1 Y"V J . nl . .T . v D. W. MOORE, Editor and Proprietor. VOL XXXVI WHOLE NO. 1854. j i Original oilnr. l. I i: s i ( flic Death of Itcnjamln Franklin fair. Fime Jfri ago a patriot brave, Wout forth cur country's flag to savo From rebels who our land Jii spoil, . And be did hopo their plant to foil. fir.co then he has in Onngsrs been, i , obiui unknown ami to him Hoen, ltd many haril.-liipj ho bud borne, j Iiil inured to sulfoMu;; ho had grown. ' Or.o y'-.:r fie. ia the month rfM.vy, In lom .V! nature seemed bright aa 1 gn y, 1 It-. rtteis uiti our troopn diig.', Art i r.arf-I lat'dc tttm diJ rat;.-. I..!,. Mptivl'y lie le 1, AaJ iu Sout!nrn j riii.v.is po.irly fod ft irvj tion di 1 upon Li in stare. Anl to roaih hi home Us did dc.-piir. At length to Annnpollj ho Mm.), ' tit use had settled on his frame Th fever did upon him rage, And aotliin,; could its power a5.-ur.5e. The nie;.eng. r of Death did oerao A..1 t - ihii weary Soldier luiiue, hi) C. v l..r.l where war's unknown, V lare grief and pain shall never coruo. J'v nu.itann de.vk ! 0, can it be, Ib::t wo no moro thy face shall see f An t hat t'nou gone to another sphere, Ar.d luft thy loved ones torrowiug here ? IriJLlCth, 1SGJ. K. J. M. Correspondence. ' Gir.N 1'ei E, i'A., April -1, loo. . jbc part of G,e Army ol Noithein Yirgin , r 7 ,; ., . ia, I reciprocate your Jcmio to avoid uxo- .... , . , , ..... i less etbisi, ill ol bloid, iil.d, therefore, be- ;i:- Ihe most ungraceful exhibition ' U considei inr' your prop.ition jk the !os'''jatt pr.i'tiaanship, f.;.il rowurdl lenn y.m .11 tiiVr on condition of the . t . . . . . . ' (.! 1 1 r. 1. , i -r 1 1 i 1 1. ... I I tii r-.T ever tooii l.i.ieo ni:co the . in of J'l'.iku I.-cr.iiot, occurred in our jn'r.'.Lt S..nd.ay I refer lo tie attest of i.C Vi'. Caldwell. i;lii:r..r) ?rre?ls are becoming so bhamc- f cotr.:'i;--n, wun He t.- totter leei ur- conditions on which 1 will ad'ej't tke bui rllwl.( ye lie-.r cf them; but the render of the Army of Northern Vn ;:in. a kuksIli.: cotinorl.d with the urrct . iCr.Cd.ii-ell . . , o-o nueh us will render beocwrrti.ee a l.un.iliatii.g j nin to the ( Jt-'citaots if, peradventure, they pos- m try of tLe base instruments wuo ! m lt a.i tU tii'iit. ( fr Cald.vc'.l i.J EUiily of 1)0 Came, ior iiich be Elicit be arrest a, u every unbiassed ill ijnlify tho CendUh malice and personal Uipsthy of a low, vulgar lilertine, disgrac ijlUtitloof l'rovost Marshal, lie taking of Ihe doctor is nn open out ip on the wholo comniutily, which xiu, and receive, tho juit indignation .'tis friends, refardleeg of 'arty or o'.it siprejudicc, and will only tend to eink ; renegade, who perpetrated th in fa- ::f net Kill deetier in that blough of i ' i-i i im, I fnrA reeeiv - tri.li.ticn which nad long be ore icon iliit blackened character, and make tho mwUined name of 1IINT0N moreodi iwd fcornrul than many whose posees n'names have rotted in lha peuiten- irr. iaunol know what tlie cnarges aj.Rlu-k, my command, anu tena to ine resloraiion ICaldweli wero, but rumor mya thai of peace, I should be pleased to meet you , . ., , ,i ,i..tnr 1 ad nl 10 A. M. to-mntiow, on the old stage WJv t-retext was. that the doctor i-su,"1 . . . .mjliauii", . , j. c hniond, lie ween the) I '.eket ffased an oj iuion that ilinton " ought ItiU" Whether or not Dr. C. said j Uaai unable lo tay, pctitively I but ; Uhe univcriul sentiment nhertvt-r the Bichee Las been ; and the sentiment, Before, is not of recent origin, tut has Suited the minds of his respectable ac- JtiotanceB since they first saw him. ILU outrageous act in only a natural merpience following tho instalment, in ' ithority (!), of such men as those, whose . , ' v ' , , fcUj lives have been rpeut m making Vmie.8. When clothed in a " little brief er," their only glory is in exercising Wir authority iu persecuting those . , , , .. .. ,i fnst whom they hold potty spll; and infamous arrests will not ccaso un- lion people place men in power whoso Wrcsnret Ionics above such fiendish i or not until they rise in their might i iifljieratively demand a "cessation' 'Ms bitter, prejudicial hostility again! ir liberties. Uuo of these causes will Mucc tLo dcbired effect. I forbcur to Nc futther. Hoping i behalf of a wronged comma- -j umi ut. Laiaweu win JU.,....U, . sle restored to hi family nod friends, a, kir, Yours Truly, w. w. w. ' are -leased to learn that Dr. C turned homo after " Bcrving lw coun J" in this way aboutonc week, at 8iishurg but did not hear upon terms ho was discharged. Ed. It?. trj"l that vour only suit, Jerry T It's "J'WuhaUjy' .""i ho; I've cot another." 'W'hero ?" M,a Court." i The new freight depot of Iho ri.ila s7 i nn(i E,'i9 railroad, at Fifteenth Markot slroflts, I'hiladclphia, has r o so far completed that busiues. can ansaetcd there. SURB ENDER OF LEE! 0 A GItEAT & BLOODLESS VICTORY ! MAY IT I.r.AD TO PliAtU t LMOM J 0 j Tho following is t!ie omrospondonoo bo , tweon Gen. Gkant and Lie, previous lo : tke surrender on tUo 0th instant : CHhm Jlotitf, !'.(., April '.)., liSCo. lion. K. M. Stanton, Sce'y of War: T). r.n :.. . . . , i . . mo lunuwiuguurrcspouiicnoo Ii us taKin place between lion, Loo mi 1 tiivclf. ! There ha boon no relaxation of Ike pur soil during its pondence. (Signed) U. 3. (.ill A NT. I.t. (bn. ' rll ',:!:, !-':. To Gen. 11 li. Leo, Coni'dg: General Tho remit of tlu het ook must convince you of tho hopelessness of I tho further resistance on tho' ;irt of tho j army of Northern Virginia in their strug I gle. I feel that it is so and so rog ml it as my duty to shift from myself tho respon sibility of any further ello-ion of blooil, by Risking of you the surrender of that por I tion of the C. S. Army, known us the Ar my of Northern Virginia. Very res eclfully, Your obedient servant, U. S. (I KAN I', Lt. lien. April', th, 1 C5. To Lieutenant General Giant: I have rcei ivi d your note of this Iato. though no, entirely ('f the opinion of the j heplessno-s of lie further ivsi.-ianoe on " v . i;. LIT. 'Imeral Aprils'., 1,-C." To (len. K. I',. I.-.e, Cum'dg C. S. A. : (Irncr.d your note c.f liu.t oveu'.ng n . re; ly to mine of sanio ..'ale, askio lie JU!il 've.!. Ju r- J ii rep! v 1 would suv. inn r, .uc i i .iu un .ii i i , i es . i o , i ue i e is ... ' ...p,,, illM. , , . ' , ... l...i l.;.... ..... .i .. . . men Fiirrendered khail l. .ksipialiiled from taking up arms against the Oovcrn- ",',,' "f 'V' 'i" s'''Vv "n"! r"l ;' exchanged. 1 wid meet yc u or ito.-ignate of!'.ccr to meet any tdlicere you may name tor the tau e puipofo at any point r.-reca- ted ' but was ia-illo ' 'cu- f'or ,l,e 1 uipose of arranging ..-u iilfe IiIiCUv Utdji upon whic'j the tui m.nd .U c"0. rfRll(.r 0"f tLo Ain.v cl NorlLcru Virgin!- will be recewed. cry re.pcetiul:y, Votir obedient servant, U. S. tilt A NT, Lt. lien. To Lt. Orti. U. 3. Gran I, C uu'dg U. 3. A. General, I received, at a late Lour, your no'o of to day in answer to mine of ye.-.toi- I diit lint intPtl,! to ttrnncn I h 11 enp- ; r(,ll(jcr 0fU,e Army rf Northern Virginia, i-.; to ink t ho terniH of your proposition. 'i be f iank 1 do not think the tmorgun- 'cy hfti aii.icn for tho fciirreii-.ler of this j r(v ralion of b0uK, 0 the cole object of a.l, I desire to know whether your proposals would tend to that end. 1 cannot therefore meet you 'with a view to surrender tho Army ol I Northern Virginia, but as far us your pro- ' nmitinn n.nv fltleCt tho C. S. forces under lines of the two aruiic9. Very respectfully your obedi.-et -erv't, 11. II 1.E11. yijln( ,o., i.'.'ij. To Geu. 11. K. Lee, Com'.lg C. 3 A. Your t ote of yesterday has been receiv ed, as l nave no iiuinoniy 10 ireai on . the nil iect of peace, Iho mcetinc propox- Ir.l fr.r run A M lo-lblV rnnlil l. ul In lui .rnod. I will slate, however, General, thr t I am equally anxious for peace, with yourself, and the whole North m terta.n the tamo feelings. Ihe tern.-, n. ni wl)icll ,,pncf, can ll0 LnJ nro V1;: ,,,, ) ,. ti00,ji Jty the South laying -1 en t . r arms t hoy will hasten that mo t o - :- . , event, save thousand of Luuimi lit e .,n . hundred of millions of property not yet jtroj. 1 ' 1 ii0I.ing'that all our dilTiculties may bn f, tiled without tho loss of another life, I suoscnoo my sen. cry respectiuiiy, Your obedient servant, U. S. GKANT, Lt. Uen. U. S. A. Hi). Qr3. Armies or the IT. 3., 1 April'Jth, 4;30 '. M. I lion. K. 51. Stanton : Wen. Leo surrendered tho army of Nor thern Virginia lhis afternoon upon terms P "Sro i i ir -pi.- C()nj,,iu, ru N y. V. . UKA 1, Lieut. General. April'ith, 1SG5. General, I recoived your note of this morning on tho pickot lir.o.jwhither I had come to tricot you and ascertain definitely what terms were embraced iu your propo sition of yesterday wiih referenci to the surrender of this army. I now request an interview in accordance with thoolfer contained in your loiter of yesterday for that purpose. Very respectfully, Your ob't serv't. U. Y LEE. April I th. To Gen. 11. E. Lee, Comd'g C..-S. A.: Your noto of this dalo is but this mo ment, 11:50 A. U., vocoived. In conso quoneoofmy having pussed from tho Richmond and Ljnchburg to the Farrn villo and Lynchburg road, I am at this writing about 4 miles west of Walter's Church and will rdsh for wan' to the front for tho purpo30 of meeting vou. Noticj FHIKCirLES, not MEN. CLKARHELD, PA, WEDNESDAY, APiilTT ent to nio nn 1 1 la . ...1 , , ' " " niwo yuu wipn ,p ci.uuy your .0 .i,i..iior.t nervant. ', .e.n.-weiierai. ToC-n P An'oTToxCH.. Aprill). lo Cui. h L. J.(e, L,,,,IIM,,r:, as. A : In aeeordiinoo with 1 1.. e,.l..ia.,.. r 1 .. ,. , . i" y leuer to vou ot t in K nut l . ... t nrttni Pt'P.MV'ii tin. tni.....J.. -I - Northern V,r,.in in n . 1, rn " .: ' J. ' nui t;unvi III in IIIMllV (il to wit --Uo U nP u . r s V m ' .". , 'll U' 0,,10('rH :mJ ,n"' ,.ln,nii!, .. ..:.. ... r . 'ljr ,J. 1 J IIKLlleJ III f I II I : I nil f 1 1 s .-. .-v i I i he to I i 0M-'n;t,lci , T .the. tol e retained by such olli.-er as yo.t ,, . , i , r j .'"""- o her to I e returned by such ollioer as yo " y --t,ov. uiemmw to jnvo llieir siuie ior llio Uecibha sti U""Io whenever ind.vtaunl parole n,t to take arms a-ain.t itHl.oul 1 take place wi'encvu the l.ovoniiuentol tho United Ma. en tin-1 Thus began thw cmfon. The bad roads l.l prop,-1 ly exchanged, and each com, ia- ITcventod much lighting beyond heavy ny i.i. t riinuuta! eomuiaudcr bitti a like skirmishing on Wc.l'needay andThursdav pmo.e lor ihe men of their commands.-. Sheridan was con fronted bv tha nholu of l.o arniK amllory ,! ,lul,io property Wado Hampton (c.ualrv ). and a Sition lo be jiacked and ptaeke.l and turned over ' under Muliono (inf.inli y ) The result to tho o!!Hvr nppoinliol by ,no t re(.,ive ! tli.'t on Friday. .SLeiidan, after B.imo them. 1 ins will n, it embraao tin? side arms. o..osition, had cut his way to tho r-.il-of tho ollicors and their private horses and ad tho Aj.omuttox. On Thursd .y b-ipgago. lhis d, no, each oikoor and man 'ii'glit, during a siorm anil intent dark- ""' 'O'.urii to ttio:r .Homes, . ,n luiin r.iaies au thority s.) long as they obseivo tLeir na- rulo and the laws iu force whero they may rusido. Very ronectful!v. U. S. (i RANT, J.n ..(.-'A-l. -nib Head Qr.iim:rs Arv NoRTiirnx V.i., April 'J. To LioutonaiU-Cleiu'ial Urant' Commanding U. S, A. : lleneral 1 have received your lottor nf this date cuutaininj the terms ofcurren- ior oi uie army oi Northern Virginia as proposed bj you. As they r.i i it'Ui- our tiahy the sanio ,m those c xprt's .1 10 leueroi llie-tli inst., thvy are a, 1 will proceed to designate the pro; i-"l-r oki- cor- lo carry the stipulation- m to c i-r re.spectlu!iy j nor ol, .-di, nt !!oct. 'n unt. K. li LKK. (L,.:tJ. T,,T V -. " toao. i..ieerin.i do li.e rcstiit ol toe mil- rea l;ne.-s lo loree their w iy throu -!i un itary operali n.i now in pr;.g;e--x, Ihe re-1 portion of their lines wluoii niiL'lit devel-eht!...!isi.ni.-i,t of iho lijveinment upon'l promising weakness. The attack a pei ina-ient laiMs. involves a ch-iic-i l-e- ! as ordered ami g-ilkmlly i.n-.t, and after tweeii tl.e principles of a National and I varying f .rluiies, our hucce-b ' Ko:a- 1 to that of a 1 e.!. -naive system. A tiovern- l't doubtful o:i the left, until Sheridan's ineiit oiy.mi.ed and administered under I cavalry, climbing over three successive uie leiruir, enso. Mates the whole Arner - l;.ii I eo It. ii.lo a single body, governed i-j loewi.l or aniijoiity of reprosenU - lives. It centralize political poiver, ami i-ilordi e ri'V.iiniriiiiiiifiAn,..,...;... ; L.tl j . i , ,,, , , ,, 1 ' -I. i.li. eii-l'i pen. e oi i ;i p i... or el llio not !,-. 1 1 or anized under tl o latter, il will permit !o"al communities to control their own deitinies and lo promote their own 1 .n! d, vtloptr.ent rtoi inlerott, in iieeoidaneo ttith their r.?'ur.,l capabilities add their fiilv,,nt..gc-s cf toil, c!ini:ite and produc tions. It was in neco! : mce wi.li thin litter id. u that our present iidir.ii akle 1 .! -i a! system was established. It was only by reason of a dei aiture from ii, fiat it h i.- bte.i disttubed, if not altogether dei.rov ed. Tho w ill of the r.umciieal majority, un der our present Federal Constitution, lias never boon the g- veriiing power in this cr;:;:;try. Mr. Liuco'ii, bioweli', o.ved his first ehc ion to llio votes of mon th in a million J -si than a majority of tin-; aggregate number of voters of llio United c ..... . . i .i)i---. .n'lijirr . cm1 .1 i'i u.i" ji'in.i.iii., ..Neither 1 ran i ol the legislative department of theg ivernmeni organ ized in accordance with the principle that the aggregate numerical majoiity shall rule. On the contrary, in every depart ment, the confederate principle is distinct ly recognized. 1 f the people of tho States, that mr-iontv el the peoplo of eaeli St'ito is a act - ing concuriently, desire to superced.; their i resent sesteiii liv one in ivhieh an are- gate tiinjoiity skull rule, :t is their right to make the alteration ; but tin re is no. other power on earth that can lawfully mn'te such a ehanire. livery I '-o-!e tin; only luve the rk,'lit, hot will idiimatelv exert the porver. 'o ooiitrol their o-vn d-stinitu if this is de nied to tho I -Hi-!.- of these Slates, ia-tead of being near the end, we are scarcely at, thob-v'riiiinof the presl rev ilution Arbitrary Arrjst. i'ho discussion of th-i now conscription law has given the opponent of tho arbi trary arrests in the Senate a goo 1 oppor- tun it v to Hpoak th.-ir minds, an ! they have done so. 1) 'hioeraU cans, ( 'onscrvativei c-d and Kcpukli-K-idicals. have denounced that despotism w i,ri..i! a niiifin of tho erert b'l .vnrlc nnimtitutional libert V trial by iary. Said Senator 1! ilo ; If trial by jury is overthrown in this country, takVtho rest. I would not lift my hand, nor open my mouth, nor coiin 8(1 one of my constituents toslic-l a drop of bloood or pay a d)!ltr of troastae, if tho Constitution is lo bn preserved emas culated of this rrrat safeguard of lil ,,,rl v In theso timos, when fo much is demand ed, and so much is at stake, with a geiior mi n.Mi n nnnii urmii.i ir un in i iii t ! f I . 1 1 . . i . il ." Al iniiiiuivi,. ...t ' ministration almost every y iniii; i.e. it li'ii'n rinllGlill. lil'.-V want. I would consent, an i nd ilnt. ihn h-lrnsrnrnns miv be ami - end cl,' and theso cxtiaordiniiry tribunals may b-i erected and instituted for the trial of every-body that voluntarily conies nn,l ronnools himself with tho public! no jiuoiio; roin to1 a Art ipo. Hut. nr. if vou aro tlirnw n flrilf not OVCr 11)0 1 Ul' I, if you aro people and, .1...! i...... . uiiy-T ii -n-'o ,,v v - . j jnl.;., t,s thia ivlinlo rooiih j;'-.,.;; io i.i in; i - - 1 ..,i,;npi ilmm inll.n penalities that may I7"Pv a rorrnt r.mnnrlniotif of h-rCon t titution negroes arc to uie in Minnesota theso court martial then tho last step in 1 tbo city, boing mounted, and wore met by ; tnent and wealthy eiiuen imvo itn. ior froni the bulk ot ashinfiton society ? - the humilalinu and' degradation of tho a deputation of citizens with Mayor 5Ioy-! Europe, indodiDii Judge Llodsoo end -pho latter is principally composed c country is taken and no shall bo left fit or, who begged that the city might bo John ll. Thompson. "loose character," rhilt his fxcolloDOj instrum.nU for 'any despotism that tho ; honorably surrendered, ns tho re-! Next ( oalnooday """f VV 4,f generally a tight one. !. .1W1CM 800 We"il-i .an' hVonen 7,,,! Ion, n " . w h o we were present. After some con- CA Vermont paper . us. i . i . j ttTPvt ii (1piiq to boo i that the Inch r-r.ee of cm i 10, I860. i' urtner uptnua r .v. 1 A rorrct.pon.lont of tho writ!,,, , "..-,... iwnwu llote , K e hmond- fitli mst, ve9 muny intending fitct' it p.iinnn; with au nccount of ilul ha,Ma t ",.ir ,i.r 1 lam irauiu ' ... t" uo Pllys ' M I.'IIMII'M "AMII'll nill t 1 . 1 ..! l- 1 .. ' ""VMMviin. . 1 1 ........ . , V r'-"oraiiio men had .)lll P.nnmi ... l.-.i 7 ' ""wui'ks, furls, abulia f7'"'""- ''. miucH, canal, and bo on Im.,1 n'l I ' I .V. Vi . j I"4y'' " our sue, an.lt.) th( 1)10 ''r1' torpedoe, for tho Danville road were fired abovt six o'clx-k I'Urpo.o ol relievi,,.. an manv men .., u,Jt"cv oI to citiZ, prote.tin,. at .ii'i'u .uin 'i lorneuoes tor tin purpose of relieving, an ma'ny men as ,!, ;ne,s, iii.tre!..)! .icKets ur-ed no doubt, I,.. ,i, ; : ,. l' l l:o imminence of m ki r, . . ., , . . tr..., i u iiu U.e.r forts report, , im attack. whi-!i. fpreiHling along the line, soon extended along boih hues around IVturabui g. The linn I.., I ca inotm.tmj was luiious, undseeu in the relief of the black Morn), was one oT the most awTully grand t-cenea iuiaidna-.,.. Ihe hro was kept up Loin tho f.Vna for Bonio hours, when hot h. sides, finding that the imaginary lor mmlo no impreBsion, J j i 1 1 1 e 1 1 enemy rop-ctivoly re- ; 1 lll'l.', -No v"' .Teat injury or los was ; sustained ; b:il it ri0 to i,npr0!j. ;mou in Uichmoud, and also in .Neiy Voi k ,wojudc-, that Ihcjo had been a g,eut jbaitlo with terr.ulu hiaughtt-r. ,i Silui. lay inoi-ning ihe lines having been closed tin. the iiivi. n mi i,.,w r., .. i r.d bouioaiiiiiieiit ana sioruiiu r I uviiu iiiade, the Second uiaiio. i:ie .eemol i .SiM.i, Ninth Were held in uii-1 1 wen;y-fui-th corps ; ""es o! uevx Jy li ifinvn u; intieoehiiii-iilK. were enab led to hut,. I ; 'U-JrJ 'd thu eaemy, and I hm enabio the : troc..s in tho vicinity ol' Hatcher's- run to len l.,ui tir, il i ... l n ...v. iimusitllll pliHoneis, who nil o. lY-loi-.-biirg i i,eu!3 a -vr de'iied ajij-e-.r-ance. The writer follo.ved into the city a few hours after its occnj alion, to find al inont every kuu-e close, I, many of them fliol ti.rough by J.eiN, many others iu ru.n-. T.i-j oiuics weie empty and clos ed. Tin; htieeL- were crowded with the inhabitants coni-tiitg princi(ally of ne gi'oes, of wheiii Iheie vveio va-t numbers a low akie bo iled black and a great i many .leeropii ami aged. uie wuiis around i'eier-iburg aro very ttrong, and rhow a beaver-bke iiidustry, combined Willi great skill ate! daring, tin Ihe west and south of the town the yellow sand has a colu,sal v.Mrm-e uon appear ance, ich f.irt has a very coiuin-idioos lin-iili-proof, and little eaves lor Ike gun : ners. The space intervening between ihe two lines, which in some places is not moro than l.vo linn Ire 1 f.-et". u ilott.-,! Willi lillhi cncular pits wnh a curiiu n i . , ... . , . . - -, .... , earth, in vvuion the p.ckotion either side 1 kept up a constant fii.illa le, 'J'ho ch.v.i- ' iu liVfio-; ol llio rehel m ol tho old sort ! a pine log twenty or lliirtv tent long, into j winch at lighl-angk-a sharpened stakes i about eight leel long which, when iu , single or double rows, . --re a terrible ob j struetiou to a ciiatgo- Intheoity there are caves l Iso, in imitation of ih ose iu I Vieksburg. In my judgeiueiit tiie do- 1 1- I,., , i.-ures oi i eieisouig are li d as strong us t hose of Vieksbu rg, but of eo-irso they have bejii de'eiided by a far larger army. Wo capaned about thirty heavy guns, uuspiked, ii) the forts, many of liieiu illed and of great calibre. A great many of tho Cmfo-ierate wound- , ed are sti.l in the hou 'es and ho-jiilals ot : I'eter.diarg, and but fiov surgeons to nl tend tiiciu. 1'iie railroad which had been torn up for n fe.v miles, was immediately put in repair, an I by Thiuvdiyit was ! oxjiocted to ba running into the oily. The fe.v small schooners mid boats which were at ih 4 dock were- nil scuttled. In. fact, i it was vtiy evident that the rebels had carried oil' or destroyed evety thing which could be of any value to us- I ho enemy ha-1 blo.vn up tho famous of V irgmia al i.irury s ihull, and her lion bides aro now visible. T.io I-rcdoric.ksburg lie near her and the now iionclol, the Chickahuminy, is iibove. A now ram on tke btoeks below Uiehinond wusaNo fired, and is burning to tins hour. The rebels had a powerful slone blocka le at Foi t Dar ling, in front of which uie numbers of tor pedoes, l.'.MU pounds of po.vdor. Wu captured also tiio J'.ivid Currier Wm. - ' Allison Manner, and another small trans - port., inus perishes tho i.ut ol t)if f.ip iui-ihiv uviiviiin.i u lit, ine "iii-.nvi.uoo imiiiijiu u'oiici.-uis wluoii the L(nloUor.'to8 ... ,. ....... , '.ono iiiiui, uui union iiavu na'U Muguiai ( - fatality of ill luck. 1.. I nl, I u r. f ill .....1. - 1 vVilli this, of couse, followed tho aban- .don men t of tho Ho.vletl llouso battery (alsostrong)and the lino of work between the .lame and the Appomattox. Richmond -ii.ii.n.ii'. Tho throo tremendous oxi-lo.siona bo- lnid . , . : . i l.iouiuond. Some of Kaulx's cavalry foro daylight, on Monday morning, had iled Slates Supreme prepared every one for tho evacuation of(ccnlly of tho peace 1 ' I. .! . -win,l i nnfl nl' Ilia mnul. i pqv i v wp n i t il i in i n i ti in n iifiiii . tci buuu u - - - S o'clock. About half I .uU 0 o'cloi k the Prr-idcnt Line ,lu to a.d; him H some way lact l.isttraio of tke rclrtatng rebel- eroded could uot bo found, i,i the n--- nt a'.ti- o-i. TERMS: NEW n... 'T V JJrcinriu, who had romnffled i ''"""-i HUJ'OtuitenU tho work of tho ' wBS among tho 1 ft Lvo f'" UinnU in this work wero Gene'ai K..v..tl 1 r..:. ... . ... "' .UPCMI nun i'u ur hick Junior of I Iil,v ?.c?n" t 1 u uour earner on a canal boat, tho I "''"'"' "orso vehicle having botn 1 "fiaunto.!. b time that it would nJ ' i"" i" . ."I ptivato individuals. An appeal wan made to Lircckinri.l.m Inr d, .. ..... O I - J RUilY :. 'V I 1 I U'lir. n.l... .-..1 .1. i i . n"i fcj uu rui:zosLi'jii .. ", "oi,;u me lorcn to lio an tihod and then loft.. Th rniii r il. :h to l,n n. comotive could ba heard on tho bridao as our troops entered tho heart of tho city. Arrn r, coymonATio.v. The firemen and tol.liers (ne2roef) who wero .rompled and urged by the few white o hcers made ineirectual efforts to ctiook- Ihn irn l.i.l 1. . .1 i . - -. men i-n icavors Boiu - e.l nn imi,ni,,ni UJ ;r . i i , , .. , " " nicy nail i.'eeti fliroct- 1 o-I against Vesuvius. Tho laf m Z nf I II.I.MI &. Cr.a... i , "win ,v rromslmw u.o ,n n ,i .I.,.. ,i . Of TTUil US Ull the warehouses ou and near the canal. ilam street was reached, and for a time it seemed as though the Spotlswood would go. leo.lewero afraid to enter it, but us iropnotor by Btienuous efforts saved it. Down ..lain street and up the west side of tho Capitol nquare.it caught the war Department buibl Ultra nn I binlA. maUor s okices, though it is. supposed this in iy ii. iv 'ji UtiL'Il II!' red ;,i...i.,.i i .Ii in, i m. ...,.r ' . . - V I'VIIU,, III, . US into the street and ) the street and li,n.,l ...).... ,,..JV ,.,,-, u unuieil (1UI lio Trersurv 1 niMb , " .'7 esnpod being a stoneTstructure ivuh met- alllO roof, thousjh no il.,l., :.... e :. J " Wil.li;vj) CUDLli'l f.;r blocks, is a vast mas Vf bUck ruin I ho fire swept down x blocks on Main strent front the Capitol soua.-j. 0 the -.t bank everything waT' burned fj full m. e. In faot, the fire died out for "antof contiguous fuel. Tho nn Monday night from ,ho heights'5 above was leirilic and l-owh-.r TI..7 rn: walls and crackling 0f llames gavo everv hour a fiosh imjiotu to the burning mass. n luesdav and We, I M ItSl I'll' IIH llhill Hi) tho View from Gainkk.U , U.o 'ver. we could seo , c Hy a e., n e I T,T 0l, 'J'cro is no loco of n,!cof.laek and smoking L s. ZS't of hurailiation. Oa free 1 , i igCs across the Jame,, ono of , uin. V e h )leu. there U over a million of.lolh.rs. wore burned. coit!,,.r i.M, TnN r'1" IVoor throe largo mills in .Manchester, i grace and d' opposite the r a,y yard, ar.J the whoh, of ; $ n Keral 5 ants -li.e heart of the city were dostreved. The 1 exaction of es term. ulctal!01? or loss nutst amounl to thirty million, of ! ZTTeriieSlZZ1"1 rmi'Jtl d.dlars i gold. The Bailard House and I hpr ivi el of .'in j omV. ' ' 6' KxelianiM Hotel worn sav, ,1 l'l,o t ! : .. . 01 ?lu ?oe and remain- of the banks and o,,o church were consum- e.l, tlij-.i.-h t ii-re was nmhablv littlo i,o. loin tke vaults. It iseomp-.U-d that one 1 t w, 1 " vTn id tLo T t, fi0 tho,,and Ii,, hundr,, buil'din. .ore dos-, tocog a'fubXS troy ed and lorty blocks. , if K ,1,,1 ,i,. i.,:.?..i .. .. .. uwl .? Is s. l.nks oi' Ti-vi i.T. I ol this ono. With the leaders who cret in the spread or tho tire there was much ,U''."ntl w'clded the machinery of tho ro llagitn:. The poorer classes, including ' bullion we can make no torms. Espocial .nieii, who had long felt the pangs of 'y Wllh HU.ch mon as Loe, perjure.l ofllcorB minri. now found tlu.ir ,., ou .r ot tlio United states armv. wbn li pillag wome laimiiH, now wreakinj' a sui iuppiessed veiigeaiioo against ois and extortioners. The the sjieetilatois and extortioners. The yiyn vnu 1 1. 1 CCH .1 II , 111) U SlOIl'S, n er. 'ii,,L..ii inlr n , 1 f. .r .. f..,., I , ,a . I , I wildest 8.ieno of disor-1 -r prevailed, j i fit . i .' . siioum on mentioned that on Sunday ev ening a committee of eiti.ons, headed by tho civil authorities, seeing the fato before mom, veiy wisely concluded lo destroy ail the li pior befoio the entry of 'our troops. Accordingly, nil llio depositaries were visited and the liquor wore emptied into the gutters. TUK li.IlillT Or JEFF D.lVH. Tho despatch sent by Leo on Sun-lav from l elorsliur and which reached Prim- ineni iiavis wiiuo in cnurcli on Sunet ay, J ,i, ..;..i f. . i .... m:.' , i , , i . -.1.- , .-it.ii.-, n.,4 a tiiiiiu u.im in, jus ...i i r, . ii- i I ... . v I, e t On ednes.lae nievioiis it is sm 1 for Galveston. Ho sent over to Dr. Hog" .vhoso sermon ho had been listening to. a small note by tho bku-k sexton. The 1: t- tor on rooeivin it chnn,ed the course of his roma.ks, and said it was probably tho . . , , , , , , 4 ., J , ast tia.che should address thorn, and Irw ily concluded the services, iho rest of the day he spent with his secretaries in puc,v..iH ui ilia papers. j i in uouw as en owirrw.se m ,no usual order, a wmw liousekeenor beiiv foiiml in oh iron hv our K-ople. Ilo took tho truin lit halt-past six in the evening. N0TAUII.IT1LS. n i. t."i.. r,:'t.. t..r. - I Ul C 1 IIUI I. lllll 11 O A t. II ill I .Ul U IS wife (a very excellent lady, by the way) I. ! -f. . II ... t .... .... I,. I. 111,., .'L.S. VICII. li,:i .1113 HUUII (.11 111 I IA lid for some lime, and ucoupie 1 a very mo lest mansion bevond that of tho V.ca- DO- OllU Uiab Ol lllU IOC Prexidont. A guaid was Immediately pla cod at tho house for her prSteotion. and r..r X.nt. . ,Mrt,.l i.ai. ..ii. fho was treated with becoming courtesy, Stephens occupied a house on the oppo site corner from Davis, but has not been lii'iiift in it I'.ir Qfinin limn. I'.ilwiiril A - PiillfirtL whom (ipnt'p.il liuLlor uvs ih not oxoiumpoi, wiia ftv mo opoiiswoou nouse u- 'i'.i.. u. , on i. tum:tui7 v.-i;.ii.. rIIin snt. I ivrt I' foreign Hags which wo saw exhibited wero ., I' I . 1 .1. - , too rrencn iri-coior anu ine iT-punisn. Mr. lvlmond A. Paul, the French Consul, took occasion to call upon Gen. Woiuol early, to express his hope that protection would be extended to his person and pro norlv. .Ttl.h'A ( !i; r .1 nhnll nnna nrtlm Cfl- ! itod Slates Supremo bonch, and more re- ccniiy oi mo peace commissioners, one of the most important i-orsonagos first entered lelt helund. A number of the more prom- yuow does the ice l'residcnt Uilk- $2 00 Per Annum, if paid fa advance SERIES VOL. V.-NO 40. with l.im ' T "'OiresNtont wun turn, iho rpsult h not oilieia'lv made knoivn ; but 1 cxprc it, sub ta vol .lon i Pay that tho IVciJenl recced iu kindly, and informed him that ho had noobjecHon to allowing him to Jo to tha ho had no r.iesag- lo .end on fulyect until ho had eJ:J i0','. Davis or Loo. The JnI r-.T... ' ' " endeavor lo i r 1 ' r,iil mediate torni, " J ".hr'1 Ll """"V vel tLrJUP of , ,,,C M:,vn?. Ui Iho live urtr.'i,n, -r n- . ni'i, . . r'i'T :i i.iotir. WI lire Tho . ..w , allU ,x.iur,tc alone rc latter l.a, been ,r.,n.i i . govorwae-it, and Iho 1(7, js fjUOl, evening paper by Iho former p , ' U lllmn, Jra.Sinith, ivhoann o icoi salutatory of Tuesday thai it "ill h tcd to Hie cause of the l'-',, brinj to its call Son, by which we suppose ' Joh oVrt. .1 1 llolis ia t-Olis is UlMtlt Tl, ff. . . . jm,i. !! V lucoomb to f i"'" 1ir- -Smith ihci r, id it ruhnr ih. . continue its publication! GRANT AND LEE. (From iho I'hiU lolphia Age On the tomb or a gallant soldier of for mer nays ,t locora(.j ; , j UQ? when made a prisoner ol wr b ehoso to ; .in,V " d'. ",u ''tofhis lire, v,ul"l uoas. Lotus. iiiieuiui iriumnii. mmn.i.,. .... n. n.. ..I',.! -mw.., uj "win Jq, i,eo s uist neti.m ( aim.,, I1 . . '- .uavtl.lBlS 7 remaining will, tho ZnZ?"" 1 .. 1 I. . . 1 l i. . . - b'siusilb IJJUII ,., "t , o " hia, Voluntary I ' 1 ua .'Urod, at lira nn,1. ,.r ' j n3 IJX ' road the co , '""l- 1 One ;1 I'd , i'i?.!? ''Pndtfnft, published tt nlT ?' L " roeS ntJv mon wilh 1,10 1 ? TCTe-nl,on makes of tho ind 'f , i - vi ii vM-i-ii unit i f ...:m ! A," . f. V l0 of "? . men, but with "nor ail. t ! 1C" fU,iC''. "d Sn the t' t2l C0 ' r-..1""""1 'un of , , '"uieiiuy wun mo Clliel KtHl Wiir against the lujubho they had ,woru o servo, ean we have nothing to do. Such a crimo is , --------- .. M i u vu U1U. AWB', Shrieked tllO 7'rAC.f "nirou l,nn unparuonahlo.' , with tte pretext that this wretched in- ni.ii.1, Im. miiii .LI. 1. .1.. . trnto has any claims to the consideration oi ine .vmerioan liovernmesn.'' I Hon- summarily did General Grant brush away such vindictive trash, and how gladly and generously, without a word of insult or reproach, did he moot, on terms of perfect equality, hi fblIow.Boldir,n vie I 'ory over whom, after many a bloody field ;and frustrated ruanmuvre, is tho higbest K J " Jir. anion's convat ' . eneral r.ro.VM a . 110 has done, snd ssid, and wrd en i...iu,uiBuai.iiiii njiprovej ail ilia; -and ,. :r;. ,.: i fc. , . . . even il it did not. tho soldier V tord ol . . . .' . n-"vn'i r.uruvi 1 " " IT " lV" V. Wtb f?" ' 'f "Vl f L'0'1' , 000 h'" Vf,? " ,.rnl k"""rs ,,nw 'reciou ' a l'J??JltfM V0?: 1 ' r" 1 " '" " l-iiller mat lie was rne-o 1 ,jr C;lro( noUlf)((s fl)e he immolat-d. TH , in lho ,ijsl W0,ts , ... v . , a. Ot is ra! i ler j ju w,ich lio st.ua bbodshfd , .. rai,nn8 f Ho had fouellt too often n".d too loi his braeo antagonist to wish, without n stvs.si ! . . . . iy, io o.nni nun ngain, even in (impair Such a lusti as Rutlnr, lillod with fi ' tail m ,. l,UIini,JUDIlJ I UK lb itude, would, with the poor remnant, c T.n.i'a IV win, 1 l.iriniu i..,...nnl ; 1.- recent. men t and a consciousness AMmr it Loo's wasted legion lliiininn.l in b tnul tiludes hivo rei-iiced in a blc idy saot.Soe ii,,, I ) I, a t.ni'A pui.it. .a, I ... It I. . . : .. - . n'. m i'O .eJil.,114 111 lb um:jUQ li 1Q - 1 volved no petsonal jieril to himself. Not I liO U'l, (.1 il IllltlV ..Saiilt I 1, n m i, C. . I ,l .. w ... u j i .v anj , .liu lUVLtWIIUllUI uier who now mans mo great armies o thO North. Of tinnm-nl I.p Ilia vietori otis North, still bis countrymen, canaf ford, in his moment of disaster, to epoa!: gently and generously, aud to do uim a least tho poor justice to concede that ho shared the dark fortunes of his soldib.s with the same chivalry with which ho had sooflcn led them to victory. Tun rm.vTKR. The muster of r.ll Indos. He beats the farmf with his fust hut, th ' carpenter with his ru.V, and tbo mason i'i sotting frill co!un . he surpasse; tho law- yer and doctor in attend in: to dis at- and beats the parson in tho managemcti. of lho Uecil. ays the rumr" nvinir to ll 1 lie hen': have to utmuf) thni is - v , - r-- n fraud I'.ioi. to of
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers