LI-LIU. ' J.H -i i "-! I' Hi i ii ii mini i liuMotious. Two beads are letlor tlitui imp, from a hatter' point of view. ' No miliar need over' tin nut of rm jiloyineiit, for lie can rIviij-k griml liis teeth. Seeing Is tint licllevlmr. Tlu-re nro ninny men you run mio mid jet cannot believe. London nndcrwritcri refused to Iiihiic a vrwl bt'cnirsi'lt bus named "Tim Devil." Jo-li lillllrip ?,y : ' Vu cnii't clisnRO ft date by i-nsini: ritli-i an ull tlon lias been oil. Pidantry IiI'iIms her If oil lieltiK wrong by uil.s, while common Is content to be rljilit without inciii. Ouo man reprimanding another, said he talked like u fool, "Trno," ho naltl "but It Is that you may understand iu," "Where nits jou going to?" aUed one little boy of another who had fallen down, "Going to get up," wilt the ro ply. The Indian, continue to alternate In the far Weft, hetneen minor nm.-eacrei and pipe smoking connelvion-.' Their pipes of pence are mere slmins. A lazy fellow falling a illotniiru of fifty feet and escaping with only tr lew twitches, a by-stander remarked that he was too Blow to tall last enough to hint hlmsell." The look a man gives his wife when he hiidddtily awakes in tlienioinlnga: d tlmls her going through l.iiveBt'pockeis, Is not a hturilcri expression, ulitrit ! ex celletit In its way. "My dear," said a husband in star tled tone, lifter waUirm Ids wife in the middle of the rilcht. "I have swallowed a dose of htrychnlne.''' "Well, then tor goodness sake lie still, or It may come up" A mah whope appearanco indicated that he'was etBggerlnp from the exces sive weight of a brli-KIn his hat being asked If he wnS a Son of Temperance replied -"Hie n'o no relation not even an acquaintance." To see how eagerly a human bi'Ing will catch at a Mroru', it is not neces sary to witness a drowning. 1 The phenomenon is now manifested chielly within saloons, whvro one end of the straw Is immersed in a tumbler. Mr. Iiond, of Iowa, having matured, bas gone to be redeemed. Aged 102. Scotch saj lug A (ioar plaat wl' a uiou'b uaam on S f. vaary goud thing, but a dinner plaat wl' t iiimi'i dinner ou 'b a bettei . S)dney Smith once rebuked a swear log visitor"by saying, "Let ua assume that everything and everybody are dam ned, and proceed with our subject " Host "Just another wee d rap 'fore you go " Guest "Na, na, all tak" Iihu ihalr. I'm in a new Indgln',' and I'm no vera weel acquaiuled wl' the atalr." Simplicity A man in a New Orleans court of Jubilee, being e.aiiiini'd as a witness, was asked it he were bum In wedlock. "N'o," answered the man ; "I was born In Texas." ! "Mamma's darling dld'nt hurt Ids lit- j tie cousin purposely , did he, deal '.' It I was all an accident, to be sure." i "Tea mamma; and all I want Is to crack hlm again 1" A convict wrote a letter to his broth era scriouVietler, without nil attempt to Joke, which, howevei, concluded thus : ' "I mustjeavoorfnow ; my feet ure so cold I cannot hold my pen." "Papa," said a small urchin, with a mischievous eye, "I say, pupa, ought the master to llog a fellow for what he did'nt do?" 'Certainly not. my boy." "Well, then, he Hogged mo tu day when I dld'nt do my sums." A New York merchant has been de tected measuring thirtyifour Inchesto the yard. Two Inches is nothing on a towil, but it tell-, heavily on u 'woolen bhlrt when the thermometer diops down'. -Detroit Free 'Press. "Shn Stoops to Conquer," wns writ ten before the days of pin-buck skirts. Thl little birds Is Ludlow Street Jail .till sing, "Tweed, Tweed," but uo Tweed uppenrs. There's a woman in California 140 I ..,.1 ...1... ..lI A- 1. . .1.. 1- 1 ' years urn, wiiu uiiiiiun m tie mo oiucsi, i woman in the world. Queer claim for a woman to make. Why, pull-lmeka arp Jnst the thing for skating. If the wearer should per-1 chance skate ill to a bole, she would be pullrd-back of coiltoe. Dridal tours are going nut of fashion, and the young man can enjoy (he first blissful days directly under the watch ful eye of his mother-in-law. No Chinese bank has failed for five hundred yeaM. When Dim last failure took place the officers' heads were nut off and Hung Into a corner with the other assets. That much-talked-of telefcope, It is said, has really brought the iimon with'. In ten miles of the earth. Oneortio turns more of the screw may bring the whole thing down ou us. The use of tobacco should certainly lie taught In the public schools It has been proved so nmuy times over and over again that It Is not only not In jurious but positively healthy, and Its use should not be neglected. - It Is worth while to remember the profound saying of Ilerdcrlii ansvVer'to the vulgar aphorism, "No' until Is a'hero to bis valet de diamine," viz- "'Ibis Is not Iwratiso the hero Is not a hero, tut because the valet Is u valet." "My son," said a stern father to a srvru-year-old hopeful, "I must disci pline you. Your teacher says you are the worst boy in the school." "Well, papa ' was the reply, "only yesterday alio told me I was Just like my father. ' A Leblghton lady sang out to her husband, as he made liU exit through the doorway : -"(Jo to Uiavei'a and get bouiu No. fib black thread, tin ou cord." "K-rls-to fer K-lum-bo," muttered the bead of the family, as he started after the wood Inspector to cord It up, "why didn't sbo Older a car loud lot 'and be done with It. Must bo she's going to have the towing society this utek." It i'ays! itjl'ttys- 1! WHA T 2P-A.-STS ? ' 1 1 p.VY imoiv Mniiufiulmnr. Mt-icJiant. Mo eluiu'r, liivt'iilor. rii'n.i't, tn-L'iplhfinii i tiVitt, tit ki t tnlm,im,l n i.h 111 imps'" V i.ii t:U rind iIimNjvim hs ot tiin urd x i r Ij.m in i: i t'j 11 ry i.n uv m iiurn. iit.n Int'i Inf It'tii ftJt'Win ier tint J M t U IIM'. M ' til!' Mt'tMd IttxU' hi.' ItlVCltliri- ttin, u; 1 ii"ti- i hi ; it nt id ciir-ciiruxt'd ilii- ltlan.UU nr.lirttV IhHllH t.l 1 T Mli: XCltAtmr AMKU1CAX i li-ti Ii i 'ir "i V" 'Hi''!'" v eic y ior ino 'n l r:,ntv t'V tlii-s rlil. Ml pt) ex lout In. .i ul 1 1 null uu uturi iu.i,loii(iii,.tii fntt It ! iiKiii.ilv wi uiistidlu'il in tl.ii Unl-u-il s ati-H, it voi-u to 'in lumruuvj'. ciimn. Ie I imi.iiIiiiis mm New li-uovmles. la Lie Aitmiua-rdoncei hveiv inmii.ef t prowrlv lllnstiatwl r.nd Its contents eiuliiaiuniB I .lit mill mo. t limri-st-Inirinfiiiiiiuljli ii'ii:uulii(t to tu.i liiiluslllnl, Jlci-h iiii'sl, mm fceiitillii l'ni"ip-s ot tlio I)' uilptlni.s mlu t'cimltui KnuTa nm, of New Invenllnnis New luiptiinrnt, M'W lVii:eifli'B, on) luiiiinveil Jnitiitiit's hi nil itih.v, Vstia' Notes, Iti cluf. Wtitmttlms tiv 1'iacllem Will era. iui Wnilt. uiim nut Hiuptover . In nil tlio vtir'nun nits, tinui.nrii eutui'ieto ropcitorv ot Now -tim.s anil JrtscnTotlosi eonintnlui' ti wee ly niiviri not only el the pm(re vl Itif Indus a-ti Aits in onr own cunntrr lit n so 01 ill! ow lilrtoovo Im mm lnentioi.i m i voiy briim tiut KinriLveiiUtf. Mecnaulcs mill jC euci) u ... t i i . riLlH.N t'lFIO AMP.nitAN been thofuieniDBtot all indutiial pul)iii-&tnns lor then s.viiutv ear lt tlio o ilcm, latgest. j caeupo-t, i uii nest .(! i iutrntcil uwi ilo. Miteil to Kntrinoii uk. .Mecnnulen, I'hemlsiry. Ntw Inventions, tieueo ntil lnuuiltial I'lo. cress, published in tlio tr.U. 'Ibo practical rcceiots nio well worth ten tin s ilic tub'iTlpuou ptteo. Ami lor tlio staov and Ininso wi.l sjo many tluiea t6o must ot sub dentition. . , Mvirlmnts 1'arnn-is Mecbiii''',s, r.nplncera, Iorni.tiia. Mni.tilictnies, unim-'.". loveis ul .-Clencs and I'loule ot .ill pmlesaions, will Ulirt the SCUST1HC AmfiiCaN ime'iii in theni. It shnnlil I avo a pli c m tcrv rol.v. Liiuari . Stuilv, Otllco anil C'onutinu l.o mi : in every lteaoiiif; Hnom, t dIIc.ko and fclmol. A new volnmo commences J imory l"t i8"0 A vojfa miinlier cuiitft u tZi paTes and Soirr. al uauuted EiiKtavirms. 'iliousninls ol vol nmos ore iiroseivca lor InnaliiK unil and reier once 'lo.nia. f.vsin yoai by null. IiiciuiUiit wist ico Discimiits to Clubs, .-prcinl enca lara Riving t lub rates sent trie, bine o o-ipies n.iillod oil ol ten ceuta Mai uo bad ot an ruewa jueaiOiH. , PATENTS. l u ei'uiituuuu wi h tliaBcierittfic American .Meira MUJiN & t'o. aro Ro. tutors ut Ann-iican ami I-oieiKii r.itcnts. ami linvo too laigest esttib. Uahinont IntbowoiU, More than llttv thou aaudappilcatioua lrwr bceuiuado lor patents tliiuogli thtl .meniy. 1'ntcuts areobtnlued on tho ljet t rmp, Moil els ol icw Inveutiouf anil hkelches exantineil ami fico. A i.qcci-iI niiicc is lumo in tho -ciouuuo Ainiuicaii ot nil Invent. oris Tal ented through this Auoncy, witn ibennine and residence ot the Patentee. J'aients aio ulteu a lil in part or whole to poison" ult acted 10 tlielivention bv uehnnilio c-eiiil lor I'nninli let, containing full fllrevtlons lor oliiainiui; Vatents. A bound vi lntuu coniaiuinR iho l'ai cui Laws. I'easus of the U. rj ami H I- ui rsv lng ot ineclianic.ii movoiueplH. 1'ilco "5 cents. Addicss fin the 1'aper. or concornlnsf latents. MUK.N A: Co., 117 Pojlt ltow, A'cw Ymk.Ilrcuch OfUce. i or..l'. 7lhMs,. Washinntou, t). JJAVE YOU UEA1) IT 2 Vona men, Young ladies end A Ll. Wl.O GO ISTO SOCIETY Shonld Read that HplcnriM -Vow liook, THE SOCIAL LIFE ! Written Willi masterly ability, original, troph, and sparkliuu. A imho rich In vuluaulo Idea , wlso KUf,gea.tonsof eltrv-ilai nil lty, and teim. lug ith yipios for couvera.itiou. Liilll.ant wit aid geulal liumor inuyei its page, maun? It dellgatlu'l) cnlt-itttiuiiK e oatiug, and 1 tgbh lui'iructivo. An oranint lor the pariur A e oouk Iui Ibe ltuui A btiloiiCld bot t f i r 8 present aAllI.U OF CO-V i:NT 1 Aciinilniancos 2 Our FiietutBi 3Fili.ud'B In nds : -l I. -dies' Society & omen's 1' ien.lthio- 0 Ni-uhhors: 7 ucinilts- visits nno uevisiis- unoeini J'-qi'.v nlr-nlH. 10 ettioi; on in Hoeiety r ' lv.n.y; 12 Uleiuenta ot I'leasuntnes- 1 Soe I-1 ns ot luiaiiniitloii; Hlli-l .kes m ( haiacitr: is Ues elDiaultv: 16 Coiive'ltioual'ttos i 17 As-ieeiiblo People. .8 Manners: 10 Cinm.ra.lion- -.0 (loud 'lulkl.iK ; ;i joclable binnce : -I Keacred Ten. i plot 2'iSocai Halamandeis. &a ; -.4 I he Talent. 1 oi l.i-cklni; Like a Fiol with I'rupnely ; S". I'er. tonal 'uutlnntn.n, 2n Goods I.ooka 'U IMalnnni-a i and 11..1kv( r, 28 omen'a Faces 29 lleaiity and , Dialnsi 30 Ideal Womo-i , 31 I'opui-ir Women ; I L2 lliitiereup- : 3J -weet hevi-nteen i 34 Mature i Si. i.iiH . 35 fin a Gn is i 3U Pretty VVi inn : 37 Men's Fmoiilo ; LHt o Women- 3a widows, 4iWives; 41 pi or ilen's Wlvis; 42 Wouanli nessi 43 I'lillonophv m Iive; -14 Fallln-- ill l.ove. 43 l-'irai Ijove; 4-i Flirtation; 47 Quiet Attentions, 48 Chooduff a Wife- 40 vusa Dances- -'0 L-ivrih' aiisuiioa . oi iiacncioiN ov i-ioicsinu i iiu- lnK.tor pnnco Pieityinnii- n'J 1 loposa s- ti Mai r un Knpnirements: S5 llro.ra llians . .,0O-1 tlnic filuixieo 57 Miaerles of the Honeymoon- Mweeta or Mnrrlsd Life; 61) YounK Itusbiindu and Wiyea Cj Love'- Liaht. LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS. A social Gatborlnu; a Dolchltul Cioud: - 8ouieto-1r's Coming and I Kuow Who ." Olnhoofl ; The loucli Story ; Tho First Visit : bat n0ea tl.e Fico Tolll ' He Lovee, Ho Lovrs m6 Not ;" Woidaet Kxplauatlon; rirsi Lovo, The Jndpo'a Hide; Flirtations -, hhai'.ows feoen ny the 3!i joe. led, 'lender iMints; 'Tho Old. Old Story;" Ac cepted lntoinipteil j Hm P .pular Woman i Tlio Picnic; Onr Own nre I .e. II ndanme y Printed an llcund. anfi Beau tituliv lllustruted. AOHNTS WANT HD In everytown. Tnthno deslnuK ' Tub v-ocial Lire," and who do not ltnowwhero to find, an Avrnt, tho Puo lln-rs will send a copy, poataco pitd, on rocsipt ol the price 2 no. . THE BELMONT PUBLISHING CO, ilceH 1131 Chestnut bU. Pbilade pblo, Pa, THE WEEKLY SUN, 70. $UJW.T0$K. 187G. Eiclueen hunaied mid aoventy.slx is the Cen tennial year. It la a so iheycarin which an Opposition House ot Itepresentatlves. ilia first silica tho war, will bo In power ut VVni-Mnslou ; and tlio year ot tne twei.ty.tlma eleotion of a Pro-Idi-nt 1 1 the United Mates. AH of thos-o events aio tare to neet Croat interest and lm pmtauce, ospociaily the twnlaltor; and all of them ami everytbtuc conned ed wltn them will be lull r and tieahly reporlod aud expounded in TUEhUS. Tho opposition noose of Beprea- ntalvcs. taking Iho Hue of Inquiry opened yours mn n 'J Hit btlx. will stcinly and ullltciitly lnvo-tiRato tlio cnirnpli)ns und nilsaeoda of QUA.rrs ad. uiuiistratlun- and will, it la to bo Loued lay tu t .uiidiilion lor a new and better oelotl in our nailonal history. Of all tbla xnu hl-n will ccn. lam complete and uccurate accontna, lurniib uiirlta ronucrjwlth ojriyand trubtwoithy lu t..r latiou upon taeo abhorolng topics The twenty-third Presidential oleutloti. with tlio prepaiut onsforlt, wiUboiiieutoriib eus de ciding upon Quant's aspiratluns lor a third tuiuiot iioworaiui piundtr, and still uioroas ilecidiugwlio (ball be the candidate of tho party ot Kef hi in, mid asolecting that camilfiam. Con. cermug ell taese uuhjocu, thoso wtioTt-ad Tan bu.N will liavotbocooataat means ot being iboi ouubiy wo.l lnloruied. Tho W elklt 8JM, wbichbas attained a clr caiutioii oi over eighty ihousind cop es, al redy h Its rcudeis In every stale aud Terri tory, aud we tru t that tbe year lB7(i ivlli ueo tbelr numbers doubled. It will coutmub lo bo a thorough newvaper All tneyeueial -newa ot tbe tiny will be found In It. condensed wheu uniraiioruut, at lull length Wiian ul unimenlj ami ulwaya.wo uuht, treated lu b clear, iLU-ri-sl. lug aud lnstructivo niunui l . It Is our aim to make tho WtEKLY .-UN tho b:t family nevspeper lu Uio MtirM. and we sh II ooniluue lo vivo lu its ooluinos a lurgo amtiuui ci iuislo lunt uus reamug, hucu us sun i us. taler. poems. sclcutlUa intctllguioe nuil uiir.uaitui'aliuioruatlou, lor wliicu wo ore uot ui.iUe loom In our doiW oniliuu. 'Iho acilcullutal t'epartinrut especially is ouo ul its prominent lealures. lbu taslilons aro also roKUiorly louorted lu Ua columna) and to uru ihuiuaikoiaof every mud 'Ibo vVekklybu;., eight pages with flltv.slx biuj.d joulv tl.ii a, pustapo pi e uikid. An lata price barely repays tbucoat of Ibo pupef, no QUcount ouu Le inailo Hum tblu ial tu clui.r, ugouta. Postmasters, ut ftuyuno I he DAILY BTO.a large four page newspaper of twuuly oigbt colaiuns, ujves ult Ibo nows lor twouonis a copy, bubsur'ptlou, nostairopres fuld, 5oc a iooutb,or 4i'.5Ja vtur. Sun-jay ed1.. lua Diliu, tl.l" pur vur Wo havo no Unvot ing tlKeula. AUdllua, TXIL, BUH, N. Y, City. Suv. 27,-at Plotts' Star Organs. CveiT Instrument folly warrsnlcQ. ractory aodclDoe, WasulugUiD, K. J. Oorrupoiidcuce soJvlteU. . . i 5 5 S5 $5 $5.00 l ive Dollara will ptm ! Fraction of ou I Industrial hxhibltinn Jlond.tliOt la eirtniu to i tltnwimeor tho fnnrnMiif; ri-ennuins, I On December 01 It, 1S75. A 'I enth -rhleli cni m-lv f efin iliawnny ot tho rnilnwlni?. etui ivlll bo leei-ivcil liv the Unnumnv at nnv tlnio la sli nionllis.m S In Ino Jiiiichnso nt a ft) Hiinil . Tina la a eteinti. Mr cam and noehaiiie for loss 111 i-ll-IlllU.IIS OI 3.510 each, li in 1. 000 roo " sw " iui " tn M 10 s 210" l'i til In l"aii. ami no ilt-Jucllon. 10 so 10 1(0 ano -til The Lowest Premium Is SO.tO. Each Traction must draw this sum. AH FriKiilniiH will ho uo.l wlih tl3.Ci() tonni chaso a whole fii.Ou n mil. 'IJIsli u clianco for a fortune and no chsnce for ln8. A t-.M Ilotid pirtlcipit't In four (lianlnjra ph.ii year, until It bis drawn una ot the f Plow Iui; M3tiiliiii,t. Sl'll, S50, SIOO, S20l, ssoo, $300. $1,001), ,00(), 5.000,$IO,000, !td!i,ooo, 9 Tho Ilonils lssuisl by tho Industrial Kjlnbl. tionc'n.. aiea copy Lf tho Kurouou Govern- (IK'Ill, I.O.OIS cia J.0.01S Tho Uond i nre a safe Investment. PEOPl.KOF SHALL HIIAXS t'.sn find no better or anfor Investmi-nt. N'o chaucu ul loss. A toi tuno may bo acquired Ou DecuDjjci Otli Ou January 8nl. PURCHASE NOW. How to Purchase In peiann, or by certified beck or Entires, or l'oatal or I r.itt,ovcni-liie Grcenbscks In n remsteroo letter lo, and inidu payable- to tho liiilitsi.iat Kxhlulllnn Oo '1 h tunds inl8il liy ilo ot these Iiond., will be applied to tho eieotlon of n CRYSTAL PALACf Which ovary American will bo proud of. KKCOM.ECT, Hie Industr'nl Inhibition Is a leirltlmete en. terprlse :hnitered liv tho tiue ot New York. lis Dtrciti is. aro tlio bast cltiiens ot JJew oik. It has hail seven drawings a nee July U74,md paid out (n principal aud interest, 750,000. Any one ootalninir A ptominm.tho company pleuves itself hot to make publ-e. . 'ltns cuti'iprlie l- simpli a new foim of b ndi In no sense is 11 10 be r eoamzi 0 as it lottei-y. 'liiereurc 110 blanks. Do sura ami puichate at once t 5 wlli buy .1 l'i action lor Peeoiubfr oth, l.'"i ' ' Quaitor Loud for Jan 3rd, 1H;0 t.O " lia'f licuil " ' tJ'J " " Whole liunil AH Bonds are exch incenble Into ct'y liu, la the HUburbs ut New Yoik Cay. ISneh hond-ho Per is regim oil ss an honoiarr mi'iiiherot tho Indnstii-il Bxnib Hun Co., and Isweitomo at the I'mlnra of 1110 Co.. kv. 12 Kast I7'li Stretit. Agcn'a Wanteil All cominiinu-atlon and tomittnneos to bo mnnoto u'le-lniiuaulal Lxhibitiunro., 13 iisst 1th St.. bet. Mb. Ave., uui lliuoilwav, jvow Yorlr City. l-'or ti.oimrpnaeof riving tho 11' n'.boli'era of tho Industrial irxliibiUon Cn , foil nmlcump.ete infoun.iiion is tn Hie pr.vrosi of thj Coioii.nir, and uoompleto ilt m the rtiawliif;1, au Illus. tr4ied Joiirnai will bo published, vis. -r ,,, i11,lwir, iivlillili!n riliwtratail ' - - --i Subscription One Do'.l ir per 'a: Any one yendn g s clnh ef is pubso l'lers, wlfi Mi Mill be giy t. ,i Pren-lmn of ou i l-'rac'tim or S ll.iud i-l-iii of 27 subieniKr', u i, -1111111, club ol 50 eub crloersn wh;lo ll---nl. Audiosa Kxliililtiiiii Uliistrateil, U ast 17IU Sticet, New York City. I 8G0 "Will pitrcliaso 1:5 I' ructions. ! Niv :s-lj : Dr. Warner's Sanitary Cor3et, Willi SUIri-hupportes- & tit-tf-ntljus. ada CAiKMHU tK. r. lh, 187'. Secures Health nml Comfurt nf IJody, with Grace nnd Henuty of Form. Wo would purtlcalnrly call atlentlon to the following advantages: lat. It affords n convenient and cfSclent sup port for the undoroloihlng. 2d. 'I ho self. Adjusting Pads aro the delight of every lady. They give elegance to tho loim.nnd aro not in nny way liOn-ituus or objectionable. 2U It combines threo irarments m one a cor set, a iirt supporter, and tclf-odjuiting pada anu vet costs no tnoro than an ordinary corset. In eroding, give slis of waist Instead ol num ber of corset usually worn. Price in London I'onl. (2 0, t-attcon, f i.ta. Misses' Corsets, f 1 .75. childifn's Corset, Walsc I with stocking Supi orter, 31,50. bampica sent uy man on receipi oi jince. IV 25 cents will be allonol for thU advertise lnont. If It Is CUT OUT anil tent with tho nrcer. Qreat inductmeuis lo ooud Aveuts. Adaross Warner Ilros-, 703 Uroad wny X. Y. No . 2C-W I Miicrlonaltl's New Story. St. George and St. Michael. A IIOMAKCEOFCATAUCEASD ItOtlJU'nSib. lly (JUORGli JIACD0NAL1), Author of "Annals of a Qnlct Neighborhood," "Wtntrcd Cumbejnicde," io. 1 VOL iLLUbTUATKn. 12mo. CUJTIl. tt.TS, ' The wrrkH of no novelist ot tbo piesrut day have had wld r an o or been moro universally inlinired man tbe stories of tbla woudorfclly suthor. St. Oeorge and BU Michael is bls'laat and eiownlns-elTiirt." C'oiuniAii DUn. 44It is ono of Mr. Mauuouaid'stKo.t eijoyarlo prodnotl mi, and will win linn Lots of now friends and admirers "llartfurd I ott. . -'lboiu la a cooa portrait of the authcr nnd a I nnmber ot illustrations w -lclinre inoru t'Jdp or , dinaulviltie."-.Fubluaer' Weekly. ."To be bad of any noosellr, or vriU be I rent to any anurias posipaiu. ouieoeiptot prico, uy J. Ii. FilIIII A: CO.. PuollsllHls. V Parte Plaoe, .sew York. JJEAUTII AM) J-0Ml3 AND "THIS WEEKLY GRAI'HIO." Ibo Larrrosl, Cheapest and Lest Illustrated Newspaper, tho Weciuy Kdillou of Till 0sl7 Bi'.lj.Ilhrtnltd rpc to too Wotli, t:i tto Model uomu Pai-eb or aUebica. ( Twelvo largo lsutcs i bo-iutltul Illustrations t a maguineul two page ateol reuioductlnu ot u Qclobrutod picture i serial aud short storlesi; laahiona; news; travels io.. lu eyerynambcr. Only S3 50 per Year. Costly and u'etul premiums glvon to elubs. ,The largest oasb commission to ugenti ol any paper. Write for specimen. TUB OHAPillO COMPANY. dooll-3w tS-41 Pork Plaee, New Yerk. 5 S5 gWg Plotts' Star Organs i' AiOSSfrj- J'?T L00K AT "Eu "AIR I WhyI MnfiE MV&iAJ MMn xTy? 'hoUR.itlt werotiirnlncirreyl oltw.snn. TiKW? 1 EUUDUllUNO', DUUO STOllE. liny t, SSI?-. kriiiiv. r-ri'- "imuSt,rF lit rn'mwYjmmmMi piotts' star T. AND DEALF.U i:t ClltH I-Itl'IllNllllipr fsOOllN, IlANIC STHKKT. MilllOHTON. l'KNN'A. Consiniitlyon lmmln large and pplcndld stock ot NEW GQODS, andllOV'S WKAIt, which r inn prep tut to N;Vi.;.!l.r l; "KniiH iiitlmvei'y Lu'UHl' FAsllIOA, ataiun-t notice. LADY'S, MISHIIS' and fit IMMtUVd J uii: A wrll selretcil stock of FllltNcn anil lUttK. l;Y..5H.,!1''l- "-ovi: kid. i.amiiku. KID. I'l:ilUl.U AND GRAIN LlJATHKli iii.ii.-. unu .-aiiujii on jiauu, or Ma le lo Order. J L-T.U,i:,a"',at Also. Auent for the Aiiicrlcnii & Ci rover & Clalicr Sewing JHacbincs. only one Dnicis Fun EvnttY'noDY '1' 1. D. 0'LUBS. AJ-OTllt-ins Lo-A at that Chid, It lia M'ii.ii'1. (lo or send nt opco In DUPLINti'-) i.'.'.l.V.'.Lh'10"1'3- "n BCt a bottle or lil W'Oll.M b liur, so picvaunt and yet so sure. May 0 p A. yj- nit ItUG RTOIIR. N. W ,nrnr.r TIT 1 11. TK12N1H and IIHOW.N Streets. I'blltidelphia, is inoi-i, tlimiiiHiinllt. ,n..u.Hr..i ... of Illood. Sinn and t.'rmniy .klTectlins fllsea-os arlslnp tbiouab lmpiudence or earli- IuiIIfcio. tlons, i,r wheio tho p-u-tiea nftl cud do not emu to apply t.i ihcir phvflcian. Clunuos nioiieiate. Two-thlioa ot the Doctor'a ntlents hao employed iitiu solily thiough the itcoui meadiitlun ol otbira my si.j i JllS. S. L rATZINGKK, Milliner! Dress Maker, One iloor above DurlliiB'e Drus eioto, HANK Street, Lcliigliton, Pcnna., Ilaa Just opr,ned a splendid assortment ot tlie ialtsl atyles ot SpihiK and burumi-r Millinery Goods! Comprising HA l H.DONNHr'S, Til IMUlNGy, tlAllt OOOIH mil NOTION'S to Rlllcll '-ho Invites the aiteiill in ol tl.o Laibescf LehlEliton and vicinity. tW Ladles own Matcrbl nieilo up to order nt snoit liotlco, and nt luw-e.t prn-oi. Also, liealtrtn GrocorieaS Provisions, 1EAH, COI'FFns, SIVCIAPI, PPirjfJs FiUI.H II.M . HMOL'I lir.lts AND MH.'WhUAT, Ac. Ac. FLOUR AND FEED, Of thn Het Binnrs at prices fully fn low ns elsov hire. I he Illpncsi UaritPt Price paid foruli unc'u of COUNTKV l'KOOUCK, i J In Kieliante for Ooods. A eliaroi f pjijlio palionsjro lsa.i!r'td. T:m rjoot) jou pni.MiNo, i TTIl- HI lltir.v . r,r . ALL AT J)'1 '" ""-"'y wlie'i pronilsnl. end at' city pttcea, Doaure looall-Il ni.lpiy todoo. -,K-'-i .'J .llllUlfll ! Ol-FK Organs Aro in cntcs warranted not to crack or waip It W-d'IotT IvilligiorN T"' Plotts' Star Orgnns. i-end fer p Ice list nml list of testimonla 1 aldrosi EDWAUD PLOTS. Washington, N. fpilE MOXOrOLY OYEKCOJIE ! FIRST CLASS SEWINO MACHINES NOW Ol-'FEUED AT PItlCICa WITUIN TUJJfREACIl OP ALL. The MCLUAN A nENNOB ii ACI1I in CO., 223 North Eighth otrort, Pblladelpbla, are now clllng their Bupcnor No. 1 SEWING MACHINE, Complete, with Larire Walnut Tables aod a fall lino oi Attachmenis, for TiVESTY-nvc ppiHiAn5,. n every respect eaual to other tnnttes hereto, ore ko.d lor Iff). Jivetybody ought to know Hut we can afford to do it bi-causo wo do toi employ canvassers, mlcdlo-mcn or persiU'Oir, but rell direct to tho p. ople at u reaion.oii profit, 'ibeietore wenro enabled to s-jpihv a huutrnir bewinir Machine at tho uurieceueuted Ijow P.lie ot Twentv-flve Dollars Do not buy without being fully postod, and do nut let anyone humbug you Into paying loo orC70. wbiu you cau get the best fur (25, but call at once at our Eate&rouais and cxiniinn for j-oiirsjives. MCLEAN & BENNOlt MACHINE CO.. r21N.EiaiITU St, Philadelphia, (ieptM, 1875-M ANKLEOANTSUilUftUAN 1IE-IDKNCI2 at (hestnut Hill, with Two and u Halt Acres of highly Improved aud oiuami-ulsJLan'n and Qardeu. teautifuilv tdluatcsl ou tin KeadiugTutnpllo, tnu minutes wait from tho railway duput, aud comiuamuuga lino view of tho Wioauliil keu Valley uud its romantic stir louudinaa. I'er saloor toict, with or without Furultnie For terms and cards to viow the pionuo apply to TIIOH. II. HHOKMAltlCIl, 1541 N. Thlilteuta St, HliNKY II tsillL LINOFOHD. 126 Hnntli l-ourth bt.. Phils. EMPLOYMKNi1. aiui- women agents, we lisvelust vou i ced. OurO x 11 Moun. tedChiomns outell unvttnu;: In the msrvet. Mr. Poisons writes: "I struc out lesteiday, and bv worklna easy fuur hours, cleaicd ti." A lady Las Just reported her profits for Ihe loionoon as fi i yoster-lav up to twoo'cloci aba cleared J7.W. We can provo without question that ono agent ordoind fill)) of tnrsa cliromcs In elevon wi t&iux daja. We U-ivo tho lai go-t and finest uioiimout In the United utiles) Hundreds of choice subjects Irotu wlucb toe. lect. WewiUeonov u au assorted too of tho best selling ouitcelpt ol tU.U) Bond 111 vour orders or give as a call, Sauiplo by aisll Sic, M",0tt'j.I.ATIIABI&OO.. 419 WascJiigtou tt., Boston, Mass P. O. U0XH5I. ' Oct. if. BANK BTHEET, Eehighton, Pa., MILLERS ana Dealers In Wo would. hImi. lespecttnllr intorm our cltl- 2ii4 that wnnre now fully prt'iKUiilto fsVV- i- 1 tUI'Ut Willi I'roui rny Jllno desired at VU11Y LOWEST I'ltlCES. if. IIKILMAI? & Vf. Jnh 2: " $1.-500,000 Is the average iiitintlily profit eBtliuntctt to be imld to holders of stock privileges by bnukcis In Wall ttree. Tho house of Messrs. Alesnudcr Forthlng brim & Co., 12 Walt titreet. Now York, who possesses a world-wlilo reputation for their atttct;iity, offir to send Riatultously for ono year their Finan cial Weekly Reporter, and a nook ex plaining how sums, from ten dollars to thousands may bo Invested. Those who Invest little have the same advan tage iw large operators. Send for their Weekly. lloston Post, Nov. 12tu. Address, Alex. ForUjiiiglinm &Co., Uankets and Urokers,12 Wall St., N.T 70NDKItFUL, BUT TIIUEI Whenovor get a P.OTI I.E OF YOT111 Oil MO.VOO. i jAis, iiu-iis iiit ora r.oxot LIL LY WJllTIi, oi auylh'nglnthal llnotobeaull ty tho complexion, at DUitLINO'S DHUO b'lOUE, tt seems to be uicot and bettor than I csn set tuvwuero eiso. liny 8. rjMi: SL.VIIXOTON PLANING MILL Cabinet Ware Factory, AT SI.ATLNM.TON. JOHN BALLIET, Proprietor, lcM? In nil kiticN nml sf2?9 of 1'nip, Ilrmliolt, ou Jifti J ot-o LUtituer, lutii ieunwvte- I'Jalt.ll IU l-AllUlltU uuy HtWUUIlt 1)1 U1UJIH icr . BresseD Lumbell OP At.i KINDS. Doors, Knslics, ISlliid.i, Sliiittcr.j, .Voiildltitj's, Cabinet Ware, Ssv., With pro.nptno".s. Brackets Made to Order. Tlio Mnchlnrrv li nI now And of tLie 1ent nnd nwfct Improvfd klm.p. 1 ctuoloy none but lha XnH noijiOifn, iit-n wpJJ pph.sodo'I Diitl jrouj ma. teil ii, nd :im tho'oforoiihUi tofrim-niitro ci:tiro Hrtti-facthm to till rlio nmvlAVor moduli a call. Ordi r in.iil piotninly attended lo. Mir arv mot trato; term? casa, or mtcrctt cnirgi'ti aivcr imnj any a illVK MiTa CAU tT Tlioto f nnpM In llnillin; wJ flnd It to UMiir Hiivinia;;u iu nuyn Miuns. floor jioariin, i ooiH, R9lluel iiut.irs, go , tur., an an 111 im Mlii-IOyl JOHN HALMKT. IE ouso nnd lot for sale, Hltnito in thannronsh of Lehljthton. The lIoueisabont:4x2J. svlth Kllcncn stlacheJ. ami Iho lot Is about li or an acre. 'I hero la cuod svell ol water on tno premises. Th rental ot tno property will net about 10 per com. on ino puicuiiso m)ui.y. j-ur itimier tiarticuiai app.y nt -li ( Aiiiio.N aovocatb otllco. Al.IV 'ii. 1675. Plotts' Star Organs Aro celeorated lor their piiritr ox lono. ofecan desisti aud inoroun ionuruci.011, eena ior cmnlogue, Adreha, wuaiiuigton. j. Plotts' Star Organs Any person wisblns to' purchase a carlororcsn. wliein tbore la no aeeut for tho -Htai.' would do well to wnto for special rnica, to introduce this ln-trumcut. . nurenu, e-mvaiiu i-luith Wsshinstou. I. J. SPECULATOR in SMOKE tins taken up tis qnattera at the CL'NTEN NIAL 010 All and TOBACO.J EilPJBI Oil Leibenguth's Building BANK BrnEET, LEIHOIITON, whore miv lio f iiind at all times a full lino of the choicest biands of OIGAUS AND TOBACCO, UHIARWOOD nnd other PIPES caraper thin atony other plaon ontalde o; Phi ladelphia. T. T. DltADY. ang.7, -jkx & Hioai, Announeeto the oltlteos ot Carbon an-' the adjolninz Counties, that (hey aro now piepircd' to supply thorn with 1 Livo or Dressed Hogs, at tie LOWEST KAItKEr PBIOE. Orders toltcilo i, and iloars dellverodoii short notice. YAltD and OfVIOH. opposite tho "North. wotein!iuns,"UANJtbl.,LKl!liiUTON,l'a. tepuS3.oi3 It liS & 11051, ' Plotts' Star Organs Any person, male or femslo, vrliohas allltlo lel.uro tann can procuio a Urjt-class lustrumeut at a greatly roduoed jrice. ben.l stamp fur p.iruoalnrs. Address, KDWAIiD 1'LOITB, Wosbineton, V, J, .BUILDER &CONTRAGTO BANK SritEET, LEfllOIITON, PA. SlalK'.0, !rvpj!m0,ayntCh6a't WtiJW CON nt AO r lor the iii?ri,'!5w H"'"M to 110U9E9, ami ohl Ell DDn ?'"UP1j that bo keeps eoiistantiVnVhnnHI.N.0.?' AUo mcnt of every descrluuoS of bea .Vn'A'0'- Conaistln, Patinnnm M.n.i,..n . May 17 V? 'm"Z. . najL. 1'1'ATOHLlSYi, Inipmrfd CUCDM DKll WOOD PfJJtP I, ttlA lckhntI.J..i ti'X . . l'." P"tUr r .1 i i. '""'"ilflUMU puma 'J'f ,0.?tit-I?n,r A,,itlon'ls In. tiled to UlAtchlev'a Improved Bracktt the Drop Check Vslre, which e'Snn'i withdrawn without ,1 ! rKin- ikw ft. Joints, and the copnar rham..r hi.R v8.5t ne"r rracki, fi-afesor rusts, will bit i Tf a llfftltrlA. Pnr- t4li, 1,. A... ... - - . -.-..i tMir.d.i5.r.tTis zrr. ",1 sure ttiat vou aot lllfttchlHV's Pinon iu..-.ft and sea tbst It his my trade mirk as abovs. If you oo noi snow wnere to Duy, dsteriptlrs elrerf lars, together with the nsma and sdditss of the s?ent nesrsst you, will be ptomplty fornlihtaby sddreMlng, Willi stamp, CHASi 8. BLATCHLEY. MANUFACTURER. COQCommHrpaSt .PlillmUIItU p March 11. '74-Oui clM8iHrt Ahead ! T,?i','? ,,?,",!?i,l.C?.?a7nn,d rMBeolfdllr Infnrai HUlLDHim. CIINTIlAl-Tf'TIU .,., !,. dkh. tu general that they have opened a 5rard In connection tilth tbelr AW - MIJLI NEAll THE lu A 8. DEPOT, WEISSPT,P(nna., And that they have now on hand an IMMEN'BU uioiiaui i Jiuiiuuouv HlSASOtlED LU.MHIIIl. FJUCil A9 Hough Pino Hourtls, isurfacetl I'lno Iioarda, Floorliifj, llomtoclc and Vine, Sidings, of all kinds, Shlnxles, an Immense tok, Koofinir and Ceiling Loth, Scantling, And, In fact, LUM HER of every deserlpttm ibe vsry LOWEST HAltKET iUIOI5. Ve bto alsnnrenareil tn furnish tititi.tiwii and othois with a superior artiole of AiD sullablo for MASON 11Y WOItK. I' LA HT Jill 1NU, die. AO , at Iteinarkab.y Luir i-'litarea. sntlv n HAWKl) FIltEV.'OOD. wiucn we se 1 In largo or small quantities, at YOUlt roCKl-JT.'j. ruiuEa to Burr Oca Motto HONES r COUNT LOW PRIONS. Yeakel & Albright, Weissport, Carbon Cennly, r. Anp. 23 RflCKKIlT. Opposite L. & S. Depot, On tho East Weissport Canal Bank, nrsnectfullr infoims be cltuens ef this nttnl ty that lie keeps cnnal-vn ly on hand andSCLLn at tho l.o .VE-.T MAKKlfil' TU1CE8. Iha Tssrr UUnT IIHANDSot ALSO, DEALER IN ror. nuiLDiNO and tiibr ptjrpo3B3 which ho Knarauteca to bo Thorohljr ased4 and wnien HE IS NOW sbllino at THE VEUY 1X3WE8T RATES. alX CoalXI WHOLESALE and RETAIL, at tie LOWEST cash rniciij. Hehasa annmberof very lltnbly located In RICKEUT6T0WN, FrankUr, TownshIa which ho wlh Sell on very Easy Terms. Aug 0. J K. IttCKETtT. WILLIAM KEMERER, ' Corhorof Bank & South Sts., Lehighton, Pa., UEEri A TOLL LINE OF Ooipprnlnir LADY'S DRESS GOODS, BLA' r and COLOIIED ALPACA3. O IN OH AMU. PUINTH, SIIfRTINOS, 8HEETIN08, die. of evuy GRADE and PRICE. Carpets and Oil Cloths IN GREAT VAKIIiry. TEAB, COFFEES, fiDOAE, 6PI0E8. FRUIT, HAMS. SHOULDERS, 6ID&-MEAT. oto. COUNTRY PRODUCE, Boait, Sold or ETCangoO. HARDWARE FOR BUILDINO AND OTIIIfill PIJBPOSIEB lu gTcat variety oi the Dbst Quality. All Orsls Warranted as Uepiessntod, toe, Ploos In ly as low as elsewhsro- AprtlS. WILLIAM KBMEBBR. TjUYiri TRY IT 1 TUB INDIA BO llEB PLASTER for a Weak Bao, DTJUL IMUbuUMtn. iUrtt- 15.41
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers