sLirees,„.,ormsosssr_wsw_lT.,rt."...o_r_sr,_.-.-_-...___. _______•__ ___ .-_____________.— --- _ ____ ' '.'"' TfielThe remains of President Lincoln all alearfia gepubluan, k. , . - • .. [From die Vonango Spectator.] :-.' . -OW Nitt ters.. ~.______„ _,..--,--------.--' were consigned to their final resting place , 7 -- - . at Springfield,,llls., on the 4th inst.pafter fhe Patapsco Oil Company have ......,,,,„ ''blower " Into an old well ow their farm I. Pa t a' On the same day, by the same, Mr. J. F. Hall, li Valuable . _ .7„, .. -t4:•.:=..0n fxo occupying about thirteen days in making , Utica, of Indiana county, to bliss Margaret McCracken, / - ' ' the journey from Washington. A train ligy e .4 on Drench creek, below and rho of Cush tortrehip•thia coon y. 11)Y VIRTUE OF AN ORDER OF THE OIt ,er2V,CCY •Co - c. , ...` , ., , , result IS MoSt Batifira.CtOry. Te well gives ,s------------.________ _ _ ___--------.... _ _____-------.;_____ji pban's Court of Clearfield cuttr.ty, there will "• : ''l' l , ---- ..4 1, -'' .-- t'li i , -.:. of ears, tilted up for‘tho purpose, convey - evidence of good yield. Defe,ctivo nut- be etiposed to PUBLIC SALE, at Leconte's Mils, --''''--- : i•= -1 - - - A4-...10 .4... 2 - .7.E- - ;k 4 k . . „. ,ks! -...- ;11 -, 42: . ri. ''''' - t . - s's: (411,tt1) SbUtrttscments. on ell tne eorpse and funeral cscOrt, accom- ohinery . will postpone further progreg r e . :., , ---;# A.:4 „, r-' ::'-' •-,-)o,'. 'A. ,'''. --- :A i . ':....r , 5 1 : • ''-' ---=''''' / t', •0. ponied by a reporter whoannotinced the for a short time, but enough is ascertain- - - --.-, -- .--_-,,, -- ~-.-,--__,-_-.,,,..-,,,,,,,, ------- ... . . Wettnesday, alst day of May, itsori, '1 f-,•;.,..V.-.4k,'''..,, • st - e 0 - P.!..r , ; : - .. .- , :+, • .....-4.V.:-,.._ri,„:„.„..„,,0).1- .-.....-- -...,...„.-., i -,',, 4 proceedings and reception at each 15(1111011. ed to 118sUre the company that oil in rottOrosALS [or renting the Fair Grounds All those two ce , rtain , tracts of landd(ituato in Gi abundance will be found on theiridse ler- -1,- Nvill be receive.l by tho Excbutive Committee rani township, Clearfield county, no p:oce be '..f."';'-'ll2.r''' "::-.-'11*; '''''!.- ' 4 '‘= . . ''' ' - ,115=r-.: , z-- , ' 1 t seems that Erie, Pa., is most censured i v . Th o s y" o , ki ng iumi of thec . o - ini l,,,, ny of the Clearfield County Agricultural Society et girning at a guru, thence ea . st 247 perches to a 4.1.. , , 77 . .-"; ~..., ..,..4: 7, 4 " , , , . , 1,...n• 1r:i.;.:iti.),...f.t ,,.... i . r . . ".--.-..7,41,41.2:„...;.!..:,.,•'..-1,:_:-L,I.....1.--- by this repot ter for wltni of a proper tlis- is large, turd tt; i n g l o o ro p u e e r i a s l4: j si sh r e o c r i fdocrevellltodtt.rnent tigiut2,ltoboanecreessoauntdb the office of R. J. Wallace, in the borongh of white oak, thence north 10.3 crehes to stones, s il Clearfield, on Saturday nex4.(the 13th instant), thence west 240 ---"*-7-"""-I'----."4--7--"`..."'""'"''''',--------5--""'"' I .lay of respect to the distinguished dead, Nv EpNESDAY MORNING::: MAY 10, 1805. between the hours of 12 end I o'cloc/i. Possess- to place of begtorneinrech,cesotnotteillited er well oil tit') INI'C' rstnich. and • ,t •en to the highe.t bidder lin inedilitely —5O perches. The other pleeo 1) ginning at a stone Port when it k• s b. •1I t be train I xt Another i ,; ," • ',..' i ', ln i , ' ,, ' . a . ~ , , 1 1 .. Itenths 1 ... titneto ttet t in 1 ...------=-7-...- - - —.--------. '... .-. .....•—:-,_." ,-.'"..55,C, ...anti, iti c i erten eree,s, was, toe ground 1.0 00 • given up to sat_ Executtve coin( r. thence s( ut i 6 an( 5 Fen: les to i GERRITT SMLTICS Lerrtit.—Tho reader's passed Erie at. - two o'clock in the morn- tubed last week an d i s yi id• 2 1 : b, ...l s c om mittee o ne week previous t o e nd during the °tones, thence wost 90 perehes to lo.,gianin,g, con ( attention is inviteti to Oa characteristic leg, and that the citizens hail been infer- ldbt loot Mg oil. 'lle Penny back er well qtr li s - ng jar tree lc ti: of holding the Pair, not ioo- of which (, ill be Mining 30 acres more or less, being part of No. 1927. tried by an officer of the Lake Shore road-1 given in du i•011' on. By order. r Mey '0,65 It. L. F . IfIlVrN, scey. TERMS—One-flfth cash at sale, and ono-third letter of Crerritt Smith, of New York, pub- near Cooperstown, pronii , es to Lo ono ot to be secured for Catharine I.olgy, widow ; and stated by the 'Mayer iti a cold to the ci ~ „--, A nyurvisTitArronn.4 NoTicc.—Notice lished on our flrst pnge. .0f course we as , iLs Lest wens on the creek. be of rho balance cash at coptirination of uhiTh`,--ili'at the funeral party had re-! • fhe M'Calmont well on Sugar creek, -41 - is hereby given that Loners of Administra differ with him twally rsherein he Spenks P solo, and the band and remainder t i ' ; iiio o ne yedr, te l lie so , .. Lion on the estate of George Kephart, late of Dos quested that their rest might , t , ot he di,- has been pumped about a week and is of the institution of slavery, the status of its yield, Wo learn color towship, di...cod:4°d, have born granted to ', ' ,Ny - 10 10 1 HUBERT LET W, the negro,. or the . cluchs, , c , , or stivos , tuilte , l by any display tat that rinseasona- stOk-lilY incress'ing the unde:eignetf. All person indebted to sa , d es. . ' Trusteo 4, , Oita it is good lot 10 barrels. . I tale are requested to make immediate -payment, . Ws hour, there seems to be but little cause, A c . 'Rights. It may be that, in sustaining and ~,,,,,,,,,.. ~, i new well is pumping tie. y barrels a . and all persons having olaims . against the same e' endorsing the measures of ilea Hopublidan for censure. ',day on the Porter Farm, near mouth East ~ivill present them duly authenticated for settle. , Sandy. It belongs to the Porter oil Corn ! SlMOlsi KEIAIIART, - - Abolition party . , the people thereby meant! , ~• . . ,ment, lIIICII.I II HES, . IIF.Av I' I. WARD. — t resident Johnson , pony. to be understood as rejecting and repudi- - Ms 10 Gt-pd. Administrators,. has issued api ' elant at ion efrt ring a rewind Tisc Petri'l" it-J .140101 BRY , : the rresent ;_ Y _. _ nting tho principles and doctrines of id-. _ prioes o f petroleum are recorded as low , Q-1 of '4;100, 000 for the arrebt of .1 v irt•l'Fon Ito- ‘ - x - vpil fir "ci . Soul ilLs, ferscri and ladison ; but we do not believe • Ito cor,tr:lst , with the prices of last year, : 011ui. it i:".3 4.4,1- oft vis, and $",25, 0 1it each fm C. c. c I r, ) or Al-;wit e r e as th,ey are relatively higher than at ' it—we want flintier proof. Madison, it is I_)Y VIRUE of sundry writs of rcodidooli abarna, Jacob Thompson of dint-i.rippi," ! the cm resTontling period la,t year. 1 n .. 1: • )(florin, was, more than any other one man, y cpoeoe issued out of rho court of Common 1 CI 1 - ii . Revel ly Toe'tel• of V irgiija. mot tieorge t .1 , 1 , )1, ps ItieS of crude in tiiii market Pleas of cieurtiell ectinty, and to rno directed Of . - . - , iy of New y .,l. k_ a l_ , ran r , ,, ctl I , r , otir , f;:2 to 41 cents per gallon, there will be exposed to I'lllll,lC S. at the .." 'l , to at the average premium of 7:4 Court House in lb ,. borough 01 CleArliel. l , oil 9th da- of Juno nest, At 1 enr:telierntl'd:::c'etstina,,t.;:,,,,,„ of said the author Of the Comeitutiore , N.Saunders, formerly e ; with go. he undersood vidiat: it meant as %%01 as any , 108ing ll,a , (lie war Deism inient is 111 pm - fur lee month; and di - Imila the preseui, Monday the 1 dty - lands 11 ) o ' o !••131tc‘ ' IN C 011 fer 13L' r ffn ectild. -FtrOVert/Ft3:yEtllB the h-se,eion of 5 iforio at toil imidionwil; these once to vita f lll., ,i.,,, ..4.1...„,,,Tkas 11 ,t - II T. ANN - Lc:K:l' ct. CO. Government has been administered in at e i - mon( te is ith the necreee prem. l'n-..01 gu . 1 , (1 o'clock, P. 31., the folio% ing described Real Es- fr-r " 3 - 4 ..-i1i.... ,-.,-13.3c...;.„14 it. l, ut - 17, th. y have iangett horn el to 0, k • 11 ' i 4.. eg ntlemen in the late assn plot. (~ill., 811,min . 41),„alutet , .".s1 iiidrac • re of Photogritphie Materials, cordance s'il'l the principles emelt t by 1 ' - - They are nll now Ist 110VC11 to IW m Cana , ~ , a 5 cunt,, g ) i,i . it I,3lsiinee of et2i A ,7, pet'rodeoee on trio ram year 'it ,01,1,:nunilm,,Iiitiieritie.,irli,,Fue,ga tt,r7tsiziiip)., ILELARFIELD ! 1,1101 . E.111.£ ck IlETA11. ) brae and Jefferson. Daring this pet cod , , , "" " l'il the ' N (e P tion of I) " ii • Mt ., twee , A like remit is 411011'11 Ili. the • - .1)1, lilt() I 1)14%1Y, R. 1 eur country advanced in 1% calth and T oo k t r f i,is 1. iitel,,i,ed a tenet biatithug e ell ion I/11 (sleek. In thatirly mot ths a white bnimiled and described a , follow. • Th lll , ?glnntri n g a i l pine I c i t , ;• . andll ti t: 0 n,,, , t i y AT Till ' : CIIT: %17 STORE UP In addition to our main busine 34 e if Photo greatness beyond that of any other in the; 0. • 1142 and tract. No 12 14 0 wv.t , gr 4 phi Material 3, NS e ' are lleadquutcrs for the ,1 3 , a viler almer) ',dot e hot set charges him °f I ' , lit tr'u'es at the .veVsOiliftre as low as (3, s, 1 ''''s pet hat rel, but ilutitie the pi eeent t" 1 t history of the eerld, and out people more I a it II any complicit)' ty - i ti'lietevcr eith the, , „ 1 „„ v d, let e „„ g nee./ amfour-tenths,cl I torches rroesin • the sit,- notw ith street tig I I th - ) '• ' r,il t) a , c- q . , re(), , L , q es mil ,SY( 1 ti,orapic - 1 - 0. I( 9 .'' happy anti pro.pcioue. Then iv by should 1 kiii act. %%, my be the .nat in 0 or t 3notil"u'encen. tie. y liai e at 110 L 11.01,1.4.11 101%- , nie:lr.klieitriliTc'l7ll,43l.•l;, t ri.ri ''4 l " e i-nni of th ' e y an Itrt3 e i . BOINTONvt,IIOIII-I:RS & GRAIIA3I. 1 Blowing, ,12.. 1 the people of the preeent day repudiate source of the I, ets in the i e‘sce . ion of ' er, th in `,•,) 1 .7.0 1 1 1 1 IJIII %VI, IL Is not fitouit- 'Cos 420 1, dill ' 9 ...Judi War S saes, Americanawr.d FOr01:411 CIL /11111 UlleXPeCts'l) Se 11c - 12 t's south .1.10 perehe .1 to a ma, Is o 1 111 lid .) tr . 3 , those treasures under whose influence sot I ,ii I ) „ is ii, . 3 ~,„_' hie u about a great Statuary, etc. Al: e, the 1 at i. part merit, tle\\ 01 C I)1 A ins 1111.1 1.1/1 , 1-C•lpt , I, Groups, . , , tr y , Ina' pl tees will al Don the lit °sent. ) ens e e Ely , 11, ~1% mug Stereo , : ipes, for public or poi ate cc much good was stelecomplisLed ? Yo in In er know ; but J VII DAVI - , I/ 14 'Wallet hcc a corner of this an,l tracts N iNJ 121 i an .l 12,3, ati) hong itee 100 IRO'S W lIL 1 ilobitlon our catalogue will be sent to any ad asks for "better times " than vt e used lo I ; , I wioece'inesh of heart, ll o r the " eals ' w" °I I they vt ete forced hie. summ e r by the iel- di, t.s on receipt of stamp. iforestid road an 1 cleck 109, perches to p ace No tut 0 north, 73 degrooa cast, , i .S.l. 14,, , t'1.) I , have. ll° most fervent prayer is, that brain to cos , t e e in tt) t 'ling of the kind %Alive in gold ; but there is no reeson ' of in 0naii,,,, , ,,,, , a ii . r, i 1 in 4 IWO acres an 1 ill ,wen b c ' Phota jra pitic ..1.11 , q0U ! th e y ms , ,he ja-t nu vett. It is our Ile 'emoted 111 S C tune Leo 1 ighly jo if , t • nte p tie that it will at any tune fall he ore eyed on n tor tot No. 4275, ti .te I Oct br ~ - _ A iii/ Ver y Cis err , . . , , pent tithe dine arnple ciee pens 1 i ion to 79 il granted to James Wldion, and hem.; th 3 0 VN TON, SHOWERS ,k. , GRA - deol -stio 1 . We etre tho first te iDoe,:tues ...ere soft le opinion, therefore, that "'e I c°l le ii ill it with such a crime. . el,ol. 1 .c.iitatas, end - cursors to Boynton t ._ Showerse -re p itauity 1 . , . .... manufacture immense Embrace the earheet opportunity to dem jail the c.est IA produce,on. i lie trade in same preiuse, mortgag tat by W n Toms for the idid lii. F t by rn dt -11101110 before named In liked, assuming a strength and stabilitye great sarialy, ranzin4 in pr co from emend° that they are folloe eis cf Itfailt \ GENS. LEE AND JOHNSTON. Lhat , Aa.l 'lever berme known, and the ex toes • , tilted 7th 04 tuber, 1 9 63 recor , l, (1 At Clues, in:, an c4enso t," 11 . 13 "' I ,tioi .3 _t of nun ounce to the publike thikt , i , e . n o,, open t oo cents to set each. Our ALBUM.) II Lye the ' field ,to Seited and t tken in execution, Ana ,ri, rcpututit uof being superior in be i uty and Jura son and Jefl ' ereon, and belies e In the per -, 1 (Mum the New 1 Drk Ercema t a's Journal 1 it tuelinery Iluctuations ot former ) 1 - , ear' be sold ;s the s ileitis( ly as the) ate undesirtioie. prop , rty of Wm Ton., ileeeneed I 81 T : v i kr e, - ft Cs 00 D F . ; Inlay Lo arty others. 'They It'll Lo sent by 11, tit eluarttiti. .. feel, equality of (ho Steles, ittel that the \ Ai s , Fl,l 1., , u nee ipt of Lome. ...7.-i.r--Ifino ALI.II. 'AI ..1 1110 Gen., and lien lot , lohnston is ere; ‘ ll° " , , ~ , ,t , -A certain tra . et, 'flan , ' sou tte in F•ret ; , 4, I lie l ranch itue, euger creels eisii ii , c n ,iw n-hout ' to ul der Cr_7 3 „, States have the perfect light to choose, oppos.te tate' 1., to the "et ecipitators . , p, Llenrfic d oounty, l i t ,I,tl c 1041 In ~ w prire. , , 3 -td stand In C, rah ini •, ne.c linoll , lg ultic 11 i ,1 3 e the heavy or lute ii.i - ii,,, e a sy t y tan 9of (1 11, ,str. and oa ti,, y oflcr to Aril at ortliti-hinc,l 3 , 10 -1 considering their cost ') 3( tor ( 1-11 ur applot - Cord Poste/rap/re .' and to form mid regulate their or, n domes -l ot Seee •-s l on, who 1" /•1 • 0 ‘ I I he "''"'• ' ' 11" 'LI I ' '' PI" 't ' '''' .1,„ into , 11 , 3 onti. ( lit' ,It, 1 , ,, - e Lk at , il, Willi-II t 00110 wile 1111 Ltd' 1110 11 ' 1 south by 1,11, , 11 if II P.II an I\l to iNl' 3 ", „n 0,, l 1 tie inetitutions-in short, t Lat States arel '''' ' ` ; `l , "-I , h P P" ' , li, 1, ito in market ket th in the light oil, v, h ile IN 3 est b • L , -pis is 111 Lin 3 1,43 n to 1 ''' ,t.1""1") WI I. t 11 1 , _ , . t 1 t'e'ary produce_ 'Their stock of ' Out f at,ilogue now embraces over 3'ooo dif mut 1.1 0 LIII.iOII V 1 tete sit eiteans eei ,i o, • l ', 1 ; nerd. le 11. Snarl SI. .YOllll Ilelliy, in e l e , nit ; e 1I y (), 01) folent subjtets, to which additions aro being e/11- 4FIVICS, not colonies. ' them %%ere sincerely at taelisd to the Line IL "1// always find a more 1 eady sale. But that portion of Mr. Smith ' s let h. r, led buttes, as accepted by their native anti . 1 inst. ince e hen the light 0 1, at (ho rt. , 1 1 ;situ di Het. per Latle l the ' • 1 sod 0.- ewolling.hcll.o arenLtstl thereon..l . o. zc • " ken in e 3 rt icon cad to Le sell as the 1r ii-it., C \NNW * 111; '! 5... le, ~.. , sic : aho A 1 1,10 Mii di tit nerels, 75 N. 1.%) Officers, in which he assumes to point out to Tres-tucceit cal Sklie, it o: l' . 1 1 1 1 1 g 1 11 , 11 1 ‘1. ,),, Lea, id a j s o t h ti n e il u i • cr : ti ' a )r g oil i na,4 a Icady ~a 0 1 ' et twerit Cactomers can th_ N.:finds 3- of J lin ; Forenion 'dent Joheson the true policy in dealing '"'" the e. " 11• I 2 4 )0 leis Iftrierals, I2D Stage Pictures, 13 ' l' ' i le 11 , i 1 c girt dollars. Lubricat,inp. oil has I,ecorne AI si.- e certain tin tract of lon I situ tto id Pike Cl, LIMES W I'l II 1 .1s l ' (t/ le Ill ` ! 2 .... , c.1,, , , , 1.5 store as the. grandson o fa tic i, y, . , ~. , f.... 0 Statesmen, with the vanquished rebels, is highly in had never been taught to take plain and ,an at .e.!,, C r ci pi line I I I. TIC 009- ) ity , tooth In the toe rid, p, CI. 0 ( 1,1 , 1 c inotv, I' , , boon •3•• ) mi•s Li ...,,,:.; 1 . DEL el e se: ! LAWNS 10 Artiste isO thirties, tereeting and we cordially recoil it, ~1 10 ,,10 AVOTLIj 111 a Pick •viek an songs.cJk..nlry reel Europe, t eh on Bloom Mee. e orr.), and oth ,or tr.achine and lorols of Ain , , t • • • -t• 3 3- I'd , 10u Li .tt l ..onels ' 1 t ino).• ten acres inane or 1. 3 with a two I. la / l 11 -3 3 . ( 41` 33-3 1.‘11 . .. , c -i. .\ i s ..3 , 125 Author., ''r , Thttli 01 1 purposes, 14,euvo the pi eterence cos.e )1,-, , , ~ , ; , , , ~ , , ~, ~ . .., , I ;eel tele r toficets, . 50 Prominent Women, to those of his disciples in this region who the one by 1110 father, the outer i J.ll his f ,- ,1) , ft lue net's() an 1 trame .3.1,. n cr.. , to i I 11 ) 11 c s ' eel kWI. e ! (.1 \ I'l .111 )5\ I, i is . 3 r , wou 3u 0 Copica of Works of Alt IL Ills )11 /flat Istt. g , and fat her lied leat ned that, a iSe.e meant I ~ thee_ in - , il mid taken i c •en.,.:, a 1 I t.) be are not yet surfeited with blood. 1/1 o il C •)ropaniol orgenisel Ii .11'. e l'e .i.. CAPS !Pe eel ' s A., ' , Hill- , ' ~.,, le g 1 gin ,du-tions of the most 0,•I, brand a elefs. If the) hail ever the thou to 31051 of t he Lula 1. 4 the prop .rty Uf 3 din M . ~, , , i, a THE REIGN OF TERROR. cot rubor:de 'Lear traditiored me ruction tlintlig the pant winter 1111 (3 their agent, At •u- A ...rtaln tract 41 lto 1 3 'oat.. in !Tact in CARPI. IS i's OIL ( U) I lIS ! I. ;4 - 1 v in. 4. 3, Pal ,tin 4 , , ' , tattles, ce C italog les .tai on receipt of Stately Au order for Out Do on Ow ground, and time pusl ing of era - t eviehip fle trt,ol , l (minty, PI , trended by From the Raftstuan ' s Journa.l, May 3, 1865. by the help of liw books, or Oven of those (H'll eTt it I( OF ace Eietures from our Catalogue will he filled en information t 3 ctopa , lets (heap sources ol ~ , , i f„ . , ~,,L l l tof.i I so, ,o, i sent by mail, sittfr; Tint CLEARFIELD Comury Patsoven..- 11 elow 1 e0n,,...,.. ut,y look fur stints t•xteruese sheet (0 acres &eared, and having there 3f i cr ' rt- -.-, vN cy 6, 1 OODS Ho,: ~, , 1 L hers and nth, re cird2ring go ,Is C 0 will be found the names and • entenees, not hers- and (hector/altos -they In c 11.1.). C 1011 n. , , lion . ) V ig,oluusly. lit a few let e l l.;, 1 ,, 0 111.1 y IttlwlV A Dußois, floil, coot/010u.; ith dit " I 1 C 1111 Ca I LI e10101.,1 Lfar - ILIL 1 - I ,1.. ID re., rd a boas, Spa oarn. 5e0...1 13, , 1 I iist3ll in 1:,3 A tofore.publishod, of citizens of Clearfield county,, their eat ly teachings collie ne I. In l'eig- ee , . ti a , 10 u.l -/. cidnin ar It 3 6, s /11 ..).. t:a pr .... , rty at C 1 i. 0.3 A- 1. 1 • 11 ,1 I'e Ls° leaet ..:J per cunt. with 'hear order tried before the Military Commigsion at Haub+ ;lisle or in any cebet laneunge, they eould ed .1 3. ;l' a ..e. IS L ' N I:N A. M r .' LEI) IN SI \ LE. - I r's' . 4 - - ino moos and guallty of our gm 13 ens • burg, fur " combining to resist the execution of , Hod a i m , a Stet, ,used a , a politic ii tic I -.' At s__T co ear . lit 13t , ir 411111 , 11 1 11.'e I 1 N 1101 fall to sAtisly. L Iprli din A 5, L.P. certain pro v isioni of the laws of Congress," rind) THE FUNDAMENTAL EVIL. o-,,,, , ,, 1 1,, ttur t ,yr nsllll,, lle 1.1 -1 1,11 co„ Pm , A v .. I) V.k 1,1 1 : Pi , eitibeu • ing marcutio 11, meant a A ' ,1.4.01, neither R: , ) re L c for the " commission of acts of disloyalty again t • front la g 100 lect on Cut on et . and running buck ..-, ,I , R)Ns., ee Ntil ft )Nis e, tit IQ:tie; e. ,1 .. ); not . less. State and sV,etter are sy n On) 109 [From the NON York Fre einsties J 'tunnel the Government of the United States, .1111 6 - , I alimge'runer street 150 fort t• an alley, an I • 3 3. 4 • rue are com ( i Id, eI, arras, :ti this lo ,letano ..., bring disloyal sentiments and espre)sloui, to y .. . .. . t h, Ls a duty_ ro gee-sire eesse")...rtrffilthYli t. OI L and 5, upon tahi di triocu • is era, Le lat ) o wit: _-. -- - ran, ex.'"l-11 it 00 a ••\ 4"ill• iv." ")" 1 "`" Ole, C -;, ate,• II .t, so 11 itOt • CI nyty be I I - fr ho a e unnniab I, and 11. ; ' r Oil -t....1.., ' ' ', , A t,,- ' L ' l• itt. 1 101 , 4 ' Pt irt M otertiee ! Ern lite li - 2;Dall Abe, ilia to stand - commuted mite tine Is iq its status o r .S1 (1 0 1 ,01 AS i ~t, ii d N I _ l c , , , . , i , 1' ' ' i ,-• I I 1. firoteetelphie A Ibrilii - ' paid. i i Rion, ant. a Nation is a State. ri,, , , oii ,line, t elite tee le lieu - vet nia) se , twee, in 1i,,4 WI, I o ther out ill 111,,,F, . 17t 1111 1I II 11l George Reedier, three years noproo)nrnent. / is hilt a super !heal waits It is lu .1.1- f),elit.ion and LJ be said as OR• i -.3,, rto ut II i ; 1 1 ., 1 ,,,,, • r ,,,,,. \ ~,. ,) ,c... sE( l,„ 1:.-', , i rte )0 Ilde Lon i . LSI of 't :\ at ton that. isll ese, le Benjamin Boyer, threw )'ears Intim sonment. I' s L l' Inc over the ie ii , rub• ll9 ...Me to bate 0 _ • in trtcle of I 111 -it its in A Lg.. i hren crust c. , I l'E ' l[l ` 111:1(Y lir .1 I.f. KI \ 1)-• - Henry Yea., I hese years he }elem. in i. lit. i , nut ." SI:" 00 ‘tl ' ''l'l C I" is "1 1 NJ-I - hike inwards, or to hoist tot le in ,nut] ,• 1" "' ituinsete tee Clea . `l , I I on. i / ). t' ) one tait roof The findings and senteneee bat 43 boon approt edition. Logue lend levy, itiel Im-omit lereel„r 1 e.,, , ,, 4t is Nett ire, A /...1.0.,..t.c.. eser Lee .4,,,„,j e te J . eeets e l (eel 2 , t i iI , ..1 •01 ale) ilii in cis ,in the N.. 1 her I Line . eii•ee n' ) a " a by, the Commanding General{ and the pr's, .litage, :lie all unantinoue in tl is le e iiil, ' Rent to the Clinton Penitentiary, New York. 1 1 1-, to the accepted political meeneig of 1 , e mint, and Cr) ine out • all is eel!. ,i i le i . 2 II LI other., with one saw mill, thrcn 1 l i a every loan tafeible of illinkined.ep - 1.11,_11 , :, li , o , ‘•• ill otrn t' ~ n er • •,• 1, in l 1 A 1,L40, State For future reference, 1 ,513 prefer ]living • i ly on these suljecte it need , 1 ut to be sta. about 2.) acres clittfel, an ,1 c int 111111Ig 3111 a 0. Si IT A, ../ BA, St ales, lie , e often, la. for e ilea , rut; i 1 more ..r less. AL- .- I 0.. ~.,..., ' , red a, les wrl or the above item of the Lister)' of the times it, t the principles nit essary to the 1 1' 1 1) I, l ' VPF Load ed ! I les not, in our ox 'n LI , l l` ' 1 ' tors, en , rrnnted In name of . t. ~.0, . . ,y tru.“l, 1 I ...4- 4 i 1.! L. 1' ...! .ti. " . l ' e reaetteriance of a flee or felt anced socie through which eta are now l'aSt. lll g, 10 , alielent anti glorious State of Savoy site !t 1 l , li t I oeis ef Issleievir, J,in i ,to ,1, I. ien t r y, tire i oces mg en vanishi n g u,Aay until m,31,..t, r, nn I r , 1 1 , Iro. A\ 0- l'i I.' 111OOrt 1 To , ch furnished by our neighbor. 1n doing so,ILL1111 1 )t dto Frence t ledn ' t Inc ' 14 ' 1.01 1 these population s , the people see forget-ei t 'st i mailsfart , ' e l e it .11-1. e ‘ e Di. S Il tik r a I se , • acres incc or 4.3 33 , t, un , , •v oi / we desire to remind the render Cl the fact I l '''• ". ' " deelal ' 3 IL S° by a flu e e rL army • ' ' ung, and mot Eland moo dep irtine from, McCuilough, John l'omain, Wm KcIIII 1 1 111 001- I 1/1./ 1 i Napoleon ' s 6./j/i.c.S being II I G ROC Ellll4] S - that it is only ft few w celsa einee our oogli a 1 ie - the tutebtmereal wets' -- system 1,v1,110 paroled led at those unmet 'sleet in -4 „ n deree e n , y li. II Olg 11117( 11 bOelet.v. We e ,41,t acres ele.trt.l. co Loa toil takca in ex en i Lor declared that Deese "Military Cote seer:nem t of modern liu l ,I I al 114„- ) 1‘. 1' 11 1, 1 :'111 post going .oto this 0 \ uninattUn to a- t ~,, ,I. Lt. 1.,,., sui las the P r ; terry of Di‘ 11 l'. A_N D emeli. missions " had "no jurisdiction " over these Nice, anti alt leer moo keys give heiself a i il) k , Xt ent al present. V, is prepuce only I , sll f 1 r I ' • • 3 • ~LSO-, 0i t ,em int sin erec. % :-.. •,i 1 I 1111 -1 4-,.. cases, and plainly intimated that the fcoe ay front her 011•11 111.1.1.ellaylICO, .11111 be- giving a brief aid ' , muted proof of what tract , r mice of land .ottiato in 11 dfur i town- 1 OVI_Sl()IN . ('`" 3 ! , come a "sh pIItLIICIIC 01 l• tense by Coe c‘t, ole ple would nut submit to such, a gross ins , I . a , . t ante , ii te putt, en hay on( ruled uicia - , Civil society is built on the lainlN. It fon ot s Ec4inning at. a pine cootcr 0, Jacob '• ' All f I I , t 1t • d •1 3 t Iwith .4 • 1 •it c qui •3, in s. (c o , peel t regard of the laws of the land, S.c. And t io „ ? I l i, • li I ' el. • I e.l •iii lt • 0,1 tu the tral3 of Clearfield sso uniVersa v. unit /es conste hated rho Lie) , s putt 1 ise. the ace e let 3 saute per- ~ el.! rniun 4 y. we also ask the public to bear it in mind Lee, and J.dineton, were Is ith of themAT P. IteVN ION 'earliest and rho taros , States in Nations. clue to corner on lino oi IV ri. Shi - ei 's par , ha -o' JO . -,El'll SiliVll !W.!, that our neighbor, in nnnotrucing the sincerely , attaclit.l to the old Union Huth Where there were no familos there never thene , e soutl. by the some Ind por, hes to white-' EDI\ 11. D teketil kM, of them opposed to the Secession move- oak corner, thence tt cot by lia to Ural, on 4 rut above outrage, has not a single word et Ileas a constituted politic • d o rder . And, 1 Clearfield, May 10, leel. ment - fyund themselves involved in it,l c llt perches to u pmt, titmice nath 1 Cal p e r. tlistipprobation to utter • and that G . his T IgEtill, where the family 11.1 i become disor - `, ia i , b i ic „I - 1 i, ,,, g• . . ) s t: ~.. 111 , I ' ' . hey held themselves /13 citizens of the gri reeee line disps,ed, society, from good '7 ° s mit e tie. i i i v itti l t u e i tc ' t ;is L n ie '" ,r i e ' t ' ioses wl7l ' c r l t t if i‘ ji a - ---- - - - silence, lie must Le understood as sandimi- GREAT FALL IN PRICES ! Uhltc'l Stitt" ' 1"-`1"•SC they 1"'", "eat I Y , older has fallen into (let - 1y ' and death• Sto i rey purchased of % tn. Sim , out by (teed ii•ttett , iv-that-outrage. ( Ili/ems of N, liginia, that Illi a S ale, 1 " Rome. in Pagan times, flourished while 2101 September, 1818. Seized and taken in eke. u V her State capacily, , . had blew/mot, t The - --- - -- --.-- - -,-1 - sultan end to be sold as tho property of Isaao SpR r /IL iiv G • 1 1' i R That these sentences-especially in the monogamy nas The 1u e• - 11 cure peris-hed ts ' AS Ustt. , E _ United States Conetitution into her own case of Mr. Bloom-are vindictive and , m hen divorce, and contempt of the fame, Shl"eY• grate con.ttuction of L.s.vs. The theory i JACOB A. FA 1: : ,T, ' l , came along with luxury. CLOTIIING cruel, none will dispute. liar %%lien the they acted on, was the theory -of thole) I May 10-to. ,b'i. col/ . 3' W hat are we, then, to think of the ____ manner in which they were tried, and the State of \Thelma. from a period before flight ful evidences vll around 119 of the ; COURT L'RUCLAMATION. AT THU character of the witnesses nartinst them, the -Y were Corn, it was the theory 1 °. prow PS , Ivo dissolution of all that used to .. • • Thomas JetT.-r.on, twice elected Pt es identlll , 'ltr t c il Hon. StMUEL LINK, Pros- Ocap c loiktith ,-;tou, are considered, none should be eurpist reverenced among US as thin family re- VV . ' '` ' ' of the States, end the bath e rof latem? Look at the fearful lists of d 1 iden t Judge of the Court of Cutumon Pleas J 0 5 These men may have violated th I e law. what was once the Democratic party.- 1- ot tho twenty fifth Judicial District composed of ' vorces in the courts of the different States, the counties of Clearfield , Centre and Clinton- But if so, from what motive ? And was it a Jellerson, and his Pel f _y, are discarded incietisin ' g )'ear by year. Consider the and the Hon. JAMES BLOOM unit Hon. J NO. D. itEizip.nriiN . BRos law that they hero compelled to know now- '['hey a te " I the P °41,1- ' lll 'g entiernen ' numbers of those who avoid the neeessily THOMPSON, Assoeinte Judges of Clearfield co.; , 1 a and soldiers, of whatever and understand ? These would be proper g rade, If defeat- .of disoreee, by never seeking even a civil havo issued their precept, to me directed, for rho ed by the fortune of war, holding of a Court of Common fleas., Orphan's • have the " g ilt ' sanction for their relations as men and questions for a jury to determine; but to be judged by their principles. The /as/ „omen, Are these families? If children Court, Court of Quartor Sessions, Court of Oyer "Star Chambers " assume the motives to be vicloly, as Norigt, the publicist, said, mayand Terminer, and Court of General Jail Delivery, come of such unions, ' whomlthey t o he- at the Court house at Clearfield, in and fur the bad, and not accordingly. Le taken for a veidici, in the case--but lon to? Th Public School e g System calls county of Clearfield, on the Admit that they did violate the law, verdicts are not always exP J • e onents of • u- them all "children of the State, " and ' Third Monthly (190 i day) of Jane, 1565. lice. On the other hand, vottliets, when II • Public does that justify the authorities in viola-School Systeml el es . lite °ne e r& very I tendered in court without farther I 'NOTICE JS, therefore hereby gives, to the earthly forge part in destroying the authority cf `ling and disregarding the law in order - to appeal, have to he accepted. Ihe justiceCoroner,Justices o of rho Peace, and Constaltles, the family, and indeprivingit Stale ...10 of in and Icr said county of Clearfield to appear in punish them ? of ft cause cannot alter the fact that thethat anchor withoutwhich ever itistheir•ltheir'' I a- proper persons, yet i hulls, stecor. s, • disposal of it bas been in a contrary sense. d r ift . lln Examinations, and other Remem- Gen. Lee, anti Gee. Johnston, and multi- I Can we exist in anything like a well or- brances, to do those things which to their offices, tulles of officers and soklierS. in the late aanized po l itica l sys t em, it t hi s evi l goes and in their behalf, portant to be done. Confederate army undastand this The ' GIVEN under my hand at Clearfield, this 10th Y' on ? Rome had, already, sunk into an yield to the verdict of the last victory. 'Th ey effeminate and degraded despotism,when day of fil•a-v, in the year of our Lord ono are men that the "new Nation" bilULtia • • sa id I thousand eight hundred and sixty-live. the satirist there were gsllant woruen 1 JACOB FAUST, Aerie); be proud of, unless it proposes to -itself to 'who counted their ages, not by their Tears, ' --- - - - exclude all that is honorable from its coca- ItELIEW NOTICE.--The Bovril of Belief but by the number of their hersbandsl position.or the count of Clearfield will moot at the I We too, is hen the family relation is a Commissioners ' epics, on Wedne ' da - and ' Tburs e little fartlfer dissolved, will find our po TIIE MONROE DOCTRINE -A special Wash- B - day, tee 24th and 25t ' 1l drays of Mu y, ulations of a kind that cannot maintain' The Board have directed that all y new nppli ington dispatch to the Philadelphia Bulk- any respectable government, hut, like cants must appear before the Board and produce tin of yesterday (sth} suites that-- " Tw o wild beasts must be chained down, and their sworn statement detailing name of soldier, offices have been opened hero, and an ad- kept in subjection by the whip, or, resist- regiment and company; when on.isted ; the vertisetnent published, calling on all offi-inumberof cildren, with ago and at of each ; ing this, be put to death by the ' hul:et ? cers and soldiers who witih to emigrate to _ the township in which they resided at the time of • I Mexico, in accordance with the M exican PENNSYLVANI k '1 moors.—Gov. Curtin enlistment, and their present residence; and that ( levee, to visit them. It is added that went to Washington yesterday for the ashedis without 111° means of support for herself similar offices are to be opened throughout purpose of arranging with the War De-; n Ti v o n , l yi r t e n n e , ss w . h o o f a e r r e o clerrintdeifirtonpouni townshiphot, the North," This means something , and partment the localities at which Pennsyl - in which she resides, must Yi also be e prodiicet ,if it means anything it is the Monroe Doc: vania troops are to be mustered out of whose certificate, sworn to before the board, must trine. Officers and soldiers now being the service and paid. It• is understood set forth that the applicant is the person she op -r disbanded from the Federal army may that the Pennsylvania regiments in Gen. resents herself to bo • that the statomment orate. make very good "emigrants," but evident- Sherman's army will be brought to Liar- number and s age of ' her family is true ; that is in destitute circumstances apd her family in sh e ly much better champions of that 'ninth - rislnt: • g, where they will be mustered out pie of American politics that no Europe-actual want ; and that all the fasts sot forth tabor and paid. The Govertior desires to so - aro just and truo. ' an Government shall gain a permanent cure theprompt tand musteringapplication containingrequisitionsb payment ' Forms these can be o - foothold upon this continent. Of course out Of these troops, so they may reach Wined at the office of the Board of Relief, when the object of this emigration is well un- their homes in the shortest time, and to application is made and the witnesses appear. derstood to be armed assistance to the prevent, the delay and embarrassment,' - Ml3 'Y* 2 ' 3865' W. S. BRADLEY, elk. A Mexicans in driving Maximilian and Lou- that has heretofore attended the . Payment , -SALT--SAI - a awl PLASTER in largequn• is Napoleon out of the Halls of the Mont- and mustering out of troops at this point XI titles, at J. P. KRATZER'S. g ezumas—Pat. & Union.l --Patriot & Un • - i ion. 1 March 22, 1885. ','nr NOT?—One of the main arguments of the advocates of our present mammoth national debt is, 'that the debt is duo to ourselves, and that whatever we pay in the shape of principal of interest is paid into our own pockets. We believe it was Mr. Lincoln hinii - elf who put the whole argument into a lAA-shell, by' comparing ,our.deiAto,kmen "indebted to himself." If tbis is the fact, then why not call the debt,pAid at, once, and be done with it It costs at least ten per cent. to assess, to, collect, keep the accounts, and pay over this in terest semi-annually,' hich .would thus tie saved ; and besides this, some tiatity thoustind office-holders would be 'relieved from thelr responsible du lies, and ' returnedthe to pursuits of productive in dustry. If a man is indebted to himself, • and forgives the debt, he is certainly no worse off. But, if this indebtedness costs , him ten per cent. of his annual earnings„ in tbashape of stationery and keeping his siooognts„ we tkiink_he would be a great fool indegd not to close the books at once and,cl.4l the account squire. '• fiIAIRRIED--On tho A I M instant, by tho Roy. W. M. Is Ur ch old Mr. Potor Boni tosMisa Fran ' cos J. Smith, boh of Olen Hope. TRUSTEE'S SAL, Real Estate ! il.Free Show! ~ . . ~..% , tj,t, -,.7.,,N:.::q.' , ; . : ~,,,,,..,. 4,474.,,,,1.,..„.,,,,,,..,:, Grand opening of Spring Clothing this day, Grand opening of Spring Cu thing this day, Grand opening of Spring Clothing tnis day, Grand opening of Spring Clothing this day, At Reiy.eusto'n liro's Extensive Clothing store, At Iteizeustein Bru's Extensive Clothing store, At Iteizenstein lire's Extensive Clothing store, At Reizenstein Bru's Extensive Clothing store, The largest and best selected stock in town, The largest and best selected stock in town, The largest and best selected stock in town, Tho largest and best selected stook in town Furnishing Goods, Pats . Ceps, Furnishing Goods, Hats dr, Caps, Furnishing Goods, Hats & Caps, Furnishing Goods, hats & Caps, Trunks, *alines. & Traveling TrunksA T :discs & Traveling Trill:fits, Valises & Traveling Trunks, Valises & Traveling At prices low for the times, At prices low for the times, At prices low for the times, At prices low for the times, • Our old customers do not need an invitation, Our old customers do not need an invitation, Our old customers do not need on invitation, Our old customers du not need an invitation, To others we say, Cal and examine our stuck, Call and examine our stook, Call and examine our stock, Call and examine our stock, Before purchasing Elsewhere, Eefore purchasing Elsewhere, Before purchasing Elsewhere, Fancy, Goods Constantly on and. REIZENSTIiIN BROTUEBS. May 3,1351 y. • PAY Up.—ALL perrona indebted to Dr. HENRY Joann for professional services or otherwise, aro requested to call on tbe subscri ber. f . l t his office in Froncibvillo, and settle with out delay—for now is the time to scrve cost. • F. F. couTpwqr, May 3, 180.-4 NOTICE TO U. S. TAXPAYERS I . ' ' ALL PERSONS KNOWING THEMSELVES Li liable to assessments under th0.11.13....Rev0. nue Laws, either for income for the year 1861, gold or silver plate, gold watches, buggies, ear- . stages, spring-wagons, pinnoes, melodeons, or for licenses for 1865, aro requested to meet me at .the futlowlng rained places on thedays appoint ed,'where I will recoil o all such returns. And in default of which tho penalty of twenty-five percentutn will in all cases ho added to the prep. er duty. - For Clearfield borough, Lawrence township, and all others convenient, at Israel Tost's office, in Clearfield, on Monday, May Ist. For Girard, Ocivingtor, and Karthaus town ships, at the house of John B. Mulscik Matson , burm, on Thursday, May 4th. For Morris, Graham and Bradf(rd townships, at the house of Jas. P. Nelson, Kylertown, on Monday, May Bth. For Decatur and Boggs townshi;s, at the house of Milo }lnt, in Oseehla,' on Thursday, May 11th.,- .... For Beccarin, Woodward a , Jordan town ships, at the house of Daniel Paulhami4, in Glen Dope, on Monday, May 15th. For Burnsido,. Bell and Chest' townships, at the house of D. S. Plotner, in New Washington, on Thursda, May . 18th. Far f erguson and Poirn townships, and Lum ber City borough at the housa of Wm. Reed, on Monday, May 23d. For Brady, Bloom and Union townships, at the house 01 kVtn. Seliweua, in Luthersburg, on [ Wednesday, May 24th. ,--_,,. W. J. 11EMPrlILL, Ass't Ass'r, Ist Division, 15th Dirt, Pa Ass't Assessor's wri u, t Curl; ens% ills, April 21, 1865. f SPECT A L ANNOUNCEMENT! lu EEL) .r.ITOLiS —l.superi , a• La —for sa CI, at Lilt Al LElt' . :le, t (.7(..:11()N undereigncd, having t been Ideeni..t.l an .1 ttt.tri•t:tece, would inlorta the it 1., of C:, 0. LI aunty that he will at tend to 2titli. , :ut a tdot, in any rut of the county, whenever eviler upon. Chan!. s 111611er:in). A rv,s, J.4M ES 11. I.l:ltlCErt, AIT;1 1j pl. \U t. Cioardold co., Va. Y 1S Prraung .•nitting satoa without- a. pr.)-ro,r aro ill' i) a itennlty of $6O, iv!tich rot - iri-ti ts 1,0 WhJ way t.iolnto the ..taino. 0 1.1. N ) FOR piana. 111.1.10 by Luba td Philadelphia, is ifilerail tier said. Prick, P t B. J. Lerry at thiilhousQ ,e J. L. CUFTLE. NT:ty 3, F. I) ) /1,1.i.5)1 ir.on th.i counter »I 1 , 3 C!)..! r, Two voiou,-;, ‘,..3 entitle 1 •.viri.thti!. I the ' Solt . Con.) tra ti.2.ti003 tho y Christia,n, Cr. christian'6 soh, that to»tr. or ,t))1 0 UP - .11, tcilL 1c.., return to the subscriber, or tho :+oh th.l)..t co:1,1,1.)r that Chrii . _lans will steal. LAC (:Irurnvld, :114:,. :, FrAL It ATOR 9 4 is Ltret y given that Letters of Adtuiuistra- Uvu been granted to the undersigned on the estaLe, ~f , sl .itus 11. Itowlos, late of Lawrence twp , Clearfield coenty, deceased : therefore all per sons indobt:d to said estate are required to mak, immediate payment, and those having demand. rigninA Elio idle() wilt present them duly uuthen ticatod for settlement. SAMUEL M. ILOWLE3, Adufr. May 3, 1865,—pd, Anm INISIRAIows Novic E.— Note is hereby given. that Letters of Administra• Lieu oil the, estate of Benj. F. Carr, late of Law. react) township, Clearfield county, Pa., deceased, having been granted to the undersigne.l, till per sons indebted to sail estate are required to make. immediate payment. and those having claims against the same will present them duly authenti cated for settlement. E Ala) WILLIAMS, LI, I :LI 1.1. ET II CAICR, .I(ba May 156.51 1865 111'11ILADELPIIIA S ERIE RAILROAD. rytillS great lino traverses the Northern and k Northwestern counties of Peunsyl vahia to the pity of Erie, on Lake Erie. It has been leased by the Periaßy/raaia Roil. rou.i Comp.(ity, and is operated by them. Its entire length was opened for passenger anal freight business, Oct. 17th, 1801. Time of Pus.vcuyer Trains tar Emporium. LEAVE EASTWARD. Mail Train, 3:20 A. M. 3:40 P. M. Warren Accent. Train, - - M. Corry Accom. No. 2, - -M. Curry Acetu„No. 4, - -M. LEAVE WESTWARD. Mail Train, 11:08 - - A. M. Warren Accom. Train, - - -M. Corry Accom. No. 1, - -M. Corry Accom. N 0.3, - - - Passenger Curs run through WITHOUT CHANO/ 5 both ways between Philadelphia and Erio. Elegant Sleeping Cars on• Mail Trains both aye between Philadelphia and Lock Haven, and on Williamsport and Elmira Express Train between V Mania port and Baltimore. For information respecting Passenger business a ~ i ly at the Cor. 30th and Market treas. And--for Freight business of the Company's A outs, B. B. Kingston, jr., Cor. 13th and Market st • , Philadelphia ; - J. W. Reynolds' Erie; J. M. Drill, Agent N. C. R. R. Baltimore; H. H. HOUSTON, Gon'l Freight Ag't, Phila.;, 11. W.O , P Gon'l Tioket Ahila.; Jos. D. POTTS, Gon'l Manager, Williamsrt jan. 11, I po 865.. Bags, Bags, Bags, Bags, ALGENTS WANTED--To sell the great world " " LIFE AND DEATEI IN REBEL PRJR ()NS." Solalorp, Ladles, T i lyi , !ne a r t ita4 l t. 1. 1 lityractie4, Ap 12-'65• lm Audi • old( Riot) fraft prof Zola °Wu' rear do do ycarl do Hand; do do do. 'Over np26 St Cu let al Coca Cult. bolt bolf cats anti wit the 441 ,, 1865.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers