spies ir iv it D. W. MOORE, Editor and Proprietor. M 1-fiISCIPLES, not MEN. -. VOL. XXXVI. WHOLE NO. To Mr. aud Mrs. Prampton Dell. t mm. u. c. LEE. you child too dwljr 1ot(1 f 5h has gone to ilsayea shore, And would you meet that child 0 dear. To meet with her In Haaren lecart f ...un;uanni irom every tin, And let your 6av!or onter in. jlomewfor liow she lurTored h ore How patiently her pain the bore, t5y would you meet that child above, And with her sing redeeming lore Then change your hearta from every fin, And lrt your Suvior enter in. The Bible trachea you the way j Remember Uod'a mort holy day, And let the Sabbath-breaWt roam, And with Liitie teek a home laen cieanse your ncnr'i rrom orery eia, .And let jour Savior enter in. Keep tho commandments to you given, They'll guide your soul to peace in Heaven, Kow-crowned in Heaven dear Linie stands, n aVHnir, for you to join her band Then cleanre yonr hearti from every sin, And let your Savior enter in. 5ow lead your children on the way, Teach them to love Uod'i holy day, And then in Heaven yeuwillbo An undiridod family. Now Lizzie stands with harp in hand, Waiting for you to join her band. A lovely crown'adorni hor head, Weep not, your daughter U not eaj But with the shining host? ubovo, ' he sings of Chr!:t'g redeeming 'love. ow Lmie lUfida with harp in hand, naitinfj for you to join her band. Could you buthonr her earnest voice, Iiopluring yoa t ma.la a choice , . To choose high Uoaven for your home, Where death and lorrow nover come ; You would lay Thy will, 0 Lord, bo duno, Cltanso mo from sin, Thou holy One. Iter rjiirit pleads for you above, Oh, try to moet that child of love. Think how she deeply suffered bore, l;ut now ibe dwells in lloavoa secure, Inviting you to join her band, bear Linie stands with outstretched hand. Bowin, Fed. 12th, 1S63. Correspondence. The following letter ai amy be sunnisod from its date has been on file for several week. The delay, in Its publication was occasioned by tirbio rumors afloat in this neighborhood affoet Id( th official character of Capt. Campbell. As these rumors have not been confirmed, wo feel it to be our duty to lay tiis lotter, which may not tl Insppropriately styled " Chapter I vf the Hilton of the War in CtcarjUM," bofore our ros ier. Wo take this liberty the more fae y fiom tho bet that Capt. McKierja, In a noto accompa Dying his letter, submits the propriety of Us pub lication to our discretion. Editor. Smitu's Mills, March 24, 18C5. D. W. Mooai, Esq , Dear Sir When Ibe Ittpullican containing Col. Campbell's letter was received at this place I was not at homo, or I think I ahould have been templed to reply to it. As it is I want to say a fow words to you. I know that the Colonel, as woll as the Journal, alias II. B. Swoopc, Esq., are charging that I did not volo for Mr. Lin coln hence one great point in writing this loiter. It is to bring me into disre pute with the Democratio patty, andde- troy what friends I may have among the vi'uuuiuu. -imiuuv entering luio a I. ... . , . . . lengthty review of Col. Campbe l'a letter I will notice a few of its most nrominoM features. lie says that I "had frorp. tima o ica reported the impossibility of ob taining aid or assistance frorr, thq luhabi lantt in the prosecution 0f Vis (my) iV ties, that, on the contrary deserters end non-reporting drafted caen were secreted, harbored and eroyed -m defiance of me laws, dj msny (influential titiieni-. that hi myj 0ffwrts mut prove fruitless tt1nCM sustained by a military force and thai he (I) bad been repeatedly fired upon (While in tho execution of his (my) duty." It is true that I did report "the impossi bility of obtaining aid or assistance," not 'from the inhabitants at large, but from i4he Republican party. I do not suppose that there was another officer appointed by the present administration so feebly .sustained by the parly as I was. There but three or four Republicans that'ment, when the precceding fever is at its gave me anything like assistance, and as for asking Democrats, it was too much like asking a man to be his own execution er. The only instance in which I em ployed a Democrat, he did his duty choer fully, and I believe faithfully. But, alas for himhow much better It would have been had be "touched not the unclean thing." Samuel Louneberry will have causo to remombor to his dying day that lie was an employee of tho Government. Again, "deserters and non-reporling drafted men were secreted, harbored and employed by citizens," "not many in fluential." These words were added to my report. ' I was advised to arrest these men and hand them over to lho U.S. Marshal at Pittsburg. The deserters of most notorioty at that time in the county were Tom. Adam and Jim. McKee. It was patent that they 185G. were employed by some one. A. T. Ma son and myeeir, left Clearfield town morning, with tho intention of arresting knowledgmont I arrested Mr';Jaccb Heed m having had them employed. I then knew nothing about the man or his poli tics, nor did I care. All I wished to do was to break up the nest of those bad mon, danis and McKee. I took Mr. Rpeil tit PiII.Iim.. ..J I 1 . . - - uv.( uul ou Uli own ac- - -'"""s nun iittnaeu mm over to tho District Attorney. About tho first noru mo Attorney asked me was, "Is this man a copperhead ?" I said since arrest ing him-ho tolls ma he is a Republican. He replied by saying, "this is not the kind of men we are after. Wo want an out spoken Copperhead, one that is oppo sed to tho drafi" or words to this effect He then asked Mr. Reed if he know any such man. Reed said he did, and upon bis making oath against Mr. Geo. SIoss as the kind of man wanted, and his having done the same thing that Reed was arres- lui.uir, ugjj WM permillo'l turn homo. When I fouud ihat nc e Dul Democrats were to , - prosecutej I maJe no mora nr. V.otS. lje fact is I do not know of one Well-authenticated caso of a Democrat " lecret ing, harboring or employing deser ters, or non-reporling drafted men." You yourself know it was curiently reported and believed at Clcarfiuld town that Ellis Irvin, a Republican, harbored and em ployed Oscar Shirely, a deserter, and Jos eph Lansberry, a non-reporting drafted man. And tho oiy time not repeatedly I was " fired upon," was by Lansberrv. whom I had just found in the employ of a ttepuuiican. Again. It is truo that 1 told the Colonel that my "efforts must prove fruition" in the arrest of de.crters " unless sustainod by a military force." Tho Colonel fails to tell his readers when I asked for this " force." It was immedi aloly after I was appointed Deputy Tio vost Marshal. I told him then that thero were a fow deserters in Clearfield, that the county covered a very large scope of coun try, was sparsely sottled, ana tuai two u. three deserters could keep me running af ter thein all summer. Soon alter this he wrote to me that Major Myers had writ ton to him from Harrioburg that Thomas Adams, James McKeerAlei. McDcnaM and others, all deserters, wero in Clear field county, armed and ready to resist the oflicors of the Government, and that he should sond " a military force " to hava them arrested. "But," continues the Colonel, " I do not wish tg io lh;a for fear they i. e. deserters, will ru cut of the county. (Surely tua:e cc.uld have been n harm in ri'kniog Ihem out of the county.) V.'erenot these men left as a nucleus far disaffected persons to gather round! There must have been some ul terior motive. I believe if he had sent me at that time half a dozen soldiors to ar rest desortors, not pcactalU eititens, that the " numbers of eoserters from other coun ties ir. the State " would nover have been bero. As to my havinc asked for a " mil- :.. ,, , r . 1 , I'ary force" to enforce the draft I donv n , T . . in toto. . On the contrary, I was elronclv urged and adt ised by A. C. Finney and if. B. Swoope, Esqs.; to not attempt to servo the notices in Knos township, but without reporting to Col. Campbell, to go to Gov. Cur- tin and ask Lira for troops to assist me. It was not after iw T .Vo,l ,J,!nf thesa per . i .u, : i . ri3m nnu Blana luloro i"o won- ot tbo Treasury, and Air. Jdulilon Dicker ..ese geticmon and seldom took it when ,i. nn,l .HmiPBiinn nf thA wrrl,n . nr.. ...... . . givn gratuitously. Hence the "charges" against meal Brookville. I had no fears of the poople of Knox township, and the notices fere served quietly and without tho tronps, Feeling conscious that I havo dono no wrong to the people of Clearfield county, I am, sir, respectfully, JNO. S. McKIERNAN. CSyThe mode of treatment practiced by the Chinese, and the English oflicors in China, for the sma'.l-pox, is to rub the nil net with ornton oil and tartaric oint- heicht. and just before tho eruption ap pears. That causes the whole of tho e tuption to appear on the chest, and re lieve! the other parts of the body. QSParisian society has been saddened by the death of a young lady of rank and fashion. On a post mortem examination it was found that her decease was owing to tight laoisg. Her stays had forced three of her ribs into her liver. What a sensi ble woman 1 BCVBricham vn. s. -r.,n I tral. In a recent sermon ho said: Tho1 North nravs thai their .frib-a 1 into the heart of every Rebel, and I say. Amen i ahu mo oouin prays that the North may cut down on a thousand bat tle fields, and again I say, Amen 1 JM?-"Oh, mother 1 do send for the doc tor 1" said a little boy of throo years. "What for, my dear:" "Why, ther's a gentleman in the parlor who says he'll of Independence, both provide for Soces die if Jane don't marry bim aud Jane' sion- But there is no time for words, I ayt ebe won't!" , write in haste. I know how foolish I CLEARFIELD, PA., WEDNESDAY, MAY IETTEB FROM THE ASSASSIN. . Tho folio iving verbatim copy of a letter in writing which i the hand-writ tl tr res- ;pu uim?'"i M "Pen furnished ua bv V r.S. m' " 'ard. United States Marshall nf ., ., -;.y, . u .z .v, VOI u isirici ot ienn sylvania. It was handed over to that of ficer by John S Clarke, who is a brother-in-law of Mr. Booth- The history con nected with it is somewhat peculiar. In ?e&rf ''.r0 Fr ty 00,h' 10 a en velope, "for safe keeping." Ur. Clark bo ing lgnoraut of tha rAnMi. r i. jry last Booth culied .7 Mr." C.ark". ZZl , j' . i'v-uso, ana it was given liini. t 13 now Simnnco.l l (,.. . . l . . tin o he took out the papor and added to it . his s.gnature, which appear, to bo in a dillerent .nk from that uVed in tho of the letter, and also from the bua employed could not have boor ,)U.b or.ginally. Afterward h- Z-Zl th package to Mr. Clark hRi , I" "j wince. Bih 'vv prc ptwn Tho loi - . 1 MiMptM J rest. IDfl U'.lT lifts frtllnw.. -1S6-1. iuiuk dosi- jsui as tumt may wish know when, who and u-hu un i o. I !,,, not how to direct, I give it (in tho words of your master) "To WHOM IT 11AV CONCERN :" Right or wrong. God judge, not man. rot bo my motive good or bad, for one thing I am sure, tho lasting condemna tion of the North, I love peace moro than life. Have lov ed tho Union beyond expression. For four years have I waited, honed . r. .i i i. ,i . ' . iui iiiu tiouu io oienK, ana toration of our former sunshine, longer would bo a crime. All peace is ueud. JUy Diavers 1 - as idle as my hopes. Gods will bo dot;o. I go to soo aud sharo the b ittcr nd. I have ever held the South wero right, "o ery uoiuin mon oi Aoruliam Li : ,.i four v .mm i. . ' , , ,,mjl war war fiio na't grown. U bow I have lon-ed to upon Southern right, and institutions. ' see hor break from the mi ? of lood and 11 a elec ion proved it. "Await an overt death that circles round her folds 6. o " I- v u iv! 1 r b b0Ut.h wus Wls0-1 But D0' tl;,v bi" llllv h b been dra-nd n ho thinks o argument or patience when 'deeper and deeper into cruelly aa on h. finger of on. -i.emy presses on the ' pression till, now (in my rj" her oZ trigger war I, too, could bright red strines look 1' 11 say, "country, right or wrong." But in .'on V. faeo c f 1 a n 1 fotklJTiS' struggle nek a ours wheie the brother ' on my early r.dmirat iar Jh JirZ, ?' trios to pierce tho brother's heart I frlJr-m f. . " T- , Ud.n.of her Z?ut u a God's sake, choose tha rioht U'h- . couiury lino side, she forfeits the allegianco of every honest freeman, and should leave him, uutrammeled by any fealty soever, to. net as his conscience may approve, reoplo ofthe North, to bite tyranny, to love hboityand Jus'.,ce, to strike at wrong and oppressio., ii,-' ui vui iuluu'o, ha Blinlv r.rniirnuHir hiti '"'J 4 D0 let me forget it, cud may It -it J J J .iiS country was formed for the white, not for tho black man. And looking up on African slavery from the same stand point held by the nolle framers of our Constitution, I, for one, have over consid ered it one af ibe greatest blessings (both for themselves and u.) that God ever be stowed upon a favored nation. Witness heretofore our wealth and power ; witness their elevation and enlightenment above their race elsewhere. 1 have lived among it most of my life, and have seen less hartb treatment from master to mnn than I have bnheld in the North from father to son. Yet, Ito&veu knows, no one would be will ing to do more for (he negro race than I, could I but see a way to still letter their con dition. But Lincoln's policy i3 only proparing the way for their annihilation. Tho South are not, nor have they been fighting for the con tinuance of slavery. The first battlo of Bull Run did away with that idea. Their causes since for war have been as noble and greater far than those that urged our fathers on. Even should we allow they were wrong at tho beginning of this cou tost, crue't' and in- ';'" have made the wrong becomo the rr C i I 7 r , , reading of their deeds, Thermopylm will be! forcotten. When I aided in the capturo and e.o - cution of John Brown (who was a .mur - uorer on our v esiern uorner, onu who was fairly fri'd and eont'totc'i, before an im partial judge and jury, of treason, and who, by the way, has since been made a gou.iwas prouu in my n .10 stiuro in tho transaction, for I deemod it my duty, and that I was helping my common coun - try to perform an act of justice, Hut what was a crime in poor John Brown is now considered (by themselves) as tho greatest ami only virtuo of tho whole Re publican parly. Strange transmigration ! Vice to become a virtue, simply because more indulge in it. I thought then as nme, that tho Aboli tionists were the only traitors In the land, and that tho entire party deserved the same fate of poor old Brown, not because they wish to abolish slavery, but on account of the means they have ever endeavored to use lo effect that abolition. If Brown were living I doubt whether ho himself would set slavery against tho Union, Most or msnv in vho North do, and oponly curse the Union, if the South are to return and reUlQ 11 lln3lc riJhl guaranteed to them by every tie which we once revered as sacred. The South can make no choice. It is either extermination or slavery for than selves (worse than death) to draw from. 1 know my choice. I have also studied hard to discover up on what grounds tho right of o State to so ceed has boon denied, when our very name, United States, and the Declaration shall be dpm,i r ... . . now h.ro I have Z Tl... T ' ' plf'! ...... a " ;.c.s,i,sji ,r Godismv ",.; V, Sfte!ns ln8a,,; Lul I do 1 .love Juslic limn u.ury mat disowns il : ITilO P.lifl bl..1.1, t t r mnrA limn A Paid wealth : moro II mo .f wrong) more than a happy home. 'avo nevor boon upon a battlo -field ; but U, my country mon, could you all but seo the reality or ellects of this horrid war. as I Lave soon them (in every State, save erfi'"".) I know you woulj thiuk liko mo, and would pray tho Almighty to cre ate in the Northern mind a seiie of rijht and juttice (even should it pooss no nea sonuig of tnercv.l and that II.. i .1.... t(J tip tins sea of blood between us, which is B'u"'''SSYRier. Alas! poor country, is she to moet her threatened doom? rour years ago, I would have gien a thousand lives to seo her remain (as 1 had alwajs known her) powerful and unbio ken. And even now 1 would hold my hfo as naught, to see her what tho was. 0 my friends, if tho fearful scenes of Hie past four years had never t een onacUd, or if what bus been had been but a li iiiht rul dream from which wo could not a wake, with what oveiiW im. i.,.rtM ..1.1 for a res- ; we bless our God and pruy lor his con tin Jo wait ued favor- How I have loved thewM.,7 - nun uu IVI1U1VI), A IUW Vl illS since and the entiro world c.nild boit ol none so pure and spotless, j'.ut 1 havo ol late been seeing aud hearing of theWWy u-.i of which bho has lem m.u'c IhccmlLm. i ii i , . . . . -"ikt " D"uul' lu l,11UK 0W Cliange.l 1 T. eZ .-Su llJln-'3 bUnU l0"uy-) is for the Sou.'.h alono. Nor do I deem it a rrioner of this umu,to whomilT'okS (So much of misery. If success attend me, I go penniless to her side. They say she has found that "last ililch" which the North have so long derided, and been en deavoring to forco hor in, forgetting they aieour brothers, and that it's imnolilic ' ir .mm nn in..nur . 2 V"VI f LIS UillHUllPO Should ! her true. 1 reach her in safely and find will proudly ben permission to triumph or dio in that "same ditch" by her tide. A Confederate, doing duty upon his own res ponsibility. J. Wilkes lioorn. ATTEMPTED ASSASSINATION OF PRESIDENT JACKSON. The assassination of President Lincoln brings to mind the attempted assassina tion of Provident Jackson, in 1835. Mr. Benton, in his "Thirty Years' View" gives the following account of it : On Friday, tho 30th of January, the President with some members of his Cab inet, attended the funeral ceremonies of Warren R. Davis, Esq., in tho 11 all of tho House of Representative of which body Mr. Davis had been a member from the Slate of t'outh Carolina. The procession haj moved out with tho body, and its front had reached tho foot of the broad steps of tho eastern portico, when the President, with Mr. Woodbury. Secretary sou, iocretary oi tno iavy, were issuing frotn lUo ,loor of lho Ereat rotunda which opens upon tbo portico. At that i instant a poison stepped from tho crawd . int0 lho lillle opon ,.,nM jo frout 0f the into tho little open space jn President, lovelled a pistol at him, at the distance of about eight feet, and attempt ed to fire. It was a percussion lock, and lho c oJo j wilhout fi,.in , the rolv. , . ... ,. , . - ., , der ,n tl,e bttrro1- lhe explosion of the cap wos so loud many thou't tho pistol had I heard it at Ihe fool of tho steps, far from the place, and a great crowd between. Instantly the person droppod tho pistol which had missed fire, took another which ho held ready cocked in lho loft band concealed by a cloak levelled it and pulled the triggor. It wasalno a per cussion lock, and the cap exploded with out firing the powder in the barrel. The President inutantly rushed upon him with his u "lifted cane ; Jhe man shrunk back ; Mr. Woodbury aimed a blow nt him j Lt. Gedney of tho Navy knocked him down; he was secured by the bystanders, who delivered him to lho officers of Justice for judicial examination. Tho examination took placo before tho chief justice of lho district, Mr. Cranch, by whom ho was committed in default of bail. His name was ascertained to be Richard Lawrence, an Englihman by birth, and house paint er by trade, at prosontout of employment, melancholy and irascible. The pistols were examined, a c J found to be ei load ed ; nml Rr,l r. t ... . . .. -- , .wrwnrus wituout Tail, car- rVltlfr II. a,. I. ..II.... ... . . ... true, and driving them through inch boards at Ihirt fcBt w y feet distance: nor could anv i. r. 1 for the two failures at the door of tho ro - seemea to beat his ease, as if unconscious or haying done anything wrong refusing to cross-examine tho witnesses who tesli - fiud against him, or give any explanation Of hi. conduct. SHERMAN'S NEGOTIATION WITH JOHNSTON. A Surrender and Peace Under Consideration. -77.C Ajreemcnl Countermanded by the 1 resident an i Cabinet.- Jl.jstiUtiet to Recommence.- (Jen. Grant to take Command of Sherman s Army. OmCMf, CAZF.TTn, WAsniNoTON, April 22 Y'eslerday eve ning a bearer t.r u dispatch arrived from General Sherman. An agreement for the suspension of hostilities, and a memoran dum of what is called a basis of peace, 1ml beon entered into on the 18lh instant by Johnston, tho rebel General Breekein id-e being present at the conference A Cabinet meeting was held at 8 o'clock in the evening, at which tho action of Gen. Sherman was disavowed by the Sec retary of War, by General Grant, and by every member of the Cabinet. General Shenr.nn was ordered to ro sumo hostilities immediately; and he was directed that the instructions given l y the late President in Hie following tele gram, which was penned by Mr, Lincoln himself at the Cupi'.ol, on ine m-hi ol'the od of March, wereapproved by President Audrew-Johnson, and wero reiterated to govern tho action of military command ers. On the ni-ht of the 3d of March, whilo Prendent Lincoln and his Cabinet wero at tho Capitol, h telegram from General Grant w as brought to tlio.Seoi elary of War, informing him that General Lee had re quested an interview or conference to arrange for temiB of prarc, The let ter of General Lee was published in b message of Davis to the rebel Congress P,l T' ' B7,. 1 1 ' ZT.T2X: few minutes, took up his pen and wrote wiih his own hands the following reply, which ho submitted to tho secretary of Stato and Secretary of War.and telegraph ed to Genera! Grant, Wasiiinuto.v, March 3, 12 P. M. Lieut. (Jencral Grant: Tho President directs me to Bay to you that lie whihhrs you to have no conference with General Lee, un less it bo for tho capitulation of General Lee's army, or oi. sorao minor and purely military matter. He instructs mo to say that you arc not to decido, discuss, or confer' upon any t olilical questions. Such questions lho President holds in his own hands, and will not submit them lo military confer ence or conventions. In tho meantime you are to press to the utmost your mili tary advantages. Edwin M. Stantov, Secretary of War. The orders of General Sherman to Gen eral Stoneman, to withdraw from Salis bury and join him, will probably opon the way for 1'avis to escape to Mexico or t J Kuropo with his plunder, which is report ed to be very largo, including not only tho plunder of Ihe Richmond banks, but previous accumulations. A despatch received from Richmond says "It is ktatcd hero by responsible parties that the amount of gpecio taken South by Jeff Davis and his party is very largo, including not only the plunder of the Richmond banks, but previous accu mulations." They hope, il ii saiJ, to maka term with Gen. Sherman or some other South ern commander hyjwhich;they will be per mitted, with their ell'ocls, including tboir gold plunder, to go lo Mexico or Kurope. Johnston's negotiations look to this end. After tho Cabinot meeting List night, Gen. Grant started for Nortli Cirolina, lo direct operations against . Johusion's army. Edwin M. Stantov, Secretary of War. terms or Johnston's slrhkndf.k ruj ectld n v tiii: cioveknub.nt. Washington, April 23- Aa report have Imen in circulation for somo time of correspondence between Generals John ston and Sherman, the following iiiemor - andum or basis of what was agreed upon j acter, and in doing this never reckon ou between thoio two generals, ' und tho re- cost suit, is published : Remember that self interest is more Memorandum or basis of agreement, J likely to warp your judgment than all made this, the lSth day of April, A. D, l other circumstances combined, therefore 18(j.r), near Durham's Station, in tho Stato ( look well to your duty when your iutcr of North Carolina, by and botween Gen. . est is concerned. Joseph E. Johnston, commanding tho Never attempt to mako money at tho Con fedoral a fcrmy, ana Major uenerai William T. Sherman, commanding tho army of lho Lnited feiatcs, both pres- cnt. l ust. 1 ho contending armies now in the field lo maintain the stales nuo until notico is given by tho commanding Gen oral of any one to its opponent and reas- onablo time, say forty eight hours allow ed. Second. The Confederate armies now ;n T;uir.n .... i. ,i:..i i i i .. ...i. i. ed to their several State capitals, there lo gam your case you aro goner, uy, .osor. dep. t their arms aHpul l'o property in Avoid both borrowing and lending, the Stato arsenai, ami each 'olheer and Liquor dnnk.ng, "'"2, "fh 'im manexecuto and file an agreement to chewing tobacco aro ba habiU; they im cease from acts or iar. and to abide tho1 pair the mind and pocket, and lead to a Sn o both State and Federal author.- waste of time They tend to et one down tie Tho number 0r arms and munitions but never to lift one oP, in the regard ol or war to be reported to the Chief of Or- th virtuous and the good innee at Washington city, suljectlo the Never relate your misfoi tuoes lo other?, future actiou of He Congress of tho Uni-.and n t ier jntve cvet wfcnt ycucan pre ted Siiile, and in the aeinuaje to be us- yolI . TERMS2 00 Per Annum, if paid ia advano9 NEW SEIEvolTvZkoT" ed solelv lo : . B"'Lli 10 maintain peace and order within th. ' "i V':."? nuu er w. lavc, respective- . v . Third. The recognition i, m. p 'sHJ ? "" Slale,sof tbn veral the Constitution of the United States and i wpro conflicting State Governmenls'have ! If," u , ,, ,ora W!,r- tho legitimacy of of if. uStl. Foul,l,. Tll0 re-oMnM?;,! -r . ederal tout -a in ihe several States with owers as elelined bv the (Jon(i ' 'owcrs laws of Congress. ' --mhii.kmuuu null J-i tl . il.e people and inhabitants of all States to bu guaranteed, as far as the hxecutive can, their political rights and fi anch.se, as well as their rights of person and property , as defined by tho Constitu tion of tho Lnited States, and of the States respectively. Sixth. The Executive authority or Gov ernment of tho United States not to dis turb any of the people by reason of tho late war, so long as they live in peace and quiet, and ubstaiu from acts of armed hos tility, and obey lh8 laws ia existence at toe place of their residence. Seventh. In general terms it is an nounced that the war is to ceae ; a cen tral amnesty so far as the Executive of tho United stated can command, on condition of tho disbandment of tho Confederate armies, tne distribution of arm, and the resumption of peaceful persuits by officers, ami men hitherto composing said armies. Not being fully empowered by our rosnec tive pniidrulsto fullfilljjthr-be terms, we individually and officially pledge oumolvesj to promptly obtain aiithorin- nn.l ,;m endeavor ti. carry out tho abovo pro- t'rau:uie. .r . , W. T. SllEllMAN M ijor General, commanding Army of bulled States in North Carolina. ,, , J. E- JonvsTOY. General, commanding C- S. Army in North Carolina. It is reporte I that this proceeding of General Sherman is disapproved lor tho following among other reas ons : first. It was in exorcise of authority not vestod in General Sherman, and on it3 !aco Bhows that both lift Anil .Tfirmaf i kDcw. -'nan had no anihor" lnto uny such arrauge- ments. Second. It was a practical acknowledge ment of the rebel government- Third. It undertook lo re-establish State Governments that has been over loyal lives 'and immense treasureV'aflil placed arms and munitions of war in hands ol rebels at their respoctive capitals, which might be used as soou at the arm ies of the United States were disabanded, and used to conquer aud subdue loyal Stutes. Fourth. By tho restoration of rebel au thority in their respective States, they would be enabled to re-establish slavery. Fifth. It might furnish a ground of re sponsibility on tho part of lho Fedoral Government to pay tho rebel debt, and certainly subjects loyal citizens of rebel States to debts contracted by rebels iu tho namo of tho State. Sixth, lt puts in dicpulo tho existenco of loyal State Governments and the new State of West Virginia, which had been recognized by every department of tho United States Government. Soventh. It practically abolished con fiscation laws, and relieved rebels of every degrco who had slaughtered our people, from ull pains and penalties for their crimes. Eighth. It gavo terms that had been deliberately, repeatedly, and solemnly re jected by President LincolnJ and bolter terms than rebels had ever asked, in their most prosperous condition. Ninth. Il formed no basis of true and lasting peace, but relieved rebels from tho pressure of our victories, and left them in a condition to renew their efforts to everthrow Ihe United SUtos Government, and subdue tho loyal States whenever their strength was recruitou and any op portunity should oil'or. Bi'siness Rcles roR Young Men. Tho world estimates men by their success in life, and, by general consent pei manent, success is evidonco of superiority. ' Never under any circumstances, assume a responsibility you can avoid consistent ly with your duly to yourself and others. In other words, "mind your own busi ness." '.Use all your action upon a principle 1 of justice, preserve your integrity of char exnenso of vour renutatiun. silo neither lavish nor niu-erly j of the two avoid the latter. A aiean man is un iversally despised, but" public favor is a steppicg-stono to preferment ; therefore generous feeling should bo cultivated. Promitohut little i tbink much and do moro. " , . , Lot your expenses be eueh as lo leave n balance in your pocket. Ready monoy is always, a friend in nerd. Keep clear of lawsuits lot even n you
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers