if '/■ Iri. —|| ;; •: s * : ■ ;r4! ... -■, ' ; y i mmi i-' ; 9h mm bub *&■ i - . < ■ - v /*y . * i i sM { ■ • 1 I -■* si* • L—; sEj£au S&ixm \<; • M :! 3 IIBKI - : 9 K-r»ia * s&a . If BEGINNING F MID AY 9 JIJLiY is*Jh and lasting till the goods advertised below are sold out If i If The Clearance event is lite merchants' main exhaust valve. It is the means and method of disposing of overstock, broken lines and all the residue of a season's selling. We must turn goods 'lf ' ll * o ra ° ne "'' KG ARDL,KSS OF COS I, in order to be ready with clean stocks lor the I all Season, and that is what we are going to do by offering the following extraordinary bargains: I SIO.OO Lace Coat $8,98 • Lmhraie.e/.'v | |3.00, $3.50 Shire Waisis $1.98 Linen Napkins for 1c j Exquisite iuiibroiileries '2O inch 0.4 wide, in j * Beautiful White All-over Lace liiwliesVoat j Light 1)1 ue, Pink or lriven lcr, for waist, and Exquisite Ivmhroidered AVhite Lawn Shirt Hemmed Linen Napkins, 12x12, ready for if 34 inches long. _ $0 AC i dress fronts. Regular iiriee SI.OO vd «v- Waists. Fine fitting and splendidly made use. AVere made to sell for 100 -a |j| Regular price 810; sale price -- - «j)«>oJ7o j Sale price - - - Z«3C Reg. price 53.00 and 50; sale price wl.tf'O J Sale price, each ... AC j A Big Bargains 150 c Men's Shirts j Ladies Neckwear Co!r.-:ed,r.3c Ft z-\o: jSOc Novelty 116 c Ramie Cloth j 25c Monotone Mens Sox J for 37c -at Less than Half i Stripe Under- j Gingham 12ic Stripe for 17c' for lie ! Silk for 12^ fancy and \ Men's soft finished fan- PnC6 jskiftS for $1.50! . This is a lawn lik « wash { . . Lisle. Thread Hose, all > i • , • I ( :{ 1 inch fine quality g Dress Goods 42 in. wide Heavy crash like wash I This silk like, light I i I t, ?cy and work shirts with (Ladies strinerl Featheri I ... , | ' fe up-to-date 1 his sea- ~, \ well known Ladies stylish Jabots, L.,, 112 u ) ,J l ' rencll Gingham in in plain colors with strip- material in all colors J weight Summer Dress son s patterns, grays, | Cl " lars - A well known •> ' bilk Petticoats, bustle o< i borders to match, j„st th« thine- for eoatl r . tans and checks with and excellent make. il [ so *<»»« law ' collarß - like silk and wear better Jilues aml 1 ill,s w,th made of best Egyptian S coat goods, comes in stripes embroidered clocks. ; Light and dark patterns. None worth less than j Ya ,.j OUS colors. Keg {side borders to match. I cotton. Was made to sw > ts - Fast colors and I; n various colors, was Leg. priee 25c "3 C < P' ' l ''" ,: "e Q7/» i - <)( " iUI( ' many were* [£2.50. if/\ : Reg. price was2">ei n l | sell for 50c -j n ' extra strong. R''g. ii I made to sell for I*>l Sale price - - 10L j epi ice - - JfC | ,>Qo. Sale price lUC price - yl* JUjSiilc price - - 1 jSaleprice - *»price 10 c; sale price! 'What we have left in Ladies Cloth j 7_ ~ # 'm lAn Unusual Bargain in Fine; Capes marked away below cost DpeCial! LxtFE bpeCiai! White Muslin Petticoats Cloth Capes, original price 8!• (m> now 00 SI.OO and $1.25 Ladies Shirt Waists for 59c. We have a lot of very fine Klegant white Lace and Embroidery trimmed «pj.Jo | White Lawn Waists With tan embroidery; also some White Soisette and I ' nderskirts. Too many of them, that's the rea- Cloth capes, original price 85. Os, now £2 98 f ail cy Percale Waists which were SI.OO and $1.25 each. Sale price vvt j t g^<jx^[rt" C for n $1 50 and 198 Muslin Underwear at MILLINERY nTf 3 .' 7~'n Wash Skirts Sale Prices Trimmed Hats 1 Ex ß edu r c Uon a, y Ladies Cloth, | sl 00 WWe Wls^r^c lsc Moocasms, at 9c A u oo hfltd <t!i no Linen and Lineen Suits U IZS «- «• 98c 50c " " 250 triu " ne ''- All 2 ftohntc! i 25 $3 98 Wash Suits, sale price $2.25 ' ~ „ 39c Shoes, at - 25c 85c kind, sale pr. 49c ■?} onrl Z? ,'t, n 5.00 Wash Suits, sale price 3.69 1-50 1.19 SI.OO kind " 59c 7"!! o.uu nats I.oU 6.00 Wash Suits, sale price 3.98 LI 000 " k ' " 149 j r *m i* D 125 kind 41 69c 3.50 hats 1.75 6.75 Wash Suits, sale price 4.50(1 ' t . kk u " 0 I n f an * s Muslin Bonnets 150 kind " 79c AU 4 - 00 hats 2.00 U 8.50 Wash Suits, sale price 5.00 2.50 ' ' 1.98 75c Bonnets< at 62c All 4.50 hats 2.25 [1 CfirlicVi r'lrtfh Quite 3.00 " " " 239 „ FINE DRAWERS All 5.00 hats 2.50 . vlOUt OUItS SI.OO 73c 69c kind, - - 50c All 6.00 hats 3.00 U " . s6;gg $ 6 ;gg n^Sr L Linen Skirts 1 ' 25 75c kind - - - 59c All 6.50 hats 3.25 13.60 Suits, sale price - 7.50 1.50 Straw Bonnets, SI.OO SI.OO kind --69 c All 8.00 hats 400 16.60 Suits, sale price - - 9.50 $3.00 Linen Shirts $2.39 i. 40 Infants Straw Hats 1.00 1 - " -JlZ An laoohats "OU ilio iSite,'sail p?icl -"- 13.50 H 3.50" " 2.75 , 7 «- , P « 2.00 kind - $1.37 # 25.00 Suits, sale price - 15.00 1.75 same at 1.25 CORSET COVERS Straw Hats Ladies Long Cloth CoatS Black or Navy Duck 2.50 same at 1.50 $1.50 kind at - 98c All 75c &$1 hats 25c = $8.75 Coats, sale price - - $5.98 = Skirts with White Poka ~ r . , .. 100 kind at- - 79c All $1.50 &2 " 50c 10 00 Coats, sale price - 6.98 Uoth La P s tor small o9c kind at - 49c ' - 12.50 Coats, sale price - - 8.50 Dots Boys, black or navy, Reg. 290 kind at - AH Flowers, Half Price U_19. 5 0 Coa ts. saie price - 12.50 y $125 Sklrts . 98c price 15c; sale price 9c Calico and Gingham $6.50 Brown Silk Taffeta 75 c All Silk, Natural Color Ostrich Plumes S."u«d to,. i >,'.■«« fHiiKiwm,.Double jj. Underskirts for $5.00 Pongee for 50 c »•'«> wwi» »n<i m»bi riumm . -$3.75 112o 1 '!, in iau ami Ui« <k, H»le prife These are vory exceleut quality brown This fine quality Pongee Silk has never White »ikl Coloml PlumeH - - 25 *"?"r* 6c „ $5.00 soc| slM \ BarKains Curtains ne Embroideries Very Cheap Parasols Away Down Children's Cloth Coats A- il.2"> Child'HiClulh CoatH, Male priee . .89 ... .. , Kluunoiuti 17 iuuhem wide. Sale price 37c • Fancy Silk Paraaolx, Half pricu j.ijo !>.(«» Kim- Net Curtains, beautiful 0g QQ h 1 J » i ▼ 1,(Ml aiild'w Cloth CoaN, Hale pries# . SI.OO 8,4,1 P "" " S»H" Fine Coraat Cover Kmbroitlery at • 37c 4..V1 Silk pwMttla, Sale prie* . - 3.00 2.5»» Child * Cloth Coatw, price . . 1.69 94.75 l!nu<Uoiue Net Curtain* 300 i ,4k " l lnm-rtioii - - 10c Silk Panwols, Sale price . 2.75 : j,oo Child"n (loth Coati, wile prUw . . 1.98 Salepriee • • •' * llki tUlgiuu aud lueertiou ... 12c ,I,n " Si,k »» rloe * * S.fto Child»Cloth Curtto. mile price . . 2.25 o ye' 15c •' ' y™ 1 ■ ■ 2.50 M'P'lo K, I, „,„ll . . . l 9c l - SS • 1.00 4..V1 Oittd'. CIMb »il« I.rlo. . 2.98 ~ 1#,.,. .. . , White NN ash ParaMih* . . . .98 4 73 chiW * Cloth Coat*, -ale price . . 312 A few prtiis uf ver) tine Nullingluiitt O CA yartls «>f ( itmliric I'.dgiug ami liiMvitmu. I in y 7t - 1 CurtaiiiM 17.."V*quality, «ale price JuuUea wide, «al» prine |h»t yard 3c ' **" aranol« . ./3 ft.iMM'hild'sCloth Coats, »al« price , 3.50 IScLadiesHoselOc : 5.00 $2.25 «9c T.bl. D. mas k 4 9 c I .ml if- cut tun lltMMt ill I Hue Tha* -kirte ar« the very beet ma'le. Thev ... . Mill Kiide of goud quality blaathed l>aiiiask, lit well and »re of the bent luateriel. An* ..I NW da aut luiv« all ai«« m thi- number of « 1 (Q/i unr regular 17 mi Hk ills IDC i\ A Neuio Cnr.eU, that i» the iv»»o« why yuu »an '* ' • 4t)C %J |_ 9U.UU ... »i. „».•» oneaab. "" S IfITFP-fMF I*-SSt~!SSS! i\ / I CAMERON COUNTY PKKSS. THURSDAY, JULY 14, iqio.
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