Vj\^ \V X THE CAMERON COUNTY PRESS. ESTABLISHED BY C. B. GOULD, MABCII, 1866. VOL, 44 ■ SHDRTEfI HEWS ITEMS Pithy Paragraphs that Chronicle the Week's Doings. Long Dispatches From Various Parts | of the World Shorn of Their Padding ' and Only Facts Given In as Few j Words as Possible For the Benefit j of the Hurried Reader. Thursday. Blackmailers demand ?2.">0,000 from i a Japanese firm, says a dispatch from | Tokio. Germany denies any intention of j intervening iu Nicaraguan affairs. The Honorable C. S. Roll*, son of j Lord Llangattock, is killed at Bourne mouth, England, by a fall while flying with his biplane. Governor Hughes signs the graded inheritance tax bill passed by the ex tra session of the legislature. Plans for the two new battleships authorized by congress are approved by the navy department. Worried by Mr. possible candidacy for the Republican gov ernorship nomination, close advisers urge President Taft to assume more aggressive leadership. Friday. Diplomatists at Pekln are of the opinion that the new Russo-Japanese treaty menaces the "open door" and "equal opportunity" pledges, says a cable dispatch. Oscar Erbsloeh, winner of the in ternational balloon race of 1907, fell nearly half a mile to death with four companions from en exploding air ship in Rhenish Prussia. Ceylon rubber companies announce the payment of large ad interim divi dends, says a cable dispatch from Co lombo. Mayor William P. White o£ Law- I - rence, Mass.. is sentenced to the' house of correction following convic- j tion of conspiracy to bribe aldermen. | j Saturday. Many Chinese are shot to death and 1 ' drowned when a Portuguese gunboat : bombards a fort on Colowan island. Interviews with business meu I throughout the world point out that : the underlying economic basis upon which American securities rest is so , firmly rooted that there is nothing to justify an attempt to cause a crisis in | the stock market President Taft accepts an invita j tion to dedicate the Pilgrims' mouu- ■ meat at Provincetown, Me., on Aug. j William Pittman, American engi- j reer captured by Nlciraguan army. Is starved and ill treated in Managua ( prison, contraiy to promises of Dr. ! Madriz. I Payments on account of the cor poration tax are now within a million j dollars of ihtj' assessments made by . the bureau yf internal revenue. They ! amount to W'.,2Kf>,?23. Monday. Benjamin H. Odell, Jr., uepartlng for Europe, says lit- is awaiting Mr. Roosevelt's K." on the Republican ! candidate for governor. Appoln'm* nt of a negre»« an i ' school tcache.- in Elisabeth, N. J | arouses a priM-st among parents of' children. Search here and abr «ad for Dr llawle) tl Crippeu, whom the laci ) don police are anxious t«» question r»- ! larding hU wif"' death, proves tin availing. making a Chautauquau speech at j Winflelu. Kan . and to be bellied | The making tour of Colonel R ~s. veil in August has set all politl j ■al faction in Washington to specu latlnv on the outcome. Tuesday. Beverly, \1» reports that Presi t Taft tielievm that the "doctors'! trust" scheme for a national deport litem of Iu alt h |* dead. Dr Imvid Starr Jordan, president oi declares the \\. *t »e» no duimer In present bualitt • i ondltlotia. ion of Canada IN <IHIWII In ri-imri of Hound. Mr. Row • \«H ov» re m- t». dd I whleb thr.-aieii.il i.> disrupt the con aerv&t lon > oiigr<-.<>a u» meet at tit I'aut Which rlsrs la ihe ifceitbeast era puff «»f the caaton of Vaud ami Bows WMI terly Into the Illume, broks lu il.in lor a dt*iaar« „| i»u n.iir Two | In email lost llttir |i«*« ttl I»m ultit, Wei* neeUay. 1 '' ' N**WS S nanshofS of United Slates wooden war vessels, the Portsmouth, is togo out of active service and may become a museum or be " sold as old junk Arthur T. Iladley, president of Yule university, has been asked by President Taft to head committee Of the Week which will investigate "watered" stock issues of railroads. 0,225 feet, the record for high flying, was made by Aviator Wal ter A. Brookins at Atlantic City. Fountains, tire hose and hydrants play important parts in hot weather scenes in .New York. From an unceasing round of pleasure to the hard work entailed in the duties of an active official of the New York Central lines is the change W. K. Vau- Cerbilt, Jr., has taken. General Leonard Wood commenced his duties as chief of staff of United States army. Women garment workers struck in New York. ion in which seven persons were hurt. I Trapped In their little homestead cabin on Mill creek, state of Wash-1 ington, in the dry pine forest and sur- , rounded by flames from the forest fires which have raged there since Friday, Miss Pearl Brewer, aged 22 years, a school teacher, and her young niece perished. Mr. Cannon declares he will not abandon his fight for the speaker ship. Employes of the Grand~Trunk raiP way in Canada, numbering 2, r ioo men, goon strike. Reception. Rev. J. J,. Bogue, pastor of First Baptist Church was tendered a recept ion, in the chnrch parlors, last Monday 1 evening. Of course the occasion, in- I terspersed with music, social chat and light refreshments made the evening doubly pleasant. Rev. Bogue is an un tiring worker and popular with all classes and churches. Ha ndsome Flowers. Mrs. John Cummings, wife of Ex- \ County Treasurer, can consider our hat off for a beautiful bouquet of flow- ! ers sent to the sanstam of ye editor on Tuesday morning, at the hands of Miss Corinne Cummings, the pleasant little daughter of Mr. Thos. Cummings. j Our kind donor always has a beautiiul flower garden, in facj keeps the j grounds around their cozy home al. ways looking line—setting an example I for others to follow. Pine Camp Meeting and Institute. | Now is the time when the woods are calling and many are responding to the call anil going tot he Pines for their ! I vacation, where in College or Tent, in some cool corner or qui. i nook, a week or two will be spent In el >setouch with Nature and with Nature's God. : Among the placea that many will visit, Pine ('amp Grounds holds a promln. Nt place The grounds are situated i.n »he P. K. K., at Pine Station, Penna., sixteen miles west of Willlamsport and ; eight miles east of Haven and within hailing distance of Jersey Shore and Avis Attractive Exhibit. The Representatives of the Inter ra tional Correspondence Schools, of Scranton, have placed a very attractive and free exhibition of the correct* <1 lessons, drawing", outfits and hook* of , the different students, anil views of the schools in the Fetter building, Fourth street. Owing to tlda beingao t-ouca tional exhibit, it is attracting unusual attention. If you have not already at tended, it would be well worth your while to take the time and cull aa there : Is a Representative in constant attend anee to explain their system of teach . i"K- Sad Death. The latal accident that befell the little "even year old daughter of Mr. Win Stulth, on North Creek, mention of which is made by our correspondent iu the North Creek items, is Indeed deplorable I.ike moat children she delighted to hang onto the chain UU der the hay rack How she came to get under the wheels of the loaded wagon we are tillable to learu. The wheel poaaed over h«r left hip, causing Internal injuries from which she died oil Tuesday morning, before Dr Falk was summoned, Tim funeral takes place to-day, under the direction of funeral director, C W ttishell What's Doing? There must be considerable attrac* lions at St Marys lor the young, )udg log from the largo number of >ooug man (rout Emporium calling there, ea ' i>i iully on Sunday, We notice Fred V titer and Oscar hosier, two heart aat sahara, were up on Sunday Moth Needed Vacation, Mias I Haul talk l.cchio r, one of the >a. a Hoe, having gone lo Erie and Caroline llul! loin., i aaeialaul, haa "Liberty and Union, One and Inseparable."— WEßSTEß. RVTPORTTTVr, PA., THURSDAY. JULY 21, 1910. NEW RECTOR AT EMMANUEL CHURCH ■Jt REV. M. L. TATE. TRINITY RECTORY, TYRONE, PA., JULY 19TH, 1910. GREKTINO ! Grace, mercy and peace to you be multiplied. The call to liecnme your Fteotor has been received 1 have informed the Rt. Rev Cortlaudt Whitehead, S. T D., of your action, and having received favorable reply from him. 1 accept your call. I will come (D. V.) so that I can be with you for the Tenth Sun day alter Trinity, Sunday, July :tl*t. Praying that God's richest blensingn may rest upon you, I am, Yours Very Sincerely, M. L. TATE. Taken From Train. F. M. Conant, of Cincinnati!, <>., who has been guest of his friend Dr. Hush, at this place, for consultation relative to a serious case of luug trouble. 110 letl here oo Sunday for home but was taken off the traiu at Buffalo, being in a serious condition and conveyed to Emergency llospl tal. Dr. Hush was wired for and went to Huffsl > oil Monday lie louud his friend had a severe hemorrhage of the lungs and *aa ill a critical condition and will be compelled to remain at Buffalo for a time. Mr t'onant, made many fro nds here w bo deoply aympa tlilxed with him iu his trouble, so pa tiently bourne. Vtlaalonary Society. The latdies Missionary ttoeiety of Weat Creek uiet at the home oi Mrs. P. It Heattle oil Sixth street, last Friday morning Iu addition lo the business there wa» a "iiulltlng," when all joined in congratulating Mrs. Heattle upon her 7«th birthday. All enjoyed the pleas aut occasion Promptly at UOOII all sat down to an elegant dinner, fur it idled by the ladlea, :|| being present Those from out ol town were; Mra Peterson and daughter, t'ainerou, Mra. I.i«ln Morav, St. Marya, Iva Taylor and dauKhter, Hieka Itun U'IM to Huchester Mr Carl Muoiford. son of I'ouu. il man and Mra K D. Mutuford, ol tina place, has aecepUHl and entered upon Ills tlulle* s» clerß at Hotel F|(«le«lott, li ch>ater, N Y , lately purcha«sl by Mr W li GiHwrt t art whlla dark at Hotel U sroer, lit la place, Sr aa pop ular witn the pit Idle and »se«editi«f ly oolite and alteiitiva lo hla duties Hi have not the least lear but tli a i lis will be etpially as popular at H«s ii.ai. i b. tug a young mau of alrtet, ewrrwet habits lu bt lei S geulleiuau Mangled Remains Found. I Arthur Cousins, aged about 70, who J has resided in this conuty for several years, being employed as expert truck I gardener by various farmers. Cousins was a great success so far as his woik went but the poor fellow had one ter rible failing—drink. Lately he had been in charge of the Climax truck patch, but stopped work about a week ago. On Tuesday evening he boarded passenger train No 61, wanting to get off at Beecbwood, but for some reason was carried to Rathbun, when he was told to get off, which he did and start ed to walk to Jacob Andrevvß. We are told a freight coming east noticed him on the track, stopped and put him out of danger, but no doubt he had remained on the track or laid down, Erie mail , coming east having run over him, crushing frightfully—beyond recogni- j tion. Had it not been for a bank book found near his remains it is doubtful if he could have been identified. His remains were found by aome trackmen about one mile east of Rathbun. Cou c 'name to this country from Hud-I dersileld, Yorkshire, England, where : his family of ten children reside. Poor weak man; he might have been a valuable man as a farmer, being very competent His remains were taken to Laßar's undertaking rooms, to be prepared for burial. This (Thursday) afternoon the fune ral took place at Laßar's Undertaking [ Rooms, Rev. J. F. Anderson, of the M. E. Church, officiating. DEATH'S DOINGS. HARRIS. MRS. FLORA HARRIS, aged about 40, : died at Buffalo and Monday. Her re- 1 mains will arrive to-day noon and tak en to Newtou Cemetery. Religious ; services will be conducted at the grave by Rev. J. F. Anderson, pastor M B. Church ('. W. RMMII took charge ot the funeral at Junction. We have no other particulars. Serious Accident. On Monday evening, while tearing down an old barn on the Elihu Chaa- [ wick farm, Mr. Jas. Peas ley, Forestry ! Warden for that district were serious ly injured. Mr. Peasley is suffering from a lacerated scalp while Mr. Chadwick is not seriously injured but being well advanced in years was con- I siderablv bruised and jammed. Un der Dr. 11. S. Falk'a careful care we hope he will be about looking after de linquent taxpayers. Well Earned Ke.sl. Mrs C, G. Schmidt, who lately re tired from the bakery, business she sue crsid'uliy conducted since the death of her husband, was a Pwtw business culler yesterday Mrs Schmidt will take a well earned vacation, leaving on Monday next for Berwick, Pa., and other points ol interest to visit relatives anil friends for several wiwks. Mra S. proved herself a good business woman Hlrthdav I'aitv. Misa Kb use Warner, the bright seven v«ar old daughter ol Mr. and Mrs Itobt Warner, entertained a party id' little ladiea and gents yesterday alter noon, in honor of her ?lh anniversary. Of course they passed an enjoyable afternoon and remained until evening I'laborate refreshments Were served Mtsa Kloisc was the happiest little lady lu Emporium yesterday and »a* re mem here. l with many uiee tokens of ealeein by her quests Hlg I mpiuvemvtiU al furnsit. The very siltmalve improvements at the Emporium Furnace am rapidly ad taut lug The new brick cast house, erected by Pitapatrlt'k brothers, is now ready fo, ih« root The stock hous« la being completely rem»<i«letl, Ihe floor being paved with brick while coocreta pier fouudatlona are now, ready for thw irsstHug aud tracks The eupalu will lie turn down and au up to dale .me srmitad Everything la being ; Pit lu shape and Mr Itrady is uut •paring money t" make the old E'm i.nriuut i urna.a, «|t»r a very aucueee nil ruu of eleven ye*r» muter hie able fears We hope pruapeiuo* ones. It ' fell bleat The Circus in Town. The famous circus arrived in Cohoes during the small houta of the day and the experienced workmen erected the big tents with the rapidity with which the mushroom springs from the pasture lot. The layman invariably marvels at the ease and quickness with which the circus men build the huge can- I vasses from a comparatively chaoctic intricacy of ropes pulleys and poles. If one believed in the power of magi cians, one would almost declare that every big circus must employ a wonderful magician to wave his wand over the men when they erect the tents. However, the combined efforts of all the magicians on the face of the earth would not prove effacious in the matter of building the white tops, for there isn't a bit of magic connected with the work at all. It is simply sys tem that does the trick—a splendid system which is carefully adhered to by every working man, from the sup erintendent down to the humblest can vassman. And to the careful observer this system is truly remarkable. To the infinite joy of the small boy and his sister and to the evident de light of the older folks, the circus parade replete and resplendent in ma jectic, scintillating, bewildering beauty, was taken over the principal streets of Cohoes thir morning. And the pageant, made a decidedly favor- ! able impression on all who thronged 1 the line of march. '1 he doors will be open at Heven o'clock this evening and the perform ance will start at eight.— Cohoes Re publican. The famous Frank A. Robbins circus will exhibit in Emporium, Tuesday, Aug. 2nd. Wonderful Bargain Sale. H. A. Zarps & Company, proprietors of the Great Store, so popular through out the entire county, has something new to say in this issue of the l'KKtw, especially attractive to the ladies. Mr. Zarps, the senior proprietor, says he has too many goods, in fact he will be simply force*! to reduce his immense j line, hence he is now selling almost ' everything far below the cost price. j He is deeply in earnest and says he j will reduce his goods to a reasonable \ size stock even if he has to sell for one- ; half what they cost. Celebrates His 74th Birthday. Our respected townsman Mr. N. j Heger, ou Monday lust i Inth i celebrat ed in a modest manner the 71th anni versary of his birth, surrounded by his : faithful wife, brother anil children, ax well as grandchildren. Mr. Seger came to Emporium in > and enter ed the merchant tailoring and cloth ing business, having continued to this day at the helm. He prospered by ; hard work, srouoiuy aud honorable denlini; aud today ranks as one of the : most solid business men of our towo, I occupying the responsible position as one of the board of directors ol The Kirst National Hank of this place, with Bow almost a million dollar capital. I We hope our good friend and citizen may live to celebrate many iuor« an 1 uivernariee A pleasant iuciduut aud surprise was the visit ol hissister, Mrs Josephene Mlngler slid daughter Miss l.ucy, of tliicitfo. 111, the former being Kiiest of her brother Mr. aud Mrs It Meger and family, while Mlsa I i.ucy is ituewt of Mr. and Sirs. N s#ger ' aud family. A Good I'viun. The i'ltlvs sanctum was visited j' yesterday by two pleasant g> uli*utea, Mr John K. Smith, of Sterling liuu , aud Mr H, A Itamsey, of Krie, I'a , ! representing The Hostettler Nliov t'o I Holliare very coiiipauiuuahltt gentle lueu and active in tne business world ! Aluioat every clliaeu in this county kuoas Mr. Smith aud apur«*i«tea his worth to this eouuty, socially m wall as huaiutMS lluihtwsril Mound, A puat card from |»r. M H, Miulth j aud V A VJm Ilottald to the I'kms, I dated Moadus I'oiut, Out. July Iftth •ays "Wi have turuwl <<ur tmivm homeward All la wtdl," Nw.« Vllsmi* i'ltt (|I«U * y Hi l»B *UUi»t <1 ) >1 TERMS: $2.00 —$1.50IN ADVANCE. 16 PAGES THE WEATHEK. FRIDAY. Fair. SATURDAY, Fair. CUMXAV, .-•h»wer&. ASSETS First National Bank, EMPORIUM, PA. At the close of business, July 20.191G; $881,952.53. A bank account teacups eco» . nhicli i&tive first round in the ladder t —«n i »ELI pit>£- perity. SI.OO Starts an Account. 3o INTEREST PAID ON SAVINO BOOK o ACCOUNTS AND CERTIFICATES OT DEPOSIT. —.... ■ ... T——• DR.* LEON RKX FELT, DENTIST. Rockwell Block, Emporium, Pa. DR. H. W. MITCHELL, DENTIST, Office over A. F. Vogt's Shoe Store Emporium, Pa- 12y Lost. A pocket book containing a sum of money, valuable papers and person a l cards. The finder will be liberally re warded by leaving same at Keystone Powder office. LEO PETERSON:. Notice to Taxpayers. Tax payers of Emporium are re quested to call at my' residence DM July 16th or 23rd and settle their taxes for 1910. After July 31st ten per cent, will be added to the duplicate. JOHN GLENN, Constable and Collector. Eye Specialist. Prof. W. H. Budine, the well known Eye Specialist, of Binghamton, N. Y.„ will be at R. H. Hirsch's jewelry store, Emporium, Pa., July 22 and 2X If you can't see well or have headache don't fail to call and see Prof". Budine, as he guarantees to cure all such cases. Lenses ground and fitted in old frames. Eyes tested and ex amined free. All work guaranteed. Young Lad Wins Honors. From the Boston Globe we note the following reference to J. Paul Lynch of Ruxbury, Mass., son of Mr. and Mrs. John C. Lynch, formerly of this county: "Master J. Paul Lynch, 13 years old, of 1632 Tremont St., who was gradua ted from the Mission church parociat 1 school in June,was one of 250 who took examinations, and was the youngest of the four who won scholarships in the Boston high school. These scholarships are worth $250 and they enable those winning them tu> take the course at the school prepara tory to entering the college) Young Lyuch's success is duo to | some hard work, and In- is pretty welt | pleased with his efforts. | "When we tad OV aotaol examioa i tions I was a little careless," said lit; | last night, "and 1 was beaten for first I honors in the class, my mark being ! 96.4 I think it taught me a lesson, for ' I made up my mind that I would win at the Boston examinations, and I I have just been notifled that I did so." • - Embarrassing Krror. Errors, or omissions, take place in the ht il regulated newspaper nfUcee. ! Last week we omitted the item rtdat ing to flu- party given by Misses Rath iel and Nancy Turley, after careftj' 1 pains to secure the same. However, we sh.til iiisi-rt the saint) this week, it it be a llttli) lite, at the same time ask ing tht> forghen< *s of the fair yoiing i ladies "On Tuesday evening, Misses Kathel and Nancy Turley, the plea-vint daugh | ters of our rwipw'Md merchant, Mi . and Mrs A. J furley, West Klltb i Street, in honor of their guest, ,\lsf Geneva l\ vaus, of Warroti, Pa. Tb« evening was was pleasantly liaised with gauiea, IMUSIC, billiards and gen I eral gitotl lluie, touliuuing until uiltt night. when very elegaut reireahuientM were sorted. The follow lug guests w ere prevent Mi»». ikimu Kvin% Vvfft 4<UU, till* V II 4««lt I Ktore 14 c lie. k, ti . !»! I.a(tiit*|> Ill*» II M•» |u«nU Kuuii, i ixk It>iiii miuiil i mru i>u fct»ll« l Turt«> > } iuft t»< I.lUtfit, holM'f l.tu>«l JubttMlU, HuUll I't4(l4li, l4Vb iHftiub'. 1 «ih l|i tgm ihm+t Vmhif, lt«»i«.fi K*f«, lua-lf Muuwlt ()««aoii Wi.alil, Oon tot. M> Uuu .gli iluivtu, trtui lUilc> ILrj(. re> 111 letlival anil The'ladlua of Kiiitnauual | t'hureh will hold it Lawn VosiiviU at tin P«xiury, uest Saturday even lug, I'uriug Hit •veiling Joy Kbits* till li, ..( , Mil) be , i harm*! The publiu are i.rdially u> i VIUKI 1 If Ist fthuulil gii to flit a |uiuu'l|tiwn ♦ Kiil'l !>• MHIWUM) to dts (are llt at Ua iilgb wa»iai' "'l hi a tariff dM> .if OM« md a half etkla a : Seit \ urk "I'rMN* " ti«« i a <t t titiiHi iHik'j tut tu tall and cue it. NO. 23.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers