."UJ1 jl'iij I ,-, '-v'', , '''....! I ' N , M 1 I -- 1 1 " 'U j" , ., p. - i rs;'.;-i r.-x - , - . i i , - - ;. A , . . j j p - '4 Sj : un is freest.; wnoauc. truth TJiai: VOLUME 1. ' . ; EBENSBURG, PAi, THURSDi Y, X: TINWARE, HARDWARE, &c.; 186L rRiG TKADE-1867. I ar& now prepared to offer SUPERIOR INDUCEMENTS " TO CASH PCKCHASERS OF . 0 TIN & SHEET-IRON WARE ! ;: eitejejj at: WHOLESALE OR KETAIL! 5Ty efock consists in part of every variety of ' X!n, Sliect-Iron, . ' i CX3PPER AXD BRASS WARES, ' BHAMEIXED AND'TLAlW ' ; SAUCE-PAIJZJ. BOILERS. ic., COAL SHOVELS. MINE LAMF3, Olt . CiJS'S. IIOUSEFURNISUING HARD. WARE OF EVERY KIND. SpeatV AntioDnit HEATINQ and COOKING STOVES, EXCELSIOR CG0K1NG JiTO VES, -OBLE, TRIUMPII akd PARLOR COOH. , ING STOVES, And any Cooking Stove desired J will get .when ordered at manufacturer's prices.- . Odd Stove Plates and Grates. rc, ; for re pairs, on hand for the Stoves I sell ; otherg will be ordered when wanted. Particular attention given to Spouting, Valleys and' Conductors, ill of which will be made out of best mate rials and put up by competent workmen. Lamp Burners, WicI: and CMmneya WHOIJiSALK OK RETAIL . ' v , . I weuld call particular attention to the Light . Uouse Burner, with Glass Cone, for givtn more light than any other in use. Also, the A-aragon turner, tor Crude Oil. ' SPESCEa'S 6IFTEU !' , If recommends itself. f Dy,L NUMBER- " THE TWO APRILS, Toung April treads light in the woodland, - adq smues larougti her tear3 ia the lane, And the eun of the old, old tcring-tida ? : -Falls -warm on her cheek again. t'j The breath of the old dead breezes ' ' ' That blew in the face of the hrv ' " Crwps back from my life's faded meadows v .nn wmspers 01 Mope and of Joy.- The larks that I heard in iny childhood; Hid deep in the bending blue, Sing yet of the same old heaven, " . Till that heaven comes almost true, Singjyet ef the loving and longing ? For the beauty of far-off skies. f -. Ofthe pleasures that spring like fiowers ftonna tae steps of the gentle and wise. And I wake from my dread despairing Like a trembling child at night, 1 t Andlol through the darkness of sorrow' Ilope walks with her calm, glad light.' And still, as she passes by me,, : -- I see my pale dreams revive. : r And the joy and the courage of 'spring"-time ALae me aeaa, cold heart revive. r O world ! thou art surely youthful I T ; r But the sapling shall grow a tree. l '' xnou too has a soft green April ouau onng tne great summer to thee. Currsn, SUGAR KETTLES AND CAULDRONS! ot all sizes constantly on hand, v ' Special attention given to . Jobbing in Tin, Copper and SheeHrcn; o iuMi possiDie rates; WiioLESAUi' Merchants Lists THE V7IUT OP IIAXEAS CORPUS. ; AN INCIDENT IK IRISH IIISTORY. ' I j Io the year 1795 .Tone, then a ronr man,' became compromised with the so eiety of United Irishmen, an organization navmg ior us object the Independence of cianu. ne nea to tins country, brick ing with bita his wifj ar.d children, and all his worldly possessiona: Atthat time France was in the heat of a revolution. and at war with England. Tone, restless in his exile, conceived the plan of enfn"' the French government in an expedition f--r tEe cocquest Gllrl&n-l.lU rf cross-.! the ocean, appealed to the French direc tory, and soon persuaded them td nnr. I.UU BAwmiva oi ma javonte sci.jkis. escnpticn the breathless crowd, the heart-broken old man. the Dure and venerable judge, and above all the volun tary and unrivaled advocate, the real friend misfortune's friendwho, while others held aloof, alone- stood forward to hold the a?gx3 of the law between injustice and its victim ; to be appreciated it must have oeea. seen. . . -1, . , ... "I dy act' 'pretend", "tnat -. xdr. Tone is 1 not fenilty of thie charge of w hich he ia accused. I presume the cfacers were honorable men. But H is stated in his affidavit, as a solemn fact; that Mr. Tons had no commission under his majesty, and; therefore, no court-mar tial could have cognizance of any crime imputed to him while the court of king's bench eat in the capacity, of, the great criantt&i court ot the land. ? In tunes when war was raging; when man was oppos'ed to man in the held, courts-martial might be endured : but every law authority is with me, whlla I' stand upon the sacred and immutable principle of the Constitu-f uon, tnat martial law and civil law are incompatible, and that the former must cease with the existence -of- the: latter. tnia is not, however, the time for arnirjg thu momentous question. ) ZZj client must appear ia court. He is cast fV? ibatbi tlis very, day.. XL? may . La crJcrea ibr execution while I address you I call on! the court to rupport the law, and move lor a writ oi habeas rnrrms. tn h ff!rjrf aH to the provost marshal of the barracks and Major Sandys" to bring op the body of Tone." - J Chief J ustice prepared' , - - Ocrr2nr-Iy dnt rarrr ctewhUe the writ is preparing." . Chief J ustice "Mr. Sheriff proceed to the barracks, and acquaint the provost marshal that a writ is rr?narin- tr 'Have a -writ instantly! ana scj tLat 01 ready, and will be sent on application uy man or in person. . .. xioping 19 see ail my old customers and many new ones tins Spnng, I return my most sincere thanks for the very liberal pa. trouage I have already received,: and. will odeavor to pleas all who may call, wheth er they buy or not ' ,', . ' r i ritA.-M.is Wf LI AX. Johnstown, ifarch 7, 18G7.-Gm.: . . - G Several expeditions were fitted out, but Were disbursed by storms. : Tone accom panied them all, with the rank of adiutnf general in the- French arm v. Fin iHv the vessel he was in Was" cqDtnred. a desperate resistance, by aa English-frigate, land Tone beinz recomiip.1 rn v.Tiujtujuince, was .at-cnca. fcroc-at I ai "1U OAiyr oanays . into vvui k-tuiuuai luc iriau.' ne at- j i-rcumci ui iutj court to the acts charged against him, he admitted pend Mr. 'Tory's erscuti lie be not execulcJ." '"In a shert time the sheriff, having re turned, thus addressed theonrt : .VMy !cr6V.rre vt the" bar racks in pursuance cf yoar order. The provost mars!;-! iay. he must obey Major janays ar4,j iiajor adys cays he must ooey ix)ra Cornwajhs." .At 'this time Mr Curran asnonnced the return of Ir.. Tone's messen-rer with the annouaccneii :'iat Gen! 'Craig refused to ouey the Tint xAaleas. corpus.. J V niet Jastice "Mr. SherifT, take the body of Tone into custody. Take the mile It and 1 i-- c.i.s it, c.rial lief" r&thcr i itmue.,' -b .la its 13 good f .:t way; it 13 The report C is- a cjuurt-y, gct cplV; t darns -2 hira with tU Aobody 'who kn a saoigest, bat .to xersperance took -3 evening 7 LI I .."- it up z.nd q a.'r I fot tired cf shoyelinr'Eaotr5 Cii enr ironts:cc.p-arj(J 'side wa!k,wiicH lad to be cone ia ccaseqqence'of a policeman on our Uoc c .wbo was fara ili&r with tha rit wuiEHu-, rdu was ioaa ot qaotin." them to tLe r.cignDors fitter every' saow storm: i Sao w being cut of the eeaion, that po liceraaa -wiU have nothing to do but watch the sportive youths who, whea.deaied the luxury of saowballsliisa stones as substi tutes... i If be does not consider email bota be neath hia notice, ! rwbh ha would keen an ye on taosa youms who havetach a fan cy lor prcjecUIes.' ' "- -' ; ? 5 Oca cf them projected a lemba'tbrourh our parlor window. tvT . ; Aa the window happened to be slmt t the timK on8 f the panes of glass had to make ah cpenlng for it.i.-a :.--.lt,li - At fc-S present price 'cf putty, window giazur is expensiTe.'-' ' ' - ; ; r; I Mrs.rO Lanus a 'eoncitin?"rnmn1 from all the elas3-put-ia men who om Jhe lowest figure at which anrof thesa artists will repair the damages is ten ehil ings. I lor 3 to gaze upon childhood puiiuicg jap-'.l. .23 while it tnay but this psa-ticu-ar rca cation Is too( expensive. " !, : i J .Ocr Thtmist6c!e3' has, a weakrTW t tbrotvlsg :s,tohes which 'is often brotWkti horsa to me bv neio-hbon "whr nom. .. - Id ' i i 4 bare tried; to convinc3 l-!ni of tU error cf his ways. I have reasoned, with1 xiJCi.i.x itEDuanoN n PwrPfi 1 em u, ana Cloned n them. 'TTn uu lash BOXERS! . ; ' ia nag oi loe French republic," said he AT THE ESCSSBritQ . ' - 1 originally engaged with a view jo save ana liberate my own country. It was now universally believed that tne military authorities who had thus pre sumeato enfle. with ..the. powers, of the King's hench would have Tone m(1 on thejnstsst.p tfcri Jiawardeiv a great lint mr r-itr im.i jv ray own country. - --kxicAir great, HDUSE"FURN SH N3 STORF! tn.PonsM have repeatedly braved 5nd judge, was very much af ti, 4 UU7Ji'.9IUll:, the terrors of the ocean, covered as I know fecteA Hl8 agitation,- said Curran, l bare sacrificed mv I 1 Ui nis aeain nad Wltn " v-uaiiiiu nuivii iio uau Dianagea frreat rednrfinn ir, t ... " " .J ray prices to CASH BUYERS. Mv stoclr wJll . . .r'T. -1 n.ate sacrificed my consist, in nart.of Coolinn Plj u,4 views m Iltei Jl have courted Dovertv ; T tng Sieves, of the most popular kinds j Tin- have eft a beloved wife unprotected, and vart of every description, of my own man- children whom I adored, fatherless. Af- yfacture ; Hardware of all kind, such as ter such sacrifices in a Cause which I have lcks. Screws, Butt Oingw, Table Hinges, always conscientiously considered a3 tb onutter Hinges. Bolta.Trr.n anrJ Mail.. v;.. I uiass. nitty, J able Knives and Forks, Carving Knives and Forks, Meat Cutters. Apple Parers, Pen and Pocket Knives in p-eat variety. Scissors. Shears, liazors and strops. Axes, IIatchet3r Hammers, - Borin"- wacbines,-Augers. Cbissels, Planes," Gom- es, uares, i iles, Uasps. Anvils, Vises, "cutae.s iup, rauei ana uross-Uut Saws, ! Chains cf all kinds. Shovela, Spades, Scythes j onatns, KaRes, forks.: Sleigh Bells, ohoe Lasts. Pe?. War BHtV ri.V,- cause ofjustice and freedom, it ia no rrcAt effort at this day to add the sacrifice of J my. life." And then he added : "I wish to spare the court all useless trouble. The charge ajrainst me, 1 presume, is thnt T nngers. Grind Stones, Patent Mol asses have been found in arms arrainst the sol diers of the king of my native country. J aamu tne accusation m it3 most extended sense. l?rom my earliest youth I have tt-ameu me connection Detween Kngland and Ireland s ther.carsa of the Irish na- Gles and lTiaure; T.nmW RKrl-. irn I tion, and ftlt convinced that wKilo tod.j v I . . ' . -IMICU -is, iiorce snoes Guns.- Itttvnlvprs f ' , u.niuCa, i hw. i rtj w mat tUHUL't'.Iun. mow hm x " "u "as oeen imputed to me, words numj mt nciions, a nere deliberately avow. I have spoken and acted flection and on principle, and am ready to ieet me consequences. Whatever fA sentence oi tne court, I am prepared for iu .113 members will sure r disrhar tLeic duty ; I shall take care not to be wanting in mine." Tho sentence of the court was that he die en taescafTwId with in torty-eight hours. There was one friend who did not fnr. pet the young patriot in that trying hour. vuun, wet) naa Ennwn lon3 in his boyhood, and loved him. and i . wno was cetermined thst thU i I. ivr tjcuia cos De consuramated itout revtcsca trora bin. What fal lowed we i v3 in the hangups cf Charles Phillip: On the morning of. tha t1 .v liu wi iiio.tiuuua, m 2 moment the court of king's bench opened, thedauntt advocate advanced, leading Tone's ared tatter by the hand, who produced an n uavit mat nis son naa b?ra trc-' brflim a benen ct cheers who had sentenced bin to death. The scene at the monsmt es. Cast Steel. Kifles. Shot this country could never be free or happy, . Pistols.- Cartri.-lrrpa TVtw I A In thrtt v-tnnn;-. r -r dor. C. TA ni cT ;W-4r" re, a repeal Grates and Fire Bricks. Well and Ostern rumps and Tabinp: ; Harness and Saddlery are of all kin! ; Wo&len cnd-WiUow Ware o great van. , ; Carbon Oil and Oil Lamps, fh Oil, Lanl Oil, Linseed Oil. Lnbricatmr Eoin, Tar.GIassTfare, Taicts, VarEish- FAMILY GROCERIES, oca as Tea. CofTee. SurarsZ-MolassMrRr. "P. Spices, Dried Peaches. Dried Apples, xiomicy, trackers, Kice and Fear! ley: Soaps, Candles ; TOBACCO and UGARS; Paint. Whitewash, Scrub, Horse, , Dusting, Varnish, Stove, Clothes and "ota-Brushes,- all kinds and sizes : Bed "w.and Manilla Ecpo, , and many other - .Hon at me lowest rates for CJASLL yllouse Spouting made, painted and put -r -mow rates torcajA. A liberal discount "Me, to country dealers buy in- Tinware :saie. . . f GEO. IiU.NTLET ;Jeatbnrg Feb, 23, 18S7.tf. . .. FRANK W. TIAY, If n f r -"-i ii iianmacturer. aJI Ina a'rc. below Clinton. Johns A lre stock conetactly to conceal, mtiicted such a wound in his throat that he had little' to fear from this world s jurisdiction. oTha-Chief Jastice. however, as a matter of precaution, or- aerea a writ to be issued: suspending the ciecuuua. at is saia on tne surgeon ex pressing an opinion that" as" the carotid artery had escaped, the -wound was not necessarily tatal, Tone faintly muttered. "I am sorry, then, to find that I have been JEoJjnd ati anatomist" He survived, however, ia silent' rgonj for seven days, whenth'e sahie surgeon, seeing he was sinking, whispered to an attendant, "Yon must keep him as quiet S3 possible if he speaks he dies." thank yon, sir," said Tone, who had overheard him, "you could not give more welcome news. What should I wish to live for !" and expired. ' ' Anxious to Maratx One n ia a ch-rcli a young man who carried thY collection plate, before starting to collect, put his hand ia his pocket; aa usual, and put a shilling, as he -supposed; on thf plate, and then passed It round among the eonref a tion, which numbered many young and pretty girls The girls, as they looked at the plate, ail seemed astonished and amused, and the young man taking a SIanc at the plata, found that, instead of a shilling, ha had pat a conversation Ioz enger ca tha plats, with the worth "Will you marry me?" ia red letters etarir everybody ia tha fx::.. ,Ncne cf thayoun" ladles, however," closed with the cfTer. A r:mi desirous cf finding out the nc- cuniary status cf a person who wished to purchase goods, tc'-rnphed for the infor mation. The answer came back 'Nota good for any amount." So a large bill of goods was so' 1 and shipped. The note came das ar. I v. tat to protest. The firm found withdif-u&t that the dispatch should hare read, "ATtf good for any Rraount." rum with a rattan and Mrs.. OXanus has- msa persuasions cf ;a, slipper.:; ; !( by yoa in n vuij csct a temporary -absti- ' joxi were gain.. :n-0 f,-v t'.:..r-,-s i '-..I..? been evi;aac3 ct tca"iirrr;s; e. Whereapca ths head 1", 'sve ct en t1 I it fbr .ika cf tha ic-etirg, as. ca tl-e movern.r-nt. . iriorch' cf the : 1M j3ice; lli day" has cce,--: lb?a ElaBers vile fareake their rum. , ith songs cf praise the echoes wake Tox a rescued brother, Ililsa OTake." i . Xt tart O'Pake's feelings, and took away M appetite so that h dida't driak any thing for t&lf-a'daj ; but he is better now, "v.n va juxcisa law are ua- ccasgecu; , 'rt: -'. .... ::. ., - , . . 1 m I understand that the excise Comrais sioners are going, to sue Brother: rai-e xor seiang punch without a license, ; Serre him right.;. r ; ., ... ... JrtiU .fondly thine' own, V- , P CORKX O'LAKCS 5 ia . "-a t, - .' ca a pi crr.th :ventcen. cr to II,r :3 cf beef ; a. ritsra.. of - lyir- m its i or 3'st at -this lima r-.- 3 r-Mcd vt I excurtioahar, a r'be ..'3 ' The Governor of NeV. IlampshL-e re- "" iuc oi&ie irnson at Uoncord, and after viewing the baildino- nn.f , , a - the warden to bring ; a certain prisoner in-: to me room, ins short time Mr. Mayo and the man entered arid took their tv;.1 tioa in the middle of the'eompany. The convict was, cf coarse, astonished to find bfrnself ushered into bo large a gathering, ia which there were eom twenty ladies including the wife of his Excellency. The Goyenxor rose, took the man br th and f poke substactially as follows i Aly friend, about twelve months s-o von comraiUed to thb prison for five years for Cf Sooa money. Circumstances fcficr He is an unlucky you th if he breat a window, ha is Sure to be detected and exposed -to bis parent3;AviLhv a ilf fori uamages. . t . ; . The expenses of that ' boy's "educa'ion win inciuae a large item for mending bro- Ken wmaows, besides jxiz a source cf anxiety to his mother, who assures ,rae every day that it is impossible to keep him looking tidy. ;.,:;? i.tfi,-J. -ru. 1;.- lie certainly has a .remarkabla- talent tor tearing his trousers.: ' - fei ' f ;3Allusions to poUcemen UsedjoexerVa wnoiesome innuence kdver hira but latterly the guardian f the peace has lost his ter rors for Themis tocles, and he now irrever ently., speaks-of him' as an st! p., and says -me at. ir. can i lane you on cnless ha sees' you do -something'.' p i .'n.'i . Where the boy got his laowledge of the law- I don't ; know, - It" is quite . re' iaarkable for his sa;' ?V ' , ; :f "'V Mrs. O'Labas thinks he "will turn out to be a great man when he srows nn. and may be President of the TJni Sta. a Justice of tha Peace one of these days. tvaen.nejs'old enough I think I will put bim. under instruction to O'Pake to study for the bar. , ' 1 . ; The law is a very goo4 profession to put a young man at when you doa't know what else to do with him . - : It is & rented buisness, -don't reaaire much capital, either .in cash or intellect to start in business.'.' -'r. V : AH you want' is to hire an ""office.: k small boy, to. bang around . the premises. and r voir. name natritftif. in rUt i3 to call to tha door cost s fc?.l ta taei.nwanr.i !. . . if h9f.n. law1 is' too . hard work, ;r dvuVt pay for want of. workj havin" ;IcDty ct'Hzii ra he :catt .calfivate politic? ,cd ct.jih oLhOv '?:' ";:." .. ; It may lead him into therLesisfatuiel or even to the Common Council, but thr ar risks ia all professioss.'1 " - ' U Pake is making cat very well. He bas had one case already!.' - - ".'''j: It was in the police court T belie. ' Whisky was the foundation- of the suit. raica would natura Iv ; aeeonnt Q'Pake's connection with it .'.". - IIi3 client ior was' acquitted. .' rr Whether be got Vim 'd? ca aa alibi or V a aabcasfcfcrpus I didn't hear. m apa for u x'asce Anyway it Was a trii and his 'friends .talk cf .'mama- - him District Attorney or Con ' He Is a rising is tin, 'is He is byin the found-dica for y J ad go. O'Pake. ccss.ul career by jobb- tZl toiti for a suc- Cf S0C13- passmg counterfeit your incarceration cams to llcrht tending prove that, although, a codnterfeit bill passed through your hands,, it was used aat innocent manner, . and that unwittingly the dupe of a ecoun rtea - ii.a-itnte, and' baa- rsev'fcr arrested; I immediate! v : full investigation of your case, '"and--1' am; thoroughly cpatiaced that you are, an in-! eoceni man and serving out an unjust .sentence 'The Constitution of the State gites taa the power to open- the doors of prison, ana in tne lawful exercise of tnat power I now grant you a full and free pardon; This very hour the. warden wili- rejievo yea ot a convict's uniform and give w , vau s ess. i x ou cave been -a good man within these walls, and whil r nd iay : friends here live we' will everv- where bear testimony that vonr imn-iRn. irfent leaves no stain upon your character.: .A dearwife and loving sister hava nrsi for, your release, and I now restore you to ei? -hands.",. As the Goternor closed his remarks the poor dan. ttvpirint-Ad trith happinessr trembled; in every limb, 5 and his.face was wet with tsars, ' Not k'her- son in tho audience looked onmoved unon occjje. . present congratulated the prisoner upon his just relase; fand wisYA him a happy androspersus future; r " " ' " - A'Ctjjs rbs IlTDHo'pnoBiA. tv finrf the 'following coins the rounds of nr changes, and give it for what it Is worth : ; .Ane ecects resulting from the bite of a rabid animal are so incoaceivablv heart rending that the writer deems it but an not ofjustice to make the subjoined remedv l'uwlci iflO Denent ot the unfortunate hereafter, . 'Within the past two weeks there hava been two cases of hvdrnnbnhla of the most.' distressing character one thiscity and one in Iew Jervyaad dailr reports are made in the newspapers of mad dogs ..being; seen ia and about the city. Every individual in the community, there fore, should procure 'and creserve a innv of the following care, to usa in casS cf an AW ' ..... Villlam HefTneh:Esa.. of lsg-vnnt- the gentleman from whom' the writer db tained this. invaluable receipt, ' states "that us nas Known- several instances of men i tnj animals wco have been bitten in the verest manner by mad dogs, but who, haying taea this remedy, never experi enced any efiect whatever of tha rll fTake of the root cfr elecampane one ounce and a half, cut it line, then boil it ia;cna pint.of csw milk down to a half a pint i take this three mornings fasting, and eat no food until'' fa ur o'clock ia the 'after noon. -It should be taken every other morning j tae.Iast two doses must we-h two ounces each. : This remadvwm hnv ho '.desired eiTect if ukea at any time within twenty-four hours after tha acd- ?, a paire f f tb brea' n averts. ct : " proDoscis, enough ia itstlfo bewitch a Chinaman. r She played cn the puno, painted landscapes, ate corn-beef and cabbage, etc fche had a "feller Ilis name was Sam." He bore traits of having a good mother, for his old pants which hung ia his bedroom, were patched upon the inees and ether places thoreof. but Ixa wandering. There Pauline sit, as hstle33 as-a bootjack, and as s;IentJaa a mute. Her dainty. little hand held, luuwgrapa. uita a superhuman she kissed it. -"'Kissed it'fotir Then burst drat th rn coulda't hold out till I had finished -into ars. ; She , bawled long and earnestly. Then checked her tears and laughed-pro fusedly.-' Some one .darkened: the door. She raised her eyes and beheld the form cf .Sam. ; Wuh a loEg, despairing cry: the fell into his eras. . He bent terTderly -and kissed her on the nose..- and the first audible 'wnM. Ko LT8- baD1 1! Sbe feIt a !. Detter. j.heir eres mot-n,i . . .j - rrciifc apart aim lie cast a bi? nie r 't . .. He fondled fondly with his'pi Mf chain. Pauiiae saw bis eyes beam with; lovef and run over with th heart rose and swelled like a wave of the Eea-. Pauline's bosom heaved with com motion. Sam saw IhLa-tvna Vri. Let us look at them.- Pauline sittin- "in'a chair a-beaving. & they both heaved They pressed thdr lips passionately tol ina. Sam coun-horl effort times. and He. belongs Club, a i er.;. to la. the .Ward . Democratic the- Dew Drop srih nini cf the Ball Club, and turned out with the Striker Musucteers. circle, cial3 ; ts cna cf tha lit-or-JIiss Dasa tha fo i eu uia irau- and 'Km I'n,,!:-. Sam proposed, and sono, and PaQliae, j-aa iwu mucai. xhej both cm braced and bagged each -dtficr so tight that they were both one fh aftCr- the min ister said the ceremony. They've gnt tea children inow,- nine boys, and all-the rest girls. : They now live in peace and plenty Sara afterwards sold bis six-bit "watch chain to get clothes for the children. Ob blissful married life 1 ' " "..-A Joke on a IS egho .A smart youth played a practical joke oa a negfo while he was driving a pair cf dilapidated mnle to which a wagon and a load of wood was attached,, up. Jefferson street. In some places oa the street,' and more espe cially between Second and Third street., ' the mud is several inches deep, end as it is ofthe genuine "sticky" order, wagons have the greatest difficulty in getting through it. The youth above alluded to saw the ne-ro with his load coming along, and det rinined to play a joke on him. .., At the comer of Second street he went to the edge of th sidewalk and called out to thedarkey -"Say, you colored individual: U'tfiat - - - , - - wi.-u lor sale T Sambo. wl:o!r ?r, t got a Customer, called a halt, and replied. "Yessah." "Well go on and 11 it," rvna response. . i ha rtPM Jv scornfully at his tormentor, lashed up his poor animahy but they refused to bud-e and he indii'ged in & Utile profanitywhich seemed to be equally divided betwn thm animals and the gay and festive youth on tae Sidewalk. After considerable lasbin and swearing the mules managed to 'make a forward movement, and with considera ble difficulty -succeeded in getting round the corner. Memphis Bulletin; . - : "-"if----- ilow to xTilc a WTra nfi i r, the battle cf Gettysburg, religious servica was held ia the field hospital, where some inonrancs wounded lay partially protected by suelter-tcnts. A clergyman from abroad made, an -.exee!!ent .Uw .. L.ijua cr Acres. j-&e prcs3 scnerai ecipa a conspicuous vaaca the esuso cf fcu ' 1 . 5iH 7, by giving the a lu- v insertion, "will ad- iii: nun isaa B Kicssuni in iW lork, but he has coehow ia Connecticut then gave cut the hymn, 1? .ciMug, K3 ue cia so, a touching incident cf a clergyman who breathed Lis last while cia who san? tu him tho rl,'r that words of most davotinn??! fVT..-.. - iv.- leap" in tha singing was taken by a del egate cf the Christian Commission ;'anc bi3 wife. They sang execrably, horribly, gratingly their discord only broken bv the groans 'of a poor fellow who bad jut suffered amputation. ct the shoulder, and who, as those memorable last words died away and gave place to a biased silenc--sighed out ia misery: "I dovt wonder that minister died, if his wife sua- a3 'd- ij a laat. it wotlJ k: r. tac: A 3 t-eea r: is v.T, :-!.! i", T case to note the tirr.a. Pans v, licl mpc taa requires to. bo cpened c: keep it always going and ' rearc; ? Pprcach to perpetual motion yet invented. J y open It -nnlv a .month'; to it ia'pcrhnn tho 1 v - an c: -lispci. T0U3 ' t L2 ; to 3 ; i e 1 f in a 5 he be: -OSt us obvious i wli!i . Vi!yth2i-: -3 ! ! l" the s-'.,.. ? i!.::.; a is meat ia I thca v.t.3. 'VJ3 cbar ? tin not : Z tLu 2 T -4
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers