nn: REPUBLICAN. COMFLIMENTARY. Wo me glad to loam that the kindly VVEPNmAV,:::::::::re!nisi!y 15, 1 805. feeling of our ciliaan have beeu exteu- dedtothe soknersrow heir, n ml also, tliul this uiuuilcttntiuji ol'regaid is appre ciated in u tiinnnor pro inu I bat our visi- Katca of SuuMrlptli.n, Ailvertlsliijr and Jobbing. if mill ic'iAm Mr y ar, J 40 if tint p ill filftin tht tntr, )t 00 pfr" Thi utara u n''y ' jmniil tvl. vvt uiii j'liici f',r v( or b.jmt ,'i.nYy IHflJ. I Dur.ofi tbo conferenoo, the proposed 86T The regular eorref.rndnt of the I amendments to tbe Constitution of Ibe Cincinnati n.nmW-"loyal paper- United Slates, adopted by Congress on says mat noi long "" '",'' the 31st ult., were brought lo oar no- ed upon "the Cxar of the War Office ticP Stnnion "lo request him to use hi bent The amendments provided that neither efiVrl to tecure an exchange of prisonors' .lavery or involuntary servitude, except when -in swaggering tone he replied : r . .1 . . .. ' t..:.L,l : fill... I lit I nan nnitut tn r n-humit hrullhu tor ci inie, snail exi.i wiinin t lie iv.in- y - - 12 AO 2 JO I .' 0 - J l0 I t r.o :o 5 co n in S 1)0 J ll in rt' mid L'-r'rt' n.iliV, it A, 0 iu, (Kii'i' iV iioriVrs, cori, ('iruttY.ii luni .Vioi, fut h, 3 r-'wft, 1'it'i'luti'un NOliVif, iikJ, 3 limit, franimt AtUcrlltittitnlt, ptr tyuurt of 10 Hum, i' ii limtt,or Utt, For iaih mim oiidf in'trtivn, Cfiviul advcrlhiu, fvr inch tquart of 10 fi'iir., cr Am 3 li'i, or Jr., Tor crA '( in iimtrji'un, rrj'Vwumni I'tirnV Itcor, .'.cui njf.Vts, ;f Hue, ... I'tifMn'y rwiiYi oifr 5 lint, ftr lint, Yfjilj urfi-r rli'in7, 1 soiinrs, ci'o Jo 2 tf - do rfo 3 to . 1 firty ad'trrliti'tiu, ) oilumn, it ti ii 1 " . Fianht, linjit quit; do 3 quirtt, per flirt, ilo 6 jtn're, ptr quirt, do cvtr 6 quiit, per quirt, tluniihlU, thttt, 25, or (i, do t sAief, 25, or Utt, . 2 rfo . I thtel, 2i, or Uu, 4 uo 7to i(W, 25, or tin, . k OU Over 51' ( f each tf above at propoi liouato r.itc. JP!r-lh above rated ure agreed upon by the ULdtrdgncJ, on the 3J day ol Urccuibpr, ISC4, and will be strictly adhered to duriug the present high tiicel ol all kinds of printing material. l. W. MOOKK, Tublirhcr of the "Clua-yStW JiepuhtieiiH," S. J. BOW,. fubliber f the "Iinltman't Jtiiirmii," lll'l biiUKi riimi i ai.i ..it iiiv .-i- - , , . ... i-. i.i : v... ..uifumAM I o. ...... ..lurtA -.iK;.. :..-Utlifi. min fwf m Jet U torn I" l l:e IUllHM M u rem- lOrRHie l(M UIHY rumiM whi cimriu'i. : oiuhi wi "J i tnvv kiiumi turn jmi.-- Z . .. agaric. 1-. IVL. iV.h. 1805. d.cliot.. and that Congrow ihould have tion. of our to dier pruoaei vt ill make a M, K,to -Tl iol'i'ir U,n,pany pov.er.oenfo.ee tl.i. amendment b, np- note of b. 1, U not . -copperhead l.o A Mb it"ui.. V. K. i: , ruling it incum- pmpiiuie legialatiop. hU iim.W ;v upon tlieui.M a duty, io return I 'f " 'he correapond.nce that precede. -ThruemocrilcT ofConnecticut have unanimously nomiriated lion. 1 bouia 11- , . i ory iiiuui , i'i iii'iriiiwi i vi ... been informed. i...i-. ..i ; .,r,uii-.r., mil V-r r.,u..,.lf..n.. mi nl.-,1int apr- 1 V '"' . ... --- vanla, Alix II. Mtcyiun. K. M. T. ili'NTua, ' J. A CiMrucU. $1 tliutiku lor llio runny favor abown to them the conference by the ciliiii8 ot Llein fluid ur.t v.cin ity, in furniahinulhem iuhiiv delioocie,wbicb- i 1 a'solJieis, Ae appreciate as a t-t of true ' . i j I r. it s tnondKiiin ana j;ooo lar inj iunmn u, who are comparatively atrangera. uur duty an noldiara, bai cuib-d in among you, yet wo wich to meiityour eiteem, aad hope that the fu ture, like the past.-niay bo lull of bright rvrceoibrancea which will be pleacant for u to think ol alter w e 12 oo rball h ive loft you lor our n'liet Home- l M and duty clsewbaie. on ' vrrvi, AN 35 00 ceived here, are full of war editorial ug 0 00 Thc M. ni p Morrow B. Loarv. the eiated bv the recent Teaca Conference !o! acknoweldgcd leader of the AbolilionUts i Hi-y tnte the following to b .the re- s , . , i ,i i!ult ol that conference. Mr. I-m- in our State feunate, has taken bold ground fM he hJ nQ ,,r0l0!li,i0n to i ir fuvor of nftrooi voting. And while he i .ngU i0 the people of the South ex- A" would thus extend Ibe ballot-box to the oept that they C1.KAUHM.I) COUNTY 4 uAt ao' Oipban'a Court held at Cloaiflaid In .ad for aid cunty. January lltb, 160i, an allaa Kule mr,u ilirectnd to La ieaued unon tho hfr. .n.l u I iral reDreaeotatlvoi of Petor Owoim, Usoeaisd. to WORTH OF wit: Jour Owen, Mom Ow em, Robert Oweni.'WATCIIIW CHAINS PlVn Delilah, wlfa of A. P. B loom, rbomoi Oweni) j " A 1 0111 , ZL lk,C.S( Jfj (now dcceaed), leaving l.'aut Kobt. Owcna A1 oven otbrn, of whom Ainei 11 llo i Rtiaidian.-- f1 Q! ib"Vc f hevi Owen., doecaicd, leavintf Imuo Jo.i b and w ' MlUZUUtS iy , Qj K.'ih&nil aiv Athiira. iif whom Juhll Itlimm 1. I r. Tj f Ci . .r ' . -, - , JlrrArnurl ,rtf(i Aru( (unruiuil, v'puiki in uiuii ucun un ma ibii u.ij .f March term, I860, then and there to accept or refute the preuii'ei at the valuation ufHxcd by tbo ituucat, or .liow caute why the lam rhould not tv Hold. I, (J. UAHii Kit, Fob. 1.1, to. ClvrlcU. C. Conatttutional amendment. Good for the Nutmeg." They have got a good man Riohmond Papers on Feaoe lee'i Of ficial Report-Otitructioni in Cape Fear Kiver-Niagara fall Plunder Scheme. Washington, Feb. O.lticbniond pa- npr of Monday and rucaday laat, ami r no.iil iilntform. and with another 'auchaalrong pull a they made last fall are bound lo win. J'atr'mt if- Union. 1.:, !nnd aubniit unconoftionally to the laws . . r tvrx ha unt hi iiinv il ill niH niiun uiyu . 1 ' nn,1 Cnn.litnl nil for he would give no mat unable to read and write. e know Ihi ,,. of the North ..mil. I h ilmiitrlii a rcrv bitter pill by the rather must be aeltled r t .i: if nrotontP.i in : would exert himielfto 119. VI nr'uuiiiH .v.-.-i .. -..-. ---- them noiv ; but we aaure them that it will inu.t lay down their a ran itiftionally to tne ibwj of ibe United Ktatea, Tyrone At Clearfield Kallruad Train leave. Tyrone at " arrive at I'lilipsborg at Train leave I'hi!i,uburg ai " arrive. at Tyrone at CoRniitTiON. -Several lypopraphical or rori escaped the proof reader' attention a vole who M,.h tern) ., W,icn lhe amj the peo- We know Ihi ' ia Df the North would boreafter live to-. afiarwnrd. lie make the condi tion a favorable to tue people ol ine Souih a nomible. but he could not inter- be presented to theui in due euon n a rere wl1 j4Wg or Conntitution of ibe ten of political lailli, auu tnai tncy win unneu ataiea. me tpir.ni.ii .n..v.j Tlnu-Table l.av to awallow ii whether they like it or l"d panaed beyond bi control if5 A M not' 'Scna,or Latio, of Westmorulttnd, 1:43 P.M. deserves the lasting Ihuikaof the Dem ocracy for "developing" thi gnat Mogul of niggnrisra. flsff'Tbe Treaident has npprovfd the reaoluiion of CongreM giving notice of ibe auiponfion of the treaty of 1817, with Great Britain and Ireland, relative to the re" ' naval force on ibe hikes Putriot Uuivn. Gen. Patterson. We acknowledge the receipt of a pamphlet from the pen of (ien. Robert Fa'.leraon, giving bis account of hi operation io the Shennandoah VaMey during the first year of the War. ltUa triumphant indication. Those slander- . . n . I . n n.. .1 erf, wuo loaned lo.ievauiai uen luiu-r-son was at fault for the first defeat at Hull Run, can learn what is a fact that Gen. Patterson advised Gen. Scott of General Johnson's departure from Winchester, day before the disautrous 21st July 1811. C AUTION. The publio are hereby caution ed aguinel Uniting or harboring Vui. JIol lingiwnrth, hii indentured apprertico, on iry ac count, u bo loft my employ without jut came or provocutiuo, and 1 will pay no debts of bil con. trading, utilcii coinpelieu by law. J NO. WILSON. Jordan I p. feb. 15. pd. Offer the following Inducement, to Cuy. VALUABLEjEWlLIiY! HA VIMS BEES FOtt A L0XQ TIMK rv gaged in the 1 ockit bu.incs., and . , w" li.iied our reputation for promptno,. 1bj . i bility, and ponoming gn-at faoilltiot for Jewelry iu this way, we are confident th.i 1 con givo satufistiiiB lo all who feci diiUM.i!! patnmi.e u. r K1 ' USO.(HM)of M'ntcbtj, Diamond Pii,i n , Ae., to be fold for ONli DOLLAR EACH I 1 ICI.IKI' NOTICi: The lior.rd of itcliof JLV for the county of Clearfield, will meet at tbe j out regard to valuo, and not to be paid fu, ,, you know what you are to reo.ire. i Juftlook ot the following liat of arliclo, . Id fur " i old fur thallCrdnrrroduce OllO DollUr Ellpll ? tiling nam f soldier, , 1:13 1'. M. tAmong other reforms tba present The abo lition had beerf decreed by the Congre-s of the United Stated, and would be rati fied by the Legislature of the loyal State without exception. The .SVnhVi. Jefl. l.ivi' organ, !s so an gry over this sting given la the t'onfeder nnv. Hint it nroclaiins in favor of war to j i in our last i6sue, the most impor.ant of dominant party propose for the people, is a the knij , to ,h. hilt ..e l. wbithwastbo word "(juicily " for -guil- a law providing for tbo election or two Kiohmonjt in ThicU be urged the Soulh ty," In the CTlh lino from tbo top of the persons in each county to select jurors, al l0 fjfc,jlt to tlsc last. second editorial column. ?3 a dny each. Thi duty is now perform-' To-day, a grcnt war meeting was to have tu7 "tTtTTV ed by the County Coromiioners and Sher-, been held in Richmond, which oil the THE LRAFI. :frJu tr !. ...!.. cititent were exhorted io a tend cn muu. It is said that the quota of this rounly u T ' The Richmond papers or yesterday con for the next draft is 4S0. It is said also " "J?Cl u,an "mm Pro' l" lor cHicc-liumers we are unnoie to ree ii. that the draft is to be made from the old enrollment-that the name of thoe ex- ; Frostt. The me cury slo! at 30 de- empled op account of physical disability, giees below zero in tins place yesterday or stricken off for other causes, will not morning at 7 o'clock. If the Cleikol be taken from Ihe wheel. the weather keeps on a few days longer We Lava heard the quola of but a few be will gel the temperature dowu as low districts, as followa : Clearfield borough, as Lincolu's greenbacks. 21 ; Curncnsville, 13 ; Pike township, ';l ,1 PF AT PrH NFEREN C E Lawrence 37. to be drawn, kable in Ibis- Doublo these nuaabers aio There is soruetliiug remar' Davis' The draft is said to be for ! the deficiency on the former draft. How 1 can the deficiency be greater than Ibe oriyi-: nal number? For rxamplo ; take Clear- tain denoral Lee's olbcial report of the fijjbt at Hatcher's Run la! Monday, in wiiicb Mahone's diriaion succoeded io driving back the Fifth corps upon the mnin body of our troops. General Lee savs the louses on both sides were ininll. General Hood is in Richmond. 1 wo corps of bis army went to Augusta., which will give Beauregard about loriy-nve thou sand men with which to opposo Gen. Sher man. The gunboats in Cape Fear river main piin their former position, not having been able to advance io consequence of the ob structions, which, a letter ssys, "appear quile as formidable to overcome as those which protect Charleston, Richmond and Mobile. The Niagara Falls plunder scheme mav DIED At bis residence in Uradfurd town.hip, on Sunday lait, of dl.ea.e of the heart, Mat thew Korcey, Jr., aged about 16 yeara. At UloomYille, January lMh, Ir in, third aon of Win. M. aad Matilda lllooia, In the ISlb year of bil agi. Coumiiaiioner.' office, on Wedne.duy and Tbura day, lbs 22d and 23d days of February, ISfro, Ibe Ilonrd have directod cants muit appear before , . -.u :.... ,i.. 175 Watchea fhnnd.omelT nnwnMnj . nuinberof children, with ago and ix of each ; "n'cd "eot tirnt kaepers), varying in priej the town.blp in which thoy resided at the time of ' V0,"1 ,. , ,.,,. J0 W t $120 oo enliatinent, and their present rotidonce i and that 2S badiet lolid Gold Hunt .he is without Ihc means of support for herself. .'"8 t'"""": ... . . .. 00 each and children, who are dependent upon ber. 23 (en, M'vc,r .Htct". " 00 to 24 00 CI' ' . ... .... ., f A fftO l.ntt Slvln alt nnA 1-1 Two witnones 01 crouiuiiity, iroin 1110 iownnip "i", . ' In which .he rc.idis, mu.t aluo be produced! 1ec, . r. whoae ce rlifiento, sworn to before the board, must . .uu .... ...... . ' ..n..nrl I'm.. .t forth that the applicant i. the person ine ep-r , roventa ber.olf t be i that tho tatouiiiient oflhe. : number nnd age of her family U true ; tbut.be! is in duslitulo circum.tnnces and her family In actual want ; and lhat utl tho fault .ut forth iubor application nro just and true. rormi contuiuing theso roipiiiitiona enn be ob. tnined at lbs oQioe of the lJourd of Kclicf, when appKvution ii iiiude and the witnersea appear. Feb. 8, 1805. W. S. LHADLKV, Cllc. 4 lt30 Mcfci 2 10 k 25 oo 2 00 to IS nn .... "0 to 25 (I0c,cn. rtlOSl'tCTfS OF VOL. Ill ISO"). r d MARRIED. Fob. 0th 185 by 8. P. Wilion, K.q Mr. Scott Flfgal or Uo.hen Townihip to Mi.t Margaret 5baw of Ur ad ford town.blp. JJcto bbtrltscnicnts. ORPHAN'S COURT SALE o r Valuable Ileal T Ii e O 1 1 ii ii a A .MONTHLY JOURNAL. DBVOTKU TO LITER AT UBE, SCIESCE AND ART, a n The Political Principles of 1T70 and 1787. C C'llAUNCEY Built, EuiTOll. Messaee in Full -President Lincoln Adheres to bis Message of last December-Tho Rebels ihink They Must Fight n Out. Washington, Feb. 9. -The Richmond U'A.V. nf Kehriinrv Till inibliahe tilQ fol- field borough ; To fill the quola for the ' owing ; 503,000 meu, 23 were drafted 1 1 to go. orruiAL itEroxr or tui comiderate ion It was then ascertained that the borough; iiissionkrs. was entitled to a credit of 10, which left ' The following important documents . .. ... , , ,n. were laid before Congress this forenoon : but4-which nuraborwero sent. Hiis, . ,fg (he Sennle aj lfie Jrwnla- it was understood, filled our quota of the ' ata ifhe Vonjcdcratt Slatit of America: 500,000. Now. when 300 000 are mlloH ;)-.. '"'n'1'' r"1.'"' ior. io make up tue aycuncy, wn.cu utn- -" " " r V . :71 , T . .... ., : . " . ' i ." I ho .Uited (ieneral Sherman at Savan Urlll UI lilt? W llllCU ..im uioj..i.u yj nan anyi : In the course of his conversation, the General said cotten shaiks had brought ruin on the'oountrv and the army, and he 'mms m.;a7.inu wiLb contixlk tc r jj- I JL defend the pnnciplos ol uovornincni wnicn lliSlu'C t guidod our futbors in the. foundation of the Ha i publio. The .pirit and doctrine of the two first vo'uuie. will It fully maintained in tne tnira vol ume. Wo bare no compromises to make witb error no pnrley to make with despotism. lo uio.racy will be treated, not a. a varying policy of cunning office seekers and upoili-nuntera, bul rutber na un abiding principle of political econo hit and of nonular liborly. All supporters o' this revolutionising, Abolition war, will bo hclJ I m tho eneinici of the Democracy. We ebull ac- knole go no org.iniiition to be Democrati' ; which dues not houeitly enunciato nnisuppoi EY VIRTL'E OF AN ORDEK OF THE 0R phnn'. Court of Clearfield county, there will be expo.ed to Publio Sale, on the premises on On Friday, lOlh March, I&G5, All the following described A'eul IMute, situate in Pike townihip. Clenrfleld county, and sold ns th property of Jucob Lydick, deo'd. Hounded on lb weit by other land, of said decedent, on ih north bv land of Irviu and Zachariah Mo- Naul, oa the eauuy lanu oi jonauiau .iurvr.i.M.1, ,hj prjcciplca of tho kentucky na l Mr;juii and on the south by land of John Norris nnd Ca- i0ulion, 0f 170s, ftnd tho Dred Sc jtt decisio leb Way, and being the same premiiea bought by tf (he Sllprcm9 Court the one airting St.it .aid decedent from K. U. l'atton and llipph Sovsnp.ioNTY and the other Winra M-pnauAct Fau.t, containing Onc Hundrctl and Twenty-Five Acres, part timberod, witb about 43 acres cleared, be considered a dead cock in tbe pit. jand about iu acre a m.aaow , .nu ....ng condition for such laere . Ian trees 01 cuon-v The Treasury is in no unnecessary bleeding, and it will not be subject to the operation if there is virtue enough left la ibe Senate lo kill the pro ject. General Sherman A correspondent of the New Yvrk World, ;.... . 1 1 ....1 1 .1 uent o v....... . fer iorormaiy with unofficial agents uwuivia nuu uounue inning 10 1111 uieir that might be sent by nie with a view lo quotas, the quota of tha bDrougb ii over ' the restoration of peace, 1 requested the five timet greater than it was then. Io oth- "0:1. Alex. H. Stephen., Hon. R. M. T. er words, the deficiency is moro iha,iW' 1,u"1" ,",'Iljn'' A" C??ftb?1",,j(l ....... J cced through our line and to hold a con- timet greater than the original quota, ' fereDce wjtu Mr. Liucoln or such persons After deducting the exempts, nnd these as be might depute to represent him. who vrere stricken off the roll for 01 h or i I beiewilb subuii', tor tho infornia Terms Ons-tbird cash and the b alanre in three equal annual payments to be secured by bond sad mortgage on tbs premises. MARY LYDICK. Feb'y 13, 186J. Administrator. ..i 1 . . . . . 1 (iaii n :nn.'i n.u 1 it a rot nr. r 1 ni ine pmuic causes at uio iaie examinaiions ueia Here. - - , rilUiCtll l s v a. u u. a . uv" ,, .... we believe that Ibis draft of 21 from this was determined to bang nil be could lav bi. build on. He was 111 favor of cxcluil-' ing trade from rapt uied cities, and ciwi verting them into military posts. If trade wa ncrmitfd in ibe rat. lured cities he Lo ut I lieved Ibe rebels would goin more than they would Ioro by their capture. 1 lie enemy refused to enter into negotiation opening of trade in Memphis had given rorre.it all the supplies lie wanteu, ami: lie 1-4 pa 3 iCT Allah Will tTfOf nnrnnl ff Avert' itire ' ul.l. I. - I r.l.in.l a Vlialc an u tin A itf. 1 , 1. . ir.i A (a nnt. w,-rt.i len to twenty Ihoujana men brutes. f w ititBuiue 1 ere ore tuner uiBincn id ui uivui r mmrii, , . ttynt , the coHnlv exbibitini enual inconsiau-n 1 wle any oilier terms or guarantees than expressed he opinion that lb 0 pr esure or the coanly exhibiting equal incons.sUn- V , h CQ , f to commercial class would prevail but, he, cy ; but we give this as a samplo. 1 ;t n t0 ave on Jnp ot1Pr baa- ! l'ed it his duty to protest against j retroleum htWIta Question ?ur UDC? rhSSinS comSce'6 rH f " " I ?tHrl , their rule, coupled with the accr-ptanco commerce. , 1 SetUei- i of their recent legislation, including an In reply to a .uggest.on that he was Tha davflonfimnnla marla ill. In . f ,... i ii,. Ptiiiii inn fnr Dm popular, and lhat the Administration - i - - - - - . . . uuiui ijii.iii - - ,., . . 1 1. : . 1 past scllUs.be q,es,ionlefini.e!y emancipation of ,11 negroslavos, and ii.... 1 n.i.i . .m. 1 hn rirni on 1110 nan 01 1110 rouerui vuu- --...---- iiiai nu ituvv i euuiouui, ori iai Clcai field. Of course it would be meet the combined force of Lee, lleaurc- days l.t . A W. A m m 1-m & I. , I I.A I f'nB ' HHIU 1111 I1UI iha .iil.ianL nf ihrt r- was succeKsful : but if, in tbe campaign I b . .c .. i. iiii. 'l!A wm alinnLtrt iin.lArliiWo Iia ahnulrl llOn. . .. t,.iu.An iV,A utl.iin ami hi ii cb nnnil ( I lUllllll wrvvi..Mw ... t i senso lo snecnlate as to the miinlilv Iml : i..:- i 1 1 ' lVIUIl UI ruvu i , t . 1 r.. 1. - I l. that we have the article iu all its purity Such is, as I understand, the enact ot gsm.snui.sru.. -! .... ... uu.u , aud richness is no loneer a oue.iion of ' the amendment to tbe Constitution which dragget down from the pillar of fame to uuu ricnr-css, is no longer a question ol , , . c of t; : rot n obscurity in seme remote cornor of doubt. The indications already discover- .?!" adoi'tea creal ccneral would! ed in Ibe well now going down in this I (Signed) JcrrERtosj Davis. be a failure and impostor, rlace, al a depth of about Iwo hundred Executive OlhV.e, Richmond, Feb. 6, l.Htw. 1 In reply to a question whether be did fcet,are of themselves salisfact or v enough -1 Richmond, Feb, 5, 1805. 7b the Preti- ot think the war about ended, bo said : but in addition lo this we have visited L if federate StuUt : Sir- Under " ' he war is only about to begin ; tbo poll r ! , r , ?, i ' Ti ! i ,",tcd your letterol apitointmeDt of the 'JHib cy of giving up their sea and river-coast whualijm-g ml Inn a short distance of lfj-t we prooeei ,0 Mfck Rn informal cilio., although taking away some of the this place from which flows a stream of 1 confeience with Abraham Lincoln, Tiesi- prestige of the Confedercy. is making it water so strongly impregnated w ith Coal dent ol the United States, upon tho sub- materially stronger than if ibey retained Oil as loseti.A ih. n..,nn finii iccl mentioned in your letter. hem in ineir possession., vinie open .... .... ' .v. - ,-u . r. ....., I ,l ucnnttely. Ihe Oil is tVy X t tv,v h . To preserve tboso honored doctrines the Ieuic crntic party was organited by Ihe very founder: .of the Federal liovernmont, and it remained trut to them dewu to tbe fatal and dubouoriug dopar lure at the commencsmcnt of this war. ine Ui. Gi'AUn is an orenn of Dcaiocrucy as it was, ba fore this ro war Jly surrender of principle, and ai ' it must be again, before it can redeem ou r coun try from the rule of faction and despotieoi. It , will be enlarged to double it former site that! is, to forty-eight pages for lb purpose of mak-1 'ingitlnall respect;, as to stylo and umllcr, a; nrwt LlUrnrj kil l l-'aiullf M.ignK.Ut. j Among the literary aftracliens of tbo work I will be n Original Novel of great power and in- j torost. written bv Dr. Tiiom.s Wrs-t Enolish.! I which will be published iu chanters, beginning witb the number lor January. i ' While the Magazine will be doiililo Its forinrr , sim, only fifty cents will be added to the price cf subscription. To enable the publishers to make ', this enlargement without losn.the engravings will be left out ei'.-ept perhaps occasionally. T K "iT.M S : Ons copy one year Seven copies one year, nnd ono to the I getter up of the Club, ) Twenty copies ono year, and ono to the ( rottcr up of thi Cub, Single copies sent, post-paid, for Tortus invariably in udrnnce, and Ibe I tine will be stopped when the time paid iirrs. Ai Tbr Oi n fit-Aim Is stereotyped, back num bers nnd volumes can always be lurnUhed. All letters should be addressed as follows : VAN EVKIE, I10RTO.N A CO. No. 102, Nnsnu if., 'ew York. amond Pins, 4,0il California Diamond Kar Dropi, 3.UUU Miniature and En.iu- ullcd Revolving Vim, 2,000 Cnl. Diamond A Kn- nj 'Id Gent'i Scarf Pins, new Styles, i 00 to 1J GO ((Ch 2,000 Masonic A Emblem Pins, 5 00 to 10 00 rich 2,M'0 Oold liand bracelets, engraved and plain, 3 00 to 20 00 tui. 3,000 Jet and Mosaic liroo- I ch, , , 3 00 to 70 00 taeb. 2,000 Cameo Brooches, neb patterns, very lady, , 00 to 13 00 each. 1,61)0 Florentine and l.tt'-a I Pins, the real orticlv, 4 00 to 10 Ot each '3,600 Coral Ear-Drops, 1 00 to 00 nth. 2,000 Ladies' Chatelaine ! Chnins, Jtt and Uold, li 00 to 20 00 each 6,000 Uent'i Pins, asplcn- did assortment, 2 00 to 15 00 ab. ' 4,0u0 Poliluire Sloove Eut- tons, entirely now styles, 2 00 to 5 00 1Mb. 3,000 Stud. A Sleevo But- torn, in sets, very rich, 3 00 to 13 00 eacb. ; 6,000 Sleeve Uuttonp, plain, enamelled A cngravid, 2 00 to I 00 eacb. 10,100 plain A handsomely engraved Kingf 2 50 to 10 00 eieb, 8,000 .Spring Lockets, double case, richly engraved, 2 00 to 13 00 eicb 15,010 sets Ladies' Jewelrv, now und lnlest Stvled, 6 00 to 12 OOcicb. 2,000 Uold Pens, A hand some silver cae, 3 00 to 10 00 eacb 1 Thi entire lit of beautiful and valuable (pud. i will be sold for One Dollar Each. Crlilicti of ull the above article! will be placed In enrel- ; opes, nnd scnlod. These envelopes aro scDtby mail, as ordered, without regard to cbolc. Ol tbe receipt of the crtiucato you xlll lee vbst .vounro to have, and tben ilit at jour option W : rend ono dollar aud take tbe articlo, or not. ! Five certificates can be ordered fur $1; eleven fur $ thirty-five for 3 ; silty-flre fur $I0 uii ' one Hundred lor 1 j. We will send a iin!e cr- ' tiflcuL on the receipt of 23 cnts. ; ti.. HAS1C1X3 A CO., Bi-T, 'J70, , liedma M ret, Feb. M, :il. N " Vork City. uftBAT IMl'KOVEMKNTS IN Scwinir Machines E.MIMUK SHUTTLli i'A 1 K.-sNTkl. 1KB A (IV w f a --" I ' 1M M II III P. liu, law. 1 2 oo li 00 35 P0 0 20 ex- T Is m " - 11 IV OU'ilWliiJBi) aOliitcbmahcr IcWcr, o. US, North Second St., corner f Quarry, freight business, Oct. 17lh, 186 1 riliLADKLPHIA. 18G5 loG5. rUlLADELnilA & ERIE RAILROAD. niH IS great line traversos the Northern end X Korthwestern counties of Pennsylvahla to tbe city of Erie, on Lake Erie. It has boon leased by the I'tnntyhanin Rail road Company, and is opcratod by them. Its entire length was opened for passenger and An assortment of Watches, Jewelry, Silver and j Plated War constantly on hand. 1 r.cpnriring of Watches and Jewolry promptly I attended to, ! rT-Mr. Aviso invites his old cuMom rs to tx.l and too him nt the above eitubliabmeat, l'ob. 15, '05-ly. n.....r....n... ni.rl nnA innlr i n nf I h n lam n i-i 1 1 t ft I rail a h v t h a r ed- , i I uo uuiliui i ljq t. na kiuu iru, ulim .virx - n ..... - ... - j mere, ana no mis-' oii.i. i. i,A,,r,i ..,. rrnl ticvernment is pfliciflnllv suniilvinff "Vflkl AQTL'T? OH flflfl , . ... , it nun .'li ina uv. u. .., vii .mp..mi..- j i o M k J i A. L4A. HJiWV 1"-- iiu.iiuijr ns to prec.uue er anchored in Hampton iionus, wiiere icucib win. an me goons mey uibii iu llamnton Ronds. the idea ofany trick, or scheme of soecu-1 we met President Lincoln and the Hon. receive by blockade-runners, at a cheaper lation. " Wm. II Seward, Secretary of State of tho price, and with less risk and inconven- ! United States. ' iene lo themselves." THE NP.WR I It continued several hours, nnd was . f, . Hh KEW8. .1 .u We lejrneJ fmm 1 ns Hon PaoDtcT im Ui.caGO.-G.eat tiranfiarroy made a movement lo the , tliem that the message of TreMder.t J.iu- diHfippointruoDt was fel to-day by the ol Plaster in Clearfield Pounds For Sal. by J'ob'y 15, 3U JAS L. LEAVY. South side of Petersburg, as if intending coin to the United to reach the Soutbside Railroad West of December last, Petersburg, on Saturday tbe 4th. Skir mishing continued on Saturday nnd Sun day, and on Monday quite a severe en gagement look place. Gen. Mead was in command. Our Iocs is given at about I, 000. The rebel loss supposed lo be about the same. Our forces, after Ibree unefl'ec ual efforts finally drove tbe enemy from their breastwork and pursued about four Stales Congress, in ex distinctly Lib sentiments conditions and method of which peace can be secured to the people, and we were not informed that they would be mod tied or altered to obtain that end. We undersland.from him that to terms or proposal of any treaty or agreoment, looking to an ultimate settlement, would be entertained or made by him with the authorities of th Confederate States be ll LOU K. A Superior Ar of Extra Family Flour plains clearly and "nd fiener,li; dullnesa of the market both , r,bt ,i( 3t. JAS L LKAVY. ...... iu- irm, here and at iew ork. Owing lthe n?VrrrP!'in 1 v gold, a material improvement IMJWTKH'S NOTICC-Notic.l.hor I Of prcceeomg by .Tn,0Tl ui in lh ,lmn.l .nrl H.a XV given (bat th, following .ccounU have I ticlc i . ..... i.i i, . .....;; r !,:. 111 MAI DfllArt lh. PAhald M.r A . . I Atl.l n r. .1 v I v" vu" ,c"c" """"" existence as a separate power, which, un- 10 turn drove our forces back over tho der no circumstances, would be done, and SAma distanco, cr.using, as the accounts for like reasons, that do such terms would say, "almost a panic," when night put an ! be entertained by him from States separ- ..j iii..M..i ti - , j . ... I ately ; that no extended truce or arraia end to the contest. The next day, (if we lice;as Bt prMCBl odyocaledi woulJ u read the acoount correctly, which we con- granted or allowed without satisfactory fess is a good deal moetified,) tbe contest assurance in advance of the complete res was renewed, and resulted still more dis- lotion of tho Constitution aud laws of , i i . a I the United States over all places wilbin astrously to the federal side, considering, ule of lbe Co,lfuderacy : tbe number engaged. The account says That whatever consequences may rollow that our loss was over 1,100, out of at out! from tho re-establishment of that authori- four thousand. There is nothing from Sherman. At tv must bs accented, but lhat individuals, subject to pains and peuallies under the laws of the United States might rely on a last dates ha was still advancing towards vnrr iiv-rai uss of the nower confided to . . . ' r . . . . Chsrleston, and a battle was expected tho nftighboihood of Bianchville, S. C in him lo remit their rsios and penalties, il peace be restored . , ,. ,. ., i i examined and passed by me, and remain Cled of pn. ej nut .... T..wH.,,ry simiitru wmJ , thl ulfic fur ,be Inspection of heirs, ulalive inquiry, and as soon as asllght ad-: legatee., creditor, and all others in any way Vance was gained, the ofleiings were in- interested, and will be presented to the next creased to such an extent, that prices were Orphans' Court of Clearfield county, in be held scarcely maintained. The pork packing at tbe Court House ia th borough of Clearfiold, here is now about closed, and the state- cm.m!Doin 00 lh4 J Monday of March, i l miklUlil ;u .l,nw . I80' 'or confirmation and allowance, men t soon to be ruoiisnaa will snow a, , ., f .. r.... (.n: -. . i. r u. ir.nnno 1.1 he partial account of James McMurrny ui.M.g un b iu.. ji"',"' " end ll. ii. Kose, executors of tbe last will and hoes, as compared With last Season. Hold- testament of Jos. MaMarntv. lata of lh borouib ers expect that this will have the effect to of New Washington, Clearfield county, deceased, strengthen the roatkol, but buyers con-1 2. Tbs final socount of Julias A. Terpe, execu- tena lhat oil this hns been aulioipatea vvU, .ao. urauy wwu.u.j., long since.- Chicago Tribune. "f9"8. u . f -per . CJolin Burns, ono of the heroes of. m'n,l'l"t'i,1. "riU1, .ocf "?.'!; Gettysburg, i. being lionized in Ihe city, .VlSST Ol viasninffion. ii waa lormany nwiv, Ail l.v tha lnl Pennnvlvaniana resident. TESTATE OK J AM. CM.V.Lls of J J . . . , I 1 . Tl , t si. .11. . .1 1 In Ilia mA mini II .nil II KA nm DIIAl W A I CI1U IOWUIUIP, lUinitmiluuull, uccori-u. in biub social circles as he should be a3 A" P'r,on" biterosted ar hereby notified that in ingu social circles, as ne snouiuoeoj p,r(onal and real esuu to th. amount in valu one of tbe veterau heroes of the war. j f tw0 hundred ,nd ninety.nin dollars ha been t i . - ii a. .).... appraised and set out to th widow, lluth Conly, airA few days ago Beccher made one B w Uw hn0W11 M th6 $300 ,BW ,hich of lit characteristic ribald stump speeches rraiMlnent wijI returned to the Orpbsn's Court in Baltimore, iu which be denounced any 0f Clearfield count, at January torui, A. D., ls3, Eeace on a basis of compromise, lie said unlet exceptions are filed, aud sufflcieut reason e was willing to shea his own and his shown against said confirmation, children's blood to carry on the war, but Register's Office. I. 0. CAROKR, he lakes precious good care not to do it. Feb'y 15ib, 1805 tc. CJcrk Q. C, Time of Pttttrnger Traintitl Emporium. LEAVR r.ACTWAnn. Mnil Train, 3:20 A. M.3:10 P. M. Elinira Express Train, M. - - Accommodation, - M. Accommodation, - - M. LBAVR WESTWAHP. Mall Train, 11:03 - - A. M. Elinira Express Train, - -M. - Accommodation, - - M. - - Accommodu'iun, - M. Tsssenger Cars run through without chahgi both ways between Philadelphia and Erie. Klegant Sleeping Cars on Express Trains both . nyr between Williaiusport and Baltimore, and lliamsport and Philadelphia. Eur information respecting Passenger bufiness ily at the 8. E. Cor. 1 lib and Market its. .nd for Freight business of the Company's A mts, 8. IS. Kingston, jr., Cor. 13th and Murket st , Philadelphia ; j. W. Kovnolds1 Erie; v. M. Drill, Agent N. C. R. R. Ruhiinor; II. II. Houston, (ion'l Freight Ag't, Phila.; 11. W. QwisaKR, Ocn'l Ticket Ag't, Pliila.! Joa. D. Potts, Uen'i Manager, Willinmsport. jan. II, ls5. Changed his Uasc, but not his Politics. SAL13-ROO.M.5. iti. Ilroadwav, Xcw York. 252, Washington .Street, Uoston. entirely new principles of ir.eelianism, po' scMiin mnnv rari. nml vnlnuMa KiinnivenneDU hnrin: been examine I by the most profound ri per!, nnd pronounced to be SIMPLICITY nj PEHIKCTION combined. It has a struiirlit nen llo. nrnnn lii iil.ir action makes tbe LOCK or MIT IT I. P. .liii-Ii. which will neither rin or r.ivul. and it nlilm on both sides; performs perfect sowing on overy descrip tion ef material, from Leather to tlm fineil Nan sook Mulin. with cotton, haon. fron tbieoiri e.'t 1 1 the ft lest nu ob jr. llnvintf neither Cnm nor Cogwheel, and Ull least pos.il) friction, it runs a. smooth as glai and is emphatically a xnrsvr.Esx vtrfr.XK.' Tt rannirss FiTlv Ttr rAtiL Ion MiWflT tO drlv It than any other macbina in the market. A girl lnli'. TKnri i.r nrrn nnn futiaue or iniurv to health. It. tti-ATifrth .ml Wnmliir ill SltnnllCltV 01 CHIT struction renders it almost ianossible to got out of order, nnd is Guaranteed by the comnsnjta irive entire satisfaction. Wtt rc.r.i-lfnllY invito all those who oar df .tA in .Hnnt. tliatn.ntvA. wit! I. unerinr article , r . i.i.. rn ..mil a nnn .inminu 1111. K iiii.Hiiv.t .-.. Iti.) In mnr. nannKint milliner do WO Bolicil tb. patronage of .Merchant lailors, Coach Makers, Hoop Skirt Man- ulacturers, Shirt & llosom Makers. Corset Maker, (.niter Fitters, Shoe Kimlew, Vest nnd Taiita-loonMnkers, lrcss Makers, U K!. ...,. I rl.orll.t.l. TntlltutloDS Will " IICHIUU. Illlll ..m.i.w.v liberally dealt nilh. i-Rirss or MAcmxs connsrs; No. 1, Family Machine, with Hemer, Fell" and ltraider. No. 2. Small Manufacturing, with txten" Table, . No. X. Large Manufacturing, with hxtrnnos 1M . . .i.i, No. 4, L'ge Manufacturing, lor Leather, wa Rolling Foot and Oil Cup, One half hour Instruction is sufficient to enai any person to work this machine W their entire satisfaction! . Agents wanted fcr all towns in V."''? StMes. wher. AscnU sre not slrcly -sitsMuW; I Also for Cuba, Mexico, Central and SJtn ' ca, lowborn a liberal discount willbegnca. Terms invariably Cush on Uelisrery.-wav T. J. McAHTlUMl 10. 5.1(1. BROADWAY. N. Y.. fijWASIIIM. ST., Boston, 720, CHESTNUT ST.. l'hil. A A Co. leb.S:y-,.. v(Tl(I--'l,lc a ttt : ajiflt 411)114 i. i. hereby given, that Ltlls M""",, REMOVAL FROM SHAW S ROW TO GRA ham's, ono door wosl of Iloynton a Show era' Moro. The subscriber wishes tu inform his friends and numerous patrons that he has left his old stand in Shaw's Row nnd has broke out in a new pine in Uraham's Row, in the shop former ly ocoupied by B. Slmuph as a Boot and rUiup. lie would line an ins oiu menus n give t.iui a 1. ucrcuj .. rnnsc i.w ol call on Court Week, and bring as many new tmn on the estate of AN UHhiv t" , i. .. nn..n.t. .. . . .,.j,.i ll i lin. inwn.hin. Clenrfleld county, Pa-. ??,".. on short notice, at th Short Phoe Shop. Kept having been granted to th under.ign-. by FRANK SHORT. !son iudebud to said eftato are WJU'7V cUia. ir-ReiueinbcrGribamRow, on door west immediate payment, and those nayi h of Uovnton A Shower.' Store. Ian. 11, '65. against ihe same will present them duly u. cated fjr settlement. .o,i ........ ... i i. ...il.... vi 17 l ncTH CR033 (VtU I m.ail person, am nurou .....-- i Iri. i .4 .;..! h.i.inff or .ollinif. a curtain Black t :- ,. ri.r 1. Admlnisra" MAUD, now ia tho use of Levi Derrick, of Law. I - .ftm,! MTItli.-N'tic' renc township, a the sarao netonga to me auu , niren that Utters of aduiini"- i. i- i-i- .... u.n ..ni.. .uhiect to mv order. XV heroby given i mai f BrW- " .;'.'" " ' j. b. sii aw. I ."w.01 y'r e.-1 v . uk. i 'VTOTICE- All rerssus having unsettled se ll oounls oa the Books of G. L. hKED, A Co., will pleas fall asd rettl tbm, as we are desir iuu of closing our Bookr. O. L. r.EF.D, A Co. 3 mo. Jan- 11th lSi. .7 ih. ..i.i. r c. ford lownihin. deceased, having b.ca . j 1 1 navainl out sy tas unaersignco. ... rv " uta rf I said ..tat ar Mqu..t.d Wtuk. tamsd U F f I meat, and those bar ag eui- ;;'.- u.-' " "i-eb. I, 1561. AimW- ind.bU ti
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers