Froui.thO'CoHuty Seat. Town Is very quiet since adjournment ot Court., TiiflmlArB Tllton lectures liero on Feb. 10th. Subject "Tho problem of life,". .-All should near nimt DMfKSibfus. Esq.,' left fot Wash ington, D. O., on Monday evening, A special session of Court will bo held1 on Feb. 21st, coutlnuln? one Week. Mrs. Surowl. fin old resident of Mauoh Chunk, Jmd a 'paralytic stroko bn Tuesday, and died In about twelve liours. .Tnhn JoneB. Esq.. of Wllkesbarre. was In town during Sunday. Mr Jones rvnn pmn oved in the urosocuiiou ot ino Goldstraw iuurder trial of Jau. terra a year ago. We will liavo two more hotels In town, to be opened by the following persons, Lou. Armbrustcr and Paul Scliweibinz. Beatrice Cooper, Infant daughter of Job, and Alice Lynn, died on Monday afternoon, at the American Hotel. JiY tennont took place on Wednesday p, m., at Freemansburg, to which place the remains were taken on 'l uesday morning. A urand wedding Is to come off on thelOth Inst., In the afternoon, at the Presbvtorlan church. 1 lie contracting parties being Hornee Hamlin, clerk at JL. V. 0U1C, ana illSS ainry niiniiicuu, daughter of D6n. A. G. llrodhead. A reception, we understand, will to held at the bride's home after the ceremon ies at the cliurch are concluded. Rev. Babcock, on Tuesday evening lectured In the Court House.on the sub ject of Temperance, to quite a number ot persons. He took for his subject tho "Lessons of history' and developed some new Ideas on the worn out sub ject of tcmpciance. The principal ob ject of the meeting, we think, wa9 to organize a Temperance Lodge, but we apprehend the principle woull'nt hold water, in this town, we are sorry to say. An Arbitration, on book account, be tween Wm. Kurtz, of Welssport, and Jonas Bennelioff.ol East Mauch Chunk, occupied the attention, of several ot our lawyers on Wednesday. There was a quibble about some little points as to the tettimony all day, and It was there fore late before the arbitrators could listen to the eloquence of counsel. We presume Kuntz will be the winner but rt5t 'to the amount he claims. M. Mi Sheridan, fancy notion dealer, left town very unexpectedly early on Monday morning. On Sunday night lie shipped his goods to the depot and .on the following morning, tho neigh bors seeing that the store was closed, ucgwi to wonder what was the matter with their friend Sheridan. Several persons tried to get into the store, but It was only afrer breaking the door In that they found to their utter surprise, that, the room was emptied of Its con tents, and on enquiry found that Sheridan, family and goods were gone for parts unknown. No reason Is as eigasd other than that the accumula tion of debts was greater than he could 3''bMl. Tie 'speeches In the murder trial alosedou Monday 8 p. m., Judge Dreh ur then charged the Jury very fully until i4.30 p. rn. At 4.45 tho Jury re tired to their room, and about 7 o'clock bad agreed .upon a verdict, but Cc-urt having adjourned before the Jury Agreed, they, in consequence, had to remain In ihnlr xootn until 8.30 a. in. next: morning, without supper, and thereby getting a Jate breakfast. Im mediately on opening of Court, on Tuesday' morning, the Jury came in and the clerk then, asked whether they had agreed upon a verdict, tho lesponso was "we have," and when asked how, they all answered "guilty in the first degree." Tho District At torney then moved that tho prisoners be sentenced, when Mr. Relly ottered the following motion: fin tlie' ConA ot Oyer ana Terminer. In and for tho county ot Carbon. Com. vs. Michael J. Boyle. And now, to wit i February 1st, 187s. (.ho defendant moves In arrest of Judgment and for a' new trial, and assigns the xollowiug rea sons therefor ; I, one ot the Jnrors, namely, Daniel Boyer.Jr.. Impaneled in the said cause, did not stand Indifferent Dctwocn tho Common, wealth and toe defendant, and was not an lm. partial Juror, In that l,e expiessed an opinion to the gulit ot the prisoner, ami the hope taat he wo.iiil get upon the Jury mtlio case, that he ulKM bang tne prisoner ; which tact came to the kiiowledrre ox the nrtsoner aftoi the lurv hud been Impaneled and morn. S. Counsel for the Comotonwealtil In the r.lri.lnff address tn thn Jury cited the following language, "Ilyouols legardench testimony you will he hooted and driven from the Commonwealth" and that, "It Jner (thejnry) din not retutn a verdict ot guilty in this cane it would result In iha foiroution of y. gilence committees and resort to lyncs-lnw," und rlso that the Coal and lion Police had ere. served the life of the prisoner from tne assaults of nn outraged community," that counsel fur ther stated to thejnry that large number ol murders bare been committed In tho coal re. prions by .a particular class or persons, whereat, there was no evidence before tne Jury that any other munler than that lor whlcu the defend, ant was tiled and hod been convicted, or that defendant beloqtred to any particular class that had committed snv or said murders, by reason ot which the defendant claims he was prejudic ed before the Jury and suffered great Injustice. (UlgSeo) MICHAEL J. DOYLE. Carbon County, as: Michael J, Doyle, being duly sworn by law deposes and sayn that the facts above set forth aie correct and true to the best ol his knowl edge, Information and beUef. IHImiiuit Mlpnitr T Tw Hworo and subscribed before me this 1st day' Clerk. After argument by counsel the Court delayed sentencing the prisoner until the objections are' disposed on, which will be ax next Court, vii : ,Uie Zlst day of the present month Towamcnslug Items, The weather so far this winter has been very changeable. Our roads were sin a terrible condi tion for a few days last week, but on Saturday night the programme changed, and on Sunday morning the roads were frozen hard. " The wages of the laboring men has boeu cut down to almost nothing. Now it would not be more than right If the rents would be reduced to correspond. Our young ladles must not forget that It Is leap year, and let them make use of their special rights. iVill the "borough fathers of Lehigh ton please 6ee to have their streets and side walks repaired? The latter.lndeed, are iu a yery delapldated and danger pus cpndition to travel to and from tho depots after night. The time for borough and township elections Is rapidly approaching. Ye Jiabdldates'ior office trot out. u Nekf ibplMay Washington's birthday February m, I saw on assortment of valentines at tho Advocate ofQco call early. 4 Koll of Honor. For Industry, Good Conduct and Proficiency In scholarship the followlnc named pupils In W. 15, Kemeror's bcIiooI, No. 0, dosorvo to have their names placed on the lloll bf Honor, for tho monin or January : Elwln Buck. M. A. Kemerer. John Nanp. Allen Solt, Sarah E. Stemler, Elmlra Stemler. Kmma Stoinler, 'lovl- lla Stemler, Martha Buck, Edna Buck, Catharine Walck. Bohemia. Ilcport of the Grniiil Jury. TO TUB UONOIUIILR THE JUDOE OP THE COURT OF (JUARTIll SESSIONS OF TUB l'EACK IN AND railllll COUNTY OF CA11DON : The grand Inquest, Inquiring Into mnttois concerning the county, do respectfully rtport as follows i I'hnt we have passed upon twrntv-four (211 bills of indictment; sent up to us by the District Attorney, eight (8, of which we have Ignored! and the. lonialmlcr hate found truo bills, The bildgesot tho county are reported to bo In very good condition, with the exceptlou of those In Kludt-i township, which ale vety much lu need of hand-ialls. We have visited the couuty Jail aud find It neat and clean, nnd reflects gieut ciedlt upon the Sheriff lu charge. We would call attention to Kmattuel Uetz. now conflow! In the couuty Jail, said to bo a luuatlc, and would respeclfully suBgcst his io inoval to tho county hospital, lm givlm? tlie Sheriff untold tioiiblem his management aud care. We would also call attention to the roads leading from Mauch Chunk to LeMghtou ana Netiiurbonlng. They aievery much lu need of a stout fence ot wall t) prevent teams going over tho sttep banks, us they are so close to tho l allruads. Constable William Merrick, of East Mauch Chuukt calls attention to tne condition of the road, commonly called the Plue swamp Hottd, between North street alley and Lehigh street, reported to bo lu n dangerous condition by Cbas. iClhie and John McGluley.' He says the BurgosshaB been notified, but refuses to do anything to better It. We would respectfully suggest that a room bo erected Immediately adjoining the Court House, in the old Jail yard space, for a Pro- thotiotary's office, with a room for tho law library adjoining, with entrances to each from tho Court loom, for the convenience of the Pro, thonotary, the Court and tbo liar, ncil that the piescnt rrothonotary's office bo used us an arbitration room. To the officers of tho Court we extend onr thanks for Kiud assistance and courtesy during our deliberation. William C. MORRIS, Foreman. Mauoti Chunk, JanuatySO, 1876. No Dogs Allowed lu the Curl. It happened the other dar on the Lehigh Val ley Rnllioad. Thetialn had Just left Easton and the conductor was making his lint round when he observed a small white dog with n bushy tall and bright black eves titling cosily on the sent beside a yenng lady so handsome that It made his heart roll over 11 Ko a lop-sided pumpkin. But duty wat duty, and ho remark ed In bis most deprecatory manner : I'm very sorry, msdam. but li's against tho rules to have dogs In the passenger cars " Ob, ray I Is Utat sol" and she turned up two lovely brown eves at him boscoolilngly. "What In the world wdl I do 1 I can't throw him a wo), lie Is a Christmas present irom my aunt- "By no means. mlr. Wo'll put him In a bos cage car aud he'll bojast as happy no a robin lu spilng." What I out mv nice white dos In a nasty. stuffy, dusiv baggage corl" 'il'ui awfully sorry, miss, I do a-sine you, but tho rules of This company aro as IMlexlulo as tne laws of the .Modes andtnem other tellows, you know, lie shall ljuve niy oveivuut to lie on, and the brakenieu shall give him grill) and wa ter every time n opt ns jijs mourn." ''I lust think it's awltll mean, so I do. nnd I kuov somebody will teal It, so they will " and showed a half notion to cry that neaily broke the conductor's neurt; but ho was firm and sang out to tho brakeman. who was plajlng a toto on tne store i "Here Andy take this dog over into tho Ima. ga'e car and teU rem to Uuejust Hie best kind VI I'ill U ,l( 1111)1. 'Ihe younglady poutod, but the lirakntn in reached ovor and picked ihe canino up as ten derly as thougn It was 8 two weeks' old baby, but as he did to, a Binuige expression came over his laco, like a wave ol cramp colic, and ho said hastily to tho conductor : "Here, you Just hold hi m n minuto till I put this poker away," and ho trotted out at tho car door and held to the brane-whool, shaking luce a man with agne. The conductor no sooner had his hands on the dog than he looked around (or a hole to full thiougb. vvho-wh why. this Is a worsted dog." Yes. sir," said tho lut.e miss, demurely. "Didn't von know that I" Ufo, I'm mostawfui sorry to Bay that I didn't thai t and ho laid tho chnsimas dog down lu the ownt-i'a lan and walked out on the plat form, where he stood half an hoar In tho cold trying io think of a livmn tnno to suit the worst sold man ou tho Lenlgh Valley road. A'r. High School Literary Society. Tho High Sohool Literary Society met In their room, Jan 28, 187J. Tho society was called to order by tho President V. R. smith, lloll of officers called, all responding, except G. II, Mantz, Treasurer. Journal of last meeting read and approved as read. On motion, decidod that a member shall have two chance to spoak on general debate, also the question io be consider ed by next meeting, about changing the society to be held on Fiidav evenlngj. Tho following exercises wero then tacen uo : Select reading, "Pledge with Wine," by W. E. Smith, also "Lafayette," by M. A. Bretney: "Tho Hetort," by Itevero sVcrtraun; Declamation, "Bruco's Address," by II. V. Morthlmer. Jr t "Break Bleak, Bleak," by U. D. Clause s "Vlrathus of the Lusitonlous," by Fred Weldenbelmer; after which the I'resllent appointed M. A. Bretney, M J. BUem and Fred Weldenhcimer as Inlim. on debate, subject, Who has suffered tho most at the hands ot the white men. The ncrro or wo wutuu. ijcuaifii cm xne amrmarive by A, beaboidt, Harry Sweeney, and Ihuiua Ashi negative -t. Dollenmeyer, A. Graver and A. M. Hex Decided on the negative. Tho editor, A Dollenmeyer then opened hli "urult Bas ket." which contained some quoctions of last iLmwuii, mo irguuti tHMuiuiuee men report ed aS fOllOWfi! Able,!tinAlllTlir. If. V AfnrthfTv.,. Jr.ana A. Uiaver ; Declaruauon, C. Ourthol- euiew auu j, uiuk ) jbsaayH. jaa ciausi, ueorgo Shoemaker i Dialogue, illUo WeldonhHuier. Sallle Itaudeubush. Music, by Mr. Smith and others, Sutyoct for debate. -'Which Is more Preferable, city or Country Life." To be de bated on the affirmative by W. E. Smith, M. J. BUem and G. II. Mautz : Negative, Fred iiDiucuuuuiri,u, juoieuuiHicr aau iuriiou Bretney. On moUon. aecided that the reading of the "Fruit Basket" be dispensed with next meeting. Ou motion, adjourned to meet Feb. 4, 1S70. Q. Kobtenbadeb, Secretary. Pigeon ShootllUf. A snooting match came off In this place on Saturday laBt between J. and C. need, of 11a zleton, on the one aide, and Wm. Bereaw, of Easton and A. Fuller of Catasauqua. Each man had 30 birds, and J. lteed killed 17 1 Cbas. Reed 21 1 total 40 1 A. FDller,.lt i Wm. Beicaw J; total 38. The Hailetonlans winning by two birds only. The day was murkey t adrliillng rain falling during nearly the entire time ol the shooting, or a greater number of the birds no doubt would have been brought down. Public Sales. Bills for the following aalea have been print, ed st this office during the past few days t Tebrnarv Sib. at 12 o'clock noon, at Mew Ma. honing, valuable tanning stock and nrjple- lueuui, uu properly or AJavia rTlls. February 2, at I p.m., on the premises, Bsaver ltun, the real estate ol Itlla Bhive, dee'd. bee uuveruseiuenu February 18, eta p.m.. on the premises In the jiuniagi, vi nuryvuie uie real esisve 01 J QC Montr, dee'd. Hoe adycrUseurent, llornutjh ISIeCtlon Notice. Notice Is hereby given to tho flee and inde pendent voters of the llotougli of Lchlghton. that the atfnnat bomugh etetttou will be held on Tuesday, February ISth 1878, between tho hours of 7 A. M. and 7 o'clock r- M. at tho public houso of Jacob W, rtaiidenbusli, to elect ! Olio porsou as Jullco ot the Pence. One " " Itnrgcns. One " " Councilman for 3 years. One " " Constable. Two peisons ns school Directors for three yrs. Ono person as " Director (or one year. Two persons as Overseers of the Poor. . Two " ' Inspectors of tho Ulectloni one person asJinlge of Election. One " Auditor for three years. One .1' " Assessor. Josi:ni S. WmiB, Oonstoblo. Lchlghton, Pa.. Jan. SStli 180. l'eiitisylvnnla Dulch. Duwsck wackst onlllcli feel we kraut, over so duna ns net koon wo kraiit,uuyhow Ich hob noch ne kean gakochterduwnak gnssa. over loh hob e heat n sawga dos a dale clgsrs sin about hoi. wnr kraut blotter. Duwack shtors in dor Bntode waira lor common iraholto by holslclie lusur.wo nis on ilea fuddern deer shtay mlt n lot clgjrs ill dar bond fosht gallmeA for de lelt su foohi. Hoi umi koan duwock, nn len aw net. Icli hob ninol an cigar giislimoked mi as hut illicit all lvyer feola macha we an mixture tun English aatt Duwock is oicht orfimna warra belm Macarthy Hhluvoiinoule. We de Irtt ehn orsht gasoanun hen Rhinoka lsnseauer bong waria. Myshwi wester sus Han mailnle un Ich kent net sawya cb se net gent lornnwocK omierner.. uuuimi miner owet war eotn boh nt dor sbteu gashton nn un hot mit ein chblondeied tin n i Igar gush mokdl, un nr lint se gafi oed cb re ebbej Uerga- D-a Imf. ,m nn l,nt. 0-nxnwt dal' Camoh IS gOOlll aver dar negsht dog wo inv bruder aarDuo plfe aw ga.hteckt hut ilouu hut seem gasnwt aro sur mocher dos nr ford comerdtide. for dar gurnca fan dnwock mocht lnioli gronk, AniBiiBii&riiiurru., Mnsi a Kllenlierrrer. of Mouroo county, has a pair of stockings which sro more than a ecu turvold. liny weio knit for Judge John Cool bnugh, of Hti oud'burg, and he win mariled In them about tho yepr 1T7U. Ills son win mar. niut 111 t.tipin rnniH thlrtv veals iHter. 1 he sister of .Mr. Kileuberger, who Is now In possession of tho stockings, mid was also muriled lit tliem, was the wife of John Cooibauali wcond now de ceased, by whom they wete piesenlod to Mr. xj., lor men, ou uie ocohsioii oi in, lumiittuo. A few ilavs nao John Kennedy was found at the fool of a steep embankment in Luzerne Co , with a cash In his head and m a tiylug condi tion. It Is supposed he was waylaid. The Coal Trade. The fnlinwlntrtnliie shows tho miantltv ntcnnl shipped over tho Lehigh Valley lmllioiulforth9 week ending .Inn. 2th I87ii and for the year a compai ed with the same tlmo last ycai t llt'gions eroni. veeit. i tin, Wyoming 32 025 IS 218.242 18 Uazletou 23 (US 00 230'0 01 Upper Lehigh 58 Oil 210 10 Iloaver Meadow.... 8.512 01 88.319 17 Mohanoy 6.5M 10 (,2,758 no Slauca Chunk 57 03 73 14 Total 71.810 17 1,07.227 00 Last Year 20 817 13 417,810 08 Increase , 45,230 ol ISs.lin is Deciease ItEPOUT Ol? COAL ttninpoited over Lehigh k Hiuqumantia Division, teinisi n n. or New Jersey week ending Jan. 31, IS78. Total week. To date. Shipped from tons. cwt. tons. cwt. Wyoming 20.84? 08 S 1,067 14 20,757 10 42,'l 17 790 II 47.7W 00 3 071 03 Uooer Lelilrrh. 8.005 08 Ileuver Meadow....... 15,350 Ot 281 08 13,313 03 2 333 07 Ilnzleton Mauch Chunk. iiazuruvi e N. -ViukF. it O. II. C. Tntnl 00 00J 13 200,852 01 Previously I eportcil ",0,041 Oil Total to date lis 132 04 Same lime last ye ir 2i,7U) 17 Increase 110,431 07 Decrease Closing Trices of DeIIaven & Town send, Stock, Government and Gold 40 South Thiiil Street, rbllauVlphla, Jan. 27th 1875. U. H.C'S. I8tl 22', bill 224 as'rnrl If. H. 5-20s, IM12... Is1 bid aski'il U. S. 5-ldO'fl, 18(4 11 '. bin as(l U. 8. B-2t''B, 1MU 1 17?, 1)1(1 18 nskisl U. H. 5-20'h, l(i5 J. A J.... 104 bid l1i nsbil U. 8. 5-20's 1807 21 ' bid 22 asked U. . r,.20's, 1801 22", bid 23 asked U. P. KMu's 10S bid lll'i asked O. W. ( 'urrencv, 0's 24l4 bid 21 nske,t U. S. 5'h I8S1. now 18, bid 13't asked Pennsylvania It. It 51', bid tJili listen Plnlii. A r,JA bid ml), u.-ked Lohigh Vnlley It. 11 0ii hid 03 asked I eMail Coal A rny. Co.... 3lf bid 51. asked United Companies of J). J. 137 hid 13, Ji listed Oil creek .k All. Vol. 11. It. 1.IH hid l.l, asked Philii. & Erie II. 11 .'214 bid 221, asked Gold 12 bid 13 nsKed ftilver 7 bid 10 a-ked 3UURIEI), RTTTnKT.V (lAllKUT On the "nth nit.. 61 tho hoiiKO of the bride's residenee. nt .rHinen. town, by rtev. J. c. llllcin. Ml. Jacob Muekir. of Mauch Chun li, anil Miss Frodeiicku Oabert, oi jaraestown. O.lMP-nUOII.-Oii Ihe H'h ult.. in 1'ilf'. ilmn's Chnrcti. bv ltev, L..1C Den, Mr, jlenry st. t'iini), or iLeiue.ucrg. aim alias bouiia itucu, of Lchlghton. DIED, RPIIOWL. On tho 1st mat. In Mauch Chunk. Mrs. Leah Hprowl, widow of Ihomas Sptuwl, in tho ulltli ) ear of her age. nrci'H.-Ontho 12th Inst., at Lohlsli Gail, Win. 11. Heiih. aged 33 yva.H, 1 month nnd 0 days. On the satuo day, nt ltockvilie, anlUlll ncpn. ngcii si years, o monin j autt navs. LVN. At tho American Hotel. Mnuoh Chunk, nt 2:30 n. in., January 31st, Ileatrlro Cooper. Infant daughter of Jo. and Allco B. i,yiin. ageu noany seven monins. Special Notices. K. V. Kunkol's Hitter Wlno of Iron. Gives tonic to tho stomach, lmnrovcs tho an. fictile and uslats digestion ; excites ttie uoweis o lioalihv action, oxuetiiug all the foul humors that coutuoilnato tho blo-id, cuirupt the Bocre. turns and olleuil tho bi out Ii. It excites the liver to a hon'ittiy action nun sirongmons tne nerves. Imu.irtliii: Ih it nlnw to 111" that nioroeds nloue from perfect health. Thousands In all walks of life, testily to tho virtue ot tlitsoTXOllont modi, clno In correcting tho derangement of tho dl. gesnve orguns. (jor, ino genuine, coin oniv in f 1 bottles. Ask tor E. KU.NKEU'tf BllTEU WIM ok II'.ox, and tuku nc olhor. Dyspepsia. Dyspepsia. Dyspepsia. E. F. KUXKKL'3 BriTKIl WISE OF IRON, ft BUro euro for this di-ea-e. It has been proscribed dailv for many yeais In tho practise of eminent physicliiis wirb unparalled success. SvmpUims are loss of npnetite.wlud and n. tug ot food, dry. ncss in month, headache, dlzzlnrss, sleepless cess and low spirits. Get tho genuine Not sold in bulk only II botltos. Do vuu want something to strenghten you. or a good appotite t Do you want to get rid of uer- ousnos i Do yon wan t energy, sloep well, or be cured of dyspepsia, kidney or liver disease 1 Try E, F. Kunkel's Wine op liio.v. Every bottle miatisnteedto dnas recommended. Bold only in (i bottles. Depot and .office, 259 North Mnth St. Philadelphia Pa. Get the genuine, sold by all druggist. Ask lor E. F. kukkel's, and take no other. Tape Worm. Itcmoved Alive with head complete. In from two to threo hours. No Ice till removed, by E, F. Kunkela. 25D North N lnth St., Philadelphia, Seat Pin and Stomach Worms also removed, Call and see i advice free, or send for circular. Ask your druggist for KUNKEL'u WOOM sxiiur. Price, SI per bottle. TIIII8SES, 7ft Cents RUP TURES CURED. Dr. J. B. Ho bensaex's Nlckle-Plated Oalvanlo Truss and Fluid will cure seven cases outot ten. Don't rust, crack or break i lightest ; not affected by perspiration or bathing. Warranted 6 years French and Oerman Trusses and Braces, Bus. pensortes, &c, one-third the price others hell lor. 206 Seoond street, above ilaee. PhUadel phla. Junei-75 ly eow2 Afflicted, Unfortunate and Deluded Dtt. J. Vi. UOItENSAOEi: and Dr. J. B. Hobensace, sons of Dr. J. H who has been ongaged in private and hospital practice for 30 years, curing diseases which destroy both mind and body, unfits you for the duties ot lite, and leads thousands to In sane asylums and premature death. Dr. J. N. H.andDr. J. 1). 11. devote their time entirely to these diseases, and guarantee a cure lu a short time and little expense. Dr. J. N. Hoben. sack has attended and cured eighty thousand cases, ltemember Drs. J. N. and J. B. Hoben sack's omoo No. 200 North 2d street, Philadel phia, above Race. N. u. Medicines sent by mall tnl express Junel2-70 lyeow Now AtlvcrLisomcnts. AUDITOR'S NOTICE. Tho nnderslpncd Auditor, appointed by tho Court of Common Pleas of Carbon County, to distilbutn tho fund In ssld Court nrisln" from tho rihenfTs Halo of the Ileal Estate ot Erra llrttolotte, will meet all parties intei esteil, for tno puniose or nis npDoinrmeut., ou jurji, DAY, FE11. 29th, 1870. at TEN o'clock A. M., at tlio Dlllco ot Dertnletle & Loose. Mauch I'butiic. jAUl.a rs. luuhui Auuuori Fob. .-4t QHABLUS FROIiHMCH Announces tn tho cltlsens of Lebutliton and vl dully that he has purchased the Ptook of John Lockhnrd, on Mccoiul t.,ntnl removed tho sntno to Ills residence on the corner ot eeeoml and Iron Hts.. and that ho will bo pleased to supply his friends with Ihn choicest nrauds of Family Flour, Feed, &c Atpilces as low ns elsowliero. CUAS. FIlOEHLIClt. Feb. 5, 1870,0m jijourneil Ailmlnlstrntors' Snlo 01 Yuluablc Ileal Esialo. The undersigned. Ailmlnlstrntors of KLIA8 RII I VB. lata of MA1IONINO TWP., Carbon county, l'n , dee'd. will offer at Publio fenle, on the Picmlses nforeso d, on Satiirdiiy, Februnry 2G.187G, Coniinencltig at ONE o'clock P. M the fnl'ow ng FINE FAIlAt.sltuate'lon BEAVEIl HUN, lu Mahoning Twp. aforesaid, containing 70 ACRES, MORE OR LESS MTho Improvements thereon consist of a Two-Rtory Log Dwelling IIomso, 18x20 feet, with Kitchen nttnebed j Bulk 31am .11 x oO feet, nnd other Outbuildings. There Is a never.fnlltng fining of W nter running thrmtirh no land, and n permanent prlng ne-r the iiono: also, i.ii Orchard contiilniuKa variety of L'holce Fruit Trees. This Farm is very eligibly located for raising Truck of all kinds, being sttnst-d In the ne gli porhood of flrst-rnte markets two miles from Jfhlohtnn and nbont tho amo distance to Mqtich Chunk, where ell kinds of truck meets Willi ready paid nt go-d prices. Terms will be made known on day of sale, or can besscettnlnednn application to AAllON 8IIIVE & HENRY TUCKER, Adnilnlstintors Estate Elms Shlve, dee'd. MnhoningTwp., Feb. 5. 1818. iljoiirucd Administrators' Salo Oi' Yalualilo Ileal Estate Tho nndertlgned Admlnlsttator of JAfon MONTZ lateof tho BOIIOUOH OF I'AltltY V1LLE, Ciubon County.Pa., dee'd, will riBY-r i.t Public Bale, on tho premises aforesaid, on Monday, Fob. 28, 1870, nt TWO o'clock P. M , nil that ceitalu plecesir parcel of LAN U. sltuato nbont three-fourths of a mile East o the Lehigh & 8nqiiehanna Itn, Riatttn at Poriyvlll. on the roaif leadlne from Polio Poco, or Edwoid llnlicr's Mill to Lehigh Onp. bounded by lands ol J lines (. Beagt eaves. Widow llatrlet Strohl, Mrs. Harnli E. (laumer, and ( harles lllose, sen., containing 30 Acres and 40 'Porches, Ktrlct luoasiiro. about 25 nci-os ate clear and In a rrood sljitn nt cultivation, and tho lesnluo Is good Wondlsiid. MThelniprovcnion'H thereon ronslnt of a Two-Story. Wcnther-Ilonidul, Fruine Dwelling House, 20 s 31 leet, with dollar undent, ounllmk INin. i x l'. ft, IIo Htsble. nnd other iiiituullilliigs A Well ol Good Wnter nenr ttie house, and an Oirhard of Clio ro Flult Tr.ies. " Terms and cnutlltlons wit! bn niade known on the day of tale, by IMNir.LWKNTZ, Adinlnlslintor. ito., of ,1, Moitta, dee'd. I'ersoilH doiirlllv to view theniniiertv win rail on Mr, Oasuis J, Montz, on tho premises, Feb. 5, l(7i).. f$l,00 CHALLENfiE ! Patent JLightning Saws. Tint tlis "Genuine 1 85 O" eroeis all otli ers lu speed, esse aud sluipll) lty, nnd will do ruor iork dsv lruand dsy out, thsu any other saw In the wurld, sud I will back It against any icspon' Rllie saw luntiurscturer. -'Exact slzn and shape of Lightning Teeth for tho Centennial year, and show ing the use of my special cant r lie. The above cut represents the use of my tpcelsi files, msds to lit the angle of the tho toetb,Jdress Ing both points at a single blow, making the saw the simplest, and cheapest' to file in the world. The shortening of the tocth the thickness of a ptsce of paper, (which is all any single tooth ronetratef), leaves but little dressing necessary. For the undulled edires of the outside of M, the third surface of the tile Is nil that will be needed. They are mads 2d cut of highest quality, llj the use of this Hie all difficulty Is removed, and cost of filing Lightning Cross cut saws st the factory Is two cents per foot; bucksaws, four cents each. The cost of tho 10 inch for crosscuts Is SO cents each ; fire Inch for buck saws, half price. A large stock kept constantly at my store, 80 Beekman Striet, New York. 1 will furnish my latest Improved 1670 pattern Cross-ruts, at 70 cts. per foot, and the ons man saws at same price,for Cash In advance, whore the Hardware Dealers do net sell the genuine latest improved Lightning &ws. Agents Wanted special Inducements. Will seed CO. D. If express charges are enclosed. Buck Saw niades, sent by mall Postage Paid at 75 cts. each. The attention of the trade la sspsclslly Invited to the vindication of my patent Saws as shown by the published Decree, Injunction and Costs of u. o. ircuri, or Dspiemuer za, reio, in ms mesa, time the other varieties of Clearing Teeth Saws have been overthrown and pronounced Invalid. My patent M Teeth alone stand as the only vindi cated Patent for Cross Cut and Buck Saw Teeth, I shall proceed at my leisure to make It Interest ing to Infringers, having retained excellent coun sel. O-My advice to' the trade Is to eease sell. tng counterfeits of my goods. I will make any of these imitation gooas at prices as low as they can be made of rood material and workmsnihlD.whlla I will furnish the genuine Patent Lightning Saw, so that H can be retailed at 70 cts. pur foot, by the dosen. Special terms mads with the jobbers and agents lor quantity. Special inducements offered to Agents For further particulars, send for catalogues. Address, E. M. B0YNTON, . SO Iloekuinn St., IV. Y. l! iooo i J V CrtAUEM0E Hew Advertisements. All Immense stock oi LADIES', GENTLEMEN'S and CHILDREN'S Boots, Shoes and Gaiters, of Best Make, nt Low Prices I Also, at VERY LOW FIOUIlEfl, n full assortment of Fash enable Males of Gentlemen's and Youths' HATS and CAPS. PvT"Agcnts for tho Acme Slilrt the best lilting garment over nmtle, Leave your McriBtiru tor them. LAURY & PETEllS, Merchant Tailors, 1'. O. niillillng, Lehlgliton, Pa. Oct. S, 1B75. Hid fclrtfil AND DEALElt IN GENTS' FURNISHING BANK STREET,LEHIGrHTON) Keeps constantly on hand aloree aud splendid stock of tho NEW. K9T (lOOlm. romnrlsliiff pr.AlM AND FANCY CLOTHS. OAS- HIMEHE3 and VEHTINllS. for MEN'H and IIOV'H WEAlt, which he Is' prepared to MAKE UP TO OUDEU In the very LA PEST EA-tlUON, at short notice. LADY'S, MISSES' and CIIILDllEN'H A well-selccted stock of FRItNCIl and TURKEY PEBBLE AND (1IIAIN LEATIlEll UOOTN mid Of the LATEST STY'LES always on hand BtTflE LOWEST PItlC'ES. Also, Agent for the American nnd Grover & Baker SEWING MACHINES. only one rmcE run everybody Ho! For tlie llolitlaysl Bofore buying Holiday Presents, Please Examine Packard PARLOR and Grand Manufactured by tho A, P. H0RN, Agent, All orders lclf at " THE CAIUlON ADVOCATE" OfBce vrtll receive prompt attention. Pne Lists and all other Information furnished on appilcaltou. It leu's and Women's L'ARPETS AND OIL OLOPHS A SP.ECIAITY1 137" I'rlces fully as Low as elsewhere. EX & MOM, Announce to citizens of Car hen uod adjoin ing Counties that they are now prepared to supply 1. 1 V E A N D DRESKED ItOOS. at tho LOWERT MARKET PRICES. Orders solicited, and Hogs delivered on short notice. YARD nnd OFEICE, opposite the " Northwestern House," HANK STREET, LhlliailTON. Penn'a. Jan. 13 tt REX & IIOM. J.IVIM Unit CRT'S Livery & Sale Stables, DANK TUKET.LEIIIOIITO.V, Pa FAST TROTTING HOUSES, ELEGANT CARRIAGES. And positively LOWER PRICES than any other Livery In tho County. Large and handsome Carriages for Funeral purposes and Weddings. DAVID EUBERT. Nov. 22. 1873. To Consumptives. mllE advertiser, having been permanently cured of that dread disease. Consumption, by a simple remedy, is anxious to make known tohls fellow sufferers the roeansot care. To all who desire It, he will send a copy ot the pi o scrlptlon used, (tree nt charge), with the direc tions for preparing: and using the aanie. which they will nnd a sure Cubs lor COMsuuraoN. AbTIIlti, UuoNcums. ic. Parties wishing the prescription will please address, ERV. E. A. WILSON. 1M Peun titreet, WllUumshurr, dec. 18-ma New York:, Errors of Youth. A GENTLEMAN whs suffered for years from Nervons Debility, Premature Decay, and all tne effects ol youthful Indiscretion will, for the sake of suffering hmnanlty, send free to all who need It, the recipe and directions tor making; the simplest remedy by which ha wss cured. Bufforera wishing to profit by the advertisers experlenoe oiu do so by addressing: In perfect confidence. juiin lit UUUATIi 43 Cedar St, New York . deo 18 ma IN the Orphans' Court, fir tho tho Couuty of Cai lion: Estate ot JOHN OALLAQIIEn. deceased. TheAudltor appointed by tbe Court to dls- uiDuto inorunu in me nanus ui ibo Aamiuistrs tor ot said Estate to the partlos entitled there to, will meet the parlies interested, lor tbe tmr noses of his annolntment. on Mondays FllllllU. ARY Kth, I87U, at 2 P. M., at the ottloe of Uerto- letie Loose, in aiauou unites:. W. M. ItAPSUER, Anditor. Jan !Stb, 1879, 3-w Lamyft Peters Have Just leeelved a largo and elegant Slocknf FALL and WIStEU iA O 4 Jt S a, Comprising Plain t p'nncv L'LOTIS, tlArtSIMEIlEM nnd 'VrlaTlNaS for MEti'H nnd YOU'ril'HiWEAH.whicU IlieV nrniilenareil to MAKB UPlu tho MOT l-MHIIlONAULK' RTMLe, at short notice and at low pritcs. GOODS, MOItOCCO, a LOVE KID. LASTING. KID SHOES on hand, or MADE 'IO ORDEK. mm. i.i t. d. clau&s Fort Wayne Organ Co. Lehighton,' Penn'a. TOBE! DANIELGRAVER Respectfully announces that he hns jusi received his FALL fr. WINTER stock of Dress k Dry Goods, Groceries, Provisions, AND A FUL'XINE 0$ . , Boots and SIioe$, Sept. 11, 1873. s AVE MONEY By niirclmslnp vntir Groceries 1 Provisions Also ft Chotco Vnrioty pf AT THE NEW STORE OP 17! XT unnrino JL. JLl XX u 1 j j3 Opposite the ''Carboj I Advo,fi,, 0(?c()i bank- " - uu 4 , I'll. A FULL LJNE OP CHOICE. FRESH ' Teas, Uoffees, bugars, Molasses, htJlRfia. Driorl V No. 1. Mackerel, Kerosene Oil, Tobafifins. foe. Rrt !dtrdhc& tn T.V. Z.zr..Zr "i-n i nco auowea lor BUT. TErt, ECUS and COUNTRY PR01nrHii erallv In JixchanBe for Ooodi FK0UUCB . A .Vli1 19 respectfully eolloltod. Arl1 E. It. RHOI1KH. ltlacdonaltl'H Mew Story. St. George and St. Michael. A nOMiNCll OF Cavauek asd ROUHOUBjID. Br GEORGE MACDOXALTl. Author of "Annals of a Quiet Netg-hborhood," ,..u..M -uiuueiiueuo, dec. I Vol. Iudbtiated. 12mo. cloth, i.7s. - uuiuiiuiubui uio present day have had wider sale or been moro universally omlrcd than tho stories ot this wondertilly si. r.i X ; uu. uicnaei ' is H ?, crownln effort." Columoui DUp. ..aUUUV muwiwuBmB inon enjoyable producUons. and will win him hosts if new friends and admlrers."-ar(Cora tvtt. " hLerB , Rnoa Portrait of the author, and a . , : . z. ,,,m,uu wiuvu Hmmore snan or. dlnarlly fine." fuuurur't Wukly. JS,Tl b5.52l 01 bookseller, or will bo sent to any address postpaid, on reoelnt of price. nTW 27 Part Place. New York. s " A. Weasa Ttlr to Look ffpoa." A R A , The Princess. Facsimile ot a Celebrated OU Painting by BRO. CHART, In 21 Oll-Colors-Slio, 17x22 inches. The royal beauty of face and form, rich Oriental costume, romantic Eastern landscape back ground, with lu well, palm trce, flocks, tenti, aud long stretch of desert and distant boundary ot mountains, combine to form a rare and love ly picture. It would grace tho walla at any publio or private gallerr. CANVASSERS are, wild over It, and are competing for the OAUH PREMIUMS. Send for onr splendid OrrEU. Address, J. B. FORD A CO . Jan, 15.W8 New York City. JUST W)QK AT ItER HAIR I Why t "thought it .were turning grey I So It was, nn. til she got a bottle ot tbst new fl AIR RESTOR. E a,t UUnUNO'd DRTJQ STORE. May
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