Dusiuetta Card*. 1 1■ ■ . , _» ■ — 1 ' J fl. W. BREEN, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Emporium Pa. A bnslness relating to est ate,collections real Mtates, Orphan'# Court and genirallaw bushiest wlllrecelTfc promptattentiou. 42-ly. J. O. JOHNSON, J. P. M'jNißnai JOHNSON A MoNARNEY, ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW EMFORICM, PA. Will give prompt attention to all bailues* «■' rusted to them. H"If uHsiJL&L BSENJJAN, ATTORNET-AT-LAW Collections promptly attended to. Real eft at* and penaion olalm agent, 85-ly. Emporium. Pa. fHOMAS WADDINOTON, Emporium, Pa., CONTRACTOR FOR MASONRY AND BTONSj-CUTTINO. All orders la my line promptly executed. All IHndS ef bulldlni and cUt-«to»e, sujp''e<l at low •prlcer AgeSt lot Inartlg 91 fraaltemonumenta ■Lettering keatly dona. AMERICAN HOUSE, Fait Emporlußß, Pa.," JOHN ITjOHNSON, Prop'f Having reeumed proprletorahia of tble old and well eatabllahed House 1 Invite (be patronage ul •Ibe public. House newly furnished and thor oughly renovated. 48ly F. D. LEET. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW and INSURANCE AO'T EMPORIUM. PA <Pa LAND Ovmi AND OrRKHH IB CAMBaoN AN* ADJOINISO GOCWTIIIS. I have numerous calls for hemlock and hard irdodtlmber lands.aleostumiiageAo., and partial deelring either to buy o» sell well to < a'! on me. P. D. LEET, THE NOVELTY RESTAURANT, (Opposite Po»» Office,) Emporium, Pa. ■WILLIAM MCDONALD, Proprietor. I take pleasure in Informing the public that) save purchased tho old and popular Novelty Restaurant, looated on Fourth street. It will bi «y endeavor to serve the public In a mannei that shall meet with their approbation. Give m< a call. MeaU and luncheon served at all hours n027-lyr W m. licDONALD. MAY QOULD, TKACH6R OP PIANO, HARMONY AND THEORY Also dealer in all the Popular fcheot Music, Emporium, Pa. Scholars taught either at my home on Sixth itreet or at tfc» homes of the pupils. Out oftown acholars will be given dates At my rooms In tbli place. 7. O. RIECK, D. D. S., DENTIST.; Office over Taggart's Drug Store, Emporium, Pa Gas and other local anaesthetics ad red for the painless egtractloa -UjTTHIt of teeth. -SPECIALTY:-- Preservation of na»ural teeth, 1» eluding Crown and Bridge W VA Y Y TF"3 A OUf® ipiaranUM If yon u«i H 1 PILES ru^e Suppository | JDJ Ortkd*d Schools, RtattiTti'.c, N. C . *r:t*s " I en N >r.r JFT ■R lUtou Rock,\V. Va., Trriiea : •• rhey give universal aatia- Pa M faotloo. I )r. 11. 1» W. -ii:!, Clarksburg. Tenn . wrjfoi: M O equal youM." Paici, 10 CBNTS. Sold Q Sold iu Emporium by &ud 81- CI PORTITOIL iCudol Dyspepsia Cure Digests what yo«* <tat« POPULAR SCENIC ROUTE. 'Buffalo & Susquehanna Railroad Company. Official Condensed Time Table in Effect June 23, 1902. Sup- I I I day ' Week Days. | Dully I Week Day*. Only | j m: | P.M. r. M. A.M. A. M.I STATIONS. *. M. p. M.f *. u. r. M. ». it. 6 10! 610 11 10 7 15 Lv Addison Ar 10 13 443 g 411 641 11 41 801 Elkland 941 4 111 646 546 11 16. MOO Osceola { 836 408 555; 555 11 5a 822 Knoxvtllo j 828 8 58j 811 611 12 11 840 Westfield ! 9 13, 343 j47 647 12 47 926 Gaines Junction 838 8 08: 700 700 100 «49 Ar. I Oaleton,. } Vj.' - 823 253 535 6 00 10 20 Lv. I J Ar. 740 540 P- M. r. M. 10 58 Aj Crods Fork Junction Lv 739 209 423 IB 45 210 !11 00 L?. Cross Pork Junction Ar. 'ik tOO 355 8 SS' 3 00 11 50 Ar. Cross Fork, Pa. Lv.j 615 1 0O: 305 824 624 P. M. A. M. 11 39 Ar Wharton Lv. 853 126 81U 8 OB 11 40! Lv Wharton Ar. 10 53 8 00 'A.M. 1 858100 Ar Slnnamahoning Lvj 859 |1 40 845 643 8 0<) 11 58 Lv Austin Ar 6 85! 105 950 800 710 845 ' 12 25 Ar Keating Summit L» 12 40 9 101 7 80 P. M.i P. M. A.M. A. M P. N. *• M ' '■ M \ A " M j P. M. A.M.. ! ! . . , , A.M. P.M. , 820 ?S5 Lv . Anson a Ar 921 - IK) lit x , Manhatten 9 K ®44 889 9 53, South Gaines, 901 640 842 955 ' • Games Junction ...; „ 59 s m 855 10 09 Ar Galeton Lv, 845 626 j p. m. A. M.I /• M ' *• M 'i P. M. A. M.' _ _ , , ! P. M.I 105 830 2, ~t on Ar 10 10 4 55j 124 647 v« & i°t 851 43a 160 711 wtS ni Junction j 9 27 4 M | 2 08' 730 » est Bingham j 9 09 ; 4 0 j 2 18! 741 ' Genesee j g 862 2 241 748 . ' w.l£2fi?. V 858 847 3 46! 808 Wellsvllle Lv gj 9 330 I I ]>.. M. P. M. CONNECTIONS. At Keating Summit wltb B. k A. V. oiv. of Pennsylvania R. R. At Ansonia with N.Y.C.& HR. R. for all points north aud south. At Newfleld Junction with C. A P. A. Ry., Union Station. At Genesee with N. Y A Pa., Ry. Union Station. At Addison with Erio R. R., Union Station. / At Wellsville with Erie R. It.for points east and west. At Slnnamahoning with P. It. R.—P. &E. Div, ■ XI'HR. GARDINER, Gen'l Pass'r Art. Buffalo, N.Y.| W. C. PARK. Oen'l Bupt., Galeton, Pa. M. J. McMAHON, Div. Pass Ag't.,Galeton,Pa. G.SCHMIDT'S,' — . .1 HEADQUARTERS for FRESH BREAD £ 6°P ular 'Mm O NUI @ CONFECTIONERY I DailV Deliverv. Allordprsgivcnproir.ptand J J akillfnl attention. WHEN IN DOUBT, TRY Tlievh«« itood theteit of gifStilSfiA OTnp.Mf* f\ —' 112 p nna kavs cured lh>u»o<i> il Sfß I AI M M 1111 |aJ 0 /wV '//A»sn "1 N«mw Dlieain, inch rSr -» M D«Wlily. CI««ln.M, Sle«p(» 2s \ aS ABAINI wrfccl, ltd Inp&rt • healthy InlSv tka whoka k«4a«. All drkiu and lours are checked frrmanrnfty. Unictt padootl * ro w* ofifii worrlm them into Inflaaitj, CoMuaptiOAorDi«tb, V l> ' l f~ F**ee|i pa* 4 baxat, with Iron-clad lef al guarantee to caro or refapd lh4 wHtM a«ur,i|.«. Im4 tt* fc>. h**k. Addissi, PEAL MbOICIHfi CO.. ft. For SAlf K. 0. UodM*. »f«ggUl, Kaywtaa, Pa. TIME TABM NO. 17. COUDERSPORT & PORT ALLEGANY R. R. Taking effect Ma y Zlih. ____ EASTWARD. i 101 • r* ]' « | r STATIONS. | 1 1— V. M. >, M.IA. at.{ A. M. Port Allegany,.. Lv.' 315 i 7 Ofii 11 H Oolemna, |»8 23'..... 00 I *ll4l Burtvllle, I*3 30 .... 7 18i 1 H «7 Koulette, ! 3 40; 7 20' | 11 63 Knowlton' •* I*ll »» Ulna, 3 6(t 7 88| 12 03 31msted .'"4 06; «7 31 ...,<«l'JO9 Hammonds, 00 | I®° .... *l2 13 112. flirmnrl / Kt 420 A. *.'7 48 12 15 C«».dersport. | j_ v i A l»i . 0 #0; 100 North Coudersport, *8 15;.....! 00 ' *1 45 r rink's | * 23 I*6 10 »1 12 Ooleeburg *8 4A .. -. *8 X7| 120 Beven Bridges, *8 43 *8 2li *1 t4 Raymonds a, .I*7 00 .... *8 Ho| 1 #8 Oold, 705 i 838 1 41 Nawfteld aa ] ' *8 NewHokl Junction, 7 37' ... 845 160 Perkins, .... *7 40» «6 43 *1 88 Carpenter's, 17 46 00 »1 87 Orowell's | ! 7 50. *t 53| *2 01 Ulyssea Ar.l 8 05, j1 05 210 [■■■■ I A.M.I .1 WB3TWAHD. IliS I 8 I STATIONS. j 1 1 A. M. P. M A. M. tTlyiaes, Lv. 720 225 *l9 Orowell'a *7 27 *2 32 • 9 19) Carpenter'*, °° *2 34 •B 22 ..... Perkins. *7 32 *2 37 • 8 2B NewfleldlJunction '7 37 242 932 ...^ New-field »7 41 2 4fi 00 ! ..«* Oold I 7 44 249 9 40' .... Raymond's :*7 49 254 * 047 .... Seven Bridges, I*B 01 *3 08 *lO 02 ....■< Oolesburg, *8 04 3 09 *lO 10i ...» Frlnk's. »S 12 *8 17 *lO 20) North Oouderaport ! 00 *3 26 *lO 35 SAr. 8 28 3 80 10 45; J P- M- Lv. 828 8 00; 1 201 Hammonds 1 00 00 ! 00 I Olmsted, *8 83 »8 05 «1 31;....' Mlna, 837 810 1 87;...W Knowlton's, °° *8 171 00 Rcilette, 8 47 6 21, 1 51 Burtville 8 54 8 28 1 201 ..... Coleman *° *8 84 00 Polt Allegany, •08 840 2 261..... (•I Flag stations. (°°) Trains do not stop v) Telegraph offices. Train Nos. 3 and 10 will carry passengers. Tains 8 and 10 do. Trains run on Eastern Htandard Time. Connections—At Ulysses with Pall Brook R'y fbr points north and south. At B. & S. Junc tion with Bullalo Sl Susquehannaß R. north for Wellsvllle, south for Galeton and Ansonia. At Port Allegany with W. N. Y.&P. R. 8., north for Buffalo, Olean, Bradford and Smetliportf south for Keating Summit, Austin, Emporium ;.nd Penn'a R. K., points. B. A. McCLURE Oen'lSupt. Coudersport. Pa. Cheap > IB AT % sJ^PA^onso Kodol Dyspepsia Cure Digests what you cat. Foley's Kidney Cure makes kidneys and bladder right. BANNER SALVE the most healing salve in the world CAMERON COUNTY PRESS, THURSDAY, JANUARY 26, 1905. DENOUKCEITASFOLLY RUSSIAN OFFICERS' VIEWS ON SURRENDER OF PORT ARTHUR. FORTS TORN TO PIECES. The Fire of the Japanese 11-Inch Gun 9 Was So Effective that Dozens of Russian Cannon Were Smashed and Hurled from Carriages. Nagasaki, Jan. 18.—The French steamer Australien sailed last even ing for Marseilles, having on board Gen. Stoessel and his wife and 505 Russians. London. Jan. 18.—The correspond ent at Nagasaki of the Express had an Interview with Gen. Stoessei in which tho general said: "The capitulation occurring on New Year's day was merely a coincidence. The loss of 203-Metre Hill and the subsequent capture of forts, com bined with the deadly marksmanship with the terrible 11 inch shells, the depressing effect of the death of Gen. Kondratenko and the fearful increase of scurvy really fixed the time of capit ulation. It is untrue that 1 dissented from the unanimous decision of the final council of war. Our final urgent request for relief was never an swered." The correspondent adds that con versation with other Russian officers reveals great bitterness against and denunciations of Admiral Alexleff for his failure to properly fortify Port Ar thur and "his cowardly flight" by the last train from the fortress. The junior officers denounce the folly of the government in entering upon the war and declare that, all tho men who return fo Russia from Port Arthur are revolutionists in spirit,. These opin ions were openly expressed in the presence of Gen. Stoessel. Port Arthur, Jan. 18. —When the Kwantung peninsula was bisected by the second Japanese army tho entire Russian force in the military district of Talien, which included Port Arthur and Dalny, was 35,000. The Russian force at the battle of Nanshan was 4,000, and 2,000 of these were lost. There have actually surrendered at Port Arthur between 9,000 and 10,000 soldiers and sailors, of whom many were unfit for duty. The sick and wounded number IG.OOO. Fifty per cent, of the officers of the garrison were killed and only 28 per cent, went through the siege unscathed. The fortress could have held out for some time longer but for the fire of the Japanese 11-inch howitzers, which destroyed the food depots, the work shops and the ammunition stores and made the repair of the defensive works impossible. A close examination of the main line of the defense of the west half of the eastern fortified ridges from East Keekwan mountain to the destroyed Sunshu mountain fort, where the Jap anese infantry assaults and bombard ments were concentrated during the last days of the siege, demonstrated the tremendous effectiveness of the 11-inch howitzers. Tho Chinese wall on the slopes, the battery positions on the crest of the ridge and the captured guarding forts in the rear were lit erally torn to pieces by the heavy "•hells. A STORY OF BLACKMAIL. 'al of the Suit of John R." Piatt to Recover $750,000 from a Negress. New York, Jan. 18. —The trial of the suit of John K. Pl<jt.t, the octogenarian millionaire, to recover from Hannah Elias, a negress, nearly $750,000 which he alleges she extorted from him dur ing a period extending over more than 20 years, was begun before Justice O'Gornian in the supreme court Tues day. When Mr. I'latt arose in response to a call from his counsel he appeared to be very feeble and was assisted to a chair in the witness stand. Guided by questions from his counsel, spoken in a very loud tone, the witness told of his first meeting »ith Mrs. Ellas more than 20 years ago when, as president of the Volunteer Firemen's associa tion he took the visiting firemen out "to show them a good time," and re counted incidents which occurred dur ing their Jong friendship. Mr. Piatt told of many times when he gave Mrs. Elias money in various amounts to settle bills which she told him might result in law suits if not paid. He made these payments be cause he feared that if any of the cases should get Into court his name would become involved and his rela tions with the woman would become known. He had been actuated entire ly by a desire to avoid publicity. New York, Jan. 19.—Hannah Elias, the negress whom aged John It. Piatt is suing to compel hor to return so'«s,- 000 which he claims she extorted frum lilm during an acquaintance of 20 years, yesterday told the story of her life before Justice O'Gorman in the supreme court, where the suit is on trial. It was an extraordinary tale of sudden elevation from the most vici ous surroundings to a position of af fluence where money was literally rained upon her. She insisted that every dollar that Piatt gave her had been given voluntarily. An Attempt to Rob the Mails. Chicago, Jan. 18.—A daring attempt to rob the mails was made last night, in front of the Masonic Temple, on State street, in the heart of the busi ness section of the city. The methods employed by the robber were an exact duplicate of those used two years ago when a mail wagon standing in the same place i:s ihe wagon stood last night was robbed and SIO,OOO stolen. A Sculptor Suicides. New York, Jan. 18.--Henri J. Schelt gen, 55 years old, a sculptor and de signer of architectural decoration*, committed suickl© Tuesday. FOUND 100 INDICTMENTS. Grand Jury at Pueblo, Col., Says a Conspiracy Existed to Control the Election. Pueblo, Col., Jan. 21. —The grand jury which has for two months been investigating tho election frauds in Pueblo county, reported to the court Friday and was discharged. One hun dred new indictments were returned. The grand jury, on which democrats and republicans had equal representa tion, reported the discovery of a con spiracy, with its head in Denver, to control the election iu this county by corrupt methods. "We learn," says the report, "that the better element of our community, deluded in the belief that by their suf frages they were determining the af fairs of our city and county and decid ing the destiny of the nation, was two, three, a dozen, fifty times overbal anced by repeaters and the manufac ture of hundreds of fictitious registra tions by officers sworn to righteous ness in public office." Denver, Jan. 21. —When the joint legislative committee appointed to hear the Peabody-Adams guberna torial contest met yesterday afternoon the report of the experts who exam ined tho Denver ballot-boxes turned over to them Thursday night was made. According to the testimony of the experts 449 out of '.he 904 ballots found in the boxes were spurious. SMOOT TESTIFIES. He Says He Has Taken No Oaths as a Mormon that Interfere with His Loyalty to the Government. Washington, Jan. 21. —Interest in the Smoot investigation before the senate committee on privileges and elections was stirred yesterday by the unexpected determination to put Sen ator Smoot on the stand in his own be half, without waiting for other wit nesses now en route from Utah. The senator was under direct and cross examination all day and frankly an swered most of the questions asked. He acquitted himself excellently and appeared to make a favorable impres sion on tho members of the commit tee. The examination of Senator Smoot related to matters intimately con nected with church policy and his duty toward the church as compared with his duties as a senator. He said he had not taken any oath that would interfere with his loyalty to his gov ernment. His recollection of the en dowment house ceremony was indis tinct, he said, but he was sure there were no obligations taken to avenge the blood of the prophets upon either "this nation" or "this generation," as had been testified to by witnesses for tho prosecution. REVIEW OF TRADE. Progress in Manufacture Is More Rapid than the Distribution of Products. New York, Jan. 21. —R. G. Dun & Co.'s vVeekly Review of Trade says: Progress is more rapid in manufac ture than in distribution, but this is largely due to the effect of unseason able weather at some pcints and the unsettled feeling in the south, where the collapse of cotton prices has re tarded collections and caused many cancellations. That production is maintained by mills and furnaces may be taken as evidence of confidence in the future. Iron and steel plants lead in activity, with woolens the feature in textile fabrics. Settlement of the protracted labor struggle at Fall River is encouraging, but the industrial at mosphere is disturbed elsewhere, al though on the whole there is less than ihe customary idleness for this season. Coke ovens aro establishing new records of fuel output and traffic con ditions cause little delay. Very ex tensive contracts lor machinery are pending. Failures this week numbered 335 in tho United States, against 358 last year, and 24 in Canada, compared with 33 a year ago. Delayed, if Not Averted. Philadelphia, Jan. 21. —A strike of the freight men in the employ of the Pennsylvania Railroad Co. on the lines east of Pittsburg and Erie has been delayed if not entirely averted by the presence in this city of Grand Master P. H. Morrissey, of the Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen. There appeared to be better feeling on both sides last night and, although the situation Las not materially changed, it is less acute than when First Vice Grand Master Lee, having exhausted all his efforts to effect an amicable settlement of the differences, summoned Mr. Morrissey from Cleveland to this city. A Fatal Epidemic. Dover, Me., Jan. 21. —Three men are dead and two others critically ill as a result of an outbreak of spinal menin gitis or "spotted fever," in a lumber ing camp at Lakeview plantation, where 30 men have been employed. The camp has been broken up and the men who have been exposed to the disease have scattered in all direc tions. Four Men Were Killed. Port Rowan, Ont., Jan. 21. —The boiler at Whitehead's mills, near Houghton, exploded last night. Four men were killed and three were seri ously injured. Is Giving Away a Million. Norwich, Conn., Jan. 2i.—S. 11. Roath, a Chicago millionaire, who a short time ago distributed $1,000,000 among his relatives in this city, Is making another distribution of the same amount. Mr. Roath Is in poor health and is giving away his property in order to avoid liUgatian after his death. Policeman Convicted of Manslaughter. New York, Jan. 21. —Patrolman Eu gene L. Devanna was yesterday con victed of manslaughter for killing George Dorwick in November. Sen tence was not Ifnyosed. Who is Your Clothier? If it's It. BEGER & CO,, you arc getting the right I kind of merchandise. There is no Binall or grand decep tion practiced in their store. Sustained success demon strates that there is "growth in truth"in the retailing of NEW AND UP-TO-DATE CLOTHING AT POPULAR PRICES. R. SEGER A CO. «HsHSHsasaHHSHsasHsrasßs^ 1 Good | (Cedar 1 1 Shingles j ]j WILL KEEP OUT THE j{] RAIN. WE HAVE THEM nJ J] IN ALL GRADES. W ■n m -u In s 4 K | C. B. HOWARD & CO. | J1 nJ R P F 5 58585 4SB SHSHSHSI3 EfHSHSiiSBSHSBS^ jj SCHMELZ & CO.'SI r nJ I Sluice Pipe. | ■u in a S jj IMPROVE YOUR ROADS with uj 5 STEEL and WOOD SLUICING [{] •u m ji nJ U The Steel pipe 19 made of cold rolled, u] /] heavy sheet steel, r 'vlted so at to leave It fu "J smooth inside. T''e pipe is covered with U1 Jl a preparation that makes it rust proof. nJ II The wood pipe is made of staves matched ul Jl and grouved, bound with heavy Iron fu U bands, treated chemically against rust lil Jl and coated with a preparation that will fli ll stand climate and will practically ex- Ul Jl elude moisture. The entire length is of tu ll even diameter. Obstructions will not IT Jl lodge in it. Manufactured in all sizes up fli ■U to SIXTY INCHES. Uj Jl Write for catalogue and price*, or a [ll 11 postal card will bring to you a represen- Ul JJ tative with samples of our goods. |u J] What are Sluice Pipes Used For ? W They aro used on roads and highways [s JJ to convey water under the road bed from Jfj JJI streams and ditches to keep the road bed j~ dry and prevent washouts in heavy rains "I and showers. IS ii d j] Schmelz & Co., j] jj Coudersport, Pa. Sj ■SH SHSHSHS'ri-ft*-P cr gSI2SHSaSSH!' < freereport on patentability. For free book, (' | ri'l 1 Dean's I H A safe, certain relief for Bupprcwed 3 n Menstruation. Never known to fall. t*af«! g H Hurel peedy! Ratinfactlon (Mmninteed H Hor money Refunded. Pent prepaid for § M 61.00 ner box. Will *cna them on trial, to ■ 11 he paid for when relieved. Humpies Free. BB U N DM t DIC A C CCK ,B OK 74, L*NCfltTiw Pa gj Hold in Emporium by L. iTaggart am R. C. Do4soo. EVERY WOMAN Sometimes needs a reliable muntliijr regulating inediciuu. f&'i fX OR- PEAL'S % PENNYROYAL PILLS, Are prompt. Bafo an ! certain in result. The penu- Uio (t>r. Peal's) never di&oppoiut. ft.CO per bor. Sold by R. C. Dodson, druggist J Pennsylvania. IIAIJLIIOAI). PHILADELPHIA AND ERIE RAIL ROAD DIVISION. In effect Nov. 27, 1901. TRAINS LEAVE EMPORIUM EASTWARD 910 A. M.—Week dajs for Suiibury, Wilkesbarre, Hcranton, Ilaz'eton, Pottsville, Harrisburg »ndintermediatestations, arriving at Philadelp lia 6.23 P.M., New Y0rk9.30 P. M., Baltimore 6.00 P. M., Washington 7.15 P. M. Pullman Parlor car from Williamsport to Philadelphia and passengercoachesfrom Kane to Philadelphia and Williamsport to Balti more and Washington. 12:25 P. M. (Emporium Junction) daily for Bui bury, Harrishurg and principal intermediate stations, arriving at Philadelphia, 7:32 p. m.; New York, 10:23 p. m.; Baltimore, 7:30 p. m.; Washington, 8:35, d. m. Vestibuled Parlor cars and passenger coaches, Buffalo to Phila delphia and Washington. 820 P. M.—daily for Harrisburg and intermediate stations, arriving at Philadel phia, 4.23 A. M., New York 7.13 A. M. Baltimore, 2:20 A.M. Washington, 3:30 A.M. Pullman sleeping cars from Harrisburgto Phil adelphia and New York. Philadelphia paa sengerscan re main in sleeper undisturbed un til7:3o A. M. 10 30 P. M.—Daily for Sunbury, Harris burg and intermediate stations arriving at Philadelphia 7.17 A. M.. New York 9.33 A. M., weekdays, (10.38 A. M. Sunday;) Baltimore 7.15 A. M., Washington 8.30 A.M. Pullmansleep ing cars from Erie, Buffalo and Williamsport to Philadelphia and Buffalo, Williamsport to Washington. Passenger cars from Erie to Philadelphia and Williamsport to Baltimore. 12:15 A. M. (Emporium Junction),daily for Sun bury, llarrisburg and principal intermediate stations, arriving at Philadelphia, 7:32 a. m.; New York, 9:33 a. in., week days; (10:38 Sun days); Baltimore, 7:25 a. m.j Washington. 8:48 a. m. Vestibuled Buffet Sleeping Cars and Passenger coaches, Buffalo to Philadelphia and Washington. TOM WESTWARD. 5:10 A. M.—Emporium Junction— daily for Erie, Ridgway, and week days for Du- Bois, Clermont and intermediatestations. 10 30 A. M.—Daily for Erie and week days for Dußois andintermediatestations. 023 P. M. —Week days tor Kane and intermediate stations. RIDGWAY AND CLEARFIELD R. R. CON NECTIONS. (Week days.) SOUTHWARD. Stations. NORTHWARD R. M A.M. A.M.J P.M. P.M. P.M. ....11 13 5 53!....5t. Marys 2359 53 3 20 11 05 5 55! ..... Kane...... 12 25 3 00 8 25 3 36 11 23 6 10 .. ..Wilcox 12 02 2 40 8 04 3 48 ii :IH 6 2:> .Johnsonburg.. 11 IT 2 38 7 0 40512 01 650 ...Ridgway,.... 920 2 10 730 41512 09 701 ..Mill Haven... 9 09, . 'j7 20 1 4 '25 12 17 710 .. Croyland.... 900 1 49 709 43412 26 7 19 .. .Blue Rock... 851 140 701 4 38 12 30 7 23 Carrier 8 17 I 37 6 57 4 48 12 40 7 32 .Brockwayville 8 37 1 27 6 47 45312 45 737 ...Lanes Mills.. 834 123 6 13 457 7 41 .McMiims Sin't. 830 '6 3* ! 50112 54 745 . Harveys Run.. 825 1156 35 1 505 100 750 ..FallsCreek .. 821 1 10 630 5 20 125 8 03] Dußois 808 12 55i 6 10 5 10 1 15' 755 Falls Creek... 653 1 15 630 5 27 129 8 OS Revnoldsville. 6 39 12 52 6 15 8 00 1 56 835 .. . Brookville... 6 05 12 24 6 39 645 238 920 New Bethlehem 520 11 41 4 50 7 25 3 20 10 00 .. .Red Bank 11 05 4 05 10 00 5 30 12 33 ... .Pittsburg 9 00 1 30 P. M. P. M. P. M.| A. M.I A. M. P. M. BUFFALO & ALLEGHENY VALLEY DIVISION. Leave Emporium Junction for Port Allegany. Olean, Arcade, Hast Aurora and Bulfalo. Train No. 107, daily 4:05 A. M. Train No. 115, daily, 4:15 P. M. Trains leave Emporium for Keating, Port Allegany, Coudersport, Smetliport, Eldred, Bradford,Oleanand Buffalo,connecting at Buf» falo for points East and West. Train No. 101, week days, 8:25 A. M. Train No. 103, week days 1:35 P. M. Train No. 103 will connect at Olean with Chautauqua Division for Allegany, Bradford, Salamanca, Warren, Oil City and Pittsburg. LOW OBADB DIVISION. EASTBOUND. STATIONS. 100 113 101 105 107 951 | __ A.M. A. M. A. M. P. M P. M A. M. Pittsburg,.. Lv 16 22 t9 00 +l3O *505 I 9 00 Red Bank, ' 9 30 11 05 4 05 7 55 10 53 Lawsonham,..' 9 47 si lis 4 18 8 07 11 OS New Bethle'm. 5 20 10 20 11 44 4 50 8 37 11 4C Brookville t6 05 11 10 12 24 539 9 22 12 28 Revnoldsville,. 639 11 42 12 52 6159 50 12 53 Fails Creek ... 6.53 11 57 1 15 630 1005 11* Dußois 7 oo tl2 05 125 6 40 1015 J 1 20 Sabula, j 7 12 1 37 653 Pennfield 7 30 1 55 7 15 Bennezette 8 04 2 29 7 47 Driftwood +8 40 t3 05 8 20 via P. & E. Div Driftwood.. Lv. '9 50 t3 45 Emporium, Ar. tlO 30 t4 10 A. M. A. M. I'. M. I'. M P. M P. M, WESTBOUND. STATIONS. 108 106 102 114 110 952 Via P. &E.Div A. M. A.M. A. M. P. M. P. M. P. M Emporium, Lv t8 10 t3 20 Driftwood, Ar +9 04 14 00 ..... Via L. G. Div Driftwood, Lv t5 50 til 10 f5 50 Bennezette 6 25 11 45 R 25 Pennfield, 7 00 12 20 7 04 Sabula, 7 18 12 39 7 23 Dußois *8 05 7 30 12 55 15 00 7 35 {4 00 Falls Creek 6 12 7 55 1 15 5 10 7 42 4 07 Reynoldsville,.. 630 808 129 527 758 420 Broukville 7 05 8 35 1 56 6 00 t8 30 4 50 New Bethle'm 7 51 9 20 2 38 6 45 9 20 5 35 Lawsonham... 821 94713 06 7 14... 6 Oft Red Bank,Ar . 83510 00 320 725 620 Pittsburg, Ar... »11 15 +1235 f5 30 +lOlO t9 30 iA.M. P. M.IP. M. P. M. P. M. P. M. •Daily. fDaily except Sunday. {Sunday only. gFlag Stop. On Sunday only train leaves Driftwood 8:23 a. m., arrives at Dußois, 10:00 a, in. Returning leaves Dußois, 2:00 p. m.; arrives at Driftwood, 310 p. m., stopping at intermediate stations. For Time Tables and further information, ap ply to Ticket Agent. J. R. \VOOD, Pass'gr Traffic Mgr. W.W. ATTERBURY, GEO. W. BOYD, Manager. Gen'l Passenger Agt. THE PITTSBURG, SHAWMUT & NORTHERN R. R. Through Passenger Service Between St. Marys, Brockwayville, Shawmut, Sillethport. Olean, Friendship, Angelica, Hornellsville, Waylaud, Buffalo, and New York, Effective Sunday, May 29,190* Eastern Standard Time. Time of Trains at St. Marys. DEPART. 7.35 A. M.—ForKersey (Arr. 8.11 a. m.), Bvrn» dale (Arr. 8.58 a. m.,1 Weedville (Arr. 9.03 a in.;) Elbon (Arr, 8.46 a. in..) Shawmut (Arr. 9.08 a. m.,) Brockwayville (Arr.9.42 a. in.) 12.33 P. M., —For Clermont (Arr. 1.37 p. m.,J Smethpori (Arr. 2.20 p, m.,) connecting for Bradford (Arr. 3.30 p. ra.,) Eldred (Arr. 2.49 p. 1u.,) Olean (Arr. 3.40 p. m.,) connecting for Buffalo I Arr. 6.10 p. i 11.,) Bolivar lArr. 3.33 p. in.,) Friendship (Arr. 4.08 p. i 11.,) Angelica (Arr. 4.34 p. m.,) Hornellsville (Arr. 6.10 p. in., Waylaud (Arr. 7.23 p. m.,) con necting at Wayland with D. L. W. R. R., and at Hornellsville with Erie It. R., for all points East and West. 2.45 P. M.—For Kersey (Arr. 3.26 p. in.,) Elbon (Arr. 4.00 p. ni.,) Shawinut (Arr. 4.22 p. ni.,( Brockwayville (Arr. 4.47 p. m.,) connecting with P. R. R., for Falls Creek (Arr. 5.10 p. m.,) Dußois (Arr. 5.25 p. m„) Biookvill.j (Arr. 6.00 p. in.,and Pittsburg (Arr. 9.30 p. m.) ARRIVE. 11.05 A. M.I From Brockwayville, Shawmut 0.50 P. M. \ Elbon, Kersey mid Bvrncdale. 1.4S P. M—From Wayhind, Hornellsville, Can aseraga, Angelica. Friendship, Bolivar, Buf falo, Bradford, Oloru Eldred, Smetliport and < 'lermont. All trains daily except Sunday. A.M. LANE, C.J. BEN WICK. Geu'l Supt. Gen. Pass. Agent, St. Marys, Penna. Foley's Kidney Cure makes kidneys and bladder right. 3
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