MANY GRIP VICTIMS \ r s I —-4 52)?i! ! i • e &&> fi | l v> M I I SSI I 112 i] ilf / fqj'- 1 s-_i jUK-, - Just now many £i'i|> victims j ' are troubled by an obstinate j 1 cough. Dodson's White Pine j and Spruce will positively re- : < lieve that grip 1 i '. ! ( hacking. i < Dodson's Drug Store. ! < LOCAL UEPARTMISNT. ! PERSONAL GOSSIP. 1 Contributions incited. Thar which you woul" | the to see in tins deparlment 9 let h* knout by po* - j lal card, letter or per tonally. | ' Mrs. R. Fisher and daughter, Miss i 1 Ethel, called on friends a't this place j I last Friday afternoon. Thomas Waddington and son Ray L., of this place, were business callers 1 at Warren last Thursday. j Archdeacon Radcliffe, of Ridgway, S was a business callnr at Emporium, I last Friday morning. ] Mr. Phillip Dixon, and son William, ' of St. Marys, transacted business in , Emporium last Thursday. Miss Martha Burns, of this place, is spending the week with relatives at j ( Bufl'alo and other northern points. , Mrs. Mose Johnson and children ' went to McKeeaport hist Thursday, where they are the guests of relatives. ( John Ellis, of Toledo, Ohio, is guest i at the home of his parents, Mr. and ' Mrs. Mark Ellis, Sr., West Fourth St. ' D. C. Hayes and wife went to Du- | Boia last Friday, where they spent a < few days visiting friends and relatives, j 1 Miss Myrtle Gregory returned to her ! • home at this place last Friday, after j spending a. few days with friends at St. Marys. Joseph Wortman, who spent a few j days with relatives at St Marys, re- j < turned to Emporium, Fiiday after- | noon. Fred J. Keim, Jr., of this place, trans- j acted business at St. Marys, last Friday i morning and was guest at the home j of his parents. Charles Cummings, of St. Marys, j was tcuest at the home of his parents, ' Mr. and Mrs. John Cummings, Soutli j Broad Street. Mrs. T. F. Moore returned to her I home at this place from Renovo, Fri- j day afternoon, after spending a few j days with relatives. Earl MacDougal), who has enjoyed a j short vacation with his parents at this ! place, has returned to Butlalo, to com- j plete his business course. Mrs. Rose Lupoid aud daughter, | Miss Florence, of Oiean, are at ) the home of Mrs. L's parents, Mr. i and Mrs. Joshua Bair, Fifth Steeet. K. (i. Storm, of Pittsburg, transacted business at this place, the last of the week. Mr. Storm is a chemist in the employ of the I*. S. Geological Sur- i vey Mr. and Mrs. <!uy Klees and sou J Emerson returned to Kmporium last I Friday morning, after spending a short time guests of relatives at St. j Marys. Miss Josephine Murphy, of Dultois, is guest of her muter, Mrs. K.ithryn Hush. Miss Murphy has recently graduated from the hospital at i way. Frank MoCloaky and family, who have been upending a short time with relatives in the western part ol the State, returned to Emporium, Friday afternoon. Mrs. Jay I*. Felt aud two aoua, ac companied by Miss Ethel Waddiugtoii, j left oti Friday's lluttalo Fl>er for !.an- | sing, Mich., to visit relatives aud ! frieuds tor several weeks. Mr and Mm C. W. Purce'l, of Wll .iatnaport, were guivta at the home ui i John Tr*baweUt»r ami family, Fourth Street, during the past week Mi*. Purc«ll w.i« formerly a reeuleiC of Km porium and will lie pleitx.tii* ly n-in um bered as Mim lOuiirhti Kltlie (lau. F. I u lutein .an! d iUrfhlur, Mi«s Anna, w*t« i'ai's u*>let« Saturd-iy wetting whau Mr I) reiiuwed hi« p.>- pitpur lor suothnr year Mr KuksMu t* one of the t')itu.>t i'owitur Cum pany's siuptoyiNi, beiug *<Ml»l<«ut «u glsisir at thai basy InUustry, Iha |>le wser powder piunt ull auierou oouuty Mrs. Chas. Voght and daughter are visiting at Eric. Wm. A. Auchu's auto is again in running order. John Oatlin, of Renovo, visited his parents in town on Sunday. Mrs. T M. Folk, of Renovo, was in i town between trains Saturday. Air. Ben Smith, of 1.0 :1c Haven, was in town between (ruins Saturday. Miss Florence Faucett npent a few days at St. Marys, guest of her com in. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Daike and I\ rs. i Geo. L Tat;gart were PRESS visitors 1 last evening. Miss Mattio M. Collins, County Si pt. j of Education is spending some time in j Philadelphia. Fred Leutz.s who visited old frie ids at WilliamsuorC has returned home j and resumed his position with llowird Co. Mias Josephine Gilbert, of Bufif.ilo, is guest of her father, Mr. C. L. Gilbert, at Hotel Warner. A very pleasant lady. Miss Geneva Evans, of Warren, J a., is tbe pue.-t of her cousins, Mioses | Eathei and Nancy Turley, West F fth i street. Miss Neta Suilivan, of Rochester, N. j Y., is visiting in Emporium, guest of Judge Green and family, being a niece | of Mrs. Green. Miss Marion Larrabee, who attended j the State Teachers Association at Erie, extended her visit to Detroit to visit relatives and friends. Joseph Henry Branson Moorehotise, of Pittsburg, came up from the Smoky City last week, to visit with his grand parents, Mr N Seger and family. Mrs. Herbert Kaye, of - Williams port, was the guest of Mrs. Thomas Craven and family on Sixth Street, the past week and returned home Sunday, John Glenn has accepted the posi tion as bell boy at Hotel Warner John is a little gentleman and is sure to please the traveling public aud pa trons at the house. Our friend, Gordbn Howlett, of Ster ling Ruri, accompanied by his three pleasant daughters, Misses Julia, Jen nie and Jessie, were PRESS visitors on July sth. Misses Florence E. Lingle, Charlotte Rftjitz and Clara Lathrop, three of Em porium's most popular young ladies of the younger set. were very agreeatle PRESS callers yesterday. Hon. John McDonald, Supervisor of Middle Division, P &E. R H., trans acted business in town. Judge Mc- Donald will soon retire from active service. Miss Vera Steele, of Kane, is guest of Mr. and Mrs. "Bing" Hemphill, West Fifth street—Mrs. H. being an aunt, j Of course the young lady is having a| nice time, as all pleasant young ladies j do. Mrs. Hattie Johnson and cildren of [ West Sixth street, returned on Mon- j day from McKeenport and Pittsburg, | accompanied by Mrs. Martha Patter- ' son, who will make Emporium her home. Misses Lottie and Flora Freeman, of this place, and Ethel Freeman, of j Cleveland, 0., sisters of Archie Free- ! man, who was murdered at Limestone, j N. Y., Julv Bth, were PRESS callers on J Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. Alfred Nelson, of Plank Rond, j will please consider our hat oIF for a delicious mess of peas from their ex- i cellent farm. Mr. and Mrs. Nelson are I hustlers, good farmers and excellent j citizens. Wish we had more like | them; Chas. Murphy, of Pittsburg, Pa, son j of John Murphy, Supt. of Pittsburg j Railways, is visiting in Emporium, j being cousin of Mrs Catharine Bush, i While enjoying his vacation he h. s been taking in Bolivar, N. Y., a* guest of his uncle, Michael Murphy and family. Philip Dixon, Supt. of St. Marys I Gas. Co., accompanied by his wife and j family were in Emporium last Friday, | his wife and children being enroute to j Buffalo to visit Mrs. Wm. Garrity and j family. Mrs. N. will be pleasantly j remembered as Miss Stella Garrity, formerly one of Emporium's highly respected young ladies. Mr H. B. Shugart, of New Millport, Cloartield county, is visiting bis son, i Daniel Shugart at this place. Mr S., has been a resident of Clearfield for o7 years, goinc there from Schuylkill county. This veneraable gentleman years ago met with a terrible accident resulting in breaking both of his legs and left arm, the arm being helpless to I this day. Mrs. M. B. Judd, widow of the late ! J. M. Judd was a very welcome viator to I'KKss office Although well along in years she is just as jolly as we knew her 42 years ago. Her declining years are happy and contented, mak ing her home with her children, Mr and Mrs. J. 1). Logau, having leased her Third htreet property, where so many happy years were passed with family and friends. B. J. Cameron, of Mcaford, Out , a former resident of Emporium, being employed in (he Mankey Furniture Factory, who was guest of J. A. Mc Conne I aud fam Iv hist week, Mrs. Mel'., being one of his daughters, has returned to his home, leaving here last Friday, after visiting ri latives and friends at Kane, Willis (import, Towands and Montgomery. Mr. Cam eron represent)* Seaman, Kent Co., manufiicurer* of hadwood flooring and attesting. Hl* many friends hope he may make Kmporium another in lh« nrsr fu'ure Or K. P. Ileilman, of 'hi* plant*, I who is Secretary of the Kit County Medical Society, is I ibori -g hard to huiid up the sauoei • I I*111. The l>r. and ! his wife w> HI TO Kuiktway this morn ing to attend a meeting of the Asnoeta- { lion, Mr. and Mrs Wm Henry, »*f Pat- j lemon, N J , are amain Henry ltubinaoll and family Mm*** Anns anil Gertrude Smith, ol , lltiiirh'*mion, N Y., are the guenta of Mi "iid Mrs. D. I?. Mayas, Fifth street, | Mr and Mrs. I» C. ll*yea were cull eil to Imlioisou Friday, to stteml the funeral of Mr llayta' brother, John, w hone death occurred al that place. C!UIII!S-I IHI 4 Si iinscli and Liver Tab , i*-la uifUd* stiumials lie* livet ami isiSt-u ,to t*S|*rl (M iaouou* Wallsf, clsii.n ihti «y<t< ta. i ur.i coii'tipiiiiiri .fit stclf ».« *J" 1. *..U| ly 4 || Jv.ic,,. CAMERON COUNTY FRBSS, THURSDAY, JULY 14, 191 a Fourth of July Week News. J. M. Bair, of Bradford, spent the j Fourth unucr the parental roof on Fifth i street. Miss E.icie Howard is in Batavin, N. j Y., where she will attend tha weduiug ! of a friend. Mrs. E. H. Gragory was gue.-it of j Mrs. R. Fisher, at Howard Siding, on I tiic Fourth. William Gibhs, wife and children spent, ilie Fourth visiting relatives at Bradford and vicinity. Mrs. W. E. Devling, ofSterling Run, was guest of her daughter, Mra. Asa Murray, the lirst of the week. Ruduey Shives, of Buflalo, was guest | at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Shives, over the Fourth J. Raymond Cook and H. M. Olm- i sted, of Ridgway, were guests of re- ! 1 itives at this place, over the Fourth. Misses Minnie and Edytbe Ott are spending a short time guests at the home of their parents, at Williamsport. | Ward Metzger, of Wellsville, N. Y., i was guest at the home of his brother, | Geo. Metzger, Jr., aud family, over the | Fourth. William Deitzler and wife, of Brad- ! ford, were guests at the home of Mrs. ; B's parents, Hon. and Mrs. F. X.i Blumle and family. Miss Marion Brady arrived in Em- I porium 011 Saturday from Philadelphia ( and is guest at tbe home of H. S. Lloyd j and family 011 Fourth street. Edward Welsh, New York City, is j visiting relatives in this place and is | guest at the home of his brother, W. H. j Welsh and family, Fifth street. Edward Sykes, formerly of Empori- j um, and who is now manager of the j hardwood mill at Austin, renewed ac- j quaintances in this place duriug the ; week. Jos. McQuaide, formerly employed j in the tonsorial parlors of Edward ! Blinzler, came up from Jersey Shore j last Sunday aud spent the Fourth in j town. Leo H. Svvartz went to Beech Creek ' to visit relatives and friends until after j the 4;h. His sisters, Misses May and j Laura, are spending their school vaca- I tion there. Dean Stevens of Coudersport, trans- j acted business and called on friends at ; this place last Wednesday. Mr. Stevens j was enroute for Renovo, where he was | a business caller. Charles Foster, who is working in ! the lamp factory at Toledo, Ohio, is | spending a short time here, guest at j the home of his parents, Mr. aud Mrs. j Martin Foster, Fifth street. Mrs. C. E. Plasterer and daughter 1 departed on the Fourth for Shippens- | burg, to visit for several weeks, while Prof Plasterer is taking a six weeks course at University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia. Thos. Cummings, Jr., a former Em porium boy, is guest at the homo of his parents, Thomas Cummings and j wife. South Broad Street. "Tom" is j making good as a ball pl-iyer on a j Niagara Fails team. Frank Housler left Emporium last ! Fiiday for Williamsport, where be has i entered the Commercial College at 1 that place. He was accompanied by his father, Mr. Alton Housler, who re turned to Emporium, Tuesday. Ben Cameron, a former resident of Emporium, was guest at the home of his daughter, Mrs. J. A. MeConnell and husband, at East Emporium, dur ing the past week. Mr. Cameron is traveling, representing a furniture company. Rev. George Rentz, of Williamsport, was guest at the home of his uncle, F. P. Rentz and family, West Fourth street during the past week. Rev. Mr Rentz occupied the pulpit in the Pres byterian Church at Coudersport the preet ding' Sunday. Will Smith, of St. Marys, assisted John McDonald during the opening of his new ice cream parlors on Saturday, Julv 2nd. Mr. Smith has had the e* perience of several seaons in this bnsiriesi and thoroughly understands mixing the cool drinks. Entered Hospital. W. Scott Sterner, of the PRESS force, weut 10 Pottsville, Pa., on Saturday for treatment at the hospital in that city, having been seriously troubled spinal affliction for many years. A postal receiveel informs us lie entered the hospital 011 Monday. His friends hope he may bo benefitted by thoireat- I ment. Foley's Kidney Remedy will cure any case ol kidney and bladder trouble not beyond the reach of medicine. No medi cine cuii do tuore. For sale by Kuj|lOl i uui Ib ug (Vtujiuny. Must be Above Suspicion. Kidney aud bladder ailments are MI serioui iu their entiseoueoec, and ii 1111- cliecked au often fatal that auy remedy offered for their cure must be above sus picion I'olej - Kidney Pills contain no harmful drug*, and have succes.itully Mood a loin; and thorough test. Fur sale by the Kmporium Drug Co. 112 uley's Kidney Pills have Cured Mc. j The sbuvu is a ((notation from a letter written by 11 . M. Winkler, Kvansville, 1 llnd , I oonir e itn! it severe ease of kid- I •my trouble. My hack gave out slid j ; paiued me. I »cclie <1 have lonl ull j *trcuglli and MHihiiiuti, Was (withered ' ; with di*xv spe'ls, ttiv h* *d wonM »*>iui 1 :iud »peck» Mould fl >al before ley eye*. ' I tiNik Foley « Kidney I'ill. regulariy j I ilid mil liom perfectly Well Mild fi el like 1 4 new itnii Foley Kiduey l'ill» cured | 1 uie. For sale by Kiii|ioriiiiu Drug t'u. | 'Mi*-1 iu|Miriuii l>|p|»hoße r«Hi|>»iT. r«» Tim h m.ii wmm* Y«»»i 4ff U «fi» bit 11141 III# \Unu4i Marl ( (IK of lb* Miic|i|i>Mvfii*hlii* Cuni|Mi)f will b« ! hut 41 lh« uftii 1» ut l|i« 4 'uMi|>i% it112, *1 Niii- I pnftu>4« ft viuai«i, % 444*' rir I > t tighi d'fltHll I' M , l»»# ih* •««* »l| tlm 11114 till r« • | j lore, 41111 mi|i*iitna ut plrfliuit, l«*r *u«tiit«g i 4lt«l I'd III# lr4H«lvllOH >%f lUi H wlHer llUll m*m Hi in4y MHit hrii»r» ill# malting i !'• July 14, l*Ht. a. i .oaMsMKh. 1 * Irl^r I I I Moving Announcement. I have moved my shoe shop in my I own property, oppoaftM Scblccht's gmci v wbere I will meet.a:l mv eti-to.tiers Hh gnat, appreciation. 1 ! < in ploy a first-class shoemaker, so i j can put the v: >rk out as quick as is needed. Al k•>• iran teed. Boots j and shoes i .der. I '2l-3t. MAX QL.VSL. Council Proceedings. Regular roeeti.ig <»f Town « v >unuil, Monday eveulnf?, July ltJ\ IHIO. No quorum ijresent. Adjourned to meet Tuedday eveninff, July 6th, 1910. Adjourneit r meeting of Kmporium Coiuicii hel 1 '! uesclay t veiling, July Sth, 1010/ Members present: Messrs. Howard, Haupt. i Mullin, INI um ford and Norris. ! Members absent: Messrs. Foster, Pearsall, Cummings and Spencer. MiiiulchOf previous meeting read and a]i- : proved. i Communication from (}. H. Spring real rela- j | live lo sewer connections to his properties on ; Chestnut street. On motion communication ! | was laid over until next meeting. Council adjourned to Wednesday evening, j ] Julv Gill, 1910. I Members present: Messrs. Foster, Mullin, : Howard, Jlitupt, Mum ford. Norris, Pearsall. ; Members absent: Messrs. Cummings, Spen j oqr. j Minutes of previous m "ting read aud approv- I ed. | The following bills were read and ordered ! paid, on motion of Mr. Howard, seconded by Mr. ! Haupt: ! General Electrical Co invoice., $ 5 58 I Stephens Hardware Co , do 3 73 ! St. Marys Hewer Pipe Co do 128 02 j Emporium Machine Co d 0... G 95 i Doubleday Electric Co., .do 13 #. r > ! Rock wood Mfg Co., do 7 05 I Eiie Oil Co., do !l W I 1». Howard Co., do 1Q 87 j F. W. Dininnv. do. h 03 I Dininnv Buriisides & Co., do 35 71 i F. V. Hellman &Co do 6 52 I Fred Ostrum, hauling hose cart, 3 00 j A. 11. Shafer, on contract,. 100 00 ! F. National Hank,for safe deposit box, ... 2 - r >o ! 11. C. Moore, balance salary is 75 Ed. Extrom, work on Electric Lights, 125 I W. W. Knickerbocker do 75 ; H. O. Haupt, insurance, 60 00 D. (,'. Hayes, team work on streets, I 20 St. Marys Gas. Co., 18 r> W. H. Weaver, freight and drayage. *'J 95 The communication of Mr. George 11. Spring, relative to the sewer connections to his prop" crties on Chestnut street, was referred to Sewer Committee, on motion of Mr. Howard ana Mr. Mumford. Moved by Mr. Mumford, seconded by Mr. Mullin, that the Street Committee, in conjunc tion with engineer Shafer, be authorised to tix the width of the grouting oil Broad Street. Car ried. Mr. H. H. Mullin, was appointed Chairman of the Sewer Committee, by the Presiden:. Council then adjourned to meet in regular session Monday evening, July 11, 1010. C. E. CRANUBLL, Secretary. Proceedings of Borough Council meeting, held Monday evening, July 11,1910. Members present: Messrs. Foster, Mullin, Howard, Haupt, Pearsall and Mumford. Members absent: Messrs. Cummings and Spencer. Minutes of previous meeting read and approv ed. Mr. Mullin, chairman of the Sewer Commit tee, reported that, the Sewer Committee had purchased the necessary pipe to lay sewer on Chestnut Street, and had notified Mr. George H. Spring that same would be laid, under the supervision of engineer Shafer, as soon as the street was cleared of rubbish. Moved by Mr. Howard, seconded by Mr. Haupt. that the Council approve of the netlon of the Sewer Committee in purchasing pipe and making the necessary arrangements for laying j the sewer on Chestnut Street, from Fourth j Street to connect with the houses belonging to : Mr. George If. Spring. The aves and nayes were called for and the members voted as follows: Ayes:—Messrs. Foster, Mullin, Howard.Haupt. Pearsall, Mumford. Nayes:—None. Moved by Mr. Mullin, seconded by Mr. How ard, that au order lor $2,000 be drawn on the Treasurer in favor of Costello & Neagle to apply on their paving contract. Carried. The following bills were read: Pennsylvania Railroad Co.. Freight s2l CO do do do 36 Hfi Adams Express Co 3 12 W. D. Roussey, extra time 3 91* I D. C. Hayes, Team work, 25 80 Stephens Hardware Co., invoice, 55 ©f» Dan Hhupart, work on streets 29 20 Herman Anderson, 2-J 00 John Welch, do 38 00 Robert Johnson do 2 60 Anson Swart wood do 4 40 Walker do 2 00 James Davin, do 1 uo Gust Whitmer, Police, 11 00 Moved by Mr. Howard, seconded by Mr. Pear wall, that, bills lie paid as read, and hereafter, al: bills should be rendered not later than the first Monday in tha month, for labor or material used the preceding month. Carried. Moved by Mr. Howard, seconded by Mr. Mul lin, that a committee he appointed to make an investigation in regard to the claim of Mr. M. F. Hamilton of cruelty, ugainst chief of Police Mundy. Carried. President appointed as above committee Meters. Howard, Pearsall and Mullin. Moved by Mr. Howard, seconded by Mr Haupt, that Couucil adjourn to meet Thumda> evening iu Regular SeM»iou, July M, 1910. C. E. ('RANI)kLL, Secretary. j 1 New Novelty 1 S I \ and Confectionery I \ Parlors !\ JOHN McDONAID. Manager \ ! I ()|>|>iM>lfe I'iwt Office. * ! Kvnrythiiix i>*'W itnd I'li-WvlUte, 1 I, Ice Cream, lee«, B«|* Wafer, 1 j »erv etl In ntyle. I ('uol < j ' unit Comfort tlile IUMIIIIM. ,1 , Ki|ierieneetl Wmtera, i'ruiuiit | i t Servlee. We nfntly to pleiMM* i ! k Our I'oufei'tlanery, Fruit, .ml » 1 ' HIMIM Water tlejinrtßienl l» newly ' ; illtwd, all (foot! fieliiK frewh |M |' l |nire We klli*ll> aolwll .1 »li»r>- i ' of the |iublio pit rename. (VII ' i | ami «ee na anil tr> ua. , I > Hrivat« families aiip(>|l*«t ikfth | 1 t 'rMHI itr lew* in tfin iiioit n|i- ' | | pruvad |>a4'kniß In the {' I iim.i up- in ifate in,iuaer » j' | < life ua a ' all '. I|k JOHK UcOORALO, Uuipr. J • w'WW'WwW'w'wN^W'Wwl ! "Always Something of Interest," ' Our old friend, Dr. A. W. linker, of s Bloomsburg, Pa., writes ye editor, «n --■ j closing check for renewal of PRESS ! w«ll into 1911 aid remarked, "1 look ! for the news front the "old home" • j every week and never f:iil BO 11 nd i 1 something of interest." Pleased to ! hear 'roit you, Doctor. Saw the Fight. OhevPTine, Wyo., July 8, 1910. MR. H. H. MUIJ.IN, I DEAR SIR: —1 will drop you a few lines to let you know that I am now at Cheyenne, «tfter one of the monl de lightful trips I over had. I arrived here this morning frem Reno, Nevada, having gone there ten d ajs ago to see the big fh;ht and I am no sorry for it either. It was a One sight to see those two big fellows in the ring, not men tioning all the other pugilists of fame, among whom were Corbet, Sharkey, Nelson,Fitzdmmons, Sullivan,Witigast, Attel and twenty-live or more others. Jefferies never had a chance during ihe entire fight, being a blow as Geo. Haeket. Well, it kept me busy keeping out of the way of people who went crazy over the fight It was something frightful the way they acted. While coming back I met Joe Egan at Ogden. He was also at the fight but neither saw the other at rhe fight. He was leaving for Seatle, Wash., having a job as machinist in the Great Northern Railroad Shops. Well, I will close for this time, hoping to receive the PRESS regularly and that everybody is O. K. I remain as ever. LEO NANGLE. I | Square Deal Mills EMPORIUM, PA. E. J. Rogers, Prop'r. OUR MOTTO:— Honest Weight and Honest Goods. We carry a full line of Fiour> Feed and Grain. Ton lots at wholesale prices. Crouch Bro's White Satin Flour at §1.30 per sack. Wheat is going up, up, up. Bran at .$25.00, in ton lots only. Agents for International Stock Foods. Call, phone or write. Out of town orders filled same day re ceived. A share of the trade respect fully solicited. ©®SHHBE3»C;3ag Rose's Roasted Rye, the new Ready to I Eat Rye Flake. The More You eat, the I the more you want to eat. Rose's Roasted Rye is Rye, the most healthful P cereal on eartii pan roasted, toasted to a delicious crisp- Q 0 ness with Barley Malt added to brieg out its delicate £ 110 c Large Package 10c hot <r $ icr* ready to I WEATHER J_jj\ J lD SERVE ~ The Satisfactory Store FOODS 1 New Kalamazoo Celery and a Variety of • Fresh Garden Truck, Choicest Fresh Fruit • 25111 bag Best Granulated Sugar $1.50. ■ 2oc Blended Coffee, lb. iße. 9 Six lbs Laundry Starch in bulk for 25c. A slbs N. V. State Pea Beans, 25c. 'S C pkgt Shredded Wheat Biscuit 12c. Hure lard in bulk 17c. lb 50c (Juality Tea, green, black or mixed a lb |oc. I >unham's Shredded Cocoanui, lb 35c. 25c can Burnham's Clam Chowder, 22c. w II hrec toe pkgt.* Snow Boy Washing I'owder 25c can Asparagus Tips ytc, 251 Bottle Ileinx Spiced C.berkiu> 15c. Fresh Caught Lake Fish. .iVlSnT^i Delivery to all Parts of Town Twice Each Day. I You Get Better Values Here. J. H. DAY, I Phuue 6. hinpuiiui^^^ Contractor. 11 Tim undersigned ia'piepared to con -1 tract for all kinds oft rick, stone, con lr crete and inason work. Haviner Riven " ten '.ears to the work prior to eoniing ;1 to Emporium, am prepared lo give 0 satisfaction.' Give me a call. 7-tf. W. 11. FLINT. EMPORIUM MILLING COMPANY. Now I Will Show You, 1 | says Mrs. Experience to the young housekeeper, how to make good bread. ' But you are liable to have trouble if you don't une the same flour that has always made my bread a success. I , always use Pet Grove flour and then i I am always sure of the best results. I When you want delicious bread try Fet Grove flour. PRICE LIST. Emporium, Pa., July 12, 1910. NEMOPHIIiA, per sack $ 1 50 i Felt's Fancy, " 1 65 Pot Grove, 14 1 70 Holler Meal 44 50 J Rye 44 70 Graham 44 75 Coarse Meal per 100, 1 45 Chop Feed 44 1 45 Cracked Corn per 100 1 45 White Middlings, 1 60 brail. 1 40 Chicken Wheat 1 80 Screenings 44 1 45 Oil Meal 44 2 00 Corn per bushel 80 Whit e Oats. per bushel, 55 Oyster Shells, per 100 75 Sterling Chick Feed 2 00 Sterling Scratch Feed 1 90 Daisy Dairy Feed, l 50 Calf Meal, 501b ha# 1 50 Alfalfa Meal 1 50 Cottonseed Meal, 1 95 ' Mammoth Clover Seed, per bu 950 Medium lover Seed, ,4 950 ' Alsyke Clover Seed, 44 9 50 | Timothj Heed, 44 3 25 German Seed. 4 * 2 25 Seed Buckwheat, Silver Hull, per bu 1 00 Seed Buckwheat, Japanese, per bu I 00 Learning Fodder Corn, per bu 1 10 NOTICE. Stockholders Itfeetitix. H E',Board ot Directors of the Emporium Water 1 Company, hereby Rive notice, that a special meeting of the stockholders will bo held at the otllce of the said Company in Emporium, Penn sylvania, on Saturday the twenty seventy day of August 1910. at 2 o'clock, M., for the purpose of voting for or against the proposed increase of the indebtedness of the said Compony to 110,000. JOHN D. LOGAN, Secretary. June 11, 1910.—18-1 It.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers