EMPORIUM MILLING COMPANY. PRICE LIST. Emporium, Pa., December 20,1901. NE MOPHILA, per sack 11 65 Eelt'a Fancy, " 175 Pet Grove, " 1 75 Graham, 85 Rye " 75 Buckwheat, " 75 Patent Meal., " 50 Coarse Meal, per 100, 125 ChopKeeti, " 125 M iddliugs. Fancy " 1 40 Bran, 125 Corn, per bushel, 70 White Oats, per bushel 48 New Oats Chicken Wheat 1 65 ChoiceCloverSeed, 1 ObojceTijnothySeed, ! At Market Price*. Choice Millet Seed, Fancy Kentucky Blue Grass, | R.C. DODSON, THE Orucjcjist, EMPOKIUM, PA.I IS LOCATED IN THE CORNER STORE At Fourth and Chestnut Sts.. K.C. DODSON. Telephone, 19-2. LOCAL DEPARTMENT. PERSONAL GOSSIP. Contributions invited. That which you icould like to see in this department Jet vn know by pos tal card or letter, personally. Lyman Wiley, of Emporium, trans acted business in town Monday.—Gale ton Dispatch. A number of Emporium Masons at tended Chapter meeting at Port Alle gany on Tuesday. A number of Emporium Masons are spending three days at Williamsport, attending "school." Wm. T. Ineram, a prominent P. & E., engineer, died at St. Marys last Sunday, from blood poison. Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Barner, of Kane, Pa., were in town last Saturday visit ing friends and transacting business. Mr. L, K. Huntington was a brief PRESS visitor on Monday and pushed the date on his paper ahead another year. Miss Edith DeArmitt has returned from West Virginia, where she lias been making an extended visit with her father. Mrs. Laura Bryan and Miss Nina visited at Driftwood over Sunday, being guests of Mr. and Mrs. Richard son and family. William Zuber, has been tendered a position as clerk in Foreman Shuster's office of the P. & E. Railroad company. —Renovo Record. Mrs. Thomas Cleary, accompanied by her little daughter, Virginia, leaves Friday morning for an extended visit with relatives at New Martinville, West Va. Mrs and Mrs. F. P. Strayer left for Butler last Monday morning to attend the Golden Wedding of Mrs. Strayer's sister. While gone they will visit Pittsburg. Prof. John Sclnvab, teacher of Cam eron school called at the PREES office on Saturday and carried away a year's receipt for the PRESS, for his father, whom we regret to learn is in poor health. Mr. Mark Ellis, one of our indus trons citizens, was a PRESS visitor last evening and pushed his PRESS ahead. Mr. Ellis is one of Emporium Iron Company's reliable workmen. Our gaod citizen, Mr. H. C. Olm sted, who has been visiting his daugh ters, Mrs. Walter Jackson and Miss Myrtle Olmsted, at Freeman, Va., re turned home on Tuesday, delighted with his visit. He regrets he could not make a longer visit. Mr. Henry Hartman, of Williams port, spent the past Sunday and Mon day in Emporium, guest of his daughter Mrs Henry Auchu and family. This gentleman, who is 75 years old, greatly enjoyed the visits to the lumber mills with his son-in-law, Mr. Henry Auchu. Mr. Joseph Kaye, ofWestboro, Wis., arrived in Emporium last Sunday to visit his wife and other relatives. He leaves for home to-morrow, accom panied by his wife and little daughter. Miss Edith Smith, of New York City, who has been guest of her school chum, Miss Knoie Howard at this place, returns home today. Mr. Fred Julian attended a Banqnot at Olean last evening, given by the Master Builders Club. He was one of the speakers. Mr. O. B. Barnes inserts a new adv. in this issue of PRESS. Read the neiw Inducements olfered his customers. Death of Andrew Kaul. Associate Judge Andrew Kaul, the most prominent business man in Elk county, died at Hotel Walton, Phila delphia, last Tuesday, after an illness of over two years. He was aged 60 years. His funeral takes place at St. Marys, Saturday morning at ten o'clock, and no doubt, wi 1 be largely attended. Judge Kaul, who by hard work and shrewd management amass ed a large fortune was for years en gaged in business in this county and made the basis of his fortune here. He leaves a wife and eight children. Judge Kaul was a power in this sec tion in business and politics. His place will be hard to (111. His liberality will be greatly missed Officers Elected. The annual election of officers of C B. Howard & Company was held on Tuesday, Jan. 24th, at which time the following officers were elected: Josiah Howard, President; Henry Auchu, Vice President; B. W. Green, Secretary and Solicitor; Jas L. Norie, Treasurer. The old board of directors were re elected. The officers of the Emporium & Rich Valley R. R., were elected at the same time, as follows: Henry Auchu, Presi dent; Geo. A. Walker, Sr., Vice Presi dent; W. H. Howard, Treasurer; B. W. Green, Secretary; Joseph Kaye, Snp't. The old board of directors were also elected. Eye Specialist. Prof. W. H. Budine, the well known Eye Specialist, of Binghamton, N. Y., will be at R. H. Hirsch's jewelry store, Emporium, Pa , February 10th and 11th. Ifyou can't see well or have headache don't fail to call and see Prof. Budine, as he guarantees to cure all such cases. Lenses ground and fitted in old frames. Eyes tested and ex amined free. All work guaranteed. Good Committee Appointments. Hon. Josiah Howard has been placed upon the following commitees: Banks, Good Roads, Elections and Forestry. Mr. Howard has been well taken care of and is attending strictly to his duties. A Rusher. Thos. H. Norris, the hustling mem ber of the East End firm of Tompkins & Norris rushed into the PRESS office on Wednesday, dropped his orders and rushed out again, exclaiming "The East Ward against the World." Resolutions of Respect. ST. MARTS, PA., Jan. 25th, 1905. WHEREAS, Porvidence exercising its Divine Rights has seen fit to remove from among us an esteemed member of this Board, Andrew Kaul, and WHEREAS, The close relation held during the existence of this Corporation by him with the members of this Board make it fitting that we put on record our great appreciation of his services and fellowship. Resolved, That the removal of such a man from our Board leaves a vacancy and casts a shadow that will be long and deeply felt by all the members of this Board, and a loss to our town and community, Resolved , That we couvey to the be reaved family of the deceased our sin cere sympathy in this hour of sorrow, Resolved, That a copy of these reso lutions be sent to the family, and a copy furnished the press forpublication. By order of the Board, Attest:— CIIAS. LUHR, EBEN J. RUSS, President. Secretary, KILLS GERMS_OF CATARRH Hyomei Goes to the Root of the Dis ease and Makes Astonishing Cnrea. Catarrh cannot lie cured by the use of pills, liijnid medicines and so called sys tem tonics. Under such treatment the germs of the disease will still live in the air passages and increase and multiply. Ilyomei is the only scientific and thorough way to cure catarrh. Killing the germs in the air passages, it enters the blood with the oxygen, destroys the microbes in the blood and effectually drives from the system all traces of ca tarrhal poison. Thousands of testimonials have been given as to the astonishing cures made by this remedy. Mrs. Le Rendu. T'i Western Avenue Cleveland, Ohio, writes: "I believed Hyomei saved my life. lam better uow than I have been iu thirty years. Many doctor's, both in England and France, I treated me for catarrh, but I was not | cured until I used Ilyomei." Probably the strongest evidence that I can be offered as to the powers of Hyomei to cure catarrh is the fact that L. Taggart | will agree to refund the money it you say I Hyomei has not cured you. The complete Ilyomei outfit costs but j §I.OO, consisting of an iuhaler, dropper j and sufficient Ilyomei to last several weeks. This wil! effect a cure in ordinary j cases, but tor chronic and deep-seated I cases of catarrh, longer use may be neces j sary, and then extra bottles of Ilyomei j can be obtained for 50c. linn n Distinct AUvnntnixc. Addlpus—Don't you liato to be as I lean as you are? Skinnicus- No; some | times I find it's a decided help. I can i cross my legs In a crowded car without ! taking up any more room that I did before.—Chicago Tribune. I The noblest question In the world is, ! What good may I do in it?— Franklin. CURES VViiEKE ALL ELSE FASLU U Host Cou-h Synn. Tir-s G; ■d. UU U "' Jst CAMERON COUNTY PRESS. THURSDAY, JANUARY 26, 1905. "Joshua Simpkins" will be the at traction at opera house, Monday even ing Jan. 30th. It is said to be a well written pastoral play, with an interest ing plot the story being a happy blend ing of sunshine and shadow. The situ ations ara said to be strikingly realistic with an overflow of fun and amuse mont. There are seven comedy parts in addition to that of Uncle Josh, which character is a wholo show in itself. A sensational novelty is introduced in the third act in the shape of a realistic saw mill scene, in which a monster cir cular saw is used, and which is said to actually saw through real timber. A fine orchestra is carried by the com pany, also a fine band of music, which will make a burlesque parade about noon. Valuable Harm For Sale. A good large farm lor sale; 196 acres, of which, 150 are under cultivation. Buildings are in fair condition. Al ways plenty of water, within one half mile of two large brick plants. Excel lent market within two miles. All the stock and farming and dairy irnpli ments will be sold with farm. For terms etc., inquire of MATT. PHOENIX, 47-3t. Cameron, Pa. We understand the First National Nurseries, of Rochester, N. Y., want an agent to canvass this section. We can recommend this Compauy as all right. Their references are the best. Any one out of work write them for terms at once. 49-4t. Latest Popular Music. Miss May Gould, teacher of piano forte, has received a fuil line of the lat est and most popular sheet music All the popular airs. Prices reasonable. 44-tf. Roquefort mv a Florida Domestic ■ \ \/ ™ Pineapples 'M ; i Swiss.McLar- ■ ■ / % if and Grape en'« Imperial -/ Jl. Fruit, Philadelphia Cranberries, Mj, IP Cheese Satisfactory Store Lettuce and jP| I Cheaper Groceries. | You'll get them here. Why? Because the best is always Cheapest in the end. A fair m trial will prove our claim. {m We invite you to come to the store. If you can't come, 'phone, or ask for our order clerk %$ ||! to call. Just drop a postal card and it will |f| JpX bring him. All orders—large or small, have y$ j||| the same careful attention. Think it over. ||| Special Grocery List for Ifl | Friday and Saturday I $| THIS WEEK. M 8 BREAKFAST BACON, LAUNDRY STARCH. B jj{|| Delicious Boneless Ba- 6 lbs 25c r a con —Lean narrow l ftp In bulk lb Ou - j||j strips, a lb. IZu ||j) 8 ROLLED A VENA. CANNED TOMATOES, $ id]' Schumacher's Rolled „, XTXTT , T>I „ i|®jj 1 A vena. (Rolled Oals), CANNED PEAS, gg iresh from the mills /p CANNED PUMPKIN, 8 ||s 7 lbs. 25c, or 1 lb. • Try this and see how it com- %>;■ J®] pares with any other you 10 cent values nm 4 w have been ÜBing. 3 cans for ZOL 112 m EGG NOODLES. A dozen 95c. A case f|ji i™ Columbia Egg ftp sl-85. Noodles, 10c pkg. Ou p BAKING POWDER. SUGAR, 25 lb. bag w Royal Baking yr rp best AF Powder, lb can 4du granulated. 3)l*Ou NOTABLE KITCHEN'SPECIALTIES. No line jsjj of goods that we have in our store will give the house keeper more pleasure or satisfaction in her work than 5S 1?> these celebrated utensils. In the test of actual service JQ, they will prove up better than any claims we can make jj, for them. Come in and see them. w ! J. H. DAY, | 'Phone 6. Emporium, Pa. ASK FOR the 1905 MJT ® I DYSPEPSIA CURE KODOL ALMANAC JjM Jggj i§ DIGESTS WHAT YOU EAT -> ** *4 pQQ YF"A Rf M H5 i£sj| « H| The $ 1 .00 bottle contains 2'/4 times the trial size, which sells for 50 cents. a U ll f\ \\ I By PREPARED ONLY AT THE LABORATORY OF HAI FNDAR " DID H m. B E. C. DeWITT & COMPANY. CHICAGO. ILL. nuuM n. . gold by R c Dodsoll) Druggist. | . Laughlin A 1 fj| 3 Fountain Ii all 1 1 □ . JE f 13 THE PEER OF All BESfI It Iftji PENS AND MAS NO ttjjjTjjj ]l fjS" EQ UAL ANYWHERE. ||j|j|j =|j I ii M I FINEST GRADE 14K. [ft" m GOLD PEN I ii l J ' <®"d *OUR CHOICE OK THESE ftflp ' ] TWO POPULAR STYLES FOR jj, -Uf m 3UPERIOR TO OTHER «f |j jlj §M MAKES AT 53 ML 1 I I 9 The Laughlin Fountain /aUK*: jrr ii «■»' 3 Fen Holder is made of fin- LL| ill iSnfl est quality hard rubber, is jffßf i rr| !w 3 fitted with highest grade, 'mK; li '' *>& ffi large size. 14k. gold pen, Mk*: irri V of anv desired flexibility, IJ !l j;i.l < and has the only perfect rrl; feeding device known. THM;. IJj Either style, richly gold ,JfWC ■ I,; mounted, for presentation jllflV ' lill purposes, 11.50 extra. rrl .-. Surely you will not be 1 BMt ' Pj 1 able to secure anything at | .i&BK , rj . I ; j three times the price that will jllßf Lfjl ! . i jj_ J give such continuous IBBp i m ' ptea,Ure ,crv ' ce ' !ISJ It | I E hi 1 . % I [I 3 B fe i§ a 1 §• I I - e 1 ii f- o io 1 | F» Jl to use Lucas Paints i Is Vf 9 the price low ? J|r M Yes, but there are better I ■ reasons than that. (Tinted Gloss) 9 go farther than others—cover 5j * S niorg surface with the same pTij IB amount of paint ; are hand- I'-.J —with a fine bright H attractive gloss that sheds K'v ; the dirt and is easy to keep fe, ■ clean; are tougher— £%.[ I longer ; and their looks last ■' ■ longer. 3 Ask your dealer. John Lucas & Co |< BANNER SALVE '•"» mo— '-.--ling salve in the world prhis^iT^tlT^l ] -Store | | For the People. \ ( FOR THE NEXT 30 DAYS I \ \ WILL OFFER. j 112 II cans, solid packed Tomatoes 25c 3 1 cans N. Y., State Corn - 25'- < r 1} cans Choice Peas - - - 25" ) i r 7 bars Oak Leaf Soap - - 25c J j ? Cali us by 'phone or have our \ > Order Clerk call and get your 4 i \ order. A tull line ot choice \ j i GROCERIES. \ \ FRESH and \ * SALT MEATS, \ { VEGETABLES and \ 1 FRUITS. 112 0. B. Barnes, j j 'Phone 81. J SDR. CALDWELL'S ■■ YRUP PEPSI l\! CURES INDIGESTION. B w | East Emporium's j] 1 Cash Store | Special Bargain Day Every Tuesday I I Tuesday, Jan. 31 st. | SheetsandPillowCases | It , fe Ifjpl Bleached Pillow Cases, hemmed and ready for use, very || serviceable, 10c. |JF _ | Pillow Cases, firm heavy quality, 11c. ! ™ pj Pillow Cases, extra heavy, size 45x36, 14c. [Dj m [lfll Hemstitched Cases, 45x36, 15c. [ll It ffl |fjj] Extra heavy bleached seamed Sheets, 9-4 width, 2)4 p Jjj >' ards lo »g. 55c- ja |Lj Hemstitched Sheets, 2yds wide, 2'/< long, 65c. B=l Wj' Bleached Sheeting, suitable for Pillow Cases, 45 inch, 111 1 12 Vic. jffll fp m || Bleached Sheeting, 9-4, a splendid value, 23c. fj| Unbleached Sheeting, 9-4 width, extra heavy, 23c. [rj Shirt Waist Suitings, new invoice this week, 25c. j=j fl 36 inch Curtain Swiss, 15c. 0j p ' i j¥l 30 inch Curtain Swiss, 20c. Hj 11 I All Muslin at Reduced | 1)1 ill' I Prices. I ! Watch this Space for Special =f 1 Bargains at jf == = I I Tompkins & Norris. jj □' q n"nn~ : . ' n' -: \ 1865 1904^ \ N. SEGER \ \ Furnishing Goods, Shirts, ? c Neckwear, Trunks, v i Satchels, Suit Cases, 1 i Etc.. Etc. C \ A fine line at Q V bottom prices. / ? Clothing: \ C for all. / / Men's. Youth's and S / Boys' Clothing, } } A new stock just in. y / Give me a call. S THE PIONEER. One Minuto Cough Cure For Coughs, Colds and Croup*
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers