! il tiisfiKfO- HrurltiM nr 1 ruugo, or mint) c(inuunnlv..uio',VJi yi llcliliiir J'Jlcs llio Hcliiiitr at tliiiosw.iM nlmnt jiitolerable IncreiiH. ctl uy bcratchiu;;, mm not nnfrt'n.ueutly oecomo qultu sot u. I bouatit n box of " Swij lie's Q(ntmoat : Ua iibo unva quick lclicf, nnd u i aliort tlmo mado a jHjifcct cuio, I ciin now s cp tiuilisturbctl, ana I ivouiil utivlaa nil who are HiifTennx with this itintronflliiKoiiipi;i!nt topiocure Swuvjica Ointinonl" at ouco. I tind tned yiescnp iona uimo.-t innumoMlik', without finding miy ptiim anent relief. JO. W. OXlltlaT, Firm of JuiMiel A Christ'. Boot aud ahoo llouso, ZU Noilh wecond-streot, railndi-lptila. SKIN DISJiJASES, AWAYNKVS Al.Tj HMAt.lNU OINT.MUM' la nl.o u upeclflo lor TKTl'Klt, ITHII. SALT ItlllcUM, SO.lLI) IU:a). JJllYfcHl'HIjAa JlAllUEll'.S ITCH. IlOll JlLOrtUiliM, Al.t, BUAI.Y, CllUbTV,- OUPANUUUS JiUUP, 1'lO.Ny. PcUDi'tlv -nfo ami lianiilcus. even on tho most tender uifunl. Puce SO cents. 3 boxes for$i.:5. sent iiyiu.il to any uililnuson leceiut of pilto. Bold by ril (he leading SruKiasts. Prepared onlyllV' MR. SWAYNK & SOS. 30 North Sixth- St., Philadelphia. Now Advoi'fcisomoi5bs.,v Whom It MnyCoifcc wn, That I hnvo this flay, JUlf 1 Jth'i rpo nil Jin il iviiiiwii. i iihi A iHf, I inn i nr, j sold my Intel est, rrght, and lltlr w Itlt'llAllO kkiitkii in me uiiy uuunx and.rtu rjun KIOItK, on Kiinushnniia stroet, near to tbo JIantloli llonso, Mauch nnln.' Sta, JUJIM Klill'Jill. July S2, 1873-W1 9'J TEACllKItS WASTED. Tim School Hoard nf MAIIONINO ToUrtf' HH1P will meet A ptilleatits f ir Helinols on SA. TUIIDAY. AVUVST Sill, 1S7P. nt A, M..Rt lMillARANTUOHNl'llt. when llio HmifitlntBii. dent will examine applicants. IIUNIiV llltllTNEY. PreMdent. r. I). Kltuun, Secjctary,, July 2J-w3 rjo Whom It Miiv Concern. . Notlco Is lierchv clven. Tint wo. !ho under. slcne'l. liavo nut clinked fro'n ltnnlel Pluklnger, of MnhOtiliiff tawnnli, Ujroon oniinty. pit. tuo lollow'ngtuopeitv. to wilt Four ones of Oniii, nniBaiinbof l'ntitoes, two Hogs, two Hows, two wagons niroo jic'ifiokis, two i-iows anu one 2-year nldt'olt nml heiebv notify nil persons not tniueddiAWlth (ho same, under nenaltyol the law. WI31SH ,fe ANWItUW. a Packerton, JMVTi, ib,3 w.t P KI'OIIT OF. THE CONDITION of ) tho FIIlST NATIONAL HANK, nt l.clilglitmi. in tho Ktate of Pennsylvania, at tho eloie of business. J tine 3U(n, 1S7G. ifCWUiicits. I)nniiunl DIconnls ,.. fr,2;87 24 U. U. llonilstoBieuiot licnnUnn ... m.tm 00 Duo Horn approved Reserve Audits,, 8,401 47 Duo from other National Hunk ...... l 85U (13 Duo IrninHtnte Hani's and IliuiKers,. 8Ji it) llenll'Mnte Fuiiilliiie, nu l fixtures 1.M7 L0 (Jurreut UxpenseS aim 'Paxes Paid ... ,fji 4-t I'letninius i-inu b iuu -r, llillsot other Natlomil lHnks. 1,420,00 Kract'ounl lUineuey. Includ'gMlCke.g 2J0 11 Legal TennirNotes....,, O.G'O Oi) lleiloniptton ritiid With U. H. I Ipjsnr. er tfi net cent, ot Ulruulatiohl.. ...,, ' 2 025 00 BtlverC'oiii ,.i 10 00 DSI5 YOUK lotal I1M.313 13 MAliIUTIFS. Cmtltnl Stock Paid 111. Other Undivided Plollts.. Isntiomil llnnk Kotos uutaandlni; ,. Individual llouo-lls mlijciu to Uieci. line lo other National Uiiu'as JJuo to btule lluuks runl Isanlicfs f50,(00 to 8M1FI5 45.01 l 00 25,3S Oil 9,811 01 1,011 DO Total ......8135,310 Jj Stale of I'cmisijtvania, County o L'arhQn, I 1, W. UV lliminnii, Cashier of llna',oyi n.no. ed Itiinl,', do solemuiy stvear th.t( .the ahovii statuuinut Is tiuetu tliobatql iuy Lnowlcdgs ami behct. W. W. 110VMAN, t nahler. Sub'-crlbcd nnd sworu tobcfoio xuo, thls'lSth divot Jul, is; o. TH09. M. nnrlC. Not'yrnbho. Corroet Attest! 11. 1'. Ilofroid. A, J. Dniltng. Thos. Ki merer. Directors. July 2'.', 187B, !b ITIDEND HOTICE. Tllfc PtrtKKP KlTfouiT. nlNV nv t.w If 10HTON has dcolarnl n pro rtn DiTldend !i "If f nt pnybK M the Hank on and . .f oavurusy, juiy Ibm, 1H7S. tittli 15lh, 1870. W. W. IIOWMAN, Cmhler. a 1 g s a m J "5 H & SS ft as s.2 w h n as, . WANTED. jADORNi LONDON l-HairOolorRnstorer I, HAIR, ! '; i GRAY" HAIR To Its Natural Vitality and Color. HERU IS FkE PROOF Of Us Siiperbr Excellcnco. Head Uils Home Cirtltlcato testified to by Kilwnul ll( GarriKuas, one ol the most compe tent Dingpsis and tineuiisti In I'hllnilolpljia, a man witode Yeruclty nouo can doubt 4 1 um.iiappy to add my testimony to the great value ot tfle " Loudon- Hair uu.or lleblrera" which irsinred my hail; to Itsorlji'lnal dark col. or, and the hue appears to be permanent. I uui ratisfled that this prepaiatlon Is imthius like a dve, but operates upon the secreti-in. It Is ulsu a beaultmi half (UesniuK, aud promotei the, f rowtti. I purchased the llrt belUe irout Ku, I. Uarrlarues, uruvgist. Tenth ami. Coutus-sts who usu ulso testily uy luir was veiy Kluy when I vommeuceJ Ua use. T. ..II J TVITI.r.V.ll No. 730 N. Nliltli'st.. PhltaUe'lnltlo.. 1)B. BWAYNE B tiON.-ltespectcU iloudu V uaye i.jo iicuurew inrorm- -son nisi, 11 tuuy ui my acquaintance, Mrs'Mlder, Is d.ellBhtel with the eveeeu 1 your ' Uiudun L'olor llnlr ltestoi" er." Her hair was lalluig rapidly and IIUIU), ffiuy. iue ooiur nas uean xeaiorea, uau uie iau-, lug out entirely slopped by its tue. li. 11, UAitiaaTjisSj , Drneirlsi Cor. Tenth and Coates sis.. I'liUa, All thai art cn kouoiupliali In nioanllty'liiK. strenKihenlUff , thlckculutr and udoi uing thu hun ts fctfuited Uf unluff Vijoudoa Hair Color ltestor er." It etfniulats and forces a new ifruwth 1 if Biay, restores Us nitnrul color, and lenders H busy ana ueuuutui enres uauuivui &uep viei fccalp clesu, cool aud healthy. All druirulata cU H. - Price 75 cent; six .bottles, H. Bent by 'Oiplesi to any address. BWAYNE & BON, 330 N. Sixth St.. Philad'a', bole riiqi'METons. ' Fqr Sale by nl UruRgllstii, July 11. 1878.yl Tho Borough of'Luhighton desires to Borrow sulliciont Monoy to refund tho'Borough Debt. Interest ' promptly paid. Apply to w. M. KAPSMER, July 15, 137Q-W3 . fi'ccietary. tlinlnlstrntor'.s Salrj Of Valible Real Estate. Tho undersigned Arinitnttiatnr of the restate nf JObllPIl iMOrn, (Icc'f), lat of MAIlOv" INtl ronstilp.Cntlon 1 onnlyi l'a., w.ll offer nt piiolio side, 011 (lie p,ennses,nn Saturday, August 5th, 187G, comincnctns at TWO o'clock lf. jr., the follow m" v-iumo e ileal I. slate, to wit : All that cer. tuiu puc or ptrooi 01 LAifl) contaluliiK 34 Acres and 2G Perches, i,n the ainn tnore or less, known as the Joseph Mom.) l-'i.rin. situatra m Alahonl.i'; lowns. ip t; f-T conslt of n Twnbiorj IVnino ffi$t pwclliiiK Ifonso. IS X 20 ft.. With .HiSi Kin-Inn nclnaliutl, II) x 20 lbs Uaio,2)x4l leet Wnpin aiitd, IS x 2J feet a 1 rtlorv Dwell ); llniifii'. 14 x 1 feet, mi.'l oilier Out'.ul'iiluirs Teiins will be nuJo known nt time nnd place olxaie. tn- Wii. ti. .v.tj jy. Juiy 15, 1870. .Mimimsiriiior n AGENTS WANTED FOR THE GREAT Centennial history it sells taster than in,., utnu mu um .,uo- llstied, Uno Atrcnt soldul conies In I oa . "dud lor our extra terms i Acenis. rnnoiui;i-iiii llsbim; Co., I'hll.idelpliln, l'a. rpO DELINQUENT, TAXPAYERS. , iiuuuo in auiruv iivcii uini mn j'iiuiivi in ut tJNl Ol.LKcTl-i) IlOHOUOU rOOIlTAXKS for 1C7J 4 hnvn boen placed In my hands tor col lection. Persons Knowing themselves Indent d foi sai l Taxes are requested to csll at my office. In 0'iett's nniluinff. nnrt maKe Immediate psv. ioont. and save onsti of snir. Jt.A IlELTZ. J.P. i,euinuion. jqiy i, is, 3W, gTATE AM) COUNTY TAXES. Tho nnncrslarnod hereby notifies the Taipsv.. s of the Tlorontrh or T,ehnrhtnn.' that fmhsa. been appolnten bv the Commissioners of Carlton Countv to COLLfcOT the STATU and COUN. IY TAXIfU.in said Bo'oufrh.for theyear.18,0. And m pcruanco of said appointment, by. re. quest of thn Coniml-mlnners, all persons llablo to ftinie nnn uouniv isxes, are renuireu to maK" Imm'-illani -paymerit tbetcnf, at ulsoOlo In Chert's lmlldilnr. within 'THIIITY DAYS fiom this date, nnd Iheieby save costs nf collec tions. II. A. liELl J5.. J. P., Collector. ijunigmjov , juiy lmo-aw. . "i day at home. Agents wanted. Outfit SI JL and terms free, THO K -Co. August v Malno. A man of noteil lenltlt was nsked how It was he svetno t to liei.atwnys well. " I am not p.u timlnr ii. my meats ; I eat wlnit" I like t add whenever I feel "unrtor the, weather, I resort to niy Tarrant's Selljcr Aperient, which I olwiiys kocn in my house." Wise man. and economic it as welt. IIo does not re-ortto violent means for ro.lcf. He uses Knturo's retuetly, In tho shaoe of this nporieni. SOLO BY ALL DnXJOGlSTd. ' PEIl WEEK OUAItANTKi:no Agents, -Male and Female; In their lortltv- 1'erms and ODTi'I VHKK. Addrens P. O. Y1GKUKY & Co,. Auitista, Mb PC o (fflrtfur dsv at Uoive. Simples m v-iw worth iirtree. erusos . uo. Portland, .Maine. tT3SYCA0MA.NCY, Olf SOUL CIIAItMINO How eltborsax may fascinate andgalo tba lore and alfectlons of any person they choose. In stantly. Thbj ur.tall ca.u passw.ssfreeby jnsil, for cttuts; tei;tiinvri wun a Marriage uuiao; rj pi lau Oracle, llreams. Hints to Ladles, etc. 1,000, 000 sold. A queer book. Addres3 T. WILLIAM & CO., Pub s, I'hlla. 25 P4NCY BRISTOL CARDS. 10 tints. w)th name, loci or 20 MtXKD ItEPP, Nassau. Men s.CoUN, Y. VlfllTIfTO CARDS, with your uamtlflns, ly piluteil, gent for 25c We have too styles, aucmts wamtki). u samples sent for stain U. A. 11. t ULLUil .cu. Brockton ttass. 50 ADVERTISING IN' Religious, and Agricultural "WEEKLIES, ON Til 3 IiKt 11iAH. . Xntleii ts'hAieliv blven. Ilfaf hi vine bttr)tiaiia F nr..l.,..t.1u Ay.,.'I,tAu,lnn',,,rannnv t.llha insisting Ot tv6, wbeat.loan, rether-wlth all'thu lariohe: lm. Vlemeufs. live 5ck,aia nousehplrt rurniinro ol every eesuriitiiou ui at r. duui, w. Towoinonsiuir township, all lioi sons 'aro. tor jid m under penalty of the taw Uuot Carbon county. Pa. torjid medJJlus Willi, the tamo txiLOAION SOLT. FranVOin two. July IS, 1870fW3. W3 w -'a o o a D bD m CD p- E-i a a o C5 C C3 ' CO rO o o a S3 O u a ei -P i3 CD CO 03 m S3 S3 O u o o o ? C3 . cj S. C rCl O o. a nasi Lvi.''i. .jrJISMXKfVfilAl. SAIiOOH, ajJQUEIlANNA BTJ:, MAUCH CHUNK FUANK INKMANN, Proryr. -i'f t t- Fresh Phtladelnllia laser Beer always on tap. Clears ol Oho-cinl Oators, and, all othor kinds, ol Uolrohuteuts to be found, lu a fliat-olasst, Baloon. VHSK LUNCH even- MoruloK at lOi o'olockr fail when you go to Mauxa. Chunk. July 15, VHttfl
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers