1 S J \ \^£^^^j^rfcCHAnjCAL \\ y\ W or jooqmll er U u orP£RF£CT/On HR I S T M A S a hundred years from now will be the same old Christmas, no doubt, but it will be celebrat ed under such Vr I vL vastly different conditio fthat if you should go to sloe fiow and wake up a century fkter you would think you were in a different world. The Christmas spirit will be the same. Hut whether it is a hundred years from now or a thousand we may be sure that when the Christmas season comes the world will be lull of the Christmas spirit. Little children and grown men and women still will he made happy by giving and receiving, grudges and grouches will be forgotten, ene mies forgiven and good will will prevail. Nothing can kill that. The golden motto: "Peace 011 earth, good will to men," will bo just as sacred and as new to the hearts of men as It was nineteen hundred years ago Everybody will give everybody else a present —but the presents will be differ ent,. Little Johnny will not covet a railroad train. Heal cars on a real track, pulled by a real locomotive that makes smoke will not seem a wonderful thins to him, as it does to the little Johnny of to-day. The lad of the next century will want a model of the latest airship in his Christmas stocking. He will i xpect a working model, too one that will ail through the flat like a llv•• bird, and perhaps carry his own weight. Within tin- last hundred years steam and elec t licit > have been developed and it Is entirely rea sonable to imagine that within the coming century men will travel thiough the air as commonly as thc.v now travel over the land. The automobile, the trolley •' sr, the railroad train, and the horse us a draft animal all will be gone. Men will use th<* eiii.h. as t !»• • bird - do, for a resting place for their homes and the principal source of food sup ply; but w ben they want to move from one place to anotle r, they will mount Into tie- ether, even as the I mis do, and (lay swiftly and suhiy lo their d« 'lnn Hon. It Is probable that there will not be a wheeled vehicle ol any kind «m the Streets of « grcttl city on Chit-'" * day, In the year SOO'J. Our tunnel m % item 111 have developed until 'Je vat subter ranean in t work of hor«*H, >'hutes and pneumatic tube, will . trry on tie- heavy traffic o! the city wlthojt utiltf or cotifui Km The streets will he given tip to pedestrian.-, to there who walk for pleuku 01 wluli 10 11 h v > -I i bort distances, The sidewalk *< It Is now will be no more, but the en tire width I'f tile Stleet will be glvell tip to foot pa-.teiu t's. There will be neither car tracks nor moving vehicles to Mittioy. Tb u irbanite who d<M » not ffy to work In ioii'< ill u -hot through a pneumatic tube, trav eling tie liv-, ten, or (Illy miles uf distance In a spac i : time that imh> be only a lew seconds, and 041 it. uI > cmiiiiiii I. in ore t ban a few minutes It may be thai few people will walk anywhere In the yea U' uy Wl»« ii man I-urn* to Hy he will walking it nut tluw a mean* of progress Pet hap . iwt g" at ebtgi aiidchildren, who no doubt will llv In Initio n»c apartnient buildings toweling a halt mil* lr><ot th« ground, may go for «'•> at a lis.. - t.ithout selling loot to tb»- .krih With I||« p.i -liig %t tie < hiMntaa sleigh there ~111 I.< Ml >•'■ K t" • i (ui I. Hub el . t.,1 rtanta Cla - He, toe « ill travel l»> alr»Mp and white • the old « I'lau* *lll i>« a myth, the n> * .H.tuia I'laua will be a» rtni a the b< -ibuket .| and be luin4 who n-. . itaiu the <MUlien in iho Utpai to/* Mt stole It la wot hai4 to Imagine that the big s'urwa Will del' lop tie dtUtl t'lts* Idea tu the puittl thai Chilatmaa fttt'ii.i > will tat 4* Uveivd on t'hilst «.*« by an an -bit* driver made up to Imtxir CAMERON COUNTY PRESS, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 2} t 1909. sonate Santa t'laus. A hun dred years from now, if you want to avoid the rush nnd do your Christ mas shopping in your own apartments, the scientists probably will have provided for you a combina tion of telescope and moving picture machine by means of which you can connect your room with the toy department and see the display by wire— or perhaps by wireless and at the same time you get prices and leave your order with the clerk by telephone. But perhaps the woman of 2009 will enjoy the mad rush of the shops ns much as she does to day during the holiday season, and then she will so to the bin store and onb r her toys and pres ents. The store could deliver them through the pli ;i:i.ltb |.; i<-K ■' t till" which will lo all part of tie- city, but It will be more |i«etii lo have tin in delivered by Santa Ciaus. Christina eve n rcore or a hundred Santa tian • ,-t will set out from the various shops with their airships laden with Christmas gifts to be dc llv. red at the vitiiou addresses. It will no longer be ui i < Miry to "deliver all goods in tin- rear' of the big apartment building, but whether you live on the twenibth or two hundred and twentieth story of lhi big house you will have your own private all hip landing and while th«» family Is gathered tit the ddor to receive Sa'ita Clans the airship will ettle on the landing ami the cheerful M -rry Christmas" of the ti ronaut will greet you an he hands In l he packages. The Christina* tree of a hundred years from now will be an electrical marvel tVstuona and wic.rhs of talnbow colored lights and chasers" will irlntlllatc front Its green brain hes. Hut the pr« sent that hang on It will be even more won- I''t ui _ there will be dolls as large as the little girls Who will receive tlieiit. There will be dolls thai can w.iik and with the Improved phonographic in mugflut'fiiK of another century there will be dolls thi.t can talk and oth< rs thai cun slug beautiful • K H>'i. of them, to doubt, will 1,, abb to ■lain gran tally and lo ds Hicks that would seem INli ai ulous If performed by an aiiiomalon to day The tic i lianb al toys of |9Ug will be marvels ut |milection i he moni imaginative man rannut pi. albly comelvt ol the new thing* thai will be invented In the way of mai hlnery, but It la safe to ' ume that tb« wb< le . tiuii int inn of power Will be perfected Wheels will Spill without any vi lblu mutliK powtr I'ower may be taken from the sun's raya or wlrxleas |«<iwer station* may he up* tali "I by the waves, tie waterfalls, or even the wludo iiefore the cual supply la eahauatinl (he ll< «t| for coal, either for warmth or power, wM have passed sway And whatever triumph* men m*ke in the In t 11 t u .«■ ibi l in . in,i ii t to thi t i. i recreation. £so It is cevtaln that tkW Tetlrty bear and the toy dog of the coming century will be mechanical marvels. The "Rover" dog that the little boy gets will be life size. He will prance about on his four furry legs and lie down and roll over at the bidding of his master. Perhaps the most wonderful feat ure of all \in our Christmas in 2009 will be the changed methods in our daily life. The housekeeping arrangements of that time would seem incomprehensible to the wo man of to-day if she could picture them in her mind. The lack of oom. forts and the inconvenience of life In a cottaKe, It Is possible, will drive most of the city dwellers into the apartment buildings, which will grow biKR»T anil taller as the years pasa un- til they will be literally "sk.vacrapera" within a cen tury. In one of these bit; building*, while the machin ery will l>e out of sight, domestic affairs will be ao mechanical, even automatic, that you can Ret al most anything the family needs simply by turning on a switch or presslnK a button The flat dweller of that distant day will not be bothered with servants or the servant problem. By pressing a button the Christmas dinner will come up from the kitchen on the mechanical waiter or perhaps in a pneumatic tube. A'ter your Christ mas dinner is over the dishes will dlsappi ar as silently and sw iftly as you could wish Some sort of mechanical dish washer in the kitchen wtll take car<' of them—or, what la more likely, they will be made of a cheap composition and will be destroyed by burning after they are used once The antls* ptle precaution a of the mod ern surgeon will be common to the kitchens of the next century and hygl« ii<- will be a real science When you hatfe «ai.-n your Cfcrl una-, dinner. If you want to go out tor tin- • veniitK you cun press a button and an aerocab wtll come to the lundlng at your tluor. Or. if you prefer It, you may drop down th« pneumatic elevator to some point SO or inn feet In*low the surface of ihe earth and be whirled through th<* pneumatic lb way at a dU*y rate of speed to your tfeatlnatlcii only the speed wtll not make you ilUxy. You will not be abb- to feel It Vmi urny - It In your cushioned car. wi-tl lighted and warmed and ventilated by aoine process vet to be discovert d. and befori you ran I lac It th« miles will S|H • d a'vuy and you tcp out to th" opera or the play, li you prefer to remutn at your apartment* the i< laiitosco|M* attached to ywur telephone may lie connected to any theater you desire, and you ran alt In your eaay chair and smoke while you aee the play proit ried on the wall Ilk. the uioat |» if- 't moving pi -ture All the stage settings will be there to 111, ike the pi,i V Met 111 leal, and the tele phone Will bilug every thade and aobtlw Inflection ol the actor'a voir* to your ear It itema certain ib 11 thin telautoacope arrange llient -tae • Utl word to deMcrib** It will t»M cuttted after the protest la discovered will be one at the trlttnipha of the cutolnii . • utury It will enable you to ee the pel on inti are talking to over a tele phone The (tight uf the iiHulki airship probably will he mi rapid that the lot la ~a* man and even the ant aried wot her. If he lnttn the I'lMiaity, can have a villa or a cottage at a great distant'* trout the clt> and go tu »u|| in bin n»u airship at alight WMI I 111 i hi I tliua* .l.i > ill th*' |,h | , .-utiir) to ...lite »hu night la the air will he the means of man» lainllt reunions that are Impossible am A t, V) bout* will take iitit tu the mmi dlataat Mil Of the country, and the p#». t.«l te*a«t|oo uf kuat*. during the hid Ida) week will (wove ail frow to forv ■ ithat a Ith the tu | i t „| | , 4, .i . | | | U S The Place to Bnj Cheap } ) J. F. PARSONS' ? IctlfiESl I RHEUMATISM) 1 LUMBAGO, SCIATICA! 1 NEURALGIA, and! I KIDNEY TROUBLEj H "S DROPS" taken internally, rids the blood B of tbe poisonous matter and acids which H B are tbe direct causes of these diseases. ■ M Applied externally It affords almost in- B Bg stunt relief from pain, while a permanent ■ H cure Is being effected by purifying the B 9 blood, dissolving tbe poisonous sub- H B stance and removing It from the system. 3S DR. S. D. BLAND 9 Of Brewton, Oft., writes: it£ "I bad been a sutreror for a number of years I flB with Lumbago and Kbeumatlffm in my arms u and legs, and tried all the remedies that 1 could Li J gather from medl<-al works, and alio consul ted >j ! ■ with a number of tbe best physicians, but found 1 9 nothing that gave the relief obtained from n V "5-DK< >P9." I shall prescribe It In my praotloe r for rheumatism and kindred diseases." FREE ! m If you are suffering with Rheumatism, \ B Neuralgia. Kidney Trouble or any kin- B dred disease, write to us for a trial bottle i B of "S-DKOPS," and test It yourself. ■ B "8-OROPS" can be used any length of I B tlmo without acquiring a "drug habit." Sf{ B as It Is entirely free of opium, cocalno. C- B alcohol, laudanum, and other aiiailarSi ■ Ingredients. B Urn Slit B.ttie, "B-DKOFH" (800 Dmh) S ■ ll.O#. F®» M« by UrifiliM. ■ B BWANIOI RHEOMATII OURE COMPAIY, E, I Dept. §O. 1«0 Lak* Mnel, Cfclo—Kj Tlsa MM —,n r» Ommmm Gives you the reading matter in # ft Orrte rC§pGF Which you have the greatest in ... ■ terest- the home news. Its every issue will prove a welcome visitor to every member of the family- I' should head your list of newspaper and periodical subscriptions. G.SCHMIDT'S,' — "" ■ t •for FRESH BREAD, \« popular o i* l § « CONFECTIONERY Daily Delivery. AllorderagivenprompUnd skillful attention* I ——« ! Enlarging Your Business Dlt vou are in annually, and then carefully _ bu>in< .and v<>u not? t! effect it has in in f want to make tr f* j \ \ ' "• • ••• a io, j ' . i fy J» will read every I*" cm! iacrtaM. If you i word we have to watch :f i-> front vear to \■; »ay. Are you f ou U> "nie intenv Iv in* I § |mJ spending your tnr*ste«| in jnur advertising, 1J VB muii' \ lor ad- **> d y>u can make it en« I T Hi verti :tifc* in hap* large vut buainnis. U 19 ha/ai d fashion It v>u tiy thi« method w« JEr *-o <*• »• int»nd«a krlievt \ u will not want to (•u i h arity, or do vou udvrr* let a , l < , m»ur >1 this pa) «r tie lor dunct results f ' gotopte,* without lUWi thing l*td you «v*r atop to th'nk t* um v >iu ll<Kti I w your l4vaitiiiK( can ha w ' ' ,rt '»*vn made a uouna uf pfohl to 7°" 1,1 '"* u *» 4Bl ' *• wl " }u, and how it* \ «ltn can lw» take | wtttt in •ai'Uin.ng niia utrd in dollar* and OUI >n tract Jul no t M«. II vou have not, you hri, and ho» it. an bn ate throwing «n..nev a*av. iw * h **"""'»« ,h *« Advert i*tnK i» a nuiltra •»••••* *> • <>a»> to you, Iti< u« <>« ucwaiity, '.tut mutt II v 4 an mil u.hiUi over I loiiductwd un hu»iM">t the a-i wo ra.i al ' w pi Hl' H ir*. || V'>U ate not ywu till* p4|«»l will ln»*l t iti i*d with yom ad v« i u»ing »»iv«v i int« n .1* w■■u » <u y aiid »»t a ide a> » <t*M» » >»•< 1 ei hlh l , • ol mi ' iii it iii 'iut v tu It n «ui liiu i iiunity J<) M J UI N i lNt. ' ft »|*<M tl 4ii tIM *4kol ittlluin. i»n-i iii vw> i&ttef k« -* U Wi i fe wi>, »> - '**!• «»»•►. I<|4 , +> -• >b« IMH V U*ll4 .I I tint* .»•< ■" irf PMKi' ■ I . If you are a business man, did you ever think of the field of opportunity that advertis ing opens to you? There is almost no limit to the possi bilities of your business if you study how to turn trade into your store. If you are not get ting your share of the business of your community there's a reason. People go where they are attracted where they know what they can get and how much it is sold for. If you make direct statements in your advertising see to it that you are able to fulfill every promise you make. You will add to your business reputa tion and hold your customers. It will not cost as much to run your ad in this paper as you think. It is the persistent ad vertiser who gets there. Have something in the paper every issue, no matter how small. We will be pleased to quote you our advertising rates, par- » ticularly on the year\ busi ness. L - -i MAKE YOUR APPEAL <9 to the public through the f columns of this paper. * With every issue it carries its message into the homes and lives of the people. Your competitor has his store news in this issue. Why don't you have yours? Don't blame the people for flocking to his store. They know what he has. 3
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers