Society ! IUHKlTi) OAHTLB. No. 75.1AJ0. K. 0V1IIC M. U. JmUnfl 4th Monday of ' each mnutn. In lie bor'a Ilnll. Lehlnlitop.nt.7i30 o'clock r. M. J.WVO'Neil, 8.K.U1 Ullnam, H.K.It.H. ,'ONAnF. ItUTTK.I Lillian, NO. 60, ,1. O. O. I'V inoeUotery Tuesday cvenliiR, nt 8 o'clock, In llotior'a ilnll. Dnnlcl (irnvef. iN. U.i W. It. Hoi, Becretary. fono Poca Tumit, No. 171, Imp. p. It. M., meet on WednctiUy fcvonlnR or enen eck, Rt 7:30 o'clock m Public school llhll, Wvlmnit Vs. 1). K, ItlcVcrt, H. 8 n.,tlllbim, ( . ( H nmaiiTUN Lotion, No. 231 K. of P., nirela on fildav oienlPfi.s. In Hebci's Jloll nt7:ip o'clock', ,A. . Kuchoa, O.O. T. ilatcliff, It ofjl. and X. AitvcitlKiiiK Kates. Wodolreit to bodUtinrtry understood that no mlvcrUnMiH'iitu will bo Inserted In tho cut ''nmna ut THE OAMIO.X AliViHATIt thnt tnnr lit' reiMVod frow nnkiiowii jinituw nr films niiliai njenmpiuilcd Willi tub I' ASH, Tho following aio ur om terms. Ailveitlsotnents for 1 x&ir, per Inch each Ins-rtion . . . . . iOCIr. ' Mi Months, pcrlnch ench Insertion l." i Is. ' Thrco Months, " " ' 20 Cts. Less than thrco mouths, (list Inner- lion tl. each subsequent Insertion 23 Cts. Local notices lo.oents nor lino. It. V. MOllTllfMUU, Publisher. -J7 It. S1HVKK8, DIsTIHCr ATTOltNny & COUNSLLLOlt AT LA IV. Omen. No. 2, Mnnrion House, MAUl'U CHUNK. l'A Hettllne Kstntca. Flllnir Accounts and Oiptiaus Court lTaeure n specialty. Trial of cnes catelnHy attended to. transactions In tnchsli umj Uciniui. Jm u. MTUHIMY MOKNIMi, .IAN. 1, W. Local and Personal. 3 Tatties lecelvltiR the Advocat with a cros3 marked after their names will please remit tho amount due for Subscription, or tho extra CO cents will bo added to pay tho expenses of colleC' .tloti. JSi Leave your measure with Laury & rotors, If you would look ulce. For a handsome bonnet at a low prlco, ro to Mrs. M. Guth, the milliner, In weissport. New buckwheat flour at S. K, Fntz. Itigcr's, at lowest pi Ices and of excel Jent quality. The "(Its" clven at Laury & l'eters', aro unsurpassed by any tithe hougo in tho county. Mrs. S. K. Fatzinccr U lust rccelv In b a splendid assortment of fall and winter millinery coeds. Call and see them. The fall suits belnc eotten up by Laury & Peters, are fashionable and neat, while the price is within tho reach .of all. Buy yo,ur wall paper at C. W. Lentz's.Centrtil Drug store, five percent .discount on former prices, fiom now till February Ut. Now Is a good tlmiS to subscrib ,for the CAnnoa AnypcATil It Is only 51.00 a year in mUance, and plvcs you all tho attest local ami general news Try it I Ueliriclrs wis up l.liiltncnt cures iheumatiMii, neralnia, sprains, liruUes ntirt cuts, usetl l;iternally anil external y, umiiufnctiire.l find for sale by (J. W, Lentz, drupfilst. Piico 50 cts nndH ,per btiltlo. DlL FlTTLEIl'S RllKUMVTIC ItEMF-DY cures rheumatism, neuiali'ln., nervous and kidney diseases. Pit. Fitileh's Pectoral Svirup, itifalllhlo for coughs, colds and bronchitis. 1 ) u. Fitti.ek s Cordial. Calisaya, IjINiment ;md VKfllCTAIU.K LiyF.Il TILLS Mild by C. W. Lentz, solo agent for Leliigliton and Welssport. 2-ly J. K. Rickctthas still a few of those eligible lots In Rlckertstown to dispose jit. If you feel like securing a good home call and seo him Ho is also sun plying tlour.fced.larnber and coal at tho lowest rates. 4 Rahk CnAHCE We offer for salt- one or haward j.'iotia' btar l'arlor ( gans, fresh from )jls factory ut Wash ington, N. J. This Instrument is sur passed by none In tho market. Call at this plllce. Ajjp you Tjiopm.ED with hoarsa ncss or' weak lungs,&h(iitncs3 of breath, or asthma ? Thousands have been per manently cured by using Coxo's Wild Cliotry and Seneka. For sale by every diuggisfife merchant In Lehigh, North ampton and Caroon Counties. 49 -Cm Sometiiino Nice. A lino assortment of Twilled Silk, Bio. Giccn, and lSlack 10 or IB Klb, Paragon Frame, Partridge Wood Stick, Ivory Ilandlo Umbrellas with immo engraved. Itcmember, this is the pnly place In Carbon county to get a genuine, first class Umbrella. 0, 13. IJnoADs Dealer In Umbrellas, Ilats, Caps, &c, Market Square, Mauch Chunk. AKEYOUK giILDItEtf SUItJECT TO that dangerous foo of childhood Citooi- pit Couons ? Coxe's Wild Cher ry and Soncka las been thoroughly tes led, and never known tp fajl of effect' Ing a cnmplctu t)nd speedy' euro when administered in tlnio. Keep a bottle In your house. For sale by C. W Lentz, Xlruggibf, Lehlghton. 49-Om. Head Quarters for Hoots, Shoes and Huubers. Messrs. Laury & Pe ter aro now receiving and offering for solo ono pf tho largest and best select ed stocks of mens' kip and calf boots, wotnena' and children's gaiters, shoes and rubbers over brought into Lehigh ten, at prices which defy com petition. Remember, if you want to buy cheap for cash, now is tho time, aud Laury & Peters' the place I Do you desuie bound LUNqs and a longllfo'. Then' do not neglect Unit cold, but procure a bottla of Coxe's Wild Cherry and Scneka at once, Ono fair Ufa) will convince you of its great merits, prlco 00 cents. For sale by A. J, Durljng, and by druggists and uorcharrts oyerywherp. 49-Oin. Tho family at Thomas Orago of Dyborry, Wayne county, has become i nearly extinct by i)lp'tlietla. Mr, Ora go had pst four children this mouth, having buried two on Sunday. Ulmsulf aud servant girl" were taken sick last week, and dred'on Thursday, Tho wifo died a few months ago. Only two children are left of tho family, and they 'are roported dangerously ill with tho same disease. I l.o Slato I.eglslaluio convenes on '1 uosday, January 4th, Formers look to your ment houses ami ucwaio nMtnuipj. Scarlet fever still conllntie-t Its ravages at South Ilcthlehem. Thd usual services will bo held In the M. K. Church this (Friday) night. Kdward Drcher, of Hazleton, lias been a stasjo dilver for nearly 00 years. Our Public Schools will ro-opeen on Monday inurjilng iiext,,Ianuary llrd. Theio will be live Sundays nnd five Satuidays In the month of Janu ary, 18T0. lion. A. J. Durllng, member of the Stnto Legislature, will leuvo for Ilarrlsburg on Monday jiext. Kit. Miller nnd W. W. Itoticr, ro turned to Philadelphia ou Thursday last. Prof. Harnett, fonnerly of our pub lic schools, spent Christinas with IiIb friends in this place. Hon. Z. II. Long will pleaso nceept our thanks for a bottle of very fine French mustard, sunt us ns n Christmas present. During the last boaling season 7000 loadtd boats passed down tho Le high Canal, neatly all of which were freighted with coal or iron. Ladles, lhii being leap year, vou have the privilege of "popping the mo meiitous fqiiettlon " Matriugo notices inserted In the Advocate free. Of tho eighteen anthracite Iron fur naces In Ucrlis county eleven aro out of blat, and seven aro working along, uiu not turning out tueir full eapa cities. Mr. Win. Seahold, tho gentlemanly agent of the L. V. It. It., at this place, has been severely indisposed during I ho past week. Wo aio pleased to state he Is on duty again. A drunken woman was run over on Iho Lehiiih alley railroad a few days ago The wheel stiuck her in the centre of tho body, throwing ono portion of it fifteen feet from tho other. At Wilkesbarro, Friday of last week, Patrick 1'jnn was convicted of murder in tlio second degree, for kil'ltig J. Tooley, ami was sentenced to inipilson ment fcr eleven years and ten months. Tho Irona Loan and ISnlldlng As sociation, of Parry ville will hold its 7th a mm a I meeting on Saturday next, Jan uary bin, ta.b, at 7 o'clock, at which time a new board of directors will be elected. Wo are in receipt of n very hand- sotuo Centennial and Historical Cal andcr, for 1S70, from Thomas W. Price Co , tho popular paper ibalorof 503 Minor stieet, Philadelphia. It Is a credit to their establishment. David Ebbeit, In wlshins? his frhnds "A Happy New Your," deslies to state thtit his atrangenienH for sup plying their, with teams at low niices (luting 1S70 will fully equal, If not sur pass those ol tho past year. The eattierof tlio Advocate will I wait upon his frie.nils thii (Saturday) noimng Willi litstnmi annual greeting, lie desires us to statu that "small (luna tions will bu thankfully ncelvxl and. larger ones in exact propoition," Our churches gave, their icspectivo Sunday Schools wry lino entertain j ment.s on Christmas Kvo and Night, i and we aro glad to know that the ' ehol.irs all expressed their satisfau- I Hon with the presents they received tnd tho amusement afforded. . Tuesday evening Mr. 13.11. Synder was very suddenly attacked with a vere sickness, w men lor a time ca serious til um among his friends. are pleased to itato that ho has roovered as to bo nolo to bo store. At Mllford, on Thursday of last week, Daniel Decker, obtained a ver dict for i7G2 against tho Frio Hallway Company for the burning of his hotel atSbohola, in March, 187:3, by a, spark from a locomotive. The company will probably appeal to tho Supremo Court. Henry lieckendorf is now prepared to supply the people of Lehlghton and lelnily wltn mo very best or coal, f all sizes, including chestnut and stove, at prices lower than any other dealer In town. Orders can bo left at his resldinco in rear of Catholic church, or at tho Advocate olllco. Mr. J. P. Rowland, of Parryville, as organized an oieuiugclass, to com mence, the first week In January. Tho branches ho proposes to teach, aro Elo cution, Penmanship, Mathematics and Grammar. School evenings : Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. His charges will be, for gentlemen, $1,50 ; ladlos, $1 per mouth. It promises to bo a suc cess. Now 13 tho time to call at T. D. Clauss" Jerchant Tailoring establish ment to buy for cash. Ho will astonish you with the remarkably low figures ho asks for really linticlass mado and tit- tin'' garments, lie has also maiked down prices In tho boot, shoe, hat, cap and glovo departments, to such low figures that it is Imposslhlo for you to see the goods and learn tho price with out making a purchase. W. T. Carter ifc Co., of Iieaver Meadow, the Spring Mountalu colliery r Jeaiisvlllo, A. L. Hamper is Co., ut orktown, nnu tho L. & W. 11. Co., ot Audenrlcd and Tiesckow, have given notice to their employees, that they will continue paying the same wages and work on thesatuo terms, for next year, ns has been done since July 1875, the employees to call at tho respective oIUccb and sign agreements before Jan uary 1st, 1B7U, winch it is presumed ill uo signod without any trouoie. Itecoid. A fatal explosion of 2ro damp oc- currpd Tuesuay in Hutchinson's mine, near Kingston, Luzerne Co. A wall iiad been erected to shut oil a portion of tho mine not In use, but an openlug was made in it Tuesday. aua some uoyu, in opposition to orders, went through with a burning lamp. A torrino ex plosion followed. Dennis Foster and Martin Ryan wero Instantly killed, and Jauios Hutchinson was blown into it poor of water aud hold face dowuwnrd by debris until ho was drowned, Several others working near tlio scene ot tho explosion were Injured. se. s. I usrii 5fl tar id his Tho Week of Prnyr (first wqfk in Janiiarv) will be observed In tho First Prcsbyteilan Church, ot this place. Services every evening commencing at 7 o'clock. Christmas lido nl llelhlehoni, Pa., was observed last week with even mnro than usual beauty of scenlo decoration, choleo music and pplrltual inipresslve ness. lllshopdo Schwcliiltz and Associate-pastor llacliman dellveicd ad mlrablo dlscouisos, both In English and In Unman, In tho old and new churches j thd latter structure about three quaiters of a centitty old. Thry were assisted, ut iiiueient nines-, uj Itcv. Drs. P. N'hatT O. D. Prentiss and J. W, Chlckeilug j the five ministers together, of four branches of tho Ono Church, Illustrating Clnlstlati Union. Ilotlt Stacks of tlio Thomas Iron Co,, at Luck Kldgo. are now again In blast, furnace No. 7, which had boon lying idle for a Wing whlle.havlng been blown in a week ago. lloth fur fiaeen are making No. I Iron, and work ing very satisfactorily. Ono after another furnaces aro now going In blast. Thuio Is mi encouragement In all this which wo trutt will be bpeedlly followed by tho revival of other branches ot'lndustry In our valley. "A now broom sweeps clean," ami this reminds us to lliank -Mr. II. 0. Lu vtinway lor tho broom piconled to our bi tter half. This iiiooin Is ono of the lira t manufactitted at his establishment, just star tul In this boiough, and wo must say that It Is the b sl Uioiiui wo have seen in a long time, and If hu eon- tltiiius to make such biootiH them eali ho no doubt of his success. Our bus I- ness men will do well ttj c.l'l and ex amine liis brooms belofj - ending orders nway. Patronize homo Industiy. From the County Sent. Our pavements arc In a very slippery condition. A few of our townsmen attended Mm lecture delivered by Theodore Tllton, at Allentown on Monday evinlng last. A large number of cases wero ruled out on Monday, lor Aibltr.itlon, to bo held at tho Iiroadway House, during the month of J.inuaiy. Our town was pictty well deseited dining the holidays. Mr. Jim Maco alias Whitman, for meily of this place but now cleik for the L. V. Company at New York city, ai rived In town ou C'hiistmas aim spent that gloomy day as well as Sunday with his dulcenia. Tim La line family, oh, my I hut their chiming bells sounded dolefully. They had an audience of about eight' persons and thosu 'mostly dead-heads. They did'nt play at nil. They left town next inotn'tig unable tn pay their bills, and Joiry -S. Kei.scr, ourcilltMtblo landloid, pnmii-cd himself that he would never have anything mote to do whh any troupe. No Indent, not at all. Tho Scott Legiiill, ve'ernus of tho Mexican war, held their twenty-filth annual supper at the American Hotel on Fitday evening last. It was a giaud alT.ilr. Only six of tlio old mciiibcl j still loinain. The funeral of Mrs. M, M. Dlmmlck was largely attended on Saturday. On Christmas, p. in., while the Phie-ni- and llilieinian bands wero discours ing in front of the Euiopean House, a little light ensued, which ended by put ting (o,i. Spmwl and one JlcElroy in jaiK Snoyl is out again, wo presume I. John Mc A lister wa9 brought before Squire Lauti-h on Tue-day, charged with fornication and bastardy and breach of promise 'villi ono of East Maueh Chunk's damsels. Ho entered ball In the sum ef 1,590 for his appear ance at court. J. II, Siown, Esq , w.n taken sud denly 111 on Monday evening. Wo aio Informed ho Is recovering slowly. Mr. Chas. Ilhoads.thu halter,ls about selling out his enllrn stock of goods to Jamei Deltoid. An Inventory of tho goods was taken on Filday. Some tlmo on Wednesday a suit of clothes and overcoat valued at sixty dollars, was stolen from tho loom of Wm. Lattlug, a boarder at tho Iiroad way House. No cluo as to who was tho thief, hut on Thursday Sir. Littlng started for New Jersey lu pursuit of a man who had registered at tlio Iiroad way tlio day provious. A grand operetta of Mary Queon was performed in tlhoad's Hall, on Thursday evening by Young ami Old Folks. No papers issued from tho " Demo crat" and " Oa.etto" ofllces this woek. An adjourned session of court will bo held next week, beginning on Tues day, Jan. Jth. Chrlhtnins Day, lii this borough, was very generally kept by our people. Services were held In tho soveral churches, and nil thu stores wero closed, oxcept tho toy and candy establishments, which latter seemed to do a good business. In thu evening, having occasion to go up town a short dlstauce, wo wero astonished at tlio number of childiien wo met stagger ing drunk upon our principal street. In passing a ilistaneo of less than two squares W3 met ut least 12 or 15 youiigJJoys, varying from perhapi M to 18 years of age, bearing unmistak able evidence that some person had been supplying them with intoxicating fluids. At what place they had been furnished with the means of getting drunk, wo know not, but wo do know this, that whoever ho bo ho deserves to lose his llcenso aud bo incarcerated in our common prison. The fellow who will deal out "poison" to young boys, is not fit to livo lu a civilized communi ty, If there Is no other way of pun ishment for lilui tho parents should should Jake wo had almost said man hi in out aud administer a severe hoisewhipplng. 1 11,11 ImlKmnit Ittvvrrsrri. In tho cane of Curncltus Stewart & Son vs. tho Lehigh Valley ltalltond Company judgment has been inverted by tlio Com I of Errors and Appnls.' The caso was ns follows : Cornelius Stuwait & Son leased thirty-two boats or thu Moirls Canal Company with the understanding that they wero to have a "diawbiick" of fifty cents per ton upon nil freight catiied by them for a period of five yeais. For the first three years tlio Slewaits wero allowed tlio slip-dated drawback, but at this tlmo tho Morris Canal passed Into tho eon-' tiol ot the Lehigh Valley Railroad, by leasoj and thu company relused longer tj allow tho "drawback," except on thu thlity-twn boats purchased of tho canal company. In tho spilng cf 1873 tho railroad company entered suit against tho Slewaits lor tho fifty cunts per ton on till merchandlso cart led by their boats except I hose leased of the Motrls Canal Company, and obtained Judgment In the Hudson County Conit. The Stewnits appealed to thu Comt of Ertors and Appeals and the decision of the Hudson County Com t was luverscd and judgment given In favor of thu Stewaits. Otllci'is Klectuit. At the regular stated meeting of Dluo liidgo Council, No. IliO, Jr. O. U. A. M., held on Wednesday evening list, tho following officers weie duly elected (o servo for Iho ensuing Una : ('., A. O PcllWnl tz. V. ()., tttimi'l Kuitoub ider, II. 8. J II. K.-eu, A. ii, ri., L, st, llousir, 1'. s . II. J. nutuey, Ticus.. Paul Wagner, Court . U. li. Miluz, W .J.iini's ratzuiKPr Jr. 3. S,0 W. Bower, l. s. J. V. 1J4C.1 T.ii-lw, U 1. Lour. At the legular stated meeting of Infinite Castle, No. 73, A. O. K. or tho M. C, held at Rebel 's Hall, on Moti day evening lnat, tho lollowlng officers wero elected to servo dining tho ensu ing term : H K v , Kany V. Jlorthlmer, H. K. V. U . II my .1. Ilmisiul'cr. s-. K. L.. lloiuv Kodti'iiu-iiler, K IC. it H.,Haiiuei n. iilllmni, H. K. A. It. si TnemuH A. Williami, Trenaui cr, A.. O. Dullemuajii, s. K O, (1 , W m. iiuiicur, H. K. 1 (I.. .T.J. Kllno, Ti u too, 1'. D. Unuss )ti'H 1'. A. (lei m. .ji A. V,'. EnehcM. The Coal Trmte. Wo have nothing Important to add to our last weekly lepoit of tho anthracite ciial trade. Tlei oveisupply of coal that caused suspension of mining btill continues and pretty much till business connected with tho Itndii continues now as a week ago. 1't Ices have tut been advanced in consetiuence of suspension nor is it probable that they will bo du ring tlio present winter. There Is soiuo little milling ol cetil in the Lehigh legion, and any piospectof a m.itciliil ndtietioll of the piesctit output will stimulate ptttductloti, lint at pies-ent the coal I ratio is vety quiet. Thu Philadelphia and Heading Coal and Iron Company ou the ult., an nounced thu following us thu ptices of coal dellveied on bontd Vessels ut Pint Richmond for tho month of January: White ash Lump, f t 55; steamboat, ft 05; broken, S 1 75; egg, C-5 15; stove, 75 U0; and chestnut, SI 45. Schujlklll led asli liroken, $5 05; egg, 5 25; stove, s5 05: chestnut, St 15. Shamo liln egg, 5 40; stove.f ' 80; chestnut, $4 50. It Is now well established that thcro will bo at least a partial suspension in tho Wyoming coal legion, beginning eatly In January. The gteat amount of coal on hand with the continuance of mild weather Is one reason for it, while another is tin) necessary annua! repairs to th'J mines. Tlio suspension will, however, not bo nnru than two or thrco weeks aud will not extend to the individual opeiatots of tho valley. It is their intention to push operations. Tlio miners aro excited over a teported reduction of ten per cent, on their wages, but theio is no le.ison for it. ful.owlnic table shows t bo quant hymenal Milpi lover tho l.ehlnh Valley liiiiliiuulfoi'ihn woek emlliiB Deo. situ, 1 d7" iinditiTtho joir cu w luiuo tunic iiino inst year: u'Kioua i'tuui. Vyuiuin,r lluiloiou t.'piiir i.ehlRh Iieaver Minnow Mnhunov Jlauo.i O'iioul; Total Last Year lncuvso Oecieaso W eeit. Year 10.3'JJ 1 MM i (tl 10,521 11 11.478 uO '.lit CI 71,731 07 63,U;il 111 Wi 17 80,11 1. 1 13 111,1.0 IS ll'J 01 iVHSl IS m n 4il 00 2A'J-'I 10 aa i as io 1S.BJJ W Huron r OI COAL tr.msiiortcd over Loiiigb t-usq u lian iii Division, central K li. of ritw Jerse wcelc ending Dee. IS75. loimiviiu. jutuiie, Shinned from civ t. tens. cwi. W'vnmmir I'pi'er I.eliii;li I.e.iver 2uOUaov llnzietou Maueh ('limit Ui.z .ulvlllu M. Voik l'. & O, II. Co.. Total , l'l cvioualy i cpot icii 2 11.911 II l.H'ii.tiO 10 4,8 10 0.3 10.111 01 l.KI 17 i:.ju co 317,0)3 10 150,100 10 3-7117 til 70.1(3 II 17,407 07 :,KKU30"u7 Total to (Into 2 iSi.laO C7 Bauio ilma last yoir 2.0 tU.'1 12 00 Increaro L'ecicaio . 3IM0I 13 Public Sales. Iillilifoi'tho following urlca haro bccniirUit &1 at this oUIco ilurliiK tho nast luw Cava : J.miuri 1hI, m 2 o'clock y. m., nt tho Hotel ot Juuiod O. Bouki euvo", In Pairvv,llo, tlio vain ablo leal (wtiitoof Jacob MonU. itee'd. noar I'uirivule. ii.ui'l Weuta, ndiiiuiiairator, Jnn. 1st. ls;u, nc 1 1). in., an adjoiunoil Adiiunt tiuto.'dsalo of valuablo leal otato, laie ot E.ian Miivo, of Mill.imlnji Twii.. ileo'il. Aurou bluvo nnd Henry Tuekcr, Adm'r. Janiuiry II, is7.i, nl ono o'plock v. in., tho I Rln ablo farm In Muukllu twi .latothoinorouy o( Jonas ltnuialy, deo'd. A. A W. Kcuiuly mid I. II. riaxoubtose, Adunul&traiorti. Cniisiiiiiptlmi Oiivcd I An old iiliysiflun retired fron active uractlco lmrin nuil ilaeo,l In Ills biinda bv all I'-ant in diu MUniomry tho fmiiiula ot n eluildo oko tablo lleuiedy, for tho piieody nnd iiennauoiit i.'nro of Ciiutniiiiiulon, llmnebiils, Oatiurh, Aallima, and all 'throat and l.unit aiTectloiu. ul oa I'osiuvo and euro tor .s'eivuuj iiclillllv, ai4 "II Mnrvoni Coinplnlius, after uavlnittliroiiRiily tiule.1 1(4 woniieifnl enratlvo iiowoih in Uions.iniUot caw. feoU it las duly lo inuko It known lo lila anltuieilni; fellowa. Accualcil bv thu niotiro, ami u coimeiot'ous He. uno to leliovo liuuiuii HUtteilnir, ho will vuid ilretor charuc) lo all wliodoi,lio It thla recipe, witlt lull itirictlniH for ereimliut! and luiiu;. keit by letuiu mail bv uilnu'iMiiiK Willi atauui, nauiinstbu iiuiier. lie. V. O. UI'UVUNM, Mniiroellloo, HyraeiMi, ,V. V. Doc. Ji-ly llst. of Letters Remaining uncalled for In tho l.ehlgh ton post-office, December 1)1, 18(5 Aillinr. MIssMmv Mlllhlnn. KdW til Barlim.f. A. , llett. Clinrion IHctnuv. 0). A. Ilcer Jacob I nilnii. Mtit. Motlotta ljimuboio, Allied lmlenil, Mt Ualims, I'. II. J. J. IWwuiitn. l'ln'ip 1 ilk. lo Pli l'ltrrli Dnnlel (ItiMiiluir, ) lu Uro-o l'eter li) (t.'esi , Mrs. Kllzaucttl (tin in u, .lohn A. Iloili iii ueii. Jnmea (51 Melmriiiniul, J. 1- (') Olil, Wll.iam Olctvlix) AinnuiliH ociMiiioeli, William .l'ellziier, Chiis. (.) I'eU'r Wlillim I'M kilfx, w. .1.(31 ltumbol, llu.loiiili (7) Itothniinel, Julin l'.li Bcr. Xavier Htruio, Jiinirn (1. feiini ilt 4fi.Wiird (2) Bhafer. l'ftco (?) Kmlth, chillies Mniltn Janus Snriler, l'liauu Hlmirer. Misssnlllo i mini ni.iuan c-i IIiiHiniiii Mihs filmy A. Nnvuri', Onirgo W. Ii'lli'illuer !'. neualei Mi'iihen Il iuii , t'li irlcs li iiiiit. Ai,nm Jv in k ii-, AiirnstiH ICi Illi'Ur, Altell !'. Kupiu.iu. Anilrow JCuitE. OeoiMO Kinni l.i vi Kclvplv. Loopolil Kocli, Mai" f-'j Kriivi. Lewis Kuvir, Oustavo Rnyiler, Wull. Btniiiler, MID. Elrlun Hum ti. Icliolta Mitlcr, Jem Btciziui' UUitot W elu, Samuel Wh.ire, DaMd Weill iw, l'ho A. (2) Wcl-li, Mrs. Ili-rUin Wnlr. Jnlin Watoin, llonry Peisotis culling for any of itho above letters, will pleaso pay they nro "Ad verilsed in the Caiidon Advocate." II. H. PEi'Eits, Post Master Closing Prices of DeIIaven & Town send, Stock, Government and Gold 10 South Third Street, Philadelphia Dec. 80th, 1!375. IT. H.fc'H. ISt 1 Zi hut ti. Ktiio'K, ibta ut, ind U. S. 8.21 '.., 1S( 1 Illri IT. H. O il's, IStti 15H 1ml II. W. B-20'i, 105-J. ,t J.... not Hid 51 'i n teil nkeil nsKi-d 1.11 n" ;ei SO't nsxtil V. B. 5-0'n 1117 ll d I2"l !lltu II. H. .V.l 's, 130S.... IT. x. 1M ' I WH Mil t'l nsktfl UHi hid I7'i nsitiu IT. H. i uuonev. (Va U. H. S'h HSi. now.. -ZH, bill Tl Hike lil'i bid 17 nste.l I'd nsjlTOhia it. it 52', bid 61i nsked lie ilRli Vlley lC It i.p, 1,1,1 0: rhp, J,,1.'!'i,,1S'0Mllsnv'L'0 u, f' nkeu United (Jimitinii(04 of .l.inl l,i i .iu Vi'V'ee't.t All., li'j bil lift asked Y'juiiiiuii, n -.u out asked u9ltl l'''i hi I 13li askco o"vcr 7 i id io asl'o I Special Wotices. 13. r. Ktinltlc's lliltta Wino of Iron. Una never bieu known lOfnil in tho euro nl weaknei's, ntienueit wirn ayniptivni, imlisim. Billo.uu ei'i ilim, Iors nt iiiii'iniiy, (llfaeult of luoaililiic, Keneial weakness honor el olseaso wp'ii., nervous ireinbl lift, meaiUul horror of uiiiiiii. iniit oiii.u-, i;-,iu ji-lt, ,vea (neaa, (ijm iiosx ot vision !iiiv;iim imiverxai i Sjltuiln of Ihn mu-ieular HtHtein oi o. hmiuo npi'illte, with (lyHiieps'ii ryati'in, iiot lands, il'i-lunir ot t.'io boily. di'vneHS nl tl.n akin, builld ccuatiuanco ami eioi'tieninn timfa e, juirilvlnir tho bloi.n. imm in tlio b.ion, be.iMii ins ol tlio evo ulj, fie. iiuuiil uuiui a. hiim living iieiiini ino Cve.1 Witll leniiienuv pull'iision ami In-Bef vltrat; want of attention, Ae, Tliefe nviiiiiloms ml iiiljj finin n wenunoeK, and to lauiedv mat uto n if. Kun. mi-- mini iviiiw ii iiou xi nover t ills ll.(iUniiil!arenowei:.i,vlnheiiltli who Imvo ,-"' ii uii iiiu hviu in,-, .-.inn oniv in si bot tles Tnito onlv '.. 1'. Kuuiei'a. Depot unit omio. No. 2.)i Nonh Ni it li ht., I'lnlailcliihla, Asl: for Kunkel'a Illttei Wine of Iron. Tills nuly vuliiab.o lono has Loi n so tl.orruxhir Rstiil by nil clauses of tlio comniunlt, that it Is now liiH'ini'd niiiHnens'i'i'e ns a l'onlo medielno. Ti costs bai Utile, puutles the lilooil ninl civeo lono to Hie eluniath, ienovnles tlio sv.-tem ,Niiiini a nie. 1 now imiv ask a trial ol this valuable tonic, l'lli nil per liollli.H.t KUNICLII.t-elo l'ropile lor. No io Noilb Ninth Ut.. bilow Vlnn fli In. iKIplii-, 1'n. Ass for Kankla's Hitter Wlno of inni, iii.ii iiiKO no other. Ills sold only in 61 nollle.s. A.'iin 1 l)holO"iah of tho iironili'tnr mi open wrapper, all other la cuitulcilult. fold by nil iliu"irMs. Tapo Worm Removed Alivo. Ito-ill mill nil COlllllletn 111 two linnra. Vn fnn till l.e il ti.ii-.-ci-. ; e.,i, i'.u uiul Htoniatli Wonus leiiiiive.l 'iy Dr. HirKi.c, 2vi Koub Aintn W. Ad lie tree. No Uo ui.tli cured. Ask for KiNKL2 b W'nnSl -iVillip. 1'iicu. fl. nnd irmir luioen. . emt fur eirciiiar. Jim. 1-lin. To Consumptive. riilli; mtvei liner, havliiK been peimaucntly Hired nf hint ilivad dKeiw, Con-mniilion, In a mn pi., r-'tne l is i:nleil3 to niili.n known lotlns ii inw si iTerers tlio mo his in uine. To ml wlm ib ue it, l.o will neiid ii eiiiiv of I no i.e. milium il o I. (Dee nf chnigc), tiiidireo tun a lor prenniin!; and nsnirf tho sniue, wlm li I'I'V Wl.l tlllll 11 MJUK CIJIIC lor C'OXifUJU'llON, Asthma, i.uo.vcmm Ao. I'.u l.o.i w.sliiiij; t'.io inrfcrlrtion will nlcaso , iu;v. li. A. WILisuN, ll'l Penn btieei, w lllbimsour", Oer, ta-niii ow Vorli. ilrrors of Youth. (ili,.NTLK3IAN who sunVrid for years from Nervous Debility, Premaluie Uecnv,nnil all the eilei tsnf joiitl.iul imll.-ini tii'ii wi'l, fnr tlio Miko of i-uliti liii- liumituitv. -end frco to ail who need it. t'le iec.i" nnd ili-eeilmis for making Iho hiniplet ri niily tiy which he was eiu'ed, sud'eieru wWilin; to piollt by tho ailvertisie's experlouco caudoho by mliii e.s .liif- in pfrfect eoiilidenee. JOHN 11. OODUN. deo is in'J 42 Cedar St., Now York . Afflicted, Unfortunate and Deluded D!i. ,J. IV'. EIOKC.-VSACSl and Dr. J. Ii. IIonr.NSACK, sons of Dr. J. II., who has tieen cuaired in private and hospital iiiaetlee Tor J years, ctiun?iliHonseri Mliiili iteHiinv botii niiuil ami body uiiiltsiou tor tiie il in,' i or life, a id leads thousands to in. sane nt luniH unit pieuiaturo deatli Dr. J.N. II. and Di J. il. Ii.ib'voto their time entirely tothcM' diseased, and Kuatantoo n omo in u thoit I'meni d llttlo expense. Dr. J. N. Kobcn H.'iikhis itlteiuleil nnd cured eiIny lliouiaml cises. lteuieuiber Drs. J. N. nndJ. II. Motion. snoli's oiliee No. M .Mirlti ad a. root, Pliiladel. Jill a, above ltaee, N. 11. JtoUoiiiea sent by mall and express Juncl2.:5 lyoow The Daily Patriot, TIIK NKWhPAPKll OF OENTItAI, PKNN. .-yiiVANIA. PUllLlnilED i:V13lTv MOKIIINtl. HUN I'.XCIil'TKD. dejiouiiaticTn politics, Cnntnlna tho mtot News from all pa' is of tho world tl:" biurt leliablo Financi il Itepo'-ta tho latent (.'nnueicial uoiia eoiroct unit full Mar. kei Iteports eonipleto Local Inuilllfioncc KiU Inrinls onCunoiit TojdCB Personal nnd State News toiiiv-iioinli'iico anil Nolos ol Iruvet Mice iilouonus Arutioi-OrU'inal and Htlccted una i i tho IlKbT ADVKItTIHINO SIKDIUSI IN t'UN. 1'ltAli PENNtsYl VA.SIA. Tenns of tho Daily : JS.iO per annum, cash In ndvauee The Weekly Patriot la a larxe alicot ot eieht pages, containing forty c.nlil eolumi.a 1 1 matter devoted lo I.iti r itiu J. Axi'lciMiue.aiid tlio ullvnui.eniout of luo ueat lateielits of tile iwoid,', tkiuis uvriti: Wkeuly : 12.' o per aunitni for hltilo copied i 4 uopios each ptr unnnin ; 8 copies, $1.23 iineli iiornnnuni! 10 copies, 81.10 each per auiiuiu : 21 copitM, ereli ier in uuui : 50 copies, 'jj cts v mil por outturn. '1 t'O cash must mult cises uccoinpiuv tho m -lier. All club puei itos will bo uutiroaod on'y on dio ouiaiilo wiapper to ono pori,on. Tno po- MKOon ten DAH.V nnd Wekkuv win in all c isos bo prepaid ! tno pub istioi Itoiuituniea uuut bo lumle by P.O. order, ro-istered letter or check payable to tho t.i'tlor ot ilio I'liliiol I'libiUliuiK Co. Mimuy cutru-tcl io tbo uiiiUa will bo nl tlio ilalc of tlw tobilci'. Addreaa PATItlOT PU11LISIIINO CO., ' Dec. 2.1. llitirinuunf. Pa. All ii.'t'Min Lo t or buv All Diil'Hina aro herebr nniittoned out to (no lo t or buy tho TWO 2 cOAI. b'.lAMItiH w.ln ooutimtJ, kitjateslin Hait lVi.iiTiiwui.lim, Uiiroon i o.iiiiy, 1'.,.. loruiei'lv in .ouxiiuc to Darnel L. Ulllor. of Wott Penn, KclmvittlflUg.. ru., usino, aro niy pioi'oiiv rroui inis (ituo December I6tu, 1S70 iko. ifB-wa 'P. U. aiTTtiK n. srn.iv Pic;. (.auotn tho premlaea of tlio mulvi B'frnc ?l. t alioittinio uno a Huayil'iK. Tbo nniier u iu iiuotaliiltn uiuio lorwurd pruvo prootuty, imy i halites an I tuUo It away, or It will bit old Ac luul, ni; Inlaw. SA1IINA llllS'liS, Dec. IS, WS-wl Ill(kctvilli', I luukliu iwp iljoiuT.od .VilmliilsUuttir'M St'o J3 01' ValnaMo Itenl Einle. Um iindeiRlirneil. Aduilullrator ot JaC'011 mon'I,, latoi f Um nouomiir OP.PAiinY- VI 1,1,1'i, rnr.ion (,'ouiily, I'u.. dee'd, will offrr at Public --nie, nt Iho Public Ifousq of Jnmos (I. Benc.ic.ivcs, 111 the 1IOIIOUUU ofJ'AIIUY VILLK, oil StiLurtltiy, Jitnimry 1, lQ7(i, ntTWOn'rtnstt P. M n that eertaltl plccoor 1!H ceil of LAN I), ritu do about three-toitillis of it mile Hits'., et tlio l.fbliili A siisqiiibiiiiun lilt, tdntloniil I'au'yvtlle, on tlio load lenitlnt; fiom Polio Poeo, oiri'ilmnid Paper's Mill to Lehlali (Up, bounded ny lands ol .lames (I. seagrcaves. Widow i in ni;' ilroiil lln. small u. ilauiuir, and Clior'ei i.iojo. t".,r , contulnina !30 Acres and 40 L'ovcllcs, trlrt mo"snr", nbimt 25 ncrca nro Clear and in it )! i stntoi f cultivation mil ll'n erldun Is pool wnndimid. T o Improvements t.ieieon consist of a Two Story, Weaib r-lioarile,l, PltAMll DWICl.LINd IfOUSli, 20 rSO Fliltr, with Cellar under It. ono limit Darn, .11 x 1" ft., Jv c f-tib o. and oilier imlbuf.dlncs. A Well of (loot Wntet nonr Hie house, uuil nil Olelinnltf Cb' loi fruit Trees t'i r ns and conditions will bo raido known on tlio day ot sale, by DANinti Wl'IITS, Adinlnistrator, sa, ot J. Monti, dee'd. Persona lerii1n;to view tnovrnpoity can call on Itr. UissliH J. Monlz, on the promise. Dee. 21. 1S73 W2 djottrncil Administrators Halo or valuaulo REAL ESTATE. T in undersigned. Admiiilntr.iinr nf P.LTAU HillVU, latu of JAl,()NINO TWP Carbon eouniv. Pn ilt c'd, will oKei nt Publlo Bale, ou inn ricuuses uioieRniii. on SATUItUAV, JANUAHY 1, 1870, Cnmmenttii nt ONI2 o'clook P. ST.. tho follow. tmr FINK I'AIlM.Rltuated oo DEAV131t UUN. in a 1 1. 1 ion inji Iwii. nlotoialil, routninlnit 70 ACIli:s SIOIU5 OU LESS. Tlio Inituoveiiiotlts thereon enimtslnf iiTtirf. stoiv loo DwiiLLiNii, loxaofo i' with kitchen nltnelied linn llatn. 81 xSufeot, mm oilier oiitlmildluiis, Tlioio Ian never fai , iip spi Ins of Water r inmuK throunh tbo mud , and n permanent pprini: noar tho housoj ulso. mi Orclinill OO'lf.llnllil- u rnrletvnf l!lin!en 1,-fnlt. Tieei. Tips 1'iinn Is n verv obelbiv locnlol forrnls. Ina liucu ul all kinds, bolus sitnatod In tho lielghbmhoril of 1lrst-iato in (kcts two mlloii lrom I.eliiuliien in il about tho saino distance to Mniieii CTiuulc wlicronli Mudsof truck moots with lpiidv iie nt civid pi ices. Terms will beinmlo known on ilir of siiln- or can bo ascei tnluod on ai plication to AAlUiN SIUVDife ifLNIlY TUCKKI1, Aunilnitratoi8 nstnln lillas Salvo, dco'd Ualionlni: Twp Deo It. -wit JEGISTl;itS NOTIUl Noitco is herein Erlven thnt. Ibn rnwininH AdlllllllEtrat ira unit lliiindinns lieri'titnrr.,,. nam. cd liiivotlled their lospeitlvo ftccounis of tho iriiowiuf- rsinies in ino iieiriiiei'o onico. rt llllletl Chunk, lu nnd for thn Couuivnf (inriim,. which nc, oituts Iiavo been allowed by dio Hoc itrr. will no presented to the JinK-os of tlio Oiiilians' l.'ourl on Miiiidar, tlio 17th dnv of Jan- uurv uexi, ai, io o ciuui- .im., lor coimi motion : 1'irpt and final account of '1 hnuma sbnrp.,r. n,i. miuntrator of tho cstato of Jolm Schocli, (ioo'd. Mnal account of Thomas Knclmer. inmrain,. of Kj'jy Uallkt First nnd final account of Dnntr-i Rirmtn n,,.i Mury Dover, udnilulstratois, Ac, of David liuyiT. tieo i'. Secon.nml final nocountof Jnlin Rnniiimi. niuiistintornf (liocttiito of Charlps Dougherty, Pirsl anil llnal neconitof I'iUxnheth lrnrai,,, ndiiilnistintrix of John Kei slier, deo'd. V r-t neennnt o' Mnniius Mcfllirt v. nnn nf tl ,, Ailn.iiusti'ntor.sof V. II. (lllllck, dee'd. PilSt aeeotinl nf ltlelinnl fllmrnn Ann of lliondimnistrntoiaol Geo go liolfonl, deo'd. 1 irst and llnal aecountnf Iti'liecei intnn n.?. imiiistriilrix of tho eatato of l'eter Kllno, dee'd. Hist and finul aecountnf Unnrv iim-pr n lutrator of the of i.'rniiein n,imfi. deo'd. ' . WHITTINOirAM. Itegistcr. ;efil.stei' nflko. .Unucli chuiiit, Deo. Is. 1873. OFFICIAL AUTHOltlZATIO.. Trcsisury Ocjiiirtmciit. omen of Ci)MiTi:ou.r.r. or tiik curkescv, i Washinoion, Nnvinibor.lrii, lk75. t WltittiCAS. llv ratisfaetorvmiilooeo iiresoiitid to the iiudomjinod, it has tneu inaito In a ipenr that TIM' I'XIltsT NATIONAL IIANIC OF Ll-iiniiin'o.v. I the liorointli of i.oiintliton, in tho Count ol Cmbnn. and Hintoef Pcnusyl. vaida. co'iu'ied Willi n 1 tin. nrnvtamtisnf tho Itovlsod htntutoi of tho (lulled jstn e.s ro. quired to lie comp.iod with before an As oei.i. urn Btinll oonut.iorlzril io coinuicnco ilm Ilust. ness rf innkinir. Now TtlKiiCFORit, I. John J.iv Knox, Corny, iroierot Iho CniTency, do hero iy certify thu t Tlio First National Hank or Leti'sliton, In thi Ilnio.t-'h orLelilBbion. in tho County of Crti bon, nud Btilo of Pennsilvanla. is uiithoiiiod to cnmnienoe tho Iliimness ot Ilanklnc. ns provid ed in section Hfty- -mi hnndicd nnd siviy-nino of the ltovisod tstiituteaot tho United staios. I.N TC-TIMOXY WIll'.lti:0l'. Wlincsj lliv huml nnd seal of Oilleo, thu Third di( of N'nvemner, 1S73. IVit- dill K..SII7L, Coniptroii. r of currency Nov. 13 0W . fNn. 2.108.1 Jtyjn. C. do T5CJUKSCIIKV, Next to Dcborilo'a Jewelry store. HANK STUEET, LEIIIGIITON', Pa. Cilia Ilio attention ot tho Ladles nf Leldirhtin and vicinity to the fact that alio keeps a fall ASfortmontof iorlia it Gormantown AVool, urronTUD and domestic KMimoiD- Kitin.-,, NonoNH, itinnoNtj, jadics' and Chiklrcn's Hose, LiMnunaun & HwiTautt citriKsn, CANDIES. CONFF.CTIONH and n variety of other hi tictos not usually kept in any other btocr in Lelilrhtnii. A sticro of public patrouago la toilclted, and oaiiafnction tiuarautcist. Oct. 2 n.3 $5.00 Lost, fiom'ho ItinVARl). lio rciildenoo of tho iinileralirneil. in Franklin township, ou Tueaday of last week a arey shepiir,l Dot w.t.i wnlto Hreast, Ion hslr. Answers tn tho name ol ".Major." iho uboo reward will bo paid for ma letnrn lo ADAH or JACOII lllitli-.L, Tup. nur.ip, jw. riHE FIRST NATIONAL IIANIC, JL Ol LEUIUHTON". Tho Ai.nual Election tor Diiectrrs of Ibis nan will bolielil nt tho llaintlutr Hon a. on TUl&iUAY. JAM'AltY lllh, s7U, bolween tno Hours or to a. m. and I p. sr. W. W. 110WJIAN, Cashier. Leuiuhton. Dec, 11. S-Sotvci' ifi VucCttiiM JivcdS ate tho beet tho wmld prndneefl. Til v nro p amivl bv a lull ion nonpli) lu Auioiten, and tlio lesultii. boiiul lul tTo.vciH aim sulomlist Voce tft'jMi. A pueod cmuloR'io sent firo to all who uclo-c the pjjtugo n coutatnuip. VICK'S Fttiwu' & ycfioiuMo iailcii Is the mow beautiful work of tlio kind In tlio wmld, lili)iu.iuiilie.llLjO inmo.-i. hunilrod ol line llliibtrutioiis, aud four Vhrauio Water nf piouMn, iioHuuiuiiy uiuwu inni coiorod tioni imluro. PiicuUcts. l.i paiicrioveiri i 03 cents Ipuiut in delimit aoih, Vick's Floral Guide. rtu ta la abtwutijtil Qoaitcily Joiiiia),,(JncJy i ti il. ami roiliaiiuiiic all i leiSiut cili'ivd iiii.iLi-u. null i mi , in nil I u nil i'ii'-tiiil nil, ,,'.., i 'iUUUaLleiC Milh lilO tllKl lilllllbtn-'ill'iin,. n.iii- Wtililjvfai tiioyeJV, 't'ao llikluumlu r forisV i uittkkiW. iU'IICIi . - biM VICK, lliiln-ii" N Y 1"'C i
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers