ft TUB "fLURFIELD REPUBLICAN rnuuu sriar wniraisAT, tr O00DLANUE1 da 1IACERTY, CLEARFIELD, PA. ESTABLISHED I If 18T. Tb lirjeit Circulation of any Newspaper U North Central Pennsylvania. Terms of Subscription. If paid In adranoe, or wlthia 3 months.... M OO If paid after end before month, SO If aiid ofUr the expiration or month,... 3 (H) Bates ot Advertising, Transient advertisements, per square of 10 linea or ,n, 3 times or I ell $ x For each lubaequent tntartton 60 AdmlDiitratori' and Eiooatora' notices- S 60 Aaditora' notieea. .......... 2 ftO Ceationi and Eatrsy, 1 50 Dliaolatton notieea .. o.s Profemi'tnal Carda, 1 year ...., I 00 Xecal notloee, par Una . JO YEARLY ADVERTISEMENTS. 1 iquare. M 00 I column. ....131 00 J aeuares ..IS 00 I ) column 4i 00 aquarai.. ......... JO 00 1 column, . 00 00 Job Work. BLANKS. Single uuir-......2 " 6 ouiroe, pr. quire, I 5 S quirea, pr, quire, I 00 I Orer 6, per quire, 1 60 HANDBILLS. iiheei,Korleie,tl 00 I t sheet, 2 er less, 00 1 lheet,25 or leia, S 00 I aheet,i or lew, 10 00 Orer 36 of each of above at proportion rates, flFOROK It. Olinpi.ANDER, OEUKU8 BaUKRTY, (Cards. wiliiam a. wtiiti rasaa sibldiso. WALLACE & FIELDING, ATTORN EY8 - AT LA W, ClearBeld, Pa. jrC-Lern busineaa of all kinds attended to with promptness and fidelity. Omoe in rraidence of William A. WiIIhi. Janl2:70 A. W. WALTERS, ATTORN EV AT LAW, Clearfield, Pa. vOllloa la the Court Iloute. decS-ly H. W. SMITH, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, JeJI Clearfield. Pa. 1, ISRAEL TEST, ATTORN R Y AT LAW, Clearfield,' Pa. ey-Offloe In the Court Houae. JyllfT JOHN H. FULFORD, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Clearfield, Pa. OSoa oa Market St., oer Joseph Shewori1 ' flroeery store. -Prompt attention given to the securing ii nounry. i;ieime, c, and to all legal buainess. jiarco so, inor-iy. tioi. i. a'cnuoron. wv. v. u cvLLoroa. T. J. McCULLOUGH & BROTHER, ATTORN KYH AT LAW, Clearfield. Pa. Oflea oa Market rtreel one door eaet of the Clear- Raid County Bank. 3:1:71 J. B. McENALrLY, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Clearfield. Pa. fSJLeiral bniineea altemlcd to promptly with fidelity. Offioe on Second atreet, ahnve the Firlt National Bank. :!i:7Mypd ROBERT WALLACE, ATTORNEY - A T - LAW, Wallare'on, Clearfield County, Penn'a. EaVAII legal busioeu promptly attended n. i. r. lariK., d. u aaiaa IRVIN & KREBS, Sueoeeanra to H. B. Swoope, Law and Collection Office, 3i)'70 CLEARFIELD, PA. WALTER BARRETT, ATTORNEY AT LAW. 09W on Second St., Clearteld, Pa. ni31,n JOHN L. CUTTLE, ATTORNEY AT LAW. And Real Relate Afcent. Clearfield, Pa. Otiee oa Third itreat, bat Cherry i Walnut, frar-Reepeetfully offer, hit eervlrei In eellinc and buying landf la Clear! eld and adjoining eountiea and with aa experience o' over twenty j.n ai a mrrernr, (altera himeelfthat ha aan f.nder latlafaetlon. Feb. IS:'S:tr, J. J. LINGLE, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, 1:11 Oneeola, Clearfield Co., Pa. y:pd J. BLAKE WALTERS, REAL ESTATE BROKER, , IKS la4LF I Haw Iiogs mid liiiniber, CLEARFIELD, PA. Real E'tata bought and eold, tltlee examined, taxei paid, and conveyance! prepared. OAlee in Maeonie Boilding, Room No. 1. 1:35:71 John H. Orrla. C. T. Alexander. ORVIS & ALEXANDER, A'lTOI NKYS AT LAW. nellefnnte. Pa. epll,'i-y DR. T. J. BOYER, PllYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Offloe on Market Street, Clearteld. Pa. jaar-oflioa houra: I to 13 a. m , and 1 to I p. n. D R. W. A. MEANS, FiIYSICIAN A SURGEOxV, LUTHERSBIIRO, PA. Win attend profeeilonal oa.lla promptly. angl0'70 DR. AI THORN, TIIYSICIAN & SURGEON, HAVING lieatrd at Kylertown, Clearteld eo. Pa., offer hit proreelional eervioei to the epcopte oftheeurroundingeountry, Sept. SO.'OO-y DR. J. F. WOODS, PH YrilCIA N 4 8 U RO EON. Vavlng removed to Anaonville, Pa., offer, ''n profeeaional aervioes to the pooi, of that plaee and the eorreundingooaatry. Ail ealla promptly attended to. Dee, I 0m pd. I.1h.11jn'e7m"dT PHYSICIAN & SURGEON, HAVINtt loeated at Penntleld, Pa., offeri hli proreaeional eerrion to the people of that plaee and aarrouadiiig oountry. All calli promptly attended to oet. la If. DR. J. P. BURCHFIELD, Lete Srgeoa of the 8.ld Regiment, Pennsylvania Volant. era, having returned frvai the Army, effer, hie profeaalonal aarrlea, to tb,eitlieaa or b'learoeld sosnty. tasy Profet rional sail, promptly alien lad to. OSee oa Heeond .treat, formerlyeeeaaied by Dr. Wood,. (apr4,'00-tl JEFFERSON LITZ, PHYSICIAN A SURGEON, nAVINO located at Oaeaola, Pa., offer, hi, profeaalonal aervlcea to the pspla of that plaee and eurroandiog soantrr. taavAII aall, promptly attended to. On.ee and reaidenea aa Cartla st, formerly eeeupied ay ur. Kilns. (Hay, l:ty. Fishing Tackle I . T U8T reeelrad. a anmnleta aanrf manl. annilit' O Ing of Trout Rods, Vitk Basketa, Lines and wis, of au arseripttfins, at - HAKRY F. I1IQLER 4 CO'B. W1-V April IIITt si GO0DLANDER & HAGEETT, VOL 4 1-WH0LE NO. Cards. F. K. ARNOLD & Co BANKERS, La.llien.bare;, Clearfield ssmiily, Pa. Money loaned at reaionHhle rateif exohange bought aad mid; depoilti received, and a gen earl banking business will be oarried on at the aoovapiaoe. 4:12:Tl:tf JOHN D.THOMPSON, Justify of the Paaoa and Serirener, Curwetisville, Pa. $.Colleetiona made and money promptly paw over, lehxx 7lir JAMES C. BAERETT, Jnitleo of tbo PeaM ao4 LleenetMl Conveyaaeer, l.tUheriibiirg, Clearfield Co., Pa " XColleotioB. remit taneee promptly made, no Mi ainua or iej.il inftrotaenu executed on tiort not ico. may4(7Uir GEORGE C. KIRK, J of U oe of tho Peeoe, Surveyor and Convoy anew. LutheraDurg, Pa. All buiineia in t rifted to bin will be promptly at lea dad to. Person wishing to etniiluy a enr- vayor will do well to rive him a call, m b flatten binaelf thai ha can render eatiifactioa, lieed- of oonveyaooe, artiolea of agreement, and all legal papen. promptly aad neatly executed. marSOyp HENRY RIBLING, HOCSfl, SIGN k ORNAMENTAL PAINTER Clearfield, Pei.n'a. Tho freaeoinr and painting of ehnrchei and other public buildinira will receive particular attention, an well at tbe painting of oarnaget and lei r hi. Uilding done in the neatest ilylea. All work warranted. Shop on Fourth atreet, formerly occupied by Require Sbugart. ootlV'T G. H. HALL, PRACTICAL PUMP MAKER, NEAR CLEARFIELD, PENN'A. JT-wPumpt at way a on hand and made to order on hurt notieo, Pipei bored on reasonable terms. All work warranted to render satisfaction, and del ire red if desired. ny2&;lypd DANIEL M. DOHERTY. BARBEE & HAIR DEESSER, SECOND STREET, jy3 CLEARFIELD, PA. ti DAVID REAMS, SCniVENER&SUilVEYOJl, I.ulhernburg, Pa. ril H E subscriber offers bis serf ices to the public 1 in toe capacity or oonvener anu surveyor All calls fur survey tog promptly attended to, and the making of drafts, deeds and other legal instru ments of writing, executed without delity. and warranted to bo correct or no charge. 1 2:70 SURVEYOR. fTMlE undersigned offers his services as a Bur X veyor, and may bo found at his residence, In Lawrence township. Letters will roach him di rected to Clearfield, Pa. may 7-tf. JAMES MITCHELL. J. A. BLATTENBERQEE, Claim and Collection Office, OSCEOLA, Clearfield Co., Pa. jr-iJConveyaneing and all legal papers drawn with accuracy and dispatch. Diafts on and pas sage tickets to and from any point In Europe proourea. ocro 70 ota CHARLES SCHAFER, LAGER BEER RREWEK, Clearfield, Pa. TTAVING rented Mr. En t res Drewerr he XX hopes by strict attention to business and the manufacture of a superior article of REEK to reoeiro tho patronage of all tho old aad many new customers. Aug. 25, tf. THOMAS H. FORCEE, DBALSa 1 GENERAL MERCHANDISE, GRAIIAMTON, Pa. Also, extenalva manufacturer and dealer In Sqnare Timber and Hawed Lumber of all klnda. IMf-Orders soltelted and all bills promptly lied. (jjla-ly 010. Al.ar.RT nrtanr AianBT... w. ALir.ar W. ALBERT- BROS., Manufaeturera A extensive Dealera in Sawed Lumber, Square Timber, &c, wuuiiLAKu, run 1. VOrders solicited. Rills tilled oa short notice and reasonable terms. Address Woodland P. 0., Clearfield Co., Ta. Je3i-ly W ALIIEItT A BROS. FRANCIS COUTRIET, MERCHANT. Frenehvllle, learlleld County, Pa. Keep, constantly on hand a full assortment of Dry Uooae, Hardware, Urooerica, ana everything uaually kept in a retail store, which will be will, for cash, a. cheap aa elaewhere in the county. rrencnvnie, June Ji, mnT-iy. REUBEN" HACKMAN, House and Sign Painter -and Paper Hanger, Clearfield, Penn'a. VfuWlll avenuta jobs In hlrline promptly and in a workmanlike manner. ar rt,67 . J. K. BOTTORF'S PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY, Market Street, Clearfield, Pa. Ts-CR0MOS MADR A SPECIALTV.-ej. NEOATIVKS made la eloady as well aa In clear weather. Conatantly on hand a good aaaortment of FRAMES, STEREOSCOPES and STEREOSCOPIC VIEWS. Frames, from any atyleuf moulding, made to order. apr38 tf J. MILES KRATZER, MERCHANT, DIALS, 11 ' , t Dry Goods, Clothing, Hardware, Cutlery, Querneaare, Orocerlea, Provlaloo, and Shingles, - . , , , Clearfield, Penn'a. f fr4hk their s.watoreroom, 00 Second atreet, near II. F. Blgler A lo's llardwsrs store JanM j. aoLLowsuea a. savib cAaar. H0LL0WBUSH & CAREY, ' BOOKSELLERS, Iilnnk Knok 'iHaiiufaclurers, AND STATIONERS, , 1 ' 2IS Jtlarktt St., I'hiladtlpMa. kas, Taper "Flour Sacka and Rags, Fool.enp, T ..... . . I a Wmnni.. I .1 . i n . U'.ll 1'aperS. ferrlt.70 lypd . A Notorious Facl! THERE are mora people troubled with Lng Diseases In this town than any olherplafre o us ! tn the Btnle. One of the great causes of this Is, the use of an Impure article of Coal, Isrgely mi led with sulphur. Now, why not avoid all this, and preeorva your lives, by uiing only llaaiphre'o Celebrated Coal, free Inm all impurities. Orders left at tho stores of Richard Mossop and Jamos B. Graham A Boas will rootlv prompt atUotloa. ABRAHAM HUMPHREY. Clearfield, November .tf, 1870 tf. . DREXEL & CO., No. ti Routh Third Rlreet, Philadelphia ' n.t.VsVCR.f, And Dealers in Government Securities. Applicatioa by mail will ieivt prompt aMen tlon, and all luforautrea ahaarfally fornieheela Orders soJisteej. - . . April 11-tf. Publishers. 2223. THE REPUBLICAN. CLEARFIELD, Pa. ; WEDNESDAY M0RN1NO. JUNK 31, 171. DRESSING FOR CHURCH. flee anybody heard the bell 1 Ton have I dear me I 1 know full well ' J 'II never dreaa in time For mercy sake, oomo help me, Laos, I'll make my toilet very api-aoe . Tliii ailk is quite aublluie, . . - Here, leee thla gaiter fhr me do ; -A hole I" you aay t plague take the ahoei rieaae, Lucie, try and hide It, Juat think, it'a Sunday, and my aoul, I cannot wear It with a hole, The men will aurely spy it. They're always peeping at our feet, (Tho to be aure, they needn't peep, The way we hold onr dreaaea ;) I'll di.appoint them, though, to-day, "And eroje mjaclf" pray did you eav t Don't laugh at my diilreiaca. Now, Lade, tlx my waterfall IN) you think it large I ain't It too email 1 What bother tboae thing! give I My rata and mica, do they act atraight t Plraae hurry. Lucie, I know I'm late "There's Willie I" as 1 live, How splendidly the ailk will ruatle I Pleaae band my aelf-ailjuating battle. My corset end my hoop. There, now, I'll take Are skirts or liz t Do hurry. Luair, help me Hi, You know I cannot stoop, ".low shall I say my prayers to-day V As if girls went to church to pray I How can you be so foolish f nre, damp this ribbon In cologne ( "What fur?" to naint, you silly one; Now. Lucie, don't be mulish. Now, then, my hat how he abhon This thing; it's aa big as all out doors The frightful mgar scoop Thank heaven my eloak Is b&odtome, too, It cost enough to be, I k now (Straighten this horrid hoop !) My handkerchief and gloves you'll And Just in that drawer. Lucie, are you blind? (Does mr dress trail ?i It's all the (iwhion now, you know (Pray does the naint and powder show Through my loose vail T) . Thank you. my dear, I believe I'm dressed, The saint be .raied ! the day of rest Comes only once in seven ; For if, on all the other six, This trouble I should hav to fix, I'd never get to heaven. SENATOR MORTON. Pen Picture of the Administrative llcucli snanThc Klecutloner In the Place of the Vlxler. From the Wa.hlngton Tatrlot, April 25. If anything could vnnvinco us oftlio cxiatonco of tho Kti-Klux, it wotilil bo Scttulor Morton'", dread of Unit or ganization, und liis repealed bewilder- injr Uofcriptionn of those midnight dteudful otiemicR of llio Rennblic. ror -tno (rcai war liovcrnor knows how it in himself. Ho in a born con spirator. Ho in o practical detoetivo. lie knows how to '-put up jobs," nnd how to have them found out by tho right pnrlies, fo that all tho mspicion bo uvet'U'd I Vo m him. Hunco, if there, bo any truth in tho old sdiif-o ol tot ting a thief to catch n thief, .Morton is tho man, of all others, to find out Ku Klux and to tackle obstreperotiHly over the discovery. Ho is tho man who invented tho KnihU of the Goldon Circle, and made himself Gov ernor and Senator thereby. Ho is tho man who harried Indiana with detec tives and spies until tho Slato was like Paris under tho Commune. It wasun der his regime that the oxccllcnlsyslcm was inutigiiiii'lcd of banking men first and tryinglhemullerwai'ds; of remov ing polilieal opponents by ostracism and bitiiishmont; of making testimony ag.iifiBt enemies whero nono oxisted, and of supplying, by tho simple pro. cess of forgery nnd perjury, thoso few and general luctt which oven military commissions required previous to con demning. It was during bis rcgimo that Mr. Voorhcca' locks were picked under cover of the-ttigbt, bis furnituro invaded, bis drawers stuffed with forgod matter to implicalo him in seditions consiprncles, anil then when daylight catno tho police were invited in and tho whole world summoned to reprobate the damage thereon. Hence if there be a Kit Klux, Morton will know how to find it: if thuto bo a small K it Klux, Morion will know how to magnify it; and in good timo, whon the conspiracy is full blown, Morton will know bow to find his own profit in itj even if everybody else should sutler by it. For tho Indiana Senator, with all the unscrunulousncss of Titus Outcs and Daitigerlleld, nnd nil tho black- malignity ol .Mur.it, does not resemble those notorious conspira tors io point of disinterestedness. They gavo their lives, their comfort, their ours for ft cause. Morton gives nothing, but exacts everything for himself. . Without Foucbo's skill be bus all of Foiicho's traitorous spirit, thai would not let him rest easy, save when he was (also to soma ons. With out Talleyrand's wit, or urbanity, or spirit, ho lias a great deal ol that happy instinct which drovo Talleyrand to bo alwuys seeking tho winning side. - were It not tliut ho lucks tho irener- otis qualities whiuh are necessury to the puny lender, anu aid not tne poo plo recoil instinctively from iiisdatk and selfish iiaturo, full of greed, full of falseness, full of bilo, Morion would lit this moment bo tho most dangerous man in America fo our remaining lib. erlici. ..'id this Is not because of any commanding talent", for bo has none; nor of any towering ambition, for bis is one always groveling, al ways base. The Senator lipm Indiunu, indeed, cannot lay claim to a decent degree of understanding ; bo is crude, unlearned, faulty of judgment; ubor live In conception, and notoriously deficient at once in fuel and originality. Ho invents nothing but falsehood, and lamps his third mlo powers of appre hension even upon the ideas which he teals, llo resembles one of those crabs which frequont thu Florida reefs, nd which, armed in front with for bidding tentacles and strong, proda oeous cluws, but terminating behind in weak, pulpy, Ineffective, fiuleas body, drop themselves into the vacat ed shells of other fish, and do desper ato buttles for thoso, as If they were to the manor born. His speeches, part from their rancor and their thetts, are mere apocryphal assertion, rigmarole, "three blue beiina in a blue bladder." The sordid ulonll tigs of b is I bad heart ovor tbe catalogue of the i.i: t I -s a PRINCIPLES CLEARFIELD,-PA., WEDNESDAY, JUNE 21, J87J. distresses ho bus caused cannot enn coul nor disguise his weak houd, and thecommoiiplapo subterfuges in which his knavery rejoices, llo is ono of thoso trifles which, as a great writer tons us, "ttont und are preserved in the shipwreck of the Slato, "whllo everything solid and valuable sinks to the bottom and is Idst forever.' Ho rose, In a time of revolution, by re volutionary means, oy incendiary prao tieos, by depraved associulions, and infamous resorts; ho eoeks to buoy himself up now In a timo of peace bv the same means that gave him prosper ity wnen everything else was roeling with the drunkenness of war passions. lie scene to niiiKeuonunttal the shame fill success which tho history of Imli ana shall blush for, and has no amhi tion beyond continuing bis political career as ho began it, upon tho inlum ous principle that "lies are swifter ol foot than tho truth." Ho is a high Senatorial instance of tho truth which bo neglects to believo that a mun does not necessarily nrquiro a liberal knowlodgo of tho world by frequent ing tho stews, nor tho best practices of wiso statesmanship by cultivating mo society ol rogues, perjurers, and suborners. Ho would imitate Ilobcs- pierre's jaundice, but not bis leader ship nor bis incorruptibility; and, while he possesses all tho vicosof Iago, bo decidedly lacks that worthy's tal ent and his wit. But bo is dangerous, nevertheless, because he is a tireless incendiary, n ruthless malignant, u vile conspirator, ami the most unscru pulous dcmugojpio of thoso unhappy times. He supplement., his had head with a depraved nnd vindictive heart, und a viperous purpoRo to coil himself about tho now kindling cordialities of the peoplo, and sting thciri back into palsy und death. Ho has a passion for destruction, and bo does mischief as much because ho loves it as because it helps him upward. His soul is deeply cankered with the lusts of un licensed power, nnd while ho is "in capable ot the liberal resentments of a gentleman," be nurses in his bosom the black, secret cboler of one equally infirm in mind and body, tho green, cowardly, deadly envy of tho assassin and tho poisoner. .Moan, cruel, false, and conscious of his meanness, cruelty, nnd falsehood, ho pursues tho dark. cunning, deceitful paths that aro nal-,, urai losucn ueiormcu, insiuioua minds. Ha conspires and prompts conspiracy. 1I juggles und stings like the scor pion, with a rearward, treacherous blow. Ho plays tho stormy Clodius in tho Senato, but tho thomcsho rants on have boen first prepared to his hand by his own spies, pimps und panders. Ho is a vulgar charlatan, slerilo, bide hound, pretentions, bla tant, but with malignity Ingrained, throughout bis nature, and falseness embalmed in nil bis shallow soul Ravenous, viscious, pliant amid his bluster, truckling and subservient while affecting to bo bluff, ho is tho vilest and most onvious sycophant of the day, v "Who trimm'd in forma and visages of duty, Keepa yet hia heart attending on bimaeiri And throwing but forme of eurvtoo on bis lard, Does well thrive by him." This is tho man who is to bo, so rumor tells, tho incoming premier. Let liwierul Grant hew aro how he puts Mesrour, tho executioner, in the seat of Giufar, tho vizier. Let Grant, beware for himself before he cloralos this fatso nnd specious hpyocrlto so high that ho cnn afford to kick nway the preps by which be lilts risen. Lot Grant remember Henry S. Latiovhoni Morton stubbed in tho back, while owing to him all his early advance ment. Let Grunt remember how Morton conspired lodothrono Lincoln nnd prevent his renominatlon ; and how bo leads tho smiling Colfax, nn unconscious captive to bis snares, to do his illicit bidding, and participate in bis revengeful plots. A California paper tells how the jury in tho cao of .Mrs. 1'iiir made upon Us verdict, tho statement being inailo, it is claimed, in tho word of one of tho jury : "lim ing the progress of tho trial not ono juror spoko to Ins fellow jurors of the case, and when we retired to Tuako up n verdict nn one knew anything of tho opinion of bis follows. On entering the jury-room the first thing done was to cut apiece of paper into twelve piccos, and to number thorn from ono up to twelve. These wero put in a hut and tho num ber of tho jurors. On thoso slips each juror wroto bis finding in tho cuse, and when bis number was culled put it Into tho hat. When I wrote my finding, murder in the first degree, I hardly thought there would be anoth er such finding on any,, of tho slips, but whon tho slips, were all deposited und taken out and read, to toy great astonishment it was found that each juror on the first and only ballot bad voted Just us i had, murder Id lliu first degree." . - ...... . ' Lirn.r. Women. Threo little girls wero playing among tho popples and sago brush of the back yard. Two of thotn wero "muking beliovo" keep house, a littlo way apart as Hour neighbors might. At last ono wus ovci heard saying to llio youngest of the tot, "There, now, Nelly, you go over to Sarah's hnnsc nnd stop there a little while, nnd talk as fust as ever yott can, and thou you coino buck and tell inft what she says about mo, and then I'll talk about her ; anil then you will go and tell her all I say, nnd then wo'll get us mail ns hornets unit won't speak when wo moctjtist as onr moth ors do, you know ; nnd that'll bo such fun won't it?" Hadn't theso little mischiefs lived to some purposo f find were they not close observers and apt srlinlnrs, charmingly trained for the chief business of life in a small neigh borhood f i ... , Buti.kr Piety. A 'girl that quits a hottso because they don't have family prayors, ought to bo considered real good girl, but it is not always tbe enso. Ono In Hoston did it, saying she didn't believe nny family that ne glected to prsy was good, and uflor sho was go no the family found that all the silverware and jewolry liud gone along with her. Thcv pray now regularly before their hired girls. NOT MEN. FISHING F0RF00LS AGAIN. A Pive Hundred Dollar Watch fur Twenty Italian The most Ingeuouaol'the a tlunt Artist's frauds. To IA. EIHor ole A'.w Yorl Sun : Sin : You will find encloied a letter and Mil ailrircased to Maggie Jaynes. Tbe lame raa opened by me, and I am unable to comprehend the eaaa. Maggie Jayoee was my daughter she died about thirty-two montha ago. She never owned or found a gold watch, and I know never aent any to your city for repair. 1 think It la-intended for one of the many otber swindles got op in your oitv. and aa vou are takine ani tt.in. t.. ferret out all such dens, will yon pleaae look alter ,ul" onae. J. W. JAVNKS. Shlnnaton, Harrison Co., W. Va., Msy SI, 1871 The bill referred to ns baviinr boon sent to Aliss Muggio Jay nos is un elab orate and triumphant effort in bill head architecture. It is loo irood to be lost. Theroforo, wo reproduco it in text and general form as follows: Maw long, slay 2S 1S71 Jfotfri. ityaea, Shiunston, W. Ya., To Durvin, Elliott A Co., Importers aod MnmifAeturere of WuU-tiea, Jewelry, and Silverware, Wholuaale department up ataira. 11IS Broadway. For repairs on hnntina. atrm-windinff. void ohroo. meter, made by Jugeraeu, No. 15,021, vis : l naiaooa wbeel and bair epring 7 all 1 msin spring and cleaning I 2o 1 fln. lever, regulating, Ac r....6 00 1 goll oap, eng'd '. 6 60 Plvaaa remit by express. S'.'O S5 Dkas ManAa: The above wateh received from you 2 1 it February is now ready for delivery. You wore eorrrct when you atated that it oouid not be npaired out.ide of tbiacity. We have bad great diliciilljr with it, hut it i now in thorough order, ami we warrant it to keep correct time lor five yearn. You wrote that the watch waa found, and dLsir- cd to know ill worth. It in a very valuable tinie- loee, an! must hnre eoat at leaat .,00 in gold. U now worth $100, and for any one duairing a correct tinepieoe ia really eltoap at ila first coat. Pleaae leinit tbe amount of above hill by ex preas. and Ihe watch will be immediately forwurded. Ohligo ly reeioniling at once, aa we are about cloaing ota bnaiueva, aud every day it remain. wilb ua rntails aoMiuouaJ trouole and exponas. neipeciiuny, DI RVIN, ELLIOTT A CO. 108 Rroadway, New York. Armed with the originals of theso documents, a Sun reporter yesterday sallied forth in quest of onlorluining information. Ho first went to V.)H Brnadwsy to hunt up Durvin. Elliott Ic Co. Cariouslv. no sih h firm existed there The building is unoccupied, and tho reporter could gain no Infor mation wuulever. As it was reques ted thai the remittances might bo sent by express, be went to tho office ol tho Adams Kxpress to inqniro whether nny packages ol money had lioon ro- eived lor Durvin, r.llmtt & t'o., and if so, to whom thoy had been delivered. "Durvin, Klliott A Co. V said a very hnndsomo clerk with a bl (to necktie, who sat nt tho money dolivory win dow. "Oh, yes, LOTS Or PACKAtlES COME FOR THEM." ltoporlcr To whom aro they de livered t I ask because no such firm exists ntl9S Ilrondwny. Tho handsome young man with a blue necktie looked at the reporter. "1 think," he snid, "they go to Hub bard, tho sawdust man; but you'd better sco Whiting, tho money driver, lie knows." Filled with singular doubts of (ho propriety of tho Adams Kxpress Com pany's delivering money packages addressed to Durvin, Kllintt It Co. to Hubbard, tho sawdust man, tho re- forter started off in quest of biting to found that gentleman in Cnrtlundt street, gracefully reclining in his wagon. The reporter approached and statotl his business. Mr. Whiting ud mitled that ho ditl not deliver tho money packages to Durvin, Elliott & Co., but decline 1 to say to whom he did deliver llicm. Ho referred tho reporter to MR. IIOKY, TDK 8l)PF.IIINTIM)F.NT; of the Company. That gentleman was found in his private olllco. Ho looked at the papers "Yes," suid ho, "that is tho sawdust man." ., Heportcr Hubbard is his nnmo, is it not f . Mr. Uocy Yes, I believe so. ltoporlcr Tho money packages aro delivered to him f Mr. Ilocy-Yes. ' ' ; Itcporler And yot they aro ad dressed to Durvin, Kllintt t Co. 1 Mr. Hoey Well, yon see, we have no sympathy at alt with thu peoplo who attempt to buy counterfeit money of Hubbard. It is but dog eat dog, and wo don't proposo to interfere with the game. Reporter Bui this is not a counter feit game. It Is a deliberato attempt to swindle a woman out of $20 by fitlso pretoncefi, by making her beiiove that a doceascd daughter had left a watch to ho repaired, and by getting hor to send tho money to pay the charge. . t Mr. Hoey Well, this is tho first I know of THIS FARTICl'LAR OAMK. Of conrso I shall break it up, so fur as the Company can do it. And with this Mr. Hoey started out f give tho necossary orders. Ap proacbing a rcmut kahly well dressed young man with a quill pen gracefully poised behind his ear, he said t "Billy, how many money packages have coino here for Durvin, Klliolt JiCo.i Young Mitn About fifty, I guess. Mr. Hoey Who gels thotn J Young Man Hubbard. Mr. Hoey Don't dolivor any moro (o him until 1 say so. When be comes In tell him 1 want to sco him. Ilcportcr Mr. Hoey, by what au thority do you deliver Durvin, Elliott &Co's. packnges to Hubbard t Mr. Hooy Oh, well, we know Hubbard very well, and ho bus a le gally drawn POWER OF ATTORNSY from the firm, giving him authority to rocoivo Ihoir matter; so you see wo cannot getont of delivery although wo may know tho firm to 1)0 a bogus ono, and the whole thing aawiudlo. . Reporter Whero is II iihhard's olllco. Mr. Hoey Ho has ball a dosen. Tho prinoipul ono is ut 208 Broadway, op stairs. ' ' " The Sun Reporter then started In quost of George W. Hubbard, alius. Durvin, F.lliott k Co , and alias half a down other firms und names. This tnau is at tho bead of the swindling profession inabis city, and is the foon dor of the sawdust counterfeit money gumo. He is shrewd, ingenious, and skillful, and very impudent, lie is a young man of about thirty, five feel eight or tun in height, and splendidly I, REPUBLICAN NEW formed. He has dark hair, bluck oyo", a heavy durk moustacho, and clear complexion, with just tho slight ost lingo of carmino in his cheeks He wears a pair of eye-glasses and orossesin exquisite lasto. It U hinted that he MOVES IN THE BEST CIIICI.ES up town under another numo. and In deed this is probnblo, for his manners are polished and his conversational powers fine. His wholo nppoaranco is very striking, ana ho would be rogar ded by almost nny ono at a remarks- my handsome man. When the reporter arrived at 208 Broadway bo looked in vain for anv indication or the room occupied b lliitil.urd or of thut gentleman s whorealiouls. He went up stairs, however, among a biby'rinth -of o.Tleos until no reached tho top floor. Seeing w uwo cuii, anu noticing mat me room Into which it lod was occupied by a man w ho looked ss thoueli he might be in tho sawdust business, tho reporter entered. Tho mun was rub bing an old silver wa'ch with a piece of chamois leather, and looked up whii a kioii oi startiou look. "Cnn you tell me whero I'd find mr. jiuoDardf" Buid tho reporter, wiui un ciisy, nonciiuiunt nir. The mun smiled a SARDONIC SMILE AND WINKED. "lly ain't here," said ho. "So I see, but can't you tell mo whero ho is V suid tho reporter'. Tho man shook bis head and was roliccnt. After gome further talk, the reportor rosmncd his search through tho building. At last he found tho gentleman just stepping from room 9, on whoso door was "Farnhatn nnd Company." ".Mr. Hubbard," said tho iStm man, "wo have a letter from Wost Virginia in regard to a watch in tho hands of Durvin, Elliott & Co. Do vou know anything abonl it ?" Mr. Ilubbnra s countenance instant ly became a mundane rainbow , but his quiet self possession nevor left him. "What lead you to connoct mo with Durvin, Elliott & Co.t" ho inquired "Oh I you'ro in nil theso things, you know," replied the reporter, "and whon I want information 1 of cour.c come to you." "Whero aro you from ?". inquired Hubbard. Reporter Tho Sun. Hubbard Good God I is that so? Well, tell Dana to bold his horses und this thing shan't go any furthor. I'll stop it. Reporter I can't promiso that Mr. Dana's horses will bo held. I ruthcr think he intends to cxposo your lust dodgo. But don't let that prevent yon from putting nn end to it. Hubbard People must li vo. you know, ' and if theso fools think we muko a mistake when wo send those bills, nnd try to got possessiBti of another man s watch by the payment of ?J0, why, they IIK8r.RVB TO LOSE Tlll'.tn MONEY. This is no worso than tho sawdust. Reporter Do you Wcrsend these hills to tho address of persons known to you to bo decased f itubbnrd Oh, yes; hut that makes no difference. Their friends, in nine cases out of ten, uro only thu more groedy, and bito more readily. II lib bard bowod politely, und, with a laughing request that tho Sun shouldn't bo "loo hard" on him, van ' :..i.... i ,i . i., lum-u uu.ii mu eiuim. Tho swindle thus exposed is, ns the reader has already seen, an ingenious ono, and, like others invented by the same koen intellect, docs credit to the unscrupulous inventor's knowledge of human nature,. This new swindling duvico is only eight or ten days old, nnd four or live days must have been spent in getting out tho bills; yet Hubbard has received fifty money packagos of 820 tech from a single express company. Verily, all tho fools nro not de-eased. Poor Fellow I Two years ago Gcorgo A. Rutterson, soventocn years old, son of a wealthy collier nt Birm ingham, England, fell In lovo with Fanny Filch, a fifteen year old neigh bor, and, as ho was nut prrmillcd to visit her, budo her an nffectionute nclieii. announced thut ho would go out to tho world, achieve a fortune, and return to make her hishrido In ptirsuanco of this plan, bo catno to Now York, and went Into a tlrttgi storo us clerk at five dollars per week; but as ho bud failed on this income to amass wealth, and saw before Mm no prospect of a belter Condition, he look some, poison in tho presenco of bis fel low clerks, on Monday last, culled "Funny," and fell dead to the floor. m Temptation. No man's spirits were ovor hurt by doing bis duly ; on tho contrary, one good action, ono temp tat ion resisted and ovorcomo, ono sucrifico of deslro or Interest, purely for conscience sake, will prove a cor diul for weak and low spirits, far bo yond what either indulgonco, or diver sions, or company cun ever do for them. This is, perhaps, ono of tbe highest lessons to renounce. It tenches gentleness, loo, and charity, and sympathy. Then it drives man in bis loneliness nnd helplessness to sock 'refuge in tho bosom of God, whero nil tho troubles of enrth find their ul'-imnlo solution. "Inhian Aoknt." Two wugs pass ing out of town on the Gulveslon road, says tho Kansas Tribune, wero struck with tho bi'snty ofLswronco: "Whoso plnoo is that V said ono of them. "That is tho lordly rcsidonco of Geo. A. Reynolds. It cost over thirty thousand dollars." "Whnl Is bis bu siness f" Indian agent." "Wliut is his salary, and how long has ho held bis offlcoi" "Two years, at fifteen bund rod ft year." "Lord 1 what did the honest fellow do with Ihe rest ot his snlitryr' "Why he started bis brother and two other honest men in tho newspaper business to denounce corruption." - . Rather Rtipfenino. An exchnnge says : Central New York has a starch factory with twelve acres of floor, (Jill) lurge cisterns and twenty miles of aleani pipes, making twouly six tons of starch duily. 0 TEEMS $2 por annum, in Advance. SERIES - VOL. 12, NO. 21. New-ork Swindlers, Farmers and others aro frequently in iuuuiiii ui circulars ly mail, in which they are solicited to invest in various speculations, by means of which they are promised lurge profits I hoy tloubtlelss wonder how those rogues como in possession of their names perhaps we can enlighten them : Several days ngo wo received a loiter asking whether wo wero in irueuaiMoii oi uny iirectory giving the names and post otflco uddress ot all farmers und others in our county, or wneiner we could lurniKh a munu script list of such persons, nnd if so, tho author of the loller would pay imoraity tnereior, when tho same was received bv Win. Il.-imilmn Anu St., New York, ut thu ofPeo of tho 1-armerts (hurtle. As the loiter is lithographed, doubtless thousand of editors and othors have received copies, and many huvo replied, send nig air. Hamilton the desired names, und so allording htm nn opKrlunity for sending some swindling circular to too itirmers inrougnoul thu country. Hamilton's circulur would load n thoughtless person to suppose that he desired to send copies oftlio 'Farmers' irazel'e to our tanning population. but when it is known that a strict search for n periodical of that name, in Rowcll's Newspaper Directory, ro veals tho fact that no such journals is published in New York, tho Inference is Hint Mr William Hamilton of ' Ann St is ono of tho many swindlers of that city, who is u dealer in "queer," counterfeit money, "Oroide, or Eagle watches, or some other confounded swindle of tho sort. Ono of tho most tirofilablo of the New York swindles is this "Queer," or counterfeit money business. Quito argo number of sharpers httve made vust lorlanes by it, their incomes hav ing been from one to fifteen hundred dollars daily. Huvinir cecurod the names of parties nil over tho land, in tho manner that Wm. Hamilton se cures his, they address circulars to them offering to forward packages ol counterfoil money, in amounts of- So!) to ;,UIJU, upon receipt of from ten to two hundred dollars in "cnuino b They guarantee tho imitation bills to be so lierlectly executed ns to defv detection and urgo the receiver of the circular to order a package by express. It the money is sent, tho sharper pockets it nnd nover sends anything to ins victim except where part ol Ihe prico is collected on delivery, in which case a neat puckugo, tvuled with a profusion of wax, und containing kindling wood, will bo sent who, of course cannot complain of the t-harper. lor II lie does he exposes himself us a roguo desirous of dealing in spurious money. Isn t that a sharp dodge ? Thoumndsof innocont idiot s and vnga bonds throughout the land bitent this tempting bait and become duservinglv swimlled. Those who have secured immense fortunes at this business cull themselves, Jumes A. Holt, Fulton St.; Wm. E. Anthony, Broadway : J. 1). Tcrhnno fi Co., Broad nny; Thomas G. Allison, William St.; FrancisOgden, Maiden Lane; Vt m. 11. Hammond. Wogun fi Co., A. J. Hitchcock & Co., K. Leo & Co.. nnd Holland & Co. Tho lust four mentioned firms being ono and tho fnmo man. whoso real nnme is Daily, and who resides in nn elegant brown-stone dwelling in Brooklyn, Now lork. Another claws of awnidlors nrc those who address circulars to people offer ing to muko them agents for ibeir "Eagle'' or "Oreido" Watches, which aro perfect imitations of 18 karat gold watches, which will never tar nish, are good timo keepers, and are warranted in every particular to he equal to tho best gold watches." I bono thcv offer to send yon if youl agree to uccomo an ngent lor their sale at the very low figure of ten or til Icon Hollars, so thut you cun use it for a inmplc watch. If you sond your ten dollars you will receive an uriicle which rout originally about one dollar, and is ns worthless as tho firm from whom you seek redress; you arc badly swindled, und there is no help for you. "Tho Euglo W'ulch Co." of US Fulton si , is a swindling concern of ibis character. They advertiso extensively never pay for their advertising cannot bo found ut 'their advertised plttco of business, nnd swindle every one who comes in contact with them The Divorce Lawyers of JJew York, whose cards can bu Ituind in a majori ly of the country newspapers, (at.d which nro nevor paid for, imloxa in ad Viiuco,) are another sel of sharpers. They advertiso to "procure legul di vorces in all tho Slmes, without' pub , lieity; desertion, drunkeness, non sup port, &o., sufficient vutiso." Their manner of doing business wo liavo ro ported elsewhere. .Sulllco it to say, their- divorces aro not legal, and- any tnau or woman holding one nnd re marrying, under the supposition thut they rr genuine, are guilty of bigamy, and cun bo punished for tbe crimo to tho full extent ot our laws. M House lias been doing a lucrative business in ibis direction, but bus suspended opcr Minns fur the present, luiving accepted quarters in ono of our S'.ulo Prisons for tho next seven years. Moore li llichardson-, of 10 Broadway, nro the new operators of tho liauduleiit ili vorco business. Wo can assure pub Ushers that if they art-opt iherr fro posiiion to publish their curd und send bill and .copy of paper contain-1 ing said card, thai they need not worry nhnut not receiving thu prom ised remittance it will never come. And those patties who hold their di vorces shonhl not bo in n hurry to secnro another wife, ns by the laws of our land on wife is allowed, ami in most instances will be found sttllicient for tho purposes Intended. The Bit toury, Klmirn, JV. )'. A gltl in St. Louis who is studying law nnd intends to praelice, was asked by an envious lawyer if alio was not afraid of losing her reputation. She replied, that it bud never neenred to her that lawyers generally had nny reputntion to lose! The conversation was here terminated. When a womun gets her buck up, she wou't buck dowu. Living ia Washington. - Tho amount of money spent at thr) Capitol for hotel boarding or at house keeping is astonishing, as will beaecti by tho following extract from a Waeh. iuglon letter to the Delaware county American : 'SonatAr Cameron and his wife board ut the Arlinirton hotel, nnd rtav $4.r)U per month, a very small sum for u Senator. Senator Kenton, who stops at tho same phice, pays fl.WO ft month. .Liulo S. 8. Cox, the biggest Democrat in tho House, puys 1 1,200 per mouth, und llio other evening ho gave a fl,5UU dinner ut his boarding house. "How long will a member's sutury last ut this iiifvt? Mr. Iltiulingdoii, tho Cashier of tho First Nutionul Bank, gave a dinner lo the Jups, whero thero wuro twenty persons present nt 850 per pluto. or in the ag gregate 81, 0U0. Dr. Helnibobl,- of liuchu notoriety, was here for two weeks, and paid S!)0 per day for board ing und bulging. A parlor and chum-, ber in the second story of u first class hotel hero, rents for fl.'ilJ per week, or 82,000 per month: Many t.r the Senators und members who keep house live much more extravagantly. "Sunutor Chandler lives at tbe r.tte of ;I5,000 per year, aud Gon. Butler spends lour times bis salary as a member. Client the colored members pays at tho rate ol $1.50 per week, and another's expense are probably as great Thu other threo colored mon itors go it on llio .economical plan. 8300 a month. Hv the wnv wo are promised a new hotel here lo coal at least ono million of dollars, to be tho largest hotel in the country, und to be near tho Capitol. The proprietor of tho Arlington says it will pay, and with his experience bo ought to k now." is it nny wonder thut those men steal from tho Government? They can't help it. . Mamfactirs or Buttons. The first manufacturer of buttons in this country was Samuel Willislon. While he was dragging ulong us a country storekeeper his eyes having failed turn while studying for the ministry his wile bethought her that she could cover by hand tho wooden buttons of the tune, -and thus earn an honest penny. From this the couple ad vanced in their ambition until thev had perfected machinery for covering buttons; tho first employed for tho purpose io Ibis country. From this sprung an immense factory, nnd then others, until Samuel Willislon made half tho buttons of the world. His factories are st ill running at Eat hump ton, coining wealth for the proprietor, und known lo every deulur in buttons the wotld over llo is now between seventy and eighty years of age, is worth five or six millions, nnd has given 100,(l00to Easthnmpton for a seminar- and for churches, $200,000 to South Hudley Female Seminary, and $200,00(1 to Amherst College, besides lesser gifts. Scientific American. National I'kts. European oities nro not ashamed to lake some bird or beast under their patronage. Venice looks especially alter ber pigeons. Strusburg pets the storks, whose nests a re on almost all thechimncys. Berne carefully guards her bears Egypt apotheosizes cats. O, that tho cruelty of men lo bird und beast might come to nn end '. They have more right to tho world than mun, for they proceded him in tho creation, the birds having been made cm Friday and the cattle on Saturday morning, and man coming . in nt the fag end of tho week. No wonder that these aborigine of the world sometimes resist, nnd that the bees sling, und the bears growl, and the cats get their back up, nnd dogs balk, and eagles defend their eyries wilb iryn beak, the crags echoing with tho clamor of this flying squadron of tho sky. English paper. . Falsehood. The first sin commit ted in this world was a lie, and the liar was the devil. Tbe Greeks, who allowed their deities almost every weakness und every vice, held thut they forleited heaven by fuUehood, and thai un oath whs us sacred to Jupiter, tbe cloud com poller, Ss to the mealiest denizen of earth. A regard to truths is the lust of nil tbe virtues anil supposed high ctiltivniion. The suvago is full of falsehood, both in word and deed ; the ignorant man will deceive when bo can, but learns to keep bis word w hen he has given it; un important part of truth but not tho whole. Not Warranted The charter of the borough of Kennotl Squs.ro, Ches ter cotiiiiy.'npon the petition of ovor two thirds of the lax payers, has been so amended by a decree of tho courts, as to inuue unlnwlul lorever in that place tho mlo of intoxicai ing liquors. It would bo a joko on thono Chester county reformers if tho next genera tion wtiuld knock flio word "forever" out of tho aloresatd charter. These men, evidently intended to cheat the Slato out of it portion of ber revenue, -or go about very dry or forago on their neighbors. A PitAcrit'AL Man. Many rears ngo, when Dean Richmond was Presi dent of the Now York Central Rail road, and Chairman nftho Dciiiocratio Slalo Conn id (.'ommittee, some of his party friends wero urging him to contribute a largo sum to uid in secur ing a Democratic majority in tbe next Legislature. "Ino I nut a dollar." said liiclimond; ! have tried tho ex periment, and -I find it cheaper to buy Jiepuoiiciin liCgMulure than loolocl Democratic ono." Junesville, Wisconsin, is noted for its smart boys. Tho latest story is told of a youlh of six aiimmors who whs taken to ta-k by bis aunl fur . some suppo-ed nlleiice, which be per sisienly denied. "Now, Johliiiio," said she, "I know you nro not tolling me Iho I rut h j I see' it In your eye." Pulling down the lower lid of the or gan which bad well nigh betrayed bis veracity, Johnnie exultantly replied, toil cant tell nitylbing about it. aunt; That eye always was a little streaked." A Yankeo girl oarried off the hon ors of skating in London last winter. Tho L'tinco of Wales wanted an intro duction, hut the girl sent him word that ho must fiiriimh good relerenoe as 10 chaiucter first. "Wife, do you know that I have got the pneumonia?". "No molds, in deed ! Such extravagance I You're Ihespcndihriltest mnn I ever did see, lo go nnd lay mil your money for such trash whon I do need new bun. net so n.tich !" Man may bu a worm but a glatico ut I he dandies proves Hial he ia not the worm ibul never djea. I Ml I - -t ,ayi-,'3ontt'0)tam
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers