I IIP J" ' , " I III'-. I H. V. MortHiMKh, Proprietor. VOL. TV,, Ho 11. CARDS. Furniture Warehouse. . T. gehwarti.llank etreet, dtaltrin aU Xindi 0 jrYrxifurl. Oqffint mode to order. Dowt and Shoe Mnketi. Clleton Bretner, in Lnan't tuiWinj. Rank stroet. Mordtri rrimptlyJUUd-vxwk warranted. J.rrOBKEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, Hanoh Charlie, Pa. aS-OHee, above Dclon's Jew,!rJ 8tor, Rroadiray JpB. M. MClTuKAR!. ATTORNEY AT LAW. MAUCH CHIlilK, Pa- Ooueerlons and all lessl business pronyj tly attended to. lHijr ..,. tut1 A. DKHII AMICIl, N.U.i PHYBICI AN AND BUWt RON Pp..t.l attention paid to Cbroole Dlntui. Offl South Ksit corner Iron and 2nd its..Le Mrhtea.Pa. April 3, '87i. JJR. N. ! RKHKIl, PBAfSTICINO PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Ofaee.SAKS. Street, next door bov44he fo'tofflce, Jishlihten. Ps. Office Hours Fsttyvllle each dsy ?. W to Wrf.to.kt remainder of day atomc.ln Leblfhtea "0T M' T a DIMMIOK, AUCTIONEER. Biatt Welssp.ort, I?a. V B8sles of erery description attended to at ,M...bl. ekarres. The patronage me puoiie ..eetrn If solicited. ,rao. D. WU11C45TTE. ,.. S. LOOSB jgKRTOLETTB eto tiOOSK, ATt6bMEYS .AND COUNSELLORS AT LAW, Ornei JlrstNatlonal Bank Building, 3nd (to, MAUCH CHUNK, PtxsA. Marks consulted in Germs.. Julj U 187 . jp 3. KRB1IAN, ATTORN Kit AT LAW, jKext&Jorto First National Dank, wx,uew ciiuMC pa MiwMted in flermen. Jan. fJl.IOHAS I. BECK, JU8T1CI OP TUB PEACE, BANKStreet, LKHWHT0N, Pa. Oenvexanrloir, Collating av all business con- Hlii with the efllce promptly attended to. tT-'r:"' tor f5rsf-cia Insurance Conipinlee, j m.t. nf .11 klnda taken oa the most llleral . i Jan, , 1873 er,ms yy u. bAphbr, ATfcOBNKY AND C0UNP.BLL0R VT LAW, BiMK TBIT, LtllfcJKtOK, PA; fteat Kitato and Collection Abw'cJ. .WW P.uy an Sell B.al Katale. Oouvejauclng nettly done. Ool. leelloet promptly made, etyn;r Kstatos of o f eeeoU specialty. May lie con.utted In te,tllh liUtfUO. Nuv.-ff. l.fOSlAS K.KB1 HREH, UUjN VISA AtJl!.ll, AND OEHERAL INgUaiNCE AGENT Tke foUolns CompinU'H are Kepreaented: 11 ANON MUTUAL FIR'U, BKADlhQ MUTUAL V1HE, WVOSIINO nun, rOTTaVILLli 1'IRK. LHUKHi FIHK, anil th TRAV ELERS' ACCIDENT INSURANCE. Alia rennavlranln and Mutual Horse Tnlct petelire ana jn.urau i TUOS. KKMERER. rpiIOMAS A. WilIiAMS. LADIES' AND GENTLEMEN'S Fashionable Boot and Shoe Maker, Nect to Leuckel'a Block. BANK STREET, Lehighton, Pa. Harlnr commenced builnesa, a abore, I would etpeetfnlly announre to thedtliena of Lehighton apt tlelnlty that I am prepared to do all work In y line In the neateit and moat substantial man aer.at prices fully as tow ns the same work can etalned In Philadelphia. Atrial Is solicited and satlsfaitlon guaranteed. at towest prices. July ,167t. J.' .DBLTZ, PUOTOdBAPIIEK, Upper Mam sireoi. V bLATINGTON. TA.. In the B allsbt reran tly oocupied by H. 8. DANOLKR. PICTURKH TAKEIV IN AN V WATDBR. OajWJRKN'S LIKENBaSKc, PATROoSiSOLIClTlSD, And satwactlon ..... Unarantced. Junel76yl QBHY(EJtHIAI. SALOON, pOoUEUANMA BT., MAUOU XjaUK. FRANK INKMA'N, Prop'r. rreeh rhiuar.lpb.la Lager Beer alwava on tap. Clean ol ouoieeat flaor, and all other kind stf Refreshments to be (onad In a tlmt-fllaas BAtoon. FRRB LUNCH every Morning nt 10 arelook. L'a.l when you eo to Afauch Chauk. July 10, 187-y Ttubb and Surgical Bandage Stand. W J. KVERRTT, No. M North ooventh St. ' below Arch BU. Philadelphia, Latestlnv. prered Trosaes, Hhoalder ilracea, Klastle tit oak anas. Belts. Suspensories, Cratches, Deformity Inatrnmenta, eke, Also Mrs. Everett's. Flteh'a astl adjoatlnr ami other celebrated Female Bup- Kteia Lady Aitosoant. Larao stock and prloee. Hernia Bitoouasfolly tieatcd. Julyll,i375..1ji. PITT nlU! NOI-Tfcst ELKCTRIC LINI KENT, like I got at DURLXKQ'B DRUQ EypcuUC. will care him or anw oGlcr man ai UIbHTmaTIQII ariOaTl other PAlrtH. May 9 W. BEX PUIUDER il CONTRACTOR DANK STREET, USIUQUT0N, PA, -DMiMifnliv annonneoa to the cltlaonaof Le Wgnton ana vicinity that be is now prepared to CONTRACT tor tho ERECTION Of PVELL INO iUQDBEB, JUHVRCUEB, BCJIOOL aoUBEB.and OTltEU ilUILUINOti. Also that he keeps eonstanily on hand a lull aseort- nem oi erery aeeonpuon oi nfiAiuiw Ponslstlng.ol FLOORINO, BIDINO. DOORH. HABH. lftllNDS. BI1UTTBRB, MOLPJNOH, ACr.wiuon pu prapaiGa to jarnuo as uo vi PaSoBdRe rtppcrtlully sojlcltoif. HS1T.. WJ1. It, BEX. Railroad Guide. N' OUTHPBNAtA.UAlI.nOAD. Paasenrera fr PWIddelphla wtlt lcavo Lchtgh. am n.fiillnwni &.oo a. m. via L. V. arrive nt 1'hlla. at 0:00 a. m. 7:47 a. m. via I A S, 11:16 a. m. 7t39 a. m. vn i. v. 11:07 p. m. vlaL Aft,' liiOS t. m. via L V. ' l-.ifl p, m. via L. A 8. ' 4(17 p. m, via L. B. ' 444 n. via L. V. ' 11:18 a. m. I:M p. m. 2-Mp.ra. S:40 d. in. 8:20 p. m. 6:C0 v. m. 7.38 p. m. via I.. V. 10:30 p. m. nn.'nmittw iaava Aivt. t Perka and Aiucr! can St., I'hlla., at7t00,8:30and :1S a.m.!:10, MS and 6:15 p. m. Faro from Lenlehton to Phlla., tJ.65, Eicurslon Tickets, J4.00 Juno 6, 1875. ELLIS CLARK. Agent. OENTH.AL R. II. OP N. J. LElllGlt A SUSQUEHANNA liiViaiON. All Itai.ll Ilute to Long Branch. CASSRNnKll 8TAT10N IN NEW YORK FOOT OP LIBERTY ST., N.R. TiraeTablo of Deo. 27, 1875. Trilns leave Lehighton as follows: rorNew York, Easton, cM at 6.2J, 7.47, 11.12 a. tn., 4.47 p. m. Kor Philadelphia, a.i!2, 7.47, 11.12 a. m 2.26, 4.47. ror Mauch Chnnk at 10.20 a.m., 1.09, 8.S8, 7.04 and 0.43 p. in. KorVllkes-Barre andSerantonatlO.20 a. m., 1.09 7.04 p. m. n EiiurningMits Now York, from station Cen tral Railroad of New Jersey, foot of Liberty street, North River, atSJO, 0.00 a.m., 1.00, 25 and 5.16 p. m. teste Philadelphia, from Depot North Penn'a R It,, at 7.00, 9.45 a. m., 2.10,3.45 p.m. Loste Kaston at dJ5, 11.40 a. m., 3.55, 6J5 and J.10 p m. . Leave Mauch chunk at 6,15,7.40, 11.05 a. mM 2.20 and 4.40, p. ns, ..,. ,v Po: further partloulars, see Time Tables at tho PASSENOERS VOR. X.0N0 HRANC11 CIIANOK (OARS AT hLIZAUKTH. , , II. P. BALDWIN, Cm. Iuinffr Jgtnt. Jwjy4.l871. pIIILA. di READING RAILROAD. Arrangement of PasDger Trains; JANUARY 1ST. 1875. Trains leave ALLEfTOVVN ns follows :- (VIA PKUKIOMBK DBANOIt.) For Philadelphia, lindgeport and Perklomen Junction, at .45,'8J0 a.m and 5.55 p.m (SUNDAYS. For Philadelphia. Rridgeport and Perklomon Jnnctlo i. at 3.10 o.m. (VIA BA8X PKSA. DRASCII.t For Rending, 1 2.30. 5.50, 8.05 a m 12.J0. 2.10, 4.30 ard 8.45 p.m. For HnlriBOurg. f 2 30, 6 50, 8.55 a. m.. 12.20, 4 30 and 8.45 p.m. , For Lancaster and Columbia, 6 60, 8.65 a.m- and 4 30 pm tDoes iwtrnn on Mondays. Y8. For TtAsilmtr. 2.30 n.rn. and 8.45 l,.m. For Ilarrlsbnrg, t.JO a.nv and 8.4, o.m. Trains FOR ALLENTOWN lcavo as follows: (y.'A PKllKIOUR.V JIHANCII.) Leave rhiladelphla. 7 3J a.m., 5.16 anil 5 30 n.m. Leave llrldgcpnrt. 8.30 n.m , ii.00 anil 0.10 n.m. t.e.ive Perklomen June , 0.05 a.in , 6.1'J and ifl.35 p.iu. HUNDAYH. Lcavo rhllarlclphU. 8(0 a.m,, llrlilgeport, 0.01 a.m., Perklomen Junutton. 0.25 a.m. (VIA KA8T TKNSA nitAKCIl ) Loavo Reumg,,10.Marn4O1,8.10 fnil lo.rio p in Lcavo llarilsburg, 6 2), 8.10 a m., 2.00. 3.50 and 7.4 'p.m. Leave Lan(ter, e.10 a.m., 17,65 and 3.45 p.m. Leave Columbia S.iOam J.ifl and 3.35 p.m. HUNDAYH. Leave Reading. 7 20 n.m. .Leave llnnlsMirg, 5.2U a.m. I Trains maikou thus i) rnn via O. A N. llrnncli, (depot tlth and Oreeii ativets,) and have turoutrh cars from nnd to Mnuch Chunk. All oilier tiainsto mid from PhilndelpUla a rive at and leuvo Rioad street depot. J. k. wooriBN. Nov. 0, 1875. General uper(nfendnf. PENNSYLVANIA liAILItOAD, PIIILADKLP1IIA t ERIE BR. DIVISION, Winter Time Table. On and alter SUNDAY, NOV, 21st, 187. the Trains on the Philadelphia & Erie Railroad Di vision will ran as follows : WESTWARD. FA8T LINE leaves Nw York l'lnludolphla ltsltlmore llarrisburR 9.2 . o.m, 12.p.m. I. 20 p.m, 6.00 p.m. 6.35 t,m. 10.20 p.m, II. 60 p.m. 8.25 n.m. ll.5lp.io. 9.0) p.m. 4,25 a m. 8 35 a.m. 9.45 a.m. 11.05 a.m. 7.60 p.m. 7.'.c0 a.m. 7.30 a.m. 10.45 a.m, 1.65 pnn. 3.30 p.m, 4.45 p.m. 8.00 a.m. 8.30 a.m. 1.25 p.m. 6.10 p.m. 7.30 p.m. arr. at Wllllamsport Lock Haven llellefohte ERIE MAIL leaves New York Philadelphia llaltimore Harrlnburg Wllliamaiwrt Lock Uavcn Reuovu arr. at Kne LIMIT. MAIL leaves Philadelphia jiauiraore Harrisbnrg arr. at WUUsmsport Ixicic lliven Rcnova L'K HAVEN AC. I've Philadelphia jt&iuuiuri! Harrisbnrg arr. at Willlamspurt Lock Haven EASTWARD, pniLAD'A EX. leaves Lock naven 6 40 am. 7.65 a.m. 11.65 a.m. 6.15 p.m. 4.20 p.m. 7.35 n,m. 9.10 n.m, 10 26 a.m. wiuiarosport arr. at Harrtsbiirr llaltimore Pblladaiphia New York PAY EXTREBB leaves Renova Wllllamsport 11.35 a.m. arr. at Harrisbnrg 3.01 p.m. rhiladelphla 6.20 p.m. NewYorx 9.15 p.m. Baltimore 6.35 p.m. ERIE MAIL loaves Kne l'.SOa-rn. ttenova p.ui. Lock Haven 9.45 p.m. Wllllamsport 10.55 p.m. arr. at HairUburg tso a m. Baltimore 7.35 a.m. Philadelphia 7.00 a.m. New York 10.10 n.m. FAST LINE laavea Wllllamsport 12.25 am. arr. at Jiarneuurs e.w n.iu. Baliimoro 7.35 a.m. Philadelphia 7.35 a.m. New York 10.25 a.tn. Ttrle M.n Him. Limited Mail West. Lock Haven A room. West and Day Express East' make oiose connection at normumoeruuu witu L.AB.U1U trains for Wllkesbarre and Bcranton. Erie Mall West. Limited Mall West and Fast Line West make oiose connection at Wllllamsport with N. C R, W. trains north. Erie Mali East and West, Limited Mail West. East line West and Day Express East make close connection at Look Haven with D. E. V. It R. trains. Erie At all East and West conaect at Erie with trains on L, el. A M. 8. RIL, at Corry with O, C 2 A. V. RH,. at Emporium, with B. N. Y, ft P. It., and at Driftwood with A. V. 11 R. Parlor Cars will rnn between Philadelphia and WlUlamspoit on Limited Mall West, Fast Line Weet, Philadelphia Express East and Day Expreaa East Bleeping Cars on aU night trains. WM. A. BALDWIN, Oen'lMnpf $1,200 PROFIT ON $100 Made this month by .Puts and Will. Invest ao oordlnir ta vnnr means. 310. 150 or 3100. la bTOCli PRIVILEOKU, basbroagbt a small fortune to the cartful lnveaior. We advlao when and bow to oi'Euatk savkly. Books with tnll intormatlou tout Iroe. Address orders by man and telegraph to. BAXTER (ft ICO,, Rankers and Brokers, 17 Wall Bt N, y. INDEPENDENT" LEIIIGI1TON, CARBON COUNTY, PENN'A, SATURDAY MOnNING, Plotts' Star Organs Aro us perfect parlor organs ns nro manufactti rcit CorresponiUnco aollclted with organlsiB. niuelclans nnd tho trad". Address, EDWARD rLOTTH, Washington. N. J. LOOK BEAUTIFUL LOOK ROSY l-A hot llo of DURLINO'S HOE OLVCERtNE for Ronchnesaolthe SKIN, CHAPPED HANDS, Ac, only 25 cents a botllo. Mav 9. Plotts' Stnr Orgniw Combine benntiT.idnrablllty and worth. Scnil for Illustrated cataloiruo before butlng. Ad. drees the manutatturcr. EDWARD PLOTTS, Washington, N. . WHY, Oil WHY will yon irallcr with that roUOH or COLD1 when yon maybe ire mediately rniolved by namg DURLINO's COM. POUND BYRUP ol TAR WILD CHERRY nnd HORKHOUND. May 0 nUIE PEOrLR OF LEHIQHTON anil vlcin itv all nnlte In testifying that at A. J DUHLINO'S Drnp; and Family Medicine Store, runn. FitKsii and Unadulterated MEmriNits ran nlways bo found. Mav 9. Plolls' Star Organs Agents supplied at figures thnt dciy compe tllton for the samo class of lnstiumenta. Try one. Address, EDWARD TLOTT8, Wnsblug. ton. N. J. S AMUKL GRAVER, Opposite the Public Sqnare, SOU I'll STREET LEHIGHTON, Pa., Mannfactnrer ot Tin & Sheet Ironware And Denier in all kinds ol TOVES!l CS- ROOFING, RroUTINO and JOBBING promptly nttended to at reasons hlo chnrccs. Nov. 30. SAMUEL GRAVER. W, EACHES, Contractor & Builder, LEIIiailTON, PENN'A. IMans nnd Specifications FOR ALL KINDS OF BUILDINGS MADE AT THE snORTESr NOTICE. NO CHARGES Made tor TLANS nnd SPECIFIC A TIONfl, jvnvn inn uuuirnct is uwanieu ui uiu uiHier. slgnod. Jane 14, 1873-yl. A. W. EACHES. Mannfncturer of nnd Dealer in all kinds ot JlUUBttllUl,lJ AND KITCHEN FURNITURE, Noxtto ltomlor .t llojford's Cnrrlngo Mauufcti.ry. Bank Stroot, Loliightou, Pa. Blegnut Pnrlm- Suits, Ilainlenma lletlronm Sets, Soiling very Cheap for Cash. Examine befoic purchn-dtig clsewbeic. Having bnd an expenonco ol twenty years In the UNDERTAKING Bntlncsa. I am nrcnarcd to furnish nil kinds of COFFINS mid OASKHTH on snort notice, nnd attend to nil business In this line in such n man. ner ns w)IJ give entiro Katisfactlon, ou very tvaaimuum lei me. x iivjiJf;e euiieueii. March 27,.vl. 1 HEO. KEMEREIl D UESSED AND LIVE The undersigned respectfully Informs the citizens of Carbon and adjoining countios, that ho is again prepared to supply them with Dressed or Live Hogs at prices fully ns low as they can bo bonght for elsewhere. Also, Smoked Hums, Rologno anil saussnge. at Wboleaiilo ana Retail. fsT Orders will be promptly filled, snd Ilofjt shipped to any point at the shortest notioo. JOSEPH OBERT, Bank Street, Lehighton, Po. Jov. , yt JOB PRINTING at the very lowest price 1875 fall 1875 Mrs. M. Guth Respecifnllr announces to the LADIES OF WEIbSPORT AND VICINITY that aha hsa jnst return ea irom too uitv, ami la how receiy. ingoneot me uaiiujei a siuuao oi jtall Millinery Goods COMPRISING;, Hats, Bonnets, And Trimmings ever before brought Into this section, and tbit cud is prepared w uo ueiu up in tue Very Latest Fashion, AT PRICES BELOW ANY OTHER EB TABLIBBMENT IN THE COUNTY. Also, AN ENTIRELY NEW 6TOCK 07 SWITCHES, in Real and Imitation Hair, NO TIONS, and ALL other Goods usually kept In a Flrst-Class Millinery Store. Ladies' own Hair made npto order Call and Inspect Goods and learn Prices bef oro purchasing elsewbero, MRS, M.- GUTH, Weltsport. Ta. April i-ti live and Let Live." Fereuson s Adventures. A BIORY OF TARTIBAN DAYS. This for ttio gallant Ferguson I" ti.o fn,i,niniT vn words nail liistiiu- tcd a lolcn of terror In ono of the love liest districts of tho ramletto State-a district watered by tne uninwuu u..u Parcolet rivets jtnd tticlr gentlo trlbu- T. Ilia mnnill nf Seoterabef, 1780, C'ornwallls detached the notorious Col. Fercusoii tc tho frontiers of North Caro Una, for the ostensible purpose of cn coiiraBlne the torles of that region to take up nrmsior vim force consisted In part of tho most pro. fllcate and abandoned characters of tho partisan days.and his march was mark pd by atrocities of the most shocking description. The hardy men of the Carollnas, Kentuoky.and Virginia, rose against tho marauuers, mm, y Boone and other back-woods worthies, t .1nr..MtV af LTInr'a gave them a uecisivo ucicm. . Mnxxtoi,. Porotison was slain In tho battle, and his fellow foragcrfuniuiber. Ing alwut ono thousand, were nearly all captured or killed. This conlllct reviveu mo iiupca " Southern patriots, and rorceu oorn- wallls to return to Cliariestown aiscom fitted and cast down. " Wo shall have rest now,' tne patri ots said, after the battle. " Ferguson, tho dreaded, Is doad, and thoifaw tor les who escaped with tbelr wretched lives aro not strong enough to do us harm." . . ,, Everywhere In tho vicinity oi me battle-lleld tho Americans ureatueu freer, and the loyalists In whoso Inter, ests Ferguson had marched to his death, curbed their loyalty, and In secrecy sworo revenge. Hut tho settlements were soon to it-iuu that tho victory of King's Mountain had nerved the arm of a too more terrible than any which they had hitherto known, Tlio existence of tho now terror was discovered by a hoy ono morning nbout a forenlght after the battle. Ho found the family ot Archibald Mettson mur dpred In their own house, and to the corpses had been pinned n paper bear ing these worn: " This for tho gaiiani perguson i This terrible atrocity aroused the country, and tho excitement was quicK lv helehtmied bv the Dndlnc of tho body of another murdered patriot. On tho cold breast, which had been pierced by pistol balls, was the palld paper and ItK wonls of terrible import, aim tno coun try knew that a fearful vengeance would bo taken for King s mountain. Durlncr IIih week that followed the discoveries I have mentloued, tho work of tho Avenours was terrible, lliey fell upon patriot homes at tho (Ip.kI of night, and leit on tiu uosoin oi nieir victims the live words which had already teirorlzed tho country. It was In vain that tho patriots summoned their cunning and energy for the capture of tho band of demons, wliloii, as it nau been dlscovored, numbered six men, masked, nnd mounted on black horses. Thev came and went llko ghosts, but always left hohlnd the terrible sentence which had niado their oxlstonco exe- crablo. At times they fell upon their hunters, and left them by tho roadside marked with tho sign ot vengeanco. Fear becan to naralyto the Laronni- ans ; many abandoned tneir Homes ior tho sstko of their families ; and It Is orobablo that tho entire district would liavo been depopulated In a short time, had It not been for tho couraco of ouo woman. Her namo was AHco Deauchampo It was a dark night In tho last week of November, when tho heroine cf my story left tho house of a friend. Her own liouso, which had been deserted for several davo. was not far away, and she had determined to return to it for the nurnose of securing ou article ot annarel left behind In her recent flight IJeforo she set out on her journey sho was warned of tho dangers that en vlroned it : but alio smiled, and de dared that she did not fear them. She could enter the old bouso through tho kitchen, In the rear, find tho garment without a Hunt, and return safely to her friends. Tho path sho had often traversed was barely discernablo ; but she made good headway, and reached her homo without Incident, The silence of the grave hung about tho forsaken place, and tho lifting of the latch sent a chill of terror to tho young curs nonrt Throuch the kitchen, across tho desert ed parlor, and up the stairs, she crept to the room where sho had left tho ob ject of her nocturnal quest. Tho drawer of tho old bureau yielded with out noise, and Alice was drawing forth tho garment when the voices of men feu UDOii her ears. Sho started, dropped her prlze.and with her heart In her throat crept to tho window that overlooked the poarcb in front of the house. She could see nothing, for the night was too dark ; but the voices of men mingled with the ehahiplng of blts,oon tloued to salute her ears. " This is old Beauohainpe's bouse," said one. " It has been deserted for several davs. Tho daughter, frighten ed by the uianuer in which we treated tho father, has lied eomovrnero tor pro toction." These words drove overy vestlgo of color from the listener's face ; they told her who tho men below wero, tnoucii she could not bco oven tho outlines ot tbelr persons. Ono week prior to bor visit, her father, ono ot King a Moun tain Heroes, was round uenu in a pniav $1.00 a FEBRUARY C, 1870. r-tto grovc.and the words of Ferguson s Avengers lay on ins ureuai. a had deserted her home, knowing that tho hand that had struck tho father would not spare the tiaugnter. Well might tho lone girl tremble when she found horself so near tho dreaded scourges of the country, and sho did not move until sue iiebrutno irum, uuui opened by a kick, and lieavlly booted feet In tho room below. Then a calm thought ot ner situation drove fear from her heart, and Alice Beauchampe prepared to perform one of the most daring deeds of the Itevolu- tlonary War. ' Tim nnlsa In the houss Inereased.and oaths and rude Jests preceded and fol lowed the lighting ot a nro on tno hearth. , , . , Alice, who had longed for a sight of the dreaded six, crept to a spot near the bureau, where thero was n crack in the floor. Then applying her,' eye to tho peek-hole, she saw six wild looking men directly ueneatii ner. They were, beyond doubt,tho Aven gers ot Ferguson's death, fer several masks lay on the table, along with three or four bottles of wlno which they had taken from some patriot's cellar. Tall, rough, dovll-may-carelooklng fel lows thov were, armed with 'pistols. carbines, and sabres, the kind of men who never court tne smiles ot mercy or llsteu to the pleading ot innocence. Just such fellows as they wero, AIIm had supposed them to be, for she had seen many ot tno prisoners iaicen at King's Mountain, and she longed for the nresonce of a band ot patriots. Thero wero true men In South Carolina at that time who would have given their right arms for a chance to exterminate tho AveuEers, and AHco know whero a little party of patriots lay, nut aias tlmv wero not verv ucar. " we'll rest uere anu nnisii mat, wine I" said one of the leaders of the band, whose face told that already he had Imbibed freely. " Bring in tho poultry, and on old Beauchampe's hearth we'll prepare a feast." At his comtnaud, one of tho men left the house, but 60011 returned, Bearing with mm a duck and several cnicnons, from whoso freshly wrung necks the blood was dripping. " How's the horses," asked ono ol tho Avenuers. as tho man flung tho poultry 011 tne tauiu. "Standing like rocks," was tho re nlv. " Suuh burses as they are don' tnlitmr. and. basldH there Isn't a tubel within ten miles of this accursed?! Pnck4M. " Tvliv.t nere s tne wiiiow uarizcii, " I didn't think of her," was tho ro- ply. "How bitterly old Hartzell dated us, but we caught hlni at last," " And presented him with a breast pin I Ha 1 Ha I" And the laugh went round tho room Alice Beauchampe did not wait until tho IntiL'h was onded: while ret It filled the liouso with Its devilish echoes, she ulided across the room to a window that looked out upon the dark palmetto grove, behind thn building. There was no sash In the window, and the cool winds of the night kissed tho nalld cheek of tho partisan's daughtor, For a moment she tried to pierce tho darkness beneath the window ; but falling in ber endeavors, she crept over the sill, resolved to trust to iortune ior success. Tho dlstauco to tho .crouud was not great, and the darling girl alighted without Injury. Now she was froo to make hereseapo to tho friends sho had ltteiy left ; but Immediate flight in that direction was not her Intention. " H6aven aid mo I" sho murmured, as sho glided around the old house and Approached the horses which the torles had left tethered to the Bran.ll trees a few yards from tho door. A Blanco Into tho room revealed tho forms of the Avengers discussing the wine with oath and jest, or watching the roasting of tho fowls. They did not fear danger, for their horrible deeds had completely terrorized the country, and under the sway of tbelr lawlessness It was fast becoming a desert. Alico counted them before sho touched a single rein : and then In brief period of tirao she loosened the horses and quietly led them Into small copso not far away. Tho steeds did not refuse to obey her guldanceship, and whon she had reached the copse, she struck them with a whip which the had found beneath a saddle. It was a smart blow that she administered, and tho horses started forward and disap peared in an instant. Thus in a few moments Fercuson's Avengers had been deprived of their horses. Flushed with triumph, Alice Beau champe returned to tho house, and again looked in upon Its hilarious ten ants. She now held a pistol In her hand a weapon which a bolster had granted her, and she i-rept to tho end of the porch before she halted, There was the flash ot vengeance In the dark eyes of the partisan girl while she gazed up on tno party ueyona tne tnresuoiu Once or twice she raised the weapon but lowered it attain, as If playing with the life of the leader of the six, whoso burly form was rovealed by the light of the flro. Sho saw the fowls, smoking and woll burned, placed on tho tabio,and wntcn ed the creodv men crowd around foi their shares. Their tongues and move ments told her that stolen liquor was doing its accustomed work on all save tho giant, who bad superintended tho cooking of the lato ropast. This man appeared perfectly sober, anu tne an Year i Paid in Advauco. Subscribers out of Comity, $1.20. cry glances which ho often cast at his comrades told that ho did not sanction their bacnianalian conuuci. " Cornel enougiiot tuisi w 1y CTled, rising from tho table, which had been dragged to tho centre 1 of the room. " Get up, boys, and let's bo go ing. I told you at Wiley's that you had wlno cnougn, out you m-a u4.,,s !.,. .,,! .Wln- trnnraelves StUDOrl. fOtll Scott, and you Bltkeson, I art ashamed of you I YViiat wouiu weuu BuB of rebels should catch us in tills con dition? You know the mercy wo would get, and yet you sit there as careless as statues drunk as old Bacchus him self." . .. ... . Then an expression 01 cumumiii. passed over the man's faee.and, stoop ing, he cried : " UP I UP I III" luume, .-oj- But Ills crv of alarm did not Infuso much life into the men at the tab e. n,, or t,.n tipflila wero raised, but the drunken leer that made the faces huhv ous was enough toprovokeasmlle.even from tho mad tory. " Men I" ho sneered, contemptuous ly. " Dogs I overy one ot you. I've a mind to ride down to the racoiet swamp and toll the reueis niutng vuo that the men tney nato u .,..,- t bnm tltoiicht that I com manded men, not drunkards I" and be struck the table with the butt of his pistol, but could not rouse his stupid followers. ... The next moment, vtun an oaui u his lips, ho strode to tho door, which be Jerked open, and stepped upon the P''curse sucli dogs as I lead',!" ho hissed. " I suppose I must lead the horses up, and tie each tool in mo situ- dle." . . .. ... Ho was stepping from tne porcu iur the purpose of attending to tho horses which ho supposed wero still tethered at tho trees, when a form roso before him and he started back with a gasp of terror. " Who In tho mischiet " AHco Beauohampo I" was tho in. tnrrnnllnn nf tha nDDUrltlOtl. " The daughter of the old man basely mur dered by your hands I Down on your miserable Knees, uouiroy ajuB, beg for tho mercy you have never granted others I Down, I say 1" rerhaps lhe shadows of tho window sash did not premlt him to see tho pistol that was clutched In tho hand ot the. fearless girl, else his rasliness mignv hovo been curbed. . . " Kneel to you 7 Never I" tie cried. The weanon wliioh ho raised dropped before the flash that followed his last wnnin. nnd with a groan of nain he staggered baok to drop dead among his drunken comrades. AHco Beauchampo, amazed at ner own courago, stood silent amiusi. tuu smoke ot her own pistol. ne saw ma bacchantes try to shake off their torper at sight of their stricken leader, and one roso to his feet to fallj as soon as he needed support. " Now for the swamp 1" she cried, with triumph, and tho next minute rushed from the disgusting sight. An hour passed away.and tho drunk en torles began to recover ; their chief, who had dropped to the floor, seemed to sober them with his cold face and staring eyes, and when they had almost recovered their ecatterod wits, the too they dreaded was upon them. Alico Beauchampo's voice had fired the hearts of a patriot band for ven geance. On her way to the swamp she had encountered the partisans who had captured ono of the flying horses, and were following the trail. The conflict betweon patriot anu vuty was brief and almost bloodless. The Ave avengers wero mado prison- ... - . . I. mo-. ers, and sueu uite cowarus iui mo mo., cy they bad never granted to a living being. . I need not describe the seene that followed. Suffice it to say that tho trees In front of Alico Beauchampe's home bore the strangest fruit that ever hung from living limb. The vengeance of the patriots was as complete as terrible, and when the glo rious sun rose again, tho dreaded men of tho lovely district bad ceased to fright on people with their name. Alice Beauchampe, whose courage had led to the extermination of the avenging band, became the heroine ot tho day, and after tho termination oC hostilities wedded a lieutenant of Mar lon's men. Her heroism Is venerated, and her gallant exploits narrated dally by hundreds of her descendants in the Palmetto Stato. Counter claims Your wife's shop ping bill. How striking I Messrs. nitz & KIchs keep a lagcr-bler saloon up-town. N. Y. Com.Advertlser- The rich," said a Dutchman, "eat venslon because it isli deer. I eat mut ton because It lsh .sheep." Wosupposo Tweed will smoke tho " Boss" cigar in Cuba. Chicago Tri bune, Yes. If they Havana. An Indianapolis monkey ate a box of pills and died. Tbey ape-riently didn't work well. New. naven Jour nal. Scotch saying : A doar plaat wl" a nion'o naam on's a vaary goad thing, but a dinner plaat wl' a mon's dinner on's a better. The Philadelphia Tress Club has elected Mr. Morwltz as Its Vice-President. They have more, wits tbero than we gave them credit for. An exchange says that Don Carlos baa 5,000 meu at Irun and 40,000 on paper. This Is meant to bo Irun-lcal. Now York Commercial Advertiser.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers