O.ir losses during the di cannot be given, lnit : i believed 2,000 will cover !iern, many t.ilunblo officers being among ho number, whose names, however, mo ..K obtainable b" night, uur ri 'ures w .11 tool up nbout '.) thous 1 m ioV.t rs nod thirtv-'iht tuns, in- vUn' th -"P taken by Sheridan yoster-j I i'tia loss if tho enemy in killed nnil ; . h--led in nol psiimit.i.l, bit in fronl of1 Ninth corps I hoy bo very thick, for! :ey were innvn d.nvn by hundred, I .. ,i etl'irt to regain iboir lo-t ground. J ien Hansom is bi lly wounded and n piisor.er in our hands, lie was found at i h-iuso on the lloydton plank load, bum chilli it viis dangcM . to it ini ve UiUX. ' X. i' lull i ri'ioi tell killed, bv prisoners, .MoNiiv, April 3 O.;'.0 A. M IVioib- , t trg is ours. TLo .Second brigade, Fir-l d -vision, N.ulh curp, took pas.-es.-ion this morning at daylight tV.tui.saro. April I A passenger (ioiii City Point, aho left there cm ly es-i terdtty mot ning, says t!i:t late on Sunday tught our men t o;inii"ici d lay ing a mil ieu 1 track from I'ilU ins station to Peters burg, u distance of thtco miles, nnd also legan throwing bridges over tho river -'i -i r k iv I Mk-If thore U any thing In this world Burniiig of the U. S. Transport Btcam &t tflfarfich tpubhtait, Jlh"t BUperiaiively Un and contempt- er (Ural Lyoihoff Uatteras. lute, il is mo niicioi'v m tunuuvovv jruui OVER FIVE 11 U M Vll&Li lit I -"3 inctaeociBts'i arcumcnt bv miss-ouctintr. or misrepresenting, bis language. No From the N.w lura iiera.u.j Imnnmbln man w 1 do it? Whenever me United oiaieiuuiu .. ." o,i,fiinU fltiTit. Siarkev. from V 'such ftttempt m nmuo it is condusivo . ,,',.1. ult.. with refucuc uud from V Mining' i refucuc uu'j irof lluH your utitngoniHt is right, mid ttoopj, (0 j. s. Answtunt (iuarteimuster, that you me unablo to rofu'e h'n fuels. urrived at thii port yesterday. .Slie re- Surh Uisiluy uro rnndo in ulnioat every ports n followu i ..! ; r ,. i On the 3 1st ult otlialf-pa.it ten it, n., IsfueoflbeU organofth.spb.ee.- lliC()vm,.a u Btea',nor hl hh'oro onf.ro.- Thcy mo beneath tho dignity (?) of even ,nmPtj,lU.y l,0re down toward her, and ii .sVinyc 15ut they puss fur argument found her to bo tho United SlaltH sleiiin with many of the t-imple-miiuled of his triiiiKpuii Uen. I.yon, liom w iimini:ioii " 1 tf ...111. inn Wl! follnwers, and tbnt'n about all he cares for, The lust iue of thai sheet bad a notable Bpecin.cn of this character. In f culling of the "CiiBlle," in our i:sue of the -Vih March, we mid Such i tbe beai t-iheerinjl captions to ', "We have heretofore f aid that tho "LYs t'lo nowtai given by bisl Mondays liar- lie" was merely a politicul orjranu-tiot,, rlsbur, nod ritt.bu papers .eeeived iciuinng no oath but simply an ohl.Ba ,KLU . , i lion of honor on 1 li b'litv lo ih Itcnio- hei e on MoLd.iy evening. Let us nj'uee ,.n(lit, v.irtVi We spoke" ndviseillv. Un- I.f I all tho land rejoice and five thanks . ,ie K,)ow-nntliiiiK for Foitrei'S Monroe, with troops and ref ugees, to ihu number of some four or live hunih'-'d. '1'ho weather nl the time was very boisti-ious, tho wind blowing i uln from the S- W. Went as near her as pos- hiblo to lower and boats, ricked up n ' many in wee uld from boatf, fpar, plankn, ito. Wliijn we left her bhn was burned almost to a MH1 and was fit drifiin in itui.'iig tbo breakers, "'hero was a fchoon nr near by, picking up persons, but could not tell ho'.v many ahe saved. ! HATKUENT OF ON K OF T II K AVF.t). PUBLIC VENDUE I lunule pooplo of all hopo from human I t it.. n ,tft t tl ff I ll nBA IImIaw BAH 1- I r tf ' res t but a few escaped, and these only by mllB lubiariber will .xpoM to PUBLIC SAL? res i uum i" i j t h renJence in 13rUforil towmh p, on rushing on deck at the Hut alarm. I : aM A pri, , tho foUowi ng d MOrib olLp. Through uonio agency or other, the hatch- rty , P es were elofod, auJs tho alarm spread Two Ppnn of Horses ami IIftmei, 2 Timbor the enPHtermtion of those below broke all ,itMS, 2 l,oy chnins, 1 I.ons SleJ, 2 FrotU Cow bounds A lUch was mudo tolho ladder, nnil IloilTor, 2 Hns. l'orr, Harrows nJ l)ul Iho wild instinct of self-preservetion other Farming Ctonsils. Hous.-huH Md Kitot (lon. ivedlhounfoi tunatoof their only f Furniturt, ucU ns .toyca, L'eds, r.a.teads, ill pi n t u iiiu uiiiv lulitef.Acs. Also, a inull lot uf Olovrail. chunoo oio.-c.ape to tbo ilcc-K. 1 iiub.) 10 l fir.Mo tu C011lmen(li) ftt 10 a. c, when du most on tho ladders were pulled oaok uy RUun(i.ltll.0 win Lo given Bnj turm, tDBj0 i,now Ihu crowd that preyed behind, and 111 tho lljr DAVID ASKliy. stru"':le that followed tho ladders were; Ap 12, tds j.d. ..c' 1 ... I ,........ ..tt. it. i.t In ir'lililptt uulleU uo'vn iiiiu ""'J " I" 1 - them win thwarted ny me wmi uu uu t:tii itiir elforts of the unfortunates them 'cIvcj. Tiiocriel from below beoumu ocutl-ronderiog, but they were ffidteedcd at thai terrible moment of common d 111- -or to all. Within hali'au hor the vei was wrapped m ll iuies, aud t'.iue on deck had disappeared in tho ctiil piling wuvi-s, very few ctenping to me im.us , jj. (;(Cm.i.3J1 -Hiid even many of thoio who first gained ivim-jlvuuia Siu;e Stock them were, by tbo roughness of tbu uen, Hpi'da - - d thfir tdaecs bi.'ing taiien uy inoe ime irm " w"c re able :o cmnb.it. lor a brier space, liank Nou-.uf ot..r llunki 1 In 11 run fiintT r" ,u AGEN'TS WANTKU-To fell the ercat work "LIFE AND DEATH l.V RE DEL VRli'. O.Ss." SulJierf, Ladles, any on can loll it II. E. fJOODWIN, Ap 12-75-lia. Fyracust, K, Y. SfATRMENT OK CLKARFIELD COUNTY LAK, fur (J)O month ending Muroh Jlit 1:03: ' caps who the waves, which were ru n n.ng Over ilr:ifti, ..w,.,i ,;.,4 i.i li. 11 lohael h. I'rookelt, a inciilbiT t fllio lViy-sixth rcginu nt, and Vcvemie St 0110 d illioinialiU, ente;ed the first DM . run.ilur loiv.. ! uhiiiL' wilh the captain of the ........ -, . . 0 parly, it lro' the former ones huvinc been destroyed. pK.f'F' llow tweet the coondof the fcribed no until on account of Ids releion NVe have he.etolbre occupied seven mile, h meang rP,.,re,l Mid or 1 i. tli , bice. I ts pla.fo, m w, the Con- Mr . tyt us ' ' ' ot Ilia road lioai City I'oinl to ruunis . , , , 111 i-tiiulioii nn.l every nlanlt in it vas pan vuiupuiij ........... ... i;m .n,iiu,t,nu, , i.iviii united country ; mil ui.ovc umi w win ,wl ,..,., i:..i., ,i,,,.tri.i.. . w 10 iva: iictirn: (piai terniasier, ium iu.-u ,-...11:1..!.- . . ... . 1 . . 1 , . , ' r. ... -1 1 t 1 ... 1 l...-rt cl.i.H 1.. tin mnro . 1 1. . . .. 1 ... : . i I Tt. i j ' rit i 111 1 u 1 . 1 Din ."sciD.d Union prisoners r. lit, mid ei'bl other were 111 CMULNHII lilt" LO "I I IIHK IllltJ ifll 111 Kl H 11 I'lll Ill, 11 lllimils 1 II n I nil u r .... ,, ... (, v 1 1 ' II I lit" I II IOI1 WHS lllllliril. 1"' '" w I 1.1 ' i i 1 I ' Citv l'oint to lVlouburL. tlnlv a few .i..u;., r l.rni l.h.nd bv a broth- iho Cas-l,"" What othcis mar have : and refugee, has lun. i-hed ui vritb the, ,10 boat for nenily tour hour, and il wa i,-..,r. ..r.i.ir.l i. ...ti.llv'.. i..i.t,i.Ii. ... . " ., :i i ;in i L-..,.u, .mi. I'.u I fo 1 lo w i ii ii i u lures I i u ' p ur I lo u la l : .w.. J...IV- .v o.. ........ jj..-!-. , nnl io win not eive inaniis .. ... - i.;..i,i... .,..,... nt. . . ir i ill;.,, if they ad.led any oath, or any resisiat.ee iiimMB...,,. .1. ... and elorily t.iod for fuch a blessing T 1, u.,i ii, r.wmU. Lvon. besiue the olhceis and ciew, two w 1 IU liny in", 11 iniivej mi i' ii v"""- , , f t f . . . 1 1 !lent tho Coiiktiintion upon bundled ami lour men, and eleven 0111-, turned ell, an I thus nrioileil py winu, ' I Have no Power!" ' ,:.n;,nn,l m I (.nn.,l..,l. nn.I hki - cers ol tho .lljili Illinois ietinent, who LtBH,,. u,,,i tho donned vessel, one ' . . .. ' . . . I 1 1 1 . . I : .. . . . .1 . 1 : I . - . Tl.ii n,n nrediblv informed, was the wiho censed to be "the L'cmociat.c t-Uf Checks, Druftr, Ac. l.u.: imps, und Lsptii.-ci', 11,022 - M,WS 41 - 10,124 3y 2,2i0 00 1",504 CU 1,8.11 TO T C4 21(i 00 123 211 - 1,129 it ic communication with all points Very little properly in l'cteisbarg whs destroyed by tbe rebels, who, duiing Sun day night, made n bnMy retreat, resi dent Lincoln was at City Point yesterday morning, but subsequently v i-Jitnl leters onlv at iniei vais tuai 111c ihiuui,: """ er e )uld bo decerned as she drifted away on lh breakers The steam had l ot been tie." refute tho bad been mustered out of service andi I were on Itieir way lio:ne, u;eir 111110 01 en- atove ilif-tment bavin;; expired ; sixteen men of! 1 1 1 h tl j en lit- 1 van la urui.eiy; unu uun- broad sheet of 11 aiue, hurried to two-fold d ulruction. T he screams and impl iring dies of help, fhouted in vain, coining more and moie f.iintly over the ttoruiy w!iie;s. 2iM:.des the fust b was lower- fined l Foil Mililin. under Hcntence cf pl,oka a,,vil,p,ll' " ,,,ul ,lH'ro Btol's- ""'1, Union isoncs ; sixty-seven male refu- c;li i(1 wW.tih Mr Urockcti w.-,a, there were lainiii' ah ml uj lier.OiH M all, and the military Commission lately titling at then labors tl. rs through nearly half a colnmn cees, and fully one bundled refugee no il..! either we "lie," or that and children, on their way North. ., , , . . , 1 besides th'-Mi were la'O coiiitnis-i iiieii olli- I 1 1 nnsirpp nvulrt IliO nthi-r dill'. 1V ClOV- t . IR- turg, II v.as tuppc-ed tncro inai 1.10 , , In iiltemntiri! to .. . 1 . ' i... -.111.... iiv ,nn ,,, ,., i i.i l,v tt fiK-i.d of one 1,1 - lo ville, and a portion of our army was fol- 0 ,ho "oitizens" of this county now ccn- I"0'08 tIow" lo 11,0 wonla U l.lred and lilty-.-even escaped and paroled lowing 11 1111 11. that diioetion. No particulars had been received up to the time passengers left City 1'oint. " W'Ali SUMMARY." The fo'liv.ving njpcar ta be the rrhilivu positions of tho ditlerent ctirji of (isn. tirant's army on Saturday : The 'Joih un der Wt-itzcl. on tho north bank of the .lamce, on the right wing, six miles south east of Kichmcnd ; tho 'Jth along the Ap- pamalox, in fronl of Petersburg ; .'-a Oth , extending lo the left aud southwest along ' (na ltaydiou plstik road, almost lo Hatch- 1 liini : Ciipilul Stoi-k i-u'id in -Nutoi iijt-irfulati'ia -Puo Ii'i-pejilors Dup on certif of Dopodt, Due other Hank, IiiUrott and K.i'.Laiigf, .IAS. $2J,090 2S f. Mi, Oia, 00 :t,sji ou Tl,V.'9 3) S,S2i Is .".tnis 11 11,210 co $205,090 21 li. ORAIIAM, Casl.ior. to provo iwoom. Miles una others, "liavo Pi'iJ1"'' i.tfrs and eigbttci. cnlisied mon, d ibe themselves." I'JtHh No' Yoik, tiding 1.8 gtiii:-d, m iking i It is thus bhown that if ha bad quoted ! in all rising of six buudiel pi rsons mi loard. : wiojui tnetmiil numuer liier.- IlanUburg. Ji this true? In making t his reply, did Gti Ci rtin assert tho truth ? tr did he thus answer a IIS mil I I UU .luia IIV'W lia 1 I'll.-i 1 ovii ...... evasively, or laiseiy 1 " ; noned above is piol.aolv nil lliat wei 0 m True answer, to ll.e q..stions very 'anlluage to ns, as there was no contra" , (li( Ui w,A t0 lhe tlc.in . deeply concern tbo people of this Com-; ,liclio"' denial, of the statements ol ! t.r b,ig s0 near tbe line of breakers that 1 J 1 . f r ni.v.m niwl nlliit'ii mill tl id rnrllinr hi n'tu HinifUM 1M11IM IP linkililA'n MiViAnM- inenweahh. So far as their yerswl rxjht . ... ,, . , ,,..,;... ns.,,n..ro. ........ mown inai 11 i:e nan 1101 niisreprcseuieu 1- -- j - t.lur inloi iiiant tl.mKs tnai in spue 01 a us fairly ho cuuld not have appli.id Kiel. are interested no other question bears any .-..'a Witn . IliA .'.I itill tui-ll.4,r 1. I .A lf. mi the Hoydton" road, near its intersect- comparison with them : : . 1. 117 I. : . .. 1 . 1. . 1 .... 1 ... I ... I 1 ,.,.L ..1 Lia Lr.li Jon wiui li nut; ' 'ah roao, uun on tin; e.- uh i., 111,, ..1 .i. 1 ,..v . :i , n , ,, ii- .. . . ! 1.1 1 who billed to teo H hat we bad lrnl.y find treme wtstern Hank, near lJuiwiddic'.Oiirl fV.enj are seized, arraigned, tried. and: .... House, was Shermans cavalry, -"sueiidan 1 oJ ,.iuilt Uluil.r ,ie (Joveruoi's m.srf u ei.t. not bavo iKvitcii those ol his readers It is a mean business, let who will .be , us, us li i.ero u.Huo nppa.e.H. bl,r ,,i,r, su,viml,,a,u or,,inl,!llol,l lhe Ire broke out nbout ten o clock o-i riday morning lrom a iigin cjining in ihee we.c all th .1 eec.iped. Thero wirrn i.bout lifiy women and childieii on ini.ird it'ugee coining Noith, h.il not 0110 w.u saved. Ir. Oeoige W. UYI'.nii., ot the .vnii. lil.oi'.ly risked Im life in hii c!i,il to recjj one wom in. He Mic.eded 111 getting her on the sama plank a-: be himsell clung to, but when iinaily aiil caiun sl; win past all n.c.Mr, Hie luu.ii im n in the ivnt.i any the culd h-iviii- iloi.o liieir fatal wo; k. I liere wi-it lelngeci but three of . ...I il.., f..U m .. ,.. i 1 IJVI tut; fill nuu Wl U'.'lllUlhlULl'U illjl' luuintuincd the fight until tho afternoon, uliou tho rebels gave way and abandoned their works, with the loss of a largo num ber of prisoners. Sheridan and tho 'Jthi then took poMcstion ot the live forks, tear 1 outlierhrid Station, theSoutbsido on Railroad, twelve miles from Peters burg, and at dark a'.l lhe forces had arri ved at and wero in possession of lhe rail road at Soutberlaud Station. Lee with drew most of his troops north of the Ap paraatox. Tho whole Federal line attacked on Sunday morning, from Deep Uottotn to about twelvo miles west of Petersburg making a continuous line of battle of nearly forty miles' The Federal lines were gradually closed around Petersburg, co th hi by theafternoou Leo's forces were all north of the river, except those hold- ini. I li or ili lt i uiiU- - L donuiunt of 1 eleraburg and Richmond had becu determined upon, and that du iug (he day the evacuation of Richmond was going on. L'uiing the night Pcters- nnse, by tribunals unknown to our laws, fc f ' ' ' ... -n.n , ,. nihil s clmraclcr, would be safe within the and foi odenccs over which Ibeirow n pat - ... , . r , . ., ., . . reach of such a wretch, wero :t not for his tisans admit they have no juiisdiction. 1 . This is the ca.o infill its length and cravcn fl'a'j breadth, and heighth and depth. IIitocbitK. " Skcbicks" knows a And Gov. Ci rtin, the Chief Magistrate nian Jiving ft fetv miles from town a the Cotnniauder-in-Chief of the Militia harp-faced, tquoaking-voiced, able-bodied Iho (oiraor of the second Slain in the : mi,n) (jUita us uhle to shoulder a musket Union, with a population as great a that nDj n)!U, iic tionches as one-half of those of the thirteen Colonies in lhe days of the now ; Wie BOrvice who has talked for coiitncl wan a uai rei 01 lieio-cnn 10 inu porter's room, and, spreading with great rapidity. Within half an hour the ve-M.l was completely in lbin.es. Th sen w as rolling mountains high, and a soeno of thegiealeht excitenitut and confusion en eund. Immediately il was di-ciVcied that tho vessrl wa in. liro, wemen and I children ran hhrioking a bout, imploring ! to be taved on one side l!ie fire and 011 the other "The sua opening liko a hull." Srnrea n.rnr: e from the burnius veel only Jo be swullowed up by tlio madden- an instant the frici. ily c ,..1 u-ivn tvhii-li still lnr the biiruin-' b is b.id V . b'J t Clft ho was AP. 12:h. 1 - CS. SHiCl A L A N XOU.N'CK.M KNT ! E. A II. T. AXTHOXV i CO. Mniiulac'i'sof i'hotoialiie MaleriuU, wii Ls.f ti.n 4 lie ii:,, K, BUOMWAV,N. V. In ndtlitin lo 01. r inr;n beiin-Ji cf Pirntj. grn.li: .MtiA, we ars llsdj.r-trs tvt lit ,Vf. r-o.-y'f nnl .'( .-if' i :c Vitus! fif ti.ou m have 11:1 i niu -i.se hj irtmeut, . r'uili'iff yr St-.-r. Ann.ri:n ad Foreign Cit If und Lair'scapr U.-uiipi, "'is'iiary, eto. Alio, P.tvi.Ivii)B' ccre. t,cs. fur pul lio in private ex I.i!. ili :i. (,,Jr 1 kii.nu flriil Lo eot to any aJ' :r.i:. i.u icceijjt (.1'ftjnqi. I tM.riil' .l7('i;jiii .' We wrr-s I -. first, lo .itr'iJuce tiie-9 inti, tin I ..'ee l is, anil v. 9 ::. :fiu(.ici.u.e isoniente M.vly tevcu n. 1, whom were savtd. I'heie wcie twenty- ix enlr.ted men of tho l'Hh Mifnouii, on I ho way to their luims ; none of these were ; Pined. From the cxliou-iion they bad . 1 . ...,.1 11 n l. , . IV.ii-I .a ll:.n. IC -p. uinaeig mil-, a,. . t.. ..A j ;, ,,,,:. -i.t i.i great va:.,tr. isr.e'-,- in priee from enduring ... their hall-submr-rgM boat-, 1; jb, ,j ,is have ,bs pvei v mome nl 1. ire iieuea wnn urui- lion, nil b ini! of beiiu rese lod Ova r....... ... ; r.f I.t.Ii,-. .Mri . ; 11 1.1 i-t" nr;d ill!- 1Jin'J il.illtv to any atliiMi. li.'T w-.'l ! iu by tnul nit of ihu le.v Ji Vivois ol th;s It 1 llilo cal- r KKK, en receipt .f rri:o. l imily, when at Issl ibo steamer Ueneral'iuade to urdor."W. iiTFmt ALlil'MS -e lgwick came in sight almost ut.seen until the moment means ol escape hlio throw out the The boat Mr. V.MCketl was in wan inelast ha;le I. He mamgi'd 10 cucli the line thrown lo bini, an I in win around ra vn u; 1 1 a O.' ('.jr.? Phuj'Ofhs! Ch a' "ao row i;alra'-4 uvtr f(X0 di- fi-nsit ' ul j -vl, t'l iflii.-h al lilemi uro ltag cm toMi-Ty iu.i "T .riraits .f Euvt.Lt Ainori. cnn, t.3., v i : a'i'ji.; Ni !)....!. .i;.-,n o.iv.irii" In tan llml tbn laws 1 r i 1 r. ivuiuiuiiuu, " .-w,-...-. wur, iirdyeu iur voir, nun ioiuu ior-iir .. .. , . ,, 1 , .,.,. . .... . . .... 11 ....... mnfM i.iul noui.r In I !u. rmnii and I mil cansi;'.,vI. ftlld Win..1 ;i. lt;0 ia.ort.e arc faithfully executed, and wn.ca ttws ,for U,e last live years, yet he has never 0 . ' r;lJ 4 by of 1,; r. ,.n, sm ,r,i in were made for tho protection of the per- tuitcn the first step towards vindicating one boat was iaunche 1 by tlio caplr.in misfo; luno ; the e'.u'.rh of dr.v.vni'vr mm son.il liberties of lhe citizen.and in case of, lue ,,rincinle8 which he professes; ami ! of the General Lvon, assi-ti:'d bv some sol- they clung to him, a:; '1 when drawn upon nprMisniion cufiranteo to him the rinht of ' rDt .,u i,;a mr...;,! null " ' diers. but was iiiitanlly Move, the c ip- deck IV j i ters, bo was unconseioiiJ, tho terr;... . .. 1 .. I- . I . . ..-1.1- .11. (l.n , . , A I - , . ., . ii. ... ..,,. 11 .i- ii- 1 t 1 , tain lining Hied, iur inoimani ami stress 01 mo nunua ostu-i",; i-. by jury says he has no tower, jnotfromon High, from whence it ione nf Ul0Bllrttl., fUCOt.0,ied in celling o- tighten so as .0 deprive lo.n of all respira r. ... -- -' tWi, .v.uo.u i.im. mi, into ..i..vi. i.v. iiou. iiio terrlblo scene on b.mrd. the Gov. Curtis nas all tlio power need- at Ridgwny he went, with big tears roll- and two or three others got. Tho boat, harr owing cries of men. omen and chil- however, was instantly nps.-t, they biug dren for help, whore no help could come; unablo U detach the painter from the the rdniost hopeless struclo f.r lifu eJ. All ho wnis is the tct'iV. And if he ing dawn his cheeks, (and perhaps a few is true to the blood that flows in his own:greenullcit4 jn hi pocket,) lo a gentleman burning steamer, and nil on board but through whi?h they psns.-d . iiavo left siH' . . . . . . i'piii. 1 . im e. lu in. Ui u. uairi.'u..-1. im.A..r.A.i.Ai.n.. a. .nt,i.r,. ., .. ..... .. hurg was aoandoneu, and simultaneously : . mi .. 1 1 1 lu"'" """""""'B Mr. illiatus wero washed cut. lie sue- an citect on the liearts and memories m the various columns of tho rebel armv B0- het him say to Mr. Lincoln, "Sii ike fhienre wilh Provost Marshal Cam: us 1.1.. jceeded in ohnamg to the boa', th;; steam- lhe survivors that many of ihedetaili took up thoir lino of reheat towards olf these cbuins 1 hestoro thete men 10 Uurkebville, on Iherouto scutuivnrd lo ; i;i,ri u. ; Lxpunao tho .'onl mockery of! i,.i... i....... , : v,...i. i j 1 o begging and pleading wilh him lo g to Ridgway and g-l lis so tjre.npi'. Now, we can assure this hypocrite thai if tbo ' rico of crnpe t-hill rc up,' and the " rn Wii-ii- thail go in mourning," il wiil not bo for the " defeat of Leo' army," but for the reason that such hypocrites tho aid of lhe lout seven persons were rci , cued. 1 ti, .i.,.i..a.,i r i..r,.,.i,..;, ,'. II1U .IV.Uli I 11,11 'I 11 il.l - l iininil J 1 dieis lo W'liich Mr, William" b, 1 .ngc-1 w ai on its way lo li.-n. end s c )i.ini..i'd now bi'.tlini' in front of Kiihm n.d iine.x- join ..oi.nsu.ii siirmy in ftoin Carolina. ., . , . uv .. , rr,anl At three o clock on Monday morning, ... , 1 . n the 3d, the'Uh corps marched into Fe-1 "Uve ftH l'1'1'0' wlU compel mo to call tersburg, and at iS;15 a portion of tho -Jlh home the lVtinylvtnin legions now in Coips (the negro tioois, it is slated j y0ur armies not to 'aid rebellion' but who did 1.0 lighting at ,i!l) undtr Wci.e:,:tl.lttlE1,VRTnE,1(0,VN UBKaru.... matched into liiehmond. In tin.' latter city wero found 28 locomotives, 1 1 pa s ' ' !'ul'i lul' and coward-are permitted lo befoul the p'r;eiic onboard tint b lining stcai'T enger and l.aggago cars, P)6 freight ears, Hut Gov. Cum could not have ust-d oonunu;,y j,, j,),.), ti,rv jve. "Skrsick" J lVil" life-long one, and the brave so! I.e. s aud all liie heavy guns of iho fo. tdical.on 1 U,U htr.gaace in its plain signification. 1 1 ' thinks that man lad better Ocyoto bi 1 '''' 'luivered as I e related si n.e of the in lad. ' i. imimm.f.ib 1' bis tliil- if ho iicluiillv , . ' f i .. I haiio.ving hceto's w Inch oceure I on the Tliol.ilestinU.llige.LrcfiomGtn.firant.i ' , , i n. Z '"Wr 10 frozen apples at two ! raLlier to-day ( lib) who is in rapid match after tl""k' Hud mCi,n8 lhnl 1,0 ,'"s 110 l'tmerk price?, and cease flat.dorirg his neighbor. , From other nurvivor? w have rroelve l Iho retreating and divndeied uWI cjI- protect bis own citizens in llieir lawful . Aj(, wt) llunk , skesicks," is '11:0111 ri,hl. Jth foil w ing ad litional info.-n ti m utuns--itatcs that tho line of retreat is and constitutional rights, who has? The! .. ... , 11 i gallant regiment, the "ijih, who sli'eivii with arms, wnjjoss. l'a;i,'ii;e. and u id..in Tl., t,,r ,.t urn- c. ,....(,.,. J formed a consnU'iuii.e I'orti.oi ina uu- tho charred remains ol all k ind ol iiiiini- ,. , .. . ,. tu 1 .. , , . ... ., : !ortun. te pHSMng( I s i.i lhe u I -Isle i ve- lion, and stores Ihal h id been burned lo ' "'"'" "."' I -"-, tilings nave neen perpetnueu oy ...a ex-. iro im Ul(.,r W,y rr,liu lh-fronl liav.,U. 1'ieveiit impending their rclreal. Sheti- '" ' eenhed in Iho rcdcial head at cossivcly "loyal" during lhe progress of i nobly di-chargod ilu-ir daiy lo t hu c un- dun bits captured l.'Joij more prisoners, Washington. And from a land of liberty 1 jhij tei riblo war ; but for man lo talk, j try and, iudetd, had exceeded their and other divisions of the army tome three .f.j.nidt,.,! by hw, four brief years liRve'voip cct hiinselfexen.pt from tbe tlraflj Urul "'. "'f vice-to bo nuclei ed o-it at ,i ... .. .,;,,..,.;...,(... ,r.rn ? . r., iSprir.elKld. I liuiidreil and litioeli tomci-n im iu i uu. uu.y i.r..i. umi ""i i a v or a v lgorous procecuiion ti inu war cruel nnd icb ntle-s Ihan that ot Austria. fv y,-u.nj We are not dbnppointed in this. 1 1 has been often predicted. The biimp-h' m is taught in tbe history of ..!! leinMics . i .t.. ii t ... i i n wnere ine Acop.t. on. c .UI , imrrti. an Hlrnger than fiction. ther was ro.;jli and b jistetout, and great power into me i,.mis oi tnrir .vrvanM,' We are at a loss to account for mch in-, uumbeis t l the i.issengei s were in ennse- 1 consistency, except upon the cround ,j,at'qut;nce below suliuing from sti sickness ; Mnr rif.lv Loup lei been tbit inmi f) . . i. n 11 -. a Circa nisliUlCO W llicll SUUscip.iet'.tly Jcill Duronly bopel .is l tu, that ome .excessive -loyally," l.ke excemve virtue. : iili(JI)al ll)rror, ,0 lhe ivt M cel)0(l somewhe.e. nnd at some per.od before it flPn j,lflyH ,trnnge ,,rftnk8i hi mijjily of t,iosfl was ton late, would step forth in defence ; ..cn:f.i i..i no trouble in arriving thus cuilined were, in the excitement peoples' welfare. For this great , , . i,,D; n,., n,., ..., :,!,, ' and terror of the moment, unable to make e r Mill rtithing with learful velocity to- and r:rcuin-ta:ices of tho moment are in waids tbe brealu Ts. Afier manv ell.il ts the w hirl of eiiuliona created yet nine- he brok loose truin Iho eallPr, nr.d by moiii tjf rott (nil enoug'i lias o'en toni to c'a-s l ho loss and' late oft ha (ioier.il 1 yon audits ill -fa lei pi-senn anions tho in i-t divi-'.cr.uis cnlaoiiiies that I.i.vj cc cur.'i d at M-1 lor ; ui; s- 100 MiH'.r-GiniTi'i 2.'0 Ilii-Uesotais, 27. Cil'Mii-U, I j .-tsusiiini, : 40 Artim. 1?0 1'ivir.. , lv.i l.K-at (' .! )ie-'s, 121 Ai.tOurs, '-'.mj (. ;l.tr ):!: -jri, t' 1'ruii.iiicat VTuBien, i.t) u C-j! of V. oiks c f .'.rt itn-ludin fo r.i-Pi.'iims vl tN ni j-'t eiVhr.ited l.iiinTins, I'u. iitir.g. ,-tstJf, s!o. Catatvae i ji'ut ru re-.'ipt of Sumii. An m Jor for One Do i nn l'ioiur f en r.ur C;it.i!or - will be Glled ua llie rouuipt of $ 1 bil, au 1 r jiu ' v rry,, r RSI. i l't..t i(?r;0i,rs i. n it uthers i...:. (rn.dj 0. 0. D. will pau r:o't '!' psr fnl. wnb liieir order. I ,MT 1'ho prcet sui nim.itT of ourgudi ova n a l.ul tu uti. fy. prli Jul A s co. ! mo TESTA A" V I'lUKTCRAFT IK NOT UK1.NJ PLhl.ISIirD IN' COXSh''- tiut i i ni en the .inner of l.ij'.l, tan in- PlIiD-On i l.o I2ili ..f Mi.- H. I i.f Ki'-I in ' - ii I. J.tin-s Jk' ' -v, ,f II ( i si i-iti - r f Cuni'iiiT I, .''i'i K-vi lion; l ti' year-", s m.ndhr an i i ''t'j s. ;:&V.: .ifi-ear? I HI n rioam ! oi? imaierciis con'trlpti-'iic ef Iho past jir. nuutlior nit'iip litis Imcii ni.ic.l ti the thure "!( iivoj loiio btf " ii nfTiTc 1 up t i",iiiit ii. pi-r t. i.; it:y new-piper, puinulieil i y u. l!Ki n.i.t Mid il -t .wn, O angs c iantr, N.V.,nt ;2p r. :ir, p.iyal !o ia advauce;. lack nam-l.-r. i.r si, , ii, niHiitJ, i-ui.t lining tho chnptiMs n'.-r--a I., i -ihl ! will ho furnish 1 In nihsenbsrJ. rii' Hi t .i.v ilaini s full ti; uurj tf Popular I)rlni ,:o i.iitiio I) the picenla I "lljfo-ir.a-li.n.s " an r l'in nnd l.utl.e.-, Henry VIII.. ,nj lit ff Ci uon r nn l Cr iiir.soll, ly a tru'liful hi-t iry 'A i i i r r:-u, .f i;io nn p-mee iiten- in r.urjpi -flj, in fr it 1 -iri t ivn 1'. V f ll.r Tii us tV.(. tin.-- liii.'i.i-'.i: rUilot t ti o -r:it M .if At. J. Mb. t l l! ;ia'ln ' th I'loiii-sie I'uritiii jltlu tbtriisfnunts. or live hundred more. 1 in total ni pris oner up to this lime amount! to at least fif'.fcen thou Jft'id. l'al. d' L',ni. Mtt.ifAhY OiTit.uF. - Froyo.it Mar-hid Uen. 1 1 inks committed, yesterday, an outrage upon public inula! which de scives tiud receives fiom evety pood citi zen the censure to which it is justly ob- H'lrl - , . ... ,i. no t u,. y i.iio wc ma,,c every allowance , invi,i,,g tliem lo become Uulrrt. r I rrn nvlin mrnnr n nf lonl nwi m tulhun I I llll, V.AUUOI I IIIIIU U 1 l l I I I ' KOUHHIq fiom the intelligence of tho glorious tri umph of our m m?, wc cannot excuse Gen. i I inks, who occupies a high and responsi ble military position under the fiovcrn mcnt, for I.i conduct on this occasion- A sliidil dceree of intoxication, t xhilnraLion. or wlmlover other (crm w 6 might chooso our mind's eye, lie occur icd the "right lo d.Mgnalo it by, might bo ovet looked enlisted men anil oliioeis embarked at in tdioit, doing every thing ; Wilmington lurFoitre-s Monroo on t he ibat an Abolitionist can do, r nd then go' -ib nit. Tho ve-el was one nil.t tie before tl.e'Slur Chamber" at llairishurg' ltt.v"1 l"1,"',,b;,r "',f!,ou,l'1"f ,,u rlver . , i. i waiting lor tho Into, r roui the in )nvr.t nnd SUhAh that he is a Democrat . "i the. vessel started on her voyage lhe wen- G tn-t'io 1 i,f i ii f ii in- tloit ho leis ru';tt'd nnd ri".p.MR4 tin Ii dl iuriu..r.v koi.t hv H. Ki-loeiDcr, nt ('..x' -town, where will t i'o cspoolnl puiiH t i ron ier saMifii nil wio faver him with ttiuir pnlr.:wgi. I'oxof.owii, Ayril I.', 'Oj. lirsly. Knnilil 1'A hit lakes U r ill' Iho till '.oi men ef t'h-in field c-einty Of tin work (iov. Ctm.N has been rlradily in; ,,0,d oa or ve LnrJ Uemocmcv. . ! tf - ' 111 ...... ' 'their way to the deck, and thus fell vic tims to tho smoke and llanioi w ithdhta , chance or cllorl lo escnpo. .. .. i ... li. 1 .l!. r. iI.a ll'.,-l. i.f lli, lli.l 'ninte In nlhim mir Wivntn'. l'.radk'V it I'lirv. ( I U .1. I. A J. O. I n on horseback into Od in IliO language Ot fccnator IIaLK, Ol . ai uiout noon i.ir. i.i.icoi., cittno up 11011 , ...v, v.. ..... ... . 1 ... , , ., rio,r, , Mi,tlllr,.,Urers. B7 low it w.l'aa incroooi of ono of.X.II., "having taken away tho right of A;"-v " ,"K V," '""1 and bl K.Jo Stre.u, Nw ; unlcf.nrrr.t i l. i . - l r,...l ... . . i, i i, ... i ii ere iumiil- iiuiacs tu mis city a mn i; - v,irlr , oxi X " " s, but when interfered , ,.. rv. tak a 1 c be." and el us' .... , i .. i,i...:i ..:.i. :n n,. . nf mi n, i1"'.'. , ' .... I.i il.n ,i;cr.linnri nfi ' . n n n inni catiit) lumii ai loner, nun "' -" ""' l"-' I I S .K.1 U, ccuesliiil Uin.t.. lor , miiu'ir a-... 111 1 110 d if CI. areu Ol ' , ,i . t.i : il . .A l....il. r . . . .i.i. . . iM:..i.i:... .,. ' ii,n.,',ri. r.fii.m.u1 ..... . ... ... . , . . .... . , , : in,. I , , .-, , nave ino uicssious, u sm ua mi- uuine lew ou.er rer.-ons. ii.e partv eniei bu , ihmiioiic, i.ou u.i mo m . ..... ...... v. tw . j. t1(. mooi r-iir in, in reninus , nraniun u" - a 5qu:id oi sixteen . - ... .,. i ..... .i ,.(, r n, -i.n mn miU nf. 'r: .i.o.. l v;..,.!...,!!... u.l ... t., m ... .. l I m ..i.i i lllli.ii'.' 1 c . ., ,.,. ens ol a monarchy. " e mtuisi " on iet.-iiiius inai can utiiifi uo , "v ..... ..v. iinuj mei iiiui.j i.s.i... ., .-(, . i I Of a lieutenant, ens, ui u uiuint.i-iij. ,i , , , ,. . , ....i ., .... .,,,,1 ,.... .t-l.r. 1 .i, i,.i i.ui n;t.li. ric.iin iml imr. tun, ;' r i;u.r inoiiiiiiiMi innn iie.scr iru. il h not 11 iiiu uu w.i.-i-iii;vi n, .n.-.i ..,,,. mi; mu i....fc... - - -. ... i'ut when the Provost Marshal not only imbibes to such excess as to attract '.be at tention of Iho whole city lo his mnd freaks, such as ridi and out of lhe drink our first class hotel wilh by nolico ollicers their duty, orders out soldiers, under commant to arrest those olliceis and actually does nrrest them, ii is impossible, in tho dis charge of our duty, as a sentinel on the watch lower or liberty, to overlook tho of fense. Hen. lliuks, 'the Provost Marshal of this district, yesterday outraged public decency and morals in tho manner alleg ed, ilo rode on hortcback into the Jones House nnd out again, nnd when remon strated with by police ollicers, ordered out a mililary njuad to arrest them. They wero arrested, confined in a room, nnd an apology d miauled of them for attempting to restrain this redoubtable military chief tain from indulging in tho excesses l.o was committing. Tho apology, we are glad lo loam, for the credit of our police, was de clined, the reponse lo tho demaud being that the officers woro acting in tho line of duty, under oath, and had no apology to make. Why this military ofl'ender was not arrested nnd brought beforo the prop er civil authority to auswer, is what we have yet lo learn. Doubtless some expla nation can bogiron, nnd we await it be fore entering more circumstantially Into the merits of the case. Pat , rt Vniv 1 Afnt. place, and we lontuy unpen mat he was I lie uilortne I'resi tieui it) mritnioi.ti. q ho liro having broken out as nbove the "l ight man." Hut if he talks ns if ho Special to Hie New York Tribuuo. . descl ibed, spread with great rapidity. It had "no rower," whv then, all is cvw.l RicnuoM). Va.. April-!, lSCi. To day, : was, however, immediately detected, and .SKTTI.E IT! I.b persona indebted to tho unJe-slned, or to the linn nf l'ASSMOHK & SrKVt-'NS, arn ri!inost"d to eomo forward and sel'.b without! dolv. Now is the tiiuo to lave cnU. i ' r,. c. PASj.nor.n. CU'srflold, April 12, 1-fii. tf- I i iTv sk hit roil iHr,r: Tlio C; rent Invcntiun ef lao Ags in h O O P SKI 11 TS!Z ,1 lo Vii ii.'. An le'co nit el t'jeir jorseeuti jli '.' f'.q'.i-:, yunkers, 0 'h li 'p, nnd uthor Pi.. -n.l i'rs in N. II. H'n. id. die ltlis lens nnl Wiuir erufi -I'ei.-.'-iHi 'ns uf l)U entfU froiu tLe ! -.1 Hi li,i..n in Vir,;;r.ia pri.ir t- 'he Kvk.I'.:.i 1 of 1;;'. -1 l.u sevt-rsees uf Oaureli ami '.'!. te n ihs .'.iniii'i' ti i f tho l nit. d Ptnti liiToiiH""(it, op puseil I y the ; pnlsr eh-ry of !-l no; i'lieir ffleits u:id ilnno "T t'.eir pr, or,y, lo ic.-t.'.v po- liii -id urei to tlei clcrv l.y un uitet -; P.' 1 nnion , of Church and Snie fit' t. ..rot'itu'-en cf the i i in to ) I'uiteJ S t:a e., asiJ n. -.tef the .s . .!,-, in the i any. and the ceiiso.iue! t c n-nr cy of tbe . "ry to overthrow our f.amer hay fys,.,in ol f goveriiinent tho various iljui. om;.! -jod . .n t (lie tirst (lerversion of .S'anjuy sc'i- n . JO Anti .Vond.iv M nil niOTeiu 'o. a tt th "tire OS ha mid iuhvtrtion of tiic ooi. mon si'i-oolj. ... n 11 ud eullrges, from in.-ututio3 o; lea.'. gitic? ol igi.ornneo fer the enslsve.ni,;,! c liiiuds of the 'isin (-orera'.i is lo lh .tt . logn.as ft the rl.'rjy I r:o .1.1 rs-. Nilivo Aiiurifproi 1. Mu.. . . av 1.111, K- thinRifm, Ahohdnn.ir, o d I tie arie, fnnaiiripuis of Priesli i i'i All fkould subscri1'.', viho v i,h to c thfinrelves with his! n. rs .o'lto. it t t "K If i.J ..0- r -r S uo nt lhe ptcien time, t to inu lb u T W. lift API.r.Y'.- .I . llhhIl'TIO (or double) sii'lUNJ SK HIT with nriiuuirnt. to ci'l"i l'ur.i..ue Pn Niir Patent IUTI.EX wh ch, 111 adlitmn I" ' " ti uifes it hs ti d upon i.ur coin. try lias iko- it, j.ri-a to m u -1 le : ilit j H .'clh ua 1 rar, uu 1 tlir- fiteti1 Fee'nrisn crn.ji.o ir rn,' ' 0 ,V.SiMllill'ltiO I Of ' er mid ot'j l. ' . te make lid 1 i ' rii'tUraft ia th.vei.' , Mint . eat c.rel ,i-.:t, !i ul in .ed l iari.ti'ii f r.d IIIHIL' lltTll t. 11 till MCJLl llll'll. 11 IIUV , n v l ..... . v ... ---1 . 'known whether tho occasion reminded j ran about the deck, and thus pi even teil , nlde Sprinp ever tHii iru) . '. . 1 111 .lie r?sf j ... -hrey arjsls ;ire r re ,1 1 . iJ ol uiuif ::hup of Hi rili.ee of I'enc. . , 1 .. ;.r niiiusuco I r...d cn'.v evil on' 'iic.:iy.' V 1' I will ' ' ii uf its .ir of ti. t al-..t ai It issaid (hat he intends and the evident fate thai awaited tho ves-jln,u,Uaslirs ,0 Ldy wearinn theDnp.ox ' .0 them t tight tU hydra -sdid nion'- particularly lu inai irua uu mi : uoiuru n i- " u e 1 rria'-es, nnu a r"'iu ruiuii cicitii rau nwu i"v. v - Chairs, l'or; cur country. . . .. . ' rri.!- ti:. - Ol K. T,il.lilhAl1 in DOCK Kin can iuib iniivij o p.-vu". i".. used. They r ldotn Hemic r prop' Perfect nnd licautiful The Wonderful Flexibility and (Iront Comfort - IMORMAT.OX W'ASrzu-noson Bills, " V",; : : ,i , , , ' Tn I r XT, , 1 oat on of H e m an of safety I rcak like the SinKlo Spring and couse (.ntW I vor mtmbcr of Co. J), 4lh Pen or, Cavalry, ,,1 lhat it did. " i till all means were too late to be of any ' "ll I.lnT . rnvotl. Skirt. , I .tlt ." , !..... .1..0I.I.1 ..... - r.l l. . . . l.'...:i II I.. .Til.;. .Inln nf I niMia ' . -s . . . .. (lied ni it asnuiijioij, u. iiuuui inu iiii j j,u coming oi mo x resident seems t'j tun. n m i.oi m i ma no.. .....i- of March last, of chronic diarrho'a. A- point to peace, mong his cfleclB are $32,25 in money This information i$ communu letter from"!). W. Pdiss, 8urg. in charge of Armory Hospital, I .! ...I... . I. -f 1 . - ..1 ll.nl II. n nr.., In... AMA. I I' IA L llll I. I'l,!..,. U. ............ to issue a proclamation to tuo I eot'io oi niu culi t'""' "' i"i" ou n i.n . . n..... . rouinic omn mo uo a.vi.... L'....i. n; ,r,r, ii,nn, t .i.,, i imiin -btut.r nwnv tbn bna'.s!" A Wild, nil Crowded Assomhlies, Operas, Cn uted by;.. Rv lhi. ar...i.0 rrou disorderlv rush to tho boat MloweJ, the Uailroud Cnrs, Church iw, Ann it o -t- I. ' ... .. . .. . ... .v.i . n. i :. :.,.i..i.,.i 1 roinenmlo and House iirejs. a tne u.o. v., dent will ignore t he existence 01 the Keu-cnpia.no. um u. i-jon, ... .t .a.-.. - occupy a small xi'..i. ' ..i ' ..,t ..,,1 i,i,i,m,l in tim nnm. brmcr nmntiL' Iho most e.iL'or to abandon 1 .. ' j '.. as easily ns a ana or iuuimih uio.-a. in cuarco oi Armory nosniuti, niiBiiiuji- n ouumuii.ii.1 ....i.Tui, ... - n c - r .i . ton D P "nddrossod to "Postmaster ' mon sense of tho people, who, worn out the vessel and seek safety in tho flrst S 7, ,. , , 1 ,np ' by a long and bloody war, will no doubt boat lowered. Tho moment the I oat Uearncld, estmorelano) county, la., t ' , . rutora HiiJc and make noaco on touched Iho water ho was overboard : bul wilh request to Bond to friends of doceas- 'npy (Crm8 j in the next, tho bont camo in collision ed. Asnosuch person was known hero ' It is estimated that there are 20,000 Uu- with the steamer's wheel, and the cap the letter was sent lo the Postmaster at ion people in the City, who will gladly rc- lain was jhrown out t ho , heel striking , n t . i . -.1 . luru to the starry fo bis of their proper him nnd Captain eber, or the ohth, nnd Greensburg. Ta., who returned it without j,, ns 0Dyyby forcfl 0f Brm; that instantly sending them F.roless beneath information. itby owcd to the acts of the Kebel Gov- the waves. The engineer aud first mate Editors inserting tbo above may enable 'ermcnt. To this class will be added the in vain attempted to lestore something M, inrnrmniinn ir. rcl. il. f,i-n,t. r hftlf-wnv men. who now will of course be liKe order. Major .James r yies, in com v iuivi a vas tru luv at V ll 4 w - - - - j , . I the deceased. &ood Vaioa c'lizcn8 mand of the 50th made a like endeavor ' to quell the insane tumult that prevailed ; . .. -i. .ii.... . .....i . 1 1 . .. Out all Bucueuuris nrro ueeies in too place 1 form, with paper covers a 1$, aud :r. j ! orskin rovers nt $1 50 lo $2. ilthase prcti H . . .. , , ... . . i.i..., !.. .Mil. ...I In.n.CrAH Dt'll I.D"B CHI"' A Liiuy bnvinjr enjoyeu tua piuasnro, rouuort, , win - , nnd erest convenience of wearing tho "Duplex postnfr frea. Erory iuioiligen' patr.'i Ulliptio Steel Kprint; Bkirt" for a sinKle dny, 1 Have a copy, nnd after reaamu .nd it w will never afterwards willingly dispense with friends and neighbor. , their uso. For Children Misse., and Young La-I Addre.. enclorinr; pa .aei t, U, J. dies they nre Superior to all others. ! Middlsiown, Orange e..un tys. X. lPJj They ars tho best quality in every part, and I - ... ."V.V, wV.ivvvr tirviTr Unquestionably the Lighteat. Most Desirable, i V AMI li I l IlAJULi, Comfortablo and Kconiiinical Skirt ovor made, j -0i 7Cj( Chmnut slrct'., For f?al In all Firt-CIss Stores In this City, , run.ADKI.rniA. . nnu tarougnoui tuo luuuu i-oir uu v.w..", Havana do Cuba, Mexico, South America and tho Wert Indies, ininiDl rnn Ttl BI1PI.F.X KLLIPT1C SKIRT. A. 4 Co. N Vork, p!2 in At lloii-.9)(v.. See lh Itst Jacobin IkSrOold appears but -lightly, affected j,reg6nce 0f the fiery element that was cfr-.n li. i. .nr. l..frtn'..no th hv the favorable news fsom the vicioitT of now fast caininc the mnstctr. aud whose types, all over it. ' Rtchuiond. It variei fom 14S to 154. I inev itablo rppioaoli depiired the onfor-jhiiiiH. contin.ntad Uotal, Phiiad'a T .din' Furs. Purohsaor may rely nnon ret Jj ling th beat Fur at CHAM. OAK KOHL) A Hi r nits uunu l ' lMt 1 I North side of Cheatout street, a few labor. Sev.nth. Its central location maW 11 i particularly doairabl M pron visitUi City on bu.inoa. or pie.".. n. U ' Ap. i, lsej- Ma ''
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers