II. V. MOUTIIIMKIt. KDlTOrt UilllllllTON. I'A.i jf IV .MOKNINU I'Kll. f., l7 5ATU1IDAV Tlie Republican statu Convention Itas been called to meet nt Harrlsbtirg, on tliu COtli of Mnte'li, Gen. Banks says that thus fur (lto tabors of Congress Indicate thi dlsln tegratlon of pailles, nnd from the way in which they mu drifting lb" signs are that Grant, will tin n political necessity and aunln bu nominated. Wo have lii'.iril, with pleasure, tbo jiaraocf 12. II. Snyder, Esq., mention ed for tbo position of Burgess of this borough, at tlm approaching election. Mr. Snyder l 11 Hvo man, and would niako a good Burgess. Let lilm be rjomlnftle anil elected to that position. Hon. Samuel J. Rnndall having de clined the position o Vice Chairman of tbo National Democratic Executlv Ccmvtnlltee, it has been ulven to John . Thomas, of Ohio, tliu Surgeant-at-Arms of tliu II. K. lloin-u of Represen tatives. - The statement of tbo public debl for the month of January shows a dc ncase of $1,500,151 17 for tho month. The currency balance in the Treasury was $11,902,580 Ul and tliu coin do. $73,G01,3Gl 41. The roln certlScates amounted to $34,004 ,400 j the special deposit of legal tenders for redemption or certificates of deposit to e40,G00,O00j tljo outstanding legal tenders to $371, 273,140, and the frne'loiiftl currency to i45,8G4,aS3 10. To find out Just what Is going on nt home it Is nccersary to go abroad, thus the Independence Uelgo, in giving mi account of the recent purchase of a picture by A. T. Stewart, of New York city, as a cost of some $100,000, treats us to the following fancy sketch of that gentleman : "During the war Mr. Stewart, having had extensive dealings with the Government, was Us creditor to tho amount of $60,000,000. One day, when the Government was in a hobble about money and some refer ence was made to this Indebtedness, the great merchant exclalmod, 1 Fifty mil lions I Ob, don't mention such atriflo,' and with one sweep of his pen tinns terred the sum from one side of the ac count to the other." "ilarcutio," what will you take ? A Washington dispatch of tbo 30th iuU., states that a secret organization has lately been started, and has already a Membership of 15,000. It N called "The Free 'School Guard." Its brad- , quarters are In Washington, 1). C. The rules for government are similar to those of the l'atrons of Husbandry. Its objects are : 1. The Union trad tlio Couitltution, 'Libel ty ana union forever. 2, TIub preservation ol our public tntitutii)tiH. a. Vrpt. KuhooN. free noeeuli mill h free Di-o.,.. 4. Public urnoolB to bo free from Boetarlan lu. unence aim control 6. No aocturiun tmbool to lecf-ivo stuio or na tlonal nlil. 8. Tho state or national flovermn-nt io pro Tide for tin) eiluraiion ot every capable clillU. 7. Kilnonllon aboil be oomynlHory. b. No etlncatlon, no frnncbbie. 9. One term of nix yenm tor the PresiJout of the Uutteu State 10. Lovaily to tho Government. 11. Ubnrcu piopoitv tn bp taeij. 12. Tbe rresidont of the Uniteil stales to bo olei-teil bv a ibrect voto of the people. Tho dcclnratlou of the principle la political, but not partlwin. Motto Intelligence, freedom, nnA union. WnUbvvotil l'rencb a crutfuilo against ig. oorance The Anti-Monopoly Convention met Tuosday In Ilarrlsburg, about 50 delegates being present. C. Den John son, ot Schuylkill county, was chosen .temporary chairman, and W. S. Steph en, C. Drury and Thomas II. Greavy were appointed temporary Secretaries. Subsequently the 'following permanent officers wero 'chosen : President, Josi L. Wright, of Philadelphia; Vice Prosl douts.Tlios. n. Greevy,of Blair county, D. J. Thomas, of Luzeruo, George Jtelf, of Bucks county, and D. O'Con nell, of Tioga j Secretaries, Georgo N. Drury, P. II. Hlggius, Jno. 1. hana lian ; Treasurer, M. J. Welsh. An i-venlng session was held In the Hall of Itepreseutatlvrs, nt which a letter was read from Frank Hughes anil speechus were made by Frederick Foster and S. Calvin in favot of tho issue of green backs, redeemable In bouds.nnd against the national bank system. . ? Tlie case ot Michael J. Doyle,.o'no of the prisoners, chsrged with the mur der of J. P. Jones, nt Lausford, on the 3d of September last, was given to tho Jury on llonday afternoon, and on Tuesday morning Uieycame into Court and rendered 'a verdict of "Guilty of murder In the first degree," against the said Doylo. Whereupon Gen. C. Al bright, of, the prosecution, moved' for tie Judgment of the Court to he pro nounced upon the prisoners, .but coun sel for defense applied tor a new trial .on exceptions noted during the trial, and the matter goes over till Feb, 21st, at wli'lch time an adjourned Court will be held. Tho verdict ot the jury ap pears to .have glvnu genural satisfac tion, ito.thu peoplo, and, indeed, wo do pot' see how they could have done otb urwlio than return tho verdict they did with tbo vast amount of condemnatory evidence laid before them by the Commonwealth, fHf I GORRESPONDENCE, Iroin the Glen. , THI itibms ov THR PKOrB. MH, KiiniiiiWllio war between uiihtat anil lii.or, iji'Lciwecfi thn piotenuons of the few linil tlm ilfflitt of ail tint poop.e, is nn nld ono, nml the alMixiilo ban been nttnniliil wltli niaiiv l-hangc. aii l many n tlialeroiiii ficlil. vlicto popular tight were timniilutl iIiiwii lint en jLewlio.e I hi) iiiuio ot the pimple hai atroillly won it way, unit vet we liavw nut gulm-il all. The war mint go on until mirupt 'rugis" c!a-n Irgnliittlfei Kill inoiinpoltM, who are ron- npiiinit ng.-liiit tlie right uf the people, are imiKi-n uv mil nil tlm in i.'t I'imloiis of Ollrar- c!)lni be foierefvanlahiMl Into thin air." No iiouhttlio tune win pever eeiiio wlirn evity. miug win go limit, aim iioiiinu nrongt but oen that must poi. iletet ua tiom our itutVi If wo cannot bruiK abo.li all we wuqlil uivlm, wo hall bo able to efiect Huit.liliur t whereaa If w but loimliml) on oii feara, ami place no rrhaucn mi oar hopeK woKliallnccompUth nmn liiK. rl'he l'bertien oi the people aie. nntl Always ha o been In ilnmrer. and enu only be imarilcil bv nn oieinat viullauee of tno iooplo-wo muit b..ttio for our light) if wo Would ictaiu tlioni. 1 he wnrkiiiK beopie ore railed thnfonimou poo. tho from tho lat't that tlic-y are tho pooler ele. limit, mid yet they mo the health, wyultU and MiieiiKin oi ino nation. i,ei no mill Biunniu 'lit email I'm i ininoyeii ut veeing iuis biai-o- .it Itt.fl fm t. Ihit vnnr.nnnt ilvnr I lli,i noveitv is but out lniniortmie. ni.d not nui innlli eeii that yon would not have to nay if we novo bolter paid tpr our labor : but, shallow coeoiubs and ions, wno kiss ttio fjotpilnt of weaun aim powLr. win imro iiony us our nffiue. 'Inoie ute men Uhho tvuuith to Ulm the foot LiiiitB ol wealth and lend uielr power In derid ing the poor If wo woio lich, those Hyiop-intu ,omtl be pn our Hide, because ihov uro nlwaf s on ilio aide of those who cuu buy them Up ; bat oeuig wnaii wo lire, uiov jgiioru aim oonoenin ua, iliu we phali uob uhtc tneir out i wo nio fctioint eiiuugh alieudv in numbers, wilhont calling on ttio liieicenancs of monopolleB for neip. However we biiouiu Know oar aucugui not romiiehlu numbeia. ns in oigantzatlous. which is tho grand basis of our defense. If o imtuo Tor toe ncnia oi woiping ciassos, we battle tor the libeitlps ol lo wholo imttou. lid-auso when you iiiUaO open war a.untt prlvilexcu boilles, niopopolies, "rlncs,'1 tunsvl. raeies nn.l class loirlriialton von li-out thn m-v atiluuie of position, right tor luiUe'sai llbctty niiu vquiimv iji uu. xuclu iu do homo woo ill) not lllwn tins, hut lit them not be fcc.ircd, wo him no llnmtjei bolt nt ihw or jastleo. on the ooutiMry, Our soleilc-lio 1; tolmild up uml no velone the ttue BOlut ot '.no liw. In this up make nu cliargo ngaini'o tha Viou man. because ueB urn; ine riou min Has right)! not becaiuo ne i llch, bill beuiuie lie is ft man I llotu nhiiuld . e equ.U botoro Itle law. Oh I tlie law ' tlie poor nihil eis but a Bioali miaro of that, bf c.iltso luo Tioh in.m e.iii mm dims fine! tho ronrMn ot law, ov peiveit It to ills nnrnoso, 'Xneteioto It 1 iuonnibent on tho ttiemls of llOeitT anil lalifir In imltlii till, liiol-n htniltlv fm- llio poor nun. Voura in tho lllghti Man. K. T., OF THE OUSS. 1'roin tlie Nntiotml Cfipitnl. FitoM Oun Own WAPUtsnro coaiiKsroNUitxT. Wahiixoton, Feb. 2. 1878. National legislation moves but elonly, finl llttio lias boen done In the Ilou'o atneo tho pas saee ef the Centennial bill. Tnero is too much siinsbblinK nnd apeecii making over Bmall mat tors to allow of nny rapid progress, though, of course, wltn 192 inemlJcrB, all nnxlous to illsiln gulsh Ihenise.vos In tho eyes ot their country, men, Hub state of nlTairs lnot to bo wouderod at. It costa about ten tbossand dollars a day to run tho fiono of Representatives) and when some Impractical an-l visionary statesman in embryo makes a tpeech of nn hum In length for the rurpnv) of impressing bis constituents with tho Idea that ho is a grojt orator and one of the leading members of tho Ilonse, it costs the peo ple about 52,010, and these Azures are rathor be low than above the actual amount. Very otten It costs a great deal niero to dlcuss a hill giauti mi; pensions and small appropriations than tlie whole amount nsnoil lor in tho bill, and yt members will sfmid uu In the fnooot these facts and indict upon tho llousu Iciig-wlmled Iiarnn. uues on tho mr,st trdlim; subjeets, Nooody listens to tbeni-threiMotitthA of tlio membi'is 'reilro to the uioak-rootn on mich ocossions but they seem to llA-e to hesr themsolvoa latK, even if other people don't, and xu they hamna, n ay at empty stnts J let hs thouirh thbv were oei it. pied by ridml liu ami attentive listeuers. Just to lllu-ti-ate how tlilinrs are done, we lnltrtit meutiidi tbo epoHlnf the act of the preoediuK t -ohkioss wiue.i iiotiuitsi ine poai.ittoon aa uibms msU matter Tho bill was jiHsseil iluiin tho ljst tiour ot the last CoiKress by mistake; thein was tin opposition to the repettt-s:veiybody was In tKVorof It, ami It un utiautmously tejieaiei, yet iuiit h dozen or more meaihers find to Venn late themselves on the subjuct, uud It took near ly two hunra to brliitf too Uum-e to u vole on the subjoi t. Tlio riesi ot tins act will restoro the of 1 into of one ceut toi ever? two ounces on ;M dais mail matter which Includes iiewsuaiiet-s, eireulars. pamphlets n-jd other printeil matter. There is no doubt but Unit it will also pass the oenaio. Tho Democratic majority of tlie House ar making heavy bids lot- popular approval, and among other pieces of buneome they propose to reduce rnelr own salaries from Ave thousand to tour thousand tivo hnndrid Oobans per annum. The llouso coinmltteo on Appropriations, of wnlchlfon, 8am. Itandill, of J'a., Is chairman, luu had this mil tor under consideration and Imyo conoiuded to leport a bill to tho ilonse ie. ilncllit: tlm salailosof all Kovernmeni ofllclals mid employees to tho amount ot ten per cent, liicuidiui; tlieir own as above. While all think 1U men are lu faor of a rigid econooiv in tho administration ot uui government, theio is Bouiethimrrofi eshine as well as lndlcrons in tho Hon Sam's imttuifi himself foiwnrd, in this Centennial vear, us tho grt at ajioslle ot lteform, lletreuchiuent and Economy, as lllunlr.iled lu the i eduction ot the ualario- of Coutfiesmen. It cei-talitly seems to oome with a bad grnee from one who was tMnost open, nnbtushlnK nud loud. mouthed advocate, ot the famous Sulary. Urab. and wno took his uack-pay to the last penuv and uever. even as n, matter ot policy, thought ot reiuming it to a depicted Treasury, nsdnt Bomeot his less huidened fellow firabbers. If these Modern itetoruicra, who thus propose t exhibit fl e hnudied dollars worth of patriot. Ism, think that tun Innocent rural voUt can't see iiiroufru sucu a truuspateut aoaKe, tuey aie deceiving themselves. It Is u llvo liundreu out lar bid for i)owertor the control nt tms reat UoYeinuieiit und Is tho cheapest bid tar ths hlrhOBt prio that ever a dcmag-uKue had Ibo unblushing effrouteiy to offer. 2o action is llkeiv to bo taken by the House nu biUs relating to Custom Unties or Internal Itevenue until after it has actftd upon tho bills luuklnu appropriations for the support ot the various depaitniouta of tho Ooveruneut. Tho Estimates lor Gnvpmraoutal purposes aro beins cut down to a laro extent, and tho idea seems to be to Und out Hist wnat the wholo amount of the appropriations wiU he and thou msiie t.io liutles from Customs und tliu Internal ltoveuuo receipts conform to tlie new otuet of tnlnes. Tho Texas J'ucltio ltallwav tmarnnUte will probably soon be before couffress. Petitions In its favor nave been presented In tho aenaeoby Mr. Wallaco und Ml. cameron.snd Col. 'J liomns A. Hcott appeared boloie the Heuste oommltteo on ltallrooua last week and made an argument in the favor of the building nt tha road, 'fhls committee have arno under consideration the bill granting an extension ot ten years time in which to cumplote tno Northern i'ncltio Kail way, and a bill to recoyer from the Central ond Taenia ltallroad companies bonds and coupons issued to them in excess of the limitations pro scribed bylaw, 'ihe llouso Jndlclsry committee havo agreed to report a bill allowing convicted criminals to give ovidenoo in criminal cases. The obleotof the bill Is to allow McDonald, Jovce and others convicted of complicliy in the Whiskey frauds to give ovidenoo in the cases yet to be tried In tit. Louis. It those men can bo Induced to toll what they know about whisVey some Interest ing develoumonts may bo expected. i he Cenienuial appropriation bill which pass ed the llouso last week niuy have to ruuthe gaunt-ei strain in tlmt bodv and tlm muumirii ot the bul display considerable uoeaslness about n. x uere wus a mistake in a date in tno bill as It Was passed by the Ilonse, and If it U correct ed by amendment lu the tieuate the bill will have to be sent back to tho Homta for concur, renoe, when the whole matter may be agalu opened up. This would bu an Infliction fium which we earnestly pray tliat we may bo spr. ed. The bore prospect of another week of surh speeches as weio tired ortlu Uiu llouso over the Centennial bill la oi.oUiih to make nun htmilrier. The W ays and Mejins oommittvos have under ousmorauon several plans vo proviae lor tne resumption of Bpecie payuients under the re sumption act of tno preceding Congress. There Deems to be a oousiaerable divergence of ' news upon tills subject lu the committee and some of luo members are not very enLtinslastJn in tli matter. Tbera are uuly thirty five mouths left iu touch io pruvue measures to itisume lu cum pllauco with the act of January uth, 187S. au important bill has ben bitruauoed In tlm House by Mr. Cutler, of JSew Jersey. (Which. If ndopted, may materially modify the laws lu re lation to the eleotlra Irsiithlse. It provides that (he proceeds of the sale ot the puolio lands shall be applied la the support or tub pnbuo vchools of the United titates, the same to bo apportion. Honed to the several Btstos and Term tonus AO cordlDg to the population I provided that every SUIe prTetrltoiy shall Mi fell lirlht loanr Isiisro In tho Sboye futnl unless It shall ptnvids ) low Ihsl no poison shall bo entitled lo vole i said Htatoor TetHtorv after tho first day of aimai-y, irss. Unless snoh person shall be able to read the iConstltiition of the United Blates and wiltiiblsinyu nstiic, provided, however, that no peraon shall be unbarred of die right to vole who ws entitled to nvo'.p. at the election Immei-.lstely pn-rmalnr the obovn date. This bill In effect offers ft Ptcniiutn to tnilucu States tn Inseitnnfilui'attonalclauso In their ofectton laws, nnd tbi-ualutwill ineetwltli strong onm. sition it meets the views of ninur Uioughttul nicti as a move In thn light dlnietlon. both aa liienim of educating the mas.es and looking to a moro Inteiiiarut cxetciso of tin) right ol otlug. '1 ho N ations! Winnnns' Mufrraao Convention was hen) In hl city lost weck.and ft laigo num. berofpioiniiient temalo nKltatniaot tlio conn, tty were pn scut .Mis. Jlntiula Joslvn (Jne, occupied the cliair and called tho Convention tu onlert nnd liev. Alls. Olvinpla Browii msdoa lei vent pravir that the time would sooncomo when wunuti should liiivo the ballot and he the peer uf in tu In e erv respect. Ttiogenerol opin ion of the nssrmblisl feminine nolsbllltlos seem ed to lo Inst woman wns not too pure to eter. else the right ol silllmgo. N0Tt'.i l,!illftdcpliliiLcUcr. ruiLA., I'a,. Fob, S, 1578. pEn APVoc.VTtti Not long since a louug Isdv desiring a parrot shoes went Into the'os. tnbilslimeiit of a sboo dealer on Frankfonl llond. Alter trying sovcrol palts. sho could net rind nnv to tit, fur they worn all too large, Hoto the enterprising shoo dcalor bclhoucht himself o" a pieco of strategy. Ho accordingly wnrneiUhe fair customer against tbqfeaifdl cunsequeiicos of wearing tight shoes, and bo oven went so far ns to whip pita slide ami slock ing nnd exhibit n buulou or twoaa a frightful example. Tho lady took a pair of shoes ond hurrldly icft,but w o tiro snro this piece of strat egy (1( dll not sell tlio shoes, and that tho lsdy had good tcasyii to leavo the store as nulcklr as sho conliVt rIio was not f rlghtenwl into btij lug litem, though mo storo man thinks so. CENTK.NMAUSMS, Tlio Knights of Ptthlaswill havo a t-raml piuiuld on thav&l of August eit. It is esti mated tbeto win ho fiO.lM Kiitglits in lino. Allnoot etogcowlll rnn to and from tho grounds. -The tlrangera will lmvonn encimpmcut, lMckpocaots will bo as thick as whortleber ries coniloAiiconien nlso. Tho French Co-nmistton nppointed to exam ine too works ot Ktencli hmsts for oxblb'tioii nt the Centennial h.'ivo HoiectedOTO pictuies, nu sculpture and IjH engrnvlilcM. Among tlio pic tures will be found -The Tiocloratlini dilute peiidencq." "Stii rendi r of Vorl,towu,"nuil a pof. trait uf WnsliltigiDn, Tho ncrtnan Heichstng has pa'sod the bill for ine giiiiii in uiu oi ine ueuieuuiai io n second teaoiug A Jan.ineso girdon of ono nnd ahnlf ncies will bo mado to bloom inth Japanese flowers limy. Why Is tho letter O llko our Centcnnlut t Be cjuse H stands for KM. I,ct ns slug, O. happy e, I'd itU t it V, hnpoy c Tho Cttrrvlnir of tbo centennial mail sorvleo. which embnices tho cnrtlnROOf the mails ftom mo i-i:iiuuiupiiia posi omee io tno cutonuiai grounds, has been let by the post office den.ut- meuttn lhomns tlnnnon.nf PMInilelnhln. rhij service Is Intended to be upon n scale of great um;uiiiiium-e. XIIU culltruci cans lor HVO W,l- L'onsaml ten horses- tbo wnirons. of a hand some deslrn, or to boot the very beet wotk nisushlp, with all the. equlnments. such ns har. ness for tho horses, cashtous, coverings cto . to conespond. Themessengets. five In number, u ill woar uniform clothing, ond it la stlpulnted um i. ui mo ii-ii noises nvo sunn no oi n nay i-oior and tho others dapjiie gray. A iiromlneut musician will go to work soon atgsunaio lui luu i,einenuiui. Tho rennsvlvnnia feutrsl Centennial tt. n depot is being limit, It wlit be Jnn nutslde tlie iri-ounds.niViir the mom entrances. The fe?iei-fli wuitlufrrooni will be 10) x ISO feet flic, ticket oime s-i x ,iv leei, me iiwiies waning mom six iuu leei. (inu tne naggaue room 4H x no feet, There will lie three i,a,fiums, built in semlcir cularforin. I.6W feet .unit. Wnshmiton'" family liib'0 will be exhibit od in the book department, at tho contemiini. It in in ttuen volumes, quorto, each of which bears nis autotroph ou tno title page. - Miono with Oenteimlsl buckles will conn be nil tho to .Now, whoie's Ihe man wno will In. troduco knee briX'ciies nud puwduiod wins I l rot mm uui A new lestnurnnt h b been estnlillsheil.The Wnlter.i aieieady to servo tnu tu any l.iugiiHge. I'm going o tleor them booio or tlies! dnvs, by i-itmiiK nn ,.ui i mm nouns in luo l iiociaw toil gue. Tho Other tiambolel man bnueht nlirix ot sni dinos ami having opened tiinui ho sat donu nnd commenced to think and study how be could pnek bis Centenntol bonrners m the same iiuiuiior. His likely tlie ineiiitiois Ii-oim .snidtna niav pinr, hi iuis i.iuihe, nut wt'nie not iuruit.i iiuoui it. The w.")oil lliies ate conimeneluir tn sbnnt This nriv ho nn ncionut of iho nil d weather wu we arc having, hut I'm Incline I to think It Is on account oi tno centennial. It is likely tlmt after this week tho Centen nisi errounns will beelnsedto lsuots. This is to give the workmen a cimnVotu woik at put ting up lixiures ami other ilotaiiu without beiug unuoyeu. - A voung lady nf Paris Ky..propns to semi io inn ueiiieuuiai a poker mauo Ol a Jt evolution ury gun uarioi. Ill llaiimore, a insgntfleent nhlino ot holls srn uoiug cast lor use at 1110 ceutoiinini. They will bopioced imon a hlvh tower and will mur- niy posi lorin uie uauouainiis ot .ill lands. A lire brigade Is to be orgsnlitd fot tbu pro- icciiuuui luu uuoiiiii):'. Hliould Ihe nnnt-onrlatlo'i iro bv the bnnr.t I I em mito tho poopto ot this city would rlsn up lu their might and say. "wo tire coming Futher Centennial, one million five bundled tVi'iuulid moier- -loins truly MAttCVTIO. VcdnesiIftj 's (Hale. The severe wind storm of Wedncs day morning did considerable damago in rnuatieipnia ami its vicinity. Sev eral buildings in course of erection were demolished, houses' were union fed trees and fences levelled, and signs and shutters blown away. Telegrams irom other places, north, south and east, report similar iU mage. At New York, thn wind reached a velocity of 00 miles per hour, and in Brooklyn live unoccupied frame buildings. were blown uown ana a number ot nouses were un roofed. At, Cohocs, N. Y., tlm steepl of St. Bernard's Church, 225 feet hlgli anil containing a full chime of bells was hurled across the track of tho lions selaer and Saratoga linllroad ; the total damage is estimated at SIJU.GUO. Troy, mauy houses wero unroofed, anil tho loss will amount to several thous and dollars. A street railway conduc-, tor was injur, h is tiiougnt iatauy,Dy a piece of a falling roof. A telegram from Whitehall states that the roof of the rolling mill at the Clinton prison was blown off, and a stage coach going irom uannemora to riatlsuurg was up set. A Uicii chimney of the stove fac tory at Mooer's Junction was blown down, and fell upon the euglno nfet boiler, damaging them badly. At Rut land, Vt., tho gale was accompanied by drifting snow, and it wasroported that a loot of Bnow Had fallen at Jiontreal At Woonsockel, It. I., tho French Catholic Church, nearly finished, was levelled to the ground : loss $20,000, At Webster, Mass., the steeple of the universaiist unurcu was demolished A new school house and the village ball In Leeds, wore unroWed. The galo was also very severe south of Phila delphia, In Washington, the tower ot the Metropolitan Methodist Church was blown several feet from its Demon- dlcular, and the roofs ot several houses were blown off. At Baltimore,, tbo damage is estimated at $40,00p, chiefly lu tbe western and .north-western por tions of tho city. At Fredericksburg, the spire of the Episcopal Church was blown d,own, and crushed n adjoin' Ing hulldlng In Its fall. A letegraro from Detroit snvs that a terrific storm' of wind and enow syrcpi over Michigan on Tucsuay ntgltt, and at Mackinaw wetiiiesuay inorning tun tnermonieter marked 25 degrees .below wro. Tho telegraph lilies wero badlvdainaiipil In all directions. Current idveuta. Mil Jinn thieves wero, Ivncbcdat Holomon Volley, Kansas, a few itiya nil.. Mr. John Armstrong, of T.nrinrte. Rtitllvnn county, lias lu his possession a swuid which was taken from ft Tnr at thobittloof tlermiiiitown. September 15, 1777. .lames Colli, ers nnd Antlinnv Molnuav boil n fli;lit nt llonediile, ivreiitly, and Iho latter was stabbed ten times In the region of tho heart. no wouniis nre uaugerous. CUHWKNSVIl.t. Fob. 3.-11111-11 A. hftlilwntl. for nine yirs unisf Ciorklu UmHnrveyoMien. eral's oDIce ot reuiif.vlvanla, under tloncinl Caninbeil and Heath, mod h"ro to day. nged slitv-three years. Mr. Cftldwoll wos stricken with paralysis in the lull of 1874, since winch time he has been luting. At Wheeling. W. Vo.. on Flotuulav. John H. llurdott, Treasurer nt that Mlnte. wns found guutv or the articles nt impeachment preferred acainstldm. mi.t removed from otlli e bvn vntn ot 20 to 3. I lie lmpeiiclimcnt tllnl nt K. A. lien lictt, Audltur ot tho State, wns tu commence on aiominy. t John Alllo. of Clot on county, whoso lOCth birthday, as well ns that of his wile, oecmroii last summer, dh u recent y. .Mr. Alllo was boin In l-'roneo nnd eervtd osn soldier under .N'ano. Icon I. lie ws one of tho lew whoiccrossed tlio Alps nfter tlio binning of Moscow. Mrs. Allio surilvis Her husbnud. At Lyndon. Vt.. Tuesdiv mornlmr. Hllos Wilder Iniudeied bis lather anil mother with an axe, cut nts wlto's tniont,,nnd then hanged hlmseir, Itiswifo was still llv.tug at last ac counts, lie wns .10 years old, mid had boen mauled ono year. The provocation for tlio deed was a quarrel between his parents nnd Will'. Thomonunient ordorcd bvthoUnltodStntes Government lor n memorial or tin) n'vciitcon tliousaiid Union soldiets Wliodiod m the Coil federate prison at ballsbury, N, C. has been shipped fiom the, qusity at MnfOn.N. ll.,where it v.ne new u. -i'no maiu matt is tint iv ouo leut long, and weighs twentv-touo. thebnlv leiter- uik using lue Inscription, " il-o Jtotna." In the U. B. Court otlndhtnnuolls.Tuesdar. the pal tics rnnviototl of wattcer frauds weiu senteniod. Thllip (',. liberwluo, (luo T, turn ouMin, David M. Lewis, llnrtlsnn Mltlor, Wil. bam jiiumfom. Jiir.ua 11. smdee. Allied M, Melinuand Jonu K. I'htllips. wero sentenced acli to two roars' linmisnnmoiit nud e 1.0 m tlnei .1 nines K lull, thteo ytat-s' liujiusormeiit itmi lino ; '1 hos. J. Itobb, ono year in Juil nnd Vl.uoii tine t Henry Jncquis, Cbristuplior Cocou. our, John 1 Crisp und Dennis Iteliy, six inos. injaii luu n nno nt saiiu, bentenco ot J. v. llliighftm was ,ostponcd. llARltlstiurta. Feb. 3. Tho Antl.Monnnnlt- Conveutioii. which hps been in session at ibis pliico. h is passed resolutions iav'oif ug Ciiugitjs slonal old to a null ond to the Pucitlu, lu oppi) liloii to tho monoplv lino now uiiuitollod by Jay tluuld. Tlie convcntinn consisted of tepte sentauiesoi inniuuoreieineni.aiiii Hie lerfiln tions thus fuvuilng tho Texas 1'aoUlo lund weruoiitnelr unexpected, although it is ap parent that It the rnnd Is n success millions of dollais for Iron nud mateilul will Und their way Into tJ0 foundries and wTukaliopa of rennay.. vnnia. ineinctwas piuuapiy cunsuteiod uv the convention. J. Ij. Termer, ft " conlidenee man.) nn-ested at Kransvlllo, lud., has confessed that ho was ono ot iiKauuot btuglais who, In Februnryi 1871, lobbed the Hank ol Qulney, III., ot .15 i.ooo In bonds nnd tfst.vju In cash. Jin Bind he was Rtvru tne DoiHis anil tse others look tlie cash. nud the bonds were burled near Chauibetu' Junction, Iowa. Asearcn lor the bonds at tho pmco iiameu nbvmg pvoveu uusuoccssitu, Ter mer will pionablv be Uken to lows for tlie pur lose ui niiiiiciuu nun io uinku n "e-oi u I n e.nn. essloll." TiO bunk oftelod 40bOu lewiu-il lor lue lecuveiy or ine oonds. A shocklllir luui-der wns colnmltteil nf. tlleeiinoiut. on ThHlsuav niuhtnt Iuhl wi ek.tlu) letui not winch are too ri-o-s lor publication. . i . simniiB n worsmaii m iuokwugoii rues torv of Jones. Ileniy A Co.. was killed with an ate by a icliow woiumaii of tlio name ot 1 uche. lu tlie Imusu ot luu hitter, unit nt ptpsenue oi ins wlm ami litte uaiigiiler. tho body cut into pieces, and the he ul eecieied In a ship jurit. Al.O iIV. I Jl. 'J. U UlllllLllI Ol.U1101 UII11UK tbe evenluf. and tho enmo Wns eiMeut v Iho ie8iiitsiu rum, combined, ns the pi.irdcur its- sens, wild le. lousy in pis vietiui i no mur- dec ts use ut the most I ocrid uf the uiuuy eimlliir ci lines tlm Imvoouctiried. WAsm.NattiM.T'eu.l. Tho House Commit eo ouMilituj'Allnlrs tu dir nuonnailv ametd t tlx Hie ni3 of Ueu, sheimau at shuridnu .it SS.IMJ iiiiijoi-aeuciiiisni u, lb, biii'iiiiioiB ut fr3,00, tolunels ut J,ii 0, lioiucimut-coioticls nt j,l) o, m.ij-irs iLM), an j below thin griuio VI,"10 nach, except second liculeicnts -u S,,a)i per nuuiim. the srniy lu dispense with ciniplnlm, Tlio ibtmmnuni tho coniniineo l. jireptitt.ig a bill to i-oilsolidoto tlio bUff uejinitiuoiits iuto three blanches, an l ll Is saul lint (he best of tlceis in tbo service gne their eucuui'.ii,-iueiit andsuppoit to Iho ineus ire .uoking to u re. duetloii of exnonses and the lopinug ofl tjf use less nieiubets ol tlie tu toy. Wasiiimiton, Feb. 1. The Con mitteo ot AppioiiDHlious. not being satlslted with the in. foi niiiioii lutuisheil by the Tronauty IJepiut mint lu regs d to ceriuiti Items in thu Consular itmi Diplouiitle bill, requited tho Hicii-I.u y to tiirnlsh luller details, 'tno answer was received to-dny, mill tlio Information obtained enablo tho coinmltteo to make still luither leductlous in Hint 1)111. Tho following cases will show how K-oseiy estimate nio made up, und how very impniiaiit It Is lor tlio coitiuutteo to scrutlnizo even thn most turlul details i For Instance, thn estimates called lor f-ioou to maintain prisons lncoiuin foie'.gn countries. When tho com. mitteo asked for tho exact amount expended for this purpose last year, tlie Hecictnrv replied, 16000 11. Aaaiu. tno estimates enl.eil f.tr fts . "0u tt) bring hiiinociiiiiimiis from fotciini loinls. ' aim jei inu yenroniy ci.ves was nisouiaeit lor this purpose, ond only five prlsoneia were hmugnt over for tnat sum, beiug the nveiaro cxpenbo per bond of nearly 8100. Uut tho groat, est dlsciopancv was inthe item for loss on ex. rhango. T be estlmalo culled for 13,000, but the official figures showed that this expenso had du. l Ing the past two yours live rugoil uot uuitu CD,. 000. lrARtnsntina, February I. Tho general np. proiinatinn bill reported today appropriates nbont three milllou six hundred thousand dol lars. The Item for legislative salaries li pne at nvo hundred thousand Instead or three hun dred aim seveuty-tlve thousand appropriated lost vear.- This allows mom hers tlftooii bun. dred dollars salary, and Is accepted as sit Indies, tion that the session will bo prolonged for a bundled and fifty nays, currvingit to the first ofJUue. Predictions to tills eftvet havo not boon received with credit heretofore, but Uio action ef the committee on approprlstlons to. day. In reporting on iucrea60 in legislative ox. pcusosof a bundled and twoutvtive thfinsand dnilnrd over la.t year, shows that tho project of an absurdly long sea-ion is eeriously eutei tain. od by u majontr of tho House, made up of cheap men of both parties. Tho Scnuto is si ion sly ngolnst extending the session over n huudied davs. Tho deail-.oek on tho rovenuo bill still continues. Tho Kopnbllcans insist that tho uemoorauo iseuaiors sanit move a reoonsidera, lion. Willie f no latter dee inn lr tn Iia Lh.i Hulv ni mo jienuuiican senators, who changed their Totos, to the negative for that purposo llotll siues wain ine miipassoti, out nio Homing out nn pettv point of personal pride and consls, toncy. Tho Bt-itVs creditors in tho meantime are suffering, and otnor legislation Is einbar. rassod. rpiIOS. S. BECK & CO., Real Estate Agents, . .BANK STREET, LKI1IG1ITON, We havo Instructions to Sell tho following Pro perties, and persons desirous ot PurchaBlug.Holl, ing or Kxot.anglng Ileal Estate, will do well to give us a eall i ' Ilonse and Lot, near Olewlno's Tauuerv, In thq Jiorough ot Lehlghton; llouso 10x3-.', stable loxn and lot 57 front and !' S feet deep, well planted with fruit trees. A nevertalllng well in the yard. Price, tHOQ, bait cash, bal. once on Installments. Dwdllng House and Lot, on Fouttb street, L liUhton. Now routs for $18.00 per month. Price low lor cash. Ilonse and Lot, on Mahoning street, Lehlgbton, Price UW, rents for U per month, ono-haK cosh, balance by Instalments. ' House and Lot on Pine street. Lehlvhton, Pa. Pi Ice (1400. Heats for W per month, 100 Acres of Timber Land tn Mahoning town, ship, 1H miles from Lehlghton. Cheap. 465 Acres of Land lu Penn Forest Township, Carbon oounty. Atosjiecia bargain, Seven Lota In the Borough of Lehlglitou. Good' locations and prices low. Frame Building, suitable for a photograph call lcry or other llgnt busiuess. Cheap. Jan. 1, 1679. T. B. BECK & CO, Plotts' Star Orgajis Heir and beautiful designs. Agents Wanted. Address, BD W'D rLOTi'tf, Washington, M. J, . 1 iLj.igLj m Sonlcly nieGtliiKB. JitrmiTo oasti.k, sditi, a. o. jc 6?atiK m. c. '-Jiidond 4tb Monday of each month, In Re. bor'sllall, J.elilglitou, at 7i00o'eiock r. M. ' i1'K'iUHXM"""'' 8 K'lC'' II' C"11""I, aftitasi HUTTB.'s Iaidobi xo.'rj!?i.o. o. P., s meets every Tuesday evening, t 8 o'clock, in Uebcr's Hall. Joseph Hclgel, n. U. 1 M. U. Jlcbor, Hecrelary. "otto J'ooA Tmuit. No. J7i, Imp. o. It. M., meet on Wednesday evening ot encit week, at 7:30 o'clock, tn I'ulillo Scliool Hull, Welssport, 1'ft. I). F. Itlckert, 8. 8. 11. Ullhsm, C. of It. I.r.nioiiTON Lopoe, No. Ml, K. of P., mcots on Fildav evenings. In llebei's Hall, 0t7;t0 o'clock. Arch. Dick, CU, T. H.ltutcllfr, K. of 11. and Is. Advertising Itutcs. We desire it to be distinctly tindrrstood that no advertisements will bo Inserted In tho col umns at the CAnuoK AiiyoCATH that may bo ie lol veil from unknown parties or firms, unless ftt'componieil with the Cash, The following are mr unlit terms. Advoitlsementafor 1 yesr, per Inch each Insertion lOcts. " Hlx Months, per Inch eooh Inionlon nets. " Three Months. " " " 20 Cts. " Less than threo months, first Inser. tlou tl, each subsequent Insertion M Cts. Local notices 10 cents per lino. H. V. MonTIUMtsn, Publisher. E.K . simvn s, IlISTItlcr ATTOHNKY & COUNSEU.OU AT LAW. Oiricn, No. 2, Monition House, MAUU1I CHUNK, PA. Settling Estates, Filing Accounts and Orphans Court I'rocnco a specialty. Trial of finntci corelullv attended to. 'Legal transactions lu JSugllsb anil Uertnou. Jnu v. SATUHPAV MOHNINO, FED 6, 1870. Local and Personal. tar Parties receiving tho Advocate with a cross marked niter their names will please remit the amount duo for Subscription, or the extra GO cents will be added to pay tbo expenses of collec tion. JEl Leave your measure with Laury & Fetors, if you would Iook nice, For a handsome bonnet at n lory price, go to Mrs. M. Guth, the milliner In Welssport. The "fits" given nt Laury & Peters', nro unsurpassed by atiy other uoiiBO lu thn county , The fall suits being gotten up by Lailry & Peters, aro fashionable and neat, while the price Is within tlio reach of all. Mrs. 5. E; Fatzlnger Is Just receiv ing a splcndjd assortment of fall and winter millinery goods. Call and see the in. Now Is a good time to subscribe or the Cakuon Advooatu. It Is only $1.00 n year In advance, and gives you all the latest local and general news. Try It I Buy your wall paper at C. W. Lentz's, Central Drug storo, five por cent dlsoount on former prices, from now till February 1st. llelfrlch's Whlto Liniment cures rheumatism, neurnlgln, sprains, bruises nud cuts, used internally and externnl ly, manufactured and for sale by O. W. Lentz, druggist. Prloe 5Q cts andJl per bottle. FlTTLEll'3 ItnKUMATIO 15 It MIC I) Y cuies rheumatism, neuralgia, nervous and kidney diseases. Dn. FittJiKU's PkctoralStiiup, iiifnlllble for cough', colds and bronchitis. Dn. Fittm:h s ConuiAL, Calisaya, Liniment and Vboktadle LtYEit Pills sold by C. IV. Lentil, sole agent for Lehlghton and Welssport. 2-ly .1, K. Itlckert has still a fow of those eligible lots in Hlckertstown to dispose of. It you feel llko securing a good hotnp call and sro him Ho Is also sup plying Hour, feed, lumber and coul nt the lowest rates. Abe von troubled with hoarse ness or weak lungs,sliortnes3 of breath, or asthma? Thousands havo been per raanently eured by using Coxe s Wild Cheiry nnd Seneko. For salo by overy druggist & merchant In Lehigh, North ampton aud Carbon Corintles. 4Q-Gm Now is tho timo to call at T. I). CInuss' jlerchant Tailoring establish-' meht to buy for cash. Ho will astonish you with tho remarkably low figures bo ask for really Hrst-class matlo and fit ting garments. He has nlso marked down prlcos in tho boot, shoe, hat, cap aud glove departments, to such low figures that it is Impossible for you to sue, tho goods and learii tho price with out making n purchase ABB YOUU CHILDllEN SUBJECT TO THAT dangerous foe' of childhood Cboup ou Couotis ? Coxe's Wild Cher ry and Seucka.has been thoroughly tes-. ted, nnd nover known to fall of effect ing a complote and speedy cure when administered In time. Keop n bottle In your house. For salo by 0. W Lentz, druggist, Lehlghton. 40-Oni. Head Quarters for Loots. Shoes mid Itnbbers. Messrs. Laury & Pe ters nro. now receiving and offering for salo one of the largest and best select ed stocks ot mens' kip nnd ealf boots, womons' ond children's gaiters, shoes and rubbers over brought into Lehlgh ton, nt prices whloh defy competition. Iiemember, if you want to buy cheap for cash, now is tho tlnio, and Laury & Pctew" tbe place I Do you DKsiriu bound lunqs and a long life.?. Thon do not neglect that oold, but procuro a bottlu of Coxe's Wild Cherry and Seneka at once. One fair trial will convince you ot Its great merits. Frico GO cents. For salo by A, J. Durllng, and by druggists and merchants everywhere 40-0tT Another new, lot of grocertos and provisions just received at, Fatzlnger's storo, ou Bank Street, which tbey aro offering at remarkably low prlcos. All goods warranted of best, quality. Wo bavo'a cholco lot of fancy and comic valentines, which we can sell at a,; very low price. Call and.see'tbera. Maccaroni, a new article in Lo hlghton, a substitute for noodles, only 25 cents per pound at Rhodes' on Bankway. Turkey prunes only 1Q cont3 a lb at Rhodes' ou Baukwuy, and all other articles In the, grocery and provision line equally cheap. Country vondueshave corameucd. jPoafl soap, flnost quality, 5 cakes for 25 cenU at Rhodes' on Dankway. Owing to tho Centennial, the State Agricultural Society tins determined not to hold n State Fair this year. Alleil to Vfll had tllrAn Imrnlnrtaii n Tuesday night, and none of the rogues Hl'lll lUUglll. Highly perfumed German Honey soap, at Rhodes' on Rankway, 0 cakes for 25 cents. -Countv Sunertntendnnt n. Jf. n. ford, will plca'so accept odr thanks for a copy of the School lieport for 1875. On Saturday, Jannary 23d, one of our lien's hatched but a brood of chick ens, wo prosumo tlioy are the first of the season. Baldwin's Tomato nnt.snn as t n bottle at Ilbodes' on Bankway. -uuring tbe year 1875 there wero 203 deaths In the city of Allontown which was equal to about ten out of overy thousand of our population. JUdgo Maynart, formerly of Eas ton, had a suit at WUkes-Barre the other week for counsel fees, nnd the Jury awarded him $11,450. 5 lb. package of, Breakfast Hominy for 30 cents at Bhodes' on Bankway. 1."T. Brady lias got 'em valen tines In great variety of styles. Charles Froehllch, corner of 2d and, lion Sts., has opened a flour and feetl store, and by an advertisement In an other column asks the patronngo of his. friends and tho public Wo sympatlilB with our friend', Lynn, of the Mauch Chunk Democrat, in the loss by death of his infant daugh ter, on Monday last. Mr. Morford, chief engineer at the Allontown Rolling Mill, had one of his feet badly mashed ono day last week by having It struok by a falling pinion block. "Want a carriage?" If you do.go. to David Rbbert'a livery on Bank St.,, where you can get a stylish' horse and a handsome carriage for tt small amount In greenbacks. That ground hog saw his shadow on Wedn?dday morning last, and now, as tho alnmnao says, you may expect some sort of weather every day for tbe- nexi six weoits. Get your fresh bread from Hallor & Drelbelbies.at the.Lehlghton bakery cakes for -weddings, and parties a si eclalty. Candles and confections of finest quality. The gale of wind on Wednesday last mado things lively. Our friend Levanway's u patent " fence became very weak in the gals, and. a large por tion of it lay down. During Thursday night we receiv ed an Installment of about three inches, of the " Beautiful, beautiful, snow,"" and now tlie jingle ot the merry sleigh, bell sounds through tbd land. " It has been decided that if a part ner of a dissolved firm neploots to giro notleo through tbe newspapers of a dis solution of partnership, he is- equally liable with his late partner for all debts, contracted after dissolution. Suit has been brought by Mr. Jno., E. Lentz, against the city of Alleutown,, for damages to his building last Win ter caused by water from tbe fire plagt undermining the foundation. Why don't the young ladles of Le hlghton give a leap year party ? Tho voung ladles of .other towns are heels, over head In this sort of amnsemeb? just now. Improve your chances, girls I Daniel Graver, at tho Bee Hlvo Store, Is Just receiving a very large stock of queens ware, to which he in vites tho attention of hosekeepers; also n full lino of dress and dry goods; gro- cerics, provisions, etc. Prices fully as low as elsewhere. Tho Lehigh County Agricultural Society held its annurmeetingattbef Court House, In Allontown, on Tries-' day last, and resolved to hold their next exhibition on Sept. '25-7-8-0, 18T3, an election of officers also took place, re suiting as follows: Euos Erdman, President; W. J. Uoxworth, Secretary, nnd Ephralra Grim, Treasurer., Says tho Slatlngton News of last Wednesday : Rev. L. K. Derr, pastor of tho German Reformed Church ot this place, nnd also of the Church at, Lehlghton, was very agreeably surpris ed on Thursday last by a visit from thirteen mutes ot his oongregatton at Lehlghton, coming well-loaded with "good things" for tho pantry. Tho oc casion was a very pleasant oqe for all. Rev. Derr Is very popular with bis people at Lehlghton, while they have large hearts to reciprocate his. useful' ness. v On Friday afternoon last hetween 5 nnd G o'clock, as the down passenger train on the L. $ 8. Railroad was run ning past the Car Shops at Stemton, a, little girl named Amanda Schoonenber ger, aged 15, employed as a domestio in tbe family oi Dr. V. G. Huebner, at Coplay, on this side ot the Lehigh, was struck by tbe pilot ot the engine and fatally crushed and mangled by the wheels ot tho oars, It appears she1 had gone up to Newport to bring homo a dress which sha had had mado by a man-i tua maker there, She was on her way. home at tbo time ot the occurrence, walking ou tno railroad track, because of the mnddinees of the wagon road,,as Is supposed. sMlchael J. Doyle has Jteen cpnvlcti Cf1 nt rnnnh fihiinlr nf tha mitnlAr nt .Jones, tho mine boss, at;, Summit Hill last September. Sentence, has-not jet been passed on him, bat he wil) ,uo doubtedly be banged If not resetted-hy- mob ot Molly Magulros.and a rescue Is not improbable. This Is the Qrt con viction obtained tfor any p tho numer ous assassinations whloh have disgraced, the coal regions, and the credit is; la largo degree, due to Gen. Chas. AI-, bright, who worked up the case.- with great enflrgy and .sa,alty.j JXa-n. F, W. Hughes also lent Important assist ance on the side oithe'prosecut!on.Tvua array ot ovidenoo was so strong and- sq skillfully marshaled, Jhat the def&nJQ gave up in dlsp&lr and produced l.q testimony at ait. jniia- ii'
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers