TALVAIBLE rAitm A T PUBLIC SALR—On SATURDAY., the A k. tech day of 'AUGUST next, the sno itoribers, Agents for the heirs of Jacob Wolf, deceased, will sell at Pdblic Sale, on the prem ises, the tollowinireal estate of said decedent, Nit A FORM, situate in Tyrone towne . hip, Ad ams county, erne mile west of New Chester, and hatf a mile from Mrers' Sill, adjoining lauds of limy Myers, Thomas Ettrehart, and , others, containing 156 ACRES, more or less— with a good proportion of heavy Tirnber and Veadow. The improvements are a good Two•stery BRICK IMIUSII 4 gi Stank Hero, Wagon Shed, Coin 11E. Crib, Spring House, Stkoke noose, . and other cratAralldiags. A good welisaff wa fter at the doe., and a good Spring neer* the biOns*. 'Persons wishing to view the property will eAll on Henry Osborn, 'wading near Gulden'e Station. sirSitle to eommence at 1 o'clock,' P. M, on said day; when attendance will be given and terms misde known by HENRY 0.91101 N, JULIE WOLF, Agents. Zuly 39, 1866. ti* PUBLIC SALE J A OIIIPA VAIL6I.—On SATURDAY, the let y of SEMIII3II3 next, the subscribers ' Ex.:Astor. of Joseph Blocher, deceased, will offer at Pahlicli ale, en the premises, the fol lowing rial estate of said decedent, viz : A FARM, militate in Mountjoy township, Ad ams eon tr, 'adjoining Two Taverns, and lands of John Worley, Peter Bercaw, Jacob Baker, and others, containing 110 ACHES, more or less—with doe proportions of Woodland and Meadow. The improvements are anew Two story FRAME HOUSE, a one and a half story Log House, Bank Barn, Corn Crib, Hog Homes, a good .`1 yoliog Orchard, with several springs of water. Persons wishing to view the property ire iewpested to call on tkeirst-named Executor, aesiding within a mile and a half thereof. Atiridisle .cornmettee at A o'cleek, P. an said day, when attendance wild he given and Ovine made known by JOIN BLOOMER, ELI LltAkell RR, Executors. July 30, 1888. tell' lar The undersigned offers his FAME, In Ilountjoy township., at private sale ; 777 acres, pith good Houk, Sara, ilrst-rate Well, kr. July 30, 1806. 10/I.N BLOCIIER. PtiBLIC SALE. allit subscribei• will sell at Public Sale, a I his rasidenee„ is Gettysburg, Oa TUES DAY, the 21st day of AUGUST next, the fol lowing Personal Property, viz: One Horse, 2 Hales, i large sized Jack, 1 eix-horse broad-tread Wagon, 1- four-horse riarrow•treldMigon, 1 Spring Welton, 2 Lime Reds, 2 Feed Troughs, 15 setts ,Horse Gears, Dreeehbands and Front Gears, /Cousin+. C. Jars and Bridles, five-horse, Line, 2 Wagon Saddles, 2 Falk Chains, 1 Log Chain, 3Sptead ers, lot of Single and Double Trees. Also, old Lumber, Windows, SIMLI.I/111. Doors, Hoards, kc., It. ger.i de to continence at 1 o'clock on *aid day, when attentsace will be given anti terms made known by SA.MUEL lIE9BST July 30, NCO. to To Church Builders. SRALED Proposals will be received by the Building Committee of. the Methodist E. Church, of Petersburg, (Y. S.) eatil THURS DAY, AUGUSX Ott nest, tor buildinz a Brick ebnrch, in Peter:shuck', (V. S.) Pe. The Church is to be 35 feet by 5a feet, with base= anent. Plans and specifications can be seen on or before the day of letting by application to the Rev. J. A. Ross, pastor id.charge, or to either of the Committee. ISAAC SADLER,. A. fit DILL, JACOB F. OARDNER, J. W. FEIGBT, F. N. W. BOWERS, Cuuunittee. Ju:y 30, 18611 itiot lee. rIIR Corner Stone of the New ,Ifetliodist Church of Benderseille, york Springs uit, now in charge of the _Rev. Joseph A. Ross, will be laid on SUNDAY, the 12th of .LUGUST next. Wll. A. ELDEN, Secretary of Buildiug Committee July 30, .1806. 3t • Found. WERE found on the Bth Inst., a pair of GOLDSPECTACLES. The owner can get them at the residence of the undersigned, fo Mitii(e street, Gettysburg,ty proving pro potty And pnylog for aIiVPII.IS//1,7. = July o , 18C K. td F. T. WASSIENI. Pro cla mAtlon. wI7F, TIE A 8 the lion. ROBERT J. FOttsa, PreNident of the several Courts of Om mon Pleas in the Counties composing the 19th District, and Justice of the Courts of Oyer and Terruiner and General Jail Delivery, li9r the trial of all capital - and other offenders in the said district, and Dann ZIISOLSR and ISAAC E. Wisamss, Eery., Julges of the Courts or Corn mon Piens,. and Justices of the Courts of Oyer and Terminer and General Jail Delivery, for the trial of all eapit4l and other offenders in the County of Adams—have issued their pre cept, beAring date the 20th day of April, in the year of 'Dv Loau one thousand eight hun dred and sixty-six, and to me directed, for holding a Court of Common Pleas, and General Quarter Sessions of the Peace, and General Jail Delivery and Court of Oyer and Terminer, at. Gettysburg, on MONDAY, the 20th day of .AIIC UST instant— 'NOTlCE , IS HURRY • GIVEX to all the Justices of the Peace, the Coroner and Consta bles withini the said County of Adams, that they be then and there in their proper persons, with their Rolls, Records, Inquisitions, Exam inatiooscand other Remembrances, to do those things which to their offices and In that behalf appertain to be done, and also, they who will prosecute agniast'the prisoners that are or then shall be in the Jail of the said'Connty of Adams, are to be then and there Co prosecute against them as shall 11 just. ' ADAII REBER?, S head. Sheriff's office, Gettysburg, July'3o, '6B. Saddling. rrin undersigned baJ commenced the SAD -DLE and HARNESS-MAKING business, on the Hill, is Baltimore street, in tbebuilding formerly occupied by 0. Sweeney as a Chair maker's shop, up-stairs, where be asks those wanting anything in his line to call. Work done in the best manner, and prices moderate. HARNESS REPAIRED at short notice. A lot of new Saddles and Harness ou hand. J. M. HOWE. Gettysburg, .Tani 25, 1866. 3m Groceries 1 Groceries j FIVE BEST IN TOWN I COME AND SEE THEM I TRICE. OUSI3 R dt WISOTZKEY have ad ded a large and splendid stock of GROCERIES to their business, and invite the public to call and see for themselves. They offer the best of everything, at the lowest possible profits: COFFEES, SUGARS, SYRUPS ' MOLASSES, SALT, FIST, Spices, Teas, Cheese, Starch, Soaps Candles, Blacking, Matches, Tubs, Bucksits, Brooms, Bed Cords; with Confec tionary, Oranges, Nuts, Tobaccosi Sews— anti a variety entirely too large to be enume rated. "Come one, come all." Gettysburg, June 18,1866. tf • , 90 ;!loath !— AGENTS wag* for six enttsely nets articles, just out, 'Address 0. T. GAREY, City Building, Bid 4pferd, Mu. pay 21,866. hay CL 0 0 K 8 , Now ow hand CLOCKS in great variety, from factories of the highest repsitation in the country, 4.4 warranted good time-keepers. Call on J. BEVAN, Opposite the Bank, Gettysburg. A NSW stock of GOLD AND HILvER WATCHES, selected with especial ewe and warranted good time keepers, just, received and for erzle at J. BEVAN'S, Opposite the Bank, Gettysburg. `LI . G c urte r rt 4,11; JD HAMS.--A (rat supply just roes**. , prim ogee au d for ails aA 4T ,a4goiprocrogit 11;-wi3or74r, - Sheriff's !Isles, TY purulence of sundry wilts el Tend Weal -1 Expoaas,.sebeiout of the GettetoContotos Pleas of Adams eettuti, cid to me dllibeted, will be exposed at Nablin Sale, at the Court house,Qettysbert, on SATUILDAY, the 11th ay of AUGUST nest, nt i o'clock, P. M., the following described Real Estate, viz : A TRACT OF LAND, situate in Suitben township, Adenis county, adjoining lamb of George Boyer, Nicholas Schriver and fluky Wittier, containing 10 Acres, more or less, improved with a Two•story Frame DWELLING HOUSE, a Two-story Back-building attached, a Double Log Barn, with Sheds attached, Wash House, !lig Stable, Corn Crih, anew Frame Weatherbcarddd Blacksmith Shopl a well of Water near the door of the dwelling, and a young Apple Orchard on the tract. Also, A TIMBIB, LOT, situate in Menallei township, Adams county, adjoining lands of Paul Sowers, Philip Donohue and Graft's beim, cOntainitig 8 Acres, more or less.— Seised and taken in execution as the ceal es tate of Suanurrox Cnaostarca. ' Also, A HALF LOT OF GROUND, situate in the Bdrough of Gettysburg, Adams county, adjoining lot of Mrs. Saelly on the Vert, let of Peter Niftier on the east, an alley on the north, said frorrting on Chainhersburg street— improve with a ohs an I a half story DWEL LING 17 USE, part brick and part weather boarded, a Frame Stable, Hog Stable, he. Seised t v i. ; (l taken in execution as the real es tate of k lll. Tyre. ' • Also, t the same time and place; on a writ of - Fieri acias, will be exposed to public sale— TWO OWV LOTS, situate in the 13eroagh of Getty burg, adjoining lot of IfichaeLArter, on the n th, amalleY on the west, an an al ley on the with, sad' frenting on Wishingion street on the east. Improved with a Two-story Frame Weatherboarded HOUSE, Wood Elause, Hog Stable, well of water near the doir, and some fruit trees on the premises. Selz .11 and taken in executionaa the real estate of Wittiest JI.CLIOX. AIMS( REBERT, Sheriff. Sheriff's oTtce,•Gettysbitrg, Julyt23, '66. Stirlen per cent. of the purchase money upon all sales by the Sheriff must be paid over trantediately utter , the prOperty is struck down, or o,ponfai4tre to comply therewith the pi op etty avid be, agate ,p . ist tp for sale. , Jury List fur August Court. Guano J oe'. Mountpleasant—John L: Jenkins, (Porenten,) Jacob Sanders, George Howard. Strolian-lieury Bucher, Peter Mickley. Itatuilthnhan—Beitheii. Stem, Sudolph Beak. Bolo* -...-Ftech Lefever. Tyr ne—lolin Richolts. Fraulaits—Jacob Eteholte, /Teary ifilteriber- ger. Berwick lg.—Samuel Browa. LittleAown—Samuel Weikerl. Butler—David S . : Toot. Grettysburg = ir. B. Picking.' Rending—Robert U. Dicks, Conrad Spangler Freedom—Davin Anodes. Ebersole. Menalien—Henry D. Orner. Berwick‘hor.—Thcod6re Pflieger. Cumberland—G . aorgeSpangler of A. Libcrty.Aavic Etter. Moontjos.- 4 - , Eckenrode. GICNKRAL• llfnatlarton--Georop Wiercoan pt , $ ., Alfred Miller, Abraham 11e4s, Jacob Sheatt2r, Isaac llowe, Joseph Smith. Cum beriatd-.Jaeols Mariag, George Mating of J., Abr.lham Plank,-Ilenry S. Toot. - Menaileo-1,341as T.iylor; E 1? Penrose. Hamilton..-George Laugh, Silas Miller. Germany—Jac:oh Klunk, 'Ephraim .Menehy. Franklin—Elias Spangler John,Deardorff, Mi chael Schlosser, Francis Will.- Lotiusora— Guerge ii. ik.int, George L. Dear- dniff, Benjamin LiveNberger. Itamiltonban—D.iniel Bieseoker, to>epL Gel. latch, James M. Marshill. ?Joann)leasant—Andrew Howard, Joseph E. limier, Henry Weikert, Jr. Reading—Wm. H. Dicks, Andrew S. Myers, 6aw u el- 0 verheltze r. Berwick tp.—Jaemb Spntbeer Martin Bechtel Biper—Giorge L. Kime, John Schlosser, John /Linea. Oxford—Daniel lTeltzel, Peter Feiser, George Smith, John Henry Myers. Union—Abraham Hostetter, John Kindig. llighland—Jeptlia Dubs, Lehman Pfou!z. Littlestown—JOseph Barker, Henry Rabter. Mountjoy—Johti,Blocher, William Cownover. Str.tban—Joseph Holtz ' Henry Tate. Conowagn—Samuel Seliwartz, John Weaver, Michael Roily. Tyrone—John Delap, Hezekiab Snyder. Gettysburg—Alexander.Spangler, S. G. Cook. Liberty—Jacob Krise. Freedom—John E. Plank. July 23, 1866. ac Estray Bun. STRAYED troth the subscriber, near Mid dletown, Butler , tna;nship, this county, ou the :Anil of June last, a large Dark Brown BULL, weighing between II and 12 hundred, with a large lreld.,,lteavy shoul ders end light hind quarters. White belly, and a few light spots about his Rink. A lib eral reward will he paid lot his return or in formation leAding to his recovery. JACOB IL TP.OSTLIII. - • July 23, 1386. 3t Wanted. A GOOD FARM. ANY persoa haring a good Farm for Sale, add will take in part payment, one or inure tracts df FIRST,RATFIIVRSTHRYIANIit, well located, Oar Railroads, Sc ools, Church es, County Towns, &c., may find a purchaser by applying' all'tbis June 18, , 18811. if • Grocery itic Liquor Store. A FIRST-MATE ASSURTMEN r of -GRO CERIES, cheap?. FISH of dittorent kinds. A Large Int Of POTOMAC HERRING, at iaw price.. The best and largest assort ment of LIQUORS ever kept in this place. PURE WINE, BRANDY, BYE WHISKEY, ke., for medicinal and other imposes, in quanti tities large or small. Also 111.1.41,ER'S °BLEB/UV:DIME BITTERS. • WM. J. If ARTIN, _ Baltimora. st„ Uottysburg. May 28, 1866; M ORO PIifLLIPS' Genedoe Improved Super -Phosphate 0? Lime. STANDAR:O ,GUARA-NTERD For Sale at itannt'asturer's Depots, 21 North Prow &rea l Phitadelphia, Pa. 95 South Street, Battintorc- And by Dealers in general throput the Coull9. The Sfaterial ..cif which mono PffiLLIPS' PHOSPHATIC Is manufactured containi fifty per cent. more Bona Phosphate than Raw Bone, therefore it is more durable. The ammonia present gfres it groat sddltional fertilizing value. Five yearg' experience has proved to the Farmer that it makes a heavier grain than even stable manure, had not only satire but lasting. _ _ NORO PFIFLIAPS, So - le Proprietor and ilanoreetarer. efi`Price $56 per ton--. 2000 pounds. Dia. Kong to de fiers. Feb.l2, 1866. -tt' Tin Ware and Stoves. THE subscriber respectfully informs the public that he still cantina's the busiitass of making ALL IXDIDS OF GOOD TIN WARE, at the old stand, (formerly Andrew Polley's,) in York street, Gettysburg, where he has the largest assortment of tin ware in the county, with many other articles for kitchen use, kc. Also, COOKING STOVES k NINE-PLATE STOVES, of the eery best kinds. S. G. COOK. liar. 12, 1886. 3m, Philip Bedding, TIISTICE OF THE PEACE, will be at his °tine, (st his residence,) in Cumber land township, on Tuesday and Friday of each week, to give bis attention to Justine's bnsi ness. lAMril 30. 1888. 4m man best lot of upper Leather DOLLAR.% X Or oar ova ataice,uow ready and for sale. D. XeCSICIBY IS BOX. Highly Valu a ble l A DLESTOSE FAME . . AT PUBLIC' SALE. Un SATIFIDAT, the Bth day of SEPTIINIER. next, the sabscritter, Executor of Gas* Law rence, deceased, will offer at Pub:le Sale, on the premises, the following highly valuable Real Estate of said decedent, Tie: A LIMESTONE FA RN, situate in Mountpleasant township, Adams county, on the road leading from SicSherry'. town to Ilunterstown about 2 miles ftom the former place, and within 1 mile of Conowago Chapel, containing 70 ACRES, more or less, adjoining lands of Conrad Bender, Samuel GeiSelinau, John Lilly and ethers—improved with a Two-story Weatheeboarded liktUSE, Bank Barn, Wagon Shed, Corn Crib, Carriage Hasse, Pea, and other out-heildings a. __ first-rate well of water at th a door, andsd Or chard of good fruit. The land is is high cul tivation and under good (ming. This is a very choice property. sersale to comments at 1 2,:clock, P. X. said day, wbea attendatce will be gives sad totals made Slava by LEVI LAWRENCE, Exeeator. July 23, Md. ts PUBLIC SALE. ON SATURDAY, the 4th day of AUGUST next, the' Heirs of Catharine Beitle man, deceased, will offer at Public Sale, on the premises, the following property, iris : A HOUSE' AND LOT, in Middletown, Adams couaty, adjoining Jacob Peters and others.• The H0C132 is Two-story, Weadierboarded, with a Two-story- Bank building. A Stable. a good Wellof Water, and Fruit Trees, oa the lot. Alen, A LOT OF GROUND, well calculated for building, adjoining the above—with Pear Trees thereon. At the same time and plsee, will be sold the follow ing Perso tat Property, sig.+ TABLES, CHAIRS, BUREAU, CORNER CUPBOARD, Beds an 4 Bedsteads, Cook Stove, Ten-plate Stove, Copper settle, lroa ?q,ts Queensware, Crocks, Tub; Meat vessels, and many other articles. /427-. Sale to commence 002 o'clock, M., on said day. when attendance will be given and terms made known by ISAAC ROTH, WILLIAM G. EICHOLTZ, Heirs. July 23, 1844 Sale of Real Estate. T WILL sell, on accommodating terms, my pro?erty, located in kl..miltonban town ship, Adams county, Pa., within one mile of Fairfield, and' eight miles of Gettysburg, known as "VIRGINIA MILLS," containing 503 ACRES OF ROOD LAND, well litsprorrd. There is on this land a good' MEN-STORY STONE MILL. containing two run of Burrs, and, a SAW MILL. Apply to the lion. Moses Mb.Clenn, Gettysburg, or Joke S. Lock, Charlestown, Jefferson co., Va. June 18, 1886. ,tf Regitite - r - N4 lltotlees. NOTCCE is hereby given to all Legatees and other persons concerned, that the Ad. ministration Accounts hereinafter mentioned will be presented at the Orphan's Court of Adams county, for eonfirmation and allowance, on MONDAY, the 20th day of AUGUST, 1806, at 10 o'clock, A. X., viz : 312. The seeond tad final Recount of Peter Creenholtt, Administrator of Isoob Green boll; deceased. 313. First aceoant of John Wertz, I zecutor of the last will and testament of David Tim man, deceased. 314. Accouut•of Elijah Spangler, Adminis trator of Catharine Miller, who was Adminis tratrix of Philip Miller, deceased, cam testa ment° anneals. 315. The account of Michael Minter, Admin istrator of George E. Miller, deceased, 11t1. The first account of Lydia Ann Wei gle, late Lydia Ann Rahn, Adrninistratrix of the,estate of Samuel P. Rahn, deceased. 317. First and final account of George Ba ker, Esq., Executor of the last will and testa ment hf Witt. Baugher, deceased. 318. First and final account of John 11. Aul aoaegh, Esq„ Executor of the bust will and tes tament of John G. Morningetitr, deceased. 3t9. The account of Wm. H. Hodthtelin, Executor of the wall of Cornelius floughtelin, deceased. 320. First and final account of Joseph Lilly, Esq., Executor of the last will and testament of Edward Colgan, deceased. 321. The first account of David Schwartz, Executor of the will of John Miller, late of Littlestown, deceased. 322. The first account of Isaiah E. Mehriag, acting Administrator of We estate of John Ml}•hriug, late of Germiny twp., deceased. 321. Account of Adam C. Musselman, late Guardian of Mary E. Snyder, minor child of Jackson Snyder, deceased. 321. The first and float account of Jesse Spahr, Administrator of Mary Spahr, deceased. 325. First and final account of Daniel Coi. Selman, Administrator of Christian Hostetter, deceased. • 336. Second necount of Joseph L. Shorb, Esq., Administrator of Mary Sneeringel, deed. '397. First and final accodnt of John Hanes. Esq., Administrator of the estate of Maria 13ollinger, deceased. 338, First account of Josiah Wickersham, Adm inistrator of the estate of Wm. W. Gook, late of Menallen township, deceased. 329. The first account of Jacob F. Lower, Administrator of the estate of John Lower, late of Franklin township, deceased. 330. The Bist account of George Myers and John Myers, Executors of the will of Jacob Myers, late of Hamilton township, deceased. SAMUEL LILLY, Register. Register's Office, Gettysburg, July 23, 1888. tic' , --] ("What Every Faultily Needs. ACOPY of Dr. Chase's Recipes or Informa. lion for Everybuly, Over 200 copies have already, been sold in the south-west end of this county, they giving general satisfac tion. We can conscientiously recommend it to be the most reliable work of the kind ever offered to our citizens, and that for so little money, we feel confident that none who pur. chase the work will ever regret it. Be sure to examine the Descriptive Circulars when left at yonehon2es. Good references, plenty could be given, but we defer it, as it will recommend itself. The county will be minuend by GEORGE T. WEIGLE, Agent. July 16,1866._ 401. Still at Work t Tin undersigned continues the C.A.RIAGE-SIAKING BUSINESS, in all Us branches, at hie old stand, in East Middle street, Gettysburg. NEW WORK made to order, and REPAIRING done promptly and st lowest prices. FALLING-TOP AND STANDING-TO? BUGGIE CONSTANTLY ON HAND. Two first-rate SPRING WAGONS for sale. JACOB TROXEL. Battle-held Hotel. THIS Hotel, being one of the relics of the Bartle of Gettysburg, has been renovated and refurnished, and is ready to entertain travellers and the public generally. ft being short distance from the Soldiers' National Cemetery, it affords- convenient accommoda tions for all visiting there, and the subscnber flatters himself tha: none shall leave him dis satisfied. Also, Ice Cream and all kinds of refresh. monis, at all hours, to accommodate proms. enders. Give me a call. JOSEPH LITTLE, Proprietor. ;burg, May 21, 1866. tf Getty' Notice. PHILIP MILLER'S ESTATE.—Letters of administration de bolls non, cum tesM mento annex°, on the estate of rbilip deceased, late of Hamilton twp., Adnsue co., having been granted to the undersigned, resi- - ding in the same township, he hereby gives notice to all persons indebted to said estate to make immediate payment, and those having niaims against the same to present them prop erly authenticated for settlement. HENRY L. MILLER, Jtdm'r. July 9, 1866. 6t. Bark Wasted. Tin subscriber will pay PM DOLLARS per CORD for BLACK OAK BARK, da I►rered at, his Taatterj, Ist Gettysburg. JOSS /WM J4OO 1806. 'Valuable Properties ter Sale. JOHN C. ZOIJOH, LAND AGgNT, New OXVOID, ADAIIII COMM; PA. Has for sale a camber of desirable proper ties, to wkielt be asks the attention of those wishing to porchase. A FAME of Isar ACIMS, in Nfountpleasant township, Adams county, with good Stone House, good Born, Wagon Shed, Corn Crib, Wash House, Orchard, Ake., near a tnrnpike and railroad. FORTY ACRES, with good House, Barn, and other out-buildings, Orchard, ike., three quarters of a mile from a railroad station. good chance; terms easy. 173 ACRES OF LAND, on the road leading from Hanover to Lictlesumn. Good limestone farm; large Brick House, Baak Barn, and oth er uut-haildiuse. The Littlestown Railroad runs throagh the rear part of the place. Price $B5 per acre. A FARA OF 300 ACRES, in Cumberland township, Adams county, three miles from Gettysburg, at which place is a railroad and good market. This faros can be divided Into two farme, *ere belig already two seta of improvements on the tract. The Improve- Manta are a good two-story Dwelling House, Barn, and other ottAssitillaga, and a Tenant House with all improvemerats. A SMALL FARM of 10 ACRES, with good House and Bata, *ad other ont-bnildisgs— good quality of land—good Store stand— chance to keep toll gate and to attend to a post offica. This is a good chimes; terns easy. 1 TARN 0f,105 ACRES, an the Carlisle turnpike, under good cultivatiot, with a large Brick House, Bank Barn. Wagon Shed, Cora Crib, Carriage House and tither eat-buildings, all new. LARGE FLOM! NULL, with lb Level of Land. The mill has four pair of Barra, and all machinery far doing merchant work. Best water power in the county. A FLEX of 115 ACRES, near the Hanover terapike, on which is erected a good Hesse, Barn, and all necessary out.bnildings.- the land is in a good state of cultivation. this property will be sold cheap. A FARE of 195 ACRES, near lionterstewn. /dams county, on which is erected a good Rouse, Earn and other oat-buildings, and the land is is a lee Mate of cultivation. This farm will be said cheap. A FARE of 38 ACRES, d acres in wood, with one-and.a-halfstery House, good Barn —land in good cultivation-31 riffles from New Oxford, and 14 miles from Bonaughtowe. Terms easy. 18 ACRES of WOODLAND, 2 miles free New Oxfold. A FARM of 200 ACRES, good land, with large Brick House, Barn, and 2 Tenant Rouses —4O acres in wood—half a mile - from the COB, owago Chapel. A FARII of 180 Acres-225 can be par chased—in Cumberland township, 2i miles from Gettysburg, near Chambersburg pike; large weatherboarded Novie, Bank Barn, kc.; acres in wood. The Farm has been recently M. V. LOCK. A FARM of 120 ACRES, with good House and Barn ; 12 acres in wood ; one mile west of Bonaughtown. A ROTEL, in New Oxford, two-story, toomy and convenient for business. Good chance; terms easy. Also, a number of good Houses and Lots for sale in New Oxford. Persons who wish to boy Real Estate, as well at those who Wish to sell, are requested to give tie subscriber a call at his store in Yew Oxford. • Address, JORN C. ZOCCI, Land Agent, New Oxford, Adams county, Ps July 9, 1866, 6m- Well-improved Farm, IN JEFFERSON COUNTY, VA., FOR SALE. Desiring, to change my basiness, I offer for sale the FARM upon which I reside, 3 miles southeast of Charlestown, Jefferson county, Va., and 2 miles from the Shenandoah river, containing bout 350 ACRES OF LIVE STONE LAND, 60 in. fine Timber ; under good fencing. The improvements are first rate. The DWELLING was finished in 1860, and contains 14 rooms. 1/1 The out-buildings are of a Char. actor to suit the farm, an corn-. prise a good BARN, Corn and Carriage Douse, Quarters, Tenents' Houses, Brick Smoke and Ash Houses, Stone Spring Rouse, Poultry Houses, kc., and all under cypress roofing. Two fine Springs near the lionise, one in the yard; cistern at the door; never-failing stream through the farm, passing through the barn-yard'; 2 young orchards of choice fruit, containing about 250 trees. I would call the attention of any one wish ing a well improved farm to this property— which can be divided into two farms, with buildings on each, and fine water. - Any per son wishing to see the land will call on D. Humphreys k Co., in Chariest Own, who will direct them to it. July 4 3, 186 G TTIE undersigned offers his FAME, with or without the present crop, Possession given immediately, The Farm is 'Ablated In Cumberland town ship, Adams county, adjoining lands of Win. Douglas, Samuel Pitzer and others, containing TWO II QIDRED AND FORTY ACRES, with about thirty-bas acres of eicellent Woodland, and the balance of the farm in a good state of cultivation. The improvements are a good• Two-story BRICE HOUSE, with Spring Flous., Frame Barn, and ' , sun other necessary outbuildings.— - Terms easy. Any person desirous of seeingor purchasing the above farm, can get all desired information by calling on the undersigned, residing there on. JULIUS HAFNER, July 16,1888. tf OF THE, FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF GETTYSBURG, rendered on the morning of the first Monday in July, 1863, as follows: Loans and Discounts, $92,395 39 Due from Banks, 17,825 02 Premiums k Revenue Stamps, 1,138 47 U. S. Bonds, 150,350 00 Furniture and Fixtures, &c., 1,6311 81 Cash on band, 16,88,5 04 Capital, Circulation, Due Depositott, au.. Ins fund, ke.; D. e Banks is Bunkers, $280,222 23 The above statement is correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. 050, ARNOLD, Cashier. Sworn and subscribed before me this 10th day of July, 1866. A. 2. COVER, f. P. July 16,1866. 3t OFTHE GETTYSBURG NATIPNAL BANK, ,Gettysburg, Jaly 2, 1868 : Ilssouvoz as, Loans sad Discaunta, U. S. Bonds deposited to secure • circulation, 150,000 00 U. S. Bonds on hand, 60,809 00 Real Estate, 5,000 00 Expenses, 81 99 Due from Banks, . ' 10,783 67 Cash--lif. B. Legal Tender Notes, 08,00 90 Bills of solvent Banks, 9,359 00 Club Items,, 30 44 . . Bonds (personal) . 2,524 17 Capital Stock, Circulation, Individual deposits, Due to Hanks, Discounts, Profits k Loui, 18,103 13 Dividends unpaid, 1,327 73 State Beak Circulation, 108,198 00 July 10, POOL 3t IREAKVIPLANTATION DITTIES, or Old Bookoktood Togo, it Dr. L HOSNIaI 1.18. LAW: 1100 FF Farm for Sale. AT 011.IVATE,+",:Ln. Quarterly Report $280,222 23 $lOO,OOO 00 Quarterly Report $149,028 09 $465.625 26 Lvsnrrtss• $145,150 00 130,500 00 76,593 15 5,768 35 $4435,636 28 T. D. CARSON,Cafhisr, KOWia t 1111ZAL1ZIM TINS undersigned to still, Agent fth the sale I of MOWING AND DRAPING MACHINES —both combined and single Mowers. These machines can 43 used as Self-Rakers or Hand Rakers, as farmers may wish. They are made with two cutter bars, see for cutting , grain with sickle knife—cutting five leet nine indica wide—sod extra bar, with two knives, for gMms,--catting four feet six inches wide, s having iron or wooden frames as desire el.— t They have two driving wheels and flexible fin ! ger bar. The company building these machines have secured by lease and purchase, the control of ail the desirable and standard patents now in ace, among which ere the OHIO AID BUCKEYE PATENTS, to which we direct special attention. la com pastaess, lightness ot draft, excellence of work manship and finish, combined with great strength sad adaptation to alt kinds of work, they will compete with, sad we believe, san t:lass, any otter machine sow offered to the public. Farmers wont! do well to examine these machines before purchasing any other. They will be sold as cheep at any other first• clam machine now manufactered, and we warreat these to. give entire astistactioa or en sale. ' gel... Extras always kept on band. Specimen machines can be seen by calling ea the Agent., residing oe the Harrisburg real, two miles nortk-eastef Gettysburg. IFILLIAX WIdLS , Agea.t, Aprii 24, tam NEW GOODS! O^SOROE ARNOLD H AS uovion heed a very large stock of RBA° Y-SULDC CLOTHING, nwatly of his own manafacturing and welt made, embracing every Ilse and price. A LARGE STOCK OF CLOTHS AND CASSI. MgRES, welt edleeted sad very handsome styles, all of which will be sold very cheap, for east Call sad see them. GEORGE ARNOLD. May 7, 1866. Sot Fresh. Confectionery lIND ICE CREAN! SALOON.—The subseri . her respectfully, informs the citizens of Gettysburg. and vicinity that he has s Confec tionery Establisftent, one don east of the Eagle Hotel, o n Chanzhershuzg strait, to which be woolljnvite their attention. C•tkes, Candies, and every - description of Confections, together with Nuts, Oranges, sad 14 kinds of fruits, always on hash. is Parties, public and private, as well as tam dies, will be furnished with all kinds of Cakes, ' ice Cream, (in pyramidal form or otherwise,) and other refreshments at their houses, upon short notice. Caving spent a lifi-time at the .bosinesi, he flatters himself ,that he uuderaktnd 3 it and that he is able to render . enti re sattstanyon. Call and see his Confettionery. r May 28, 1866. tr JO dist GRITEL Lline 41E Coal. QUINN& RRILLY have erected two addi tional Lime 'Kilns, on the Railroad, and are therefore better prepared then ever to sup ply the best Of LIME, in large or small quanti ties. Farmers and others can hereafter look for a more prompt filling of their orders, and are invited to extend and continue their fa vors to a firm which i 3 making every effort to accommodate them in the best manner possible. They will also continue to keep on hand, for sale, a good supply of the different kinds of COAL, which they will sell at small profits. Coal sad Lime delivered eapybere is Get tysb erg. May 14, 1866. tr Shoes, Gaiters; dre. JOHN M. ILEILING, IS CARLISLE STIRS?, west side, a few doors from the Public Square Gettysburg, has laid in as excellent assort ment of Shoes, Gaiters, kc. ' for MEN; WOMEN AND CHILDREN, which be is offering at the very lowest profits. Having bought for cash, at the latest reduc tion, he is prepared to offer great bargains. Boot and Shoe manufacturing rallied on at the same pike, and `the best kind of work made. JOua7Y. REILING. May 11, 186 G. tf eheap for Cash i N EW STORE I GROCERIES, .LIQUORS, &C. THE undersigned has returned to ,Gettys burg, and opened a new Store, on" Balti more street, next door to the Post Office, and nearly opposite the Conn-House, where he offers felv sAle, CUE . AP roe casit, a large and choice assortment of GROCERIES,—Sugais, Coffees,, Teas,_ Molasses, Syrups, Salt, he.; with Fish, Bacon, Lard, and so on. Also, LIQUORS- , Wines, Spindles, Gins, Whiskies, Rums, and everything else in the line. Also, any quantity of Notions, to suit any and everybody. Recolleet this ix the place to bey cnt.ir roa April 23, 1806. $l5OO Ag Per ent s ! r y e : r a y r w re W E t o wen fell our IMPROVED, $2O Sewing Mazhines.— Three- new. kinds. Under and upper feed.— Sent on trial. Warranted five years. Above salary or large commissions paid. The ONLY machines sold in the United Stated for less' than $.lO, which are fully Ueensed by More, Wheeler 4. If ileos, Grover 4. Baker, Singer 4. Co., and Bacheider. AU other cheap machines are. infriagementa, and the seller or seer are Wible to arrestoine sad imprisonment. Illustrated cir culars sent free. Address, or call upon Shaw & Clark, at Biddeford, Maine, or Chicago, 111. May 21, 1866. isly A.notNer Large Stock OF NEW GOODS JUST RECEPirED AT GRIMES'S. James A. Grimes, York street, has been to the city again, to replenish ° his stock, which went•off so rapidly, because it Was . so very good and so very cheap. The new stock beats anything he has yet offered to this community, and he hopes all the people will come and see for themselves. His new purchase of SYR UPS can't be beat, and he will sell from a pint up tO'sk barrel; his SUGARS are of all varieties, including the very primest ; his CaFFRES are the best in the market ; his FISH are elegant; end his FLOUR extra. He has ;of din a large lot of STONE-WARE, which he offers cheap, and is sore aril please —so with his WOODEN-WARE, QUEENS WARR, LAMPS, PICKLES, SPICES, CON- PECTIONARY, Tobacco and Began, and the thonsand other things to be found in his very full and complete Stara. By selling cheap, and selling quick, he expects to get along quite as well es those who have greater profits, but sell slower. [June 11, 1846. 89,980 00 74,016 31 2,494_,03 I 3,731 89 APPLICATION will be made at the next regular session of the Legislature of Pennsylvania for the Incorporation of a Sav ings' Inaatution, to be located in the Borough of Littlestown, Adams county, Penn'a., under the name and style of "THE LITTLEST° WN SAVINGS' INSTITUTION," the intention of which shill be to loan out money and receive deposits thereof, and do such things as are usually, done by similar Institutions; the nay . - ital thereof not to exceed One Hundred Thodll.: and Dollars, to be divided into shares of Fifty Dollars each. Jai/ 2, I$6G. Ma TOSEPH BLOCHER'S ESTATE.—Letters tj testemenutry: on the estate of Joseph Bloch er, late of Monatjoy township, Adams county, deceased, having been granted to the under signed, the drat named residing in Itloantjoy township, Adams co., and the last named la West kfanheim township, York co., they here by give notice to all persons indebted to said estate to melte immediate payment, aid those baying claims against the same to present them properly authenticated for settlement. JOHN BLOCHER, ELI BLOCHER, Jane 25,1888. et Exeentors. Town Property tA.T PRIVA.TS SALE.--Several HOUSES can be purchased at Private Sale by call rig on FAHNESTOCK BROTHSBS. Dec. 15. 1868. tt For Sale. 0000 SBOOND HAND MOWING MA. CRINR will be mold °beep by SAMII/Mf ROOMS Julie 15, 1868. ITEM GEO. F. &ALBFLEISCIL Notice. Notice. C•mrnmptives, MILL WEAT GIL SCHENCK 18 DOING. ein. H. SDNESCIE DIAZ &a:--I feel it s duty I owe to jcnr, and to all who are entering under the diseases known to donsomption and Liver Complaint, to let them know what great benefits I *ire received from your Pulmonic Syrup and Sea -1 weed Tonic in so short a time. By the blew. ling of God it has cared me thus far. Gr. Schenck, I winnow make my statement to yea as follows: About-eighteen months ago I was attacked with a severe cough, and it settled en maiming : I could not retain any ; thing I ate, and suffered with evening fevers ) and night sweats. I vie very lunch reduced. The whites or my eyes were very yellow; my skin; my appetite all gene, and u oft. ble to digest what I did ent;, be welt swollen, 1 irregular apt costive. I was very low spirit ed, and had suck violent spells of toughies when I'laid down at night and when I arose la the morning that they would last one or two hours. I then would be nearly exhausted, and was entirely unable to lie on my left side. I can not describe toy wretched suffering as I would wish ,to do. Every organ in my body was diseased or deranged. Such was my situation at this time, and I was confined to my bed from the last of February, 1862, to June, 1863, not able toils up. I had the best of medical attendee°, the whole of the time. My cough was so very bad that it rackod me very much. lat this time raised a large quantity of thick yellow, offensive matter, enmetimes with blood, and it was generally accompanied by nausea and a furred and thick coated tongue. At the time of coughing so had') I would have fits, p, trheorlng pains in my tett side and heart, light sweats, and soreness all through my whole chest; had mach inward fever, pain in my back and under my Shoulder blades and in the small of my back, ancrat times so severe that it would throw me into spasms. Now my physician gave me up to die. Others I had, and the best of them, but they could do noth ing for me, and at that time I was nothing but skin and bones. 1 then was in the 'Wes tern part of Missomt la Jaae last we 'left there for the East, and ia Augustiast we came to New York,and I was an reduced that I could only walk a little with : my haibaatre After I had been here a short time the mat water breeze made me feel much better kW a time and then I bad again to call a physician for aid. We bad four of the beet physicians of New York on the diseases of the lungs, sad doctors of all kinds, but of at avail. They said I was past cure, and that my lunge were too far gone for any one to cure me. But at this time I was on my feet about the house, not able to do much of anything. In Notem ber last I grew worse, and the consumption dirarticea set in and lasted about eight weeks. We had tried all and everything that I could grasp of like a dying permit for my disease"— consumption and liver complaint—but of no In January, 1863, I was brought down again on my bed, and was not expected to live the night out. My .husband stayed at my side, and other friends, and they all gave me sp to die. At this time every one who saw me, aid not think I'would ever leave my be a liVing woman. The first night I was attacked 'With spasm., and was deranged most of the time A friend, Mrs. Barris, earns to see are the:last of the week, and brought the Sunday Merchry. In it was in account of a great cure perfOrm ed by Dr. Schenck. She read it to me, arid it was so mach like ray eseage that I askecil my 'husband to go and see him for me.' At this time I had gives up all hopes of ever getling well again, and made my peace with God, to be ready whenever he called for me. Os the 27tk of Jaaaery, 1861, say busbssd called .on Dr. Schenck, 32 Vend street, *ew York, and Mated to him my case, with I ; re quest fn. him to call see me, which be did, and examined me with the - respiromett.:— When he was about to go I asked him i .be could cure me? His reply was: "I carMiet tell, both lungs are diseased, and the bronchial tubes are affected on both sides." And yet he seemed to think there were lungs enough left to effect a cure if the diarrhcea could be stopped. He said in order to do this, he would have to give me Mandrake Pills in small doses at first, to carry off the morbid matter, and then, with astringents, he hoped to check it, which he did, but the constant coughing, night sweats, and diarrimea bad prostrated me so that he was afraid my vital powers were tort much prostrated ever to rally, and yet, be seemed - to think if I could live to get enough Palmonic Syrup through my system tp Mule expectoration there were lungs enough left for me to recover. He wished me to try the Put atonic Syrup and Seaweed Tonic at once, say ing it would - do me no harm, if it did nee, se good. The first week it seemed to give me strength, so that on Sunday after I sat up In bed and ate hearty for a sick woman; but the next week I lost all hope mad wished my hits btuad not to give me way more medicins. Rat the'doctor had warned him of tills, and when the medicine was clearing out the system it made them feel somewhat restless, and toper severe; and ht insisted on my taking it; and now I feel the benefit of it. Fur after eight days I began to gain my strength, and, with the exception of a cold that put the back Iroise, I have been gaining strength of body, my cough is going away, and all my pains are gone ; no soreness of the body, my bowels are regular, and my breath is sweet, and I thank God that I am now going about, and sew aad read as well as ever i could. I have taken. sixteea bottles of the medicine, eight of each. I now have a good appetite and rest well at light my cough does not trouble me Vet ting up or lying down. I would here say to the afflicted with coajumption or liver coat plaint, that Dr. Schenck is no humbug. You can rely on what he says. Delay not ; it is dangerous to trifle with these diseases. If you would be cured, go at once 4 and any one wishing to know the facts as herein stated can call at my residence, 117 West Houston street, Few York city. MRS. MARY P. FARLOW. We, the undersigned, residents of New York, are acquainted with Mrs. Farlow, and know her statement to be true. We also know that she used Dr. Schenck's Palmonic Syrup and Seaweed Tonic, and have reason to believe that to this medicine she awes her preserva tion from a premature grave. B. FARLOW, 117 West Houston st. EUGENE UNDERHILL, 676 Greenwich at. Mrs. E. UNDERHILL. 678 Greenstich st: AUGUSTA UNDERHILL 676 Greenwich st. A. E. HARRIS, 117 West Houston st. EMILY GLOVER, 117 West Houston at. T. L. COLE, 33 Cottage pl. M. A. LEIGHTON, 483 Broadway. Mrs. BENJAMIN CLAPP, 19° Amity pl. I am well acquainted with Mrs. Mary F. Farlow, and with her husband, Mr. B. Farlow, they haying, for a few mouths past., attended at my•c"hurcb, and I am convinced that, any Ctitement which they might make may be re lied on as true. JOHN DOWLING, D. D., Pastor of Bedford St. Baptist Church, N.Y. Dr. Schenck will be professionally at his principal office, No. 15 North Sixth street, corner of Commerce, Philadelphia, every Sat urday, frcm 9 A. M. until 4 P. M. ; No. 32 Band street, New York, every Tuesday, from 9 to 3; No. 38 Summer street, Boston, Mass.,. every Wednesday, from 9to 3 and every other Fri day at 108 Baltimore street, Baltimore Mil.— All advice free, but for a thorough examina tion of the lungs with bis Bespirometer, the charge is three dollars. Price of the Pulmonic Sykap and Seaweed Tonic, each $1 50 per bottle, or $7 50 par halt dozen. Mandrake Pills, 25 cents per box. For *ale by all Druggists and Deaden. July 23,1 He. Ins The Very Latest! TACOFIR k BROTHER, lIRDCTIANT TAILORS Cloth*, CassinuTea and Ve tint's. Jolt received from the city s splendid as sortment of GENTS' PIIIINISTIING GOADS, of every desoription. Suits made to order it e most fashionable and substantial mintier. Il work guaranteed to fit or no sale. Cus tomers cannot fail to be pleased. Give as WT. S.—We are agents for the celebrated SINGER SEWING MACHINE, and always have the machines on hand and for sale. We can recommend them as being the best machines in use. JACOBS 4 BRO. May 28, 1866. OLD, SILVER, STEEL, and other EPEOTAOLEB, to unit all ages, always on hand, and Stud to sight. J. BEVAN, Opposito the Bank, Oettysbati. PEI4ISMI VIAN ISTRITIs A POOTIOTED 101;011 PT 1111 rrotcnitic of Iron, a sew discovery is medicine which !STRIKES AT THE Root. OF SlBlLkdill, by sripplying tho Blood With Ds vtrstr ratocirt,s, et tars sputter-4110N. This laths secret 0/ the wondorfal sacoossoi this remedy is coring DYSPRPSIA., LIVIR COMPLALNT, DROP -SY, CHRONIC 'WARM:ICE 1, BOILd, Hurons Atryctions, 01111 s sad Fo yers, Humors, Loos of Consults!. Unmet Vigor, Disease of LLs Kidneys nod Maridor, Female Complaints, and all diseases originating fit A BAD MATZ OF THE 131.000, at aocompanied by esnansor, or a LOW frog um TIE Kest. Being free iram 4.lcohel is say form, iN energising effects are net troilowed by corres ponding reactive, but are ponaanest, infusing strength, vigor and new Wiest* all saris al the ersirern, sod baildiag up ma IRON HO& ,STITUTION. DYSPEPSIA. AND 01313ILITY. Prom the Vesterahic .4rehdra Seen, D. D. Itasca's, Cnaada East, March 24, 1862. * * Ima an love rate Dyspeptic of more than 14 years standiak." * * * sg [ lave been eo wonderfully benetitted in the three ellen weeks during which I have used the Pe avian Syrup, that I can scersely, persu tde myself of the reality. People who have known Le are astonished at the change. lam widel' known, and oat but recommend to others that which bas done so wick for me." One of the most D/SIPIGITISIIRD JU RISTS its Row Raglan/ trefw so a friend as follows: have -tried the PERUVIAN SYRUP, sod the remelt fully sustains yoeir 'prediction. It has - made • saw MAN of mei infused into my system new vigor end energy.; t ens no longer treranlons sod debilitated, :as when yen lest law me, but stronger, heartier, and with lar ger capacity for labor, mental and physical,, time *t any time daring that tact fire years." Au EMINENT DIVINEif Boston,. says; haue been using the P RUVIAN SYRUP far some time past; it gi yes me new rigor, buoyancy of spirits, elasticily of muscle," perTROUSANDS here !been changed llx the use of this remedy; from weak, stelrly, suffering creatures, VS strong, healthy, and happy men and womest.;;and itirnlids can not reasirsitlily besitate to Nice it a trial. A. pamphlet of 32 pages, tostninlng certlll - of cores and rocommendiutions from some of the most eminent physicians, clergymen, and others, will be sent Pair to any address. gip that each bottt his PELI,UVIA.Ii STIWP blown in thb glassi roa BALE pir t t J. P. Ditaansore. P priekr7r. 3tl Dey 8 eet,'lssir TOrk e katXtiY kW. Dai atit4. ISCROFII Em All Medical Men agree I. t lODINE Is the BEST REMEDY for Scrotal and all kiadvoi diseases ever discovered, be dillicalky has been to obtain a Pcas,Sotuirfox of is. DR. 11. ANTIIES' lODI 11 W TIC Aft, Is a Pare Solatioo of lod WITHOUT • SOLVENT! A `most Potential, Vitalising gent and Iteeto. retire. It wits. cure SCROFULA 14 all its manifold foists. OtCERS, CASCHRS, SYIPUILIS, SALT MUSLIM; and if has been used with astoaishing,seecota in cases of Rheumatism, Dystiepsia, Comm:tsp. tion, Female Complaints, Liaset, Liver andi Kidney Diseases, he. . Circulars will be seat rasa to any address. Price $l.OO a hattle,_gr o r $6.00. Prepared by Di. if. ATUBRo, Physioiaa and Chemist. roe SALA - J. P. Ditiellneres SO 1114/1116444. Niw leek. ♦!SD OX ♦4I. DR041,1111111. WIfIAWS IiAbIIAM • - or 'WILD C nu Dm OEM ova;ctsir HALFCBNT litr, WITS TES SOOT ISTOSISSISO WtrOolllll IS MUFF Coughs, Colds, lioarseness.`fiore Throat, In fluenza, Whooping Cougifir_Cronp, Liqr Complaint, Bronchitis, IThilicalty of Breathing, Astboia, awl array affection ofr TEII3 TOROAT, LUNGS, MID MST,. CONS UMPTION, which carries off more victims than any ahem disease, and which Wile. the sklit et the pity siciene to greater extent Ulan any atheß grialidy, often VELD'S TO THIS RINSDY/ when all others prove ineffectual. AS A MED101N11„ rapid in relief, soothing( In effect, sae la Its operation l IT IS INSITRPASSIVD Plat while as a preparation, free from noxious In. gredients, poisons or minerals ; uniting skill, science , end medical knowledge ; combining all that is valuable in the vegetable kingdom for this chin of disease, it INIYOMPA - RABLRI and is entitled to, merits and receives them-. eral confidence of the public. SEYMOUR. THATCII6R, M. D., of Herman, N. Y., writes u follows: "WISTAII . B BAI.I3AX OP XV11.41 Cosaltv gine universal satisfaction. -It seems to cure tik Cough by loosening and cleansing the lungs, and allaying irritation, thee asuovtio state, CAOSI, Instead of drying tig, the cough 'and., leaving the cause behind. I!consider the Bat lam as good as any, it not'the best, (lough medicine wits which I am •COllltiinted." The Rev. JACOB SECULAR., of lianterat, Pa., well kpown and much respected smoag the German population of this country, melee the following statement for the benefit of the afflicted : Dear Sirs :--Tlaving realised in my family important benefits from the use of your Taloa-. ble preparatiou—WlSTAll'S BALSAM 0? WILD CrICRRY—it affords me pleasure to recommend it to the public. Some eight years ago Crne of ruy daujlitara seemed to be in a decline, and little hopes of her recovery were entertained. 1 then procured a bottle of yourlacellent 11.slaana, and before she bad taken tWe whole of the contents of the bottle there was a great improvement in her health. I have, in my individual rase, made frequent use of your valmtble medicine, and hare sir , wax, been benefited by it. JACOB BECALVEL Price one donde a bottle. 105 JULY BY S. P. aleseesre. Me DerilltaA no ml„ New INA. Seta W. Powle ems. Pro er. AND SY ALL DNFONIIIITa Greeds Celelieak* Salve moo Carr, Bumf, Scalds. (Rue's Celebrated Eltslte cores Wounds, BMW, Grace's Celebrated Salve cure* Boils, trim % Csa44l. Grape's Celebrated Salve cures Bait Omni. &yelps's,. Grace's Celebrated Salve cures (Stepped flands,Chtittlatag. Grace's Celebrat49.l Satire heals Old Sores, Fltsh Woaeds, Be. It Is prompt in action, removes wan at ones, and reduces the most angry--lookint emenlbgc and It.e.sarkwiations, as if by snagie—thol se' fording relief and a complete rare. Only 25 cants a boa I (Seat by teal fort. - cents.) For sale by J. P. DINSWOR,I, 34 0 17=6" New York, S. W. FOWLS a sox, Prop Boston, and by all Druniste, Constrr Styr. ) Jrtily 111, ly
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers