5 m i ii J Hum m i Mjnun jjmbwwlip. in fn imnirrnn M.ijiU"T'JWAj.,irj miumiLn.jWQjaiLU-,-" i , mi iuwuhi l -Hi.J-iiu imiutjiiiB ii '- : -- irjiriijiLuiniqiw-, ' I! : '.'7 - r - A Eni a usable SIarfoagx. A. lovin . cocpk at Sharpsburj, Ky., arrived at that - tins cf hfa when they think "sixteen and twenty for each are meant," had appointed a recant Thursday evening for the cele- . uiiiuu i laeir nupiuns, out untortunately f the younj gentloman who procured the li- cessa tailed to make his appearance with mat important document, aud after wait- Snj a lcn time, the minister patienco - trcra out and ha departed. Another clar- rjtsaa was gent for. butowin to the late ness of the hour and the inclemency of ine weatuer, he refused- to comply, and tne ceremony had to be postponed till the i next day. In the meantime ; the nerson , taring the license appeared, and in due time on the morrow the minister was en route for the residence of the bride ; but . en arriving on the banks of the classic , Iiinkston Creek, 'the ibod kad placed an '. impassable barrier in his way. Not to be thwarted this, time, however, one of - the bridal attendants swam the stream . : with the license, the bride and groom, mounted on horseback, drew near the " water's edge. The minister mounted a itump, and frem the opposite sida of the stream, proceeded to solemnize the mar- ; riage rites according to the statutes of -. Kentucky. Thus, says the Carlisle Sler : cury, were Jerry Jewell and Hannah Shrout, both of Bourbon county, made one fiesh and bade go on their wiy re-- joicing. - There lives in the southeast portion of amaen, Loram county, Ohio, a Mrs. r Polly Haskins, who is one hundred and v fifteen years of age. When the British fieet landed in New Bedford, Conn., she 1 end her parents were obliged to quit their home ehe traveling on foot, and carrying a feather bed twenty miles the first day. , JJa. Youatt, a famous veterinary sar eeon, who has been bitten eight or ten , limes by rabid animals, relates that crys tals of nitrate of silver, rubbed into the - weund, will positively prevent bydropho- fcia io the bitten. True or not, it is easily tried, and is not dangerous. ....' t Tu z President's cook j daily expecting a summons from the impeachment commit tee for not putting black pepper in the " coup. ' "POLAND'S . - ; , Ilaglc rjiSIoua Poirders. " - This Prepsration is the dis- S covery of Rev. J. W. Polako. ' formerly Pastor of the Baptist ' . yiJSf DUrcn l uoustown, K. II. a r 31 C man dearly beloved bjr that de " nomination throughout N.En- land. He was obliged to leave um juipu ana stuay mcnJicme to save his wn uie, ana nis Juagic foWDEBs re oneof me most. wonderful discoveries of modern ;tirnes. It is the GREAT LIVER and BIL- I0U3 REMEDY, which completely throws In the shade all other discoveries in medicine; -and it affords him much gratification that they receive the unanimous approbation of . all who have tested them. . . The rMagic Bil ious Powder? are a POSITIVE CURE FOR LIVER COMPLAINT In its most aggrava t Ud farm, and an immediate correctorof all JILTOUS DERANGEMENTS. Excellent for Headache, Constipation. Pimples, Blotch. . oK7 otii. jjrowsiness, Vxzzmest, Pal piiation. Heartburn, and a mcst wonderful Cure and Preventative of Fever & Ague - ( We advise all who are troubled with this fearful malady to always ketp the Powders cn band ready .for immediate use.) - , , , Here are a few important particulars: 1st. They are the great specific for Bilious AC?ction. ;id. They are the only known remedies thst will cure Liver Complaint. Bd. They are the only known remedy 'that illcure Constipation. 4th, The Powders are so thorough in their operation that one package will be all that the majority of those si2 tbem will require to efTict a cure. 6th. -They are a mild and pleasant yet the most Actual cathartic knows. 6th. Tney are -the cheapest and best medicine extant, as .they can be sent by mail to any part cf the globe for the pries, 0 cents. . I Circulars, contusing certificates, Informa tion, otc, tent to say part of the world free of charge, JESoU ty all DrugS:sU, or by mau oa application to- '...' , . i i. ; ,C. G. CLARK & CO., Oen'l Agents. -Price; 60 Cu.pcr Bos. . New IiATrr.. Cx. tJAA tldTARD! ; O- w t For a medicine that xsill curt COUGHS, . :;, . , . . ; INFLUENZA, . ; ' y TICKLING IN THROAT, ' . . . - WHOOPING COUGH, t. or relieve CONSUMPTIVE CO UG IIS. . COZ'S COUGH BALSAM OVER ONE MILLION BOTTLES bave been sold, and not a single instance cf Its failure is known. We have in our pos eessicn any quantity cf Certificates, some of them from EMINENT PHYSICIANS who haveitsed it in their practice, and given it the pre-eminence over rIJ other compounds. IT DOES NOT DRY UP A COUGH, PUT LOOSENS IT, o as to enable the -patient to expectorate freely. Two cr three doses will iktaeiaelt TES TIC3U-G I.N' THE THEOAT. A half Lot tie. bas often completely cared the most BiuLbcm Cough, acd-yct, though -it is euro and speody in it3 operation, it i3 rer fcctly harmless, U-ing purely ve;etalle. It 4a very ngrcrable ta the ta t-, and may be administered to children cf any ae. In ccsesef Croup we will gvkrakteacitrt, if trjeen in season. , - t:o ramllj t!icr.!a I;o wltlicut It. It is within tha reach cf all.it teh the ttcarest aca L C. O. L'LJkRi; ft CO . Pron'rE. Wiif.i i.cw 3 v. Neiv rUrs-n, Confi.- MANUFACTOBY, ALL KMDS OF CIIAffiO, such as common "Wlnsdr Chairs, Fret Back Chairs, Vienna Chairs, Bustle Chairs, Ilka Backed Chairs, Sociable Chairs, 4 Vit-TiJ f ROCKING CHAIRS," OP EVERY SIZE SPRING SEAT CMIRS, Settees, Loud gcs.dc.dc - : . .cadiwet" Funni7ur:i of every description and of latest1, STYLES, WI1 II P 'RICES TO SUIT THE Tastes of all. Thankful for past favors, he re3peot fully tolicit3 a liberal share of public patron age. Clinton Street, Johnstown Cambria Co-P- j Jan. 31.1867. TnCJfSKURQ FOUKDItT. repurchased the Ebeneburg Foundry and is prepared to furnish hia former customers vwv L'UVIIVt bUAb L1C - UiLM and all others with every description ofcaa: iugs nsuallj? tnanufactnred at a country es- laousnmenT;. jie win always keep on hand the best quality of COOKING STOVES J T T)T fT C'TrVTTr-ri nrirr. .nw. Also rLUWb, of the most approved pat tern. PLOW POINTS, THRESHING MACHINES and all other articles connect ed with the business of a Foundry ' rr. ; 'i... . r ' xie jnvnes mo patronage ot the public and will sell at tbe most reasonable urices. I jr.- t . ... . loi casa or country produce. EDWARD GLJLE3 WORD feoii JOHNSTOWN! JOIIK J. MURPIIT & CO., M iheir Storas in Vie Scott House, Main St., ana on uunton street, Johnstown, Ilave constantly on" hand a large and well selected stock of seasonable Dry Goods, Boots, Shoes, Groceries. and a neoeral variety of NOTIONS. &e. Their stock consists of almost every article esuauy Kept in a retail store, all of which have been selected with care and are offered at prices which cannot fail to prove satisfac tory, can and examine fur yourselves. ."RJBEfiSBURG LITERARY DEFOTH DEALEB IK BOOKS. STATIONERY. CIGARS. TO BACCO. PERFUMERY. FANCY SOAPS, Ac, &c, In the Boom, formerly occupied ly Dr. Lemon - as a Jjrvj blose, MAiylbTpEET, ErsxsnuEO, Keeps Blank Books, Envelopes, Paper, Pens, EBENSBURG dt CRESSON RAILROAD Oa and after Monday .Nov. 19. 1866. trams on tais road. will run as follows : . m ... w I Leave E3assBUF.o. -. . At 6.05 A. M..ooanectmg with Baltimore i Express West and Day Express East, j At 7 00 P. M., connecting with Phila. Ex. ' tist and Day Express West. Leave Csessos r -. r- At 8.S0 A. M., or ca departure ef Bait. Express West.- i - - .. At 8.40 P. M., or on departure of the Phila delphia Express West.. TTmwmI. -.1 J3 i . . . HOUCellOld FumXtUTO ! such as LOUNGES, TABLES., 1 BEDSTEADS SOFAS, BUREAUS. WHAT-NOTS CUSHIONED, CANE-BOTTOMED ' AND fCW 1 T rXT C'll TUG NEW FURNITURE WABER00M, .. - julia eTBEKT,'KSAS haeriet, OpposiU the Protestant Episcopal Church, March Y, 1867.-Cm. EAST ALTOONA. JOHJI GAY. . ... . . WK fO ,-Ar-Y-r W E L vt ir5u?t a Gay A Pal WHOLESALE Grccsrs and CcznniEsica Ilercliants AXD DEALERS IS FLOUR, TRODUCE. FISH, SALT, CAR- vux UiLS, fire, &c, Corner Puan and Canal Sts.. oppofite Grain ..Elevator,,. febSS Pittsburgh,, EAT. VET CHI IX 3. w. c 4 ' .OTfBIE. CE2EL3. HCRPHET. IHI GUILDS Sr C O . Vboleale Dealers In y - 15 rin rv crnrrm PITTSBURGH, PA. Agents for the sale of "Ilope Mill""' Cotton mm. iags, iiaum and Carpet Chain. Feb. 23, lE67.-tf. - .Lime for Sale LalE nncers!: from sylvani or any its branches. Add ress, V?ll. TILEY. Jan31,-tf Hemlock, Cimbria co., P I I. J . SUCCESSOR to R LLOY'D, S. Bo-jr. TifiAPr in 0 UilUUS, MEDICINES AND PAINTS I ITf-," f?Wnbnr2, P.. .Jan. 31, 7.tf. CHAIR Newspapers. Novels. Uistorus, Prayer and frtV? Toy Books. &o. (v. Statior,; r't Jn Part.of Cooking, 1 . ' i rneii is TrerAr( tr cV.jrk T.;rvr Lli7 btation. or No. 4. r,n t K P-, a EaiSroad t Ebenbbur, JoLnsfon, other point cn the Penna. It. Tt. - ... . . ' . TINWAHH, HARDWARE &c. 1807, ?G-TnADE. 1867. , I am now prepared to offer -' SUPERIOR INDUCE3IENTS TO CASH PUBCHASEBS OF TIN & SHEET-IRON WAR EITHER AT - ' V "WHOLESALE OR RETAIL. My etock consists in part of every variety of -; xsa, rucctXron, -COPPER AND BRASS WARES, ESAMEIXED -AKD PLAIN SAUCS-PAIIS, r BOILERS. Us COAL SHOVELS, UINE LAMFS, OIL r CANS, HOUSEFURNISHING HARD- " - v VARE OF EVERT EIND. Y ? 1 i""- 1 fpi' AntiDngt . "- ! HEATING and COOKING: STOVES, EXCELSIOR C COKING STOVES, NOBLE, TRIUMPH akd PARLOR COOK- . ING STOVES, And any Cooking Stove desired I will get when ordered at- roannfacturer's prices.- Odd Store Plates and Grates, rc.,. for re pairs, on hand for the Stores I sell ; othere will be ordered - when wanted. Particular attention given to I - - - . . . . SpOllting, YalleV'S and ConductOfSt all of which will be made out nf host mtJ. riala and put up by competent workmen. Lamp Burners, Wick and Cbiisaeys '' - WHOLESALE OB EETAIL.. . i :'--i : I would call particular attention to the Light House Burner, with Glass Cone, for giving more light than any other in use. -Also; the Paragon Burner, for Crnde Oil. A ;ffiPEWCERS ' SIFTER.! - ' ."M 7;-. ; -It .recommends itself.' '' SUGAR KETTLES AND CAULDRONS : j- of all sizes constantly on baud. ? . .. ,. .Special attention given to, Jobbing in.Tin; Copper and SheeHron, , . ai, iuwesfc pofcsi Die rates. . Whoixsale'Meech ants' Lists M f now ready, and will be sent on application J ?i a or in person. ( , . Hoping te sea' all my old customer's and many new ones this Spring, I return my most sincere thanks for the very liberal pa troika I have already received, snd will endeavor to pleas.? all who may call, wheth er thy buy or not I - . ' - : - 5 ,. . .Francis w. hay;;. onnstp w n, M arch J, I 8 T.-C 2T. K gUIAX iiEDCCTIOXJIN VmvESl - 2J CASH BTiVKItf: ... HPUSE-FURNISIIINB STORE! iuo uuucreyueu; respecuuiiy lnlorms' tne citizens of Ebensbnre and the aly thaf he has made a creat reduction ' in ' My stock will Parlor and HeaU 'Pular kincts : Tin- ware of every description, of my own man ufacture ; Hardware of all : kind: ' enrh Lfjcks, Sciews," Batt Hinges,' Table" Hinges Shutter Hinges, Bolts, Irt.n and.Nails. Win dow Glass, Putty, Table Ktives and Forks, Carving ' KoiTes and; Forks, Bleat Cutters, Apple Parers.' Pen and Pock-ti ITtitVoa ; great variety, 'Sci?sors.5 Shears,' Razors and btrops, Axes, Hatchets; Ilaramcrs,- Borin" Machines, Augers.' Chissels, Planes, (in rasss, oquares, rues, tiasps. Anvils; Vises, Wrenches, Rip. Panel and Cress-Cut Raw ChaiDS of all kinds. Shovels. "'Snads R and Snaths,, Itakes, 'Forks; SkUh' Bells, Shoe Lasts, Pegs, ' Wax Bristles, Clothes v nngers, unnci atones, : Patent ; Molasses Gates and Measures. Lumber Stiffen TTr.a A,',a "ur,"B "ooes. ast 0tc?ir Kmes. Shot Guns, Revolvers. Pistols, Cartridges, pW- der. Caps. Lead, &c... Odd Stove Plates Grates and Fire Bricks, Well and Cistern Pumps and Tubing : . Harness and SaLUm, Vare ofa11 Wn Ji Wooden and IHZfow Ware in itmb unrri. . r,-t - . w, js. Turpentine. Alrnnl. . P 1 1 1 " ry fmm 4 , r-- -7 ' , ! U 1 "WV.yiirilfi., bucn as ct AVT "amt bitewaMi;-StNb. Ilor&e; Shoo, Pustinjr. Varuisti. Stove. ITtthr. Tocth Erushos,' all kiud3 and "bizes; Bod Cords and..' Manilla Ennes. and mnv r-.t.h. articles at the lowest rates for CASH " ' ; $3 House Spouting ;rh'adc, painted and put up at low rates for cash: "A libera! rHt- mnde to ' country. 'dealers' h!iTin'Tin.,v wholesale. . : . ,.-. GEO. HITnTT.fvs v Ebensbnrg. Feb,'S3,, 1Z&7ML- , : : ; FKANlv Ay.-' II AY, vj TTHOLESALE and RETAI L Manufacturer j of TIN. COPPER and SfT r.nT.TnnM WARE, Canal street, below Clinton. Join toirre, a. a lare stock constantly band., DOCKET KN1TES. Taele irv,v,,s and Forks. "Spoons: K-c. Van . Kn,v cheap for cash at GEO. HUNTLEY'S e d ' OOD Si U CTTEIi 1 W.t r . . . . . . . ' - just- received end for e.ile low f, at : GE0, UUNTLiar'3, AHGAIKS can be had bji yonr gooi :or cmh at Feb. 23. GEO. HUNTLEY'S. 'F you f tit to buy pootla cn Ion" crc and ray b: paces, don't co to GEO. HUNTLEY'S. Feb. 23. OUGA HCTTLI and W FeC' g; :0. nUNTLEY'S. men as xea, LtoUee, bugars,' Molasses, S7T- . wxlsh. ups. Spices. Dried Peaches. Dried Apples S- H , sh- Huminy, ; Crackers,; R?ejand 'Pearl nitr, 1 ianey; boaps, ,UnUIes j TOBACCO Vand GENERAL MERCHANDISE. . . ; Qnca saco, - QUICK. ' ' ' -r AND SMALL PROFITS. - j " AND SMALL PROFITS; ; ' ' ' . AND SMALLPROFITS, GURLEY'S NEW CHEAP STORE, ; GURLElS NEW CHEAP STORE, ' GURLEY'S NEW CHEAP STORE, EBENSBURG,' PA. " " ; , EBENSBURG, PA. . ''W EBENSBURG, PA. The Selected brought GO AND SEE. fin ANn rvv The subscriber calls tho attention r.f tl.P public to the fact, that he has just xece-.ved o.uu -pUcuui, ia nis re otore, a large Mm;, ui guutwi consisting ot a FLOUR, CORN MEAL, CHOP FEED, Bran. Fish. Bacn and Cheese: Sufar. Cf. fee. Tea,' Molasses Spices. Tobacco, Cigars. vAsuutes, ouap,; v ineper, arc,, ccc. . NOTIONS, DRUGS, PERFUMERY, i btonewareand Earthenware- ALSO, a fine 1 assortment of the best and latest style - - -j - -jik hand Tiologna Sausages, Sardines,Tresh and Spiced Oysters in can. or half cans, and al- most everything in the eatini? or drinking line. ..All; of which will be sold at small profit.; - ' . r:-: . . .'- . ; ; ; GEO. GURLEY, , . Main Steeet, EsEKSBxrao, Pa. January 31, 1867. - : .... ' . JMPORTANTto everybody. a "if liiPin :mm : r v JOIir? I. T002A3 , ;' Takes pleasure iri announcing to the citizens of Ebensburg and the north of the county generally, that he has recently added to bis stock a large and complete assortment of SHOES, BUSKINS, , GAITERS, &c, For Ladies1 and Children's Wear, from the celebrated wholesale eetablUhment of Ziegler & Sutton, Philalel- poia. xms stocx comprises evervthing that is desirable and serviceable in the wav vtwtu7-7ac sewea work, and every article Is warrauted cf the best material and most per fect mannfacturo. In the sale of the rw?c I the subscriber pledges himself to repair free ' vuaic any article mat may give way af ter a reasonable time and reasonable usae. Ane ladies are specially invited" to call aud examine the stock. " 1 ; The subscriber also keeps on hand and Is prepared to manufacture to order BOO'lB aud-SHOES for Gent's and Youth's wear, of ine very oest material and workmanship, and at prices as reasonable as like work can be obtained anywhere;- Fench Calf. Com mon Calf, Morocco and all ether kinds . of Leather constantly, on baud. . ,.; . ;'t , . -.j. .CC Store on Main street, next -door to Crawford's Hotel, i tr ,:,,v ,; ffcb21-tf. - I;; REAL ESTATE SALES. PRIYATE SALE MrThc subscri-! - ; c ber will . rail. the following , described Property at Private Sale .-5 i , ,A One House at Portasre Station, on p. R. R., with 2 acres of land. - Suitable for a Store Rcxim or a Dwelling. " , ' One Hotjae and 90 Acres Land, on Pa. R Sa.ff1!"81 the siding of the Union Mills of the subscri- One House and 2 Acres Land aS Porta S8. now occupiea by liouisa Keeners. A v,rA site for a Store. , ' . - -' s One Water Power Saw Mill. witKfri t rods of the Pa. R. R.. one half I ?ntaS8 Agether witb timber iand, 100. po.orSOO acres, to suit purchasers. The -r ... ,. . i . i61 ta Wbc? actof 480 acrs. with tirhber enough on the same to run the water mm ior seven years. The property has 1,500 to 2.000 . feet of side tracks con necttng with the Pa. It. R. - ,1; -. A geueral Warrantee Deed will be given on ten days notice for all the foregoing pVo perty, and possession cf all houses, etc? will be sriven on 1st April next. - - 5.- Call soon, as the property Will be disoosed of on or. before the 1st April.. ' ? ; "f i The - improyements ' cost the "subriber $6,000. 'IS' ' 150 Acies of theTnd is timbeTed with good Sugar, and the Land itself is warranted to be as goed as ny in Cambria county.' Thrse creaks' pass through the L-ind Viz Trout Run.Mclntosh Run and rightEun There is CAL on -he 'Land, and auy' amount of mrrY vrnrn -n. The location is the on'y outlet to the coal lacds of Eurke and the :Wcb. 21. Ltoyd & Co. lands. : t,: .w-- . y : Two pieces of. the Land adfofn tl. formerly owned by Hon, Thcs. A. Scott, and known as the M'Coy Farm. ; ; . . : . ' One-third the purchase money wi:i be re quired down ; the balance in tlx ssd twclre months. ' .;:'::-':- i . . '-Ten per ce-U will bs deducted for cs-b pavmeuts. ; - ..-r , . - Tho property will be SnLt' in preference ta being eexted, as the sabacriber has- not time to collect rents. '. : . . vThe House and Let, gay 1 Arra cf Land, at Ports -2. now occupied by Louisa Keep crs. will oa sold low, if sold soon. Also, the Eiore ioom at the same lar 3. with 2 Acres Land, formerly occupied bv Victor Voc-ht!r sold to him at one time -for.' S725wPl ,fc8 vCC3. The former will U sold for caebv cr lis tvnivzlzzt. - CALL-SQOUt .: i - .Wilaore.Tcb. 1,. 2257.-5.. - Larger Stock f Goods. The East 5 .7; Z, Z . " .PwLirf and .the Greatest. Variety w .:bLWiLUV. 'l'.?1" ck to Town. - , ' ITTORNEY AT. LAW. EbensUira. Pa. 1." o . lQ .HaQi'A LARGEST, CHEAPEST AND BEST, LSf jfnrfr thektet l2s at rt St? LARGEST. CHEAPEST AND REST , Jan. Sl.67-tf. pmcES. . .anattClTI LARGEST. CHEAPEST A vn-nrsT - i? 'fin ivn RU-w - I iTwiiwrr a ti- t . ttt ' V0iA getting u P.r.Av'B- t : PROFESSIONAL CARDS. - L. PEESIIi:ca, Attorney-at- Law, JoJmsioicn. Ta. OGlce on Frank lin street, up-Etoirsfc over John ; Benton's Hardware Store. Jan. 31, 1867. ,YtAlES C. EASLY, ArronxEY- O at-Law, Carrolltown, Camlria Co.. Pa. Collections and all legal 'business promptly attended to. " . Jan. 31, 1SG7. TDT KINKEAD, Justice of ths Peace and Claim J vent. Office removed to the oSce formerly occupied by M. Hasson. isq,, esc-a, on Uigh b t., Ebecsburg. j31. ' ' Khtnxhurrt 1 sn- . . f ij umce in i;onade Row, T Jan. 5, 18C7tf.. ; " JOSEPH M'DONALD. f ITTORNEF AT LAW, Ebensburo Pa U '"ce uu Uentre street, opposite McHire's ; fuotei, .,.:':,?: ... Jan. 31 !8G7-tf JOHN FENLON, ITTORNEYAT LAW.our Pa. fl Office on High street, adj,4riins his retd oence. , - Jan si; iS67.-tf; GEOliGE M. J?EED, of ITTORNEY AT. LAW. Ebenslura. Ta- ".vu lu-aiu e tree t, inree floors t,st ol Julian. Jan 31 1867 ' ' - GEORGE YT. '.-O ATM AN. t TTORNEY AT LA 7, Ebensburg. Pa. il uiuice m Vyoionaoe now. Centre street r January 31, lSS7.-tf. WJLLIAM KITTELL, ITTORNEY AT LAW, Ebenbvrg. pa. ix vmte io voionaae How, Centre street. JatuSl. l8G7.-tf. , , F. A. SHOEMAKER, ITTORNEY AT LAW. Ebensburg, Pa - u ujlu ouuci .uue ciorir r,:ir nr titm ianKing uouse f Uoyd & Co. ; January 21, 1867.-tf. -' . . - , , ... . . ' ..w JOHNSTON & SCANEAN, ; Attorneys at Law, . , V ? .. .. .Ebensburg, Cambria ce.. Pa. ' .Office oppsite the Gurt Houso. " , . rEbensburg, Jan. 31, 1867.-tf. ' - JOHN--P. LINTON, 11 Oince in building on corner of Main and franklin street, opposite Mansion? Houe. Knr.. . ...... ' . ' second tloor. f Entrance on Franklia Btreet. , Johnstown, Jan. 31, lSG7. tf. v ' ... ; D. M-AlJGriLINj - ITTORNEY AT LA W. Johnstown,-Pa fl Office in the Exchange building, on the Corner of Clinton and Locust streets up stairs. Will attend to all "business connect ed with hts profession, a'', ' 1 r Jan. 31, 18C7.-tf. r - .: ..- '.I' S. BELFORD DENTIST, fiONTINUES to visit Ebensbur-TersonalIv il on the 4th -Monday cf. each month. - awscuue iewjs i. onyner, wno Rtud-.od wjth the Doctor, will remain in the ofHce and attend to all business entrusted to him. : Jan31,'G7. BANK NOTICES. D. T. CAI.D'WEL'L, ' - f:-shnt President. Cashier. TRiriST NATIONAE BANK - r . ' : op altoosa. . rAKD ; DESIGNATED DEPOSITORY OF-TnE : : - . . - UNITKD STATES. . , - . I Corner Virginia and Annie Sheets. NoriJi Ward. AUoona. Pa. ' . . ! ? . Authorized Capital, .. , S300 C00 Cash Capital paid inr . - " . - 15000 on favorable terms , rinternal Revenue SUmnWf ,11 . d.;. nations, always ou hand.' . - w s.' t c 5 ;To purchaser of Stamps, percentage, id Uamps, will be allowed, as follows; " 150 to $100. 2 per cent. S100 to A?00? o per ceni ; JUO and upwards, 4 per cent. IK.ST 5" Ii X?iv ?i A Lr 13 .IS I -': Pr -'OHS6TOWN, CAMEB.IA. CJ.. A. - :. f . . ... , . . Capital. 550,000 Privilege to Increase . , to $100,000. , , Inland and Eorcign Drafts furnished. y Gold and Silver bought and sold, r .Collections made, at Rome and abroad. U. S. Bonds and Securities of all kind cb- tamed. " . : . .". Deposits received and money loaned. . A general Banking business transacted. - . t, : ' " DiHEcroBs. . ::' V" Di J.Morrell. 7 Uaac Kanllman. Jacob JI. Campbell. George Fritz, v . John DVert, , E. 1, Townsend,- . Jncob Levera'ood D.J. MOIiriELL, Preset. II. J. RosrsTS, Cashier. Jn3r67. ,otD c EEEXSTtrrifn T Gold, Silver, Government Loar d other Srcuritics, boaht and s Id. Interest allowed ou Time Lenoats. .Odlecti-sna m on Rii accrssm; . . ii ... . - - - points in the United St? and a general Rankin? bu , January SI, If 37. " , :ess transacted. f .-j. mjjtjvi ij. aJ CO., . D.a, otherincip citiss and b'dver and Goid i..r rile. ColUcticr.s Lcnsjs received cn de?cdt, ravftl!a on "d. tz22a, Without i2tsrtt cr upx: tins, with wtnv?Mt-f!r ratc.w.. . " .. , ::iSCELLAfQU E rt BOOK, CARD, ALTOONA, Pa. Having cur oSce fitted np with a , , vaiie! assortnJer.t of M Job Type, Power and Card Prs-e, IXnUnz riacfatne and Book Bid ' and ell the reeraisittsof a. firCi . . icu, for .he purpcbe cf eiecct, vj. c? share of the ttork heretofore sent toci lunmeru,- ana pledge onrsefves to do jfM muij ana no u 83 Chsa? as i can h A such work as your own Minting "ffiff;! uut me liciiiiies ior execuim. GITF ra Orders for work left at the FkEEaAxog-. will be promptly attended to. jtnl-aa. OREIGK SHXPPlXG" EXCKAfMGE OFFICE. We are cow eeKir.s Exchar?se (it v,, YorkEateaon - ' - c . k England; - Ireland, Wales, ; : Genaaav. ScotiSLu, Prussia, WurtemLeF oaxoDj, t-'witzerl&t-i, Austria, Bavaria, Baden, , Hessen. Hanover, Belgium. Holland, 1 Norvay and France. And Tickets to and from anv Pmt in England, --Ireland.. Scotlan..!. Germany, France, Californ:, New South Wales or Absu1;s. MARBLE WORKS. "ORICES GREATLY. REDUCED! AT THE " JOHIJSTOTTn luAHBLE TsmTsrrsr The subscriber has just received a large and handsome invjico Italian and American W A U D U , ! I ' .' - I. I v u dni ever brought tol' 4" Johnstown, at his establisliment t on Franklin Street," where he is c.rr)arf with an adequate fores of exDerienm: H fkilful workmen, to execute all km.r MONUMENT'S. Mantels. Tombstona. T. ble and Bureau Tuns, 5:c. 3 chean as tier can ue purcnasea m any ol the Cities. i . y i . A large stock of Guixmtoses cn and for sale low. A-room has been openetl in Ebenfibnrf. few doors west of Dr. S. S. Chrttv Dri;- Store, where artic!es of roy manufacture are sept constantly on hanl. to which the at tention of purchasers is invited. , CC7" Prompt attention paid to or Jars frcrri a distance and work delivered where t't sired. - JOIINPAIIEE. LORETTO MAEBIB WORKS. ; rpHE UNDERSIGNED begs leave toir.f.iri I the citizens of (fimbria and adwiLic,' counties, that h bus just received a stmt of the finest Italian and other Marbles n; his Establishment in Lorello Cambria co.. Pa . ;:; Monuments; Tombs, Grave Stones. Till: and Bureau tops, manufactured of the n;-. beautiful and finest'quality-of Foreign and Domestic marble, always on band andaiafi? to order as, cheap as they, can be purchased in the city. ..in- a reat and workmanIir. manner, and on the shortest notice. The public are respectfully invited toche me a call before purchasing elsewhere, us ! am confident that mv work and prices satisfy any person detirin any thic ia rr.r line 01 ousiness. . . . JVotP is the time fj net a cheap Job J " , - ; , ' JAMES WILKINSON.. HOTELS. SCOTT-HOUSE, Main Street. Johnstown, Cambria Co., f- A. ROW & CO., Proprietors. ; r.UES HOUSE having "been ' rcStted ' l 1 elegantly furnished, is. now open for ;3f receplioa and eiitertainmcnt i.f jrue&ts. "T.a propriecrs by lon expsrionce in hotel I " irig feel conadent thty can s-iisfy a !::; crlmlnatinfr public." ' ' c: Their Bar. is .supplied- with the brands of liquors aud wises. ; . ' Jau. 81, 12G7. - Or) UNION HOUSE, fBENSBURG. Ta., JOHN A? .Bttr U Atopic tor, spares no pains, to render t' f hotel worthy of a cc-air-uaitoaef the !ir'."-patrona-e it bui-heretofore received. '. i1 Uble will always be furnished with XV best the market affords; his bar with' ji bes t ct liquors ills stable islarpe, 'an: be .-attended by an: attentive and obi i'-i bostler. ; .,' ,,J-nSl, lS37-t?. -. TyOUKTAi:; HOUSE, Eei-nsS n. i. Li:,io.i co.. Prop"' Transient visitors MJ arders t&Vrn bv the " mono or ,i year, oa re?, son able terras.- SHIELDS HOUSE, ' LQRETTO, CAMBRIA COUNTY, TO Oil A 3 CALL EN, Troprietor. ' IIS bousa is now open for the iccct':' cf tha r-llu. Accmoa-ti S3 ,1 d- ca! ths ecu dry. tpIII aford. charges mod rat4. .Jan 81, -And Blank-Book Manbfadtlfer, ! Letter and Bill Head... neatly1 pAa plain black or fancy colored inks oi work will, we feci confident, give cntireif faction.' and vre respect fuilv scl.Hf r .v '' heTAE.s ij always surplied 'wUh - choicest ddicaci3 ; the Bas'is supplied chr-a l;ucrf, nni the Erxzix atteodei
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers