Our Monster Holiday Issues. We call the attention of our waders to the of the Illustrated Holiday Issue of THK PRESS, comprising liH pages, including a handsome cover. This is not a cheaply gotten up publica tion, but expense has not been spared, believing that when the ad vertising pages are increased it is right and justice to our patronage to give the attractive and interest ing matter, suitable for the occa sion. We hope this jEisatte will please all. Our workmen, having mi abundance of all the latest and np-to-date type faces, borders, tales, etc., certainly have put up a line of advertisements that will stand comparison with any crack City work. Our reputation iu this line has long since been highly complimented by competent auth orities and is very gratifying to us. The steady advancement of the PKK.SS, in every branch, has war ranted and demanded many im provements to meet our increasing fiusi nc—'. < >ur entire force <f workmen have labored early and late I > meet the demands and when it is taken into consideration the fe 't tin! this large amount of com position did not have 1 to be torn down in ord- i- to print an;, part of it ; thereby demon trating to the practical mind the capacity of our work rooms, and material, the completeness of which Tew, it any, plants in the larger towns can ex cel. We court a comparison of CM' j >l < 111 ■ : ~ insisting of the Viin in . w«- could procure. We might have save ' <■ insidcrtible mone_v by securing ordinary illus trations but Tiir. Pin:- always has given its reader- ih< .i: -r and we shall coutini eto do -o in the fu ture. Covei iug «.• <lo, every section of the count}', wth the cows of their !<>• ility. has wonder fully increased cur eir> ilation, thereby adding to it- value as an adverti-'ing medium, obliging us to run ordiii'inh from (i'J to 72 twenty ii 'h columns ovcrv .seek - this issue Measuring the surpris ing total of •!..'!<;<> inche: of com posl ion. W' know of no other p ;ier in \ ;.-fh western Pennsyl vania that t \ cells us. And this th*' prodct O; the -malic t county in tuis state. We than', you fi i Mids. from the fo nn of our heart, for your con sideration ;vll <! loyal p:t< ron'ia,«. We shall continue tu unselJisldy labor in the future, as we have done these 42 years now about parsed, for the advancement of Emporium and Cameron]] county. We are now comfortably located in our own home, coruerjjof Fourth and Wood street, almost opposite the opera house, where we invite any of our patrons to call and see us. We shall soon be in apple pie order, unless the demands upon our establishment continue it has during the past month. Hut, we hope to -'catch up'' before Jan. Ist. Wishing our readers a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Vear. we bid you adieu until Jan. Cth, l'.Uo. The "poor ye always have with ye. Let us all lend a helping baud to make some one happv. C»d \\ ; ll repiy us. I 1 K.VItV 11. M ULI.I N. Dec. 22, 1909. STERLING RUN. • 'B. \. L IJ.irr left on Monday for lter.ovo to May awhile with her daughter, Mrs, John Floyd. Mias Neva HummersoD, of'llicks Run, v.;-. r ,u*Bt of her si I. r. Mi -. <.'. G. Iloulet, u few fl.. aft week. Quite a number ofrolfitives attended the funeral of J. Ilenry Johnson, ut Huntley. Miss Gladys Nefcey, of Driftwood, wus the guest of Miss Frankie Ban , ],. st week. Mrs. Ilr. Wright, of Erie, is the guest of her mother, Mrs. M. P. derrick. The Lady Maccabees held a quilting recently, in their lodge room. Mrs. Ethel Swartz and children, after ftwwk's visit with her parents, W. E. Oevling and wife, returned to their home at Sinnamalion irtß. Mr.-Buchannan, of Chambersburg, brifc been here looking after the bridge construe tt <n of the county bridge at this place. It will have a concrete floor and piers. J. O. Mason is home for a short visit. BMIE 15KM.. WANTED —Lady distributor and solic itor in Emporium. Dr. W. S. Bnrk hnrt, Cincinnati*!, O. THE POWER OF ONE | EGSNOG. i AI.K about the trials of n wo man whose husband fs late B for dinner or doesn't come when he Is expected," says the woman who lias had experiences: "It Is annoying enough at any time, but it is nothing in a civilized" country to what It fs when you are off in the wilds somewhere and dinner and din ner getting are two of the most Impor tant things In life. "When Mr Blank look tne and the baby some years ago to try life oil a Texas sheep ranch we found there were a good many things In the world that we had no conception of before, and life took on a different aspect. It was a happy life, but It was not nn easy one. I had to do all kinds of housework, the hardest kind of house work. and cooking iu a house situated in a Texas chaparral Is not cooking as It is done even in a New York flat. We lived chiefly on game which Mr. Blank shot as we needed It. Our veg etables were all canned—peas, corn and a certain number of things we kept always on hand. "I suppose I made myself a great deal more work than was necessary and did twice as much cooking, but 1 was used to everything in eastern style, and it did not occur to me that I could have things in any other way. We a I way-; had dessert every day for dinner. I made c.ike, and practically we lived in tl>«> wilds of Texas exactly as we could here. "Well, the day when Mr. Blank did not come home to dinner was New Year's. There was not so much differ ence between 'lie days—they were all working days -but 1 had prepared a special dinner. Mr. Blank was going oil' to the dipping vats, but lie was to be back at o'clock for dinner, and I prepared a good one. It was rabbit, I think, that day Our nearest neighbors were a family of Alsatians whom we knew very well and who l> i been very kind to us That morning brfoi • breakfast Mr. Blank had ridden over there on busim sof some kind. They had made eggnog to celebrate the day, and of course he must accept their hospitality and take a glass. "Now. a good strong eggnog Is not exactly a before breakfast drink for a man who is not accustomed to taking it at that hour In the morning*.and the eggnog was a strong one It was New Year's day. -Mid eggnog ingredients can i • found in Texas when potatoes can not. When Mr Blank came home he Rff- Ji! -/ _ .afe' ' '] ~rfr" . J W|' -I I - I is? 1/ /7 " >l^l HE MANA(iKI) TO CltA Wl< UP. could not <>at his breakfast unci ouly took a few swallows of coffee and mounted Ills horse and ro'de away. "1 went to work and cooked dinner In ray best style. 1 had a little oil store, for it was always warm where we were, except when a norther came u]i. Everything was done to perfec tion and ready to put on the table at 2 o'clock, but Mr. Blank did not come. I looked out. but he was nowhere in sight. Two o'clock passed, 2:30, 3 o'clock, and still he did not come. "Any one would have supposed that I would have been frightened and think something had happened to him, for he is one of the most considerate of men and this was n most unusual occurrence. Hut I was uot frightened If anything had happened probably the men would have brought me word. I had a good dinner prepared, and he \ did not coinv, and on Now Year's day. i I grew more and more angry as the | time passed, until by night I was hard , ly in a condition to speak. By and b> ;he rode up. lie seemed to feel my j mood. Anyway, his first words were: " '1 suppose you are provoked.' I "'Yes,' I said. 'I am.' j "lie was angry then, and he went | < iff to stake out his hprse without an l other word. It didn't last long, how j ever, and we came to an understand I Ing. "1' seems that that eggnog, taken 1 the lirst thing in the intimitis had been too much for liitn lie had It it"l ly left the house before lie mis nvei - i come with an Irresistible desire ti> | sleep lie says he never knew how lie reached the dipping vuts, for he slept most of the way on Ills horse's ha k When he got there lie found working was simply an impossibility The men Ittid a little shanty, and he managed to crawl up there, throw himself on the floor, and there he slept all day long without stirring until night, when he had slept off the effects of the egg nog. '"1 do not look upon eggnog now as j ; such an Innocuous drink as 1 did at one 1 time, and I know there was never a : wife who lived through such a hum day as I did waiting for Mr Blank *o ! come home l!iai W In i i Texas -No CAMERON COUNTY PRESS, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 2}, 1909. Baptist Church. 10:30 a. m., sermon, "The Message , ! of the Angels." 11:46 a. in. Sunday School. 6:30 p. m., Y. P. 8. C. E. 7:30 p.m., sermon, "A Full Ilonae." 99 at Sunday School last week; 75 at 0. E. The "Blues" are ahead by 13 points. The Xtnas entertainment will be held in the church, Tuesday evening, Dec. 28. JOHN L. BOGUE, Pastor. Emmanuel Church Services. Christmas Eve: Sunday School Festival, services in church at 7:15 p. m., followed by lighting of Christmas tree and distribution of presents in the Parish House. Christmas Day, 10 a. m., Morning Prayer and Holy Communion. Tours' Service. Offering for Clergy Relief Pension Fund. December 26, First Sunday after Christmas: 8:00 a. m., Holy Communion. 10.-30 a. in., Morning Prayer and Litany. 12:00 m., Sunday School, 7:30 p. m., Evening Prayer. Sermon: The Message of Christmas. J. M. ROBERTSON, Rector. FIRST FORK Since the recent cold weather, skat- Ing parties are numerous. It i« very pleasant exercise and all young people enjoy it. Mr. Moody, who represents the At lantic-Pacific tea company, spent Sunday at the home of Ilaynes Bro'e. The pie social held at Oilmore school hoi *e Wiis enjoyed very much by all. It was at tended mostly by the youug people. Mrs. John A. Wykoff and son were kjiu st.s at the home of Frank L. Miller, laM week for a day. They visited the old homestead. We are son \ to state that the Judge has been very sick, is improving and we hope for his speedy recovery. John 1,. Miller, who lives four miles from Siunamahoning, is in a very critical con" dition. He has had several paralytic strokes during 11 c last few year.i and i.sin a very help less condition. Before this stroke he could help himself a little, but is now worse of!" than ever. Hi-- son, William 11. Miller, is taking care of him and is an awful charge. Their friends sympa thize with the family. FI.NTS. SINNAMAHONING. iCrowdedOut Last Week. Miss Myrtle Shaffer spent Sunday in Emporium. Jos. B. Council, of St. Marys, was in town between trains, last Friday afternoon. lie attended the Masonic Banquet *it Driftwood, the < same evening. Wm. Thompson, of Keating, was in i town Saturday evening. Miss Bertha Fulton spent Sunday in , Re novo. Amos Fenton passed Sunday at his i home in Emporium. Mrs D. W. Horn, who was visiting | friends hi re, has gone to lier home at PenfielJ. j Mr. Horn is located at Wat. .W.Ym , for tl.u ! winter and Mrs. Horn expects to join liiin thc-re in the near future. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. T. Piper have I gone to (ialeton. They expect to move from that j place to Renovo, where Mr. P. is now employed 'with the P. It. It. Co. Quite a number oftfto Masonic .fra- j ternity attended the Ilai.-'juet at f>riltw.....l lust I Friday evening. Miss Charlotte Spence, Hon. Josiah ' Howard, Rev. J. 1.. Rogue and Arthur Orton, of i Emporium, visited our town and held a Sunday School Rally In our church, last Thursday even, ing. The services were well attended and were much appreciated hy those who were present.— The Sunday services following showed the meet* ing was not In vain J. T. Runyan was in town between trains, Sunday morning. Several of our citizens attended the funeral services of J. H. Johnson, at Huntley, last Thursday. Hon. John A. Wykoff has been dan gerously ill, bnt is improving. Mr. A. L. Ensign was called to Sizer ville last week on account of the serious illness of his father, who is in his 81th year. He is bet ter now. Mrs. J. M. Shaffer and son are visit ing her parents, Mr. and Mre. A. T. Swartwood. The dynamite works were shut down last Saturday, on account of no water. The rain on Monday gave them relief. Nace H. Drum and Chas. A. Counsil attended a Masonic banquet at Emporium, Fri day evening. Miss Sybil Hufl visited in town re cently. C. E. Peasley was taken suddenly ill j last week with lumbago, while at his work. Itov. R. \V. Runyan attended the | ministerial meeting at Williamsport Inst week- Mrs. Montgomery visited her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. R. B. B. Crum, last week. XXX. HUNTLEY. L. If Smith, who has been on the sick list for the past two weeks, is improving. Rev. Hall preached to a large con gregation, at the usual hour, last Sunday. Smith has been on the sick but is around now. The funeral of J. Henry Johnson was . held at the old Hunliey <-hurch, on Thursday. ! Dec. 9th, 1909, Rev. Cook, of Renovo, officiating! | The remains were brought from Jeisey Short to | Huntley and inteiment was made in Huntley | i Cemetery. The order of Free Masons had charge ! of the remain?. Their cereino y was grand and , the floral offerings were very beautiful. Bom, to Mr. and Mrs JISCPO John son, on S.turdty, Dec. Iltli, a daughter. All | doing nicely. Q. S. Hill, of Grove Hill, wan a calk r in town on Saturday. W. H. Smith made a business trip to | Driftwood on Saturday. A. VV. Hicks, of Hicks Run, whs h> •<- J over Sunday. Paul Smith, son of A T. Smith, hac j been on the sick list. G. .1 Mi lor, il>e » isi ■>•. has lini.-hed his tedious work mid says lie is not sorry it is over. - I! i SINNAMAHONING. FROM OUR REGULAR. Miss Myrtle Sliafer spent Wednesday in Emporium. On account of the cold weather, the Sinuamnhoning Powder Mfg Co., have been compelled to shut down lor want of water. Mrs. J. M. Shaffer and sou visited in Driftwood last Sunday. Miss Helen Counsil is home from I Williamspoit Seminary for the Holidays. Mrs. U Z. Roberts, who has been in town several days, seeing to the packing aDd shipping of Hon. C. F. Barclay's household goods to Washington, I>. C., returned to that city on Tuesday. W. IJ. Barclay, of Laquin, spent a couple of days in town this week. The Cameron Powder Mfg Co., held a stockholders' meeting at this place on Tuesday. They are pushing forward the j work on their plant in Wykoff Run. Miss Sophia Lind, of Driftwood, was j the guest of Miss Myrtle Smith, over Sunday. Nace H. Drum went to Renovo, Tues day, to attend a Masonic banquet. Three in one month is going some. The Sunday School will give a Christ ma- entertainment in the church. Friday evening. After the entertainment the P. (). S. of A., lodge will give the children a treat, at their Hall. Mrs. Stuard Chase and daughter An na are visiting relatives at Wyside. XXX | HOWARD SIDING. Mrs. James Ilobson and Mrs. M. K. j Close were shopping in Emporium on i Saturday and attended quarterly confer- ; ence held in M. E. Church. Thct emperance entertainment held here Saturday evening, was very largely at- : tended and was a decided success. Rev. ; Shank gave a tine temperance address, j Ice cream and cake were served. Pro- i ceeds for llev. Shank. Herman Close had the misfortune to I go over the bank while sliding down the ; More Hill roiid. which was very icy, and j rec< ived a bloody nose and several un comfortable bruise. Other boys were spilled ull but no bones broken Hoys be careful. There will be an entertainment and • Xniistreeat the school house, Thins-; day alteruoon. Hope all parents will be : pit nt. X X X. CAMERON. i II L. Page made a business trip to j Philadelphia Friday, returning home j Sunday and reports having a fine time. Tli. K. <_!. I'l . dan e held in th ir hall i Friday night was well iitteudi-d and all I enjoyed themselves. Our town s people are doing their j ! shopping at Hmporium and Driftwood the I past few days. John Claik. who received a very severe , fall a fe# days ago, fracturing sev« i tl libt. ! is again able to be around. Frank Speaker, of Calder, who sutne I time ago had two fingers broken and one ! badly injured in the engine at the brick ! ' works, is getting along nicely. Harris Moore who was injured while 1 j digging co;.I ;i wei k ago, by In ing struck on the knee with a mining pick, is again ; able to work. E. M. McFadden spent Monday in j Emporium. A big dance will be held in the hall i Friday night. A good time promised to j ail. Mrs. U. 1). Graham is visiting among trieuds and relatives in this place the ! past we- k. LOUISE. The symptoms of kidney trouble are | urinary disorders, weak back and back- j ache, rheumatism and rheumatic pains and twinges, pains in the groin, etc. There is nothing as good for kidney and bladder trouble as DeWitt's Kidney and Bladder Pills. You may depend upon them to give entire satisfaction. They are antiseptic, act promptly and soothe pain. Sold by all druggists. —■'lu'wiwio ii a——j—ii 1 minima mi I——. ■naimß'g You won't feel the weather if you wear a chamois vest. The chill that seems to 1 strike right through to J your marrow will not I 1 »c- experienced aj.l win ter. But that is not ' the important part of it. One Chamois Vest will guard your health, keep you from taking cold | i by protecting your j j lungs. Wear one if j you want to be safe. I ) The OLD RELIABLE j DRUG STORE G. C. TAGGART. Prop I SINNAMAHONING. The Cameron Powder Co., is going right along in spite of the cold weather. Joe Burlingame, of Wharton, was a caller on Monday. Joe says that some of the trappers up the First Fork did uot goto bed the night before heir season came in. That's why they captured so many bear the first day of season. Royal Wykoff, of Trout Run, was visiting friends and relatives here this week. Geo. Pfoutz, Chester county, was a visitor Monday and related a few hunting stories. ' . Hon. .John McDonald was looking over the new powder works Monday, locating sidiugs and switches. Hon. G. W. Huntley is at the new podwer works every day taking charge of the grading. The stockholders of the Cameron Pow- ( der Co., met at the Sinnauiahoniug House, j after looking over the site to elect officers and make all other arrangements neces- j sary to the company. The plant will he one of the largest in the state and will be a big help to Grove township. Wish we had a few more men like Mr. Geo. P. Jones with us. W. IJ. Barclay, of the lirm of Barclay Bio's, is here this week arranging for the sale of some of their lands to the Cameron \ Powder Co. L C. Wykoff. of First Fork, was a caller this week. W. C Bauman, of Lock Haven, was in town Tuesday looking up the talking I machine business. The trapper up the First Fork who ! caught ;i boar with some current jelly that he wiped from his mustach has pretty ; nearly ruined his facile adornment try- 1 ing to get another bar to take the same 1 bait but of no avail. J. C. Walkey. of Millersville, was a caller Saturday. Lieut. D W. Taggart Pest No. 211, (j. A. H . will hold their annual election of officers in the P. () S. (if A. hall; Saturday afternoon between trains east ■ and west \ll comrades are asked to be present. As there will be n > din-rumst tree or treat for the Sunday sel< nl.s on Christ mas W. C. Nt IMO, P. >- S. of A., as sisted of Cimp. No. 122, P. O. of A , will giv.- a treat t all the little ones Fri day evening at the P. <) S. of A., ball, after m rviees at the M. K Cnnreh. Santa Ciaus will be there to distribute the presents to the little one.-. D i: 1 :s K After exposure and when you feel a cold coming o;.. take Foley's Honey and Tar. the great thr it and lung remedy. It stops t|»e eroup, relieves the conges- ; tion. and exp Is the eM from your ,-y-- 'i teiu. Is mildly laxative. Refuse substi- 1 I tuti s. Sold by nil druggists. ■ £ ti'WKgaHimasrsm■ r'.:..vMuiut;atK;\ms n wmw i luwwif i n U-ji "cr" r. mjgs -pa;:rac;grawT.%vmJtiu*■>wigi.syrr«KG*xc^g77«.>:> «■■ ■ ■■■i ■■ ira ~ duress dUVI a PS OPPOSITE HEIIMAN'S HARDWARE STORE. EMPORIUM. PA L^g^. The best place in Cameron County t gj| purchase gg jg? HOME-MADE CANDIES Mj NUTS, FIG-S, DATES,Etc. iSp. Fruits of all kinds for Christmas Bananas, Naval Oranges. | gg Florida Oranges, Lemons, TO • Malaga G-rapes, Tangerines, Grape Fruit. Ka Ukv New Dates 3 lbs for 25c !w; New Figs, 15c a 11> w J Special Sale Until New Year's Day Only || raT| Commencing Dec. 20. .NOTE THE PRICES—Best. Peanut Hrittle, Cocoa Krittle. all varities of Taffy. :Ml>s for 2."> c; Fresh Xuaas Candies fresh and pure daily. We have a line line o ™fj ! r'rtH nuts of every variety. Fyj ! y New Mixed Nuts, Walnuts per lb 15c and IGc ~ jp Fresh Roasted and Salted Peanuts 10;), M H] LOOSE HOLLY; HOLLY WREATHS H ■ r " "■' r i jnawmgni "• —-~- TO e e deliver goods to any part of iinvn. ■■■■ Sugar Bow 1 j|j Chestnut Stree Jewelry Store R. H. HIRSCH, Prop Our store has been especially prepared for the HOLIDAY TRADE and invite the citizens of Cam eron county to call and examine our new assortment of Gold and Silverware Diamonds , Watches, Clocks jj Rings, lockets, Chains, Etc. I These are newly || purchased from the {• factory and I am prepared to give my jj! customers some real jj I bargains. I Don l the place ji
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers