1P i kind assurance of confidence-, tvould he receivo them in silence. throbbinu oi my heart s of the "strophe which has applied u cannot be od him "Juced to words j and oppressed as 1 an' Willi llto new .nun greuv retpiinsiuii" i Inauenratioa of President Johnson On Naturdav momine. the 15th inst., Atlorney-Geiierni Speed wailed upon Hon. Andrew Jonnaon, v too-i resnieu. ui iTnitml Smte.A.Riid otuciallv informed ! - . . . I . .-.I .1 -.t of the sudden anu unei, f w wltlcb h devolved upon mo, and sadden-lut. Resident Lincoln, and stated that an ear- . ' . , nQ ly hour might be appoiuie; or , nau-. y - j t , cttnot , fc . ,0 curat on of his successor. Ibe following '"J". ... i 1 , . ... U a copy of the coram to; Washington Sir: -Abraham the United State, was shot by tolngainit all foes rfnd punish treason. lAp- rSonsation 1 The lt auso.l In the dealings oi nn " ince Thai Sell cat-! Lie ProWlence and by the operation of the Constitution, i nave ueen uiryu pectedly into this position. My past we,. 1. i . 1 1 prtiiro flurinc the present unholy rtbellion, is lefore you: I have r . r .),. nnu nnA no nr uciii e to retract, i ui-ij n-j - ... .i i:- it vnri- nn nt to nnv oi my iuuuu - '..,:.i, ii, i,riniiiled which have guiu- unication n-ferred , - .o .7 wull n, VLrouclI life. 1 have no profession L.Umrn! ;;i i;,! ,, ..I i!i, r I to otler. Professions and promise wouiu City. April 15, 1805. 1 .. : ZiIi " ,:i .," I . .or 1. nothing at tbia time. o one Lincoln, l'resident of , r " ""V . 7 r. ". . .'. r; ". .. ..L.. f,,rSp the circumstances thai m nn assas- 11 18 "J0. Byin;u.u ..... - : il..,l nnv man e fled Wlin WePNEBDAT MoRNINO Al-BIL gtt, I8C. .in last evening at tord.ihe aire, id ..is : - ' nn occasion like this and a We publish elsewhere the account of dent w. shot, an asjassin enter(1 "'i from the people uiysnif, every pulsation .. . , ir: u.;,l.nL .TnhnJsick chaEVoer ofthe lion. w. n. sewaru, i rtiMuilnp liAnrL fin lid nn imni udiate in.tai.auon " ' ! " "I , Salary of State, and stabbed h.m.ev-"T nv ffianv e in pub- .on es 1're.iueni, (nvws """'eral dIbcm In Ihetbroat. neck ana lace, rrf--"L'im' 0r,'nn considere ....L Vnkda bv him rh that Oi-rimon. if nnt mnrlnllv vroundini: him.- rniuai sib " rut viuij - u ft 1 a ats r,f nn ftrMrais U . Other members OI Wie necreinrj . inu...j- d merely formal. To mo thoy are real. Your words of countenance uudencour- t. iin nnv muii uii ucreauer unw. - .....,! ., ; prescience four years oB f written down in advance the events or rhi. period, they would have seemed more marvellous than any thing in tho !.Abin Nights." I shall not attempt to anlioipata the future. As events occur i :. umni nirv (or me to act, l shall dispose of each as It arises, deferring any docluration or message until it can be rasT mm ! RICHMOND FALLEN ! ion were the Tresi- ou wft v " -...,,J,-l , thAiuaai- lour ..., rr,nh bv i.aracraph in ereaioa ue,r5auoHO, C,luen.l j;."' wh,,- mn..mg escape ljy n7 onl ou I notl t Bather light of event, a. they .lan.p.re a Jay Ot two subiequent. !daft. of President Lincoln the oftice of ' BlrA,h to carrv out mv con- The members of the delega i As all mind, are aoxiomljr inquiring i're.ideDt has devolved under the Urn-, ric,iong nf riglll, -phus feeling, 1 shall what the policy of the new President is Y.itution upou you. Th . e"80ljcy entro u.,on ti,e discharge of my great du- 'the Government domnmls i ai you suou.u i f . . -t0..,iri.stiv. ral auai,i if not iaeiyto, c.ry imrjiediat,,y qualify accoiding to the re-; v lfl .j,-- VxhjUlod m.lipvnaa .peumi ..ui.v, ' ' ' outretucnta of the tonsmuuon, anil r..-1 - ... j .in f u ,uour T ...! II, a iilmml anol ! lhe .. nf Prnu)iltl)t Ol lh8 ' i 1 I i nl;n,,lnit weign;j nnu iu ier upuu iuu .., , sorrowing minus. ieei i repeal lH. more conservative portion oi tue aaueronis( uniieu oiaies of the lat Democratic ii,n ot-..rallv introduced to dent by Gov. Oglesl y. . Directly after the above interview had exhibited by my termina'ed. the members oi ne Vur'V'"" If you ill plee make President, tacked by the whole known your pleasure, such arranganienu i resiueui, w j l.flvnn eam nroi.erwillbe made. tio party, desire that the lenient ' Your oU-dient se and bumaoe polioy towards the oonfeder ales, and their loaders, adopted by Air. be pursued by his suocejsor ; while the more radical portion of thorn dosine him to adopt a more stringent and rigorous policy. Thus far President Johnson has succeeded most admirably in giving hopes to both parties, without committing him self in favor of either. Ia his address to the Illinoisaos be stated very distinctly that he would mata bo prsfosions and 4ve nojpledfiei, and quite as distinctly ewioo referred to Lis past political Ufa as the-Bureet indKatiou ol what may la ex TOClecl of him in the falure, assuring his audience that his principles had undcr- , servants, Ht cn McCuuot-u, Sec. of Treasury. K M. Stantos, Secretary or y ar. vrfmivmr8i8as?-ft5r.y- J. P. Uksusr, Secretary of the Interior James Si-EEO, Attorney-Oonerol-To Andrew Tohnson, Vice-President o the Unilod States. Mr. Johnson requosted that the cere monies take place at hie rooms at the Kirkwood lloube, in Washington, nt ten o'clock on the morning of the 15ih. 'J he lion. Salmon P. Chase, Chief Jus tic of the United Slates, wa. notified of . ! n.l.lraus ff vm. son.wnon an niij)ir3sii , .ii,u,.,l onnPiHtu stinn was utuvereu i. n i.i.,i- in n., nitv soirit '. U llev. Mr. Ilordor, of Albany of anuer, no feeling of revenge tt ..I . ha IB A.1 imt mil R ini IUI II VI n inv. vi. mvuciioiu fiu- a.i n, ..m those contained in the re ry oi BSDKinu. j.. LXerVoTili-Ti last would heart feel moro sensibly than mine this ,.1 I lllij AA. greatam.ci.un. i , of A,Uny rrc,j. occasion 1 mail inauige in no psujr i ; ' "iL . nf m.iMi feel. rui wo uenv joiiqsu iukmd 11-; ---- . . midst of the A-.th" me ns Ujose coniameii wvery oiti.f n is sponse lo me Illinois ueiegunuu-. ooserve uie rinvs ' ... . liOUUII i ATUI. ouminjr no discredit to December, tun-lit in obiv Uw and nfClirislinn conduct, out Chief Magistrate, I ,i tin ImlnvAil of u'.l hearts, has been ussassi- have done 1 1 i .1 i m :. :.... .. ii. . i. . i . . r i,- .).. naieu ; miu itiran s vrwo iuu u.uuoiu nuow squans were wie urun vi v.ij, its cause, when we remember iho source wlllj lllQ alm0sphcro just as cold as it dare whence iho auassin drew his .io-puation Monday was an improve- and then look at the result, we stand jet not w ' "J 3 . , . , more asloundod at thit most barbarous, mont. and luosday gsve u about our brst most diabolioal assassination- Such n tste of summer, crime as tho murder of a great and good . i i - - rnvertvl. thobcluved. M tltltlllOn tlio l.Slh instant, by the thefact.andoesiredtobeinatlenuenceio ; , . . w M UmchMx, Vr. Win. P. Mayt, of administer the oth of olhce- f .olitary individual of ever so' Knox tuwn.hiP, lu Min Sar.h Urahan, of Law ahub uikjioiii"" .: p utV. ,ln.mi We can traco its I ,cuv- ,v" gentlemen assembled in the V ico Presi dent's room to participate in tho ceiemo ny: Hon. Salmon P. Chase ; the Hon Hugh McCulloch, Secretary of the Treas ury ; Mr. Attorney-General bpood; t.l ilODlgomery cone no ohance, tayine "iny o'pmions as to the DaUreof popular government Hlair, Sr.; the lion. have long keen cherished, and, constitu ted as I am, it Is cow too lata in life for tue to change them." He also three sev eral times refers to the crinve of treason, and t the puoihsjt duo to traitors 4o the vindicatioB of justice remarking that "what may be mercy to the iodivid tial is cruelty to the State." Now, what has Wa the past publio lifo of Andrew Johcsoa? lie was born in the city of Paleigh, N. C, in ,1808, and mnioved to Tennessee in early lift), where Johnson remarked : u ,. ci tn Sint I.oirislii.l "(Jcntlenion : 1 must - O ture in 1S35. Sinco then he has rled many imblio ppsilions. and wr momber of the United States Senate Tennessee joined theSouthem Confedera cy. Up to tun period nts recom as aeon-jAsto nn intficiltion-of Bny policy which eiitemt States' UigUU Democrat is second n).iy D0 ,)Urgiiea by rue in tho admiuistra- 4a tliai of no other man.' So prominent! tion of tbo Government, i have to say I id..;. Kr . iim I Inn Montgomery Dbir Senators Foot of Vermont, Yates of Ill inois, Kamoy of Minnesota, htewart oi Nevada, Halo of Now Hampshire, and Gen. Farn9Worth of Illinois. After tho presentation of the abovo let ter, tho Chief Justice administered the following oath to Mr Johnson : 'I An anlmnltf ftwear that I will faith- fiillw -xfpAiiu the oftice ofTresidont ofi the United States, and will, to tho best or my ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States." AfiAr renoivinu the oath and being de clared President of tho L'uited Statos, Mr. lilted to . i ....... .. 11.A..1 C'lUSOS llirougll succrssivu tmp, nmiuui, my enumerating them here, back to that source which is the spring of all our woes. No ono can say lint if the perpetrator of this tiondish ileed ba arrested he should not undergo tho extremest penally the law know, lor crime; none will say that morcy should interpose. Hut is he alone guilty ? Hero, gentlemen, you perhaps expect me to present some indication of my future policy. One thing 1 will say. Every era teaches its Ussons. The limo3 we live in aie not without instruct ion. Tho American people must bo taugtit if they do not already feel that trea son is a crime and must be punished ap nlausal: that tho Government will not always bear wilh its enemies ; that it is strong, not only to protect but to punish, appluui-o When we turn to the crimi nal codo and cxaniino the catalogue of we there hnd arson laiu down M On tho 2ith Instant, by lbs Iter. 0. Dunlap, Mr. G. W. Snjdcr, of Ibii borough, to Miss Ltlen Irvin of Lawrnnco iuntuhip. On th 13th inut . by the Hv. John A. N'uner, Mr. W. A. Loniberry, to Mii Bothia WoolriJgs, both of Clcurfiold county. sf 'najiiasii isii'iiiirsnm iiMWiiiMnvTwamrTr D1KU On tho NUb. initnnt, hlitt Lucy Dniuokcr, of Uisdy twp., aged " 3" 1 m" and 21 days- Lucy, bappy child, adieu, Tby sorrows all bats ccaiod, Fur Heaven has taken a child to dear, To evorlasting pcaac. In nrnily townihin. on the 17th iniUnt, H. SU-rn. son of Jetio and Uvina Linos, aged 18 j enn and & months. bo pern occu-!"y ual 1 ul" , r ;V"r ""nt " crime with its appropriate penalty ; wa is a albj( of 111011 J Vfl lind thero theft and robbery and murder ft which has so recently occurred. 1 feel . nnd there, too. we fin J when incompetent to perform duties so iinPor- S'cn . f cria,M,reR.on. lianr ariil me rfn u i 1 il rt flfcthriAil W ll lCil LiaV taut uim ii..ti'wiwiw) -w i been so unexpectedly throwa upon mo. .aid he stand that be was favorably spoken that must Ixj left for devolopemeut as the , Applause,) With ether and inlerior of lotieci our people aro fumiliar. liut in ourpenceful history treason has been al most unknown. The pooplo niunt under- Rt:inl tliat it is the bluckestof climes, and 2Jcto Sbbtrlistmtnts. xy- U. S. TAX-PAYERS Mi ; B h 2 . of in manv influontial nuartera for th . j i .... . 'I Via mi.oorwtn AUnUIIIBU I'UUII I'lvKl cui. I . i, UJ ..... i.uaiiin. a nu uuiv uaaul'HIlfrA . be surely punished. Applause.) I liia olliiamn nat-U M"iif,til,fi, jiresented to the Charleston Convention I that I can now givo of the fuluro is refer- Lut.10 point out the principle! ot public .bv the Tennessee delegation. From the .race to the past in connection with this g" pur actions a Hi bouml public tuoiftU' Jet it he uu- iuun rt it fluaru liourL lli-if. Irnajun in ing auU laborious, has v , J , ,, 7," . . ,r.rimN nnil traitnt'u snail Kiittur ilii tipni.ti t Applaune.J t'egiooingof the Administration of rrefi- Rebellion must be legardml as a guaran- :;1 , . . T . .1 u . , tee of the futtite. My put publio lifts, I -dent Jackson, up to the breaking out of!whicU ha8 been . lab,riouS( ha; gra ! bsst enercie of the rebellion, every measure advocated i.een founded, ai 1 ii: good conscience be ty the Democratic party found in Andrew lieye, upon a great principle of right, Johoiaon awarm and earnest surnorter.- 'nic" ,ie3 ut ba!l ? f M lll'.n, ileatoodby Jackson the old National Bank spsoie currency ; be w to a tariff for protection internal improvements government; he was .... - " " - . w , , - , .1 11 II in me war aga.nsi ( cn Jeavoring to establish and perpetual i 11,0 'lana', OI lrallr- sna!1 "0(V mun , and in favor of a' the principles or freo govtrnmeot, and 1 l caro, no.1, bvf "hl eapon,-to at- . i- . . . .i . . ...... . lomiil thi life of tlio htato wita linr.uni. as a wavs opposed ienovo tnai, mo uoveiunieui, in passing : ' ,,,. V . 7 . ...o.ovIt, ...... . i ' iv ? WhiluwostrKinoiirmii.il to nom. , and likewise to L;.itjJ' . ;,u : prehend the enormity of ihU nssassina- by the ceneral , ' lion, thall we ullow the natiou to be as..-u- - 1T1 U (tl I ILllllIi AaVA KJ 1 u WUI lllltllltlll mm nil' i a member of Con- duriniz than heretofore 1 must be per- cimi ilarina tha adminialralion of Treii-1 mittod to say, if I understand the feeliuus dentPolk, whoso leading measures, in- of ra,? ow,n 1 ve "ong labored to . .. . . I ameliorate and elevate the condition ot eiuaing mo acquisition oi texas, anu ine( ,ho greRl maBS of lh8 American people, A LL 1'BIISONS KNOW INU T II r. Ma but to i linblo lo ajiossiuoiits undor iho U. 3. Uove nue Laws, either fr inoomo for ths year lbol, gold or filver l IuU-, gold walchei, bugUs, car ringos, spring-wugont, pinnoee, melodoons, or for licotii'if for I3rt j, ro requeited to meet ins at the following tamed pla" 00 the Jays appoint ed, where I will rcoie all such roturns. Ana iu default of which tko penult of twenty-fire percontuui will in all cmoi be added to tho prop er dutv. . and all others convenient, at Iirael Toil's office, ia Clearfield, on Msndiiy, May lit. l'or Uiranl, Corington, and Ktrthaus town rhii, at the home of John ii. Mulion, Mulion bur, on Xhiindsy, Mny 4th. For Morris, Ornhain and Brdf( rd town'hipi, at the houne of Jai. P. NeUon, Kylvrtown, on Monduy, May 8th. Pur Xicratur and Foggs towuflii; i, at the hou.'e of Milo Hot I, ia Oiceolu, on Tburtday, Muy 11th. ior iteccaria, oodward ana Jordan town hii., at the huuso of U.itii.'l Puulliituiu), in (ilon Hope, on Monday, Mny iith. lor iturunidc, lioll and Chtit township!, at the house of 1. S. Plotner, in 'ew Washington, on Tburid:iy, May lSlh. v... t, . .h.i L..nn n .1. : ... ..4 T ..... Sllialed ? ApplailtO.I I speak in no Spirit i. rilv hi.rounh i the houi. of Win. Hoed, on of unkindtiefo". 1 leavn the events of Ihoi Mondnv, Jly 2,;1. future to be disponed of as ihey arie, re-1 For Iirudy, liloom and Union townships, at pardioc myself ns the humble instrument ' 'he houno ot vVm. Schwm, iu Luthernhurg. on The' I hilo wo are appalled, overwhelmed! i And so havo the prices ofGoods at tho Cheap Cash Store of 1, Morris & o. i who have juit returnea irom rnuaaeipnia who largeana wen isieeiea itock of Qoodi (Spring 4 Summer), purchased siao the late deellne ia prlcoi, and which they are prepared to sell Chciip cr tli im the Cheapest ! Prlat'i Dolalnes, Balmoral and IToop-iklrU, Ladies' and Cbildrent' Circulars, Ladies' Uaiketi, ao. Notions in Endless Variety ! Boots Sf Shoes of all Kinds for Ladits, Men and Children I Clothing of all kinds for Men and Boys, At Sensation Prices llata nnd Caps in Endless Variety for Men, Boys nnrl PliiUrnn ' HARDWARE, llroad axei, double and in4le bitt axel, rafting and Urklag ski, au gers, AO. GROCERIES, Rio, .'ye and Lagunria Coffeei I Brown, Yellow and White fiugan I Imperial, Ulack and Young Ilyion Teal I Freili Can Peichei, Picklei, Jellies, Catiup, Pepper Bauoo, Beam, Hams, Shjulden, Sidei, Syrupi, te. Stoves Cooking nnd Parlor Stoves, Pipe tjc. Saddlery Bridles, Saddles, Lines, Whip?, Ilames, Collars, Harness, c. Grind Stones and Fixtures ! Carriages, Buggies, Sleighs, Wagons, Cloversecd, Plaster, tjc. To Lumbermen and Contractors we would Bay that wc aro prepared to furnish tlicm with Flour, Fcod, Bacon, Fish, Suit in fact, nuything in their line Cheaper than the Cheapest ! Wo guarantee persons visiting our ptoro to go satisfied with tho Great Bargains they can have 1 ftway tat ft "5 3 Thankful for past patronage, wo hopo to merit a contin- j f tho samel ( Wo are still at tlio old Btand in tho Luilding kuown tu; tho Exchange Hotel. The highest Market Price paid lor Timber, Shin gles, and Country Produce, J. I. MORRIS & CO. rhillpsburg, Pa., April lOtli-lin. t the fall of II XI? W SKIKT l'OJt 1800! l'bo Great Invention of tho Ag in OOP SKI R TS! of the American people. In this as in all Wednesday, My 24th. W. J. II KM I'll ILL, Au't A.i'r, 1st Division, lVtU Dirt., Pa. Afi't Anesor'i OlH-e, I Curwentvillo, April 21, 1865. J ap2 St. sale ;ii. Xfio frti,i,.i ;n l,!m Mlnu''iv:i n.i i.. i ,,i ,1.1 thincs, justice end judgement shall Lo dc- supporter. Ue idvocatod the Comprom.' principle , of 'free . er.-ent have been ' IZ is. measure. 1850 1 the Kansas-Nebras-, 7 - - . er , le , wouU, , that public morals j kabill, and finall, stood shoulder to , rouDitttion 0r my political creed. and public opinion should be establi.hed shoulder nith Bigler, Crittenden, Doug- feel that in the end the Government will upo.Mhe sure and innexible principles or las, Push, and other conservative S Srffll VTSl; Stl 7tff SSd "K? ""STtj U,r,,intheir,frort,to -save tho Uniou'l to 150U-01 bjr measurra or conciliation !yor encouragement and countenance, I aad compromiss. Upon all questions af- shall ask and rely upon you and others and 'n carrying the Oovernment through its i : i ir.-i : - M..t.:... il: .f iv, CI.). n r ... Piesenv periiR. i il-ci m uiusiuu tuu re- of the Slates, none of oar i J . ... , u,(ibr.,m. nublio men stood hiirher as a Jefferson ian 1 J i i i iv... i.;i ... i i Democrat: and few Southern men wero'ersof the rights and .uteres. or- freo !y to the State. Applause. In Tuesday the Olll day of May, 'G5. . . i ... tho exercise of mercv theie should be no - J J moredecidea in their opposition to tn-poopie. doubt left that this hieh nrerocntive is lh.8 tMS "rticles of pononal property, to At me conclusion oi iuo udovq romarics .; ,. . ; . a wits the President received the kind wishes not wed lo relieve a Tew at lie expenso 0ue mttTe t l9 u of bBrnS( ! winjranii t of the friends by whom he was surround- of the many. 13o assured that t shall o.re-hing marhine, 1 patent bay -fork, one cow, 4 UVICI iuiu suns a isaa asvv aw iuucui v li-l J feeling the reserved powers, .overeignty Q KKD POTATOES. A luporior lot-for O nt J. P. KRATZIiK S. April 28,'6S-1m. f UBLIC YEN DC 13 menibeiirg that I am the Executive of or the nation. Iknow men love to have PPllGflNAT PUfiPPPTVI their names spoken of in connection wilh I Lit OUllliil 1 ilUJT JjV A Ii acts or mercy ; and how easy it is to ield rnilEREwill be expoicd to sale at Tublio Qui to this impulso. Eul we nitiid not forget X ry at the residence of Matthew Foroee, late that what may be mercy to Iho mUiviilu- uraJford townahip, oa croachments on tho part of the general government. Excepting upon the single question of the right c tecession, we search e J. A few moments were dovoted lo con head of young cattle, 10 hogs, 22 ahoep, I tvro- JW. BHADT.EVS New Patent DVPLKX . ELLIPTIC (or double) fPill.N'G HKIltT. Welti', Bradley A Cary, (luto J. I. A J. 0. West,) Sole Proprietor! and Manufacturers, 97 Chambers and 79 and 81 Kendo Streets, Now York. THIS INVENTION ooniiils of DUPLEX (or two) Elliptic Stoel Spring, Ingeninuilv Braided Tightly and Firmly together, edge to ede, mak ing the toughest, inott flexible, EUstia and Dur ablo r-pring ever ucd. Tbey seldom Bend or Break like tho tingle Springs, and consequently l'roorre their Perfect nnd Beautiful Shnpi Twice as Long si any other Skirt. The Wonderful Flexibility nnd Great Comfort and I'lesiure to noy Lady wearing the Duplex Elliptic Skirt will be experienced particularly in all Crowded Anomalies, Operas, Carriages, Huilroad Cars, Church Pews, Arm Chair, fur Iromenade and House Dress, as the Skirt can be folded, when in me, to occupy a small place si eauily as a silk or muilin dreis. A Lady having enjoyed the ploasnre, comfort, and great oonrenience of wearing the "Duplex Ulliptie Steel Spring Skirt" for a single day, will never afterwards willingly dispense with their ute. For Children Mieiei, and Young L. diei they are Superior to all others. Thoy are the boit quality in every part, and Cnqneitionably the Lightest, Moil leiirable, Comfortable and Economical Skirt evor made. For Sulo in all First-Clais Stores in this City, ! and throughout tho liuitod States and Canada!, ! Havana do Cuba, Mexico, .South America and the est Indici. ixgrntB roa ma uri.itx klmptio skiht. A. A Co. New York, np!2 3a. ia vain to find wherein he ever differed versstion. All wero doeply impressed ,uw" ,ew"T 7 T. Bi V V1 n . 8 5 I . ' K cunini, 1 1 m lburitjis ialk takes inn motnoa oi tniorm ,T " . ... ... 'nithlh aolemnilt of tha oeoasinn and to the whole people. Applauso.J In re- cider pros, 1 harrew, 3 plows, one cultivator. JT ing the watermon of Cloarfiold oeunty that with the great mass of the representative , '.Trni.i t o-,! .V.i card to my future course, 1 will now two buffalo robes, 1 ton plate stove, I Uining-u- he ha, reOtted and reopened the hotel formerly men of the South , the recent sad occurrence that caused tho uke no wfrorejsiilonsi. no tledjzes I have hie, bureau, and 2 sett of chairs, bedi and bed-, kept by E. Schreiaer, at Coxeitown. where he men 01 the &0UIB. neceisity for the speedy inauguration of " P S.iv !?ih dinK- ,nd u' lbf Farming wlfl take especial paini to render i.ti.rotion to Such is a brief, but we believe, perfect- the President was gravely discuasod. Mr. been counected somowhal actively with Wen.ii,, ,j Household and Kitchen furniture' nil who favor hiui with their patronise, ly truthful, glance at rresidenlJohnsonV Johnson is in fine health, and has an ear- public a lairs, and to wieuistory ot my too tidioui to mention. Aim, a Urge stock of Coxeitown, April 12, '65. drily. past political life, by which, he W.. IToW BEOEBS (QOOBSs) SETTLE UP 1 hie Altar. 1. to be Judged. Should heJJ, ment' governed heretofore, an.l will guide me" ofwbkh sn ' good order. . LI. peri0B ,nd.bt.J t. th. und.r.lgned. or thee, determine to administer the affairs !hs been ai-nointed Actinc Secretarv of heieafter. In general, I a ill say I havo! ftri u commence at t a, o., of midday, to the Arm of PASSM0HE A STEVENS, .... ,, . . .. 2, , a appoimea Acuiifc oeireiary oi j iaoored Tor tho nme orat on and ele- ni1 enfnue from day to day until the wboleare .re requested to come forward and nttls without cf the government in accordance with h State. A special meeting of the Cabinet "of the Croat muss of mankind My jsoldwhw du. attendance will bo givca and delay.' Nowi. the time to saveeost,. 10 o'clock this morning. political antecedents, he will have no dif-; w at ho Treasury Department at ficulty in adepling what was believed to be the lenient policy inaugurated by Mr. Lincoln in dealing with the Insurgents and insurgent StaUt, but he Is most likelv great masg ot mankind. My opinions as to the nature of popular gov ernment have long been cherished ; and axoTOER si'EEcn or president Jonxsox ; constituted as I am, it is now too late in On Tuesday a largo delegation of the life for me to chonge them- 1 believe that 'citizens of Illinois called upon President Government was mado Tor man. not man I t 1 1 .:. ... :H . 1. .. T ..... f..t nAVnrnmAnt' I Antilnncnl T 1 . i. . , j .. , . . leuuuiuu, nil ma luouii in mo iicubui v ivi v. v . . .. ( a u.a so8iu.n.., t-ermnno auempi to buildinus. when Gov. Oulesbv. of that strupglo of tho people against the most be made by the general government to State, addressed him in their behalf, to gigantic rebellion tho world ever saw his influence the action of those SiaUi, but I which President Johnson mado the fol-, demonstrated that tho attachment of the termit them to resume their functions ,,owin8 important tespouie :-Gentlcmen : poople to their government is the strong- . . . . . II liosa, lialanml urilli nrnrMinl rinnliin In Kit nnlinnni (lpf(inB8 human Wlflloill Clin the kind words you have addressed to me. i devise. Applause. So long as each The visit of this largo dolegation to speak j man feels that the interests, bo long as to me through you, sir, these words of en- the publio heart turns in the right direc oourageraent, I had not anticipated. In lion, and the poople understand and ap the midst cf the saddening circumstances preciate the theory of our Government which surround us, and the immeuse res-1 and love liberty, our Constitution will be jponsibility thrown upon me, an express- transmitted unimpaired. If the limeev- snaii tan, me wo shall cease r ii.. it a r ,t if it u 1 U .rI ' ,vrv"""5" Kim I'UIIimon- vo ue ono ui llie ikhuiii ui iur rniiu, n i- secession than ir his life had been spen. wpaithi cucorg an j strenglhona my heavi-1 ter having preserved our form of free Gov- . . nni .11 1.1 J..!.. Ik.'i I .1 I ! I t ..I. . . .Ol.. intneiNOrtn. ina. ne inouiu aeeiro m iy ouruonea mmu. i am n, ioss ior words, ernment, and shown us powers to main Union restored, therefore, is most natural ; i to respond. In an hour like this, of deep- tain its existence through the vicissitudes j . , t, . -ii, ...u tt.n, mr-ans which ' e,t "0w, were it possible to embody in of nearly a century, it may bo that it was and hat he will seek those means arotdi lho eBylDgs of; ny bosom, 1 could necessary for us to pass through this last will bring about that nappy reiuu me DOt comraaB(j my lips to utter them. Per- ordeal of intestine strife to prove that this siieaitiou, and upon the uirm term, ' haps the best reply i oouia msKij, ana me vovernment wiii not perish from internal terms made known by T. II. FORCEE, S. P. WILSON, Adm'rs est. of M. Forcoe, dee'd. Ap 25, tds-pd. $10 KKWARI) will be paid for the arreit of O. C. PASSMORE, Clenrfield, April 12, 1365 tf. Jadies' Furs, Pnrchaicrs may rely upon gt J ting the bolt Fun at CIIAS. UAHFUUD A SUNS, ContinenUil Hotel, Philnd'a. Jan. II as members of the Union with or without slavery. President Johnson is man ia whom the country ought to have great confi dence. We see no reason why his patri otism should be doubted. Being a South em man in every sense of the word, bo.ionofthe confidence of individuals, and er comes whon the people deservee much more credit for opposing ' f1''1 more of 80 in"untial body like that. Oovernment will fall, and w aeservea " u ' .oniibefore me- "presenting a great common.1 to be one of the nations of I juite as ml tira!. one the rnqst readily oppropriale to ycur weak atss, biijtjwill aland to defend itself REM UK NOTICi;. Tho Boi.rd of Relief for the eounty of Clearfield, will meet at the JAMES PKICE. who escnnod from tU n 1 .1,1 it f I V. n ... I nl.l. .f L' .... I . ' , IUV llTII.tliU VI a.llU.U, IM" II " ship, on Sunday the 2d imt. Said PRICE is about 5 fuot 8 inrhci high, dark ootsplexion, with Coiumisiinncrs' office, on Wednesday and Tbun blue marks in the laci j or nrtcen dull an will bo day, tbe 2rStb and Z7th days or April, isca. paid for his delivery in the jail at Clearfield. I The Board have directed that all new appli DANIEL MOORK, cants must appear before the Board and produce Karthaus, apI9-'o5 tf-pd. Constable. thoir sworn sutement detailing name of soldier, regiment and company; wnon enlisted ; tbe number of children, with age and tex of each the townihip in which thoy resided at the time of enlistment, and their present residence I and that she is without the means of support for herself and children, wuo are dependent upon her. Two witnesses of credibility, from the township In which she resides, must also be oroduaed whose certificate, sworn to before the board, omit I sit forth that tbe applicant is the porion she ep-r resents oersou ts Dei mat tbe itntemroont aft be, TRUSTER'S SALE OF BY Tirtuo of an order of the Orphans' Court j of Clearfield eounty, there will be exposed j to PUBLIC SALE, at Lumber City, nn Saturday the fth of May next, A esrtnln Lot nf f round iltnate in Lumber eity. and known ai lot No. 18 in plan of laid borough, number and age of her family is true ; that ibe and fronting on the t urnpike, and adjoining pre. , m aosuiuie circumstances and ber family la perty of Jamei Farwell and others. , actual want and that all the fasts set forth in her TERMS. One-half at confirmation of sale, application are just and true, and the balanoe to be secured by bond and mort- Forms eontaining these requisitions caa be oh gage. JOHN OWENS, , talned at the office of the Board of Relief, when Truitt of Ei'att P f r Oum. aVf. application Ji nude and tbe witnenes appear. April 1, im. ' Mar. 29, 18. W, t?, BR.ADUV, -Clt. Corset Makers, Gaiter Fitters, Shoe Binders, Vest and Pants-. loon Makers, T)R0YISI0NS, Flour, Baeen, LarJ, Cheese,. 1 Dried Beef, Driid Fruit, Ao., received rig ulirly at the store of J. B. KRATZER, Mar. 2, 1865. Front it.. Clearteld, Fa. CvUTIO. ALL penons are hereby . tioned agalnil meddling in any way with one Bay Hone, ono Bay Mare, one Set Double Ha men. and one Los- Sled, now in the use of Uriah Llts, of Boggs townihip, as the lame be. longs to me, and is In bis PMM',0JTSlQSrr:! JOHN BROnty. ?fjs tp., Mar- ai M- GKKAT IMl'IaOVKMENTS IN Sewing Machines EM I'JRK SHUTTLE MAOH1NK! raii.i.iTci rKaai-ABV 4tb, 1800. SALESROOMS. &SC, Broadway, Xew York, 252, Washington Street, JJostorl. rpniS MACHINE 13 CONSTRUCTED OS J. entirely new principle! of mechanism, poi eoasirjg many rare and valuable improvement!, having been examined by the m t profi und ei perts, nnd pronounoed to ba SIMPLICITY and PEHI Etf ION combined. It 1ms a straight ueedle, porpendiculsr action, makes the LOCK or SHUTTLE ititch, which will neither rip or ravel, and is alike on both ildos j performs perfect lowing on every descrip tion ef material, from Leather to the finest Nan. look Muslin, with cotton, linen, from the con est t the finest number. Having noithcr Cam nor Cogwheel, and tha eait poisiblo friction, it rum as smooth as gksl, and is emphatically A NOISELESS JfACinyX!: It requires Fifty per cent. less power to drive it than any other machine in the market. A girt twelve years of age can work it steadily, without fatigue or injury to health. Iti strength and Wonderful Simplicity of con striction renders it almost ttrpoisihle to get out of order, and it Guaranteed by the company to give entire snliifaetion. We rospectfully invite all thoie who may do lire to supply themselves with a superior article, to come and examine this Unrivalled Machine. But in a more especial manner do we soliait the patronnge ef Merchant Tailors, Coach Makers, Hoop Skirt Man ufacturers, Shirt & Bosom Makers. Dross Makers, Religious and Charitable Institutions will be, liberally delat with. raicss or Miciiifti complcti No. 1, Family Machine, with Ilemer, Fajler and Braider, f 80) No. 2, Small Manufacturing, with Extension Tahlo, 71 No. 3, Large Manufaotarlng, with Extension Table, , (J, No. 4, L'ge Manufacturing, for Leather, with Rolling Foot and Oil Cup, 100, One half hour's instruction is sufficient to enable, any person to work this msoblne to. their entire satisfaction! &Agonts wanted for all towns in the United Stales, where Agents are not already eitabliihid. Alio for Cuba, Mexico, Coniral and South Am ar ea, to whom a liberal discount will be given, Terms Invariably Cash on delivery. -Tfct; T. J. McAia ilUH & CO. 53, BROADWAY, N. Y., 652 WASHINOTOX ST., Boston, 720, CHESTNUT ST- Phila. A. A Co. Feb. S-ly. 1 -A
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers