Timely M A JUST the most beautiful of all mil linery Is ehown in the exquisite hat of black velvet mounted over a wired cap of gold tissue with two gold roses at \he side. Lewis of Paris won the first prize at the fashion exhi bition with it big hat mounted over a lace cap. He must have lost it if this exquisite New York model had been a competitor. Hut the idea was new then and seized upon by the Paris designers as one would seize upon gold coins lying about the streets. In fact, a good new idea is the same thing—it can readily be coined into substantial money. This charming hat is very large and apparently very simple. Rut lot iio one be deceived as to its simplicity. IN CLOUD GRAY CASHMERE Simple Girlish Dress That Will Set Off the Charms of the Young Lady. A simple girlish dress this, in ciotid gray cashmere; the skirt measures not more than two and one-half yards round, and is trimmed with two stitch ed straps with rounded ends in which buttons with cord loops are sewn. The bodice and sleeves are cut to gether, the fronts crossed at waist, and forming a "V" shaped opening \4V/ r T\ 112 \ / Ji> / ) i Hul/ / Wm I I 111 Hill /IS iißLj li li 'Wh ks ever a white lawn < h'ml < tte with turnover < "liar and Jh ' of em broidery; tli-alc vi ,r. hnUbed with tiny turned up < iff Hat of atraw to match dr< *», lined with dark. ! crept lei'hli . and trim BttMl with wide rlitb' no N«nt> riala required fir the dre»a K:\ yards 46 In lies wide taking Lacs. Always sew lui .1 with ftn* thread and safer »nh alik, (■ 1 the ollk »tltih«« sre v«ry lotheabii Ttat* la Irnw. no waiter how <• «r ■ tht* hi 1>• silk will not alnb Into « 112 ,ri. *« Ibiaa! will Thia la s aewlng bint ■iv ii n e ree. i.tiy by a i.e . >. at 01 e« n «ker, W|:i *1) r« d Ik 1 If m "tiled lo dealli i t *» . lag 'I lie pull. |y wbtue b«ri ft • l.d >d it •ir |. e t hen. •I. II In, ti. . minga By JULIA 60TT0MLEY. I The trimming Is a dull metallic wing | like ornament in gold and silver. The ! shape is perfection, forming a back ground against which the face, neck | and shoulder become a picture. Another extremely large hat, cov | ered with Duchess lace, is shown in Fig 2. The brim droops without an upwards flare, and is not quite so graceful as in the first hat, but is found more becoming to certain types ;of faces. The trimming of ostrich is a fancy mounting and combination of | rich Persian coloring. Is the note of climax in the model, which has been | much admired. Either of these demonstrate how ' wide a brim may be, and still leave I no doubt as to its beauty. CALLS FOR COMMON SENSE •Some Simple Rules for Girl Who Finds It Necessary to Diet—Beware of Excess. Here nre a few rules that the girl who is determined to diet does well to observe. There is too much trifliug with our digestion these days, and not the least harm is done by tho no tion for undereating. Never diet on the advice of a friend. Her plan may have done won ders for her and will put you to bed or make you a sorry-looking wreck. Don't diet to excess at any time Oirls, make sure your doctor knows dietetics. Many physicians, good in other things, have little knowledge of the effect of food upon the system. i If you must diet from a cause, hi from diabetes or kidney trouble, do it r< !igiouslv; almost better not begin than to do it spasmodically, letting up whenever food tempts you. It jou only diet for tho sake of fig. ure or complexion, count the cost bt»- fore starting. Cutting out the foods of ordinary family meals is hard. Ask jourself: Which moans most to me, the loss of a few pounds or being a nuisance at mealtime?" Don't keep on dieting If you feel that it disagrees with you This holds good even when your food list Is care fully on sored hy a ph>sician. The best 01 them will make mistakes. Find out In tlm. what Is wrong. Don't diet to excess at any time. Women often go to the point of weak ening the entire uys-teia by Injudi ciously following a doctor's advice. Common :. n •• and moderation are good things to hold to in til rnattor of food. Veils of the Season. My II h mil beroinllm are veils nf whit" ring dot net with the rings In M k ai d a •it;' black lace border to match. Hie winter's vi llf show large, oeta I • ' IHM ylilt, agile w i ' li big w oven dots. C.t. hotilil be exercised lu wearing 'h v or tie in • sticking through 11 h> give- a grotesque appear unee. 1; ' in< t becoming veil In J, fl n<l nil*t>.n i.i 1.1 -k and white, tiny black tli on w'»lte lift tuing better than w■ He kii black Iht *e have bccoiiH known us tl.o bci.uty Veil becsiMM so many women wear them, regardless of style. The Belt Bucflr With the return of lie bell to favor again, belt buckles In Infinite 1 artel. appeared The simple eat lei buckles In empire green, ruby and dark bl 1 are well liked for every day *« nr With t|r*-aey gowns oblong or «»».*»! • IM designs In l.oul» XIV «112 feet a, Int: Dating with brilliants, add 1 a smart luueb to ths toib t Nswost Latter Paper Home nf the prettiest unit pafstr ha* a ver 1 narrow bolder uf bltiw, !«<*k. gray, lavrnder or red aud one initial at tin lot t in a ring id icd»r the ea*t| ab.ide a- the border Cimr#et»>jid* a» e > ard* also are thu# b- 1). <d and are «*ry pretty CAMERON COUNTY PRESS. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 8, 1910. B\BINET I I.i K K 'i 11 f livea are rut short by un hcalthful food and diet as through strong drink. Chowders. Those are wholesome dishes that may be served tn any season and are always well liked. They may be made from fish or vegetables, and may be served as a dinner, luncheon or sup per dish. When nothing else is forthcoming, a very tasty chowder may be made of fried salt pork, potatoes, onlona and milk. Corn Chowder. —Cut a one and a half inch cube of salt pork into very small pieces and fry until brown. Add one sliced onion and cook it five min utes in the fat, stirring often that It may not burn. Parboil six potatoes, cut in slices, drain and add to the fat with two cups of boiling water. Cook until the potatoes are soft, then add a can of corn and a quart of scalded milk. Season with salt and pepper, add six milk crackers, three table spoonfuls of butter. If the pork has not made it rich enough in fat. Serve hot. To prepare clam chowder, add tha clams to the above recipe after cook ing them in butter. Add the clam water just at the last, as It has a ten dency to separate the milk. Salt codfish makes a fine chowder. It may be cooked in water until soft, and then add to the chowder just be fore serving. German Chowder. —Chop one and a half cups of haddock or any fresh fish, add eight common crackers, two table spoonfuls of melted butter, onion Juice, salt, pepper and a beaten egg. Shape into balls. Prepare the chow der, adding two slices of carrot, a bit of bay leaf, a sprig of parsley to the above chowder recipe, cook all togeth er, balls, potatoes and seasonings. Serve with crackers, spilt and soaked In the hot milk. Lobster Chowder. —Remove the meat from a two-pound lobster shell and cut in dice. Cream twc table epoonfuls of butter, and th<i .iver of the lobster, and two milk crackers pounded fine. Scald a quart of milk with a slice of onion, remove the onion, add milk to mixture. Cook the bones ten minutes in cold water to cover; strain, and add with the lob ster to the mixture. Season with salt and paprika anil serve. Chowders are nutritive enough to serve as the main dish at a meal. For a hot dish on a cold night they are especially good. Oysters may be added to a chowder and are similar to a clam chowder. mk I'ST us of old the wurlU rolls on and on; Tho day die# Into night—night Into duwn— Dawn Into dusk—through centuries un told- Just as of old. —Rtley. Thanksqlvlng Dishes. At Thanksgiving time the old family recipes which have mado those days red letter ilayß, are looked up and prepared. The crisp, nutty celery, the crimson crunberry. the apples, bears anil nutH all contribute to the great feast. The following Is u recipe for the old-fashioned pumpkin pie. Half the recipe will make n pie of the size ordinarily used today: Pumpkin l'ie. —Mix one and a half cups of Btewed pumpkin with two thirds of a cup of brown sugar, a tea spoonlul of cinnamon, a half teaspoon ful of Ringer, the- same of salt, two well-beaten . ess. one and a half cups of milk aud half a cup of cream, and a half teaapoonful of lemon extract. Hake In one crust. A very nice little tea cake may he made by using the crust left from ordinary [ ii*try or the pufT paste, whh V tr.ak. s a daintier cake Itoll t< «> paste to one-fourth Inch In thlcklie sand cut tn strl; < *i\ inches long by three-fourths Inch wide, brush over wth beat, ti . bk. ami with shredded coconnut Chill, and bake in a hut < v.*n Tl.nnkss;l\inK F'udrtlrg Put n third of a cup of su.'t with three cup* of bri ud crumbs through th<- meat chop per, add half a pound of chopped tigs, thr. e fourths of a c.ip of inllk a '•* ip of brown .-ugar. a tenspo. nfiil of -aH. thrc*-fourths of a t< ■ iMmnful of c'n ■anion, half a tensioonful of grated nutmeg half a cupful of walnut iiu-ats. half a cup of ral*lti« cut In plec •«. four • ggs well b.-aten and two teaspoon fuls of baking | .>wd' r H, rltik'e .-art fully over the mixture It.-at thorough Ijr, turn Into a buttered mold and stenm tlir.ni hours Serve with an .gg sauce roauty Saner 11. Nt two eggs until light, add a rup of |>o».|. red ugar and a rup of hoi milk flavor with vanilla or grated orange I el 4 M isundlr iluu.l Art va trsg dlan solemn t si rut i .-*1 Into tfc< b«r of u< aigat slsitd t»oi«| Puts pinl «<f wi m ua the I.e. tt.V frl* lid he I tli| to lbs man behind Ihe counter N«» »112 | n la my righi mla.l I ctiu*ki«.i (be other *IM IHI P IH |«T In, u,« pruprietoi. "i > ,;•» d«a it la the rut* IS th« her* tavern. It Is better to Inherit a fortune than to marry one. Mr*. Wlntlnira %«thin( nyrop. Por children tc'-hlntf. w»ft#»ns t In* Kunis, r«*ducenln> l»muuttloD,ai:ajiijjaiu, cures wind colic. &ca boUleb Good luck likes to visit people who are not expecting it. What Murlno Eye Itemedr I>oos to the ■yes into He' rcsh. Cleans*. Strengthen and Stimu late Healthful Circulation. I'mniolliitf Normal Conditions. Try Murine in your Byes. It Isn't every ball player who can make a hit on the stage. Pneumonia and Consumption are al ways preceded by an ordinary cold. Ilam lins Wizard Oil rubbed into the cheat draws out the inflammation, breaks up the cold and prevents all serious trouble. Home Vaudeville. "So you used to be on the stage?" "Yes'm; and I done a side-splitting sketch." "Well, let's see what you can do In the way of a wood-splitting sketch." You Can Rely on Resinol to Do Its Work Quickly and Perfectly. Have been troubled with dry Eo zema for several months, and have tried many different remedies, but I have gotten more relief and better re sults with two applications of Ungt. Resinol than all other remedies. Will gladly recommend It whenever and wherever I can. A. E. Hatch, D.D.S., Cleveland, Ohio. Only on Great Occasions. "How are you, Mr. Tyte-Physt? I hope there is nothing wrong with that set of teeth I made for you a few weeks ago." "No, they're all right; but, great Scott, Doc, I paid you S3O for them teeth. You don't s'pose I'm going to wear 'em for everyday use, do you?" UNSIGHTLY COMPLEXIONS The constant use of Cutlcura Soap, assisted by Cutlcura Ointment, for toilet, bath and nursery purposes not only preserves, purifies, and beautifies the skin, scalp, hair and hands, and prevents inflammation, irritation and clogging of the pores, the common cause of pimples, blackheads, redness and roughness, yellow, oily, mothy and other unwholesome conditions of the complexion and skin. All who delight in a clear skin, soft, white hands, a clean, wholesome scalp and live, glossy hair, will find Cuticura Soap most suc cessful in realizing every expectation. Cuticura Soap and Ointment are ad mirably adapted to preserve the health of the skin and scalp of in fants and children, and to prevent minor blemishes or inherited skin hu mors becoming chronic, and may bo used from the hour of birth. Cuticura Remedies are sold throughout the civ llitted world. Send to Potter Drug & Chem. Corp., sole p prietors, Roston, for their free Cutlcura book, 32 pages of invaluable advice on care and treat ment of the skin, scalp and hair. ANOTHER BUMP FOR GENIUS VTr The Amateur Poet —Whatever I do I do with my whole soul. His Wife (sadly)—l know you do dear, but It would oe such a help U you'd give It up and do things wtd your hands. STOMACH MISERY VANISHES Indigestion, Gas, Sourness and Dys pepsia Go and Your Stomach Feels Fins In Five Minutes. If your meals don't teuipt you, or whut little }ou do eat seems to fill you, or lays like a lump of lead In your stoma, h, or it you h.tva heart burn or a slek, sour, or gassy stomach, that Is a sign of Indigestion. Ask your Pharmacia for a t.'V cent man of Pit pit's DUp.-paln and take a little just as soon as you can There will be no sour rising*. no belching of undigested food mixed with acid, no stoiuach gas or heartburn. fullness or heavy feellrg tn the stt t iach. N'au sea. Itehllltatlng Headaches, Dull ness or lut.'xtlnal griping This will alt go, and I- sides, th< r« will be no undigested (INMI left over in the stum ach to poison your breath with name ous odura. Papa's l>tap"psln Is certain cure for out of order stomachs, brcu ts« It pre V> QtS trru»' ration aud takes hold of Jour food ait I digests It just the same a* If your stomach wasn't th« r« It .-lief In lit* minutes front all stom ach misery la waitta* for you at any drug store here In town. TU>»« large SOcent raw* of Pace's (Mapepaln contain luore th.n sufficient to thoroughly eure any eu*e of lit* peps la Indigestion tiastrltls or any other Stain >• H disiu. lMtw« I low wtMtid »u .Ik. an ami lubbyteaa t*«ulatur« for a «t»a»g«* y Imm CASTORIA For Infanta and Children, Tha Kind You Have Always Bought (J< AYegetablc Preparation for As- JB iftwi similating the Food and Regtila- "Ronrci tTia W 4 ling the Stomachs and Bowels of UvJcllw uiiU J' v* Ijn, Promotes Digestion,Cheerful ?i j! nessand Rest Contains neither ry£ #fv 1j | j Opiurp.Morphine nor Mineral V\ %f*" NOT MARC OTIC Pxtpf cf OU DrSAMVSimCffER A .HL nj 3'a i Pumpkin S**t/ • A ;v, MxS*»n« \ \ W ■ | u I AWhe fir Satis • I I£m Anis* S<«i * I IO 8 Si ft ip* lit It* i Ciarjttil $ uOar- I 11 B i? C Winkryrern flavor ' ■ ■ ■}"\ A perfect Remedy forConstipa- II Q 0 lion. Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea, I | w p' w Worms .Convulsions.Feverish- 1 ; V« J ncss and Loss OF SLEEP Ffir PyPl* Fac Simile Signature of | JISIL Thirty Years NEW YORK. | 0 L " Exact Copy of Wrapper. o«*t»uii teann, e«w yob* oitt. Hisi—aaa ■ I i ——, —— II When— The Stomach is Sick The Liver Sluggish The Bowels Clogged The Blood Impure The Skin Sallow /if's Time to Take That grand, old, time-tested remedy Wt AH A nil Ie I ■VMMgWIfIMMvI iP rILLv In boxes with full directions, 10c. and 25c. W. L. DOUGLAS •3 5 3.5 C & *4 SHOES &°WOmIn li Lkv; Boys' Shoes, *2.00, 12.50 4 53.00. Bcst inthi World W.L.nouglms $3.00, 53.80 mnd $4.00 mhomm |1 >' 112; ' 7 sro poalt/voly tha he*t mado and ftomt pop- I | z <> tliat £- I.*), t') ulmr inocs for tho arlcm In Amm*lca, and arc I ui\ §!,..«< i j / Ft'ir <l;,nl fur river .'*) vrars, that 1 makn antt aell inoro f.t.00, $ I !U> ar.il I *4 tlmii any «»lh«r manufacturer in the U.S., an<l that DOLLAR jrfa/V •• k M aii»l lit -•! T. i: 'wr ir tl* ah anr • ' « r <<». $ : •r $1 «•!,...-s JEW \' J ffjjk vou fan buy y lality counts. It Uhh n-a-t'* luy »h<-o« Til K J.KAIiEitS m , OF THE WOHLI). ® ivj \«»u witl h»» picMr l wh«n yoa buy mv sh.bocanso of tha PrwJ'iU fit ar.tl an«l wh« nit cornea tinie f.»r you to purchatA ff/ ar -ther pair, v.mi will more than |»lean'*«l be«-aase the last om wore eo well, ami gave you so much comfort. 4 '' J CAUTlON !.tti^:f,7t ,^w w .u«;^* n Vhi^, "lNTAKE NO SUBSTITUTE U ycur Oeaier cannot you with W. |. tvritw for M » l oitl-r (!ataiof. %V.1.. ISO t uum Ua ipui k St.. Ilrocklu.l, Matt. Vhe Farmer's Son's Great Opportunity Why wait f»-r th« f.irui ? . !»••«« :ni I ratio. Now ' Timo I X M <l M ''h.- II hnii.li.nl i >.f • ttii * 'Ait<l llart«-«. i vM' .?| t N.i i»f otftllrr* | .1 j,, ~(,rn 112 m.i.lt from I- T UIJ tl»«- • s. us. Mi )»«*r«« oi r * >'*tJf*" * J ••• l*»lt> t fun i ili* I**". % ♦•»«!• ve;*r, l'» Mm> ftirihrri Nuvs i-ui.i J i, J* < ,«• J f«»r lb* Ir I iit*l out uf ilir j ■' 'Vjij ** v "TiV.v»: ,»*«»" •• rmo I V 112 * 11 :|| rt « tlII«l of I t fl 1 •- a» H:lii6:ai. %* r» , I I ► In#' *'ll Itlil 'l' ■ •* t|«M.I«, 1 I f«*r«'ll ill 112 llittit fin illllr*, * I I ... r . v i •* Vl 'rr un.l luiulwr viaall) Ailr* . J y ' I | IMMmq t**, «Mt ICTUIIA I^^lLV£El2 -—I * «. *,f»-• >W ,A*«. i" 9 i'"" ' mAM " wHt rctt. tf.% •» 4»«#i*int I •« Untl4U|. • AUat| «. A gT ROOMYtLT'S CltlAT ««)0A »" A*nrau i j IWr . J A 112 Lksflst kiitw i »««. • W J 112 % * I.« 4 » . /«.* %,•»,» l»» li) It 4 strung U 41141« ui lis Thimp»nn « ijt *at«f GREET YOUR FRIENDS at CHRISTMAS —xJLAfci-i l»y sending them a TRIVATE CHRISTMAS BOOKLET Mf*et I>i«» Kmboinfd C*ov«*r ami |>rintr«l »Ujr fur juu wttti your uwu t.nui< ami m*X\ir »•. $1 For 12 Booklet* fret* Or !**r* *..%u •• «laj rr<«. Th« L'iucatioojl Supply Co., P*iac»%»!lr, OHiu Constipation— Nearly livery One Gets It The b< jwels show first sign of things going wrung. A Cas< net taken every night as needed keeps the bowels working naturally without grip, gri|>e and that np et sick feeling. T»B I'M h■», IfMlniMM. A 'f « .if •• |IM IS tlWWolTt i. IHtot .** • Utvlllh. Rir orient! I An On«r"»l Ctu • lidiw N- * I Y k January 20, 14*11, by i « S.S. Cleveland I far Md4ftii, Sunlit, lial) , Uract*. lurfc.v, V |, lluly | «ti«|, alt Hi. 4*,.. If» , tJ|l * «tt IH4IM. Hi. MM IN | Ist • •••lift.' II |t Ik I. I DR. J. O. KELLOGG 8 ASTHMA •wiimli htt ihu iituniMl uf A*lhin* anti Miif la»w 4i>k iuur 'I'UMKt fui i|. w»i« Mm rati mirti wnitw 4 imw Ctf kW , •H » *1 U | 112. 7
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers