SKASONAliLE ItKCIl'KS. FROM. THE HOUSEKEEPER. Chicken Pot rio. Cut thu chicken In inmll pieces, stew riowly, nnd thick en the, Rrnvy with Btltrcil butter 'unit floor. Make a pailo of cream tnrtnr and Boda, put on tlio top, cover tight, nnd stow half tin hour. Veal Drotli,.-Four lb. scrap; of veal, and a bunch of sweet herbs, simmer In six qts. of water f when half done skim, and add an onion. Add two oi. lice, parsley, ccleiy, pepper nnd salt. Deef Collops. Cut the, Inside of n sirloin Into circular shapes, the tstzn nud thickness of a 'junrter dollar, flour, nnd fry them j sprinkle with suit, pep per, chopped pnrsley ; mako a gravy and serve with tomato xauce. Mullapatawney Soup. 5lx onions nnd half pound butter, pound well, nnd ndcl three spoonfuls curry powder, n llttlo cayenne nnd salt. Hi at nil togeth er, with some India plcklo nnd Hour, and stir Into tlireo qts. of strong beef soup. Let It boll halt nn hour, rub through n sieve, nnd suite with lice. Roast Reef, with Yorkshire pudding, and vegetables. Ono pint bol'lng milk tba'smnll loaf of bread, ciumbed fine, four eggs, n little salt and Hour. Halm In n tin under tho drippings of tho beef. Bread pudding. One pt, bread crumbs covered with milk, ndd cinnamon, lem ora peel, nnd grated nutmeg ; put them on a gentle fire until the crumbs are well snaked. Tnko out Ilia cinnamon nnd lemon peel, bent the milk nud crumbs together, ndd four eggs well benten, 1 oz. butter, 2 oz. sugar, half pound cunnuts, and bull It one hour. Orange Custard. The Julco of six oranges, strained, and sweetened with lonf sugar ; stir over a hIow (lie till the sugar Is dissolved, tnking off tho scum ; when nearly cold add thu yolks of siv eggs well bciUen and a pint of orea'.u (or milk). Stir over llui fire until It thickens, and serve In glaeses. Do'ablo the quantity If required, Corn Hrcnd. Ono pint flo'ur, ono pint corn meal, mix thoroughly while dry with threo heaping toaspoonfuls baking powder; ono cup sugar, two eggs, n little salt and Fhortcnlng. Mix with n quart of milk or water. Quick Buckwhy.t Cakes. To ono piut of buckwheat flour whilo dry add three leasyioonf.Ms baking powder, one teaspoonful fait, ono talelspoonlul mo lasses. VHien ready to bnko ndd cold water or milk to form a batter, nod bnko Immediately on a hot griddle. Thu baking powder should never bo put in to tho batter, but always mixed with Hour while dry. Cocoanut Bread Fuddlnc. Soak half cup dessicated cocoanut In boiling hot milk for halt an hour or more, then add it to the usual bread pudding prepara tion (the quantity of tho bread being about three times as much ns tho cocoa- nut). Enrich and Haver to suit. This you will find to be a very pleasant and economical uesscrt. Dry Beans. Look over, wash thor- oughly In warm water, then put to boll with twice as much water as beans. Do not soak them nor turn oil any wa ter. Cook gently until they can be mashed between the thumb and finger. Do not boll them to pieces ; ndd more water if necessary. The proportion re quired will vary with the quantity of beans cooked, tho water not evapora ting so rapidly from a large quantity as from a small ono. Have them own full of water when done, it any must bu added late, let it bo done ten or fitteen minutes before dishing, and In the meantime let it boll up so that tho juice may not be watery and tasteless. If any salt is to be added, let it bo done either just before dishing or upon the plate. Time for cooking will vary from two to three and a half hours. Winter Succotash This may bo made with LImas,horticulturals,garden beans or white field beans. The latter are seldom used for succotash, but they mako it very nicely. The method of proceeding In ench case la the same. Boll the beans, without soaking, untllliree fonrths dono. In the meantime put an equal amount (dry) of dried sweet corn, with three parts of water, and let it steep on tho stove for two hours with out bolllnc ; then add It to the beans. and let them cook together gently until the beans are Serve warm and do not break the beans. Macaroni. Olive Ilarper writes "When you dice eat of macaroni, as it Is prepared in Italy, you 11 ml it like the Turkish coiren something tho soul de lights In. Why don't we have niacnro nl cooked tho same way ? Wo have an insensate way of tumbling n handful Into a basin of soup, which comes out pasty stuff, good for nothing. I took the pains to get an authentic recipe for cooking macaroni, and for nil who wish n most delicious, easy nnd cheap dish, I write It i Take three pints of beef soup, clear, and put one pound of macn ronl In it, and boil fifteen minutes, with a little Bait ; then take up tho macaroni which should have absorbed nearly all the liquid and put It on a flat plate, and sprinkle crated cheese over It thick ly, and pour over nil plentifully a sauce made oi tomatoes, won uouca, strained, and seasoned with salt nnd peppcr.Some people prefer to only put the cheese on it, but I prefer it with the tomato as well. If anybody don't llko that when it Is done, it Is because they don't know what Is good." Veal Cake. Bone a broast of veal, and cut in slices; cut also slices of 1mm, and boll six eggs hard ; butter a doap pan, and place all In laye.s, one over the other, cutting the eggs lu slices, and seasoning with cayenne, chopped herbs, nuchovy, .or uuy high flavored sauce. Cover, auD bake four hours, and when taken from thu oven lay a weight upon It ; when cold turn It out. Baked Quince Tuddlug. Scald some quinces till tender, pare, and scrape off tho pulp ; then atrow It with ginger, cinnamon, .and sugar.To a pint of milk, or cream, put thu yolks of four eggs and stir In the quince to a proper consisten cy. Bake In a dish lined with paste. Canned quinces can be used It neces sary. Wlnlbeg PuddlDg. Pound and sift Ave crackers, nnd mix with a cup of boiling water, one of sugar, and the Juice, and' peel of a lemou. Bako In a crust. The Daily Patriot, THK NEWel'ArEH OK CENTRAL I'KNN SYLVAN I A. PUM.IHHED EVEIIV M0RN1N0, BUN KXOlOPTIiD. DEMOCRATIC IN POUUCB. Contains the mint N'ewa flora all liatla of tli world mint tcllablo ImaucHl Reports lb latest C.'tnmcicial noMs-eorioct nnd full Mili um Reports complete Local Intelligence hut lorlals tin entrant Topics Persouii. anil State NMrn-UnnwumulCJco nnd Notes of I'tnvel--Minc llauoous Aiilcios-Oilmnnl nuil Biloottd run la the HH8T ADVKRTIfllNtl MEDIUM IN CEN TItAL PliNNBA I VAN1A. Tcimsof Uio Dolly t ti.w iier annum, cash In ndvsiico The Weekly Patriot Is n lm shoot of elitlit rgea, containing forty, oiflit columns ot matter duvoted to Liter ituro At-rlcn. tun-, nuil tho Mtvoniemmit of tho uust Interests of Hi, peniili. TkiiHsofhib WRKKLT t tlio tier nnnmn for MiirloeiiiHtm I copies i. in each per iii umi raoli poi-nimiim t 10 coplei, 1. 10 cueiipcr iinmiiin 21 cop, e. fioo cncli per tin nuui u) coiufH, uj cts cniii per annum. 1 ho c.inh must In all cases accompany tho oi. ilir. All cluti pHCK icos will bo iiduroiscd only on the ouusnle mapper to ono portion. The puxtnjre nn thu DAILY and Wkeki.t trill In all CIIKiH III" pivpuill 1)1' till) pub HhHii-. noiii'ltnm es mint be lnudo by 1. O. order, roirlAtct eil loiter or cheek pnyabiotii the order ot l ho 1'iitHot I'nbilnblug Co. Money entru-tcd to the molls will bo at tlio rink ot tho sender. Address I'ATIIIOT PUBLIRHINU CO., Pec. 53. UaiTisbuig, 1'n. EARTH AND 'iITOJlH .1. 1. A Nil "THE WEEKLY GRAPHIC." Uio Lantost, Cheapest nnd Hunt Illustrated Ncwsr.Ver, tho Weekly Edition of Th Only rallMlhtltim ripw la lht, lal the MoTirl Home Paveii of America Twelve largo pairei i boiMitltuI lllimtratlons i a nnr.n.'icpiit rvopnKO ateel ipimxliietlou ot n reliOi'.'uteil picture i serial ami Rliorc Morloa'i lasIJ niaj neue; trnvela, to..lo eve-y nuuiber. Only 8'J SO per Year. Uoatly nud uefnl piomlunn Klvon to oluba. "Vho larirest cash coniuilaRlmi'4 to iiKcnta ot nnv liaper. wilto for Bpeeiiuen. THU UK.U'HK.' UOMI'ANV, (lecll-3w 3VII Park: riaoe. New Vork. I'AIUVIEW FA11M l'OU BALK Tnla dealiabla projioi tv H lomued In Abington Township, MouiKom. cry Co.. l'a., ten lnllea notlli of l'hllailelplila. coinpnslnir 67 ncr. 8 acres of which are wood, anil, nnd thn i eiouiMilcr arable land In a high state of mil. tivatlon. The lniprocnientiiirnftlnipe Htnno Mnnalon Homo, containing 19 rooms i a lareo Hani with all tlio necossiry ontbulhlingii TUe localltyls proeiblilv healthy and Is conveni ent to placosof worship, -cnoola.l.lbrailen etc. T'or particulars ndiHei. T1IOMAH II. HHO'i. MAKUlt, 1341 North nth ht.. I'hibdelohla, HKNHV U. SHILI.INaVOllD. 125 Soath fourth St l'hlliilelplila, the Best Investment ! AN Industrial Exhfbition Bond, WHOLE BONDS,$20 each. HALF " $10 " QUARTER " 5 " 8 ALLOTMENTS ANNUALLY. All 3lond p.irtlclpato In each B.rie drawlni until redocineil. Each Ilond will roccly more than Its co.t. All tho risk n pnrchascr rnns Is tho loss of a portion of tho tntoroBt. A wholo Bond tnnht receive ono of the follow Ins Preinlnma. Sat, S"iO, SIOO. $200, 800, $1,000. SU.OOO. $5,000, $10,000, $l5,ooo, $100,000. Tortlonaof roniti rccoivo tho!r proper pro. portion Next Allotment, March C, And in April, June, July, September, October, December, lSiU. BUY A BOND NOW AND IT PARTICIPATES IN EVEltY DRAW ING TILL IT IS REDEEMED. Fractions or Drawn Bonds, in March Glh Premium Allotment, $rf cach. BEND FOll INDUCEMENTS TO CLUHP. How to Purchase. Ttemlt by Kxpresa, r-oatal Onler, Dank Draft. CortlUod Checks, lteeistcrod letter, or order through nny Barm or Ilaiikina House, payable to thn order of the Becrotary of the lmlustiial exhibition Company, 12 East t'th Htroet. New Yr.rk. specially chartered by the State of New York, for the purpo'O ot bunding In Now Yolk A Palace or Indus try. It Is offered and controlled by the nUest and mtisf distinguished business men, of Now Yo'k. Gtx'i John (1. Kobixsok, (Kx. Lieut. Oot, of New York,) Vmt'l Hon. W. Ii.Orant, Ylo-rre't. E. P. Pokp, Sec. DIRECTORS. (len'l J. Condlt fmitli.- llulT.ilo. James M. Seloyer 17 Broad St, N. Y. City. l'aul N. Bpoffi.rd 29 Uroadmy, N. Y. City. (len'l John M.Corno Chlcago.111. W. V. BchalTer 18 E. C'Jth St.. .N. Y.CIty. Andrew UcKlnley fit. Louis, Mo. 0, A. C.llsrnett 78 DuaneSt, N. Y City. Lloyd 0. IHrtlett 61 li. 15th St, N. Y, City. K. M. Ounhtnan... 48' Droad St , N. Y. City- O ILPenDoU Hartford, City. A. Well 07 Unlferilty I'lara, N. i. City. K. N.glmpwn 1S1 E. 93-1 St, N. Y.CIty. 0. A. Stevens Appraiser, 0. U, N. Y, City. lion. W. L. Orant OoTlneton, Ky. .1. 8. 0. Hurt Cincinnati!, 0. E. A. lloyd 70 Murry St., N. Y. City. Oeo. W. Qulntard 177 West St, N. V. City. Ueo. W.MrXeai l'res't N. Y Stock Exchange, (labrlel Kellur, lbnkcr, &2 Kxcbange Place, ,.. N. Y.CIty. Albert L. Catlin Durlintton. Vt. Win, . Darke, Drake Ilros, bankers N. Y. John J. Anderson St. Louis and New York. Warren Mnrdock New York. Hon. John O.Itoblnkou, lllnsbauipton.nnd N. Y.CIty. TUUSTEEJi OF MANAGE II L. W. Winchester, Troai. National Express Company N.Y City Ueo. A. McDonald, 23 E.3)st St., N. Y, City Noix. $5 wilt purchase a Fraction participates " MARCH C AEliOTMET. If It draws less than t'l Company wl) take It back as In the purchase of a wholo bond or tho Industrial Exhibition Co. of New Yoik. Plotts' Star Organs. Kvery lnstrnmcnt fully warranted. Factory and otlloo, vyashlugtou, N, J, Corrcepondcuco solicited. Now Advertisements. Fits awl Epilepsy positively vimun. Tlio worst cn.f s of tho lonnoit atahdlnir by natng dii. tii:iiiiAiti'8 ouuiii. IT HAS CUBED THOUSANDS, An I will cue ll.onoforn case It will not bone, lit. A bottle antit I'ten to all addioaluir J, 13. litliltl.KK. rbpinlai Ofllrn 1IIM l.rn ilw iy NV a WE q n day nt home. Agouti wanted. Outflf 51 A nnd terma frco. TllUKA Co.. Ancustn SUIne, Foit is7g. m JOURNAL, I AIIonselioldWceklyMiiguzine liBvnruii io POl'f I.All I.I PEItATUttE, AND A 1,1. MAT TEll Of TASTK. AND Cl'I.rUKE. aitlktokb' Jouns'At. appears In new typo nud Mlthotht!- meehaniciil iinpioveminrs lunklrnr It tho haiidsimiestweeKlyllteinryiiuriial lu tho country Arrunoxs' IoUiimal iilina to bo com. Plilieiisive, lncluiliug In Its plan nil lirntuiica ot ilteratnio. and titatltiK n l anljcclsot Interest tu lutelliirent readers i It designs to bo elevated Inmate ainl puio lutonoj It Kiyes In quantity fully tweiitv-flvo per cent, moro than tho l ire;, cat ot the iLontblv Magazines, while In quality Its Uteintutolsuf tlio blithest class. 1'RIUE, 14 per Annum i 10 Cents por Number. Special AnnouncGinonfc. Tha tuidciElmod hnvo pmcuicd, exuluslvelr for siibaeribciK to AvibBion' JouiiNAh, n splendid stcol enRi-avlncot "Charles Dickens in His Study," which la offered, under special teiraa. to every sub'cribei In nov.iiice to Journal for i70. This sieel eturiiivtuif Is In line mid stipple. It la not n taucy plctnro but nn actual I eprrisenln. tiou ol C'hailoa Dlckena' study at Oaitshlll.wliilo tio potti alt ot the distinguished author is strlk liiKlr faithful , ..... Tho lxo of tlio plato Is 2Cx-4 printed on heavy plato piper S4x3). maklncii laiite and handsomo en.'iaviiiB for tho pallor or liuran wil l, lae uxruutloii o( the platen of a supeilor order. Ti,o ordinaiy pneo ot a steel epirmvnn of this character m tho prlnt-Mious would mil bo Inis than i'o, nnd perhaps nix Dollais. It H offer. eduxelusle,.v to sulwribers, lu iiddilinii to the J OUICAI. lor one j lar, for 5 00-that 1-, tm- additional each veal IV advance subsciilior to the JOUKNAI. lor Wo may TLcelvu a snprroou. Binvlnr w.iitb fnllv nvo ilioen tho amo int. Tni encraviuu entirely now. it has uov e been for .ilo in the print shops, and cannot b obtained ecopt lu connection with AlTMriONs JouitNALupon tlmtoniH nuil condiiioiH plven above. It will bo mailed to subfcribcru poetaRO picpaid. D. API'LETON & CO , 549 nnd 581 Buoadway, New York. CO i B5 XgHo aca . hp.1 ? s . Ho k S . P.S5HB, T,'MPf.Ok MKNT. male and female, sa'ary or J commission. Wo pay Agents n salary ot iMO a week and expenses. Kuiikiia -MANLT'il Co, Ha'ttord. Conn. 1'intlnilarsfeo. IR. MAK. iw VorU. has ost ilillslHMl an Ol'KiOK IN PinttuiiU'lIIA for tho cure ot HIP DIMEASH WIUTK BWELL INH. -il'INAI. OUHVUH, CONTRACTU!) I.I M US nnd ULUIl FEET, without cuttlnir Cords or imvSurslcal Operation, or nil hours omiflncmetit to bed. and uiosttr without pant. I nlH Is tho result of thirty' oxperlem-o u of which were In NowYmk city, rorlullln. foiuiatlon as to tieatmont ami How to nvoid fraud and deception, send for schodulo. uraee; trying 110110.1117 wuiuui strect.cvcry Monday from 8 a. ni. to 4 p. in. ASTONUIII.G I "IV'rfy days, nnd .Yiaemi ial 1 ovtrthrown" Futnro events proyliecieu by rnh g 111 BUN NEll'S PltOPHETlU HOOK. Fortunos toro. told In tho ups and do win of prices (or tho next twontv ycais: tho lnturo Judged by the past. What rears to mako money on plK-iron, boes, corn, provisions, cotton, aud when we-wllt liaro tho next panic, what year hard time will. end nnd busino revive again, Evory fanmr.niau ufneturer, lecltlraato trador and Bpeiu.ator should have this book to know tho future, fo as to nvoid loss and bo succeaful. Sent .0 any name, post paid, tor tl. Address M AMU EL llli-KNErt, llauibndite. Boas Comity, O. FITS, Epilepsy, Falling CURED. Fits This in no humbnir. For information. Inquire ofor write to MuYKH IU10TJUJ1W, Wholo- eaio Druggists. nioinuMpurp, uuiumoia Co., i'q O OOn r!" dav nt home Simp lei $U H StJ worth l,fru. Stixsok k Co. Furtland, Maine, cTpSYCAOiiANUV. OH SOUh (JIIAKlUNtl.' How either sex may taBclUHteaudg.tln the loTe and atTectlotia of any person Uwy chiwue. In stantly. This art alt eau posseFsfree, by mall n for 25 rents; tojrether with a Marriage Guide; KRjpt Ian Oracle, l)ram, units to Ladles, etc. l.uoo, 000 sold. A queer book, Addresa T, WILLIAM & CO-.l'iibf, rhlla. M US. C. do TSCHIItSCIIKY, Next to Deborde'a Jewelry Store, 3ANK STREET, LEIIIGHTON, Pa. Calls tho attention ot the Ladles ot Lehlgbton and vicinity to tho faot that the keeps a full assortment ot Berlin & Gormantown "Wool, IMPORTED AND DOMESTIC EMnilOID EIIIES, NOTIONS, HIIillONS, Ladios' and Children's Jlose, GEIIIIIAJV FRUITS, LIMBEUOKIt & UWITZBU CHUESE, CANDIES. CONFECTIONS and a variety of other urtlcleu not usually kept lu any other atocr lu LchlKhtou. ' , A share of public patronage Is kollcltcd, and satisfaction guarantoed. Jan. 8, ui3 Plotts' Star Organs Are celebrated for their purity of tonoi elegant deelau and tlinrongtit construction, Hcnil for ratulogue. Address, JJtnVAHU PLOTTH, .Wuthliigtou, N. J. at x usa S illirMOJfOl'OLY OVllltCOJiKt FIIIST 0LAS9 BEWINQ MACHINES NOW OtTKHEl) AT 1'ltIUKS WITHIN THE IlEAOH 01' ALL. Tho Mclean a Iiennoii ji Aoiiime co.. 213 Nnith ElRhtli btrcit, l'lillndetphla, nru uow ellluit their Superior io. i siviivg nuvmxi:, Completo, with tjiriro Walnut Tables and n full line of Attachmenii, for TWUNTV-FiVK UOI.LAUS. u CTon ry reapoct equal to other makes horeto. old lor tm itvciybody outtht to know urornn affonlto do It. because Wo dnuot oro sol inniwoeaii airoiato no it. iei.ntim wo i n imt employ camawoia, mb'dlo-men or persuade!, but tell direct to tho puoplo at a tensonsblt profit. Ihoicreio wenio euibled to supply a Hutiertor Kewinir Machine nt the unprecedented Low I'll'e of Twentv-llTe Uollara do nor uiirwnnoiil bcinn fully posted, and do not let anyone humbug you liitopayliiir IK) ort7U. when yon can not the beat fur fa, but call nt onio at our Bnlearoouia and examine for yoitrBulvos MCLEAN A 11ENN0U MACHINE CO.. K3N.EU11ITU St, Philadelphia. Hept45,IS75-M Ploits' Star Organs. .. d for pi Ice list and Hat of testillanom addrcac 12DWAHD 1'I.OIB. Wushluston, N. TirOTIl EH3, Look nt that Child, It ha LUVonns. aooraemlatonce to DUltLINfTH llllliy STOitE. nno Kct a bottioof hit WOIIM HYltuP, so pleisaiil and yot ao Bure. liny u c. A. SEYMOUR, M. I. DlttlO STOllR. N. W. rnrnei- TltlTl. TEEN 111 and JlllOWN Streets. Philailolphln, la moio than usunllysiicressfiilin the treatment of lilood. Sttiu and Orlnary Affoctli ns mseaies nrmuip inmiiftn inipriKienoe or eariv liuiiscro. tlnns, or whero tho patties nlll cted du not cam to apply to their rcfrnlar phjulcian. Uhargos modeiate. Two-thlnla ol tho Doctor's tutlcnts have employed him solely through the rrcom. iiiendutlnu ot others. Inly 24i 1 Plotts' Star Organs Are lu casos warranled not to crnok or warp If properly used. Send for cntalo'tio Address, 11DWAUD l'LOTl'6, WOSIllllKton, N J. jyjlSS.,S. E. FATZIXGIM, MillinerlDress Maker, One door abuvo Durllne's DruK Stole, UANK Street, Lchisrliton, Pcmin., Has Just opened a splendid assortment of the latest siyics 01 opiiug nuu summer Millinery Goods! Comprlslnp; II AT B, I10NNI5TS, T II IM MINQy, JlAIil UOOUa and NOTIONS to which ho Invites tlio Httciillnn of the Ladies of LehiKhton ami vicinity. r" Ladles own Material liinilo up to order at short notice and nt lowest prices. Also, Dealer In Groceries Provisions, 1EAH, COri'liF,, SU0A1I1. P1MCES AND PHUIIS. H.M , HI10ULDE11S, nIDE-MKAT, Ac. Ac. PLOUH AND FEED, Of tl-n UeFt llranila at pilcei fuUyna low as els hero. 'I ho lllirhcst Stirket l'llcepildforall kinds of COUNTUY PHOOUCE, n Hxehano 'or Ooods. A abaro of pabllc pntlonaj;e Is mllo'tnl. MKS. 8. E. FATZINOEn. May 15-vl mm Hurp issea lu T0110 and Power any Uoed Oruan heiotoloro mauularturcd lu this conn ly. It has becu tested by niauy compel mt Jnilnos a d GIVES CNIVKltSAI, tJATIBFAUTION. Ily a skillful nao of tho Stops. nnd of the Patent Unco Swell, tho Wusio is adapted to tho human olco, rmiRinir from tho softest, Uutc-liko noto to a volume of sound. Unsiiriins.sed by nny Instrument. Tho proprietor has noted caref nllv for many yours the imperfections nnd noedsof the Hood Instruments, and diroctod his practical expoib enco to tlio correction of such Imperfect diip, nud Ills experiments have icoillU'd li, tlio pro duction ot n quality ot T0110 winch asslirliutos socltaoiy to tho Pipe Organ Quality That It lsdimcult to (tlslincnlah botweontho two. This Instrument lias ALIj THE LATEST IMPROVEMENTS. And every oriMii Is Hilly warranted. Lare Oil Polish, Black Walnut, Paneled cases that WILL NOT QUACK Oil WAKl', And forms In addition to a splendid Instrument of music. A I11JAUTIFUI. PIEOB Of FURNITUItB. This oriran neods onlv to bo seen to bo appre ciated and Is sold at KXTHKMKI.Y LOW PBia.cS Tor 018I1 Second baud Instruments taken la exchange. AGENTS WANTED. (Male or fomalo.) In every county In tho United Htate.8 and Canada. I.locral discount luado to leacners, Aiimsiora, unurcios. ijoqRes, no., wbero thoro Is no agent tor tho 'Star' Organ. Illustrated catalogue and pnce'.t st free. Cor. resnondenco solicited. Aiwrcsa tho niamrrao. lurcr. EDWARD PLOTTS, Wusliliifton, N. J. way ii-yj pon good jon printino, call at - TI1K OAflBON ADVOCATE OFFICE Work ready when proralsoxl, and at city prloos, De euro to call-it will pay to do ao. ANKLEOANTBUHniirtAS ltKslDKNCB at Chcatnut Hill, with Two and a Half Acres of highly Improved and ornamental Lawn and Qarden, beautifully situated on the Reading Turnolko. tnu minutes walk from tho railway depot, and commanding a fine view of the Wltaaklcken, Valley and Its romantlo sur. roundlngB. For aalo or to let. with or without Furultnre. For terms and cards to view the premises apply to thuh. 11. muuk&iak.ici(, liHl I. iuirvooui.u ni, lb I 41. oixiu LINQFORD, 12b South Fourth Ut., PhUa. EMPLOTMENi1.- Men. women "and aicnts. wo have Just what you reed. Our 0 x 11 Moan- tod enromos ouueil nnvtuing lu uio maraui. Mr. Pel sons writes 1 "Istruik out testoiday. nuil liv wnrklnir mhv fmii. hnnrn. elainil B." A lady has lust reported her profits for the foronoou as 15 1 yeatorday up to two o'clock the clearod (7.M. we can prove without question that ono agent ordered 5,6(of tbeso chromos lu eleven womlni; dai b. We havo tho lai K0"t and tlncat assortment In the United. Stalest ncai hundreds of choice subjects from which to se lect. Wo will Bend villi au assorted 100 ot the best selling on receipt of laoo. Bend In your orders or Klve us a can, riainpio by mall on: fort I. J, r.ATIIAfll A, CO., til) Washington Ut., llotton, Mass P.O. 110X5151. pct,tL T IlEILMAAt & CQir BANK STREET, Eohighton, Pa., MU.I.Ens and Dealers In !Tloiiitf& Feed. All Kind; of tlltAIN lloUUIITaiiil HOLD at i.i'.uui.ari juanftm' llATEa. We would, also. Insnnntrnllr Inrnfm nnrnlll. tens thst wenio now fully prepared to B UP PLY tliem with Mast of Cosil From my Mlqe dcsli cd at VEllY LOWEST l'UICES. M. HE1LMAN CO. Jul) ts. '$1,500,000." Is the avcrngc monthly profit estimated to be paid to holders of stock privileges by various bankers In Wnll ttreet. Tho house of Messrs. Alexander Forthlng. ham & Co., 12 Wnll street. Now York, who possesses a world-wide roputntlun for their strict Integrity, offer to send gratuitously for 0110 year their Finan cial Weekly Kcpottcr, nnd a nook ex plaining how sums from ten dollars to thousands may bo Invested. Thoso who Invest llttlo havo the samo advan tage as largo operators. Send for their Weekly. Ho3ton Post, Nov. 12th. Address, Alcx.'Frolliinglinm &'Co., Hankers and brokers, 12 Wall St., N.Y, t VTONDElirUL, BUT TItUE I Whenever I " cctn nOTI'LE OP YO l'Tll on Slu.voo. j iajn 11AI.SI, humi; TiisT. or a HOX of LII.. LY WHITE, or anvthinK In that lino to beautl IV tho complexion, at DUltLINQ'S DltUO HTOltE, It seems to bo Iilcet and better than I can coi anvwneio eise. May 8. rpilE SLATINOTOK PLANING MILL AND Cabinet Ware Factory, AT SLATINGTON. JOHN BALLIET, Proprietor, DpflU In nil kltn.9 nnd alzes n( I'lne. lloinlnck uiiK intii Jinru v p'in Miinbcf, nud is now pi c- Brossol) Lumbolt OF ALii KINU3, Doors, Snslics, llllmls, Slmttor,), Moiildliiurs, Cabinet Wnro, Ac, With Prmnptness, Brackets Made to Order. Tho Machinery Is all now and of the best and must improved kloils. I employ none but thn best woiKiiieu, use well sfn.uinoil and good ma tetlsl, and amlhoietoronblntogiia'antee entire sati'fnotiou to all who mav favor mowlth a call. Orders bv mail piompily attended Ut. My cbsrjiei are moderatni tonus cash, or Interest charged alter thirty days OIVE ME A CAf.U n7 Thoso enraged In Iluildlnz will find It to their adv.iutafifi to liivo Millue, finor Hoards, ijoors, asnoe, Miuiitis, .to., tse nn ue at tnis Foi torv. May uyl JOHN JliTIiLIET. ZToiiso nnd lot for snle, Bituito In the Hormi&h of Lotiifihlon. Tlio lltmsn 1 About Z4 x 23. with KHcrtcn utlacliCMl. ami tho lot Is about k of an boi. 1 here Is a en od yte of water ou tho iiremt'ipa. Tho rentftl of tlio property will uot about 10 per cent, on tho puiohnMo monoy. For further paniculate upp.y at i he cauuo.n advocate offlco. Plotts' Star Organs Any ncrsori wlsblne to purchase a parlor orenn. whom thorn la no agent for tho 'Stat.' would do well to wnto tor special intes, to introduce this Instrument. ddross, UDVVAP.D, PLOrTS, WSBIUUKlon. fi- J. T. URADY, SPECULATOR in SMOKE Has taken up bis quarters at the CENTEN NIAL CIOAIl and TOBACCO S.MPOIII Ull Leibenguth's Building BANK SrilEIiT, LEHIOIITON, where may bo found at all tlmca a full Una ol the cholcost brands ot CIGARS AND TODACCO, BIUARWOOD and other PIPES cheaper than at any other place outside oj Phi. ladelphla. P. T. BRADY. aug.7,l615-tf. Organs Any person, male or female, who has allltle leUuro time can procure a nrsuclasa Instrument at a greatly reduced f rice. Send stamp tor particulars. Address, KPWARO PLOTTS, Washington, N. J. JpOU SAUG OR TO LET. A ONK-BTORY FRAME BUILOINR, bnllt expressly for a PlIOToa I.APH15R, or would. Suit a OIOAII-MAKUR, BHOEMAKElt or TAILOll. Will be sold very Cheap for CASH or ou short tlmo with approved security. ; Apply atTUlU OFFICIi. JunelJ-tf jManhattan OIL Company, OF NEW VORK. Lubricating; anil Illuminating OIK ffll, N. MARCUB.Tioom U. Mershauta' Kx change.' THIRD and WALNUT Street. Phlla. delphla.Pa. N0T.S0.1SJ3. n?!1.1? i'J!J'!f',.f.1,.5d-wonld roTOMtfolly latom aUetbrVi!itXyTu l4iimlci Yard In conneotlon with their NEAH TUB L. B. UKPOT, WEISSPORT.Penns., And that they havenowon band an IMMUMIB BTUUK OF I IIOUOUOLV 8HIA0M1D LUMllUlt, SUCH All Rough rino Uoartls, isurinccti rino Uoards, Flooring, llomlook and line. Blillngs, of all kinds, Shingles, nn Immona stock, Hooting and Celling Lath, Scantling, And, lu faot, I.UMIiEllof srery deseHnttoQ the very mwEsr mahket piuojc. Wo are also nrennrnd tn fnmt.h Dmi.npn. and othors with a superior article of HAtiD aiiltabln for WAHONRY WOHK. PI.ASTBU i"Ui xe.. aq , at HeniarkablTlAiwThrarM. We have constantly on hand a large stank .1 HAW HI) FIHKWOljD.Vhloh we se'l "nUr or small quantities, s( PKICB8 TO SUIT YOUIt rOUHii't'3. u" Otm MottoHONEST COUNT LOW, KUOM, Ycakcl & Albright, Weissnort. Air- M 'Carbon Cenntr. rm. T K. ItlCKFIlT, O . Opposite L. & S. Denot. On tho East Weissport Canal Dank llespectf ully lnfotmB the cltliens of this nelnl ty that he keeps constantly on hand and8KI.I.R at tho LOWEST MARKET PIIICES, tho vory llEsTllltANDSof ' ' Also, pkalkh in FOR BUILDINO AND t'TltEB PT7BF0BBS which he guarantees lobe Thoroughly Seasoned, AND WHIICU HE IB NOW SELLING AT TI1E VEKY LOWEST RATKS. Coal I Coal 1 1 WHOLESALCand RETAIL. at taa LOWK3T CASH rBtCKS. Ilebaaa a number el very eligibly located In ItirKF.IlTSTOWN, rranklln TewnsU which ho wlli Hell on very B.asy ierms. Aug 0. J K. RIGKERT. TJUY IT I TRY IT I J-'1IER PL8TEIW to 1TIE INDIA IIU tor a Weak llaok, DU M INtI has triirn, U4T .0!)!)!)"lloVKVpl" ALL. Only two TJlmsa ' O ily two Dimes. "It Is always dark, stbormeday" To any leader who will send 2- cents to uj.wo will "end oue box of &W9 wbleh wo guaratitev will put you In tho way to roam (.01 a month, and not take half your time Sal, table lor men or women, boys or girls and la entirely new. Thnuan ia cm now secure pay. lug buslueai. and eointint Incouu This Is tha "cliancu ol a lifetime," and It you will not em. tuueo it tell your friends, for It ISA rouruKK for ooie worthv deserving person who needs a helplim hand Not arecloe, Jewelry, or other huuibuz, but a safe and BURR guaraateed busl i esi opportunity, "ample pox. circulars. Ae., (to., aro lent nt cost, 2 cents, only to introduce It- none free, anil none need reply unless they wnnt to mako a year clear. Hundreds ara waking that, and 2) cents and "JWwill show vou "how 'tis done." Addrais HUNTER A t,0 Hinsdale. N. II. $ DOWN WITH HARD TIMES, $ Save JIoilPT an 'o "Io buy where you can, OET YOVh IIONCX'S wonTH, The Great N. B. Dollar Hale. 3J Ilroomlieltt, St. Boston. Mass. slnco IS73 has sold goods to lM.OOO 'patrons. It offers every variety nf Dry. Faney. and Rtapla (looils (Irocorlos, Hooks, Cutlery, Glass Ware, Ac, Ac, at about half pilcn, and sells BVSar. TII1KG AT ONLY ON1S HOLLAR First Ilnillls It buys from manufacturer . . and first hands; and can sell or II what country dealers ask 12 and (1 for. Tina is no " tickets or lott.ry. Bea our circulate, and i&s the thousands of artlele offered at only II. We aro endorsed by the best popota of Boston, and by 100,000 patrons. Sea ourclicuiars. Wo Cnil ""d 0l "or goods at less than, auv other house. We send by mall pr express O. O. S3., and let yon see goods before, buying, Wo want agents everywhere. Nn risk, no capital needed. OlIO Cdlt bnys a postal car. Send one. for , . all our papers, clrenlara ana llital Wo can and do seU IJartieles. I books. be al lor A sinolb dollar, Beautiful Rings, Pins! It- J0"1'"'', sets. Pipes, Violfps.Onluis, Caators in fact SouO articles aU at II. hemd Now. and save money. You can do It, please try. Ad dress all orders to H. flRM ISTQN A CO.. N. E. DOLLAR SALE, f? nronmaeld St. Bolton. Mas Nov. wn- 17 70 A National Family Taper 187ft The Orcat Family Paper of America, the onlv paper exposing every swindler, quaek and hum bug. and savir mWimt to the public, is now ready tor the Centennial campaign, and IOO.WCi more delighted subscribers. The Star Spangled Banner efgh'tfe: 4o.colnmn neper. Lrdger sise. overflnwina wita charming Stones, Tales, Sketches. Poetry.Wlt, ll'imor and Fun. It gtyes alt new KeoipeJ Bights. Secrets Art.. Ac, Ao.. has a Children's Depattment, a Medical Baosrtment. Puis'er'a Corner, etc, etc, oud la i perfia Family Paosr, IIUMllUGsi" P!"liris to ixroas every iiT.A. iFrBB4, Swindler, and . n.eAr. number has nva columns of truthful, rohapie statementa. No aawdust, lot tery gift, bonil or "put and call" game can ever eaten" you if you read this great paper. It ex- E?2! ifli-?!Sn'lier"3yltTi0u lMr orlTvor.and gives a list of over 1000. with names and 'gsmes." Tt Cnsts ""ta a year, and is sent pre At yosts everywhere. It is just the pa per for ry homo. Southern or Northern. Is ! not political, religious or sectarian. It imhi for all. started in 1S&3, it has gone oa for IS years, and la read by loo.uoo people. Ton want Hand will bayoiUmtim. Why NOT now f Elegant Chromo,. KFveMI mos.l worth 11.09 each), alas Oxll Inches, finely mounted, aud we orfer AKr roua of tkete gema and Uannkh a whole year, all frrA tor ll. Ttteaa are enun chromoa, saitable for, any parlor W other promtnms ered. ' AT n.t Wnr1 eader, remara ber H7 Is cur J-iast "Ortl. untrj'acnianlal.Durlac this one year do taka a national, patriotio, wide awake paper' one thst 1 for BIOiiT ana against wrong t one that knows no party, no north, south, east or west t but a paper Intend, ed for every reader, ono thai aaves money to lie roadera by exposing the " tricks and traps ' ol awlndledom i and now la the time. You have put It off too long. Send to-day. Now la tha accepted time. 'O i Only 75 centa securasthla neat paper a AOO I year. With tour (banning oroinoa, only It. 1 numbers sent for 13 centa. Specimens (tOO.oooieady) aiirr vaxs TO ALL. Bend texts NOW, Costs nolhtna- to aea It. sand TO-rux to ' ' BANNEK PUBI4BHINQ CO. Nov.Keawm ULDtWl, N.H.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers