THE CAMBRIA THUKSDAY, APHIL 18, 18G7. LOCAL AND PERSONAL Olk Coerespon dents. It affords us more than ordinary pleasure, not unmixed with pride, to know that in the matter, of local correspondence, to Bay nothing of occasional literary contributions to our column, the Freeman is unsurpassed by any of its neighboring temporaries. Located as we are, away from the busi ness emporium of our county, "and cut oF to a great extent from that travel and traffic of which other communities can beast, it is a difficult matter to make our paper one of immediate local interest, and 'were it not fur the attentive and compe tent correspondents who furnish us with weekly letters from Johnstown and Car roll town, our paper would often be deficient in that crowning glory of a country news paper local news. Location, as well as a talent for saying much in Tery few words, and saying it well, renderg the weekly contributions of our correspondent, Sku Hal, of more than ordinary inter est, and we should be sorry, and we know our readers would be sorry if ha failed. eve for one week, to "put in an appear aoce." The Fkeeuan has not yet arrived at that enviable position financially which woold enable it to remunerate its corres ' pondent?, but if it ever does we shall not forzet those who- have "contributed so largely in making it a paper worthy of support. We could only wish that our friends in other, localities" in which the Fsekmax circulates would take the same interest in giving it a local character as our Johnstown and Carrolltown corres pondents have done and are doing. Mork Fatal Uailroad Accidents. The body of an unknown man, about 50 years of age, terribly mutilated, was found oo the Pennsylvania Railroad track, about six miles west of I'atterson, on Monday night of last week, supposed to have been run over and killed by freight trains west ward that night. Nothing about his per son indicated his name or whence lie came. He was buried at the Company's expense. Jim. Mangold, well known as a vender of cakes, &c, at the Altoona paa penger station, was instantly killed, on Thursday eveuing last, by being crushed between two freight cars in the Yard at that place, while engaged, as is supposed, in gathering up coal from between the tracks. William Extint4, of Patterson, was so severely inured internally, on the4th inst., by being thrown from a hand-car ou the Pennsylvania Railroad, as to cause his death in two days thereafter. .Just as we were about closing our forms we leJtrueu that the Philadelphia Express west on Tuefday niht last was thrown from the track" somewhere bolow Johnstown, and a number of passengers were ijured. We have no particulars. Our Cium Editobiat.. We expect the editorial department of the Freeman to be vastly improved in the future ; and, if so, we wish our friends to credit at least half the improvement, to the new arm chair presented to us by Mr. Wiluam P. Paitoh of Johnstown. Snugly seated in our pATTONian chair, which comfortably braces the corpus all around, if the editor's ideas do not present themselves ui smooth, chaste, and elegant style it will be no fault of Patton. that's all. Heretofore our chair editorial has been a mere idea a myth until Patton made it a stern reality, Our position -was too painful to write with elecance or visor, and we did not know what ailed us till the gentlema'n at Johns- ; town "moved" that we "take the chair. We recommend Mr. Patton to the patron age of our friends. The surest evidence of his honesty of purpose and goodness, of heart, is the fact of his not forgetting the printer. May abundant success cteer him on his pathway through life. Died At Latrobe, Pa., on Saturday, the 6th inst., Mrs. K ate M., daughter of James Fenlon, Esq., and wife of Joseph A. Head, cfcd 29 years, 1 month and 2-4 days. The deceased was much beloved by all who knew her for her many virtues. Her death was caused by cancer, and - through the lingering starts of tha terrible disease she bora herself with chriatiaa aeekness and resignation. - At Strongsior.-n, Indiana county, on Monday corcicg last, Jacksox Lrrzixa ra, age J about 17 years. Tha deccziil was a promising your.g msn," but fell an early victim to consumption. Ills re mains will Is interred here to-day (W ed netday.) - Visitors. CcL John O' Cense!!, a dis tinguished son cf Cambria, breveted for bis bravery, us a Hying visit on Tues day. He is now recnr.Irg in New Ycik. CoL IL A. M'Cot. .another rant Mountaineer, who hzs bravely represented his coamtry's boner cn tho batila field, spent a day or two with us this week. The Col. merely left Lb position et tha Capitol on private business, and.rcicmed yesterday. He always . finds a friendly greeting at his eld home. Great numbers of returning rnf'.ftriea have passed through our town recently. The Branch road hzs done a thriving bus iiets io consequence. EDrroiiiAUTiEs, Local aki) Ge;tesai j Departing Royalty. The Princess of Wa3 is lying-at the point cf death. i : :Jti Called. The Legislature has ad- j jouneed without calling a convention to ; amend the Constitution. Reduced to Ashes. Tha greater part of Stormstown, Centre county, was destroyed by fire on Sunday week last. - Altoona. 'This borough vetoed the pro ject of a city at her election last week. This is the second ruling of her peopla against becoming city-zens. , : To be Hung.- Wednesday, May loth, has been appointed by ,the Governor for the execution of Fogler, the murderer of Mr. Dinssaore, in Washington' county.- CoL Filler ". John II. Filler of Bedford has been appointed Examiner for New York Stata in the pension office. No man could fdl the position better than Filler, Great Fire. A fire tooke out in the town of Wilkesbarre, Pa., on Tuesday morning of last week, which destroyed about thirty buildings, incurring a loss of about 100,000. - ... . Melancholy. I lorace MCuIlough ,' a lad twelve years of age, was killed in Greens burg, last week, by a brick which slipped from the hand of another boy, who was using it as a weight in jumping. Played Out The Allegheny Fire Com pany of HoUidaysburg is no more. They resolved themselves out of existence, be cause cf a difficulty with the "Custodi ans of the morality of the Borough." Pardoning. Judge Taylor, a year ago, sentenced a certain Michael Smith.; of Blair county, to the penitentiary for steal ing. Gov. Curtin pardoned him, and ha has been stealing on a much, larger scale than ever. " , - A Hen Story. The Greensburg Argus, on the authority of a respectable farmer, says that a her was recently found buried under a straw.l eap in that county, alive and kicking, after having been confined therein for a period of four months. ; Drowned. A little daughter of Judge Foley, of Clearfield, Pa., was drowned on Saturday week last in the river in front of her father's residence, while playing on a raft with other children. At last ac counts her body had not been found. Base BalLThQ "Mountain Club" of this place played their first game for the season on Saturday afternoon last. The game was well contested, and notwith standing the want of practice, considera ble proficiency was manifested by many of the members. ; . Injured. We regret to learn that our esteemed friend, Mr. John McDevitt, .of Altoona, had one of his ribs "broken, and was otherwise injured by falling through a trap door which had been inadvertantly left open in his son's store in that place, oa Thursday evening last. Accidentally Shot A. man named Jones, brother of Charlotte Jones, exrj cuted in llttsburg a few years ago, was shot and killed in Westmoreland county, on the 5th inst, by the accidental dis charge of a gun in the hands of a man named Nicholas Schwalni. Flood. The Susquehanna and its trib utaries have been in fine rafting order for some time past, and immense quantities of lumber have gone to the Eastern mar ket Though the' demand is not equal to that of last year, yet we are informed that lumber is selling at remunerative prices. Lop-sided. The Court of Quarter Ses sions of Indiana county granted Jive licen ses to hotel keepers in Indiana town but refused all others in the county. Every body, It teems, is mad about' it the temperance men that licenses were granted in townthe liquor men that they were re fused in the country. Presents.- The defunct Legislature made each of its members a present out of the State Treasury of CSo0,: and then mads presents to each other. -Speaker Glass was presented with a watch and a set of sil ver. In attempting to speak a piece" in reply he became much affected, and "lift ed up his voice and wept" Give btxict attention to your own af fairs and consider that your wife is one of them, and when the intimates a want that yon are able to supply, don't let the gum on your pocket-book restrain you too long from "shelling cut. ' If it is a shopping ex pedition she is Intent on, it will have a ben eficial effect on the aforesaid pocket hook just to whisper in her ear that Lulls & Davis give moie goods for less money than any ther dealers in this "neck of timber," and have a most desirable and complete stock from which to select. . - Ir is ezlated of Pharaoh's daughter that sne found a rather handsome basket, but after all there was only a little prophet in it; Were she living in tbesa days and this local ity, and did as other people's daughters do, she would find gTeat prot as well as satis faction in buying goods at tha cheap store of James 11. Thompson,, on Mala street, which store is just now a great centre of at traction, owing to lae r'.ch and varied ttock cf goois recently received and the gratifyiug redaction in the price of everything. Jr3T 1002 at It! Extended to a full column and displaytd in a stjlcthat cannot fail to attract tha ailentioa-cf every eye! Well, well, our enterprising and wlda awake mercantile frknd, V. S. Darker, i3 deter mined not to he outdone either in the extent of his advertbins cr tha great attractions his goods and prices hold cut to customers. The consequence cf aU this enterprise is that Mr. B. is asala in tha cait buyiu a more exten tensive fctock of good than ever. So jok out if you want to be in tide for bargain. - JcEor.s res JnxETtsrj. The follow- I ing persons were drawn on the 10th inst to serve as Jurors at the next term of our County Court, v commencing n Monday, June 3d, 18C7: - GBAXn JUaOES. John Kyan, Foreman, merch't, Cambria bor James Burn3. miner. Catnbria borough Nicholas George, sheemaker, Blacklick tp I Martin Yard, farmer, Bummerhilltp 1 John Devlin, mason, 2d ward, Conemaugh P&tk O'Coanell, grocer, 2d ward, "Johnst'n George Burkey, sawyer, Cambria tp ' . Joseph Swcpe, farmer, Chest tp Eichard Dtitling, mason, Washington tp Owen M'Cafirey, inn-keeper, Cambria boro John E IdcDermit. farmejsChest tp .7 George Shaffer, farmer, Highland tp Jacob Johnston, farmer, Susquehanna tp Edward llatthews, farmer, White tp -. Lewis James, farmer. Jackson tp " James Kelly, farmer, Allegheny tp . John Miller Jr, farmer, Yoder tp James Farren, miner, Washington tp Francis Byrne, farmer, Susquehanna tp -T L Hunt, blacksmith, Yoder tp John Bradley, laborer, Cambria bore Moses B Miller, farmer, Richland tp ; Alex Cover farmer, Conemaugh tp ; -Cornelius Hunt, farmer, Jackson tp TRAVKBSB JCEOSS FIEST WEES. ! ' llenry M Lewis, saddler, 1st wd, Conemh Anthony Sanker, farmer, Allegheny tp George Shaffer, farmer, Taylor tp - i Geo W Brown, shoemaker, west wd, Eb'g Silas Adams, farmer, Clearfield tp . . Henry L Krise; farmer, Clearfield tp William Kelly, teacher, Allegheny tp T H Lapsley, roller, 1st wd, Johnst'n boro David II Pringle, farmer, Summerhill: John C KiSe, livery, 3d wd, Johnst'n boro Thomas Harrison, farmer, Jackson tp Evan M Davis, farmer, Summerhill tp Thomas Eagen, lumberman, Conemaugh tp Patrick Moran.blacksmith; Loretto boro . Richard Sldcrs, farmer, Blacklick tp Thomas Plnnket, laborer, G&Ilitzin tp Michael Nagle Jr, farmer, Carroll tp Wilson Martin, inn-keeper, Taylor tp L B Calick. gentleman, 1st wd, Johnst'n bor Robert Boyle, weigh master, Millville boro Peter Woodley Jr, farmer. Chest tp -Emanuel Weaver, farmer, Richland tp r Andrew Carle, farmer, Clearfield tp Henry Kreumanocker, farmer, Carroll tp David Wi&singer, farmer, Richland tp David Livingston, roller,' Millville boro John Manion, farmer, Susquehanna tp Daniel T, farmer, Cambria tp" John Phillips, carpenter, 1st wd, Johnst'n John S Luther, farmer, Carroll tp Bernard Garvey, laborer, Cambria boro William Richard, farmer, White tp Jesse Patterson, inn keeper, 2d wd, Cone'h. William Byers, farmer, Jackson tp 4Peter Campbell, farmer, Carroll ip James Boland, farmer, Washington tp Edward Reighard, farmer, Richland tp Daniel McDonald, inn keeper, Cambria bor Jacob Nagle,, farmer, Clearfield tp .',.;j -John Eagan, carpenter, 1st wd, Conem'h J V Lgau, mirole cutter. 1st wd, Johnst'n John Flick, farmer, Carroll tp. John Powers, farsaer, Susquehanna tp-- - X James Diver, farmer, Monster tp John C Horner, farmer, Richland tp Andrew M'Cu'.longb, foreman, Yoder tp ... John Glassgo, farmer. White tp Msthew Farbaugh, carpenter, Munstet tp - TaAYEHSB JXJSOas SSCOSD WEEK. , Thomas H Torter, constable, Washington tp James Robb, brickmaker, 5th wd, Johnst'n Jethro Oldham, laborer. 1st wd, Johnst'n Jacob Wagner, farmer, Blacklick tp. James P Murray, merchant, Gatlitzin tp A R Longenecker, former, Blacklick tp Iwis Beynon, tailor, west wd' Ebensburg James Moreland, teacher. Monster tp f, Yodock Kohlar, farmer, -Coaemaugh tp - Bennett Sawyer, shookmaker, Clearfield tp Emanuel Dishart, farmer, Carroll tp Charles Farbaugh, farmer, Blacklick tp , John M'tfall, farmer, White tp - . , :l John Wilkinson, farmer Jackson tp; . Valentine Maltri, inn keeper, Wilmore boro Michael D Dimond, farmer, Croyle tp Hugh McCoy, saddler, west wd, Ebensburg Benjamin Benshoof, farmsr, Taylor tp John H Kennedy, teacher, Washington Jp John Singer, farmer, Jackson tp ; : ' Charles Anna, farmer, Carroll tp Henry Behe, farmer, Allegheny tp George Gillinger, laborer. Taylor tp ' Lewis Binder laborer, Carrolltown boro John A Kennedy, jostlce, Carrolltown boro Isaac N Wissinger, farmer, Blacklick tp William Gillin. farmer, Jackson tp -; : ; David Tobin, laborer, Gallitxin tp . Francis Fox, farmer, Richland tp : -' Michal Cooper, farmer, Allgheny tp ,; Michael Burns, laborer, 2d ward, Conem'gh T J Williams, carpenter, westward, Eb'g William Sturn, carpenter, Blaeklick tp Geo Shaffer, carpenter, 6th wd, Johnstown r l 1 r t,t..u.:i. ... T?Krr vuartt-9 vncs, uiauiiLBUiiiu, cash tu, ju Darid Falloon, inn keeper, Taylor tp Mathew M'Mullinj farmer, Clearfield tp Elas Grifatb, farmer, Conemaugh tp Henry Topper, farmer, Richland, tp Charles Johnston, farmer, Washington tp John Borabaagh farmer, Croyle tp Geoige U Yike, merchant, Croyl tp r James E Reason, farmer, Clearfield tp William Adams, engineer, Conemaugh tp Geo Stutzman, grocer, Millville boro f Andrew M'Goush, farmer, Allegheny tp Charles McManamy, farmer, Alleghenyp Geo Kricg, farmer, Croyle tp . Thk Latest Airn Bzst News 13 that S. II. Sinser, who, upon his entree iato our town, reduced the price cf horse-shoeing oner third, has determined still to lead the van, and offers to work 10 per cent, lower than the lowest for casi, and insures satisfaction. Persons needing tire on their: wagons cr car ria-es, can save dollars by giving him their work A dollar sated is a o; Jar gamed, and the way to save many of them is to get your, blackssutbms coaa with Mr. bmger at tha west end of town. ; Mr. S. is also sell ing I. C. Singer's unequalled Tire and Band Deader a machine which saves a - grca amouat of tune ana labor and bends ths Airs round and true of which Win. Livers, c Altoona. savs he would not take 41C3 and do without. Any amount of testimony jas Ilka that can be shown, but tha machine is its own best re commendations to a mechanic Persons wLhla? to purchase should call on or address Tw II. biscss, Loensburg. Territory ; for saloi'v- 'For terms address I. . C. Si'GZ3, Bc2"35, Altoona, Pa. -. ' ' '7 v-T- Fatal Uailroad Accident Serious Injury : Search fur a Truant Lord Death cf Owen l&OzJTrey Net Engine House Strike at the Tt oolen Factory Tie Attempted Sui- cideZlZvilU Schools Bast Ball blotters Book Bindery Failed to Pass Personal, . : . ; :; ; Jc-istowst, Ami. 15, 18G7. . Bear Freeman A terrible railroad acci dent occurred near Irwin's station, on Fri-. day niht last, which resulted in the instant death cf Or?t63 Knswlton, engineer, ef this place. iiid the serious injury of Sam'i Reese, fireman, cf Greensburg, John Nechlln, con ductor of the train, anl two bra.kemeai.nit appears Knowlton was backing his engine in the direction of a Y for the purpose .of turning, when,", on passing, around a short curve, he ran against a mule standing on the track, which caused .tba engine to run cH the track and overturn, crushing Knowlton to a jelly, in its descent, scalding the fireman and conductor seriously; and wounding the two br&kemen very severely. On Saturday the mangled remains of Knowlton were brought to our town and deposited in the Express oSca until noon; when Mr Laird, coroner cf Westmoreland county, with a jury, arrived, and an inquest was held, eli citing tha above facts. On Sunday at noon two special cars from Pittsburgh brought up a delegation of Odd Fellows and railroad men to take part in the funeral obsequies of the deceased, and at three o'clock P. M. of the same day his remains were consigned to their last resting place, from the residence of hi3 father, followed by nearly one thous and personsthe largest funeral procession ever witnessed in Johnstown. Deceased was about' 2 3 yearst of agean only son- and about two weeks prior to his death had his Ufa insured for $5,000. - , " . ' - ? ' An accident occurred in Cambria City on Saturday, resulting in the serious injury of a man named GsJlaher whose name I failed to learn. Gallaher had been engaged in temoving a stable to the front f his lot, for the purpose of converting it into a dwelling, and whilst under the building, was with the assistance of the boy, chang ing same of the blocking when, it being in securely propped, the structure gave way, crushing Gaii&her seriously about the spine and breaking the boy's leg. No hopes are entertained of the former's recovery. On Friday last a woman hailing from Pittsburgh made her appearance in our town in search of a truant husband, who, as she alleges, married bar in that city some two weeks sgo, and after a brief honsymcon came to Johnstown to work in a brickyard, promising to send for her as soon as located. raumg so near jrom iier auseuv iuiu, uut hearing of him to thq eitcct that he had a wife and four children In New York, she came here in search of him not, a3 she al- CEod. for the purpose of reclaiming him, but to make him snfler for.deceiving her. Her errand wns fruitless, as the bird got wiadef her arrival and had la the interim flown. Owen McCaffrey, well known and highly tfaed4 in this locality, died in Cambria Uitivoa J U2FC3XJpt4: 'Few 12011 bavfl !ru . . 1 J it it a more uctarnisnea came, ucmuu mem umu has the deceased, and the sorrowing con course who accompanied his remains to the grave attested by tneir sympawy me esii- taatioU m which he was Held, lne soui oi honor genial, frank and hind hearted his demise will leave an aching void la the hearts of his family and the friends who were Inti mate with him.; Eequiescat in pace, almost completed," and presents quite a neat and showy appearance. It is located at the corner of Market and V asbington streets. which is considered the most central location in town. The capes and caps of tbe compa ny have arrived the latter made oi sneet Iron, fluted on the top and padded within. Thev are eotten up with the design of pro- cting the bead from tailing aeoris mciaeni to conflagrations. - The employees of the' woolen factory at Voodvalft have struck against a proposed re- rlnr-.t.ioti in wao-fts- and as the managers al lege that at the Present prices of woolen fabrics thev are loslnz money, the mill has been compelled to suspend. About, fifty fe mala operatives are thns thrown oat of em ployment. , The Jiernviue wooien lactory u eing thoroughly refitted wun new macuine- tv. and will in a few weeKS resume opera- tions on a more extended scale. -. . : . . . . . .. Mrs. Orem. who attempted to commit su icide by cuttias her throat with a shoema-.j ktr'a knire. is in a fair W&.V OI recovery .xxer- vons nrostratian.' induced by lonjr continued sickness, was the causa of the rash act. " Tha Millville schools closed tneir session of ai"ht months last week, 'lins scbool numbered over one hundred scholars and tha oroficiencv of some of the pupils reflects great credit upon the professional ability of j the teacher, ilr. Ueo. 1 Uope. ins sccuuia of this thriving borough Will re-open in Sep- -i- ft T tembsr, in the elegant and commoaicus one building now in process of construction.,. Our Ease Ball Clubs are re-organizing in the emectation of bavins quite a livejy sea son in this interesting and healthful amuse ment. The Mountain Club of your town had better "go and do likewise' If they wish to compete successfully with the ciulss here. A long desired want has been supplied by the establishment of a book bindery in this place by Messrs. Geis Eeuth. , Billy's came alona is a guarantee of success, and as Mr. Reuth is a skillful mechanic in bis Una the firm will doubtless meet with deserved Our young friend, JameS Quma, whose pointment to a second lieutenancy in tha CP regular army t noticed a couple of wce&s Einfs. has. 1 regret to learn, failed to pass the examining board, owing, it is said, to a deficiency ia grammatical acquirements. Eorrv (or it.' but as Jim ia not one of those kind of soldiers that would expect to van quish an enemy by talkie grammar at mm, he will have to submit with the best grace Tw-ioc?r,l; ratl.iTifc sprTics in the Sid rleBPrTe a V.ettsr reward. James E. Iiartzdl, whilom pviatcr, but latterly ia the tobacco bm-.iness ia Pittsburgh, ia now here with the intention of .mahu-j this his permanent heme." Oa account; cf ill health ho was forced to retire from the litter business,", but J hope tha invigorating bituzes of hi3 native heme will soon restore him to fcir wonted --vigor. Ss.u Bau - The new engine house for the accomoda- e f"TT"T "HTI :"A TTTT'TlT' tion of the rteam "squirt,' which is xpect- ( j H j A a L s1 X ed to arrive here about the Erst of May, is -. w 1 5 (J o ? - i i II t I OF AT , r'l I -!' ? t - -I ; 1 1 I i I E vt, m ; ' f t - 1 -I I h-i HAW TO 3S0IS mm mi AlUJ U ij -- i i 1 1 DENTISTRY. Dr. D. Y. Zei-- ""' ler, hiiYisg opened nn ofHce in rooms over R. II.- Thomas' Store, cfTers his profes sional services to the citizens of Ebensburg and vicinity. ; .. . - ap.18.Sm. "nypTICE is Hereby given tliat the : Furniture and other househiold cSt-cts solJ by the FheriOV Feb. lG'h, 1SS7, at the residence of G. W. Kerby, liq., in ths Bor ough of .Wilmore, and purchased by us, are left ia possession of said Q. YiT. Keiby du ring our pleasure, - . . - -, -- EDWARD D. EYAK3.T ' ap;13.3t. - ' JAS. A. SHOEMAEEK, rpDIBER LAND FOU SAIAZ.I The subscriber oCers for rale a tr&cC of unimproved Land located ia Allegheny tp., Cambria county, about one mile; from Chest Spricgs, adjoining lands of Ch3s. Cosnery, Joseph Henry, and others, containing abgut .S1XTY-FOU11ACP.ES, and well timbered throughout with pine, oak. hickory, aad other marketable timber. This property will be fifth! at a bargain and upon casy terms. Further information can Le obtaia el from John Bradley, or tbe undersigned, at Loretto. . , , JOUN McNAMEB HIIERIFFS SALE. By rirtua of a writ cf Fieri Facias issued out of the Court of Common Pleas of Cambria coun ty, aad to me directed, there will be exposed to Public Sale, oa the premises, on SATUR DAY, the 4th day of MAY next, at 10 o'clock a. m., the foiiovicsr Real Ettate.-to wit:; All the right, title and interest of Patrick McGurk, of, in sad to a lot of ground, situ ate ia Cambria borough, Cambria county. routing on lliver street, and extending back to Conemaugh river, adjoining lot of Mrs. Fitzpatiick on the north and lot - of Tv I?o- john on the south, having thereon erected a one-story plank house and plank stable, now in the occupancy cf ;. . - Taken into execution and to be sold at the 6uit of Terance KeeDan. r JAMES JIYFJIS, Sheriff. "PRIVATE SALE. Thesubscri- ber oSers at Private Sale two valuable tracts of TIMBER LAND, situate in Jack son township, Cambria county, and known as the "Lloyd Property." Also Four oth er valuable tracts of LAr L), situate in Uam- bria and Jackson townships, and known as the "Pensacola Property." Also TWO FAK&lb adjoining the borough of LuenEburg -one containing about 160 acres'; theothrr about 13 acres.. The buildings are all in good repair, with iiever-failirg springs of water near the houses. '. - - Tersons wishing to purchase cr sell Farms cr Timber Lands, will do well by calling on me before buying or offering them for sale. F. A. SHOEMAKER,. - . -Att'y tt Law, Ebensburg. A UDITOR'S NOTICE. The - undersigned Auditor appoiatod by the Orphans Court of Cambria cunty to report distribution nf money in the hands or Danl J. Jones and Sarah Aru Thomas, Adminis trators of John IL Thomas, des'd, hereby notiiies all persons interested that he will . attead to the duties cf his appoiatment. at hiso3ce ia Ebeasburg borough, cm. -Wednesday the Zth cay tf May next, at 10 oclock the estate of the said decedent must be pre sented, er they will be debarred from' pay meat. SAMUEL SENUEEIOIV April 11, lS57.-St. Auditor;.- A UDITOK'S NOTICE. Tlie nnder signed Auditor appointed by the Or- S bans' Court of Cambria county to report istribution of money ia the hands of John D. Thomas, Administrator of James S. Todd, late of Ebensburg, dee'd, hereby notifies all persons interested that he will attend to the duties of said appointment, at the oEce of William Kitlell.Esq.. ia the borough cf Eh ensbnf g, on Monday the 2Qth inst.,&l 2 o'clock m., when and where they must present their claims, or be debarred from coming in for a share of said fund. ' WM. II. SECnLER, Auditor: A UDITOK'S NOTICE. The .under signed -Auditor sppoiuted by the, Or phans' -Court of Cambria county to report distribution of the money in. tbe bands of Ym. Kittcll, Esq. .Administrator of John Reese, dee'd, hereby notifies all persons in- terested. that he will attend to the duties of said appointment, at the of F. A. Shoe maker, Esq., in the borough cf Ebensburg, on Friday the 2Zth imt. at 2 o'clock r. m., when and where they must present their claims, or be debarred from coming In for a share of said fund. WM II. SECHLER. , 11, 1867.-3t. ; - . . Auditor. A UDITOR'S KOTICE. The undersigned Auditor appointed by the Orphans' Court of Cambria county to report distribution of the funds ia the hands qf Mark A. Will, Administrator cf ; Anthony Will, dee'd, hereby notifies all persons inter ested that he will attend to the duties of said appointment, at his cfilce ia the borough of Ebensburg, on Friday ihi 2d day cf May, 18G7, at 2 o'clock p. M., when and where they must present their. -claims, or be debar red from coming ia for a share of sru 1 fund. GEO. W. OATMAN.-Auditor..-' ' 1 UDITOIVS'v KOTICE.; Tho linger;: ti fid Auditor ennointed bvthO Orphans' Court of Cambria county to report . distribution cf the money in the hands of Jacob llubcr and John Karlheim, Executors of Bernard . Karlheim, dee'd, hertby, gives potice to all persons interested that Le will attend to tha duties of said appointment, at his oCce ia Ebensburg, on Saturday the iih day cf May, 1857, at 2 o'clock p. M., when and where they must present their claims, or ba debarred from coining in for a rh&re of said fund. GEO. W OATMAN, April 11,1SG7.-St. Au-:itor. T JOTICE TO DEL1NQUETST A- All pereons knowing themselves in debted upon tha books of the nndersiiraed are rqueite.l to call and make immehat9 settlement of their account either by pay ing the cash or giving their notes, as I de sire to clwo. out my buslnev-s as soon as poa- sihie i'ersons neifcctins this notice will hnd their ,-covnts ia tbe band. of a frnrer :.lticer for collection. . .ITX1X JACOiS. Loretto, April 1 1,1 $;". . "t. ,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers