FREE BOOK For ETPI-J Living Thing on the Farm Huiiiidirejs' Ycterinarj Specific*. 800 Page Book free, on the Treatment and Care of Horse*, Cattle, Sheep, Dog*, Bog* and Poultry, also Stable Chart to hang tip, mailed free. LIST OF SPECIFICS. A. A. For FEVERS, Milk Fever. Lam Fever. B. B. Far BPRAI.\H, Limruru. Khrimailiin. C. C. For SURE Throat. Epliootir. DUtempai* D. D. For WORMS, Hula. Grub*. B. B. For COUGHS, tola.. Influema. F* F. For COLIC, Bellyache, Diarrhea. G. Q. Prevent* MISCARRIAGE. H. H. For KIDNEY and Rladder disorder*. I. I. For SKIN DISEASES. Manse. KruplloM J. R. For BAD CONDITION. Indlc-.ilon. At druggists or sent prepaid on receipt of price. 60 cts. each. HtJMPHKKYS' HOMED. MEDICINE CO., Cornel William ami Ann Streets. New York. A FREE TRIAL PACKAGE H«rb a fta (tL will be sent to anyone who will write Park's Royal Med. Co., Le Roy, N.Y. This old established preparation has achieved a Isrfle sale on account of its 'JR. PARK frest merit in all cases of Canatipa • Famous floß. BlHeuaneaa, Sick Head- German ache, Nervouanesa, Kidney and Physician Liver Trouble. Only 25 Cents. Acup iG~9iA MIGHT MOVES THE BOWELS IN THE MORNING WTGFFIRWTMT—T—I|-NT~TRR I Pure Water! DRINK j Sizerville Mineral Water Clean, Pure and Healthy. We are prepared to furnish the citizens 1 of Einpori .in thi" popular Water, either PLAIN OR CARBONATED, in bottles. ! Drop a postal card—we will do the rest The analysis of the celebrated Sizerville Water has made it famous all over the I country. Orders may be left at Geo. F. Balcom store, or water may be purchased by the | case at the same place. Address, Magnetic Mineral Water Co., SIZERVILLE, PA. H. S. LLOYD The First Requisite I-' /fSfc * n ' e ' ;,;er writing is that the paper I iff*TT used he above criticism. I®! Your stationary should reflect \ x I your taste, character and reflne- |ff| nient, and convey your personal fr t£ j!®i The Eaton, Crane Piko Writing f/V Paper are always the flrat choice HH If of discriminating people. They ill i ilre ' J - v fiu " t ' le I'lfft social corres // 'GI pondence papers made. They lm j ■ are '' rßt > n quality, and absolutely v " _ carrect in style. Thsir artistic 9lld painty boxing adds much to their geneial attractiveness. Come in ana let us snow you our line of the justly popular EATON ORANE.& PIKE papers. H. S. LLOYD, Masonic Bloc*. I ———^—■—i— F> ATENTO Prize Offers from Leading Manufacturers Book on patents. "Mints to inventors.*' "Inventions needed." "Why some inventors fail." Send rough sketch or model for search of Patent Office records. Our Mr. Greeley was formerly. Acting Commissioner of Patents, and as such had full charge of the U. S. Patent Office. h GREELEY & MANURE PC Yt PATENT ATTORNEYS /IVPL 'zJJ\ WASHINGTON, D. C. /r lv jjj Foley Kidney I*lll#. Ndßlruliz" and reniovr itit* j»«>i*«>i».« j that hiic k ifhe, rli< uiimti-iii, n* r- Viiii«rii .e mid all kjilncj and bladdt!! ir j Tliej* build up and restore the natural action nf these vital organs, i Hold by Kiiiporiutn |)nic 'V Ri'KlNterN Notke. i HTATKOR PKNMSYI.VANIA. 1 HS . I COUNTY OF CAM KUON. N'OTICE is hereby given that I. K, HOCKLKY, Administrator of the estate of Dorcas 1 Hamilton, late of Emporium,' Pa., deceased, has , Hied his first and partial account of said admink*- tration and the same will be presented at the April term of court, next, for confirmation W. J. LEAVITT, Register, Register's Office. | Emporium, Pa.. March 14th, 1910.—5-4t. ( lOI'RT PROCLAMATION. WHEKI -. s: The I | V Hon. HARRY A. HALL, President Judge and \ the HONS. GIO.J. LA BAR, and JOHN A. WYKOFP, I Associate Judges of Courts of Oyer and Terminer and General Jail Delivery, Quarter Session* ol the Peace, Orphans' Court find Court of Common 1 Pleas for the county of Cameron have issued their precept bearing date the llth day of Jan. A. I)., 1911, and to me directed for holding Court of Oyer and Terminer, General Jail De livery, Quarter Sessions of the pe . Orphans' i Court, and Court of Common P as in the Borough of Emporium, Pa., on Monday, the ' 10th day of April 1911, at 10 o'clock, a. m. i and to continue one week. Notice is hereby given to the Coroners, Justices of the Peace and Constables within the county, i that they be then and there in their proper per sons, at 10 o'clock, a. m., of said day, with their rolls, records, inquisitions, examinations, and other rememberances, to do those things which to their offices appertain to be done. Ami those who are bound by their recognizance to prosecute against them as will be just. Dated at Emporium, Pa., March llth, I!*!, and in the 135 th year of the Independence ot the United States of America. J. \V. NORRIS, Sheriff. COUDERSPORT & PORT ALLEGANY R L . R Taking effect Aug. 22. 1909. EASTWARD I 6 10 2 I :s STATIONS. l 'ort Allegany,. Lv. 233 11 37 7 12 900 UiemicaJWorks.... *2 36 °° 00 j Jurtville, 2 11 11 48 7 22 » 11 ! Roulette 2 56 II W 7 30 fl 23 Knowlton's *3 00 12 01 00 " Miua, 3 06 12 07 7 40 8-33 Olmsted *3 10 1? 11 «7 41 9 37 , . 3 18 12 ti 7 52 9 45 Coudersport. <, '' A.M ' '' v - 6 10' 12 37 Ynrth Coudersport, so ... *l2 41 , !• nun's, »5 53 "12 10 Colesburij, "57 12 57 ! Seven Bridges,... t 2 ..... »1 02 j Raymonds, .... ! 2 1 13 | Gold, 7 1 19 | Vewfield, j 123 | N'ewtield Junctii u, 27 \ 1 32 I Perkins 30 *1 35 I Carpenter's,... .. * | \*l 39 Crowell's, 636 j *1 42 j Ulysses, 20 1 52 1 A.M.P. M.i I WESTWARD. 18 11! 116 STATIONS. ! Poit Allegany 2 lo 8 50 5 10 I Chemical works .... 00 00 Burtville 1 57 8 37 4 57 \ Roulette, ! 1 50 8 11 4 50 ] Knowlton's, 1 45 00 *4 45 Mina, ; 1 40 821 4 40 'Olmsted, *1 35 4 85 I Lv. 1 30 812 4 30 Coudersport, .. < P.M. ( Ar 8 9n i ! North Coudersport,.' 00 3'i* Frink's 1 57 i 3 IS j Colesburg, I *7 50 3 08 Seven Bridges, *7 46 3 (H ! Raymond's »7 37 »2 54 j Gold 7 31 *2 50 Ne»vfield... ; °° »2 46 | NewfleklJunction,. J 7 55 2 42 j Perkins, *7 14 *2 34 | Carpenter's, 1 *7 10 »2 30 I Crowell's, , »7 07 j .... *2 27 i j U1y55e5,.......... Lv 735 1...•..1 120 Trains X and 2 run daily between Couders ! port and Port Allegary, all other trains rua j week days only. ] • Flag stations. (°°) Trains do not stop t Telegraph offices. Trains run on Eastern Standard Time. I Connections—At Ulysses with Fall Brook R'y | r points north and south. At B. &S. Juno | an with Buffalo & Susquehanna R. R. north for ellsville, south for Qaletoa and Addison. At ort Allegany with Penasylvania R. R., north | c Buffalo, Olean, Bradford and Smethport; | juth for Keating Summit, Austin. Emporium I and Penn'a R. R., points. B. A. McCLURE, Qen'lßapt. Coudersport, Pa. C4MKRON COUNTY I'RKSS, THURSDAY. MARCH 30, 1911. ADAM WAS REAL GENTLEMAN That Fact Is Thoroughly Demonstrated by the Manner In Which He Treated Eve. Was Adam a sneak or a gentleman? Mr. George A. Crawford thinks a gen tleman, and haa written a very Jolly pamphlet to prove It. Adam. It ap l*mrs, has boon misquoted. He is made to Bay: "The woman thou gavest me tempted me. and I (lid eat"—a remark unworthy the foremost man of time. What Adam did say was:"The woman thou Kavest to be with me, she Rave me of the tree, and I did eat." Mr. Crawford prints the words "to be with me" In large and resonant capitals, feeling that they reflect credit upon Adam. You see what the father of the race was driving at. Required to pick be tween Paradise without Eve and Eve without Paradise, he stuck out for Eve. He was a gentleman. Had he been a sneak, he would have argued that he never meant to marry Eve, but was imposed upon, owing to inexpe rience. Perhaps you recall that his acquaintance among girls had been rather limited. The first, one lie saw caught him. Thus, he might hav:i begged the Judge to set. him free, cit ing as precedents the affair of the young gentleman who took part In cha rades. Said this delightful youth: "I tell you what, Miss Bunthorne, we'll act 'Paradise Lost.' I'll propose; you reject me; they'll never guess it." Any judge unable to appreciate the ap poslteness of the citation and its ar gumentative potency might as well re tire. Clerks rejoice In Mr. Crawford's re habilitation of Adam. It will be a boon to the lovers of genealogy. Most Bostonians trace their ancestry as far back as Hyman Cohen of Jerusalem or Terence O'Malley of Cork, but hes itate togo further. They are afraid of Adam. Regarding him as a sneak, they are in terror lest thorough inves tigation prove them to be descended from him. No longer need they quail. Crawford's pamphlet In hand, they can say to the genealogist: "Go as far as you like!" —Clerk of the Day in Bos ton Transcript. NOT FAMILIAR WITH MONEY j Many Poor Children In the Public Schools Do Not Know Pieces of Larger Denominations. Unfamiliarity with money gives children a queer idea of the value of certain coins. A 50-cent piece drop pled from the pocket of a visitor to a New York school and was returned by a small girl with the remark: "Here, sir, is your $10." The man laughed in spite of him self, but the teacher looked sad. "Poor little things," she said. "How can you expect them to know any I better? They never see a piece of | money bigger than a quarter. They ! are as sharp as a coin collector on cents, nickels, dimes and quarters, and can almost tell the date across the room, but a piece of money bigger than that is such a rarity in their homes that they are apt to call any thing from one to a hundred dollars." "When I first took charge of this class there wasn't a child in the room who could name the denomination of a coin above a They had heard of big money, but had never seen it. They have had several les sons in identifying Uncle Sam's money, but that particular girl hap pened to be absent, so it is not strange that she should take your half dollar for $10." Find Petrified Women. In the course of the excavations which are still being made at Pompeii the body of a petrified woman has been discovered. On the body were jewels of great value, including brace lets, necklaces, and chatelaines, and it is assumed from tills that their wearer belonged to the patrician class. Especially remarkable among the jewels are two clasps, each com posed of twenty-one pearls in a clus ter. These clasps have both an artis ! tistic and an archaeological value, for ! nothing comparable with them lias j been found before among (lie ruins of Pompeii. Pompeii, on the Neapolitan Riviera, was founded about 600 B. C., and down to the time of its destruc tion, A. D. '79, it was a sort of Rome super-Mare, frequented by the aris j tocracy, if not by Caligula an ! Nero, in whose honor it erected triumphal arches. Fed from the capital witli ev ery luxury and distinction, it included temples in which the inhabitants were encouraged to make costly sac rifices. The city of Pomi eii was near j ly ruined by earthquake in A. D. '63, I but it had returned to its former gay ' ety and licentiousness when in '79 it was overwhelmed by the ashes of Vesuvius. Memorable Racing Day. The Melbourne Cup is a national in stitution in Australia and is almost as well-known as the English Derby In sporting circles the world over. This year was the jubilee of the race, and there was a record crowd to witness the victory of the Victorian-owned, but English-bred Comedy King. Mr. Plain, one of the members of the Scottish agricultural commission, vis j itlng Australia, described the cup | meeting as the spectacle of a life { time, and altogether a memorable day. What Happened. Kate- Did you call? Opportunity Yes. but she pent j word by her servant she wasn't la. — Harper's Uazaur. Mercantile List for 1911 Mercantile Appraiser's Notice. Names and kind of license of dealers in the county of Cameron, Pa , the appeals will be held in the office of The County Treasurer on Tuesday, April 12th, 1911. EMPORIUM BOROUGH. Balcorn, G. F....General Merchandise Blair, C. A Notions Butler, C. L Cigars Blinzler, Ed ...Notions Burnside, J. E Groceries Cummings, John Cigars Coppersmith, E. S Millinery Creighton, J. P Cigars ('lark, Robert Groceries and Meat Caramella Charles Fruits and Confectionery Donovan, D. W Cigars Dolan, M. J Cigars Day, J. H General Merchandise Dodson, Est Drugs Dininny, Fred Hardware Co Furniture Emporium Milling Co., Grain and Seeds Emporium Drug Co., Drugs Emporium Machine Co. Fisher, J. A Implements Furnace Supply Co., Geueral Merchandise Farley, Charles Cigars Gross, William Groceries H< iluian, F. V Hardware Howard.C.B. Co., General Merchandise Harris, Jasper Clothing Haupt, Albert Implements Hacket, S. J General Merchandise Hirisch, R. H Jewelry Hamilton, Mrs. J. R Truck Koehler, John Cigars Kiosier, Joe Groceries Kuehne, R Dry Goods Kelly, R Confectionery Leet & Co., General Merchandise Lecbner, Joseph..... .Boots and Shoes Lloyd, H. S Stationery and Paper Larrabee, M. M Guns and Notions Laßar, Geo J Furniture Ludlam, E Millinery Moline, Herman -..Cigars Moriiio IJI. enico. .Fruits and Candies McSwan, Ella Notions McDonald, A. A Cigars McDonald, D. A Cigars Metzger, Geo JeweLy Martin, Clipson Confectionery and Cigars McDougall, Alex. Groceries and Meats Norris, T. H., Groceries and Meats Newton, Joseph Groceries Overhiser, I. O Confectionery Parsons, J. F General Merchandise ltaco, Frank Groceries Rodgers. Ed Flour Smith, H.W Cigars Seger & Son Clothing Seger & C 0.,... Confectionery Soger N Clothing Shives, Frank . General Merchandise Schlecbt, John - - - Confectionery Stephens Hard ware Co. - Hardware Stephens & Darialeebe - - Groceries Scott, William ... Meats Taggart, Geo. - ■ - Drugs Tulis, M. C. Est. - - Dry Goods Turley, A. J. - - Groceries Thompkin* H. G. - - Groceries Vogt, A. F - - - - Sloes Welsh, T. W. - General Merchandise Z'irps, Henry, Dry Goods and Notions DRIFTWOOD. Brooks, M. J. B. - - Notions Bartolette, Joe - - Groceries Brookbank Mercantile Co. General Merchandise Callahan, Geo. - - - Notions Hill, Mrs. G. S. • Confebtionery McDonald, A. M. - • Cigars McVicker, Mrs. Fred - - Cigars Mitchell, W. H. - - Drugs McCoole, Mrs. S. - - Confectionery Nefcy, M. E. - - Groceries Spencer, P. C. - - • Meat SINNAMAHONING. Baird, D. P. - General Merchandise Bailey, O. L. - - Cigars Counsil Bros., - General Merchandise Crum, V. E. - - General Merchandise Fulton Bros. - - Wall Paper Krebs Bros. - - Notions Logue, J. L. - - Notions Silin, Notban - - Cloth'ng Wolf, Frank - - Groceries HICKS RUN. Banner & Edwards, Cigars and Notions Dußois, J. E. - General Merchandise Hammond, C. A. - - Meats Rankin, W. - - - Cigars Wilson, J. & A. - - Groceries SIZERVILLE. Algardo Angelo, - - Groceries Councilman, Frank - - Cigars Sizer, Mrs. W. R. General Merchandise STERLING RUN. Bagley, W. H. - - - Cigars Ebersole, E. M. - - Groceries Lewis, Miss L. - - Notions Smith, J. E. - General Merchandise Silin, Nathan ... Clothing CAMERON. Dininny, Ray - - - Cigars Schwab, John - General Merchandise SHIPPEN TOWNSHIP. Lewis, F. J. - - - Groceties CANOE RUN. Farnace Supply Co., General Merchandise WHOLESALE MERCANTILE Atlantic Refining Co. - - Oil Dußois, J. E. - General Merchandise Silin, Nathan - - Clothing EATING HOUSES. Lyons, Mrs. W. - - Emporium Shoup, Peter • - Emporium Cutler, N. S, - - Emporium McCoullougli, Mrs. John, - Emporium Anderson, W. J. - - Emporium Heck, Miss L. Emporium BILLIARDS AND POOL. Banner & Edwards, - - Hicks Run Krebs, L. E. N. - Sinnamahoning Creighton, J. P. - - Emporium McDonald, A. A. - Emporium James - - Emporium Fisher, Henry • • Driftwood Pauley, J. Driftwood All persons so ascertained or assess ed who shall fail to attend such appeal from the decision of the Appraiser to the Common Pleas within ten days thereafter will not be permitted to set up a defense to the recovery of the amount ot license which he is request ed to pay when suit shall be brought that he is not u dealer in merchandise, &(!. The law further provides that n shall be the duty of the County Treasurer to sue for the recovery of all licenses re turned to him by the Mercantile Ap prslser ir not paid on or before the first «Imv of July in eich hikl «vcry jciir, within ten <lh)h after <t;«t•• and hi<ici Treasurer hull not he discharged from any nueli license unless he brings Huit to recover the name on or before that date. W L THOMAS, 5 4. Mercantile Appraiser. WOMEN Women of the highest type, women of superior education and refinement, whose discernment and judgment give weight and force to their opinions, highly praise the wonderfui corrective and curative properties of Cham berlain's Stomach and Liver Tab lets. Throughout the many stages of woman's life, from girlhood, through the ordeals of mother hood to the declining years, there is no safer or more reliable med icine. Chamberlain's Tablets are sold everywhere at 25c a box. KHHBT IV r\ x v MaßßßnßaaniiaqattaaaautißiilHuyMaaiMi CTO®a Cc'jghs.Colds, CROUP, WhoopmgGo^h This remedy can always be depended upon and Is pleasant to take. It contains no opium or other harmful drug and may be given as confi dently to a baby as to an adult Price 25 cents, large size SO cents. LINCOLN'S Catarrh Balm For Coughs, Colds, Catarrh, Hawking, Spitting, Hay Fever, Sore Throat, Asthma and Grippe. MINISTERS ANU DRUGGISTS RECOM MEND LINCOLN'S.CATARRH BALM. Q' Rev. J. P. Pender, Blairsville, Pa.. Ilev. S. L. Messenger, Trappe, Pa; Rev. W. G. Brubaker,Phoenixville, Pa,; Rev. J. E Freeman, Allentown, Pa.; Rev; D. P. Longsdorf, Weissport, Pa.; O. B. J. Haines, Druggist, Allentown, Pa.; Howard R. Moyer, Druggist, Quaker town, Pa., and R. D Fraunfelter, Druggist, Easton, Pa., all say over their own signatures that they have used LINCOLN'S CATARRH BALM and give it taeir unqualified endorse ment. CATARRH, ASTHMA AND HAY FEVER CURED. Win. Heater, Allentown, Pa., writes: He suffered twelve years from Asthma and Catarrh, Lincoln's Catarrh Balm cured him. John MacGregor. Bridgeport, Pa, writes: That after suffering seven years with Cataarli and Hay Fever, jtncoln's Catarrh Balm cured him. CURED IN THREE WEEKS Chas. Kerler, Jr., Editor Courier, Blairsville, Pa., writes: That he suffer ed many years from a form of dry catarrh, the first application of Lin coln's Catarrh Balm gave wonderful relief and inside of three weeks he was entirely cured. ORDER TO-DAY. 50 Cents Per Jar at Emporium Drug Co., Geo. C. Tag gart, Dodson's Drug Store, C. B. How ard Co., A. J. Turley, T. VV. Welsh. O. W. Gross, C. A. Blair, H. G. Tompkins, Leet & Co., and J. B. Burnside, Em porium. Also by J. R. Smith, Sterling Run, and Kreider & Yothers, Drift wood. The manufacturer will refund the money for any MM of Cnfnrrh that LINCOLN'S CATARRH BALM can not relieve quickly and cure if curable. (ico. J. Laltar Furniture Tabourettes. i fea ST %jw The Set to Set Before You Is you in theshape of a nice set of crockery. We are now showing asplen iid stock of good sound Crockery, every single piece warranted free from fault or blemish. The finest as sortment in the county at rea sonable prices. Undertaking Geo. J. Liiliitr The Best Always Aißim Just received my Spring and Summer Samples For Spring Suits and Over coats, Pants, Etc. Cleaning and Press ing a Specialty If you desire a g%s>d fit ting and stylish made Suit that is stylish, give John Edelman a call at once and don't wait until the season is here and have to wait. Call at once. We guarantee our work and if you fail to get a good fit you do not have to take the suit. Remember, we guarantee to give you a good fit, for we employ none but the best workmen. They all reside here, spend their money here, pay taxes and help to keep up our county. Encourage home industry. Jno. Edelman EAST ALLEGANY AVENUE OPPOSITE ST. CHARLES HOTEL East Emporium, Pa.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers