THE" dETTYSBURG COMPILER, A Democratic Flimily Journal, Is POZILDDIED EVERY MONDAY MORELEG, BY EIENBLY J. STABLE. 1 4 Trial in Nighty, and Will Prevail." TEAMS OF FIIBLICATION.-82 00 4 per an num, lf paid stristly cx anvsncu—Sll 50 per MI.. num If not paid la advanee. Nn subsf . ripties Ms eanttnnel, unless at the option of the publisher, until all arronrires are paid. • ADVERTISEMENTS Inserted at usual rates. JOB PIIINTIN 0 of eh kinds done with neater anti dispatch. OFFICE in South Baltimore street, between Middle and filth, near the Post Office= Compl ler Printing Office" on the sign. Professional Cards. Dr. D. S. Peffer, AfIIOTTSTOWN, Adams county, continues the practice of his profession In all its branches, and would respectfully incite all persons 4 ^afflicted with any old standing dis- eases to call and consult him. OctillrlB64. tf Dr. P. C. Wolf, located at EAST BERLIN, Adams county, hopes that by strict attention to his professional duties he may merit &share of tke public patronage. • [Apr. 2, '66. tf Dr. C. E. Goldsborough, lIAMPTO)i, Adams county, Ps., renews his offer of professional services to the punk., and those requiring Medical and our weal aid will dud it to their interest to con sult him. [May 21,1866. tf Dr. J. W. C. O'Neal's OPRICE and Dwelling, N. B. corner of Bal tlmore and High streets, near Presbyte rian Church, Gettysburg, Pa. N0v.30. 1843. tf Dr., J. A. Armstrong, AVING removed from New Salem, York county, nd havinft located at Middle town, Adams county, offers his professional services to the public. [July 31, '65. ly Doctor C. W. Benson. OFFTCE at the Railroad'Howie, (frontroom, formerly occupied by-Dr. Kinzer,) LITTLESTOWN, PA. June 19, 1865. tf Dr. J. E. Ensor, Aoun.AVT‘TO located on thellanover road, ONE MILE E IST OP GRANITE. HILL P. 0., ltoleasant township; Adams county, Pa., offers his professional services to the public. June 18, 1866. 3m Drs. A. B. Dill ds B. P. Herman TT t E associated themselves in the practice ' LA ' of Ifedicine and Surgery, and respectfully tender their professional services to the citi sons of Peterabarg and vicinity. Petersburg, Y. S., July 2, 18C6. J. Lawrenoe Hill. M. D., ~~sY. ,~ TITAS his office one U . door west of the Lutheran church iu Chanybershnrg street, and opposite Dr. C. Horn. os ofßc., whe , e three wishing to have Openition perlorin!.l are rea pert fills ilnrited to ell!: Ravel:rites: Drs. Hor ner, Run. C. P. Kral:lth, D. I) , Rev. H. L.r Ilaugh-r, D. D., Rev. Prof. M. Jacobs, D. D., Pr.'''. M. L. Sirever. • Gettysburg, April 11, '53. D. MeConaughy, ArronstlY Al' LAW, (offi •e one door west of Baehler's drag and book store, Chem- Ire street,) ATTOVINT AND SOLICITOR FOR PiTZNITI A*D Paystoss. Bouttty Land War 'riots, [lick-pay suspended Claims, and all other claims against the Government at Wash in4ton, I). C., also American claims in Eng laa I. Land 'Warrants located and sold, or bought, and highest prices giten.. Agents en• g tged in loctting warrants iri lowa, Illinois and other western States. Illi"Apply to him per..mally or by letter. Gettysburg, Nov. 2L, '53. Law Partnership. A. DUNCAN & J. H. WHITE, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, promptly attend to all legal business entrusted to them, including the pi:mitring . of Pensions, Bounty, Back Pay, and all other chime against. the United States and State Governments. (Mice in North West Donau of Diamond, Gett.yelJurir, Penn's. • Aril 3, 1865. I,t Edward B. Buehler, A TTOfl'if AT LAW, will faithfully and A promptly attend to all business entrust ed to him. He s r )ealca the German language . . m at the same place, in South Baltimore street, Forney's, and nearly opposite Danner & Ziegler store Gettysburg, March 20. J. C. Neely, A TTOTOZEIr AT LAW.—Particalar atten- A. lion pll.l to collection of Pengioni, 11 )unty, and Rick-pay. Office in the S. B. corner of the Diamond. Gettysburg, 'April 0,1883. tf —l - Globe Inn, YOBS IT., MR TH2 DIAMOND, GHT TYB B URG, P A.—The - undersigned would most respectfully inform hiis nun merous friends and the public getierally, that lie has purchased that long established and well known Hotel, the "Globe Inn," in York street, Gettysburg, and will spare no effort to conduct it in a manner that will not detract from its former high reputation. His table will have the best the market can afford—hip chambers are spacious and comfortable—and lie has laid in for his bar a full stock of wines and liquors. There is large stabling attached to the Hotel, which will be attended by atten tive hostlers. It will be his constant endeavor to render the fullest satisfaction to his guests, making his house as near a home to them as possible. He asks a share of the public's pa tronage, determined as he is to deserves large put of ,it. Remember, the "Globe Inn" is in York street, but near the Diamond, or Public Square. SAMUEL WOLF. April 4, 18E4. tf Railroad Rome, N EAR: THE DEPOT, HANOVER, YORK CO., PA. The undersigned would respectfully inform lVis numerous friends and the public generally, that he has leased the Hotel In Hanover, near the Depot, formerly kept by Mr. Jeremiah Kohler, and will spare no effort to conduct it in a mAnner that will give general satisfaction. His table will have the best the markets can afford—his chambers are spacious and com fortable—and he has laid in for his bar a full stack of choice wines and liquors. There is stabling for horses attached to the Hotel. It will be his constant endeavor to render the fullest satisfaction to his :guests, making his house as near a home to them as possible.— Ile-asks a share of the public patronage, de termined as he is to deserve a large part of it. Remember the Railroad House, near the De pot Han over, Pa. A. P. BAUGHER. Oct. 3, 1865; tf Notions & Confections. WORD TO THE PEOPLE OF TOWN AND 4 COUNTRY. 21HE subscriber keeps a Notion and Confes s's. tionary Store on Carlisle street, nearly opposite the Railroad &MIA, Gettysburg, where he has constantly on hand, CANDIES, NUTS, Figs, Raisins, Lemons, Oranges, &c., Tobaccos and Segars of all kinds ; Pocket. Books, Suspenders, Neck Ties, Collars, &c.; Soaps and Perfumeries; also some GROCE RIES, Sugars, Coffees, Rice, with the different kinds of Crackers. lee-cold MEAD at all times. He Invites custom from town and country, and sells at small profit". mtms STROUSE. Aug. 7, 1865. 1y - A kinds of T10T1311.113, large and small, .Lll6 muddy and correctly copied at the Excel- L G. TYSON. MB A SUPERIOR quality of the best Loads* A Dralt, HAKES, with or without, fsatios.• ings r fo; taltbr 34c,CItICABY Cli . i - , - '' :'''' ">°'‘,.../ , . ~..' ''. 9- 4.- - ..P4- • .7,, • V.,Y . • ~.- -2 e.,,eainCN0PM., .. .4.: ',Yr., ~-,... a •,., .y r -,.... ;11,...[54- ' -, r • ••.-•. . '' 0 , •• ••••' , • • . t (ill - 111 1 INV \\*.... . . rr. •z BY IL J. STABLE. Fresh Arrival. ATS, CAPS, BOOTS k SHOES. COBEAN a CO. avejnet received and opened another splendid :assortment. of HATS, CAPS, BOOTS and 'SHOES, for Summer wear, which they are ceiling at very low prices considering the times. The latest styles of Sommer Hats and Cape, of every description and price. ic Boots and Shoes, of superior make, and? 4 warranted to fit, alwaTs on hand. Work made to order and repairing done on short no. ace, by experiented workmen. Also, HARNESS MARINO, carriedon in all its branches. Persons want ing anything in this line would do well to call. rarDon't forget the old stand in Chambers burg street, If you want Bargains. COHAN & CRAWFORD. June 19, 1885. Fresh Supply. NEW GOODS AT REDUCED PRICES!— A. SCOTT & SONS have itut, received another fine assortment'of NEW GOODS, con. slating, in part, of Cloths Cassimeres, easel nets, Kentucky Jeans, an di Tweeds, for Gen tlemen's wear. Also, a fine assortm ent of LADIES' DRESS GOODS - Our stock has been selected with great care, and we are prepared to sell as cheap as any other establishment in the country. We ask the public to give us a call and judge for themselves. We defy competition, both as to quality and price. A. SCOTT dk April 2, Ism Cabinet Furniture. THE subscribers hereby inform their rus towers and the public generally, that they have now on hand, and continue to man ufacture to order CABINET FURNITURE, which, for style and durability, finish and price, will compete with any in the county.— Our p4ezent stock consists of every variety o Furniture nenally kept l in a first class Furni. tare Ware Room. Fashionable, ornamental or plain Furniture manufactured in the most substantial manner, ny most experienced workmen, and at the lowest cash prices. UNDERTAKING. Having a new Hearse, particular attention will be given to thii branch of their business," They are prepared tlalie aid furnish Coffin* of any desired qual y, and attend Funera l at the shortest ncitice=and - on such terms as cannot fail to pleifse all. The subscribers-return their thanks to the public for the liberal patronage extended to them in the past, and hope to meri t and receive a continuance of public"patronage. bop and Ware Room third building east of the Square. H. FETE & BRO. Littleatown, April Id, 1866. tf Pianos ! Pianos ! PIANOS I—The undersigned would respect fully inform the public that he can furnish NOS of the following manufacturers, or those of other mare, if desired, at the lowest possible prices : ' CBE:KERING & SONS. . DECKER BROS. HAZLETON BRost. .... HAINES BROS. ' GEO. STECI. A. 11. GAII4E & CO. i STEIN WAG k SONS. - )Particular attention is givOn to the se lection of Pianos ; and when so selected, in ad tion to the manufacturers' guarantee, the Pianos are guaranteed by me. MASON & HAMLIN CABINET ORGANS AND MELODIANS The recent improvements in these ingtrn ments are such as to fully warrant saying they are VAR SUPERIOR to any other make. One of the best evidences of their merit is, that their improvements are imit tted by other makers. The new style, four atop organ, have a Sub-Bass and Octave Couplet, making it an instrument especially adapted to Church and Sabbath School purposes. DESCRIPTIVE CIRCULARS will be sent by mail to persons desiring them. Pianos tuieil r7gularly._ Pianos taken in ex change. PRTEII RENTZ, No. 30 Bait Market St., York, Pa June 12,1365. ly Hanover B. Railroad. Tv"TABLE.—On and after Friday, Nov. 24th, 1863, passenger trains on the Han over Branch Railroad will leave an follows : FIRST TRAIN, (which. makes connection with three trains on the Northern Central Railway at the Junction,) will leave Hanover at 9 00 A. M., for York, Baltimore, Harrisburg, and intermediate stations. grarThis train returns to Hanover at 12 IL and : 4 rrives at Gettysburg at 1 P. M. SECOND TRAIN leaves Hanover at 2.20 P. M., and arrives at the Junction at 3.10 P. M., connecting with the Mail Train South, which arrives at Baltimore at SP. M. Passengers by this :Train for York lay over at the Junction until 6.12 P. M. Passengers leaving Baltimore for R u o ver, Gettysburg, and Littlestown, will take either 'the Train at 9 A. H., or the Fast Line at !112.10 P. M. JOSEPH LElli, Agent. Dec. 18, 1865. Cumberland Coal I I A LARGE supply of superior EVA CKSIIITTI COAL, now on hikd at reduced price. This Coal is liuperiOr tchall other Coal is the United States for welding and other blacksmith purposes. For saleltiy P. H. PYFER,, CH" Coal Yard, Frederick city, Ed. June 19, 1865. Iy* Lawrence D. Dietz it Co. IXTWHOLESALE DEALERS IN TT T... FANCY GOODS, NOTIONS, HOSIERY and VARIETIES, No.BoB West Baltimore Street, Between Howard k Liberty r Streets, Nay 7, 10 . 6. Biltinore, Md. Howard Association, PHILADELPHIA, PA.—Diseases of the Urinary and Sexual Systems--new and reliable treatment. Also the BRIDAL CHAM BER, an Essay of Warning and Instruction, sent in sealed envelopes, free of charge. Ad dress Dr. J.' MILLI?: HOUGHTON, Howard Association, No. 2, South Ninth Street, Phila delphia, Pa. , [Oct. 2, 1865. ly The Far Famed 44 ER8AL CLOTHES WRINGER."— IrT r sides the grail saving of Labor, the saving in the wear and tear of clothing in a single year, more than amounts to the price of this Wringer. It is strange that any family 'wald be willing to do without it. For sale at VAHNILSTOCK BROS. ; and at C. H. BUR. WM'S; [Feb, Adams County MUTUAL FIRE LNSURANCS COMPANY iNCORFOILATZD, MARCIE 18, 1851. Orricau President--George Swope. Vice President—Sal:noel R. RusselL Secretary—D. A. Buehler. Treasurer—E. G. Falinestock. Executive Committee—Robert McCurdy An drew Heintaelman, Jacob King. MANLOSltB.—eorge Swope, D. A.'Buehler, R.. McCurdy, M. Eichelberger, S. R. Russell, E. G. Fahnestock, A. D. Buehler, R. G. McCreary, Gettysburg; Jacob King,, Straban township; A. Heintrelinan, Franklin; "Wm. D. Eames, New Oxford; Wm. B. Wilson, Bendersville ; H. A. Picking, Etraban township ; John Wol ford, Latimore township; John Picking, East Berlin; Abel T. Wright, Bendersville ; Abdiel F. Gitt, New Oxford ; Jas. H. Marshall, Ham iltonban township; John Cunningham, Free dom township; John .Horner, blountjoy town ship; Wm. Ross White, Liberty township. sorThis Company is limited in its opera tions to the county of Adams. "It has been in operation for more than 15 years, and in that period has made but oar assessment, having paid losses by firs during that period amount ing to $13,988—56,T69 of which have been paid during the Viet two years. Any person desiring an Insurpuce can apply to any of the above named Managers for further information. gta`The Executive Committee meets at the office of the Company, on the last Wednes day in every month, at 3 o'clock, P. M. Oct. 16, 1865. tt Removal OF BOTH OUR SHOPS TO CHAMBERS BURGSTREET OPIX TO -DAY, MAY 11, 1866 We take special pleasure in announcing to our friends ant customers that NO have this day opened our ICE CREAM SALOORE, at oar new stand in Chambersburg street, near!) opposite the Lutheran Church. We have had the apartments fitted up In the best style.— Ladies and Gentlemen are Invited to call. We Will also furnish Ice Cretin% in any quan tity to public or private,rarties, at prices un precedented. We will also have constantly on hand Fresh Cakes, which we • will furnish to all parties and picnics at the shortest notice. MEAD AND MINERAL WATER can always be bad icy and cool and at all boars. Haring had a lifelong experience in the manufacture of all the foregoing articles we ask the p ttronage of the public generally. May 21,18G6. tf MINNIGII k BRO. • Soluble Pacific Guano. 200 LBS. SOLUIII,I3 PACIFIC GUANO contains 70 lbs. animal matter,yielding 7 to 8 lbs. ammonia. Also 80 to 90Ibs. earthy bone Phosphate of lime, 30 lbs. of which are soluble phosphate. It combines all the advantages of the best brands of Super Phosphate, with those of Pe• ruvian Guano. By reason of its .greater concentration, we re commend 20 per et. leas by weight to be used per acre, than of any fertilizer costing the same per ton ; and no more per acre than of those Felling at 20 per ct. snore per ton.— Hence ita economy. This guano weighs 65 lbs. per bushel, hence in applying. ,it farmers mnst be governed by weight and not by bulk, tor it is much lighter than the Super Pno§phates. Entry cargo duly inspected. JOHN B. REESE & CO , GENERAL A48:11 4 9 FOR THE .SOUTH, 71 South Street, Baltimore " Flour of Bone." WE will give a money guarantee of the purity of this article. It is pure un steamed, unburnt bone, reduced to the fineness of dour, which adds 100 per ct. to its value. It is as quick and active as acid dissolved bone, hence its value is vastly greater, because it contains neither acid nor water, which neces sarily add weight, and. reduce the quantity of valuable elements. We recommend 250 lbs. to be used in place of 300 lbs. Super Phosphate or dissolved bone. JOHN S. REM k CO., GEBea►L AGIS4T9 TOR Sllll &MTH, 71 South Street, Bettintore. gfirMeCuttly k Diehl, Agents, Gettysburg Mar. 12, 1866. B,n M ORO PHILLIPS' Genuine Improved Super-Phosphate OP • Lime. STANDARD GUARANTEED. For Sale at Manufacturer's Depots, 27 ,NoriA Front Street, Phi:add/ duo, Pa. 951 , South - Street, BaltintoreiNd. And by Dealers lie general throngout the Country: The Material of which MORO PHILLIPS' PHOSPHATE is manufactured contains fifty per cent. more Bone Phosphate than Raw Bone, therefore it is more durable. The ammonia present gives it great additional fertilizing value. Five years' experience has proved to the Farmer that it makes a heavier grain than even stable manure, and is not only wive but lasting. MORO PHILLIPS, Sole Proprietor and Manufacturer. tar Pric e $36 p‘l• ton-2000 pounds. Dis count to denied. Feb. 12, 1866. tf Gettysburg Railroad. CHANGE CONNHCTIONS.—On and af ter Monday, November 20th, 1065 Pas- Banger Trains will leave and arrive at dettys burg, and make connections, as follows: FIRST TRAIN will leave Gettysburg at 7.45 A. M., with passengers for York, Harris burg, Philadelphia, Baltimore, and the North and West, arriving at Hanoier Junction with out change of cars, at 10.25 A. 51,,, connecting with the Fast Line South on the Northern Cen tral Railway, and arriving at Baltimore at 12.30 noon. Also connecting with Mail Train from Baltimore north, arriving in - Harrisburg at 1.20 P. M. Arrive at Gettyslinrg 1.10 P. with passengers from Harrisburg, York, Baltimore and Washington. SECOND TRAIN will leave Gettysburg at 1.20, P. M., arriving •at Hanover Junction at 3.15. and connecting with mail train South. Arrive at Baltimore at 5.30 P. M. Arrive at Gettysburg at 6.15 P. M., with passengers from Philadelphir., Harrisburg and the:North and West, and also with passengers from Baltimore and Washington by the fast line north, which leaves Baltimore at 12.10 noon. Passengers can leave Baltimore in the flail Train - at 9A. N., and arrive in Gettysburg at 1.10 P. M. Or leave Baltimore in the fast line at 12.10 noon, and arrive in Gettysburg at 6.15 P. M. But one change of cars by the first train, either way, viz : at Hanover Junction. The fast line on the Northern Central will not stop at any local stations, except York, Hano ver Junction and l'arkton. Connections cer tain. R. McCUROY, Pres't. Nov. 27, 1865 1866 or Ik' r y o o n a g h h ay s e ki e n h ag e ed th h e sn o d t s, E liGs Termed bytt. R HORNER.' FRY Dr. li. HORNER'S Tonic and Altera tive Powders, for HORSES and CATTLE Prepared and sold only at his Drug Store. January 25. 1864. TYSON'S Excelsior Skylight Gallery is the place to go if you wish Pictures at low prices. Satisfaction guaranteed. KALBFLEISCR is selling a large amount of Goods,because the people are finding out that he is determined not to be undersold. SUGAR CURED RAiIS.—A fresh supply just received. A prime article and for sale eheap by STRICKEIOUSER k WISOTZKY. PRICES REDUCED to salt the time at the Excelsior Skylight Gallery. •• -- 0. TYSON -4- GETTYSBURG, PL, MONDAY, JULY 23, 1866. itlttitb butrP- Where are you going So fast, old man, Where are you going so fast 1' There's a valley to cross, and a river to Ihrd, There's a clasp of the hand and a parting word, And a tremulous sigh for the past, old man; The beautiful vanished past. The road has been rugged and rough, old man, To your feet It's rugged and rough; But you see a dear being with gentle eyes, Who shared in your labor and sacrifice; Ah! that has been sunshine enough, old man, For you and me, sunshine enough. How lona since you matted o'er the hill, old man? Of life o'er tie top of the hill Were tnige beautiful valleys on t'other side . ? Were there flowers, and trees with their branches wide? To shut out the heat of the sun, old man, The heat of the fervid sun. And how did you cross the waves, old man, Of sorrow—the fearful waves? Did yotflay your treasures by, one by one, With an aching heart and "God's will be done," Under the wayside - dust, old man, in.the graves 'neath the wayside dust? • There la SOMA' and labor for all, old man— Alas! there is sorrow for all; And you, peradventure, have had your share, For eighty long winters have whitened your hair, And they've whitened your heart, as well, old man, Thank God! your heart as well. Ton are now at the foot of the hill, old man— At last at the foot of the hill I The sun has gone down In a golden glow, And the Heavenly City Is Just below; Go In through the pearly gate, old man— The beautiful pearly gate. tsriallurul - 4 PDT/Milt. UARVISTS WITHOUT PREVIOUS ROW - ISO. In a recent number of the Sehnellpbat We find an account of a method of com pelling the wheat become peren nial, like grass, and to perfect its grains annually without annual sowing of seed, whieh has been successfully practiced at Constance, Germany. It was discovered by the steward of an estate, named Kern. His method, after ploughing and manur ing Oland and sowing it with summer or winter wheat, is to mow it in the spring, before the ear makes its appearance.— This process is repeated several times in the season, and the product is used as hay. The plant is then allowed to grow and be cut in the ordinary manner. The next year it ripens earlier and bears more abundantly than when treated in the or dinary manner. It is manured in the autumn like grass in the meadows, and in the spring cleared from weeds. In this manner, from one field, four success ive harvests have been gathered. " FALL PLOWING CLAY LANDS .Our farmers are learning one very im portant thing in farming our clay lands ; that is, fall plowing, if done at the right time and well done. Although It does not accord with the views of our exam piers, yet experience has taught us its great benefit. No machinery yet invent ed can fine our chiy land like the frosts of winter. I can convince any one if he will only look on a piece of barley here, part fall plowed, and part plowed this spring. J But the benefit to.the crop is not all; we can plow for one-half the cost in the fall. Our teams are in good condition, and ready, with a small ex pense for feed. I close, and may say more on the subject of plowing, tome oth er time, as that is a very important part of farming.—N. H. N., Geneva, New York. 1111fLIE FEVEIR. L COIFS. We lost, a few months since, a tine cow with this disease, and there has been considerable fatality with it _in some of our large dairy districts._ A practical farmer informs us that, in his own dairy, he has found nearly a certain cure to be a large dose of laudanum, not less than six to eight ounces. It has also proved very successful In many other cases outside of his own dairy. With our own now—and we believe it is a gen ! eral accompaniment of the disease— there was a violent dashing about with the head and horns indicating great ex citement of the brain. The laudanum alleviates this, - and by temporarily checking this excitement, allows time for the disease to be thrown off by tfie natural efforts of the system. Whatever may be the theory of its action, how ever, the favorable results in nine cases out of ten have been very remarkable,— Rural Advertiaer. HOW TO COOK A A beefsteak ought always to be broiled and never fried ; but the following meth od of cooking is recommended by Mrs. Hutton, which even those who are accusr tomed xo frying may be willing to try: "The frying pan being wiped very dry, place it upon the stove, and let It become hot—very hot. In the meantime, mangle the steak—if it chance to be sirloin so much the better—pepper and salt it, then lay it in the hot, dry pan, which cover as tightly as possible. When the raw flesh touches the heated pan, of course it seethes and adheres to it, but in a few seconds it becomes loosened and juicy.— Every half minute turn the steak; but be careful to keep it as much as possible un dercover. When nearly done lay a small piece of butter upon it if you want much gravy, and a tablespoonfulvfstrong coffee. In three minutes from the time steak first goes into the pan it is ready for the table. This method of cooking makes the most delicious, delicately broiled steak, full of juice, yet retaining the healthful beefy flavor that any John Bull could require. The same method may be applied to mutton chops, only they re quire a little longer cooking to prevent them from being rare. An excellent gravy may be made for them by adding a little cream, thickened with a pinch of floor, in& which when off the fire and partly cool, stir in the yoke of an egg, well beaten I , • t op-"'God speed the plow r. GOING HOME. THE PHILADZI PHI A 'NATIONAL CON. VEXTION. The National Intelligcnce'r ` publishes the following circular from the National Union Committee in reference to the Philadelphia National Convention : In many of the States active steps have been taken to have full and able delega tions to the proposed National Uniolt Convention at Philadelphia, August 14th. In others there' seems to be some misun derstanding as to the manner in which delegates are to be chosen. With a view to give the ,proper information, the fol lowing circular, emanating from the Na tional Union Committee, has just been issued and Bent into all the States and Territories * The indications are that this Convention will be one of the most impo sing and important assemblages ever held in this country : [crucut.An.] WASHINGTQN, D. C., July 10, 1866. Your immediate and earnest attention is invited to the annexed call for a Na tional Convention, is:ued by the Nation al Union Executive Committee, and the accompanying endorsement thereof by prominent gentlemen who are well known toThe country. The undersigned have been duly ap pointed a committee to facilitate and ex pedite, by correspondence and otherwise, such action as may seem necessary to - ring togetherlat Philadelphia a Convent tion of the ablest men of the nation, with out regard to their party antecedents, who favor, generally, the restoration pol icy President Johnson has advocated as against the dangerous course pursued by the majority of Congress. We deem it proper to suggest that it is desirable that there be sent from each State four delegates at large and two from each Congressional district who favor the principles set forth in the call, to be ta ken from the supporters of Lincoln and Johnson in 1804, and a like number from their opponents. Also, four delegates from each Territory, and four from the District of Columbia.. In those States whereof a portion of the people were lately in rebellion, a corresponding of delegates may be chosen by the people generally who accept the princi ples stated in the call. It is not intend ed, however, that these suggestions shall interfere with any arrangements already made for the selection of delegates. It is entirely to the political organizations in the different States and districts that con cur in . the principles of the call to decide whether they will choose their delegates by joint or separate meetings, by their executive committees. We have been authorized to appoint temporary executive committees in the States where the same are presumed-to be necessary. You are, therefore, request ed to act as such committee, and to adopt immediate measures to secure a full dele gation to the proposed Convention, not interfering, however, with the action which existing organizations may have taken for the same object. Your action will be such as to aid such movements— the purpose of your appointment being to provide for the selection of delegates if no adequate preliminary arrangements have yet been made. The day fixed for the National Conven tion is near, and we desire to impress on you and on all friends of this cause, that It is of the first importance that district or State Conventions, or State executive committees, immediately appoint dele gates. And it is particularly requested that a list of delegates and committees appointed be speedily forwarded to the chairman of this committee. In conclusion, we have to add that the paramount object of this movement is to bring into a great National Conference, from all parts of our distracted country, wise and .patriotic men, who may devise a plan of political action calculated to re store national unity, fraternity and har mony, and secure to an afflicted people that which is so sincerely desired by all good filen, the practical blessings of an enduring peace. Amx. W. RANDALL, Ll:wis D. CAMPBELL, MONTGOMERY 81, AIR. HUAI! AN HONEST REPUBLICAN PA. PER SAYS. We Commend to the notice of the Re publican newspapers of this county the following honest expression of opinion from the Selinsgrove Post, always a con sistent Republican journal : "Duiing the past few weeks we have been asked: 'Are you in favor of ,Ans drew Johnson's course?" To which we must •emphatically say yes! Ile stands precisely, without fear or favor, where the Union Republican party placed him in 1961—iiit the Baltimore platform. We have pursued, in regard to the Lincoln- Johnson policy, the rule which we al ways observe lu the discharge of ou rjdu ty as journalists—we have interrogated our conscience as to what we ought to do, and that fathful guide tells us that we ought to, with all our might, mind and strength, sustain the statesmanlike and patriotic policy of the President of the United States; and renounce, with all our abili ty, the evil designed party—Stevens, Sumner dr, Co.—who would, if they pos sessed the power, lead us down into_ the darkness of despotism,hr the shame and confusion of anarchy, for their personal aggrandizement." le - The Disunion press have not denied the charge, made against Geary and the State Central Committee of his party, that they waited upon Gov. Curtin and urged him to ignore the people and to prevent them from voting on the Rump amend ment, by calling the last Legislature together, to adopt it immediately. Will the voters of Pennsylvania cast their bal lots for a mall who has thus insulted their intelligence, ignored their prerogatives, and counseled a usurpation of their dear est rights? Will they vote for a man who wants to take "snap judgment" upon them, and to prevent them from having an opportunity of saying whether we shall have a Union or not—whether or not ne gro suffrage shall be forced upon the Southern States—and whether the word "white" shall be struck out or remain in their State constitutions? We hope they will not. Let them ignore - Geary as Geary has ignored them. BEZir - The Bumpers are not so liberal to the soldiers of the war of 1812' a.s they have proved themselves to be to the "colored citizens." After many sharp practices upon the bill to grant pensions to those soldiers and their widows and orphans, the Dlsunionists were finally compelled on Friday week to vote almost directly upon it. On motion of Kelley (Disunionist} the bill was referred to the Committee' on Invalid Pensions by a vote of ayes 74; nays 47—the Democracy voting solidly against the reference. Thus the bill for white soldiers of 1812 and their widows and orphans was quashed by the Stevens-Gearyites. The money already squandered upon lazy Africans would have made all of them comfortable and happy. • hfq..Gen. Grant has expressed his de termination not to be the candidate of any party for the Presidency. Consider ing himself entirely too young to retire Gam public life—as he considers it neces sary at the end of a presidential term--be prefers to wait.. 48TH YEAR. NO. 43, THE DissournoN OF THE ILEIPCIII.I. CAN PARTY. While the Republican newspapers of Pennsylvania are to a.great extent igno ring alt the vital issues of the day and contenting themseh es with heaping stale slang abuse upon the Democratic party and its candidates, they follow the lead of Thad. Stevens and of John W. Forney with a blind infatuation that is wonder ful. We admire their stolid stupidity and would not have them change their tactics. They do not see that their party is in the very throes of dissolution.— Whetber they will wake up to a realiza tion df their true situation before the coming election, we neither know nor care. ITheirdestinyissealed. The hand writing is on the wall and it cannot be erased; Here and there a Republican editor 1 is to be found who has political wisdom sufficient to enable him to fore tell th impending destruction that must follow in the way they are pursuing.— The Pittsburg Cbitimereial exhibits some strong symptoms of alarm, but we know no other paper in this State which is not conterit to have its eyes bandaged so that it cannot see. In vain does the New York •Timeairge the adoption of a wiser policy. Those who follow the lead of Stevens and Greeley dare not break loose from the traces lin which they are securely har neasedl.l We do not suppose they will heed the following plain warning. The Times imys : , The Union party is not united. The present condition of the party exhibits 31 strong and dangerous dissensions rather than armony. And in the regular ar rangei eats of the party no provision has been ade for eliciting the prevalent opinio in regard to questions that have arisen ince the last Presidential election as wel as since the election of the mem bers now in Congress. On the principle that quit should be hidden which is not pleasant, and that that which we. would fain not believe should be concealed, perhaps, there is gross Wrong in these confessions touching the - position of the Union party. It may perch nee be.eriminal to disturb the ho sann: - of those who cry peace when there is no I ace, and who write about the party . s though no difference of opinion exist • • In its ranks. But we confess our inabili y to discover either wisdom or hones , in this course. Disguise It as we may, tie unpleasant fact does not admit of mistake. The Union party is divided so dirt ed and distracted that its defeat will he nevitable unless sonzething he mean while one to determine authoritatively, its col se on the question of restoration, its cond it •ns and consequences. The Lancaster Intelligences well says that a ter such a bold and authoritative exposi on of the true condition of the Repub lean party, the Democracy of Penns lvania can afford to laugh at all the lit e gibes, the'many querulous com plain, - and the Infinitude of mean and meant glees lies with which Republican newsp pers are constantly filled.. They can sa ely refuse to deign any reply to these ...hatless barbs, being contenb in in the meantime with standing firmly by the great principles which are daily commanding themselves to all thought ful me .. When•the Convention which nomin ted General Geary committed the &pub lean party of this State to all the crudes hemes of the fanatics in Congress, the fa • of the organization and of its weak id vulgar candidate was sealed: Disu ioniam in a Bad Way. —The New York imes, (Republican) says : "Th: call for a National Union conven tion h - operated _upon the more violent of the radicals as asearlet cloak is sup posed to operate upon an angry bull. It lut‘incensed them almost to madness." The - - ew York Express says : "The disruption of the Disunion party (calling itself 'Union') shows itself more upon the call for the Philadelphia Union Convention, than upon anything else. "Republicans and Democrats, who act ed with the administration during the war, are now, everywhere, more or less, as we see by the public journals, going into the convention. The response to the call is universal from lowa to Maine— and the convention, in point of numbers and representation, will be a perfect suc cess." IM.The Radical disu,nionists greatly fear the adjournment of Congress. They think that when that event occurs, they will be all turned away from the public erib, at which they are now feeding.— They are shamelessly prolonging the ses sion, and recklessly spynding the money of the heavily burdened tax-payers, sim ply to prevent, if possible, any changes irr the offices they now hold. If they were assured that they would not be dis turbed in their present snug positions, they would adjourn ,to-morrow; but, feeling somewhat uncertain on this point, they want Congress to sit forever, and thus hope to have a perpetual stream of public plunder flowing into their pockets. And these are the fellows who are all the timeprating about a "bread and butter brigade !"—Pcitriot & Uaion. 'The rumor that General Geary is to be withdrawn from the Gubernatorial contest is daily gaining strength. The reason of this stragetic movement, how ever, is not the absolute certainty of de feat that stares him in the face, but is, we learn, the fact that he has been tendered a high command in Victor Emanuel's army, since the latter'a uncomfortable defeat by the Austrians. It is thought by V. E. that the prestige of Geary's name and his great fame as a warrior, will promptly rescue from destruction the Sardinian forces. We understand that the General is pre ring a farewell letter to his old friend Major Samuel Maguire, clearly defining, his position upon this all-important subject. —.Age, Lir Should Gov. Curtin call an extra session of the Legislature to adopt the Rump Constitutional patch, and thus entail taxes upon the people of the State to the extent of at least two hundred thousand dollars, the people will elect a new Legislatnre next fall which will not dare to elect Curtin to the United States Senate. We may safely say, therefore, that Curtin dare not ignore the people's right to have a voice in the matter by call ing an extra session.—Patriot 4fi• Union. lair The friends of negro suffrage in Pennsylvania will vote for General Geary. He is known to be in favor of that meas ure, and is thoroughly endorsed by all the advocates of negro equality in the State. Voters who are in favor of a white man's government will bear this in mind at the ballot-box. Dann twenty years from now thechii dren of the black republicans will deny that their daddies ever belonged to suieh a party. They wit,' he ashalaild 111 i DISLIMER AClT msr _!-211ENLE AVON ZIOLIR PEo. ,t Says the Johnstown Tribuse t of ally "Private advice.; (rare Harrisburg as sure us that the. State authorities aro busily engaged in making preparations to carry oat the previsions of the Ala Allk the Legislature disfrauchisigg deserter.. Election °inners will be required to refuse to reclaim the votes of deserters, the de cision of the Supreme Court on the Frank lin county deserter case to the contrary notwithstanding." IA not the 'Tribune miatekon The opinion of the Supreme Court, open the Aet of Congress of March 3, Mai, ie that - "It means that the forfeits re which It prescribes, like all other p e nis itiea for de sertion, mast be oljurfgc to the convict ed person after trial by a court martial and scnocnee approect. For the movie tion and sentence of such 9 court acre can br no subelieute." In regard to clertion board "tribu nals," the opinion Is that— "It is not iu the power of Congress to confer upon such a tribunal, which is ex. elusively of State creation, Jurisdiction to try oneness against the United States. * The doctrine seems a plain one that Congress cannot vest any of the judicial power of the United States in the courts of any other govcramcat or sovereignty. * Congr(.cs eannot.inaks a board of Slain election officers competent to try whether es person has been guilt yof an off,:um againsd the United States, and, if they find them guilty, to enforce a part of the prescribed penalty. "If therefore the act of March 3, IRO3, really contemplates the infliction of its prescribed penalty or any part of it with out due process of law, or if It attempts to confer upon the election officers of a State the power to determine whether there has been a violation of the act in curring the penalty, and to enforce the penalty or any part of it, It may well be doubted whether it is not transgressive of the authority vested in Congress by the Congifiltition. The opinion of the court Is, howevet, that Congress (lid not - contemplate giving to State election officers the power to re ject votes under the act. As Cong did not and could not delegate judicial powers to election officers ; and as Con gress has no authority to delegate power to any State or any court or officer gra State to try offi ?lees against the Federal Government; and as tlto•act of Congress is explicit upon the point that no man can be disfranchised until lawfully tried by court mai-till, convicted and sentence approved, it is therefore, perfectly plain that TIM STATE LAW IS A NULLITY, and that election officers will be liable to severe punishment for rejecting votes in accord ance with it. It is also clear that any person who shall attempt to intimidate a citizen front voting, by threat* of c 11 . ,/ kind, will also be liable to heavy punishment under the general election laws. Election tiff - leers who may presume to exercise' the forbidden judietal powers alluded to, can rest assured that they wilt be prowymtal with the utmost rigor! Will the newspaper above-mentioned please publish the decision of the Su preme Ll'ttrt upon the ease It mentions, or even the extracts from It which we have quoted, and thus give its readers et •little light upon the subject? Unless it does so, it statement may get some of its political friends upon 'election hoards into difficulties unpleasant and expensive to them, and for which they will doubtless recriminate upon their political organ.— Patriot cf: CROW EATISO. A worthy old farmer residing in the vi cinity of Lake Mahopeck. was worried to death last summer by boarders. Thfy found fault with his table and maid he had. nothing to eat.. "Darn ft," said old Isaac, one day, "what u fuss you're making. I can eat anything." ''Can you eat a crow ?" said one of the boarders. "Yes, I ken eat a crow !" "Bet you a hat," said the guest. The bet was made, the crow caught and nicely roasted, but, before serving up, they contrived to season it with a good. dose of Scotch snuff. Isaac- sat down to the crow He took a good bite, and be gan tcreh-ew away. "Yes I ken eat crow! (another bite, and an awful face.) I ken eat crow; bpd I'll be darned if I hanker arter it 1" Why Forney Abuses Mr. Davis' Coin- Rel.—We have mentioned the abuse that the shameless trickster, Forney, is, through the columns of his two papers, heaping on the distinguished gentlemen who are retained as counsel for Mr. D - vim. The chief reason for this abuse 17 that, in the Forrest divorce case years , ago, Mr. O'Conor was the leading coun sel for the lady in New York, and Mr. Reed in Philadelphia—the latter gentle man being the one who forced Forney, on his examination as a witness, to admit that he wrote the in famous Roberts letter, in which he advised the suborning of /1 drunken witness to confess to adultery with an absent woman.—Cooslitarionalist. IQ — All the impartial la-torlans vindi cate the honor of General Fitz John Por ter, the hero of Hanover Court House, Yorktown, Cold Harbor and Malvern Hill. It is expected_ that the General will shortly reeeive Justice at the hands of the Executivo. Dr. Gurney .in his history says "I think_ I have proves{' that a great wrong has been done. And for every legal wrong there Is a legal. remedy. It is due to the nation as welt as to Fitz John Porter that the wrong be righted as far as it can now he done." ..A negro at Indianapolis, Indiana, lately brought suit before a justice of the peace against a street railway company . for refusing to gi ye hi m a sent in the ears. The justice ignored the civil rights hitt by deciding that the company had rlght to classify passengers. Right. If Mr. Smoke don't like our ways let hhm go to, Hayti, where no white man has any rights which a negro is bound to respect. citizen of Springfield, Illinois; intends to test the constitutionality of the income tax, by carrying a case to the United States Supreme Court. The main point to be made is to show that the Income tax, laid upon the individ ual, ie u»constitntional because the Con stitution declares that direct taxes shalt be apportioned among the States accord ing to their respective numbers. irt,,When a lady (ince asked Turner,The celebrated English painter, what his se cret was, he replied : "I have floweret, madam, but hard work. This is a secret _that many never learned, and don't sue-, ceed because they don't learn It. Labor is the genius that changes the world from ugliness to beauty, and a greatoorw to a great blessing." MS-TheDisunion sty of the Rums House have reduced the duty on tee— the beverage of the rich—twelve sad *- half cents; while the duty on cotTea!-this drink of the poor—has been. reduced only two cents. l"14 this not discrimination on account of class ? O'Sir. and Mrs. Jeff. Davis are re ported a.s Wry comfortably, and even luxuriously, at present in one of the casemates at Fortress Monroe. The recent relaxation of millitary restrahrte has had a most favorable influence UP OI I Mr. Davis' health. le-Seventy-flue preachers in MlSabiarl, who have refused to take the oath a$ re. • quired by the new Constitutiaik been arrested and lodged in, On Friday, Rev. Mr. Dean was tannin We jail at Independence. He was ak aikaiste. daring the war in the Federal army.— as,The Arkansas frostbites nratif'dit 3 ; 'only fonmsisther as Tnuehvorkadindempd ly end the women lea than :
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers