fe-*n)ep«» n {fress. BSTABLISHKD BY C. B.GOULD. HENRY H. MULLIN, Editor and Manager. rOItLISHED EVERY THURSDAY TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION: f<W vea |2 00 It s«"irt is advance 112 1 r >o ADVERTISING RATES. X.<t vert isenieuts are publishedat the rate of one titollar per square for oneinsertion and fiftycenta petaijiiare tor each subsequent insertion. Kates by the year or for si* or three months are ami uniform, and will berurnislied on appll c ftlion and Official Advertising persquare. three Ctuesor lesH.l'2 00; each subsequent insertlonSO <3* Kts per square. Local noticesten cent E per line for one i nse rt ion cents per line for eachsubsequentconsecutive i. diwtion. Obituary notices over live lines, ten cents per 112 in'. Siinplcannouncementsofbirthe.marriages ■.*n.l deaths will be inserted free. tVusiness Cards, five lines or less $5.00 per year o*tsr live liaes, at the regular rates of advertising Mo locali naerted for less than 75 cts. per issue. JOB PRINTING, rhe Job department of the PRKSS is complete, au4 affords facilities for doing the best class ot WT«K. PARTICULAR ATTENTION PAID TO Law Printing. No paper willbe discontinued until arrearages are pjtid, except at the option of the publisher. Papers sent out of the county must be paid for C a advance. (fSo advertisements will be accepted at 1 ess £ h-ttt the price for fifteen words. Religious notices free. * Spoiled Her Beauty. Harriet Howard, of 209 W. 34th St., Jfew York, at one tirue had her beauty spoiled with skin trouble. She writes: *~f had Salt Rheum or Eczema for years, bur nothing would cure it until I used Bucklea's Arnica Salve." A quick and .siire healer for cuts, burns and sores. 25c at L. Taggart's drug store. The specifications for the gates of h'MVCti are not drawn up on earth. Greatly in Bemand. "Nothing is more in demand than a Medicine which meets modern rcquire meais tor a blood and system cleanser, swcit as Dr. Kings New Life Pills. Tlse-y are just what, you need to cure stomach and liver troubles. Try them. At L. Taggart s drug store, 25c, guar anteed. A spinister hasn't much love for a widow who has had two husbands. Sickening Shivering Fits. Of A gue and .Malaria, can be relieved aai cured with Electric Bitters. This is z pure tonic medicine; of especial &euefitin malaria, for it exerts a true curative influence on the disease, driving if entirely out of the system. It is much to be preferred to Quinine, having none of this drug's bad after-effectes. E. S. Munday, of Tex., writes: "My brother was very low with malarial lever and jaundice, till he took Electric Hitters, which saved his life. At L. Taggart's •drug store; price 50c, guaranteed. The Smart Set magazine will enter tain you. A Grim Tragedy. Is daily enacted by thousands of homes Death claims, to each one, anothe victim of Consumption or Pneumonia Hut When Coughs [and colds are prop erly, treated, the tragedy is averted. F. ♦'".Huntley, of Oaklandon, Ind.. writes: -My wife had the consumption, and three doctors gave her up. Finally she ttoik Dr. King's New Discovery for Con sumption. Coughs and Colds, which cured her, and to-day she is well and -strong. It kills the eerms of all dis <easc. One dose relieves. Guaranteed at 20c and SI.OO by L. Taggart, drug gist. Trial bottles free. Speedy Relief. A salve that heals without a scar is DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve. No rem edy effects such bpcedy relief. It draws •out inflammation, soothes, cools and fieals all cuts, burns and bruises. A sure cure for Piles and skin diseases. De- Witt s is the only genuine Witch Hazel Salve. Ileware of counterfeits they are dangerous. Sold by R. C. Dodson. Two Farms for Sale. The under .igned offers for sale two farms, adjoining each other, on Moore Will, containing about 140 acres, 100 aw'res improved. Good houses, out buildings and bearing orchards. For tarms apply to D A. SKINNER, Em jkiOPium, P;l 46-tf. Oou|;hs and Colds. All coughs, colds and pulmonary com plaints that are curable are quickly cured One Minute Cough Cure. Clears the phlegm, draws out inflamation and heals srad soothes the affected parts, strengthens irhc lungs, wards off pneumonia. Harru ifess and pleasant to take. Sold by It. £?. Dodson. Warning. All persons are hereby forbidden from tresspassing upon the property of this Oompany without a permit lrom this office, or the Superiutendant at the *yorks. KEYSTONE POWDEK MFG. CO. Emporium, Pa., August Ist, 1!)03, 21-tf. Bargain in Books. A complete set of Brittanica Ency clopaedia,consisting of thirty volumes and key. Are all new and in original packages. Will be sold at a bargain, Apply at PRESS office. 36tf College of Music. Parents desiring their children to . 3iave thorough instruction in music, ..mdwell cared for, can find no better plar o than at The College of Music at S?reefcurg, Snyder county, Pa. Pupils £jom ten years old and from the begin ner to the advanced are; admitted. Terms begin May 1, Juno 12 and July i?l. For catalogue address 4K-4t HENRY B. MOYER. WINTER MEAT EATING The Poor Stomach's Tale of Woe. Just Now m-o-na is Needed. At this season of the year thousands of people are already showing the ill symptoms that are sure to result from the usual winter diet, indoor life, meat eating, hearty food, lack of exercise, over work, and poor ventilation spell "sickness," and poor health. If (he stomach oannut do its work properly, ill health is sure to follow. Mi o-na is the one medicine that assures a natural digestion, that strengthens the stomach, that soothes and heais all irrita tion, congestion, and inflammation in the stomach and bowels. It is this that makes it a certain and guaranteed cure for all stomach troubles. If the digestion is impaired, the blood is impoverished and becomes filled with poisonous impurities, deranging the whole system and causing sickness and suffer ing. Mi-o-na, acting upou the stomach and digestive organs cures sleeplessness, nervous troubles, headaches, backaches, and general weakness and debility. It you are weak and ailing the chances are that it is due to a diseased stomach, but you can be cured by using Mi-o-na. Ask L. Taggart, the reliable druggist, to show you the stromg guarantee under which Mi-o na is sold. Mi-o-na costs but 50c a box. If it does not help you, the price is absolutely nothing. Our idea of a bread-winner is a girl who takes the cake.' Tonic to the System. For liver troubles and constipation there is nothing better thau DeWitt's Little Early Risers, the famous little Pills, They do uot weaken the stom ach. Their action upon the system is tnild, pleasant and harmless. Sold by R. C. Dodson. Always Liberal to Churches. Every church will be given a liberal quantity of L. AM. paint. Call for it. 4 gallons Longman & Martinez L. & M. l'aint mixed with three gallons lin seed oil, will paint a house. \V\ G. Barr Charleston, \V. Va., writes, "Painted Frankenburg b'ock with L. & M. stands out as though varn ished." Wears and covers like gold. Don't pay 81.50 a gallon for linseed oil, which you do in ready-for-use paint. But oil fresh Ironi the barrei at GO cents per gallon and mix it with L. k M. It makes paint cost about 81.20 per gallon. Sold by Harry S. Lloyd. WANTED— GirIs to learn pants mak ing. We will pay new beginners $3.00 per week while" they learn. Exper ienced hands are earning $7.00 to $9.00 per week. Address, Lycoming Pants Co., 42-12t. Williamsport, Pa. '•How Uncle Sam is Spending Hun dreds of Millions of Dollars to Make Washington the Most Beautiful Cap ital in the World" is the title of a unique picture feature in the February Woman's Home Campanion. The title tells the story. \ D r F.n.Zelie { DENTIST. \ % "Be good and you will be s lonesome," says the humorous J \ writer, but the only permanent \ 112 foundation of a Dental Practice s r is honesty and ability. Twelve J \ years experience justifies us in > 112 saying that we will endeavor to s i render honest professional ser- 3 > vices to the public at MODER- \ < ATE CHARGES. < ( THE BEST IS NOT TOO GOOD \ \ and professional fees are usually J 1 regulated by the character of the \ 112 service. 112 P HOURS:—8:00 a. m.to 12 m., Ito 5 p.m. 112 £ CRANE BLOCK, EMPORIUM, PA. \ AUDITORS' REPORT or EMPORHJn BOROUGH For the Year Ending rtarch I, 1904. W. F. LLOYD, Treasurer in account with Em porium Borough Poor Fund, March Ist, 1901. RECEIPTS. Balance on han»l at last audit $ 118 21 Kec'd for licenses, lines, etc 542 35 Itec'd from Electric Lights 138 88 Hec'd for aud. gen. acct. foreign Ins ... 77 40 Kec'd for State Tax E. L. bondholders 26 08 Hec'd for Ins. on E. Ward Hose House 1,188 00 Kec'd for Liquor license 1,868 00 Kec'd for Taxes from C. H. Jessop. ... 1,171 oo Hec'd Taxes from C. W. Shaffer. 2,199 66 $6,802 68 EXPENDITURES. Police. Frank Mundy, salary $650 00 Extra policemen 54 00 $7Ol 00 Fire Department. Appropriations to Companies 450 00 For drying hose 25 00 Hauling hose carts 15 00 For hose 12 25 $502 25 Streets. For lumber 398 36 .Stone crossings 6160 Labor on streets 1,025 12 *1,481 98 Electric Light. Salaries $731 50 Insurance 54 50 Supplies 713 13 $1,509 13 Hoard of Health. Appropriation S2O 00 Sundries 16 00 $36 00 Printing. Press and Independent $53 00 Sundries 056 37 $709 35 Total expenditures 4,045 73 Balance i:» hands of Treasurer. 1,910 85 ASSETS. Cash in hands of treasurer $1,916 85 CAMERON COUNTY PRESS, THURSDAY, JANUARY 26, 1905. Due from C. H. Jessop, collector 409 92 Due from C. W. Shaffer, collector 250 20 *2,576 97 LIABILITIES. Due May Holbrook, account of 10an,... SI,OOO 00 Due O. F. Elwell, account of loan 1,000 00 $2,000 00 Assets over liabilities 576 97 W. K. 1.1.0 YD, Treasurer, in account with Km poriuui Borough Bond Fund. RECEIPTS. Balance on hanil at last audit,.... $1,317 60 Rec'd from C. H. Jessop, collector 590 00 Itec'd from C. W. Shaffer, collector..., 1,517 86 Rec'd from County Treasurer 7 so $3,433 06 EXPENDITURES. l'aid 110 coupon on E. L. Bonds 280 00 Paid 20 coupons on Sewer Bonds 50 00 Paid 21 coupons on Sewer Bonds. 52 50 Paid 8 Sewer Bonds 36 to 43 inc soo 00 Paid 15 E. L. Bonds 1 to 15 inc.. 1,500 00 Paid three months interest on retired E. L. Bonds 15 00 $2,697 00 Balance in hands of Treasurer 735 56 ASSETS. Cash in hands of Treasurer $735 56 Due from C. H. Jessop, collector 455 46 Due from C. W. Shaffer, collector 167 67 $1,358 69 LIABILITIES. Outstanding Sewer Bonds $1,300 00 Outstanding Electric Light Bonds 5,500 00 Coupon No. 20 on Sewer Bond No. 55.. 2 50 $6,802 50 ' Liabilities over assets $>,443 81 j W. F. LLOYD, Treasurer, in account with Em poriuin Borough Water Fund. RECEIPTS. Balance on hand at last audit sl4 28 Kec'd from C. H. Jessop, collector 435 00 Rec'd from C. W. Shaffer, collector.... 1,080 37 i Rec'd from County Treasurer 7 22 ' $1,536 87 I EXPENDITURES. Paid balance on order No. 98 .... 100 00 ■ Paid order No. 177 560 00 ! Paid order No. 47 560 00 I . , $1,220 00 I Balance in hands of Treasurer 316 87 1 ASSETS. Cash ill hands of Treasurer $316 87 ■ Dne from C. H. Jessop, collector, 300 87 Due from C. W. Shaffer, collector 123 84 < $B4l 58 ! LIABILITIES. Outstanding order No. 174 $560 00 j We, the undersigned, Auditors of the Borough ' of Emporium, do certify that we have examined ! audited, adjusted and settled the foregoing ac counts of the Treasurer of the Borough of Em- I poriuin and that the foregoing is a true state- i ment of the same. Witness our hands this 31st day of December 1904. E. D. WHITE, C. E. CRANDELL, J. A. JOHNSTON, Auditors. ! CO-PARTNERSHIP NOTICE N'OTICE is hereby given that Arthur Dtircll Gore and Charles Albert Counsil have formed a partnership under the name of the I Keystone Handle Company, Limited, for the 1 purpose of manufacturing aiid selling for a per- - lod of twenty years from January 23, 1905, all manner of handles, paper plugs and general j novelty wooden ware, with a capital of two thousand dollars, of which amount Arthur Dur ell Gore has subscribed one thousand dollars | and Charles Albert Council has subscribed one! thousand dollars to be paid in cash at once. ! I hat the liability ol each of said partners is limited in accordance with the Act of General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylva nia, approved the 9th day of May, A. D., 1899, and that the articles of partnershipjhiive been 101 l for record in the office of the Recorder ot Deeds in and for Cameron county. Pa. KEYSTONE HANDLE COMPANY, I.IMITKD. I ~ " EinporioinFornitiireCo. Our New Year Introductory sale WE have just finished a wonderfully pros perous year. One in which all our past 1 sales-records were thrown so far in the rear that it will require the most vigorous and untiring work to surpass them. But work is our pastime and we are going to Your splendid patronage has placed in creased purchasing power in our hands, the force of which will be felt in the ever increasing values that will benefit every money-wise person in this county who is wise enough to profit by it. Keep Your Eye on Us all thin Year |§ and Watch Us Grow. Emporium Furniture Co., 1 BERNARD KG AN, Manager. ■naHaßSsn»HHnw mast. pjj Undertaking. AUDITORS REPORT OF EriPORIUM BOROIKJN POOR DIS TRICT FOR YEARS 1903-4. JOHN W. KRINER, Poorinaster, in account with Emporium Borough Poor Fund. RECEIPTS. From C. H. Jessop, Coll., 1901 lax, S2O 00 " •' " " 1902 " 162 6« " C. W. Shaffer, " 1903 " 650 79 $833 45 EXPENDITURES. Balance due from last audit, slOl 05 Paid State Hospital,acc.insanepatients, 309 69 Paid for relief of Mary Mundy, 120 00 Paid for relief of Oeorge Harrison,. ... 20 15 Paid for relief of Jesse McFadden, 80 24 Paid for relief of Thomas Smith 25 9<> Paid Green & Shaffer, retainer 1902 3, . 40 00 Paid I K. Hockley, making out dup.,.. 5 00 Paid Cameron Co. Press, printing audi tors report, 20 00 Paid Portage township, Potter county, acc. Jack Smith case, 52 20 Paid for relief of sundry paupers 11 95 Paid with report to State Board of Char ities 5 00 Paid Emporium Independent, printing order books,. 3 00 $794 18 Balance in bands of J. W. Kriner, $39 27 A.CHAPMAN, Poorinaster, in account with Em" porium Borough Poor Fund. RECEIPTS. Balance on hand from last audit. $29 53 I From C. H. Jessop, Coll.. 1901 tax, 128 04 " » " " 1902 '• 165 16 " C. W. Shaffer, " 1903 " 798 29 $1,121 02 EXPENDITURES. Paid for relief of Mrs. Detrick, $206 00 Paid for relief of Lew Gifford, 124 90 I Paid for relief of J. Hitchcock 180 80 ; Paid for relief of M. F. Hanna. 217 34 i Paid for relief of Sam Parker, 92 50 Paid for relief of Mrs. Segee 148 61 I Paid for relief of Mrs. Byers, . 3 82 ! Paid for relief of Catherine Drum, 1 00 | Paid for relief of sundry tramps, 7 36 I Paid bal. Dan'l Stone funeral expenses, 40 65 i Paid bal. A. Coldyrian funeral expenses, 30 00 l'aid M. M. Larrabee for services 4 50 $1,057 51 I Balance in hands of A. Chapman #63 51 RECAPITULATION OF POORMASTERS' ACCOUNTS. ASSETS. I Cash in hands of J. W. Kriner, $39 27 I Cash in hands of A. Chapman, 63 .'1 I Due from C. H. Jessop, Coll., 1900 lax, 153 68 I Due from C. 11. Jessop, Coll., 1901 lax, 73 37 ' Due from C. H. Jessop, Coll., 1902 tax,. 1 13 j Due from C. W. Shaffer, Coll., 1903 tax, 91 20 $122 06 LIABILITIES. Due Ray Lyons, outstanding order No. 10, by Chapman sll7 85 Due R. C. Dodson, outstanding order No. 12, by Chapman, 22 00 I Due E. Independent, outstanding order No. 15, by Chapman, 20 00 ' Due Balcom & Lloyd, sutstanding order i No. 16, by Chapman 28 90 $216 75 Excess of Assets over Liabilities, $205 31 j We, the undersigned, Auditors of the Borough 1 of Emporium, do certify that we have examined, audited, adjusted and settledthe accountsof J. W. : Kriner and A. Chapman, Poormastcrs of the ; Borough of Emporium, and that the foregoing statements of same are true and correct. Witness our hands this3oth day of December, ! 1904. E. D. WHITE, 1 C. E. CRANDELL, > Auditors. J.A.JOHNSTON. ) 48-3t i/ley'v >y and TV ■ ics cold ■ s pneumor, C. R. HUSTED & CO., Opposite M. E. Church, Emporium, Pa. Will for the next sixty days give 10 PER CENT. OFF on all goods sold for cash or cash in two weeks and FIVE PER CENT, off all bills paid in full at the end of thirty days. We make an exception when selling FLOUR and SUGAR accompanied by no other groceries. Call us up, on phone, No, 74. Goods Delivered Free and Promptly. THE FOURTH STREET 6ROCERY C. R. HUSTED & CO., Proprietors. Special Sale Friday AND Saturday Matches, regular price 50c, 40c Canned Peaches, 25c kind, 20c Canned Plums, 25c kind, 20c 31b. Java and Mocha Coffee, !tSc Regular 3Se kind. Sun dried Tea, 30c kind, 2it c Baking Chocolate, - 35c Half pound cans Co 30a, - 20c Regular price 25c. 21b pail of C'ottelene . 23c 41b pail " 4fie 3 cans Tomatoes . . 25c 12c canned Corn - IOC Give Our Meat Department a Trial. Home Made Sausage We can save you money on your Meals and Grocer ies. Give us a trial and we will convince you that this is the cheapest place to buy. Our goods are cheap be cause they are good. It's not the price that makes them cheap, it's the quality. Don't forget we sell depend able goods. Dependable goods are not to be obtained in every store. You can't buy any other kind here. We don't keep them, 'Phone 21, G. H. GROSS GO. ftodol Dyspepsia Cure Digests what yo«l oat. I Building Time I And we wish to say that we are better prepared than ever before to supply you with all kinds of 1 Hardware and Euilders Supplies. We have in addition to our regular stock (the for business of U. A. Palmer, known as Hockley's Coal Yard) consisting of Brick, Lime Cement, Wall Plaster, Shingles, Coal, Hay, Hardwood, etc., etc., a full line of PAINTS, COLORS in OIL, PAINT BRUSHES, etc. g ® l s lum'i»ing and Tinning lis among our specialties. Costs you nothing for estimates in these lines. All our work is positively guaranteee to give satisfaction. P . Stoves and Ranges. Don't forget we carry the largest assortment of ~ STOYRS and RANOKS for gas, coal or wood ing count> and every one guaranteed by the maker. J MURRY i CAPPEBSSMITH co. \ S Rockwell's jjj I Drug Store. jjj Sw [jj The Cold Cream that it n] we make is unsur- [i tf] passed for face and [« In hands and will make (n the skin soft and n] [jj white. We have rjj Nail, Tooth and ry Hair Brushes, Wist Oj j{] Brooms. Chamois nj uj Skin and Sponges. No better goods on H] [Jj the market. When "j m you want your favo- uj rite recipes filled [jj s] Bring them to us. jj! [jj Our stationery leads. nJ Also our toilet cream, j{] [j! toilet water, toilet QJ soaps, perfumes and uj uj sashet powder. All [}! j{} the latest. J I{] Our Botanic Dry Kidney Cure ft in is an exoellent tonic. A specific n] fd 'or all diseases of the kidneys. uj S M. A. ROCKWELL. § 9 P I=SH HSHSHSHS as SB!J SI? SHb £5 c! SHSHSHSa 5H SHS^ jj ft SON [ Next to Hank jjj | I The Popular § Store. | In We have taken extra pains to nj [Jj serve our patrons with the best (jj JJ] of the season's offerings. How [Jj In well we have succeeded you can nJ l]J tell by taking a look at our beau- ft nj tiful display. We invite you all n] m to drop in. While we do not In [Jj pose ;ia a bargain counter, yet jjj n] we call upon our patrons who |{j In desire to purchase practical and b [Jj reliable goods. We are prepar- jjl n] ed to satisfy the most critical [jj m buyer, with an array of GOOD ru [u PRACTICAL THINGS for the £| n] season that are annually found [Jj ui only in the large city stores. ru [Jj Our prices are right for good Jj] J goods. [Jj S I3te©flil i | Jkrtiel©® ji nJ jj Coats and Mufflers, 50c, to $3 00 nj IjJ Silk Suspenders, 50c to - 2.00 JT nJ Silk and fancyllosiery, 25c to 3.00 [n Ij] Silk Handkerchiefs, 25c to 1.50 jjj Jjj Silk Umbrellas, $1.25 to - 10.00 [jj uj House Coats, $5.00 to • - 12.00 ru jj Bags and Suit Cases, SI.OO 15.00 nj ju Trunks, $4.00 - - 15.00 ru Bath Robes - - $4.00 to 8.00 5] m Smokiog Jackets, $4 00 up. Uj Popular Brands of Shirts and [U [JJ Collars, Exclusive Agents f{] m for the most popular nj In Hats. In jj] The largest and best line of |j] | Suits and Overeoats m pj in the County. 11l ffi R. itigtr & | 1 Son, | |{j Call Early. Next to Bank jjj
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers