pWHATy NICER JUST ASK YOUR WIFE IF SHE WOULDN'T LIKE TO HAVE A NEW RANGE? SHE'LL LIKE THE KIND WE SELL. COME AND SEE. WE HAVE THE BEST. WE CARRY A FINE LINE OF HEATING STOVES FOR ALL KINDS OF FUEL. ES EC IALLY A FINE LINE OF WOOD AND COAL HEATERS. j A FULL LINE OF BASKETS AND MEASURES FOR ALL PURPOSES. A FULL LINE OF GAS HOSE. COAL PAILS AND AMMUNITION OF ALL KINDS. Plumbing, Tinning, Steam and Hot Water Heating a Speciality. The Most Complete Line of Hardware Never has our establishment been better able to meet the demands of the trade than at present. We have the largest and most complete line of everything that should be found in a first class Hardware store. Drop in and see us—no harm done if : you do not purchase. \ F. V. HEILMAN & CO. I Next door to Geo. J. Laßar's Furniture Store. ' l m jl! fl This Space belongs to C. B. HOWARD & COMPANY. § Will see you later. If n W? S fl l fl * T fli g*! CAMERON COUNTY PRESS, THURSDAY, MARCH 30, 1911. His System of Self Defense, "nave you ever studied the art of self defense?" said a .voting fellow to a man of uiagnitieent physhpie and noble bearing. The elder man looked at his ques tioner with a quiet smile and then an swereil thoughtfully: "Yes. I have studied and pVttetieed it." "Ah!" said the other eagerly "Win>■*>■ system did you adopt?" "Solomon's," was the reply Somewhat abashed, the y■> • fii nam mered out: "Solomon's* Wit.:! is ili> special point of his - -tent of train lng?" "Briefly this." replied the other: " W soft answer turneth away w-.-ith'" For the moment the yotinu III.MI tell an inclination to laugh and to !.ed a his friend anxiously to see whether !<• was serious. But a glance at the a<* complished athlete was enough, and soon a very different sei of feelings came over the youth as his muscular companion added, with silent empha sis, "Try it." Christian Endeavor World. The "Green Flash" at Sunset. A correspondent writes that during the course of a voyage when midway between Marseilles and the strait of Bonifacio a "green Hash" was seen at sunset The sky was perfectly clear after a cloudless day, with little wind. As the stiii approached the horizon the line 'twixt sea and sky for about forty five degrees each side of the sun be came suffused with a rich dull rose pink, and the waves reflected a mar velous ruby shade on their surfaces facing the sunset, while the other faces were an opalescent blue or green from the upper sky. The two colors flashed and changed in a marvelous way. Such intensity of coloring had never been seen by those on board. The sun set clean Into the sea, and about ten (or less) seconds after it had disappeared a bright green single flash, just like a railway signal lamp, but brighter far, met our view and re warded our watching for it. —Symons' Meteorological Magazine. A Good Creed. To be able to look every man square ly in the eyes; to make friends and hold them; to keep drain of mind and body; to smile at ill fortune; to laugh at my mistakes; to frown when temp tation comes avisiting; to be ready with a word of cheer when that word will help; to strive to develop to the utmost the heart, head and hand qualities endowed by the Ruler over all; to hold all women in respect and to love one: to weave the thread of eternal optimism Into the lives of all with whom I may come in contact: to worship nature and the Great Spirit that conceived it all—in a word, to play the game of life with a steady hand and a qualmless conscience and a real desire to be of service—that is my re ligion. And. say, if I can live up to the mark, don't you think I've corralled about all the creed that Is necessary?— Backbone Monthly. A Stream of Water. A high pressure jet of water will bowl over a man as easily as a box of matches and leave him half stunned. It will even turn a bullet from its path. Experiments have shown that a jet of water can be produced at such a high pressure that it becomes practically a bar of Iron. Swords have been blunted in attempting to cut through these ex tra high pressure jets. Some years ago an armed thief attempted to hold up a high official of the Bank of England in his private office. The official man aged to get out of the room unharmed and locked the door. A resourceful at tendant brought the fire hose. He opened the door sufficiently to Insert the nozzle. In a few minutes the would be thief was picked up sense less.—Penrson's Weekly. The Lion and the Lamb. He was a gentleman of the old school —never mind his wrinkled brown skin and wrinkled brown clothes—and it was with the most distinguished po liteness that he gave his order to the butcher man: "De madam say please to cut her two lam' chops fum de lion, suh." The butcher man jerked a loin from a hook, and his customer watched him cut into it. And a waiting woman said to herself: "Addition forty-eleven to the litera ture of the lion and the iamb."—Wash ington Star. His Denomination. Dean de Moulin of Trinity cathedral told this bright little story during one of his delightful talks not long ago: A man was asked to what religious denomination be belonged. He thought it over. "Why," he presently replied, "I be lieve It is the Episcopal church I stay away from."—Cleveland Plain Dealer A Misinterpreted Question. A young Canadian visited Washing ton one winter to spend tlie holidays with a pretty cousin and her family. As lie was motoring with his pretty cousin one afternoon she said to him: "Do you have reindeer In Canada?" "No, darling," he answered quickly. "At tills season it always snows." He Wasn't Afraid. When Bishop Phillips Brooks was "commanded."-as the phrase goes, to apeak before the queen some one ask ed If he was afraid "No." he replied. HinlUtig; "I have preached before inv mother." Not Ssrioua. "lltmbntid. I found o lock of hair utnoug vMur old papers | never utive It to jroa." "You needn't worry I don't remetu T<er>\|.| dill" I.OIIIKVIIIC Courier Jour mil Two Historio Drinks. Sir Philip Sidney received his death wound before the walls of Zutpben on Sept. 22, ISSO. Parched with thirst. |ie called for a drink. As he was putting the bottle to his inouth his eyes fell upon a desperately wounded soldier who as he was being carried past threw him longing glances, "which Sir Pblllp perceiving took the bottle froui his lips before he drank and delivered to the poor man with these words: 'Thy necessity is greater than mine.' " At the buttle of Ravenna in 1512. when the allied Spanish and papal forces were defeated by the renowned Gaston de Folx, Duniolard, one of his captains, played a conspicuous part. After a gallant charge, by which he bad driven back the enemy, he deter mined to publicly drink the health of his enemy's brave ally, Jacob von Empser, the leader of the ft,ooo Ger man lasquenets. Wine was brought upon the field, and, having sat down, each hero filled his goblet. At that moment, while they were In the very act of pledging each other's health, a c-nnon ball from the enemy's lines killed them both. Quick and Cheap Legal Work. The Frer i tribunal of commerce is presided over by a judge without a jury. The plaintiff's lawyer argues his own caso before the judge, simply to show that he has a case and the nature of iu The defendant does not plead, but if he can disputes the facts. If the judge considers there is no case he dismisses the plaintiff. In the con trary case ho appoints an assessor out of a dozen chosen yearly of the town's reputed merchants to decide upon it The following day the assessor calls the parties to his room in the court. He bears each of them separately without any lawyers. Within fifteen minutes he gathers their documents and dis misses them. Two or three days later he communicates his judgment to the solicitors through the court, and the business Is ended. The costs of law yers and the court fees come to about £6 a side. The same case In England would take six months at least and cost no less than £l5O for a claim of £so.—London Mall. When Bismarck Went Dry. Bismarck was not without supersti tion, and this always was noticeable on the eve of the new year. From 9 o'clock that night until after midnight he would not take water iu any cir cumstances from a glass. It was an ancient tradition In the cnanceilor's family that any one who set the legend at defiance would pass through a seri ous illness. If another tradition is true the observance of the family legend must have been a sore trouble to the iron chancellor, for the Paris contem porary from which we take the fore going says that Bismarck not only loved war. but beer and wines, espe cially French wines. lie was not averse to punch and grog, but on New lear's eve grog was under the ban, for It contains water.—London Globe. Gambling In Wood. "To most people my business would seem to be devoid of chances," said a dealer in fine woods, "yet as a matter of fact I know of nothing that Is more of a gamble. On every log of wood we buy we take a chance that the Inside Is as good as the outside. At a recent auction of fine woods in London my partner nnd I paid $9,000 for a mahog any log that looked all right so far as we could tell. If the inside was sound we stood to make a good profit, but worm holes or rotten spots at the core would mean a heavy loss. Not until we got the log to this country and got It opened up could we be certain. As a matter of fact this particular log was perfect, and we cleaned up $3,000 on the deal. But it was gambling pure and simple."—New York Sun. Not From Politeness. This was heard In an overcrowded Boston elevated train: "Say, Dick," said the young man whose football tactics had won him a strap in the rush—"say, Dick, I've been riding in on the 'L' every morn ing except Sundays and holidays for two years, and I've never given up a seat to a lady yet." "You're a polite one," sneered Dick. "Nothing of the kind," retorted the young man. "I've never had a seat to give up."—Boston Post. Sweet Sarcasm. "Daddy, what makes your nose so dreadfully red?" asked a little boy of his father one day at dinner. "The east wind, of course!" the father answered gruffly. "Pass that decanter and don't talk so much." "Yes, Tommy," said the boy's moth er sweetly, "pass your father the east wind and be careful not to spill any on the tablecloth!"— London Mall. His "Turnout." Clerkley—lsn't this earlier than your usual time forgoing home? Barkley—Yes. but my wife said if I came out by the 3:45 she'd meet me with the carriage. "I didn't know you kept n horse and carriage." "Ei^-er—it's a baby and carriage." On* Marked Difference. As we understand It, the difference between erand opera and the other kind Is that there Is very little of the former that cau be whistled.—Albany Journal. Tommy's Congratulations. HeKttle—Tominy. do you know I'm go IUK to nuirry your sister? Tommy— Then I think I'll go and congratulate mother. Ma lieu drinks one-half of Its own polHon Heneeit. Vin A o»f«intr»nlwl If yon no , PILES B 0 "" Supposltury M. A MRNM UP* MM F) M|U TH<*H(HXM, Hap ' I (<ral<«l SCHOOL*. Htat<irill«, N. C.. WRITE*: •• 1 cau lh*y do all TOU clain. for tl» »n." Pr. h. M. DeTor*. Haven KO«k, W. V*., WRTT. "TBFJ- gl*« uut V rsal faction." Dr. H. D. M-'Mil, C arkahurg, Trnu , wrliea: "In a prac'lr® of IS Ym», I h-ro found DO REMEDY T«. •qttal your*.'* Pntca, 63 Hanip't* Fr»«. Hold bj l>ro(Kl«a. MARTI* RUDY, LANCASTER, Sold In imporlum fcy I. Taqqart and R. C Dodsoa c«u ion rarr ua/ttPit KEELEYGURE I The cure that has been continuously successful for more than 81 years is worth investigating. For the drug or drink habit. Write for particulars. • OOnly Keeley Institute in Western I'cuua. Fifth Ave., I'lttsburgh, Pn. 'Our Spring Goods | New Hire cf LadicsTailor ed Suits, Skirte and I SH.rt waists The Latest ideas in Long Coats Prices Right H.A.Zarps&Co The Imperial Kitchen Elevator' H § Holds Everything tor. the Table It is out of sight and out of mind until you push the button, then im mediately in reach, without physical effort. It changes ill health to gocd health, bad temper lo a pleasant dis- The Cellar is the Best Place to Keep Things for the Table Some one must fe*ch them end take them back again. It is back-break ing, time-consV'iriinp. devitalizing, routine work, arc tie entrgy ex pended shows no result. CONSULT FISHER & WRIGHT, District Agents, Emporium, Pa. DOUBLE CREAM BUTTERINE A 10-Ppund Package $2.00 Delivered by Prepaid Express. | ML Every housekeeper should read our free IT|' 1 "Double Cream" Catechism. It tells /f J |**l how "Double Cream" is churned, of what >r~k -tj I 'laBM it is churned, and why it is pure, sweet, '£&!- ,/** ji Vrllm and wholesome. This is the fancy table I 1 Will article which is taking the place of high- Ijft W/ ml j I, Villua priced butter all over the country in cities, / | Vl' 111 I llu'lA towns, and on the farm. Every package " Iln \ bears the 11. S. inspection stamp. You mJP Pll" 1 "''! \ may color it for home use so that even an expert llj can not tell it from gilt-edge creamery butter in \S color, aroma, flavor, and texture. Fill out this jSPIH blank and mail to us at once. W I Coloring "Double Cream." Request for / Catechism No. 9 I Name Pleo»e mail me / Street and No. ■ your free "Double I Cream" Catechi.m: / Postoffice R. P. D \ Express Office —State' LICENSED CHURNERS: THE OHIO BUTTERINE COMPANY, 50 Walnut Street, Cincinnati, Ohio. kV~-V a Burns white, clear and steady )) to ,he ' ast drop. For the sake of everyone in the fain- gMT"* v s ■ E Family Favor Ho j I Smokeless Sootiest —Odorlee» Come no more then inferior tank-wsfon kinds. Saves I I eyes- saves nionsy. Your dealer has it tn barrsls direct from our refineries. I Wavariy Oil Works Co.—«•✓/«•*• - Pittsburg, P». I Alto ot Wrmrly Bpoelol Auto Oil tn* Wtvorty Ofollno a. I OVER 66 YEARS' x E R I E NC E 3 L| | ik I J TRADE MARK* DESIGNS r COPYRIGHTS Ac. I Anyone sending a sketch and description maj quickly ascertain our opinion free whether an invent lon Is probably patentable. Communlca* i lons strictly confidential. HANDBOOK on Patent* sent free. Oldest agency for securing patents. Patents taken through fijunn A Co. receive wpecuti notice , wit bout charge, ill the Scientific American. A handsomely lllniitrated weakly. I.Knrest cir culation of any sclentlUo Journal. Terms, ».'! a ycur: four months, (L Sola by nil newsdealers. MUNN & Co. 3B,Broßd,w ''- New York drancb Office. 625 F Pt., Washington. I). C.
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