VALUATION OF ALL PROPERTY Assessed for the v TOWNSHIPS bomouuus. ileal and personal propertyTTutMo" exalion for State purposes it the rata rf nree wills on every dollar of the tIu' wi'roui, lu 111 J eccaria township, Bell township, Jjocg townahip, Iiloom township, -Bradford townaliip, . Jirady township, Burnside lowuship, - Clipst township, ('ovine!nn township, -Clearfield hornuglj, Curnensvillo borough, ltcfitur township, . Ferguson township. Vox township, (iirard township, township, - Graham township, Oulich townbhip, - Huston township, .Ionian township, Korthaus township, -Knox township, Lawrence tow nship, . Lumber cily horouch. Morn township, Sew asLington Perm township. Tike township, Union township, yvooowiiiu town i nt s? J a h uiro r I T&Tjtiu -t" in mi tv til i - S.'B,S o"St' J?-. lag ?S. ; ' o So" . f less 2ifii :: si 332, s. . 5 ! III? Hi hit?, f ! fJ J s I i tS6, -"S3. " 2 2. 525 i a" .a T " 5S! III L -S2- i if ! i s i S?i - C.-3 i . J S 1 1 ! i 1, a I si . i r i : i. iboiaim. dols j cr 1 No. No. 0,.. ci ;dou ci, 1362 ASSESSMENT OF 1865. .1.0 rcpoctivo Grmt Rc(hlcam in PRICES of FALL i WINTER GOODS 1 ! J.P.KllATZER, ! Front Street, Clearfleld, Pecn'a. Having purchased a hrs stock ince the li te declino in price is now prepared to ofler great bargain in New Style Dress Goods, Richest Printed Goods, following U a Coniparative'jjf.Fiw Delaine nt of the Valuation ofil,n. " W(,t H'CMUICS, Merinos. boro' ihip, 210 189 100 70 22 1; 408 261' 211' 103 200, 110' I211 31 112 0.') M'J 110 152! 139 no; v 1 8! 70, 232 04, 137i 235 03 102 59,405 84,4'JS 35.tiC,7 109,201 17,030 41.451) 05,857' 09,284 42.401 82.040 30.240! 00,037! 20,0221 19,091! 24.780; 65,054! 37,904, 38,144 144,012 34.9291 38,502; 35.681! 107,855 12.320 59,542 8,490 41,878 05,192 55,099 31,712 11.472' 7.503' 4.880! 2.718 9.075 13.480 11.953, 7.370' 5.269 3,09 11 1.000 4 954 4.508 1.258 3.014 3.249 5 'X.V 3.4)8! 4 741 5.413 3 03 1 1 4,t)8ti 21.5331 2.033! 9 970 1 1 ,000 6.417 8.302 4 375 3.397 3.400 207 C50, loo1 0.7501 10,800 2.334 1W 4.450 2,000, 6018 1,548,021! ?180,012 r..ioo 900 450 300 200 74.277 92.210 40.547 19.754 50,531 123 331 77.810 70.700 47.730 90,331 50.700 71.591 33.401 20,949 28.700 58.303 43.249 41.002 11.1,350 40.312 42.193 39.707 132,488 15.253 09.718 10,090 1,745 73.794 59.474 35,109 222 83 270 03 121 04 59 20 151 59 309 99 233 43 230 28 143 19 288 99 152 11 214 77 100 39 02 84 88 10 174 131 124 448 00 121 02 120 119 397 45 75 2n9 15 30 28 140 23 221 3S 178 42 105 3 2 No. J Vulu Xox nous poi.jcT , 5, 210 17o! 10, 285 2 85 , 14 390 JiKl I 30, 788 7 H8 29 9S5 9 35 10 600 5 00 i 135 1 35 17 1155 11 .J 8 425 4 25 10, 335 3 35 i 3' 05 05 ,.-M!Ucmcnt ol the Valuation 0f tho (Real and Personal Estate in Clearfield French .count v. Ph.. of 1(i- nml !ta I'valuation as rejorted by the Assess-! Good Black Silk ;or for the year 1805, returned in Do jcember, : 90 74 80.' .ri7 ;;o 40 ?29,19l' ?0,C50?1.704,1SO $5,290 42 7! 230 2 30 Hi 255 2f,,- 3; no i io 8 2h0 2 80 10, 200 2 00 5' 95 95 8, 120 1 20 50 1485 14 85 8 255 2 55 I i 12 375 3 75 14 532 5 32 5 105 1 05 I 308 $9,000 2.9801 S.835! 3,050; 435 1,085' 2,125 4.9401 2,000' 2.200 12.300! 4.005; 4.0841 975 25' 1,450' 075! 2 525 1.420 4 800' 760 1 .300 1.440 1.47 2005 2.830' 2.480; 1,002 1.058 1.310 1,275 77.473 90.330 43.087 20,189! V2.404 120.391 83,250, 78 vr, 43, TOO 109.840 55.79C 70.710 34,504 21.174 30,150 59.208 1 40,029 43,132! 154 430 41.292.' 43.04s 41.327 135.44 18.I7S 72,54s 12.801 50,722 75,984 00.979 30 384 774 73 903 30, 43J 87 201 89 .124 04 1203 91 832 50 789 55 499 30 1098 40 657 OO! 767 10' 343 04l 211 74 301 50; 692 08 400 29 431 32 1511 30; 412 92! 430 48 413 27 1354 48! 181 73j 725 48i 128 fill 607 22i 7.9 84 009 7t) 84 75 224 93 ; 281 23 i 128 29 59 20 1 1 50 10 5 0 00 1 i! 1 7 159 380 238 231 143 317 163 218 102 03 Si Si 19.: 04 ' 30 I 12? 79, 59 I I 75 89 85 177 20' 130 04 ; 3 50 1' li 1 1, $90,00, $75,320 $1,849,200 $ 18,492 00 34 00 00 00: 50 25 50, 00! 125 45:.l 120 127 121 412 49 215 30 03 ; 151 48,: 227 95 t 180 57 100 32 90: so; 52 52; 75, 31 i 30' 15 91,721 72,102 39.239 24.173 54,204 130.037 70,285 57.208 37.421 92,021 50 610 57.747 35,500 22.308 34,098 30,073 42.025 55,111 130,087 39,851 40,135 44.737 97.558 14,615 Of, 172 9.718 42.007 07,221 34,600 27,749 13' 21 $54 50 $5,447.52 I 1,028,032 1865. 74.277 92 210 40,547 19.754 60,531 123,331 77.810 70,700 47.730 90.313 50.700 71.591 33.404 20.949 28,700 58,303 43.249 41.002 1 19.350 40.342 42.193 39,707 132.4SS 15.253 09,718 10.090 48,745 73.794 59 474 35,109 17G4.1C2 Increase. 20,048 1,308 35 130 738 5,540 378 0,078 0,573 24.974 7,300 $202,027 Recreate 17,44l 4.419 3.073 1.525 19,552 10,309 3,392 5,804 13.S41 2 042 1.359 5,998 27,030 1,224 13,512 13,209 491 2.058 4.970 $05,927 in accordance with the Act ol Assembly recnlatinir 1 n-cniiial Assessments and conotitntinir a Board of IJevision. tlm CmiwnU..inni ne i.....s.k .. . ... fta U'lnent, bhowinoj the nsnegate value nml Assessments made by each Assessor in tho eonnty tor 8t., upon property taxublo by law; and herewith givo 'notice, that tho 2d day of March A. 1., lsh.i at tho Commissioner' Ollicc in ClcnrtieM, is fixed upon by them fur finally dcterniiniiiL' whether any of tho said valuations of Assessors have been made below .a r-itl. ' ..4 1 1... 1 ... .1 . 1 1 .. . ---.-.-.....,...,. nil parties interested will take notice that Appeal may bo made between this time and that day, but that after said d:iy none will be allowed Atief, Wm. 8., Clerk. Coinmissionerb' ofiice. Clearlicld, Ta , February !", 1 m0.". THOMAS DOUGIIEHTV, 1 A M OS UK AD, CON HAD BAKER. Comm'fi. Riii.iris ii i;.i'i;Mint,i(i;s of t'loiifiold ciur.ty for A. D. 1661. C. Kralicr, tti., Tros;urrrof Clrarlielu conn It in the Com nion won 1th of l'anriv!vuia in ao- ccurt villi mvl uumity from the t h of January, A. I.i. Jau I, untii the Otli of January, A. 1. IHi. ' UK. To numunt rcc'J from collectors f,jf lSfl ud prcviuui Venris $!.1,TfiS 01 Totiu't rocM fr,,ui ui.teate l luoJs for 1SH2 nd JSM, ,S0n 50 (To nn't rec'U from collector! on Sla'c, 5,147 67 'To im't recM fr.mi undented on Stalo, 2.4'Ji fiO Tjuiu't ree'd from couioiifcioD-rs'book, 2,032 "S 1,11. Pj I?ct!on rxpcnie, $2,5'J5 49 lj cFor' wiigi-s, 8S1 lb UjJiilom'irnRc, I.1S2 fl I't fnxcB and wild cats, 172 .17 lljiotcreft urdorc, ISSO 7'J lir inlrret on urdois, C7I 17 Uy rommnnwriilth coitF, iff 2! Hy conMRblcs't-oftf, 213 2(1 11 coinnri."iner' wgc, 1IA2 55 l!y 1'rol honotnry'i feci", 553 CS B aRriculttiralopi'ircpridtion, 100 00 By coal and wood, H5 1)3 By clerk' wages, 577 61 By rcpnin fur comity, 100 80 l!y Ju?tice' cot l, 37 1 1 B; new booka for county, 4S5 82 Jlj (jotnge, ttationery and iiiprc, 6 93 Ej merchandise, 73 iS By printing, 2fil 25 Bj jailor's fecj, 25 73 By bridge contracts, 878 61 By court crier, 56 00 . By junitor's feci", 40 f 0 Hy sheriff's fees, 190 Oil Bj inquests, 72 14 Bj auditors and clerk. 195 00 Byiiietrict attornsy 's fees, 143 d) Bj refunds, 8 62 By auditing prothonolary and renictcrs accounts, 10 00 Bj mifcellnneous, 390 50 By commissioners to now new township lines, 18 00 Hycouneol ftes, 100 00 ByroaJ views, 111 00 By lilhngraj.h orders, 452 00 By Court-house bonds, 3,000 00 By ' " int. 1 ,155 00 Bjam'tof Etnta tax paid, 8,005 47 By percentage to collectors, 7l'0 13 Bj monerations to collectors, 501 23 By Trs pero't'ge paying oat, 407 46 By ' " receiving, 438 65 Bj bal due Tr at Inst seflm't, 4 71 By balance duo county by T r. 17 70 Cal. due fund by Treas'r, 2,313 86 $7,612 21 Fxtra liountti Fund, C. Krattor, Esq., Treasurer of Clearliell coun ty, in account with bounty fund undor Act u( As sembly of 25th March, A. D. 1861. 1K. To aru't ree'd from collectors, inclu ding percentage, $64,133 84 To ain't reo'd from commissioners' account book, 20,f 00 00 cn. Uy ain't of bounty bonds redeemed, $35,900 CO By ain't of bounty certifi cates redeemed, 30,672 90 By am't of int on bonds, 5,201 02 By collectors' perc'nt'go, 1,387 41 lly exciicrations, 3,719 95 By Treasurer's porc'e, paying nut, 4:!2 71 By Treasurer's perc'go, receiving, 641 33 By Treasurer's perc'ge, on cath rc'd, 132 50 . Dalanco due fund, 1 1,520 01 $90,638 81 $90,638 8t ICuvinglon, Jccaiur, $7,612 21 ' Ferguson, Fox, Uirard, (jot lion, tirabniu, tiulicb, Huston, Jordan, Karthaus, Knox, Laurence, Morri, 1'eon, 1'ike, Uni-n, Woodward, linl due tp's, 80 8S -M9 70 rn 05 171 40 200 00 1S9 22 100 00 170 00 1,379 80 113 5S 210 00 310 84 138 66 385 30 148 86 SS 10 3IT 40 90 (10 1,549 53 112 40 41 61 47 00 88 39 137 91 48 09 136 51 57 91 27 03 50 53 19 74 60 2H 132 68 8 50 87 73 4.1 75 133 45 tr ? a 3 p rr 9 'J. tt r CO V3 73 V CO cc , 4. s'S-'S I' 5" 5 S 3 2 3 i f Es-?5 a-as 3.R5-5 s S' 5" S 2.. 51 1 n CJ.-LS' ' " a. 'A I e I O 3 ? S1 - 17 5 5 ft g 5 a. 2 $2:1,243 36 $2!',2I3 36 bnntt Fund of Xwlcmlxr, A. J. 1802. C. Kratzr, Ko,., Treasurer of ClenrOeld couu-! tj in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, in ac- tount with Bounty Fund of September, IS63 DK. Io am't ree'd from eslloctors inclu ding prrrehtage, To ain't rie'd from unseated lands. CM. By bnnnly bonds, Sept. A. D.I 96 J, $6,670 0(1 By interest on bonds, 273 4') Bj percentage to collectors, o-j a r- 3 9 r s e e $3,313 3S 2,070 35 Br f xonerations of By Treasurer's percentage, paying out. By Treasurer's percentage, receiving, By am't due Treasurer at last settlement, Cal. duo fund by Troas. 220 36 173 58 2S1 5J 13 65 3,422 68 $11,383 73 $11,383 73 ItcHr Fund. C. Kraticr Esq , Treasuror of Clenrfleld county in ajcount with KoliefFund for A. V, 1861. DR. To ain't reo'd from collectors, inclu ding percentage, To am't ree'd from unseated lands, 1862-1863, To ain't ree'd fmin eora'ra' book, Tsam't due fund at la.t artl'mi, To am't reo'd from militia fines, CR. it amount of relief orders re deemed, 2,281 75 By amouot of ceriificatei redeemed. J.M8 60 By amount of colleclora' $1,621 iS 1,032 S3 837 00 Am't of outstanding county older", Am't of outstanding court house orders, Am't of outstanding court houe bonds, Ag'to duo from collectors on county, 8 89 Ag'te due from owners of unseated lnnds. 3,714 46 Ag'te due from xYsurcr, 17 .6 Indebtedness of count), U,W 01 $15,210 06 Am't of outi'dg ex. bounty bonds, Ag'te am't duo from eel s for 1861, Ag'to am't due from tin seated lands, - Ag'te am't due from Tr. Indebtedness, I? IS c 1 ? B $ 110 06 600 00 14.606 00 $15,210 06 $119,800 00 5.129 II 2.-,,:ii CO 14,50 f i 76,835 Sj psreentage, amount of collectors exonerations, J Ireamrer'a jsr-'at'go, I7ng eat, v Tratursr'i f tic nfg "csinng, 163 11 110 63 72 19 101 15 Ml. $ 111 61 TJecraria, Dell, Hoggs. 1 Bloom, ; Bradford. 1 Brady, Furntide, Chest; tin: 83 II 72 90 1 35 21 68 62 18 85 67 53 23 7,798 42 $119,800 00 $119,800 00 Tioilii Fund. C. Krntier, Esq., Treasurer, in aooount with different townships for Uoad Fund for the yeara . .n n MA and 1863. 068 35 ' To am't due townships from last settlement. To am't received from unseal ed lands, 1862 and 1863, Toitnhi; Am t paid. Pnl. $351 61 860 00 90 79 150 Oft 10 00 476 41 :i7 40 ;:i 30 $S,0I2 0: $8,012 .t iScoot r vntl. C., Esq., Trearurer, in account with dillerent townships for School Fund for tho years 1862 and IS63. .' DR. $ 17 56 8,30 55 Ha! Jut. $ 13 01 IS 17 7 26 182 91 32 19 31 61) 250 17 29 Oj 2 51 3 V 56 73 77 57 81 39 87 21 30 539 81 27 76 19 40 9 35 28 97 :s 9S 28 43 II 62 44 12 To bal. due tps, from Ins setllem't To aiu't roe'd from unseated lands, C'K. Tonntliip: Am't pnid Dcccaria, $516 86 Bell, 431 17 Dnggs, 103 31 Bloom, 151 77 Bradford, 50 21 I'.rady, 418 H2 Burntido, S6I 82 Chest, 284 48 Covington, 50 19 Decatur, 413 OS Forguson, SO 80 Fox, 07 53 tiirard, 132 21 (Joshen, 187 48 Orabatn, 207 08 Oulich, 473 95 Huston, 429 07 Jordai, 159 35 Kartbuus, 114 Knox, 444 20 Lawrence, 279 15 Morris, 387 43 Penn, 207 08 l'iko, 150 22 fnion. 258 00 Woodward, 316 C3 Bui. due tps. I.53S 73 hi 10 It $8,320 II We, the Commissioners of CleaMeld county, In the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, having ex-1 ainined tho a?cunta of C Krattor, Esq., Treasu-1 ror of the counly of Clearfield for the year 1864, do certify that we find the accountas follows: Tl, mount due the county br Treasures it Seventeen Dollars and Seventy Cents. The atuouut outstanding due the county. Three thousand seven hundred and twenty-three Dollars and thirty-live cents. The amount of outstanding orders, Fifteen Thousand Two Hundrex and Forty Dollars and Six Cents, of which Fourteen Thousand Five Hundred Dollars are in Court House Bonds. The balance dus Bounty Fund by the Treasu ror is rhrco Thousand Four Hundrod and Twon-ty-Two Dollars and Fifty-tight Cents. The balanco due Relief Fund by the Treasurer is Two Thousand Three Hundre l and Forty Eight Dollars and Eighty-Six Cents. The balanco due Extra Bounty Fund is four teen Thousand Five Hundred aud Twenty Dol lars and 1'otir Cents. Witness our hands this 20th day of January, A.D. 1365. THOS. DOUGUBKTY.l p AMOS It HAD. 3. conrad isaki::;, j i llRAD!.r.v, Clerk. Auditors of ClearfirlJ ftounty, P., having examined the accounts of C. Kratser, Esq. . m nit . t - .1.. I OR I Treasurer 01 uearueia couuij ior mo jrm do report that the accounts are as above stated. The amount due the Road Fund by the Treas urer is One Thousi nd Five Hundred and Forty nine Dollars and Fifty-Three Cente. The amount due the School Fund by the trea surer is One Thousand Five Hundred and thirly EicH Dollars and Soventy-tbree Cents. Witness our hands this 20th day of January, A,D',9M'lUKAM WOODWARD, ) X K. F. COUTEHET, t M. L.C. EVANS, J Feb. 1, IS61. si .nit.m.a'i u.ii- All the Latest Styles at li CHARLES OAKFORD A S0.N8. Conti nenlal Hotel, rhiladelphia. jan SPLENDID FA KM Ann Valuable Timber Land Private Sale! rrMlK subscriber offers to soil, at a bargain, t'. e X. ftdlowing described valuable proper- iU ty, lying on the Susquehanna River, in FIB Bell township, Clearfield county, bounded on the east by the river, nn the south by lands of John Sunderlin, on the west by lands of BenJ. Baird, and on the west by lands ol J. F, Lee. containing 2C0 acres of land, partly bottom and partly ridge laud, with fifty or sixty acres cleared, on which there is erected a good two-story dwelling-house, a log-barn and other outbuildings. Tbo land is well calculated for either grain or hay, aud lying immediately on the river, half way between Me Ohee't and lrrin's Mills 3 miles from each the situation is most eligible for any kind of business, there being a good mill-scat at tho low er end of the plaeo. The unimproved land is well covered with Wbito l'ine end Oak Timber. There is also nu abundnnce ol timber for miles back from the river that must reach the river at this point, as there is a ltnfting Beach on this land sufficient to acoommodato thirty rafts. There is also an abundance of Coal under the surface, and if there is cool oil anywhere in the valley of the Susquehanna, it will be found bore. The place is well watered, and ia well calcula ted for the raising of stock. It will be sold at a bargaiu. The title is indis putable, "For further Information apply at this of fice, and for terms, tc to the siubecriber on the premises. P. M. S.VIT1I, jan. 26, 13C5. Cush P. O. MERRELL & DIG LEU Have just opened a large nnd aplendid assortment of New Goods At their old stand in Clearfield. THEY have the best assortment of Hardware that has ever boen brought to this County which they will soli at the most reasonable pri- cos, among winch will bo tound a splendid lot 0 GUTTLER Y, To which they invite tho spccinl attention of the publio, embracing heavy Silver-plated Forks, Spoons and Butter knives of tho best manufac ture. A lot of Pistols of the beBt pnttom.and othor fire-arms. Also a general assortment of pistol cartridges all of which will be sold at reasona ble prices, They continuo to manufacture all kinds of Tin-ware, Brass Kettles, Stove Pipe, etc., which cannot be surpassed in this sec tion of tho State. .They also have on hand Pittsburgh Plows, among which are Stoel Centre Lovor l'lows. Also, Plow Castings, and many other Agricultural Im plements, (look Stoves, Parlor and Coal Stoves a general assortment, and of the bos', pat terns, for talo at reasonable prices. Coburgs and Alpacas, Woolen Shawls, Ladies1 Mantles, Furs and Bonnets, Staple Dry Goods lleady-Madc Clothing, Millinery Goods, Iloscry and Notions, K Hals and Caps, Boots and Shoes, Hardware ij Quecnswarc Drugs and Groceries, Carpets and Oil-cloths, Household Goods, All of which will b 80lJ at Piaatli. rvt,.A. ftd Price. Oct. 19-tf. C.W. & H. W. SMITH, DE'ILKKS IN Foreign & Domestic MERCHANDISE! HAVE STILL ON HAND A Fine Assortment OF Dry Goods, Notions, Groceries, Coal Oil, Coal Oil Lamps, Paints, Oils and VarnUkos, a general assortment. Ulass, pully, Nails, Iron andCastings of great variety : in fact almost overy thing wanted by Bli CKSXHTU1N(J NKW FIRM tnePuulio can bo found in thoir establishment, . 1.... ,. I and at pricos that cunnot bo boat. I fully announce to their numerous friends and JNOW IS HlO tllllC tO pUfCliaSC, to the public generally, that the) Have entered 1 IT you desire any thing in their line of business, into co-partnership in the above business in the (Jive thon a call and examine their stock, and Hardware, Quccnsicarc, Wooden- Ware, Household Goods, ALL OF WHICH WILL BE SOLD VERY LOW F o r C a li ! Jan, , 2m. liOUXTY LOAN OF 18C5. Attest: Wm.S. We, the II. Blanks ibr sale at tliis Office. shop heretofore occupied by tho senior partner in the berougn ot uonnieii. All sorts of work in thoir lino will be dispatch ed on the shortest notice, and in tho most work manlike manner, and upon tormj to suit the times. Special attention will be paid to iioiisk- shokinq. Ia fait, everything connected with the era ft--from a common nail to a tine edged doub'e bitted rhoiiDiua- axe, will ho made to order, ei- .1 r... n ..nnprsVArl S'miufrv Prnflllf'P. I I II U I Mil ui "I,' " - - " ' J - . . a.-0(jive thsin a call. O. C. PASSMOHE. Dee. 11, 1861-iy.' VM. STEVENS. Farm for snic. IX Lawrence township, two miles south of the borough of Clearfield, containing sixty acres more or leas, lying on both banks of the Susque henna River, Mill a good Saw-mill in running order, and one Dwelling-House aud Barn thereon- For terms of sale apply at the office of CHANS P HAKUEIT. Fob. 1, 6U TVIMP. A CI.KAKI II.I I) HAH, UOAD COMP'Y. An odjonrnod meeting of the Stockholders will be held at tin ouVo of the Pennsylvania Railroad Company, on Tuesday, January 31st, 1865, for the purpose of electing a Prosident, Vice President, and twelve Directors lo serve the ensuing year, and the annual state ment will be submittod. II. H. SHILLIXQFORn, Sec'y. Phil'a, jan. 25, 1361. CAUTION. All porsona are horeby caution ed aga itst buying or selling a certain Wor rell Mare, now in the possession of Robert F. Punter, of Knox township, as the same belongs to me and is in bis ure on loan only. DAVID McKEEtf HKN". Jordan tp Jan- lltli, 180a pd. i rMIXITKATOK'! MITICn Xolico jf is hereby given that letters of administia tion on the estate of Tbos. Campbell, late of Hell tp., Clearfiold CO., dee'd, having beon granted to thenndersigned,all persons Indebted to said estate are r quested to make Immediate payment, and those having claims against uo same win p.ui tthm duly authenticated for settlement. JAMES A. CAMPBELL. I Ad.rI JACOB W. CAMPBELL, J A"m r'' Bell tp .Jan. 65. pd. I DOCKET BOOK LOST. The subscriber lost, betweon the 16th and 18th of December last, either at Cnrwensville or between his roiidonce and the " Favmer'a Mill." a black Morocco Pock et Book, (small eiie), containing one $5 bank bill, and about $3 In currency, together wilh one r eeipt for $5. The finder will he liberally re warded by returning It to , Lawrence, tp. Jnn. 1!,, A. II. KEEC, they fuel assured that you can be accommodated lto.ueinbor, thoir establishment i n tfeeond 1n, n.r Street, Cloartiold, Pa, whero yuu can buy giods i'lOUCy to the very best advantage. i ;pO0ld silver, copper, brass, pewter and old ! catting will bo taken in exchange for goods. I May 20, IS63. MEUKELL i. iilUl.Ell. Wanted to Amount $73,00 an of OIU'HAN S COURT SALE or Valuable Real Estate r rrME Commissioners are required to pay .L bounties to volunteers and substitutes in ordor to fill the quota cf the county in the com ing draft, and they need money for that purpose. They now call upon the citltenr to come fur ward and tnan the counlv tho money necessair, for which COl'l'OX BO.VD, CLEAR OP TAX, M I Bearing .Six Per Cent. Interest, Y VIRTUE OF AN ORDER OF THE OR- t . ' phan's Court of Clearfiold eouMy. there will aynl.l e each half yoar, will le issued, running be exposed to PL'ULIC SALE in lo borough of' om 1356 to 1372, in suina of UB Saturday, March Uh, l5. i SI 00 10 SI ,000 ! Ail the following described lloii Lita te, situate i The stttletrent shows that the oouity owes but in Pike township, Cloirllnld county. I'.i.. late tho , $J8,000 for bounty loans, and this Voa is a suro property of Samuel Heed, dec d. Beginning at a white uiik, thence south 00 perches to a post, ihcnee east 7S perehes to a whito nnk, thence south 100 perches to Susquehanna River, thonce down tho river 60 porchos to white oak, thenee north lo the beginuiug- Containing about Sixty-Nine Acres, with acres cleared, with good on-hard, and having thereon erected a good lueiise and bam, and the necessiry outbuildings. fciluTERM.V One-bnlf the purchase money on hand, and the balance in one year, with Interest, to be secured by bond and mortage on the premises. . (J. I.. 1!EEI. Feb. 8lh, 1SC1. Ad'inr, COM MISSION KI!S' HAM or UiiuDavsitttd L a jf, & a I T X lly, passed the 13th '.nof March, 1815, en mind an Act to amend an Act directing tho mode of eell'ng un seated lands and fur ulher purposes. The commissioners of Clearfield county di-poso of the following lands nt the Counhoase on Tuesdaj the 14th day of March, 1865. , nnd safe investment. Ail are interested ia hav ing this loan taken, mA it is hoped It will be met with promptness. I If not taken beforo the 1t of February It will bo placed in the enstrrn cities and the opportuul , ty for investment will be lost, I .Ef8i'bscrij.tions to the loan reeeivoJ at the ' Clearfiold Quunly Itask up to February 1st, and the money will be thre paid in and bonds delir ered 'Jnme forward at once and aid us with outA,oDey. THOS. DOUGHERTY, AMOS HEAD. I A'test. CONRAD BAKER, . W. S. BRADLEY, Commissioners. 1 Clerk. jan. 25. I' adtcs' Furs, Purchasers may rely nponget i ting the best Furs at CHA OAK FORD j HONS, Continental Hotel, Philad a. Jan. 11 A I) SI I S 1ST R A TO H'S 'OTI C liNulo e is hereby given tbet letters of administration on the estate ol Elisa A. Lee, late of Boccaria township, Clearfleld county, deceased, bavin hetn ffrented to the undersigned, all persons In debtcd to said (slate arc requested to make im nifilirts payment, and those having demand a the same will present them duty authen ticated fur settlement, Ana. U60 100 bi 70 223 163 121 200 Feu. 8, Tcrchtt. Warrantee. Tiavld Kephnrt, ileorge Mullen, 54, Wm. Bausmsn, Henry Faunce, J. Jtusscrsmltb, J. Cunningham, (ieorge Ross, Peter Gets. f,, order "f the Beard. U'M K 111! A' 101. Townhii. Decatur. Chest. Bcocart.t. Boggs. Burnside Burnside Burnside Burnside BRA'JLEY, Clerk. Beccaria tp. jan. 6t.ll- A. VT. LKE. AdminiitraAor. American House '(UnWEXSVILLF, r.i. MH-. !AAC HI.MtM, Proprietress, re pectfally Informs her numerous friend -. nd the travelling public, that she st'.ll occupic the above well known stand, and that tbey wii always find her honse a home of uoiuiort, eeononi; and oonvsnienco. TO-Chnrges rr.oder.V. jsn25, 6 n. pd IFU VL03M,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers