r- gs W 1 - 1 JL Still on a Rush ! NEW FIRM. Ol'MW, SHOWERS & Git A II A 31. Summer Goods, NEW And Very Cheap ! ! BOTKTON, BIIOWSRS A GRAHAM iue cesiors to Boyntoa A Showers respectfully annouaoe to the publio laat tbey art now open hig o extensive) assortment of SUMMER GOODS At the old itand in Graham's new building which they offer to tell at astonishingly low prices, (considering Ibeir eoat !) fur cash or npprov d country pruduoe. Their itock of DRY GOODS CANNOT BE SURPASSED! Customers en then Sod CALICOES WITH FART COLORS I MUSLINS t DELAINES I. LAWNS CLOTHS I CASS1MERS! VESTINGS Ls DIES' SHAWL? ! GENTS' SHAWLS ! HATS is, CATS ! BOOTS 4 SHOES 1 CARFETS A OIL-CLOTHS ! OUR STOCK OF FANCYGOODS IS UNEXAMPLED IN STYLE AND VARIETY, embracing KOTIONS! NOTIONS! NOTIONS Scarfs! Hcad-Xcts ! Iscck-Ties! Satchels ! " Port Monnaics I Brushes ! Photographic Albums ! IirES, TOBACCO & SEGARS ! PERFUMERY OF ALL KINDS ! . Or anything else in tho Notion Lino ! ' ALSO, ' HARD-WARE ! Queens war c, GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS ! All of the beit quality, and selected with special rgard to the trade of Clearfield county; AI V. HOYNTON, JOSEPH SHOWERS, EDWARD GRAHAM. Clearfield, July 27, 1884. mcrictn JSjousr, MAIN STREET, BROOK V l.E, Ii. R MEANS, FROrRIKTOR. Oct. 10 PA - Farm for Sale. TpiIR subscriber oflore for sale, on reastnablo X terma, 7u : cree ol J.anu, wore or lots, sit uate In Oirard township, Clearfleld connty, with about 40 acres cleared, with buildings. Ac. ereo- ted thereon, being the same premises purchased by Smith A King from Ueorge I). Smith. For terms and particulars apply to the undersigned at Clearfield, Pa. 1I10S. J. McCULLOUGII. Sept. 14, 1361. tf, BONNETS Fashionable Bonnets, bat., Nets Caps, Shakers, Ribbons, Flowers, Plumes Crape, Bonnet Silks and Millinory Goods gener ally, cheaper than the cheapest at J. P. KRAZER'S. New Watch and Jewelry Store. C 11. LAUC1IMN, having purchased the ts3 intoreet of his late partner, is now going it bis own book in the shop formerly .occupied . 'by them on Second street, where he is prepared 'to Keep up bis reputation as a complete workman ty doing all work entrustod to mm on short no tice, in the best manner, and on the moat reas onable terms. Defying the county, all he ask. is a fair trial, and a continuation of the patrons age heretofore eitended. Look out for the sign of TUiS 15 I U Y A ' 'J II. IT. B The Cash will be positively expected when the work ia delivered. S. 11. L. Clearfield, April 7, 186 J. y HOWARD ASSOCIATION, PiiikADRLrnu, Pa. Disease of the Nervous, Seminal, Urinary and Sexual Systems new and reliable treatment in reports or the Howard Association, sent by snail in sealed letter envelopes, free of charge. Address, Dr. J. MULLEN HOUGHTON, How. rd Association, No. 2, South Ninth Street, Phil delpbia, Pa. Jy20-'61 ly WATCH & JEWELRY TUB undersigned respoctfuily Informs bis customers and the publio generally, that ho has Just received from tho East, and 01 on, d at his establishment In GRAHAM'S ltOW Clearfield, Pa., a fin assortment of Clocks, Watcms, and Jrwilrt of different qualities, from a single piece to a full sett, which be will ell at the most reasonable prices for cash, or in eiohange for old gold and silver, CLOCKS of every variety on hand, at tho mist reasonable prices. ALL kinds of Clocks, Watob es and Jewolry arofully renairedand Warranted. A continuance of patronage is solicited, Sept. 19, 1880. H. F.NAUOLE MUSICAL QOODS-Flutcs, Violins, Fifes, Harmonicans, Preceptors, Music Pnper, Vi olin Bows, Bridges, Strings or the best quality at J. P. KRAZER'S. Susquohanna House, LUnWENSVILLE, ra. V. W. WOK HA IX, Proprietor. THIS large and commodious HOTEL U do rightfully located on the bank of the Sui quehanna, In the borough of Curwensvillo. 'The present propflotor will spare no effort to render his customers cemfortahle, and hopes t merit a liberal share cf publio patronngo. HIS BAR AND TABLE . Will be well supplied with every thing the mnr ket affords.' lUftmen wilt always find his "latch string" out. Mar. 23, 'Of. tf. BOOTS and Shoes a eomplote assortment of Ladies', Gentlemen's Mi sses', Roys' and Children's Roots Shoes and Gaiters at J. P. KRATZER'S. STAPLE' Dry Goods Cloths, Cas.-iumei vu- . k-c,olh, Tweeds, Satlnetts, Sllkwarn ft Vm lBf' Mu,Un' Li",D' ttlt J. P. JJRATZEll'3. - - ' .... " NEW" rmM- CARLISLE & GO DEALERS IN FOREIGN AX D DOMESTIC DRY GOODS, GROCERIES,LUMBER, SUING LES,dC.,dC. FHILIPSBUItG, teutrt county, Pfun'a. I I Have roceived nntl nro just opening the target attorOnent of ht lest, j I niffipraT A V r MOST SP AfcfiV A HI R GOODS ir brovyht to (All aelMn nf vnntrf, tomittiny DRY C(M)DH it CROCF.RITB, NOTIONS, JIABDWAKE and QUEEN SAVARE, j n 1 Ics1 F 11 i' s ! Hoods, Nubins,Sontags, Balmoral and Hoop Skirts ! HATS k CATS ! HOOTS k SHOES ! Ready Made Clothing, of Latest Styles SCHOOL-BOOKS Jt STATIONERY Drugs, Oils, Paints, Putty & Glass! Rice-Flour Farina and Corn-Starch! COAL.OII, I, A MI'S Vt'OOO AM) tVIL I.O UAItli Trunks tj Carpet-Bags ! PirES, TOBACCO AND SEGARS ! Fish, Salt, and Nails! Flour, Feld and Provisions ! And all articles usually kept In a first-class country store all of which will be I"1J Cheap for Cash ! or approved produce, Lumber or shingles. Philipsburg, Nor. 13, 1863-tf. Cheap Furniture I DESIRES to inform his old friends and cus tomers that, having enlarged hia shep and increased his facilities for manufacturing, be is now prepared to make to order furniture as may be desired, In good style and at cheap rates for Cash, ile mostly has on hand at his "Furni ture Rooms," a varied assortment of Keady-madt Furniture, among which are Bureaus and Side-Boards, Wardrobes and book -Cases : Centre, Sofa, Parlor Ilreakfiut and Dining Eitcniion Tables. Common, French-Post, cottage, Jenny Lind and other Bedsteads. SOFAS i,r all, KINDS, WORK-STAND HAT-RACKS WASH-STANDS, lc. Booking and Arm Chairs, Spring-Seat, Cane-Bottom and Parlor Chairs and Common and other Chairs. LOOKING-GLASSES Of every description on hand; and new glossei for old frames, which will be put in on ve ry reasonable terms on short notice, lie also keeps on han, orfurnishes to or der, Hair, Corn-Husk, Hair and Cotton top Mattresses. COFFINS, Of every kind, Made to cder, and fuuerals attended with a Hearse, -vhenever desired. Also, House Painting done to order. The subscriber also manufactures, and has constantly en hand, Clement's Patent Washing Maihinn, The boat now in use. Those using this marhlne never need be without clean clothes I He also hot Flyer's Patent Churn, A superior art'cle. A family using this Churn never need be without butter I All the above and many ether articles are fur nished to customers cheap for Cash or exchanged for approved country produce. Cherry, Mnplo, Poplar, I.inwood and other Lumber suitable fur Cabinet worh, taken in exchange for furniture. tr-Hemeniber tho shop is on Market street, Clearfield, Pa.,and nearly opposite tho "Old Jow Stors.' JOHN GULICII. Nov. 28. 181 y ILmttEufflirolbmirglStitaii, LVTIIERSBDRG, CLEARFIELD COL'NTV, TA. WILLIAM SCIIWEM, Proprietor. May 19, 1SC3. ly. NOTICE & CAUTION. ir AVINCf aiado application to tho Assintant Asscjsor of the 19th Collection District of rennsylvanla, and a License as Auctioneer hav ing beon granted to mo by the proper authority, I would inform the citizens of Clearfleld county that I will attend to "culling rales" whonovor desired In any part of the county. Charges moderate. Address JOHN L. REAMS, Deo. 18, 1863-tf. Clearfield, Fa. n a . ..... u . 1.0. Any person " calling " siilcs without a1 license is subject to a penally of IflO, which will be enforced in accordance with the law, against all persons violating tho statute. CET,??a-InKr,,in' CottoZTomSui7, Hoor Oil-elotbs, lirocntolln, Door lusts, Ac. J. P. KRATZER. Glasswaro. wSV.T"'' ' filoalca Nail Ola., mi. ii . . 8 Paner at all nrle a't ' PtinU' L""P. Wall ! "in v.'n.mr, MOUNT VERNON f rt ir,p llVJUoLi Second Street, above Arch, . llllL.Al)lU,i:ili.t A. y. Itl.AIH, Proprietor. ,(I te of th "Hurt" Iiouse," Atlantis City.) V pt J3,;83-Jy. CLFARFJELD CO. DIRECTORY y. I . ... . TIME OF HOLDING OOTJiX v Si Holiday In January, I Sd Monday In Jul I, II Monday in March, eta Monday in Sept of each year, and continue two weoai if necenary COUNTY AND DISTRICT OFFICESS. rre s i tfuuge on . nuinuei i,mn, iieiieionw. . I.1,. I,,,U,..lln 1 .11 Tt,..... n... ".,. .III. Hon. Jnm'i-. llln., ' V,r.t. Mieuu, miwiiru t orki, Protbonotary, D. If. Etiwoilor, lleg. A Ilea. Isaiah U, Darger, District Att'y, WM. M. McCough Treasurer, C. K raiser, Clenrfiold, " Glen Hope. Clearfleld. do Anaonvllle. Pennfield. LecontesMill Pike tp. Clearfield Clearfield. Co. Surveyor, II. 15. Wright, Comwissiuners, Tbos. Dougherty, Amos Brad, - Conrad linker, ' Auditors, il- Woodward, M.L.C? Evans. Coroner, Henry W. Parks. County Bup't, C.B.Sandford, LIST OF POST OFFICES. Tumntlif, Poll OJpct$, Poflmatltr, lloosaria, Glen Hope, Win, S. Wrlgh Utabville, Theodore Weld, Ucgarty't X Roadi.Sum'l. Hegarty, Bell, Bower, W. McCracken, Th.A. M'Ohee. J. W. Campbell, H.L.lIeiidcraop, James Bloom, James Forrest, William Albert. K. H.Moore, Cbas. Floppy, Chest, Cueb, ' OtUnd, Forrest, Clearfield Bridge, Woodland, Lutbersburg, Troutville, Bleom, Boges, Bradford, Brady, JeS'ersoD Line, John Ilober.in, Burnride, New Washington, Jus. Gallnhcr, Cheat, llurnaido. W. C. Irvln, Patcbinville, East Ridge, Hunt, McGarvey, Weatover, Cli-arfiold, Frenchville, Jack Palcbin, Jacob 11 0 ice, 0. Toser, Jr. Win. McGarvey, S. A. Farber, M. A. Frank, V, A. Gaulin, J.F.W.Schnarrs T. W. Floming, Centre county, S. lladubach , T. F. Iioolicb, Ed. Williams, Jas. McClellan, C. Mignot, William Carr, A. It. Shaw, T. H.Forcee, Jas. A. Hegarty. Cbas. J. Pusay, David Tyler, 11. Woodward, Elir.a Ciase, G. Ueckadurn, M.O.Stirk, Jas. Thompson, Oliinrflehl, Covington, 11 Kurtnaus, Curwcnsville Curwensville, Decatur, Phi lipiburg, " est Decutur, Osceola Mills, Ferguson, Marron, Fox, LiltloToby, Oirard, I.ceonte's Mills, Bald Hills, Goshen, Shawsvillo, Urabnin, Oraham'on, Geelieh, Smith's Mills, " Madeira, Mustoo, Tyler, " Pennfield, Jordan, Anionville, Kanbaus, Fnlt Lick, Knox, New Mi'Ipcrt, .Morris, Kylertown, " Murriadnle, Penn, Lumber City.? " Grampian Hill's, Pike, Curwensville, " I'loomingville, t'hion, Pisektan, Woodward, Jeffries, J C rnnor AlZxZZr m tr vi : BmjV F. Dale;! V. K. Urubuker, James Lockett, Tbis Post Office will do fur Chest township. Will answer for Ferguson township. JOHN L. CUTTLE, Attorney at Law and Heal 1'j.tate Agcut, CLEARFIELD, PEXN'A. QJJict on Market st. Opposite the Jail, REaf ECTFULLY offers his s rvlces in sell, ing an d buying lands In Clearfield and ad joining counties ; and with an experience of over twenty yoars as a Surveyor, lluttors bimsolf that ht euu render satisfaction. . . . Feb. '63 tf. K ui rir iiirr 11 , . I'H.UHI,UHIII, ATrOR.-XT T TT Law. Clearfl d. Pa. Office on Market Street one door east of the "Clearfield County 1 Bauk.1 may 4, ism-it. l.AL'KIU J. HI.AKULY, Attorney nnd Counsellor at Law, Will attend to all buiiness entrusted to his ?sre In Elk and adjoining eountiea at St. Mary's liensiager P. 0.) Sep 23, C mo pd. THOMAS J. M'CULLOUGII, . Attorney at Law. Office adjoining the Bank, formerly occupied by J B. McKnally, Eq., Market street, Clearfield, Pa Will attend promptly to Collections, Sale of Lands, Ac. Deo. 17, '62. ROBERT J.WALLACE, Att3Rt at Law Clearfield, P., Office in tkiw's Row, op posito the Journal office. dec. 1. 1858. tf I. 1. CRAVS. "WAT.TER DASRKT CHANS and BARHET, Attorneys at Law, May 1, 'oS. Cliarfikld, i-a. DR. M. WOODS, PRACTICING Physician, and Examining Sur geon fur Pensions. Office Southwast corner teeond and Cherry Uresis, Clearfiold, Pa. January 21, 18S. ly CyREXIl'S HOWE. Justice of tue Teace. For DacATtia Township, will promptly attend to all business entrusted t his care. P. 0. Address, Philipsburg Pa. Aug. 21st 1881 I EVER FLEGAL, Justice of the Peace, Lu. J thersburg, Clearfield county t'a., wilt attend promptly to all business entrtatod to his rare. Lutheraburg, April 4, 1861. JTv. KRATZER, MnnCII AT, and dealer In Dry Goods Clothing, Hardwure, Queensware, Grocorios Provisions, Ac. Front Street above the Academy Clcnrfitld Pa. April 20Ui 131 1, H. W. SMITH A CO. MKHCIIANTS, and dealers In Dry Goodx, Groceries,. Hardware, (iucenswaro, and ever) thin usually key t by tho trade. Store on SECOND Street, below Judge Leonard's, oppo site the Prefbyterian Church, Clenrfiold Pa. Dec. 4, 1861. Licensed Auctioneer. VsTTM. M. ItLOOM, of Pike township, do. T sires to inform bis friends and the publio generally thnt be bos taken out a License as an AUCTIONEER, and will attend to the crying of sales in any part of the county at tho shortest notice, and at the most reasonable charges. Ad dress, either personally or by letter, cither at Curwcnsville or Bluomville. April 6, '64. tf. j PUOVISIONS-Flour, Cheese, Lard, Dried X Apples, Dried Poaches, received regularly from the west a Itbo store of J. P. KUATZUK. Clearfield Academy. D. W. McCURDY, A. B. Principal.; 'PHE next Quarter will npan on Monday the X otu of KcccuiDer, 1S6I. ieraisof tuition as follows: Common English, comprising those branch es not highor than Rending, Writing, Arith metic, Geography, EnglUh Gramuier and History, per quarter, ' $5 00 Highor English, por quarter, - . f 60 Langungos, per quarter, - . 10 00 Not. 2S, ISfll. ' . 1 1 1 iuueil 11 f ian . fif I 'nt 1 t-v st3 t 1 T"S -""for. .alsllng between iue suoseriDers in ine Banning Dimness as Leonard, Finney Co., is this day dissolved by tno subscribers in the nankins basinets as mutual aonsont. The books, tuners, and asseU nre left in the imuua ui jHiotii 1. uconnru, ac ius ouiee 01 iue .firm, and all claims due to nnd by tho Cna will t. I- -I T 'II , , . . 1 . n- r . 1 . oe settioii uy uim. All overdue paper must to ' forthwith toUlcd. ; J ' JAMES T. LKQNAUD, i , A.O. FIN.VEY, W.A.WALLACE, ' I - The business will be continued bv Jimm T 'Leonard as Leonard A Co. Mee 2I.10ni.l ' I RICHARD- HOSSOP, FOREIGN and DOMESTIC! GOODS ; MU&LINS t Ht nl at Sonant ion Steosation Scnsntina Sensation prices prices i,,.. .11. I'lii.S I r- COBUKGS prices ALTACAS prices I Jusl received at MOSSOl'S' GINGHAMS at Sensation prices CHINTZ , PRINTS GLOVES CRAVATS I SHAWLS BONNETS at at at at at at at Sensation Sensation Sensation Sensation lncct pi ices prices prices at MOSSOPS' Scnuation pliooa Seusation prices colored i muslins; Sensation 1 All to be lind at MOSSOPS'. LINEN at CRASH at CURTAINS at TABLECLOTHS nt FRINGE at Sensation Sensation Sensation Sensation Sorsation prices prices prices prices prices at MOSSOPS', LACZ at Sensation HOSIERY at Sensation RIBBONS at Sensation prices puces j prices TRIMMINGS) of all kinds & Vat in anv ouan'ty I Sensation prices I Always on hand at MOSSOPS', CASSlMKRliS at Sensation prices pricos nrice KATTINETS S?nnation Sensation Sensation Sensation Sensation TWEEDS 'JEANS I VESTINGS SHIRTINGS hi at at at prices jince.i prices at MOSSOPS". CLOTHING such as Cents, Pants, Vests, Under Shirts, at sensation prices Flannel Shirts, Boots, Slioen, Hats and Caps, Now for sule at MOSSOPS. HARDWARE such as Sitws.nnils Forks, Knives, Spikes, Hinges, LIQUORS, snch as Wine, BrnnJy, Gin, W h iakey, Cognac, etc., etc., FRUITS, such as at sensation prices at MOSSOPS' at sensation pricos ! Prunes, Ra'wins, at sensation prices Fig Filbert., 4c. I at MOSSOPS'. GROCERIES, say ) 1 r I 0 u r, uami, : Slioulders, Suar, Molnssos, Collce, Tea, C r a c k e rs, Spices, Candle', at sensation prices Coal Oil, etc., etc Always at MOSSOPS. BLACK I NO ROPES POWDER SHOT LEAD CAPS at at at at nt at sensation fcensation fcnAlion scnxniion sensation ncnsation prices prices prices prices prices price At the tor of RICHARD MOSSUl1 ir.nMl lUOOOOr Always keeps on hand a lull .assortment of all kinds of goods required 'r . ... I .1 . . .1 ! tor me acconimouuuon 01 me pumic. Nov. 12, 1SC2. NEW FIRM. IIARTSWICK & HUSTON DRUGGISTS MARKET Street CLEAItFIELD PA. KEEP constantly on hand a large and and well sdected stock of D U UGS and CJIEMICA LS rAixrs oils and varnish 1'KIU'l'MEllY A TOILET AltTICI.ES. CLANKS, BOOKS AND STATIONARY. TOBACCO & SEGARS. And tt general assortment of VAHI ATIES nnd Fancy ARTICLES. We respectfully invite a eull, feeling coufi. dent that we can supply the wants of all, on terms to their satiifaetion. HARTS WICK A HUSTON. Clearfield April 27th 18C3. tf DISSOLUTION Tho partnership herltT fore existing 1 etweon the undersigned, In the publication of the ClftirJIeld Jtepublicnn, was dissolved by mutual consent on the llth of July, 1864. The Books are In the hands of the junior part ner for Collect! on, Those patrons knowing them- solves Indebted to the lute publisher for cither subscription, advertising, or job work, are re spectfully invited to cnll nnd settle their accounts at their earliest convenience. D. W. MOORE, G. Ii. GOODLANDER. Clearfield. July 27, 1SC.I. ronutinLr attiir bkli.p.pontr rofNimv cuamos l-LAra or ivur.i. BSAljrTfc Co., HAVING lenscd the Foundry and Mrchino fliops at Milonburg, known as " UP.EKNS. FOUNDRY," are prepared to manufatiure and repuir Stenin Engines, sweep nnd tread power Threshing Machines, New II orld and Huthaway Cook Btoves, Wagon Spindles, Plows, and Cast- inci of all kinds at short nolioo. They alsohave notn at Dcucionte and AiilcsiMirg, a varloty or Cook and Pai lor Stoves, for soft coal, of Pitts burg manufacture. Call and see for yourselves. ISAAC IIAUPT Is spout for the York, Wyom. Ing and Columbia Insurauuo O'jnipanio,. jy20,61-ly iatioiial Hotel, MAINE STREET, CUH MliNSVILLK, P..,' WM. A. MASON. Pronrictor. rpilIS long eslohlisbcd and well known 110 1 TEL, situated in the west end of the town. I has beonroinoddlod, enlnr; ed and improved, and .tho proprietor respectfully announces to bia nu- nierous I'riondf, and to the travelling public, that he is mow prepared to accommodate all who may ' L : 11 " luvur niiu wiui m can. j Ample, safe and comfortable stabling ieat- sty attendants taclieU to tho premises, and trusty I will always be on band. Cburircs moderate Fib. 12, lStia.-tf. WANTED A larffo lot of for V W T. 4 V H tliAX E K U in excliaiit-e GOODS at the Chenn Store of JOHN D. THOMPSON. I ... . . t urwensvino, rpi. 10, i.m.i. 1 aii 1 tis.n. am persons are noreuy eautio n j ed against buying or selling a certain Hark Brown Hare, now in the possession of John Ililt. Jr., of Knox towntbip, as llu umo btdtDga to me and is in his uso on loan only. COVl'AD BAKTR. Jov. 2. I S l I ... ' .,. i'V ;" . UM-U ' fa Jt ; chill- ' ,lll'.., , i pr;d :cvil''!'V -in C.;- I l.u'liti ,1. vitintf'il ' lV"i'iPv .1 c III tin' 1 I11111I. u-'n'ri in tliiil linia U'ciiuicd in- It'll, II, IU1I.II.1 if-- .Ifn-f... i.. tin'...' 7 ff4W..i 1 .w. ...... ...... lenvc.1 t!ie nwit in t.) " -v . .lr r-i- full into (iUurt'iT r.ml tli ti v. 'J'l v rcrofulous 'OT t!iiniiiiui(i'i is v:;- l rioiily (utiu'd by iiicmii-iul dibiiiM-, 1 iw I living, (liaonlircil (lit;ct.tiiii from t:nlif.-ill!iy f -Mill, iiiiimrc nir. filtli mid filtitv ImliiU. 1l0 (UprfMnir virtu, ami, above all, ly t!ic vcnvrenl infection. Whatever Lc its .Jorium, It I litTcdilitry in the cotit-Mution, 1 ftiH;fLnilincr u fi-rim Diiri'tit.4 t.t cbilili'fii until the third nnl fourth Kent-ration; " indeed, it reciiii to lie me rou or 111111 wmi !', " 1 v iii ..I .1 I I. . . ..,..11 vihii I Hi; i.niiiiiit-s til iiiu i.unvrn ii i it ii t un.'i cliihlreii." The diseases it originates tnke arii nis iiMiues, lu-t-ordiiip to tho oipiiu it iittatU". In tho lung's, Kerofula produces tuhert les, nil finally Consiiniptitm ; in flic :l.nu!, h' lliii(fn wliich (ii'ur:iU- i.ml l:i cottic i.lr...ius tores; in t lie ttoiu:i(h utiil Lowi ls, deniiigcnit-nts which produce indi trestion, dyspt psin, and liver comphiir.ts ; on tho skin, eruplivo nnd ciitiincou.s rfleetions. These, till lim ing the ditme origin, rcijnire the nunc remedy, viz., pnrilicatiim mid iiivi;,'or.-.-tion of tlio liloo-l. I'll lily the Llood, niid I theie dnnjjcrotm ditensjiers leave you. AVitli j feeble, foul, or eormpted Mood, yon cannot liavo liealtlr, with lh;:t "life of the liei-h" healtl y, you cannot linve terofulima disease. iyer a tsarsaparuia , is compounded from the nio.-1 cffeelunl imtl dotes that medical wiencc lias discoven d for thin rfllicliu diiteini.er, nnd for thu cure of the disorder It entails. That it U far miiic lior to nny oilier remedy yet devi.-ed. ii known by all who have (riven it u trial. That it does eomhine virtues truly extraordinary in tin ir effect upon this e!a. of t-uinplniiitu, U indisptitiihly proven hy the peat multitude of publicly known and remarkable cures it haa mado of tho following diseases: King's Evil, cr Glandular Swellings, Tumor o, Eruptions, Pimplos, Blotches end Sore:;, Lrysipelaa, Koso or lot. Anthony s lire, Salt Ehcum, Scald Head, Coutjrn from tuberculous deposits in tho lungs, Whito Swellings, Debility, Dropsy, Neuralgia, Dyspepsia cr Indigestion, Syphilis and Syphilitic Infections, Mercurial Eisease Female Wcakness23. nnd, indeed, the vholf scries uf toini'lanits tfiatui ise lVum iiiioui-ity of tho blood. Minute reports cf imlivMus.l cafes inn y le found in Avon's Ammmcax Almanac, w hich is furnished to the diiim'n-ts tor gratuitous dit-trihulion, vherein may 1 c learned the directions fur lis tue, nr.d 1 011:0 of the remarkable lures which it l.as rrrde win 11 nil other remedies had failed to r.fford relit t. Thoio casts are purposely taken from all sections of the country, in order llint every render may have access to (on e one who tan tpeak to him cf its 1 1 r.i fits l'i 111 personal experience. Scrofula dipitsM-s the vital energies, and thus leaves its victims far more subject to disiase find its fatal ic.-i:lt than nre heidihy cemliiutions. Heme it lendi to slioiten, nnd docs prcntly shoilin, the cverape iluiation cf l.uniiiii hie, 'J'l. e vast importance 1 f these cons-idcrations has led us to fpend years in j crl'iii'nt,' a temedy v. hieh is ndeijnate to its Hire. This w low cfler to the public under the name of Am r's Sakkai'arh.la, iilliittieh it is cMiro:cil if ingrcdii lit. ron:e cf vhich c.xcctd tl u lest of SurstpoiiHa in attentive jowtr. l'.y its aid you mry protect yourself l'lom the 1 ul!i r in nnd dr.rigcr of these ili'oiilers. l'mco out the foul corruptions llii.t lot and lifter in the blood, purj:c out the catuis of ditcaic, nnd vitiorous henlth w ill follow. Hy its pi Mi liar virtues this remedy Miniuh.tcs the vital fiinctiona. nnd thus i !s tho dibtcii.pcrs which link within tho nUm or lurtt cut on nny pint of it. W'J know the puLlie have been deceived by many compounds of nr.npurila, that promised much lind did nothing; I tit they will neither he deceived nor disappointed in this. Its virtues have I ecu proven by abun dant trial, and there remains 110 question of its surpassing excellence for the cure of the i illic-l inir diseases it is intended to reach. Allhuugli under tho same name, it is a very dill'erent medicine from nny other which has been before the people, nnd is far more ct'- feetunl than nny other which Us ever been available to them. AYEE'O CHERRY PECTORAL, Tho World's Great Remedy for Coughs, Colds, Incipient Con sumption, and for the relief cf Consumptive patienta in advanced BtagcB of tho disease. This lirs been fo long UFcd nnd so uni versally known, Unit we need do no more than assure the public that its quality ia kept up to the best it ever hns been, and that it ninv he relied on to do all it has ever done. 1'repared by Pit. J. C. Avuit & Co., . Practical and Analytical Chcmittt, Lowell, Mass, Sold by all druggists every where. 0'SnM by C. D. Watson and Hnrtswick A Huston; Clcnrfield ( K. A. I:vin, Curwcnsville; PoaturA McGirk, Plulipiburg S. Arnold, Lu tborsburg j, and by doalers everywhere. September 14, '64, 1 yr. C 1l.r..i;i'll'.l.l) Mi)i:itY encnurase Home Industry. l lio umlerniirni'il bavini e ttubliskcd a Nursery, on tho Pike, about half way between CluurlU'lil nnd Onvensvilio boroa', Is prepared to furnish nil kinds of Fruit trees, (.Standard and Dwarf,) Kvcrgrecns, fhrubbory, (irnpe Vines, Gooseberries, Lnwtoti Blni kberry. Mrawbcrry anil Kaspberry vines. Also. Siberian Crab trees, Uuinco and curly BcniU-t Uhcubuib, ike. UrJirs promptly nttondod to. Address J. P. WIUUIIT, Curwcntviilc. tepLll.'OI. ly P1IE subscriber offers for salo on rctisoniiblo ! therms, a Farm in Iieccnri township, ono milo South of Deceiiria Miih, ll contiiins l''llly va Aerea, nitb Forty Aorca cleared, a a Acich. nitb Forty Aoroa ilea red, a --. J tr..,. liLiilnn. li..,.. Kii.rn. limine, ft."?? lo r liurn.and other out-buildings, and a growiug Oil-hard of thriving trees. The title is undispu - tablo. l''or Terma, apply to the underrigued, ia Lawrence ton nt nip, t,K'arnua couniy, 1 a, seii2I-Sin-i.il J. Ii. READ, Chop! Chop! Chop! 9ft ftftft , . U ,UfW,W. ltYB-C,110 P liv'"vf Jst received and for salo at f 3 75 per hundred. JAMES TEST, rbilipsburp, A-iJ. B, ISf.l. pi. 1 mHM - 1 r 1 r 1 ;s 1 diii i rVh.r.iiiii' . . aft .rr. ! I J. Q. LACKWLL, WITH GEO. W. ISJ'IEJ) ,t CO. CLOT JUNG, Al', Jolib'J"s in Clutlis, Cassi mores nnd f:tlfinitr, No, Vl'i Alarket ati-cct. North aide betweeu Fourth and Fifth, PHILADELPHIA. fif Call and see our extensive stork. Aug. in, '01, if. - 1 lOHjBoj STORE -sV. AND 1 mnn , ... unueraigned, havire ren,n.-j - . I -,,. Ull 1111 M iiouse, on J'nie street, Olen Li t.. 01 ". V" Pa., is now ofierlne to th. tnl.i; in. w - I ..V Till? T .1 7)l T. ci fn SELECTED STOCK OF GOODS OFFERED EVER TO THE PUBLIC AT ALL OF WIIICLI 1J"S PLACt. WILL BE sorn - i PRICES TO SUIT THE TIMES, His stock bos been solected with t' , regard to the want, of th. p.orls, M4P DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, I. HARDWARE, QUEENSWARE, HATS AND CAPS, BOOTS AND BUOES, ' "STONE-VARE, WILLOW-WARE, READY-MADE CLOTUINQ, GROCERIES, KARTI1ENWARE, OILS AND FAINTS, FLOUR AND BACON, GLASS AND NAILS, FISH, SALT. ETC. OF EVERY SIZE AND PATTERS Together with all other articles oeeefnty tt complete the assortment of a first class suustrj ftoro. (r-AU kinds of LUMBER an 4 C-mntry Pr. diii;e tnkon in exchangi) for gonjj, at tha higk eft w.nUet priic. As liu is roct.'ivin; new mppHe.1 of jnuii week!;, from lluUimr.re, New York, Pliiladrlibli nnd 1'ittibur,". the puldie can see at oact (hit ha will always be prepared to supply any article in the market. JOUS IVOCSOX. Glen Hope, Dec. 23, 1S(!3. The SU;i4o:i why.. Everybody purchase their CLOTUIK'Qt REIZENSTEIN T.ROS. &C0. riceoasc t'icy sell so very chenp for Cain j Because they keep the bestgoods; Decnuso their Clothing is well mndo I faiklouilt Dccause they keep tho largest assortment; Because they get New Goods every week; Because they give every one the worth of his moiy Because they tnke tho advantage of noboJj; Because they treat their customers well; Because everyboly likes to deal with then; Because they sell cheaper than the rest; Because their Clothing are well sewed fit well Because they can suit everybody; Because their Etoro Is to conveniently situated; Bccaure nobody leaves their store dissaliiM; , Bocaube all who deal with them are sure to est again, and send their neighbors; Bocause tbey have purchased their Stock attach reduced prioes thai they can afford to ADVERTISE I These are a few of the reasons why they sell to chenp. JTAll kinds of Country Produce taken si the highest innrket prices, REIZENSTEIN BROS. & CO. Clearfleld, Xor 11, 1SGS. 8m. SI'. McCI.OSKIiY, Prnctical Surveyor.of t fers his profcssionnl surviecs to the peopll of Clem Belli county. Having purchased the la stiuments, Drafts, Ac, of the late lliomai Ho deo'd, be will be ready to attend to busmen os the shortest notice ; be can be coniulted at his residence with Robert Hos, one mile from Car- wcnsvillc, or by letter addressed tohimst lir wenavllle. tf. 1'. McCLOSKEY. ap. 27 Xl ly. CHEAP STOVES. rpilE sulucriber in order tu accommodate lb J. iiiir.ens of Curwensvillo, anil th" tM generally, has itist received a lot of ,, COOK. AND PAIILOIl STOVES, ! for ood or coal, which ho will differ of ,CT chenn for cush or produce. JOlIND.THOMrSOS. Nov. 4, ISC3 -If. A LSO. CJTOVi: PIIr. For snlo nt tbe cheap W kj of John I). Thompson, in CurwenM ille, J ; cents per pound. Nov. II, I1 1 LlOG R A 11 1 1C7 rpHE nn-kT. ztictl, huviiiR completed t I L . ii . , - ti,.a Iw -a. "Kr.i.n ,,,mpry, in .-nnw west of the Mansi'in House, tlenrlieia, n...l!..lil. J T17 Jo '' "n in ',nl f , . I JL'fllf ffl 011 JlJ'2 Jil!M'4lJ!1 My urranj-cmmits nro sm-h as ill caabli - .... ..f.. .i-13. , lurnistt those bt-uutitul proiiucoona ui ., I ing in tho hinef t style of the art Having UU III I'lUlUB ill vniami'iwi. , B ..r.. ... .1. . r... -..J nf mT ra t''" IOW II, IIIU VlllUIUIfc IIIU im.-m w . . -i-J ' I hope, by strict attention to businesa and a 1 j In pleaso, to merit a liboral share j tinllf.n.ion t fn Illlill V 01 111 t. IHse"" " , oilier Frames, Albums, and an endless ' C'a.'os ijt.ivt ou band, ' Pnrli"ulrnttcnlion given to espying all ' f I'il'llTOS. i - I at-Instruction in the an of Photograpin -i 3JTEMENT ts eiven and npparatua lurched nt city pricei- i t-ep'21 tl II. JlRtlAJL, -Artist- ; ! For S.vlk! I EXTRA FAMILY FhOim, by the Barrel an Faok-for talo by the subseriher I .JAM LS L. LEAV V ' Nor. 2.1, 1, tf. , I 1 .. -
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers