Xsff.PocKßT., BooK.r-SccHc First.—A 6 ur touhd e cl by' hiS liiehfs," w)i6 are jesting' with; Mm" regara. ' n Cs^f?^" tirtns ~ o a young lady.; 1 ■ vjk*: l .®' - u Beo J cure nothing for, the it is the old man’s pocket .book that t’mifiarl” ' . ", ';■ Chorus of Friends.--* Hh! hi. Sato Second.— A- parlor. Timo 11 P. .. Tfpung lady settled.; Young gent ri- depart. Hesitates as if bashful anc ‘hep* slowly remarks: ‘jMiss Matilda, oxpuso mo,but you must hcittware that my'f/oqucnt visits—my-at* tehtioos— rcunnot havo been without an object—’ 1 YbungZdify.—'Hih, yes] so I’ve hegrd, ••nd shall only bp too happy to grant what ydu'dbsifo. [ Takes from the table a par - unfolding it, displays a large, old fashiditeddndempty, moroccOpocket bools,] mi .have been informed is that'object. Pqrrnit mo to present, and congratulate you that you will have no further occusion lo rerietv these visits and attentions.” Young gent swoons. ; A California Lawyer.— R. A. Lock wood, Esq., formerly of Indiana, but now residing IQ California, was recently sued for debt. The following plea, filed by him fliows that California leads the column Rufus A. Lockwood, ar/s. Elkanah H. Hodges, The said defendant, for plea and answers to the co.mpluint of said plaintiff, on hi,s behalf, says that he never intends to payilho said plaintiff “u rod cent” ofltho *om iof money claimed in said complaint, unldVs pnd until, (should such unlooKcd tors event Over happen,) the said dofendent sluril have more monoy than ho knows wljiiit lp dd with or how to disposo of oth erwise; and should the plaintiff succeed in getting said money otherwi'3o or soonor, 'he said defendant will be glad to bo nd vised thereof. Whfew&re the said defendant, (in lieu of the prayer for judgment in such cases,) oay3 “let. her rip.” R. A- Lockwood* : In proper person. Buckley, in ono ofhis lectures, mdd6 use of an illustration:—Molding a disclose to his eyes with ono hand, and a fialf dollar at some distance with the oth er, said be, “now I cannot see the half dol lar with this eye, for the dime is so close ;t my vision. So it is with man kind;,, in, their eagerness to save one dol- ISri thpy ofien lose sight of the fifty with in their reach. This is a very apt illustra :ion of the benefits of advertiejpg. In sav fng r dhe dollar,for advertising, dealers ofien fuij[ to ' secure a customer, whose trade would be worth perhaps hundreds of dol lars to, them. Sotno merchants hold up thq,dimn.iso close that they cannot see the hplf dollar they might obtain. OCTSomo exchango paper illustrates f b'e'advhntago of a “division of labor” by the following anecdote : , Ascertain preacher was holding forth to a 1 somewhat wearied cogregation, when ho “lifted up his eyes” to the gallery, and beheld a youngster pelting the people be low with chesnuts. Dominie was about to administer ex cathedra, a shnrp and Stringent reprimand for this flagrant act of impiety’ and disrespect, but the youth nnticipating hiip, bawled, out at the top of hi* voice— , 'Fbw mind your preaching daddy, and Til keep ’em awake! OvTA Scotch parson in his prayer, said, "Laird btess the king,'the grand council S then parliament, and grant that they “lilthg together.” A country fellow replied. “Yes, yes, with all tfty.Jicart, and the sooner the better—and Lapp sure it is the prayer of all good peo. pie.’* “But friends,”’ said tho parson, “I don’t) me4n as that fellow does, but pray that t{iey may all hmig together in accord add Concord.” No matter what cord, re pljjsd tbe other, “so ’tis hut a strong one.” A Word ro Boys.—-Boys, did you evor IWrilt lliat this great world, with ull its wSalth !.and woe,„with all its mines and Ps)iiAt4inS, its oceans, seas and rivers, with its ahippiog, railroads and magnetic H^W5 ra Pli s i! , w ith all its millions of men, MW-ioll tho 'seienco and. progress; of ages, wllf'eoon bo given over to tho hands of tho boys of the present age? It will bo so, Bcli9ve.it, and look abroad upon your in htritpnce, and get ready to enter upon your /hiwMioh?-- .. buck of the soap lock or* d9r.yirho.w9re an unshaven face, because pwcwd* “it looked foreign,” lately accost cd.jafoYankee as follows 6ay, fellow, *>nw individuals think I am a Frenchman, nndsome take me for an Etnlyenn—now ifrHat do you think I am?”' “i think you 'pm % darned foal!" replied Jonathan. 7 <p"A man’s spirit depends a good deal dn' the wav he moves. Rushing along at jlw rate of a. million a minute, and your MltSafions will becomes as buoyant as the Cfobk markef. Substitute for this the in* animate crawl of a canal boat, and in less than an hour your soul will feel as if it were laboring under foriy-two fifty-sixes ftpd c supper of pigs’ feet. ' ' : : A looker on at a gaming table hav (tigobserved one player very grossly chea* tthg a pother, took the Vpigeon” aside WoF;;«ttid» ‘‘Good hevens J have you not observed how villainous that man has jbeen packing thecardsf?” the other smi- answered, “Pray* don’t bo undOr the least concern!about that; 1 intend to pick his pocket os soon as he |ias done playing ' . \' •Tsostiko IN Pbovidence.—A Writer tiays: “Ihriew an excellent old lady who always dates from the time thejr horse ran away: to be sura it was a remarkable tfrsgira, and she used to remark, in descri bing it, that she put the firmest reliance in roVidence till the breeching broke, and ten shp gave 1 applied to thieisting of a pee,' will;stop the painjnpne fhinute,, and‘prevent it-frohi'swelling,‘'Pin tip. faet • P vSOVrt q trie r’s,’ M ae. M if Iff W A 0 f‘O S Y s THANKPUI* for theflborol p.uronntfg Uu hftiherttofora tecnivwl, r - s;ieoilally unnouncM to thn rmblta iha* ha bn* rrmovfcd rohit new shop on tho nlley.intbo ronrtd'Mer rt>!i*« Hotel, when ho la woll .uot.li d with stock, and it wull nmoared 111 l all orders for ‘ Copper, Tin, Sheet-Iron awl Japanned , - Ware, . AsOREAP rind a* HOOD m can bo found in any country town la tho interior of the Btalo - Old Brass and Copper Wili be* taken at the btuho-tt price* u exchange for work or w*r«. . dono to order, v Olevnold.’May 4.1833, A Great Rush at the Cheapest Corner. H I). PATTONI, llasja'l rctarnod from the Enstem Oi« * ties, with a Frwu und sptvnditu jusortotuiit of Goods, oouiiitlng ia uett t\i ...... '©©TT <B(b<©©S 0 '.' .adlei and Gentlim**'* Dress Goods; Cloth*, f’njtlmore* and Y»'iUDe*. - n'it*,v-Qi'i,Uoiinct»ncd6lKKi Sills and Cashmere Shawls, Hosiery, Trimmings and Notions, <s-c. MEN’S READY MADE CLOTHING. Huidwaro, (H&u. Paints md Dili, fehuet Iron Ziqo, iron Nolls and spikes. OROUEKIEtf AND K‘HH, Odnrwaro. Vicwero, Looking Glares, Clock* ned 3addl«ry.. Rook* and Htal onsry'. Dntifi and Patent Medlciar-L COok Stoves; Two iioriO Wagons. &ad every cthef articioaiually found lo a Country Fiore. Flonse call at the CHEAPEST CORNER, end examino my slock, before purchasing ctowliDro, As I am determined to sell at Wholesale or retail, cheaper thunnnyother establish ment in the county. M«rur mr A CARD. A o Eff o IHC EIL Ea S reii-eottnlly infortn hisfitoads.and tliopoblic v V genetaliy, Uiat be still ooutiuues to attend lo all calls intholiufeof Rental Operations* At hiscClce adjiißinsr lira dwi*lll=ff. «n the b»ron«h ofOlo.ir- Geld. He in«y he louod At r.otily all ti uc« in his stoto lu tl;o wett«ndol t.ia Xanwoa homo Arliticin! Teeth Imerted on Plata or Pivot, aad wurran cd to give entire tails, melton. / EXI'KACTING TEETH dono without danger to tbapi tirnt. «nd w.th hat little p.ilu Teeth HL.LED and CLEANSED ia a proper and sclentif. id manner. day 5. 13?&. JIURPfIy & SMITH RESPEOr'*TTLLY annoonco to theciiixanaof Cloaifiold oonntv that they aro mnnoraotaiing > • BUGGIES, WAGONS, fc„ —' Ini the borough of Carwenavitle. at tbaOld Foocdry, where ell work to their lino will be done ia tha very beet manner, and on the most favornblw term*. GRAIN CRADLES, A inperior article, will also be mannfaotnred and sold cheap. ALSO—AiI iIEPAIIUNO done to order on ihu shor'rst no* ttec. j y D.MUMrilk, Curwcnsvllle. May 3m—pel. ' ORPHANS’ COURT SALE. Mtf Valuable Real Estate. BY Vlrlooolan order of the Orphans" Court of Clearfield ooauty, gituited ut t’cb.oary term, lady, there wli'be expoaed to POULIO SALE, at tha •*Ueccarta WuH. M in ClearlKld iounty, oaSATUHOA Y THE PHlttil) I)AY OK test, the following des cribed I'lbt/L Ob LAND, fitnate in the said totvnsldpof LecoAne, i&to the estate ol JOUN VV, MILLER, deoeosod, toivit,—. ALL tho iuleraitorsaid deocarsd of, in and t-) EIGFITY" NINE ao;e»lP4 perches of tend, tiiustoin saidtownihiuof Beop&ria. tMivg paitofa larger tract tathenameof William Hail, beginaiag at a whlieoofcitnmp, tbcscoeost IS4 perch* eitoa hem.oca, thenoe noith cl perclmt to a white oak. thence by loud of John Henry Abbot degrees west 1M perobestoapost, theuossouth 8 decrees wot bylandofTbos. WU*<>u W irarches to the piaca of beainning bounded by iamls of Anroe Weld. Jacob Myers, John LUnlneraou Uard. man Philips, belug ueimorovej Isn i. well calculated fora small farm. Toe soil is of a Kood quality, and has some tim ber on it.luiiabln for Lumbering purpuras. Doe atuudanco will be given on the day of sale by the ad* oiinutrutur. , lr . TERMS OK SALE. One ha.rcashonthecoadrmaiionof ilia sale, and the rest* oaeiuoeeyear toboseenred by judgment bond and most* face, Hr order ol the Court. . . LEONALD WELD. Adm’r. June 3.1853. VALUABLE LAND FOR SALE, gjjji r ‘J' , HE tubrerlben oflor for sole u valuable tract or unlmprb- X vet land known q» the MAMIJCL KL3I tract. belonging to tho olute of (I. HEAVY decM..aod PATRICK GAL LAGHER, eduu.e on tuee&st side ol C'earlieid Creuk, to .Wo t' «u.A towuihip Oleurfi* Id county, adjoining said creek, and ’amis of Lain wtUon. Joseph Best ana Win. Alexander, and about nine mi e» above CWiriioid Bridge, gold land ha* A large quantity of limber thereon , and a portion of it is well adapted to farming, and contains 450 acres and allowance. For further particular* aopfjr to „ JAUES WRIGLEV &PAHAII LEAVY, Rx'rtof Hogb l*eavy, deo'd, o; PATRICK GALLAGHER. Clear’d Uearlfeid. June 3, l&ij —tit,—pu. rpHB EXBauaLS UF THltt I.v&TITUTION were re* X oocned on MuNDAY, the 36ui lost,, under the charge ofJAMEU BIDDLE GlJlibuN. A. U. 1 lneotjcctof the T-mtoos is to plaoothe Academy upon tho fuoimr con'emolatod by tiie original founders ot tho In stitution, by cuering to the yonthof Cloirlield county, op* p-rtuci ie»of itceivip* the btrefitofa Thorough English and Classical Education, As well as uie 1 muuuines or Ruuimentary Instruction. Rates ofTufitiois COMMON ENGDIHfI DEPARTMENT—Embia fling Reading, Writ-Djr, Bpeiliog. Arithmetic, Geography; English Grammar ana history, per qafittar * gs 00 THB HIGHER ENGLISH DEPARTMENT ... 800 THHjCUAtWiCAh DKPaKAMENT *7 U(J Wj?~ Pupils dojlrnniof acquiring the moiWa fuaiuogei vrdi o« aflofded laciluiei to do so, npon making application to the Principal. Uy order of Uia Board of Trustee i. J. 13. MoENALLV.Beo’y, ClearfiolJ. April 30, IBSJJ. MRS. A. MORRIS, OP WEN6VR.bE, w'ooM inform the laiiei pfeienr conorr. that ibe ha, |u\t icconeii a larjo Cad lull lutoumcotol Suilne r HaflEnmsury' , ©®i©(3lQ s CumiitlD* of RUTLAND HR\Ii).BONNETS. wipOLE. SATIN PBAHD, GUBURGH, EDO. DIAMOND, ARCH GIMP. RIPPLE CIM.GUBSAMEK. iio. Alio. Silks, Ribbons, Capes, linings; Illusions, FRENCH FbOWBBB, and every variety of triuioi. lor*. Persons sending orders from u distance shall have thorn immediately attended to. AM repairing done la the n&aieit and best possible manner, and on the shortest notice. CuTweniville, May 30. 1853.-#3ra. E.A.W. PENNSVILLE TANNERY. 'TMlEundertlgned would respectfully annonocoto their cue* X tomers and pat ons generally, that they have commeoo •d business open the “READY PAY 11 system, bslGving it to be tbe best system.—lst., became there will be oo bad debts to be paid by taxing, those who ate willing to pay, as is too much tbe case under the credit we can soli onr stock lower than on credit, because we can make our return sooner, and thus there will bean silvan tage to the sell eras well as the buyer.—We iuteni keeping constantly on hand* •food assortment ofLEVTUEK. snob as ttpan. Sole, Upper. Kips, and Ualktii (si. Harness Leather Shilling,&o For whlo'i.wo will taSeinexcbaofe-ttbshinhe.tinarsetpii ccs. ail kind* of country produce. sooh as GRAIN of every description, fleef-hldei, Calfskins, lumber, Tlarh.Tslfow. bo., andeten a little oash would come very handy. We will also, furnish customers with itndf; made Boot? and Shoos, Gpara, Harness. Collars, Bridies, Lines,Badules&o„ on short notice, and at the same priors whioh they wonldbaveto pay the aanufaoiartrsif they bought orthem. Harness makers. phoomakers, und others, will plaaso call and examine our stook. May 8U 185a-Hm. JOHN EUS3ELL & CO. Estate of Henry Rile, Sr., dee'd. l» HBREBV GIVEN. Tha»L»lU>r«orAdmtii. All persons Indebted to said es- U ““J? 0 .wowt to Ui» ,nDiciiba/i. ci,..fi4 B« fy. m.' ® V ';*» 0; B. MERREIiL H. P. PATTON. Carwenivllle, CLEARFIELD ACADEMY. SSOO V vff r H ATEVERoonccrni the health and happiness of a p«o V V pis It atall times hr tha most volunbla importanco, : 1 iako It for granted thatoveVy person wiil ddail In tholr power, tovavathe lives of their chl)dr6n,nndtl)Ulevtry pertoo will«-u -deavor to promote their own health otatiiaoniicav. 1 feel it lobe Wpdal/to solemnly assfaro yon that' WcßfilS. accord, imr to the opinion ol tbemosrce'ebratt'd Pliyiloinni. aro ihe primary cantoa of a large majority or dlioasea tu svhlnh cnif. dreu ond a* nits nre li&nio; if yon bavoan appetite cnotlne* ally changeable fr>m ode kindot food to another. Bnd urcnlh.. Puin lo the Btomaoh, picking at tha Nose. Iltutlneu and tml* n »s ol t ho Holly. Dry Gmnrh, Blow Fever, Patio Irregular— romenrbsrihut rill the*e denote WORMS, and you should at onQS apply t»»eremedy:— • nOBENSACR’S WORM SYRDP. An artiole loandqd apon BoieutiGu Principles,oumDoonded with yutely vegetuble sahiianc.-s,. being peileody safe when taken, apd can ho given tj im mo-tleader lolant. with dec!, ded boncGcint rlleot wherobowel.Complolnuand Dlarrrcoa hivve made them tho Tonio propemoipr my WormSrrßporo snob thkt ititunds without an equni in the catalogue or medicines, in giving tone nnd strength to theHtomaoh. which makes it nn InlHihhle remedy lorthoso olHictui with D/inotia. the astonishing ouroa performed by this Hymn niter Physicians have failed, is the host ovido&co ofusiupeiloralllokoy over oil tothori. • 'Fhc Tape Wos'iss ! Thi*is themostdifficult Worm to destroy of nil that infest Mi9bumansvstera.lt grows to an almost Imlolimte lennth, hocoming so coiled and faitonod io the lotestlnrs ana Btom noli ofloctinx tho health so sadly at tu cause £t. Vitas Dnnco. Kill, <sto., that thobo ntflioted seldom if over inspect that It H Tapn Worm hastening them to an early grave. In orderto riomoythit Worm, a very cuergcUo Ireatmeot mustbepnr sard, It would thortioro beprot>er to*akedprBot my Liver I'ills so a« to romovelallobitraotlons. that the Worm Syrup may act direct open tho Worm, which most be taken in doses ni ‘J TablesimonlnlltS times a dsy. Theta directions followed have nevor been knowu to fail in curing the most obsliaato caso of Tape Worm. EHolbensac-k’is Lives* Pills. Nopartof.tho syiiom is more liable to d ebase then tho LIVEK-*it iorvmg as a flUcror to purify the blood, or giving tho prouer»*cretion tolbo bile—so that any wrong action of the Ever efl'ectstheolhatlmporutnt parts of the system, and results vntiouily in Liver Cc-mohiot, Jaundice. Lyspops o, ftc. \Veshould, tbereforo, watch overv syropicmthat might iniliaacH n wron • action orthe Liver. Those Pitts beins com puted of HOUTd oml PLAftTri furnished by naturo to heal ttiosiak Nnrae.y, Ist. AnEXPECTTUIIAN*!’, w.bfch aug. montt tho soorelioa from tlio Palraonary mucus mombrnno. or proihotos the dischargeolseoretod matter Ud. An ALTER* ATI VE. which chnr.gos in some iuoiplicable and tnivnsible munnor the certain morbid notluuof thesystcu dd. A T(>* NtU. which gives torn* and strength to thsncivous system, lonorvmc iteaitii aud vigor to all pnrts of tho body. 4th. A UATII AIVnC. which acts in perfect harmony with the other inurcdionti, nnd opomtiug on the Dowels, nml expelling the whole massefoorruptana vitiated matter, end purifying tho Wood, which destroys disease and rostores health. Yon will Gud tito.e Pills an Invnloalilo mediclno In many complaints to which you are subject. In ibstrnotions eirhot lot*» nr potiial. they have been found ot inestimable benefit— reitorieg their functional arrsneemenii lo a healthy action— puiifying the blood ami otner fluhls soetlootually as tu ptitto flight oil complaints which may mite Irens fumalo meaulari lie;, as Ueadaohe, Giddinois, Dimness of Sight, Pam In the aide. Hack. 6io. Nono geuaino unless signed J. N. HOUENSACK—niI otbitri b'.iiigbaio Imitation*. OF* Agents willing new snpplios. and Storo Keepers desl rou» of bccominir Agents must addruss uo Prupneior, J. N tiubeuisck.Pbilaaelohla, Pu- Agents in Clearfield county. Wa'll-ACE K im.1.3 CfaatflaM. 0 D- VVAT'-SUN,. do. H. ARNOLD ...i.athenbarg. E UEaTPY Hrldeport. McHKIDriM WHIGHT Corwensvillc. 3 fc H. D PAiToN do. bTEVENBONttCO Marysville. And Dr every respectable Dealer ana Merchant ia the county anUßtft’o (K7"Prico, cnch 25 cents PhiUdß^U.Ouma.lbJl.-lj-. 4,22311:t2M. k..M. rniLAnELPiiiA MEDICAL HOUSE, Established 18 yearn ago hy Dr. Kinkei.lv N. W corneroiTliird und Union streets, between Spruce and Fine sta., Philadelphia. EIGHTEEN yearsol*extensive and uninteriupted practice soent ia this city, have rendered l)r. K. tr.e most expert ami iQocessfnl priigtitloner, far and near, in the treatment of all diseases of a private nature. Fo sons afilioied with oloers on tho body, throat or legs, pans n«heh«*Ador bones, mer. cureal rbenmetfim. strictures, gravel, disease* arising from youthful excetsesbr Impunlies of the b oorl whereby the con. stirution has become enlesbled. are all treated with success. Ho who puces himteil under Uiecnreof Dr. r* li giouily contidein his honor ns a gon'Ueman.ond'oonGuentiy rely upon hLsalllas a pbyiloiao. TAKE PARTICULAR NOTICE. YouogmLMi who have Injarad themsolvei by ao*rtaln prac tice Indulged in—a habit frequently learned from evil com panions at schorl; the effects ol which aro nightly felt, even when asleep, and destroy both mind and body, should apply immediately. Weakness and Cvntutationnl debility, lasso! roaicot&r eaergy.. physical lassitude and general prostration, irritability and all nervous alfealions, indication, slucalm nei« ot the livrr, and every disease in any way connected with iheduorde* olth* procreativedunctions cuted. and fail v.gor restores. , lIBIAD, YOUTH AND MANHOOD! A Vigorous Life, or a Premature Death. Kinkelin on Self-Preservation—Ouly 24 cents. This 'took jastpublished Is lillaJ vrilb Useful ioformatloU, on the infirmaiie* and tlisvasei of the (lenemtivoOrgans. U ad dressea itselt alibo to Yonlh, Manhood and Old Age. and should be read bv'all. The valuable aivtcoand impressive warning it gives will provtutyears of mucr/nmltutJerrag, -ad save annually thou, snoot of lives, I'arooU by reading it wiillearn how to prevent the deslruc* ion of their Children. •**A remittance of 23 cenL.enclnto'l in o letter, addressed to l)r. KIaKKMN. N. W. ooruor of Thirl and Union streets, between Spruce and Pice* KbiiadeMhia. will ensure a book oudti cover psrroturn mail. Pertons Bin distance may cddrcis Dr. K. by letter, [post paid.J and be cured at boom. Facßiges ot Medicines, Directions. Crc., forwarded hy send ing a rtmnunco. und put up itourefiom damage or curiosity. Uook.gtiUers, News Age >u, Podleri. Canvassers, aiul all others suppliod with Uie above work at very low rates. Octor>or27.lßM.—ly. Fifty iiom.uib forfeit-dr. hunter will forfait SCO ifiailing to cure any cue of secret disease that may come oncer lm cute, no raatUr how long standing, or how sfijictiatf. Eilliur £ex a e invited to lite Private Rooms JSNorth Fevealh street Fhliudelphia without fearot inter ruption itorn other pat-enls. tltroriKcrt and others who have oetm unfortunate in the selection of aFhysiciau aroinvtted tou&M. IRiFOTENCY.—Through omottraihed indol vnnen in the pQtnutis. by excess or seliJibuto the evils are mime oui.— t'rcmatoro Impotoaoy, involuntary seminal discharges, wait, lug or Iheorg.tat. lust of mommy, n dittos ofor female sociey, geneml debility, or constitutional derangement, aiesureto fallow If nuoessary. ootisultlho Douror with confidence.— ileolfers a perfeotcure. READ AN l) R&FLECT.—The efllictad would do well to reflect before trutliau their health, happhieis, and in many cases their Uves, In the imodt of tihysiclnns ignorant oi this clauot oiHiadtui. Ills cerLainly irupostiblo lor ono mao to undoritand •II thellisthehumao family are subject to. r.vo ry retpeblnbie Phvsioian has his oeoudar branch, in which he is miirosnccmitul than bis brother proleuors, and totliatbe dovotsi most ornist me end study, YEAttrt OF t'HAUTIUE. eicloiively cfrvottd to tho study and trcatmcntofUiteaieiofthe sexual organs, together with ulcers upon the body, thrnit. nose oilers, pains in the head, or bones, mercurial rheumatism, gravel, irregnlaii lies, uueaies arum* from youthful excesses, or Impurities of the blood, whereby tho constitution has b«oomeenfeebled, enable* tho Doctor to offer speedy relief to all *hu m*y place tbemtclves under his care. Medicine forwarded to any part of the United States.— rnoe £• ive and Ten Dollars per package. I* Wholesale and Relall Grocery, s s IS2sia?cp£ts3'oa'QQ.tr s N y-S-V'.'J.y,. hii.io, miilo arran,.meni* toonrry on S S tiioWJKU.BBAI.B GKOCBKV IliJUINEtii in BblU S s aaelrma t (he subsonber will conilnce to seep at the £ S ??, r 1 n *L 0 ! 1 i. , * r^»'“l. 6^«i, *.n®ar.thoPENN.RAlL / t. .af°l <»mnleto nnortmentol ? ? BACUN.LARD.ROPES. TAU, 1R- S s DN,NAILS.DHiSnrAuir,and all the leading ar. t, S f’plbsinirade.—Thankful for oast favors, he would ask l l bis old pairooi to give him o call, as ho is prepared to ? ? seflat prices that oantotfnillo please. - > S February la, iSS3,—ly. J.R.EBY. S , To Mill Ownei’s, h,» »ppoint«;l 1' K. CARTER, of 1 [or thesalo of CAktlngs, who will receive bills lor all kinds of Mill Gearing, and older mttchim* ry.. rcrioDs desirous to contract will do well tocallandex *s?o®talo*aeof Patuigne,' ana tpecimenaof tho work, beiero making engagements elsewhere. Castings will bade* ilyerad,it dptired, at Clearfield, and warranted to bumndeof aood material, and flnish/d in a workmanlike manner, JUtav ing in inntiing order hIVE tiuperior Lathes, ondotfmrcna emoery m tbe same proportion, employing none but tbo best workmen, using the very best Tig fron nud Coal, with many other advantages, he flatters himself that hi* work wiJlbodono as well os In the best city shops, od j on tha shortest notice, i'orparticulars, call on Mr. CARTER, Agent. Mn.k4.un~l, NATO AN MVERB. Attention Regulars ! ~%rOV will meet for parade drill, at tho JL I'owu Jlall.in the Borough of Clear* field, on The 4th day of July next, at lOo’clock, A. M. .Each tnembor. will pmvido himself with Ten Rounds ofblanh Cartridge, and bojin io punctually at the hour, with - bisiarma and equipment! in good order. ■ By order o! Cap. Wallace. , . . D. T: ETZWILER, O, S, . June JO, 1803; j A Journeyman Cabines.Mafotr. , Pljiatlmntediaun' to j6)W GUUCB?MwIi.MBB.ifI '■■■■■■«' ForMijßent. Piitol u» otißAßrfgf.n '<n»nttuv. pniiiM,itpin».in& 't^'j^*®*?* l ** milE Bubiorlher wopld Inforratho cltlimi orcioarr.eld count,. and thapublia gaoataj)/. that hahu JUST he» CfeIVED. and KNOW OPENING, at tha Biorahonis fot raeilroodopied by Wlnrfe G«tohd, nt Morrltdala, a ' Largey Splendid tj* Cheap Assortment of Goodi, consutlng of every style and quality of Dry Goods, Groceries, Queensware, Cut • ; lery, Hardware, Boats, Shoes and Bonnets, Confectionary, Clocks Watches. ALSO, a largo and well selected stock of Ready-Made Clothing, Drugs tj* Medi cities, fyc., tyc. tnibortail kinds of Gooas usually kept In a Country Store. Alioftvhluh helfdoterrolncrifosoirClrcAPEßTliAN EV ER BEFORE OFFERED IN OLEAUFJBLD COUNTY. „ EDMUND F. BRENNER. Monlidale, Nor; 10,1851 Montellus Brother & Ten Eyck. 'OEy leave to Inloim Choir trends and the public generally, * nl ® partnership with thsra.BKNJ, IIAUfoIIQRN, who having purchased the store formerly kept by Wm, 11. rtloom, and having united It with thefr own. mo now doing business on a mote extensive scale under the title of MONTELIUS, TEN EYCK, & CO. Where llioy ara mepared to .ell all klndiof Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware, Queens ware, Tin Ware, Hats, Caps, <J-c. And would call particular attention to their nook of BOOTS and SUOKS. as thoy keep asetoflhemortexperienced hands, ami am prefared to do any kind of work! n that line of busi ness. TfioF also keoo a largo and well assorted stock of PATENT MEDICINES . Such na all r| JAYNES*. LOUDEN & CD’S. M’ALIBTBRS GIN rMENT.OAITLB POWDERS. LINIMENT. Hough. ilniPepiin. wrighi’a Indian Vegetable I’llli, and all other Medicines usually kept (n fcoeumry storo. OurweniviJle, Fob. lfl, IBOU. PENN IRON FOUNDRY; Machine, Pattern and Blacksmith Shops, ' (DflaffSaamj ]Pa, THK .undersigned would ennouaco to the citizens of Clearfield, and adjoining counties, that tin has opened a toora on Second strict, id the borough of Clearfield, near the store of Leonard fit Moore* ivh»ro he intends keening a GENERAL ASSORTMENT OFOABT/NGB. warranted to be roadeof the best material, and at price* that cannot fail to piease. The following iho stock on hands: FULTON H HOT-AIR COOKING STOVE, lor either Wood or Coal This Stove has probably the largestiotro duction of any other formot staves. It hat superseded in ulnr»tevery county, tho well known Hathaway and Zieg. ler stoves. It Is easily understood, and the (loos being so krraoged that all can be oltnncd without any tumble. Toe peculiar form apd construction is such as to reader it tbs most durable of all stoves. Numerous testimonials coaid be odded, bat it is (learned naceceuanr.t IMPROVED PREMIUM COOKING BIOVEB-at from 13 to f LO I’AItLOK BTOVE9—for nithorwood or cool. AIR-TIGGnT do SALAMANDER do a Stove VASE do EGG do NINE & TEN PLATE Stores—very choap. MANTLE GRATES, with summer piece*. A targe variety nnd inferior finished GiMes I rom Ifi to 2S inches. COMMON GKVfES, allsizes. PLAIN AND OHNAMKNTAL RAILING ; HOLLOW WARE; OVEN MOUTHS:OMO IRONS, WaPFLB do. SCALE BEAMd WAGON BOXES.SL^IGiI,SLED fc DOD&OLKB, OAR RINGS for Rafis. KOA1) BORA PKKS. a new article. CORN SHELLERB, CORN AND COB wnrraeie t to grind 1$ Bos. harrper hour, Bt.ACKf-Mmi TUYKRKS. the best la me ; do. MAN DRILLS nod TIKE BENDER* : Togetnci w;./r the usual vnnety of articles kept at Foundry Establishments. Also, Made to Order, GRIST aul SAW-Ml I. L unAUING-hav.n* deddedlr Hit largest stock, aad best variety ot natferesor any establish meat in western Pennsylvania ; MILL DOGS. SHAFT ING—large end small.nfcast or wrought iron, HANGERS, DRUMS and PULLiES; Rose and other approved Water WdEELS: WOOD sod IRON LATHES; MANDRILLS for CitAular Saws, WOOD BORING MACH INKS, Constantly on hand and Tor sale, FANNING MII.IX. TIIKCSIIING MACHINES. PEN* NuCK’d UKUEBHATEU GRAIN DRILLS. tic. Ua. Screw-Cutting. Aaril/.ed Horow, with any desired namVrof threads to thniacb, eitkertq <are or V thread. Brass, Cooper, and Uubbett's AlotAl Casting* made to order. Nathan mvkim. March 4. tSoJ-ly. JF CDSi 6£3 52a 123 o Attention, Lumbermen! oflei lor sale one of Georgs Pago's Second PORTABLE SAW-MILLS . With an 18 Hone Power Engine attached, ail now audio complete running order, having lx»eu bought nod untupir June lad. situated about d index from (laid Ragle Fpmuco. en.l abort half u n»r© trom toe in'npik** leading U»m Raid Earle Furnace to Pbilipibnre. Raid Mlil will cutb.COoteet in Tea hon e. They will also sol! thtir Block of IIORBEB, Siedt, Chains, so . if vvauteJ. tor »aruculsrv, apply to C. K.Martc, althaMill, or to J. L cnntfz at Raid Laxlo Furnace. Any perton can see the mill n lull operatjou now. r. w o MARK U SHULTZ. tVc«mh*rß. 1853. IB EM PAMIRS BROTKRi CLEARFIELD, PA. THE subscriber most respectfully inroimi fheoit'zeas of Clearfield county, and fho travelling noblio generellr. that bobu* taken the above named HOTEL situated on tba corner of Front and Market streets, m the borough of Clear* ni*I*l* where he pill nt ml timts be prepared to accommodate those who may lavor him with their custom. Ho paint will be spare I by the nroiirietor tomake bis customers comfortable, UDd hit home a HOME to those who may stop with him. H'tSTARLE will becatotullf attended to—and hit TA BLE end BAR lapplled with iho ben tho market will afford. 4 4 „ , uen WM. J. HEMPHILL. A nonet 11, Septa. 1852.—1 f. “LOLA MONTES.” Bootfc sundl Sib©© MsiMimgj AT CJjEABFIELD BRIDGE. IjiRAPCIB dHOItTi t especially announces to the public. to »oofa bmlnew at CLEAR HELD BRIDGE, in tbe new building occupied by John Condo, on the wett tide of the hreeg, where bo will maouf&o* turn BOOTS and £HQEa. of all kiudi, and at fair prioci.on tbethorteit notice, and In the very best manner. Give SHORTY a call. June 4,1853. EtaglaiMi Whipped, Tariff or iio Tariff. THE subscriber intends keening on hand a large assort ment of IKON and NAILS. whloh he will sell on the most reasonable terms, atthe J roo and Foundry store, adjoin ing Leonard & Moore. Clearfield, Deo- 6, IBM, h ' B ‘ OARTER ' A*«*. ©aMn&©4 <Sk ©^afiir-MeiMßag, JOHNGVUCH WOULD re.pKtfall, nonoano.la ib.citizen.ofO'ear. kinaiol' Btt " v,omlty * bow manufacturing all CABINET-WARE. Ill.ibop I, iltoated oa Market .treat, between Third and work -in hli ino will be made “ 2 B 1 VLB, and on the moitPAVUIiABLETisKMd aod-Qa the .horteet notice. ■ ■ tyCOFFINB made to ordtron tbo.hdit.it notice. - - ’ ■ . . 'December S. IBW.-tr. fHIIIE subscriber, thankful for past favors, rea. It pectfully informs hi* custoraers.&nd the public generally, that he has removed hisehop to the builv dingoyorAhe Post Office, lately occupied by R. F. Ward.ondibat be will be there found at oil limes "on hand'to supply hie customers, Unlikesomeof htßcotomamrics, ho is unable to promise that his "m ,ho mos ‘ approved stylo of 'Anti qu ity, but will mauretheromade according to the JMtest Fashion of more modern days. THOS. SHEA. CtettTfield, April 1,1851; BAR-IRON • 055*5«? NEW GOODS. TAILORING BUSINESS. REMOVAL. THE ROAD TO HEALTH* HOLLOWAY'S PILLS, CUttß OF A D WORDEBEDLJVER ANDHA d PIG83- Cnpy pl.a LoUerfrotn Mr, K. \V. Kirkus, Chctni&l, 7. Pfescoi ‘srcel, Liverpool, (Ehglani),} dated Gth Juno, 1651. , ' ; To Professor HOLLOWAY, . • • SlR—Vour PilU and Ointmont haveitood the hlfhetton ourialehrt of Proprietary Aledioiqet for come, rears.-A cus tomer. to whom lean refer for any eriqofnpi, desires trie to let you know thopartioularsof ftercaro. tine bad been troubled for) ears with a disordemd liver, and bad digestion, On the last however, the virulent* of the aUaol wa* to alarming, and tho Inflamraaiionjist in so severely* that doubts were entertained of ber not being able to bear op, under it; fortunately the was induced to try your JPUIs, ana she Informs me that after the first, and onohsacoeediDg din e.shohad great relief, Bbe continued to take thorn, ann aitheugh she used on ly three Boxeti’lieik sow la theenjdymantof perfect health. 1 could have tout you many more coirs, but tboabovo. Irom the Homiiy of the Att»ok, and tho Speedy Care, l think, •peaks much la favor of your aitpnishlnff Pills. (Signed) It. W. KIRKUS. Atf EXTRAORDINARY CURB OF RHEUMATIC'FE VER, IN VAN DIEMAN'B LAND. Copy of n Loner in tho Hobart Town (Jourter,of -tho Ist M.urch, 1851', by .Major J. VValcti. Margaret M'Connlgan, nlueUan years of tie. residing at Now Town, imd been inhering from a violent Uheamatlo Fe ver for upwards of two .months, which had entirely doprived herofUiffuio ot her limbs; during this period the was under the care ofthe moitemioeut medical men la llobait Town, nod by them her cate was considered hopeless. A friend pre vailed upon hitnto try Holloway's celebrated Fills, whioh she consented to do, and man Incredible short space of time they ellected a perfect cure. CURE OF A PAIN AND TIGHTNESS IN THE CHEST AND STOMACH Or APBRBONBI YEARS OX' AGE. From Alo>Bra,Tbow & Son, Proprietors of tho Lynn Anverliser, who con vouch fur the following sluiemonf. August 2nd, 1851. To Professor HOLLOWAY. . , ' • SUi— I desire to btrai testimony to toe good effects ofHo lo wey's Pills. For seme years X soirerod severely irom a pain ana tightness *n the stomach whioh was also accompanied by asboitiiessofbreatb.lhat prevented mofrora walking about. I am tig years of age, and notwithstanding my advanced state of life, these pills nave so relieved me. that 1 am desirous that others should be made acquainted with their virtues. 1 am now rondarod. by their means, comparatively active, andean take exercise without Inoonveslencecr pain, which I could nut do before. (Hignud) HENRY COE* North street, Lynn. Norfolk. Thcso colobrotcd Pill* aro wonderfully efficacious in tho following complaints: Agne Fevers ol.alTkinds Boro Throats Asthma Fits Stone and Gravel Dillons Complaints Gout Secondary By n»p* D otohee on thvßliia Head-acne toms Dowel Compiuinta indigostloq Tic Dolourent Colics Inflammation Tumors Coni'ipntiou of theJaundioo (Doers Dowels Liver Complaints Venereal Afflictions Consumption Lamuago Worms ot ail aimis Debility Piles Weakness tr*m flropiy Rheomaiisra whatever oause. Ijrseatrr Kotentionof Urine Sic.. So. Erysipelas Scrofula, or King's Female Irregularities Evil Sold at the Establishment of Professor HOLLO WA Y. 344. Strand (near Temple Uar, (.ondoa,) and by a:t respeotabi» Drarglsu and Dealers in M-dicinct throughout the British Frupue, an* of those of the Uuitcd Blates.ln Boxes at S7}£o., 870 . and SI bl’c each. Wholesale by tho prlrcipal Drug houses in the Uuiou, and by Me»sr .A. D. tt D. BANDS, New York. - T W. DYOTT Sl SONS, w ’ North Second Sirwt, Phllade'olda, Wnolesole Axeau lor Ponosylvama. ... .There is a cotulderubie saving oy taking the largest,'used Buie*. ' / N. if—Pircc.bnsforthe guidance of patients in esery dis order are affixed to each Dux; Oo ober Ist., 1853 —ly. Valuable Krai Bistate AT PRIVATE SALE. fit M M M THE «ulncrlbeis,iu beliQlfoflhoheirsof Conrad Wire, fate of Pike township. Clearfield county deceased, ctfer ot PRIVATE following desaribcd well knuwuaod valuable REAL ESTATE, consisting of A FA KM OF 106 Acres, S’.toato In Pike townsnip, Cloaifield coaotf. on tho main road leading from Curwenivilte to Tyrone, four miles Rum Curv/eniviiltf. nod knownastho | Wise Farm . . j t'l'hc improvements consist of about 75 acres of cleared land, in a good state of cultivation, a Iwelling-House, a Large Bank Barn, Spring-House, Dry-House, Shop, and other ■ necessary buildings, together with one of the largest, best selected, and most productive APPLE and PEACH ORCHARDS in the county. Th'i t'ARM m well enppliod with eieelunt water. A never fniliuc Hprioeolojoio the door, wuh other* to utuaied that atxuulo expwoto wainr could ba conveyed Ij any uartof ethcriln hoQieor hard. T*r tkore who detire to procure a HOME TOU LIKE* ihi* Farm ullen inducement* not to be excelled in the county. The Innd it of good quality, bich'y productive. and well adapted for both grain and yra*»—and 1 1in located In tho miditot'o popolout and lndostrioui lettle* meat, convenient to a food market, good griiumlU, and a good »ohoot, IGJP’Korla tnerparticulare apply to cither of tbeeabicii ber*. or to Moxoi •Viic, on tho premUei. The propeity w ill be told on the moit rouonable terms end q warrantee dead given MIOHAEf. WI3E. . . . . WIL.UAM WIJJJ. In bf hair of Iho lieirl of Coaiad Win, deceased. JaDtiarr 111. (B33.—tf. PBjEASA.VI' IB bilb, IRON FOUNDRY and MACHINE SHOP, At Clearfield. I'MIR ondetilgna'i respectfully announce to the otople' ol . Cieaitield aad the adjoinm* eoaatiei mat heitill cuntia uss to carry on thenoove bmtaeis at bit esieuiivo ettabliih moot la the borough of Clearfield, and is now pieportd to manufactaie ail ktndi of Castings used for Grist Mills, Saw-Mills, and all kinds of Machinery. Hit Cartings arc no* of a nperor quality—equal, Ifnotiu per|or,to any other ii the Slate—as bouses none tat the vet hjrht material, nod employs none bat tbo very beat of workmen MACHINE SHOP, With two tupe/ior Tull -LNG LATHfc.B, driven by steam it now in lucceufaloperatioc. and undox the roaßaverasnt of a practical rneohnnic—where almost any article of mncuicary eon he FINISHED in thevery boat stjle, and on ihort notice iloba* now aakandao large'ssortmant of C-«;inxs, suuh osttroVESint'vano ■ sizes andpatterns,l’LOCGii IRONd, WAsll KUTLEtf, &0., &c.. whloh he offers to eel! low for Mali, or oa a reasonable credit. 11 o is now castiog, from bo moat approved patterns, HATHAWAY COOKING-STOVES. ALSO—Fancy Air Tight Parlor Stoves, Nine Plate and Coal Stoves. Also, Wiard’s celebrated Plough. 6UEIGH BLED He Intends tlos ell on reasonable Iwmi, nod trait, that the citizens of Hi. counts Kooerally will Bod It to their advantage lOßivehiin iholroluto'n. CASH wilt ulwave Depreferred bo, I tb ? t l fitf’.n. tl . rl<x>, . wlll b 8 alloivod tor Country Produce and 01-. U MC i'A!.. As he (ires On euabliihmoolbli personal supervision, all ordeie for work will receive ororapt niiention Cicarneld. Nn? S 3, IftSl. DAVfo LITZ. * Wbat can be got for Five Dollars!! r | 1 HE uoderslfjed hn»» entersd into on arrangement by I which thsy bum to famish the Koicketbocker Mata Home Journal, (weekly.) and the Mb. ileal VVoildand limes, (weekly,) lonewsubroribers.at the very moderate price of FIVE DOLLARS A YEAR for the 811 eno.osing that amount to Dyer fit Willis, will be promptly attended to, 1 „ SAMUEL HUESTON, Publisher of the Knickerbocker. MORRIS fit WILLUV Pub uh.rs cl the Home Journal. _ ... . . DYER fit WILLIS, Fabhihen of the Musical World and Times. W, Urcadwav. M. York. Grand Literary nnd Artistic Combination, WVE DOLLARS a year. Thiris o.eap?" orotare, with a vengeance, The Kickerbockar is Three dol. art ner annum \ the Home Journal ,r i f wo dollar* ■ i»n/i *e, n Time* Three dollars; making flight dob Jh7M.tSV»?Vi I JitEl l ,ltM - thrMsachwork.cmFe ooiainedior viva Dollars a year, is afaot trail worthy ih« k£!l wb J. c Sis Just now being nthered (n. Of the ni n 'S?flr K u!i er Ufl «axrae. edited by LBWUJ GAVLORD UhAUKi it is unnecessary to speak* For twenty yean it hn* beon tbo roost genial, humorous and sploy M montil|y” In tK world ; and thepiesent volam* will be bitter than any thro Ett2 id s ii' p t wr'.T.y ° t nmal i. <l 2 it » d ncs anaxv.jr. wiLLle. Is well known as tho best Tamil* fn Amerricar and the Musical World and Tune/ edited by RICHARD BTORRB WILLIS, with Lowel W son,George ll.CQrtls.ThomasHaitloga. frm.B. Bradbury* .other musJoal writers- contributing; and whsoh gites. omoneotherthings,oyer•aJwonhormn* fliae: Choloe {lew Moslo lor the Sabbath, the Oharoh, end the Fireside; .Reviews and Crliiohms or MnslcM Works. Perforaerspnd performaaoeii In short, the very pick end erum of Noveltyrlnoldent. History, Biography, Art, Liter atom and Solencti inoludlnt whatever oan do elvea in peri, (riicals to promote jjtealtby Amusement and Solid instruc tion iu tho family, andheJp to make UUeiter. Wiser.and Happier, may be now obtained forFlv.Dollnrs. Addrrn : DYER fit WILLIS. kU Broadway. STRAW GOODS—SPRING 1853. 'straw AM SILK BONNETS. STRAW TRIMMINGS ami _ , , ARTIFICIAL FLOWEns-, •- ; Paltn.lekf.Fnhaaa and every variety of gMUEE HATE DB./MARCHIBrS : J • I eodjncftjly'»» a Miration tar.uwxt tmeuoa tornmJlm . dattid rid tdttbott* nm«i wjt.ti.tiiV. tl> «nd>h»Poln«w. 'EBIAiiBS/ "> ib • CATHOLIC*,, will oar© trar Upthlmiroaiodi*. t #» incidental to lit* f>*rtabl*» t ew.aj*, imedpr unmarried.. i vittatif. -baown ; let ib© nairm of , male Com; '• plaints.- Aert art ffiolapini'i ti orPallin. oitha imb. riour Alb«». i White*: Clironlci, fomb; laridealal t iretud, and Imaa _.oi aleaitinatlon. » - —-oompasyia* «vlli; I (Cancel excepted.) no matter bow «»ere or of bow loucatan. “ MANY PROMINENT, RHYBIOIANB In ttocltpof Now < York and other places, finding themietyea wuhpdtaUm»df 4 in inveterate oases ofthe above complaints, .ono bavin* da*-. regard for the welfare ol Uio patients, hav* recoinmeoded the I I oio of this medicine; and. after witnessing it* aaiotary *r« , leots ore cow manifestls# their approbation, not only b» w I sorting toil ia their treatment of all the disease* lot which it , Is intended, bot in some instances accepting theacenoy or it. ' I to fdcilicate its introduction into more general oso bf tea* tun l nlir. . • j TbnlnflneaceoftMioomO''*itloo upon iho femaiecotmita. ; tfon is of the most friendly kind ; thn most rialioatoasd fe&ble female need havo no fears in ns use for any length ot time, for- > it contoUsno mercury, oor any article which eaa prove man y. I way lojar one. bring mede entirely of vege able eiiractr, aud * I prepared so ns lotnata like a pleasant oordial. .. , 'JheHadniOucr&ndiofUif* remedy, in thecareofthlf deli ' I of diseases, u tbrovah the general economy of the sysiota, j with * peculiar determination to tb* female organtv - • 1 XDJHfIUNAb PBOOFo? 'bis Oalholioan train* .worthy | of theponfidcnceofthecfilicted, as aHIJCOEHSFUL.BAFiS 1 AND OllttAl* UEMEDY, will be found jo liia e:. together with important observations loachliu ih* nata/«.. and sympathies of the diseases, 'o whioh the audition of ii*^. dies and Praotirinner* is leipecirotly ian’ed TUB INGBEDIENTti. as certified b/hlehmctelantb. crity. (leoobmpblflt,) ora ALL. VEGETABLE, and pro nut- . associated with any article aolrienJly to tbo animat lAviumr. . KKFEUENOK3: Pior. XHfNIIAIt, M. Ip.. Uoli mur«. WJ. ' ■■■■*. O ORHUMC M. I». I*. H. PEOKHiIM. M. b.. Utio*. N«w Yo»k. I>. Y. FOOTIi, M Now Vo.fc. M. fi. Mihta. M. 1) .Hodiß.ur. N. Y. L,. I>. H.EMINO, ftl. J) Oansodaiiua. H. V', ■ V/. W. ÜBUSK. M. U..Oit» cfNeiy York. . VV PansOUTl’. M. LI-. (-'orcoril. N 11. - ' Pamphlets can Oe hud gratis *t t>-® U;us Kune of O U VVATiJUfi, AgT. Olevfield; AUoforsal* by UrdftxUti in ult iin Bilioitotuj coaut<M. . J. AJ. UAH'iIHSI CO . Kropiialu^.' . . 06qiml Depot. :W4 DrpaUwa);-. Mi Y. Match 13,16.-i3.—*;m. A'rora Clio Washington Union, April i'J, HiJ. We publish lielow Me pronpertiM <»f the ••I'teriiu*' cmlic (Wunilsly Hevievv/’ u/iifh '.Mes*w.' William (1. Letvifl& Co propose tu publish r» trim I y iuNovv YWh anti the first rnitnhe; in. be issued iu'Miy. Uvni i\ Johnaufi.ei'q./ lurmerly attorney general of Dennaylvimin. umi sVell kuOwu. ■us an able omJ vigorous ywitur. will lulte thurgeor theeditorinl deimrtineiii of ijio new Kcwew with purpose?; an shadowed forth in the which challenge the sympathy and good wjulies ot the <l«*. mocracy. - The daily .prus* « nrmot. suporwedu Mu neceMiiy for welKcimdihied ihouihly plihlnntiiuhsL iTheru is a separate field oi iKelolfH'sn lor cui ti when , properly edited,-with u view to the inaiiitenanee ot important prmciple.i.nnd not (.» iho»agi'rihd.ZßiiiHiit of individuals, ta< turns, und clabvc*. SVe iriint ihnV Hie new enterprise ul Messrs. fit-wU & Co. will hdi managed with (hat prudenoe and which injure Uuecers: TROSPIiCTUS OF THE “DEMOCRATICJIONTIILY REVIEW.’ 1 ! The Rights of the Slates, and the Union of the Stare.:. IT is ths intention of the subicribarsto publish ontb*f.r. day olnvtfrv auath, beginning with the muhth of !Sl»/ next, simultaneously in 'hecuit* ol YVashinxton and *No» York, a periodicsl, to ha entitled tho ‘DfcMUUrtA io •' MONTH L.* HKViG.V.” bach unmoor Wiit cou'-sm «u. least 9b’ paces.,and b« printed oo fine paper in a very prattle. It will mo bo embaliibed with atS ely engrave j . portrait of a <Jiiti»caiahed Imne man, embracing soldiers,artliU amt MUhois *j*he politcal ohsrftuUrbf lb.< Kevjevy will bo, r.s itsu<L* indicates, drjsocbatlc, and jon ot itsmaiu c')j;ota to Hluu.ditu iheirau pimuiptcuui >hed«tn ocratic party 1 will eiaudno, in a spirit of fairness and ean-lo , ell tho loading' mea,uret of th® present odtnmhira lion and-accord to them a cneetiul tuppoiu tiboald bwwevar. cnfoitnnetoiy dliler in opinion on any point fr as tho President, ws shall not hM.tat# to exploit oor own tents* monte, unit i>rp*eiulfte reasons that constrain nsiodoso— submitting to tho democracy of the cooatr; tlm dccuiunbe two-.u us 1 * This Kfiview will al«d elm to fnranh iw reldets with a graphic nndcooprtl.entire notice ot the cpw works pubiist oil, which may seem to bo- omilled to it, ami also a r*our4 ci* ail (citnliSio discoveries and impruveruects. s The presoo; condition of tho mmoai of, corope, and the atv titade in which somo oT ibera stand towaids certsio poitioes of this costioent, bevo lnvettu! our foreign tci&ticm wuh the utmost importance. Never was this government placed in a utontioD ol more critical dillicuiiy man at the piesant moment. The most inflexible fiirone.s, tcr*Joolnu wtjr'om. cad auuut skill will bo ruQuired to avoid complicating cor inieietU et.l nflairs wita Iboseol Guropa sVo conlidenby iron tho mi miaisu&uon wi i boequalto thni&sfc We shail watcb v iiU tmsheping eye ih«v progress of airairs in Mexico and ibe West ; louiet. litre ale nn is onrvnlnerahlo part Tills Review will abstain from all personality, and teebte. haimooiM nnd nnito tho leamcratic party, bsth and priooiplo. will lw ihe exponent of no cl'que. faction, or Individnut. Tho editor will n»cuk lb; hun'isli, mdepood. catiyind ieirleuly, under aihorough seaioof therespomi. , hiiHy* he assumes. Tin undesigned have soUoteil an editor, > altera carotul coasulLaiion with their ntomioeni dattnuraiKi friend*, and huvo chosen whoso ability and cxpoiituce they believe will secure for Mm res pect. TTorn thuortiul- thepubhyonn form acorreoi frttimtua o( she merit of this publication Seyi.r4i.of tho mast guished writers in the country have cttgogeil to bcoome nj a. inr cootribators to our pngn. We ask aaubei couhi.*ao3 aor Datronngoiribey benot deservcit. Our Grst number will contaiu c general outlineoflhe coune we design io purtnMn fu'nre. . The editorial depar meat is under ilia control otOVil) ['. Johnson, esq. TiSHMjsj’—Tbur Dollars n«r annnm, paynhlein advaace. w . „ 'ViLLUM il. LtSWirf H1.V 0.. New York, Aoitf, 18:3. Publuhnr®. ComaQnicMlont muit b<» adlrctsed to *VFbo Democrasin Monthly Hbviow, New York/ 1 Dd'tors who insert this fTrwppctos nrd forward their paper conir.Jning .t will be fami hut with a copy ul the Utriew. "iIAN, KNOW Tnvatxtv’ An invaluable Book, only 25 els.per cony, “Every Family Should have atopy.”' 5 .'kOflO £V, P n^.l4 Su . ld IN , Than three OUUy MUNI 11J. A new edition, revised aud ini,.,0,. eJ. just isiuo j, ’ . D R «rsf.K N Mr?v.^- b A O uH’AV.T\tf N ' JAi ' and HAND imncsf Abi L.tTLL). Coniainiug anonc* hnooftlid Oncln, Frogress. Tuatmout orul core of every kJj contracted byTronmcaom Sexual lotorcoorsa, 21-.ii!: ftba^.* 0! i by S,ku*l£goeJs. wim advice for theif pm. nfrlihi.a* M L r i . ca n * Jawiiinrsiylß, a*uidtu» nil medical tech nioilitie*, and iJuag ihi>t wqut.l o leud the car ofde ranoy. from the remit ol sooio twenty yea’s* prac* ““'.hmJnaiora ,olUo "“'“of ■ l i l e,.«of n de icaie lu)d . e s l reoflhl* for the cum of tho nbou discates, SSrAi 8 ? 1,0 °? lb ? Uauici .-rym.itn.n aud CnrSofthoFe fo'T'venty.ftvo coin, e copy, Siiooplcs i°i Jyh o *® rvvat d®J b? any pan of tho fTgitedtflatei. bv fe ® of poitoge. A'ldrcsi. not'ace pgid. t.'otdeu UCo . * *!'n*!l 0 . t *’ o nk.^ 0 ? iy °’ * O,l Fhiladolpfila. , imf-fisifk?* ***”P u t excepiion. tho most cnrnprtbentiveQod 0 «° f ' ,e c!a '* of cMa*ei of which u SHiJ «S.f‘ d Uc K , V c ? I aJ«|w«a iUslf totho IXi«a?i«» ,r °« objectionable matter, fifo iSflB2 r rit ft ®wev*r fastidious, can object to placing U io ikS SS5»t.® f • r , * 0 i n,# ftbthorhm derot ad many years to nJB* T i. 00 *^^pf***In treated of. id *wuh JSSi 1 * SLsTfJVrt fO JP?®jt <Ufcd . lo ° presomption to Im of SoanU ' vor^^ t 4 u > e roerelf nominal price praTthjs Halutln ,w * nt » f*ars most lutcwifoi swfefts. »“"*■*■-* ** iiA Ulerty man »u Ohio, in wilting of “Hanttr'* S,V i i?n.S 0 ? p 2 n P“* 4 W?'•-'.Tkonioadi upon thoMandsof 2*v/kS!« i£f .nfluenceoftho pasitooi, inr aJdtK b i tof lr 'P° llQt ioa -wiihont reads- | b S«LlJ*thTca?.ii nhenJ 11 *!^ l 2i» on^ l’fbUm knuinllueDCethe publicofodalto [timalely to remove this wWo-ipreud souroobf J 1 } 1 f? 811 VJ relchrdncu. would confer tho clearest Metilny nrti Obrist, pn the piOMint nnd comlic np fi-.-u’l. * nlo pp tanoe, (or tee use of Intoxloalini drinks!) I,lo,l '•ot'* upon ihouionds, Rpot a creai nrf£° u, m! bn “ an Accept lay thunks on Behalf b *. ll,T *“*■ fpp'oo-wuikerlnthadood Work yon are so actively engaged io. ,r * OBU ' One copy will ba forwarded (securely ft vetoed • and nn*r ■ ' i ' . -ii g«nt.g.lltiin— ty, Imporlant to flim Owners. THE BUBdDHIBER HAS THE AQENCV f«* otheroonnties in PennsylvanlSof^i‘ 7T7?* f w *kd, Rose’s rffi>fc< Actidn Water Wheels AndUproparedal theiboteititioirok!Ia i.JL tion, or to sell territory, tin »n«i!tSi w.put*baai in prw.|. f ppwJ I ,l«ai.i?sft“"a,w>W3.h»aod half the amount or water. 1 “ r,??. 1 ".^• Clearfield Oct. 53, 18611. •: ( HENRY B.SMITn. - - - ' • ' i , ~; ••; ;- - • ■ ( • Oeai field June B. ARDTyfdmJr, IqhrW 1 qhrWt B »a l p. M| ay, >aa ff.^“»«^‘,^-. Vn^
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers