frjlE REPUBLICAN," (LEAUFIELD, PA. LrONKOAT MORNING, 4 IT NX 28, m. Terms of Subscription, . A ;iiK(lvano,orwltliiDtbrM month ...12 00 i -fur three anl befbrtj iix month...,, 2 61 aflcr the eiDlrHlon of ill monthi... I 00 Alt nrftctri to Inrare I u Mr, loo In thfi r fhiull handed to rtrlr nn Tueeday 'Bine. we If" Pw ' " o'clock, (noon.) ItKMUlOUH NOTICES. iMfimlNt F.platcopal Chttrch Ber. J. II. ';itur. i u'mw oarrioo ovorj oaooaia, j, School lit 0 A. M. ' ' rvT M.diBf nrory TbumUv. at 74 P. M. miiiiui"" pemoe, ow diomii oi orery ;,h.atHti A.M. it, Annrrw'i i imrcn .piscopaiueT. xan Htt. INiblio rVrviee Hominy morning it yVI.K-k. una it I r. n. undnr oohoo, at ji . . rayer AiueuDg ueuneaaajr eremtig T iiV m-K. prrO'f Han Church Her. Mf. i,' io Sernce every flavouat.., morning and orea- hipi-i Clmrcli Bct. W. n. Bkimiii. Fee- I'd mi Fti Tirr cit dhuubiu, Hiuriung or Kranrlh' 4 nurrn i amour Her. T. Mi Mam a. Mam at Uljo clock A. M.n Lb ill m l fiuirth tMiimnyi or each month. Lit nits. Kx-flor. Iligler returned yciterdny mim nn tn' inp inrougn irginia, ana .-ouht with him a lot of ripe, Georgia peaehet. P,if wlici In Clearfield on the 27th of Juno it iin!y a 'irw departure in the fruit Hue. Tar. ForRTit. (irflnd preparations rf h' iwj; made at rbilipalurg in i Oieeola for the cf!tin'ion of the Fourth of July, where many of our oi'kctK will go to enjoy thcntffclves. Those wh" have notea in Bank falling due on that day fcml letter take them up the day p refloat, beoante if tli. r dn't a nroteat will be the result, it being ..;. Puhriny. IJst of lotter-n remuininu; uncluimpd i thi- lV-atofflo at Clear 6c) 1, for the week ending jw jr;n, i pi v i It imir nr, Mri, C. Sopor, Will 0. 8irenkle, Ptir (2) Truwlow, John U'a'ton, J. (. Wat kin., D. S. Wright, MirT A. P. A. OAUMN, P. M. Itillm-ri, E. N. fVamnr, Rlv (i irncr, Rout. Nnrn, Thou. 8. (blry, K. (ooloreii) lnt, J. S. A J. If. Two Mohb Gonk. Wilhin two week past two more of Clearfield's oldest tenants Lave vntttd awav. We refer to James A. Read. of Lawrence township, and David Kepbart, of 0c.-ola, at tho ripe old age of 70 and 71 years ret-pfctively. The former bold many local trusts during his lifetime, chief among thim was that of County Commissioner from 1847 to 1850. He whi one of tbe few oldest settlers left. Both raised large and influential families, most of whom risido In the vicinities Indicated, i mrnn No Papkr Tiiuro willbo no pnpor iMiied from this office next week. This eoiumu nitv has becomo so anpatriotle that us priutsrs (ire c umpelkd to go abroad to perform our Fourth of July devotions, or fail to unboMitu our patri o'Atm for another whole year. This is an afflic tion printers cannot endure, hence we ak our pt tron to excuse us for the non-appearance of the lU:i't:ni.!rAr next week, otherwise the machine m;lit bo run as reek lost ty the next six months as (.iniai's has been in the past, Falsb Economy. That tho county ii often made the " pack horse " in the settle ment of neighborhood and family brawls, which ir "shoved" through our court, has long boon apparent to every tax-payer, and we cannot un derstand why the nuieanoe oannot bo abated. A oa-e in point: A double oase of asiault and bat ter; between two women was before our court at June term, when the usual delay of the court to bc&r and settle the question oocurrcd, and tho ost were put upon tbe couuty. The bill ef costs i. . r i ik.i ti.. .... 1... L... fir two lernii and witnesses allowed eight days' cot'.r. While such liberal farming goes on taxes r a it not be reduced. Narrow Escape. A mnn nnmcd Lot Mvrriman, employed In the Dunbar Mills, male a most fortunate and surprising escape from a terrible death on Friday last. His arm was caught in the belt of the pumping apparatus, and be nnfl drawn suddenly toward tbe machinery. Knowing that unless the machinery was stopped rftcue was impossible, ho made a desperate effort tu throw off the belt with his arm, and succeeded, but not until It was fearfully wrenched and his fiwe sercrcly burned by the friction of tbo eccen tric, sgainit which he was so closely drawn. The mill wri not running at full speed, and to. this lortunate circumstance ho undoubtedly owes his life PkHipnbmrg Jour mat. A Mas Breaks his Nkck. The citizen of our community were startled on Tues day cr tning last, by hearing that Mr. Dennis .M:('trtv( the watchman at the open railroad briJe arroxs tho Juniata river at this plaee, had filli n off the bridgo and waa instantly killed. A l&rg' uumlm-af tho eitisens went to the scene of tlir catastrophe. It appears that he bail been rrry siek flaring the day, and about i o'clock In tiip sfternoon, wbilo leaning over the bridge to Tt'iuit, be became dixiy, lost his equilibrium, aud Ml into the middle vf the channel, near the pier, his huaj striking tho stones at the bottom. A number ef parsons standing near, seeing him fall, at once went to bis rescue, but they found life was ettinct, his neck having been broken. He sus tiiiifil other iujurwa about his body, and his right I' g wai fractured. Hmntinydon Gtvbt. MufiCAL Monthly. Mnaio can no Ion (fur he considered a luxury, and those who sjinid fabulous sums in purchasing Sheet Music are limply throwing their money.away. If our muiical friends will take tho trouble to procure a "ly of l'tttr$' it n$ lent ihntkfy, they will see t their wiser friends are doinr namely, cot ting better music at one and two eents a piece t!mQ (hey are buying at thirty, forty and fifty fonts. Each onmlwr of this valuable publication remains thjrty-aix pages of masio, printed from fulUsixe m Msis -plates, embracing Hacrml and He f ulsr Song Duets, Choruses, Polkas, W allies, inf., in every laaue, ifhe July number commences Volume VIII, nod contains tliirteea pieces of music, neatly bound, that would cost Just feur dollars and Arty nts in sheet-form. You eaa get it by mail, post paid by sending thirty cents to J. L. Pktkrs, .m liroadway, Haw Vork, The Doctor. The PrnnylvftnU Htato Medical Association convened In the city of Williamnort two weeks aro. It was the largest aasHsiblago of tho profession over convened in the Htate. Tbe following are the officers elected for Wciiii Dr. J. 8. Crawford, Lycoming .ountv. Vi PmiJnfn. OI1I.U. Vnno oonntT, II. nr. Ila I. L'oMltL MmW fOnnlT, J. F, Trelchlrr, Bohujlkill imntf, ud W. L. Klch.rd J(in, buN)Uph.nnffoonntjr. Corr-fmHitg Sn't mrf Urnot Tarnliull, Pliilsllbl ononljr. i..wi 8trrtry W. B. Alkinwn, Phlla delpbl. tountj. JlteorJim Snrtlarf7. t. Darll, Vaunfo ounty. 7 rtatnrtrA. H. Filh, Pllitadrlphia eannty. A lrg Hit of drlr(tl. Io diftcirnt ioei tie, nd la tht America Mcdic.l Society tu ftnnounocd. Franklin, Miialf, wi thown for lh next mcotiDg, to bo boldea oo lb toooad Wodaair dT Id Jun., 1K7J. Barrlrd. On Juna 20th, 1871, by Rev, W. M, Buscn ritL, Mr. ALEXANDEB WATSON, of Philips- burg, to Miss FLOKKNCI LIVINGSTON, af Cnrwensvllls. .' At tbe M. E. Parsonags, Clearfield, Jons 22d, 1871, by Rev, W. A. Cuifmwoxr, Mr. JOSHUA IIARTHIIORN, of Curwcnsvllle, to Miss LF.NORA LAW1IEAD, of Lawrence town- Ship. On June titb, 1871, at the residence of RoRIRT B. McCuratR, In Clearfield, hy Rev. W. B. SxinwRR, Mr. JOHN W. YOUNG to Miss MARY ; MrCBACKEN, both ef Fergus township. . SUA. In Osceola, oa Jnne lth, 1871, DAVID KF.P I1ART, aged Jl Jnn , ,ky, .,' 1.BTTHR FROM KARTIMt8, ,. . BalT Licit, June 23, 1871 Oml B. OoantAinKtt. Sir :-Hinne our Primary Kleotioa, the) fteme erata oi Karthaul are quiet, and, aM far Hi t know, II satisfied to tupport the County ticket, gome of tho oandidotea I tuppote feeldleapnoidted that tbey were defeated In the nominatiuu. Thii wea expected ihre to many run for nomination. The bitUrneti of thla ekelion In aome respects ii te be tlvlorcd, and hereafter should be at uided, The nominees are all rood men, and I believe com petent to All the plaoei they are nominated for. Karthaua la honored with the candidate nominted for CoatniMiuner. 4 Jh Traford aysient remains by the vot of tle party. I am pleaaed it li so. i anow u is lairer in erery respeot and more pra- ferable than the delegate eystem. A few of our ftvartbaua Democrats were anxious for tbe dele gate system nod were aura of tta sueoesa. If eaa- didates will Juat keep at home and aava their time and raoncr aiiiendt-d. there is nothinc wronr in tbe Crawford system. The eandidatea will be belter off io erery particular j tbe otHoe will aeek mo man, ana in erery way a mor aatufaoUiry and tbe uublio better eorred. The anxiety with some for oftoe m ao great that iney eonueaoeDa to most anytning to obtain or fioe where, if left to the people without tbe ean didatea' interferonoe, a it should be, the aniious oues would be oheeked, and ia most eases would be a blessing to them. I do hope, hereafter, tbe beSBOorate of Clearfield eounty will adopt this eourse and prevent the many etils of lata years we lud attending the party in ooaaMaonoe of oandidates intorloronoe with the poopk in the hunt of offioe. We have bad IhU week eopious showers ef rain, and our vegetation of a!l kinds Is very aueh bone fitted. Our wheat and rye orop la Kartbaus ts remarkably good. Our corn has been doing well, and for the euasoa of the year, Is far adraueed in growth and appearance. Our oats crop looked in general delicate, but the late rains have revived it aud ts now no longer doubt hi I. fotatoea are growing well. Early Rotes at Bait Lick will soon grace the table. Come down to Salt Lick and enjoy a mess of them. The last wcok's '' Journal, In Its edi torial ovlumn, at U wpts, over tbe return of a oiti ten from " Western Iowa," pasting through the streeta of Clearfield, in what tbe editor calls a ' Prairie Schooner," to areata and east a sneer at Kartbaus, and by way of derision at tbo expense of tho occupant of the " Prairie Schooner," to speak of the people's starvation there. "Inde pendent starvation" in Kartbaus I The people mere anow oi only one solitary instance, wuiou is (he Jnmrmtft own case. It is literally starved out In Kartbaus, and not even tolerated or sup ported 'hero by its own party to the extent of saving it tram "independent starvation. 1 aver and repeat, the only and solitary case known in Kar tbaus, of real, desperate starvation, is the Journal use ii. n a 1 1 u ii aw. Special, NErcTiita. The latest novelties, the largest and the most raried assortment, at Fullerton's. Another tnroloe of the Terj l.teft itrlei of Hat. just received from the But at I). R. Fullerton'f U.I and Bhoe Emjrorinm. Beiag the latest, of eourM the eheapost. Call and ace for joursrlf. KoTtca to CusroMKna. Htateneott of aoooants will b. son! oa Julj Jst, 1 17 1 . to all persona Id deuted to as, when they an invited to call and alanine then Io eorreot anj errors tbat may have occurred. KRATZKR k LYTLK. Clrarllcld, Jane 20th. 1871:11. Something now, the Patent It sin boo ventilating Uat, just received at Fullerton's. The ooolest and most comfortable hat extant. Just the thing for this warm weather. 8cbool DlRKcrons will please remember that on next Friday a Convention will be held at Car- wensvtlle. All should be in attendance. Geo. Vi. K.1IDSR, Co. 8upt. D. R. Fullcrton, on rieoood street, is constantly receiving all tho latest novelties in tbe way of Roots, Bhoes, aud Blippers. You can depend en getting a good article at the most reasonable rates. Oiro him a call. Glittering Gold Fishes, Poll Parrots, Bullflticli, Mocking Birds anj Aue Canaries, are the great attraction at A. I Shaw's now. Go and see them, tf yon hare a headicbe, deranged digestion, or discover some One morning that your bat is loo small for the heed, a tumbler full of Vichy or Kissingen Water from his Fountain, just erected, will soon dispel the unpleasant feeling. Pure Medicated Waters for the siek, excellent singing birds for the lovers of mu.le, rarrots and Moek ing birds for the patrons of fun, and gold spangled fish for the naturalists, ar. certainly attractions of no mean sort. Ptr-Nir xt 0r aoi.x Tun 4rn xn Svit of Jtlt. The Catholic congregation of Omeola will have a Pic-Nie on the 4tb and 6th of July, to aid in paying the debt on the Priest's bouse. A Fair for the same object will begin on the Zuth of July. K. u Haxmoxx, rattor. Dr. F. Plalto, Eclectic Physician and Surgeon, offers his service, to the people of Clearnsld and vicinur, and win no in readiness lo attend all professional calls, by day or night. Offio. an Reed street, west of tbe depot, Clearfield, Pa. May 91, IS, I It efinnttfliil. CLOSING PRICES or Dallxvax k Bro., No. 40 South Third St., Philadelphia, June 24, 1871 XewU. 8. i'sof'81 11! 11J1 U. S. u'lof'81 1171 1171 " 'J 112) 1U " '04 113, ID " 'M 112, H2j " 'i,new Ill, U4 " '07, new 1U Hi " 'I8 1 M( I lot 's, 10-40's. 110t 1101 (I. S. 30 Tear ( per cent Currency-... 1141 ll.'l Gold .. ........ I2 112 8llver 1074 10 Union Pacific R. R. 1st Mort. Bonds.. Ill 911 Central Paciflo R. R 1011 103 Union Pacific Land Grant Bond 141 ft parfcrt. Clearfield Markets. Corrected weekly by RunxRn Mosaur, Wholesale and Ket' II Dealer tn try Moods, lirooerles, Pro visions, Ac, Market street, Clearfield, Pa. 'CtiAnnrLD, Pa., June 2; H71. Apples.grren,0l)($ 1 00 Hogs, dressed 12 Dried, fllb U Hides, green.. T Apple buttcr,ygal, 10 llams .....M4 18 Butter. Ul'fe) to Shooldwi IM)(a) U Beans Wl 00(d) I eO Hides Oil (J 17 Buckwheat. 1 00 Lard 2 Buckwheat Dour lb, 4 Mess pork.Jjl bbl.,.18 00 Reef, dried it 'Oats 00 Beef, fresh.... 8(d) II Onion 1 00 Boards, M 12 OOfcnM Oil Potatoe Onto! to Corn, shelled 1 00 Peaches, dried, lb.. 121 Corn, ear Oil fa) i Plaster, V but i 40 Corn me.LV sack. I 40 Rj. 1 10 Chop, fl ewli 20(4 J 40 Rk, f) n ....... t IJIoverseea .m e nan, w sacx z an Cheese. 20 Shingles,18 ln.4(l Ot Cherries, Ih. 10fd) Is Shingles,28 InlSfa 1 1 00 Chickens, drsd, lb, 14 Timothy seed ? M Egg 14 Tallow I2 Flaxseed. - I 00 Wheat. 1 40 Flour 0 0(1 (V T U WosI . 40 Hay 10 00(0,14 00, Wood, V sord ...... t 40 To Farmers and Others! rrniJS Shop was wlaMl.hed In 183. Over to X PORTABLE THRESHING MACHINES for snls as fiillows i Four horse Tumbling Shaft Ma chine, with a cvliader 18 inches in disineteri fonr horss Strap Machine, with a patent .operator complete; also, a three-boreo Machine, with one or two hand wheels; fuur-horse with a Jsek wheel and shaker attached) two-horse, very light draft Machines, and extra norse powers eon.tantly on hand. I oall particular attention to late improve ments on my machines. They will favorably eom- nare with any machines in the United Slates. All orders promptly attended to. Repairing done on short notion and on reasonable terms. Old melsl wsnled. Addrers Stewart Wilson, Stratlonvlllr, Clarion county. Pa. One good machine in Clear field. Inquire of A. W. Wallers. j,!4 4ie STEWART WILSON. yOUH ATTEWTIOm JUST FOR A MOMENT! Aro yon In need af a good set of Harness l ... in of a rood Saddle or Bridle f If so, Mil at the Saddle and Harness Shop of Jons C. Harwich, yon can get tna oesi in the market. Double end Single Haraeas and La- die.'.nd dent's H.ddl.sof sunerior workmunihip. always on hand or mannraslured Io order. Spe cial attention is called to my stock of Collars and llamrs, wbieb are the best In use. I also bavs an assortment of Saddlers' Jlardware, which will be disposed of al reasonable rates. Repairing of all kinds promptly attended to. t,Hn'l forget to call before purchasing elsewhere. Hbcp In Ura ham s Row, Market street, l.srOelil, I'a. May , lSTI-ly. JOHN 11. IIARrt CK. T A DIES' AND GENT'S SATCHELS 4.t P. FULLERTON'S. "1ALL AND EXAMINE the NEW GOODS V at ffJLLIRTWr'.. f durational. CLEARFIELD ACADEMY. A Male and Female High Sohool I Each Department Distinct ant Complete ,lIu Itaolt. , ,v THE roc era sxaiioa af ths present seholaslle year of this Institution will commence on MONDAY, the 1st dav of Mav. 1871. . ' Pupils ean enter at any time. They will he euargea wnn tuition from tne tins ins, enter u the cluse of the Session. The ooarss of iostruetion amhraees every thing inoluded in a thorough, practical and aooomplieb- ad education for both ssxea. TICK MM OK TUITION. Orthography, Roading, Penmanship, Primary Aritlimetie, Primary Geography, and Penoll Drawing, per Session (It weeks).......... 4 10 Grammar, Local A Deasrlptlra Geography, , , Nap Drawing, History, Mental and Writ- ' len Arithmetic and Pencil Drawing U H Algebra, Geometry, Trigonometry, Men suration, Surveying, Natural and Moral Philosophy, Geology, Physiology, Chcm- islry, Rhetoric, Physical Geography. Book Keeping, Botany and Pencil Drawing.... t 01 Latin, Greek and French, with any of the above Branches. , fit 0, Pearl ar Oriental Painting, (24 lessons) 12 (0 Monochromatic Painting, (24 lessons) I 00 Crayon Drawing, (24 lesson.).. 10 ,0 Paucy Hair Work, (24 lessons) It 00 Tapestry ,......,. ( 00 Instrumental Music, (30 Unions)... 10 00 M0"Ho deduotiuu will bo made for absence. Students from a distance ean ha accommodated with boarding at low ratoa. Any ons not a member of tbe school eaa reoelvo private instructions in any of tSa ornamental brauohes. For further parttealars Inquire of or address Her. P. L. HARRISON, A. M-, Feb. i, Principal. MW VAS11IGT0 ACADEMY. G. W, INNES, A. M., Principal. TilC FIRST SESSION of this Institution will commence on Monday, tho 16th day of Usy uvxL (Term, firs months ) Pupils may enter at any time, and will be charged tuition from the time they enter until the close of the session. The course of Instruction will embrace all branches Inoluded In a thorough practical education for both sexes. Vocal Music taught when desired. Good boarding ean be obtained at TURKU DO L LA 118 PKfl WEKK. Parents oan be assured tbat tho ability and energies of the Principal will be 'devoted to the mental and moral training nf those placed under his charge. fesV Terms of Tuition will be moderate, and ean be ascertained by addressing Dr. J. Innei, at New Washington, or tbe Principal, (). W. I noes, at A p polto, Armstrong county, Pa., but who will be at Ktw Washington alter April 1st. New Washington, March 22, 1871 tf. MISS H. S. SWAN'S SCHOOL FOR GIRLS CLEARFIELD, PA. Till SPRING TERM of fourteen weeks, will oommenco Monday, April 10th, 1871. A Primary department will be added to the School this fall : for which the services of a com petent instructor have been engaged- And no effort will be siarcd to rendor this department attractive and instructive. TERMS OF TUITION. Reading, Orthography, Writing, Objsol Les sons, rnmary Ariinuootio ana rrimnry (leographv. $7 00 History, Local and descriptive Geography witb Map Lfrawlng, urammar, Menial and Written Arithmctie t 00 Algebra and tbe Sciences It 00 Instruction ia Instrumental musie 10 00 Oil painting, 24 lessons 11 to Wax work..... I to For full particulars send for Circular. Clearfield, Sept. 7, 1870-lypd. iViin-s 1 vaiiia Railroad TYKOX2 & CLEARFIELD BRANCH. ON and after Monday, M KY 1Mb, 1871, Iwo Passenger Trains will rnn daily (except Sun days) between Tyrone and Clearfield, as lultows: CLEARFIELD MAIL. LEAVE SOUTH. LEAVE NORTH. Clearfield 1.00, r. Tyrone 8.S0,a.. Oaocole... .40, Philipshurg...l0.1ll, " Clearfield 11.10," Philipsburg...4.0:l, Osceola 4.20, Tyrone e.40, " CLEAHFIRI D EXPRESS. LEAVE SOUTH. LEAVE NORTH. Clearfield 4.00 a. Tyrone. 8 60 p. u. Intersection ...7.03 Oscsola ..8.10 l'hillp.l..rg...8.80 ' Clearfield, er...f.S0 Pbilipsharg.. M " Osceola 6.2 ' Intersection- 2.27 " Tyrone 7.40 FARE AND DISTANCES. FROM CLEARFIELD. FROM TYRONE. be "l at Station. a ? Station!. E ? t f Leonard t 10. Intersection 4 14 Woodland 20i Vanscoyoe...... 7 20 Rigler. 8 24 Gardner 20 Wallaccton .....11 84 ML Pleasant.... 11 M Itlne Hall 1.1 40 Summit 14 14 llllllpKburg..lT 5 Sandy 40 Stcinsrs' 18 44 Pcwelltnn ...... 17 44 Duntar 20 M IIscmIi !IO 8S Osceola. 31 nn Dunbar 21 HO Powellton 24 74 Sieiner's 28 4 Sandy Ridgo....!8 80 Phllli.bur(f, To Summit ..........27 - (4 Blue Ball 28 M Ml. Pleasant. ...10 90 Wallaccton.......10 84 Garduer ...S1 tl 00 nigler ............1.1 S Vanaeoyoe 14 1 00 Woodland 84 II 00 Intersection... ..87 1 14 lonard 89 1 10 Tyrone... 41 1 silt Clearfield. ...I I ISO FARE FROM CLEARFIELD, TO Belrefonte, Pa .....8? 04 Mlddletown ti 00 Marietta. ........ 40 Lancaster A 84 PHILADELPHIA 7 94 Lock Haven..., Williamsnort., Huntingdon .., l,cistown. .... ..... t 70 t AO 1 80 I 90 Altoona. i 1 84 I 80 Marysville... 4 40 Johnstown IIAHRIHBURG... 4 74IPITTSBURG 1 14 CONNtiCTIONK. Clearfield Mail North connects from Cincinnati Eipreea West, and Harrisburg Aoeommodation East, ) main line; and Clearfield Mail South cancels with Cincinnati Express East, and Mail West, nn main line, aiso with Bald Ksgle Express Rsst, for Lock Haven, and points West of Lock liareo. Clearfield Express North connects from Mall West, and Cincinnati Express East, aim from Bald Eagle Mail WcA; and ClearAeld Express South eonnects with llarrisburg Aooommodation East, Loeal Passenger West for Altoona and llol lldaysburg Branch, also with Bald Eagle Mail bast, tor Lock Haven and w illiamsport. Taking Clearfield Express South, Philipshurg passongers reach Belleronte and return home the same day, and Clearfield passengers ean reach willtamrport, llarrisburg, or llolliusysburg, ana return the same dev. Passengers for Williamsnort should take Bald Eagle Mail Esat, aod passengers for points West of Lock Haven, on P. A B. R. R., should lake Bald fcagla Express Karl. . ubunun u. wiijitiinn, mvlT-tf. Snperinlendenl, O.: I. c. TlfHERK to hny'my DRY GOODS, ORO M eerier, Queenswarc, Glassware, Drugs and Notions, Confectioneries, Ac, ebeap for cash. The subscriber begs leave to Inform his old and new customers thai be has opened A VARIETY STORE IN GLEN HOPE, PA. And will sell goods at prices to suit the times. A liberal reduction will be made to eustomers buy. Ing at wholesale. Call and examine my stock before purchasing elsewhere. A liberal share of publie patronage la sonciiea. 0. J. KEAGY. Glen Hope, Pa., Jane 14, 1871. rjlllB AMERICAN HOUSE, . CURWENSVILLE, CtRARTIRLD COCRTT, PtRR'a. This long established and popular hotel Is still kept by the subscriber, who sjaroa na effort to pleaM all who patronise him. ''To please," Is ths mottoetthoAmarican House, and all that Is asksd Is a trial. R. W. HKKII, Proprietor, Curwcnsvllle, March 14, 1874 tf. lXlaUTHIX'n) NOTICU.-Whereas.Ut. J l lers Testamentary on theestateof RKHECCA IIUTTIIIU- F, dee d, late of Uloom fp Clearfield Co., Pa., have keen granted totbenndcrslgned,and all persons Indebted tn laid estate are request ed to make Immediate payment, and those having claims against the sains will present then), duly auiosnuoaiea, tor seuiemeni. MARY WHITMAN, Jnef, lfifl tl pnoeerll. ?ru0fi A Dlrdlrlntf. rpH )ATaT Mlr Et THE LATEST MOVE! HARTSWICK & IRWIN'S DRUG STORE, To their new building on Second Street, nearly apposite tha store of Wearer A Datti, ' CLEARFIELD, PA., Whsre they will continue te supply their old mad as many new euatomsrs as may name, with PURE DRUGS! CHEMICALS! PHARMACEUTICAL PREPARATIONS, (Inoladlng all new remedies,) a Patent Medicines, Paints and Oils, Glass and Putty, School Books, Stationery, Paper, Ac.) also, a full line of Drag gilts' Sundries, Hair Tunica, Cosmetics, Perfumeries, Toilet Artioles, Brushes, Toilet Soaps, rocket Boots, c, all of the best quality. PURE WIXES AND LIQUORS, for medical k sasramental purposes only, Pare Whit Lead, Colors of all kinds. Raw and Boiled Linseed Oil, Varnishes, Tarpon, tine, Coal Oil, Paint A Varnish Brushes, Flavoring Extracts, Confect'onerles, Bird Seed, Spice, ground and anground, of all kinds. SMOKERS AND CUEWERS Will find our stock of Chewing .nl fim.tkin TnkuMin. fmnnrtcd and Do mestic Cigars, Snaff and Kin. cot to be of the very best (rsnds In the market. LAMPS AND CHIMNEYS, All kinds of GLASS WARS, GARDEN SEEDS, MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS and Musical Trimmings ef avery variety. Having a lone experience tn the bu'loess, and an extensive and well selected stock of medicines, we are enabled to fill Physicians' prescriptions al the shortest aoliee and oa the most rsasoaabls terms, day and night. IIART8WICK IRWIN. Clearfield, Pa, May II, 1871 tf. Sirdunrr, Hinorr, tc H. F. BIGLER & CO., PBALBaS I sa II A It I W A It JE , Also, Manufacturers of Tin and Sheet Iron Ware. CLEARFIELD, PA. LOT OF SADDLES, 15KIDLES, names), Collars, etc., for tale hy II. F. BIOLER A CO. ALMEU'S PATENT UNLOAD- lag Bay Forks, for sale hy II. F. BIOLER k CO. . QIL, PAINT, PUTTY, GLASS, Nails, ate., for sala hy H. F. BIOLER ft CO. JJaRNESS TRIMMINGS k SI10E Findings, for sale hy v . n. F. BIOLER ft CO. Q-UNS, PISTOLS, SWORD CANES For tale h? II. F. BIOLER A CO. gTOVES, OF ALL SORTS AND Sisss, for Mia hy II. F. BIOLER ft CO. JRONI IRON I IKON I IRON I For aala hy II. F. BIGLER ft CO. II ORSE SHOES A HORSE SIIOE " t' " MAILS, for tale hy II. F BIOLER ft CO. pULLEY BLOCKS, ALL SIZES And hast Manufacture, for salt by II. F. BIOLER ft CO. MUMBLE SKEINS AND PIPE BOXES, for sale j H. F. BIOLER ft TO. JfODDEI. CUTTERS for sulo by (-30-70 II. F. BIOLER ft CO. rpHB LAHKEBT POLB , KNOCKS Till PERSIMMONS, IN CLEM HOPE! James M. Diekny A Co. keep for sala theehcep est Glass-Ware and the beat Tsa in the eounty. Best Silver Drip at ......11 24 Best Bee Hive Syrup at I 00 Best No. 1 Syrup at.. 84 - WANTED. 1,000 pounds Wool and 40,009 2fi-lnrh Shingle), for whioh the highest price will be paid by JAMES M. -DICKEY 4 CO. Glee Hope, May 81 Jm Notice to Creditors! HAVING determined to quit the aereantlls business in Karthans, ootice Is hereby given to sll persons knowing Ibemselrea Indebted to me, either by honk aocunt or note, to make im mediate settlement, as J - desirous to close up my haslness as soon as pe. ,ole. My entire sleek of store goods, consisting of everything usually kept In a oountry store, will ha disposed of at oust, either at wholesale or retail. W, S. SANKEY, Kartbaus, June T, 1STI:4U gILK UAT8-Late)t Spring itylea- ' rit) p. it. tnvnvtrr, urtWur. gBLLIMQ QVV.At COST! ; FOR OAS n I 'I '.x ' '.' '.' '.. "' ' 4 : .1 .' -; ! FU It W.I TiltE I aver afersd In CLEARFIELD I Al tha STEAM CADINFT SHOP, corner Market I and Fifth Stmts, CLEARFIELD, PA. e T The undersigned would announce to the publls that hs has on hsad and is now offering cheap for oasb. the largest slock of Farnllure aver in store In tkit eounty, consisting of -i UpbeUUred Partor Salts, L ' Chamber Setts, ' Eileali Tahiai, ; teereUrles, Baok Caaea, . Bedsteads, '"'Tvt i- , Spring Beds and Mattresses, . t Loaagea and ; Plain A Marble Top Tehlee ft Banana, Cane Seat and Conwan Chain, Rocking Chairs, . Leohlng Glasses, Window Shades, Pietnra Frames, " Cords and Tassels, As. Tie also manufactures and keeps on hand Pat ent Spring Beds, the host ever invented. No faintly should be without them. Any kind of goods not on hand ean ha had on short noli... Upholstering aod repairing neatly executed. , C0FFIN8, of all sixes, ean be had on a hnlf hours' notice, and al the lowest prices. A dedoe .tiaej of 20 per sent made for cash. MBTA LLI0 CASKS, or Rosewood, Walnut snd Cherry Collins, with glass or wood topi, furnished or Ira boars' notice. Personal attendance with hearse, en funeral occasions, and carriages famished wbea desired. Thanking the puWIo for past favors, and by strict personal attention to business, I hope to reoelve a continuance of the same. Remember the place tho Steam Cabinet Shop, oraor of Market and Fifth Streeta. March t9, 71 1y. DANIEL BENNER. HisrrUanrouJ. ANNOUNCEMENT EXTRAORDINARY I I WOULD respectfully annennea to the (HI sent ef CLEARFIELD and flelnlly that I bare epeaed up la tha asw Masonle Building, first door below the Mansion Boats, on Sseond 8treet, with entire new slock f ' WATCHES, CLOCKS & JEWELRY, Of the latest styles and best finish, Sales ted wltk oan. I have aa assortment from all the latest novelties la Jewelry, suits hie for tht Holldsys. A large stock of America Watches from the factories of Appletca, Tracy at Co. at Walt ham, Mass., aad tka National Watek Company at Elgin, III., In from to I os. eassa, alwaya tn kand, and warranted. Thankful for your liberal patronage, I hope, by strict attention to huslnsss, to sj.eril a continuance of ba same. , Alt kinds ef repairing In my line promptly attended to. S. I. SNYDER. December lit, 87t. II ATS AND CAP8I AND Hoota and Nlioes! JUE PLACE TO GET Hats & Caps, Boots & Shoes, IS AT FILLEBT0YS NEW STORE! Oae door north or new Masonic Building, CLEARFIELD, PA. The largest stock of goods la this line ever brought Into the eounty, ia now open for tha in spection af the public, and will be sold at tho Very Lowest Cash Price) I Also, a splendid assortment of GENT'S FUR NIMH Ml HOODS, eonsliting of Shirts, Collars, Neckties, Handkerchiefs, Gloves, Underwear, Ac. A large stock of CARPETS and OILCLOTHS, wkich will be disposed of at astonishingly low rirlees. A liberal share or patronage ia rcspect ully solicited. T-DON'T FAIL TO CALL.- Store on Second St., below Market, Clearfield, Pa. 41:71 D. R. FULLERTON. DINTALCAED. Dr. a. m. niLi,s Wonld say to his patients and the pub- lie genorally, that, having diisolved partnership wi'h Dr. Shaw, he is now doing the entire work of his office himself, so thai pstisnts need not fear being pat under the hands or any other operator. Having obtained a reduction or tbe patent oa the plate material, I am enabled to put up teeth much cheaper than formerly. I alia have Dr. Stuck') patent process for working rubber plates, which make a muck lighter, mora elastic and stronger plate for tbe same amount or materiel, aad pol ishes the plate on both sides, rendering It much more easily hept clean. Special attention paid lo the preservation or the natural teeth, and all work guaranteed entirely satisfactory to patients. ulTOnVe at the old corner, opposite the Shaw House. Office hours from 8 to 11, a. tn. and 1 to 4, p. m. Patients from a distanoa thould notify me a few days beforehand or their Intention lo oome. Always al bone, uutess other notice ap. pears In both the county papers. fhl4'7t Fight In (.len Hope Over! ALL FREE AGAIN! ' AND THE MONEY PAIDI tinLLIAM S. DICKEY take, thit method ar Iff tnrnrminf hit numerous friends and eus tnmers thai he has sold out bis entire stock or Store Goods In Glen Hops to James M. Dickey a Co., and to thank his rriends and enatomers ror their liberal patronage while in business In Glen Hope, end asks a share ror the new firm, who Intend keeping a first-class Dry Goods and gen eral variety store. Their stock will consist In part ef Ladies' A Gent') Fancy Mats, Ladles' Hose, from Its to 30 cents. Ladies' Dress Goods, a full line, Notions of all kinds, Csssimsrss, m full line, Jeans aad Octtonedee, Al pacas and Lustra, 4Uo. to $1.10 per yard, Alpaoas, beauties, at 10 cents per yard, Ladies' Fancy Gaiters, ' a full Una, No. IGailarsal 2.24, , good al 11.74, a full line of ( Ladirs' dhoes, Misaos'and Chil dren's Shoes, Ladies'ripring Shswls, Chignons an! Silk Curls, Perfumery and Hair Oils, Muslin and Calico from In lie. No. I Calico, 9 cards fr Sl.OA, Confectioneries, a fujl tine, French end Tin Toys, No. 1 Gro- oeries, ror country trade. Ia rant a full line of fancy and prime goods, to suit ear trade. We Intend selling on a eash or short credit system, snd we know our eustomers will profit ay' It. All kinds of oountry produce taken In exchange ror goods. WANTED. No. I Fresh Butter, ,000 elgh-teon-lneh Shinglee, hv count, 1,000 Sheep Pelts, Beer Hides aud Cair Skins, for which tha highest market prloe will be paid. 4pG(ra as a trial before you purchase your goods. We will give you bargains. JAMCS M. DICKEY, ft 00. Glen Flops, Pe., May 17, 117 l-4m. AIMI NISTR ATM V NOTIOtVNotlce Is hereby glren thai letters of administration un tht estate of JOHN TROY, dearatod, late of Deealnr township, Clearfield aaanty, Peons., baring been duly granted lo the undorsigned, all persons indebted to said estate will please make payment, and Ihoae having elalms or dsmanda wilt preevot local properly autnenitoaieu tor Dement. SU 6ANNA11 TROY, June T, 1871 At.pd Administratrix. BLANK CONSTABLE' HALE4J FOR eah ft Ms effe. 1871. STRING GOODS! The First of tbe Season 1, . , t ' ' The Cheapest in this Market v BUY! BUY I! BUY!!! OF KRATZER & LYTLE, Your Dry Goods, Year Window Carlaiaa, Your Groceries, . Yoar Carpets, Your llardware, ' Yotr Oilelalke, Your Queentwara, Tear Wall Papers, Your Notices, Yew Rata, Your Boolt A Shoes, Your Cap), Your Leather, Year Carpet Chela, Yoor Shoe Findings, Your Stores, Your Flour and Fish, ' Your Bason and Feed. SALT I SALT I SALT! at wholesale la country merohanta. . OILS, PAINTS, GLASS, At. A liberal dis count to builders. Everything thst yon need can be had at great advantage to the buyer, at KRATZER A LYTLB'S, Market street, " ' CLunriRtB, Pt , opposite the. JaiL, f t SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT! I HAVE tbii tiny auoelat with In th. merefttittl buiincit mr brother, Robert Rned. nit th baincM will b eootiouetl under thi RRBD BROTH R ft ft. W will continue to maka tli TYy4tWok ud Notion baiintM u, fpmlitltr, nnd all tb nwtt fabrics and lattut ooTtltici in tha market will be kept on hand. The Branch Store lo Curwtniville will be on- tlnned, where will be found aa eholoe a line of foodi as at our melo itore in Clearfield. Now RprinK goodi will bo on haod about the lam or marcn. - - The book aoeoantiofWrn. Reed will btpromptl ana inmeanuij hium. Wil. REED. Clearfield, Pa., Marah 8, 1171. pBACK IN EUBQPEJ - BtT GIIEAT EXCITEMENT IN FRENCHVILLE I The bloodr eonteit between Praneeaod Pruiiia U at an end for tl.e preient, to fr ai the ileajrb tering of men and I be dfiatroetion of proprty U consented. The Royal Jngtrlera ne doubt pride thmelrea and rejotoe over the mult, but how iniigni 1.01, t is their work wbea compared with tlie humane and ehristian enorti oi L. M. COUDEIET, . -who has nndertaken to supply all the citlieni io tbe lower end or tbe count with rood and raiment at xeeHinir, low rates from his mammoth store tn MIU.KUNIH H(j. where he ean always be found ready to wait upon eallers and supply them with Dry Goods of nil kluds, Such a) Cluthl, Satinetts, Ca.simrrrt, Muslins, Delaines, Linen, Drillings, Cftlteocs, Trimmings, Ribbons, Lace, Ready-made Clothing, Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps all of the beat material aad made to order Hose, Rooks, Gloves, Mittens, Laces, Ribbons, Ac GROCERIES OF ALL KINDS.' Coffee, Tea, Sugar, Rice, Molasses, Fish, Bait, Pork, Linseed Oil, Fish Oil, Carbon Oil. llardware, Queenswarc, Tinware, Ca. tings, Plows and Plow Castings, Nails, Hpikea, lorn cutttra lors, Cider Presses, and all kinds of Aies. Perfumery, Paints, Varnish, Glass, and general assortment or Btallonery, GOOD FLOUR, Of different brands, always en kand, and will ho sold at the lowest possible figures. LIQUORS, such ns Brandy, Wine, Gin, Whisky, Jayne's Medieinee, Hoststtcr's and Hoofland's Bittera. tOOfi pounds of Wool wanted for which the highest price will be paid. CloTersecd oa hand and for sale at tht lowest market price. Also, Agent for RlrattonvUle and Carwensvllle Threshing Machines. fc.Cell and sec ror yourselves. Yon will find everything u.ually kept in n retail alore. L. M. COUDRIET. Frenchville P. 0., March 1. 1871. gACKETT CIIRVVI:R, MlltU l HOLDING HARDWARE, Also, manufacturers of Tin and Sheet Iron Ware, Nearly opposltt the Jail, CLEARFIELD, PA. ' Carpenters and Builders will find II tn their advantage to aiamlne ur ttoek heron purchasing else whsre. STOVES I 8TOVES I We sell the TIMES COOK STOVE, the cheap est and best store In the market. Irery stove fully warranted. ALSO, PARLOR, DEATIhO, and RAFTING STOVES 1 which will be told at cheap at any In tht county. Oa Strict attention paid ordering articles lor par tic) who desire It. jSjsj-Roofing, Spouting and Job work done nn reasonable terms. Clearfield, Pa, April 12, 1871. S. PORTER SHAW, D. D. S., aweswa Oillce In Masonic Building, SM CLEARFIELD, PA. Putting or the natural teeth in a healthy, pre servative and useful condition ia made a specialty. Disesses and malformations common to lbs mouth, Jaw and assoclats parts, are treated and corrected with fair success. Ekaminatlons and consulta tions rnnlt. Prices ror partial and fall sole nf teeth much lower than tn IB7U. It wonm oe wen for patient) from a distance tn let ns knew by mall a rew days before onming to the office. It Is very important that children between the agrs or alt and twelvyeare should have r.elr leeih eiamlned. By Anl'sthsiis Teeth re removed without pain. frbl5'71 J. M. STEWART, D. D. 8., -qw. . tw Offlnt nvtr Irwin') Drug Store, ami CURWENSVILLE, PA. All dental operations allher la the meohaaleal or oporatiro breach, Broarptly attended 10 aad settslaetioa guaranteed. Special attention paid te tht treatment of diesases of the aelarel teeth, gams and mouth. Irregularity of tbe taeth sua eesefully corrected. Teeth estreated without pain by the use nf Elber, and artificial teeth inserted of the best malarial and warranted te render sat ll fact lot. prll20'7l:ly TimTicea 4k constauti:' vkkm. We have printed a large number of the new KER BILL, and wlH a the receipt ef twenty five eenta. mall B aowy la anv address. mv28 -FoTECKTIRS-Tka very latest tlyl.s- 4 ' P, R. rrUFITWP- 1871.-- Sr0 Cwrrlri, tf. 4 9, WltTllwsi.aMiHitMMIrlssi .. tfo W. Tl. WEAVEH A BETTg - ' CLEARFIELD, PA., Art oOtrlag, at Ike old sued of 0. L. Beed A Co, their alack of goods, eooilitiog of DRY - GOODS, GROCERIES, BOOTS A InOBS, HATIe CAPS. HARDWARE, QUEINBWARI, FLOUR, FEED, SALT, &o., 4o., At the meat reasonable rates for CASH or la ozobaaga for Square Timber, Boards, Shingles, OS COUNTRY PRODUCE. jaWF Advances made to those eagaged ia get. ting out square timber oa the most udvautagcous terms. January fi, 1870. . B. aanoLB... ,.w. boss aiuTinoai. "Cheaper than the Cheapest T GOODS AT REDUCED rRICES JOST BICIIVBB BT ... Arnold A llartnliorn, (Ont door west of First Rational Bank,) CURWENSVILLE, PA. HAVING Juit returned from the s with a 'tomplete assortment of Goods suitable ror Spring and Summer trade, wt art ate) ready to furnish all kinds of Goods "Cheaper than the Cheapest I" And after thanking oar customers for their liberal patroaage during Iht past ysr, we would most rssi octfully ask for a continuance of Iht tamt. Our Stock consist of a complete ttsortment of Dry Goods, Notions, Hardware, Queenswara, Wlllowware, Groceilet, Boot) ef Shoes, nets A Caps, Clothing, Tubsccos, At. Alto, Flour, Bacon, Salt, Fish, Grata, etc. All cr whlth will be sold on the most reasoa ahls terms, and ths highest maikat price paid for Grain, Wool and all kinds or Lumber aad Country Produea. Bji-pleaia girt ut a calt hcror. pnrrhastng elrcwbtrt, Satlifactioa gaarantsed as te price and quallty.-a) ARNOLD A HARTSHORN, Corner of Main and Thompson Streets, spr?0 CURWENSVILLE. PA. P. T. I. "For thy Stomach's Sake and thine other Infirmities." St. Paul. BR. BOYER'S ri re WEST BRANCH BITTERS. Asaft, part, pleasant and health-giving Tonic strictly vegetable, and manufactured from the most pare and choice material) 1) not a spirit drink nor substitute for whisky, but a scientific compound, for the protection of the system and the care of disease, made from chemically pure spirits, entirely free from fusil oil or other irrita ting properties, and will not disagree or offend the most delicate stomach. A long private eipcri enee has attested It) Superiority over all Ordinary Remedies. No Bitter) at present offered to the public contains as much medicinal virtue, and yet ao safe and pleasant to take. Its use is to cure disease, aod it will not creels an appetite for spirituous Honors, but will care the effects or dissipation. To increase Iht Appetite, VSR IT. To promote Diffeatien, USE IT. To cure Dyspepsia, USE IT. To core Fever and Ague, USE IT. To core BlUiousnese, USB IT. To cure Constipation, USE IT. To curt Chronic Diarrhrra, USB IT. To cure Ilrart-burn, USE IT. To euro Flatulence, USB IT. To care Aoid Eraotntlens, USB IT. To cure Nervous Debility, USE IT. To euro Ilydoohondria, USE IT. To cure Sallownrss of Completion, USE IT. To ear Pimples and Blotches, USB IT. For Osneral Prostration of tha Physical power, USE ITK aad it will cure yon. Sold everywhere, at $1.00 per bottle, Mann factnred siolusively by A. I. SHAW, Drnggllt, CLEARFIELD, PA., Who effort liberal Indacemeslt to the trade. Oct Ji, 188:tf. MiliBLE AND STONE YARD! Mrs. S. 8. LID DELL, Having engaged la tht Marble business, desires lo Inform her friends and ths public tbat shs has bow and will keep constantly on hand a large and well selected stock of ITALIAN A ND VERMONT MARDLE, and I) prepared lo furniih to order TOMBSTONES, - BOX AND CRADLE TOMBS, MONUMENTS, Curb) and Pot) for Cemetery Lot), Window Sill) aad Cap), alio, BUREAU, TABLE AND WASII STAND TOPS, e At. 'Jem, Yard CB Seed ttrccl, near the R. R. Depot, Clearfield, Pa. Je7,7l ISAAC K. STAUFFER, t WATCH KR, JEWr.LRV, 148 North Second St, cor. of Quarry, PHILADELPHIA. Aa aarortment af Watchce, Jewelry, Sllrer and Plated Ware constantly oa hand. Repairing ef Wstahsj'apd Jewelry promptly attended lo. I 29y ' i ':V Clearfield County. Bank. rpHI Clearfield County Btak at as laeorporo. X tod taatltBtloa has goat cut of oilrteaee hr tho surrender of tta tbaiUr, aa May It, lfifie, All Ila Block is owaed, by the subscriber., who will aoatrnaa Iht Banking business al Ika tassa place, at private Bankers, coder lha lira aaaaa oi tho MClearfield County Bank." Wtart ra. tpontibltforlhe debit al Hie Bank, and will po u notes oa aemaaa at ue concur, vepoelis received aad latsrest oaM when mono la left fa a lied time. Paper discounted at sis per coat, as Dvreioiore. uur personal mpoaaibfltry id pledged for all Depoeltt received end basiaett trans. cud. A eontluueaet or the liberal psl ronege of tbe business men of tbe eounty la re rpectlally solicited. At President, Caablsr tad eOcera or the lata Cleaifield County Bank, wt require the notes af raid lisLk to be preset led for redemption. J AS. T. LEONARD, P-ICIIABD SHAW, WM. PORTER, JA8. B. GRAHAM, A. K. WRIGHT, 0. L. RRED, WM. A. WALLACE. Tha business or tho Bank will be conducted hy John M- Ademt., Esq,., at Caahler. Jua28, at J. D. M'fllrlr. PJ...J pw. BAN1QNQ & COLLECTION HOUSE McCIRK 4 PERKS. Suoccssort to Foiter, Pork), A Co., PhlllpiDurg;, Centra Couuty, Pa. WHERE all tbe bualnrsa oft Banking Roaaa wll oo transacted promptly and upon tha tnot favoraol. tsvma County National Bank. CLEARFIELD, PA. THIS Bank Is now open and ready for hest OEea oa Second street, la tho build ing formerly occupied hy Leonard. Finney A C, DtancTOnt am orrtcant. 'Aft. B. GRAHAM, RICHARD SHAW WM. A. WALLACE, WM. PORTE, A. K. WRIGHT, GEO. L. REED. W. M. SHAW. Ji T Immsa Ja2,fij Cashier. Presids'nt UUrrllanrous. BoggsTowiistlilp Awake GREAT EXCITEMENT AT THOMAS BEERS'SI J EVERYBODY trying te get there first, for fear J of being crowded oul lute tbt told. If you want good Shoeing done, go to Bsaitt. If you want your SIsCs ironed right, go to Brras. Ifyoa went good Mill Irons, go to Beans. Ir yoa want your wagon Ironed is ths best styls and workmaaship, go to Banna, lease makes the best Stump Mschlne In tha State, and does all kinds of BLACKSMITH ING ns cheap as can ke done In the eounty for Cask. My Post OSes address Is Clesrllald Bridge. THOMAS BKkRi Boggs Tp., Deo. 1, 187-tr. Cheap Furniture. JOHN GULICII DESIRES le inform kis old frlend'r end cue. tomert, that having enlarged hit shop aad increased his facilities for menutaetortng, ao it now prepared to make to order such Furniture aa may be desired, in good ttylt aad at ebeap reus for CASH. lie generally has aa hand, al his Purniturt rooms, a varied aseortmeat or ready, made rurBiture, among which era BUREAUS AND SI DE-BOARDS. Wardrobes and Book-Csses; Centra. Sofa, Parlor, breakfast and Dining Eltcasioa Tablet; Coat-mun.Freneh-pn.t, Cottage, Jontiy-Lind and other Bediteads Sofaa of all kinds, Wcrk-tlende, Hat-racks, Wash-staadtl Rocking and Arm Chairs spring-feet, cane bottom, parlor, eont mon and other Chairs; Looking-Glasset of tvery description on heod i and new glasses for old framss, which will he put in en very reaoeoabla term) on )bortest notice, ne nlso keep, on band or furnl.bes to crd-r, Ccrn-buik, 11 sir tad Ccl-toB-top Maitressel. CoFriNd of Evr.RY Kind Mads to order, and funerals attended witb a Hearse whenever desired. Also, House Ptlnting dose to order. Tbe tubseriber also f,".e turee, and has eonstsntly 03 hand, Clement'a Pstsnt Washing Mechino, the best now Is nso I Tboss using this msehine never need ho with out elesn elothes! He also hat Flyer's Patent Cburn, a superior article. A family naiag thil Cburn never need be without batter I All tho above and many other article! are far nishsd to customers cheap for Cass or egel-snged forspproved country produce. Cherry, Maple, Poplar, Liowood and other Lumbar suitable for Cabinet work, taken in ixohange for furniture tr-Remember the shop Is on Marker street, Clearfield, Pa., and aoarly opposite the "Old Jew Store." JOHN UULICU. November It, 1881 y READING FOR ALL 1 1 OOA'S fe STATIONERY. Market St., Clearfield, (at the Post Office.) FIIIIE undersigned begs leave to anneunoa lo J. the eititens of Clearfield and vicinity, that he hes fitted np a room and has just returned from the city with a large amount of rending alter, rensisting in part of BibleB and Miscellaneous Books, Blank, Account nnd Pass Bock) of arery dt teription ; Paper aad Envelope), Frenek pressed and plaint Pans and Pcneilst Blank, Legal Pvpers, Deeds, Mortgsges ; Judgment, Elemp tion and Promissory notes White and Parch menl Brief, Legal Cap, Record Cap. and Bill Cap , Sheet, Muaie for either Piano, Flute or Violin constantly on band. Any books or statlonsry deaired that I may sot have on hand, wil) bs or ordered by first oiprest, and sold at whole.alo er retail lo salt customers. I will also kssp periodical llltratart, suck as Magesines, Nsws. papers, Ao. P. A. GAULIN. . Clearfield Msy 7, 18(18. tf DAVID YOUNG, Stone-Culler and Stone-Mason, I7ILIj tiveaU all work In till Un tt nod era' pho ud ia FIH8T-CLAB8 iljl. Arctitectural Ornaments Is ALL STYLES, Ptoo Drttttfng of tj dcieripifoB, and )! kindf of aiftion work om trptdfor hi nrftatof tb oniity. Any pcriort wifbitig to hT mppptnkU wiitM work ftivd tone-cuttioi dose, will And it to their Uurftt to coll upoa no I woold alro tttform tb pak lT5 thft I n drllrer ony qaontlty or elui cf toot dotlrod, Bt I am tho owner of ft FIRST-CLASS STOXE QUARRY. Orders for work eaa bo addressed lo DAVID YOUNG. merM,7 Clearfield Pa. The Lightning Tamer. TUB ondrrtlftod Bro tbt tolo Agonta In thU ntr for tbo ''North Aioertctn UaWtnlird LKiHTNIttO R0T9." T itr. tbotnlriofo rodi now in m, and ara t adoratd by all tbo irlpBlila ippb In ibt ewantry. W karrtty antlfr tha eitltani of tha foaatv that we will f ut thcai ap a butter rod. d lor Irn bioopt, lhaa It ekarged b? tha feral fa genu bo aitamllt trararaa tho county aad uarry of aur little raah, eerer to re torn. ENCOURAGE HOMR LABOR. Thoia wihlnn Llfthti.lnt Rode ertwied ob their bai'dingi sed but eddreM Bt my leitar, or cell to yrreoB. We will put tbvn tipanyobero In thr county, aoo warrant them. The Rod and rtttarMeaa be teen at any time by railing al oar itore. II K. IUQLLH A CJ. Clearleld, Marek . XtU V Clearfield Nursery. EXCOUKAGE HO.ME INDUSTRY. THR Bftderriffnfd, baring ertabllehed ft Nut eery oa (he 'Pike, ahoot half way botwrea ClMrftflld and Curwvnavllle, ir prepared to fur alab ell tHnda of FRUIT Tilt Kd. fitat.riard and dwarf,) Bwergreena, 8hrtjhbery, Orape Vineii OofW r her riei, l.atoa Blackberry, 8traherryt and Raaborry Vlneo. Alro, Mheriaa Crab Treoe, Qaineo. end early aeirlet Hhubarb, da. Order a promptly attended tn. Addnae, J. 1. VRtatlT. epjfl M.f Curwenivllle. Pa THE CLEARFIELD WOOD-CHOPPEaS' AXE! Manufactured especially for THE CLEARFIELD TRADE, res taut ar H. P. Bmt.KR CO. ao,l'?D JJtKSUO) TOWNBIIIP A8TIHI II yoa want a good Librla Wagoa, ialibed Bp la worknjaalike meaner, go to Msy II, 1871-tf BEERS ',
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers