, II'.'. i V'-- - GEORGE B. GOODLANDElt, KniTOn AND PROnRlKTOIt. : CLKARFIELD, Fa. WEDNESDAY MORNING. JUNE t. 171. Democratic State Ticket. FOR AUDITOR GENERAL, GEN. WM. McCANDLESS, or MiiLinr.i.rnit. roa surveyor general, CA.PT. JAMES II. COOPER, or tswnnr rorsvr. tlcsr-A full poll of the Democratic vote will Moure the election of our State lioltci by a Urge majority. Jtsy-Lct every Democrat remember thai, end imprrss tho truth of it upon tbo minds of his neignnors. Democratic District Ticket. ' FENATOR i M il. MAM A. WAs.I.Ci:.trcirarflrlil, rJur,Jcot tu the aotion of District Convention. ' Democratic County Ticket. ' ASSKMULYi JOIIV I.AVVSIlr., of Osceola. associate judoes: Vt III I AM r. Flll.KV.of CleordtM. JOHN J. HF.AI), of l.awmtci. PHOTHONOTARY: A AltON C. TATC of Clearfield. REGISTER A RECORDER: ASIU HV W. I I I., of Clearfield. TREASURER t I IMI'EL I'. WILSON, of Rrcdford. COMMISSIONER; I'. V. COLTRIET, of Kar'.Uiui. AUDITOR : HLX'HI:N .HrPllLHSON.ol Clearfield. COUNTY SURVEYOR i 8. V. McCI.OSkKY, of rumens. II le. The Pf mocrNts of California huvc re nominated Governor Ilniglit. The election Inkers place in Aiirut. The last New York. Lpciuliit tiro pis son fin net requiring drug clerks to be examined by A hoard of threb rculitr jihynieiann, and if found enmpetont to grant or issno a lircnso, which will properly equip tho pnrty for bis busi ness. General Giant's candidate fur Gov ernor of Ohio, Ben Wnde, was driven out of the Radical Convention of that Stato without n vote, and tho wound, ed feeling of tho President oiled by a windy resolution. A cheap way of breaking a fall. Ohio is against " the Government." What n pity ! . A great political wnrfnro is just mm riuiiig waou in r ranee ocuvVoti despot iim and domocraey. The bloody work of tho Red weighs heavily against the latter, from the fact that nil good cltinons want peaco nnd a stable government, controlled by lenders who nro not notoriously corrupt. A.voTnr.ii One.- Ben Butler's nephew is raining b 1 even in Egypt. Ho was nppointod Consul a'. Alexandria, and our Egyptian Missionaries have in formed thegovcriimentat Long Branch that Butler, jr., is selling "nub-Consul-ehips nnd black mailing every traveler passing through tho land of Pharaoh's. Grant had botlor got tho Nebraska Legislature after this Butler, too. Won't Stop. The latest news from Europe nro to tho effect thai Bismark is trying to pick a qunrrcl with England about somo Islands In tho iiodilerranean. This great man will yet allow bis ambition to destroy bis good senso, unless he "tacks about" very soon. Just as great men as he have ended their days in prison or xilc,and he should profit by tho lesson. Bcstino Up Grant and bis Com mission arc badly needed in his negro Tarudiso. Later advices from St Jiomingo report a sovcro battle, on t-lie 4th inst., between the forces of rrosident Bacjs and tho insurgent Ca bml, in w hich the latter woro defeated with heavy loss. Cuhral, finding it tieeessary to retreat, blow up his powder magazine, and the explosion destroyed nearly the wholo of the town of San Junn. Why not sond Phil. Slicridun. or Bahcock over to help Grant's friends. A New Ticket Tho New York iS'ut (lies ol its mast bead tho follow ing: "Tho farmers' enndidnto for President, tho great nnd good Horace Greeley, of Texas." The "govern moot" at Long Branch had better bo looking to its laurels, inslond of con stantly interviewing fast horses. It would not take Iloruco long to tell alt he knows about farming, but ho and Jeff. Davis know mora about politics than any other two men alive. Hence the l.ito conference -at Memphis, Ten HCS3C0, means something. Grant nnd bis daddy, Jesse, nro busily engaged in nominating Gov ernors for tboso Slates whero tho "loynl millions" nro too thick bended to choose for themselves. They had nominated Snn Domingo Ben Wade for tho Ohioans, but tho . Buckeys kicked tho wholo irio out of their convention. They have presented Gen. Wsshburrj to their loyal friends in Wisconsin, tut the Radicals of that Slats claim llto right to nominate their own candidates, and several of ,mjb newspapers violently oppose Gen. Jlashburn as the Washington candi ,"' In Nebraska they present Gen. uu win ds kicked over ward, too, because every gabernatori- lauiMUUie Wllt ums lilt nil I tnllinm must sufor defeat, for they are bucked - by nothing, .axrpt the " bread and .1 "Ku Mux Outrage." The Augusta (Gn.) CArou'cr,of llo 15lh, has tho following! A fearful Kn Klux outrage was stutod to have taken place on the Suntl Jtllls, litmr Ibis city, a fow dnys ago. A colored oiticen ran into the yard of tho United States arsenal, bleodmg from wonnds Infllctud by rebel Kit Klux, In closo proximity to tho sacied soil or tho government. Ho stilled that while traveling along tho road n short time before lie met a" parly of Ku Klux, who coinninndod him to halt. Fool ing that the hour of death was til aw ing nigh, that tho Ku-Klux intended to iinmoluto another one of tho fuilh ful Itepulilicsiis of Georgia, be raised his hand in nn imploring nltiludo and mado a piteous appeal tor mercy, but instead of hearing nnd heeding his prayer, tho party gave a Ku Kliixish laugh and one of .them fired his pistol at tho palm of tho upraised potato stealer. Tho. bullot sped to and through tho mark, and tho Ku Klux passed on, leaving the bleeding victim by tho wnyBido. This was tho story told by tho colored citizen, and this is tho story which tho papers will pub. lish tinder the usual Wildings, nnd with the usual comments. But, not withstanding 1ho slraightnoss of the ncixro's narrative, it turns tHit to be a falsehood, manufactured from wholo cloth. Tho negro met no band of Ku Klux, and consequently could not havo been shot by ono of their number. An investigation disclosed tho fact that the i-ilixcri had been working fur a gentleman of this county, and shot himself ono day, accidentally, in the hand, while playing with a pistol ' Ho bad also robbed bis employer tho samo day, nnd ran nway from his place on that account. A good "out rage" badly spoiled. Cameron's Loyalty. Tho Phila delphia Telegraph, a ''eimoti pure" Radical sheet, tells somo family secrets whilo roviowing somo of tho doings of Senator Cameron, who now owns the Rulical party in this State as em phatically ns Bonner owns Dexter. Tho editor of the journal in question says : Mr. Cameron's adininistmtion of the War De partment wen so notoriously corrupt, that Mr. Lincoln was compelled to lend him to Rureia to get rid of him and hii ringorfawningoorinoranti. t reoorde that in almoit every hatlle our anniar wera badly armed, elotbej. I'ud and ort-aniaed, during hif rtaj in the War Office, and that during the lama time, the icerel of that offiee wore aold tu the Kebule openly i that its ih.imele traffie in eontraela and ibouldor trans, was a disgraoa to tha nation, and that Mr. Liaeoln is alleged to baro said that "while tha United States govern ment is rtrong cmwgh to carry on the rebellion and to a hip the Rebels, it is too weak to earrr Mr. tauicron. ibis outbreaK is due to tbe tact lh:.t Ci.uitMn is mancruvring for Iho vhe Presi dency, and the lUdienl raity thinks it has enough of bal numinalionN lo carry. Who wero thoso "fawning cormo rants?" Wcro they members of the loyal persuasion, or wcro they mem bers of Butler's band f What a pow erful man this old Winnebago wng- wagger must be ! Pbecept an u P bactick. The editor of Forney's Vmt preachos very giod doctrine sometimes, but bis practice is bad. It is notorious throughout the Stato that tho Philadelphia Radicals have nominated nt least eight of the corruntest men real nolilicul harlots for tho Sctinto and Assembly. Pre vious to tho nominations the Press daily demanded nono but good men for thoso positions. Since, however, it hits been fully demonstrated that tho corruption ring rules tho Radical party in that city, honco tho Press man calls upon his country cousins to co mo to tho rescue and save the next Legislature from boing controlled by "rings nnd roosters." In bis issuo of tho 22d bo volunteers the following : We trust that the agitation in the oountrr over Iho nomination of nono but good and honent men for the Lcgislnture will not be allowed to die out. Ho wants the agitation to go on in tho country. That's good. Why not keep it up in tho city, also f Eminently Correct. Tho Phila delphia Age, in referring to tho Sena torial question in this district, says : "The Democracy of Clearfield county held their Primary Election, for the nomination of candidates, on Saturday, JunolOlh. Ron. W. A Wallace was nominated for Senator by tho pooplo of his nalivo county, a choice w hich is as creditable to their intelligence and discernment as complimentary to Mr. Hallnce. For years this gentle man has served tho people of bis dis trict with singular fidelity, and they have rewarded him with constant and increased confidence. His re-nomina tion and ro-clection is a certainty, and thus tho Stale will still have his ser vk-osal this pccular juncture ofaflairs.' WnF.RK Is Ir! Many aro the pil. gi images mado to Washington in search of "tho best government the world ever saw," but its not "thar." A fellow who has mado several trips for an office has become disgusted, and breaks out ns follows : "(Irani, the gift enterprise President, tha horny hero of the Nurth, tha orator of "half a stick of brevier," lbs snn of Joere. and brother-in-law of Corbinithe friend of Kirk and "tanner f lha smoke-stack (llrick l'omeroy has il) oflbo Radi cal furnace ; tho individnsl who smothered the South with foreign hiroliugi) the proprietor of eornor lots In Nan Dotnir.go the right bower nf Hies i the ten bon-er of lltitler the ton of Tem perance with a fly in it the grand cvclops nf the Ku Kluii the natriot who is willing to sorve his country sgsin, If his country ai it will not do shall insist upon it. Had tho poor fellow repaired to Long Branch, Now Jorsey, be would havo found tho said government. Ciiuitcit Affairs Tho grcnt Me thodist Book Concern frnnd is again being investigated In Now York. Rut, liko Congressional investigation, more time nnd talent will be consumed in "whitewashing" than in exposing the fraud. That hugo frauds havo been committed no sane man doublsatthis day, but that tho guilty parties will bo exposed and punished is not so plain, from tho higgling movement of the committee, who seem to be spend ing their lime to not find iho frauds. What a burlesque on common honesty thoso investigniionsaro,ln Church and Stato. Trlot'onTtut,. A Vcrmontor. who was lifted over a fence by the horns or a n.1,.1.1 I.. .11 l. . ... . ... .ku,,i uuit nng recovered three dollars dumage, the jury taking the ground that Iho fellow was going that way any how, and as bis lora oordu roys were all ready well worn, three dollars wuo, enough. ,t not tier ilrlbi-TaktrOOlrt in Vxihiiiife for i'mtnti. A vigorous ultnck Is made upon Colonel Guorgu II. Duller, Pcuaidunt Grant's Constil-Goneral it) Kgpyt.-r-Thls attack i'Otucds from tbo Re. l)r. David Strang, an American Mis sionary In Alexander, llo accuses Col. Duller of appointing consular agents in roturn for prcsonts, of fro quelitiiiir lewd company, and of con spiring to make the Egyptian Govern ment pay tbo fraudulent claim of the Kindiuecco brothers, swollon from Its original amount of about two hundred thousand dollars to tho handsome sum of thirteen millions. The principal part of Dr. Strang's statement is as follows: 'Very shortly after Mr. Butler's ad vent in Egypt the Consular Aitonlsin tho various towns received notices in forming them that their offices bad expired with that of the Consul Gen eral by whom they wcro nppointod. As their official position, secured them certain rank and privileges, and caused them to bo heartily envied by their less fortunate neighbors, they were panio struck, and several of them hastened to Alexandria to beg a re newal of thuir appointments. Coming horo, thoy woro not ablo to converse with him without an interpreter, nnd generally they bad little opportunity to converse with him at all. They wcro met in the office by an Arab named Hassan and a wandering Jew named Strologo, Tho former, who speaks several languages, told them that the hitter, was Mr. Butler's con fidential agent ; that bo bud bought tho Consulato General for Mr. Butler in America, nnd would now attend to retailing tho agencies in Egypt. Tho retail prices ranged from $.00 lo II, 500; nnd they were told that on pay ment of these sums to Mr. Strologo he would glvo them a recoipt, which they could exchange within two days for a proper certificate ofofllce. These things wcro reporlod lo Cok Butler in a letter signed by cvory mhlo mem ber of tho Mission then in Egypt. I as the benrcr ol tho letter. Hognvd it respectful attention, nnd soon after pleased us by setting Mr. Strologo aside. Ho assured us ho was ready to appoint men recommended by tho missioauries, and that money spent in bribes would be wasted. After this members of Iho Mission went again and again with men In whoso appointment they felt a friendly in terest ; but all action was delayed on somo frivolous pretext, till they made up their minds to tho swindle dictated by Mr. Slrologo. Then the applicant wont, with an Arab interpreter only, and finished business at ono silting. Only a lew weeks ngo, according to a paragraph I saw in tho local papers, Mr. Felix Walmass, a worthy old man, u gentleman and a scholar, was sont out of tho Vico Consulate in Cuiro, nnd his successor is this infamous A. D. Strologo. Persons pretty well in formed believe that the only Constflnr Agent who got bis place w ithout pay ing u specific prico h a man in Tanta, who earned his appointment by enter taining tho Coiisul-Gcncrnl in three dayn' drunken revel." This is most scandalous. It is dis gusting. It ir calculated to make Americans ashamed of iheir Govern ment. But what is to be expected of Geotgo H. Butler in Egypt, when here in tho United Stales President Grant upj,tba t.ivn to pfttuv In cut.r-i'Jwi tttn of presents, nnd promotes a convicted t'ribo taker to ono oj iho highest of fice under tho Government f It has long been notorious that But ler is a coarse, corrupt, worthless sort of man. This was known by the President, tho Secretary of Slafo, and iho Senate when bo wus tippolnled and confirmed. Egypt wns also known ns tho mosl corrupt nnd vicious conn try on enrth, and they sent Duller thcro with their eyes open to make what ho could ; and by adopting and possibly extending thesystctn to which President Grnnt lins given such devel opment in this country, be is making what he can there. But why should Butler bo denounced with such soverily by thoso who up hold Grant, and have no fault to find with him for keeping a proved bribe taker nt the head of Iho Stato Depart ment ? Heroic Conduct or a Brakesman. Tho Mobile nnd Ohio Railroad carry what is called a combustible car, one in which they transport coal oil nnd powder. Yonlcrdny morning as freight train No. (vJuek Raker conductor, was going south, at Rutherford Sta tion, before day, with his lamp Raker went in the car lo got out a barrel of gusolino. From some cause tho gas beenmo ignited, nnd in a moment the barrel, side and floor of the cur were in flames. Notwithstanding there wero fiirty kegs of powder in tho car, E. Tiffany, brukesmnn, ran nnd seised his blankets, dashed into the car, and actually smothered out tho flumes. His blankets, bis hands, clothes and face wcro burned, while tho car was badly scorched. Captain Sprout, of tho ico car, assisted materially. Too' much credit cannot be awarded Tit funy for bis coolness, his dovotion to duty. As a man of a fumily, be risked too much, and President Murdock cannot prize such a man too highly. Praise is good enough, in its own way, but a reward of a fow thousand dollars would bo much bolter for brakenman TifTuny. A man who per forms such a feat as TifTuny has, de serves something more substantial than praiso for bis nohlo conduct. Jackson (Afiss ) Democrat, ' Southern Loyalists. It is hardly to bo wondered at that tho rarpet-bng politicians In tho South find it difficult to gain social recognition from old residents, when they are represented by such men as Mr. Councilman Alfrod Crocker of Petersburg, Va. Ono Richard Green, a negro under sentence of death for murder, lias boon inter viewed by a reporter of tho Peters burg Index, and tho following is a portion of the conversation which took place on that occasion I "Whore were you on the night of the murder V ' "At Mr. Alfred Crocker's store, nenr Pocnhonlas bridge, plnyingdominoes." "Who is Alfred Crocker J" "A Yankee, who keeps store. lie is a mombor of tho City Council, and keeps an all-night bouse; bo sells liquor in the back room next to bis store, and we colored folks pluy cards and dominoes thcro nearly every night." Of such is tho mnterlitl out of which Northern patriots manufacture South ern loyalists. Js it any wonder they breed Ku-Kluxcs down thcro f The same men would raise b I up here in tho "loyntTs'orih." as i . Frnrl 1). firnnt. tha Pronlriani'a ansi graduated at West Point last week. 111- . ... ins manning in ins cines Of 41 was as follows: General stnnriinrRTi ersmar! discipline 41 the first rnn bshind. Xa aVr, llu ( the lutut. . Mr. Jefferson Davis tins In some Into speeches declared that be accepts nothing, and for this reason Va are vociferously Hssured tha, We should accept everything more heavy taxa tion, more lutlir robbfrles, more bayo net elections, more tobacco gorging, nng driving Grunt. The whlldom head of A conquored cause has staled that bis healing has not altogothor satisfied him bo was wrong, and on this account a victorious pooplj nre to forget thoir own Interests nnd ' do nnihins for thoir own right. 8uch at least is the position of the Republicanr loaders. -t ho issuo according latiiem is not whether the whole ndmiiilatru,'. lion of tbo Pedorul government is hopelessly corrupt and in noed of s new nnd purifying mnnngemon, but dues Mr.1 Jefferson Duvis accept tho situation or does ho notf Tbo conn, try, forsooth, enn .stand the .tariff, stand iho taxes, stand the thieves, but Its wholo light Is instnntly gone) out unless It knows whero Mr., Davis stands Everything hingesnpon that. Thai is tho great issuo. What the President of the United 8lntes has done is nothing; but what thinks tho President of the Confederacy is all in all. He Is tho arbiter of tbo destinies of tho republic . All eyes aro turned upon him.. Ho Is to say, I was right, and wo aro to cry incrvaso our taxes. He accepts nothing and we nre ti swallow thieves, tariff, bayonets nng driving Grunt nnd nil. FofWio wc object. Tho infamous misgovornmcnt of these, United States is a liver issue than Mr. Jefferson Davis. Ho is of tho past, but this Is of the present. Mr. Davis's Andursnnvillo, with its denial of medicines is departed, but the spirit of Andcrsonville lives in the tariff which taxes fever stricken and crushed Immunity 100 per cont, on Its chloroform nnd quinine ' Mr. Dufvis's wnr ship is at tho bottom of the' son, but the Republican "protection" of to 'lay in moro lalal to American ship ping than one hundred Alabnm.ts. Mr. Davis's right of secession is gone, but tho ninrch of oppression Is sound ing this very hour in tho force bills which clank on tho statuo liko so many slaves' chains. JV. Y. World.' Tomtics in Alabama. Tho Monl gomoty (Alu.) Daily State Journal, the orgnn of tho Republican party in Alabama, in its issue of Thursday last,1 says: Wo havo lived-in this State for moro than a quarter of a century, and havo nevor full insecure in person or property on account of political opinion. Wo nro sincere in our Re publicanism, and wo feel safe because wo lovo our pooplo and honestly be lieve that wo nre pursuing a course thai will redound lo their peaco, hap piiies, and prosperity. Thoso men who cull lliciiiHckcs Republicans, and who are continually trying to get into oflleo, stirring up disorder nnd slrifo, and poisoning iho minds of voters in secret densal midnight, when honest men anil sincere Republicans aro plot trd aguinst, simply becauso they are honest and sincere and have eocial standing in Iho community, mny foes unsafe. Wo endorse no such libels upon tho wholo pooplo of our Stato Radical vultures, Ku-Klux office seek ers of every party aro doing us more harm as a peojilo than all the libels ever written. - Wo believe that every, honest man is safo in Alabama, no iiiuiivr what bis politics aro. Ghastism. Tho New York Worll lolls tho following characteristic auec dote of tho fill her of tho President: Yesterday a vonoroblo gentleman disembarked from tho West Point boat, and attempting to cross West slroel, found bis way impeded by an unending train of vehicles. He saw a policeman near by and beckoned him lo approach. Reverence for ago caused tho patrolman to obey and ad vance. Tho tdd .gentleman inquired if ho belonged to the army. "No, sir, I am a policeman," was iho an. swer. "Exactly," responded iho old man, "you belong to Tammany. Can I ever got across this street ?" "Certainly," respondod the policeman, "I will conduct yon across.' Tho old gentleman was soon safe on the other side. The policeman turned to go back, when tho old gentleman tailed him, and said : "Mr. Policemun, do you know who you have just conduct cd across this slroel f" The policeman replied that be had not that pleasure. "Well, sir. 1 will t.JI yon ; I am the father of President Grant." Tho old gentleman then turned on his heel with dignity in tho direction of tbo Long Branch boat. Post. Radical Economt. A Georgia pa per exposes tho inoney-niaking pro clivities of tho genuino Radical. Il refers lo a man mimed Whitely as an example. Ho was clocled United Slutos Senator by Bullock's Legisla ture, when the oflleo hud already boon filled by tho snmo identical Legisla ture that elected him. Fearing thai the Senate at Washington might nol admit him to a soul, he ran for the House of Congress and was beaten by Tift. The Senate refused to admit him, but voted him pay, as a United States Senator, from tho limo ho was elected to tho data of its decision against him. Tho IIono of Con gress admitted him over bis eompoli tor, who had beaton him and bo has drawn his pay as Representative tyr tho same time that he drow his prt' as Senator. Thus tho political ad venturer has drawn pay from the Federal Government, for tho samo, ns a Senator nnd also a Representative, and al Iho samo time was drawing a sulury from the Sluto of Goorgia as a Solicitor General. A Sad Affliction. Whnt will tho '' Ucconstructionists" do in the Beau fort Congressional District in South Carolina 1 The neuro who was de clared elected to Congress has been ascertained to be chosen hy forged re turns in that county. The election officers guilty of it havo been sent to tho penitentiary. Jiowon, a white man, tbo negro's competitor, after tho fraud was cxposod, was declared duly elcctod. But, unfortunately, at this point, a jury in the city or it iislnng lon finds iho said Bowen guilty of bigamy, nnd he has boon sent to tha penilontiary for two yoars for that offense. Convictions lo tho peniten tiary linsdisposod ot both Kcpubliuan aspirants. Stark Co. Democrat. al as i "Block USA ns." The N. Y. Tribuiui oxplaina that tho only members of the Union I.esguo it ever denounced as "narrow-minded blockheads" were the tbiny.four who, on a certain occasion, united in a domsnd that Mr. Greeley should be disciplined for bailing J of. rerson dsvis. - soma or in other New York papors now suggest that if the Tribune would only print tha names of the thirty-four it would re move a disagreeable Imputation from all tha rest. Pleasa fall the roll,- ' Political Xfiiu. Baron Munchausen has sent his hat to Senator Morton as the champion - In the United Slates. Colfax lifts fillod up four now lorn p. books with extracts about himself since ha was takon with tlie stomach ache. - ; -, - i A Convention to orgnnlxo a negro political party lias been called, to moot at Columbia, S, C, on tho 18th of Outobcr next.. r Tho Huntingdon Journal, tho homo organ of Senator Scott, nominates Grant for President and Cameron for Vioo-Presidcnl. I i I t "Slap Grunt," said the Knnxvillo crowd to Anuy jonnson. " inere j not enough of him to slap," said Andy, and wont on with his speech. . The Kn Klux malady has broken out in Washington again among tho Radical memborsof Morton's Smelling Comniittoe. It Is ns bud as sore tail among General Grant's homos. ' tho Philadelphia Post declares that 'Weak governments are always cruel,' which mny account for the treatment the South haS received from the Radi cal since the closo of the war. True as'tho needle lo tha polo. ( Presidont Grant brought forward Ban Wnde for Governor -In Ohio. Benjamin was badly laid out. Now he want's to run J. M. Thayer, of Ne braska, Jor Uovernor. . Thayer will bo laid out, too. Labor Reforniors In Now Hamp shire, lire called Assistant Democrats hy the Radicals. We suppose they will bo so designated in this State after tho next Election, and for the snino reason. The Fo'mnlo Ku Klux nt West Point broatho easier. The negro cadet Smith, declares that ho will nol altond any of the hops nor pay ono cent toward gelling thorn up. , iluppy Smith, for lunula girls. Tho preacher who opened the Iowa Radical convention, prayed for 40, 000 majority. Among Radicals, such things pass for parliolio fervor. Among all decent men they pass for disgusting blnphemy. Tho Nw York Timet asks, " What is the use of the Democratic party f" To prevent the Radical loaders from stealing tho cntiro substance of the people, and then persecuting them fur being poor. Putnam, the Radical Postmaster of Mobile, one of General Grant a recent appointments, has been arrested and indicted for bribery. From office to tho Penitonlinry seems to be the fate of Radical officials in the South. Tho gtealcst joko of iho ngo is the nomination of Attorney -Generul Akcr man as a candidate for Vice President on tho sumo ticket with Gen. Useless S. Grunt. What a run two such can didates would inako, especially in Georgia ! By Turns. Tho Legislature ofNow Hampshiro e'ecled a Whig for Gov ernor in 1840, a Democrat in 1861, a Know Nothing in 1S5G and a Demo crat in 1871. For tbo first time in sixteen years Now Hampshire has now a Democratic Governor James A. Weston. Mr. and Mrs. Jesse R. Grant cclo bruted their golden wedding at son in law Cor bin's, Elizabeth, New Jorsey, Friday last. Tho wholo uffair was extensively advertised and excited a gift enterprise spirit among tho numer ous friends of Llyescs. The Ku-Klux smelling commitfoo, have got to work and are beginning to sond for persons and papers. They ought lo sulipccna Horaeo Greeley, who has been traveling whero the Ku Klux most do congregate, whose testi mony would be most interesting. The Radical Stale Central Commit tco is mado up principally of oflleo hold ers. Wo noticed the names of three who left their duties ut Washington to attend tho first meeting. From such unselfish patriots wo may look for some very thrilling addressos. Some of the friends of young Menghcr, whom Grant refused to ap point, but gave tho place to ono of tsrigham loungs polygamous sons, suggest that a purse be mado up to buy a cadelship with, because Grant loves money, rum, cigars and ronl estate. Mr: W. IL Horndon, of Sprigfield, Illinois, writes to the Toledo Index, a letter about Mr. Lincoln's religion. Ho believed in a God, but nol in a Saviour did not believe In a hell, and held that God could nol pnrdon a sin ner. This is the belief of the mun tho Radicals well-nigh worshipped. What do they think of their demi god now? Gon. James II. Clanton, of Alabama, testified before tbo Ku Klux Commit tee on the lHth that no regular organ ised Ku Klux ever existed in thai State. Most of tho outrages wera committed hy members of the Radical party. The Radical loaders were, without exception, destitute nf moral character, and caused all the troubles. Fixed. Tbo summer capital of tho United Slates at Long Branch is now fully established. Tho Administration arrived there recently, followed by the Dents, the Porters, six horses, a cow and a canary bird which had been forgotten by tbo superintendent of the caravan which had arrived thcro the day beforo. In Democratic New York, the Rad icals have one third of tho Inspectors of election, where they aro in the minority, nnd two-third where they are In tho majority. In Radical Phila delphia, Iho Democrats aro not allow ed lo cliooso any of the election ofll cors. The wholo board is appointed by the Radicals, and trained by Mann and Collis, in the art of cheating the people out of their choice at the ballot box. A Test. Gen. MeCandless was an ablo lawyer and left a lucrative prao lico to fight Iho bailies against ihe Rebellion. Dr. Staion, n medical student, entered ihe army locomplelo his studios and draw a good salary. The one was influenced by patriotism, tho othor by personal inlerest. One or the other will bo lha next Auditor General of the Stale, and if he be chosen according o morit wo need no prophet to r.aruo tho man. Tn Pitit.osornrcR. Horace Greeley who has the Presidential bee in his bonnet, says that his support nf the adminislrstion does not mean an en dorsement of Grant, nor involve any plodges for his rcnominalion. The Ohio Republican Convention said the ssme thing; it repudiated Grant's candldato for Governor, and passed resolutions endorsing the general ad ministration, but nol ono word about Grant It Is everywhere conceded that ha is a woodon man, and ut no eiarihly account, so far as brains are concerned, e . i ' MoiiHNroL Indkkd! A dispatch from Washington says: Despite blank eting, high living, nnd careful atten tion, the President's oolt, which is afflicted after tho same manner as the equine which be recently lost, is growing weaker dny by day, and hut slight hopes are entertained that the young steed will ever arrive at such an ngo as to bo able lo draw tbo weight of the precious Executive. Goneral Dent pays a daily visit to tho Exoctitivo stable, and even his bland tonguo f'uils to arouse within bis broast any enthusiasm. Slowly be sinks and fines away. In the moanlimo the irrnt Lord at Long Branch telegraphs daily to know tho condition of the young oolt, and desires lo be apprised oflbo approach of the great destroyer and. thereby, by being at the death bed, evince more gratitude for the dying colt than he did lor the War Secretary, who mado for him all the honors ho ovor possessed. Well mar it be asked, ' Whtthor aro we drifting ' Texas' Politics. After having ro fused last fall to order an eloction for the four Representatives in Congress to which Ibis Sluto is entitled, Gover nor Davis has finally determined to permit the peoplo to enjoy a right w hich ho has hitherto arbitrarily and shamefully refused hy an abuse of Ex ecutive "-power. Tbo ' proclamation fixes the iid of October for.tbe election, and there is no doubt of an over whelming Domocralio victory, with anything liko fair pluy. As tbo Gov ernor is nn absnlulo despot, nnd not only appoints nil tho registers, hut controls the returns, wo aro prepared for an attempt to repeat tbo infamous outrngos, by which Clayton has con trived to retain possession of Arkan sas, nnd to treat it ns a conquored province, in spilo of a white majority of twenty-five thousand. That day, however, is passed, nnd cannot return again. Well Tut. It is a significant fact that the ' Democratic victory" in New Hampshire, such as It Is, was cfletced by tho voters of tho original and life long Abolitionists, under the guiso of "Labor Reformers. Will tho South cm Democracy stick a pin there f Several pins maj be stuck there! If "life-long Abolitionists" so fur North as New Hampshire have becomo dis gusted with Radical rule and are now voting with the Democrats, what may bo expected of Iho more moderate people who have hitherto acted with the Radical party f The old slavery abolitionists could not do a wiser or bettor thing than to belp abolish tho Radical parly beforo it abolishes the Government. They havo dono the South harm enough, let them turn in now -and muko somo atonement. Richmond Whig. ' SurponTiNO the Government " A nwirtgngo for twenty five million dollars wus lust week cxecutod by the Heading JCuilroad Company to tho Fidelity Insurance, Trust and Safe Deposit Company of Philadelphia, in trust for the payment of bonds, and entered in tho Recorder's office al Norristown, on Tuosday, by James Boyl, Eq. The revenuo stamps on this document costfirenfy five thousand dollars, an amount of money sufficient lo build a small sized Railroad. These stumps wcro cancelled by President Gowcn. Still Kicking. Tho Paris Reds have issued a proclamation, which de clares that though disarmed, they are not conquered, and aro still a hundred thousand strong; flint their misfor tunes are duo to Troehn, Favro, capi talists nnd tho priesthood; that they accept the responsibility of the lato conflagrations, and that now these men of anarchy are going to try thoir strength at the polls. Instead o .ac cepting a Republic such as isprsiblo lo obtain at this time, theseflwTfrirsp at Iho unattainable, and thus invite a Monarchy. Another Triumph. Smith tho ne gro cadet, having been airain sentenced lo dismissal from tho Military Acade my, by the Court Martiul who tried him lor his offenses, has been again the subject of political favor. His sentence has been commuted to "one yeur's reduction from bis standing at the Academy." Thus tho great object of keeping him thuro is achieved. That ia one of the great Radical tri umphs of the times. tewj drntisnufnts. C1ARBOLIC PLANT PROTKCTOR J for sale by jrMJm HARTSWICK A IRWIX. CI AUTION, Ail persons are hereby cautioned J agaiust purchasing or in any way meddling with aeertain BLACK MARK, now in possession of Michael Fink, of Oraban township, as tha same belongs to me and is subjeot tn mr order. T. It. FORCEV. Grehamton, June IS, 1871-31. NOTIC K. Notice Is hereby given that I have been authorised by the Cmirt tn take charge of Ihe hooks of UKOKI1K S. PERRY and receive all balSnoes thereon. All persons know ing Ihrineelves Indebted to said Perry will please make Immediate payment and therehv save cost. June is, St. JNO. W. WRIULKY. (CALCINED PLASTEU AND HYDRAULIC J t-emrnt, for sale hy ,U Sm HARTSWICK A IRWIN. AI)MIMTKATOHH NOTIC Notice Is hereby given that letters of administration on the estate of DAVID SUNDERLAND, dee d, lata of Bell township, Clearteld County, Pa., having been duly granted to the undersigned, all persons indebted to said estate will please make payment, and those having claims or demands wiil present them pmpcrlv authenticated for set tlement. SAMUEL 8I NUKKI.AND, JAMES A. CAMI'IIKI L, , June IS, 1871 StO Administrators. SARATOliA AND BEDFORD WATER for sale hv JeJS.1m IIARTSWICK A IRWIN. JpiKTOUB HOUSE, Opposite the Court House, ' LOCK HAVEN, PENN A. Jflt 71 IIAUFEAL A KROM, Prop's. Q(T)n HEW AROI-Tbe Commissioners of t)u, Clearfield oounty will give a reward of Twenty Dollars for lha detection of tha party e- pnrfles who are constantly mutilating and d-,aeinr tba walls and stairs of tha Court lloit'e. tyilhio a few days the Snn railing nn lha .isirwav has been chipped and out frl tor; ; bottom. It was evidently the not of a thcighiless hoy era wicked adult. Tha e'jort reward will be paid to any ana gl'lae Info.matloa eoncerning this act, and tbs T.eoiee or inose giving the Inmrtnatmn will be withhold If desired. 8. It. 8IIAFFNER, fl. H. HINDMAN, Comm'ra' Office, ) DAVID RUCK, Clearteld, June l;It. J Commissioners. For Rent. THE nndsrsigned offers to rent a DtVRLLTNO HOUSE and BLACKSMITH SHOP, situate at Oilend P. 0. Is Bell township. This Is a vary desirable location for tha business. A full set of tools in tha shop. Plenty of nations. A good school in tha village. Address or apply to II. L. Henderson or tha subscriber. March li-lf HENRY BRBTII, Jr. Insure Your Properly! rpilB undersigned are prepared to take any X reasonable tra risks, In good and reliable companies, such as tha "Farmers' Mutual," ol York, Pa. tha " Andes," of Cincinnati, Ohio; tha "Usrmanta," nf New York, and others. Jlet reasonable, and la oaeeof loss money will be paid ap promptly. IRV1N A KMEPS. riesraW, Pa., April It, mt-tf, Hi5ffUanroii3. PHOPOrtAI.SU Carpenters and bnildars are hereby notified that tha gohool Director! of Lawraaea Ioilependeat District No. 1 will reoeise proposals for lha amotion of a large and aoamo diout SCHOOL HOUSE, In said district, until Saturday, July 1st. Tboso desiring to bid will please call oa tha Secretary, who will eihibit all tha sassssary plans aad apeclAcailons. ABRAHAM UUMt'miEl, rrer l. 0. B. Hsssili, Beoretary. JeJI It IXKCUTOR'S) NOTICK. Notice Is bera J by given that Lsttera Testamentary having bwn granted to the subscriber, oa tha Estate of MICHAEL SUNDERLAND, deo'd, lata of Bell township, Clearteld county, Pennsylvania, all parsons indebted to said Estate are requested to nsaka Immediate payment, and those having claims against tha same will present them duly sutttnticalcd for settlement. AMOS BUNDKRLAKD, June !1, 18TI:t. gieeotor. puAUQHGV'l RESTAURANT, . v. -J ' ikeosi Street, CLKtRPIBLD, PENR'A. Always on hand, Fresh Oysters, Ice Cream, Candies, Nuts, Craukers, Cakes, Cigars, Tobacco, Canned Fruits, OrangrSKvLcmons, anj all kinds of fruit in season. r-BILLIAUD ROOM on second loor. Je2l7l ' D. MeUAUOIIEY. TINT OH JURO DRAWN FOR SEP j temher Tens, 1871 1 eosomenoiog 4th Mon day, (Jiah) i ; oaian jeaoas. Lemuel Rcot....Baeearia J. Moore. Fcrgasol Jus. B. 8underUn....Dolllj. A. L. Flegal...Ooibsn Ororga Hess. RoggslT. Hewitt Huston Wesley II. Shirey, Brad-1 J. Mcllbrsbsa... Jord.s ford. J. W. Potter.... Kartbaas A. Peol.Jr... Brady W. Mapea Lawrence J. M( Murray. ..Uurnsidsld. H Lytle-LumberClly Calvin Stevens.-.. .. Cheat N. Fallmer Morris C. Bsrraov Covington I John I.awsha...Oseeola B. F. King Clearfield I Alien McI)onald....Penn W. R. HartshornCnr-: Isaac Caldwell Hike wensville. Oavid Dressier.... Union J. L.Tbompson..Decatnrs. Hagerly....Woodward raavrnsa srnona II. L. Mcdhee Bell J. P. Hoyt Ferguson A. B. Shaw. Ooshen H. Lingle " Amos B. Tale.. " John Orr " D. W. Chilson Bloom J II. OVarhart, Bradford Mark Kyler X " 1. 0. Urav " Hrnrv Albert....... " Daniel 8tewart... " Simon Walll'Urn...Brady Alesaader Shea... " J. Hamilton........ " C. Behwem D. 8olliday....... " John Lee. Burnside James Weticl.. " Jos. L. Keff. v m. lonraa ounrb Wi. 8. Carry Jordsn M. Red.. Lawrence Joel Forest " Levi Bowles... Oliver Conklin " Jas. Mitchell. J.M'Ulaughlin " Jno. Mitchell. .. OgJen " Gilbert Hoover.. .Morris M. A. Brown ' M. B. McUrath..Oeco!a W. M. Rowlcs;...IVnn Olbello Smeed. " Daniel Fiibek Chest Richard Shirk, Clesrfl eld L. Denning..,, A. Southard.... " J.Shanbwilsr. A. F. Mitchell. " Joseph L. Dale Fiks J. R. Csldwcll " A. P. Bloom Philip Long tg. Olcnn.. " B. F. Harley Union Wm. Luther.. Woodward J)RIVATB OR PtBl.lC MALE or Valuable Real Estate I The imbfrilWr will oflnr nt Pali alt, ob TIlUHSrAY,24tk d.y of ALU 1ST, octI, (if not ooner lord,) il S o'clock p. in , at bit hoot, kii rot ire properlr, ihuai 10 Union lownabip, Cletvr. Hold coutiir, Ph., oonMfting of 1(19 Aorci and til per erttL alhwanoe of lbs brit Farm, Timber and Coal Land, in ilir mrryt, tying in on body, .VIII be told ritbrr ittrmt( or toppther, nt reason abteratn. The IMI'KOVBMKNTS are at fol low I, rii: About 110 Aciti clrarrd and under fjtfiodcn'tiiafioTi, with rVar Dwellitif IIonM.thm Hetrnf, one nitTraill. nnd other outbuiidiirfi, and thrre fit it-rat Orchard of choice fruit. The belt of running water dear the bouca. The balance of thcee land timbered with Tine. Ilrmlork and oiher timber, inffijicnt to cut About five million 6,DC0.0CO) feu of lnmter. For n mineral proper!, thii ia the best in tbia part of me coumrj; confining 01 iron ure, luimeitone and Stone Coal of ibe belt quality. Large reini, eaetly mined, and ennrcnicnt to tba Railruadi now under way of building. it-nuFor particular! en 1 1 on the lubMrlber or ad drew him at UoeaUm l O.. Clearfield eoonty. June 11 Vt JOHN DltKSvSLER. rjiisii rim nxt STOVES! STOVES. STOVES! WAPLE & HARTMAN Desire to Inform tha eitisens of Osceola sad the public generally, that they have Just received a large and splendid asanrtmeut of Stoves, House bold Hardware and Flaunted and Japanned Wares of all kinds. Also that wc manufacture and keep constantly on hand a full assortment af Tinmen a Wares, which we will dispoee of al either wholesale or retail, to suit pnrokascra. KooOng, Ppouting, Repairing and all kinds of Jon n ork done to order and with dispatch 8triet altenlioa paid ordering articles for par ties deairing it. Consumers will rind It to their advantage to purchase from us. Our stork end prices will sat isfy jjtttt that we do sell good wares at prices tkat please the people. Yon will nnd ns on Curtin street, nearly op positetht Richange Hotel. Osceola-Mills, Pa., May It, 13M-lf 1871... 1871. ; FOR THE " SPRING CAMPAIGN FICIRES THAT ARE FACTS! ' I RE&D HROTIIKJiS' Dry Gooda, Notion. Trimming A Millinery ICmporlum, CLEARFIELD, PENN A. The only eieleile Dry floods flora in the county. J .j. Study Your Interest I Buy Where You Can the Cheapest I DRT GOODS: Heavy nnd fin Brown Mii'tini, niched Mai Kni, oi tra aride Rmwi and Blwhsvt 8beeling, Pillow Caning, Ticking. Hick art Stripe, IWnttni, Rlue Drill. Cottoned, Cnimere, FlftnweU, Prlnte, Delainei, I'errntea, Lawn. Orenadinea, llrraanitf, 8 u mm or 8ilk, Japancn B.Ik, Black Silk, vary good, at $1.J5 per yard. The abore are new, froth good, and haro only to bo priced to know of their romnrkablo cheap net. II 0 8 I E R Y : Ladles' plain and ribbed ITose, 111c. toil. per pair. Children's plain and fancy Cotton Hose, dent's Rrowo and Blue Mited Hose, Snperetnul and Pupernna llril'l.h Rrg.ilar .Made Hose, Usl hriggan and Lisle Thread (lose, Ladies', Misses', Children's, Dent's and Boys' India Uauie and Lisle Thread Undrrware. Ladies', Men's and Children's Berlin, Lisle Thread and Silk Oloves, Children's Kid 0Iot-, Ladies' Kid 'stoves, all colore, t.l Jj fj J.tiO per pair. Oenl t Kid Ulotei,, colore, Usl. Thread and Hcrlio Qlovee, . V7 II I T E . G Q.0 D S s Piques, choice styles In Rlripes, Figures, Cords andKalln Finished, H to (lc per yard i Jaconets, Nansooks, Victoria Lawn, fwlea Ulnll, white and colored Tarlatan, Tspe Checks, Mo.qnlio Net, Curtain Net, IA, . and to ewnls and l .0 pi yardj Towles and Towling. Brown and Bleached Table Dama.bs, Napkins, Quills, te. English Crochet Edgings, Imperial Rmbrold ery. Registered Embroidery, Valraeie Lace. Not tingham Lace, Frilling, Alexandria Frilling, Hamburg Rdging. Inserting, Magle and Always Ready Hufiling, llerouleo Braid, Alpaca Braid, Hair Nets, Black and II row o fwttohee. Chignons, Buttons of every description, Sleeve Buttons, Ae, FANCY GOODS: Lacs Collars, Linen Collaro and CafTs, Pnder sleeves, Chlmlsets, Handkerchiefs. Ties and Bows, Ribbon and Millinery Ooods, Trimmed Halt and Eonnsts, Ae Ac. , SJ-Ruvere will p'ease give this their atten tion. Time and money will be eared. , - Remember the place t REED BROTniRS, my 11 , Market street, Clearteld, Pa. PINK, WIIITI A ROAN LIN1NO SKINS Jnsl received and for sale by April !. . B. f. BfOLER A 00. m cstntf for Mt. .Valuable Hotel in Wallacetonl A larva and cammaitloue T. . ... a.. oa tha corner of Cleartsld and Bsurhui.n i ' in tha village of Wallacston. The bull" 1.U feet In sise, with good stabling me rcoon. oe House nas a Isir Itisrs of C public patronage and will be sold oa ajJJ, , terms. For fuitbcr information am, I, ,u , seriber, residing on the premises. ,uV VI - 1 tKA ,mr a. . mm j udu, n . II AKKlXg, Valuable GrlstMHI For ht in eiccllent order within the last vrar. ,! i .V good paying custom. Il is sltnsled in on, of (L best wheat-growing sections of the county, .J? decidedly increases its value. The Lv.ii,, iiouse and Store Room are also ia good order ' Together with the above properly win tsL,. about SO ACRES OF LAND, nrltv aleered mnA II.m I. T; r J ' 1 " usi, Terms made known on spplicatloi lo a nndsrsigned at Kw Millport P. 0. May II -Jul JOHN roi. nouses and Lots For Sal' T will sell a well improved House and t.ot,i I ated an Locust street, bet wees Tbirs sua Foartb) aad a large well Inisbed new Hobhus two Lets, situated am tha south-east eomer ef Loenst and Foarth atroets. For term and eoodi lions apple t JOHN w. StIL UlKI Clearfield May 17th, 2m. -pRI VATE ALE or ValuableReal Estate r The subscriber will otfrr at psiva's late, sa rtasonable terras, the following Hrsl Estste, sits, ate in Morris township. Clearfield cou.', I4, eonteiuing IWX AtKlisJ and allowance, ut having thereon erected a iwn.etoty plsnt Hum HiM feet, frame Barn, tOiM feet, ami all the other ntoessarv outbuildings, all in Hood order and repair. Ten aorcs of an Orciisrd of the choicest varieties fruit, A never failing Sprics at the hoose and a Well at the barn. One bus. dred acres of It is underlaid wllk a vein of t, best quality of Coat, six feci and seven intbr, , thickness, open to inspeotion at any time. asT-For further information inquire of tl.e mb seriber at kis rcsi.lsaee in Morris township. DANIEL b&AM, Kjlcrlown P. 0. 4:5:3mJ Agent of ij. licsa. -yuT T.iaciu Timber and Coal Lands F .O R SALS! The following tracts of Timber and CM T.anda are offered for sslsi One tract of 17.1 ill screi. lying on the Elk River, in Webster eounty tares tracU lying on the same river in Brailon county, two of 4,01'tl arret each and one of l.l'I'U acre,; and ooe tract containing 9,S00 acres, lying on the Uanlsy River, U Nicholas county, fhetillei to these lends art eerfeVt. - Any iaformatioa concerning three lanjr.-sn Is had by addressing- O. 8. FLEUAL, March II, lS7I.tr, 7 r Phllip.burg, Pa: Farm-for Sale I CONTAINIX'asl AOliE.S, in a good state of cultivation, situated in Pika township. Clrar fleld oounty, Pa., about eighty roils from Logan's Flooring Mill, on the turnpike leading from Car weosville to CleeriplJ. Having a story and s hslt house, stable end out-buildings thereon. There is also a good "pring and a young orchard on tba premises. Any person desiring sruice little boms will Cud this a very desirable location. -For further parrirulsrs inquire of Rachel Cald well, oo the premises, or address T. W. FLEMING, March 29-tf. Corwensrille, Pa. Jiif (Stood, rcwrits, tftf. Taxes & High Prices Repealed! Ji NEW START! GREAT REDUCTION OF PRICE3 A GREAT ATTRACTIONS, at HARTSOCK i GOODWIN'S, CCRWENSVILLK, PA, Caused by Ihe opening of a now lot of SPRING & SUMMER GOODS! Te take plenmro in Inform Ing oar old ai well at new euitomera, and the Tmblie generally, that ne hare returned from the r.kuit with a large ai Well leleoted atock of good. We eall eapeeie. attention to our elegant aiiortmtnt of Hi Ike nnd Vm$ Oooit, in every rariety. Caitifncrre,' i'ottonadei, Jea.ni and Fheetingi, ani errry rariety of .Oomeitie Dry t.oodip nt prieei to lull thetimfe. Ladiei' and Chi Urea'a Shoe, Oaitora inendleMvariHy. Call and exaioioe them. Alio, Men 'a aad Boyt' Boon nnd f boea, of every kiod nnd price, Ha to nod Capt In OTdry ityle, lloBklrta. Bkeliton and tilore -fitting Coraeti, Ho fiery and MIotm, Pocket Cutlrry of tbo floeit Englith make, Sottpt. Perfumery and Kutiona of all kinda. QROCERtrS. FISH. tilKKNSWARR, SALT. HARDWARE, PAIXT3, Oili. Wood and Willow Warn Drag nnd Patent Mrditlnre, and In faet everxlhint rs. nt. Ail of which will bo aold ebeap fur easu or ecu q try praijiree. fkvWool nnd !hort Shtnglea Wantrd! HRTaoriC A tiGODWiX. CarweniTi11et Pa., May 11, 171 Jiu. SPRING GOODS! JUST RECEIVING ! IIQIIT CALICOES. 8PLENMK 10c. CALL J eoee. Delaines, bhirting Checks, Muslius, l'laids, White Hoods, Peresles, Japanese Silks, Rlack Silks. Silk Poplins, Illack Aliiacas. Table Linens, Velveteens, 8hawls, Buys' Casstmvrcs, to. AT J. MILES KRATZER'S 1 nOSIERT, F-II.K GLOVE", IE?T PARIS Kid II lores. Uce Cillers, lleis fwltohes and, tuignons, Hair Nets, Corsets, Uoep. Skirls, At.. AT i. MILES KRATZER'S ': D REM TRIMMINGS, ftt.K FRINGES. sal in, velvet Hibbont, Rirtlons, Ao. AT J. MILES KRATZER'S 1 mRi.MMi;D rtATa, ribbons, k. Millinery Uoods. Ao As. ('AT J. MILES KRATZER'S!- UXFOUAI.K!) STOCK OF (AMES' AND. Children's Shoes and Halters. M -n"s fren.h Kip and Calf Roots, Call auie Lasting Uaitsra, As., iT J. VILE KRATZER'S I 2 r.rf PIRCES WALL PAPER-tlo. so ,llVf tl.AO er boll Carpels, Floor Oil Cloths, Window Mhadcs. best While flranite Tea Ware, Brass VTsre, Table Knlvet and Forks, Ae. AT J. MILES KRATZER'S! CHOICF. TEAS, COFFEE, AND. OTHER Groceries, Brled Apples, Peaches, Cherries, Prunes, Canned Peaches, Tomatoes, Corn, Ao. a - The above, frith an Immense slock of ether. Goods, hare been hv.nght al the lowest oean prices, and will he offend a( very low rates. tT-Cmt and axeniiha them whether ton boy or not. 1. M. KRATZER. (Formerly C. Krataer A Ront.l ffevt doer lo n. F. Blglef A Co.'t Hardware Blur. Clearfield, Jtanh It, lVl tf, T. H. M URRAY, ATfORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW. Prompt attention given lo all Irtrl twines! snlrustrd lo hit care Iq Clearfield and a liolning eonntias, Ofnee oa Market ft. dbpoiits Kancle'a Jewelry Ffore, Clemrweld, Pi. rpHB nndcrslgncd offers For Sule a Grin k ,, J. ' Dwelling Houae and Store House. siiasi,'u hsw Millport, ClearSeld county, Pa. The K.ii ? in cood condition, bavin Iwa. ...;..., .
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers