iinijlii J I 1 fie ft. Y. MoHTHiMEit, Proprietor. vpi.. rv., no.j v. .?t'r,,atnre Warehouse, ,'. YJt$w.Yt,Ilank .treat, dmlertn oil kindi 0 ivnuun oijma mime to crucr. nnot rand Shoe Makers. .Cllatfxi BrattSsT, in Ltvan't building. Hank tret, -QAKIfcla KAIanrUS, ATTORNKY AND COUNSKUOIl AT LAW, J1ich Chunk, 'i"a. M-p Am, abors Dolon's Jarfetry Mora, Broadway E jIU. K. KUtitlBAIlN, ATTORNEY AT UW, MAUCH CnUKK, PjL, CellsMloiM and all lfffil business promptly Mtanued to. 1 1 Kiy as. is7o, yjr A. p4KHAMKa, M.p., ' " PUT81.CIAN AND8UnUir.?N - I - Oflit: .tooth. Bast corner Iron anil 2nd sts., Lc- lgatn.i a. ..yrn .oiu. JJR. M. B. BLfCBER, PRACTICING PHYSICIAN AND BURGEON, 6Bn, BlIK Stfsetl'next door a bora the Postoffiee, btkrf atsn, Pa. vmc Hours I'arrjYiits eacn day tsss 10 to 1 J o'clotk rsmalndar of da j at office In 'L.klrWU Not-23, '72 ' AUCTIONEER, . ,Kat W.laaport, I. X . Sslasol1 stiry aVserlptlon'sttended to at rassoBafela chargea. The patronage of the public reipettfuljT aolldtad. Jan. 21, '7. . D. MUlOLCTf K. JAB 5. LOOSE SQKIiTOLETTE Sf. I.O-qsIC, ATT01XBT8 AND OOUNSELLOHS AT LAW, mea rlrilKattonal Bank Building, 2nd Floor, HAUCI1 CHUNK, rimca. Mat fca eoaiulted In Oermaa. IJuly ti 187 . p J.MKBHAN, ATTORMKY AT LAW, Next Door to First til Bank, MAUCU CHUNK, PA 4V0 k eenaulted In German. f JanV. ipUOHAB B. DECK. JUSTICE OF TIIK PEACE. BANK Street, LKHIOHTON, Ta. Caavarsnrlnt;, Collecting and all bualness eon Meeted with the onlce promptly attended to. 1 J9Acent lor first-clasa Insurance Companies, aid Risks ef all klnda taken on thV moat liberal Wtaa 'an.D, 1675. y H. RAPBIIKft, ATTORNEY AND COUNSBLLOR AT LAW, BiXK STRUT, LEH19HT0K, Pa. Keal Batata and Collection Agency. Will Buy and tell K.el Estate. Convetanriua: neatly done. Col lectloma promptly made, fettling Kslates of Pe eedeata imperially, Uay ho conaulted in Knclisb and terwan. Not. 22. rpilOHAS HUME ill: It. X CONVEYANCER, AND GENERAL INSURANCE AGENT' The following ConipanUa are Represented: liaaflANON MtJTUAL FIRH, reading mutual fihb. avowing firh. rOTTMViLr.is Finn, L1C1IIOII Fl IIU. nnrt IlmTRAV KLERa' ACCIDK.N I' 1NSU11ANCI2, Alto PennivlTontn and Mutnn Horse Thief leteetltro and InuraQi 6 Coinpanr. Maxta29.1373. I UOB. KHMKHHR. rpiIOMAS A. WIMilAni.S. L'ADIES' AND URNTI.EMIiN'S Falblonable Boot Qnd Shoe Maker, KmI to Leuckel'a Block. BANK STREET, Lehigh,ton, Pa. Harlng commenced bnalneea, aa abOTA, I would eapectfolly announce to thadtltena of Lehlghton and Tlclnlty that I am prepared to do all work lu ray line In tbe neiteit and moat aubatantlal man oer, at prlcea fully aa low aa the aame work can be etalned In Philadelphia. A trial la aolieited and satisfaction guaranteed, at lowest prices, July 4, 1874. 1 V. BIII.TZ, PUOTOflRAPHRR, Upper Main street. SLATINQTON, PA., la the Oallxrt recently occupied by H. P. DENOLER PXCTUKER TAKEN IN ANV WICATHr.R. A "reolaity. PATRONAOK KOLIClTIiD, And aatllaetlon Uttaianteed. JnnelB-7C?t OProBITE THIS COUUT HOUSE, 8ujuohanna Street, Maucli Chunk.' FRED. WAGNER, Proprietor. This neryie Vaa recently been fitted nn In an elegant manner, where Ladle and Gent. emeu ntl bo anppued tntb KEAL8 AT A HO(URS QT ELEO ANT ROOMS FOR Til It U ST. ol QUEbTS. TERMS MODE.RATK. Jnlr V, M75 m QBMTKMMIAI. BAXOOX, fDOQTJEUANNA BT MAUOH CHUNK. PRANK INKMAN.V, Prop'r. Freab rblladelpbia Lsor Beer alwava on tap. pttTiraof Ubu.oeat Hi tore, and aU other kinds ol Uetreeliniouta to bo lonud In a Bist-claaa Hakxra. FHBiS LUNOII nvory ilorulng at IK tfoioojc. cail wbeu yon ko to Maocb ctiuiik. ' July JO, mi-yl trnEtBnd8argicalBandageStand. "W J. I5VEBETr.Wo.WNortU oevonth Bt. " belOiV AruhBt.. PhlllulBlnhla. LaUMtlm. prtmid Trasses), riboalder Hrnooe, jsiaatlo rtt uolc luBa, JieaU. Bn.nenaorlfM. Oruuuica. UefnrmiLar liutrnmeow, o. A.eo Mrx. Evorett'a. Fitch's) aell adjuaUna' ai otaer celebrated Female bup- ow prlco. Herul anooeaainlly tteatoo. July II, 1875. ly. pITY HIMI MOt-Tnat BLB'JTRIO LINI tMENT. like 1 got at DpitUWO'a DJIUO STUUB), will core tdm or any otlier muu of MUUVMATIBU and all eeaor rAI.Sal. iluy U CARDS. Railroad Guide. N OKTII PISNNA.ItAlLUOAU. Paaaenirera for PWadcIphla mil leave Lclilcli. ton as follows i 8:00 a. ni. via L. V. a,rrlve at Phlla. at 9:10 n. m 7:17 a. m, via l ,t a, ' ' " litis it. tu. ':) a. in. vl 1 1. V. " " 11ilSn.ni. 11:17 i. m. vin L ' ' t:i0 p. in. 11:02 p. m. via L, V. " " 2 20 p. r.i. 2:21 ii. ni. via L. A a. " ' 6: Hi), m. 1:17 11. m. via L. ,t 8. " " 8:2 1 p. m 4:14 p. m. Via I,. V. " ' :20l. til. 7 3 p. ni. via 1.. V. ' 10:3'1 p. in. Returning, leave depot at Trt and Amerl. ran Ett., Phlla., st 7:50. 6:3) nnn 9.15 a. m.i 2:10, !:(t nml 5:15 p. m. f aro Irniu Lehlchlon to Tblla., 2.6S, Kxcurslon Tickets, f 4 00 Jnno 8. 187S liLLIS CLA11K. ARCnt. OENTHAL n. It. 1T N. J. LKI11GII k SUSQUKIIA NNA DIVISION. All Rail Home to I.onir llrmich. PAPSKNHKK STATION I.N NEW YORK FOOT Of LIBKR'f Y ST., N. It. Time Table of Deo. 27, 1875. Trains leave Lehlghton as follows: ?or New York, F.aatnn, Ac, at 6.22, 7.47,11.12 a. m., 2.26, 4.47 p. m. For Philadelphia, 6 22, 7.47, 11.12 a. in., 2.2C. 4.17, rorMauch Chnnk at 10.20 a.m., 1 09, 6.3S, 7.04 and 0.43 p. m. For Wilkes, llarre andScranton atl0.20 a. m., 1.09 7.04 p. m, J?clurm'no Leave New York, from station Con tra! Railroad of New Jersey, fool of Liberty street, North lllie'r, at6J0, 9.00 a.m., 1.00, 2 46 anil 6.15 p. in. LeaTe Philadelphia, rrom Depot North Penna It H., at 7.0 S 0.45 a. m., 2.10, 3.45 p. ni. LeaTe Eabton at 835, 11.40 a. ut., 3.S5, 5.35 end 8.10 p m. Leave Maucb chunk at 5.15,7.40, 11.06 a.rq., 2.J0 and 4.40, p. tn. Fo: further particulars, tee Time Tables at tho Stat Ioiib. I'AsSUNOERS FOR LONU BRANCH CIUNOK CARS AT hLIZlUKTII. 11. P. IIALDW1N, Gen. ratsengtr Aatnt. July 4. 1874. pltlLA. i REAI))NG It Al I.ItO A I). Arrange menf of Passenger Trains. NOVEMDI3K 18T 1S75. Trains leave ALLKNTOiVN aa follows 1- IV1A FLBKIOUEN- nniXCIt.l For Philadelphia, uridgepnrr nml Perklomen junction, ai u.as, a ou u.n ana a.ao p m hDSUAVS. For rhllaJelphli. Drulgjport and Porklotnon j uui:uu . i i d iu u.in, IVIA EAST PSN.VA. nRlKcn.) JTor ROMfllns, f 2.30. 5 6 J, 0 V a m 12..J, 2 10, 4.30 ror llsirUDiirg, f 2 30, 5 50, 8.65 a. ni 12.23, 4 30 and 8.41 p.m. For Lancaster anil ColnmbH, 6 60, 8 65 a.m. and 4 30 n m f Does not run on Monday. MJIlJAYN. ror Keadmtr 2 30 am. nuiiniinm. Forllirrlabpre, 2.80 n.ui, and 8.4, o.ra. Trains FOR ALLENIOWN leave as followt: (VIA I'KHKIOSIEN nitANcn.l Leave Fhiladeluhia 7 3 a.m., 6 in ami 5 31 n m. Leave llrnl'jopot t 8.30 a ru . ti.ua and S.18 p.m. t.eove I'erklomon Jutio. O.CSii.m. n.ia ami 6.55 u.m. KUKBATS, Loivol'h'laoclphtH SiO ,. in.. Uridgerirt, 9.C1 a.m., l'eiktoiuen Jiimuttm. 9.25 n.in. (VIA F.A5T ri'NNA 11IIAM II I Leave rteoing. 7.M 7.4 1. U.lj a m.,4 01.0.10 and Leave Harilabure, 5 2). 8.10 . m., 2."0 2 50 and 7,1 p.m. Leave Lancaster, h.10 a.m. it. is nnrt s. i n ,n. I.eao ColuniDl.t 8. o n.ui l.w and 2 JS p.m. nu.iuAta, Leave Hemline. 7 20 o.m Lfave IIiuii-i.uic.5 i a.m. Tralna inaikeil tlina .! rnn via n Ilronoli, (depot Otli amU Oreen street i,) ami navo tin otth oars Ironi nnri in5fnoh tTdtmi.-. Allei Her tra.na tn and finm Phiitulpiia a.. rive nl.iud leato llroad mreet rtep it. Ull 1' l Jl N Nov. 0. 1875. Cs 'Ci-oi 4'iiiJcnji(Btirlcu. PENNSYLVANIA IIAII.UOAI), PHILADELPHIA A Mill: Kit. DIVISION. Bummer Time Table. On and nltei bUNDA Y, MAY Mnt IV tho lr1non the FlnlaaeluMa JS l.ri.. Railroad Di vifli.n will run at toliowa i WEbTWARD. PAST LIN' 13 leaves Nvr Y'ork 8.2 am. Phil tleiphia 12. '.5 p.m. llultlruote 1.20 p.m. HnirlJbnrfi 6.10 p.m. arr. at Willlamsport S.56 i,m Loci Haven 10.20 p.m llil.efonto 11.60 pin. ERIK ACAILloaias Ntw York 8.23 p.m. Philadelphia li.5ip.ui. llaltimoru li.ss p.ui, Harii-bnrii 4,25 am. WllliamE'poit 8 3i a.m. IxickUacn 0.45 am. ltei.ovu li.t5a.ro. arr. at Knn j.oC p.m. NIAylARA EX. leavon rrllsdelpbu 7.40 a.m. lia'.tlmoi e 7.35 a.m. liairisburc lo.5Su.in. arr. at WilltaiiiHiort 1.53 p.m. Lock listen 2.15 p.m. l'.i'uuva 4 3' p m. ELM IRA ilAIL leaves Ptnladelpbla s.ixi u.m. lialtlmoio U.M u.m. Harnsburg 1.25 p.m arr. at Willlamsport 6.10 p.m. Loclcllareu 7.20 p.m. EASTWARD. PHIL AD A EX.leavcs Iev Haven C 40 o.m. Willlami'port 7.55 a.m. arr. at llarn'biir( li.4Sa.ni. Ilaltimoro 6.15 p m Pbiladeipbta 9.35 p.m. New Y'oilc (.45 n,in. DAY FXPRESleaves Itenova S.ion.n.i. IxjcK Haven 10 25a;a. Vtiliiamsport 10.50 a.m. arr. at IlatTlaburT 2.0 p.m. Pblladelprila 6 20 p.m. 27ewYer 9.15 p.m. Dalttmote Si.6p.io ER15 MAIL leaves Erie l'.2oa.m Itenova p.m. Lock Ilavrn 9.45 pm. W liiamsport 10.60 p.m. arr. at IlairiiburR V2iam. llh'tmiure 7.35 n m l'luladelpbla 6.13 a.m. New York: ln.lf e.m. FAST LINK leaves Williams port I2.L5 a.m. arr. at llarrlaburg x. 55 a.m. Jlalmiore 7.35 am, I'blladelpbla 7.35 a.m. New York 10.26 u.m. Erie Mall West. Niagara Express Wcat, Iil mint HU Wtst nal Day i;xrrcs Eaatniaite close eonnecllori at Norlboaiberlndw;tli L. & Ii. Hit, trams for WllUi sbano and Bcanlou. Erie Mall West. Kiarara Expre a West and Elmira Muil West muko cose connection at Willlamsport wltU N X'. It. W. trains noitb. Hrle Mall Fast and Wet, Niapara I'.xprcss Weet, Fast Llao v et and Day Express mate close connection at Loo.a: Haven with U. E. V. Hit. trams. Erie il 1 East and Wectoonoect at Erin wllQ trains ouLH.Ji U. B. RU., at Coiry with O. C. & A, V, Kit., at Jtmpormm with 11. N. Y. & 1". Hit., atid at JJrlltwuod with A. V. HR, Parlor Cars will run Out w eon Philadelphia and willlamepoit on Niseara lixpreos West, Fast Line Wcat, FtiUadelnhU (Sxptes.1 East and Day Express East. Bleeping Cars on all night trains. WM. A. BALDWIN, Oen'l "opf $1,200 PROFIT ON $100 Mode this month by Putt and Uslti. I nvest so oordinar to vnur means, f to. (5) or SI00. in BTOCK: FBIVILEOHB, basbroogbt a small lortuoe" to tbe careful .luvcsior. We advlso tt ben and bow to oveuate BiygLY, Books with roll Inloitnatlorj seat tree. Adorers 01 dura by mall and tUeerapu to UAXTEUA. CO., Bankers and Brokers, 17 Wull'Et., N. Y- INDEPENDENT" hEHIGHTON, CARIION COUNTY, VKNN'A, SATURDAY MORNING, JANUAUY 1, 1870 sjjaaaaauajsuajauw Plotts' Star Organs Are as perfect parlor orcum as nro mnniifartti red. Corresponrtciien solicited with nrCTiil.U. 11. nslcinni and tho trade. Addrcaa, 1.DWAHD I'LOI TH, Wna.iliiRton N. 4. T OOK IlEAUTIl'UL LOOK ROSY l-A hot ile ef DURLINO'4 HOE OLYCEUINn for Roua-hnesaofthe SKIN, CHAPPED HANDS, .tc, oiilv23 centn botilo. Mttv , Plotts' Star Organs Oomulnnbentiliy. ilnrnbllltv and woiili. Bern! for illnatinleil ininlOBito betoio bimntr. Ad ilreastbo tnaniitncturcr, liMWAKU PLOrrs, Wasblngtuu, N. J. Wl'r, OH WHY will von euffor with that roUdll or CO 1.1)1 when vnu mnvbo Ira. medl itelvrn e'vedby untie Dllll LINO'S COM POUND BYltlt" ot TAR WILDCnKHItY and llORKHOUND. Mnr 9 rpHE PEOPLE OF LElllQIlTON and vlcm Itv all unite In teatlfvluir tint at A. J DUltLlNd'S DiiiEandFnmilr Mi ibelnn tore, PUriF. I'llVFIt mill UNAUULTKRITUU 11FI1K1NE3 ran always be found. Mav9. Plotts' Star Organs ARonts supplied at flKtires that ilely compe. tlnon for tho same clam of ln.tinnicnt". Try one. Aildriss, EDWARD ri.OTI'H, Wasblnir. ton. N. J jgAMUKI., GEIAVCU, Opposite the rubllcSqnare. BOU I'll STREET LKIIIOIITON, Pa., Manufacturer ol Tin & Sheet Iron Ware And Dealer in oil kinds ol VIE XX IV IIOOFINO. HPOUTINO and JOtlllINO pwiipllv attended to tit reasonable) elnti ae. Nov. JJ.' HAMUEL tlltAVER. W. EACHES, Contractor & Builder, LEH1GIIT0N; PEN.N'A. IMaiSH nut I SpcrlflcutsuiiN FOR ALL KINDa or niJILDINOS MADE AT 'HIE BHOItTKSP NQPICE, HO CHARGES Mode for PLANS nnd RPLCIUPATIONS w,ien thn conduct is awarded u tin, linnet a!tiod. Jane 14, IS73yl. A, W. EACHE.J. L. Would rfnTt fully , mi i o ti n t t rirmly mi 1 It he in fftiiorflt ho lias opened n liroi-chii i Livery & Sale Stable, anil that Imcati fitmi!i Hores. Ilnrjcles and V irilages of tin , et, ,i I'mMoii. for t lewiiuc. bnsiiien.or FUVKItM, IM'R 'jsi at very llb.ASONAULU('HARtii:ai-.d ah.tt i notice. A Bale KESJSK-i flV AVV$XG Promptly nttcade.1 to at moderate rites. L. T. KLEITINUER, Corner i.l Uatilc nnd lion stioets, Ja. 2. Lciilghton, ln. T HO,UforDrA,Nr,IllNnU ' FURNITURE, . Next to Ilninlct Holford'j Carrlngo iianulHCtory. Rank Street, Lehighton, Pa. Klegniit rnrlxr Mutts, IlrtmlBome Hcilrnom Seta, Selling very Cheap for Cash. Examine bcfiie purchasing elsewhere. Hitvmyhad an eipenenco of twenty yoara In tho UNDERTAKING Hn.lnOFS. I am nrennred tn fnrnLh nil VI,,B coFlSaudtJSKl".'l'slllnort notice, and ! utienu to nit onsinoss in tuts tmoin sncli u m:in. ner as wilt give entito nitiffietlon, on very reasonable terms, l'jtron ise oltclled. Maroh27.-yl. 1 HKO. I.HMERUR JpALIa AM) WINTER STOCK OJP jMillinery Goods it Notions ! illKS. B-jV "vvxtsi, Two Doors telow iho M. K. Church, Lellj bten, dtJliMio oali the nttenlinii of L.11I13S ti tho tct .bat she Is now OPHNINO n very larco etoclt ci( FALL and WINTER STYLtlsi ol MILLINERY GOODS I'otnprlalnc, HATS. BOMNETs, TRIMMINGS and NOTIONS, Together with a larae a-aorimcnt of ZEPuKU I'MIFORA'l Kb 51 OTTO KH. V It A M IN O srRAWs.swirciiEs. hair ooodb, &c. 1'ricuj ui Liw ni oi-e,vnen!, and wor iiu d goods watraaio.l.And luteoticii invited. Bvtlllal MUd. Ii FA TU. 0KESSin) AND LIVE Tho unrlersitned respectfully Informs tho citizens of Carbon and udjoinim: counties, that bo Is again prepared to supply tbtia wilb Dressed or Live Hogs at prices folly as low aa they can be bouabt for elsewhere. Also, Bmoked Hums, Bologno and Biuafoge, at Wboleaalo ana Retail. tV Orders will be promptly filled, and Hogi shipped to any polut at the shortest notice. JOSEPH OBERT, Cs.uk Streot, Lebtbton, Pa. Nor. , y On PRLNTINO.at the very loweit prlcoi THE CARBON AD VOOATI? OITIOE. Livo and Let Live." Jessie's Test- MIb Je ruslia Jeiiklnson fohtetl hrr naiiltln with slow, precise carefnllnes, ami then follnwetl her pretty little liostesi from the dining-room back to the parlor, where the soft nstral lamp Rlowetl like a silver moon, and the Il luminated stove made red shadows on the hi own rep ensy-chalr In which Miss Jt'iikltison psconced lu'rself. "Iieally don't know what to do about It, Miss Jernha. If I once thoucht Rich wan Riillty of such Indls cietlons as yon declare he Is, I do be lieve I should die I" Jessie WlntrtiiBhatn winked away n suspicious brightness from her pretty curling brown lashes, and looked eagerly at her guest's sarcastic counte nance. "I dare say there are a great many people who would say I. was very ofll cinus, my ilenr, because I tell you what I think of that good-looking huibaii'l of yours. Hut I feel 1 have your In terest at heait ; nnd If no ono elo has the courage and charity to point out to a young wife of half a jear the goings on of her husband why, my dear Jirs. Wlntringliain, I'll stand by you, and take your part." Her solemn words made little shivers of vague terror thrill all over Jesli "I dare say you nre very kind In deed, Miss Jeruslm, only I can't be lieve that Rich Ii such a Illit as you say always paying such exclusive atten tion to ladles when ho is awaylfrom homo," "You must think just what you please, my dear. Only, I suppose If you were to see for yourself, you would believe tho evidence of yotirown eyes." Jessie's slightly flushed cheeks be trayed tho painful Intel est she felt. " Of course, If 1 were to t-ee " Mls Jerusha nioso triumphantly. "Then all you have to do Is to lake my advice, ant! the next time Mr. Win. trlnghaui has such very impel tnnt busi ness to New York, do you go by the same train, with your wator-pioof ami n thick veil to dii-gulso on. 1 must go now, I think, my dear. I'll have to stop at poor Mis. Delacorn's, and hear if she has heard from that runaway daughter of hers. Tlianks for the early cup of tea you tnadn mi nicely and don't forget what 1 told you, Mrs. Vu Irii'tjtiain. And the abominable old gossip went her way, leaving tho .triows of the dis trust she had sown rankling painftilly i l) poor, loving, jrnluus Jessie's h.-ait. Mie perfectly atlored her hrttiuVmiio young husband ; and ns alwiiys such passionate nlltctitiu Is accompanied by jealousy, this tlierwise sensible little woman found It no dillicult matter to eiiteitain the doubts her guest express ed. Rich was so handsome, so stylish, so gallant why should rfiit ladles enjoy Ills attentions? And, silting liy 'lie cozy flie, wailing until her husband should come in for his dinner, Jessie nlnir.it decided to play the spy upon hlmaltl.o eai Rett moment. Then, when she heard his latch key In the door, and IiIj iitiick, lino tit ml in the hall, and saw his handsome, cheerful faco as lie took her cheeks In Ins hands to kiss her, she felt, ashamed and contused, "I atu alrald I shall have to hurry, you dear," ho said linking her arm through hls.aiid leading the way to the dining-room, where the bright light made a g nlal glow on bllvcr, crystal, nnd snow-white china. " Hurry me Rich, how?" " 1 havo to take the seven-thirty train, very unexpectedly, for the city, on important business that cannot bo delayed, I shall bo homo to-morrow night, I expect. Jessie, will you have another piece of tho black mt at V" Mrs. Wliitrlngham toyed with her chicken, her nppetite entirely destroyed by the nous iA announced. "On important business." Yes, that was what Miss Jeukinson had said. And the night train, tool It Hashed hotly acioss Jessie's mind that her hus band wus going down to the theatre, and, if what Miss Jerucha had said was true not alone I That second decided her ; nnd as Mr. Wintrlugham arose from the dinner table, he little knew the thoughts that were thronging In his pretty little wife's head. "Don't be lnneonie, darling, will you? Or shall i atop 3nd tell Florrlo to come up to night ?" Jessie laughed a little forcedly. "You over anxious fellow! What do. I want of bister Flonle? I shall not be lonely at all." " lirave D'.tlo woman; kiss mo good night, then, dear I" Hi was so kind and thoughtful ; and Jessie's fond, foolish heart almost, mis gave her us she watched him off. "It is downright wicked to distrust him! but then it is just these elegant, fiichmtini5 men who are so ajjreeablu to other women besides tlittir wives at least, Miss Jerusha says so, and bho's old enough to k.nowl" She watched tho ivory Ijands of the cuckoo clock hastening towaid seven thirty. "Well I shall do It tills onco, any bow." And the wqqtup to tier loom, with sparkling eyes and glowing cheek's, "la this seat. engaged, sir?" It was a low, Bweet voice that ad dressed Mr, Richmond Wlntringliain, as the seven thirty -train steamed on after calling at tho last btatlou before reacblnt! the Jersey City terminus. Mr. Wintriiihain arose cuurteously, 1.00 glMicing at the sinnll, grareful figure In navy-blue waterproof and double vail. " Take the seat by the winnow, madam." She glided In, and Mr. Wlntrlnifhain sat down beside her, all unconscious of tho sidelong glanco from a pair of eager eyes under the veil. "How handsome he is, nnd lie hasn't tin' least idea who I anil" For of coirse It wns Jessie who had taken the train at tho same station with Rlek, but had waited until the Inst sta tion had been reached before she changed her seat In the car, for tho one she now occupied. "1 wonder If he does know niel Of course he doesn't, only he don't seem very eager to say anytbing to me." Then a little Iragrantly perfumed hand kerchief llultcied nccldeutally (?) to tho Hour. Jessie made a deceitful little dive after It displaying her ditinlly kidded hand, and lound, neatly cuffed wrist. Rli'h quickly anticipated her, and handed the hatidkeicliief quietly tu her. "Allow uie, madatn." "Oh, thank youl I nmsoiTy to trouble you so muck. I was veiy nwkward." Jessie's cheeks were blushing furi ously under her double dark brown veil. "I will give him a chance any how," she thought. Rut, Mr. Winti Ingham only bowed gravely, and maintained a corteous si lence. The tialn slowed up, and Jessle.with persistent determination to draw him into conversation, inailo feint of alarm that amused herself as sho peered out ol tho window, then at her set mate. "What lire wo stopping lor? This Is'ut a station, oh I Is anything the mat ter?" Rich smiled this little woman was such an odd one, "There Is no need of apprehension, lailam. We nre eutetlng the tunnel." "The tunnel I oh, dear, the tunnel!" Jut Rich did'nt "take" at all. Ho only settled tially back anil slouched his seal-skin hot on his forehead, leav ing his cninpaiiion to Tight tin; Imagi nary teirorsof the tunnel us best she might. The train had come to its final stand still at the depot, and just as Wiutring hnm ntoso to leave the car, hi felt toe timid touch of lingers on oue of ids coat-sleeves. "Please pardon me but hut there Is n ferryboat to cross In Is'nt theie? and It you would be so kind as to tell inn which way it Is to the St. Julian Hotel IS li-li buttoned up his overcoat delib erately while nhd spoke. "Tho 'St. Julian?'" 1 am going there myself, madam. If ynu are un accompanied I will seo you thero. Tills way, please." At last I Jessie's cheeks wero as hot ns (ire now, and her eyes hrlglit as stars us she walked through tho long depot nnd feiry-houso ln-sido hor husband. In the Indies cabin Rich gavehcr a seat, tlieu left her to join a grotip of gentle men who wero conversing near the door, and at too New York dock ho es corted her to the St. Julian transfer coach, much ns if she had been u child In his charge, whom lie was bound to do his duty by, and yet considered somewhat of a nuisance. As it happen ed the couch had other passengers, so that the hot colr had time to die fiom out Jessie's lace, although she mental ly regarded him "a tlailing provoking fellow I" "If you please, sir, an answer Is wanted ?" One of tho waiters nt the St. Julian handed n tiny uotelet to Jit. Rich IKin triugliitm just after that gentleman had inspected the arrangements of his loom and was settled down for a hnl.f an bom's examination of sundry papers lu his memorandum hook. "An answer a letter for me oh, yes, from Ned Hathaway, about the shares" his eyes opened widely as he care lessiy tore it open, to find not u busi ness communication from Nvd Hatha way, but a dainty, little note, in it graceful, llowlng back hand,. .'To Ihv, gont.caiau 14 th seal skin cap i "You haveiniideiuodealro vir.' mnclt to roe yea n'lu. Is Uieto not tune to attend tha then ire! YOUB LADV AnMllilut." Rich drew a long breath of surprise. "So that's the little game, is It ?" Then ho rapidly wrote an answer and dls-patched it by ttie man, who grinned knowingly as lie reetjiv.ed a tweuty..tlve cent stamp from Jessie's trembling lingers. "Now, then, I've caught him this time. Suppose lie consents" The ebbing color on her diet ks, the quivering of her pretty luoutn, waj am pie evidence of the state of her feelings; and site opened the sealed euv.elopu . oue does a telegram trying to nature onu's r elf nothing Is amiss, and yet feel' lug It necessary to be prepared for the worst. ' I'etmit the gent cinm In tbo sealskin rap. toouci-uworuofcoutisel to tbo 'itdy idiulr. t' thutttt future, alio luaru to disontfuirb bj twioitu Koutieuiau and n icnum una. tl.ni cneieturud bo.ne, wh.cliU.li butler bout oncn she coufs but luipra.once to tier inuibt-r." Jesslygavo a little cry of delight "Rich, my own truo Rich." The tllnner-ttblo was in readiness, dellciously ouggestlvo odors of turtle soup and egg-plant came from theiu gluns where Jessie Wlntringham's iu coutDarable cook re I iz tied sutirtuie : ami, in tho lace and daiuask draped bay win- j dow Mrs, Wlntrliivjiatu waited tor her husband's coming horae,wRh her swett a Year if Paiil in .Advance. Subscribers out of County, SI. 20. face all unny welcome, that made hlin feel what a nonny arllng she was a lift kissed her even before lie remov eu ids seal skin cap. "And how have you got along. Jot slo? Wero you lonely last nluht?" She blushed a little as sho helped him off with his overcoat. "No, not at all. Indeed, I've had an unusually lino time. "That's cood. Hod any company 1" "Yes. Flo nnd her lover wern hero to lunch this noon. Rich, I think Mr. Addison Is Just perfectly splpndld. He frowned In iirptended horior. "You think Flo's beau perfectly splendid I Very well .Vrs. Wlutrlng -liam, If you wish me to bo jealous," "If that makes you jealous, what wilt you say when I tell you I have had a letter from a gentleman slneo you've been gone n handsomer man than ev en Vr. Addison." Jessie watched iilni closely, her eyes beginning to hint of not far distant tenrs "You did ) I dare say I can see It." He. was smiling, very little as a dU trustful husband would do. Jessie slipped a half-sheet of paper fiom her pocket and gave It to hlin, her lip trembling, yet half smiling. Ho opened It carelessly, then looked at her in amazement. "Why, what on earth, Jessie I Why, I wrote this letter " "Yes, I know yon did oh, Rich I" She wsb almost crying now, and her husband was looking so gravely at her. She pointed to a navy-bluo water-proof and brown vail lying neioss a chair. "It was I, Rich I I know it was aw fully wicked, but but 1 wonted to know If It was true, you know, and " Mr. Wiotrlngham knit ids brows, frowningly. "1 am not suro I under stand yet, Jessie, d'd you send mo that letter last night I Were you my 'lady admirer' on the trnin and at tho St. Ju- lian ?" She laid her hands on lils shoulder, and looked in his eyes penitently. 'Don't scold.Rich. It was I, and my little escapade has mado me very hnppy, for nil I know I was very cruel to do such n thing. You may punish mo in any way you please, Rich I" She said it .neekly, but with such iovo and pride in her eyes that lie would have been less than Rich Wintringham to have censured her. So lie drew her head down to his breast and kissed her, while sho prom ised never to be so foolish again. A High Old Passenger Condnclor. A few days ago freight conductor on one of the railroads went to the Su perintendent and said ho thought he ought to he advanced, having served on the freight for several years. The Su perintendent agreed with him, and told him that the change should bo madetho very next day. And it was made. Tno Superintendent a day or twnafter took a seat in the rear end of one of the coaches so seo how the new conductor would take to business, and pretty soon tho olliclal danced into the door, cap on his ear, sleeves pushed up, and a half-aero smile on his face. "Get out your pasteboards!" ho bhouted, "I am the high mucky muck that runs this tialn," and then, turn ing light and left, he continued : "Right bowers this way play lively pass or order up bow's trumps with you slide you right into Chicago hur ry up there trump this ace what kind of a hand do you hold, old man ?' There was .something novel and ex hilarating In his style, hut yet the su perintendent called the conductor up stairs tho next day and told htm that ho was the best man in America to run n freight train, nml that he should havo to piomote hlin backwards. Ho was ton talented for a passenger conductor. Dettoit Free Press. QUI Superstition?. Old beliefs and superstitions die hard In England. It Is not so very long ago since an ignoinnt Yr.zksliixe yroki'l would olfer up, along with his ordinary prayer tho following petition : "From witches aod wizards, and long tnlled buzzards, and creeping things that run in hedge bottoms, good Lord deliver." A Coroner's Juiy havo returned a verdict oZ wilful minder against one Haywood, a hvborer.of Utile Compton, South Warwickshire, who, a few days ago, attacked an old woman, agtrl eighty, named Ann Tennant,and stuck a two-pronged fork into her, because, as he tgld the Court, sho "was the properest witch I ever kuowed." Re conrided to the Coroner that "thero were sixteen more lu tho parish who. (.hould he done away with," and that there were nlo a good many villagers quite ns influential and Intelligent as himself who shared his somewhat un compromising opinions on the subject. We have been rcqueited to suppress, live dllfereiit items, and out of consid eration for strangers we havo done so. Hut the next time a member of Con gress blows out his gas Instead of turn ing It off, wo shall certajuly tell all uouiit It. Wttshlngton.Chroniclu. A colored woman in.Macon, G.a., wrote to her husband. In South Caroli na : "YoUiioto me woitl you was coiu tn' hum soon, and you bav not kuui. So Ii-tiu korllrig now ;, I am golu to git married ; und.golu.' uwa' from Georgy. 1 reniauo yuro wife." A pretty letter that lor an absent husband to receive. Subscribe for the Carbon Advocatjjt 91 n year in ndvauce.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers