WMWIW-MMJl'il Sill? Cnvbon 3thwlc. II. V. MOUTIII.MI11I, 1 WHIR LKItlUHTOM. PA.i PATllllDAY MOHNIXd JAN. 1, KTI). HrT Wo wish nil of our patrons iiml friends :i voi'y "Happy Now Year." It Is ixictrd by tin1 piib-cmnilt-tuu ot tin1 IlutiM' Ciiimulllut uu Appio 1i iationa that dm IVns-lon, Milllaiy Academy ami Diplomatic Appioprlu tlnn hilM will hu le.iily to Ihi lvpiuti'il on tlio irtiasemblitii; of Congress. Tim consolidation of Internal ro venuo districts throughout tlio cuuntry lui3 been completed, ami llm mitiiber rcducod friini 30!) to lCi). No fnitlier lcduction Is luti'iidert ul present, tn It Is oclieviil It would In- detrimental to llio public son lco. Tlio annual :iiiii; to the Government by tlio consolida tion will lie &0,0(0, nearly -,()0,00l) iiemg in salaries itlone. -There are enrollid In tlio public m iiools of the United Slates 8,000,000 .hiiiiieii. In tlio Inst fiscal year the nxerago dally tittendamv was 4,,"!00,000. Ttinty-sovi'ii States and eleven TVrrl tutis repott an Increase In public cl)o,)l Income of 81,233,000, and in at tendance of children 10 1,000. The to ut. sum raised diirhnj tlio year by tax ation r.x 82,000,000, and tho'co.4of itthlic education una about $74,000, IHI0. A Washington dispatch of the 2Cth tilt., to tlio X, V. Sun, says : "The progiamnio of the IJ.tnkliig and Cur rency Committee will be to ask the ie peal of the Specie liCBumptlon a.2t, without debate, and In the Interest of legal tenders as r.iiiibt national bank notes. The previous nicstlon will bo called, debate cut oir, and the Demo era's have an opptr t.inily of e:cereisinj the same privilege as was exercised by the Kepublicans Ja.4 January in lorcinji a vote without debate on the resump tion hill. We h.ivo received Jules Verne's famous book "Around tho World In SO Days I" describing' tho adventures that befell l'hlleas Vocu, who uiider took to travel entirely around tho nm Id in eighty days, on a wager of $100,0001 Leaving London on the day the Hank of England Is lobbed of t2S0,00O,he is suspected tobo tlio thief, and followed liku a Bliadow by a detec tive, who throws every obtnclo in the way of his Mipposcd Itllit. It U unneee. sory to say that such a plot, in the hands of a matter like Jules Verne, be comes Intensely Interesting, as the host of readers who have lead his "Twenty Thousand Leagues Under tile Seas" can readily believe. Although this book is sold io ordinary cloth blading, without lllustiations, for1.20, yen the edition on our table, with ciilit cl arac teristlc engravings is lurnished for only ten cents. IJy mail 12 cents. Don't fail to get a copy. Fur sale by all news dialeis, or sent post-pald,by Donneley, Loyti & Co., Publishers The Lakeside Library, Chicago, III. Father liochm's (lentil. The Iiev. Henry Koehm, who on tho 8th ot la-t Juno celebrated tho one hundredth anniversary of his biith, and who was undoubtedly tho oldoit clergy man in the world, died on Stateu Island on Tuesday evening. His centennial anniversary was observed by tho New ark Conference in Jeisey City, and the excitement of that occasion prostrated him. Ills physician recommended his removal to Staten Island, and he went there to live with a granddaughter. Ills health gradually Improved until the J2th list., when, after preaching ti the Methodist Church In Richmond village, lio was again seized with illness. IJIb pliybleian found it necessary to subject Ihe venerable patient to a painful oper ation, trom which his system was not alilo to rally. rather Hot lint ffw hern In Lnnr.iHt. rr utitv I't ..ml fnr uicni vum onoot Kini' O. mire's -ii' m u lion l o In villus u in. n tlit ro woro nnlv iliiiiri'ii Slates Hulling vpmhi'Ii wtc the ii mm aim el iiuiiaiHiriiitloii li n.'ii mm ImrseH v i nil. mill MiliM'iih ntly In In tiavcla about .hr cuiit trv ho mil. nun' tliau lid. died ihon k;i!io mile mi lioi-fa..h.,olv. llo iilwnys ep.omtt-d i,i' pkiIiuiihIchi iiHiuiituhm.'iit at tho c ,-ngi'H ui lilii iiih intnt iiiiirjiico. Hi' loineo lllu Aleti.n list Chnreh vli"ii In- was lueli ii'ie )tlllBlif u"o, ami was moil l.fler tvum i . imoi In prcioli. 1'or nunc th,ui lliiny n'Mis . lim .ncl. iiillie Jeiney ciu I'miii lonce, and us oiu nun uh m- wan on 'hoUki in en- iKIllllllllirl.'ri 1l ISMlill tllilt ll'S t IIV 1M a PIOIIC- ( r wul iimiiiuiii iilimil M ii ii viuir. lin viihiirr m.iiiiIi rijuuii unl witli nil ttiv .Vivli.i.iin lliidiopii frnni i 'nki' to I'ook. I liioi lolun lorailoti too tinmen of Homo of till 111 btl'II.IUCIII CtilO.lltUJl Ol iliu cnilv ptll't of 'lie cciiliiiy, in. n.i uim? Iiln c-i il.orcnl iiml nc nuiiiiiuniiui, iucIiiiIImk lr. Wliitt', l.iuiv Kn. u.iiln i.nv liu.nilUi( Uoliiwmit. iir lixllo l)r, (MllllilliT, Jiawii J.uc. Illlll Wll. ( IllUI'lt, Willi II lie 1'biiiiIiiI as i.intH In I'm i'IiiiiiiIi no im mil, ii.. Unit itl hi .ilH Iiln in Hindi mi was llm li-iivi'iiiiKeiiiiiniiilimiif iimiiuii AHbuiy iMuf tlin Kll .lll'nl IMIillil' lllti IIMt. IH'I'IIIUU 1,1 Hint III, n Im wim tlio IHO..I intiiiinlii i-inl iliu v i u i i., luiil ii tnaii.tliu piuily mid ipiuliiriwur wlm n (In i .oioi mill tlio jiHt.iotMi mm v.iiiti-ui wtiodo wk It- vr jllHi O i lulu inil'liiimt MlinliN' ttio hoi uilH ni tin' MinliiM.it lioily In tliiAoiiiiiili-v. Ho U.'.H ill .Bi',1 Ii i,Mi p .iMiuiy 11 J illH liiivoi us ouiiin.ni on in llm bii! i t mk, mil liiivou'ii v i,li li.m until ibu. w.iuu ilic 111 liuii flM'lllillOII I'l.ttlOl' 1 (I'lilll I'lllUllllllu ItillU'.'df bLo Koiiuyikill Ul mot. cuiiii'iiHinn Km Miiolu tin l V Hum W.iiiiiiihIiiii hi ellriiii huiuk liotnomi llin Hit (iihiiiiii,;t ujm the iiinawiiio Ttio J ,ur l.uj a ot mo ivn wiu ii million j lioifi!ljn,:,iiuit in oi.ii vi.il UiK.iij;ii tlt.s Ii iiiliiiy of llullitliu, liut six Iilntntiu,a wi ro luunn in tliu t)'-uz ni'iiw. The funeral took place from Wood row Muthudlst Chiirc!j,rjS(iiiteii Inland, yebterday, (.IfilJiiy'J, ,02? . IMillWnir Trniiips. It seem to be a ei y ray thing to dlmlnifili tlif number of trnmpf, hi any given locality, If not to make them dl appeHrpltO((ethi'l. Work, sats (ho N. V. O.lwener, acU upon tliom like holy wad r on evil piiH. They have such (V hul l or of the n.ime find still more of the Ihlnu Itcelf, that the bare mention if it Is almost ('tiling'.! to throw them Into convulsions, and IT It Is piessed upon them tliry llee the locality, as 10 repllle.1 t-wu'tmtcd the Itmeiald Isle. Hut Un to Is no leason In the woild why teiin nf IhoiiiandM of lazy men should be learning tho country living on the p.ub lio and doing nothing at all. The Hoard of Supervisors of Oiaugo enmity, X, Y., at a into meeting, found that up to the ilrst of Xo.veinbur there were fed and lodged at tho public expense, lu that eoiinty alone.neaily 18,000 tramps, eo.itlng $20,000. Tlds exhibit led to the adoptleii of it regulation of tho eil, by requiring enrh town to provide a lock up, wherein every tramp Is to be placed, on commitment from a magistrate, and kept there not loss than thirty nor more than sixty days, on ptlson faro and at hard labor. similar plan w&9 adopted In a oounty of .New Jersey some ilmo ago, anil Willi perfectjRuecess, The county was overrun with tramps, and all soils of cilmoj were committed by them. Tho matter became so serious that a special meeting of the Freeholders was called, and an inclosuro was added to tlio Jail, In which was placed a quantity of stonesi An order was issued that every tramp found pursuing Ids avoca tlon'shou d lie nriestedand eontmltied to this enclosure, fed on cheap but wholesome food end foiced to brtak stones for n stated term. When they had served out their time there was a sc.ucity of tramps tn that region. Our streets aro in a bad conuition ; there are plenty of largo stones lying around, why not. tho JHorougli Council liavo thorn hauled to the lockup, and set tho tramps to work cracking them Into sizes fit to put uponour st'oetsV The people would thus get something in return for their money. If beggars were univer sally ntrcstcd and those who aro aide to work weie set to woik, and those only who are feeble were taken cue of , the paupeiiMii of tlio count I y would be wonderfully diuiishod at a stroke. The National Capital. riiOMOUIl LWX W'AflUMH'OX t'oniirsl'OMT.XT. VtmsoTox Decs 1S7i. Mnco I oto to yon 1 tst llio flrV hooro i'i tlm llr-t i.et of tlio 44lli CmtKror-s 1ns boon ii nvoi', tl.o ciut.ilD h is fnlloa mill llicnclo s hive ro liroil from ttio li nril-i to oiJoy tlio linlM ,y vnoi lion. I'l'Min all luiiii'ntfotis tlioli-nmllonoi', .Iucn rompilsoi llio win In uooplo of llio Untuit, mo not o 1 uloasoil with tlio nortlon of tiiodrnma 's . li It1i tlioy liavo wltins-oil. 'llio formation of itio llouyo c.i nn'tttooe lias boon sovctclv ciill clsoit lioro, itrul tiiilrul in nil soctlonaof tho Hnton. Tn tl'O wli'ctlnn of chaiittioii lortho most ImiKiitioit (oiiiituttoon t 10 Hicnrr (Inoi not i ociti to luivo oont-uitrn tlio rcl.iiov7loi!i;pit lomli i Refills purtv In tho Uou.so. niitltimti t In v nrof r from bolaK pi. isi.l wl'li ills niaxiii'l. ntontd w vorv evid. lit Am n (Wiorrtl t'n.iiclhe liopiitiiiuuifi weio tri'Rtctl fnii.v mul do not comi.lnln of the mimiicr m which ihoy woro pro tilril for. A lnrRO tmmbor or rt l nbl oin ofacor? nml MtipiiivtoM woi o tunipit itiln't w.ion llio uim lion ocrntio Umido of Hoiiioiftitiittvos was or Rninzi'it mnl stmiiT i-fT. rii i ro being mailo br llitrn anil tlioir fnondti io ntluco iltolioMl-i of iloiini'tinoiiU toiirolrlo p'I'Coh fortlion'. It In nssi'i toil that tlioro aio iiinuv Doinorriils, leija- i le-sfrom I .uclinlinl.'annil Joliiinuii's Qi'miiimtro tiiins. still oi'cupviii'j iio-itiinis lioro minor tho (InvriiiiiH'Tit. nml llioy i oiniiuil that thonocei omtH shall bo (tiboh'irmil tomnko wav for t' f o wao aio in bvnijvuhy Mlih tlio Ili'iuiiilicin im-tv. Tho pany uignns ot m nsliiairtuu, uilvo r.iio tula tuiliot' unit I'Vi-rv (lay oUitorial i-qmiij nml romnmiikaniiiis upon tho suMcct nu.iour lu ttii'in. 'It i i iiiiiros but a uli.nt fmjonui 111 asliiiifiton io lecoiaoconv nooii th-it ihe poorest va of in tliHK n ong in tho worlil Is to dopoud nyon a oioik-iilp or othor Jrinor imi'ttioii umlor tho (iivoimiiout. balai liw winch woulil nuppoita lanilly ,n a tolombtv roiiuoit-iLlo inniincr m iiiost place aro oniv salliciciii looko out-a I me tuppoit In thia city of huh pitioa anil oi tuition. Tho occiip ntn of thoio places aro. as ii eln-s, piotiabl tln mo-t linriihswl anil ans. Ions set ol tui'ii in the Unitoil tet'itoi.. 'I'ho ten uio ol tliAir I'luci's is not only snhjuot to tun vie li.sltm!osof ii chanao in the naiiiinislri.tioi hut Ihov aro ntr'ctoil nine or los liv crory ihnu mi vc upon tho jKiliilii.tl clics-'Hiunl. 'l'lto a rii lull nl iluwjnli'lliiK mnioin lu icpr .nl to chain.es in no iimi.o ; one wcoir ii i roporti n that a new apportionment Mill l-e mailo Hiuong tho states ami that tho number ot ci. ka iiom ceitnin Htt e wi 1 n- vo to bo roilnet'l ; tueit icpi rti me clii ul ,t(il thai appropriation mail? for mil. t eiilaroljN ti have boon orlmualul and tint worn will iinvo to bo stop'iod fnrw.iutot fiunm lo cunt lime it; then eliunifei nro ni.ulj m Uu he.iilHof ihe till! oattn nml ile.iiutinoiilnaii.1 r out niimt lie mailo to noeoai Loilati" tho tuni.is it I lie new cnicfA. 'Ihoso anil a hiiuoioil muir omues ii mltr their hnlil on their places mi, unci ruin and their inous of .ivi lllinji! guit'1 piecarous They iromnlo when llioy loei.v,' nn olllclal coinmuiiioiitloii ; noi knowliiK Imt ttii'tlt It a itisnimsul, ntnl uro nrnfil to otiou tli. Ir mouths in rvs r I to lliclr superior old. cc s fi r loar somo ullo woixl n.nv bo i epni led to heini nuartors and c mni ihotr decnp ln.imi. Wali.n(!ton 'siiol n vo y luioo.t : a loist It . not no lame an to dm ,'out evert U'nlv from know lnu nearly evorviKHly de nml being moro in leas Interested In their .ulvalo nirini nml hinory. '1 heio k not a prtniiiiiont l.uui y jiv iiii hi tho Cnpital that tho k ns do not iitow i 1 about, mi i matters that uliouid bo leir.mle.l nsfiimllv M'crots nro ier.ri'oJ iiKpilto iljl.i main puiiuu piopcitr. t'l.o ilist (iuhkihui thut nn (lusirMuK.lrjuiger Is apt. toast himself lr, how n I tho people uniuago lo et alouul '1 hu o are no mldsor laciorioi. The busy hum of in dustry Is ui hoard w thin Its ami..e limits. No wirkmen jiuinir lo. or n milium iiom tluir Caily toil nio seen npon the snoits Vet ll"o huasns lino the snoots aud tho anui. rue lmople look uleek und well to do. and evou ttio lonlois aio well drossod and do not m eie to fool tho lliiinoial oiubairnsnuioiit union bring dis tnaionil want upon lociilitle- Jfis Hiupitso r i lUsappear lu a nl cat mo isurn liuweVBr.wheu he is iuiumiixl tliut thero me about twenty thniiMiiid iioiMmsoiihor duootiV or linliioctl. In (loveriiment employ in tho citr of Wa'Iiliii; tun. Thoso with their families unit the tiaues. men una otheiu wlui subsiet iipnli thoir putron nico imiko up with lew excontiuus too popu a II. in ot the Capital ut tho luilou, .Many pini.o supposi that (oi'urisa runo. M'lit'. tho H-soiublod wis lorn ol tho nut o:', but it itoii'i always. Homo very ordliury intellects iiuinaoto not uiiUiouKresa. J.uoit bixmiis to h ivo uioio tu do with the luukluft ot the uvei'iuo Coiikio in.iii tumi braius. Tho llouaool lcei rosoout ivoswheiiiu M.itloii looks very much ll.0 thO IfollSO Of ItCPKICSUUitireS of HOtuo of Itio htato I.iKisiatuius, nxi opt thut there uro niololilelllbelsauU the' 111 u loeru cloWiiMt to teUier nml npjiear nioio nneomluitaoiv wuted. I (is iiiwks lioiup; so close loKother test i ho un m bom kiioo inch othois eJjywHi whon etucastd in liuttluu then fiaiiks on ilio (Joi."ruMioiiui Itiuoi'd. 1 1 lias burfi s uil tout a jHuplo luy uo fulilVjUdKod by thumeu tlioy elucl luispieiout thorn. Wit It woll.d be juriln- mlr Lu t win,. Home rouiiiiiiuitio by ilieli- Hf)rcutfitive Ui Iho lltli ConKlow III h-ovfltnniiiiji el nll3 I " ii i i im titnH innler lli sin nnnv d lrli l tliieiurhoiit uioi'onntrt mine mil oloollonsnr ls;i other werenoiloiihioilly iti'Mirmeiii'lei ted toCnnareM flio Honl.i inter hnve hoen ltominiite I it it had I..-.-U miiipnni linn 1,1101 e was a euiuicc or iiioir ileeilon, anil nunty if ilio-o Bcndcnilnl t'on. tries-men will Hover terorn nil..,- tl,.t. ioim. Their omeial oxiieitce will lie sgfirlof n- ii ii i,n iui.'a 'eiii.MI. I.tti lr liliil ojcli'iiif ilmet tnnv bo ctpecteil whnu 1 'nnimvKi nnoi in'ier the lioihlnr vnea Won. What tins nl, in.lv Pitin doii'iwere tnrre 1ilt."l ;" ''M tl'f.l'leiot llio It Uleivetfld Ihn Mr. Mor1lk1.11 ili'Miewlvclectoi! cliuNnnu ol tlii'oomii.i.ii'eoi wiiVHiiint moans will iei"ti tills IllW t.on tlieioby. tu iKltl(( Poilian In Wo n, orinew V ik.i!..itiiiiflii of ilnsioiy Iiiiihm 1 ,nt cominlttee. Mi Wood, oeiii" neeoii t on 'lio oiinmttt' 0. liven slii'iiln n tneinber lio apimlnt ed it! .Mr. io viinrs phico wiiuld no on.inrtii mt.ilillsheil rt-. mil ii'eeeilent ce entitli 1 tb the place. Tin ItUo ac-iiicoraent if thetels nny tuu'i In the ivpor, was inobiibl ii.ieed ttpiin befnio Mr Monlson'i epp initmcnt, and li lii'iKoil upim liv.tii.iiyiisaciiuiiliigpailliiiin 11. tiv limbic on tly.- p in of IhoHpeasi-r 1 1 nvoiil somot uinteiiedcoiiialliatons In the itutteref linn aiiiol.itiniiit. 'l'hetiiliavo been amnn frnrs oitpresieil tl'nt the coiumu'c on npi.inpi'muoiiF, miitm leailei-slmiiif Wr. ttnuniill wnulil so cur down appt opt tat Ions as to iimbnrrafs the dm, in. lnent tliiani'iallv. lint llr. ltanoall. has staled tliut "ho iiom not tnieii'l to eat down a smuie (liillnr, wlioieit o n bo latily shown tliat it la absolutely ime .e 1 for til" eluolener of tun euli. he service" Jnt hit" howev. r Is whe.e a itllllctiltv nine nilse ns llioie nmv no wi.io dit fun nee of o).l:i;on as la how much Is absnititeiv ticonoil. NOTL'8. Hew York fetter. Xew Voiik, Die. 2Ttlt. Uisah Anvot'ATU : Thinking I inlglit have belter luck with my stock ing, I caino oil heio to hint; It up. So Christmas morning I Jinn etloutof bed, hurried to my stoaklng mid to my gieat surprise anil adonlshinont I found It was full. Yes, air. Editor, It was full of holes. The chimes or old Tilnlly nieriily chimed In the Ciiiistnias inciii, ami the services which lollowud during the day, were very giand and Impresslvu. Tne music was rendered by a latg? cliolr, twooigiuis and an orchestra o'l tnlity. five perlnrinurs. I liav.' iust been invited to attend tho "Filth Christmas festival of tho K'hnnls or St. Ignatius pailsh, at tho church, 10th St., near tilth ntenue, to-moiiow evening, but legiet 1 can not be ojj li.vnd to la' e a few notes for the Advo cate, for 1 know they would be of InUr est to your many readers. What a busy, strange place this New Yoik is. Passing down Cnataui St. to day I saw these signs "(Jut and Cof fee 10 cents," "Ludalng with Cotfeo mid Unit in tho uioinlng 10 cents "Single Ifooms, from 23 to 73 cents. UeuUlu rooms, 1 00 to 3 00" My I what a chance lor thin colfce and bed bugs. A re-tauiiiiit notinea Its patrons that "choice diinkH aro leducetl from 15 to 10 cents." Next thing tln-y will pay a fellow for thinking with them. "Too ti uch Chiifittnas" made maiiv io take tlio whole .hlo wulk, and It was apparent Hint old John mrlcjcuru and Krlcs Kiingle must havi' fiitnjj hand in land to some firesides. 1 Jiavo nothing further to say on tho subject. The day 1 came on, llm game or I should say a good pat t of tho game ol Copenhagen was plaj ed at every sta tion the tinlti topped at. I never saw or heard so much kissing In mv "Meny Cliilstmas," "How do doo," "Why, (ieorglc, ho.v well you look, how's all the lolks?" Thcio wme meetings i ( sweclheaits, of huiltainls and wives, ol giand patents ami I dnn't know who ur what or which, all 1 know is this, the tiling seeihed tn hu ein.tag Uhib iliiil I hit all I could do (n hie,) front getting oil and taking a hand in the lesticitic. of (he season tnjselr. Hoping you had a .Merry (,'liiistiwai and that you may have a "j la ivy New Year, I am, Your truly, Af Aiirvno. Current p,v.jiil. There was another shock of ciiitli nuake'hi jiirass Valley, Cullifi rula, on Kilday evening. Tho President has blgned th. bill ex tending (In- duration or llio Couit of Alauatiu Claims to the SSd of Julv next. A colored boy, 7 years of age, died tn Washington on Sunday morning, Iiom tlio elTeets of drinking hall a pint of whliey fioin tils father's bolt e the day beluie. Proceedings for the riuccloi-ure or what is liiiown as tne fifth uii.rfjnge, against tlio Krut U.illtoad Coiiipiiny, were begun in the courts of Pike county, Pa , on Fiiday. II. J. Jewett was ap pointed receiver, tho bond being (Kcd at 30,000. p Gen. Ceo. I!. McClellau, who Is now living In Ilultltuore, will probably be appointed to a position In the service ot tho ll.iltlnioro and Ohio railroad com pany, with tho title of general superlti tendent or general manager. A coal miner named Leo was assassi nated by two other miners untied Daw son and Kstept, near Chailestou, W. Va., on Saturday evening. They stabbed him tldrty-tliieo tunes. At Westerly, It. I.j on Saturday night, Philip Gallagher, being drunk, attempted to kick his wife, but struck an infant in her arms and killed it. He was airosted. Tlio coroner's jury In the caso returned a veidlct Monday, declaring tliu person from whom Gal lagher bought the liquor guilty of the inurdor. Gallagher was held in 61000 uati to answer. Tho mansion of tho latoKdwIu Poi-rc-t In Philadelphia is to ho converted Into a fiuhlonaulo lioU-l and restaurant, a htcaito Uelmenlco's.on Klfih Avenue, Now York. The larjjo gaiden, covering an area uf over i.0,000 .sijuaro feet, will be handsomely laid out hi graveled walks, decorated with vases, iiowers and fountains, and an orchestra of over foity performers, led by uu einliient musicaii, will furnish music. James S. H'oldenhaiutner, of Hcilta county, attempted tu kill it bull, hut the animal came near killing him. While the butcher was fastening tho bull down ho broke loose and furiously charged tho people around him. He drove his horn entirely through Air. We.denhaiuiuer's thigh, Hut for tliu piescucoota number of persons the enraged beabt would have killed his owner. t Tho county north and northwest of Cincinnati was visited Sunday after noon by n severe storm of wind, rain and lightening. The cellars along the liver at llajuiTton, Ohio, were lloodud by a rapid rise ot the AHaml ilvcri At Caithage, the Hamilton County Infir mary wns pailly unroofed. A freight train was thrown from tho track near ltushvlllu, Indiana, by an uprooted treo. Noah .Vorgau, aged sovcnty.two.cnp ployed as watchman at a Luzerne, county colliery, met with a singular death lat weal;. Ho and n boy wire on the oulshlo of u mine, and nn several cars were let down an Incline plane rapidly a portion ot'a inlnc rail tit the top Hew up and struck him He yas knocked Insensible and tiled from his Injuries Cincinnati, l)e,c.2S. At tho regu lar weekly meeting of the Methodist Preachers, held yesterday, the Illshop Haven matter was under consideration. Ollll set. of Icsnllillmia - -- --.'...a.aif ttiitl IJUblVM dining to express nn opinion on tho" i.i-.i , , . . . .... . - iiiuii ici iii, iiiiii oepioring liipiiop Ha ven's course, ninl another set expres sing auiezimiiint at the iinneccessary nlaiui over such a little inalter.denylng Ill-hop Havetj's right to speak for the whole yiiureh, a-.id utteily opposing any connection between Church and State, was also presented. A brief but lively discussion followed, and llnnlly tho whole matter was laid on the table, which is probably tho end of the whole subject. Now Ailvrjrlisonicnts. rpo Whom It May Comcrii. NOTTCK IS IIKIIKIIV OIVUN. tli.1t civ wife. Ani.mda J Yoifkel, havltii; lutt mv lint and board, without Just came or luovocntioti, all poi suns i' i n lie ehy oibtilliuboiiuaor fu-l-linriicrmi my m count, n l wilt pay na debu ol her ooutii-ctliiK allei- thw otilo. Jan. f, lH7U'W.'. w. ispott; rn. rpnos. s. ulck & co., Real Estate Agents, HANK RTUEET, LKltOltTON. We have lnstructloni lo hcII tho followinc Pro. pi riles, t ul prra mis desirous or J'urcIiasluS.srl!. (nit or Kxci aneiiiK ltoui Kst .to. will do woll to Klvn us a c ill i Uwp Hub Homo and Lot, on Foiutli pt-cct, Lo Id liton. Kow rcnta tor 818.00 nor niotnh. l'rica low lor cnh. ItoitHO and r,ot.on Ilalionlnsotrcct. I ihteht'in riict? ."ii. ici.ts for fjp'-r montr, ouo-half cash, bill nice nv in-t.iiiuents llouie and f,ot on 1 Ino sti-net I,ulil"liton. I'n. 1' lco 3140 1. limits I .r tu per month. 103 ci "s of T inliei L uiil in stnlioniiiR town fillip IK, inllm Iiom 1,1'lilrhtoj. choap. i03 Acres of l.iuJ in I'l iin Foiost 'rownelup. i'ai ooii 0' mity. Ataapeein lurtnlu. Savon Lots in the llnroiteli of I.ulilKhton Good let Hi ions and puce- low. l'rame llittidlitu nit biof r n photograph caller- or oi! or ll,!l:t lijsliicw. clic.i.t. Jna. I. ifTi. T. B. IllX'iC A CO. Anv pen nn uil n ln fnen r,( vncnsLl or Im i i:i'i.tlon will lie i ureil In-u n - UR- VVILLARD'S COMPOUND POWOERS- end lor tiei ,i .- i. . i cmix nntliioi' nml wl.l onto (i,.. I'llllllil'.h & ('(.'., C.ioinisto, t.Tr, i:io' iiv if , Mf i or. i MM ! SWiv:m -l a sia 2 8s3aalafi HEN NY WH.K0X V.!,. U'! HMlVIi i! i i'.iC ii'.liim n.o.in. li.eii-n IHI.N I'M W.N " ' i ,.i, , ,. , ri 'i'. rltniv lii Ut'.' iJiiit i n i'L u. e i.. i.iii,i..i'n AGENTS WANTED FOR THE t- vnf B 1 O 13 ur i e j v .i.i-Bie.il imei"M ill in- 1 1 11 1 1 11 1 1.7 IlIHIOl'V i.i om tounti'i miild'H tills the f.iMel wiiiini: Imolv yvorpaiilWieil it conlani ovir urn Uno lib., tin ic-il enj civilian ii' il Dim paeos, with a foil ft'i count i f the nppiincliin! "lamt t'cutennlai cole iiriition. Hond fur n liul (Wnrt on nut cx'ra 'iv?.",'!;' NATIONAL 1'UllU.ill- I Ml CO., l'litl.id'liihin. ri1 a day atjtimis. Ascnts wimtcil. Outat bl"n"lVcrmsfl'u0' Ti VII A Co., Auflisui, r AllllllC, t'liu wi:i:KauAHA::ri;i:uliAi!vnti', .Mo .mil 1'emao, In their ocnllty. Terms and OUWIX Villus. Adilmu I'. O. IICKKUV A Co.. Ausuiitii, Mj iJI O ClOrt !'-f "1 v at heme. S-nnpIej t$lJ H VkSU wcith SI. iruu. atixsos .V. Co. PortlinJ. .ilaliio. MINI) r.HADIXftl, PSVL'irOUANCV. l''AH. CITATION, SjuI riiiitiniU'r. UcMiicilsin, anil Marnaico (Inldo. Hinwliu' haw (Itnortot mayf Hulmito and saiu tte Kivo and nflectiin ot any pi mon tucy cliooiirt m .i.uitii-. lco p ij.oa. Hy mail I icon, a. Hunt tnnl (Jo., I'J'J U. Till t., 1'hlii.ileliihift. 1875 FALL 1875 Mrs. M. Guth Jl.-Hi.fctfUilv r.nuonncea to tho I,Al)Ii:n OF VKiSi'Oli'l' AND VH.'INITY tlutblio ln.a J jal leturiiinl fioai llio (UTV, Hint In i.owiccilv luir vua vl tho 1.AHOK81' tfTOUICH of t'Al.f. COMI'IJISINO, Hats, Bointots, And Trimmings over beforo hiouuht Into lids soetlon, nu.1 Hut sltolapropaicil to do ihom up In tho Very Latest Fashion, AT 1'IIR'HS 1IHI.OV.' ANY OT I UU lies TAUMSllMMNT IN T11U COUNTY. Alao, AN KN'I'IUUI.Y fKV blOOK OP B I'lVHJW, in Kaul mid Imitation lluir, No l'J(KM un.l A 1,1, other UiiOiU inuallylu iit tu a i'i i b t L'Usi Millinery mote. Ladies' own Hair mado up to ordor Onll ami Inrpei'l (leoila im.l loaru I'rlcw bolore puichanuii onuwhn u. SUtb. M, OUTIf, Wttlssport, Va. l pill-VI - jPV Ah i EMTEraiJUflAL w i Now AdVorlifjoinonts. IPor the MolJiiys j'' Ucforo i)n.ving Holiday jProgoutc, Vloaqo Exhnvno Ltckard J'AllLOJt and draud Miiniifaclurod by Uio Fort AVayuo Orga-UsCo. A. P. HORN, Agent, Lehighton, Penn'a. , flf Of5r(l OiSi' , 'It v1" Ml. it'- i k. tit ilSili' IWlrtFi'il fll.,4(l,iPT 4-' T-iiCV-' .. on... v iiuuuu uuu lu iow priced, ,' ! mmcniio Ploi k of LADIES', ULNTIiKMKN'S and tVIIHEN'S Boots, Shous and Gaiters, of Best Make, at'Low Prices Aim, ntVJIIlY I.O'.V not'UKSi.afitllatrtnicntof Fnsli'oiviUlo Maken of Gentlemen's and Youths' HATS and GAPS. B3"Ai!iMilfl lor tho Acmo Slilit tho best fitting gnriueut Pvcrmnde. Leave your Mcasuro for tlictu. y LiVURY & PETERS, Merchant Tailors, V.O. HnllillMR, Lehlfihtou, Pa. Oct. 2, 1875. , 1 rlr; Mcrfs mnl Womeiu's Hoots and Shoes, CARPETS AND OIL CLOTHS A SPCIAITYJ Z3T I'rlcei fully ns Low ni clscwhoro. i-nipo-Hed in Tntio anil Power nay lie. il Ornii" lnicioiore iiiniuil ii--l in i'il in thin rutin iy It .ma bieu tested tiy iiiany ceinpi t n t Itnlcoi n il GIVES UNIVERSAL ATIHFAUTION Hy a millfiti moot tlio atom, nml ol t'.o I atrnl Knee H'.v.'li. the Jltte i adfliiteil lo the h'liuirii 'ole.' r lunis 1'ntii ho njlt'iit, Uutc-liko u ills tn n v.iiin.ii. , r . it mil ' rnstirpjissi d hy iuy Inslrinnonf. T.ic jiiopiiLlnr Iijh noiiil nn-tufv iur nifliiy VI UH fit? HiMit'.M'U itlM 11itl I.UO'I" Ul till) Kft'il i:ntruiuriit-, uilil Uiruutnit uh pnictum' i .immI ciii'n in (no rouwlii.it of nucli hntM fffrt o i , :ui.l li, i t'p 'liitu-utH luivt' it'Miltnl ih tl.t tro (I. ict in i o' n untttUy of ,ro..o wlnc.t aln l.atud so ci iiy to .ho Pipe Or'H Qualify H n It. ii illi.'lPiur to di'tlnciiis!i uotviccn tho itvi . Iiih liotiMineut ha. ALL Till: liA'IKSi' 1 Ml'llOVLJIEM'S. Mil eieiv or'.n 13 tully waininte.l Lirfie o.l I'iiII-Ii, iiiikic WuUiiit, I'auo.iil casea tli'.it WI!,I, NOt' UU.VK Oil W.Vftl', And forma In luldillmi to a Kplcinlld uisli uiii'cnt II. l.llMilt. a ri: M'Tii.'iiL ni;oi; iiv fuhnituiik. 1 Ilia oi ir tii in eilH onlv tn no m en to be upi.ro- cuuiiaiuiiHKoiii ut xTiii:Mi;Ly low a?ij.cc;s Tor o Mi Second hand limtruinonta tahi n in otchanxc AOKNT.-I WANT I'. I). (Alnlo or lein.itc ) m every cetratv In llio United stales and (.'itn.itia. 1 liK-rat diioitui 'undo to Tea-JiiLTH Milliliters. Ct.uicjio.. Lo go , -.ic, vhere thero 1 no n:ini lor tint Ml. orenn. tllu-tiated c.itaionui) mul unco list fioo. Cor ti'.iondcnco Holicittd. Ailuicm tlio lnaniiluo Unci. JiDWAIip PL0TTS, Wiisiiiiiifii;i x. -I. May il vl I'AIltVIUW FAIIU rOU SALK 'tula ih'.Oral.lo pro. ioi ty li l.iciucil MSC Ul Al'MUtoll 'I'.ivrilahlli. Atoll ir.itii. i.t ei-v l I'd , ... Tn I.- .....i. ... WJr i'liii:iiioiilil.i.' coiniK'ifl'.iif ij ncro.. .0.. It lll'IIU III l..ll. n ...... i.l n ...I wnr Bfc - - - ' -.. .... iiiA'uiiiii.i, uuu ho lou.i.imloi'arai.le Hml lu ah.jrh ntutoof mil. liviitiiiu. 'i ho tinpiotciiiintsaioii laiiro Stone Manaioii llo.we, c .n.iiininjf .0 rmiuii) ; a la.-.-e Iiiuii with all tlie iiooomuiry oialmllilinits I ,,e locality la 'Uo.cili.a lv iicnitliy ami is louvciiI ctu to plinonif woi-Mii,,, -cuoiila. j.l irmliM ilc. 1 or pirltculaia ndoicj, TiltiMAH n kikh;. 'fnii?!' ' !V" .V1.'.". r,m Ht- I'h lJiKlnlila I'uurth Ht . l'lill-dUphia. 177( X National I'ninlly l'upor ls7(l Tho Orcat I'anuly 1'utnrnt Auienoa il.oijiifu caper uxjaisliin every Mtmdiei. fliiatknud lmin mil.', and havnf,' Ii.iJ.umio ibe public, ii now io. il, in Uto o -iiieiiiual Cdinpaii'ii, lu I . ii.ii 0 mom dellgl.tJiUu.tciibois The Star Sium-luil IHiHor,Vght ViKli 4u olliiiin itiipir, Ledutr Mzc nyi'ill 'iiiiiu wit.i churi. Iiik btoiifH, T.i n. aliotclioii, l',ictry,Vlt, H-iiniir oud 1'iiu. It uivia nil new Itiopis I;!irt.m. l-ocretH Ait i. Ac., ttio . hn a I'lilidien'a 1)( , Jti tiunit, a Modleat liouirlmeiit, l'uzz er'a Lorucr, etc.. ct't.. in it u mijut Family rami. IlUMUL'tm h H'lcmiiv i to KutiMt ccry '.iUl,.. 1,'Ult' QlMk' slimier nml ....'.V-., '-, y iiutnbfi' Una five oluinni cf liuiniiu. loluiu c Hiatoiacnla No saiv lut lot !5!jS.S .. '""il,1 '"' ever L?." ', fw'nilioia w.lhiiutuar or fnvcr. nun gnoaaiutof mu'ioui.,Hiii,iiuiuea. ml 'KHino." It f.,nst But jaUhn icar, audii wmt pre Jt usia pail ovoiyulicio. lUHjimt tun ill lienor cimt homo. Southeiii or Morllieru. It ! not nuiiiical. lolixiou., or fcccUumi. It mice for 'all. Htartul in iiklt. It liai icono on lor U ) oui i, mul 14 loud hy llni.tto iiiupVc. You want It unit will hnvo it nuii lime Wliy not now 1 EluL'ant Clironinsi ? Itye Jmpoiied 12 JjllLllIll lUIUIllOS. Kpiciu'iaFiencliC'iiio luua, (worth I.0J each). suoOx II Inchon, ttuely mounted, and wo offer ANY vouicof thoooccma anil lUNNKU n nolo your, nil fioo, tor 1. '1 heuo uro Miiuina oiuoinoa. rcitablo tor any parlor, do other pi emluuia vtli roil. 1 A r.iiKl Word llcader.rcnicrabcrisrni.our " ''"oi' 11 UIUl toiiuiry'aceiuennlal. liiunii: thia ono year do tako a N.uiunau patrioilc, wlih) ihmiIlo paper ono that la for muiir ami UL'aimit wriiiiv i ono Iiml Miod no naity, no iinrth, boutir, cant or woot i but n paper intend ul ful ou'ry leader, ono that savoi money tu lta liwiiiru by espiieiiiK the " trlclta and trupn " of swlndloiloiu i and now ii tho time. You have put it oil' too lontf. rjeud Co day. Now U tho utccptul time. o i duly 7$ cents secured llila yreat vapcr n ami yoar. With four cliariiiliivohrmuiu. only (I, 3 uumbcra aont tur is icnta. uiit-oiuioua (lua.uuioaiiy) ucKT ftlLK io ML. bend font XUY, CoitB in. tiling to o it. scnit TO-IUV to 11ANNL11 l'UllLIBII INO CO.. . Nov.aicovuuu Jr llluwlali', N.U iCrfft "nve lust rocelvcl a lareo and elc.ant ' 'rM) 8,ock0.'icAI'I'amlwI'''n ' v iv jmw j ,W '-"'"MWImt Plata A Fancy CLOTHS. -IT " .PABSIMEHKS ,,d VEwTINQS for f MBA'Hnml YOUTll'aWRAU l.il. ?M'w nrBiircnnroilt(MAKEUlMni2b MOSIT J-ASIIIONAHMC STYLK, At DANIELGRAVER rcficctfnlly nnii.ouiicea that he hn.i just j uccivtu ins VAfjU .v, wiTJ stook oj 'Press & Dry Goods, Groceries, Provisions, AND A FULL LINU OP O- Sept. 11, 1870. Livery & Sale Stables, IIANIC ,THBliiT.L.HiIIIOIlTaN, Pa FAST TROTTINq IIORSEjJ, KLEQAjfT OAUniAdES, And posltlvoly LOWEll I'HICISS than any othor Liyoryhajho Cbjutr. LarRoand lianddomo CartlacM for Paneml mil osea and Wcildluns. UAVIU BUBKltT. Nov. K. 1S7J. ' s IVli iIOEV " By piirclia8lnc ';our Groceries 1 Prqvisionq Also a Choico Variety of Al' Till: NEW BTOKIS OT E. H. RHODES. Ijppo.lto tho "Cm boti Acyocite'l Office", BANK. WAY, LUIIIOIirON, 1 A t'ULL LINE OF CHOICE. fllESII Teas, Coffees, oitgars, Alolasscsj iiiuinanra, , Drjpfl i ptcos bruits, Nn. 1. Mackerol, Korosono Oil, Tobaccos, fee, &c, A lof which aro warianietl of llrstchus onality, inula. 1.1 ClIEAl-yOIlCABII? ?' Iu'"''' The InnhMt Maiket I'rico allowed for BUT. TUll. Kdlldanil COUNTltY EUOUUCE sen. i railv In Kxelnincc. lor Good.. 1 A tria. la lopictfully solicited. April iO-rl E. U. BUODE3. ,!)!)!) !JMOi:YI'Olt ALL. Onlytwo Dimes ... Outy two Ulmca. "It always dark; . Btbornioitaf " To any roador who will sond i cents lo u;wo will aoiid ono box of sain whlcli woKuaiiuittowlll put you in the way to mult f.O) a lie nth. and not takoha f yonr tirao Sol. tali.e my iiieu nr women, boyair Rirla and in ontliolj new. Thousan is cal now wciiro pay. Iii buslilea'i and couslmi Incom s This Is tho "ch moo ut n lifetime" and it yoli will uotrm UiuCu it tell tour filcnds, for It is A FOltTUse lor miuio worlhv-doseivlnB imison whonoodsn heipins hand Notarecloo, Jowfclry, or other liumbii?, but n txrx and buiik euaraatood bttsl i o-idiippoituiitty. f amnio pox. 'cli cuiars. &c, Ac. hio icnt ut uiat.sn cents, only to uitrodnco it' noiio Iilo, ndii uouo neal reply unless they want to mal.o f joon a oar clear. Hundreds aro makttis that, atjd 51 centil anil "sosa" will show von "i.ow 'tu done." Addrcus UUNTKIl A Iliiudalc. N. II. $ DOWN WITH IIAItD TIMES. $ SilVO illlllfiy aui 10 1,0 It Vnv wbero yon can uEr vouu monky's wonxil, Tho Orcat N. E. Iio.lar Sale, 33 IliooUlnela, St. Boston. Mass. Iiieu 1673 hail s61iibooo to 1W.D0 patrons. It ollcrsoyery variitvuf Dry. Fancy, and 8tplo (loxHia (IrociiilCH, Hooks, Cutlery, Olaas Ware.' Ac, ,tc, at uli.iut huif pi lco, and sells evkst. TM1NU ATOM.Y OSli bOLUVIl Ilantls " buva from mannfscturers . . . aud hist hands, and ean sell fort! what country dealers nik 3 sad 11 fo' This 111.1 huiiuhmr.uo " tickets.' or lottery. Bed our clicutuis, and tea tho thonsandsot articles vin-iul at only m. Wo aro eodorseil by the best I apersof IlotUm, and by luo,wx patron a. Uto uurchcuiais. Wo CiUl o11 w111 80l ir irooils at less than ,, any othor houao, Wesendbrmall or extir U. I). 1.. and let roil sou Koodi, beforo buying. Wo waut agents evcrywhore. No' risk, no capital needed. " OlIO Ci'llt htiya u liostal eara. Send one. for, all our papers, circulars and llstsl WOCANunil DO sell i urtielnu. tmnlr .frn all lor A tL(.LB POL1.AK. r.eautllul Itlnns, I'lSs! Iliaoclcls, bets. I'ipoa, Violuia.duliuis. Castors in fact axx) artlules all at ill 'cibku Now, and Biwouioooy. iron CAN do It, lilcaso try. Ad. (lres all orders to ll. OHM istON & CO.. N. K. DULUlUHAIili t3 llttHiiuUel.l Ht, Boston. muss, - NOV. 27 e, o. wm- Manhattan 0,TL Company, ur n civ tuaa. Lubrlc:;tliiB' aiiil Illuuiluatlug Oils. 1171, V 'llAliitnii l ....... o-i . (JiaiiKo.'-inilltD anilSvALNUT btreet.l'hllv (lunula, Va. ' Noy. 3U 1375.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers