11 4# 1 1.-- --''''"w'.llhMNll . ll.ltrilttairgi - A.itst V. lIP I INFERBOrrid CHEAP CLOTHING ifND FURNISIIINO STGRIC, et the North, orner of the Diamond. The subse.riber ' ..I constantly IQ recellit bffresh gogOlht from the' algirit'Citiegg Nis mock of . fOLIDY-MADE CLOTTIlh'il _. Js qUe' of the I.trgest end most attractive, as „weft as the chhapest establishment of the kind ju the eciontiy. Yon will there find COATS', /fibiTil 4119 VESTS, made np in the most i ldsitiontlile Myles, and of the beet rostebials, ' i sl a 1... raitet, aosl ,p,rle,ee, !for men end boys.— I pollens en •t furnishing goods or every Wool dessrip- I pen, Shirts, Muslin Shirts, Hickory 'Shins and Merino Shirts, Merino, Wool and Jotton Drawers, Hosiery orevery deecription uck.sfkin, Merino and Hutton Gloves, Hand , •erchiets, Neck Ties, Cravats, Linen and Paper Collart, Hats, (lips, Boots and Shoes. Urn .rellas, Trunks , Yalicas, Carpet Bags, Clothes and Shoe Angles, Hair and Tooth Brushes, ,lihise B) eking, 'Pocket and Dressing Combs, ivory 'Combs, Watches, Clocks and 'Jewelry,' puns, Pistols, Violins and Violin Strivs, _Oust", and Perfugeries,.Stationery of alt kin Is, 'rocket Knives,lsmoing and Chewingi Tot.e.c. co, Pipes, en extra quality of Began. In faci, lii. stock embrace, everything usually foetid ,in a first class Wiggling store. I' invite the attention of all to come end see for themselves, anyl ant determined to sell goods lower them otherestablisbment in the country. ' Don't furget the place. Corner of York street and f the Yirstueni. JACOB BRINti."EftIIQFP. July 4, 18C4. Cannon's Af f4tßpLE WOJitg!SI pntaitiojorespect,ire I Opposite the Court dvery descripttop of work executed 4 1 the finest style or the art. Jane 4, .86'5. , tf ,tireat Re4nclion In Prices. ' %AIN STOCK 1311.4Ti11.1118 are saw selling ()OD CA.1.1C048 .4.T 124 138:N? $, ;JEST I.l, 4 WlAA.Clilii,e AItISLIN 'AZ 28418., 'aulall o t her (hole iii proportion. ityuu want (MEAN liooda; now Is WI 140 to 14Y at at Call onge. PARNESTOCK BROTHERS.. flettyaborg, 1/Br. 20, 1869. W. B. BIDDLIt. H. S. BENNER. 5t.999 ljusljii. Grain Wanted. ir.W FIRM AT THE OW/ WARSHOUSE. Wl, R. 810 l lI h CO. would inform the public that they haveleasel the Warehonse on the corupr of Stratton street and the Rail. Jul, In 04tysburgovhere they wilt carry on ' TOE 'DRAIN AND PItODUCK BUSINESS, in all its branches. The highest prices will 'always be paid for Wheat, Rye, Corn, Oats, !lover and Timothy Seeds, Flaxseed, Sumac, Jlay and StreW, Dried Fruit, Nuts, SouP,Hums, Shoulders nod Sides, Potatoes, with every thing else in the country produce lice. ' GROCRIIIES.—On hand, for sale, Coffees, Pupas, Molasses, Syrups, Teas, Spices, Salt, llieese, Vinegar, Soda, Mustard, Starch, 'Drowns, Packets, IMacking, Soaps, &c. Also COAL 011,, Fish Oil, Tar, kc. FISH of all ° kinds; Spikes tied Nails; Smoking and Chew ;ing Tobaccos. '. They are always able to supply a first rate j unkie of Flour ) with the different kinds of 'Feed. Man, Grounii rlaster ' with Gus.noe •us . other fertilisers. CURL, by the bushel, ton or riir load. . • ' They will runs Lai; OF PRR(G FIT CARS from' Gettysburg to Baltimore once every week. They are prepared to convey Freight either way, In any quantity, at REDUCED 71ATES. They a iil attend, ff &sir' d, to the snaking of purchases in the pity, and dflicering the goods promptly in Gettysburg. ; Their tat. Pea to the Warehouse of Nathan S l oop dc. Vo., No. 128 North Iloward et., near Franklin, )30:tin:tore, where freight will be received gt any time. They invite the attention of the public to their line, aasuriag them thit they Neill spire ao effort to accommodate all who inay patronize them. April 18, MG* tf ' BIDDLS & BENNER. Removal. CALL AND SEE, US IN OUR NEW QUAR TERS GRRAT A??R ACTION 1 MICHAEL SPANGLER Would respectfully Inform his friends and'the public generally that he has moved his Store into the commo dious room on the southeast corner of the Dia isOnd, at •hicb place el are in•:Red to call. lie has puitbesed the property,.-and bad it thoroughly repaired and fitted up in the m splendid style,for the special cordfort and co c*nietice of Ws customers. We sow flatter ourselves that we bare not only the best store 'room in the county, but the finest stock of good ,eves brevet to this place, all of which we are Dor selling at prices.to DEFY COMPIitITJcoN. We Cali altuatturi especially to our complete stock of DQUE3 it 'PTO AIM FANCY DRY GOODS, ' embrooiog nil descriptions of -. "MASS GOODS, tillitSS SILKS, DELAMES; EIIINOES, CASHMEIIE4, C4LIGUIIS, MUK LINS, CORSETS, Hoop Skirts Gir Liulies nod Jensen, gosier,t, Gloves, Embroidery, Trim 4N! mil FANCY AII.TICLES. Also, Gent's FURNISiitNii GOODS, Cloths, P,estineres, Cassinets, Tweeds, he., Arc. We are now selling— )4a.slins from to 28. Filicoes from • to to 18. end other goods in proportion. Haring male ou/ purchases when goode wore at their very'lowest grade in the city, we `are nor Offering bargains Itiot cannot fail to p l 44e , iqvita all to call at our NSW bilultS and see if It is not so. • 14, 41),,4.xqt,R,tt. April 16, 1803. PUOTOGIUPIIIC. E. at H. T. antroxy dc CO., • itantifaeturers of Photo - graphic materials, Wholesale and Retail, , 801 HROADWAY, NEW YORK: on to our main business of PHOTO ' GRAPHIC MATERIALS we are Headgear ,l.ers for the following, xis: STEREOSCOPICTIEWS §f American and Foreign Cities and Land ' !gapes, Gronps, Statuary, kc. STEREOSCOPIO VIEWS OF THE WAR, From negatites Tide In the various cam paigns and Ranting a complete 'Photographic )iist,ory of the great contest. STEREOSCOPIC VIEWS ON GLASS, Atiapted for either the Magic Lantern or the /Stereoscope. Oar Catalogue will be sent tQ any addreva on receipt of stamp. • PHOTOGRAPHIC ALBUMS. We manufacture more largely than any oth er 'house ' obont 2,00 varieties trent 60 ,cents to po each. Our ALBUMS have the reputation of being superior in beauty and durability to ally others. Fawn PEICITOGRATES - Or GENERALS, STATESMEN 4C70113, ETC., ITC 'Oar Ostalogueembraces over FIVE THOU ."*BANP different subjects, including reproduc ions of the most celebrated Eagravings,Paint pgr, Scathes, kc. Cats Wipes sent on receipt of stamp, silfgaisphers and others • ordering goods please remit. Vi per cent of the amonai Irish their order." ' R oirrhi 'prices and ga'ality of oor goods pannot-fall 14'11.111er. June iB, 146 q, aelsOspie dr Gas Stoves. ' TauEL AND COFFBE BOILERS, GLUE • POTS, OIL CANS, ko., ko. • All the Cooking for 4fa .lAa rviiiii 7f he do4e frith N-r elf* 4 -iewe'oll, or' Gas, with le 'Wig f allir tro igo re, add et lest e x pense,-1/11 , Ociprissis by any othailhet. -se Mach Article mannfitoturedbY this Conspitey le-lisstiesktiti4 to perform all that is claimed ocif4 '.--? ;";"j Send for Cireolar.,i4 ",-- • !Anal Discount to As trade. 1,-4.SII4IOSENN 'LAMP BRATER, 00., ;:. e'r'.i $O6 Pear; Soar, N. F.' 1 July 18, 1816. *ll ; • *Coal ita4. Lumbeir, 9060111100iftiert,:y, st'thiß. Yir li d tTitti of' :• Llia, IX' 00i'. last RilOroo4 gig. 13. WOODS' • . puts? l'otA PO 4%44 Irti, SHOE, NOTIOIf AYM' PI TY STORE, Where you can buy the cheapest and but Foods in torn, Corner of tho Diainnid and York Street. !,! RATS. 'ITS FOR 01,D MOS.—Soh snot A39' brims. HATS FOR FASI3IIII4I.IBLR MEN.—Always the latest out: , [TATS FOR yOUNG MEN.—"The latest Is- saes." RATS FOR BOYS.—Srery variety and style. HATS FUR CHILDREN.—.Neat and fashion."- , ble. BOOTS AND SHOES. BOOTS FOR MEN AND BOYS.—Oheap and good. ' SHOES FOR BEN AND BOYS.--A large ss sortinent.- SHOES FORJ L cheap and neat. SHOES rya CHILDRBN . .—The best 'assort- ment in town. CUTTERS OF lITHRY STYLK.For Ladies, clents`and Children. I • goTrONS. STOCKING OP ALL KINDS. —Por Ladies, Ile demon . and Children. OLOVES.—!or Men, liadiei and Children, chimp as ever. NECK-TIM—A splendid assortment. ,p4PER COLLAR-S.—For L.tdies and Gentle. nap. LANEY HANDKERCHIEFS.—Bordered and Plain. for Ladies and Gents. CAMBRIC, HANDKERCHIEFS.—`Iice - and - • eh y ap forohll4ren. COMBS.— um and Horn. (.. SUSPEND RS . —A general assortment.`' GARTERS. Best Elastic for Lathes and Chil drOn. it ' 001ISETS.—The best fitting and most 'nom farkible at low prices. SPOOL C Trox.— T ot all colors, cheapest an best. ' - ' 7 .IIITETY GOODS.' UMBRELLAS—At lowest. prices, LADIES' BASKETS—Cheapest in town. CARRIAGE WHIPS—Of best India Steel. STROPS—That make a keen edge. sgAyptiG !SOAP AND BRUSHES—The very • - best. ~ LEAD PENCILS—Of tbebest make. SHOE BRUSIIES-LCheap but good. CARPET SACKS-Plain andSailroad. TRUNES—Of all sills tilirßefore purchasing always call at the FIRST NATIONAL STORE and gave money by buying cheap. ' 11. B. WOODS. 'June It, 066. . Q ' • ICKING'S 0 NEW P AGVERTISENKNTS. 6V• WIIATALATtGE kl" Stock of Cheap Clottlioz at PICKING'S. WAVED OUT I THE HIGH PRICES.- 11 - . - Call and be satisfied by pricing Clothing at PICKING'S. TT CAN'T BE DENIED, THAT PICKING has i the largest assortment of Coats, Pants and Vests, in the county. 1 (BUNKS AND CARPET BAGS, in endless variety, Olean at PICKING'S. T IS EVEN SO I A large stock of Over shirts, Suspenders, Umbrellas, White and Calico shirts, cheap at PICKING'S. ItkTICE! NICER! I NICEST 111 All kinds 1 . 1 Sunday and every-day sults cheap. PICKING'S. GENTEELI GENTEELERI I GEOREL gF II 1 Black 'Cloth Frock, and Sack Coats; also all kinds of Cassimere, Duck, tot t9u and Olen Coats. -Call at PICKING'S. IT IS INDEED, ASTONISHING, what a large and cheap assortment of ants ran be had at ,of NG'S. - 17EEP TIME I Fine assortment 'locks 1 11 chimp at - PIC 'S. 0 LISS , TALKING, lint come right' along and price Clothing, Notions, Atc.ovt . PICKING'S. 1( if US CAL INSTRUMENTS. Violins, Ac- Ili c rdions, Flutts and Fifes, to be had at , PICKING'S. ARE YOU 1N? For a cheap snit. Then 'mil at PICKING'S. CA REENBACKS, or any other kind of good Ilnimey, taken in exchange for Coats, Pants, ests, ice ~ at PICKING'S. WEE GREAT SENSATION of the day -1 Pi .king's Clothing Store. HE P, CHEAPER, CHEAPEST—Pick- I sSommer Spring and Smer Clothing. ND SEE Picking's Chcap-Clotyng i STOP'A MOMENT I—What's 'he hurry? I want to get a snit, at PICKING'S. NICITHER EARTH is putting on a new snit. Let, all the people go to Picking's and dc ltkewis, ' - [April 23, 1866.] r N6RIILS STILL AIMED! 1866. ri j s U b S a l s . j F n R s t ° rltnTrn E e f l r r o Y m l the N'r. Ci ty with the finest and cheapest lot of reedy made clothing ever offered in Gettysburg. DON'T FORGET THE PLACE I Next door to Enebler's Drug store, where yonl will find the largest and best selection of HATS and CAPS in Gettysburg. JE-Rl5-SA-LEM I—What nice Pan and 1 Vat; Norris has at his new Store. He beats, 'em all. HIGH PRICES PLAYED 01—Norris sells Gloves ns cheap as they were before the war. ND THE COLORED TROOPS FOUGHT NOBLY I—lf yon don't believe it juts go to Norris' New Store and he will convince you that "Woolen" Goods are cheaper than they have been since the war. COME IN OUT OF THE WET !—Norris has Umbrellas so sheep that it is cheaper to keep dry than run around in the rain. NECKTIES, YUTTERFLIESand everything in that line at NORRIS'S. LOCKWOOD, LINEN LINED I—Paper Col lars and Linen Collars of all kinds and sizes at- NORRIS'S. KEEP TIME I—Fine assortment •of Clocks and warrantedto keep time at NORRIS'S. VALISES, TRUNKS, and Carpet Bags,. of every description at NORRIS'S. SARATOGA I—Norris keeps the latest Sar atoga Rats. ON THE ROAD TO BRIGIMNI—The la test Brighton Hats at - ,NORRIS!:S. THE LATEST RESORTE I—Norris ha! the latest Resorte Vats and the best quality i/ the market. / YOUNG DRIVING BOYS ILDon't forget that Norris has the latest Driving Hats out. May 7, 1866. a A Lecture to You g Men TM, published, in a sealed envelope.— Prbe 6 cents. A Lecture on the nature, treatment and radical curs of Spermatorhms, or Seminal Weakness, Involuntary Emissions, Sexual Debility and Impediments to Marriage generally, Nervousness, Consumption, Epi- I-pay, avid Pits ; Mental and Physical incapa city, resulting from Seli-Abase, kn. By Rob ert J;Calverwell, M. D., author of the "Green Book," &c. The world renowned author, in this admira ble Lecture, clearly proves, from his own ex perience, that the awful consequences of Self Abuse may be effectually removed without Medicine, and without dangerous surgical opt rations, bonglee, instrnmenis, rings, or cordi als, pointing out a mode of cure at once cer tain and effectual, by which every sufferer, no matter that his condition may be, may cure bintself cheaply, privately and radically. This Lecture will prove a boon to thousands. Sent ander seal to any address, in a plain, sealed envelope, on receipt of six cents, or two post atfe stamps. Also Dr. CulverwelPit Marriage Guide, price 26 cents. Address CHAS. S. C. %LINE k Co., •127. Bowery, New York, P. 0. box 4586 April 23, 18§6. ly _ CALL and 'see the most beautiful assort ment of . new JEWELRY, such at Breast-pins, E.tr Drops, • finger Ring, Lockets, Chains, be., at J. BEVAN"B , , Opposite the B4uk, Gettesbetz. rSIIRS' ADA.IN.T ACCIDENTS is the TRAVELLERS INSURI&NC4 COMPANY HARTFORD. It has paid eye mu &mired pad forty s44lasid dollar. to holders of its poli ies) inclidings9l,lo to tweaty-eight policy- R01de0:144;542 la premiums. 866 it t1.%4s l '. s Y°l can get pose sl.:"y."s laieat ediemes, ke ,. ' CI WARS it bpi Is the plate tjj gOS a kitalhj • otOkoeeriei OBRA P.. -'-' . i . -c,- ..... ---•— Vios *lnv ,ilist.eretnna44 f4ur -.420 cuife. with -fa inusease *sop!, of WARN k GROCERIES, which they are offering at their old stand in Baltimore street, at prim tounit the times. Our stock consists fn part of BUILDING MATERIALS, CARPENTER'S TOOLS, BLACKSMITH'S TOOLS, ' COACH FINDINGS SHOE FINDINGS, CABINET MAKER'S TOOLS, HOUSEKEEPER'S FIXTURES, ALL KINDS OF IRON, Sc. GROCERIES OF ALL KINDS, OILS, PAINTS, ace., Le. There is no article included in the several departments mentioned above but what can be bad at this Store.— Every cLssa of Mechanics can be accommodated here with tools and findings, and Housekeepers can And every article in their line. Give us a call, as we are prepared to sell as low for cash as any house out of the city. JOhl. B. DANNER, DAVID ZIEGLER. Gettysburg, May 16, 1864. - Sebtek Still Ahead! NEW SPRING (100081 .REDUCTION IN PRICES I J. L. SCHICK would respectfully say to the citizens of Get tysburg and vicinity, that be is now receiving at his store a splendid STOCK OF SPRING GOODS. The stock consists in part of Fancy sqd Staple DRY GOODS, of every description. SILKS, NIGZAMBIQUE, OHALLIES, DE LAINES, BOMBAZINES, ALPACCAS, LAWNS, CALICOES, of all qualities and choicest styles, which will be sold at PRICES TO DEFY COMPETITION. FURNISHING GOODS of all kinds, including Silk, Linen and Cotton Handkerchiefs, Gloves, Stockings, Sc. Also, a splendid assortment of RIBBONS, Laces and Edgings, Umbrellas . and Parasols.- • My stock of WHITE GOODS will be fonnd full and complete, and customers may rely upon always getting good goods at the lowest Possi ble prices. Gentlemen will find it to their advantage tc call and examine my stock of CLOTHS, CASSIMERES and VPSTINGS, of-all qualities and choicest styles. April 16, 1866. J. L. SCHICK. The Great Discovery OF THE AGE.—lnflammatoryand Chronic Rheumatism can be cared by using R. L. MILLER'S CELEBRATED RHEUMATIC MIX TURE. Many prominent citizens of this, and the adjoining - counties, have testified - to its great utility. Its success in Rheumatic affec tions, has been hitherto unparalleled by any specific, introduced to the public. Price 50 cents per bottle. For saleby all druggists and storekeepers. Prepared oniy oy rt. L. MILLER, Wholesale and Retail Druggist, East Berlin, Adams county, Pa., dealer in Drugs, Chemicals, Oils, Varnish, Spirits, Paints, Dye-stuffs, bot tled Oils, Essences and Tinctures, Window Glass, Perfumery, Patent Medicines, &c., W.A. D. Buehler is the Agent in Gettys burg for' U. L. M,iller's Cclebrated Rheumatic Mixture." . [June 3, 1861. tf Lainenster Book Bindery. cI EORGE IVIANT, • BOOK BINDEIR, AND BLANK BOOK MANUFACTURER, Plain and Ornamental Binding, of every de scription' executed in the most substantial Ind approved styles. Rllncitylesa E. W. Brown, Esq., Farmers Bnnk of Lancaster W. L. Peiper, Esq., Lancaster County Bank Samuel Shock, Esq., Columbia Bank. Sam net Wagner, Esq., York Bank. William Wagner, Esq., York County Bank. T. H. Carson, Esq., Bank of Gettysburg. Peter Martin, Esq., Proth'y of Lancaster co., Pa Geo. C. Hawthorn, Esq., Register " " Geo. Whitson, Esq., Recorder " tt April 15, 1861 Sale Crying. A W. FLEMMING continues the business of SALE. CRYING, and solicits the con tinued patronage of the public. It is his con. stunt endeavor to give satisfaction. Charges moderate. Residence in Breckinridge street, Gettysburg. P. B.—Be is a licensed Anetiopeer, under the Tax Law of the United States. Nov. 24, 1862. Cemetery Removals. MITE undersigned, being the authorized person I to make removals into Elv er Green Gime tery,Lopesthat such 10 contemplate the removal of the, remains of deceased relatives or friends will avail themselves of this season of theyear to have it done. Removals made with promptness —terms low, and no effort spared to please. - 4 PETER THORN, March 12, '6O. Beeper of the Cemetery. Noah Walker & Co., C LOTHIERS, WASHINOTON BUILDING, [465 AND IG7 BALTIXDBZ STREET, BALTIMORE., keep constantly on hand a large and well as sorted stock of all kinds of goods at moderate prices. •They supply orders for the finest to the lowest priced articles, either ready made or made to measure, to any part of the country. They keep also an extensive stock of FURN ISHING GOODS, embracing every article of Gentlemen's Under-wear." Also, , MILITARY CLOTHS and every variety of Military Trim mings, as Well as an assorted stock of RBA_DY MADE MILITARY GOODS. Baltimore, Feb. 22, 1864. Arew Bakery! EWPORT & ZIEGLER, Mechanical Bak— era, South Washington street, halt square from the Eagle Hotel, GETTYSBURG, Pa.— Constantly on band, the best of BREAD, CRACKERS; CAKES, PRETZELS, &e. Per sons wishing fresh Bread will be served every morning, by leaving their names and residences at the Bakery. Every effort made to please Give us a call I [April 20, '63. tf Blneksmithing. HE undersigned would most respectfully Tinform the public that he continnee . the 131413FCSIIITHENG BUSINESS, • at his shop, lately Philip Dcersom's adjoining Troxel'a paint shop; in East Middle street, Gettysburg, where he will at all times be pre pared to do Bleckemithing work to Carriages, finggies,•Wagons, dre. That he %noon how to do' all jobs:of the kind will not be questioned by them who have a knowledge of his tong experience at the businliss. Come on with your work, and you will be satisfied when you take it away—and for which he will receive Cash or Couutiy Produce. ADAM HOLTZWORTH Afar. 20, 1885. tf Carris., - *making Business. rp BB war being over, the undersigned have resumed the CARRIAGE-MAKING BUSINESS, at their otd stand, in Mist Middle street, GETTYSBUP.G, where they are again prepared to put up work in the most fashionable, substantial, and supe rior manner. A lot of new and second-hand ;CARRIAGES, BUGGIES, AC., on hand, which they will dispose of at the lowest prices ; and all orders will be supplied s.4'promptly and satisfactorily as possible. liar REPAIRING dope with dispatch, and at cheapest rates. A large lot of new and old HARNESS on hand for see. Thankful for the liberal patronage hereto fore enjoyed by them, they solicit and wilt en deavor to deserve a large share in the future. DANNER & ZIEGLER. July 10, 1865. tf _ Western Lands. FrIIE stibteriber ban some valuable WEST. ERNT LANDS, which he will trade for one or more FARMS in thie county. The lands are well located, 444 very desirable for farm ing. Early application desired. JACOB BRIYEETtIIOFF. idettysbing, April 3, 1365. tf Picture Frames. • Cf BEAT variety of PUMAS FRAMES, • with plain and Donee &nets, kit 0 4 Orner's Drug aid yirjety Mat& .1‘,4,110 101186 f. lioney Saved res I L () MADE &SE SYSTEM ADOPTED, The undersigned most respectfully invite their old customers end the public generally to call sad see their Goods at the new prices. We have - / A FULL AND WELL SELECTED STOCK, which we have concluded to run off at the lowest p Rouble prices. We intend doing what we say; therefore all persona desirous of making money in the easiest way (by saving it in their purchases) will not fail to give us a call, as we premise them they shall not be disap. pointed. We are thankful for the past very liberal patronage we have received, and trust that we shall merit a continuation of the same; and stool—as we shall use our best endeavors to please all who may favor us with a call. sir Don't forget the place. DANNER k SHIELDS, Fairfield, Adams county, Pa. . . N. B.—We are Agents for Miller's Superior Family Flour, and Johnson's celebrated Blast ing Powder. [Feb. 26, 1866. tf AT THE OLD STAND. {IIIITABWSpD 111,1817.3 I bare associated with me, in business, my son, John Y. McCreary, under the firm and style of D. McCreary & Son, and I desire to lay to my old friends and the public generally that since the war, the manufacture of Saddles, Harness, Collars, &0., has been revived at the old established and well known stead on Bal timore street, one square south of the Court House, Gettysburg, Pa. Having had an experience of 90 years in this establishment, I feel assured, that, with renewed attention to business, we can still further merit and receive a full share of pub lic patronage. DAVID McC,REARV. With inchased facilities for' condttcting our business, we are better prepared than ever to satisfy the wants of all those who may need anything in our line. We especially call the attention of Farmers and others to the superior quality of our Plain or Quilted fleatlide Leathers, Horn Saddles, flames, all kinds, with Plain or Quilted Seat or withoutfaatenings no Horn, Floosings, Plain or Quilted Seat Scotch Collars(leather) Side Saddles, " (ticking) Plain or Fancy Saddle N'o Seam Collars, Cloths, 1 Best Welt Harness Col- Wagon Saddles, lays, Riding Bridles, of akPatent Leather Collars, kinds, fair or black, stitched or unstitched rounded or flat, Best Le.ther Wagon Martingals, Whips, 4,4 i and 5 Carriage Harness, all lest I , ngl styles, silver or black Plaited Team 'Whips, mounted, I Trotting Whips, Heavy Draft Harness, f.adies' Riding Twigs, Blind Bridles, Whip Lashes, Girths, Horse Blankets, ' Cruppers, &c., &c. In short, everything that pertains to a first class general horse furnishing establishment constantly on hand or made to order promptly, of the very beat material, and by themost ex perienced workmen in the country, (two bar ing worked in this establishment for the last thirty years.) We are now manufacturing an excellent lot of Heavy Draft and Harness Collars for those who prefer onr.gwn to city made work. Repairing of all kinds done at short notice and on reasonable terms. LANCASTER, PA All are cordially invited to call and examine for themselves,. as our work cannot f, it to, recommend itself, D. ANCREARY Feb. 5, 1866. tt Forwarding Brisinow. CULP .1 . EARNSDAW'S LINE. HAVING purchased the Waiehodse and Cars herZtofore owned by ,Samuel Herbst, the undersigned take pleasure in announcing to the public that they will Tun a LINE OF FREIGHT CARS from Gettysburg to Bali itifore every-week. They are prepared to convey Freight either way, in anyquantity. They will attend, it desired, main making of purchases in the city. and deliver ing the goods promptly at Gettysburg. Their cars run to the Warehouse of STEVEN SON & SONS, 163 North Howard street, (near Franklin,) Baltimore, where freight will be received at any time. They invite the attention of the public to their line, assuring them that they will spare no effort to accommodate all who may patronize them. Having purchased the buildings and lot on the Northeast corner of Railroad and North Washington streets, Gettysburg, their Depot will remain there. Any person having busi ness in the forwarding line are respectfully in vited to call. CULP & EARNSHAW. Aug. 7,1865. Great Reduction of Prices AT THE CHEAP GROCERY! CORIUM OP DIAMOND AND 011.1.MOREMORG STRZEP. JOHN Al. SWAN, Haring just returned from the city, respect fully- informs his customers, and the public, that be bas succeeded in forming a connection with one of the first Importing Houses in the city of Baltimore, by which he is enabled to offer Groceries at a fewer figure than they can be purchased elsewhere in the county.— If you would save money, call at the Cheap Grocery,corner of Diamond and Cbambersburg street. lie sells exclusively for Cash, and is determined to be ahead of all others in selling cheap. Give him a call befoge purchasing elsewhere. JOLOMI. SWAY. THE ORIGINAL TRAVELLERS LVSURANVE CO., OF lIARTPOIID. CONN., Cash Assets, Dec. 1,41513,839.12, mottos AGAINBT ACCIDENTS FROM RUNAWAY HORSES, ACCIDENTS PRO RSLIPPERY SIDE WA LKS ASSAULTS BY BURGLARS AND ROB BERS SPRAINED ANKLES AND BROKEN LIMBS EXPLOSIONS, COLLISIONS, BURNING 41; . . _ birPolieies of any amount from $540 to $lO,OOO in case of fatal accident, or $3 to $5O weekly compensation in case of disabling bod ily injury, and from one month to fire years time, at small premiums. Oldest and Beat Accident Ins. Co. Extant. J. G. BATTERSON, Pres't. RODNEY DENNIS, See'y. !Grit A PICKING, Agent, Gettysburg. April 9, 1886. 3m OF BOTH OUR SHOPS TO CHAMBERS BURG STREET OPEN TO -DAY, MAY 17, 16'66. We take special pleasure is announcing to our friends and customers that we have this day opened our ICE CREAM SALOONS, at our new stand in Chamberstoirg street, nearly opposite the Lutheran Church. We have had the apartments fitted np in the best style.— Ladies and Gentlemen are invited to call. We will also lavish Ice Cream in any -quan tity to public or private parties, at prices "un precedented. We will also have constantly on band Fresh Cakes, which we will furnish to all parties and pie-nice at the shortest notice. MEAD AND MINERAL WATER can always behad icy and cool and stall hours. Haring had a lifelong experience in the manufacture of all the foregoing articles we ask the pttronage of the pn.dic zenerally. May 21,1866. tf MINNIGH & BRO. (IF every variety, Including the "Noble I L J Cook,' "Royal Cook," "Waverly," "Orn amental," "Oriental." dtc. Also, Tin-ware, Sheet-iron-ware, Hollow-ware, and every va riety of Kitchen Furniture—including a varie ty of Lanterns. Also, a new and much im proved Flour Sifter, for sale by C. H. BUEHLER, Corner_of Carlisle and Railroad sts., 19, 1866. Gettysburg, Pa. JANSIIRE AGAINST ACCIDENTS in the ore. ginal TRAVELLIIRS INSURANCE COM. NY OF HARTFORD. It Is the oldest, lar gest, and Safest accident Insurance company in the country. _ CIWITZICR, Llinberger and English Cheese, can always be bad at ICALBPLZISCIPS, ' 'est door to thsPoot peee. AND PRICES REDUCED I NEW FIRM, Accidents! DROWNING Accidents of All Kinds Removal Cooking Stoves Cheese ! Cheese! Gettysburg Foundry. HE subscriber would Inform tils customers j and others, that he is still manufacturing , various kinds of Castings and Machines, made to order, on short notice, such its THRESHERS AND POWERS, (fire different sizes of Powers,) Clover-seed Hullers and Cleaners, Corn Shelters and Sep arators, Cornfodder Cutters, Straw and Hay Cutters ; PLOUGHS, such as Cast Ploughs, Barshear Ploughs, Side hill and Corn Ploughs; the WIRE.SPRING HORSE RARE, the latest improvement ; also Metal Screwt for Cider Presses, IRON RAILING for Cemeteries or Porches, with everything else In his line, all at low prices. FOR SALE.—A light Two-horse Wagon, One-horse Wagon, and a Spring Wagon, all new. DAVID STERNER. April 30, ipso. a Flour! Feed! and Groceries! AT THE CHEAP STORE ON THE HILL. If you wish to buy any of the above arti cles cheaper and better than you can get them anywhere else, go to the Grocery Store of the unflersigned on the Hal, in Baltimore street, where custspers can always be accommoda ted, and where all sre,invited,to call and see for themselVes. The . public will always find a full and choice assortment of SUGARS, COFFEES, TEAS, SYRUPS, MO LASSES, TOBAC_COS, CIGARS, SNUFFS, FISH, 13ACON,_LAH.O, CHEESE, CRC , KEELS, BUTTER, EGGS, &c. L B 0- GLASS-WARE, CROCKERY-WARE, NO TIONS, &IL, COAL OIL LAMPS, FISH OIL, AND nova AND FEED, ALWAYS ON HAND. , WANTED. —Flour, Corn, Chits, Butter, Eggs, Bacon, and Potatoes, for which the highest, ' market price will be paid, either in 'trade of cash. par Being determined to conduct my bnai= ness in a fair and honorable way, and to sell cheap, I Invite all to give me-,e cull. HEN itY OVERDEEIt April 9, Ispc. tf BELL'S Concentra'd Flavoring Extracts! TIQUAL to any in the market and superior 4 1 1 to many, in larger 'bottles, and at old prices. Wholesale agents tor Baltimore, BUREIOUGH BROS., wholesale Druggißtf LlST.—Lemon, Orange. Vanilla, Rose, Peach, Nutraz,..,,, ,, Celery, Allspice, Cloves, Ginger, -Birch, Cinnamon, Apple, Mulberry, Pine Ap= ple, Banana, Mace ' R .spberry, Pear, Pepper, Parsley, Strawberry, Bitter Almond, and Sa vory spices. The great difficulty heretofore experienced in procuring true Flavoring Extracts, hits in• duced the proprietor to spare no pains or ex pense in giving to the public tin article which will be found true to its name, and which will in no instance be a coerce of disappointment. it will be observed that our egtract of Lem on and Orange, is a prePared extract from the Peel, which apy one may be convinced of by merely smelling them. The price of Vanilla Beans, too, has Laused more useless Extract of Vanilla to be manu factured and sold than any other essence ; being either made from 'Naha Beans, or seine other fictitious compound. In our Extract we WILL ,GUARANTEE A PINIE ARTICLE! made / froin the true Bean, without nay foreign 'substance whatever. Bell's Worm SyrOp'. MIRE MOST INNOCENT, ThEASANT AND EFFICIENT REMEDY TN USE —A REM EDY Pearlier IN ITSELF.—So Castor Oil to be Taken.--in this Preparation we have included such remedies only as have been tried lot ( years and are known to possess powerful anthelmintic virtues, combined with mild aperients, pleasant aromatics and sugar. An thelmintics of themselves cannot 'inform their peculiar functions or have the desired elf . ..et, unless the bowels are kept moderately Dien. To prodnce this, .gentle purgatives are neces sary and such only ought to be used that can not interfere with the anthelmintic employed. The advantages we claim for this Syrnp are: Ist. Re power of DESTROYING AND EX PELLING WORMS: 2d. Its mild aperient effect upon the bowels 3d. Its pleasant taste and odor are advan tages possessed or claimed by very few Verm ifages. 4th. Its harmless influence upon the system, consequently no injurious effects will result from itsmse should the patient haie no Worms, but an appaeent disease, arising from some other unknown cimse, which is frequently the case. The constituents of this Syrup end its effects are known to tromp Physicians, who are now using it in their practice to a large exteut. Price 25 cents a bottle The Greatest Ltnlmentin rse. BELL'S WHITE OIL I—Tlie Blandest, Cletin est, most Penetrating and most. Economical Liniment in tree.—A powerful Oleaginus Com pound for the Speedy Cure of Rheumatism, Strains, Sprains, Wounds, Numbness of the Limbs, Frosted Feet and Hands, Spavin, Sad dle Galls, Poll-Evil, Ring Bone, Bruises, Swellings of all kind, and in face tveiy dis ease for which an Fanbrocation is applicahlc, either in Man or Beast. Price 25 cents a bot tle.—This preparation, which is °vigil:il with us, will be found to be one of the nicest and at the same time one of the must reliable ap plications extant. Having been employed very extensively since its introduction and feeling satisfied of its remedial properties, we recommend it with the utmost confidence, knowing that no one will Ire disappointed in its u , ,e: It iv, as its name implies, a white ILiment of the consis tency of cream, containing nothing clfvu.ive, but, on the contrary, will be found more pleasant than otherwise. Bill's Alterative, O R CONDITION POWDERS t FOR HORSES, CATTLE h SWINE • 25 cents a paper,, or five papers for $l. The Immense sale of these Powders during the abort period they have been before the public, is a sufficient guarantee of their great popularity, and the decided benefits derived from their use. They are confidently recommended not only as a preventive, bat as a complete cure for all diseases incident to the HORSE, COW- or HOG, as Loss of Appetite, Coughs, Heaves, Yellow Water, Distemper, Glanders, Arc , &c. By their use the Horse's Appetite is improv ed, all derangements of the digestive organs corrected, softening the skin, and giving to the coat a sleek and shining appearance, and may be need with perfect safety at al times, as it contains no ingredients which can injure a horse, whether sick or well. They cleanse the breathing apparatus by ejecting from the air cells coagulated matter, or that formation which so severely clogs them, causing a tightness in breathing, and by their peculiaa action on that part, they cause the mucus membrane to resume its natural dimensions, thus equalizing the circulation of the blood and restoring the distended vessels to their natnral size. For fattening cattle they are invaluable, also possessing peculiar properties is increas ing the quantity of milk in Cows, thereby giv ing them an importance and value which should place them within the hands of all in terested. All diseases to which the Hog is subject, as Coughs, Ulcers in the Lungs and Liver, and as a general purifier of the blood we guarantee their efficacy if once fairly tried. Oar Sold at Gettysburg by A. D. Buehler,. Apothecary, and by Draggista and Storekeep ers generally. - -A3k for lien's Preparations. Prepartd exclusively by W. D. Bell, Apothe cary, (Graduate of the Philadelphia College of Pharmacy,) West ,Washington St., Hagers town, Md. - [Oct. 16, 1865. ly ATTRACTING ATTENTION.—The superior Pictures taken at MUMPE[VS SKY. LIGHT GALLURY, on West Middle st., are attracting universal attention. Good judges pronounce them superior to any ever taken in this place. Call and examine for yourselves. Jan. 18. 1865. EIS GREAT REDUCTION in pricer at the EXCELSIOR, in York street, opposite the placel the superior Pictures made' 4t that old datablishment Within reach of ill;ifod - I trttitu9 One WM Faille hien - themselves of the opportunity time afforded. I. G. TKAtON. The Greatest Family Medicine in the World, SORE Frirrt,(3Arr, . . -c•-•_absitrall 01 DIPTHERIA. The attention or the public, and eaperially the 'titterers from that drmdfrO ahem, Diptherls oe Sore Throat, ill called to the great rented; hem at liteatbralkor% BALSAM, OR PAIN KILLER, As a sure cure for Sore Throat or Diptberfa, Croup, Bronchitis, Scarlet Fever, An, and all other diseases of the throat-, and also an infallitlle remedy for Diarrheas, Dysentery, Cholera Morbus,'Sielt Headache, Sudden Colds and Coughs, Neuralgia, l'hthisin Old Sores, Ac. It is also invaluable for Bruises, Feet, Swelled Joints, Bites of Poi. sonous Insects, Ac., and a prompt and sure remedy for Cramp (lake and all 1 is the Stomach and Bowels. This medicine has been tried In thousands of cases In different parts of the country, and has never failed to cure if used "in time, and according to directions. A great amount of suffering might often be saved billaving a couple of bottles of this valuable medicine in the house. As an evidence of Itsgrat qtiallties the proprietor warrants every bottle to give entire satisfaction. Try it and be convinced of its great value. . , READ IrtTRTRER. STONEBRAKERS 1:4 GREAT COUGH REMEDY, -- fc VEGETABLE 'MBII CO UGFI SYRUP For the Rapid Cure of Coughs, Colds, Boareene% Citnip, Whooping Cough, Asthma,Difficulty pr Breathing, Spitting of Blood, First • Stages of Consumption, Soreness of .11 the Throat, and all Affections of the Pulmonary Organs. Thth Syrup is an invaluable remedy for, the elle viation and cure of Puhnonary Dismiss. It is prompt In its action, pleasant to the taste, and from its extreme mildness, is peculiarly applicable to the use of children and perions in delicate health. AS an anodyne expectorant, it will always be found to be beneficial, by alleviating and arresting the several spells of coughing so distressing to the patient. The afflicted can rely upon its doing of much, or more than any other remedy in soothing the nerves, faeiliiating expectoration, and healing the Diseased Lungs. thus striking at the root of all diseases and eradicating it from the system. All I ask is a trial of this preparation, as It has no equal in its effects, and never fails to give entire eatiseaction to all who use it. We warrant It In all cases or the money refunded. Try it--only 25 and 60 Cents a Bottle. READ ONE! READ ALLI A GREAT DISCOVERY lUDS 11 ' X3l St(2n,birakc , e's DYSPEPSIA BITTERS LIVER INVIGORATOR. . Will Cure All Casts of . 5. 1 . 1, - NERVOUS DEBILItY, ' And Diseases Originating from a 41 DISEASED LIVER and STOMACH liy,the use of from one to three bottles the moat obstinate cases of Dnipepsia, Liver Complaint, Bilious Attacks, Sick 'Headache, Sour Stomach, Flatulency, Dropsy, LOW of Appetite, Costiveness, Jaundice, Cholera Morin's, Female Weakness and irregularities, Neryous Affection and General Debility, . caused by exposure, impridence, C or otherwise, Diseases of the Skin, such as Ulcers, Scrofula, Dull Pain in the Bead, Yet. • lowness of the Skin, Dimness of Vision, Constant Imaginings of Evil and great Depression of Spirt" ! ARE ALL SPEEDILY CURED. This being an entire vegetable compound , Is war• ranted a safe and effectual remedy not only for Dys pepsia and Liver Complaint, but for all other diseases erring from a drrized or a diseased:stomach. or impurity of b lood. As a blo od' purifier and tonic or general appetizer, these bitters have no equal, and should be used in every family, as disease cannot exist where they are ZtThey are also warranted a perfect. atfisinard st Fever and Ague Ladies desiring a clear oolnplesion and good health should not fail to use them. They are particilarly recommended to those who are suffering under Debility and Derre*- men of Spirits, their soothing and renovating powers laa'ng particularly adapted to all such cases. BRICE $l.OO PER BOTTLE. • ta' ior s.de by 1. D. Buehler, Gcttysbuiy, and Country Detiter; generally. May 7, 1868. Gm • FOUTZ'S =XIII Horse ad Cattle Powders. This preparation, "' long and (al orsbly • S.:• • • • • ' known, will thor. oughly reinvigomto broken-down and low-splri Led horses, by strengthening and eicalibing the stomach and lofts . • tines, - It fs sore pre. " • • this animal, - Y E L LOIV TEI2. if A ('0 VG 118, TEMPER, Y ERS, FO C' LOSS or A. ,TITEAND ENERGY, &L use improves wind, incr 'the appetite—i a Smooth glossy skin transforms miserable sk4 bow. 'reparation is Ineslnabla. ' improves the quality of the milk. It has been proven by ac tual experiment to Increase the quan tity of milk and cream twenty per cent. and make the batter firm and sweet. Ta fattening cattle, it gives damn an appetite, looseps their hide; and males them thrills In all diseases of Swine, such as Coughs, Meru In the Lanes, Liver, tee , this article At acts as a Specific. • By putting from one-half a paper to a paper in a barrel of swill the _ above diseases - _ will be evadicnted - - - or entirely prevented. If given In time, a certain preventive and cure for the Hog Cholera. Price $5 Cents per Paper, orb Papers for $l. wireaszo BY • S. A.. FOTIOCZ ♦T THirlt 111101.121/1,1 Dltte AND MIDICIAB Dint Jo. 116 Franklin St., Baltimore, Md. For Sale 1 7 Dmaggiets and Storekeepero tiroogb• out tb• United States. For sale by A. D. Buehler, Gettysburg; Laughlin & Bushfield, Wheeling, Vs.; C. S. Bender k Co., Pitaburg ; Johnson, 1101 p away & Cowden, Philadelphia. Dec. 11, 1865. ly Chewing Tobaccos: WELSH, DEGLONE & CO., at Hanover Pa., continue the manufacture of the ditft.reat kinds of CHEWING TOBACCOS, on a large scale. Their facilities for manufactur ing are ample, and with the choicest Leaf, and best and most experienced workmen, they cannot fail to turn out Tobaccos of the most desirable and popular grades. Orders from a distance solicited, and prompt ly attended to. The merchants of Adams county cannot do better than by buying from Welsh, Deltone & Co., at Hanover , April 23, 1806. - NSURE AGAINST ACCIDENTS in the I TRAVELLERS 'INSURANCE COMPANY OR HARTFORD. Its premiums use low, And it:palm/ones promptly. • PIIRE CIDER VINEGAR at Sa•aa'aGrixery au the corner of the Diasuosit, April 30, 16@6. :" •:. CHOLER4*PREV I. X. IMIX. L. - • Tine GREAT ZINGARI MITER& THIS • WONDERFUL REMEDY ban Many. ered and introduced about tirkity yenri agd by Dr. S. Cheop3ut, an eminent Egyptisa phyacian. Be had long seen and felt the went of sour• remedy which would strike at the rcot of die. ease, and so prevent much of the suffering which the human family was then Compelled to endure. The great onestior was presented to bit mini every day in vivid colors nrhe moved a. mong the tick and dying, andobserved the in. efficiency of nearly all the remedies then In nee. Thus he was lead tb think 4 and expert. ment; and titter ten years of stndY sad labor, ha presented to his fellow man the wonderful Zingari Bitters. The effmt ofthis preparstloo yn the prevention and cure of dishoise, was SO marvellous and astonishing, that the most flattering marks of royal favor were bestowed upon him who diecoleged it. His name was placed upon the Roll of Nobles, and a gold nietlal with the following inscription--Dr. 9, Cheopsus, the Public Benefactor—was pre, betted to him by the Viceroy. The—preparation has been,nsed in seveml epidemics of cholera, both as a preventive and curative minaure, and with tnehtgreat success 'that it has been introduced into (nearly all general hospitals of the old world. The old saying that an ounce'of prevention is worths pound a cure, app le s with mar vellous force to cholera, Cudherefore any remedy that will protect us against this terri• hie disease should ,be freely and persistently used. ,All pathologists now agree that the cholera poison acts on the system throogh the blood, and that any combination ihicb sets on the excretory organs, and keeps them In work ing order, most prevent a sufficient accumu lation of the poison to exert its; terrible effects on the organism. This is tree not only of cholera ,but of nearly alhother Maladies, espe cially the different forms of fevers. The Zingari ilitters is just in :h a remedy as the above conditions require. i It acts on the organsiof excretion and secretion, keeping up a perfect balance between the . This Bitters composed entirely of ro and herbs, so nicely concocted that every rgan is acted --ti upon and put in tone. Its Ate is pleasant and its effects prompt and Ins lug. Numerous cases of the fo . owing diseases hive been cured by it: Cho l ra, Diarrhoea, Typhoid and Typhus Fever, F vet, Ague . Net. vous Debility, Anaemia, Fern a Irregulerties, Dyspepsia, Flatulency, Colic, crofula, Ac. Price, one dollar per (filen ottle. Principal Depot at the Wale t street Wharf, Harris:pug, Pa. Sold by Druggists, Flotel.kipers k Grocery, F. RAT LER, e Proprietor. ifirF i ormile by Wm. J. Sll4lln, sole Agent for Gettysburg. April Ll, ISGG. ly TAKE NOTkiUE. FARMERS AND DEALERS IN FF.RTII.IZ ERA will please take notice that we hare adopted the following Trader Mark to protect outseires, and prevent those who use our RAW BONE SUPER PHOSPHATE: from being deceived when purchasing tosnures. We_ have been obliged to ive this protec tion to our customers, in conregnence of sev erall p'trties having unlawful y used our l.dis tinctive name , viz: "Raw Gene ," in offering their article to the public. his Trade Mark is adopted in addition to the title "RAW Bone," which is our exclusive property, and we cau tion al', manufacturers from uSing It in future. We would state to the trade! and consumers, that they will find it to their interest to sun that tho "Trade Mark''.is upon every bag and barrel they purchase, as none Other is genuine, HAUG,' & SONS. te.; 4 G U .t 1 S ' RAW BONE B a Super Phosplutte of Lime, !, Ahnufavured by 13A.Uyill & SONS, No: 20 South Delaware Ayeuue, PHILIDELPIIIA The great popnl city of otir article has been found 211iii0C111. inducement tp certain Imitators to manufacture and advertise "flaw Bone Phosphates," a name wbith originated with us, and is Our own rightfhl property. We will state fog' the informatinn of all, that We are the exclusive manufacturers of this article. —the original and sole propretors of it—hav ing been manufactured bya for a period of twelvqyears. Also 'that it s covered by set:- eral letters patent, held onl by ourselves. We are now ready' to apply it in large ii quantities—having mule re ent additions and improvements. Vessels drawing 16 feet of water can load directly from the wharves of the works, which are located at the foot of lforris Street, Folaware River. We call the attention °WHALERS to this great ith mange. The present indicatiou's are that-we shell have a greatly increased demand over last spring and fall seasons, and we advise Farmers to send in their orders t; their respective Dealers at nn early day,"th t all may lo sup plied promptly. Soliciting your continued Orders, . . We remain, , Yours ver truly, _ BAUGH k SONS, No. 20 S. Didaware A% enue; Feb. 5, 1866. aro • II'IIILADELFIIIit. $25 023 c_vro.v EUSLVES COLLEGS, MANDE. and HAIEN HALL, EIGHTH AND SPRING G !Dia Srutzia, PHILADELP lA. THOMAS MAX PE RCE, A. N., Preaident, and Consulti g Accountant. Extraordinary beithteententet NOVEL k PERVANENT AiRRANGEMENT or BUS/NESS COLLEGE TERMS, Faux Aim 1 ro Omuta 1, 1866, AND NOCCINDIND TSARS. LIFE SCROLARBBIFS, iacluding Bookkeep ing, Business Corresponsience, Forms k CUIP tome, Commercial Arithmetic, Business Pen- manahip, Date'Ming Coulnterfeit Money, and Commercial Law, Tift.STI=FITE LARS. SCHOLARSHIPS, includifig the same snbjrcts MI above. Ting Limit*, TO THOU LATHS, TWENTY DOLLARS. PENMANSHIP. Three Months.. $7 Penmanship and Arithmetic, three roonthssßt The saving of coal and gu in the limiter months is an advantage °fetich importance as enables the management. of this College to make a considerable reduCtion in the summer' rates. FROM OCTOM 1,1866, to Aram 1,1862, And succeeding yews, as before. Life Scholarship i $35 Scholarships, 3 months $26 Penmanship, 3 months ..1.... $lO Penmanship and,Arithmetic 3 months... $l2 Special Terms for Clubs, Soidiers ' and for the - eons of Ministers and Teachers. DAY AND EVENING INSTRUCTION FOR BOTH SEXES AND ALL AGES, In Banking, Storekeeping, BooLkeeping, Pen manship, Pea Drawing, Phonography, Arith metic, Mensuration, Algebra, Geometry, Ana lytical Geometry, The calculus, Navigation, Surveying, Engineering, Ganging, Mining, ehauical Drawing, Commercial Law, German; Telegraphing, and the English Branches, at moderate prices. . t ; Endorsed by the public as the moat spcaifl ful Business College of the country, as is en dented by the fact, that FOUR HUNDRED IL. TWO STUDEIVT4' have entered in the FIRST SIX MONTEES9If ITS EXISTENCE. Petnetpat, Depairenwute THOMAS MAY PEIRCE, A. M., GEO. H. SNYDER, - R. S. BARNES, G. N. FARR, Jr.; ;J.' T. REYNOLDS, HENRY HEIR,` A. E. ROGERSON, A. M., C. 11. Supported by en able Corps of Assistants. r... Call or send for a Catako t a, College CMnreY, and Poiree's .Practieal Educator,. OFFICE-531 NORTHIEIGHTFI ST., PHIL ADELPHIA. IlitoliAB Lj. PRIEM ' April, 23, 1866. 3m I y ADM' Dit rieSr. ' r• " IMII
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers