Holiday Gifts Are Ready Bountiful assortment of gift merchandise. Multitudes of happy faces and a prevading spirit of good cheer throughout the store. All point to the nearness of the Christmas festival. We are Christmas specialists. We undertake to relieve the season's burdens and embarassments by providing suitable articles for old and young, rich or poor. Gifts that will give lasting satisfaction to the recipient. HAMMERED "BRASS GOODS HOLIDAY UMBRELLAS Hammered Brass Fern Dishes « u A P I'btl Ladies Long Mission Handle Gloria Silk 89c SI.OO, 1.60, 1.98 ablY/M / £ t I 4j Umbrellas, $1.25, 1.98 2.50. Janliniers SI.OO 1.25, 1.50, 1.98 a np !r~~ \ 112 M 1 Long Handle silk Umbrellas with very fine Umbrella Stands 00 and 3.50. AVOj O j jX 4 gold plated handles $3.98, 5.00, 6.00. ~~~ | j i eU ' S lU^>re^ P| a ' n iaa dles 1.25,1.50 HI Brass Hanging Baskets49c. \ tone handles 2.50 to 5.00 Children's Umbrellas 59c. Holiday Hints from the Fancy .■ Toys, Dolls and GameiT Goods Section Sweater Coats tor Christmas Gifts 1 Gold Plated Clocks $1.25 150 198225 300 s 00. Ladis' Fine "Wool Sweater Coats in White, Cardinal and Toy Grocery Stores with Complete Outfit; 50c, Si.oo, 1. 50, 2.00 Gold Plated Picture Frames Florentine designs Oxford, 8-.«>o, 3.00, -J.50, 5.00, (>.OO. loy Meat Markets with Complete Outfit, 50c laiect ricture rames, Florentine designs, . . .50c. Misses Sweater Coats, White or Cardinal, 81.50 to 3.00. pp Gold Plated Picture Frames, Cabinet Size, 29c and . . 35c. ~ Children's Sweater Coats 50c to 51.50. y Pianos, 25c, 50c, SI.OO, 1.50, 2.50, 5.00 Gold Plated Florentine Frames with Mirrors, 69c $1.50 to Men's Sweaters, 81.00, 2.50, 3.00. Play Store Registers, each 50c 3 00. Infants White Sweaters, Use and C9o. Uncle Bam Register Banks, 50c ":Jd Ct ,T standi P,ate ' T? . 6,c : 'S. Fine Silk and Sateen Underskirts „-• „ 81 -°° Heavy .Silver Plated Toilet Sets, $4.50, 5.00, 8.00. Extra Heavy Quality Persian Silk.l nderskirts, 55.00. Ladies' Fancy Manicure and Toilet Sets, . . SI.OO to 5.00. 1, ft Fine Blttck Taffeta Si,k Underskirts, $4.00, 5.00, 7.50 and 1 Electric Motors, 81 ,25, 2.50, 3.75 Men's Shavinp Sets «, m tc o 2on to ' Hill Climbing Friction Toys, 50c and SI.OO Men s bnaving bets, . . . .$1.00,1.50,2.00,3.00105.00. Black Heather Bloom Skirts, 52.50, 3.00, 5.75. ~r . , A ,.„ ~ „ T . Men's Smoking Sets, . . . . 69c, SI.OO, 1.25, 1.50 to 6.50. Black Sateen Skirts, 81.00, 1.25, 1.50,2.00. md . ills with \\ iiuling Attachment. SI.OO Fine Papetrie in Fancy Boxes, . . 10c, 15c, 25c, 50c, SI.OO. Colored Feather Silk Skirts, $2.50. Magic Lanterns, $2.00, 3.00 Military Brush Sets in Fancy Boxes, .... 98c to $3.50. Post Caul 1 iojectoi.-», Hand Mirrors, 25c, 50c, 75c, $1.00,1.50. Ladies NsdcwesiF and Silk Scarfs ' * ' u>ts ' ;>oc > "sc, SI.OO Playing Cards in Leather Cases, 25c and 50c. New Lace Stock Collars and Jabots, 25c and 50c. Rail Road 1 tains with liack, SI.OO, 1..>0, --•»<>, 0.00 Waste Paper Baskets, 60c, SI.OO, 1.25. Persian EfiEects in Stock Collars and Jabots, 25c and 50c. -Vusic Organs, 31.00 Leather Cigar Cases, extra fine, $1.50, 2.50, I>,ain Silk Hemstiched Scarfs, two yards long, 50c, 59c, 75c. La, g e Scales, • 25c n . Fancy Persian Effect Silk Scarfs, SI.OO to 2.00. Ten Pins, 25c and 50c Postal Card Albumns a S c, 50c, 75c, SI.OO. J Fine L«ee and Ohißoa Scarfs, «2.00 to 5.00. Trunks, 11 r T ' 1 r W ' T ' 1 M " . .... —''V tl'IJlI C 1 •Mv Smokers Humidors, Zinc Lined, Si.SO. 2.50. . . -ws • * *~»i Piano Stools. 25c Comb and Brush Sets 69c, Si.oo. Kid GIOVCS a Welcome Gift Spinning Tops, ioc Sterling Silver Thimbles 2sc. t) . , T) . , , r ., „ , r . ot . ° Ferrin s Fine Black Kid Gloves, $1.50. Tansfer Slates, 10c and 25c !• ramed Pictures, io and 25c. Perrin's 10 Button Length Black or White, $3.25. China Toys, 25c and 50c. Real Alligator Hand Bags, $3-75. 6.50. Clementina 2 Button Lengths, all colors, SI.OO. .. Sets of Blocks In md '">o Imitation Alligator Hand Bags, SI.OO, 1.25, 2.00. Glov'es SUKj. " Leather Music Rolls 2,c and 500. Real Moeha Olnves, JI.OO. ■■■■»_ 0 Men's Kid Gloves, SI.OO, 1.25. Ualc finislied Desk,. $2.<5 Extra Fine Leather Hand Bags, si.oo, 1.50, 2.00 to 6.50. LI Rocking Horses, $3.75 and 4,00 Leatherette Hand Bags, 25c, 50c and SI.OO. Tables and Chairs each 50c German Silver Mesh Bags, 50c to $5.00. jSggjffi p/' Drums, 50c, $1.00,1.50 Fine Headed Hand Bags, $1.25 1.75, 2.50, 3.50. ' I^if Do,,s I)isl,ew ' - 5 » r,<)c > 75c - sl - u0 » I *- 5 > 1.50, 2.00, 3.00 I Leather Suit Cases, extra quality, $5.00. ' ' Stuffed Dogs and Animals, 25c, 50c, SI.OO Leatherette Suit Cases, sr.oo and 2.50. ' Dolls Gilt Furniture Sets, <;«) c Security Bill Folds, SI.OO. | |!| Paint Boxes, 25e, 50c, 75c. SI.(X) Jewelled Combs and Barrettes, $1.25, 2.5<j 105.00. y- gw sfßr- Fine Water Color Paint in Tubes, 4c and 5c Fine Belt Pins and Buckles, 25c. 35c, 50c /%, \ I 4At|]' ' Rhvok boards, $1.50 Cuft Buttons, special good values ioc and 25c 2 i».'V?'W>\\\ «- mJr '** I Celapsible Go-Carts, 50, K nd $1. ( ,0 jewelled Brooches 25c, 50c, 75c, SI.OO, 2.00. U \ * J ' A 'Wvpm _ Fine IJuggies for Dolls. $2.50 to 500 I ; <;i ~50. i i-j j{ h.i, 1,..,;. . P.eauty Pins in I' incv Cases 35c and 50c. I i karfl 11 0 - T » , » 11. 11 I. WM 1> , , jK ' UM ILm'-JrV fffW\ ■*', 2i» Iw>h Jotuted D«»lls, 11.25, 1.50 Pressed Tunc.i I'.ovvls $1.69. MB' ' V fj/9 I •112 J J Wk X. I i v-corated China, < . :!i r Plain Gold Band or Pluwervd De- h „ 1J ' jljlJl .U il' f Jk / j I I 'j' •" 'I wJ j 1 as**, I Extra Special Fj ■, 7 ! ~ Extra Special I r iiS*. ! If ; , , !• *1 • I ill t , I 1 ' I ' J ) jjpff r* 4CT £■ A Sal,. »112 (Kid Shirt WaUt>. j • ! '■ v \\UUs and if any left j WSfflm 1 Not many of them. » h 4 1 i, . ... »J<- v£ 7 _./ W 'fll'; - >/\ Friday we will put un salti i It '' ' i' lil I . I -t 1 n n • ! "! ; ''i ■ ' !' --5 IM. . M =>... «itl. lull liu- KMk vvTAt i " a, ■ . * "h / sl - 98 n v ' '> \v\s\ *' Jt 112. -/ 'j'' * 2 M-o. out) only lilmtk .St\li.-li in Winter Ctjals ami a . OC AA J'! F * i' J I ('/ Bali-lf Wai-t, Mwbroiiltfrud Suit.*. ranging fn.iu - - [0 J*JL tqrjk \V" |!> J / *fl 1 j V w K«gu'*r prlro [] || H '" Haiu IW ar%. tl«« v*ry U-,i ma l«, tlu-y are 9^ .. Jj !i, *' ' ltaitt aud Spol I'roof, mad** of tin* finust rubl«iri/;o»l Wuriitwl Alm> I'ul-iC Inihing, such as «>f ** ' , I I* S<4 i SI.SU Material in haiid-mus e«d»»r» and new d* i o r*i\ > 10 n<i Kinioiia-, Apronn. Skirts and * I'v / yL/ > t \ Vi»«l out? only, W bile ' ■ ■ ri « 1 , Jl\ I I • ;V vT'l/ t ; f ,UM " I " NV " I 'Christmas Handkerchiefs )i I I■' | . [ 1 ' L / front. Kim42. juno o /j jj n « '' ( j { j , 1 #■_'.!»'* >«alf pi tit! Ah u»uat w fliuv* a -(deitdid a*»«ortineiil «if l-'ins Uandk«*r- JC jj Ifli JK i J i - //Inn si 25 Wf/sj £ 'jig j 'ft jI! 1 \ 1 |j»«lir- Kuibruitliifwl tlamlki'icbiufik, "h;, KV;, 150. 2*>c, "iOu, Vml lattlu l>r»*'.>u»ak«*r If- ,jj '' | 1 Ita lanes of our •I.ui Wliita IjhHs*' luitial llaukeruliM*, and V «u. Mawiug vu aitli Udl etc. fj || B 111 K' 1 I J '• ab«*iiid<ne I listt's laitfcU Haadkt rvUuf*. I» aud J.V. Hagular urkm am, a| sae»», II I jy / fiont». li iat ua>:b Mua's I'laiu lattutt |landki*ruliiuf«>, In, 15c, 'J'm, *hhj, 59c -ll -u » ■2' n \f 112 TT?T TMT? Em P oHum« 913.80 MLtTIS Ed) Oraatast Store CAMPION POTTNTV PRR<?S, THURSDAY, DKCEMRER 8, TQIO.
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